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"desiccate" Definitions
  1. to dry up
  2. to preserve (a food) by drying : DEHYDRATE
  3. to drain of emotional or intellectual vitality
  4. to become dried up

51 Sentences With "desiccate"

How to use desiccate in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "desiccate" and check conjugation/comparative form for "desiccate". Mastering all the usages of "desiccate" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And a lot of people just desiccate in those jobs, as far as I can tell. Yeah.
Should Americans desiccate God from public life, the nation will be a different and, I should add, dehumanized space.
Also, salt spray whipped up by the hurricane can damage and desiccate leaves while they are still on the trees.
"Also, salt spray whipped up by the hurricane can coat and desiccate leaves while they are still on the trees," NASA said.
Research shows that every year when the forest burns, the destructive effect spreads beyond the flames to kill trees and desiccate the landscape.
Simply put, drier, hotter, windier weather makes wildfires worse, and dry, hot winds can desiccate a landscape, turning it into pure bushfire fuel.
As an organic farmer, he couldn't use a chemical to desiccate the wheat, and it's highly unlikely the rabbi would have allowed it anyway.
This can be done by delaying harvest, the proverbial "long hang-time" — popular in California for the last 20 years — in which grapes desiccate on the vine, increasing the ratio of sugar to liquid.
As temperatures climb and droughts grow more frequent and severe, the water bears might do what they always do to survive—desiccate into the tun state and wait for moisture to come and temperatures to fall.
As the plant senesces, the galls desiccate and the nematodes undergo anhydrobiosis.
This gelatinous mass helps to protect the eggs by ensuring they do not desiccate.
The eastern skink is viviparous, which gives it an advantage compared to other species in the area, as its eggs cannot desiccate.
Infested shoots desiccate and drop to the soil. Bush growth or even dying of the crown top may be the results of repeated strong infestations.
It amounts to only about 5% of the drying shrinkage in normal concretes, which self-desiccate to about 97% pore humidity. But it can equal the drying shrinkage in modern high-strength concretes with very low water-cement ratios, which may self-desiccate to as low as 75% humidity. The creep originates in the calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) of hardened Portland cement paste. It is caused by slips due to bond ruptures, with bond restorations at adjacent sites.
Unfavorable conditions in the environment cause impairment of development and survival at all stages. Mites are killed at all stages when exposed to temperatures above or below for several days. In terms of humidity, the mites desiccate at levels below 20%. The mites also drown if they are wet.
Climate changes and/or overgrazing around 6000 BC began to desiccate the pastoral lands of Egypt, forming the Sahara. Early tribal peoples migrated to the Nile River, where they developed a settled agricultural economy and more centralized society.Midant-Reynes, Béatrix. The Prehistory of Egypt: From the First Egyptians to the First Kings.
Strings of Busycon whelk egg capsules commonly wash ashore and desiccate, becoming brittle. These objects are sometimes called mermaid's necklaces because they resemble a large necklace strung with medallion-shaped egg pouches. Each pouch of the string contains numerous protoconchs (baby whelks), similar in appearance to adults but with fewer whorls and less sculpture.
Litema are transient; they may desiccate and crumble or be washed away by heavy rain. It is common for women of an entire village to apply litema on such special occasions as a wedding or a religious ceremony.Paulus Gerdes: On Mathematical Ideas in Cultural Traditions of Central and Southern Africa. In: Helaine Selin (Hrsg.): Mathematics across cultures.
This mud remains on their exuviae, which emerging cicadas leave at the bases or in burnt out hollows of eucalypts. Within a forest, successive broods may emerge in different locations each year. The cicada's body and wings desiccate and harden once free of the exuvia. The adult lifespan of the double drummer is about four or five weeks.
A similar process is used in the traditional production of kimchi. Sometimes meat is buried under conditions that cause preservation. If buried on hot coals or ashes, the heat can kill pathogens, the dry ash can desiccate, and the earth can block oxygen and further contamination. If buried where the earth is very cold, the earth acts like a refrigerator.
Juveniles find host and move up the plant in a film of water, they invade meristems and penetrate inflorescence. Once in the developing seed they molt, become adults, mate, and reproduce. Eggs laid by the female develop and hatch as J2 within the seed gall where they desiccate and become dormant. Dormant J2 overwinter in the seed galls until spring.
The eggs and larvae are adhered to the wall of the nest. The male tends them by fanning them, keeping the nest clean, and hydrating them if they begin to desiccate at low tide. He protects the larvae post-hatching until they reach their juvenile stage and leave the nest, about 45 days after fertilization. Very occasionally, an egg will yield twin larvae.
Each of these environments offered varying amounts of light exposure. Growth of L. pulmonaria was highest in open sites, in which the species normally does not occur naturally. Lack of light seems to be a strong limiting factor for the growth of L. pulmonaria. However, there is no simple relationship between site factors and light especially because lichens desiccate at different times of the day.
Opals which have weathered out of the in situ deposits are alluvial and considered placer deposits. Miocene-age opalised teeth, bones, fish, and a snake head have been found. Some of the opal has high water content and may desiccate and crack when dried. The largest producing mines of Virgin Valley have been the famous Rainbow Ridge, Royal Peacock, Bonanza, Opal Queen, and WRT Stonetree/Black Beauty mines.
An important component is ongoing maintenance of the fire-resistant landscaping for reduced fuel loads and fire fighting access. Fire resistive plants that are not maintained can desiccate, die, or amass deadwood debris, and become fire assistive. Irrigation systems and pruning can help maintain a plant's fire resistance. Maintaining access roads and driveways clear of side and low-hanging vegetation can allow large fire equipment to reach properties and structures.
Psychrophiles are protected from freezing and the expansion of ice by ice-induced desiccation and vitrification (glass transition), as long as they cool slowly. Free living cells desiccate and vitrify between −10 °C and −26 °C. Cells of multicellular organisms may vitrify at temperatures below −50 °C. The cells may continue to have some metabolic activity in the extracellular fluid down to these temperatures, and they remain viable once restored to normal temperatures.
Temple of Derr ruins in 1960 There is evidence of rock carvings along the Nile terraces and in desert oases. In the 10th millennium BCE, a culture of hunter-gatherers and fishers was replaced by a grain-grinding culture. Climate changes or overgrazing around 8000 BCE began to desiccate the pastoral lands of Egypt, forming the Sahara. Early tribal peoples migrated to the Nile River where they developed a settled agricultural economy and more centralised society.
A pocket of liquid water, which would normally evaporate instantly in the thin Martian atmosphere, is trapped around them by the overlying ice. As this ice layer thins, the microorganisms show through grey. When the layer has completely melted, the microorganisms rapidly desiccate and turn black, surrounded by a grey aureole. The Hungarian scientists believe that even a complex sublimation process is insufficient to explain the formation and evolution of the dark dune spots in space and time.
Phalaenopsis bellina prefers bright, filtered light, warm temperatures, and good air circulation. It is essential that potting/mounting media approaches dryness between waterings to avoid root rot. Distilled, reverse osmosis, or rain water is recommended if municipal water is hard or has a high TDS count, because salt buildup in the planting media can quickly desiccate and kill roots. Large plants grow quickly and should thus be fertilized regularly during the growing season to promote growth of new leaves, roots, and flowers.
Electrosurgery is the application of a high-frequency (radio frequency) alternating polarity, electrical current to biological tissue as a means to cut, coagulate, desiccate, or fulgurate tissue.Hainer BL, "Fundamentals of electrosurgery", Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, 4(6):419–26, 1991 Nov.–Dec. Electrosurgery for the Skin, Barry L. Hainer M.D., Richard B. Usatine, M.D., American Family Physician (Journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians), 2002 Oct 1;66(7):1259–66."A Simple Guide to the Hyfrecator 2000" .
Rushing to her building, he confronts the blind priest, only to be killed. Returning to the building, her headaches having returned and her skin beginning to desiccate, Alison finds Michael seemingly unhurt. He reveals that he is actually dead and also damned for killing his wife. He also explains that the house is actually positioned over the gateway between our world and Hell and that there must be a gatekeeper to protect the world from the denizens of the Underworld.
It is not uncommon for a large number of breeding ponds to desiccate each season before tadpoles successfully metamorphose, hence there is apparently a selective tradeoff between shallow ponds (which accelerate tadpole development) and ponds with long hydroperiods (which ensure survival). Time from hatching to tadpole metamorphosis is 4–6 weeks, and this is highly dependent upon environmental factors (elevation, weather, food, competition) and possibly genetic background. Tadpoles are apparently unable to overwinter. Subadult and adult habitat use patterns are poorly understood.
Geological evidence and computer climate modeling studies suggest that natural climate changes around the 8th millennium BC began to desiccate the extensive pastoral lands of North Africa, eventually forming the Sahara by the 25th century BC. Continued desiccation forced the early ancestors of the Egyptians to settle around the Nile more permanently and forced them to adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. However, the period from 9th to the 6th millennium BC has left very little in the way of archaeological evidence.
The beginning of curing was done through dehydration. Salting was used by early cultures to help desiccate foods. Many different salts were used from different places such as rock salt, sea salt, spiced salt, etc.. People began to experiment and found in the 1800s that some salts gave meat an appealing red color instead of the grey that they were used to. During their experimenting in the 1920s they realized this mixture of salts were nitrates (saltpeter) that prevented Clostridium botulinum growth.
Today the method for making recioto has evolved to include the use of whole grape clusters. Grapes destined for Recioto della Valpolicella are often grown in the most ideally situated hillside vineyards. Recioto can trace its origins to winemaking techniques of the ancient Greeks; the grapes are taken to special drying rooms where they are allowed to desiccate, concentrating the sugars inside the grape. While recioto is typically sweet, with high levels of residual sugar, the must can be allowed to ferment completely dry.
20,000 to 5000 B.P.), in, J.D. Clark & S.A. Brandt (eds.), From Hunters to Farmers: Causes and Consequences of Food Production in Africa, Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 41–56 During the Neolithic period, which followed the Mesolithic, the savanna was occupied by hunters and herders. The culture of these Neolithic hunters and herders flourished until the region began to desiccate after 5000 BCE as a result of climatic changes. The coastal regions of present-day Morocco in the early Neolithic shared in the Cardium pottery culture that was common to the entire Mediterranean region.
The doubled suns and moons make humans desiccate to death during day, while their skin freezes and bursts during night. Concerning their destruction, there are two major variants. In some versions, Daebyeol-wang and Sobyeol-wang shoot down the sun and moon together before the flower contest, using bows that weigh a hundred or a thousand catties (roughly sixty or six hundred kilograms). In other versions, Daebyeol-wang removes the duplicated sun and moon after the contest, as part of his establishment of the "great law" for his younger brother mentioned above.
The longer the grapes are allowed to dry and desiccate, the higher the resulting residual sugar levels will be in the wine. Depending on the style of wine desired, the grapes may be crushed and the fermentation process started after a few weeks or not till late March. Producers may use a starter culture of yeast known as a madre that includes a small amount of finished Vin Santo from previous years production. It is believed that this older wine can help jump start the fermentation process and also add complexity to the wine.
The resulting larvae induce galls immediately, where they can seem to balloon almost overnight onto the tree. This is the point where most of the parasitoids enter the gall, while it is still soft and small enough for their ovipositor to reach the larvae. After anywhere from a few weeks to two months, the gall stops growing and begins to desiccate, turning tan or brown. The larvae pupate and then bore their way out of the gall in late summer or early fall and fly off to lay eggs in other trees.
The Girò grape has shown itself to thrive in very hot and dry climates, though in these conditions the grapes will lack acidity. The grapes are considered mid to late-ripening and have the potential to accumulate high levels of sugars which lend itself well to the production of sweet wines. Some producers will allow their Girò to hang on the vine long after regular harvest, allowing the grapes to shrivel and desiccate, further concentrating the sugars. Other producers allow the grapes to dry after the harvest on straw mats or in drying rooms.
According to folk etymology, the name "Kashmir" means "desiccated land" (from the Sanskrit: Ka = water and shimeera = desiccate). In the Rajatarangini, a history of Kashmir written by Kalhana in the mid-12th century, it is stated that the valley of Kashmir was formerly a lake. According to Hindu mythology, the lake was drained by the great rishi or sage, Kashyapa, son of Marichi, son of Brahma, by cutting the gap in the hills at Baramulla (Varaha-mula). When Kashmir had been drained, Kashyapa asked Brahmins to settle there.
Additionally, modern hybrids planted in cold winter climates will almost universally require a "hard" annual pruning (reducing all canes to 8"–12", about 30 cm in height) in early spring. Again, because of their complex China rose background, modern hybrids are typically not as cold hardy as European Old Garden Roses, and low winter temperatures often desiccate or kill exposed canes. In spring, if left unpruned, these damaged canes will often die back all the way to the shrub's root zone, resulting in a weakened, disfigured plant. The annual "hard" pruning of hybrid teas and floribundas is generally done in early spring.
V. Hazan Italian Wine p. 212 Random House Publishing, 1982 In vintages where the climate conditions are favorable, the grapes maybe left on the vine to desiccate and further concentrate the sugars well into January. They could also be harvested earlier and left to dry inside special drying rooms where they are may be hung from the ceilings or spread out on mats to dry. Even with the long ripening periods and high sugar concentrations, the Vespaiola grape can still maintain a relatively high level of acidity that can help balance the sweetness in the resulting wines.
When it has completely melted, they rapidly desiccate and turn black surrounded by a grey aureole. The Hungarian scientists think that even a complex sublimation process is insufficient to explain the formation and evolution of the dark dune spots in space and time. (Audio interview, MP3 6 min.) Since their discovery, fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke promoted these formations as deserving of study from an astrobiological perspective. A multinational European team suggests that if liquid water is present in the spiders' channels during their annual defrost cycle, the structures might provide a niche where certain microscopic life forms could have retreated and adapted while sheltered from UV solar radiation.
Permethrin is effective against mite infestations, but must be used with great caution and only in small quantities due to its toxicity to snakes. Alternative approaches include biological agents that are sprayed onto infested animals that desiccate the mites, rendering them unable to lay their eggs or consume blood beneath the scales of their host. The incubation period for mite eggs is thought to be about 10–14 days, so the treatment should be repeated after 10 days to ensure that any eggs that hatch or larvae that develop into nymphs are eliminated from the host before reaching sexual maturity and becoming able to repeat their reproduction cycle.
Map of ancient Egypt, showing major cities and sites of the Dynastic period (c. 3150 BC to 30 BC) The developed Neolithic cultures belonging to the phases Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (10,200 BC) and Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (7600 to 6000 BC) appeared in the fertile crescent and from there spread eastwards and westwards. Contemporaneously, a grain-grinding culture using the earliest type of sickle blades had replaced the culture of hunters, fishers, and gathering people using stone tools along the Nile. Geological evidence and computer climate modeling studies also suggest that natural climate changes around 8000 BC began to desiccate the extensive pastoral lands of northern Africa, eventually forming the Sahara.
As a result, the hatchlings migrate up the beach and away from the ocean where they exhaust themselves, desiccate and die either as a result of exhaustion, dehydration or predation. Habitat selection is an extremely important process in the lifespan of most organisms. That choice affects nearly all of an individual’s subsequent choices, so it may not be particularly surprising the type of evolutionary trap with the best empirical support is the ecological trap. Even so, traps may be relatively difficult to detect and so the lack of evidence for other types of evolutionary trap may be a result of the paucity of researchers looking for them coupled with the demanding evidence required to demonstrate their existence.
Surgical smoke is the gaseous by-product produced by electrosurgery, laser tissue ablation, ultrasonic scalpel dissection, high speed drilling or burring, or any procedure done by means of a surgical device that is used to ablate, cut, coagulate, desiccate, fulgurate, or vaporize tissue. Other names for surgical smoke are cautery smoke, plume, diathermy plume, or, sometimes, aerosols produced during surgery, vapor contaminants, or air contaminants. There is evidence, although the evidence is somewhat controversial, of the dangers from toxicity or possible infectivity of surgical smoke produced by electrosurgery or ultrasonic scalpel procedures; such surgical smoke contains carcinogenic or irritant chemicals and/or bio-aerosols capable of harming patients or operating room personnel upon inhalation.
In 2007, the western basin had a salinity of 70 g/l and the eastern basin 100 g/l. Once the water level falls below the connecting channel (elevation 29 m), the salinities can be expected to diverge further. Under current conditions, the eastern basin may receive water from the Amu Darya in wet years, fluctuating in salinity and flooding an area of up to 4500 km² in salt water to a depth of about one meter, which would preclude any economic activity in the area, while the western basin becomes increasingly saline. Water diversion from the Amu Darya directly to the deeper western basin could lower its salinity enough to allow resumption of local fisheries, while allowing the eastern basin to desiccate almost entirely and avoiding the problems of flooding.
A threshold of rainfall is required to elicit a spore discharge response and the duration of peak spore discharge correlates with the amount of rainfall, rather than its duration. Furthermore, Gilliam noted that spore prints were more readily obtained if the stem ends were placed in water, suggesting that water must enter through the fruit body for discharge to occur. Like those of many other species of Marasmius, the fruit bodies of M. rotula can desiccate and shrivel in dry periods, then revive when sufficient moisture is available again in the form of rain or high humidity. Gilliam's study demonstrated that revived fruit bodies were capable of discharging spores over a period of at least three weeks, whereas previous studies using similar methods with other Agaricomycetes showed spore discharge occurred over a shorter period of up to six days after revival.
A Pedro Ximénez Sherry from the Jerez region whose wine label indicates that the wine has been aged in a solera that has been in operation since 1827. Pedro Ximénez is most widely grown in Spain, where there were of the grape in cultivation as of 2019. The vast majority of these plantings are found in the Spanish wine region of Montilla-Moriles where the grapes are used to make fortified style wines labelled as PX. After harvest the Pedro Ximénez grapes are traditionally laid out on mats to further desiccate and dry in the sun (in a style similar to straw wine production). The high sugar and low acid wine made from these pressings may be fortified or not, depending on winemaker style, but will usually be very sweet and have a strong aroma and flavor of raisins.

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