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"volatilize" Definitions
  1. to make volatile
  2. to pass off in vapor

46 Sentences With "volatilize"

How to use volatilize in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "volatilize" and check conjugation/comparative form for "volatilize". Mastering all the usages of "volatilize" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The reason for this was because the raw cannabis oil produced through CO2 extraction process is subjected to high pressure and heat, which can volatilize the terpenes and cause the weed to lose its flavor.
And thanks to the dangerous pesticide's tendency to volatilize and drift up to a mile after being applied, it will continue to routinely find its way into the bloodstreams of hundreds of endangered species and the brains of children living near fields where the Trump EPA insists the risks are worth the profits.
Lighter hydrocarbon fractions volatilize on contact with the atmosphere, leaving behind the heavier fractions, which are principally asphaltum.
The Final Environmental Impact Statement from the State Department does not include a quantitative analysis because it assumed that most benzene will volatilize.
Before injection onto the chromatographic column, the alcohol substituent on tetrahymanol is acetylated with acetic anhydride, allowing it to volatilize and enter the GC.
Pesticide fact sheets and tutorial, . Pesticide Safety Education Program. Retrieved on 2007-10-11. Pesticides that are applied to crops can volatilize and may be blown by winds into nearby areas, potentially posing a threat to wildlife.
For mutually soluble compounds, Raoult's law states that the partial pressure of a compound is equal to its vapor pressure times its mole fraction. This means that mutually soluble contaminants will volatilize slower than if there was only one compound present.
3-methyl pyridine is biodegradable, although it degrades more slowly and volatilize more readily from water samples than either 2-methyl- or 4-methyl-pyridine.,Sims, G. K. and L.E. Sommers. 1986. Biodegradation of pyridine derivatives in soil suspensions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 5:503-509.
Removal of radioiodine contamination can be difficult and use of a decontaminant specially made for radioactive iodine removal is advised. Two common products designed for institutional use are Bind-It and I-Bind. General purpose radioactive decontamination products are often unusable for iodine, as these may only spread or volatilize it.
The smaller amounts that are removed by reaction with ozone have a half-life of 10 days. In streams, chloroprene is stated to volatilize quickly with a half-life of 3 hours. However, in bigger bodies of water such as a lake, the half-life of chloroprene is 4 days.
Dopant molecules are added to help facilitate the ionization of the sample. Some of the common solvents include: nitrogen, toluene, acetone, and anisole. The desorption process can occur by two mechanisms: thermal desorption or momentum transfer/liquid spray. Thermal desorption uses heat to volatilize the sample and increase the surface temperature of the substrate.
Voids formed in the fossils as the carbon films were heated and released volatile components. Different types of kerogen – reflecting different initial conditions – mature (i.e. volatilize) at different temperatures and pressures. The first kerogens to mature are those that replace labile tissue such as guts and organs; cuticular regions produce more robust kerogens that mature later.
However, PFOA levels ranged from undetectable (<1.5) to 4.3 parts per billion in a more recent study. Also, non-stick cookware is heated—which should volatilize PFOA; PTFE products that are not heated, such as PTFE sealant tape, had higher (1800 parts per billion) levels detected. Overall, PTFE cookware is considered an insignificant exposure pathway to PFOA.
Long, hot showers would then volatilize more TCE into the air. In a home closed tightly to conserve the cost of heating and cooling, these vapors would then recirculate. The first known report of TCE in groundwater was given in 1949 by two English public chemists who described two separate instances of well contamination by industrial releases of TCE.Lyne FA, McLachlan T (1949).
The main routes of dissipation of imidacloprid in the environment are aqueous photolysis (half-life = 1–4 hours) and plant uptake. The major photometabolites include imidacloprid desnitro, imidacloprid olefine, imidacloprid urea, and five minor metabolites. The end product of photodegradation is chloronicotinic acid (CNA) and ultimately carbon dioxide. Since imidacloprid has a low vapor pressure, it normally does not volatilize readily.
Premature hardening of paint, called "skinning" because it forms a skin on the surface of the paint, can be inhibited by the addition of volatile ligands. These ligands bind to the oil drying agents, then lose their inhibiting action as they themselves slowly volatilize and leave the drying agent to work. One such inhibitor is methylethyl ketone oxime (MEKO), which is called an "antiskinning agent".
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are compounds that resist degradation and thus remain in the environment for years. Some pesticides, including aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex and toxaphene, are considered POPs. Some POPs have the ability to volatilize and travel great distances through the atmosphere to become deposited in remote regions. Such chemicals may have the ability to bioaccumulate and biomagnify and can biomagnify (i.e.
For steel, the first step will be the volatilization of the inhibitor into the airspace. This may entail simple evolution of the molecule or the chemical may disassociate first and then volatilize. (15) The molecules will then diffuse through the enclosed airspace until some of the molecules will reach the metallic surface to be protected. There are two likely paths once the molecules reach the metallic surface.
Silica is a contaminant that is detrimental to microelectronics processing and must be maintained at sub-ppb levels. In steam power generation silica can form deposits on heat- exchange surfaces where it reduces thermal efficiency. In high temperature boilers, silica will volatilize and carry over with steam where it can form deposits on turbine blades which lower aerodynamic efficiency. Silica deposits are very difficult to remove.
Proportions can be adjusted for a harder or softer cement. Gum Arabic and Tragacanth gum are both used as a glue in several processes, such as granulation, niello, and in some soldering situations. They completely volatilize under the heat and leave no residue ash (Untracht, O. (1975:441)). In recent years in Yemen, the silversmith bought all these materials (granules, wires and plates) pre-manufactured.
The bubbles of air volatilize contaminants and carry them to the unsaturated soils above. Vacuum points are installed in the unsaturated soils above the saturated zone. The vacuum points extract the vapors through to a Soil Vapor Extraction system. In order for the vacuum to avoid pulling the air from the surface, the ground has to be covered with a tarp or other method of sealing out surface air.
Semivolatile anthropogenics can exist as mixtures, such as petroleum distillates or as pure chemicals like trichloroethylene (TCE). There is a need to analyze the dissolved gas content of aqueous solutions. Dissolved gases can directly interact with aquatic organisms or can volatilize from solution (the latter described by Henry's law). These processes can result in exposure that, depending on the nature of the dissolved material, can have negative health effects.
The Dow process is the electrolytic method of bromine extraction from brine, and was Herbert Henry Dow's second revolutionary process for generating bromine commercially. This process was patented in 1891. In the original invention, bromide-containing brines are treated with sulfuric acid and bleaching powder to oxidize bromide to bromine, which remains dissolved in the water. The aqueous solution is dripped onto burlap, and air is blown through causing bromine to volatilize.
The potential problem is greater for recycled water that can contain dimethylamine. Further, NDMA can form or be leached during treatment of water by anion exchange resins. NDMA's contamination of drinking water is of particular concern due to the minute concentrations at which it is harmful, the difficulty in detecting it at these concentrations, and to the difficulty in removing it from drinking water. It does not readily biodegrade, adsorb, or volatilize.
Finally, the vapours produced during the boil volatilize off-flavours, including dimethyl sulfide precursors. The boil must be conducted so that it is even and intense. The boil lasts between 60 and 120 minutes, depending on its intensity, the hop addition schedule, and volume of wort the brewer expects to evaporate. ;Fermenting Royal Brewery in Manchester, UK, with steel fermentation vessels Fermentation begins as soon as yeast is added to the cooled wort.
The inflorescence's deep red color and texture contribute to the illusion that the spathe is a piece of meat. During bloom, the tip of the spadix is approximately human body temperature, which helps the perfume volatilize; this heat is also believed to assist in the illusion that attracts carcass-eating insects. Both male and female flowers grow in the same inflorescence. The female flowers open first, then a day or two following, the male flowers open.
Because photooxidation is very slow, elemental mercury can circulate over the entire globe before being oxidized and deposited. Wet and dry deposition is responsible for 90% of the mercury of surface waters, including open ocean. A fraction of deposited mercury instantaneously re- volatilize back to the atmosphere. Inorganic mercury can be converted by bacteria and archaea into methylmercury ([CH3Hg]+), which bioaccumulates in marine species such as tuna and swordfish and biomagnifies further up the food chain.
Numerical modeling is also used to design the power delivery system (PDS), the power requirements from the utility and the project capital requirements. Electrical heating increases the temperature of the soil and groundwater by conducting current through the resistive connate water that fills the porosity of the soil. The increase in temperature raises the vapor pressure of volatile and semi-volatile contaminants, increasing their ability to volatilize and be recovered through conventional techniques such as soil vapor extraction.
In addition, injection of hot (dry) air can remove soil moisture and thus improve the gas permeability of the soil. Additional thermal technologies (such as electrical resistance heating, six- phase soil heating, radio-frequency heating, or thermal conduction heating) can be applied to the subsurface to heat the soil and volatilize/desorb contaminants, but these are generally viewed as separate technologies (versus a SVE enhancement) that may use vacuum extraction (or other methods) for collecting soil gas.
At times, the platinum seemed malleable, but when it was alloyed with iridium, it would be much more brittle. Sometimes the metal was entirely incombustible, but when alloyed with osmium, it would volatilize. After several months, Chabaneau succeeded in producing 23 kilograms of pure, malleable platinum by hammering and compressing the sponge form while white-hot. Chabeneau realized the infusibility of platinum would lend value to objects made of it, and so started a business with Joaquín Cabezas producing platinum ingots and utensils.
Most PAHs are insoluble in water, which limits their mobility in the environment, although PAHs sorb to fine-grained organic-rich sediments. Aqueous solubility of PAHs decreases approximately logarithmically as molecular mass increases. Two- ringed PAHs, and to a lesser extent three-ringed PAHs, dissolve in water, making them more available for biological uptake and degradation. Further, two- to four-ringed PAHs volatilize sufficiently to appear in the atmosphere predominantly in gaseous form, although the physical state of four-ring PAHs can depend on temperature.
A high resolution FTICR mass spectrometer is often used for petroleomics. Ionization of nonpolar petroleum components can be achieved by field desorption ionization and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI). field desorption FT-ICR MS has enabled the identification of a large number of nonpolar components in crude oils that are not accessible by electrospray, such as benzo- and dibenzothiophenes, furans, cycloalkanes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). A drawback of field desorption is that it is slow, mainly due to the need of ramping the current to the emitter in order to volatilize and ionize molecules.
A thermal screw desorber typically consists of a series of 1-4 augers. The auger system conveys, mixes, and heats contaminated soils to volatilize moisture and organic contaminants into a purge gas stream. Augers can be arranged in series to increase the soil residence time, or they can be configured in parallel to increase throughput capacity. Most thermal screw systems circulate a hot heat- transfer oil through the hollow flights of the auger and return the hot oil through the shaft to the heat transfer fluid heating system.
General structure of n-alkanes, the major components of male sexual pheromones During mating, males respond to calling females with the emission of a pheromone containing n-alkanes. Males flutter their wings, which acts to volatilize the pheromone through heat generation and disturb the pheromone molecules. The pheromone acts as an aphrodisiac for the female while inhibiting the sexual behavior of other males. These compounds can be transferred to the female during mating and their sexual inhibitory effects on conspecific males favor the monogamy seen in the leek moth.
Similar to its reaction with water, chloroprene on soil was cited to volatilize from the surface. However, the report remarked that chloroprene holds the potential to leach into groundwater supplies. Due to its volatility and extreme reactivity, the threat of chloroprene exists predominantly as an air pollutant and is not expected to bioaccumulate or persist in the environment according to the U.S EPA Toxicological Review of Chloroprene. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that chloroprene does, in fact, have the potential to persist in the environment.
Wines served at warmer temperature will be more aromatic than wine served cooler due to heat's ability to increase the volatility of aromatic compounds in the wine. Swirling, or aerating, the wine will increase available surface area, increasing the rate at which aroma molecules volatilize. Some subtle aromatics can be overwhelmed by more dominant aromatics that arise after swirling, so most professional tasters will sniff the wine briefly first before swirling. The closer the nose is to the wine, even right inside the glass, the greater chances of aromatics being captured.
Nitrogen 2001 International Conference, Tampa. (Biuret is actually welcome in urea when is used as a cattle feed supplement). Isocyanic acid results from the thermal decomposition of ammonium cyanate, which is in chemical equilibrium with urea: :NH2CONH2 → NH4NCO → HNCO + NH3 This reaction is at its worst when the urea solution is heated at low pressure, which happens when the solution is concentrated for prilling or granulation (see below). The reaction products mostly volatilize into the overhead vapours, and recombine when these condense to form urea again, which contaminates the process condensate.
Low-temperature thermal desorption (LTTD), also known as low-temperature thermal volatilization, thermal stripping, and soil roasting, is an ex-situ remedial technology that uses heat to physically separate petroleum hydrocarbons from excavated soils. Thermal desorbers are designed to heat soils to temperatures sufficient to cause constituents to volatilize and desorb (physically separate) from the soil. Although they are not designed to decompose organic constituents, thermal desorbers can, depending upon the specific organics present and the temperature of the desorber system, cause some organic constituents to completely or partially decompose. The vaporized hydrocarbons are generally treated in a secondary treatment unit (e.g.
Nazaroff, WW., Weschler, CJ., Atmospheric Environment. 38 (2004) pg. 2841–2865 This causes the production of chloramines that volatilize (become gaseous), causing acute inflammation of the lungs (toxic pneumonitis), long-term respiratory damage, and potential death.Reisz, GR., Gammon, RS. Toxic Pneumonitis from mixing household chemicals. CHEST 89 (1986) pg. 49–52 Residue from cleaning products and cleaning activity (dusting, vacuuming, sweeping) has been shown to worsen indoor air quality (IAQ) by redistributing particulate matter (dust, dirt, human skin cells, organic matter, animal dander, particles from combustion, fibers from insulation, pollen, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) to which gaseous or liquid particles can be adsorbed.
He continued "The depraved space queen Servalan ... could never quite bring herself to volatilize the dimly heroic Blake even when she had him square in the sights of her plasmatic spasm guns. The secret of Blake's appeal, or Blakes appeal, for the otherwise infallibly fatale Servalan remained a mystery, like the actual wattage of light bulb on which the design of Blake's spaceship, or Blakes spaceship, was plainly based". Screenwriter Nigel Kneale, whose work included The Quatermass Experiment and other science fiction, was also critical. He described "the very few bits I've seen" as "paralytically awful", saying that "the dialogue/characterisation seemed to consist of a kind of childish squabbling".
In order to be used as a tracer, a compound must be emitted preferentially by some sources and not by others, giving the emission source a relatively unique chemical makeup. The compound must react slowly enough in the atmosphere that it is chemically conserved from the emission source to the receptor site where an ambient sample may be taken. Additionally, a tracer species should not be formed in the atmosphere and it should not volatilize during transport so that mass balance is maintained. Tracer compounds must then be of primary origins (not formed in the atmosphere), which are created through condensation and coagulation of mainly combustion and biological sources.
2 – 27, p. 12 Over-oxidation can alter the taste of the tea to become "grass-like" or thick and bitter, so farmers heated the leaves to stop the oxidation once the desired level was reached- a process known as 'firing'. Then, leaf cells were broken down by gently rubbing the tea leaves- this process helped volatilize the scents and tastes when brewing. Tea leaves were damped then rolled into shapes, making its storage convenientMo, Liyun 莫麗蕓. “南方有嘉木——我本草木”(Jiamu Tea in the South – I Was to Be Vegetation), 美人美茶(The Beauty of People and Tea) (2017): pp.
Anomalously high levels of mercury in the area of the tomb mound have been detected, which gives credence to the Sima Qian's account that mercury was used to simulate waterways and the seas in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. However, some scholars believe that if the underground palace is excavated, the mercury would quickly volatilize. "A Preliminary Study of Mercury Buried in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor", an article published in Archaeology magazine, Volume 7, says that during the measuring of soil mercury content, one measured point reached 1440 parts per billion; the rest of 53 points reached an average content of around 205 ppb. There is also a claim that the mercury content is actually a result of local industrial pollution.
Scenario for benzene leaching to groundwater Benzene is considered a light aromatic hydrocarbon with high solubility and high volatility. It is unclear how temperature and depth would impact the volatility of benzene, so assumptions have been made that benzene in oil (1% weight by volume) would not volatilize before equilibrating with water. Using the octanol-water partition coefficient and a 100-year precipitation event for the area, a worst-case estimate of 75 mg/L of benzene is anticipated to flow toward the aquifer. The actual movement of the plume through groundwater systems is not well described, although one estimate is that up to 4.9 billion gallons of water in the Ogallala Aquifer could become contaminated with benzene at concentrations above the MCL.
Mandibular gland extracts inhibit workers from constructing queen cells in which new queens are reared which can delay the hormonally based behavioral development of workers and can suppress ovarian development in workers. Both behavioral effects mediated by the nervous system often leading to recognition of queens (releaser) and physiological effects on the reproductive and endocrine system (primer) are attributed to the same pheromones. These pheromones volatilize or are deactivated within thirty minutes, allowing workers to respond rapidly to the loss of their queen. The levels of two of the aliphatic compounds increase rapidly in virgin queens within the first week after eclosion (emergence from the pupal case), which is consistent with their roles as sex attractants during the mating flight.
The coating is applied from special trains (colloquially referred to as "Sandite trains" after the original proprietary mixture applied) and in some cases locally by hand applicators. Lineside- fitted Traction gel applicators which apply liquid to the railhead as a train passes are fitted at sites where significant low adhesion regularly occurs, such as on the approach to stations. Both of these processes are effective for a limited duration; the jetting method is ineffective as soon as the next leaf falls; the sand deposition method is more durable, although rainfall usually removes the deposited sand quickly. Another method is using a high voltage electrical spark or plasma to volatilize the deposited material, but this method has only been used experimentally, as it is hindered by high power consumption, noise and rail degradation.

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