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"unmasculine" Definitions
  1. not characteristic of, typical of, or appropriate for a man : not masculine

21 Sentences With "unmasculine"

How to use unmasculine in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "unmasculine" and check conjugation/comparative form for "unmasculine". Mastering all the usages of "unmasculine" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"It never looks unmasculine on me for some reason," he said.
That bookishness may mark Chiron as unmasculine to his peers, who bully him.
And maybe my aversion to blow jobs makes me feel un-American, or even unmasculine.
He routinely says or publishes absolutely vile things about women — and men, for that matter, especially "unmasculine" or queer men.
And fanfiction is not only "unmasculine" but actively feminine, designed for women rather than men — and that makes it gross and dangerous.
The APA points out that queer men, trans men and Asian men are stereotypically considered to be unmasculine, which can lead to psychological distress.
Research shows that American boys want intimacy and romance at the same rate as girls — but by admitting to that, they risk being seen as unmasculine.
But a man with pale skin was considered unmasculine: bronzed skin was associated with the heroes who fought on battlefields and competed as athletes, naked, in amphitheatres.
He has also taken down a whole busload of students to prevent two of them from outing him as a weak, supposedly unmasculine victim of another man.
Even though the movie is broadly shaped by the crushing realities of Chiron's underprivileged upbringing — even his mother, a drug addict played by Naomie Harris, taunts him for his unmasculine walk and manner — it also has, at times, an almost abstract quality, a paring-down and away of the sort of immersive, realistic detail that we expect of any contemporary movie drama.
Ever since the death of his father, his whereabouts have been unknown. The middle son, Kim Jong-chul, was reportedly not considered in succession considerations due to his unmasculine characteristics. He is also known to be reserved.
Hypomasculinity is a psychological term for the absence of male stereotypical traits. For example, it is the absence of the de-emphasising of feelings and relationships. Oftentimes, individuals who exhibit hypomasculine traits display unmasculine professional or physical characteristics that deviate from the norm. A Jungian interpretation of this would be of an overwhelmingly strong anima or female complex.
Indian linguist Patañjali'sNot to be confused with the Patañjali who was the author of the Yoga sutras. work on Sanskrit grammar, the Mahābhāṣya (c. 200 BC), states that Sanskrit's three grammatical genders are derived from three natural genders. The earliest Tamil grammar, the Tolkappiyam (3rd century BC) refers to hermaphrodites as a third "neuter" gender (in addition to a feminine category of unmasculine males).
Senator Joseph McCarthy In the 1950s in the United States, open homosexuality was taboo. Legislatures in every state had passed laws against homosexual behavior well before this, most notably anti-sodomy laws. Many politicians treated the homosexual as a symbol of antinationalism, construing masculinity as patriotism and marking the "unmasculine" homosexual as a threat to national security. This perceived connection between homosexuality and antinationalism was present in Nazi Germany and Soviet RussiaHealey, Dan.
After the TV show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy begins showing, metrosexuality becomes a major fad among both the men and the boys, and they all begin to act effeminate. At the school bus stop, instead of their usual winter clothing, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny wear unmasculine clothing. Kyle, who does not want to conform, is beaten up by Craig, Clyde, Token, and Jimmy at school. Cartman, Kenny, and even Stan abandon Kyle.
Ted and Barney try to give him credit, but he insists they were in the fight as well. Afraid of appearing unmasculine, they take the credit after Barney creates "battle wounds" by blackening his own eye and punching Ted in the nose. They earn the admiration of everyone except Marshall, who claims that he used to fight with his brothers and Ted and Barney wouldn't stand a chance. Ted and Barney laugh it off, believing it to be gentle horseplay.
The Nazi policies on homosexuals were largely driven by Himmler's disdain for homosexuality, which he believed was a menace to the German national reproductive capacities. He also loathed the unmasculine and oppositional traits of homosexuals so that he sought its cure through initiatives that started in 1937 after Himmler's speech to the Reich Committee for Population and Racial Policy. His rationale was that human experimentation was permissible if it was for the benefit of the state. Dachau"Reader's Guide to Lesbian and Gay Studies", Timothy Murphy. Routledge, Oct 18, 2013.
The work contains three musical styles and goes through the series of three twice, starting each time with the upper-class music, passing through a more vigorous working-class music, and ending with the foot-stomping dance of the peasantry. Divisions between the sections are clear, as if one had walked through a doorway. The upper-class music suggests formal European dancing of the nineteenth century, unlyrical and even unmasculine. The peasant music is far richer rhythmically and more powerful, with a suggestion of the pre-Hispanic (Indian) in it.
In a lecture he publicly challenged the anti-modernist stance that National Gallery School director Bernard Hall had expressed in his previous lecture. Frater was characterised in a 1933 Art in Australia article as a stereotypical Scot; > ...dogged and tenacious, strong in pride of race, reliant and confident in > self, a hard man to talk down and a hard man to shake in his beliefs, which > change and mature slowly. A dogmatic man, if you like, but a purposeful one > and, like Cézanne whom he acclaims, a rugged type with a scorn of frills and > unmasculine prettiness—all of which may be discovered in his work.
Seventeen-year-old Tom Robinson Lee (John Kerr), a new senior at a boy's prep school, finds himself at odds with the machismo culture of his class in which the other boys love sports, roughhouse, fantasize about girls, and worship their coach, Bill Reynolds (Leif Erickson). Tom prefers classical music, reads Candida, goes to the theater, and generally seems to be more at ease in the company of women. The other boys torment Tom for his "unmanly" qualities and call him "sister boy," and he is treated unfeelingly by his father, Herb Lee (Edward Andrews), who believes a man should be manly and that his son should fit in with the other boys. Only Al (Darryl Hickman), his roommate, treats Tom with any decency, perceiving that being different is not the same as being unmasculine.
LeVay suggests that boys who become gay may be unmasculine, or otherwise differ from boys who become straight in ways that influence the behavior of parents, and that Freudian theories reverse the direction of causation. LeVay rejects the view, based on behaviorism, that the sex of a person's first sex partner influences their sexual orientation, arguing that it is contradicted by cross-cultural evidence, including the anthropologist Gilbert Herdt's work on the Sambia, and studies of British boarding schools. He criticized the sexologist John Money, who maintained that sexual orientation develops as part of a process of gender learning, with reference to the case of David Reimer, a man who was unsuccessfully reared as a girl following the destruction of his penis in a botched circumcision. LeVay writes that, contrary to Money's expectations, Reimer, who ultimately decided to live as a man, was sexually attracted to women as an adult, and that there are several similar cases conflicting with Money's learning theory of sexual orientation.

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