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"integrally" Definitions
  1. in a way that is an essential part of something

310 Sentences With "integrally"

How to use integrally in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "integrally" and check conjugation/comparative form for "integrally". Mastering all the usages of "integrally" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She's integrally involved in the game's development to this day.
So the future of work is integrally bound up with gender politics.
Trump's tribune-of-the-people routine is integrally linked to his critique of America's global role.
"If they are not fought integrally, there will be no real freedom for the communities," she adds.
What the opposition needs is a strong, ongoing argument that his corruption is integrally linked to policies that go against ordinary people.
More integrally, it unravels the systematic pressures at NBC that sought to squash Farrow's story, silence women, and continue to protect abusers.
An even more telling aspect was some with another U.S. government agency were integrally involved in this weapons-running operation: The U.S. Border Patrol.
These seemingly distinct men, the accomplished scholar and the controversy-courting culture warrior, are one and the same, and their work is integrally interlinked.
The harder question, which is before the Supreme Court right now, is what happens when the design is more integrally a part of the useful item.
Fashion is so integrally linked to fantasy; I might have been a college student, but I could dress like a bohemian, a professional, or a supermodel.
As furnished to and acquired by consumers, wireless service does not stand alone, but comes integrally connected with several goods and services furnished by other interrelated industries.
"For the sake of mental stability … the unconscious and the conscious must be integrally connected and thus move on parallel lines," he writes in Man And His Symbols.
"After a long internal journey, you now embrace being gay, recognizing it as a wonderful and integrally important component part of the totality that is you," he wrote.
Walgreens later said the word "review" was incorrect, but that its clinical office was "integrally" involved in the roll-out and was confident in the quality of Theranos's services.
She has been integrally involved in film and TV projects that have rightfully garnered criticism for the way they handled race — both behind and in front of the camera.
"As the Kochs are confirming, Fred Koch was integrally involved in the creation of a German refinery that Adolf Hitler personally greenlighted," Ms. Mayer wrote in an email Tuesday night.
But that factoid is integrally involved with this puzzle, and it adds an interesting dimension, so I'm throwing it out there as a hint — the date is the point of the theme, today.
"Not to me, it doesn't, and I was pretty integrally involved in the drafting of it," Gowdy said in a preview of an interview to be aired on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.
In an interview with CNN prior to the election, Trump's former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, described a very close relationship with Trump's son-in-law who was integrally involved in running the campaign, especially on budgeting.
Changing policy in the United States integrally requires the work of a cast of literally thousands of presidential appointees scattered throughout the executive branch, working (or not) under the guidance (or not) of the president himself.
In that time, his work has been hailed as the "amongst the most integrally advanced in the history of Western abstraction," by by Michael Schwartz, Professor of the History and Philosophy of Art at Augusta State University.
For nearly two decades, researchers, funding agencies and clinical trials have largely focused on one strategy: trying to clear the brain of the clumps of beta amyloid protein that form the plaques integrally linked to the disease.
SS: Mm. RH: So, what it does, basically, is it-, it asks the customers to connect to your different banks, and gives you a complete, aggregated view, and then you can actually, integrally, manage your banking stuff.
His proposed budget slashes critical health funding for federal agencies integrally involved in addiction treatment and response, including the National Institutes of Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Unfortunately, if you are an American citizen not integrally involved in the daily whirl of our capitol city, either as a member of government or the press, then you are probably asking yourself, what happened to this calendar?
The team's flagship software offerings are its CEEDUniverse learning game and pi-topCODER, which are both aimed at teach coding in a gamified environment — the former being an MMORG but with the game lore integrally linked with coding and practical computing skills.
The brain seems integrally linked to the self, to the source of who we are, and if there is anything we have learned in the past decade it is that Penny is her own self, her own lovely, endearing, funny, sweet, joyful, familiar self.
Rather, they threaten the return of longstanding tendency in modern secular polities — an institutionalized anti-Catholicism that effectively oppresses the church even if it stops short of persecuting it, a form of liberalism that is (if you will) integrally opposed to my religion's flourishing.
"Making money and doing good are integrally linked because the core that runs down them is that today you have to stand for something," Duschinsky, who is CEO of communications agency The Conversation Farm, said on the sidelines of the Future Opportunities entrepreneurship conference in Kuala Lumpur.
As Before the Storm's lead writer Zak Garris explains, the team felt that the recall and time-travel abilities are integrally tied into the Max's character and personality, and while there were discussions about giving Chloe powers more suited to her temperament, the decision was ultimately to preserve the established canon from the first game.
As deputy director, McCabe was integrally involved in both the bureau's investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE's email server and the Russia probe.
The bill offers a laundry list of points about the bison's importance to the country: (2) bison were integrally linked with the economic and spiritual lives of many Indian tribes through trade and sacred ceremonies; (9) bison hold significant economic value for private producers and rural communities; (17) a bison is portrayed on 2 State flags;(20) the buffalo nickel played an important role in modernizing the currency of the United States; While there are certainly symbolic overtures to this piece of legislation, it also contains some practical elements.
"EPA has been expending resources on several regulatory processes that are integrally related to the suspended rule and that would compel states and regulated entities in turn to expend resources to respond to these proceedings — or otherwise forego legal rights — and, indirectly, participate in implementation of the stayed rule," the lawmakers wrote in a Friday letter to EPA head Gina McCarthyRegina (Gina) McCarthyOvernight Energy: Critics accuse Interior's top lawyer of misleading Congress | Boaty McBoatface makes key climate change discovery | Outrage over Trump's order to trim science advisory panels Trump's order to trim science advisory panels sparks outrage Overnight Energy: Trump order to trim science panels sparks outrage | Greens ask watchdog to investigate Interior's records policies | EPA to allow use of pesticide harmful to bees MORE.
Assume A is completely integrally closed. Then the formal power series ring AX is completely integrally closed.An exercise in Matsumura. This is significant since the analog is false for an integrally closed domain: let R be a valuation domain of height at least 2 (which is integrally closed.) Then RX is not integrally closed.
An exercise in Bourbaki. A direct limit of integrally closed domains is an integrally closed domain.
The following conditions are equivalent for an integral domain A: # A is integrally closed; # Ap (the localization of A with respect to p) is integrally closed for every prime ideal p; # Am is integrally closed for every maximal ideal m. 1 → 2 results immediately from the preservation of integral closure under localization; 2 → 3 is trivial; 3 → 1 results from the preservation of integral closure under localization, the exactness of localization, and the property that an A-module M is zero if and only if its localization with respect to every maximal ideal is zero. In contrast, the "integrally closed" does not pass over quotient, for Z[t]/(t2+4) is not integrally closed. The localization of a completely integrally closed need not be completely integrally closed.
Let A be a domain and K its field of fractions. An element x in K is said to be almost integral over A if the subring A[x] of K generated by A and x is a fractional ideal of A; that is, if there is a d e 0 such that d x^n \in A for all n \ge 0. Then A is said to be completely integrally closed if every almost integral element of K is contained in A. A completely integrally closed domain is integrally closed. Conversely, a noetherian integrally closed domain is completely integrally closed.
But y is not in ch(X ∩ near(y)). See image at the right. Therefore X is not integrally-convex. In contrast, the set Y = { (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (1,1), (2,1) } is integrally-convex.
Blisks may also be known as integrally bladed rotors (IBR).
Every irreducible element of a GCD domain is prime. A GCD domain is integrally closed, and every nonzero element is primal.proof that a gcd domain is integrally closed, In other words, every GCD domain is a Schreier domain.
It had a tapered arch ring cast integrally into the plain-faced concrete walls.
In algebra, an ordered group G is called integrally closed if for all elements a and b of G, if an ≤ b for all natural n then a ≤ 1. This property is somewhat stronger than the fact that an ordered group is Archimedean, though for a lattice-ordered group to be integrally closed and to be Archimedean is equivalent. There is a theorem that every integrally closed directed group is already abelian. This has to do with the fact that a directed group is embeddable into a complete lattice-ordered group if and only if it is integrally closed.
Interlex Communications design, artistic, marketing, and PR departments operate integrally to optimize the digital reach of consumers.
Regulatory fit can be manipulated incidentally (outside the context of interest) or integrally (within the context of interest).
Matsumura, Exercise 10.4 Let L be a field extension of K. Then the integral closure of A in L is completely integrally closed.An exercise in Bourbaki. An integral domain is completely integrally closed if and only if the monoid of divisors of A is a group. See also: Krull domain.
A number of roads and streets form part of or have been linked integrally with the Esplanade for many years.
Pneumatic sanding was provided for each direction of travel. The sand boxes were fabricated integrally with the underframe. One piece steel castings were used for the bogie frames with all brackets cast integrally, and the swing bolster also was a steel casting, supported by external swing links. Thrust and side bearing faces were fitted with manganese steel liners.
The supernatural, as featured discretely in the novels, reflects Duits spiritual "otherworld". The erotic passages contained within are integrally linked to his mysticism.
The tree in which Wells hid has become integrally associated with the robber's story and its outcome, and is a feature of interest to tourists.
Another group of test plates have cavity arrangements of two sizes, the second size thereof being an integrally multipliable value greater than the first size.
Seven Islands is integrally tied to another family entity, Pingree Associates. As of 2017, the Pingree family is 10th largest private landowner in the United States.
The Mk IIS was an integrally suppressed version of the Mk II. Captured examples of the Sten Mk IIS in German service were designated MP 751(e).
358 It was an exposition of papal teachings on Liberalism, but presented in most absolute and intransigent form. Sardá argued that since Liberalism was a sinful heresy, every Catholic was obliged to fight it; “one is not integrally Catholic unless he is integrally anti-Liberal”.Schumacher 1962, p. 358 The book immediately defined the group as militantly anti-Liberal movement seeking to re-introduce unity between religious and political goals.
Set tools to be used under a power hammer are much shorter than traditional and the handle is usually arc welded on or forged integrally with the tool.
See the page on direction- preserving function for definitions. Continuous fixed-point theorems often require a convex set. The analogue of this property for discrete sets is an integrally-convex set.
The theorem states that if A⊆B is an integral extension of domains and A is an integrally closed domain, then the going-down property holds for the extension A⊆B.
Let A be an integrally closed domain with field of fractions K and let L be a field extension of K. Then x∈L is integral over A if and only if it is algebraic over K and its minimal polynomial over K has coefficients in A.Matsumura, Theorem 9.2 In particular, this means that any element of L integral over A is root of a monic polynomial in A[X] that is irreducible in K[X]. If A is a domain contained in a field K, we can consider the integral closure of A in K (i.e. the set of all elements of K that are integral over A). This integral closure is an integrally closed domain. Integrally closed domains also play a role in the hypothesis of the Going-down theorem.
Any damage to integrally bladed rotor blades beyond minor dents requires the full removal of the engine so that the rotor may be replaced or, if possible, replacement blades welded on. Maintenance of this nature cannot be done on the flightline and often must be performed at a specialized facility. Integrally bladed rotors blades must undergo rigorous harmonic vibration testing as well as dynamic balancing to an extremely high standard, since the natural damping of the dovetail attachment of a typical turbine blade is no longer present.
The so- called beat gestures are used in conjunction with speech and keep time with the rhythm of speech to emphasize certain words or phrases. These types of gestures are integrally connected to speech and thought processes.
In algebraic geometry, an algebraic variety or scheme X is normal if it is normal at every point, meaning that the local ring at the point is an integrally closed domain. An affine variety X (understood to be irreducible) is normal if and only if the ring O(X) of regular functions on X is an integrally closed domain. A variety X over a field is normal if and only if every finite birational morphism from any variety Y to X is an isomorphism. Normal varieties were introduced by .
In ring theory, a branch of mathematics, the conductor is a measurement of how far apart a commutative ring and an extension ring are. Most often, the larger ring is a domain integrally closed in its field of fractions, and then the conductor measures the failure of the smaller ring to be integrally closed. The conductor is of great importance in the study of non-maximal orders in the ring of integers of an algebraic number field. One interpretation of the conductor is that it measures the failure of unique factorization into prime ideals.
He also edited the works of his friend Giovanni della Casa after the latter's death. In 1553 he published the first 25 books of the Variarum lectionum, followed by another thirteen in 1569 and republished integrally in 1582.
Like many of his fellow illustrators of the period, he was integrally involved in the tools of the trade: from making brushes, paints, easels, picture frames, and the photographic process to capture the images from which he painted.
Project Mars is also subordinated to the rhythm of nature, in the same way the natural landscape features are, and its appearance depend on the changing seasons. Thus the artificial and man-made is integrally connected to the natural.
In algebraic geometry a normal crossing singularity is a singularity similar to a union of coordinate hyperplanes. The term can be confusing because normal crossing singularities are not usually normal schemes (in the sense of the local rings being integrally closed).
For precision applications such as hunting or sniping, the iron sights are usually replaced by a telescopic sight. Iron sights may still be fitted alongside other sighting devices (or in the case of some models of optics, incorporated integrally) for back-up usage.
The neighborhood remains one of the last integrally planned urban units in Belgrade and the superior achievements in the entire Yugoslav architecture. Authors (Milenija and Darko Marušić and Nedeljko Borovnica) won The October prize (Оktobarska nagrada) for the Cerak Vinogradi project in 1985.
The Patented Cupola Steel Frame is constructed on the principle of our Grand Pianos, with Capo-d'Astro Bar cast integrally. Height, 4 feet 6 3/4 inches; depth, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches. Net weight, 695 lbs. Gross weight, 1015 lbs.
The AAC Honey Badger PDW is an integrally suppressed personal defence weapon based on the AR-15. It is chambered in .300 AAC Blackout and produced by Advanced Armament Corporation (AAC), a subsidiary of Remington Outdoor Company. The weapon is named after the honey badger.
Let A be an integral domain with the field of fractions K and A' the integral closure of A in an algebraic field extension L of K. Then the field of fractions of A' is L. In particular, A' is an integrally closed domain.
Non-integrally-convex set Let n = 2 and let X = { (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (2,1) }. Its convex hull ch(X) contains, for example, the point y = (1.2, 0.5). The integer points nearby y are near(y) = {(1,0), (2,0), (1,1), (2,1) }. So X ∩ near(y) = {(1,0), (2,0), (2,1)}.
The Nissan Diesel Space Runner RP (kana:日産ディーゼル・スペースランナーRP) was an integrally- constructed heavy-duty single-decker bus produced by the Japanese manufacturer Nissan Diesel between 1986 until 2007. The range was primarily available as a public bus and as a complete bus.
As with the B10L, B7L was also available in its articulated form named the B7LA. Unlike B10L, the B7L was available only with diesel engines. Integrally constructed Volvo 7000 bus was bodied, with CNG engines, on B10L chassis only. CNG engines were reintroduced in B9L chassis.
She worked integrally with the chief editors, including Roland Faure (foreign politics), Gilbert Guilleminault (society, culture, general news), Dominique Pado (domestic politics), Andre Guerin (editorial), Jose Van den Esch (economy, society), and Georges Merchier (science, education, religion). Roger Alexandre was the last managing director of L'Aurore.
Former prime minister Lester Bird of Antigua was integrally involved with Transitional and arranged for the government of Antigua's assistance with roads, utilities and a favourable land purchase price. Conte's wife is credited with naming the facility and his associate Lester Keizer of Transitional was the 'point man' on the project.
Fields and rings of polynomials or power series in finitely many indeterminates over fields are examples of Japanese rings. Another important example is a Noetherian integrally closed domain (e.g. a Dedekind domain) having a perfect field of fractions. On the other hand, a PID or even a DVR is not necessarily Japanese.
The structure of the wing is atypical, consisting of a box formed from four integrally-milled alloy panels, while kevlar is used for the ribs, stringers, trailing edge and fowler flaps, the wing's leading edge is conventional alloy sheet metal. "Dornier 228 Multirole (MR) Facts & Figures." RUAG Aviation, Retrieved: 27 February 2016.
This variant is considerably quieter than a standard Mk II and accurate to . The AWC TM- Amphibian "S" is an integrally-suppressed variant of the Ruger Mk II Target .22 LR pistol. The sound suppressor uses a primary baffle of 303 stainless steel and a secondary baffle of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy.
The decoration of the cross-in-square church was therefore integrally related to its architecture: "The Byzantine church itself is the 'picture-space' of the icons. It is the ideal iconostasis; it is itself, as a whole, an icon giving reality to the conception of the divine world order."Demus, Mosaic decoration, 13.
The cylinder blocks were bolted onto the crankcase, all light alloy parts. The crankcase came in two pieces, with seven crankshaft bearings in the upper section. Roller bearings were used at the crankshaft ends; the remaining five were plain. The upper crankcase section also had integrally cast water channels as part of the cooling system.
In algebra, a Mori domain, named after Yoshiro Mori by , is an integral domain satisfying the ascending chain condition on integral divisorial ideals. Noetherian domains and Krull domains both have this property. A commutative ring is a Krull domain if and only if it is a Mori domain and completely integrally closed.Bourbaki AC ch.
The Zhubing yuanhou lun has been integrally preserved and is divided into 50 chapters (scrolls). It discusses more than 1,700 syndromes, which are classified into 67 symptom categories of internal and external diseases. The final chapters deal with gynaecology, obstetrics and pediatrics. It is the first Chinese text that deals with etiology and symptomatology.
The Chicago Drive Bridge is a , filled spandrel arch bridge. Each end of the bridge has massive concrete abutments, with an elliptically shaped arch running between. The arch features a tapered arch ring cast integrally with the concrete spandrel walls. The bridge is topped with an asphalt roadway with concrete sidewalks on each side.
The BCI CitiRider is an integrally-constructed high capacity low-floor and low-entry single-deck and double-decker bus produced by BCI Bus since 2015. It is produced at BCI Bus' manufacturing facility in Xiamen, China. The double- decker bus is marketed as both the BCI Excellence and BCI Enterprise in the United Kingdom.
Abrahamic (pink) and Indian religions (yellow) in each country According to Tilak, the religions of India can be interpreted "differentially" or "integrally", that is by either highlighting the differences or the similarities. According to Sherma and Sarma, western Indologists have tended to emphasise the differences, while Indian Indologists have tended to emphasise the similarities.
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (dated ca. 400 CE), a key text of the Yoga school of Hindu philosophy, Dhyana is the seventh limb of this path, following Dharana and preceding Samadhi. Dhyana is integrally related to Dharana, one leads to other. Dharana is a state of mind, Dhyana the process of mind.
Intelligent urbanism envisions the city as an organic part of a larger environmental, socio- economic and cultural-geographic system, essential for its sustainability. This zone of influence is the region. Likewise, it sees the region as integrally connected to the city. Intelligent urbanism sees the planning of the city and its hinterland as a single holistic process.
The PB (, English: Silent Pistol; GRAU index 6P9) is a Soviet integrally suppressed semi-automatic pistol developed and manufactured by Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, based on the Makarov pistol; since the merger of Izhevsk Mechanical Plant and Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant to form Kalashnikov Concern, it has continued to be manufactured by Kalashnikov Concern. It entered service in 1967.
Harold Leventhal was also integrally involved in the theatrical and film careers of both Alan Arkin as well as Theodore Bikel. Reflecting his political and musical interests, he produced, among others, Joseph Heller's We Bombed in New Haven, Jules Epstein's But Seriously, Rabindranath Tagore's King of the Dark Chamber and Jules Feiffer's The White House Murder Case.
The Brügger & Thomet VP9 (Veterinary Pistol 9mm) is a bolt action, magazine fed, integrally-suppressed pistol created by Brügger & Thomet (now B&T;) for use as a veterinary pistol for putting down sick and wounded animals, with B&T; creating a manual with diagrams as to where to aim. The design is based on the Welrod pistol.
The sounds, from a total of seven sibilants once shared by medieval Ibero-Romance languages, were partly preserved in Catalan, Galician, and Occitan, and have survived integrally in Mirandese and in the dialects of northern Portugal. In those regions of north-western Spain where the Galician language is spoken, the name is spelt Xosé and pronounced .
1.5 billion to Judaize Al-Quds , Islamonline, 13 May 2007 Rubenberg also cites settlement construction as an example of the Judaization of Jerusalem, citing in particular the construction of bypass roads that connect Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem with those in the West Bank so as to create a newly expanded Jerusalem metropolis integrally linked with Israel proper.
The Four-Gated City is set in post Second World War Britain. Martha is in London as the 1950s begin. She "is integrally part of the social history of the time - the Cold War, the Aldermaston Marches, Swinging London, the deepening of poverty and social anarchy". The volume "ends with the century in the grip of World War Three".
My approach has changed because I've focused attention more > radically and integrally on the Bible. Sollers commented that the book reflects his interest in the "unprecedented period of flux or mutation" of Western culture: > [M]y work on Paradis concentrates on that point. I'm not speaking only of > the New Testament. Obviously, I describe Christianity as an adventure at > once pathetic and comic.
The 3.0 L (2926.90 cc) V8 was mounted transversally integrally joined with the 5-speed transaxle gearbox. It fitted 205/70VR14 Michelin XWX The engine had an aluminium alloy block and heads, 16-valves and dual overhead camshafts driven by toothed belts; it produced in the European version and in the American. The induction system used four Weber 40 DCNF carburetors.
For an integral domain R that is not a field, all of the following conditions are equivalent: :(DD1) Every nonzero proper ideal factors into primes. :(DD2) R is Noetherian, and the localization at each maximal ideal is a discrete valuation ring. :(DD3) Every nonzero fractional ideal of R is invertible. :(DD4) R is an integrally closed, Noetherian domain with Krull dimension one (i.e.
An analytic space X which isn't reduced has a reduction Xred, a reduced analytic space with the same underlying topological space. There is a canonical morphism . Every morphism from X to a reduced analytic space factors through r. An analytic space is normal if every stalk of the structure sheaf is a normal ring (meaning an integrally closed integral domain).
Region S2 (secondary somatosensory cortex) divides into Area S2 and parietal ventral area. Area S2 is involved with specific touch perception and is thus integrally linked with the amygdala and hippocampus to encode and reinforce memories. Parietal ventral area is the somatosensory relay to the premotor cortex and somatosensory memory hub, BA5. BA5 is the topographically organized somato memory field and association area.
The first viable reverse osmosis membrane was made from cellulose acetate as an integrally skinned asymmetric semi-permeable membrane. This membrane was made by Loeb and Sourirajan at UCLA in 1959 and patented in 1960. The current generation of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane materials are based on a composite material patented by FilmTec Corporation in 1970 (now part of DuPont).
Multilingualism in education has gained momentum in the past two decades. Studies have established that multilingual learning leads to enhanced analytical skills, cognitive abilities, language proficiency and scholastic achievement in children. Language is also integrally related to thought and the identity of a person. Multilingualism and Multiculturalism are interrelated and its history and culture go a long way in developing the language better.
In the early 1980s, Cinema Products introduced the CP35, a nonquiet 35mm camera. With a BNCR lens mount, it was to partner with the studio quiet XR35 that had the same BNCR mount. The CP35 had video assist, but it was not as integrally designed as the competition's. The CP35 had multiple crystal speeds like the GSMO ranging from 6 to 120FPS.
The mission of the Troop Officers Military College is: > To educate integrally with ethical values, spiritual morals and socialists, > the official future that the Venezuelan society of the 21st Century > requires, through a process that is humanistic, scientific, technical and > interdisciplinary to accomplish tasks inherent to the functions as a > commander of basic NBAF units, security missions and comprehensive defense > of the Nation.
The Second Game (Romanian: Al doilea joc) is a 2014 Romanian documentary film directed by Corneliu Porumboiu. The film integrally depicts the Dinamo — Steaua football derby played on December 3, 1988; the game is commented on by Porumboiu and his father, Adrian, the referee of that match. It was selected for the Forum section at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival.
The characters in the myth seem to be tied integrally to the pipe ceremony, and its association with kinship and adoption. In fact, the Bi-Lobed Arrow Motif may be a graphic depiction of the calumet. Other images found in S.E.C.C. art show figures with long-nosed god maskettes on their ears and in place of their nipples. Image:Spiro red horn statue HRoe 2005.
One result was the Tripod foundation. The first design was drawn by OWT – Offshore Wind Technology in Leer (Germany) in 2005. The Tripod was integrally designed with the tower from this early beginning. The three-legged structure reaches from the sea bed up to typically 20m above the sea water level, keeping the bolted flange on top safely apart from the crest of the waves.
Roadway The Ten Curves Road–Manistique River Bridge in Germfask consisted of two 90 foot, arched concrete through girders sitting on concrete brackets cantilevered from concrete abutments. The roadway was 22.3 feet wide, with an overall structure width of 25.3 feet. Twelve concrete floor beams, integrally cast into the deck, ran between the main spans. The walls of the bridge were punctured with five small arched cutouts.
There are several ways to construct new rings out of given ones. The aim of such constructions is often to improve certain properties of the ring so as to make it more readily understandable. For example, an integral domain that is integrally closed in its field of fractions is called normal. This is a desirable property, for example any normal one-dimensional ring is necessarily regular.
Mormonism arose in the 1820s during a period of radical reform and experimentation within American Protestantism, and Mormonism is integrally connected to that religious environment.; . As a form of Christian primitivism, the new faith was one among several contemporary religious movements that claimed to restore Christianity to its condition at the time of the Twelve Apostles. (describing the background of Christian primitivism in New England).
A geonet is a geosynthetic material similar in structure to a geogrid, consisting of integrally connected parallel sets of ribs overlying similar sets at various angles for in-plane drainage of liquids or gases. Geonets are often laminated with geotextiles on one or both surfaces and are then referred to as drainage geocomposites. They are competitive with other drainage geocomposites having different core configurations.
Aircraft designed by the Messerschmitt company employed automatic, spring-loaded leading-edge slats as a general rule, except for the Alexander Lippisch- designed Messerschmitt Me 163B Komet rocket fighter, which instead used fixed slots built integrally with, and just behind, the wing panel's outer leading edges. Post-World War II, slats have also been used on larger aircraft and generally operated by hydraulics or electricity.
First seal of the club with the legend "Foot Ball Racing Club - Barracas al Sud" (1903) The club was founded in 1903. The club took its name from a French auto racing magazine owned by Germán Vidaillac (a founding partner of French ancestry). The suggestion was well received and the name "Racing Club" was immediately approved. Racing was the first football team integrally formed by "criollos".
Tubeless tires or tyres (in some Commonwealth Nations) are pneumatic tires that do not require a separate inner tube. Unlike pneumatic tires which use a separate inner tube, tubeless tires have continuous ribs molded integrally into the bead of the tire so that they are forced by the pressure of the air inside the tire to seal with the flanges of the metal rim of the wheel.
Actinometer instrument designed by Jules Violle and used to estimate the temperature of the Sun's surface. Actinometers are instruments used to measure the heating power of radiation. They are used in meteorology to measure solar radiation as pyranometers, pyrheliometers and net radiometers. An actinometer is a chemical system or physical device which determines the number of photons in a beam integrally or per unit time.
Two years later, the newspaper was purchased by Rufus Woods and his twin brother Ralph. Rufus published the newspaper while Ralph, a Tacoma attorney, provided legal advice to the fledgling paper. Later, their cousin Warren Woods joined the company to handle the newspaper's finances. Rufus Woods and the Daily World became integrally involved in the 23-year battle for Coulee Dam and the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project.
The community is located north of the Bundesautobahn 8, halfway between Ulm and Stuttgart; the next junction is Aichelberg. The railway Kirchheim (Teck) Süd-Weilheim (Teck) connected Holzmaden to the railway network. Passenger traffic was discontinued in 1982 and freight in 1995. Holzmaden also has a primary school, two kindergartens, a community hall with integrally joined forming gym and a sports and leisure facility.
The fan and compressor stages were to use integrally bladed rotors (IBR) to reduce weight and cost and improve performance. The combustor, designated Floatwall, eliminates welds to mitigate crack growth due to thermal cycling. This technology allows the engine to achieve very high core temperatures to meet the requirement for high specific thrust for supercruising. The original RFP called for maximum thrust in the class.
In February 2013, immigration removal proceedings were initiated against García. A year later, an immigration judge held that García had actively, directly, and integrally participated in extrajudicial killings and torture throughout his tenure as El Salvador’s Minister of Defense. Relying on the immigration court’s prior ruling against Vides Casanova, García was ordered to be removed. In 2015 and 2016, both generals were deported to El Salvador.
From 1980 to 1987, Rozenblat's worked for CBS Records International as Director of A&R; and Marketing. He was integrally involved in the initial recordings of Miami Sound Machine. Later he led the marketing transition of establishing Gloria Estefan as a solo artist. During his stay at CBS, Rozenblat was responsible for managing the departmental budget, new artists signings, song selection, producer assignation, repertoire approval and exploitation of international unreleased catalog.
These findings indicate that the brain is structurally interconnected and that axonal fibres are integrally important for fast information process, and thus general intelligence. Contradicting the findings described above, VBM failed to find a relationship between the corpus callosum and intelligence in healthy adults. This contradiction can be viewed to signify that the relationship between white matter volume and intelligence is not as robust as that of grey matter and intelligence.
The Algol was a conventionally laid out radial engine, with nine cylinders in a single row. The crankcase was a barrel-shaped aluminium alloy casting, with an internal integral diaphragm which held the front crankshaft bearing. Forward of the diaphragm there was an integrally cast cam-gear case for the double track cam-ring. The reduction gear was housed under a domed casing attached to the front of the crankcase.
Charlotte Bell (2007), Mindful Yoga, Mindful Life: A Guide for Everyday Practice, Rodmell Press, , pages 151-159 If the focus was on a concept/idea, Dhyana is contemplating that concept/idea in all its aspects, forms and consequences. Dhyana is uninterrupted train of thought, current of cognition, flow of awareness. Dhyana is integrally related to Dharana, one leads to other. Dharana is a state of mind, Dhyana the process of mind.
Its current president is Professor Carmona Rodrigues. Furthermore, the park is home to the leading international school: International Sharing School - Taguspark acquired in 2018 by the Sharing Foundation. In the year 2013 the new Main Square was inaugurated, an integrally pedestrian Square with 10.000m2, more or less. Together with this requalification, a new building was created, which is the new headquarters of the Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company Novartis in Portugal.
Volvo 7700 on B9L at the city museum station on Mexico City Metrobús line 4. The Volvo 7000, later Volvo 7700, was an integrally- constructed fully low-floor single-decker rigid bus and single-decker articulated bus built by Volvo between 1999 and 2012. It was generally available as 12-metre and 18-metre on both diesel and CNG, and from 2010 as a 12-metre hybrid electric.
These supports lack any capitals but have squinches or consoles at their summit, leading to the optical effect that the arches seem to grow integrally out of the piers. By placing the lateral galleries far away, he increased the three-dimensional effect. The many windows in the screen walls flood the interior with light. The buttressing semi-domes are set in the four corners of the square under the dome.
Her research on Bess' life and work was seminal to the posthumous emergence of his worldwide following among collectors and institutions. In addition to archival work, James was integrally involved in the production of films and books about Bess. James played the archetypal feminine figure of Forrest Bess in Jim Kanan's 1987 film of Bess, Fishmonger, and was a primary source for Chuck Smith's book Key to the Riddle.
It had a one-piece steel main frame that was cast integrally with the cylinders, including the cylinder hind covers, smokebox support frame, stays and various brackets, all of which would normally be separate items riveted or bolted onto the frame. Advantages of this arrangement were reduced maintenance and less time spent in shops. It was the first South African steam locomotive to be built using this technique.
Audiencias in the Spanish possessions in Europe included the Italian domains of Sardinia (1564–1714) and Kingdom of Sicily (1569–1707). In Italy, the Castilian institution of the audiencia was united with the Aragonese institution of the viceroy. The Aragonese viceroys were literally "vice-kings," and as such, had the power to administer justice and issue laws; therefore they were integrally involved in the judicial proceedings of the Italian audiencias.Elliot, 165.
The extension opened ahead of schedule on the 17th of December 2017, months before the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Helensvale is the suburb's nearest railway station, located 11 km from the Southport CBD. The railway line provides a connection to Brisbane city and Brisbane Airport. The Light Rail extension to Helensvale now operates integrally with the University Hospital to Broadbeach South line, with connections at Helensvale to Brisbane (Roma Street).
Gruner + Jahr did not train journalists in the 1960s and 70s. In 1978, this changed: The Henri Nannen School was established, modeled after the German School of Journalism. It was initially called the Hamburg School of Journalism and, in 1983, received the name it bears today, in honor of the Stern founder, Henri Nannen. Wolf Schneider was integrally involved in its founding and served as its director for 16 years.
Charlotte Bell (2007), Mindful Yoga, Mindful Life: A Guide for Everyday Practice, Rodmell Press, , pages 151-159 If the focus was on a concept/idea, Dhyana is contemplating that concept/idea in all its aspects, forms and consequences. Dhyana is uninterrupted train of thought, current of cognition, flow of awareness. Dhyana is integrally related to Dharana, one leads to other. Dharana is a state of mind, Dhyana the process of mind.
Today's stucco manufacturers offer a very wide range of colors that can be mixed integrally in the finish coat. Other materials such as stone and glass chips are sometimes "dashed" onto the finish coat before drying, with the finished product commonly known as "rock dash", "pebble dash", or also as roughcast if the stones are incorporated directly into the stucco, used mainly from the early 20th through the early 21st Century.
In abstract algebra, a Schreier domain, named after Otto Schreier, is an integrally closed domain where every nonzero element is primal; i.e., whenever x divides yz, x can be written as x = x1 x2 so that x1 divides y and x2 divides z. An integral domain is said to be pre-Schreier if every nonzero element is primal. A GCD domain is an example of a Schreier domain.
They are also farmers and artisans, they descend from pre- existing populations. They are still represented by "chiefs of land", the most notable of which, The Ministers and the Sinadunwiru, hold high office. They are members of the Council of Ministers and the second is called to the regency at the death of the King. The griots, severals horsemen, blacksmiths, musicians and others Baribas take part integrally of this caste.
The new group, announced its organizers, would be a source of reliable information and analysis on Latin America that could be of use to activists. It would focus on systemic analyses of wealth and power in the Americas rather than on scandals or policy “mistakes.” It would be informed by a belief that what happened in the United States was integrally related to what happened in the rest of the world.
It's the law. Some applications allow doing without the circulation fan and air heating altogether. If the parts being processed are fairly simply geometrically, it may be feasible to use molds which are themselves integrally heated. For example, it is feasible to manufacture flat and single-curvature light aircraft landing gear springs on inexpensive aluminum molds with electric heating pads bonded directly to the bottom of the mold.
Atos announced plans in October, 2014 to buy out or squeeze out the remaining share and bondholders. Bull launched the Hoox m2, the first integrally secured European smartphone, which in June 2014 was approved for use with data classified as 'Restricted Information' ('Diffusion Restreinte') by the Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information (ANSSI). The Hoox range of secure mobiles and smartphones ensures confidentiality of voice, SMS, e-mail and data communication.
This suggests that earlier onset of puberty has a positive correlation with the development of prosocial behaviors. In many Indigenous American communities, prosocial behavior is a valued means of learning and child rearing. Such behaviors are seen as contributing in an eagerly collaborative and flexible environment, aimed at teaching consideration, responsibility, and skills with the guidance and support of adults. Culturally valued developmental goals are integrally tied to children's participation in these contexts.
The Anti-Rightist Campaign was a reaction against the Hundred Flowers Campaign which had promoted pluralism of expression and criticism of the government, even though initiation of both campaigns was controlled by Mao Zedong and were integrally connected. Going perhaps as far back as the Long March there had been resentment against "rightists" inside the CPC, for example, Zhang Bojun.The International PEN Award For Independent Chinese Writing , EastSouthWestNorth, retrieved 2007-01-19.
Accelerons are the hypothetical subatomic particles that integrally link the newfound mass of the neutrino to the dark energy conjectured to be accelerating the expansion of the universe. In this theory, neutrinos are influenced by a new force resulting from their interactions with accelerons, leading to dark energy. Dark energy results as the universe tries to pull neutrinos apart. Accelerons are thought to interact with matter more infrequently than they do with neutrinos.
A CNC-milled, single piece axial compressor blisk A blisk (portmanteau of bladed disk) is a turbomachine component comprising both rotor disk and blades. It consists of a single part, instead of an assembly of a disk and individual, removable blades. Blisks may be additive manufactured, integrally cast, machined from a solid piece of material, or made by welding individual blades to a rotor disk. The term is used mainly in aerospace engine design.
In return, it does not ask for any benefits, ideological or organizational. In 1981, a committee met to highlight the main characteristics of the Vicariate as an institution of the Church. The report they came up with in the end emphasized: \- Its promotion and defense of human rights, understood integrally, but with special preference for the poor. \- The promotional nature of its solidarity work, which implies a strong role as an educator for justice.
Ladd graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in electrical engineering and earned an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. Howard's prowess as a businessman and interest in technology were further developed during his four years in the U.S. Navy during WWII. Among many engineering projects, he was integrally involved in the development of radio controlled target drone aircraft. Upon his release from active duty, Howard visited Los Angeles and moved there.
The fuselage was an all-metal structure built in three main sections. These consisted of the nose section, which accommodated the crew; the section built integrally with the wing centre section; and the rear fuselage. The main structure was built out of the standard stringer and former skeleton design, to which stressed skin was riveted. The centre and rear sections were divided in the horizontal plane to within a couple of metres of the tail.
He left for Quebec City on April 20, accompanying the expedition commanded by de Lévis. In a letter to his father date June 28, du Cavet recites the historic battle and the subsequent siege.The letter is integrally reproduced in The siege was lift up on May 16, and du Calvet returned to Montreal with everyone else still alive. Following the capitulation of the government of New France on September 8, 1760, he remained in Montreal.
The hull, deck and interior liners are integrally molded of multi-laminate fiberglass construction, built by the hand-layup method using polyester resins, mat and roving throughout the boat. Positive flotation is provided by large blocks of foam contained inside the cockpit seats and in the bow. A non-skid pattern is molded into deck and cockpit surfaces. There are two fixed lights in the cabin top for visibility and interior illumination.
In algebra, an analytically normal ring is a local ring whose completion is a normal ring, in other words a domain that is integrally closed in its quotient field. proved that if a local ring of an algebraic variety is normal, then it is analytically normal, which is in some sense a variation of Zariski's main theorem. gave an example of a normal Noetherian local ring that is analytically reducible and therefore not analytically normal.
The white-bellied sea eagle is important to the Mak Mak people of the floodplains to the southwest of Darwin in the northern Territory, who recognised its connection with "good country". It is their totem and integrally connected to their land. The term Mak Mak is their name for both the species and themselves. The Umbrawarra Gorge Nature Park was a Dreaming site of the bird, in this area known as Kuna-ngarrk-ngarrk.
Donnington Bridge has a single arch span of 170 feet between supports and an overall width of 56 feet 8 inches. It is constructed of reinforced concrete deck slab cast integrally with 10 pre- stressed concrete legs triangulated to meet the hinges enclosed within the abutments. The abutments are clad externally with precast concrete units faced with Criggion Green and Blue Shap stone and the fascias of the bridge are calcined flint.
But he collected only three hits, all singles, and was demoted to Triple-A Columbus. He spent the rest of his career in the minors and in winter baseball, retiring from the former in 1969 and the latter in 1971.Rory Costello, Elmo Plaskett. SABR Biography Project In retirement he briefly scouted for the Pirates, and remained integrally involved in youth baseball in his native USVI until his death at age 60 in Christiansted.
In 1937, Willys redesigned the 4-cylinder model. It gained a semistreamlined body with a slanted windshield, headlamps integrally embedded into the fenders, and a one-piece, rounded hood transversely hinged at the rear. For 1939, the Model 39 featured Lockheed hydraulic brakes, a two- inch increase in wheelbase to 102 inches and an improved 134 DID four-cylinder engineOdin, L.C. World in Motion 1939 – The whole of the year's automobile production. Belvedere Publishing, 2015.
Many types are also described by their tactical role, which depends on contemporary military doctrine. For instance, 'infantry' and 'cruiser' tanks are British classifications of the 1930s and '40s; 'infantry', 'fast', and 'breakthrough' are Soviet types of the same time period. British and Soviet tacticians up to the time of the Second World War classified tanks into three major roles: infantry, light, and cavalry. Infantry tanks supported infantry units, to integrally support dismounted infantry actions.
They are something else. The complex of stimulations that arrive to the retina (or to the Organ of Corti in the case of audition) generate, at a cortical level, – so affirms Pavlov- “functional systems that act integrally as in the case of an elemental conditioned reflex’, where all particular contents of different stimulations is transcended when reflecting their multiple reciprocal relationships, that are continuously exerting influence between each other (González, 1960: 72; Rubinstein, 1967:274).Alén, Alberto.
The Imitation of God is one of the core principles in Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, as well as in Oriental Orthodoxy (Syriac Orthodoxy, Coptic Orthodoxy, Ethiopian Orthodoxy, and the Armenian Apostolic faith). The Catholic Church fully endorses the concept of Imitatio Dei/Christi. In Catholicism and Orthodoxy, it is integrally related to the concept of Divinization/Theosis. The general understanding is that a person can become more similar to God over time, a process called theosis in Greek.
497-519, 500; October 1986. Nevertheless, already at the beginning of war, on 24 October 1939 The Times noted that the German plan to create a Jewish state was cynical, and would surely doom the Jews to a deadly famine.Dwork and Jan van Pelt, Holocaust: A History, 207. Most historians of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust have concluded that the Nisko Plan was integrally related to Hitler's other programs and his intent to destroy the Jews in Europe.
Italy has a strong sense of national identity through distinctive culture – a sense of an appreciation of beauty and emotionality, which is strongly evidenced in the music. Cultural, political and social issues are often also expressed through music in Italy. Allegiance to music is integrally woven into the social identity of Italians but no single style has been considered a characteristic "national style". Most folk music is localized, and unique to a small region or city.
Mann was a central advocate of combining the synergistic forces of public health, ethics and human rights. He theorized and actively promoted the idea that human health and human rights are integrally and inextricably connected, arguing that these fields overlap in their respective philosophies and objectives to improve health, well-being, and to prevent premature death.Gostin LO. Public Health, Ethics, and Human Rights: A Tribute to the late Jonathan Mann. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 2001. 28:121-130.
In cellular migration, an integral aspect of inflammatory responses, the inhibition of GSK-3 has been reported to play conflicting roles, as local inhibition at growth cones has been shown to promote motility while global inhibition of cellular GSK-3 has been shown to inhibit cell spreading and migration. GSK-3 is also integrally tied to pathways of cell proliferation and apoptosis. GSK-3 has been shown to phosphorylate Beta-catenin, thus targeting it for degradation.
The engine's design concentrated on the reduction of moving parts. The cooling fan and dynamo were built integrally with the one-piece crankshaft, removing the need for drive belts. The use of gaskets, seen as another potential weak point for failure and leaks, was also kept to a minimum. The cylinder heads are mated to the cylinder barrels by lapped joints with extremely fine tolerances, as are the two halves of the crankcase and other surface-to-surface joints.
Completed in 2010 and comprising eccentrically braced steel frames cast integrally with composite metal deck slabs, the building also incorporates several innovative features. These include car stackers, cranked braces and ‘super’ moment- resisting frames at ground floor level. The latter removed the need for braces from the front elevations of the building, allowing unobstructed views. These features all helped the building to withstand the extreme forces it experienced during the many earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
The two authorities tolerated these forces, although they were unpredictable and used problematic fascist insignia. The HOS, however, did not function integrally throughout the country. In the area of Novi Travnik it was closer to the HVO, while in the Mostar area there were increasingly tense relations between the HOS and the HVO. There, the HOS was loyal to the Bosnian government and accepted subordination to the Staff of the ARBiH of which Kraljević was appointed a member.
Mann was a pioneer in advocating combining public health, ethics and human rights. He theorized and actively promoted the idea that human health and human rights are integrally and inextricably connected, arguing that these fields overlap in their respective philosophies and objectives to improve health, well-being, and to prevent premature death. Mann proposed a three-pronged approach to the fundamental issue of the relationship between health and human rights. First, health is a human rights issue.
Within a cathodic protection system there are a multitude of connection requirements for anode cables, measuring posts etc., being extremely versatile, the pin brazing system is ideally suited to this. Attachments can be made vertically, horizontally or even overhead. If preferred, threaded pins with nuts can be attached or cable bonded directly onto the pipe by means of a special cable lug which can be crimped on site or supplied complete as a unique integrally crimped attachment.
The Class 24 had a one-piece cast-steel main frame which was cast integrally with the cylinders, including the cylinder hind covers, smokebox support frame, stays and various brackets, all of which would normally be separate items riveted or bolted onto the frames. Advantages of this arrangement are reduced maintenance and less time spent in shops. It was the first South African steam locomotive to be built using this technique. Buckeye bogie They were built with Watson Standard no.
Pumps and compressors meet the BEP by engineering specific combinations of speed through integrally geared or direct drives, and custom engineered diffusers and impellers. Sundyne Sunflo pumps utilize high speed technology to generate high pressure typically for boiler feed, reverse osmosis, NOx suppression, washdown (food and beverage production), injection, seal flush, and condensate return. Sundyne also has the widest range of sealless magnet drive pumps in the world. HMD Pumps (A Sundyne subsidiary) invented the magnetic drive pump in 1947.
The last period of heightened earthquake activity probably took place during the Triassic, 200 million years ago. During this time, the Ramapo fault, originally a thrust fault active during the creation of the Appalachian Mountains, was reactivated as the Atlantic Ocean was opening and the supercontinent of Pangaea was being torn apart. The fault became integrally involved in a period of intense rifting, slowly lowering the land to its east by more than nine kilometers to create the Newark Basin.Rance, Hugh.
The Scania OmniCity is an integrally constructed transverse-engined low floor city bus that was available from Scania on the European market between 1997 and 2012. The OmniCity was introduced in September 1996 as the first product based on the 4-series bus range. The first prototypes were built in the former DAB plant in Silkeborg, Denmark, and serial production continued there in 1997, joined by Scania's plant in Katrineholm, Sweden. From 1999 it was also built at the plant in Słupsk, Poland.
It quickly evolved into a valuable asset and has been integrally involved in the testing and improvement of CH-146 Griffon systems. The Kiowa and Twin Huey were phased out of the squadron by the end of 1994 and early 1995 respectively and were replaced by the CH-146 Griffon in March 1995. The squadron became the first operational CH-146 unit in 10 TAG in October 1995. In October 1996, a full motion flight simulator was added to the squadron's establishment.
In July 2015, the Netherlands' Defense Material Organization issued a tender for 195 carbines chambered in 300 BLK on behalf of the Dutch Maritime Special Operations Force (NL-MARSOF). The intention was to purchase ball, subsonic and lead-free frangible cartridges representing the first formal military adoption of the .300 AAC Blackout. In December 2016 the NL-MARSOF acquired 195 integrally suppressed SIG MCX carbines fitted with a new folding stock developed for use with ballistic visor helmets chambered in .
Andrew Eiva was presented with the Order of the Cross of Vytis in Vilnius, Lithuania on 16 February 2012 for his services to the cause of restoration of the Independent State of Lithuania. Eiva was integrally involved in defending the Lithuanian Parliament during the January Events of 1991. Eiva was also honored on 16 December 2011 at the Lithuanian Embassy in Washington, D.C., for his service, the cause of Lithuanian independence. Eiva described in the January Events on that evening.
The Scania OmniLink is a series of integrally constructed rear longitudinal- engined low-entry city buses available on the European market. It is a complete product built by Scania of Sweden. The OmniLink was launched in 1998 with an inclined engine and was designated CL94UB, and an articulated version was designated CL94UA. But when the Euro IV version was introduced in 2006, the engine was no longer tilted and the designation changed to CK230UB/CK270UB/CK310UB for the rigid version.
These modifications were included on new-build engines, as well as retrofitting existing units. Pratt & Whitney continued to improve start up times, with fuel-nozzle modifications and oil filling procedure changes expected to save another minute when introduced by the end of 2017. To create a better seal and reduce cooling time by 1 min, a cubic boron nitride coating was applied to the 11 integrally bladed rotors tips: the A321neo production engines start times will be similar to the V2500.
In 2005, the unit deployed aircraft and more than 100 personnel to Karshi-Khanabad, Uzbekistan, for 11 months. During this period, the unit airlifted more than 35,660 tons of cargo in support of the Global War on Terror.See Georgia Air National Guard#165th Airlift Wing Since the beginning of operations in the Persian Gulf, the 165th Airlift Wing has been integrally involved in air operations. Several elements of the wing have been deployed throughout the region, with airmen serving in Uzbekistan, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.
In 1962, Chrysler introduced a starter incorporating a geartrain between the motor and the drive shaft. The motor shaft included integrally cut gear teeth forming a pinion that meshes with a larger adjacent driven gear to provide a gear reduction ratio of 3.75:1. This permitted the use of a higher-speed, lower-current, lighter and more compact motor assembly while increasing cranking torque. Variants of this starter design were used on most rear- and four-wheel-drive vehicles produced by Chrysler Corporation from 1962 through 1987.
An issue with the T-beam compared to the I-beam is the lack of the bottom flange. In addition, this makes the beam not as versatile because of the weaker side not having the flange making it have less tensile strength. Concrete beams are often poured integrally with the slab, forming a much stronger –shaped beam. These beams are very efficient because the slab portion carries the compressive loads and the reinforcing bars placed at the bottom of the stem carry the tension.
The Center’s extended alumni network, The Alternative Investments Network, serves Emory alumni, students, and their colleagues who work or are interested in alternative investments, including private equity, hedge funds, venture capital, and real estate. The organization connects and expands the Emory community in these fields, and offers an ongoing series of events and opportunities in support of this effort. The network has established a presence in both the New York and Atlanta areas, and allows members to become integrally involved with Center and expand their professional networks.
He took on Los Angeles Dodgers general manager Buzzie Bavasi as a minority owner, and named Bavasi president of the Padres. Although Bavasi was integrally involved in the team's baseball operations, Leishman was retained as general manager of the MLB Padres until his death in 1972. During his career, Leishman was twice honored as Minor League Executive of the Year by The Sporting News, in 1959 with Salt Lake City and 1964 with San Diego. He was named the minor leagues' King of Baseball in 1966.
Grothendieck's version of the Ramanujam–Samuel theorem is as follows. Suppose that A is a local Noetherian ring with maximal ideal m, whose completion is integral and integrally closed, and ρ is a local homomorphism from A to a local Noetherian ring B of larger dimension such that B is formally smooth over A and the residue field of B is finite over that of A. Then a cycle of codimension 1 in Spec(B) that is principal at the point mB is principal.
The fugue was performed at Carnegie Hall on a program that included Varèse's iconic percussion composition "Ionisation." These performances took place under the auspices of the Pan-American Association of Composers, an organization that was composed of Cowell, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Edgard Varèse, Slonimsky, and other luminaries of American ultramodernism. Russell, on occasion, performed other Pan-Am composers' chamber works on violin. In 1990, Russell's oeuvre was performed integrally, assisted by Cage, in New York, leading to a recording of Russell's extant works by Essential Music.
The front sight is integrally machined into the slide, and a 3–4 mm wide textured strip is engraved on top of the slide in order to prevent aim-disturbing glare. The rear sight is dovetailed into the slide and multiple heights are available to adjust the impact point. The extractor is of an external spring-loaded type, and features a prominent flange preventing loss if a case should rupture. The breech face is deeply recessed in order to aid in extraction and ejection reliability.
254-57, and Plan. On the south side of the cloister was the Refectory range, 22 feet wide and at least 70 feet long, now represented by a great barn which incorporates some of its masonry. At its north-western corner is a scar, to the full height of the eaves, showing where the lost western range adjoined it. At its north end the western range was built integrally with the south aisle of the nave, showing that it, too was of the early 13th century construction.
Every APR rifle is equipped with a MIL-STD-1913 rail on top of the upper receiver for mounting components to accommodate different types of optical or electro-optical sights, with the option to mount three extra rails on the stock for attaching tactical accessories. The rifle can be equipped with an optional folding front sight and an aperture-type rear sight. Iron sights cannot be mounted on integrally silenced APR models. Brügger & Thomet offers a proprietary TRS (Tactical Rifle Scope) telescopic sight for the APR.
Talk boxes send the carrier signal into the singer's mouth, where it is then modulated by the singer themselves. On the other hand, vocoders process both the carrier and the modulator signal integrally, producing the output as a separate electric signal. In addition, they are also more common in different genres: a talk box is often found in rock music due to its typical pairing with a guitar, whereas vocoders are almost always paired with synthesizers, and as such, are ubiquitous in electronic music.
Nabatean (west) Gate of the ancient City of Bosra Of the city which once counted 80,000 inhabitants, there remains today only a village settled among the ruins. The 2nd century Roman theater, constructed probably under Trajan, is the only monument of this type with its upper gallery in the form of a covered portico which has been integrally preserved. It was fortified between 481 and 1231. Further, Nabatean and Roman monuments, Christian churches, mosques and Madrasahs are present within the half ruined enceinte of the city.
These teaching spaces include the IT Essentials Suite, Computer Aided Design Suite, CISCO and Microsoft Academies, Job Club and Transition Suite, Skills for Life/Learning Resource Suite, Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Suite, Learning and Skills Information Learning Technology Suite and a Research and Development Centre. There are also various meeting rooms and a new main reception. The new centre is furnished with equipment and furniture. There are specially designed desk with integrally fitted computers and interactive whiteboards and ceiling mounted projectors in some of the rooms.
The Scania Citywide is a series of integrally-constructed low-floor and low- entry buses manufactured by Scania. It was unveiled in 2011 as the successor to the Scania OmniCity and OmniLink. It consists of two models: the Citywide LF is built on the Scania N-series chassis, whereas the Citywide LE rides on the Scania K-series chassis. They are exclusively available in Europe, except in the UK and Ireland, where Scania chose to rely on Alexander Dennis, Irizar and other local bodywork manufacturers instead.
Among the most consistent uses of vocoder in emulating the human voice are Daft Punk, who have used this instrument from their first album Homework (1997) to their latest work Random Access Memories (2013) and consider the convergence of technological and human voice "the identity of their musical project". For instance, the lyrics of "Around the World" (1997) are integrally vocoder- processed, "Get Lucky" (2013) features a mix of natural and processed human voices, and "Instant Crush" (2013) features Julian Casablancas singing into a vocoder.
The radiator fan is mounted integrally behind the panel and is directly belt-driven from an engine-shaft extension. The fan draws air through the radiator panel discharging it through grilled openings in the compartment sides. A water tank of capacity, with level gauge and low-water warning device, is mounted in the roof. The ancillary compartment houses a Westinghouse E25B compressor unit and combined auxiliary generator and traction motor blower unit, both of which are belt- driven from a pulley on the radiator fan drive-shaft.
Between late model year 1961 and early model year 1963, approximately 52,000 die-cast aluminum RG blocks were produced and installed in passenger cars. These open-deck blocks used integrally cast high-nickel iron cylinder liners, and bolt-in iron upper and lower main bearing caps. Internal components (crank, rods, pistons, etc.) were the same as used in the iron engine, and an iron cylinder head was used with a special copper-asbestos gasket. The aluminum block weighs about less than the iron RG block.
With thirty per cent of the audience coming from other countries, The 150 acts included Wilco, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth played the legendary album Daydream Nation integrally and the Forum vibrated with the concert of the veteran Patti Smith, The Good, the Bad & the Queen, The Durutti Column, Maxïmo Park, Buzzcocks, Grizzly Bear, Billy Bragg, Low, Band Of Horses, Diplo, Erol Alkan and many others.234x234px 2008 saw around 160 artists perform in venues both in the Parc Del Fòrum and into the centre of Barcelona city.
She continued writing articles about the food of Vietnam in various newspapers and magazines, like the Los Angeles Times, Saveur, The Wall Street Journal, and Rodale's Organic Life. Starting fall 2017, she has had a monthly column in Cooking Light called "The Teacher." Nguyen's first cookbook Into the Vietnamese Kitchen (2006) has been called "indispensable" for those wanting to cook Vietnamese foods, as Nguyen sees culinary history as integrally entwined with culture. Her detailed instructions were clear and precise with photographs and explanatory techniques provided in sidebar.
Commutative algebra is essentially the study of the rings occurring in algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. In algebraic number theory, the rings of algebraic integers are Dedekind rings, which constitute therefore an important class of commutative rings. Considerations related to modular arithmetic have led to the notion of a valuation ring. The restriction of algebraic field extensions to subrings has led to the notions of integral extensions and integrally closed domains as well as the notion of ramification of an extension of valuation rings.
In 2013, Grand Boisé conservation park is planned to be created and orchestrated by Nature-Action. The park would include Smithers' swamp, as well as, Hydro- Quebec's servitude area in which the western chorus frog, a vulnerable species in Quebec, is found in greatest numbers. There is a controversy involving the city housing development in that area which was supposed to be conserved integrally with high priority according to RCM of Roussillon 1990s' maps. Local environmental organisms, such as Vigile verte and Projet Rescousse, are denouncing the choice of that land for housing development.
A poster in the Science Museum advertises engines to "Fleming, Ferguson, & Dixon's patent". These are twin-cylinder compound engines with a single semi-rotary valve per cylinder (as for Park Street Mill) and are offered in a range from 8 to 250 ihp and with speeds from 160 to 250 rpm. Their working pressure is not specified, but the same poster also offers Lancashire boilers of up to 200 psi. All of these engines are of robust construction, with large cast iron frames that have the cylinders cast integrally with them.
Integrally linked to these purposes are strategies to increase access to capital, stimulate asset building, improve the general business climate, and link citywide economic development efforts to specific community development efforts. Increasing access to capital is an extremely important strategy for community economic development. Historically, residents in poor neighborhoods have experienced great difficulty finding access to capital because they are traditionally viewed as credit risks. In places where banks do offer services, these residents face other structural barriers such as minimum deposit requirements, high service fees, and complex paperwork.
Shirer in his 1960 book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich argued for the view that German history proceeded logically from "Luther to Hitler","The notion that 'rectitude and authenticity [were] integrally German attributes in contrast to Roman or Latin influences which were degrading' held to have originated with Luther developed with German Romanticism in the 19th Century and culminated with National Socialism." Johnson 2001 seeing Hitler's rise to power as an expression of German character, rather than of the international phenomenon of totalitarianism.Shirer pg. 236Rosenfeld 1994, pp. 101–102Evans 2004, pg.
The Imperial Dalek shares a skirt design with the Necros Dalek. In other respects it features many differences when compared with previous variants. It has a stepped fender incorporating a recessed bottom section and integrally moulded collars and slats with no shoulder mesh. There are circular bosses around the appendage ball joints, a hexagonal panel between the appendage boxes, a re-modelled eye and eye discs, a mirrored eye lens with a small gold pupil, flush dome lights and a notched, funnel-like appendage instead of a plunger.
The AMB-17 (, awaiting GRAU designation), is an integrally suppressed assault rifle that uses a heavy subsonic 9×39mm SP5 cartridge and armor-piercing SP6 cartridge. It was developed and manufactured in the late 2010s by Kalashnikov Concern, based on the Yevgeny Dragunov MA Compact Rifle and unveiled at the Russian Army Expo 2017 alongside the AM-17. The weapon is intended for use as a close quarters weapon, primarily for special units of the Russian Interior Ministry and the Russian Army to replace the AS Val and VSS Vintorez firearms.
The exclusive photographs were taken by Meienberg without permission - they were exposed as pieces of scenery in an exhibition. In the Afterword, Meienberg, admitted this fact as follows: The guard commanding supervisor of the local museum Meilen never had flipped open the book, but was happy that its content pleased me and photographer Roland Gretler that much, and didn’t mind me excerpting any passages of the text or Roland Gretler integrally photographing a few dozens of pages. Meienberg committed suicide on 22 September 1993. In the media, the suicide of Meienberg caused a big echo.
Both the rifle and the cartridge used were developed in close co-operation with American Special Operations units to create a suitable and effective replacement for the HK MP5 and similar close quarters combat weapon systems. The rifle is designed to be very convenient for military use where M16s are issued and in common use, since many similarities would exist in the fire controls, weapon manipulation, and magazines. Despite the weapon being integrally-silenced, it can be made even quieter by using 14.26 g subsonic .300 Blackout ammunition.
The popularity of the 'yoga' in the West is integrally linked to secularization. This secularization began in India in the 1930s, when yoga teachers began to look for ways to make yoga accessible to the general public who did not have the opportunity to practice yoga as part of the Hindu faith. As such, yoga began to move from the realm of religion to the realm of secularity, promoting Yoga as a non-Hindu practice both within the West and East. Yoga has undeniably Hindu roots, first mentioned in the Katha Upanisad.
As a result, the design breaks away from the usual box-like structures associated with 'infill' development. Colour is introduced into the façade by the use of integrally permanent coloured toughened glass on the balconies' end rails and dividing screens. There are a mixture of primary and neutral coloured accents all over the façade, giving the building a lively appearance. The apartments are designed following a split-level planning system, which results in a ceiling height of 2.85 m over the living area and 2.7 m in the raised bedrooms.
He is a co- founder, with David P. Norton, of ESM Software Group, and has been integrally involved in the thought leadership work of Palladium International and its past iterations (i.e., Palladium Group, Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, Renaissance Worldwide). Norton and Kaplan remain affiliated with Palladium. Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) Kaplan and Steven Anderson co- developed time-driven activity-based costing, or TDABC, a methodology for companies to fully understand costs and to assist them to get on a simpler and more powerful path to increased profits.
The RAF 1 was based on the Renault 70/80 hp engine, being intended specifically to replace that engine in the B.E.2c. It featured larger cylinders () for a total displacement of 540 cubic inches (8.8 L). It was rated at 92 hp (70 kW) at 1,600 rpm. The heads were cast integrally with the cylinders, with the intake and exhaust valves set one above the other in an upside-down F-head configuration. The engines featured a large diameter lightweight flywheel at the rear, enclosed in a cast housing.
Crohmălniceanu, pp. 123–124, 128, 133–135, 140 Ralea was not an anti-modernist, but rather a particular modernist. According to his friend and colleague Octav Botez, he was an "integrally modern man" in tastes and behavior, "one of the few philosophers who conceived of, and lived, their lives as regular people, with a naturalness and facility that were charming and stimulating."Nastasă (2007), pp. 483–484 The same was also noted by Contimporanul writer Sergiu Dan, who proposed that Ralea denied himself "all sort of transaction with the confuse world of sentiment".
The works took advantage of the Davis Silos (an abandoned grain silo complex, formerly part of Rosario's port facilities, now moved south). The bulk of the building consists of eight large concrete silos, painted in different colors, with a diameter of 7.5 metres. The idea, according to the official site of the museum, was "to integrally preserve the building, exalting the unique features of concrete, stressing austerity as a value." There is a glass elevator outside the building, for a view of the river scenery and the nearby islands.
Before his time in Washington, Rogich founded R&R; Advertising in 1973 and built it into the largest advertising agency in Nevada. Through his creative endeavors with R&R;, he has been integrally involved in the reinvention of Las Vegas' image for more than 25 years.Rogich Communications Group Following his time in Washington, Rogich returned to his native Nevada and founded The Rogich Communications Group in 1995. His company has worked with clients both nationally and globally and has been involved with most of the major gaming companies in Las Vegas.
Creationism holds that the origin of the soul cannot be by spiritual generation from the souls of parents (as the German theologian Jakob Frohschammer (1821-1893) maintained) because human souls, being essentially and integrally simple and indivisible, can give forth no spiritual germs or reproductive elements. The creation of the soul by the First Cause, when second causes have posited the pertinent conditions, falls within the order of nature; it is a so-called "law of nature", not an interference therewith.Siegfried, Francis. "Creationism." The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 4.
For her graduate work, Busse explored how cognition influences sensory information processing. For example, Busse became interested in top-down processing of sensory information in the case of visual attention, which is the ability of the brain to focus on one aspect of the visual environment even though it is taking in multitudes of visual information at once. Busse first showed both spatial and feature-based influences of exogenous cueing on motion processing. Autonomic shifts in attention, driven by exogenous cueing, appeared to be integrally driven by characteristic modulations of sensory processing.
In most types of reciprocating engines, a valve guide is provided for each poppet valve in the cylinder head. Along with the valve spring, it serves to positively locate the valve so that it may make proper contact with the valve seat. A valve guide is a cylindrical piece of metal, pressed or integrally cast into the cylinder head, with the valve reciprocating inside it. Guides also serve to conduct heat from the combustion process out from the exhaust valve and into the cylinder head where it may be taken up by the cooling system.
Marx's pamphlet was prepared in French and English versions and presented to the General Council of the International on 4 May 1869 and was officially published as a leaflet in London on 12 May 1869. It was subsequently republished, either integrally or in condensed form, in a number of Belgian and European newspapers. In the text, Marx contrasts the relative acceptance of strikes in the United Kingdom and the United States with the aggressive posture taken in Belgium. He writes: Marx suggests several explanations for the violent repression of the strike.
The tandem compound locomotive first appeared on the American Erie Railroad in 1867. In a tandem compound engine, each pair of high- and low-pressure cylinders drove a common crosshead, connecting rod and crank. The high-pressure cylinders were bolted onto the fronts of the low-pressure cylinders, which were usually each cast integrally with one half of the smokebox saddle. The hollow piston valves were mounted on the same valve spindle in a common steam chest, with the high- pressure valves arranged for inside admission and the low-pressure valves for outside admission.
The tandem compound locomotive first appeared on the American Erie Railroad in 1867. In a tandem compound engine, each pair of high- and low-pressure cylinders drove a common crosshead, connecting rod and crank. The high-pressure cylinders were bolted onto the fronts of the low- pressure cylinders, which were usually each cast integrally with one half of the smokebox saddle. The hollow piston valves were mounted on the same valve spindle in a common steam chest, with the high-pressure valves arranged for inside admission and the low-pressure valves for outside admission.
For a channel constructed balisong, the main part of each handle is formed from one piece of material. In this handle, a groove is created (either by folding, milling, or being integrally cast) in which the blade rests when the knife is closed. This style is regarded as being stronger than sandwich construction. Some of the blades of traditional butterfly knives in the Philippines were made from steel taken from railroad tracks thus giving them a decent amount of durability and hardness, while others are made from the recycled leaf springs of vehicles.
Biocosmology gave Harnessing the Power of Wisdom a positive review, stating that it was "a remarkable wise contribution to the contemporary cultural world, forming an interdisciplinary theory of wisdom and conception of the wise Integralist civilization. Substantially, this is a significant step towards the integral organization of contemporary social and cultural life, and a valuable piece of information of the integrally organizing essence." Dialogue and Universalism also praised the work and made it one of the main focuses of one of their 2014 issues where they brought in 8 writers to reflect on the work.
Pont-y-Cafnau, showing detail of joints The present bridge was designed by Watkin George. George had been trained as a carpenter, but in 1792 became the chief engineer of the ironworks and a partner in the business. The bridge is composed of two cast iron A-frame trusses supporting a rectangular 2-foot by 6-foot-2-inch cast iron trough. This lower trough carried the Taff Fechan leat and acts as a girder supporting the plates acting as the railway sleepers, into which the rail chairs are integrally cast.
Amdahl and Davidson gained the support of Peterson and fellow electrical engineering professor Vincent C. Rideout, who encouraged them to build a computer of their unique design. Amdahl completed his doctorate at UW–Madison in 1952 with a thesis titled A Logical Design of an Intermediate Speed Digital Computer and creating his first computer, the Wisconsin Integrally Synchronized Computer, WISC. He then went straight from Wisconsin to a position at IBM in June 1952. Gene Amdahl is also related to former Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Douglas K. Amdahl.
Through her work as the General Counsel at the Office of the United States Trade Representative, Hillman was integrally involved in all litigation matters in which the United States was a party or third party in disputes before panels of the NAFTA or the WTO. She demonstrated great success at negotiating trade agreements, having reached mutually acceptable agreements with over 45 countries while serving as USTR's Ambassador and Chief Textiles Negotiator. Hillman also has extensive policy-making experience, having worked in the United States Senate on numerous pieces of legislation relating to banking, securities, financial services, investment, housing and international trade.
Its second in command is portrayed as a red Dalek with black hemispheres, gold collars and a gold fender. On all versions the dome lights are coloured red. The hero props seen in the film were constructed by Shawcraft Engineering while the Daleks with integrally moulded shoulder collars, which were mainly used to make up numbers in crowd scenes, were produced by the Plaster Workshops at Shepperton Studios. Three Mark 1 Movie Dalek props can occasionally be seen in the Doctor Who television serial The Chase, hired from AARU, the production company responsible for the Dr. Who films, to increase numbers.
Façade of the Coliseum after its renovation. In 2013, mayor Javier Lacalle announced the intention of building a new indoor arena due to the risk of collapse of the bullring, but due to its high costs, the solution was to integrally renovate the bullring and to add a roof. The renovation finished in 2015 and the arena was re-inaugurated on 27 June 2015 with the first corrida of the 2015 local season, with bullfighters Enrique Ponce, El Juli and Alejandro Talavante. On 18 August 2015, the Spain national team played its inaugural match in the arena.
27–28 But their requests were not fulfilled by the French at the time.Tejel, p.28 Between December 1931 and January 1932, the first elections under the new Syrian constitution were held.The 1930 Constitution is integrally reproduced in: Among the deputies there were three members of the Syrian Kurdish nationalist Xoybûn (Khoyboun) party from the three different Kurdish enclaves in Syria: Khalil bey Ibn Ibrahim Pacha (Jazira province), Mustafa bey Ibn Shahin (Jarabulus) and Hassan Aouni (Kurd Dagh). In the mid-1930s, there arose a new autonomist movement in the Jazira province among Kurds and Christians.
Over a Noetherian integral domain, torsion-free modules are the modules whose only associated prime is zero. More generally, over a Noetherian commutative ring the torsion-free modules are those modules all of whose associated primes are contained in the associated primes of the ring. Over a Noetherian integrally closed domain, any finitely- generated torsion-free module has a free submodule such that the quotient by it is isomorphic to an ideal of the ring. Over a Dedekind domain, a finitely- generated module is torsion-free if and only if it is projective, but is in general not free.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is Shirer's comprehensive historical interpretation of the Nazi era, positing that German history logically proceeded from Martin Luther to Adolf Hitler;Rosenfeld 1994, p. 102."The notion that 'rectitude and authenticity [were] integrally German attributes, in contrast to Roman or Latin influences which were degrading' held to have originated with Luther developed with German Romanticism in the 19th Century, and culminated with National Socialism." Johnson 2001. and that Hitler's ascension to power was an expression of German national character, not of totalitarianism as an ideology that was internationally fashionable in the 1930s.
On 28 March 2001, the Holy See issued the Instruction Liturgiam authenticam. This included the requirement that, in translations of the liturgical texts from the official Latin originals, "the original text, insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions in terms of their content, and without paraphrases or glosses. Any adaptation to the characteristics or the nature of the various vernacular languages is to be sober and discreet." The following year, the third typical editionThe "typical edition" of a liturgical text is that to which editions by other publishers must conform.
The organization of the judicial power is comprehended from articles 91 to 100. Given its short length, an important part of its definitions and form of organization was established by the legislative power in the sessions of the Congress, concerning most of the constitutional text to the organization and attributions of the National Supreme Court. The judicial power was integrally under the control of the Supreme Court and the inferior tribunals for constitutional matters, related to federal laws, international treaties, or maritime jurisdiction. It was explicitly stated that the president could have no knowledge of the judicial whereabouts.
Having circulated a questionnaire among players and organ-builders in several European countries, he produced a very considered report.: Text of 1909 Questionnaire and Report, pp. 235–269. This provided the basis for the International Regulations for Organ Building. He envisaged instruments in which the French late-romantic full-organ sound should work integrally with the English and German romantic reed pipes, and with the classical Alsace Silbermann organ resources and baroque flue pipes, all in registers regulated (by stops) to access distinct voices in fugue or counterpoint capable of combination without loss of distinctness: different voices singing the same music together.
It is the smallest Remington Pistol ever made and was produced for only three years; the total estimated production quantity is less than two hundred. Not made for use with powder propellants, this diminutive sidearm launches 4.3 mm projectiles at surprisingly high velocities with the use of a percussion cap only. On September 13, 1859, Joseph Rider was issued patent 25,470 for the Remington- Rider Pistol; this patent is commemorated by the gang stamp RIDER'S PT. SEPT 13, 1859 on the left side of the barrel. The frame, grips, and 3-inch barrel were integrally constructed of sand-cast brass.
Compression Systems (formerly Cooper Compression / Cooper Energy Services / Cooper Turbocompressor / Cooper), one of five organizational groups within Cameron International Corporation, is a provider of reciprocating and centrifugal compression equipment and aftermarket parts and services. Reciprocating compression equipment is used throughout the energy industry by gas transmission companies, compression leasing companies, oil and gas producers and independent power producers. Integrally geared centrifugal compressors are used by customers around the world in a variety of industries such as air separation, auto making, glass blowing, PET, petrochemical and chemical. Reciprocating compression was sold to GE Oil and Gas in June 2014.
In the United States the International Building Code and ASTM International define Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) as a nonload bearing, exterior wall cladding system that consists of an insulation board attached either adhesively or mechanically, or both, to the substrate; an integrally reinforced base coat; and a textured protective finish coat. EIFS with Drainage, another EIFS system, is the predominant method of EIFS applied today. As the name implies, EIFS with Drainage provides a way for moisture that may accumulate in the wall cavity to evacuate. Although often called "synthetic stucco", EIFS is not stucco.
He formed almost integrally in the Social Center Ítalo Venezuelan of the city of Valencia. He debuted with the first team of the Deportivo Italchacao in 2002, participating even in Copa Libertadores. In 2004 received the call to form part of the Youthful National Selection that would participate in the 22a, edition of the South American Championship Under-20 "Youth of America" Colombia 2005, where Venezuela advanced to the final round and occupied the sixth position. In 2005, became a part of the Aragua FC where is relegated almost completely during the six months to the banking, with very little participation.
They included many Bosnian Muslims in their ranks and advocated a confederation between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, frequently using the slogan "Croatia to the Drina, Bosnia to the Adriatic". The HOS participated in breaking the JNA- VRS siege of Mostar in June 1992, when the HV and HVO forces pushed the Serb forces towards eastern Herzegovina. Relations between the HVO and HOS eventually worsened, though HOS did not function integrally throughout the country. In the area of Novi Travnik it was closer to the HVO, while in the Mostar area there were increasingly tense relations between the HOS and the HVO.
Within Blueprint for a Prophet, the astrophysicist Maira analogises the progression of time to three entities of differing magnitude who stroll a coastline: an ant, a man and a giant. These entities, as theorised in Blueprint for a Prophet, will (a) devise a meter corresponding to its own magnitude and therefore (b) perceive the fractal distance differently in proportion to the size. Analogously, the passage of time is relative to the agent and his mass, density and volume. Integrally to the principal publication, time is reported by the author to dilate, proportionate to the expansion factor of the universe.
As medical professional stakeholders in the field of health care (i.e. entities integrally involved in the health care system and affected by reform), the practice of medicine (i.e. diagnosing, treating, and monitoring disease) is directly affected by the ongoing changes in both national and local health policy and economics. There is a growing call for health professional training programs to not only adopt more rigorous health policy education and leadership training, but to apply a broader lens to the concept of teaching and implementing health policy through health equity and social disparities that largely affect health and patient outcomes.
In Italy, the series was published integrally as part of the Getter Saga series, which included all Getter Robot series in a single series of 12 volumes. There are a lot of major differences between Go Nagai's version and the TV version. The whole plot is rewritten to match as the sequel to the last series, Getter Robo G as well as incorporating characters and storyline that would later be adapted in the OAVs Getter Robo Armageddon and Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo. Another interesting thing is the debut of the iconic Shin Getter Robo in the Manga's last volume.
TC-SST also works in conjunction with Mitsubishi's S-AWC system."Mitsubishi Motors' S-AWC Integrally Controls Vehicle Behaviors with 2 ECUs", Naoshige Shimizu, Nikkei Electronics, July 11, 2007 The operation of TC-SST is smoother than that of a conventional automatic transmission because it uses clutches instead of a torque converter to transmit power. The key to the system's operation is in the electronic and hydraulic controls. TC-SST can select two gears at the same time by putting odd (1st, 3rd, 5th) and even (2nd, 4th, and 6th) gears on separate input shafts, each connected to an individual clutch.
Albion Motors had been taken over by Leyland Motors in 1951, after the merger Albion were to concentrate on export models and lightweight chassis for the home market. With this in mind Albion developed the EN219 engine, a horizontal four-cylinder unit sharing design and components with the six-cylinder Leyland O350. It was launched in 1953 for the underfloor-engined Albion Claymore delivery truck. During 1954 Scottish Omnibuses (SOL) used Claymore units in an integrally constructed rubber-suspended 32-seater bus, this was announced in May 1955 and the Nimbus was unveiled in the autumn at the 1955 Scottish Motor Show at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.
The second RPG to be analyzed is known as CSG or collectible strategy game. This type of RPG has a much broader context than that of a TFRPG due to the fact that it draws elements from both types of RPGs. A CSG is defined as "a setting and a system, but the setting resides in the background, while the system is integrally tied to some of the collectible material artifacts, such as cards, miniature figures, paper dice, pre-formed plastic constructibles and even pinback buttons". These types of games are played using special attributes which are associated with the particular collectible being used.
Another distinctive design feature is the gun, which has a wider bore than the TV counterpart, lacks mantles and is depicted as projecting a pressurised jet of destructive, lethal vapour rather than an energy discharge. Three minor Dalek variants appear in the film. Some Daleks are fitted with a two-jawed mechanical claw instead of a plunger, some have integrally moulded collars with reversed angles on the front edges and one is seen with a cutting torch instead of a telescopic arm. While hemisphere misalignment is an occasionally recurring feature of Daleks seen on television, this issue presents itself in a uniform manner with all of the film props.
Friedlich co-founded New York-based media private equity firm ZelnickMedia (now ZMC) with Wesleyan University classmate Strauss Zelnick in 2001 as one of four original partners. From 2001-2011, Friedlich specialized in investments in publishing, business-to-business media, professional information and marketing services. He was integrally involved in investments in Take-Two Interactive Software (TTWO), Alloy Media, ITN Networks, and Time-Life. Friedlich served from 2005-2013 as Chairman of the Board of Naylor LLC, a North American business-to-business publisher and events company before its sale to RLJ Equity Partners in 2013, the private equity firm of BET founder Bob Johnson.
Only slightly developed and long neglected, Mauritania played no role in the rising nationalism in the AOF after World War II. The 1946 constitution of the French Fourth Republic established the former colonies of the AOF as overseas territories of France integrally tied to the French Union. The French administration in Saint-Louis retained jurisdiction in criminal law, public freedoms, and political and administrative organization; the Colonial Ministry could still rule by decree, if the decree did not violate a statute. The indigénat and forced labor were abolished, and French citizenship was extended to all inhabitants of French territories willing to renounce their local legal status.Warner, Rachel.
Kalinga Nagar Development Authority is coming under Jajpur Districts of Odisha. The Kalinga Nagar Industrial Complex is integrally related to the vision of a resurgent Odisha. The idea took shape in the early 90s, concurrently with several other initiatives that followed the much-awaited economic liberalization. The Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO) was entrusted with the task of developing infrastructure facilities in Kalinga Nagar to facilitate the growth of industries in the area. As per the draft of a master plan, for Kalinga Nagar released in 2006 about 10-lakh hectares land would be acquired by the Government, gradually and in different phases for the development of the area.
Heritage boundaries The Goldfinders Inn site is of state significance as a continually inhabited place of residence in the Hawkesbury area from the time of the land grant in 1809 to the present day. The cottage, inn and barn together provide physical evidence of successive occupancies and uses of the site initially for farming, through to commercial use as an inn and licensed premises, later a post office and general store and as private residence. The development and functions of the site are integrally related to the development of Bells Line of Road. The Goldfinders Inn Group served as a wayside inn on the long road journeys through the mountains.
Power from the V8 rose to 75 hp (56 kW) with a revised ignition system. The four-cylinder engine continued unchanged, but was referred to (by some) as the Model C, though Ford never referred to its "Improved Four-Cylinder engine" as a "Model C" engine. There is some dispute over this; some sources say it was a common misconception due to the introduction of a larger counterbalanced crankshaft during the Model B engine production, and the letter "C" casting mark on most, but not all, of the Model B heads. On the other side, this integrally counterweighted crankshaft was first introduced for truck engines only.
More or less integrally attached to the hull are the gondola, engines and sometimes the empennage (tail). The framework has the task of distributing the suspension loads of these attachments and the lifting gas loads evenly throughout the whole hull's surface and may also partially relieve stresses on the hull during manoeuvres. In early airships which relied on nets, fabric bands, or complicated systems of rope rigging to unite the lifting envelope with the other parts of the ship, semi-rigid construction was able to achieve improvements in weight, aerodynamic, and structural performance. The boundary between semi-rigid and non-rigid airships is vague.
As the Sino-Soviet split heated up into a border conflict, the CCR played a key part in moving troops and materials to China's important border crossings. China National Railways was heavily utilized by the PLA for defense during the tense years leading up to the Sino-Soviet Border conflict. This fact had been recognized as early as 1956, when the Soviet Union was building the connection between the new Trans-Mongolian Railway (operated integrally with Soviet Railways) and China National Railways. This connection was seen as important for defense as well as trade, because it allowed the Soviet Union to rapidly deploy troops to the Mongolian border.
Joy Compressors were first introduced in 1955 when the Joy Manufacturing Company hired four engineers and set them up in an office over a hardware store in Western New York. Within a short period of time, a farmer's field in Cheektowaga, New York was purchased for a test site. The early years were spent in R&D; with the development of various types of turbo machinery including gas turbines, steam turbines, axial flow compressors, in-line centrifugal compressors and integral gear centrifugal compressors. In 1960, the Joy facility was transformed into a full-fledged manufacturing factory focused on producing integrally geared centrifugal air compressors which produced oil free air flow.
In general, the integral closure of a noetherian domain of dimension at most 2 is noetherian; Nagata gave an example of dimension 3 noetherian domain whose integral closure is not noetherian. A nicer statement is this: the integral closure of a noetherian domain is a Krull domain (Mori–Nagata theorem). Nagata also gave an example of dimension 1 noetherian local domain such that the integral closure is not finite over that domain. Let A be a noetherian integrally closed domain with field of fractions K. If L/K is a finite separable extension, then the integral closure A' of A in L is a finitely generated A-module.
This is different from procedural memory, which is our memory for how to do things. Episodic memories influence our thinking about ourselves, good and bad. Autobiographical memories can be retrieved from either the first person perspective, in which individuals see the event through their own eyes, or from the third person perspective, in which individuals see themselves and the event from the perspective of an external observer. A growing body of research suggests that the visual perspective from which a memory is retrieved has important implications for a person's thoughts, feelings, and goals, and is integrally related to a host of self- evaluative processes.
The house and setting is physical evidence of the pattern of land settlement and leasehold farming in the Maitland area.Clive Lucas & Partners 1985:32 The place is important in demonstrating aesthetic characteristics and/or a high degree of creative or technical achievement in New South Wales. It contains elements of high individual and often unique quality, including a domed stairwell and geometric stair of unique quality and design in Australia. It is one of a handful of pre 1850s villas in Australia designed integrally with a terrace wall, designed for a single-storey colonnade and to be planned around a central staircase in the Palladian manner of Taylor and Soane.
McLuhan's most widely-known work, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (1964), is a seminal study in media theory. Dismayed by the way in which people approach and use new media such as television, McLuhan famously argues that in the modern world "we live mythically and integrally…but continue to think in the old, fragmented space and time patterns of the pre-electric age." McLuhan proposed that media themselves, not the content they carry, should be the focus of study—popularly quoted as "the medium is the message." McLuhan's insight was that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not by the content delivered over the medium, but by the characteristics of the medium itself.
Maila posits that the integral socialism proclaimed by Lenin, then soft-pedaled under NEP, resumed by Stalin and pursued by all his successors until Gorbachev, was basically flawed, precisely because it destructed capitalism integrally. The untrammeled socialist project was from the start an uphill battle, which brought about not only the destruction of economic freedom but of almost any freedom. The Soviet system could therefore not tap the reservoir of human potential that its ideology promised to bring to new heights. Malia also wrote a famous essay "To the Stalin Mausoleum" (1990) which he signed as Z. The essay was reprinted in Eastern Europe...Central Europe...Europe which was edited by Stephen R. Graubard.
Traditionally, the prongs of an elongated horseshoe (commonly not more than 1.75 inches or 45 mm) have tips bent at an acute angle opposite to the surface attached to the horses' hoof. Traditionally, a farrier employs a forge in hot-shoeing to heat the two heel prongs to red hot and bends them by hammering prongs over a right-angle to bend into an acute angle. Occasionally, another caulkin is on the toe of the shoe and integrally formed in the initial forging process For a horseshoe built as a concave caulk and wedge shoe, the 2 prongs differ:"Know Foot Know Horse – Concave Caulk and Wedge",, 2008, webpage: KnowFKH-226 (see caulkin/wedge horseshoe photo on webpage).
Another goal was to improve the ergonomics and to place controls so they could be easily reached and operated without removing the eye from the viewfinder. Although the R8 is capable of fully automated exposure and (with the addition of the integrally-styled motor drive or winder) automated film transport, the location of the shutter speed dial lends itself to manual exposure control, as many Leica customers preferred this. In this it differs strongly from other contemporary SLRs, which were designed primarily for automatic operation. The top control wheels are sunk into the top plate, with knurled edges protruding at the front where they can easily be operated by the photographer's fingertips.
Seal of the Prelature of Opus Dei and the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross is an association of Catholic diocesan priests which is integrally united to the Prelature of Opus Dei. Part of the society is made up of the clergy of the Opus Dei prelature—members of the priesthood who fall under the jurisdiction of the Opus Dei prelature are automatically members of the Priestly Society. Other members in the society are traditional diocesan priests--- clergy who remain under the jurisdiction of their diocesan bishop. Technically speaking, such diocesan priests have not "joined" Opus Dei membership, although they have joined a society that is closely affiliated with Opus Dei.
In late 1932, the Société des Avions Bernard proposed to build a floatplane fighter to meet the requirements of the French Navy for a shipboard fighter suitable for operation from the catapults of its Battleships and Cruisers. The Bernard design, the H.52, was a mid- winged monoplane based on its Bernard 260 landplane fighter, using the same wings, rear fuselage and tail surfaces as the earlier design. It was of all- metal construction, principally duralumin, with a monocoque fuselage and stressed skin cantilever wings that were integrally constructed with the centre fuselage. Leading edge slots and large flaps were fitted to the wing to lower its landing speed, while its undercarriage consisted of two main floats.
While at Harvard Law School Rankin did his graduate thesis on freedom of information and national security matters and in the 1980s worked at the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris on Transborder Information Flows. Rankin was later integrally involved in the consultations leading up to the enactment of the federal Access to Information Act and Privacy Act (Canada). For his efforts, Rankin received the House of Commons Award of Merit for his contributions to the development of freedom of information and privacy. Rankin was later retained as a special advisor to Colin Gabelmann, the former Attorney General of British Columbia and was a key architect of BC's own Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
In short, the Hodge conjecture predicts that the possible "shapes" of complex subvarieties of X (as described by cohomology) are determined by the Hodge structure of X (the combination of integral cohomology with the Hodge decomposition of complex cohomology). The Lefschetz (1,1)-theorem says that the Hodge conjecture is true for (even integrally, that is, without the need for a positive integral multiple in the statement). The Hodge structure of a variety X describes the integrals of algebraic differential forms on X over homology classes in X. In this sense, Hodge theory is related to a basic issue in calculus: there is in general no "formula" for the integral of an algebraic function.
Picture of the Cowboy CollarFair is the inventor of the "Cowboy Collar" which holds three separate patents. The "Cowboy Collar", sold by McDavid, is a protective vest having a collar or neck guard intended for use with helmets and, optionally, with shoulder pads or harnesses, of the types worn by players in contact sports and has been used by players from all levels including the National Football League. The protective vest has a flexible body with shoulder portions between chest and back panels. Surrounding an opening for receiving a player's neck is a raised collar, integrally formed with the body, which has an upper ring-like surface for contacting the bottom edge of the player's helmet.
On 28 March 2001, the Congregation for Divine Worship issued the Instruction Liturgiam authenticam, which included the requirement that, in translations of the liturgical texts from the official Latin originals, "the original text, insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions in terms of their content, and without paraphrases or glosses. Any adaptation to the characteristics or the nature of the various vernacular languages is to be sober and discreet." In the following year, the third typical editionThe "typical edition" of a liturgical text is that to which editions by other publishers must conform. of the revised Roman Missal in Latin was released.
Most slaveholders held a few or several domestic slaves, but others hired them out to work at labor. Slavery became integrally tied to New York's economy through the labor of slaves throughout the port, and the banks and shipping tied to the American South. Discovery of the African Burying Ground in the 1990s, during construction of a new federal courthouse near Foley Square, revealed that tens of thousands of Africans had been buried in the area in the colonial years. The 1735 trial and acquittal in Manhattan of John Peter Zenger, who had been accused of seditious libel after criticizing colonial governor William Cosby, helped to establish the freedom of the press in North America.
They are not available separately but only integrally with power cords specifically designed for the purpose. A view of the wiring side of a typical dual socket-outlet is also shown on the right, together with an annotated view of the mechanism, without the front cover. (One "rocker" switch has been disassembled to show its operation.) If required, such dual socket-outlets can be obtained (at additional cost) using insulation displacement as a means of connecting to the supply conductors, as can be seen in the illustration - below right. The benefits claimed for their use in these applications include up to 50% faster installation, due to the reduction in the stripping, twisting and screwing down processes.
Chile promulgated its civil code in 1855, an original work in confront with the French code both for the scheme and for the contents (similar to the Castillan law in force in that territory) that was written by Andrés Bello (begun in 1833). This code was integrally adopted by Ecuador in 1858; El Salvador in 1859; Venezuela in 1862 (only during that year); Nicaragua in 1867; Honduras in 1880 (until 1899, and again since 1906); Colombia in 1887; and Panama (after its separation from Colombia in 1903). In 1865, the Code Civil du Bas- Canada (or Civil Code of Lower Canada) was promulgated in Lower Canada (later the Canadian province of Quebec).
Concurrently, the multisensory neurons of the AES, although also integrally connected to unimodal AES neurons, are not directly connected to the SC. This pattern of division is reflected in other areas of the cortex, resulting in the observation that cortical and tectal multisensory systems are somewhat dissociated. Stein, London, Wilkinson and Price (1996) analysed the perceived luminance of an LED in the context of spatially disparate auditory distracters of various types. A significant finding was that a sound increased the perceived brightness of the light, regardless of their relative spatial locations, provided the light's image was projected onto the fovea. Here, the apparent lack of the spatial rule, further differentiates cortical and tectal multisensory neurons.
Ulrich's thought circles in manifold variations around the ontological difference between non-subsistent being and subsisting beings. He sees the full form, and thus the actual interpretive horizon, of this difference in the personal difference of I and Thou. Ontology and anthropology, therefore, are integrally related to each other without being confused. With his radical understanding of being as love, Ulrich stands both in the tradition of those who would overcome metaphysics, especially metaphysics in the form of a static substance ontology, and in the tradition of those who would (for example, with Heidegger), bring their metaphysics back to its ground out of the profound experience of being in the philosophy of the great tradition.
The front-entrance Routemaster prototype FRM1 An attempt to design a rear-engined front-entrance version of the Routemaster in 1964/65 led to the construction of the FRM1 (front-entrance Routemaster) in 1966. The prototype shared approximately 60% of its components with a standard Routemaster and was the first integrally- constructed rear-engined double-decker built in Britain. Because of its single door (a serious drawback for a bus of this capacity) and continued mechanical problems associated with its unique design, the FRM was considered a dead end although it provided proof of concept. In 1968, London Transport went back to the drawing board for another replacement of the Routemaster, with an anticipated introduction date of 1985.
The Collarenebri Aboriginal Cemetery, with its uniquely decorated "crystalled" glass graves, is of state heritage significance as a rare and intact and aesthetically distinctive site, demonstrating a technique of grave decoration and remembrance that is unique to north-west NSW. The cemetery and graves provide evidence of the complex development of a living, traditionally based culture which is continuously evolving. The state heritage significance of the site is enhanced through association with Isabel Flick OAM, who was known throughout the state for her advocacy for indigenous housing and health. She was also integrally involved in the campaign for a Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and campaigned for equal wages and living conditions for Aboriginal people involved in rural industry.
A normal complex variety X has the property, when viewed as a stratified space using the classical topology, that every link is connected. Equivalently, every complex point x has arbitrarily small neighborhoods U such that U minus the singular set of X is connected. For example, it follows that the nodal cubic curve X in the figure, defined by x2 = y2(y + 1), is not normal. This also follows from the definition of normality, since there is a finite birational morphism from A1 to X which is not an isomorphism; it sends two points of A1 to the same point in X. Curve y2 = x2(x + 1) More generally, a scheme X is normal if each of its local rings :OX,x is an integrally closed domain.
The Fenestron differs from a conventional tail rotor by being integrally housed within the tail unit of the rotorcraft and, like the conventional tail rotor it replaces, functions to counteract the torque of the main rotor. While conventional tail rotors typically have two or four blades, Fenestrons have between seven and eighteen blades; these may have variable angular spacing so that the noise is distributed over different frequencies.Corda 2017, pp. 33–34. By placing the fan within a duct, several distinct advantages over a conventional tail rotor are obtained, such as a reduction in tip vortex losses, the potential for substantial noise reduction, while also shielding both the tail rotor itself from collision damage and ground personnel from the hazard posed by a traditional spinning rotor.
The park employs 70 permanent employees of whom 95% are recruited locally. The park surveillance team consisted of 36 guards in early 2014. During the annual marine turtle nesting season between October and March, an additional 30 people are recruited locally to monitor the beaches. The park is divided into three zones: # An integrally protected zone that is only legally accessible for park staff, guided paying tourists and researchers with valid permits; # An eco- development zone containing all legal human habitations, in which residents are allowed to use natural resources sustainably for subsistence, and in which industrial exploitation is allowed with the agreement of the appropriate government institutions; # A 5 km wide buffer zone around the park designated for environmental education, sensitisation efforts and socio-economic activities.
Human HCN1 channel tetramer Hyperpolarization- activated and cyclic nucleotide–gated (HCN) channels belong to the superfamily of voltage-gated K+ (Kv) and cyclic nucleotide–gated (CNG) channels. HCN channels are thought to consist of four either identical or non-identical subunits that are integrally embedded in the cell membrane to create an ion- conducting pore. Each subunit comprises six membrane-spanning (S1–6) domains which include a putative voltage sensor (S4) and a pore region between S5 and S6 carrying the GYG triplet signature of K+-permeable channels, and a cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (CNBD) in the C-terminus. HCN isoforms are highly conserved in their core transmembrane regions and cyclic nucleotide binding domain (80–90% identical), but diverge in their amino- and carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic regions.
The development of the site is integrally related to the development of Bells Line of Road. The siting of the buildings at the crossing of the road and creek took advantage of passing traffic for business and, in turn, served the development of the road by offering refreshment and rest on a long road journey as a wayside inn. In its operation as a licensed inn, with associated general store and Post Office, the Goldfinders Inn Group has been the centre of Kurrajong community activities, prior to a formal village being constructed. The garden plantings of camellias and magnolias are of historic interest in their own right, with the main camellia described by Professor EJ Waterhouse as the oldest in Australia.
"The pattern designs Höch created for Ullstein's women's magazines and her early experiments with modernist abstraction were integrally related, blurring the boundaries between traditionally masculine and feminine modes of form and expression" (Makholm). She wrote a Manifesto of Modern Embroidery in 1918, which spoke to the modern woman, empowering her to take pride in her work. "She now drew on this experience and on a large body of advertising material she had collected, in images that were unprecedented in their insights into the way society 'constructs' women" (Hudson). Höch considered herself a part of the women's movement in the 1920s, as shown in her depiction of herself in Schnitt mit dem Küchenmesser DADA durch die letzte Weimarer Bierbauchkulturepoche Deutschlands (1919–20).
Hard foam buoy with integrally stowed weight and line used by divers to mark an underwater point of interest Small deployable marker buoys are available that are provided with a length of line wrapped around the hard foam buoy, and with a small weight which almost balances the buoyancy. These can be deployed by a diver to mark a point of interest and can be recovered from the surface after the dive. They are deployed by releasing the weight from the buoy and allowing the line to unroll as the buoy floats to the surface. If the line is long enough the buoy will float at the surface with slack in the line and the weight will anchor it in place.
The distinction is that a principal ideal ring may have zero divisors whereas a principal ideal domain cannot. Principal ideal domains are thus mathematical objects that behave somewhat like the integers, with respect to divisibility: any element of a PID has a unique decomposition into prime elements (so an analogue of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds); any two elements of a PID have a greatest common divisor (although it may not be possible to find it using the Euclidean algorithm). If and are elements of a PID without common divisors, then every element of the PID can be written in the form . Principal ideal domains are noetherian, they are integrally closed, they are unique factorization domains and Dedekind domains.
The Chilean Code is an original work in confront with the French code both for the scheme and for the contents (similar to the Castillan law in force in that territory). This code was integrally adopted by Ecuador in 1858, El Salvador in 1859, Venezuela in 1862 (although only for that year), Nicaragua in 1867, Honduras in 1880 (until 1899 and again since 1906), Colombia in 1887 and Panama (after its separation from Colombia in 1903). According to other Latin American experts of its time, like Augusto Teixeira de Freitas (author of the Esboço de un Código Civil para Brasil) or Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield (main author of the Argentine Civil Code), it is the most important legal accomplishment of Latin America.
Group voting tickets voting has been criticised because electors do not know, and have no practical way of finding out, where their preferences are being directed. All details are published in advance, both electronically and in a free booklet published by the Australian Electoral Commission or the appropriate State electoral commission. The booklets may be viewed at polling booths on request to the poll officials. However, such is the complexity of the information that it is unlikely that the average voter could easily determine the fate of their vote's preferences particularly, as some parties submit multiple allocations (e.g., 33% to one party, 66% to another, and so on), and the effects are integrally wound up in preference deals between other parties.
Bolman, Jr. insisted that reviewers consider the book in this way: "In general, we have a right to discover, if we can, the meaning of a work as comprehensive as Either/Or, considering it upon its own merits and not reducing the meaning so as to fit into the author's later perspective. It occurred to me that this was a service to understanding Kierkegaard, whose esthetic and ethical insights have been much slighted by those enamored of his religion of renunciation and transcendence. ... Kierkegaard's brilliance seems to me to be showing that while goodness, truth, and beauty can not speculatively be derived one from another, yet these three are integrally related in the dynamics of a healthy character structure".Reply to Mrs.
The variety V in its projective embedding is projectively normal if R is integrally closed. This condition implies that V is a normal variety, but not conversely: the property of projective normality is not independent of the projective embedding, as is shown by the example of a rational quartic curve in three dimensions.Robin Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry (1977), p. 23. Another equivalent condition is in terms of the linear system of divisors on V cut out by the dual of the tautological line bundle on projective space, and its d-th powers for d = 1, 2, 3, ... ; when V is non- singular, it is projectively normal if and only if each such linear system is a complete linear system.Hartshorne, p. 159.
Faunal remains show that the location had been used for feasting activities through much of its history, even before the construction of the mound. Large amounts of avian remains, many the only examples of particular species found in all of Cahokia, show that the site was connected to avian imagery. Many examples of bird wing bones and other body parts found at the site are considered to have been used for decorative purposes instead of food. Raptor imagery in the form of falcon dancers, the Forked Eye Surround Motif and the "Birdman" is integrally associated with warrior imagery, a major theme of the S.E.C.C. Engraved shell gorgets and cups with similar imagery were discovered in the "Great Mortuary" at Spiro in the early 1930s.
The payment can be integrally made by the user, or by a public financer, and mixed forms of payment with other actors can be imagined (e.g. companies paying for part of the cost or insurance companies providing some services through this means). In the field of care policies, the increasing use of vouchers has sometimes been analysed as an element of a current commodification trend that corresponds to an increase in what can be labelled a “social market” logic. Social markets mainly rely on demand-side measures, the aim being to ensure that users or consumers of services are offered more choice and are, financially speaking, able to purchase personal services. The market logic involves developing the demand side with the aim of transforming “latent” demand into effective demand.
On the other hand, the rebranding process carried out by Tommykaira has evoked some controversy directly related to the status of the company as a car manufacturer. According to the information spot provided by the PlayStation video game Gran Turismo 2 about the Kyoto-based company, "in 1988 [Tommykaira] succeeded in introducing Tommy Kaira M30, Japan's first fully modified high performance car [...][while] in 1997, [it] manufactured and marketed its original sports car, the ZZ". In general terms, the 1988 M30 model is regarded as the first integrally tuned Japanese automobile, an integral tuning that implied rebranding of the original model. This fact acknowledged the capability of Tommykaira as an important aftermarket manufacturer and prepared the way for the launch of the company as a consolidated car manufacturer with the self-conceived 1996 ZZ model.
A semi-automatic only carbine variant, featuring a 165 mm (6.5 inch) barrel with a 241 mm (9.5 inch) muzzle device permanently welded to it, which is actually a modified version of the baffle core of the integrally suppressed variant. SIG contended that this device was a muzzle brake, but in 2013 the BATFE ruled that the component was a suppressor, and classified the MPX-C as possessing an integral suppressor and thus as a Title II NFA weapon. The BATFE rejected an appeal against this ruling in February 2014; SIG responded by filing a civil lawsuit against the BATFE,"ATF Rules Against SIG MPX", The Outdoor Wire, 14 April 2014 alleging they had acted in an "arbitrary and capricious manner". In September 2015, Federal Judge Paul Barbadora upheld the BATFE's ruling.
In late 2018, the S&T; Motiv "Next-Generation LMG" was standardized as the K15, a heavily upgraded version of the K3 planned for fielding to the ROK Army by 2020. It has an adjustable buttstock and redesigned pistol grip/trigger group component for improved ergonomics, and internal parts are reconfigured and manufactured with closer tolerances for better reliability. Unlike the K3, it uses a push button to hold and release the barrel with three upper positioning lugs to ensure the barrel sits on a correct position when reattached. The feed cover and handguard have rails integrally attached, rather than needing an adapter to have them installed like the K3; this helps it to utilize a day/night fire control system that uses a thermal sight, laser rangefinder and ballistic computer.
The white portion shall bear three red stars in line, having five points each."", article 4 of the Constitution de l'Etat de Syrie, 14 May 1930The 1930 Constitution is integrally reproduced in: During December 1931 and January 1932, the first elections under the new constitution were held, under an electoral law providing for "the representation of religious minorities" as imposed by article 37 of the constitution. The National Bloc was in the minority in the new Chamber of deputies with only 16 deputies out of 70, due to intensive vote-rigging by the French authorities. Among the deputies were also three members of the Syrian Kurdish nationalist Xoybûn (Khoyboun) party, Khalil bey Ibn Ibrahim Pacha (Al-Jazira Province), Mustafa bey Ibn Shahin (Jarabulus) and Hassan Aouni (Kurd Dagh).
He was the author of Perush Shelosh Esreh Middot or (Commentary on the Thirteen Attributes of God), and his most important work, the Sefer ha-Yiḥud (The Book of Unity, an explanation of the Tetragrammaton and the sefirot), which is the first Kabbalistic treatise to be preserved integrally. He identifies, on the one hand, the ten Sefirot with the ten spheres of the philosophers, and, on the other, explains the thirteen attributes of God as derivations of the three middle Sefirot: (love, justice, mercy), which he designates as fundamental principles. According to Gershom Sholem Asher ben David is the main transmitter of Kabbalistic doctrines to the Catalan rabbinic schools, and in particular the School of Girona, in the early thirteenth century.Scholem, Origins of the Kabbalah, Princeton, 1987, p. 252.
South Korean special forces soldier with the suppressed K7 during drills in 2014. Despite the fact that the H&K; MP5SD6 was already in service with the Republic of Korea Armed Forces by the time the K7 reached production status, most of the special forces relied on unconventional weapons during covert operations due to high price of imported and domestically produced SMGs. Due to the substantial cost of the importation and production of such weapons, the Republic of Korea Army Special Warfare Command requested the development of an integrally suppressed submachine gun that would be less expensive to import or manufacture than the MP5SD6. The Defense Agency for Technology and Quality, a part of the Agency for Defense Development, and Daewoo Telecom, a subbranch of Daewoo Group, officially started development in April 1998, finishing the project in December 2000.
A year later Littman was honoured by the Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center in a unique ceremony on 1 July 2009, with 200 persons, when the "Hero of Silence" Order was conferred on him, he being the 9th person to receive it since 1985. ("An order of highest esteem and appreciation, awarded to David Gerald Littman: A clandestine warrior, who risked his life and who served a sacred cause of the People and of the State of Israel"). A few months earlier a Casablanca French newspaper, Le Soir Echos, interviewed him through a Swiss colleague, with their own questions; and published the Operation Mural story integrally in four successive issues (23–26 March) with their own positive titles and sub-titles throughout, and no editing. It was the first time that Moroccans learned about the affair.
Enterprise Project Management, in broad terms, is the field of organizational development that supports organizations in managing integrally and adapting themselves to the changes of a transformation. Enterprise Project Management is a way of thinking, communicating and working, supported by an information system, that organizes enterprise's resources in a direct relationship to the leadership's vision and the mission, strategy, goals and objectives that move the organization forward. Simply put, EPM provides a 360 degree view of the organization's collective efforts. In recent years, with general adoption of (IT) governance practices, Enterprise Project Management has become more specific: whereas in the 1990s focus was generally on the management of the single project, in the subsequent decade, the focus lay more on the fact that a project is likely to be not the only one in the enterprise.
Still others, typically the old tributary kingdoms, came to speak Umbundu relatively recently. Until the Portuguese established firm control over their territory, the Ovimbundu – particularly those of the major kingdoms of Bailundu (to the northwest), Bihe (to the northeast), and Wambu (in the center) – played important roles as intermediaries in the slave, ivory, and beeswax trades, acting as carriers, entrepreneurs, and raiders. With the decline of the slave trade in the last decades of the nineteenth century, the entrepreneurs among the Ovimbundu turned to the rubber trade, abandoning the warfare and raiding that had hitherto been integrally related to their economic activities. The rubber slump at the beginning of the twentieth century, the end of the de facto autonomy of their kingdoms not long after, and the displacement of Ovimbundu traders by the Portuguese forced these people to turn to cash-crop agriculture.
The State of California outlaws flash suppressors on semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazines, but allows muzzle brakes to be used instead. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) made a regulatory determination in 2013 that the muzzle device of the SIG Sauer MPX Carbine, adapted from the baffle core of the integrally suppressed version's suppressor and claimed by SIG to be a muzzle brake, constituted a silencer and rendered the MPX-C a Title II NFA weapon. SIG Sauer, the rifle's maker, sued the ATF in 2014 to have the designation overturned. In September 2015, Federal Judge Paul Barbadora upheld the ATF's ruling; despite SIG successfully establishing that the weapon did not suppress the weapon's sound, the ATF successfully established that it was intended to suppress the sound, which was legally sufficient.Judge favors ATF in Sig lawsuit: It’s a silencer, Guns.
The Holy See withheld its consent and informed ICEL that the Latin text of the Missal, which must be the basis of translations into other languages, was being revised, making irrelevant a translation based on what would no longer be the official text of the Roman Missal. On 28 March 2001, the Holy See issued the Instruction Liturgiam Authenticam, which included the requirement that in translations of the liturgical texts from the official Latin originals, "the original text, insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions in terms of their content, and without paraphrases or glosses. Any adaptation to the characteristics or the nature of the various vernacular languages is to be sober and discreet." This was a departure from the principle of dynamic equivalence promoted in ICEL translations after the Second Vatican Council.
Bonampak mural, room 1, east wall: Musicians San Bartolo mural: The king as Hunahpu Although, due to the humid climate of Central America, relatively few Mayan paintings have survived to the present day integrally, important remnants have been found in nearly all major court residences. This is especially the case in substructures, hidden under later architectural additions. Mural paintings may show more or less repetitive motifs, such as the subtly varied flower symbols on walls of House E of the Palenque Palace; scenes of daily life, as in one of the buildings surrounding the central square of Calakmul and in a palace of Chilonche; or ritual scenes involving deities, as in the Post- Classic temple murals of Yucatán's and Belize's east coast (Tancah, Tulum, Santa Rita).Miller 1982; Gann 1900 They may also evince a more narrative character, usually with hieroglyphic captions present.
The site includes at least three major mounds and a large semi-circular moat/ditch. While much of the mounds were razed to be used as road fill for the expansion of the Georgia State Route 113 and Georgia State Route 61 in the 1940s, significant portions of the site remain. Several sites on nearby Ladds Mountain were integrally associated with Leake, including Shaw Mound, a stone burial mound; Indian Fort, a stone wall enclosure; and Ladds Cave, a large cave. Examples of a type of pottery decoration consisting of a diamond-shaped checks found at Leake Mounds are also known from Hopewell sites in Ohio (such as Seip, Rockhold, Harness, and Turner), the Mann Site in southern Indiana, as well as other sites in the South such as the Miner's Creek site, 9HY98, and Mandeville Site in Georgia, and the Yearwood site in southern Tennessee.
According to some writers, the concept of a distinct category of fine art is an invention of the early modern period in the West. Larry Shiner in his The Invention of Art: A Cultural History (2003) locates the invention in the 18th century: "There was a traditional "system of the arts" in the West before the eighteenth century. (Other traditional cultures still have a similar system.) In that system, an artist or artisan was a skilled maker or practitioner, a work of art was the useful product of skilled work, and the appreciation of the arts was integrally connected with their role in the rest of life. "Art", in other words, meant approximately the same thing as the Greek word techne, or in English "skill", a sense that has survived in phrases like "the art of war", "the art of love", and "the art of medicine.
Almost simultaneously, was built the Students Residence, with a capacity of approximately 82 beds, implanted next to the Main Square and the IST facilities, allowing the students and young researchers from other parts of the country and from abroad to be lodged in the Taguspark, contributing with their presence for the vitality of the central area. The concept of the Main Square constitutes the initial stage of requalification and revitalization process of the central zone of the Taguspark. The goal is to create an integrally pedestrian Square, a space for meeting, interaction and accomplishment of urban entertainment events, combining culture, creativity and technological innovation. The space will allow the accomplishment of open- air concerts, street theatre, sculpture expositions, fashion parades, presentation of new products with stimulating thematic for the users of the Taguspark – Future, Knowledge, Innovation, Creativity, Sustainability, bringing life to the center of Taguspark.
But only the union > legally recognized by, and subject to, the control of the State has the > right to legally represent the entire category of employers or employees by > which it is constituted [...]; or to stipulate collective labor contracts > binding on all those belonging to the category; or to impose on them dues, > or to exercise on their behalf delegate functions of public interest." Article 4: > "In the collective labor contract is found the concrete expression of the > solidarity of the various makers of the product, by means of the > conciliation of the opposing interests of the employers and the workers, and > their subordination to the superior interests of production." Article 6: > "Legally recognized professional associations insure the legal equality > between employers and workers, maintain the discipline of production and > work, and promotes its perfection. Corporations constitute the unitary > organizations of production and integrally represent its interests [...].
Cox Pistons Pre and post 1957 The early engines that were produced before 1957 had a light alloy piston rod which is retained in its socket by a slotted steel retaining cup which in turn is held in place by a steel circlip located in a shallow groove in the interior piston wall. This arrangement (known as a three-piece piston) was abandoned as of 1957 in favour of a hardened steel rod that was swaged into a bearing cup formed integrally in the piston interior. The advantage of this latter set-up was that it simplified assembly and the bearing could be re-set to take up play using a suitable "reset" tool to re-swage the cup.Keilkraft Cobra 049 and the British 1/2A Revolution by Adrian Duncan The engines that used the early-style three- piece piston are any engines produced prior to 1957, i.e.
They finished last in the National League West Division for their first six years of existence and lost over 100 games four times (and 99 games once); the team's high-water mark during Bavasi's nine- year term as club president was 73 wins (). Poor attendance forced majority owner C. Arnholdt Smith to put the Padres up for sale in 1973 and almost drove them to transfer to Washington, D.C. But fast-food magnate Ray Kroc stepped in and saved the Padres for San Diego, and attendance perked up beginning in 1974, Kroc's first season as owner. Although veteran minor league executive Eddie Leishman held the title of general manager during the team's early seasons, Bavasi was integrally involved in baseball decisions. After the 1972 season, he promoted his son Peter from farm system director to GM, and the younger Bavasi drafted future Hall of Famer Dave Winfield with the club's first-round pick in the 1973 Major League Baseball Draft.
As Gaspar Frutuoso wrote: :"...the locality of Relva, obtained its name, because in the olden times there existed this good weed, and there it used to be called commonly Relva; and the residents of the city ordered send to this part, in that field, their cattle, because that they thought was good food for them, telling their children and shepherds that brought their bulls to Relva, now its courtyard." Eventually, farmers began to graze their herds in the region where they encountered lands with thick grasses: relva, the Portuguese word for grass, as the region became known, was used to describe this place, because this settlers found plenty of this boa erva (). The first settlers, where likely farmers and shepherds, integrally linked to the land, although no records identify the peoples. The locality of Relva became more of a reality as settlers concentrated around the estates of Martim Vaz, a celebrated nobleman and local receiver (who collected the rents from the local serfs).
The purpose of National Bison Day is to encourage celebration of the American Bison, also commonly known as the American buffalo, a North American species of bison that once roamed the grasslands of North America in massive herds, became nearly extinct by a combination of commercial Bison hunting and slaughter in the 19th century and introduction of bovine diseases from domestic cattle. As noted in Senate resolutions, bison are considered a historical symbol of the United States, and were integrally linked with the economic and spiritual lives of many Indian tribes through trade and sacred ceremonies. Bison can also play an important role in improving the types of grasses found in landscapes to the benefit of grasslands and hold significant economic value for private producers and rural communities. In addition to organizing, sponsoring and attending local bison- related events and celebrations, the Beards for Bison campaign encouraged supporters to discuss National Bison Day on social media via hashtags and selfies.
Title II AWC TM-Amphibian "S" integrally- suppressed variant used by U.S. Navy SEALs Volquartsen profiled slab side V-Comp compensator, reflex sight mounted on a Volquartsen Weaver-style rail, in precision-crowned barrel, and checkered thumb-rest target grips Some special variants that command higher prices are the Government Target Model, a model that was used for pistol training and competition by the United States Army, and the Red Eagle models, which were made from 1949 to the year of company co-founder Alexander Sturm's death, in 1951. The Red Eagle models had the Ruger logo in red on a silver background. Since then, the Ruger logo on the grip panels has been either black on silver or silver on black, with the exception of a special 50th Anniversary model that had a silver eagle on a red background. The top of the line Government Target Model comes with a bull barrel and wood thumb-rest target grips.
Volvo B7LA The Volvo B7L was a fully low floor single-decker bus, double- decker bus and articulated bus chassis with a rear engine mounted vertically on the left of the rear overhang, it was built as a replacement for the Volvo B10L, and the Volvo Olympian. It was used as both a single-decker bus and a double-decker bus chassis largely in Continental Europe. The B7L was also available as an integrally-constructed Volvo bus - the Volvo 5000 (later renumbered 7500, with aluminium structure) and Volvo 7000 (later renumbered 7700, with stainless steel structure). Whilst similar to the B10L in design, both featuring a side-mounted engine, the B7L's engine was a Volvo D7C unit mounted vertically, as opposed to the horizontally mounted Volvo DH10/GH10 engine of the B10L; the radiator was mounted above the engine instead of the right-hand side, allowing the floor to be lower behind the rear axle.
It follows that the algebraic integers in F form a ring denoted OF called the ring of integers of F. It is a subring of (that is, a ring contained in) F. A field contains no zero divisors and this property is inherited by any subring, so the ring of integers of F is an integral domain. The field F is the field of fractions of the integral domain OF. This way one can get back and forth between the algebraic number field F and its ring of integers OF. Rings of algebraic integers have three distinctive properties: firstly, OF is an integral domain that is integrally closed in its field of fractions F. Secondly, OF is a Noetherian ring. Finally, every nonzero prime ideal of OF is maximal or, equivalently, the Krull dimension of this ring is one. An abstract commutative ring with these three properties is called a Dedekind ring (or Dedekind domain), in honor of Richard Dedekind, who undertook a deep study of rings of algebraic integers.
The lightweight demand helmets in general use by surface-supplied divers are integrally ballasted for neutral buoyancy in the water, so they do not float off the diver's head or pull upwards on the neck, but the larger volume free-flow helmets would be too heavy and cumbersome if they had all the required weight built in. Therefore, they are either ballasted after dressing the diver by fastening weights to the lower parts of the helmet assembly, so the weight is carried on the shoulders when out of the water, or the helmet may be held down by a jocking strap and the harness weights provide the ballast. The traditional copper helmet and corselet were generally weighted by suspending a large weight from support points on the front and back of the corselet, and the diver often also wore weighted boots to assist in remaining upright. The US Navy Mk V standard diving system used a heavy weighted belt buckled around the waist, suspended by shoulder straps which crossed over the breastplate of the helmet, directly transferring the load to the buoyant helmet when immersed, but with a relatively low centre of gravity.
With the reform, the Psalter was once again recited integrally each week without suppressing the feasts of saints; the proper liturgy of Sundays and weekdays was restored; the readings of Holy Scripture proper to the seasons of the year were privileged. Each day, therefore, had its own psalms, as arranged in the new Psalter, except certain feast days, about 125 in number, viz., all those of Christ and their octaves, the Sundays within the octaves of the Nativity, Epiphany, Ascension, Corpus Christi, the vigil of the Epiphany, and the day after the octave of the Ascension, when the office is of these days; the Vigil of the Nativity from Lauds to None and the Vigil of Pentecost; all the feasts of the Blessed Virgin, of the Angels, St John the Baptist, St Joseph and the Apostles, as well as doubles of the first and second class and their entire octaves. The office for the last three days of Holy Week remained unchanged, except that the psalms for Lauds were from the corresponding days of the week in the Psalter, and for Compline those of Sunday.
While economic growth is attractive, it alone cannot increase the welfare of Indian people and growth pursued in this matter will not only not bring about long term growth, but it will kill people in the process and make India uninhabitable. Amartya Sen and Jean Drèze discuss these tensions, acknowledging "issues of economic development in India have to be seen in the larger context of the demands of democracy and social justice." They push back against India's preoccupation with simply increasing its GDP per capita, as such a metric is limited in scope and fails to capture what is being done with that increase in wealth, who is benefitting from it, and whether people's lives are materially improving. They write: > Those who dream about India becoming an economic superpower, even with its > huge proportion of undernourished children, lack of systematic health care, > extremely deficient school education, and half the homes without toilets > (forcing half of all Indians to practise open defecation), have to > reconsider not only the reach of their understanding of the mutual > relationship between growth and development, but also their appreciation of > the demands of social justice, which is integrally linked with the expansion > of human freedoms.
The foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains at the north slope of the San Fernando Valley were seen as "an unattractive and apparently worthless waste" before 2,000 acres of them were transformed in the late 1890s by the Los Angeles Olive Growers Association."Los Angeles Olive Growers' Association," Los Angeles Times, January 9, 1898, page 19 One observer recalled that the land had been "a mass of ill-looking chapparel [sic] and chemisal"[sic] before it was planted with olives.Joseph D. Lynch, "Olive Culture in Southern California," Los Angeles Herald Sunday Supplement, December 31, 1905 Branch of a Mission olive tree Newspaper advertisement featuring Sylmar olives, 1920 Advertising for Sylmar olives on San Fernando Road, 1939 In 1893, a group of Illinois businessmen purchased from the trustees of the Maclay ranch either 1,000 or 2,000 acres (the sources differ) east of the railroad tracks on San Fernando Road just south of Roxford Street and in 1894 began planting olives trees on up to 1,700 acres.Ira Gribin, "Northernmost Town Integrally Tied to Development of Valley," Los Angeles Times, June 20, 1981, page WS-B-17Another version states that in 1907 Paul Miltimore and F.D. Butterfield "formed a company and purchased 2000 acres," of which 1,200 acres were planted in olive trees.
The Filipino American Studies Program (FAST) began as a direct result of a request from the newly appointed Director of Asian American Studies, Larry Hajime Shinagawa. During the Fall of 2006, he asked Jonathan Sterlin and the executive board of the Filipino Cultural Association, who played a substantial role in the establishment of the University of Maryland's Asian American Studies Department, to lead this endeavor with the following three goals in mind: # To enhance the diversity of the University's course offerings by educating the campus community about the role Filipino Americans have played throughout the history of the United States and examining the culture, societal contributions, and contemporary experiences of Filipino Americans; # To partner with the Asian American Studies Department and representatives from the greater Filipino American community to develop the curriculum; and # To serve as a model for other ethnic groups to follow in the future development of diversity offerings at this University as well as other post-secondary institutions throughout the country. The Filipino American Studies Program is integrally linked to the Asian American Studies Department at the University of Maryland, College Park whose mission is to provide students with the opportunity to study the experiences of Asian Americans critically.
In the end of the 16th century, the circumstances lead to the disappearing of profane music in Portugal and a taking over by religious music. There are economical and political factors, like the troubles to keep the Portuguese conquests in Morocco and the competition led by Venetians and Turks (later by Dutch and English) to the spice trade, which leads to the closing of the Portuguese feitoria (which was a kind of "spice supermarket") in Antwerp. In cultural terms, the influence of the Counter-Reformation in Portugal is enormous: i) João III introduces the Inquisition in Portugal in 1536; his brother Henrique will be the first General Inquisitor; ii) the Jesuits come to Portugal in 1540 and soon start teaching in their own colleges in Coimbra and Lisbon. In 1555, they are in charge of the Arts College in Coimbra (the superior school in Portugal with most prestige), after the expulsion by the Inquisition of its most reputed teachers (like André de Gouveia); iii) the Portuguese church participated actively in the Council of Trent and, in 1564, Portugal becomes the only Catholic country where the council decisions (namely those concerning the musical practice in the church) are integrally published as laws.
Despite the problems indicated above this type of pump can contain most of the necessary circuit controls integrally (the swash-plate angle control) to regulate flow and pressure, be very reliable and allow the rest of the hydraulic system to be very simple and inexpensive. Axial piston pumps are used to power the hydraulic systems of jet aircraft, being gear-driven off of the turbine engine's main shaft, The system used on the F-14 used a 9-piston pump that produced a standard system operating pressure of 3000 psi and a maximum flow of 84 gallons per minute. Automotive air conditioning compressors for cabin cooling are nowadays mostly based around the axial piston pump design (others are based on the scroll compressor or rotary vane pump ones instead) in order to contain their weight and space requirement in the vehicle's engine bay and reduce vibrations. They're available in fixed displacement and dynamically adjusted variable displacement variants, and, depending upon the compressor's design, the actual rotating swashplate either directly drives a set of pistons mated to its edges through a set of hemispherical metal shoes, or a nutating plate on which a set of pistons are mounted by means of rods.

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