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748 Sentences With "hierarchies"

How to use hierarchies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hierarchies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hierarchies". Mastering all the usages of "hierarchies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Why, precisely, would rendering all hierarchies transparent lead to these hierarchies' disappearance?
There are always going be hierarchies in relationships, and there are going to be male-female hierarchies until we someday manage to overcome that situation.
But as the American public demands ever-increasing individual visibility, the traditional hierarchies of celebrity, and the distribution of power defined by those hierarchies, have dissolved.
Social dominance orientation refers to a psychological drive to maintain oneself and one's social group at the top of social hierarchies, including hierarchies by race, gender, and immigration status.
But cats are solitary animals that don't have social hierarchies.
There are hierarchies and threads reserved only for established members.
Through her work, she's attempting to demolish racial hierarchies altogether.
As a result, it breaks down hierarchies and encourages innovation.
Krauss is not alone in her need to construct hierarchies.
But by upsetting hierarchies, modernity can also exacerbate old tensions.
Women are often underrepresented at the top levels of academic hierarchies.
Both have separate hierarchies and each has its own command structure.
"We get a sense of the hierarchies of history," Farber said.
He evokes an America with traditional racial and gender hierarchies restored.
Until just recently, some experts believed these societies were strict hierarchies.
I would love to dismantle the hierarchies that negatively impact lives.
They were going to flatten the hierarchies of the physical world.
During such intimate moments, outside of organized hierarchies, "Sacred" succeeds most.
None of them warrant a mention in discussions of racial hierarchies.
None of them warrant a mention in discussions of racial hierarchies.
It's just going to eliminate those hierarchies from the physical world.
Because when we "unify" those white-supremacist hierarchies tend to play out.
It subverts structures that privilege top-down hierarchies from composer to performer.
None of the burials exhibited conspicuous signs of hierarchies or social inequalities.
It's as if he is attempting to upend hierarchies with his work.
Old hierarchies that once structured the Democratic nomination fight no longer exist.
And they tend to reproduce the hierarchies of whatever community they serve.
The movie is about recognizing these hierarchies of race, class, and privilege.
The recipes underpinning these individual information hierarchies are only abstractly alluded to.
Many large tech companies have their own internal hierarchies and promotion tracks.
To go further and consider ourselves on a geological level ruptures hierarchies.
Junior faculty, too, are just as vulnerable in this system of hierarchies.
They may chase each other or fight to maintain their strict hierarchies.
It rebuffs the racial hierarchies found, for instance, in Edouard Manet's Olympia.
Dazed and Confused shows how social hierarchies can flatten into common ground.
The legislation proposes funding research into how academic hierarchies promotes sexual harassment.
Thematically, I'm interested in the intersection of race, imperialism, and social hierarchies.
The alt-right believes the world should be ordered into strict hierarchies.
It was kind of brutal, because men have to develop their hierarchies.
Hierarchies were smashed, the wisdom of crowd was applied and transparency reigned.
The problem, however, is he doesn't seem to realize those hierarchies exist.
Just as important, it swept away all the old hierarchies and mystifications.
Genet's writings uncover the perverse anarchies that operate within well-ordered hierarchies.
We also tended toward animals that had social hierarchies that we could dominate.
There are hierarchies in literature, and chick lit is at the very bottom.
So I don't think we can say that the internet has flattened hierarchies.
It reverses interpretative hierarchies, giving primacy to the hermeneutical process over its consummation.
This was a surprise for us: same building blocks, different scales and hierarchies.
Like pretty much every high school, Belmont High had its cliques and hierarchies.
There are two hierarchies: that of the custodians, and that of the therapists.
Instead old traditions and hierarchies are the real threats because they perpetuate discrimination.
Goth is a subculture, many point out, that has no hierarchies, no rules.
The "Inner Circle" is another unconventional meeting room: There are no hierarchies here.
Immigration law often embeds into law racial hierarchies already present in American culture.
We must define power in a way that liberates us from patriarchy's hierarchies.
It has labor-management issues, logistics, legal hassles, risk-reward calculations and hierarchies.
There is reason, after all, to mistrust the social hierarchies that sustain it.
The lyrics confront domestic violence, sexism, racial hierarchies, homophobia, the ennui of displacement.
But the goal has consistently been to preserve existing social hierarchies and privileges.
As an aesthetic project, it is also about questioning received hierarchies of value.
Though far too small, this retrospective nonetheless manages to obliterate modernism's orderly hierarchies.
Art promoted and shored up the hierarchies on which a culture was built.
The universities have become modern cathedrals, where social hierarchies are defined and reinforced.
Eugenics policies were shaped by entrenched hierarchies of race, class, gender and ability.
They're a constant reminder of the status hierarchies that have emerged from social networks.
The work is so beautiful it unhinges the hierarchies with which we approach things.
If there is a novelty, it lies partly in the crushing of old hierarchies.
Hierarchies per se—of class, race and gender—breed dependency and corrupt all parties.
PB: The Pattern and Decoration movement addressed perceived hierarchies between stylistic choices in art.
You create your own idea of a society, the way things will work, hierarchies.
It might also rearrange patterns of funding, for they, too, often reflect established hierarchies.
Above all, these lessons teach students that hierarchies are not only natural but necessary.
Uncovering it requires a willingness to examine the preference hierarchies of America's principal enemies.
They are part of the right's broader strategy to bolster hierarchies by using terms
She was trying to understand how hierarchies of esteem could be compatible with equality.
They shared an opposition to the war, societal norms and hierarchies in the arts.
He saw an England racked by economic tumult, with old social hierarchies seriously shaken.
Like her sister, Bradley prizes autonomy as a technique of empowerment against institutional hierarchies.
Both seek to reinforce and re-establish hierarchies that were beginning to lose force.
From "Apollo," Ms. Holzinger has ejected the central male presence and its attendant hierarchies.
The social hierarchies of the colony were complicated, and would only become more so.
But then conventional hierarchies asserted themselves, and women were mostly barred from religious leadership.
Does delegating labor to other makers critique or perpetuate hierarchies between "art" and "craft"?
Just as Cunningham broke down disciplinary hierarchies (dance is equal to art is equal to music) and bodily hierarchies (elbows are as interesting as faces or feet), he also sought to open up and level space: make everywhere and nowhere center stage.
Dutch consulting firm Apemanagement prompts managers to reflect on their leadership by observing ape hierarchies.
Hierarchies used to work in smaller kingdoms but since the 1980s there's been a breakdown.
Fighting polio became almost like a program of social inclusion, cutting through India's socioeconomic hierarchies.
Schulz points out that we are always relying on classic memory hierarchies to support demand.
It breaks down the traditional hierarchies of the market and it becomes a social sculpture.
One is an obsession with procedures and hierarchies and a disdain for service and outcomes.
In college, the previously awkward and despised Marianne ably navigates social hierarchies, while Connell flails.
Religious hierarchies were shaken as society realized the spark of consciousness existed in each individual.
Yet their algorithms indisputably create hierarchies of information — which they also distribute at vast scale.
A colorful montage of various adolescents from different social strata establishes the beach town's hierarchies.
It values the preservation of traditional racial and sexual hierarchies over fuzzier notions of wholesomeness.
Economic dislocation, changes in social hierarchies and demographic change can all produce the same effect.
"Discretionary mechanisms and co-operation in hierarchies: An experimental study", Journal of Economic Psychology 74
As social hierarchies shift, so do the rules of what can and cannot be said.
We can't interrogate racial hierarchies in the church, because what if white people feel bad?
Leadership development, then, requires identifying important problems and working together—up, down, and across hierarchies.
The book is simply emblematic of a larger set of hierarchies that price people out.
Through social media, people can challenge old hierarchies, deciding when and how they convey their message.
The dream of the '90s was a digital utopia that left such categorizations and hierarchies behind.
He effortlessly created stage hierarchies; specialized in effects of grandeur, scale and formality; and glorified women.
"Institutions are bound to internal hierarchies that aren't easy to maneuver," Dolle told me by email.
Its frictionless surface is composed of the obsolete hierarchies that have been melted by the Internet.
At all levels of company hierarchies, that means failing to take full advantage of employees' abilities.
You had to go through all the different hierarchies of your career to get to television.
The clips share a power and energy while exploring movement and the hierarchies implicit in performance.
They are also agents of traditional hierarchies — racial, political and corporate — which they work to maintain.
As such, the festival is an inherent act of defiance against any attempt to cement hierarchies.
These people hold the airport together, weave their own fabric of work, have their own hierarchies.
By your C.E.O.'s work station: Flatten hierarchies by sobbing in front of your company leader.
Peterson argues that humans are very much like lobsters: Our hierarchies are determined by our behaviors.
Johnson's main contention is that capitalism is a system of unjustifiable hierarchies that restrains humanity's potential.
Mr. Duterte's antidrug campaign masterfully builds on the popular view that there are hierarchies of misery.
It's egalitarian, flattening ballet's traditional hierarchies, with principal dancers often costumed the same as everyone else.
"It has to do with the oppressive hierarchies being challenged in so many ways," Grimstad agreed.
The field also suffers from its rigid hierarchies and its lack of gender and racial diversity.
Feminist groups pointed out sexist practices, such as male dominance of the microphone or power hierarchies.
But these hierarchies of value and grief are not inevitable or immutable, Butler tells her readers.
She respects few hierarchies, follows her instincts, and speaks her truth, as the young kids say.
The landscapes and social hierarchies and characters of the work are dystopian and ugly, but not hopeless.
Dominance hierarchies have been studied for decades in many species like non-human primates (macaques, chimpanzees, etc).
Within that Whitmanesque openness, Ferlignhetti's poetry mounts an assault on the hierarchies of the American 20013th century.
So, essentially, the hierarchies of information that Google's algorithms create can and do surface or sediment information.
But its core algorithmic approach to programming the hierarchies of content on its platform has not changed.
Though most of our participants made a primary/secondary distinction, not all polyamorists believe in relationship hierarchies.
In an industry of elite cliques and hierarchies, few can truly advocate for radical change from within.
South Korea is notorious for its suffocating workplace hierarchies based on age, sex and length of service.
In many cases, the "collapse" of civilizations also meant dismantling the elite: the religious hierarchies, the government.
His protagonists become expressive individuals, yet they inhabit a world where hierarchies are fixed and freedoms circumscribed.
"Of course there are anxieties, it's not an easy undertaking" to overcome VW's management hierarchies, he said.
Just like any other bureaucracy, such groups have clearly delineated hierarchies, internal rules and divisions of responsibility.
The internet preserved many of the same biases and hierarchies Haraway so desperately hoped we could escape.
But they have faced tough resistance from traditional male hierarchies in translating those victories into actual rights.
Those were my guideposts in working with corporate CEOs and movie directors' and just general client hierarchies.
Virginia Lee Montgomery toys with the psychic space in which abjection is gendered, playfully prodding erotic hierarchies.
Prisoners often form their own unspoken hierarchies, acquiring authority by preying on new inmates to gain power.
Baseball's veteran hierarchies and unwritten rules have long prized conformity and dismissed displays of individuality as showboating.
The movie's truest insights have to do with the hierarchies and rivalries within his new friendship group.
The tradition held sway on these shores for generations, a ritualized affair that underscored hierarchies and borders.
As A24 grows, it will become harder to avoid the clash of egos and calcification into hierarchies.
Authoritarians prize order, stability, and hierarchies and feel threatened by social changes that upend the status quo.
It's no secret that medical training is grueling: long hours, little sleep, rigid hierarchies, steep learning curves.
Was it their wacky theology, or their disregard for traditional gender roles, racial hierarchies and capitalist values?
Humans soon unify as a species, formally abolishing money and all hierarchies of race, gender and class.
Both the government and the powerful Russian Orthodox church commend traditional family hierarchies, which privilege the man.
There are also repeat reminders that institutionalized sexist and racist power hierarchies persist savagely at the bottom.
But its view of religion is open enough to admit that people still get something out of believing in something bigger than themselves, that the structures and hierarchies the church provides don't easily track with any other social institution, even if those structures and hierarchies are prone to abuse.
THE HEADQUARTERS OF Western tech giants are typically horizontal affairs, in keeping with their supposedly flat corporate hierarchies.
You can view your files in icons, lists, and now columns, so you can dig through file hierarchies.
It not only echoes but reinforces the very hierarchies that allow rape culture to persist all around us.
Unrelated Google search terms, assorted mediums, 2018: Office hierarchies are delicate things governed by unwritten, spiderweb-like rules.
The Fridays for Future activists reject formal hierarchies and believe all voices should have equal say in decisions.
Cottonmouth and Black Mariah are cast as the staunch traditionalists, gatekeepers trying to keep the old hierarchies intact.
What makes Mona a monster is the dizzyingly complex power structure of teen girl friendships and social hierarchies.
Organizationally, this can be achieved by constructing horizontal networks where there were once more stacked seniority-based hierarchies.
To this avail, the team made changes to TensorFlow to make it easier to consider models as hierarchies.
In the private sector, too, there is growing awareness of the shortage of women in the corporate hierarchies.
European conservatism evolved in defense of established institutions, orders and hierarchies, often nobility, often monarchy, often established churches.
"Unbossing" companies by reinventing outdated management hierarchies is the key to leadership success, according to one chief executive.
Later, the libertarian ideologies of Silicon Valley celebrated the anarchic entrepreneur as a force disrupting stable corporate hierarchies.
Their hierarchies were flatter and perhaps looser, and, compared to laborers on the grain corvée, they seem free.
To become a man in this society meant acquiescing to a world of rigid hierarchies and coded aggression.
Consumers evolve, corporate hierarchies adjust and sometimes cease to exist altogether in favour of a more dynamic structure.
The twentieth-century corrective—a corporate workplace of rules, hierarchies, collective bargaining, triplicate forms—brought its own unfairnesses.
One fat chapter in ''Journey'' explains Tibet's political and religious hierarchies, the judiciary and the structure of taxation.
That's how far you have to go to get away from the monetary / scarcity hierarchies of our world.
"People, not nature, are responsible for turning the natural diversity of human beings into oppressive hierarchies," Anderson wrote.
I try not to get caught up in the politics and hierarchies on their side of the table.
So 'Aida' can tell us a lot about our world — about hierarchies, about social situations, about religious situations.
The data points offer crucial insight into the economic hierarchies inside some of the world's most prestigious museums.
In Professor Ferguson's telling, these networks are invariably co-opted by reconstituted hierarchies and the process begins again.
The critical questions relate to the network's key characteristics and how it interacts with other networks and hierarchies.
Liberal democracy is designed to flatten out social hierarchies, making this kind of majoritarian backlash all but inevitable.
What "America" you get depends in part on where you fit into existing American racial hierarchies and inequities.
In Russia, informal hierarchies tend to prevail over formal rules and procedures, or so we have long thought.
" This story "comes with an exhilarating ideology of flattening hierarchies, disrupting systems, discarding old elites and empowering individuals.
It's an acknowledgment that our ways of doing things and our hierarchies of value are up for grabs.
Waiting rooms have long been a reminder of social hierarchies, as those with money and power rarely wait.
As we now know, cyberspace did not liberate human society from pre-existing socioeconomic hierarchies and power structures.
N.L.: How might a posthumanist approach to undoing interspecies hierarchies intervene with structures of violence among humans themselves?
They were loose molecules unattached to party hierarchies—more individualistic than the Democrats, more antibusiness than the Republicans.
We have to bring together very different staff from the other side of old hierarchies and established structures.
The #MeToo movement has shown that unchecked power in male-dominated hierarchies can fuel gendered abuse in any industry.
They fail to distinguish (or perhaps to care about) laws that level hierarchies and boundaries and push against conformity.
Memo-driven hierarchies, reply-all email chains, and "new cover sheets on your TPS reports" are partly to blame.
The group has tackled issues like politics, deconstruction of social hierarchies, challenging power structures, peace, and feminism among others.
This time the authors' argument focuses on status anxiety: stress related to fears about individuals' places in social hierarchies.
They're trained to impose their will on others, obey strict hierarchies, physically dominate, and are rewarded for doing so.
But it's hard to shake the sense that it's not really technology's job to improve human hierarchies; it's democracy's.
For example, he seems to think that because social hierarchies are natural, they must therefore be desirable or just.
"Goldstein described this show in terms of traditional art exhibition hierarchies (privileging male contributions, omitting female ones)," Dickson writes.
Anger over economic stagnation and reputed graft within the clerical and security hierarchies has been building since last month.
The scene was much more expansive, and the gap between different tiers of the competitive hierarchies had significantly shrunk.
Facebook has long been accused of encouraging a narrowing of personal perspective via its user-engagement focused content hierarchies.
His general desire to exist above traditional hierarchies is ironically both what makes him great and a massive headache.
It's difficult to discuss the state of work today without dissecting workplace power hierarchies and the cultures they permit.
Tech CEOs like to think of their companies as open, horizontal organizations that reject entrenched bureaucracy and corporate hierarchies.
You don't hear any talk about racial hierarchies when you look at those chipper advertisements for 270andMe or
Mohamedi's art only reinforces established hierarchies of taste and art, while only offering a geographically expanded version of them.
This not only creates perceived hierarchies between people of similar backgrounds; it revives histories of colonialism, slavery, and hatred.
Qandeel, with her kohl-rimmed eyes and whispering sexual soliloquies, challenged the age-old hierarchies of modern-day Pakistan.
Rigid hierarchies, from the king to the pauper, were maintained by an arcane system of debts, favors, and gifts.
" Moss is sharply skeptical about historical re-enactment, especially the kind romanticized by men who seek lost "gender hierarchies.
Statuary is not forever, and a monument that appears to glorify racial hierarchies should be retired from public view.
These stories tell of outsiders navigating hierarchies propped up by race and class while making new homes in exile.
This sort of encounter was happening constantly as people engaged naturally, acting outside the established hierarchies and power structures.
He chose lobsters because they have hierarchies and are a very ancient species, and are also invertebrates with serotonin.
For a long time, black people have deployed slavery-derived hierarchies as a social and psycho-political sorting mechanism.
They, too, were sensitive to the humble pronoun's ability to reinforce hierarchies by encoding invidious distinctions into language itself.
Think about it this way: We're all sensitive to social hierarchies and to a desire for approval and esteem.
Through the lenses of social dominance orientation and authoritarianism, they notice only laws that justify group hierarchies, boundaries, and conformity.
Workplaces create their own hierarchies, regardless of whether the aim of the operation is to help people or make money.
The caste system is officially abolished in India but social hierarchies often contribute to crime and atrocities across the country.
"Of course there are anxieties, it's not an easy undertaking" to overcome VW's long tradition of management hierarchies, he said.
Ms Maclean uses existing templates—advertising, social media, animations—to show how technological development can create or cement social hierarchies.
"Larger companies are trying to flatten hierarchies, pay more attention to teams, and function like an innovative startups," he says.
On the ship there are clearly demarcated hierarchies, and from day one I was the incongruous one, which I enjoyed.
While the Jumex seeks to assert its cultural relevance, it's arguably sabotaging itself by celebrating traditional taxonomies, binaries, and hierarchies.
" At its core, this philosophy "rejects the authority of top-down hierarchies and replaces them with bottom-up, generative processes.
It dangles before us the tantalizing notion of a world where our most entrenched social hierarchies can be put aside.
Meanwhile, the old norms of gender roles and hierarchies have not disappeared, and may conflict with new demands for accountability.
She had always treated the most formal outfit with a certain throwaway ease, and had no truck with traditional hierarchies.
In the 2000s, Mr. Overstreet increasingly mixed media — spray paint, fabric, shaped supports — as if to break down Modernist hierarchies.
The animating impulse of Trump's campaign — the beating heart of "Make America Great Again" — was a defense of traditional hierarchies.
Your shows are about how these little urban hierarchies work and how decisions can have devastating consequences down the chain.
There was complex hierarchies with mid-level managers and workers who reported to other workers who reported to other workers.
Other presidents configured their White House hierarchies to mirror experiences in statehouses, on campaigns or at the heads of armies.
A swooning, love-at-first-sight experience, it rarely takes into account social hierarchies, societal expectations or even basic commonalities.
The industry could not aggregate risk because they had no universal identification of counterparties or their hierarchies of business ownership.
"Apes**t," by Jay-Z and Beyoncé (recording as the Carters), is a lush fantasia about dismantling old power hierarchies.
"The current picture of identity on the internet is that the individual is underneath those existing hierarchies of identifiers," she says.
Josh, Wesley, and Angelica frequently describe the social ordering and hierarchies that are used to categorize their place among their peers.
The cavaliers, servants, and slaves migration to Tidewater Virginia obviously still shapes the Deep South's entrenched hierarchies of race and class.
As an adult, I'm still fascinated by social hierarchies; as a sex worker, my class studies have become a competitive skill.
So it goes for countless other Japanese employees, many of whom work in white-collar jobs that come with rigid hierarchies.
We also create these hierarchies that you can see in the tool — we have two, or three, or five main categories.
Valve is a famously opaque company, whose corporate structure is often described as being "flat", without traditional hierarchies or team organizations.
Or is it also a defender of hard-won democratic norms like pluralism and tolerance, and against racial hierarchies and authoritarianism?
" Morris explained: "For a long time, black people have deployed slavery-derived hierarchies as a social and psycho-political sorting mechanism.
Most are collections of departmental silos that do not communicate much with each other, held together by complex hierarchies and rules.
But at my school, guys and girls totally conflated money with popularity and sexual hierarchies; it was kind of messed-up.
Both are well-worn paths to what's really at stake: the way American culture cultivates racial and gender hierarchies through music.
As with most arbitrarily enforced hierarchies and advanced and hard-to-understand memes, the people behind We Rate Lizards are teens.
Accounting for years of wrongdoing is costly, and dismantling hierarchies that fostered harm can lead, in the short term, to chaos.
Within this model, we can imagine that the boards of our various hierarchies are doing some work for the public good.
They too felt that change was possible and reveled in a new sexual and cultural freedom that challenged Mexico's strict hierarchies.
As much as Viennese balls mirror their city's complex history, intricate social hierarchies and political affiliations, they are also big business.
WM: But, you know, there is a lot of thinking about the difference between men and women, and canons and hierarchies.
His Covent Garden shop was a central-city hangout and haven from the ambient racism and class hierarchies of the time.
Lewandowski's journey from obscure New Hampshire political operative to celebrity power broker was emblematic of how Trump's election scrambled Washington's hierarchies.
The Money Issue In the aisles of the American supermarket, hierarchies arise and collapse with the velocity of soap-opera drama.
Critic's pick A new film about a schoolgirl's erotic obsession examines the social hierarchies of midcentury Haiti and present-day France.
"Heritage shapes black professionals' experience of the workplace in profound ways," the report says, contributing to hierarchies that are rarely discussed.
On the other hand, the idea of challenging petrified art world hierarchies and protocols of exclusion with active contemplation never ends.
That said, he's critical of democracy because he thinks of it is a leveling device, as a rejection of natural hierarchies.
Likewise, evangelical critics have pointed out the way in which narratives of "forgiveness" also serve to reinforce toxic hierarchies of gender.
Across this stack of two nooks, McKean references the evolution of naturalism in art to challenge artificial hierarchies between antiquity and novelty.
Alignment of creditor hierarchies across member states will reduce the risk of legal challenges, particularly for resolution of cross-border banking groups.
Humans domesticated themselves as well as their crops and animals, creating space for the drudgery of subsistence agriculture and oppressive political hierarchies.
The Wickverse is a wildly creative, elaborately detailed pulp realm of rules, codes of conduct, Masonic hierarchies, and even old-world civility.
Becca can speak more to the significance of the womens' tapes -- but for me it was about tangibly deconstructing our inherent hierarchies.
Whether it successfully breaks down cultural hierarchies, or is simply a secret code for the already art-initiated is up for debate.
Authoritarians, as political scientists use the term, prioritize social order and hierarchies, which bring a sense of control to a chaotic world.
His office, Mr. O'Brien recalled, was lined with photos of gangsters and charts showing the hierarchies of New York's major crime families.
Old hierarchies crumbled, colonial relationships began loosening, and the role of religion in historically Christian countries altered in complex and unpredictable ways.
" The book dived deeply into the hierarchies and language among grifters and served as a source for the 1973 film "The Sting.
Later on, evolutionary humanists and monists replaced God's order with "scientific" anthropologies, then constructed racial hierarchies and put white Europeans on top.
Offshore borders take different forms in different countries, varying with states' political institutions, cultural histories, geography, and positions in international, geopolitical hierarchies.
In 1776, the founders rejected the old idea that government should be based on hierarchies according to wealth or birth or religion.
San Francisco was then moving past its old class hierarchies, remaking itself not from the top down but from the people up.
The groups were then shifted around, and the monkeys established new hierarchies, where their relative positions were higher or lower than before.
Travis's vision of the past helps explain why sports, full of hallowed traditions and strict hierarchies, pairs well with politically conservative outlooks.
The committed incel is one who believes that the sexual (and thus social) world is determined by rigid genetic and biological hierarchies.
Kenny Rivero's Gotham City Screams and Supermane address how fantasy and escapism can inspire people to challenge aesthetic, sexual, and racial hierarchies.
Older citizens are self-reliant and active, often taken care of by their families due to traditional household hierarchies and financial reasons.
"Authoritarians" are those who rigidly adhere to social hierarchies and tend to simply follow orders, whether ethical or unethical, from senior leaders.
Soccer was not so stratified, with its power hierarchies set, its resources concentrated in a handful of powerful nations in Western Europe.
It was supposed to be an answer to Italy's corrupt back-room deals and the ossified hierarchies of its traditional political parties.
Ballroom was built by the least wanted in their society, and within that slice, there are still hierarchies of privilege and discrimination.
"But I think the hierarchies didn't realize the potential that if an audience begins to talk, you don't know what it'll say."
On the walk, he told me long stories about cases at his office and the hierarchies and politics of their power structures.
I suspected that Cairo isn't much different at its core—even there, institutions are weak, and family hierarchies dominate most people's lives.
WordNet was an effort by psychologists and linguists to provide a "conceptual dictionary," where words were organized into hierarchies of related meaning.
Segregation ended, current residents say proudly, and the homes were redistributed as Mr. Castro's socialism sought to flatten class and racial hierarchies.
While science tends to be viewed as more serious than dance, their approach revolves around collapsing hierarchies, giving equal weight to both.
For almost 50 years, Binga has been tackling the numerous manifestations of patriarchy and social hierarchies in Italian culture, word by word.
More controversially, some have argued that the protests represent a reactionary backlash: rich Brazilians upset that the PT has leveled Brazil's hierarchies.
The song finished and, without the flood of stimulation, my brain couldn't rank relevance using the usual hierarchies its been conditioned to.
The group decided early on that they would maintain collective authorship over all their work as a way to resist patriarchal hierarchies.
Hierarchies of class and race, lingering from past eras, form a baroque system of privilege that can be completely incomprehensible to outsiders.
Each of these thoughts represents an uneasy, probing investigation into the complicated, often-complicit relationship between Asian-Americans and the nation's racial hierarchies.
It's a fascinating example of how a country that's been torn apart by multiple wars is figuring out ways to reestablish cultural hierarchies.
But as Jen Schradie wrote in this year's The Revolution That Wasn't, social networks have more reliably served to reinforce existing social hierarchies.
But offscreen, witches do a lot more than use their powers to navigate high school social hierarchies and hang out with talking cats.
I was one of the first people to write about the structure of their organization and the hierarchies they established within the organization.
The long hours and rigid hierarchies in South Korean businesses mean that family life is not easy to fit in, even for men.
Purporting to topple the centrality and stale hierarchies associated with bureaucracy, new organizational structures such as holacracy advocate clearly defined, self-directed tasks.
There's this kind of flexing of soft power—cultural capital, like authenticity; symbolic power, like masculinity—that maintains tacit social dominance and hierarchies.
State propaganda across all media praises traditional Confucian virtues, most of which revolve around the notion of harmonious acceptance of predetermined, unchangeable hierarchies.
Growing up among conspicuous wealth gave me an early insight into just how unfair our educational system and existing social hierarchies really are.
Emotions are key, especially the crushing disappointment of creating a new world, only to end up reproducing the hierarchies from the old one.
Trump should also move beyond platitudes and recognize that bullying often reflects other social dynamics and hierarchies, including misogyny, racism, classism and homophobia.
Known for their strict hierarchies and honor codes, these groups engage in everything from extortion and money laundering to drugs and sex trafficking.
This is a show that reinforces the rightness of Eurocentric narratives and justifies the established hierarchies, which dovetail with the global art market.
On occasion, he's talked about his personal experience of oppression using language that reveals a keener grasp of America's many hierarchies and prejudices.
Nick, don't you think it's true that there was very little in the way of the hierarchies that can easily happen on set?
In the broad brush, the theory that economic anxiety, and not a breakdown in status hierarchies, is driving the radical right makes sense.
Conceptions of anatomy and beauty birthed in the 18th century would also have a strong impact on later American formations of racial hierarchies.
It's additionally been used to combat hierarchies enforced by those in power by giving the marginalized a place to be seen and heard.
"When you grow up into a system where everything is hierarchical, it's difficult not to see hierarchies and power dynamics everywhere," said Viatge.
He sees the modern world as one where centralised hierarchies—be they governmental or business—must compete against the power of decentralised groups.
Is "chose" the past tense of choose (the "new langue" rejects the past tense, all "hierarchies of pastness"), or an object in French?
Alongside his more apocalyptic visions, Baldwin harbored a wary utopian presentiment that Buckley believed ignored man's true nature and endangered America's delicate hierarchies.
The connection between ritual and revenge in Haitian custom and race and class hierarchies in contemporary France gets a deliberate teasing out here.
It tends to see American society not as increasingly mixed and fluid but as a set of permanent hierarchies, like a caste system.
Throughout the exhibit, Büttner reflects on the hierarchies of "high" and "low" in art, and the vulnerability of an artist sharing her work.
This conflict surfaced in practically every facet of public life, work, and school, where social hierarchies and relationships were affected by this divide.
There can be philosophical reasons behind this, like a belief that hierarchies are bad and that remaining anonymous helps keep one's ego in check.
He was attuned to the mass media's ability to break down barriers and flatten hierarchies: between high art and commerce, between public and private.
That critique is extra barbed in the context of the sophisticated contemporary art world, with its finely tuned hierarchies and purposely walled-off institutions.
In LOTR, a brief trip through the world's divine hierarchies might take you from a Maia like Gandalf, to the Ainur to Eru Ilúvatar.
Hierarchies of all kinds, not just class, come to the fore in mysterious ways the film isn't quite prepared to be frank about either.
This creates a strong bond between employees, but having such close-knit units and strict hierarchies makes it difficult for new ideas to flourish.
People like my grandparents, freed from the old hierarchies, joined a growing crowd of Bay Area residents trying to build a more open society.
Whole hierarchies of punishment for scofflaws arise — school-­supplied iPads are restricted, parents are called on the phone, in-school suspensions are meted out.
While fan communities maintained a fevered optimism for structured organizations (with titles, military hierarchies, insignias, and even fleet manuals), the subreddit was neutral ground.
Instead of a real discussion about power hierarchies, we're served milquetoast Martin Luther King Jr. quotes and Instagram-ready parables about equality and freedom.
The artists challenge cultural hierarchies, refute the Western gaze, address social and environmental issues, and investigate the histories of the Black body as labor.
At a barely beneath-the-surface level, Trumpism is about restoring old hierarchies: the powerful over the powerless, whites over minorities, men over women.
She is as careful an observer of civilian hierarchies as she is of military ones, and raises important questions about inequality, activism and storytelling.
Hierarchies of race, ethnicity and religion were imposed on non-Western peoples as Europeans scrambled for territories and resources abroad, followed enviously by Americans.
But it's difficult to dismiss Newman entirely; the "freemium economy" that Anderson heralded works only if the old hierarchies of access have been dismantled.
My research uncovered offline business meetings between online fraudsters and illicit companies that operated out of office buildings and had functioning corporate-style hierarchies.
So he was radicalized, he says, because the "radical left" wants to eliminate hierarchies, which he says are the natural order of the world.
Could the lack of statuettes be a backlash to a tech giant that is upending entertainment-industry business practices and threatening Hollywood power hierarchies?
He's a genius at upending the social rules and hierarchies that the establishment classes (of both right and left) have used to maintain dominance.
Today open-plan offices and unassigned "hot desks" aim to flatten hierarchies and increase informality for many of the City's 400,123-odd whitecollar workers.
Both reject social hierarchies as undemocratic and eschew the political parties as hopelessly corrupt, according to interviews with a dozen anarchists around the country.
Students who have seen deregulators' bold attempts to solidify existing hierarchies recognize that power matters in regard to speech as well as other things.
As in other hierarchies that historically have had men at the top (law firms, restaurant kitchens, Fox News), there is perhaps a heightened risk.
That heaps the pressure on club hierarchies from top to bottom, with owners, directors, managers and negotiators blamed for failing to secure illusory signings.
For example, some campaigners say they want to unshackle transgender people, women and minorities from social norms, hierarchies and language that they see as tyrannical.
THREE decades ago Thomas Malone modernised how the business world thought about digital communications in organisations with a seminal paper, "Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies".
A new study bears out the truth in asset management of the "Peter principle", a theory coined by Laurence Peter, an academic who studied hierarchies.
Harris, like many other mass killers, was obsessed with the very hierarchies whose importance or validity Peterson never really challenges or offers an alternative to.
That said, given the powers of major institutions where he performs, like MoMA PS1 and the Guggenheim, his work is not entirely free of hierarchies.
Trump has at times even shown disdain for the ways of Washington, a town where hierarchies matter and rules surrounding political etiquette are in abundance.
But what happens when dominance politics is used in the service of egalitarian politics, whether liberal or leftist, which aims to break down these hierarchies?
" And later: "Bruno had always loathed chess for its ironclad hierarchies and the bullying invulnerability of its champions, their belief that they stood outside fate.
In this closed social system, roles and hierarchies develop much as they do on reality shows, just as Harrison had suggested to me at dinner.
The demographics of those contributing to digital databases, however, often reinforce traditional hierarchies, with only 16% of Wikipedia editors identifying as female by some estimates.
I've never held the view that technology — what I believe is that technology can disrupt the power of hierarchies at the expense of citizen networks.
Lobsters that dominate these hierarchies have more authoritative body language; weaker ones try to make themselves look smaller and less threatening to more dominant ones.
I believe wholly in celebrating the differences between our bodies, and faces, and beings — and in dismantling the body hierarchies that threaten so many lives.
Women also comprise two-thirds of the world's 28503 million illiterate adults, a product of social hierarchies that limit educational opportunities for girls and women.
Today's political contests, in both the United States and Europe, are increasingly defined by conflict surrounding demographic change and the erosion of traditional social hierarchies.
In researching her book, "The Happiness Track, " Seppälä found that half of American workers, regardless of profession or position in corporate hierarchies, are burned out.
The 130 years of rule in Algeria culminated in an imperial identity that blended values like secularism with nationalism and the racial hierarchies of colonialism.
First, there are multinational company CEOs (like Rex Tillerson and Carly Fiorina) who are products of long careers with steady rises up through bureaucratic hierarchies.
The four central performers chart their characters' fraying ties with a graceful, instinctive grasp of the hierarchies and role playing that occur within such relationships.
The best Terrace House moments are breaks in the thin fabric of civilization, usually when everything falls apart and social hierarchies go out the window.
The most obvious explanation was that the newfound dominance of digital streaming scrambled the entrenched hierarchies, elevating voices that had long puzzled or offended gatekeepers.
Ultimately, the problem with both of these conservative visions is that they conceive of America's relationships with other countries in terms of crass dominance hierarchies.
But when it comes to politics, he's recasting a defense of traditional hierarchies and inequalities as a brave stand for free thinking and individual rights.
He sees the world as full of hierarchies: Manhattan is the most important and famous place in the world, so he had to be there.
Teresa Burga's first solo museum exhibition in the United States focuses on her contributions to the Peruvian avant-garde and questioning of art-world hierarchies.
They used symbols (like the owl), adopted pseudonyms to avoid identification, and had complicated hierarchies like Novice, Minerval, and Illuminated Minerval that divided the ranks.
However, some entrepreneurs say start-ups are often reluctant to hire people with a background in companies like Nokia with organizational hierarchies and narrow expert roles.
And it can bleed into the creation of competing hierarchies of race hate, with the terrible attendant subtext that hatred against Jews is getting special attention.
Names, titles and personal information are banned (the ex-salarymen use made-up names) to avoid reproducing the old office hierarchies that exist outside the classroom.
There's no cohesive social movement behind it, but it's a quiet sea change that's come with broadened beauty standards and the slow dismantling of social hierarchies.
In the video, Murphy frames the trick as a "strange loop," a concept described by the philosopher Douglas Hofstadter that breaks the regular rules of hierarchies.
Authoritarians are also deeply concerned with rules, stability, and hierarchies, which makes illegal immigration, with its connotations of uncontrolled unlawful behavior, even more unsettling to them.
By recognizing that humans could never truly consider each other equals, society could, according to Schmitt, stop wasting political and emotional energy fighting against inevitable hierarchies.
Black Ben Carson is me squaring up to the established hierarchies, systems, and values with one hand on my nine and the other on my crotch.
The British do it too, calling it "hothousing"; continental Europe less so, especially in the Nordic countries, where social hierarchies are flatter and parents more relaxed.
In "Change", Rap Monster breaks down online harassment, South Korea's rigid hierarchies, and high suicide rate, alongside Wale's critiques of police brutality and the American government.
Another story implies racial hierarchies are the natural state of the world, and that any race-based remedy is a form of charity — and even unjust.
Concerns about nepotism are, if anything, stronger in a White House appointment, where multiple close advisers and fragile hierarchies can easily become snarled by family allegiances.
But for Mr. Conrad, the Theater — which he preferred to call the Dream Syndicate — was a radical project that dissolved hierarchies between composer, performer and listener.
Of course, the spirit of disco survived even as the disco boom went bust, inspiring an entire constellation of danceable genres, with their own taste hierarchies.
Jean Rouch coined the term 'ethnofiction,' a practice intended to challenge the usual hierarchies between the filmmaker and their filmed subjects — a form of 'shared anthropology.
You give students four years or six years or eight years where the hierarchies are very different but you have to recognize they are very different.
On the first day of camp, the children come up with "fear hierarchies" with their therapists, which is a standard treatment for O.C.D., Dr. Mathews said.
As Catharine Rossi has written, the country's unusually robust artisanal base has served the manufacturing sector well, even as ancient hierarchies of labor have remained intact.
Sachiko acts as a go-between, both respecting the old hierarchies (the world that Tsuruko holds on to) and understanding the longing expressed by her younger sisters.
Players are no longer content with Dunbar's number of 150 friends or so, and are developing tightly coordinated hierarchies numbering thousands of players across different time zones.
Although Barclay's work astutely points to the hierarchies that separate "knowing art" and "knowing about everything else" it does so firmly in the terms of the former.
Art history can be taught and researched in a way that is quite elitist and quite depoliticized and doesn't interrogate its own assumptions about hierarchies of culture.
A lot of the findings align with what we intuit about the alt-right: This group is supportive of social hierarchies that favor whites at the top.
Strong leaders and hierarchies of prominence do not have much legitimacy in this scenario; everyone is a leader, or wants to feel like that is an option.
They have boards of directors, CEOs, auditors, and well-defined management hierarchies to ensure that the organization behaves in a coordinated fashion and is accountable to shareholders.
Regulators need to be able to see the inputs underlying the information hierarchies that these AI engines generate, and compare those against the outputs of that shaping.
Rituals, in particular, are effective in transmitting and reinforcing unspoken cultural expectations, behavioral norms, and values that cultivate privilege as a collective identity and further impose hierarchies.
The essential thing is to cultivate and hone empathy and empathy-based ethics in young people as the antidote to the outdated hierarchies of the old system.
But where The Handmaid's Tale casts real-world misogyny in a harsh dystopian light, The Power exposes power hierarchies that we take for granted by reversing them.
Mr. Chapnin, the former journal editor, said the Orthodox church, divided into what are essentially national church hierarchies, had always been prone to infighting and power struggles.
The scientists found that, for better or worse (and only worse for the victims, of course), human sacrifice helped create the hierarchies present in many modern societies.
Wiedenfels said on Friday the 120-year-old company had to improve its transparency, flexibility, hierarchies and communication, although it had no need to change its strategy.
The artists challenge cultural hierarchies, refute the Western gaze, address social and environmental issues, and investigate the histories of the Black body as a source of labor.
But a blizzard in early December and the implicit hierarchies at Standing Rock, which did not allow activist organizations to question tribal leadership, pushed most people out.
And up in Turin, a loose collection of young artists started to embrace humble, everyday materials to challenge artistic hierarchies, and eventually became known as Arte Povera.
This may be true for exceptional acts, but it is not true for pervasive practices like sexual harassment, including rape, that are built into structural social hierarchies.
There are no true pure hierarchies — Stalin's Russia probably comes closest — and the greatest strength of "The Square and the Tower" is that it generally avoids caricature.
We were a nation torn by often vicious prejudices; fervent beliefs in racial, ethnic, sexual and religious hierarchies; and a people armed with powerful tools of exclusion.
Seeking to upend the male-dominated canon but directed by a man, Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema defies some hierarchies while reinforcing others.
"If people got rid of unnecessary hierarchies and formalities, they would have a lot more fun and get a lot more done," he wrote on his blog.
And rather than creating a hierarchy of issues that further our cause, we challenge the way all hierarchies of power create harm — including gender, race, and immigration.
"If people got rid of unnecessary hierarchies and formalities, they would have a lot more fun and get a lot more done," he writes on his blog.
The principles and implications of her listening philosophy, including the dismantling of sonic hierarchies, are by no means purely esoteric; they clearly have a political dimension too.
Elite higher educational institutions have a lot of virtues, like doing top-notch research, but they also play a role in maintaining America's class and race hierarchies.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads LONDON — Losing the Compass, at White Cube in London's Mason's Yard, aspires to critique geographical, aesthetic, and other sorts of hierarchies.
Daria could spend hours doing nothing, hating the hierarchies and caricatures of high school, and still make something of herself if she ever chose to do so.
The philosophy behind this free meal was a radical departure from the prevailing norms, where caste hierarchies decided what you ate and with whom you ate it.
Humor is an important tactic for the artist's insurrection, allowing them to destabilize hierarchies of power without becoming as combative as the institutions they seek to dismantle.
They object to its implications, uses, and, most importantly, its consequences, what some conservatives view as the upending of racial and cultural hierarchies to create a new one.
Of course the web has been relentlessly commoditized, has all but replicated the hierarchies of power it was supposed to abolish, or at least allow users to circumvent.
And they believe that the hierarchies which govern society and the economy—regulators, bureaucracies and companies—no longer serve the interests of ordinary folk and must be "democratised".
And this is because drug trafficking networks have the same hierarchies as human trafficking networks: Men occupy the highest levels, and women are exposed to the judicial system.
"The initial approach we're starting with is to go wide and inclusive and really allow people to think through the problem across its very intricate hierarchies," he said.
The tests were used to construct hierarchies and the exhibitions were treated as a body to be rigorously examined and detained, ultimately questioning the position of the witness.
The result was multiple strands of governing hierarchies rooted in the feudal system, each level able to make its own decisions while being subservient to those higher up.
In the late 1960s, when the art world was riddled with doctrinaire attitudes and exclusionary hierarchies, young artists felt pressured to join in the eschatological search for truth.
A recurring motif in Lasekan's work is an oversized Briton perfectly balanced on the back of a distressed African, in an echo of Yoruba sculptures depicting royal hierarchies.
The supergroups used humor and free association to topple the existing hierarchies of quality as a reaction to Italy's political and economic strife — often in undeniably fun ways.
The government's schemes, centrally planned and then implemented in province after province, can make fortunes, ruin lives, or leave social hierarchies much the same as they were before.
The women's rights movement changed gender norms; anti-racism and civil rights movements chipped away at old racial hierarchies; gay rights have led to a redefinition of marriage.
Mozart subtly questioned aristocratic hierarchies; Beethoven's sole opera is about the rescue of a political prisoner; Verdi stoked nationalistic fervor and explored the machinations of church and state.
I have an idea that she's made an easy alliance, one of convenience, that so many of us make every day with the hierarchies that we exist within.
The result is fractious in spots, but the best work, presented without the trappings of traditional hierarchies, holds its own regardless of its origin on the generational continuum.
Ms. Tucker had "envisioned an institution that did away with hierarchies — not only in the art exhibited, but in the structure of the Museum itself," the announcement said.
I might recalibrate those expectations if I see Wiley's images as tools for conditioning my sight, in a way that can have profound ramifications for our cultural hierarchies.
In some cases, male rodents living in groups were messier because their testosterone (which essentially works on the brain like estrogen) fluctuates, depending on dominance hierarchies in groups.
The lingering economic insecurity has fired resentments, sharpened identity politics and fueled populism on the right and left that is upending hierarchies in the Democratic and Republican Parties.
HOCKENHULL This is one of the earliest things in the exhibition, and it's inverting hierarchies, so you've got the mouse, that's the pharaoh, being tended by a cat.
Her sharp observations about social hierarchies and her sexual adventures as an upperclassman make the book feel like something you should read with a flashlight under the covers.
Few people I come across know that there are more than fifty thousand Civil War reënactors in the country, members of a guild with strict hierarchies and distinctions.
A person with "quick" nunchi can rapidly assess the overall mood and nature of relationships and hierarchies within any given social setting — and know how to respond appropriately.
It was intended to critique the persistence of the death penalty in the old hierarchies that placed a museum's authority above its public's feelings had been in charge.
The platform was a decentralized free-for-all that actively discouraged traditional hierarchies and highlighted individuality, which made it somewhat resistant to larger agendas, institutional agendas, or groupthink.
In fact, the building blocks of the human social brain (including systems that shape hierarchies and moods) can be found in fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and even crustaceans.
Album Review Halsey arrived as part of a slew of female pop rebels who emerged in the wake of Lorde's early-2010s recalibration of the genre's operating hierarchies.
And in that missing part of the world, decisions are routinely subject to a great deal of planning, the information processing for which takes place in management hierarchies.
Simon would not have been at all surprised to find that, 30 years on, those hierarchies were increasingly enabled by, and dependent on, computers processing reams of data.
Nonetheless, the two shared core ideas, like an emphasis on the role of genetics in creating human hierarchies, that make them comfortable coexisting in the same online spaces.
Darlene is learning a similar lesson, despite consciously trying to exist outside of the institutions and hierarchies that fsociety's five-nine hack was supposed to bring crashing down.
The presence of this cemetery also means that dispersed, mobile, and egalitarian societies without strong social hierarchies were capable of constructing monuments—a finding that goes against conventional thinking.
The report sheds additional light to the way they were treated within Facebook's complicated system of hierarchies, and highlights just how hard it is for outsiders to fit in.
But you could argue that the whole K and Joi relationship is two marginalized non-people making the best of power hierarchies that are never going to go away.
Foregrounding the absences present in spaces where fictions are staged, these artists reveal the constructs and hierarchies of culture and the context in which fiction is created and consumed.
On the large wall, he has painted an abstracted form of the Southern Cross, a constellation only visible from the Southern Hemisphere, challenging entrenched hierarchies on a global scale.
Never again will anybody say post-feminist or post-racial, because now we understand that something like a third of the country is still locked into these old hierarchies.
The marble-cutting community in and around Carrara was, and remains today, practically a sovereign nation, with its own dialect and politics and lore and hierarchies of technical expertise.
For those of us who knew the two men, the aftermath has been a reminder of the hierarchies placed on which lives are deemed worthy of mourning in Bangladesh.
Conservatives tend to be upset by his enthusiasm for Islam and his environmentalism; liberals object to his vehement defense of foxhunting and his protectiveness of Britain's ancient social hierarchies.
In his disdain for the hierarchies of Washington, his attention to cultural signifiers and his fixation on foreign enemies, Zinke represents the post-Tea Party strain of conservative populism.
It's not the bubble in which I live, my corner of the world or my industry or the internet or the great sprawling national hierarchies of privilege and want.
No longer do there need to be certain gatekeepers and there's a flattening of access and a dismantling of hierarchies which can be tough and good all at once.
Where racial injustice was involved, the solutions often contained elements of the original problem: progress met with backlash, half-measures and implementation problems, and new hierarchies and discriminatory policies.
Throughout her ouevre, Ayón drew on the story of the Abakuá for her own iconography, depicting their rituals and hierarchies as a way of getting at larger human dramas.
Overall, Biden's and Sanders' messaging strategies seem more alike than different as they have a similar use of angry and negative tones as well as mentions of social hierarchies.
Unlike communist parties, which had real titles of office and rule-governed internal hierarchies, Fidesz is an ideologically flexible vehicle that can be reorganised as the inner circle wants.
Art Review Every 21900 years or so an exhibition devoted to Florine Stettheimer, the great New York painter, Jazz Age saloniste and cult figure, shakes up modernism's orderly hierarchies.
The series leaves viewers to grapple with how, as with any sport, cheerleading is capable of both changing lives for the better and being undermined by its own hierarchies.
The adults are a network of mutually dependent "insiders," Varoufakis says, and for all their power they don't have much leeway within their hierarchies to defy the status quo.
The changes, intended to streamline operations and clarify hierarchies after a long period of growth and acquisitions, were accelerated after criticism over the lack of protections for user data.
When charter schools grow and succeed, as Ascend did, they tend to look more and more like private corporations, adopting their hierarchies and habits and acronyms and meeting-speak.
It's akin to what's been happening in corporate America, as institutions slowly and often inadequately deal with the sexual abuse allegations against the most powerful men in their hierarchies.
As Lewis writes: These influencers are adopting identity signals affiliated with previous countercultures, but the actual content of their arguments seeks to reinforce dominant cultural racial and gendered hierarchies.
The work sets the tone for the show, wherein the artist, attentive to the hierarchies and injustices of society, disrupts the normative flow of power in the mainstream realm.
For Apple, Samsung, and even LG, crafting a ceramic phone is a pointless adventure that would cost way too much to pursue, owing to their decision-making hierarchies and processes.
People would be able to work in a cluster organization, unrestrained by hierarchies, similar to the working style of IT companies in Silicon Valley where speed and innovation are key.
Population groupings become meaningful to scientists in large part because of their social and political salience — including, importantly, their power to produce and enforce hierarchies of race, sex, and class.
By centering negotiations of identity and oppression — as well as love and desire — between queer characters of color, the show allows for thoughtful exploration of intra-community hierarchies and conflicts.
And it hints at the way Grande's girl-power pop feminism is also mostly about toppling gendered hierarchies without necessarily questioning racial ones, beyond proposing a kind of multicultural utopia.
We also need to do better at breaking down white supremacist, xenophobic, and ableist language hierarchies that dismiss the language of writers of color, immigrant writers, and writers with disabilities.
For another, Sanders' reply, at least without a meaningful nod to the racial hierarchies that partly govern America, also seems to assume, quietly, that "respect" can act as a shield.
Peterson has this recurring interest in identifying social hierarchies, which resonates with people who think they're in danger of losing their privileged position or are resentful about having lost it.
A 2009 study actually compared the shame and stigma associated with gynecomastia to the objectification of women's bodies, because having visible breasts can "marginalize and subordinate" men within gender hierarchies.
Mr McChrystal's advice on devolved power has its limits—no army, after all, has done away with hierarchies entirely, and even decentralised al-Qaeda was weakened by removing its leaders.
As workers gain more independence, organizations are becoming flatter and more interconnected, with unprecedented changes in leadership highlighting the importance of collaboration and results over traditional corporate hierarchies and authority.
Given the violence (often state-sanctioned) against the ethnic groups that Cuomo mentions—and the racial hierarchies that racial slurs often enforce—there is obviously no comparison here at all.
In a world where there are multiple spiritual beings operating in varying hierarchies of power, possession can be less a hostile takeover and more a direct access to supernatural knowledge.
There's warmth, too, particularly through Gyllenhaal's mournful, electric presence, her fame itself upending the hierarchies of cable, which typically dictates that extras bare it all while the stars cover up.
Amis narrated and satirized the tribulations of a haphazard lecturer, but his true target was the vicious class hierarchies that lingered in postwar Britain despite the nation's promise to democratize.
The clearly articulated hierarchies in these cartoons confirm what they are struggling to understand in their own lives: mainly, that someone else, probably a parent or teacher, is in charge.
An age-old question: The debate over the CISO's org-chart standing dates back at least a decade, but the post's place in corporate hierarchies remains far from a given.
It's also relatable to anyone who's been forced to reckon with the hierarchies of an unjust world or suffer loss while the world spins on in defiance of your pain.
However, this does not reverse the irreversible dynamic of connection technologies putting power in the hands of citizens and networks of citizens at the expense of hierarchies, including the state.
A wide body of research has found that gender advances invariably generate resistance, in which men and (typically smaller numbers of) women organize to protect the hierarchies they believe in.
Satellite television and the internet spawned previously inconceivable fantasies of private wealth and consumption, even as inequality, corruption and nepotism grew and India's social hierarchies appeared as entrenched as ever.
In his recent book "How Fascism Works," the Yale professor Jason Stanley wrote that patriarchy is "strategically central" to fascist politics, which always seek to cement racial and gender hierarchies.
But these incidents also may point to something else — like the desire to preserve racial hierarchies by casting people of color as deviants that can be removed at any moment.
It's also about the kinds of constructed hierarchies — based on factors like race, class, money, and firepower — that seem to be imposed on the world wherever new civilizations pop up.
"In this new society where everything's moving so fast, traditional hierarchies and job titles are slipping away and the young actually have a lot to teach their elders, " she said.
And using Parasite's architectural metaphor, it's only once you've seen what — and who — is in the basement that you will understand the damage done by the larger structural hierarchies themselves.
With its more than 1363,2136 square feet in added gallery space, the Modern is seeking to upend hierarchies, remake the canon and break from its longstanding white, male, Eurocentric orientation.
Most are nonprofits with limited money, organized by trained mathematicians for the benefit of students whose passion for math often leaves them at the bottom of social hierarchies at school.
They might believe in raising the minimum wage or regulating the safety conditions in Amazon's fulfillment centers, but they generally don't question the fundamental hierarchies embedded in our economic institutions.
It is also a scene of excess reminiscent of those I have encountered myself during five years of writing about Asia's corporate hierarchies, and the vast fortunes they have made.
Driven by a boundless intellectual curiosity, Szeemann challenged historical narratives and exploded aesthetic hierarchies, expanding the role of curator from simply a steward of objects to a shaper of ideas.
This is, of course, objectively absurd from an economic perspective but as Matt Bruenig has written, many white men feel that gender and racial hierarchies provide them with a social benefit.
It's something as ancient and as dumb as the fact that men have more brute physical power than women that established the sexist, misogynist hierarchies that continue to be perpetuated today.
Inverting the customary hierarchies of fashion, the designers kept the fashion insiders waiting while the kids on the street and the 150,000 others on Public School's Instagram feed saw everything first.
Obviously females fulfill non-sexual roles within patriarchal hierarchies, but when it comes to males and females of a similar age and/or societal standing, can reproduction really be ruled out?
C. media, where the audience's vicarious thrill comes not from watching scrappy underdogs heckle their supposed betters, but from watching guys sitting comfortably atop social hierarchies belittle and dominate their lessers.
Like all other discriminatory hierarchies, this one keeps adherents in line by frightening them with the loss of privilege and identity if they show sympathies for those born lower than them.
Also look for places where hierarchies and lines of communication are either unclear on paper or they're not adhered to, where job descriptions are vague, or where introductory training isn't available.
Hierarchies in the art world and the dependencies they produce (yes, even we have to live from something!) do not always allow us to speak out and defend ourselves against discrimination.
The country's political parties were corrupt, they were élitist, yet they still represented distinct and organized interests (unions, chambers of commerce) through traditional hierarchies (the Daley machine, the Republican county apparatus).
Stuck in their hierarchies and traditions, those chefs had fallen out of touch with the spirit of the times, opening a small crack in the pavement where Chez Panisse took root.
Contrary to Ms. Weiss's suggestion, the work of intersectionality is not about creating hierarchies of oppression but about looking at the points of solidarity of people suffering multiple and layered oppressions.
In doing so, they pit themselves against a macho culture, a Communist Party deeply allergic to independent citizens' initiatives, and an exaggerated and assiduously-cultivated respect for hierarchies, themselves male-dominated.
A courageous architectural proposal could have challenged presumed spatial and organizational hierarchies by actively centering, at the very core of the museum, its critical public engagement program with its inclusive pedagogy.
Driven by a boundless intellectual curiosity, Szeemann's exhibitions challenged historical narratives and exploded aesthetic hierarchies, expanding the role of curator from simply a steward of objects to a shaper of ideas.
Scientists were given access to the collections and used them for such pseudoscientific pursuits as craniometry, which compared the skull sizes of human population groups in an attempt to "prove" racial hierarchies.
That latter category might include demographic change (note the rise of anti-immigration sentiment and rhetoric about "losing our country") or other societal changes that upset existing hierarchies or "traditional" social norms.
Fukasaku employs an almost comically melodramatic Masamichi Amano score, and he and his son have fun with the way teen vanity and social hierarchies persist even after all the students are armed.
The harmonious acceptance of predetermined hierarchies in Confucianism clearly favors men over women and husbands over wives, and this, too, has been a major about-turn in comparison with the Marxist past.
Human life has been organized in a certain way, the hierarchies set who is in charge, who make the laws, who enforces the laws, pretty much the same way for 40,000 years.
There are people today who carry out such acts of violence and hatred; some of these actions can be bought from the poor, some of these acts are enacted in political hierarchies.
Even jobs with a better balance of men and women contend with hierarchies where men occupy the top jobs and women stay at the bottom and middle, something we call vertical segregation.
When in 1954 Kingsley Amis published Lucky Jim—perhaps the most widely read contribution to the genre—conventional wisdom held that the campus was a place of intellectual pretensions and retrograde hierarchies.
Unless an artist calls them art, which she did, and they flipped conventional hierarchies of value upside down, turning art into a kind of chore, and chores into a kind of ceremony.
Many literary writers cloister themselves from an early age, when they either study writing under already-established authors, or immerse themselves in the hierarchies of New York's magazine and book publishing industries.
Speaking at the swearing-in of his new Defense Minister Fernando Azevedo e Silva, the former army captain said his election victory was proof that Brazil's people want hierarchies, order and progress.
People powered movements unencumbered from the traditional hierarchies which have dominated our institutions for decades are accelerating a new model of participatory politics, one which can transform occupied squares into electoral victories.
This experimental desert community very much has its own hierarchies, its own social capital, its own parasites, its own textbook full of unwritten rules, its own perfectly acceptable (indeed, proudly championed) logos.
Mr. Hetherington and other social scientists have identified a group they call "authoritarian voters": people who have a strong desire to maintain order and hierarchies, along with a powerful fear of outsiders.
Liberal and left media is always at the mercy of the free market, but conservatives—true believers in authority and hierarchies, after all—are more directly at the mercy of their masters.
Popular campaigns to this effect involve the politics of monastic hierarchies, revivalist education campaigns, the advancement of laws for the "protection of race and religion" and attempts to influence the 2015 elections.
The institutional art world, where budgets and programming calendars cover years at a time, and the digital art world, with its relative lack of hierarchies and logistical restraints, move at different tempos.
For this group, "guns connote … the perpetuation of illicit social hierarchies, the elevation of force over reason, and the expression of collective indifference to the wellbeing of strangers," Braman and Kahan write.
There were strict hierarchies in place, with the British owners and bartenders at the top, Thai chefs and waitresses in the middle, and Eastern European waitresses at the bottom of the ladder.
Despite our tragically riven society, museums, galleries and alternative spaces often reflected a softening of divisions and hierarchies with exhibitions that were less white, less male or less doctrinaire in historical view.
In Snowpiercer, a film about a train carrying humanity in the wake of a climate catastrophe, a bullet train represents a world's worth of hierarchies and the struggles that come with them.
Much like the ubiquitous open-floor plan, this type of software is meant to get different parts of a company working together, to break down hierarchies, to spark chance interactions and innovations.
But these incidents may also point to something else — like a more explicit desire to preserve racial hierarchies by casting people of color as deviants who can be removed at any moment.
Together with Zetsche he oversaw an effort to sweep away layers of bureaucracy and encourage a more experimental approach to new products, changing a culture often stymied in strict hierarchies and meticulous planning.
Goldin plans to make sure there are fewer hierarchies in her teams so that decisions can be made more quickly, and will also focus on data analytics to measure the impact of campaigns.
They made clear how language had been used to maintain power structures and create arbitrary aesthetic hierarchies in the art world, and their statement became the manifesto of the Pattern and Decoration movement.
It was 1987, before the commercialisation of the internet, yet he and his co-authors predicted "an overall shift toward proportionately more use of markets—rather than hierarchies—to co-ordinate economic activity".
While powerful men claim themselves victims of witch hunts, twisting the meaning of the term, and displaying deliberate ignorance of social hierarchies, we see the motif of the witch resonating in contemporary art.
According to the company, the launch of the product required the re-engineering of its underlying invoice architecture — centering it around the hierarchies of employees who can be involved in making purchasing decisions.
Jordan Peterson, who has been called "the most influential public intellectual in the Western world," uses lobster biology and Jungian psychology to argue that male dominance hierarchies are the core of human civilization.
Offshore bordering demonstrates just how profoundly immigration control is enmeshed in international hierarchies of power and wealth, as dominant countries of the global north attempt to mold the migration policies of other states.
It also reinforces the sycophantic hierarchies Vienna's art world has taken up from the Habsburg empire: flattering people who think they are your superiors is just another game adapted from the imperial court.
Instead, industry professionals told me they thought about their jobs as existing on two hierarchies—one organized by the degree of physical contact with clients, and the other by how enjoyable they were.
So the early agricultural societies created the basis for systematic class distinctions that could be perpetuated between generations, and that's how you get the kinds of massive hierarchies and inequalities we see today.
This orthogonality to external hierarchies, this competition to give rather than to take, is what makes it a fascinating de facto testbed for a post-scarcity society, among other forms of experimental community.
The Board is reaching out from the Astral Plane to assure its own existence in the same way that the investment class creates hierarchies of labor power to continually generate capital for itself.
There were the usual cliques and hierarchies, but because it was a Catholic school, the focus was on being a good citizen of the community and using your talents for a higher purpose.
Reasonable people can disagree on which is most efficient, but one thing seems clear: The current system — organized according to elaborate status-based hierarchies — is a highly irritating way to board a plane.
The trial, which was known as the Commission case, disrupted the hierarchies of three crime families and weakened the Mafia's ability to control New York's construction industry through threats, extortion and rigged contracts.
Another place where losing and winning affects future behavior is in dominance hierarchies, where individuals who have repeated aggressive interactions eventually form a dominance relationship such that they typically rarely engage in actual fighting.
Through rigid hierarchies and cultures of "hazing" and "bullying," elite institutions (particularly all-male ones) serve to instill "unshakeable confidence" in their students, even as they foster an equally unshakable sense of tribal loyalty.
Far from being isolated incidents between two adults, some ostensibly sexual behavior isn't sexual at all: Preying upon women can often be considered an attempt to reinforce hierarchies, squelching women's progress in public life.
But the hosts asked him to "please vacate and go sit in the right section," turning a bit about Hollywood hierarchies and the Golden Globes seating chart into a thinly veiled allusion to segregation.
As Mr Miller points out, older churches move slowly because they are lumbered with hierarchies and rules; the Pentecostal world is one of quick startups, low barriers to entry and instant reaction to change.
After years of dealing with male-dominated skateparks and their gendered hierarchies, a group of young female skaters from New York City banded together to form their own skate crew called the Skate Kitchen.
While the top lists that once perpetuated middle school social hierarchies are thankfully a thing of the thing of the past, Netflix announced today a new Top 10 feature reminiscent of the Myspace throwback.
Gloria Vanderbilt, who died at her home in Manhattan on Monday at the age of 95, possessed position and pedigree of especially high grade, but she saw the value in dismantling the old hierarchies.
Swapping out the affluent white sitters depicted in canonical works of art for present day African Americans, Africans, and those of African descent, Wiley consciously disrupts hierarchies in the signification of status and power.
Most importantly, Kortun challenged existing hierarchies within the Turkish art scene by insisting on presenting artists and works emanating from different social classes, geographies, and identities, mediating exhibition narratives through social, political, and economic perspectives.
Until we can shift the paradigm, where instead of white fragility, white people are able to listen, learn, and work to destroy the hierarchies they all benefit from, then we won't be able to progress.
This, the company says, will make it easier for developers to represent the hierarchies and relationships that already typically exist in these relational databases without having to go to a specialized third-party graph database.
Newfound equanimity resulted in a flood of work; he produced 303 collections over the last 20 years of his life, including 4 previously unpublished volumes gathered in his gigantic collection Broken Hierarchies: Poems 1952–2012.
The organization is ostensibly a kind of confederated network of Christian prayer groups dating back to the early 1900s that eschews traditional denominations and hierarchies in favor of trying to more closely follow Jesus' teachings.
So will the approval the parliament will give to a new organisation called the National Supervision Commission, an immensely powerful anti-corruption body in which the two hierarchies of party and state are inextricably linked.
The interconnected values of "frictionless" dynamism, notional flattening of managerial hierarchies, and sociability that define contemporary professional work are mirrored in the spaces and gadgets that allow us to function in this rootless, diffuse way.
In using her body to play characters to perform gender and race as a way to deconstruct stereotypes and hierarchies, Gaignard works in a tradition established by photographers like Carrie Mae Weems and Cindy Sherman.
And while the company might not yet be anywhere close to meaningfully achieving its moonshot mission, it has just announced some tweaks to those aforementioned search snippets — to try to avoid creating problematic information hierarchies.
There's a danger in placing oneself above others to create hierarchies and rankings, and invariably teachers can withhold and bestow information as they see fit as it pleases and benefits their own life or cause.
He played his greatest hits: hierarchies are natural; Judeo-Christian values and myths represent fundamental truths; capitalism is making things better for poor people; one of the West's biggest obstacles is divorce rates going up.
Whilst the networks remain full of problematic hierarchies, at the same time there's this kind of egalitarian, utopian ideal of the internet that remains, and we want to perhaps try to preserve and accentuate that.
The State Department is crippled without religion and foreign affairs experts to provide tactical and judicious policy guidance on Shiite political activism and insight on ways in which religious leaders maneuver in their social hierarchies.
Stada's new CEO Matthias Wiedenfels promised a more modern, dynamic approach to running the company, saying it had to improve its transparency, flexibility, hierarchies and communication, although it had no need to change its strategy.
Genre hierarchies blurred, and collective music taste became more omnivorous thanks to the convenience of streaming platforms; there are very few people who came of age in the 2010s who listened to just one genre.
In the PUA realm, thanks to complete misunderstanding of wolf pack hierarchies, "beta" has come to be used as a catch all term for anyone who is not an assertive, overbearing alpha type (mostly liberals).
Domestic Violence Intervention Project (DVIP), a London-based community outreach program, sees abuse as a heightened and aggressive manifestation of the gendered power structures and rigid hierarchies that define what men and women should be.
In other words, that inequalities are necessary because there are greater and lesser beings in the world, and any attempt to topple social hierarchies both threatens established power relations and destroys the basis of civilization.
But most established studios — hindered by hierarchies and allergic to talk of social media algorithms — were struggling to treat tweets and Instagram posts as the spine of a marketing campaign instead of an add-on.
I hope my work, this body of drawings as well as my past ten years of work, provokes the viewer to question and examine our constructions of gender and identity, sexuality, and hierarchies of power.
Without betraying any overt nostalgia, "Crazy Rich Asians" casts a fond eye backward as well as Eastward, conjuring a world defined by hierarchies and prescribed roles in a way that evokes classic novels and films.
In the game you're basically a refugee trying to work with the resources you have at your disposal, and with the new Royalty expansion pack you can create weird hierarchies and go on side quests.
But that right, and the right to bear arms in general, is informed by the settler history of the American nation and structured by hierarchies of race and gender, despite our collective pretense to universalism.
The rush to replicate McVay's success began in earnest in January, when a league of teams that have often relied on retread coaches and established hierarchies suddenly was in need of its next boy genius.
In this regard, the regal Nevelson, the self-professed "grandmother of environments," might have also been leveling hierarchies, including those between the gestures involved in art-making and the concentrated motions of any focused physical labor.
But reformers are battling a long-tradition of management hierarchies and some investors think their task is made harder by a tightly-knit ownership dominated by the company's founding families and home state of Lower Saxony.
This sense of mobility helped undermine traditional bureaucratic hierarchies and meshed perfectly with Propst's design principles aimed at facilitating democratic, serendipitous encounters through diminished barriers and un-hierarchical gathering spaces like social tables rather than desks.
But even Proust did much more than embellish his patch of wall, weaving historical elements such as the Dreyfus affair and the intricate hierarchies of the Faubourg Saint-Germain into his novel about perception and memory.
The flat, featureless grid in the renderings represents not only an Internet-like matrix, but a state in which all people live a nomadic existence, freed from repetitive work, consumerist desires, hierarchies of power and violence.
The scientists found, perhaps not surprisingly, that human sacrifice contributed to creating and preserving social hierarchies, and that it increased the chances that societies would have more fixed strata, which were inherited positions, and less mobility.
The economic and educational hierarchies created by the use of such tests as the SAT, the ACT, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and other similar exams have split the left.
Corresponding to the discussion of "old hierarchies" are businesses that rely on high fixed costs to build barriers to competitive entry, whereas the disruptive "new networks" are constructed on digital platforms made possible by the internet.
Biden speaks on hierarchies the most, but it's pretty even across the boardBiden is most likely (by a slight margin) to bring up the differences between groups in our society, such as economic and racial inequalities.
In the seedy shadow world of HBO's "The Deuce," home to the flophouses, brothels, nightclubs and peep shows that once littered 42nd Street in Manhattan, an illicit subculture operates with its own rules and vicious hierarchies.
The decision would help set up the rest of the scene, which told a story about how racial hierarchies might dissolve, recongeal and then rear up monstrously again over the course of a single sexual encounter.
Like many of the lynching victims of the past, Johnny D threatened racial hierarchies, both because he was economically independent (owning a successful pulpwood business) and because of an affair he had with a white woman.
The same is true for Trump, who similarly embodies the drive to preserve hierarchies of race, gender and national origin even as they degrade life for most Americans, including many who think they benefit from them.
The promise of what it was doing was to allow players to create their own third places , welcoming social spaces where external social hierarchies don't hold, relationships aren't mediated by money, and new friendships can happen.
The prevailing narrative of modern India is one that boasts the rise of new money and an increasingly powerful middle class, yet old social hierarchies tied to caste are still widely observed, particularly in rural areas.
The second big lesson is that resentment, which I still hypothesize for now is mainly racial, still plays a large role in our politics, and that attachment to inherited hierarchies — white, male supremacy — is not obsolete.
By skillfully framing the narrative from deep within its main character's viewpoint, the film creates a visceral experience of the way economical hierarchies and unequal gender relationships can fuel obsessive male entitlement — and ultimately, perhaps, even violence.
Called Hierarchies of Evidence Applied to Lifestyle Medicine, or HEALM, the approach borrows tools used by other major organizations, such as the USDA, the Community Preventive Services Task Force, and the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.
Until men make it their duty to not just know, but to act upon that knowledge — publicly decrying and dismantling the hierarchies of power that shelter this sort of conduct — it will remain women's burden to bear. ●
Some people have also flagged the benefits of the play's new "genetic social order" because it does away with current hierarchies, but this view wrongly assumes that genetics and health exist in isolation from race and class.
"Despite a cry out for diversity and a scientific approach to life, people continue to use their bodies in the completely opposite direction — they still pray and subscribe to very specific and limited stylistic hierarchies," he writes.
It's a chilling subplot in this 1995 movie that saw clearly how ostensibly meritocratic institutions respond when white male-led, good old boy hierarchies face real pushback and challenge from the minority professionals rising through their ranks.
The key idea here is that annihilation is inherited downwards in simulation hierarchies, and the more simulations there are above us, the more ways there will be for our simulation to suddenly vanish into the digital oblivion.
Abiy's rise - as Ethiopia's first leader from the majority Oromo group - had transformed decades-old hierarchies in the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) coalition that was founded by the TPLF and came to power in 1991.
Dr. Dahl's own brain-imaging research suggests that adolescent brains are not inferior to adult brains, as is sometimes assumed; to the contrary, they may have special advantages in navigating social hierarchies and adapting to rapid change.
Wiley is well aware of the dissonance between his work in theory—celebrating the black form, scrambling established art world portraiture hierarchies—and the reality of his paintings as commodities frequently acquired by wealthy white art collectors.
But dismal participation numbers might have worked in Marín's favor at the start of her career, because she could stand out faster than athletes growing up in countries with more established national programs, coaching methods and hierarchies.
To explain how people "got" to believe in racist and xenophobic status hierarchies is to explain hundreds of years of Western history and the complicated story of how race and national identity were made in the West.
Embracing elements of Keynesianism without repudiating capitalism; preserving many of the old hierarchies (particularly in the South) while allowing an unprecedented state intervention into the economic life of the country, the United States got the New Deal.
But as hopelessness in the early hours of Friday gave way to cautious optimism in the morning, the steepness of the climb ahead remained evident: All three leaders must now secure the support of their party hierarchies.
I was similarly obsessive about high school hierarchies, and significantly less stylish, and it was the first time I had seen a character look so cool, so controlled, while wearing clothes that I could conceivably wear, too.
There is clearly a huge challenge for decentralized movements (and indeed technologies) when it comes to creating legitimate governance structures that don't simply repeat the hierarchies of the existing (centralized) authorities and systems they're seeking to challenge.
In memories of the near riot of sugar-cane cutters stiffed of their salaries or the mysterious classroom hierarchies of primary school in St. Thomas Parish, the country Hutchinson left behind has rarely been so vividly rendered.
The premise of the CIAG — that nonprofits that already work outside the art establishment may be best suited to increase the reach of arts programming — could play a modest role in destabilizing the hierarchies that perpetuate exclusion.
They wanted to transform Pollock's vision of materiality into their own — and, more importantly, they did so; they wanted to paint themselves into a history that had excluded them on every level, from segregation to aesthetic hierarchies.
For the most part, Cheng avoids explicitly gendering or racializing his near-sentient beings in a way that is immediately reminiscent of human hierarchies, which makes us feel at ease that he has tooled around with them.
Shining the spotlight on the beauty of moss, celebrating its formlessness, queerness, and preference for dark and secret places, Büttner not only questions moss's status as an inferior species, but the practice of creating hierarchies at all.
And that tension seems particularly clear when it comes to issues related to traditional British class hierarchies, whether it's the national obsession with non-working royals or the protection of beautiful but annoying fowl menacing the Cotswolds.
The Feminist focus on photography, performance, film, and video was both a formal choice — a turn toward art forms that decisively "fuse art with life" — and a conscious break with the traditional medium-based hierarchies of Western art.
As the country's most fundamental labor laws were crafted, white Southern legislators steeped in the legacy of slavery sought to maintain the racial hierarchies of the Jim Crow South and resisted extending worker protections to African American laborers.
He was "an extraordinary person who always would talk about Bay Area, about the coalition and he would always talk about the need to recognize that within the community there are real hierarchies based on race," Harris recalled.
Currently Head of Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development, Kaellenius has helped Zetsche to sweep away layers of bureaucracy and encourage a more experimental approach to new products, changing a culture of strict hierarchies and meticulous planning.
Keeping work flexible is important to retaining millennials, said Saueressig, adding the age group is focused on the impact they generate, rather than titles and hierarchies, and prefer a seamless blend of their work life and private life.
In fantasy video games, we know these stereotypes as they grew primarily from Tolkien: the dark and brutish orcs, the sturdy dwarves, the lithe and airy elves of the forest, and the structured and king'd hierarchies of men.
The show's creators, Dan Perrault and Tony Yacenda, writers of sketches featured on the Web sites Funny or Die and CollegeHumor, make use of the same social hierarchies that have fuelled several decades of coming-of-age films.
While gossiping this weekend, close to Friday afternoon, it will be easy for you to dig up some secrets and learn about the hierarchies in your community, as Venus, the planet of values, connects with power planet Pluto.
What you see throughout "Collected Poems," this 505-page retrospective of 14 books and some 600 poems, is that he is not interested in covering an entire poem with incidents, but in hierarchies of emphasis, beginning with longing.
"The sexual revolution created new winners and losers, new hierarchies to replace the old ones, privileging the beautiful and rich and socially adept in new ways and relegating others to new forms of loneliness and frustration," he writes.
One of comedy's defining pathologies, alongside literal pathologies like narcissism and self-loathing, is its swaggering certainty that it is part of the political vanguard, while upholding one of the most rigidly patriarchal hierarchies of any art form.
From our Opinion section, a story that offers a window into changing racial hierarchies in the U.S.: Italian immigrants went from a pariah status in the 19th century to white Americans in good standing in the 20th century.
And yet I am convinced that we will never overcome the evils of racism as long as we fail first to imagine and then to conjure a world free of racial categorization and the hierarchies it necessarily implies.
Voting Republican isn't just a way for white religious conservatives to protect themselves from secular attacks on their institutions; it's also an expression of their deep anxiety created by demographic change and the upending of historic racial hierarchies.
In demanding that visa applicants provide five years' worth of social media handles and account information, the United States is helping to create hierarchies of citizenship and surveillance in the virtual realm as it has on its actual borders.
These are big changes for a company known for strict hierarchies and meticulous planning, and follow a trip by around 100 top managers to Silicon Valley last summer when they met executives from companies including Apple, Google and Uber.
"We saw a pattern emerge in these idealistic experiments, in which the writers or organizers at first try to break from traditional class, culture, and gender hierarchies but ultimately founder due to human foibles and unconscious biases," Gaskill stated.
Olivia Marciano curated the Marciano Foundation's final, large-scale solo show, Donna Huanca: Obsidian Ladder, an installation with live performers which Huanca says confronts "patriarchal realities, power dynamics, and hierarchies of contemporary life," according to the Marciano Foundation's website.
The abolition of positions like managing directors and vice presidents "will build a collaborative work environment with flat hierarchies based on functional roles, skills and capabilities as well as a clear performance culture", said the memo, seen by Reuters.
In his wonderful look at the biology of stress, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, primatologist and neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky writes that in most social hierarchies, in most times, stress accumulates among the weak and downtrodden members of the tribe.
" And then the woman who had pried me open, who had told me in the same car and under the same windows that I was her epicenter, stared through the windshield and said coldly, "I don't believe in hierarchies.
Research published by Neale and her colleagues has found that people who see themselves as less attractive are more likely to be sympathetic to egalitarian norms while those who feel beautiful tend to want to reinforce existing social hierarchies.
In addition to developing a spectrum of cultural and educational programming, she launched the Granary Arts Fellows program, Film Feast, and the initiative Critical Ground which explores the impact of art criticism hierarchies and the democratization of art critique.
When the first major labor laws were passed, in the nineteen-thirties, Southern lawmakers fought to exclude domestic work, a largely black profession, an omission that allowed states to maintain racial hierarchies and a cheap pool of black labor.
Whatever we think of him, he gave an amazing picture of the developmental logic of capitalism itself — how it creates world markets, how it invents new needs, how it subverts inherited cultural practices and disregards hierarchies and so on.
In the early 1800s, colonialist "scientists" used fatness as one of the markers for social hierarchies, with fatness as one of the "uncivilized" characteristics attributed to the Black and indigenous people placed at the bottom of this scale. 42.
Can we think of this community-focused and collectively-realized space as a move towards a practice decolonial art, because in its constellated approach it disrupts the kind of exhibitionary hierarchies brought to critique in the first gallery room?
It might have something to do with the fantastical but grounded world in which it's set—The Witcher isn't a series where stuff just happens, adhering as it does to its own logic, its own societal hierarchies and geographical politics.
The thesis I've put together as a result of reporting over the last three years is that cannabis culture is resistance culture—a culture that doesn't bow down to perceived wisdom or the hierarchies that have been set before it.
In a must-read piece on historical examples of platform abuse dating back to The Reformation, Wall Street Journal's Christopher Mims details why the architecture of open networks like Facebook lend themselves to vertical hierarchies, thus becoming more vulnerable to abuse.
LIKE many of Russia's wealthy elite, Mr. Pugachev got his start amid the chaos of the 1990s, when he set up a bank, Mezhprombank, and used it to finance other business ventures and cement relations with state and church hierarchies.
"This is a two-tiered national drug policy that has existed for over a hundred years now, which is based on and also reinforces racial and class hierarchies," said Helena Hansen, MD, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University.
The most captivating part of the book sees Newton circulating through second-wave feminist and lesbian circles in New York and Paris, where the debates, social hierarchies, and tangled affairs she encounters bring her to a late coming of age.
Now, the hierarchies between art and ornament have dissolved, and Chaimowicz has emerged, in Buck's estimation, "as a presiding force over a growing group of artists who are unashamedly playing with décor and environments," Karen Kilimnik and Lucy McKenzie among them.
It makes for a visual language that both edges toward Southern Gothic and sets itself apart, with reminders of how different fates unfold in the same landscape, shaped by ancestral custom but also by stark hierarchies of race and class.
"Giselle" appeared to neatly uphold social hierarchies, but its villagers, and its unabashed use of boulevard-style effects (winged flight!), recalled those revolutionary peasants who, not so long before, had burned to the ground the manorial estates of their overlords.
That mode, known as Fortnite Battle Royale, has divided locker rooms, formed hierarchies completely unrelated to depth charts, created friendships between would-be rivals and led even potential All-America contenders to make the game part of their daily offseason routine.
This kinetic outdoor sculpture by collaborative artists Antonia Wright and Ruben Millares, presented by Luis De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles, consists of a group of flags sliding up and down on a flagpole in an allegory of complicated global hierarchies.
Ricks is an engaging, if repetitive, guide, and his book doubles as a deft study of wartime society—a chapter on the Battle of Britain, which parses Churchill's leadership and Orwell's firsthand observations, shows how the Blitz eroded English class hierarchies.
If the educational system is reproducing existing class and status hierarchies—if most of the benefits are going to students who are privileged already—then either meritocracy isn't working properly or it wasn't the right approach in the first place.
" She drills into how inherited ideas of sexual hierarchies seep down through some vague cultural apparatus and lodge themselves into us as "a certain cultural consensus about what women wanted and how men should go about giving it to them.
In the crucible of the 1990s culture wars, this egalitarian impulse was institutionalized under the banner of "visual culture," a new interdisciplinary field intended to redress the perceived elitism of art history, its canon of genius and its hierarchies of value.
The conservative compromises that initially stabilized this new order—reinstitutionalized racial and gender hierarchies, coercive deradicalization of labor, private administration of the incomplete welfare state—also left it riddled with contradictions, ultimately producing its decay into neoliberalism in the 1970s.
"We don't want to create hierarchies — saying that women in Hollywood are more important than other women," Marai Larasi, the executive director of Imkaan, a British network of organizations dedicated to ending violence against black women, said on the E!
They trace the trend to the 1960s, when the Republican Party shifted electoral strategies to try to win disaffected Southern Democrats, in part by speaking to fears of changing social norms — for example, the racial hierarchies upset by civil rights.
It could come in the form of rising diversity, whether that means demographic changes from immigration or merely changes in the colors of the faces on TV. Or it could be any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies.
In 1970, a computer scientist at IBM named Edward Codd decided to formalize this stuff into a new algebra—a novel system of symbols and symbol manipulations meant to organize data not as tangled webs of hierarchies, but as simple tables.
Seeking an explanation for the wide participation of ordinary Hutus in genocide, Mamdani explored how — through Belgian colonial violence and enforced ethnic hierarchies — the majority Hutus came to see the Tutsi minority not as fellow "people of the soil," but foreign settlers.
Journalist Malcolm Gladwell has explained the vast differences between networks, such as the one that monitors and edits Wikipedia, and hierarchies, such as the ones that produced the Montgomery bus boycott or the Greensboro lunch counter sit-ins of the civil rights era.
Trust in general is a key theme, with lawmakers expressing frustration at both the opacity of Google's blackbox algorithms, which ultimately shape content hierarchies on its platforms, and the difficulty they've had in getting facetime with its CEO to voice questions and concerns.
But it can't quite evoke the Sixteen Candles–like satisfaction of an idealized Jake Ryan finally getting together with a nerdy Molly Ringwald, because two perfectly popular, conventionally hot kids making out just doesn't provide the same frisson of high school hierarchies shattering.
Giant companies such as US Steel and Standard Oil first summoned up tens of thousands of employees (when it was formed in 1901 US Steel had 250,103 employees) and then turned those thousands into disciplined armies with steep hierarchies and precisely defined roles.
Mass starvation is not brought about by a crop-disease- or climate-driven absolute lack of food but by policies and hierarchies which stop people from exchanging their primary "entitlement", in Mr Sen's terms—for instance, their labour—for what food there is.
Conveniently, he leaves two things out of his assessment that are of vital importance: the question of why people believe in 'limited stylistic hierarchies' (exclusionary body and beauty standards), and the very obvious point that, in fact, not everyone does believe in them.
Since you sometimes hear stories about prom becoming an occasion to enforce high school social hierarchies or leave people out based on what they wear or who they want to bring, it's heartwarming to instead hear about such a positive, accepting environment.
"When we talk about minorities, or about 'underrepresented minorities,' it is sort of about their location in the social, political, and economic hierarchies," says Camille Z. Charles, professor of sociology and director of the Center for Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.
"We're kind of in a new moment where women are insisting that we shine a light everywhere on the experiences of women and, and not replicating some of the old hierarchies, at least in the way that we're doing this work," Poo said.
But easy as it now is to ding Dubuffet for exoticism, it's worth remembering how committed the Frenchman was to dismantling hierarchies of artistic merit — and how his gaze on Arab societies formed part of a larger contestation of European pre-eminence.
The women of "Jillian" and "The New Me" form strict, minor hierarchies with other women; they all find one another pathetic and abhorrent, but they still chirp hello every morning and make polite conversation as they warm up leftovers in the break room.
The lesbian continuum, I think, really affected the both of us and how we wanted to talk about relationships and, in general, how we were both really committed to deconstructing hierarchies in our relationships—especially not privileging sexual relationships over non-sexual relationships.
One of the surprises of this show is a folk painting, lent from Seoul's Leeum Samsung Museum of Art and nicknamed "Fireworks Kumgang," that forgoes the precision of Jeong's and Sin's visions for bizarrely isolated views arrayed with no regard for spatial hierarchies.
It's a nexus of misery for the 25-year-old who quickly tears himself to shreds in what becomes an uncompromising burrow into the emotional costs racial hierarchies can exact from the political, professional, and romantic lives of Black people in America.
These hierarchies are made palpable in the gallery's back room, where an actual (non-functioning) industrial outhouse is jammed into a corner, signifying the division between homeowners and the workers who aren't allowed to use the bathrooms of the houses they're fixing.
" He's still dissecting social hierarchies in the fourth book in the series, "Iron Gold," which debuts on this week's hardcover fiction list at No. 3: "I'm exploring the lives of people who become casualties despite the best intentions of the story's heroes.
In short, those in opposition to the federal government's regulation of the economy and defense of workers by labor unions combined in a single party with those who feared the end of racial and gender norms and hierarchies in social and family life.
So even if Trump distances himself from any particular law, that's how one should understand the new wave of abortion restrictions — as direct attacks on the social and economic autonomy of people who can become pregnant designed to strengthen strict hierarchies of gender.
THAT WEEDS ARE suddenly being treated as the equals of roses and orchids (or as "it" flowers like the ever-chic peony or ranunculus) could be viewed as an upending of traditional hierarchies in parallel to the political turmoil of our time.
There'd be a map of the network—something to reconstruct all the how's and why's; all the hierarchies and concepts of any and all musical ideas that have come and gone on this earth, from Vivaldi to Sinatra to Pink Floyd and Beyoncé.
But in the space of about two years, alongside the evolution of the #MeToo movement, the profession has become highly sought across parts of the entertainment industry newly made answerable for the vulnerability of their actors and the exploitability of their hierarchies.
"No one is going to worry about hierarchies like director, sub-director, or supervisor now because it is pointless to have more responsibilities and earn the same," said Ildemaro Useche, the president of the Venezuelan Teachers Union's for the Andean state of Tachira.
Very much in a mode of George Balanchine, who was a godfather to this troupe, and his vision of the symmetries and hierarchies of French-Russian classicism, "Brahms Variations" is exceedingly polite, but such decorum and taste are rare enough to astonish.
Unlike Jordan Peterson (who is also arguably a member of the podcast bros fraternity, and once a guest on Marcus' podcast), Marcus isn't interested in reinforcing social hierarchies, he's interested in eliminating them, the same way a heroic dose of psychedelics does.
It emphasizes loyalty, sacrificing one's own goals and satisfaction in order to maintain traditional hierarchies and the status quo: A citizen is faithful to his country, the son to the father, the wife to her husband, the younger brother to his older brother.
He went on to say that the type of test Snowden had been taking when he asked about legal hierarchies was a standard one given to junior analysts or someone new to working signals intelligence at the National Threat Operations Center (NTOC).
Castro's swashbuckling forays into international affairs also overshadowed a visible dark side: the ruthless suppression of anti-Castro opposition forces, the curtailment of freedom of speech and expression, the imprisonment and killing of political enemies and a failure to confront racial hierarchies in revolutionary Cuba.
Weckert's statement highlights the impact of tech tools of all kinds — including Air BnB, ridesharing apps, Tinder, and food delivery services — on the development and character of cities like Berlin, and the manner in which we lead our lives and pursue our respective Maslow hierarchies.
People all along the way have told me and a bunch of other well-intending people in the industry that we are restricted in what we can do, that we have to play by these larger rules and hierarchies... Well, I don't subscribe to that.
The project ignored established hierarchies, as Rosler brought art and artists into dialogue with the wider community, in part to point out their role in the process of displacement: Artists moving into a neighborhood often heralds the beginning of rent increases that squeeze current residents.
The lieutenant colonel went on to say that the type of test Snowden had been taking when he asked about legal hierarchies was a standard one given to junior analysts or someone new to working signals intelligence at the National Threat Operations Center (NTOC).
We need these institutions, which include our art museums, to be proactive alternative environments, in which standardized power hierarchies are dissolved, a poly-cultural range of voices speak, the history of art is truthfully told, and truth itself is understood as an always-developing story.
The combination of signifiers calls to mind a range of associations, from the subservient jobs deemed suitable for African Americans during Hollywood's "golden age," to the pressures to conform to white expectations as a prerequisite for navigating the nation's political, social, and economic hierarchies.
Nowadays, of course, with algorithms masterminding (and undermining) our very existence, the average programmer no longer has time to manipulate the binary muck, and works instead with hierarchies of abstraction, layers upon layers of code — and often with chains of code borrowed from code libraries.
First, because like other forms of neoliberal deregulation the sexual revolution created new winners and losers, new hierarchies to replace the old ones, privileging the beautiful and rich and socially adept in new ways and relegating others to new forms of loneliness and frustration.
Tough: In Nicholas Lemann's excellent history of the SAT, The Big Test, he shows that it didn't take long after the SAT's introduction, decades ago, for people to notice that the test was actually replicating the class hierarchies that it was supposedly designed to disrupt.
Any candidates who prefer campaigning to governing, who would rather speak at a rally than sit through a briefing, or who understand the hierarchies of Fox News but do not seem to have read the Constitution can run to be a royal, not a president.
But perhaps the most important aspect of the proslavery theology that far outlasted the high tide of antebellum slaveholding was its fusion of religion with a form of nationalism, a vision of an American Christian nation with hierarchies rooted in the edicts of the Bible.
At the very least, the choice seemed to demonstrate that the pope's determination to dismantle the power hierarchies of the Roman Curia, which he had hoped Cardinal Pell could help him with, was a greater priority and had led him to overlook warning signs.
My position has always been that all of these racist and sexist hierarchies have always been tacitly grounded in the deepest — and often most invisible – hierarchy of all: the ontological divide between human and animal life, which in turn grounds a pernicious ethical hierarchy.
Two of them, however, are singled out for commendation: John Glenn, portrayed by Glen Powell as a natural democrat with no time for racial hierarchies; and Al Harrison, the head of Katherine's group, for whom the success of the mission is more important than color.
It's not clear whether artificial intelligence will reinforce or undermine existing power systems and hierarchies, but given that its development and implementation is driven by a class of individuals with interests that don't exactly mesh with yours or mine, it's fair to be concerned.
Additionally, "The First Congress" highlights an interesting yet often overlooked period of US history, where the country was essentially functioning like a startup, grinding and building from scratch, having to create mission statements, organizational hierarchies, operational systems or otherwise for the very first time.
That the words of the commander in chief of the armed forces might not resonate still with the soldiers who serve in those armed forces, who depend on him for promotion and advancement, and whose credos depend in no small part on hierarchies of loyalty?
It's a story as old as the hills: "In modern human cultures where social hierarchies are ubiquitous, people typically signal their hierarchical position through consumption of positional goods — goods that convey one's social position, such as luxury products," explains a study published Tuesday in Nature.
So unless that is reformed, unless we reform society so there are no hierarchies, because the hierarchy used to be white, property-owning men at the top of the hierarchy and everybody else in varying positions underneath that, and now it's just money and power.
As liberals note, the social networks in which they were embedded reflected strict racial and gender hierarchies and enforced a conformity to community norms that was very painful for gays and lesbians, political dissidents and women who dreamed of doing something in the world outside the home.
" Susan Stryker highlighted medical science's power to "regulate" society in Transgender History , writing , "Medical practitioners and institutions have the social power to determine what is considered sick or healthy, normal or pathological... to transform potentially neutral forms of human difference into unjust and oppressive social hierarchies.
Whitten's three-dimensional work expands the boundaries of the relationship between art and audience by refusing to conform to established art historical dichotomies between Western and non-Western aesthetics, and by breaking down hierarchies between personal narrative and the conceptual, historical, and metaphysical ideas it explores.
Ms. Warren has also troubled advocates of racial equality and justice, who say her attempt to document ethnicity with a DNA test gave validity to the idea that race is determined by blood — a bedrock principle for white supremacists and others who believe in racial hierarchies.
But I should mention a few deserving political essays: In "How American Politics Went Insane," in The Atlantic, Jonathan Rauch argues that generations of well-intentioned reformers have destroyed the informal structures of politics, like parties, congressional hierarchies and pork barrel spending, that make government work.
The web had promised a new kind of egalitarian media, populated by small magazines, bloggers and self-organizing encyclopedias; the information titans that dominated mass culture in the 20th century would give way to a more decentralized system, defined by collaborative networks, not hierarchies and broadcast channels.
Watch "Inside America's Billion Dollar Divorce Industry": And so you have it—by lending tops a position of privilege in our gay hierarchies (by remarking upon their supposed rarity, or by accusing each other of being bottoms,) we reinforce the same misogynist and patriarchal tendencies of our straight brethren.
But it is a uniformly pernicious one that continues to exert a powerful negative influence on the lives of millions of people — reenforcing traditional status hierarchies while immiserating the country as a whole by preventing vast swaths of the population from reaching their full potential to prosper and contribute.
Each in their own way, speakers throughout the week translated "Make America Great Again" — a Trump slogan that critics rightfully perceive as a threat — into an unapologetic cri de coeur for a restoration of white nationalism, an ideology that advocates defining national identity by racial categories and hierarchies.
The list I followed most closely was murmurs, for fans of R.E.M. Against the grain of the liberatory rhetoric of equality surrounding the internet at that time, early online fandoms were eager to replicate dynamics of offline fandoms, creating hierarchies, boundaries, and norms for acceptable in-group behaviors.
Just as businesses have sought to escape the old corporate strictures by encouraging flexible and off-site work and by flattening hierarchies (sometimes even eliminating managers), protesters have tried to move past the groaning actions of the past by coördinating instantly across distance and embracing leaderless or "horizontal" movements.
Into this space, vacated by a dwindling left as well as a state devoted largely to protecting elites and their profit-making mechanisms (at the very moment when humanity needs to think of solidarity across hierarchies and borders, even across species) the BJP and its Hindutva allies have moved.
Each technology demands certain tools to facilitate its use; the electronic technology has dismissed the old hierarchies and established instead a method in which all facts are equally important and each one is made present simultaneously with every other fact in a constant and overwhelming here and now.
Only just a week prior, Netflix's studio chief Ted Sarandos rebuked claims that its lack of awards at previous award shows is part of a "backlash to a tech giant that is upending entertainment-industry business practices and threatening Hollywood power hierarchies," as The New York Times wrote.
But the day was also central to the process through which Italians became fully ratified as white in the U.S. Our Opinion section tells how racial hierarchies changed, as Italian immigrants went from a pariah status in the 19th century to white Americans in good standing in the 20th.
In a telephone interview William Ahmanson, president of the foundation, said he fears that under the Zumthor plan — a sweeping, one-level structure designed to flatten the traditional museum hierarchies that privilege particular centuries and cultures — many European artworks his family's foundation donated will end up in storage.
Women had long used their bodies to critique social relations and hierarchies, but the fact that so much of Fraser's work had existed within an intellectual framework, steeped in discourse and terminology, meant that no one really knew how to contextualize her more explicit use of her sexuality.
Anger over economic stagnation and reputed graft within the clerical and security hierarchies has been building since last year when Trump pulled the United States out of world powers' 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, calling it defective, and reimposed sanctions that have further crippled Iran's oil-based economy.
Because Raetia never effectively developed feudal hierarchies of power, a citizen of the canton didn't see considerations of communal solidarity as any threat to individual freedoms; far from it, he "view[ed] government as an extension of the interests he held in common with fellow citizens," Barber observed.
Their use in Queen Mary recalls Belle's earlier works: Trading Post (articulated hierarchies and visible displacements), a sculpture that consists of similar stones pieced into a rough column and encased in plexiglass, and Wall Rubbings (record of the work of others), a collection of rubbings of the same stones.
" According to Decolonize This Place, "New York's premier scientific museum continues to honor the bogus racial classification that assigned colonized peoples to the domain of Nature, and Europeans to the realm of Culture," adding that "a monument that appears to glorify racial hierarchies should be retired from public view.
Regina José Galindo pushes her physical and psychic limits in a series of video works that critically meditate on the oppressive social hierarchies in her native Guatemala, specifically the ways kidnapping, rape, and violently sexist language is used against the country's most vulnerable feminine denizens, often from the poorest sectors.
By using the body as a vehicle for change, artists from Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, the Middle East, and across Asia commit to a language that unites their endeavors to overturn post-colonial legacies, invert hierarchies of power, and stretch frontiers of assessing art in new and expansive ways.
"We allow our people to have much more flexibility in terms of making decisions … And making changes that they need to, less hierarchies and less processes, but also making sure that they free up their time (so they don't just) create many things ahead of time," she told CNBC by phone.
Academic research has found that when authoritarians feel threatened — whether because of social change that disturbs the hierarchies that are important to them, or because of economic stress that changes their communities, or because of physical threats like terrorism — they become "activated," meaning they seek out authoritarian leaders and policies.
The subversive ingenuity of the Kate Spade brand, with its cheerfulness and indulgent use of color, was that it rejected both the old hierarchies and entitlements and the newer tensions of the meritocracy in favor of an ethos that implied you were already someone — here and now just as you were.

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