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223 Sentences With "attenuates"

How to use attenuates in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "attenuates" and check conjugation/comparative form for "attenuates". Mastering all the usages of "attenuates" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Subtlety as aesthetic strategy fails only when it attenuates id.
Isn't that something that attenuates our ability to just go it alone?
According to Bostic, mindfulness attenuates the more evolutionarily primitive areas of our brains — the amygdala, the brain stem, etc.
He writes with a youthful and sustained energy that parallels the zeal of his dreamers, and that ultimately attenuates their failures.
Fear of the unknown and making the wrong decision ends in post-purchase dissonance; bad brands introduces dissonance, while a good brand attenuates this fear.
The review "at least arguably attenuates the link between the president's alleged bias and the policy," said Margo Schlanger, a University of Michigan Law School professor.
"Such filters usually have a thin layer of aluminum, chromium or silver deposited on their surfaces that attenuates ultraviolet, visible, and infrared energy," NASA's eye safety page explains.
The short period between the South Carolina primary and Super Tuesday also attenuates the kind of glowing media coverage a candidate might expect after such an emphatic win.
The thick, algae-like layers of marine animals that will attach to the Float Lab's bottom unexpectedly act as a sponge that attenuates waves, suggesting possible uses for coastal resilience efforts.
"If a La Nina occurs, it tends to have the opposite effect and attenuates down a bit the global temperatures," said Maxx Dilley, director of WMO climate prediction and adaptation branch.
"In general, these studies suggest that self-compassion attenuates people's reactions to negative events in ways that are distinct from and, in some cases, more beneficial than self-esteem," the researchers concluded.
Instead, it attenuates them — a brutal slap across the face, you suspect, stands in for more instances of physical abuse — and casts many of Maud and Everett's difficulties as personal ordeals, playing down the institutional forces, like an orphanage, that discreetly hover in the background.
That's cool and all, but the skull greatly attenuates the brain's electrical signature, allowing for the exterior detection of frequencies of only up to about 60 Hz. The most useful frequencies for brain-machine interfaces are between 70 Hz and 200 Hz, however, because this is the activity linked to the brain's motor cortex.
Exercise also attenuates the global methylation changes induced by stress.
Like rimonabant, it is additionally a μ-opioid receptor antagonist that attenuates analgesic effects.
One study in mice showed that blockade of P2X7 receptors attenuates onset of liver fibrosis.
Alstonine is an indoloquinolizidine alkaloid and putative antipsychotic constituent of various plant species including Alstonia boonei, Catharanthus roseus, Picralima nitida, Rauwolfia caffra and Rauwolfia vomitoria. In preclinical studies alstonine attenuates MK-801-induced hyperlocomotion, working memory deficit and social withdrawal. It also possesses anxiolytic- like effects in preclinical studies, attenuates amphetamine-induced lethality and stereotypy as well as apomorphine-induced stereotypy, and attenuates haloperidol-induced catalepsy. These effects appear to be mediated by stimulation of the 5-HT2C receptor.
The prevalence of low bias ratios funds within all strategies further attenuates any relationship between the two.
An electronic filter that attenuates audio frequencies below a certain level and allows them above that level.
A filter that attenuates frequencies above a specified frequency and allows those below that value to pass.
"Honeybee buzz attenuates plant damage by caterpillars." Current Biology 18, no. 24 (2008): R1125-R1126. . Some insects possess a tympanal organ.
The Shure A2WS is an accessory windscreen for the SM57 that attenuates wind noise and plosives ("pop" sounds), and protects the microphone capsule.
"Cell cycle inhibition attenuates microglia induced inflammatory response and alleviates neuronal cell death after spinal cord injury in rats." Brain Research 1135: 177-185.
The backscattering method is also employed in fiber optics applications to detect optical faults. Light propagating through a fiber optic cable gradually attenuates due to Rayleigh scattering. Faults are thus detected by monitoring the variation of part of the Rayleigh backscattered light. Since the backscattered light attenuates exponentially as it travels along the optical fiber cable, the attenuation characteristic is represented in a logarithmic scale graph.
A filter that attenuates light evenly over the visible light spectrum. It reduces the light entering a lens, thus forcing the iris to open to its maximum.
First, the receive leg greatly attenuates the transmitter's carrier at the receiver input (typically by 90-100 dB), preventing the carrier from overloading (blocking) the receiver front end. Second, the transmit leg attenuates the transmitter broadband noise on the receiver frequency, also typically by 90-100 dB. By virtue of the transmitter and receiver being on different frequencies, they can operate at the same time on a single antenna.
Without these active pathways, a marked decreased in proliferation and mitogenecity is observed. Sulf1 expression even attenuates cell motility and invasion mediated by HGF, implicating Sulf1 loss in metastasis.
This is because PDGFRβ recruits RasGAP and thereby attenuates Ras/PI3K activity, which is required to engage a feed-forward loop that is responsible for this mode of activation.
One Phase I study showed no significant changes in the blood lipids or free fatty acids and another showed that TTA attenuates dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
The upward continuation method attenuates the wave number anomalies associated with the shallow magnetic sources. Thus the signal components contain the information about the objects situated deep beneath the earth.
A 2014 review stated that the variations in ratio of CBD-to-THC in botanical and pharmaceutical preparations determines the therapeutic vs psychoactive effects (CBD attenuates THC's psychoactive effects) of cannabis products.
Nitrite as regulator of hypoxic signaling in mammalian physiology. Med Res Rev 29, 2009, 683 - 741 A high salt intake attenuates NO production in patients with essential hypertension, although bioavailability remains unregulated.
The base of the shell is convex. The aperture is oval. The thin outer lip is crenated on the margin. The thin columella is slightly thickened above and attenuates abruptly to the front.
Slit-Robo interactions are highly implicated, however, in the dendritic development of cortical neurons in that exposure to Slit1 leads to increased dendritic outgrowth and branching while inhibition of Slit-robo interactions attenuates dendritic branching.
The hM4Di-DREADD's inhibitory effects are a result of the CNO's stimulation and resulting activation of the G-protein inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) channels. This causes hyperpolarization of the targeted neuronal cell and thus attenuates subsequent activity.
Heijligers, Marc. iPod audio measurements. Retrieved on February 17, 2007. The combination of the undersized DC-blocking capacitors and the typical low impedance of most consumer headphones form a high-pass filter, which attenuates the low- frequency bass output.
Guilt in bereavement: The role of self-blame and regret in coping with loss. PLoS One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096606Schilpzand, P., Leavitt, K., & Lim, S. (2016). Incivility hates company: Shared incivility attenuates rumination, stress, and psychological withdrawal by reducing self-blame.
Knockdown of NBR2 attenuates energy stress-induced AMPK activation, resulting in unchecked cell cycling, altered apoptosis/autophagy response, and increased tumour development in vivo. It is now appreciated that NBR2, a former junk gene, plays critical roles in tumor suppression.
The expression of WNT16B in the tumor microenvironment attenuates the effects of cytotoxic chemotherapy in vivo, promoting tumor cell survival and disease progression. This implies a mechanism by which cycles of genotoxic therapy might enhance subsequent treatment resistance in the tumor microenvironment.
The CNV is elicited when two, linked stimuli are presented. When the imperative stimulus is removed unexpectedly, the CNV attenuates until it is completely suppressed after about 20–50 trials. The CNV is immediately restored if paired with the imperative stimulus again.
Based upon limited clinical evidence in humans, supplemental HMB appears to increase the secretion of growth hormone and IGF-1 in response to resistance exercise. , the signaling cascade that mediates the HMB-induced reduction in muscle protein breakdown has not been identified in living humans, although it is well-established that it attenuates proteolysis in humans in vivo. Unlike , HMB attenuates muscle protein breakdown in an insulin-independent manner in humans. HMB is believed to reduce muscle protein breakdown in humans by inhibiting the 19S and 20S subunits of the ubiquitin–proteasome system in skeletal muscle and by inhibiting apoptosis of skeletal muscle nuclei via unidentified mechanisms.
Additionally, in specific circumstances, air can be used as a contrast agent for the gastrointestinal system and carbon dioxide can be used as a contrast agent in the venous system; in these cases, the contrast agent attenuates the X-ray radiation less than the surrounding tissues.
A shortpass (SP) Filter is an optical interference or coloured glass filter that attenuates longer wavelengths and transmits (passes) shorter wavelengths over the active range of the target spectrum (usually the ultraviolet and visible region). In fluorescence microscopy, shortpass filters are frequently employed in dichromatic mirrors and excitation filters.
The climate at Alghero is mild due to the presence of the sea, which attenuates the temperatures especially during the summer. Summers are warm like in most parts of the Mediterranean. Winters are also tempered, with the thermometers showing negative Celsius temperatures just a few days per year.
Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2007,77(6): 398-405Chaiter Y, Ben Amotz A, Almog R, Low M, Rennert HS, Fischler R, Rosen G, Gruber SB, Rennert G: Smoking attenuates the negative association between carotenoids consumption and colorectal cancer risk. Cancer Causes Control. 2009 Oct;20(8):1327-38.
Huang and Chen (2013) claim that oxymatrine may even be involved in inhibiting the expression of TGF-β1 receptors, which would further support that oxymatrine attenuates the signal transduction pathway involved in collagen production. They also reported that inhibition of the TGF-β1 receptor may also prevent ventricular remodeling.
The algorithm applies a band pass filtering stage, which attenuates both the baseline drifts (due to movement or respiration) and the high-frequency signal. Also, it features Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), for higher accuracy, which is able to obliterate even artefacts such as the electrosurgical noise.
A depth gauge can also be based on light: The brightness decreases with depth, but depends on the weather (e.g. whether it is sunny or cloudy) and the time of the day. Also the color depends on the water depth. In water, light attenuates for each wavelength, differently.
This theme is presented by various solo instruments to a primarily harp accompaniment. The orchestration, together with the style, suggests an interpretation of this theme as Orpheus' voice.Shulstad, 209. The ethereal, chromatic ascent in the final bars attenuates any decisive closure that could be expected from a more conventional harmonic resolution.
It shares its fuselage cross-section with these aircraft, paired with a new T-tail and wing. The latter is a supercritical airfoil with a 35° wing sweep and winglets. This flexible wing naturally attenuates turbulence. It was initially powered by two BMW-Rolls- Royce BR710 turbofans controlled by FADEC.
The first effects appear within 30–60 minutes following oral administration. MMDA produces euphoria and loving warmth, and attenuates feelings such as anxiety and loneliness. MMDA also produces closed eye visuals, a state of drowsiness, muscle relaxation, and time distortion. Side effects include moderate mydriasis, dizziness, sensations of heat or cold, and trembling.
A short antenna pole next to a house. Multiple Yagi TV aerials Antennas are commonly placed on rooftops, and sometimes in attics. Placing an antenna indoors significantly attenuates the level of the available signal. Directional antennas must be pointed at the transmitter they are receiving; in most cases great accuracy is not needed.
In addition to neurodegenerative diseases, P4HB level is upregulated in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) (brain tumor). Inhibition of P4HB attenuates resistance to temozolomide, a standard GBM chemotherapeutic agent, via the PERK arm of endoplasmic reticulum stress response pathway. Furthermore, heterozygous missense mutation in P4HB can cause Cole-Carpenter syndrome, a severe bone fragility disorder.
However, because the atmosphere attenuates infrared to some extent (although not as much as visible light) and because adverse weather can attenuate it also (again, not as badly as visible systems), the range compared to a radar is limited. Within range, angular resolution is better than radar due to the shorter wavelength.
Anne Treisman, a graduate student of Broadbent's, was not fully convinced by the notion of a filter performing decisions as to what stimuli gain conscious awareness. She proposed an alternative mechanism, attenuation theory. This theory supports an early-selection filter. However, in this case, the filter also attenuates stimuli presented to the unattended channel.
Loratadine is indicated for the symptomatic relief of allergy such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis), urticaria (hives), chronic idiopathic urticaria, and other skin allergies. For allergic rhinitis, loratadine is indicated for both nasal and eye symptoms - sneezing, runny nose, and itchy or burning eyes. Similarly to cetirizine, loratadine attenuates the itching associated with Kimura's disease.
The medical and therapeutic relevance of SIRT6 in humans remains unclear. SIRT6 may be an attractive drug target for pharmacological activation in several diseases. Because SIRT6 attenuates glycolysis and inflammation, the gene is of medical interest in the context of several diseases, including diabetes and arthritis. Additionally, SIRT6 may be relevant in the context of cancer.
Alcohol consumption has substantial, measurable effects on working memory, although these effects vary greatly between individual responses. Not much is really known about the neural mechanisms that underlie these individual differences.Paulus, Martin P, Tapert, Susan F, Pulido, Carmen, & Schuckit, Marc A. (2006). Alcohol attenuates load-related activation during a working memory task: Relation to level of response to alcohol.
United Launch Alliance (ULA) has proposed a cryogenic depot which would use a conical sun shield to protect the cold propellants from solar and Earth radiation. The open end of the cone allows residual heat to radiate to the cold of deep space, while the closed cone layers attenuates the radiative heat from the Sun and Earth.
Direct DNA damage is reduced by sunscreen. This prevents sunburn. When the sunscreen is at the surface of the skin, it filters the UV rays, which attenuates the intensity. Even when the sunscreen molecules have penetrated into the skin, they protect against direct DNA damage, because the UV light is absorbed by the sunscreen and not by the DNA.
Fig. 6: Schematic of a squeezing resonator. The pumped nonlinear crystal inside the resonator attenuates the electric field at optical frequency u . This leads to perfect destructive interference for one quadrature angle that is carried by the optical frequency u and propagates towards the left (left side of resonator). The pump light enters from the right and is simply retro- reflected.
Dysfunction in impulsivity exaggerates the emotional impact of the drug-related stimuli and attenuates the impact of natural reinforcement. Dysregulation in reflection results in the inability to override impulsivity, thus resulting in addiction. Under-responsiveness to naturally occurring positive stimuli is a crucial element that biases the individual towards the use of substances or behaviours and away from non-drug alternatives.
They are also unaffected by moisture and weather, but have trouble in frozen ground and vegetation. However, because sound attenuates in the ground, the current technology is limited to mines "deeper than approximately one mine diameter". It is also slow, with scans taking between 125 and 1000 seconds per square meter, but increasing the number of sensors can speed the scan up proportionately.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that pirfenidone attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. One study investigated the effect of pirfenidone over a 42-day period after repeated bleomycin administration. Administration of pirfenidone minimised early lung oedema and pulmonary fibrosis when treatment was initiated concurrently with lung damage. This study evaluated pulmonary protein expression and found pirfenidone treatment normalised expression of proinflammatory and fibrogenic proteins.
Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2007,77(6): 398-405 and was the first to examine associations between dietary carotenoids intake and colorectal cancer risk.Chaiter Y, Ben Amotz A, Almog R, Low M, Rennert HS, Fischler R, Rosen G, Gruber SB, Rennert G: Smoking attenuates the negative association between carotenoids consumption and colorectal cancer risk. Cancer Causes Control. 2009 Oct;20(8):1327-38.
A Drawmer dual noise gate unit in a rackmountable format. A noise gate or gate is an electronic device or software that is used to control the volume of an audio signal. Comparable to a compressor, which attenuates signals above a threshold, such as loud attacks from the start of musical notes, noise gates attenuate signals that register below the threshold.Hodgson, Jay (2010).
The Moog's 24db low-pass filter is particularly distinctive, with a "rich", "juicy", "fat" sound. The filter, based on pairs of transistors connected by capacitors arranged in a ladder- like layout, attenuates frequencies above a level set by the user. and boosts the frequencies around the cut-off frequency. When overdriven, the filter produces a rich distortion described as "the Moog sound".
Cordgrass binds sediment, attenuates waves and prevents shoreline erosion Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans derive from ecological systems. Today, one of the arguments for protecting salt marshes is to increase the quality and quantity of these services. Salt marshes sequester nitrogen, filtering runoff water and reducing nitrogen input to estuaries (Valiela and Cole 2002).Valiela I. and M.L. Cole. 2002.
Nalfurafine has been found to be effective in a variety of animal models relevant to drug abuse, addiction, and dependence, and may represent a novel potential treatment for these maladies. In rodents, the drug attenuates the discriminative and rewarding effects of cocaine and the rewarding and locomotor effects of morphine, and diminishes the mecamylamine-precipitated aversive effect of nicotine withdrawal.
The function of T-antigen is controlled by phosphorylation, which attenuates the binding to the SV40 origin. Protein-protein interactions between T-antigen and DNA polymerase-alpha directly stimulate replication of the virus genome. T-antigen also binds and inactivates tumor suppressor proteins (p53, p105-Rb). This causes the cells to leave G1 phase and enter into S phase, which promotes DNA replication.
BD1067 or N-[2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-N-ethyl-1-pyrrolidineethanamine is a selective sigma receptor antagonist, with a reported binding affinity of Ki = 2 ± 0.5 nM for the sigma-1 receptor and greater than 19 times selectivity over the sigma-2 receptor. Like other sigma receptor antagonists, pretreating Swiss Webster mice with BD1067 significantly attenuates the behavioral toxicity of cocaine.
Ursolic acid ameliorates cognition deficits and attenuates oxidative damage in the brain of senescent mice induced by D-galactose. Ursolic acid enhances mouse liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Ursolic acid enhances the cellular immune system and pancreatic beta-cell function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice fed a high-fat diet. UA increased skeletal muscle mass, as well as grip strength and exercise capacity.
Bandwidth measured at half-power points (gain -3 dB, /2, or about 0.707 relative to peak) on a diagram showing magnitude transfer function versus frequency for a band-pass filter. A medium-complexity example of a band-pass filter. A band-pass filter or bandpass filter (BPF) is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range.
Inducible NO synthase (iNOS) is responsible for the generation of nitrogen radicals in the cell and it is activated after binding of NF-κβ to promoter. iPSC forms oxygen radicals only in the initial phase of reprogramming. Later oxidation activity attenuates and up-regulation of antioxidant enzymes occurs. The correct timing and amount of ROS / NOS is critical to the overall efficiency of the process.
These enter and ionize the fill gas. This is necessary as the low-pressure gas in the tube has little interaction with higher energy photons. However, as photon energies decrease to low levels there is greater gas interaction and the direct gas interaction increases. At very low energies (less than 25 KeV) direct gas ionisation dominates and a steel tube attenuates the incident photons.
"p120Ras-GAP Binds the DLC1 Rho-GAP Tumor Suppressor Protein and Inhibits Its RhoA GTPase and Growth Suppressing Activities". Oncogene. 28 (2009): 1401–1409. One GAP serves as a negative regulator of another GAP. The reasons for such cross-regulation across GAPs are yet unclear, but one possible hypothesis is that this cross-talk across GAPs attenuates the "off" signal of all the GAPs.
Another differentiation is that resentment is rarely (if ever) about a single specific stimulus: even after behavioural changes have been made (i.e. accountability has been addressed) or the stimulus is no longer present (i.e. situation is no longer encountered) resentment can still be present. Whereas anger is triggered by a specific stimulus, and usually reduces in intensity as the stimulus attenuates (or is no longer present).
The magnitude plot indicates that the moving-average filter passes low frequencies with a gain near 1 and attenuates high frequencies, and is thus a crude low-pass filter. The phase plot is linear except for discontinuities at the two frequencies where the magnitude goes to zero. The size of the discontinuities is π, representing a sign reversal. They do not affect the property of linear phase.
HMR 1883 has been shown to attenuate and decrease ventricular fibrillation in anesthetized pigs,Bohn, H., Englert, H. C., & Schoelkens, B. A. (1998). The KATP channel blocker HMR 1883 attenuates the effects of ischemia on MAP duration and improves survival during LAD occlusion in anaesthetized pig. Br J Pharmacol 124, 23P. ratsWirth, K. J., Klaus, E., Englert, H. G., Scholkens, B. A., & Linz, W. (1999b).
Since sound attenuates at a set rate, extremely high outputs are required to cover the vast distances needed. Acoustic hailing devices have an output of 135 decibels (dB) or greater. The acoustic level of the source is commonly expressed in terms of Sound Pressure Level or SPL. SPL is a logarithmic measure of the rms sound pressure of a sound relative to a reference value.
Water attenuates light by absorption, so use of a dive light will improve a diver's underwater vision at depth. As the depth increases, more light is absorbed by the water. Color absorption depends on the purity of the water - pure water is most transparent to blue frequencies, but impurities may reduce this significantly. Color vision is also affected by turbidity and larger particulate matter.
An SWR meter should connect to the line as close as possible to the antenna: All practical transmission lines have a certain amount of loss, which attenuates the reflected wave as it travels back along the line. Thus, the SWR is highest closest to the load, and only improves as the distance from the load increases, creating the false impression of a matched system.
In physics, attenuation or, in some contexts, extinction is the gradual loss of flux intensity through a medium. For instance, dark glasses attenuate sunlight, lead attenuates X-rays, and water and air attenuate both light and sound at variable attenuation rates. Hearing protectors help reduce acoustic flux from flowing into the ears. This phenomenon is called acoustic attenuation and is measured in decibels (dBs).
A high-pass filter (HPF) is an electronic filter that passes signals with a frequency higher than a certain cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency. The amount of attenuation for each frequency depends on the filter design. A high-pass filter is usually modeled as a linear time-invariant system. It is sometimes called a low-cut filter or bass-cut filter.
Since higher frequency of echolocation call attenuates with distance faster than low frequency, this species uses low frequency calls with high intensity, which last longer and thus are suitable for prey detection with long-range in open areas.Lawrence, B. D. and Simmons, J. A. (1982). Measurements of atmospheric attenuation at ultrasonic frequencies and the significance for echolocation by bats. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 71: 585-590.
Circulation 2002, 105: 1380–1386. # Loennechen JP, Nilsen OG, Arbo I, Aadahl P, Nilsen T, Waldum HL, Sandvik AK, Ellingsen Ø. Chronic exposure to carbon monoxide and nicotine: Endothelin ETA receptor antagonism attenuates carbon monoxide–induced myocardial hypertrophy in rat. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2002, 178: 8–14. # Wisløff U, Helgerud J, Støylen A, Ellingsen Ø. Atrioventricular plane displacement in female endurance athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2001, 33: 1503–1510.
Late selection models argue that information is selected after processing for meaning, as opposed to during the earlier stages of processing. According to these models, all information is attended to, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Information inputs are processed equivalently, until semantic encoding and analysis can be performed. The filter merely acts as an information attenuator; it intensifies the pertinent information and attenuates the intensity of the stimuli deemed to be unimportant.
Phosphorylation at this site attenuates synapse formation in cultured neurons. When PTPrho is phosphorylated by Fyn, PTPrho appears to form homophilic multimerizations, likely in cis, which appear to decrease PTPrho association with neuroligins and neurexins. The reduction of cis interactions with neuroligins and neurexons is hypothesized to ultimately lead to the reduction in synapse formation. PTPrho activity has also been demonstrated to be required for the development of neuronal dendrites.
Involution, or deep introspection in yoga, leads to the opposite results and attenuates afflicting impressions to the finest degree possible with the end result of aklishta-vritti (non-painful thought waves). Thus, when the mind is liberated from painful impressions, one-pointed mind (ekagra samskara) is achieved, which can be said to be the goal of yoga. One-pointed mind is the foundation of samprajnata and asamprajnata samdhi, or "super-consciousness".
The release control is used to define the length of time the gate takes to change from open to fully closed. It is the fade-out duration. A fast release abruptly cuts off the sound, whereas a slower release smoothly attenuates the signal from open to closed, resulting in a slow fade-out. If the release time is too short, a click can be heard when the gate re-opens.
This effect appears localized to the rodent homologue of the pgACC (the prelimbic cortex), as stimulation of the rodent homologue of the sgACC (the infralimbic cortex) produces no behavioral effects. Furthermore, deep brain stimulation in the infralimbic cortex, which is thought to have an inhibitory effect, also produces an antidepressant effect. This finding is congruent with the observation that pharmacological inhibition of the infralimbic cortex attenuates depressive behaviors.
A low-pass filter (LPF) is a filter that passes signals with a frequency lower than a selected cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. The exact frequency response of the filter depends on the filter design. The filter is sometimes called a high-cut filter, or treble-cut filter in audio applications. A low-pass filter is the complement of a high-pass filter.
At higher pressure gradients, the voltage output of devices with wall constrictions near the sensors in the canal lateral line( CALL) were much more sensitive and according to Y Jiang, Z Ma ,J Fu, et al their system could perceive a pressure gradient as low as 3.2 E−3 Pa/5 mm comparable to that of Cottus bairdii found in nature. Additionally, this feature attenuates low-frequency hydrodynamic signals.
When analyzing a transient signal in modal analysis, such as an impulse, a shock response, a sine burst, a chirp burst, or noise burst, where the energy vs time distribution is extremely uneven, the rectangular window may be most appropriate. For instance, when most of the energy is located at the beginning of the recording, a non-rectangular window attenuates most of the energy, degrading the signal-to-noise ratio.
Immunity against GnRH thus lessens FSH and LH production which in turn attenuates gamete production and secondary sexual characteristics. While GnRH immunity has been known to have contraceptive effects for some time, only in the 2000s has it been used to develop several commercial vaccines. Equity® Oestrus Control is a GnRH vaccine marketed for use in non-breeding domestic horses. Repro-Bloc is GnRH vaccine marketed for use in domestic animals in general.
3 (March 2002): 75 –79 which would test severely the manufacturability limits of large-scale optical cross-connects for even moderate fiber counts. A more practical approach, and one adopted by the majority of WSS manufacturers is shown schematically in Figure 1 (to be uploaded). The various incoming channels of a common port are dispersed continuously onto a switching element which then directs and attenuates each of these channels independently to the N switch ports.
The mechanism of defence relies on the memory of the would-be predator; a bird that has once experienced a foul-tasting grasshopper will endeavour to avoid a repetition of the experience. As a consequence, aposematic species are often gregarious. Before the memory of a bad experience attenuates, the predator may have the experience reinforced through repetition. Aposematic organisms often move in a languid fashion, as they have little need for speed and agility.
RGS14 is a member of the regulator of G protein signalling family. This protein contains one RGS domain, two Raf- like Ras-binding domains (RBDs), and one GoLoco motif. The protein attenuates the signaling activity of G-proteins by binding, through its GoLoco domain, to specific types of activated, GTP-bound G alpha subunits. Acting as a GTPase activating protein (GAP), the protein increases the rate of conversion of the GTP to GDP.
Chrysophanol blocks the proliferation of colon cancer cells in vitro. It induces the necrosis of cells via a reduction in ATP levels. Chrysophanol attenuates the effects of lead exposure in mice by reducing hippocampal neuronal cytoplasmic edema, enhancing mitochondrial crista fusion, significantly increasing memory and learning abilities, reducing lead content in blood, heart, brain, spleen, kidney and liver, promoting superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities and reducing malondialdehyde level in the brain, kidney and liver.
Water attenuates light by selective absorption. Pure water preferentially absorbs red light, and to a lesser extent, yellow and green, so the colour that is least absorbed is blue light. Dissolved materials may also selectively absorb colour in addition to the absorption by the water itself. In other words, as a diver goes deeper on a dive, more colour is absorbed by the water, and in clean water the colour becomes blue with depth.
A simulated example of (idealized) subtractive color mixing. An external source of illumination is assumed, and each primary attenuates (absorbs) some of that light. The standard subtractive primaries cyan, magenta, and yellow combine pairwise to make subtractive secondaries red, green, and blue (which themselves are additive primaries, or in practice somewhat darker and less-saturated versions of typical additive primaries). Combining all three primaries (center) absorbs all the light, resulting in black.
It is traditionally thought that the closer a synapse is to the neuron's cell body, the greater its influence on the final summation. This is because postsynaptic potentials travel through dendrites which contain a low concentration of voltage-gated ion channels. Therefore, the postsynaptic potential attenuates by the time it reaches the neuron cell body. The neuron cell body acts as a computer by integrating (adding or summing up) the incoming potentials.
Seedlings are protected from wind, and organic material is concentrated at the base of the troughs to provide nutrients to the seedling. Wind protection attenuates evaporation at the base of the seedling, maximizing water availability to the plant during the rainy season. The seedbed may remain dry for some time before water infiltrates and germination occurs. In the meantime, the stable imprint protects the seed from wind erosion and desiccation from exposure to the sun.
Each of these insults attenuates DDAH activity in vitro and in vivo. The attenuation of DDAH allows ADMA to accumulate, and to block NO synthesis. The adverse effect of these stimuli can be reversed in vitro by antioxidants, which preserve the activity of DDAH. The sensitivity of DDAH to oxidative stress is conferred by a critical sulfhydryl in the active site of the enzyme that is required for the metabolism of ADMA.
Two paradigms are commonly used to simulate depression, chronic social defeat (CSDS), and chronic mild stress (CMS), although many exist. CSDS produces reduced preference for sucrose, reduced social interactions, and increased immobility in the forced swim test. CMS similarly reduces sucrose preference, and behavioral despair as assessed by tail suspension and forced swim tests. Animals susceptible to CSDS exhibit increased phasic VTA firing, and inhibition of VTA-NAcc projections attenuates behavioral deficits induced by CSDS.
Acoustic hailing devices are acoustic devices capable of outputting highly intelligible sound at very high volumes. The distance at which acoustic hailing can be effective varies based on several factors including the sound level, directionality, and frequency of the acoustic source, the sensitivity and directionality of the receiver, and the transmission channel environment. The sound level diminishes or attenuates with distance. Consequently, as a general rule, higher source levels have greater range.
A high-pass filter (HPF) is an electronic filter that passes signals with a frequency higher than a certain cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency. The amount of attenuation for each frequency depends on the filter design. A high-pass filter is usually modeled as a linear time-invariant system. It is sometimes called a low-cut filter or bass-cut filter in the context of audio engineering.
Spatial interpolation methods estimate the variables at unobserved locations in geographic space based on the values at observed locations. Basic methods include inverse distance weighting: this attenuates the variable with decreasing proximity from the observed location. Kriging is a more sophisticated method that interpolates across space according to a spatial lag relationship that has both systematic and random components. This can accommodate a wide range of spatial relationships for the hidden values between observed locations.
Cells can modify their extracellular matrix and basement membranes in response to signals or stress. Specific proteases act on the protein in the extracellular environment when cells have a reason to move or change their surroundings. Cathepsin S is a cysteine protease that moderately attenuates binding of FGF-positive cells to a perlecan-positive substrate. Cathepsin S is a potential protease that acts on the core protein of perlecan in the basement membrane or stroma.
Manipulations of different regions of the mPFC can produce and attenuate depressive behaviors. For example, inhibiting mPFC neurons specifically in the intralimbic cortex attenuates depressive behaviors. The conflicting findings associated with mPFC stimulation, when compared to the relatively specific findings in the infralimbic cortex, suggest that the prelimbic cortex and infralimbic cortex may mediate opposing effects. mPFC projections to the raphe nuclei are largely GABAergic and inhibit the firing of serotonergic neurons.
The blockade of opioid receptors is the basis behind naltrexone's action in the management of opioid dependence--it reversibly blocks or attenuates the effects of opioids. Its mechanism of action in alcohol dependence is generated via κ-opioid receptor antagonism, which blocks the actions of the endogenous opioid peptide dynorphin. Dynorphin typically instates drug-seeking behavior when it binds to the κ-opioid receptor, as well as decreasing dopaminergic signalling in the nucleus accumbens.
Pyramidal RAM attenuates signal by two effects: scattering and absorption. Scattering can occur both coherently, when reflected waves are in-phase but directed away from the receiver, or incoherently where waves are picked up by the receiver but are out of phase and thus have lower signal strength. This incoherent scattering also occurs within the foam structure, with the suspended carbon particles promoting destructive interference. Internal scattering can result in as much as 10 dB of attenuation.
This debate became known as the early-selection vs. late-selection models. In the early selection models (first proposed by Donald Broadbent), attention shuts down (in Broadbent's model) or attenuates (in Triesman's refinement) processing in the unattended ear before the mind can analyze its semantic content. In the late selection models (first proposed by J. Anthony Deutsch and Diana Deutsch), the content in both ears is analyzed semantically, but the words in the unattended ear cannot access consciousness.
Views through a flat mask, above and below water Underwater vision is affected by the clarity and the refractive index of the medium. Visibility underwater is reduced because light passing through water attenuates rapidly with distance, leading to lower levels of natural illumination. Underwater objects are also blurred by scattering of light between the object and the viewer, resulting in lower contrast. These effects vary with the wavelength of the light, and the colour and turbidity of the water.
A. arborescens is a soft-wooded tree growing up to a height of 9 m. Its leaves are on slender stalks which are 5–15 mm long and have hairs lying close to them (appressed hairs). The leaf blades are elliptic to slightly oblanceolate, and from 50–80 mm long (sometimes 30–100 mm long) by 20–35 mm broad (with the juvenile foliage being larger). The base of the blade is acute and attenuates to the stalk.
Pi pads, O pads and split O pads The unbalanced pi pad can be converted to a balanced O pad by putting one half of Rz in each side of a balanced line. The simple four element O pad attenuates the differential mode signal but does little to attenuate any common mode signal. To insure attenuation of the common mode signal also, a split O pad can be created by splitting and grounding Rx and Ry.
A smaller conductor attenuates the signal more than a larger conductor. Typical propagation delay for a 1553B cable is 1.6 nanoseconds per foot. Thus, the end-to-end would have a 160 nanosecond propagation delay, which is equal to the average rise time of a 1553B signal. According to MIL- HDBK-1553A, when a signal's propagation delay time is more than 50% of the rise or fall time, it is necessary to consider transmission line effects.
This suggests BDNF increases excitatory synaptic signaling partly through the post-synaptic suppression of GABAergic signaling by activating PKC through its association with TrkB. Once activated, PKC can reduce the amplitude of IPSCs through to GABAA receptor phosphorylation and inhibition. In support of this putative mechanism, activation of PKCε leads to phosphorylation of N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) at serine 460 and threonine 461, increasing its ATPase activity which downregulates GABAA receptor surface expression and subsequently attenuates inhibitory currents.
As opposite to air, water attenuates light exponentially. This results in hazy images with very low contrast. The main reasons for light attenuation are light absorption (where energy is removed from the light) and light scattering, by which the direction of light is changed. Light scattering can further be divided into forward scattering, which results in an increased blurriness and backward scattering that limits the contrast and is responsible for the characteristic veil of underwater images.
The deficiency of this molecule attenuates the activity of the TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway over the genes required for induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. The action of MED15 is related with the phosphorylation of SMAD2/3 complex. The knockdown of MED15 reduces the amount of SMAD3 phosphorylated, therefore reducing its activity as transcription modulator. However, in cancer, MED15 is also highly expressed in clinical breast cancer tissues correlated with hyperactive TGF-β signaling, as indicated by SMAD3 phosphorylation.
BD1008 or N-[2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-N-methyl-1-pyrrolidineethanamine is a selective sigma receptor antagonist, with a reported binding affinity of Ki = 2 ± 1 nM for the sigma-1 receptor and 4 times selectivity over the sigma-2 receptor. Consistent with other reported sigma receptor antagonists, pretreating Swiss Webster mice with BD1008 significantly attenuates the behavioral toxicity of cocaine, and may be potentially useful in the development of antidotes for the treatment of cocaine overdose.
With classifiers, reduplication also entails the insertion of a Vl syllable between the repeated roots. For example, wojkʼ ("group") can become wojkʼ-ol-wojkʼ ("group by group/one group after the other"). When a redoubled root takes the suffix -tik, it creates the effect of a distributive plural; thus be ("road") becomes be-be-tik ("a network of roads"). With redoubled adjective roots, -tik attenuates the quality of the verb, such that tsaj ("red") becomes tsaj-tsaj-tik ("reddish").
Another imputation technique involves replacing any missing value with the mean of that variable for all other cases, which has the benefit of not changing the sample mean for that variable. However, mean imputation attenuates any correlations involving the variable(s) that are imputed. This is because, in cases with imputation, there is guaranteed to be no relationship between the imputed variable and any other measured variables. Thus, mean imputation has some attractive properties for univariate analysis but becomes problematic for multivariate analysis.
An octave filter attenuates an input signal (like white noise, for example) into several octave-wide frequency bands. Two band-pass filters allow only a single band of frequencies to pass through from an input signal. By using the band-pass filters instead of the octave filter, this band could be adjusted in width and centre frequency. In addition there was a so-called ring modulator, which mixed two input signals multiplicatively, in contrast to the additive mixing done with a mixing console.
Interrogating pulses are directed from the antenna to the receiver, and reply pulses are directed from the transmitter to the antenna. The preselector, consisting of three coaxial cavities, attenuates all RF signals outside the receiving band. The received signal is heterodyned to a 50 MHz intermediate frequency in the mixer and amplified in the IF amplifier which also contains the detector. In case of coded transmission, the decoder module provides a pulse output only if the correct spacing exists between pulse pairs received.
The haze is the most probable reason for a kink in the curve of light intensity vs. time obtained by New Horizons during the flight through Pluto's shadow (see image on right) – below altitude the atmosphere attenuates light much stronger than above. A similar kink was observed during stellar occultation in 1988. Firstly it was also interpreted as weakening of light by haze, but now it is thought to be mainly a result of strong inverse temperature gradient in lower atmosphere.
5-HTP's fast-in, fast-out pharmacokinetics is impractical for chronic drug therapy. Research conducted at Duke University in mice have demonstrated that 5-HTP when administered as slow-release appears to gain drug properties. Slow-Release delivery attenuates or abolishes the peaks and valleys in 5-HTP exposure during treatment. Slow-release delivery of 5-HTP markedly improved the safety profile of 5-HTP and conferred stable plasma exposure of 5-HTP and strong and sustained enhancement of brain serotonin function.
A passive feed-through nuller uses a band-stop filter to reduce low-frequency signals before digital signal sampling, and this includes the bleed-through signal. The band-pass filter used with a microwave receiver is typically 1 MHz. The band-stop filter used as a feed- through nuller is typically 1kHz, which attenuates signals in the center of the band-pass filter. The band-stop filter is generally wide enough to reduce clutter, in addition to the bleed-through signal.
Specific strains of each serotype are used to prepare vaccines against polio. Inactive polio vaccine is prepared by formalin inactivation of three wild, virulent reference strains, Mahoney or Brunenders (PV-1), MEF-1/Lansing (PV-2), and Saukett/Leon (PV-3). Oral polio vaccine contains live attenuated (weakened) strains of the three serotypes of poliovirus. Passaging the virus strains in monkey kidney epithelial cells introduces mutations in the viral IRES, and hinders (or attenuates) the ability of the virus to infect nervous tissue.
Furthermore, C. Botulinum C3 ADP-ribosylates GTP- binding proteins Rho and Ras, and Pertussis toxin ADP-Ribosylates Gi, Go, and Gt. Diphtheria toxin ADP-ribosylates ribosomal elongation factor EF-2, which attenuates protein synthesis. There are a variety of bacteria which employ bAREs in infection: CARDS toxin of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, cholera toxin of vibrio cholera; heat-labile enterotoxin of E.Coli; Exotoxin A of Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Pertussis toxin of B. Pertussis; C3 toxin of C. botulinum; and Diphtheria toxin of Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
It also regulates sRNA in Vibrio cholerae, a specific example being MicX sRNA. In Salmonella typhimurium, Hfq has been shown to be an essential virulence factor as its deletion attenuates the ability of S.typhimurium to invade epithelial cells, secrete virulence factors or survive in cultured macrophages. In Salmonella, Hfq deletion mutants are also non motile and exhibit chronic activation of the sigma mediated envelope stress response. A CLIP-Seq study of Hfq in Salmonella has revealed 640 binding sites across the Salmonella transcriptome.
As with the rainbow trout, morphine injected prior to the acid injection attenuates the decrease in activity in a dose-dependent manner. Injection of acetic acid into the lips of rainbow trout causes a reduction in their natural neophobia (fear of novelty); this is reversed by the administration of morphine. In goldfish injected with morphine or saline and then exposed to unpleasant temperatures, fish injected with saline acted with defensive behaviours indicating anxiety, wariness and fear, whereas those given morphine did not.
While such an observation has been variously termed as spurious and ineffective, according to some studies, parasite infection is associated with reduced activity of autoimmune disease. The putative mechanism is that the parasite attenuates the host immune response in order to protect itself. This may provide a serendipitous benefit to a host that also suffers from autoimmune disease. The details of parasite immune modulation are not yet known, but may include secretion of anti-inflammatory agents or interference with the host immune signaling.
This regulating action reverses the glial cell- favored differentiation and increases the neuronal cell output. Phenserine also attenuates the neuroinflammation which involves the excessive activation of microglial cells to remove the cellular wastes from injury lesions. The accumulation of the activated glia near the site of brain injury is unnecessarily prolonged, stimulating the oxidative stress. The inflammatory response was significantly weakened with the introduction of phenserine, which was evidenced with discouraged expression of pro-inflammatory markers, IBA 1 and TNF-α.
Zoledronic acid has been found to have a direct antitumor effect and to synergistically augment the effects of other antitumor agents in osteosarcoma cells. Zoledronate has shown significant benefits versus placebo over three years, with a reduced number of vertebral fractures and improved markers of bone density. An annual dose of zoledronic acid may also prevent recurring fractures in patients with a previous hip fracture. Zoledronate also attenuates accumulation of DNA damage in mesenchymal stem cells and protects their function.
Borane dimethylsulfide is one of the most common bulk reducing agents used in the Corey–Itsuno reduction. The dimethylsulfide ligand attenuates the reactivity of the borane. Activation by the nitrogen of the chiral oxazoborolidine catalyst of the stoichiometric reducing agent allows for asymmetric control of the reagent. In general BMS does not lead to significantly greater enantiomeric selectivities than borane-THF, however its increased stability in the presence of moisture and oxygen makes it the reagent of choice for the reduction.
The collection includes several paintings in which he combined the iconic images of Pollock, Calder, Picasso and many others. "Syncretism is a philosophical vision intending to reconcile different doctrines, a social mechanism that attenuates the confrontation between antagonistic tendencies competing for the same space." The body of work attempts to accommodate the foremost trends of the past six centuries. While in New York, he participated in Metropolitan Museum's 2010 contest "It's Time We Met" and received first place for his photograph Dancers.
The principle of the squeezing resonator is the following: The medium parametrically attenuates the electric field inside the resonator to such a value that perfect destructive interference is achieved outside the resonator for the attenuated field quadrature. The optimum field attenuation factor inside the resonator is slightly below 2, depending on the reflectivity of the resonator mirror. This principle also works for electric field uncertainties. Inside the resonator, the squeeze factor is always less than 6 dB, but outside the resonator it can be arbitrarily high.
The molar attenuation coefficient is a measurement of how strongly a chemical species attenuates light at a given wavelength. It is an intrinsic property of the species. The SI unit of molar attenuation coefficient is the square metre per mole (), but in practice, quantities are usually expressed in terms of M−1⋅cm−1 or L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1 (the latter two units are both equal to ). In older literature, the cm2/mol is sometimes used; 1 M−1⋅cm−1 equals 1000 cm2/mol.
When wired in series, as is most common, the overall inductance of the pickup is increased, which lowers its resonance frequency and attenuates the higher frequencies, giving a less trebly tone (i.e., "fatter") than either of the two component single-coil pickups would give alone. An alternative wiring places the coils in buck parallel, which has a more neutral effect on resonant frequency. This pickup wiring is rare,humbucker as guitarists have come to expect that humbucking pickups 'have a sound', and are not so neutral.
This gene encodes a member of the regulator of G-protein signaling family. This protein contains a conserved 120 amino acid motif called the RGS domain. The protein attenuates the signaling activity of G-proteins by binding to activated, GTP-bound G alpha subunits and acting as a GTPase activating protein (GAP), increasing the rate of conversion of the GTP to GDP. This hydrolysis allows the G alpha subunits to bind G beta/gamma subunit heterodimers, forming inactive G-protein heterotrimers, thereby terminating the signal.
ADAMTS7 was identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen using epidermal growth factor (EGF) domain of COMP as the bait. As a metalloproteinase, ADAMTS7 utilizes Zn2+ to catalyze its proteolytic function for COMP degradation. In vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC), ADAMTS7 mediates VSMC migration, which plays an essential role during the development of atherosclerosis and restenosis. Adamts7 deficiency in both the Ldlr−/− and Apoe−/− hyperlipidemic mouse models markedly attenuates formation of atherosclerotic lesions; furthermore, wire- injury experiments in the Adamts7−/− mouse show reduced neointima formation.
Some musical VCFs offer a variable slope which determines the rate of attenuation outside the bandpass, often at 6dB/octave, 12dB/octave, 18dB/octave or 24dB/octave (one-, two-, three- and four-pole filters, respectively). In modular analog synthesizers, VCFs receive signal input from signal sources, including oscillators and noise, or the output of other processors. By varying the cutoff frequency, the filter passes or attenuates partials of the input signal. In some popular electronic music styles, "filter sweeps" have become a common effect.
This magnetic field energy resonates around the communication system, but does not radiate into free space. This type of transmission is referred to as "near-field." The power density of near-field transmissions is extremely restrictive and attenuates or rolls off at a rate proportional to the inverse of the range to the sixth power (1/r6) or −60 dB per decade. In current commercial implementations of near-field communications, the most commonly used carrier frequency is 13.56 MHz and has a wavelength (λ) of 22.1 meters.
One major focus of his research at Kentucky was on mycoviruses that infect fungal pathogens of plants. He discovered and characterized a virus in the Totiviridae family that infects the fungal pathogen Helminthosporium victoriae, which causes the economically important disease Victoria blight in oats. Most fungal viruses do not affect their host but Ghabrial showed that the virus attenuates the virulence of the fungus. This raises the possibility that such viruses might in future be used in the biological control of plant diseases caused by fungi.
A high-pass filter is a filter, an electronic circuit or device, that passes higher frequencies well but attenuates (cuts or decreases) lower frequency components. A low-pass filter passes low-frequency components of signals while attenuating higher frequencies. Some audiophiles use a low-pass filter in the signal chain before their subwoofer speaker enclosure, to ensure that only deep bass frequencies reach the subwoofer. In audio applications these are frequently termed "low cut" and "high cut" respectively, to emphasize their effect on the original signal.
Llano de Chajnantor Observatory is the name for a group of astronomical observatories located at an altitude of over 4,800 m (15,700 ft) in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The site is in the Antofagasta Region approximately 50 kilometres (31 mi) east of the town of San Pedro de Atacama. The exceptionally arid climate of the area is inhospitable to humans, but creates an excellent location for millimeter, submillimeter, and mid-infrared astronomy. This is because water vapour absorbs and attenuates submillimetre radiation.
Soluble fiber also attenuates the absorption of sugar, reduces sugar response after eating, normalizes blood lipid levels and, once fermented in the colon, produces short-chain fatty acids as byproducts with wide-ranging physiological activities (discussion below). Although insoluble fiber is associated with reduced diabetes risk, the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. Not yet formally proposed as an essential macronutrient (as of 2005), dietary fiber is nevertheless regarded as important for the diet, with regulatory authorities in many developed countries recommending increases in fiber intake.
Misawa Security Operations Center, Misawa, Japan A Boeing E-3 Sentry, showing its rotodome mounted above the fuselage A radome (a portmanteau of radar and dome) is a structural, weatherproof enclosure that protects a radar antenna. The radome is constructed of material that minimally attenuates the electromagnetic signal transmitted or received by the antenna, effectively transparent to radio waves. Radomes protect the antenna from weather and conceal antenna electronic equipment from view. They also protect nearby personnel from being accidentally struck by quickly rotating antennas.
Blocking either oxytocin or vasopressin prevents formation of the pair bond but continues to allow for social behavior. Blocking both hormones resulted in no pair bond and reduced sociality. Oxytocin also attenuates the negative effects of cortisol, a hormone related to stress, so that monogamy helps produce positive health effects. Male marmosets that received an oxytocin antagonist had increased HPA-axis activity in response to a stressor than when treated with a control, showing the oxytocin associated with the pair bond lessens the physiological responses to stress.
The earth preferentially attenuates higher frequencies, resulting in the loss of signal resolution as the seismic wave propagates. Quantitative seismic attribute analysis of amplitude versus offset effects is complicated by anelastic attenuation because it is superimposed upon the AVO effects.Dasgupta, R., & Clark, R.A. (1998) Estimation of Q from surface seismic reflection data. Geophysics 63, 2120-2128 The rate of anelastic attenuation itself also contains additional information about the lithology and reservoir conditions such as porosity, saturation and pore pressure so it can be used as a useful reservoir characterization tool.
This gene encodes a member of the regulator of G-protein signaling family. This protein contains a conserved, 120 amino acid motif called the RGS domain and a cysteine-rich region. The protein attenuates the signaling activity of G-proteins by binding to activated, GTP-bound G alpha subunits and acting as a GTPase activating protein (GAP), increasing the rate of conversion of the GTP to GDP. This hydrolysis allows the G alpha subunits to bind G beta/gamma subunit heterodimers, forming inactive G-protein heterotrimers, thereby terminating the signal.
Pulichino AM, Wang IM, Caron A, Mortimer J, Auger A, Boie Y, Elias JA, Kartono A, Xu L, Menetski J, Sayegh CE. (2008) Identification of transforming growth factor beta1-driven genetic programs of acute lung fibrosis. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 39:324-36. A large animal model of ALI is the ovine model of body surface burn + heated smoke inhalation.Hamahata A, Enkhbaatar P, Sakurai H, Nozaki M, Traber DL. (2010) Sclerosis therapy of bronchial artery attenuates acute lung injury induced by burn and smoke inhalation injury in ovine model. Burns. 36:1042-9.
Free gases exhibit very sharp spectral features, and different gas species have their own unique spectral fingerprints. At atmospheric pressure, absorption linewidths are typically on the order of 0.1 cm−1 (i.e. ~3 GHz in optical frequency or 0.006 nm in wavelength), while solid media have dull spectral behavior with absorption features thousand times wider. By looking for the sharp absorption imprints in light emerging from porous samples, it is thus possible to detect gases confined in solids – even though the solid often attenuates light much stronger than the gas itself.
Increases in neural activity cause changes in the MR signal via T changes; this mechanism is referred to as the BOLD (blood-oxygen-level dependent) effect. Increased neural activity causes an increased demand for oxygen, and the vascular system actually overcompensates for this, increasing the amount of oxygenated hemoglobin relative to deoxygenated hemoglobin. Because deoxygenated hemoglobin attenuates the MR signal, the vascular response leads to a signal increase that is related to the neural activity. The precise nature of the relationship between neural activity and the BOLD signal is a subject of current research.
His studies demonstrated differences between the association of dietary intake of carotenoid isomers and colorectal cancer risk. The studies have shown that 9-cis beta-carotene isomer has a strong inverse(protective)association with colorectal cancer risk, while smoking attenuates the protective effects of carotenoids on colorectal cancer risk, thus smokers do not enjoy protective effects of dietary intake of carotenoid isomers, that are found mainly in fruits and vegetables.Chaiter Y, Rennert G, Fischler R., Rennert H.S., Rosen G., Gruber S.B., Ben Amotz A. Dietary intake of carotenoid isomers in Israel.
The L pad attenuates the signal by having two separate rheostats connected in an "L" configuration (hence the name). One rheostat is connected in series with the loudspeaker and, as the resistance of this rheostat increases, less power is coupled into the loudspeaker and the loudness of sound produced by the loudspeaker decreases. The second rheostat is connected between the input and ground (earth). As the first rheostat increases in resistance, the second rheostat decreases in resistance, keeping the load impedance (presented at the input of the L pad) constant.
This gene encodes a PHOX domain- and RGS domain-containing protein that belongs to the sorting nexin (SNX) family and the regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) family. The PHOX domain is a phosphoinositide binding domain, and the SNX family members are involved in intracellular trafficking. The RGS family members are regulatory molecules that act as GTPase activating proteins for G alpha subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins. The RGS domain of this protein interacts with G alpha(s), accelerates its GTP hydrolysis, and attenuates G alpha(s)-mediated signaling.
These maps show the average amount of water vapor in a column of atmosphere in a given month.(click for more detail) MODIS/Terra global mean atmospheric water vapor in atm-cm (centimeters of water in an atmospheric column if it condensed) Because water molecules absorb microwaves and other radio wave frequencies, water in the atmosphere attenuates radar signals. In addition, atmospheric water will reflect and refract signals to an extent that depends on whether it is vapor, liquid or solid. Generally, radar signals lose strength progressively the farther they travel through the troposphere.
Envelope following (also called trance gating because of its prevalence in trance) is the use of a gate on a track additional to the one it attenuates, so called because the latter's amplitude profile will then match or closely follow that of the first. Envelope following may be used to create syncopated rhythms or to tighten sloppy performances. For example, a synth pad may play whole notes while keyed to a guitar or percussion part. Examples include DJ Nexus's "Journey into Trance" (1:11), Chic's "Everybody Dance", and Diana Ross's "Upside Down".
However, the variants of the NHE in autism led to loss of function in the glial cells called astrocytes. Their finding highlighted the possibility of autism-associated mutations exerting their effects through loss of astrocyte function in the brain. The Rao Lab then discovered that NHE9 expression in glioblastoma is associated with poor clinical prognosis. NHE9 is an exchanger of Na+ and H+, and when blocked in glioblastoma it attenuates tumor growth and improves the efficacy of typical glioblastoma treatment, EGFR inhibitors. Cation channels have also been associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease.
CBR1 has been reported to relate to tumor progression. Suppression of CBR1 expression was associated with poor prognosis in uterine endometrial cancer and uterine cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Previous studies showed that decreased CBR1 expression is associated with lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis in ovarian cancer, and induction of CBR1 expression in ovarian tumors leads to a spontaneous decrease in tumor size. Recent study demonstrates that CBR1 attenuates apoptosis and promotes cell survival in pancreatic β cell lines under glucotoxic and glucolipotoxic conditions via reducing ROS generation.
Regulator of G-protein signaling 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the RGS1 gene. This gene encodes a member of the regulator of G-protein signaling family. This protein is located on the cytosolic side of the plasma membrane and contains a conserved, 120 amino acid motif called the RGS domain. The protein attenuates the signalling activity of G-proteins by binding to activated, GTP-bound G alpha subunits and acting as a GTPase activating protein (GAP), increasing the rate of conversion of the GTP to GDP.
Together with α4 and PP2A, MID1 can form a ternary complex in which α4 acts as an adaptor protein. The data so far indicate that MID1 promotes α4 mono-ubiquitination, leading to its calpain- dependent cleavage that in turn causes PP2A catalytic subunit (PP2Ac) polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. Since PP2A is involved in many cellular processes, the MID1-α4-PP2A ternary complex may be involved in the regulation of several of them, mainly on microtubules. The complex can modulate mTORC1 signalling; indeed PP2A attenuates mTORC1 activity through dephosphorylation.
The graded concentration of SHH gives rise to graded activity of Gli 2 and Gli3 which promote ventral and dorsal neuronal subtypes in the ventral spinal cord. Evidence from Gli3 and SHH/Gli3 mutants show that SHH primarily regulates the spatial restriction of progenitor domains rather than being inductive as SHH/Gli3 mutants show intermixing of cell types. SHH also induces other proteins with which it interacts and these interactions can influence the sensitivity of a cell towards SHH. Hedgehog-interacting protein (HHIP) is induced by SHH which in turn attenuates its signaling activity.
MAP4K4 has been identified to be involved in the negative regulation of insulin-dependent glucose transport. There is increasing evidence suggesting cytokines such as TNF-α mediate biological effects antagonistic to insulin action and induce inflammation observed in obesity. TNF-α specifically attenuates the signaling pathway initiated by insulin receptors, reducing the amount of glucose transport and uptake; and it is believed that MAP4K4 functions as an upstream signaling element in the TNF-α signaling cascade. A recent siRNA screen identified the involvement of MAP4K4 in the regulation of the glucose transporter GLUT4.
Upregulation of BiP has been associated with ER stress-induced cardiac dysfunction and dilated cardiomyopathy. BiP also has been proposed to suppress the development of atherosclerosis through alleviating homocysteine-induced ER stress, preventing apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells, inhibiting the activation of genes responsible for cholesterol/triglyceride biosynthesis, and suppressing tissue factor procoagulant activity, all of which can contribute to the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques. Some anticancer drugs, such as proteasome inhibitors, have been associated with heart failure complications. In rat neonatal cardiomyocytes, overexpression of BiP attenuates cardiomyocyte death induced by proteasome inhibition.
A home is generally a place that is close to the heart of the owner, and can become a prized possession. It has been argued that psychologically "The strongest sense of home commonly coincides geographically with a dwelling. Usually, the sense of home attenuates as one moves away from that point, but it does not do so in a fixed or regular way." Since it can be said that humans are generally creatures of habit, the state of a person's home has been known to physiologically influence their behavior, emotions, and overall mental health.
In mice with chronic multiple sclerosis, ursolic acid has reduced further damage to neurons and helped rebuild the protective sheaths covering neurons, apparently by suppressing Th17 immune cells and activating precursor cells that mature into myelin- sheath-making cells, called oligodendrocytes. Ursolic acid improves domoic acid-induced cognitive deficits in mice. Ursolic acid improves high fat diet- induced cognitive impairments by blocking endoplasmic reticulum stress and IκB kinase β/nuclear factor-κB-mediated inflammatory pathways in mice. Ursolic acid attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced cognitive deficits in mouse brain through suppressing p38/NF-κB mediated inflammatory pathways.
If inflation exceeds the government's announced target, tighter fiscal and monetary policy would be triggered to increase the BER, which entails workers transferring from the inflating sector to the fixed price JG sector. Ultimately this attenuates the inflation spiral. So instead of a buffer stock of unemployed being used to discipline the distributional struggle, the JG policy achieves this via compositional shifts in employment. Replacing the current non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU), the BER that results in stable inflation is called the non-accelerating inflation buffer employment ratio (NAIBER) (Mitchell 1998).
Pyramidal RAM attenuates signal by scattering and absorption. Scattering can occur both coherently, when reflected waves are in-phase but directed away from the receiver, or incoherently where waves may be reflected back to the receiver but are out of phase and thus have lower signal strength. A good example of coherent reflection is in the faceted shape of the F-117A stealth aircraft which presents angles to the radar source such that coherent waves are reflected away from the point of origin (usually the detection source). Incoherent scattering also occurs within the foam structure, with the suspended conductive particles promoting destructive interference.
AC-coupled stages filters out the DC component; this also attenuates the flicker noise. A synchronous detector that samples the peaks of the AC signal, which are equivalent to the original DC value. In other words, first the low-frequency signal is shifted to high frequency by multiplying it with high-frequency carrier, and it is given to the device affected by the flicker noise. The output of the device is again multiplied with the same carrier, so the previous information signal comes back to baseband, and flicker noise will be shifted to higher frequency, which can easily be filtered out.
By the time the paper was retracted it had already been cited 74 times. The paper was retracted due to falsified and/or fabricated Western blots in figures 3B, 3C, 3F, 3H, 3I and 3J. The Human Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor 1166 A/C Polymorphism Attenuates MicroRNA-155 Binding This article was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. This study by Elton's lab provided the first feasible biochemical mechanism by which the +1166 A/C polymorphism can lead to increased AT1R densities and possibly cardiovascular disease. The paper was first published on June 21, 2007.
GDF11 triggers a calorie restriction‐like phenotype without affecting appetite or GDF15 levels in the blood, restores the insulin/IGF‐1 signaling pathway, and stimulates adiponectin secretion from white adipose tissue by direct action on adipocytes, while repairing neurogenesis in the aged brain. GDF11 gene transfer alleviates HFD-induced obesity, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and fatty liver development. In obese and STZ-induced diabetic mice, GDF11 gene transfer restores glucose metabolism and improves insulin resistance. GDF11 improves endothelial dysfunction, decreases endothelial apoptosis, and reduces inflammation, consequently decreases atherosclerotic plaques area in apolipoprotein E−/− mice. GDF11 attenuates liver fibrosis via expansion of liver progenitor cells.
In Japan, the rainy season is called Tsuyu () and lasts from early June to mid-July in the most of the country (Honshū, Kyūshū and Shikoku), approximately June 7 to July 20 in the Kansai and Kantō regions in Honshū.Rainy Season (Tsuyu), The Tsuyu season is roughly a month earlier (early May through mid-June) in Okinawa (the southernmost region of the country). There is no pronounced Tsuyu season in Hokkaidō (the northernmost region of the country) because the Tsuyu front usually attenuates before it reaches the region so that it cannot produce the abundant rainfall.
The system uses a new Computerized Integrated Navigation and Self Positioning and Aiming systems. Its modern Target Acquisition Devices together with a specially designed Recoiling Mortar System, attenuates the firing loads and enables mounting the systems on wheeled and tracked AFV's, or even soft-skinned vehicles such as trucks. The CARDOM Aiming mechanisms are linked to state-of-the-art command, control and communication systems, to achieve quick response automatic laying mode. The IDF delivered Cardom system takes target acquisition data, that provides range, bearing, position and other data from an observation point and transmits it directly to the Cardom system.
These models postulate that study items listed last are retrieved from a highly accessible short-term buffer, i.e. the short-term store (STS) in human memory. This allows items that are recently studied to have an advantage over those that were studied earlier, as earlier study items have to be retrieved with greater effort from one’s long-term memory store (LTS). An important prediction of such models is that the presentation of a distraction, for example solving arithmetic problems for 10–30 seconds, during the retention period (the time between list presentation and test) attenuates the recency effect.
At a lower angle the light must also travel through more atmosphere. This attenuates it (by absorption and scattering) further reducing insolation at the surface. Attenuation is governed by the Beer-Lambert Law, namely that the transmittance or fraction of insolation reaching the surface decreases exponentially in the optical depth or absorbance (the two notions differing only by a constant factor of ln(10) = 2.303) of the path of insolation through the atmosphere. For any given short length of the path the optical depth is proportional to the quantity of absorbers and scatterers along that length, typically increasing with decreasing altitude.
Near- field magnetic induction (NFMI) communication systems differ from other wireless communications in that most conventional wireless RF systems use an antenna to generate, transmit, and propagate an electromagnetic wave. In these types of systems all of the transmission energy is designed to radiate into free space. This type of transmission is referred to as "far-field." According to Maxwell's equation for a radiating wire, the power density of far-field transmissions attenuates or rolls off at a rate proportional to the inverse of the range to the second power (1/r2) or −20 dB per decade.
Cobham has been designed to include a sustainable drainage system that filters the water from silt and sand, cleans the water, and then naturally attenuates the water into local watercourses. Retention basins, Swales and infiltration trenches deal with excess water, storm water and most importantly flood risk. The infiltration trenches drain water using pebbles and small stones which naturally filter and store water, the remaining stored water is channeled out of the site. The retention basins collect water runoff, and the water outflow out of the basins is carefully controlled, the lakes have water piped to infiltration trenches.
TcdB accesses the interior of the cell through clathrin-mediated endocytosis, When toxin B is part of the cytosol, the glucosyltransferase passes through the endosomal membrane, which decreases pH, induces translocation and finally leads to morphological changes of translocation region residues (958–1130). The hydrophobic regions are embedded in the host membrane to form pores that allow glucosyltransferase domains to pass through. When cells are infected with TcdB in an acidic environment, it attenuates toxins and causes shape rearrangements (Fig. 6). As a consequence of acidic pH, TcdB displays clear differences in original fluorescence of tryptophan, susceptibility of proteases, and hydrophobic surfaces.
HMR 1883 attenuates ischemically induced arrhythmias with little to no side effects as a result of having a higher affinity for the cardiac tissue KATP subtype than any other subtype found in the body. In contrast, glibenclamide interacts with many KATP channels throughout the body resulting in many side effects. In particular its interaction with coronary smooth muscle cells and pancreatic-β cells cause decreased coronary blood flow, hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia. Since KATP channels only become activated during periods of low ATP and High ADP, HMR 1883 only affects hypoxic tissue and has no negative effect on the normal tissue.
Treisman's attenuation model of selective attention retains both the idea of an early selection process, as well as the mechanism by which physical cues are used as the primary point of discrimination. However, unlike Broadbent's model, the filter now attenuates unattended information instead of filtering it out completely. Treisman further elaborated upon this model by introducing the concept of a threshold to explain how some words came to be heard in the unattended channel with greater frequency than others. Every word was believed to contain its own threshold that dictated the likelihood that it would be perceived after attenuation.
Several studies show that the use of perphenazine with fluoxetine (Prozac) in patients with psychotic depression is most promising, although fluoxetine interferes with the metabolism of perphenazine, causing higher plasma levels of perphenazine and a longer half-life. In this combination the strong antiemetic action of perphenazine attenuates fluoxetine-induced nausea and vomiting (emesis), as well as the initial agitation caused by fluoxetine. Both actions can be helpful for many patients. Perphenazine has been used in low doses as a 'normal' or 'minor' tranquilizer in patients with a known history of addiction to drugs or alcohol, a practice which is now strongly discouraged.
WISP-1 attenuates p53-mediated apoptosis in response to DNA damage through activation of the Akt kinase, and inhibits TNF-induced cell death in cardiomyocytes. Recombinant WISP-1 enhances ECM deposition in human fibroblasts, suggesting that it might play a role in matrix remodeling in vivo. WISP-1 is upregulated in human patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and in a mouse model of bleomycin- induced lung fibrosis. Orotracheal application of WISP-1 neutralizing antibodies to the lung ameliorates bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis, raising the possibility that WISP-1 might be a potential target for anti-fibrotic therapy.
Further, it is currently difficult to produce such crystals without defects and impurities, which cause detector polarisation and incomplete charge collection. Silicon detectors, on the other hand, are more easily manufactured and less prone to pileup due to high charge carrier mobility. They do not suffer from K-escape X-rays but have a lower photoelectric-to- Compton ratio at X-ray energies used in CT imaging, which degrades the collected energy spectrum. Further, silicon attenuates X-rays less strongly and therefore silicon detectors have to be several centimetres thick to be useful in a CT system.
In 2015, her group helped elucidate the mechanisms by which the locus coeruleus noradrenergic (LC-NE) system generates stress- induced anxiety in rodents. They found that activation of the LC-NE neurons increases stress-induced anxiety and aversion and that inhibition attenuates these behaviors. They also found that specifically the corticotropin-releasing hormone positive neurons in the LC that receive inputs from the central amygdala are the neural subpopulation within the LC responsible for mediating the anxiety-like behaviors. Later in 2015, she published a paper in Neuron describing distinct functions of two subregions of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) that are mediated by dynorphin-kappa opioid receptor (KOR) signalling.
Ultimately, effecting whether various proteins get produced or not. Inhibiting the transcription of nuclear factor (NF-κB) and protein activator (AP-1) attenuates the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF etc.), enzymes (PLA2, COX-2, iNOs etc.) and other biologically active substances. The anti- inflammatory effect of GCs is also demonstrated by enhancing the activity of lipocortines which inhibit the activity of PLA2 and therefore, decrease the production of arachidonic acid and mediators of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase pathways. Anti-inflammatories need to be administered as quickly as possible as the effect of these drugs can diminish even just an hour after meconium aspiration.
Yin's team showed that morphine causes inflammation by binding to the protein lymphocyte antigen 96, which, in turn, causes the protein to bind to an immune system receptor called Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4).Making morphine work better, Nature 2012, 484: 419 The morphine-induced TLR4 activation attenuates pain suppression by opioid and enhances the development of opioid tolerance and addiction, drug abuse, and other negative side effects such as respiratory depression. The Yin group has developed drug candidates that can improve opioid-based pain management therapies.Drahl, C. Small Molecules Target Toll-Like Receptors, C&EN; 2012, 90: 33 On June 23, 2014, BioLineRx Ltd.
To counteract the hiss, VCRs use Dolby B noise reduction for recording and playback. This dynamically boosts the mid- frequency band of the audio program on the recorded medium, improving its signal strength relative to the tape's background noise floor, then attenuates the mid-band during playback. Dolby B is not a transparent process, and Dolby- encoded program material exhibits an unnatural mid-range emphasis when played on VCRs that are not made to work with this form of noise reduction. Another option is to use noise reduction similar to that of DBX—that is, by recording with high volume but with a compressed dynamic range.
Wireless networks may suffer from a hidden node problem where some regular nodes (which communicate only with the AP) cannot see other nodes on the extreme edge of the geographical radius of the network because the wireless signal attenuates before it can reach that far. Thus having an AP in the middle allows the distance to be halved, allowing all nodes to see the AP, and consequentially, halving the maximum distance between two nodes on the extreme edges of a circle-star topology. PCF seems to be implemented only in very few hardware devices as it is not part of the Wi-Fi Alliance's interoperability standard.
Such blockages of transcription appear to promote premature aging, particularly in non-proliferating or slowly proliferating organs such as the nervous system, liver and kidney (see DNA damage theory of aging). When Ercc1 mutant mice were subjected to dietary restriction their response closely resembled the beneficial response to dietary restriction of wild-type mice. Dietary restriction extended the lifespan of the Ercc1 mutant mice from 10 to 35 weeks for males and from 13 to 39 weeks for females. It appears that in Ercc1 mutant mice dietary restriction while delaying aging also attenuates accumulation of genome-wide DNA damage and preserves transcriptional output, likely contributing to improved cell viability.
Engagement of PD-L1 with its receptor PD-1 on T cells delivers a signal that inhibits TCR-mediated activation of IL-2 production and T cell proliferation. The mechanism involves inhibition of ZAP70 phosphorylation and its association with CD3ζ. PD-1 signaling attenuates PKC-θ activation loop phosphorylation (resulting from TCR signaling), necessary for the activation of transcription factors NF-κB and AP-1, and for production of IL-2. PD-L1 binding to PD-1 also contributes to ligand-induced TCR down-modulation during antigen presentation to naive T cells, by inducing the up-regulation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase CBL-b.
Altered expression of the S100A9 protein is associated with the disease cystic fibrosis. MRP-8/14 broadly regulates vascular inflammation and contributes to the biological response to vascular injury by promoting leukocyte recruitment. MRP-8/14 also regulates vascular insults by controlling neutrophil and macrophage accumulation, macrophage cytokine production, and SMC proliferation. The above study has shown therefore the deficiency of MRP-8 and MRP-14 reduces neutrophil- and monocyte- dependent vascular inflammation and attenuates the severity of diverse vascular injury responses in vivo. MRP-8/14 may be a useful biomarker of platelet and inflammatory disease activity in atherothrombosis and may serve as a novel target for therapeutic intervention.
This led to the development of the Multi-Azimuth Towed Streamer (MAZ) which tried to break the limitations of the linear acquisition pattern of a NATS survey by acquiring a combination of NATS surveys at different azimuths (see diagram). This successfully delivered increased illumination of the subsurface and a better signal to noise ratio. The seismic properties of salt poses an additional problem for marine seismic surveys, it attenuates seismic waves and its structure contains overhangs that are difficult to image. This led to another variation on the NATS survey type, the wide-azimuth towed streamer (or WAZ or WATS) and was first tested on the Mad Dog field in 2004.
Both psoralen and angelicin can be used in cancer therapeutics to suppress DNA replication in tumor cells and induce apoptosis – as mentioned in medical use – but they should be handled with care as they can cause photodermatitis in healthy cells as a side effect. In mammalian cell cultures, angelicin showed mutagenic and cytotoxic effects while playing a role of strong inhibitor of drug metabolism. The inhibition is due to the fact that angelicin decreases the activity and expression of CYP1A1 which is regulated by aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhR). There are three hypotheses proposed to explain the phenomenon: # Angelicin attenuates the catalytic activity performed by CYP1A1 regardless the presence of UV light.
After 24 hours to a few days, minuscule psychoactive effects may be felt, depending on dosage, frequency and tolerance to the drug. Commercial cannabis extract Various forms of the drug cannabis exist, including extracts such as hashish and hash oil which, because of appearance, are more susceptible to adulterants when left unregulated. Cannabidiol (CBD), which has no psychotropic effects by itself (although sometimes showing a small stimulant effect, similar to caffeine), attenuates, or reduces the higher anxiety levels caused by THC alone. According to Delphic analysis by British researchers in 2007, cannabis has a lower risk factor for dependence compared to both nicotine and alcohol.
A longpass (LP) Filter is an optical interference or coloured glass filter that attenuates shorter wavelengths and transmits (passes) longer wavelengths over the active range of the target spectrum (ultraviolet, visible, or infrared). Longpass filters, which can have a very sharp slope (referred to as edge filters), are described by the cut-on wavelength at 50 percent of peak transmission. In fluorescence microscopy, longpass filters are frequently utilized in dichroic mirrors and barrier (emission) filters. Use of the older term 'low pass' to describe longpass filters has become uncommon; filters are usually described in terms of wavelength rather than frequency, and a "low pass filter", without qualification, would be understood to be an electronic filter.
Export flux is defined as the sedimentation out of the surface layer (at approximately 100 m depth) and sequestration flux is the sedimentation out of the mesopelagic zone (at approximately 1000 m depth). A portion of the POC is respired back to CO2 in the oceanic water column at depth, mostly by heterotrophic microbes and zooplankton, thus maintaining a vertical gradient in concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). This deep-ocean DIC returns to the atmosphere on millennial timescales through thermohaline circulation. Between 1% and 40% of the primary production is exported out of the euphotic zone, which attenuates exponentially towards the base of the mesopelagic zone and only about 1% of the surface production reaches the sea floor.
Due to its involvement in hypoxia, HGTD-P has been implicated in cerebral ischemia and myocardial infarction, as well as numerous cancers, including cervical cancer and gastric cancer. In the case of cervical cancer, HGTD-P is expressed in the early developmental stages and, thus, may prove useful as a diagnostic marker to control the spread of the cancer. Despite its proapoptotic function, HGTD-P has been observed to coordinate with HIF-1α to promote cell growth and proliferation under hypoxic conditions in cervical cancer. In the case of hypoxia-ischemia brain damage, the microRNA agomir, miR-139-5p, attenuates HGTD-P expression and brain damage, and has the therapeutic potential to treat hypoxia-ischemia brain damage.
The BOA introduces a neutral density filter to the optical path that attenuates the light by approximately a factor of one hundred (five astronomical magnitudes). Both apertures are oversized (2.5 arc second clear aperture) permitting more than 95% of the light from a point source to enter the spectrograph. After passing through the PSA or BOA the light travels to one of the optics on the first of two optic select wheels, either one of the three FUV diffraction gratings or the first of the NUV collimation mirrors (table 1), depending on whether an FUV, NUV, or target acquisition channel is selected. All optics on the first wheel have an aspheric profile to correct for the Hubble spherical aberration.
A neutral density filter (ND filter) is a filter of uniform density which attenuates light of all colors equally. It is used to allow a longer exposure (to create blur) or larger aperture (for selective focus) than otherwise required for correct exposure in the prevailing light conditions, without changing the tonal balance of the photograph. A graduated neutral density filter is a neutral density filter with different attenuation at different points, typically clear in one half shading into a higher density in the other. It can be used, for example, to photograph a scene with part in deep shadow and part brightly lit, where otherwise either the shadows would have no detail or the highlights would be burnt out.
Probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacilli are able to modulate the activity of the Ub-proteasome system via inducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in epithelial cells. In mammalian cells, ROS have been shown to serve as critical second messengers in multiple signal transduction pathways in response to proinflammatory cytokines. Bacterially induced ROS causes oxidative inactivation of the catalytic cysteine residue of Ub 12 resulting in incomplete but transient loss of cullin-1 neddylation and consequent effects on NF-κB and β-catenin signaling. Another commensal species, B. thetaiotaomicron, attenuates pro-inflammatory cytokine expression by promoting nuclear export of NF-κB subunit RelA, through a peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ)-dependent pathway.
Atypical antipsychotics remain the first-line treatment for psychosis associated with various psychiatric and neurological disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, dementia, and some autism spectrum disorders. Dopamine is now one of the primary neurotransmitters implicated in psychotic symptomology. Blocking dopamine receptors (namely, the dopamine D2 receptors) and decreasing dopaminergic activity continues to be an effective but highly unrefined effect of antipsychotics, which are commonly used to treat psychosis. Recent pharmacological research suggests that the decrease in dopaminergic activity does not eradicate psychotic delusions or hallucinations, but rather attenuates the reward mechanisms involved in the development of delusional thinking; that is, connecting or finding meaningful relationships between unrelated stimuli or ideas.
Regions of the brain with a high density of glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) including the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and prefrontal cortex are particularly sensitive to elevated circulating levels of glucocorticoids even in the absence of stress. Scientific studies have mainly focused on the impact of glucocorticoids on the hippocampus because of its role in memory processes and on the prefrontal cortex for its role in attention and executive function. Elevated glucocorticoid activity is associated with down-regulation of GRs (known as "glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis"), which diminishes neuroreparative activity and attenuates neurogenesis that can result in decreased hippocampal volume with prolonged glucocorticoid exposure. Variations in individual sensitivity to glucocorticoid medications may be due to either GR hypofunction or hyperfunction.
Radio waves in the UHF band travel almost entirely by line-of-sight propagation (LOS) and ground reflection; unlike in the HF band there is little to no reflection from the ionosphere (skywave propagation), or ground wave. UHF radio waves are blocked by hills and cannot travel beyond the horizon, but can penetrate foliage and buildings for indoor reception. Since the wavelengths of UHF waves are comparable to the size of buildings, trees, vehicles and other common objects, reflection and diffraction from these objects can cause fading due to multipath propagation, especially in built-up urban areas. Atmospheric moisture reduces, or attenuates, the strength of UHF signals over long distances, and the attenuation increases with frequency.
The individual holes limit photons which can be detected by the crystal to a cone; the point of the cone is at the midline center of any given hole and extends from the collimator surface outward. However, the collimator is also one of the sources of blurring within the image; lead does not totally attenuate incident gamma photons, there can be some crosstalk between holes. Unlike a lens, as used in visible light cameras, the collimator attenuates most (>99%) of incident photons and thus greatly limits the sensitivity of the camera system. Large amounts of radiation must be present so as to provide enough exposure for the camera system to detect sufficient scintillation dots to form a picture.
To compensate, Na+ ions from the extracellular space are exchanged for protons in the Na+/H+ antiport, the loss of which often attenuates cancer growth. Therefore, 23Na MRI is a useful clinical tool for detecting a number of disease states, including heart disease and cancer, as well as monitoring therapy. Tissue damage in stroke patients can be evaluated using 23Na MRI, with one study showing that a change of 50% higher TSC than the TSC in healthy brain tissue is consistent with complete infarction, and therefore can be used to determine tissue viability and treatment options for the patient. Tumor malignancy can also be evaluated based on the increases in TSC of rapidly proliferating cells.
Some studies have found PCE-related differences in height and weight while others have not; these differences are generally either small or are gone by the time children are school age. Much is still not known about what factors may exist to aid children who were exposed to cocaine in utero. It is unknown if the effects of PCE are increased once children reach adolescence, or whether the neural rewiring that occurs during this developmental period attenuates the effects. A review of 27 studies performed between 2006 and 2012 found that cognitive development was mildly to moderately affected in PCE adolescents, but it was not clear how important these effects were in practical terms.
While it does not occur in all cases, some people who experience peripheral nerve injury develop neuropathy through the signaling induced by the injury. It results in increased BSCB permeability that allows white blood cells to migrate into the spinal cord, where they can release mediators that alter function. This forms a positive feedback loop: an injury causes cytokines, a type of signaling molecule, to be released, which induces BSCB disruption that allows white blood cell migration, followed by the white blood cells releasing more cytokines within the spinal cord, keeping the BSCB hyperpermeable. It has been found that blocking the signaling of certain cytokines in cases of neuropathy attenuates the BSCB permeability, decreases the amount of infiltrating immune cells, and ultimately decreases hyperalgesia.
The effect of the language group differed according to each task, where both monolinguals and bilinguals performed about similarly on working memory tasks, monolinguals outperformed bilinguals on lexical retrieval tasks, and bilinguals outperformed monolinguals on executive control tasks. Further analysis showed that bilinguals did, in fact, have inferior language knowledge as compared to monolinguals, yet similar working memory abilities. However, bilinguals did show overall superior executive control functions to their monolingual counterparts. In addition, the greatest levels of executive control were achieved by the older bilingual group, in accordance with the prediction that bilingualism throughout the lifespan attenuates the age- related deterioration of executive control tasks – those tasks that were nonverbal in nature, as bilinguals tend to do worse than monolinguals on linguistic measures.
He (Cabeo) concludes by saying: 'I say therefore that from amber or any other electrically attracting body, a very rarefied effluent is emitted which dispels and attenuates the air, extremely agitating it. Then the agitated and attenuated air returns to the amber body sweeping along with it whatever dust or small bodies are in its way'. We however, who in the previous chapter, take the attraction of the sulphur ball as electrical in nature and operating through a conservative potency, cannot admit that the air plays a role in producing the attraction. Experiment visibly shows that this sulphur globe (once it has been rubbed) also exercises its potency through a linen cord up to a range of a cubit and more and can attract at that distance.
One of the performance issues addressed by the waffle-iron filter is that in many waveguide filters the attenuation is dependent on the transmission modes of the incident signal and some filters can be quite bad at suppressing spurious modes which may be contained in this signal. For instance, with the corrugated waveguide filter, on which the waffle-iron filter is based, attenuation of TEn0 modes in the stopband is strongly dependent on the mode number. This is not the case with the waffle-iron filter which attenuates all TEn0 modes nearly equally up to a certain frequency. The limit is the frequency at which the distance between the metal teeth is greater than half the free-space wavelength of the signal.
Different placements of this tube along the string influence or eliminate the frequency at which the wolf occurs. It is essentially an attenuator that slightly shifts the natural frequency of the string (and/or instrument body) cutting down on the reverberation. An older device on cellos was a fifth string that could be tuned to the wolf frequency; fingering an octave above or below also attenuates the effect somewhat, as does the trick of squeezing with the knees. While it has been said that Lou Harrison wrote a piece (evidently reworked as the second movement of the Suite for Cello and Harp) that exploited the wolf specific to Seymour Barab's new cello, there is no clear evidence that this occurred.
The Theravada exegete Buddhaghosa says, in his Visuddhimagga: > It is called nibbana (extinction) because it has gone away from (nikkhanta), > has escaped from (nissata), is dissociated from, craving, which has acquired > in common usage the name ‘fastening (vana)’ because, by ensuring successive > becoming, craving serves as a joining together, a binding together, a lacing > together, of the four kinds of generation, five destinies, seven stations of > consciousness and nine abodes of being.Both the stream-enterer and the once- > returner abandon the first three fetters. What distinguishes these stages is > that the once-returner additionally attenuates lust, hate and delusion, and > will necessarily be reborn only once more. According to Buddhaghosa, nibbāna is achieved after a long process of committed application to the path of purification (Pali: Vissudhimagga).
Ribosomal protein S19 has been shown to interact with basic fibroblast growth factor. RPS19 is also secreted extracellularly and its extracellular oligomers (crosslinked by the transglutaminase Coagulation factor XIII) is also known to bind and probably inhibit Macrophage migration inhibitory factor; though S19 oligomers themselves share MCIP's function as another very strong macrophage chemoattractant and bind to anaphylotoxin C5 receptorMolecular Basis of Cell and Developmental Biology: Ana-Maria Filip, Jörg Klug, Sevil Cayli, Suada Fröhlich, Tamara Henke, Philipp Lacher, Regina Eickhoff, Patrick Bulau, Monika Linder, Christine Carlsson-Skwirut, Lin Leng, Richard Bucala, Sandra Kraemer, Jürgen Bernhagen, and Andreas Meinhardt. "Ribosomal Protein S19 Interacts with Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and Attenuates Its Pro-inflammatory Function"' J. Biol. Chem. 2009 284: 7977–7985.
In 2014, Monteggia and her lab used a novel inducible knockout system to selectively knock out Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor, a neurotrophin, in the forebrains of mice to explore the role of BDNF in complex behaviors. They found that depletion of BDNF impaired hippocampal learning and long-term potentiation and they further found that a loss of BDNF also impaired the effects of the antidepressant, desipramine. Monteggia’s group then showed that selective loss of BDNF in the dentate gyrus region of the hippocampus, but not the CA1 region, attenuates the effects of the antidepressants desipramine and citalopram during the forced swim test. Her findings suggest that the actions of antidepressants on specifically the dentate gyrus region of the hippocampus mediate their therapeutic effects.
The six Idilli ("Idylls"), namely Il sogno ("The dream"), L'Infinito ("The Infinite"), La sera del dì di festa ("The evening of the feast day"), Alla Luna ("To the Moon"), La vita solitaria ("The solitary life") and Lo spavento notturno ("Night-time terror"), followed hard upon the first canti. Il sogno is still Petrarchesque, while the others which followed are the fruit of a more mature and independent art. Leopardi establishes with nature a sort of accord which attenuates the pain and discomfort. In all of the idylls, the initial sparks, offered by memory or by the sweetness of nature, transmute their colors into the intuition of universal pain, of the transience of things, of the oppressive weight of eternity, of the inexorable passing of time, of the blind power of nature.
Blend potentiometers (essentially two potentiometers ganged on the same shaft) allow blending together two pickups in varying degrees. The operation is the same as in a balance control found in stereo equipment – in the middle position (often marked with a detent) both pickups supply their full output, and turning the pot in either direction gradually attenuates one of the pickups while leaving the other at full output. Blend potentiometers are a popular modification to instruments with separate volume controls for pickups, no master volume and/or no pickup selector. For instance, on the Fender Jazz Bass, the dual volume controls can be replaced with blend and master volume controls, to allow the instrument's output level to be adjusted with just one knob while still retaining the various combinations of the two pickups blended together.
The atomic X-ray absorption spectrum (XAS) of a core-level in an absorbing atom is separated into states in the discrete part of the spectrum called "bounds final states" or "Rydberg states" below the ionization potential (IP) and "states in the continuum" part of the spectrum above the ionization potential due to excitations of the photoelectron in the vacuum. Above the IP the absorption cross section attenuates gradually with the X-ray energy. Following early experimental and theoretical works in the thirties, in the sixties using synchrotron radiation at the National Bureau of Standards it was established that the broad asymmetric absorption peaks are due to Fano resonances above the atomic ionization potential where the final states are many body quasi-bound states (i.e., a doubly excited atom) degenerate with the continuum.
This means that Nck1 has an interaction with the UPR and that a deletion can cause a decrease in the stress pathway from the ER in the mice. These deficient, obese mice also show increased insulin-induced phosphorylation of PKB within the liver but do not possess the same expression in adipose tissues or skeletal muscles. This evidence points to the pathway being ER stress induced within liver tissue.Latreille , M., Laberge, M., Bourret, G., Yamani, L., & Larose, L. (2011). Deletion of Nck1 attenuates hepatic ER stress signaling and improves glucose tolerance and insulin signaling in liver of obese mice. American Journal of Physiology, 300(3), 423-424-434. Nck1 has been shown to be associated with bone mass. A deficiency in Nck1, which is shown to reduce ER stress in obese mice, also accelerates unloading-induced osteoporosis caused by mechanical stress.
It has been shown that blocking the extracellular domain of LINGO-1 disrupts the interaction between receptor kinases and LINGO-1 which directly attenuates inhibition of neuronal survival. However among the four WNK family members, only WNK3 has been shown to regulate and increase cell survival in a caspase-3-dependent pathway. To be able to understand how these components regulate signalling processes an experiment has been set up "model of serum deprivation" (SD) to prompt neuronal apoptosis. Research shows that treatments either with a construct containing the IgC2 or EGFR domains in the LINGO1 protein or with Nogo66 which act like a NgR1 agonist, therefore initiating a physiological response when combined with the receptor, resulting in an increased rate of apoptosis in primary cultured cortical neurons under SD. In addition, reducing the expression levels of the serine/threonine Kinase WNK3 (using gene silencing via RNA interference (ShRNA)) or inhibiting its kinase activity had similar effects on the survival of such neurons.
The response of TLR4 to opioid drugs has been found to be enantiomer-independent, so the "unnatural" enantiomers of opioid drugs such as morphine and naloxone, which lack affinity for opioid receptors, still produce the same activity at TLR4 as their "normal" enantiomers. This means that the unnatural enantiomers of opioid antagonists, such as (+)-naloxone, can be used to block the TLR4 activity of opioid analgesic drugs, while leaving the μ-opioid receptor mediated analgesic activity unaffected.) This may also be the mechanism behind the beneficial effect of ultra-low dose naltrexone on opioid analgesia. Morphine causes inflammation by binding to the protein lymphocyte antigen 96, which, in turn, causes the protein to bind to Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). The morphine-induced TLR4 activation attenuates pain suppression by opioids and enhances the development of opioid tolerance and addiction, drug abuse, and other negative side effects such as respiratory depression and hyperalgesia.

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