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64 Sentences With "conks"

How to use conks in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "conks" and check conjugation/comparative form for "conks". Mastering all the usages of "conks" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She conks out for most of the final plane ride.
I get peevish when software crashes or hardware conks out.
She drops a pill into Duke's drink, and he conks out.
It remains dry and temperature-controlled (unless my furnace conks out again).
The electricity frequently conks out, which forced him to purchase a costly generator.
The mom stays offstage — when Blanche finally conks out it's from sheer exhaustion.
She wants to win the spelling bee and meet the Queen, but conks out.
With both on-board, pilots will have a backup system in case one conks out.
What happens when your headset slips off your head and conks another passenger in the face?
It's all fun and games until one day it conks out for good when you need it most.
There are times when the speaker conks out and refuses to respond to me, but you know what?
I can also walk halfway down my street before the radio transmission to the handheld unit conks out.
I head home for some quality play time in the living room with Poppy before she conks out.
My boyfriend immediately conks out on the couch, so I spend quality time with the dog and my sister.
In the field tests, we used extracts from two species of wood conks, the red reishi and the amadou.
When your BMW i3's battery finally conks out, you can use it at home as an energy storage system.
If your current Nook conks out from age, your library can be downloaded from your Barnes & Noble account to a new Nook.
It can carry on for nearly 100 miles on a full charge, though in the bitter Norwegian winters, he concedes, it conks out much sooner.
In the film, the down-on-herself Renee (played by Amy Schumer) conks her head in a SoulCycle accident and awakens believing that she has miraculously become supermodel-hot.
They can tell that a large group of spools is bigger than a much smaller group — psychologists call that an approximate number sense — but their exact number sense conks out after 21.
Here's how much I love this gadget: When the Steam Link hit $20, I actually bought a second one that I keep pristine in the box, just in case my primary ever conks out.
And while it's always handy to keep a spare outfit in your car in case of potential fashion faux pas, your extra pair of jeans won't exactly help you when your battery conks out, or when you get stuck in a ditch in the middle of nowhere with zero phone signal.
The tops of conks are reddish brown to blackish with concentric furrows; the underside is yellow-brown, while for growing conks, the undersurface and margin of growing conks is a bright yellowish-brown with large irregular pores. White pockets usually develop where the conks develop, but the decay may extend 4 ft above and 5 ft below a conk. Decay tends to occur at the base of stem, but may also develop into large roots. In the early stage of decay, the affected wood becomes reddish to purplish in color.
Forest Disease Management Notes. It attacks both heartwood and sapwood and causes white pocket trunk rot. The basidiocarps (fruiting body), conks, are the most apparent signs on infected trees. The conks are perennial, usually gregarious, imbricate, and shelve-shaped, about 3 inches wide.
When decay is sufficient to provide enough resources, a new conk may be produced. Time from infection to conk production may be 10–20 years or more. These conks are perennial and the disease cycle can be repeated with spores produced by the new conks. Phellinus pini fruiting bodies.
Phellinus tremulae spreads through airborne basidiospores. Sporulation occurs in late winter, early spring, and continues with moist weather in the summer. Spores germinate sexually in fresh wounds only (<1 week old) and conks are produced by the fungus body after 5 years of infection. The conks produce the basidiospores on the underside and setae surround the basidia for protection.
Closeup of "fuzzy" conk surface Bridgeoporus nobilissimus has perennial, imbricate, sessile fruit bodies that measure by by . From 1966 to 1990, this species was designated the largest pore fungus in the Guinness Book of World Records. Three fruit body shapes are associated with the fungus, depending largely on the location of the fruiting on the host tree. Hoof-shaped and shelf-like conks are located on the sides of hosts; short, oblong-topped conks with tapering pore surfaces occur on the main roots of the host; and centrally substipitate (conical) conks are found on the tops of stumps.
Stem wounds also increase the opportunities for infection no matter the age of the tree. In order to diagnose aspen trunk rot, conks are the first sign to look for. Perennial conks with concentric growth rings indicate severe decay because each growth ring signifies a season of disease. It takes many years to build up the concentric rings to indicate severe decay.
The disease spreads through the heartwood and fruiting bodies (conks in advanced decay) develop. Spores are dispersed from the fruiting bodies in all directions.
The conks were once collected extensively for production of medicinal quinine, which they were thought to contain, because of the bitter taste of the powdered conk. However, they do not contain quinine, and have no anti-malarial properties. The distinctive conks can be large, as much as two feet long, hoof-shaped or columnar. They are soft, yellow-white when young, soon becoming white and chalky throughout.
The fruit body of the Chinese fungus Phellinus ellipsoideus, discovered in 2008, which is the largest recorded fungal fruit body in the world. The largest mushrooms and conks are the largest known individual fruit bodies. These are known as sporocarps, or, more specifically, basidiocarps and ascocarps for the Basidiomycota and Ascomycota respectively. These fruit bodies have a wide variety of morphologies, ranging from the typical mushroom shape, to brackets (conks), puffballs, cup fungi, stinkhorns, crusts and corals.
With yards to go, his bike conks out and he pushes it over the line to win; a split-second ahead of his fellow rider. So he not only succeeds in winning the race, but gets the girl as well.
This is because trees with open wounds, frost cracks or conks are more susceptible to the fungus.Jones, Alan C., and Michael E. Ostry. "Estimating White Trunk Rot in Aspen Stands." Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 15.1 (1998): 33-36. Web.
By the end of the 1930s, more gangs such as the Beehive Boys, the San Toi, Tongs, the Fleet, Govan Team, and Bingo Boys had come into existence. Glasgow gangs were divided between those that were solely territorial and those that combined territorial and sectarian allegiances, such as the Protestant Bridgeton (or Billy) Boys who frequently clashed with the Roman Catholic Norman Conks in the East End of the city. The Billy Boys would meet at Bridgeton Cross, their claimed territory. The Norman Conks would gather in a street which was roughly half a kilometre south.
The decay is brown, cubically cracked, with thick white felts in large cracks. The taste of both conks and felts is bitter and distinct for this species. A single conk usually indicates complete cull. Infected trees can be habitat for snag-nesting species.
Jack and Cynthia make a dash for freedom and Cynthia reveals that she is the murderer. She conks out Jack. In hospital, Jack discovered that Cynthia made up the confession to protect him - the real killer is Cornwallis, who was pretending to be dead.
Fred Nurke, who, in The Affair of The Lone Banana, vanishes from right under his mother's nose. Seagoon asks: 'What was he doing there?' Headstone the butler (Sellers) replies 'It was raining at the time, I believe' (another Jewish reference – see Max 'Conks' Geldray).
Tommy pleads with him for one last attempt, and the admiral agrees. Tommy finally spots the survivors, but his engine conks out. He sets his aircraft on fire as a signal to the Langley and parachutes into the water. When they return to San Diego, Anita is waiting for him.
The conks can appear to have a triangular shape and the lower surface is covered in pores.Worrell, James J. Decay and Discoloration of Aspen. N.p.: US Department of Agriculture-Forest Service, 2009. Knots and stem wounds/scars also indicate decay within the aspen tree while cavities and cracks display the inner decay.
Spores produced on these conks are blown by the wind and go on to infect other trees.Decays Formal management of this disease is limited, and the disease is controlled primarily by cultural practices. Red ring rot is an important forest disturbance agent and plays a key role in habitat formation for several forest animals.
In all infected species, the most obvious sign of rot is a conk on the stem of the tree. A conk is the woody fruiting body of the fungus that forms a triangular shape. Conks are perennial and can survive for up to twenty years. They form about five years after the initial infection.USDA.
A young man takes his wife and a friend on a fishing trip to the Florida Keys on a boat owned by local Conks. Following a blow on the head when their boat hits a shallow bottom and loses its propeller, the husband becomes mentally unstable and believes his wife is having an affair.
B. nobilissimus fruit bodies do not occur on fallen logs or other forms of dead wood lacking roots or some connection to a root system. Conks have been found growing on the still-living roots of an upturned, windthrown tree, while a once-living conk died within several years after the host tree was uprooted by a fallen tree.
Fast-talking Jasper B. Hawks drives through the forest in his car, along with his sidekick Elmer Briggs. At the same time, pilot Joi Landis pilots a single engine aircraft over the same area. Joi's engine conks out, and she is forced to parachute to safety. On the ground, she suddenly encounters a Bigfoot creature that emerges from the woods and attacks her.
On board, Bugs waves goodbye to a cheering crowd (which is nothing but a mouse) declaring, "He's not long for this world!", and is knocked out when Sam conks him over the head. Bugs finds himself rowing the ship's oars with an iron ball chained to his foot. He storms up to Sam and demands he gets rid of it.
A couple, Sudheer (Ravi Teja) and Rani (Charmy), is traveling in a car on a deserted road for friend’s marriage. They take a shortcut to reach the venue, when their car conks out and they end up in an old, dilapidated, a seedy resort. They meet a weird hotel staff member (Subbaraju) who claims he is the receptionist. He tells them that the hotel is full.
On Engelmann spruce P. pini is the most common pathogen to Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and causes the largest decay columns. There is red staining in the early stages and tends to develop along the annual rings. The decay can be identified with white pockets and punk knots (a slight swollen, resinous knot) and conks. Decay usually occurs mostly in the basal stem and may extend to roots.
Aspen trunk rot is a fungal disease that causes stem decay heart rot of living aspen trees. The pathogen that causes this disease is the fungus Phellinus tremulae. Most of the symptoms of this disease are internal, with the only external signs of a diseased aspen being fruiting bodies called conks. A single conk found on an aspen can indicate advanced decay of up 82% of the tree volume.
Phellinus pini (current name: Porodaedalea pini (Brot.) Murrill 1905) is a fungal plant pathogen that causes tree disease commonly known as "red ring rot" or "white speck". This disease, extremely common in the conifers of North America, decays tree trunks, rendering them useless for lumber.Red Ring Rot - Field Guide to Insects and Diseases of AZ and NM Forests It is a rot of the heartwood. Signs of the fungus include shelf-shaped conks protruding from the trunks of trees.
Bridgeoporus is a fungal genus in the family Polyporaceae. A monotypic genus, it contains the single polypore species Bridgeoporus nobilissimus, first described to science in 1949. Commonly known both as the noble polypore and the fuzzy Sandozi, this fungus produces large fruit bodies (or conks) that have been found to weigh up to . The upper surface of the fruit body has a fuzzy or fibrous texture that often supports the growth of algae, bryophytes, or vascular plants.
Captured sea turtles in Key West, circa 1900 Many of the residents of Key West were immigrants from the Bahamas, known as Conchs (pronounced "conks"'), who arrived in increasing numbers after 1830. Many were sons and daughters of Loyalists who fled to the nearest Crown soil during the American Revolution.Windhorn, Stan & Langley, Wright Yesterday's Key West p.13 In the 20th century many residents of Key West started referring to themselves as Conchs, and the term is now generally applied to all residents of Key West.
As other Polypores, basidiospores are produced on the underside of the conks and are spread by wind. These wind-blown spores are the initial inoculums of the red ring rot. Once they land on a suitable small wound or twig stub, the spores may germinate and the mycelia grow into the inner wood and cause infection. P. pini produces only one type of spores, basidiospores, which is also a type of sexual spores and the fungus overwinters as mycelium in diseased trees or dead trees.
Polypores (Ganoderma sp.) growing on a tree in Borneo Polypores are a group of fungi that form large fruiting bodies with pores or tubes on the underside (see Delimitation for exceptions). They are a morphological group of basidiomycetes-like gilled mushrooms and hydnoid fungi, and not all polypores are closely related to each other. Polypores are also called bracket fungi, and their woody fruiting bodies are called conks. Most polypores inhabit tree trunks or branches consuming the wood, but some soil-inhabiting species form mycorrhiza with trees.
The Norman Conks (or Norman Conquerors) were a large Catholic sectarian street gang active in Glasgow. It was one of the popular Glasgow razor gangs, and was active from the 1880s to the 1960s, with its territory and most of their members based about the Catholic area of Norman Street in Bridgeton. They were initially a penny mob, but evolved into a larger, influential gang. They were often involved in street fighting with the Protestant Billy Boys of Bridgeton, but were on frindler terms with the Calton Tongs who were mostly Catholic.
The fruit bodies (also called conks) of Bridgeoporus are found singly or sometimes in overlapping layers on old trees ( diameter at breast height) of noble fir (Abies procera), and more rarely Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis) or western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). It has also been recorded growing on a snag of redwood. Other tree species often found in B. nobilissimus habitats include Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western redcedar (Thuja plicata), and western hemlock. Common shrubs at these sites include salal (Gaultheria shallon), Sitka alder (Alnus sinuata), rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum), and Alaska blueberry (Vaccinium ovalifolium).
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, most of Glasgow's street gangs were territorially based in working-class districts. This was reflected in the choice of names such as the Bridgeton Billy Boys, the Calton Entry, and the South Side Stickers. The Beehive Boys took their name from a draper's shop situated at the corner of Thistle Street and Cumberland Street in the Gorbals. Many gangs were active in the city; however, two of the most infamous were the former Penny Mobs, the Bridgeton Billy Boys and the Norman Conks.
This often led to the Brigton Boys being attacked by members of the Norman Conks as a result. Despite being primarily based in Glasgow, in the 1930s the Brigton Boys were invited to march in Belfast and sang Billy Boys while they were there as part of The Twelfth celebrations. The Brigton Boys and their youth wing, the Derry Boys, started to attend association football matches in the late 1920s and early 1930s. During this time, they attended Rangers matches and Rangers fans started to sing the Billy Boys song as part of a perceived affiliation with the Brigton Boys.
P. 314. A bracket fungus (Pycnoporus sp.) with a tough, woody cap The blushing bracket showing the red bruising, which is one identification characteristic Laetiporus sulphureus Bracket fungus on tree in Tokyo, Japan Bracket fungi, or shelf fungi, are among the many groups of fungi that compose the division Basidiomycota. Characteristically, they produce shelf- or bracket-shaped or occasionally circular fruiting bodies called conks that lie in a close planar grouping of separate or interconnected horizontal rows. Brackets can range from only a single row of a few caps, to dozens of rows of caps that can weigh several hundred pounds.
Yellow-bellied sapsuckers nest in a large cavity excavated in a live deciduous tree, often choosing one that has rotten heartwood; a suitable tree may be reused. It especially prefers Populus tremuloides trees that have conks of Fomes fomentarius var. populinus. Other trees in the genus Populus and those in the genus Betula are popular choices. A study in northern Canada found that the yellow-bellied sapsucker nested in trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ranging anywhere from , with an average DBH of about for nestling trees, compared to the average DBH in the area of about .
Jazz musician thumb The conk (derived from congolene, a hair straightener gel made from lye) was a hairstyle popular among African-American men from the 1920s to the 1960s. This hairstyle called for a man with naturally "kinky" hair to have it chemically straightened using a relaxer (sometimes the pure corrosive chemical lye), so that the newly straightened hair could be styled in specific ways. Often, the relaxer was made at home, by mixing lye, eggs, and potatoes, the applier having to wear gloves and the receiver's head having to be rinsed thoroughly after application to avoid chemical burns. Conks were often styled as large pompadours although other men chose to simply slick their straightened hair back, allowing it to lie flat on their heads.
Regardless of the styling, conks required a considerable amount of effort to maintain: a man often had to wear a do-rag of some sort at home, to absorb sweat or other agents to keep them from causing his hair to revert to its natural state prematurely. Also, the style required repeated application of relaxers; as new hair grew in, it too had to be chemically straightened. Many of the popular musicians of the early to mid 20th century, including Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Louis Jordan, Little Richard, James Brown, and the members of The Temptations and The Miracles, were well known for sporting the conk hairstyle. The gatefold of the 1968 album Electric Mud shows blues legend Muddy Waters having his hair conked.
He is sort of a strongman succumbed to lack of exercise, despite doing most of the physical work on the island or making Gilligan do it. He is also the most superstitious castaway, sometimes putting him in conflict with the Professor's rationalism. The Skipper is lovable but is irritated continually by the clumsiness and ineptitude of his "little buddy" Gilligan, despite that they are good friends. A running gag is that whenever Gilligan messes up a rescue, the skipper conks Gilligan on the head with his hat; a variation of this gag is that whenever Gilligan is in a tree as a lookout and falls down, he usually lands on the Skipper, or if Gilligan (on rare occasion) does something right or correctly predicts an outcome, the Skipper is about to conk Gilligan, then restrains himself due to the fact Gilligan was right.
Billy Boys originated in the 1920s as the signature tune of the Brigton Boys, also called The Billy Boys of Brigton Cross, who were a Protestant street gang in Bridgeton (an area of Glasgow historically associated with the city's Protestant population, and with Scottish unionism - Brigton is the Scots form of Bridgeton) led by Billy Fullerton. The gang often clashed with Roman Catholic gangs such as the Norman Conks and the Calton Tongs.Petrol bomb pensioner shows old gang hatreds die hard, Janey Godley, The Scotsman, 6 January 2008 Fullerton was a member of the British Fascists who was awarded a medal for strike-breaking during the 1926 General Strike and formed a Glasgow branch of the British Union of Fascists with the onset of World War II.Razor gangs ruled the streets but even in the violence of pre-war years, one man stood out, Daily Record, 19 October 2007 The Billy Boys song was often sung loudly when the gang performed it. They regularly sang it when they marched through primarily Catholic areas of Glasgow on Catholic holy days.
Sylvester finds himself being constantly harassed and teased by the mice as they seem to be able to outsmart him at every turn, going so far as to bonk him on the head with a two-by-four when he insults them, no matter how far away he is from their hole. Hoping to get even with them, Sylvester is inspired by a book based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin, and goes to take music lessons on the flute. Once he is well-studied with the flute, he returns to get his payback on the mice. At first, when the mice see him, they continue to taunt and ridicule him, saying he's gone "much loco in the cabeza," but their taunting comes to an abrupt end when, as Sylvester plays the Mexican Hat Dance on his flute, the mouse leading the taunts becomes entranced, and dances out to Sylvester, who then conks him on the head with his flute, stunning him, and places him in the large jar he brought with him.

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