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848 Sentences With "transitioned"

How to use transitioned in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "transitioned" and check conjugation/comparative form for "transitioned". Mastering all the usages of "transitioned" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In the piece, she reports on people who've transitioned to a different gender and then transitioned back.
The 2011 National Transgender Discrimination Survey found 61 percent of trans and gender nonconforming respondents reported having medically transitioned, and 33 percent said they had surgically transitioned.
Students who transitioned from male to female (MtF) were legally able to use the women's restroom, and those who transitioned from female to male (FtM) were able to use the men's.
" JY retorted: "I'm a woman, I transitioned last year.
Yes, but: The State Department's policy states that passports of people who have transitioned genders are valid for 10 years so long as they have had "appropriate clinical treatment" and have already transitioned.
Deluxe Corp has also transitioned into an astounding rebound story.
This is an amazing speed by which this has transitioned.
I came out and socially transitioned about three years ago.
Yahya effortlessly transitioned into the choke to gain the tap.
Having transitioned in the '70s, stealthy living was my solace.
I transitioned 42 years ago and never once regretted it.
Remember when cell phone coverage transitioned from 3G to 4G?
Angie transitioned from an actress to a director and producer.
Mnookin transitioned out of the QuickBase CEO role on Nov.
This transitioned into dinner with my parents over red wine.
He then transitioned into a mock promotion of HBO Max.
Then she transitioned into the planning phase of the discussion.
Then transitioned to Fox Sports, which ultimately led to ESPN.
But Dobrik soon transitioned over to creating comedic Vine videos.
I transitioned into a great new job in San Francisco.
Barry's has swiftly transitioned into offering classes online via Instagram.
Digital news outlets have also transitioned to remote working models.
I don't know if I could have transitioned without it.
My balance was about $78,000 by the time I transitioned.
The Army transitioned from 7.62 mm to the more powerful .
He remained governor until 2002, when he transitioned into lobbying.
What was your thought process as you transitioned to YouTube?
I am not Bradley Manning [her name before she transitioned].
Then she smoothly transitioned back to answering questions about soccer.
November 3 will mark two years since Leo socially transitioned.
But since the web transitioned to mobile, Yahoo got left behind.
The Virgin seat will be transitioned to another Virgin Group Executive.
Now a senior, Grimm transitioned to male before his sophomore year.
You have one person currently transitioning and another that has transitioned.
Proud father, Jack Bohlka, says his daughter transitioned earlier this year.
Rather, I think it's more appropriate to say that I transitioned.
That's the problem: The world sees it like, 'Oh you transitioned.
Others have transitioned in the space of a month or two.
He compiled over 50 scenes individually, then transitioned between them sequentially.
" Soon his shock transitioned to, "Do you want to have sex?
It has been almost 30 years since Chile transitioned to democracy.
I had supervised her as she transitioned into practice from fellowship.
There have been transgender officers who transitioned while on the job.
Those visas could be transitioned to the new point system too.
But that was when often ugly campaigns ultimately transitioned to governing.
He posted pictures of himself and other guys who medically transitioned.
Did you find it hard to find work after you transitioned?
We'd declared a truce, and transitioned from adversaries into allies. Opinion
The music transitioned into a remix of "Starships," by Nicki Minaj.
Some people transitioned to deadly illegal drugs like heroin and fentanyl.
Since then, most doctors have now fully transitioned to digital systems.
We actually started off in politics, and then sort of transitioned.
Clifford was ostracized from her church in Scotland after she transitioned.
Soon after, he transitioned off cybercrime and moved to a counterterrorism detail.
You transitioned at such a young age, is there anything you regret?
She's remained on the medication as she's transitioned to less intensive treatment.
I became an expert in that, and I transitioned into teaching it.
In the late '90s, Bannon transitioned more fully to the entertainment industry.
The original iPod touch transitioned the iPod into a post-iPhone world.
She explains in her statement that she transitioned in the early 2000s.
Have you ever transitioned from a deep tone to a light shade?
Logan Ireland, a transgender man who transitioned under Obama, told BuzzFeed News.
I also loved Jonathan Jackson, who transitioned to prime time with Nashville.
I recently transitioned from three to two daily pumping sessions at work.
She started her career as a model but soon transitioned into acting.
I kind of just transitioned and started fading away from that crowd.
Then, however, Kelly transitioned into an attempt to clean up Trump's mess.
This quarter, Shake Shack transitioned from four delivery partners to just GrubHub.
They were former players themselves and transitioned into the financial services world.
After a successful solo career, Ice Cube transitioned into film and entrepreneurship.
Angel, 33, was designated male at birth but had transitioned years earlier.
By high school, Paul transitioned to now-defunct video-sharing app Vine.
She took over at Glamour as it transitioned to being only online.
He was in a really, really, really good place before he transitioned.
Right now, some companies have transitioned to a work-from-home strategy.
Or they may have transitioned from employee coverage to a retiree plan.
And let's say you're a binary trans person who hasn't yet transitioned.
She identifies as a transsexual woman and transitioned when she was 59.
Sarah Palin transitioned easily from the campaign trail to the news studio.
We (mostly I) mourned then transitioned to life with a handicapped child.
But for someone who transitioned midlife, like me, it works pretty well.
Before I transitioned, my short hair and men's clothes frequently baffled people.
Many Americans have already transitioned off Orkambi to newer modulators, like Trikafta.
But other popular movie franchises have successfully transitioned to the small screen.
She then transitioned to counting calories and lost a further 20 pounds.
Zeta-Jones has since transitioned from the big screen to web series.
After Hannah transitioned, she "did and didn't" consider herself a virgin again.
When I transitioned, I was thrilled to feel aligned with my body.
First of all, I'm glad we transitioned into the puff piece about me.
At Ford, many of these manufacturing jobs have been transitioned into other roles.
Karim found friends and transitioned well into his new life, his father said.
We both transitioned mission critical work past to future and to the cloud.
Gradually a distrust of technology has transitioned from the dystopic to the everyday.
I was lucky to be inthe homosexual tank with a girl who'd transitioned.
The American economy transitioned very rapidly to meet the World War II threat.
As Alexis transitioned into being a woman, she taught us tolerance and acceptance.
Fastmarkets estimates the global lithium market has transitioned from supply shortfall to surplus.
It's not that Apple's "Digital Hub" disappeared, it just transitioned into the cloud.
During that time, Blatt transitioned to a new role as CEO of Match.
Enter a fellow who had transitioned — a gentlemanly leader who appeared particularly presidential.
Over the course of first grade, she slowly transitioned to being a girl.
WATTERS: I have transitioned from dressing nice on flights to sweatpants and sneakers.
Machuga has since transitioned back to civilian life after 13 months in Iraq.
McNeill had transitioned from playing 12 years of professional football into family life.
Over the past couple decades, women have transitioned into influential and powerful positions.
Schill has transitioned from a mere nuisance to an actual menace to society.
During that time, he too transitioned from a day job to freelance work.
I transitioned to full-service sex work (both independently and in legal brothels).
Manning has transitioned from male to female since her detention began in 2010.
Now her filmmaking partner and sibling has announced that she has also transitioned.
For now, at least, it looks like he has transitioned to playing humans.
It's clear we have transitioned to an age where workers expect more flexibility.
This green and pleasant land has rapidly transitioned into something brown and scratchy.
Like many trans people, Lara wasn't interested in having children when she transitioned.
Has there been a dancer in Trockadero who transitioned from female to male?
At the same time, a close friend also transitioned from male to female.
In 2020, Lerner transitioned into the role of senior advisor and president emeritus.
She gave up the movies and quickly transitioned from stardom to normal life.
"Sense and Sensibility" (1995) smoothly transitioned Jane Austen's words to the silver screen.
Not long after I stopped seeing Larry I transitioned from athlete to coach.
We decided to wait until Kevin had transitioned from wounded warrior to veteran.
I transitioned, and it was that hardest and loneliest thing I've ever done.
However, not all legacy businesses transitioned to licensed operations under the new laws.
Alexis was an actor and transgender activist who transitioned in the early 2000s.
As Barty transitioned to the pro tour, her major successes continued to pile up.
Birth was medicalized and transitioned to hospitals, where it was governed by male physicians.
Mariah's transitioned into the life of crime after being ousted as politician last season.
Then it kind of transitioned, and when we were teenagers it was Victoria's Secret.
Original Sin 2 started in Early Access, but transitioned into a "final" release recently.
Miley Cyrus has seemingly transitioned away from her wilder days, for good and bad.
After dinner, things transitioned into a black light dance party in the next room.
Google Talk, the company's outdated chat service, is finally being fully transitioned to Hangouts.
The pilot, which initially used Toyota Prius vehicles, transitioned to the R1 delivery bot.
Nobile transitioned her cupid side hustle into a full-time job within three months.
They probably know some transgender people, either transitioned or not, but don't realize it.
When I transitioned to a non-profit it was a huge wake up call.
Founded in 2003, Tableau has transitioned to a cloud-based product and subscription model.
That was before I transitioned and became a top model, beyond my wildest dream.
For Amy, it's heartbreaking, especially given how much M.S. has flourished since she transitioned.
"We've transitioned from being an app to an avatar services company," Nigam tells me.
When people ask when Max transitioned, I have a hard time answering that question.
She slowly transitioned into her current role, where she's been for almost three years.
" But she quickly transitioned to voicing her support for Clinton, declaring, "I'm with her.
However, it eventually transitioned in 2009 to the radical program that it is today.
The Irelands both transitioned while serving when it was against policy to do so.
Noisey: Last time you spoke to Noisey, Beastmilk had just transitioned into Grave Pleasures.
Later, after I transitioned, obviously I did look back, because I went with Olivia.
Last week, the country's most powerful former guerrilla force transitioned into the political arena.
If I transitioned, it would just pull the rug out from all of them.
Asomugha, who transitioned into acting after retiring from football, still drives his first car.
Now I get emails from people saying that they transitioned because of the essay.
But there is probably no meeker creature on earth than a newly transitioned woman.
"Yes, I transitioned while I was on the job in 2006," Chandler told Newsweek.
I transitioned from wrestling into jiu-jitsu, and now training I'm with Daniel Gracie.
"However, think about that angle again," Walton continued as he transitioned into professorial mode.
After the page was transitioned to the coalition, Mary was never heard from again.
That would be the day I officially transitioned at the bank where I worked.
Existing StumbleUpon accounts will be transitioned to Mix ahead of the June 30 deadline.
As one song transitioned to another, Mr. Johnson, who goes by JJ, dropped names.
Then it transitioned into more of a stinging sensation, but it was not severe.
It transitioned again, to the sound of white nationalists preparing for their own rally.
He stayed, they married, they bumpily transitioned from unplanned pregnancy to an unplanned life.
Once I transitioned to sex work based on the internet, that danger changed drastically.
But after the country transitioned to democracy in 2008, restrictions on religious expression loosened.
Silent films transitioned to "talkies" with speaking, singing and dancing in the late 1920s.
It must be rapidly transitioned to zero-carbon sources like renewables, hydro, and nuclear.
Hutchins transitioned in college and cited Jenner as an inspiration to her university newspaper.
The bank has transitioned well in terms of funding following its separation from NAB.
But since then, the opioid epidemic has rapidly transitioned into an illicit drug problem.
Hutchins transitioned in college and cited Jenner as an inspiration to her university newspaper.
Kai is a trans man who went by the username LaineyBot before he transitioned.
Our compulsion to watch the movie soon transitioned into a need to reenact it.
As interest in Mario Maker waned, Stefan transitioned into increasingly absurd challenges involving Mario.
Baby has just transitioned to an arms out swaddle, and man that was hard work!
"Situation has transitioned from active to barricade/containment," police tweeted shortly after 4:30 p.m.
When I transitioned, I stood up, and I felt as good as I've ever felt.
"I was very, very worried about how sex would be when I transitioned," Mara says.
Despite her family's fears, Lachlainn transitioned in order to prolong her life, not endanger it.
" The post then transitioned to her return to the hospital, saying, "I was so wrong.
There's another reason wartime steel transitioned so well into particle physics, aside from cost-cutting.
In the beginning the service was free, and it slowly transitioned to a commission model.
As High Maintenance has transitioned from short web series to HBO show, that feeling remains.
Millions of families transitioned from homeownership to rental in the wake of the subprime debacle.
In just four months, the company transitioned through the gears of a seed stage startup.
So, when she came out here as I transitioned, she was like 'Oh, my God.
The pilot, which initially used Toyota Prius vehicles, transitioned in December to the delivery bot.
When the patient revealed he'd transitioned from being female 20 years earlier everything became clear.
The tool now has transitioned even more so into a staff-driven set of tools.
When I transitioned into rebellious adolescence, I would get into tremendous fights with my parents.
Once Oulavong transitioned out of the Marine Corps, he started to feel purposeless and anxious.
As per his wishes, we cheered at the moment that he transitioned to another dimension.
McLaren has transitioned into a technology group that happens to have a successful F1 team.
She transitioned in 2007, documenting the experience in the film, Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother.
So I think I've carried that with me as I've transitioned into my adult career.
But then she transitioned into dealing a bit with art, East German stuff, in galleries.
Since then, Moe has transitioned into a more fulfilling career as a public radio host.
The Flames transitioned through the neutral zone much faster than the uncharacteristically slower Blue Jackets.
He told her that his child had recently transitioned and had become his daughter, Ella.
Then again, when has the pop star ever transitioned into a new a look quietly.
With the proliferation of petty memes, petty has transitioned from simple adjective to something more.
Even before I transitioned, people weren't sure if I was a man or a woman.
That's no surprise, as she has transitioned between periods in her career with irreplicable grace.
When she finally transitioned, she was able to let go of this dissociative alter ego.
Like Jasmine, Derrick Robinson turned to alcohol to forget who he was before he transitioned.
Switch to chipEuropean markets transitioned from magstripe to EMV chips starting in the early 2000s.
Mongolia, for years a satellite of the Soviet Union, transitioned to parliamentary democracy in 1990.
This is something all women know, but obviously I didn't realize that until I transitioned.
In one case, a sample of water transitioned to ice VII in just 10 nanoseconds.
When Soto Voce's debut single "Better" was released last July, Mia had not yet transitioned.
Feminine wardrobes transitioned from masculine shapes and lengthy skirts to padded shoulders and tailored suits.
I've completely transitioned over to using Bluetooth headphones with one exception: Status Audio's CB-1s.
The policy exempts transgender troops who have already transitioned or have begun the medical process.
Gradually, I transitioned from simply posting promiscuous photos on Facebook to telling my actual experiences.
Autonomous vehicles have quickly transitioned from an innovation of the future to a present reality.
An update on its website confirms all on-ground education have transitioned to virtual courses.
In March, SFO also transitioned away from single-use plastic food service ware and utensils.
Denzel Washington's son, John David Washington, transitioned from NFL running back to award-winning actor.
Later, when the United States transitioned to conventional Pentagon stability operations, this success was reversed.
Justin Timberlake is a world-renowned musician who transitioned to acting in the early 2000s.
Nearly 40% of those plans on its existing systems have been transitioned over to Shareworks.
Many of the agencies tasked with rescue and supply have transitioned to long-term rebuilding.
She added that she fully transitioned by age 19, after she started making YouTube videos.
HB: Notice how smoothly Jeffrey's transitioned into quoting scripture then right back into his exhibition.
Jay Kelly, a transgender man, has been working there since January 2017, before he transitioned.
Brin transitioned from "director of special projects" at X to become the president of Alphabet.
Partner sites using the GoWatchIt API will be transitioned to the JustWatch API, as well.
This is exactly what Indra did when she transitioned from CFO to CEO of PepsiCo.
In 2017, transitioned to multi-family; was able to get up to 587 units, total.
"That didn't go as planned," Schmitt said, before the hosts transitioned to their next segment.
It started with colorful skateboard decks and later transitioned into guitars and Jimi Hendrix artwork.
"Six of the Rice Girls have since transitioned to identify as trans women," said Tita.
Aside from his ring entrance, which is best described as a Rockettes kick transitioned into a Vince McMahon strut transitioned into a run down the ramp that mostly resembled a seal ambling onto dry land, 9:02 ET through 9:04 ET was LaVar time.
Update: Since we originally published this story on May 15, artists Rhys Ernst and Zackary Drucker have expanded on their photographic project, Relationship, which chronicled the pair's romantic relationship as Ernst transitioned from feminine to masculine expression and Drucker transitioned from masculine to feminine expression.
The state says it has transitioned to the managed care system over the past few years.
Earlier this year, the cryptocurrency market transitioned into a new, more mature phase with security tokens.
Additionally, last year the company transitioned its research and development budget to these faster-end markets.
He was moved to Cedars a week later and transitioned to live-in rehab in January.
After a few minutes of riding, the I quickly transitioned to braking with the throttle wheel.
The couple split shortly after Lourdes' birth and Leon has since transitioned his career to acting.
"There was an incredible amount of complaints," said a former TalentWise manager who transitioned to Sterling.
Six months later I transitioned to Virgin and I've been here for almost three years now.
Plus, Fiona's zoo team has transitioned her to an all solid food diet — no more bottles!
His exploratory committee lived for less than two weeks before it transitioned into the real campaign.
The following year it transitioned to more of a freemium model from its original paid product.
As I have transitioned, many things I once loved have lost the resonance they once held.
He vetoed legislation aimed at helping former slaves support their families as they transitioned to freedom.
The interview then seamlessly transitioned back to the larger issues surrounding the very political awards ceremony.
He later admitted they had transitioned out of the company several months before the new funding.
The blue-and-pink concoction, which transitioned from sweet to sour, was a veritable Instagram hit.
Like Tokopedia, Coupang countered SoftBank as an investor before its stake transitioned to the Vision Fund.
Apple deftly transitioned from a computer-centric to a phone-oriented company over the past decade.
Her avatar blinked, her eyes and eyebrows fluidly guided her face as it transitioned through expressions.
For those of us who've transitioned, it's not about the pain of who we were then.
She thought fighting fires would be a natural fit as she transitioned back to civilian life.
Heenan successfully transitioned from wrestler to commentator and managed some of the biggest superstars in wrestling.
Ariel is the ultimate trans girl: She was born a mermaid and transitioned into a human.
Adobe transitioned into the digital world by helping companies like Under Armour with its marketing campaigns.
He was moved to Cedars a week later and transitioned to an inpatient rehab in January.
" Then Cruz transitioned to the big picture: "What if this, right now, is our last time?
Many of those governments used brutal methods to suppress dissent, but ultimately transitioned to civilian rule.
Jessica (Andrea Parker) told Mary that Charles was dead, when really Charles had transitioned to Charlotte.
But they never had to see the evidence of it because I never transitioned around them.
"The shift has been subtle, but dance music transitioned from culture to lifestyle accessory," notes Moullinex.
Approximately 22 percent of those who had made a plan transitioned to making a suicide attempt.
Deadnaming is when a person is referred to by the name they used before they transitioned.
Wachowski confirms that she has transitioned and announced her transition to family, friends, and work associates.
This includes Facebook Live videos that were recorded earlier, and have now transitioned to regular videos.
Over the last decade or so, Virginia has gradually transitioned from a purple to blue state.
I visited her once she'd transitioned into a nursing home, and continue to do so today.
He transitioned from CEO to executive chairman in 2017, and stepped down as chairman last year.
He transitioned from print to television and has since hosted two shows and won several Emmys.
Democrats rely mostly on the states that have transitioned most rapidly into a lower-carbon economy.
Those policy-related roles will instead be transitioned to deal with state- and local-level issues.
On Thursday, Fendi officially transitioned into her new role, debuting her first solo collection sans Lagerfeld.
Starting next week, one third of all its supermarkets will have already transitioned to reusable bags.
Shortly before being named to the Olympic team, Zhou transitioned from the junior level to senior.
He transitioned to biathlon when he was 15, and his podium dream had time to percolate.
By 2008, Williams had taken over as CEO, and Dorsey transitioned to chairman of Twitter's board.
"At 11:54, June 24, 2016, Bernie transitioned Home to The Great Spirit," reads the post.
I transitioned six years ago to be freed of the chronic and debilitating effects of gender dysphoria.
LG has even transitioned from LCD to a P-OLED screen, so colors looks even more vibrant.
"I think now that I've transitioned it's easier for me to date a woman, honestly," she said.
Angel realized that she had to save herself, and she transitioned despite the fear she'd be rejected.
Trump's first press conference was full of wide-ranging topics and he transitioned to the questions seamlessly.
She has seamlessly transitioned herself from indie darling to mainstream actress and then straight into television powerhouse.
Big Little Lies, around its fifth episode, transitioned from a sudsy, pulpy melodrama into something more serious.
She just went gray and is fully transitioned a few months after getting her shortest pixie yet.
That's changing on June 26th, when anyone still using Gchat will be forcibly transitioned over to Hangouts.
Her journey to the top started after she transitioned from television into film in the late 1990s.
"I had already transitioned, I had already had surgery and was years away from that," she says.
Daniel and I are currently still involved, and Charlie and I have transitioned to being platonic roommates.
Director Sam Esmail has beautifully transitioned the psychological thriller from an audio experience to a visual one.
Falling exchange stocks appear to reinforce a narrative of a market that has transitioned to supply deficit.
In 2015, he transitioned to the small screen when he landed his first Game of Thrones gig.
From the outset, eels regularly transitioned from a retreat to an explosive attack when the net approached.
The Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor transitioned as host after emceeing AGT's spinoff The Champions earlier this year.
The new context is twofold: First, the campaign has transitioned from the primary to the general election.
And Sutton, despite her friends' efforts to intervene, transitioned her affair with Richard into a tenuous relationship.
It's an emotionally significant event because she skipped it at age 15 since she hadn't transitioned yet.
Unfortunately, this means that some jobs will be impacted or transitioned to other areas of the business.
After chatting with helicopter pilots, my signature pink transitioned from ornery defiance into the smart safety choice.
Walker's counterpart at Facebook, Colin Stretch, also transitioned out of his role as general counsel last week.
Weidman pounced on a takedown two minutes into the bout before he transitioned to the mount position.
Before he transitioned, he had a certain stereotypical idea of what it meant to be a man.
The photograph was taken in the exact moment when the pilot transitioned from subsonic to supersonic speed.
Over 2628,28500 survivors, or 6900 percent of those in the program, successfully transitioned to more permanent housing.
No wires or other stuff to get in the way; games seamlessly transitioned from TV to handheld.
Then later, she transitioned to female, became a successful mortgage banker, and began fighting for transgender rights.
Melissa McCarthy is an Emmy award-winning actress who has transitioned from TV shows to feature films.
After Asci joined WeWork, Skyler transitioned to running CEO Adam Neumann's office, including his public-relations efforts.
The email list started to grow quickly, as Newmark transitioned to a list server and larger website.
I transitioned at a very young age and I've lived my Life as a female ever since.
She eventually transitioned to full-time jobs, ending up as an assistant editor at the New Republic.
A number of fintech firms have transitioned from starting up to being valued at billions of dollars.
I transitioned to live as my true self, and we started a new life in the light.
So we called up Cheng, who is a Christian singer-songwriter and just recently transitioned into acting.
Hampshire was Geiger's first public girlfriend since she transitioned, after coming out as transgender in October 2017.
I then redraw it by hand so the glitching process has actually transitioned from handmade to digital.
He eventually transitioned to working with a railway company and has been in the city ever since.
"What many people report is, 'I had a psychedelic experience that transitioned into my sleep,'" Giordano says.
Thankfully, we have transitioned into an era in which curves are not only accepted, they are celebrated.
As a former judoka who transitioned into MMA, she was perhaps destined for comparisons to Ronda Rousey.
Current cardmembers will be transitioned to the new product sometime within the first six months of 2020.
He will replace Jed Laskowitz, who has transitioned to the role of chief executive, intelligent digital solutions.
Since that time, our economy has transitioned into the information age, and global competition has exponentially intensified.
In recent years, he transitioned to suits, but in this special, he emphasizes his blue-collar beginnings.
"These voters have not transitioned into strong Trump supporters, but rather Trump doubters," the Republican consultant continued.
Her crashing waves appeared, then transitioned into what sounded like a car door slamming again and again.
The top of the dress featured a black, long-sleeved design that transitioned into the dramatic skirt.
By the 1960s, she had transitioned from dance to comedy about dance, opening regularly for Redd Foxx.
After playing in Europe, he returned home to Texas and transitioned into a career at Dell computers.
In part because of that, Schaefer-Charlton transitioned to online classes at the beginning of ninth grade.
Mexican soldiers and others were transitioned to the new team, whose mandate was unclear from the start.
But then, in an all too common move, he transitioned to expressing contempt for the civilian world.
He then transitioned to the company's consumer products team in 2011 as president of Disney consumer products.
Spain has made significant progress on women's rights since it transitioned to democracy in the late 1970s.
Smith said he admired the way Bryant, an 18-time all-star, transitioned into full-time father.
But the lesson lasted less than 10 minutes, and Ms. Rzonca transitioned the class into guided play.
A trans woman is a person who was born a man but transitioned to become a woman.
The hurricane center transitioned the storm from a hurricane to a post-tropical cyclone earlier on Saturday.
The ad transitioned from the man, Luis Bracamontes, to the migrant caravan approaching the U.S.-Mexico border.
Throughout the Northeast, snow earlier in the day transitioned to freezing rain and will eventually become rain.
But when he transitioned to screenwriting two decades ago, Garland felt like he was missing the mark.
This is the whole reason that we transitioned over hundreds of years out of feudalism to democracy.
He's transitioned seamlessly from karts to F3 to midfield F1 to frontrunning F1 like it's, well, easy.
Recently, a self-identified gay boy expressed worry that if he transitioned, his boyfriend would stop loving him.
By 270, the US will be completely transitioned to clean energy, according to her OFF Fossil Fuels Act.
Even as she's transitioned from ranch housewife to business mogul, Ladd's support for her career has been unwavering.
Meanwhile, those who have already transitioned to the new Gmail will no longer be able to opt out.
It transitioned to democracy after toppling long-serving leader Ben-Ali without triggering widespread violence or civil war.
The crossword has transitioned remarkably well from paper to digital platforms, says David Parfitt, the Times's puzzles editor.
People transitioned to laptops so they don't have to be the guy in Starbucks plugging in an iMac.
" Erlick explained that after she transitioned, she felt the need to "dress extra feminine to affirm [her] gender.
The genius transitioned seamlessly between ideas, concepts, and sentence clauses without signalling that he was changing the subject.
Dugan had transitioned to the tech industry in 2012, serving as the head of Google's experimental ATAP group.
And a little awkwardly, they pretty much transitioned from seniority on the stage to a conversation about tech.
China is a rare case of an authoritarian system that has grown old before it transitioned to democracy.
Sage Fox, a U.S. Army Reserve officer who transitioned in 2012, voiced her support for lifting the ban.
For about three weeks after she transitioned, she was allowed to, until a group of parents found out.
The audio of her performance was faded out as commercials played, and the show transitioned to other acts.
"I was sure when I transitioned, I&aposd end up sleeping in a gutter somewhere," Hallquist told Politico .
As it transitioned from a DVD rental service to a streaming media company, Netflix had some growing pains.
Today marks the moment the #IranDeal has transitioned from ambitious promises on paper to measurable actions in practice.
Arya takes the cake as the "Thrones" name that has most smoothly transitioned into a common American name.
She, like many other celebrities, has transitioned from modelling (although she still does and looks great) to mommy.
When the planet transitioned to being a cold desert 3.5 billion years ago, that life most certainly disappeared.
"I've known people that have transitioned to different parts of the hospital because this is difficult," she said.
Predictably, the administrator-run campus has transitioned from imparting essential knowledge to students toward treating students as customers.
Worked at that, then I transitioned, carefully explained to them what I was doing, and they fired me.
Seventy-eight percent of Verizon's postpaid phone base has now transitioned to unsubsidized plans, the company said Thursday.
And, the United States has transitioned from a net importer of refined petroleum products to a net exporter.
I transitioned into electronic music via [Radiohead's] Kid A, Daft Punk, UNKLE, DJ Shadow, that sort of thing.
Before states transitioned onto NMLS, it took up to 32 days, on average, to approve a new license.
"Any move for Bethany needs to be properly planned, properly resourced, but, more importantly, properly transitioned," he said.
"I don't think the outcomes would be as positive if kids only socially transitioned at home," Sherer said.
He spent so much time training with Samurai that he transitioned into becoming a famous Japanese action star.
Instead, the host quickly transitioned back to the agreed-upon topic: the administrator's upcoming visit with coal miners.
Mary Gross hosted "Weekend Update" during her first season of the show, but quickly transitioned to other roles.
He transitioned to an armbar in the final seconds but didn't have enough time to finish the technique.
While at Eloise, Delfin familiarized himself with vegan cooking and transitioned to a vegan diet for ethical reasons.
He discovered porn when he was 15 but quickly transitioned from its fleshy offerings to Literotica's wordy landscape.
Yet California transitioned from red to deep blue, and this should be instructive for the national Democratic Party.
As the world transitioned to stereo technology, it may have been hard for Mr. Rota to keep up.
She'd transitioned from male to female after graduate school, and she wanted a career as an academic historian.
GM reported a small decrease for its Silverado pickup truck as it transitioned to a new, revamped model.
In the years that followed, he transitioned from rootless former musician to celebrated civic-leader-in-a-hurry.
But as it gathered speed, the rocket transitioned to vertical, flying straight up on a white plume. Success!
A master builder of Republican dominance in Texas and elsewhere has transitioned from Evil Genius to Wise Man.
In the span of an hour and a half, Rob Anderson transitioned from local artist to online darling.
He transitioned from print to television thanks, in part, to a shoulder tap by MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow.
I have a very time-consuming job and before I transitioned, my wife did most of the housework.
As the universe transitioned from hot plasma to cold condensing gas, it plunged into the cosmic Dark Ages.
This effectively meant Iran had transitioned from a pro-Western puppet monarchical state to an anti-Western theocracy. 
Lubitsch, who died in 1947, began directing in the silent era but transitioned with apparent ease into talkies.
On Thursday, Haley transitioned from the issue of election interference to praising the Trump administration's actions on Russia.
Dalio transitioned out of the CEO job in 2011, and five people have served in the role since.
Interestingly, 28500 percent of incarcerated veterans transitioned from service with an honorable or general discharge under honorable conditions.
So I transitioned, and now I live every day as the woman I've always known myself to be.
The play started at the other end when Julie Ertz transitioned to Mallory Pugh on the right flank.
It took my mother two years to be able to look at me without crying after I transitioned.
States across the Southeast felt the effects of Michael, which transitioned to a post-tropical cyclone on Friday.
While Hicks did not work for Fox News, a number of former staffers have transitioned between the two.
Habit also appears to be the primary motive behind keeping these layouts when the world transitioned to computers.
Reed used COBRA coverage for a while and then transitioned to a catastrophic plan in the individual market.
As a veteran and a transgender lesbian who transitioned during service, I've seen this world from both sides.
I was working as a nurse in a drug and alcohol program; while I was there, I transitioned.
And only one-fifth of those who transitioned were able to change all of their documentation and records.
Only Macs with solid state drives will be transitioned over, which means there's little reason for others to update.
James Madison and James Monroe were among some presidents who transitioned into the White House from secretary of state.
Having transitioned into Trump mode, the White House website has seemingly been scrubbed of all mentions of climate science.
In eleven years, this female entrepreneur has transitioned from simply hosting a television show to owning a multimedia empire.
The former transitioned from The Internet to Sampha, while the latter strung together Rilo Kiley, Coldplay, and Frank Ocean.
Pandora One, its premium service that transitioned into Pandora Plus, had only around 4 million users, for comparison's sake.
Transgender people who have transitioned to the opposite sex wouldn't be affected if they get their birth certificate changed.
The company's former CEO, Ursula Burns, has transitioned into her new position as chairman of the board for Xerox.
The league has transitioned because D'Antoni's system coincided with rule changes offering more freedom of movement and less physicality.
The longer I have transitioned, the less important it is for me to be seen simply as a woman.
After the audience calmed down, he transitioned to introducing Bruce Springsteen as though none of that had just happened.
There's no time for love or friends and I ask T. how she transitioned from nursing to pharmaceutical marketing.
Then, Bono and The Edge joined Lamar on stage before Lamar transitioned into his song, "DNA," also from Damn.
Ever since I transitioned, I've moved into the orbit of other trans girls, a happy satellite circling forbidden planets.
Early on, when I first started writing the book, I hadn't fully transitioned into the identity of mother yet.
So he transitioned by working for the government as a test pilot while coaching golf in his spare time.
Later, he transitioned into the role of COO in 2014 before settling into his most recent role as president.
I did that because I finally got to a place after I fully transitioned where I just fit in.
He played for six teams in nine years after the 2001 Finals, then transitioned smoothly into a coaching career.
In the 20-plus years since I've transitioned, much has changed, but there's still a long way to go.
Instead, Backstage has transitioned entirely to an accelerator model (Backstage Studio) and cut costs (read: layoffs) in the process.
Many of these agencies have transitioned from strictly representing talent to becoming more involved in media production and distribution.
Marshall then transitioned into becoming an esteemed director at a time when women in the director's chair were scarce.
Around that time, my younger sister transitioned from relaxed to natural, and I was in awe of her process.
Each of the kids surveyed in this study have full support from their families and had already transitioned socially.
She then transitioned to the media side of the technology world, before once again reinventing herself as an investor.
When I transitioned from active military service I was struggling with how to translate battlefield skills to the workplace.
Canada has had plastic money since 2013, and the U.K. transitioned to a plastic-based bank note last year.
The show has now transitioned to an animated series with most of the old cast still contributing the voices.
She eventually transitioned to climbing outdoors as well as in gyms, but she sees the two as different sports.
In the intervening years, Echo and the broader universe of Alexa-powered devices have transitioned from curiosity to ubiquity.
She's writing a memoir about her journey, but did you know that she almost transitioned nearly 30 years ago?
They transitioned into "We Are the Champions," capping off the electric performance with a standing ovation from the audience.
Terry was 12 when he first tried opioids in the form of Vicodin; he quickly transitioned to using heroin.
Over the past few years Gatewood has transitioned his focus toward creating collages at his apartment in San Francisco.
Many Latin American countries have actually become more violent since they transitioned to democracy in the 20163s and '22016s.
Like many bands before them, this Brooklyn four-piece has successfully transitioned from scrappy upstarts to polished pop purveyors.
After retirement, Donna transitioned into reporting on horse racing and currently works as an on-track reporter for NBC.
Oliver was criticizing the NBA's recent apology to China when he transitioned into a mock promotion of the service.
"I transitioned to a part-time player, something new for me but I took it in stride," said Utley.
Mr. Shandling started in show business in the 1970s as a sitcom writer but soon transitioned into stand-up.
"We've transitioned from having to prove it's possible to now scaling and that's a great feeling," says Cusden-Ross.
Together, the two artists transitioned into a glorious rendition of "Purple Rain" while the audience waved glowing purple wristbands.
While serving her prior sentence, she attempted suicide twice, and also transitioned genders during the course of her sentence.
When Americans transitioned into Medicare, they ended up with really robust coverage that had very low premiums and deductibles.
But when they transitioned to a more Western approach to parenting, I saw the effects and changed my mind.
From Biden to Beto: With help from his family, Beto O'Rourke transitioned from rootless former musician to presidential candidate.
The strengths of those plays are undeniable, yet to me they seem like transitional works that never transitioned anywhere.
Male members who have transitioned to female can stay, and transgender men can join the traditionally all-male group.
Marriott (MAR)"This one was flying beforehand — and it's also transitioned itself to an asset-light model," he said.
What follows is a lightly edited Q. and A. _____ Q. You recently transitioned from editor and columnist to critic.
This is a question I ask myself frequently, especially since I transitioned to full-time puzzle writing in 2017.
They've since grown their channels to millions of subscribers and transitioned into making their hobby a full-fledged career.
In only a few years, Hood by Air and its creative collective transitioned from enfants terrible to upstart establishmentarians.
With new routes and unclimbed peaks becoming scarcer, many have transitioned into completing classic climbs as quickly as possible.
If they don&apost, they must either be transitioned to employee status or the work arrangement has to change.
There's still lots of real estate there held by the banks that needs to be transitioned to private ownership.
At first the exiles thought the embassy outreach was to learn how the Czech Republic transitioned away from Communism.
When he eventually transitioned and came out as trans, he lost his coach and his gym in the process.
Franklin recently transitioned into a specialized high school, and Ms. Matthias says she has few worries about his development.
Eventually, the US caught on to what Europe and Asia already knew, and transitioned away from strips to chips.
In 2012, Namsa was laid off from his tech job and transitioned into a full-time position designing clothes.
With the Indians' loss to the Yankees in the playoffs, he had transitioned his wardrobe back to the Browns.
A year later she transitioned to the role of CEO and saw potential for something bigger than a trade show.
The Los Angeles Times, which interviewed him before he died, reported he transitioned from 10Ks to marathons a decade ago.
"AT 11:54, June 24, 2016, Bernie transitioned Home to The Great Spirit," Judie wrote on his Facebook page today.
He later transitioned into the role of staff chief of the Senate Environment Committee and served as counsel to Sen.
Mock, who worked at People magazine for years as an editor, was born in Hawaii and transitioned as a teenager.
Fitness guru Richard Simmons has sued the National Enquirer over false reports that he had transitioned from male to female.
A few other former NFL players have transitioned to boxing, including Ed "Too Tall" Jones, Mark Gastineau, and Alonzo Highsmith.
After five years of balanced eating, Stoner has transitioned to a plant-based diet to match her own personal values.
From there, he transitioned to become the head of Outlook Mobile and eventually took charge of the entire Outlook division.
As the photos transitioned to color, the garden took shape, with families planting vegetables, playing and eating in the garden.
But as we transitioned into the dancing segment of the evening, I began to twist and sway, losing my stiffness.
He explains in a confessional that as he has transitioned, his hormones leave him feeling like a horny teenage boy.
He transitioned to a strategy role after the IPO while Pandora was ran by a series of professional managerial types.
We're guessing that's because Altman had already mostly transitioned away from the firm, with CEO Michael Seibel assuming his responsibilities.
Loper's favorite example is Matthew Bochnak, who transitioned his motorcycle repair side hustle into an almost completely passive income operation.
But the city grew on him as he transitioned from an early foray in specialty retail into brewing in 220.3.
Mr. Bailey's experience is echoed by many transgender patients, both those who have fully transitioned and those in the process.
Not long after its start, T-Series transitioned from hawking pirated cassette tapes to releasing Bollywood soundtracks of its own.
It was only well into his twenties, and his career as a writer, that he transitioned to painting by chance.
Apple significantly updated iWork today for the people who haven't yet transitioned to Google apps, particularly in the education space.
Tomboy X originally started selling fun, dress shirts that fit all body types, and eventually transitioned to underwear and swimwear.
While she transitioned in the '90s, a law was passed in 2001 banning Filipinos from changing their name and gender.
He transitioned to become Twitch's Chief Strategy Officer in 2014 upon Amazon's $1 billion acquisition of the live-streaming platform.
This photo shows me soon after I transitioned from male to female, in the late 2000s, before it was trendy.
" She then transitioned to a musical number about potential scandals, appeared to flub a line and muttered "Oh s**t.
He, obviously, has gone through a lot of interviews, being the first transitioned trans man to play for Team USA.
When Harford transitioned to Orbitz, they competed against one another until Harford sold Orbitz to Expedia in 2015, per Bloomberg.
During that time span, Parker transitioned to a mismatch four in the mold of the NBA's current small-ball revolution.
Most recently, Carl's Jr. and Hardee's El Diablo burger transitioned from a limited time only item to a permanent one.
Most of the running world (including me) transitioned from running with iPods to running with iPhones a few years back.
When I transitioned from heat-damaged, straight hair to my natural curl again I wore a bun for two years!
Since he transitioned into action stardom with the original Guardians of the Galaxy, he's become something of a sex symbol.
" The video quickly transitioned to Kufrin telling Luyendyk Jr. that she loves him, to which he replied, "I love you.
Today, the face of the epidemic has transitioned to include not just these groups, but those having sex with them.
As Jaguar's design boss, he transitioned the company from stale relics of "ole Britain" to tightly-tucked, chisel-jawed showstoppers.
In one sequence, he transitioned from paid family leave to abortion, and then — even more awkwardly — to military spending levels.
Mad Magazine was founded in 1952, and was originally written as a comic book before it transitioned to a magazine.
She transitioned at work when the new semester started, in January, 2017, and was grateful that the institution was supportive.
Like many utilities, the Dan River Steam Station had recently transitioned from coal combustion to natural gas, which is cheaper.
At this point, historically, has someone like Varg transitioned into seeming more like a monster, after decades of promoting nationalism?
"Davia hadn't transitioned [by the time I met her], but I could tell that's my sister—my daughter," Star recalled.
His relationship with Ward quickly transitioned from professional to personal, and Nalgadas is scheduled to tour with Sparta this fall.
TPG Capital and Warburg Pincus have also either picked their next chiefs, or transitioned to a new set of leaders.
During my senior year of high school, in 1, I was addicted to OxyContin and eventually transitioned to using heroin.
Formally speaking, he transitioned from postcards to larger formats, as well as adding more than one image to the composition.
"After being in bed for five days, she was transitioned to a wheelchair and then never walked again," O'Brien says.
Some are being flat-out canceled, others are being transitioned into virtual events, with live-streamed content and the like. 
During "Soul Ascend," that freeing effect was created as the group transitioned from staggered glissandi into a swingable ensemble groove.
After I transitioned I experienced a combination of discrimination — for being a transgender person and also for being a woman.
The initial confusion and friction between regulators and fintechs have transitioned the financial services landscape into a building of partnerships.
" The German singer was born male, but transitioned when she was young — something the Westboro Baptist church called a "mess.
Jeremy "DisguisedToast" Wang, a famous face in Hearthstone who transitioned into auto-battlers, surprised many by going to Facebook Gaming.
I had transitioned at 15 and arrived at college with no intention of discussing my unusual childhood with my peers.
First responders had initially been focusing on searching for people unaccounted for but have now transitioned into cleaning and recovery.
"At 11:54, June 24, 2016, Bernie transitioned Home to The Great Spirit," his wife, Judie Worrell, wrote on Facebook.
Trump's recurring segment on "Fox and Friends," starting in 2011, "transitioned him from entertainment figure to political figure," Poniewozik said.
But, as Kim noticed the growing scope of e-commerce, he quickly transitioned to an eBay-inspired third-party marketplace.
Jamel Young and Leiomy Maldonado are a couple in which each person transitioned to the opposite sex of their birth.
" Gigi was born Gregory Lazzarato, but says her passport has been updated since she transitioned ... it now reads "Gigi Loren.
But the company refused to print her "social name," the name she chose for herself after she transitioned, on the card.
"For me, it was just something to do," Marshall said in 1996, reflecting on how she transitioned from acting to directing.
" With the new album, appropriately titled Now, she says she has transitioned to "thinking about and living with what's happening now.
Walmart has hundreds of existing applications that need to be transitioned to Azure, so this team will have its hands full.
Hoskins signed up for Medicaid in early 2447 but recently transitioned to marketplace coverage when disability checks bumped up his income.
Today, its market cap has surpassed Lyft, which was worth billions more before the two companies transitioned into the public markets.
Hyland, who has worn her hair cropped and highlighted for the past year, first transitioned to a darker hue last month.
Following the acquisition, existing WP Curve customers will be transitioned over to GoDaddy in order to continue their WP Curve membership.
For night, she transitioned to Birks Muse Large Citrine and Diamond Drop Earrings and a Birks Petalé Gold and Diamond Pendant.
She released two albums to moderate success in 1962, but then transitioned from jazz and standards to more pop-leaning records.
Their efforts "transitioned from a search and rescue mission to a search and recovery mission as the day progressed," Austin said.
As she transitioned from the country stardom of her self-titled debut album, questions began to arise about Swift's cultural politics.
I've transitioned to a position on the second stage engine team where I'm responsible for one of the main engine components.
And judging by her confidence in front of the camera, it looks like Shepherd has transitioned into a full-fledged influencer.
In particular, governments transitioned to a professional civil service, handing out desirable government jobs based on merit rather than partisan loyalty.
It's the same image of careless privilege she was being asked to play as she transitioned into acting and pop stardom.
To "rabbit" also means to talk, something that would be required in abundance as Germany transitioned from two nations into one.
" Then, Clinton's Twitter feed transitioned into a broader attack on Trump -- arguing that "Trump's candidacy is built on his business 'credibility.
STEVE EASTERBROOK: But when the-- when the airlines transitioned everyone was, 'Hey, hold on a minute, why are you doing that?
The iPad's file management has been a key sticking point as Apple has transitioned its tablet toward becoming a laptop replacement.
The Defense Department has transitioned away from a 1970s-era nuclear command and control system that relied on antiquated computer technology.
Understanding how vertebrates transitioned from water to land is like following the plot of a crime novel, Fröbish and Witzman said.
" — 15-year-old "Facebook transitioned to being social media that's mostly used by parents, so it's lost most of its appeal.
Images of jubilant Zimbabweans spilling onto the streets have since transitioned into a calmer and freer country — for now, at least.
When the red team learned the whereabouts of the server, the exercise transitioned from behind computer screens into the real world.
She dug herself out of drug addiction, found an apartment through a subsidized housing program, and transitioned from male to female.
He stepped in to replace Trump on The Celebrity Apprentice in 2017 after Trump transitioned from TV to politics in 2015.
In 1962, Kercheval transitioned to screen and it wasn't long before he became a staple in the television and film world.
As she transitioned, she gave up on the dream because she didn't feel there would ever be roles for transgender actresses.
Almost all of Latin America transitioned to democracy, as did many countries of Africa, Southern Europe, and the former Soviet bloc.
"For me it was just something to do," Marshall said in 2100, reflecting on how she transitioned from acting to directing.
Depp and Heard's on-screen romance soon transitioned off-screen and by April 2013 the pair were frequently stepping out together.
Dithering is a technique that attempts to camouflage gradients that don't look smoothly transitioned when limited to less than 256 colors.
"As Trump took the oath of office, we transitioned from the thrill of victory to the difficulty of governing," they said.
On "Twin Peaks," he played an undercover detective in drag named Dennis who liked it so much he transitioned into Denise.
They started out as a studio band that played back-up for other artists, but they recently transitioned into live performances.
"For me it was just something to do," Marshall said in 1996, reflecting on how she transitioned from acting to directing.
As soon as I retired, I was still craving physical challenges, so I transitioned into weightlifting and other fun adventure races.
Transgender artist and photographer Leon Mostovoy began documenting his community long before he transitioned from female to male ten years ago.
Those who transitioned from private to public insurance in the first year after transplant had 25 percent higher risk of death.
Against Stephan Martinez he beautifully transitioned into passing the guard, being cautious of the Baret Yoshida underhook Martinez had dug in.
"I was fortunate because I had already had a long and successful career as a man before I transitioned," she said.
"I'm not surprised," said Jt Gleason, a senior director of developer relations at Twitch, and former smoker who transitioned to vaping.
He had been taking testosterone supplements as he transitioned to male, and he had won fifty-six matches in a row.
Kal-Elle has recently transitioned from a biological male into a female, and is currently in a stage of puberty 2.0.
The standoff has plunged Spain into its most serious political crisis in four decades, since the country transitioned to democracy. 5.
It didn't matter to them that she had stepped away from the game for years and medically transitioned before she returned.
"You're talking about someone who transitioned out of a different world where he was basically in charge of everything," Walker said.
Although Kathryn Hahn started her acting career on crime drama "Crossing Jordan" in 2001, she has transitioned into a comedic actress.
The former CEO of Vermont Electric Coop, who is running on a platform of environmental and economic justice, transitioned in 2015.
It was built in the 1950s to create lenses for glasses, then transitioned into making LCD glass panels in the 1980s.
That makes me feel really good to know that both my successes and failures are being transitioned to the next generation.
I transitioned to be a woman, so couldn't he send me pictures of what Taraji wore or Sarah Jessica Parker wore?
Picking up the action 15 years later, the show will see Merteuil having transitioned from prep school princess to ruthless businesswoman.
Schumer, who is now the top Democrat in the upper chamber, flat-out denied Democrats have transitioned on border security policy.
But as our species transitioned away from the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, we started seeing fire as a threat, not a tool.
He transitioned to television and in 1953 teamed up with Bob Weiskopf to form a writing partnership that would last decades.
The reality is that when a child comes out as transgender, they're what's called "socially transitioned" — they're allowed to live authentically.
When I became a full-time freelancer and transitioned to working remotely about eight years ago, I was terrible with organization.
When the school transitioned to its new dress code, Stein realized that getting dressed in the morning was no longer stressful.
Tatiana Rafael, 28, a Morehouse student, was accepted when she identified as male and transitioned to female while she was enrolled.
The Fyre Festival has transitioned from a morass on a tent-strewn beach in the Bahamas to one in the courts.
Erin Jackson, a United States Olympian, transitioned from in-line skating to speedskating just months before qualifying for the Pyeongchang Games.
He defended a funeral home in Michigan that fired an employee who was transgender and had transitioned from male to female.
Over the past decade, I've watched firsthand as the field of artificial intelligence has transitioned from one phase to the other.
In April 2019, during an executive reshuffle, Lake, 51, transitioned from CFO of the firm to the head of consumer lending.
Kanfer stepped down as chair and CEO of the company in 2018 and transitioned to the role of chair and venturer.
It was at this moment, the curators said, that Leonardo transitioned from sculpture to painting, and made painting his lifelong vocation.
He and Ms. Jacks had transitioned from coffee to beer, and he was in no rush to part company with her.
As the beauty community has transitioned into around-the-clock vlogging and investigative docuseries, transparency has become a key consumer consideration.
It transitioned from a daily print and online newspaper to a twice-a-week print publication with stories published on
Ms. Caldwell confessed to her that she had transitioned many years ago and was ready to share that with the world.
It is a cornerstone in Ms. Ringgold's career, according to curators, representing the moment when she transitioned from paintings to quilts.
They have been emboldened by signs that the raw materials segment of the supply chain has transitioned from shortfall to surplus.
She transitioned from a symbol of our culture's deep vapidity to the ultimate capitalist success, an empowered and powerful boss bitch.
Around 10.5 percent of mortgages in early delinquency (30-60 days late) transitioned to 90 days delinquent in their latest report.
Once I'd spent enough time on the blue velvet sofa, I transitioned to viewing my cookie competition in bed — truly luxurious.
Renée Richards transitioned from male to female in the '70s, and in 1976, she applied to participate in the US Open.
By all accounts Hart has transitioned admirably, but any one of us would have found these last few months incredibly difficult.
What they're saying: Axios spoke with workers who have already transitioned or will switch in January to working for outsourcing companies.
"I've had resentment as a dancer, I remember resenting bartenders," Chela, who recently transitioned from dancing to bartending, tells VICE News.
To be honest, I was a little proud of how casually I'd transitioned into adulthood without making it a big deal.
When she was younger, she modeled for companies like Target, Macy's, and McDonald's, and transitioned into acting at the age of 12.
Some people worry that tomboys are being referred to the service to be transitioned to male and that lesbians are being "erased".
The film centers on a group of storks who have transitioned from baby delivering to hauling packed for an e-commerce behemoth.
Pryor also joined a 2011 ruling favoring a transgender woman who said she was fired when she transitioned from male to female.
CPT Nathan Miller (and his wife CPT Jessica Miller) are both recently transitioned active duty army officers just off deployments to Afghanistan.
Salty water formations seemed to increase on the Martian surface as the planet transitioned to an arid climate 3.5 billion years ago.
" Charles said he left the group about three years ago because it transitioned from a "fun secessionist movement to a racist one.
At first, I felt nothing but sympathy, but since then, this has transitioned nicely into complete confusion, since you never messaged again.
At first, he loved the deal-making aspects of the job, but as the industry transitioned toward computer automation, Schulman's enthusiasm waned.
Job description: Recent reports from Chinese outlets indicate that Zhu has transitioned to taking charge of TikTok's international presence outside of China.
I still get anxious whenever I run into people from high school or from college who haven't seen me since I've transitioned.
We had transitioned her in and out of two other daycare facilities, and there was never a reaction even close to this.
The Defense Department has transitioned away from a 215s-era nuclear command and control system that relied on eight-inch floppy disks.
Every few minutes, vehicle operator Jonathan Dailey grabs the wheel, and a chime indicates that the vehicle has transitioned out of autonomy.
It's like what might have gone down behind-the-scenes as Meghan Markle transitioned into her new role as Duchess of Sussex.
In Season 3, episode 9, Lola (Shakina Nayfack) gets a visit from her old sorority friends, a group of whom transitioned together.
Many start-ups have transitioned from praise and awe to media and regulatory firestorms — some into financial trouble at the same time.
Yoshida took over as CEO last year as Hirai transitioned to the chairman of the board, but now that tenure is over.
Amy had braced herself for the possibility that her daughter would be bullied by classmates after she transitioned, but the opposite happened.
Lady Gaga used her performance to show her support for the Time's Up movement, by mentioning it as she transitioned between songs.
Newton Mail — which began as CloudMagic — was originally a free service before it transitioned to a paid, subscription-based model in 2016.
Caitlyn Jenner may not have made her decision about gender confirmation surgery just yet, but she's fully transitioned from a legal standpoint.
When Caitlyn transitioned in 2015, she moved forward with the same force that once threw her over the finish line in 1976.
My family expected me home for the holidays—so I went back to the South for the first time since I'd transitioned.
Again, look to credit cards; the international community used chip and pin for decades before the US finally transitioned over in 2015.
Previously, Smith served as the head of human resources for Apple, and transitioned to running inclusion and diversity efforts this past May.
Now, the same women who transitioned back in the seventies, eighties and nineties are facing an uncertain future as older sex workers.
But if a patient is transitioned to palliative care too late, they're likely to miss out on this important stage of care.
Before Jones, 23, transitioned from female to male, he would feel conflicted when his period came each month, especially the first time.
After several decades spent in silence, Hallquist finally transitioned, despite anticipating that it could cost her the career she's so passionate about.
As someone who also transitioned in high school, I know intimately how freeing and fraught it can be to live your truth.
Shortly after Gavin transitioned, some parents complained about his use of the boys' restroom, making a universal private experience a public spectacle.
It's conceivable that many people who developed painkiller dependency transitioned to heroin prior to the restrictions because heroin costs less, he says.
However, crowdsourced contributions to Google Maps are not ending, the company noted – instead, those will be transitioned to Google's Local Guides program.
The Soviet satellite state served as a buffer between China and the Soviet Union until 1990, when it peacefully transitioned to democracy.
After a scramble, Miyata locked in a triangle then transitioned into an armbar once again—this time, Souwer was forced to tap.
Ms. Brashears, who was born male and transitioned before marrying, said she was surprised by her desire to portray this traditional image.
She got her start on TV in 1998's "Dawson's Creek" and successfully transitioned to the big screen in the early 2000s.
Paul Dano made his debut on Broadway at the age of 12 and transitioned to film in TV in the late 90s.
Archaeologists say the find could potentially help them understand how people at the time transitioned into large early states and urban civilization.
It helped to have Geoff Johns who had just transitioned out of DC Comics and into a producer partnership with Warner Bros.
As soon as I was done with this experiment, I immediately transitioned into my new schedule: a 4:30 a.m. wake-up.
Before he transitioned to become a man, he would sit on the school bus and think how much he hated having breasts.
In its 20153-year history, AT&T has transitioned from a telegraph service to a wireless provider to a global communications behemoth.
Seeing how Lil Nas X transitioned from Tik Tok fave to Columbia Records signee, innovative and unconventional thinking naturally characterizes his moves.
Zara was diagnosed with a blood disorder called myelodysplastic syndrome when she was 11, which has since transitioned into acute myeloid leukemia.
When we transitioned to post-sex bedtime and spooning, I vaguely recall a murmur of "I sleep with this" before passing out.
Some studies only included supervised workouts at gyms, while others started out with this approach and then transitioned patients to home workouts.
When I transitioned from active duty in the Marine Corps and into the reserves, I was looking for a balance in life.
The initial health effects she had experienced from vaping to quit smoking transitioned into frequent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and a terrible cough.
Among 17 known Coast Guard members who have transitioned (out of more than 40,000), one serves on Zukunft's personal staff, he noted.
As Shamrock began to turn with the hold, Suzuki transitioned into a knee bar and extended his hips to ruin Shamrock's leg.
A spokesman for Mr. Lowell confirmed again that Ms. Trump had used personal email for a time before she transitioned into government.
"He transitioned beautifully from feral creature to pampered house cat and more recently to co-worker," Dr. Sams said in an email.
I knew I wasn't born here but I didn't know what that means as far as how I transitioned into an adult.
It's very ephemeral and it was trying to capture this ephemerality of us playing around, which ultimately is what we transitioned to.
Harris County recently transitioned to a voting center model from a precinct-based system, which assigned each voter to a certain precinct.
Grimm transitioned about four years ago, and during his sophomore year he was dressing as male and using boys' restrooms at school.
She transitioned publicly in 2015 by making an announcement four months in advance that she would start going by Christine that December.
Institutionalized monitoring and censorship were the norm in Myanmar under the military regime, which transitioned to a more democratic rule in 2011.
Manning told me that even as she transitioned, she never felt physically threatened by the other prisoners, as she did the staff.
Age: 200Occupation: Previously worked in solar, but left the job for a four-month "garden leave" before I transitioned to investment banking.
"I like pushing the boundary between paintings and photographs," says Chesnel, who trained as a painter and only recently transitioned into photography.
It's a promise that might not mean anything in a few years, once most people have transitioned over, but in the meantime?
Mr. Cantú transitioned from patrolling in the field to intelligence gathering, agonizing over what it meant to be good at such work.
However, in recent years the market has transitioned from a relationship-based one where trading takes place over the phone to electronic.
"For a lot of our garments, we transitioned to a ponte fabric," said Sonya Lacore, Southwest's vice president for in-flight operations.
Before he transitioned, Manuel won five national amateur championships and competed in the 2012 Olympic trials as a woman, NBC News reported.
They have transitioned to a skill-based attack led by right wing Vladimir Tarasenko, left wing Jaden Schwartz and defenseman Alex Pietrangelo.
A patient's care can now be smoothly transitioned between providers and hospital shifts to ensure that the continuity of care is upheld.
He took on official government positions as the country transitioned to democracy and he served as deputy president from 1999 to 2005.
Clinton tweeted her support for Machado at the time as the former beauty queen transitioned from pageants and acting to political activism.
As they began to take on new projects of their own, the Saarinen office transitioned into Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates.
That's all to say that Twitter may have finally transitioned from a company measured by growth to a company measured by value.
Once the couple became engaged, the Pramana employee transitioned the account to a colleague in order to avoid the appearance of any impropriety.
I saw firsthand via the LCD screen a battery length  estimate as I transitioned the V3493 from carpet to hardwood and vice versa.
Ryan first rose to fame through her YouTube series called Little Loca, and later transitioned to doing celebrity parodies on the video platform.
GE was struggling with how to effectively pitch big data applications to corporations, especially as it transitioned into being an increasingly digital company.
The solar wind began  stripping the planet&aposs once-thick atmosphere , and the world transitioned to the cold, dry desert it is today.
You may be the first person they've encountered who has transitioned pronouns—and that requires a learning curve for a lot of folks.
I gradually transitioned through a gateway where I emerged completely marbleized, resembling a ritual or religious experience and becoming one with the color.
After responding to a question about racism in the world today, the interviewer, David Marchese, transitioned into "Trumpism," allowing Jones to speak candidly.
He and his wife advocated to make sure their daughter, Nico, who socially transitioned when they lived in Maryland, felt comfortable at school.
His probation was to be supervised by the juvenile court system until he turned 19, when it would be transitioned to adult court.
Over the last 30 years, Barbie has transitioned into a working woman, with featured careers ranging from architect to army medic to chef.
He's a former establishment player, a onetime Romney backer who, much like former Nixon dirty trickster Roger Stone, transitioned into the "outsider" camp.
Jenner, who is also a conservative, famously transitioned last year from her former public identity as male athlete and reality star Bruce Jenner.
Additionally, the city has also required that school staff call transgender students who have publicly transitioned by their proper pronouns and new name.
The slut-shaming quickly transitioned from professional advice to morality and respectability in a way that served no purpose but to make jokes.
All of that later transitioned into the whole Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network era, with Genndy Tartakovsky's work, for example, and it hasn't stopped.
If elected, he will join a very small group of astronauts who have transitioned from an orbital office to one on Capitol Hill.
Customers who already have the Xfinity TV app installed will be transitioned to the new Stream app through an app update, says Comcast.
One day in September, posters handwritten in Kenyan Swahili surfaced around the camp: your children are going to be transitioned to gay behavior.
He then transitioned into background art for films such as Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Mary Poppins and the Disneyland episode Man in Space.
The opening safari section in greens, oranges, and burnt coppers transitioned into a colorful series of snakeskin paired with sheer and suede skirts.
We transitioned to be our true selves, so we don't want to change so much to where now we're just like everyone else.
But over the years, the computer company has transitioned into designing and manufacturing actual computers and tablets — and that has us pretty excited.
A delay in public investments by towns and regions after new mayors and governors transitioned into power last year has slowed domestic demand.
So when I transitioned into leaving the corporate world and starting our own company (at 50), I dove into a plant-based lifestyle.
During this time, he transitioned into presenting as a man and also began to receive more attention in lesbian and feminist literary circles.
BTW, Ricky has now transitioned into trainer -- and is getting Sergey Rabchenko ready for his big Showtime fight Saturday night at Barclays Center.
Mashuq Mushtaq Deen: Well, I transitioned, so it was a life experience that I was having that so many people were unfamiliar with.
At one point, the President abruptly transitioned from discussing US-China trade issues to airing his concerns about Chinese influence over North Korea.
Born in 1928, James Randi — a magician and escape artist — transitioned into using the tools of his trade to debunk psychics and televangelists.
Ms. Luu had an appealing idea: a transgender hero who hadn't transitioned yet and could present as a female only when in costume.
But in keeping Puerto Rico, the U.S. represented to the United Nations that Puerto Rico had transitioned to full equality, with self-governance.
Ingraham then instantly transitioned into the next segment by turning toward the camera to discuss the American Civil Liberties Union's anti-Kavanaugh campaign.
While literature and film are full of love stories between men and women, there are very few that tell of lovers who transitioned.
And all of them have successfully transitioned to either eating all their food by mouth, or they have gotten a surgically-placed tube.
Through the music, the South Bronx gang culture transitioned not only into party culture, but also into community and political activism, he added.
Gracie Lou Phillips was battling pneumonia and had just transitioned to hospice care when she chose to vote early her state's midterm election.
Many Latin American countries transitioned from military rule to democracy; after the end of the Cold War, much of Eastern Europe followed suit.
I was a first-time user and suffered a fall when I transitioned from the street to the apron of a garage driveway.
"It's been a really good two, three years now as we've transitioned to the new Big East," said Lee Reed, Georgetown's athletic director.
And when Cave In transitioned into groove-based chugs, they could change tempos and moods in a way their predecessors only dreamed of.
But at the least minute the fan swiped his hand under Curry's and in one fluid and devastating motion, transitioned into a dab.
At 21, she realized that art could be a legitimate career option and transitioned into being a full-time painter by age 23.
Both countries were also ruled by dictatorial strongmen until the late 1980s, when South Korea finally transitioned to a fully civilian, democratic government.
Shortly after they made their way to the United States in the mid-1800s, however, they transitioned from the exotic to the mundane.
Sessions appears to have transitioned to a bemused hey-look-it's-crazy-we-are-sitting-next-to-each-other-but-not-talking face.
Gibi's husband Ben transitioned into running the business side of her channel, and the two have since grown their network of ASMR creators.
"We had more and more schools who said, 'We have a student who is transitioning or transitioned,'" Harrison said in a phone interview.
He said he was working with a legal team as he transitioned out of prison and, he hoped, into a Kendra's Law program.
John L. Sullivan was the man who transitioned the heavyweight title to gloved matches full time, but had come up under bareknuckle rules.
Two words: Profitability and engagement, meaning Twitter may have finally transitioned from a company measured by growth to a company measured by value.
Dr. Barres was transgender, having transitioned from female to male in 1997, when he was in his 40s and well into his career.
The Long Run With help from his family, Mr. O'Rourke transitioned from rootless former musician to start-up founder, civic leader and candidate.
"My dad [judge Sam Lindsay] and I danced to 'Before I Let Go,' " says Rachel, before the DJ transitioned into Beyonce's 2019 version.
Over the last decade, tickets have transitioned out of the physical realm and, like so many other aspects of our lives, gone digital.
But he faced some of the fiercest public criticism since he transitioned last year from military ruler to head of an elected government.
When Obama transitioned from campaign to presidency, his administration, for better or for worse, was tied up in dealing with the financial crisis.
She transitioned to a civilian position, and came back to court a month or two later with a scarf flawlessly fastened in place.
But the United States presented evidence of Pakistan's links to Afghan militants just as Pakistan transitioned from military to civilian rule in 2008.
In the course of her long career, Fleming has transitioned from the newcomer with "The Beautiful Voice" to a stateswoman of American music.
In 2017, GQ Magazine's Jim Moore transitioned from creative director to creative director-at-large after 40 years at the men's fashion bible.
The owner of Strategic Operations, Stu Segall, transitioned into the military-training simulation industry in 2002 after producing TV shows in San Diego.
A decade later, she transitioned out of poker entirely to pursue her work on decision strategies full-time as a speaker and consultant.
Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus transitioned seamlessly from the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 to the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, respectively.
HitClips initially debuted as toys in select McDonald's kids meals, but became so popular that they transitioned to the main toy/electronics market.
His agency will also examine agreements between coal companies and states, some of which have already transitioned away from self-bonding, he said.
Trump's cabinet choices include one former governor who transitioned into "Dancing With the Stars" and is now seeking to become secretary of energy.
The cost for the British military to retain me after I transitioned amounted to filling a prescription for about $10 every six weeks.
By the end of the established time-frame, Assad would be completely transitioned out, a condition without which the bloodletting would not stop.
FUNDAMENTALS * FREEPORT: Freeport-McMoRan Inc said its Cerro Verde copper mine in Peru has temporarily transitioned to care and maintenance for 15 days.
He transitioned smoothly into the post-Soviet era, and as Mr. Putin consolidated his power, Mr. Kobzon knew where to place his support.
Colonel Manning said troop numbers would continue to decline as the American-led coalition transitioned to missions to train and advise local forces.
But Libby has transitioned to stay-at-home motherhood, married to a steady fella who can't grasp her panic over New Jersey suburbia.
Those skills gained from years of amateur combat competition have smoothly transitioned into Magomedov's MMA career, with "Highlander" owning a 19-1 MMA record.
Yeah, that's what I don't like, that's why I stopped shooting color and transitioned into making black-and-white fiber prints in grad school.
As more energy services are transitioned to electricity — yes, SDS is on the electrify-everything bandwagon — oil demand peaks and begins declining shortly thereafter.
Biles's group — which included Raisman and Mustafina — began their gymnastics rotation on vault and then transitioned to the uneven bars for their second event.
The actress first rose to fame through her YouTube series called Little Loca, and later transitioned to doing celebrity parodies on the video platform.
Cazenave then became the number 2 human resources executive at telecoms firm Orange, a company which transitioned from government monopoly to globalized private champion.
When our very early ancestors transitioned from sea to land some 385 million years ago, they brought their armor-like scales along with them.
Before Caitlyn Jenner transitioned in 2015, she spent decades hiding her true self – and kept secret her penchant for dressing up in women's clothes.
"It's made the transition from this balance-sheet type of approach — reasonable valuations — to now it's transitioned into the income statement predictability," he said.
He transitioned from working at Goldman Sachs to the tech industry, then progressed to consulting, worked on hedge funds, and finally tackled venture capital.
There's no doubt the decision to move had its ups and downs, but the benefits far outweighed the mistakes I made as we transitioned.
Borrowing some elements from its mobile app and search engine design philosophy, Google has also transitioned the news reader to a card-based interface.
Some of the trans women who play prominent roles in public debate about gender in Britain transitioned in adulthood, sometimes well into middle age.
News surrounding Kim Kardashian's Paris robbery — during which the celeb was bound and gagged in her hotel room — has transitioned from facts to speculation.
You've just transitioned into a phase of life that not only makes you prone to isolation and anti-social behavior, but actually requires it.
From there, Hurley transitioned from model to agent by sending her models to the very same castings she once applied to as a talent.
After helping her fix her broken smoke detector, Disick launches into what a positive change he's seen in Caitlyn since she transitioned last year.
The following year, that age eligibility would be lowered to 45, then to 35, and then, in year four, everyone would be transitioned over.
As I've gotten older, I've transitioned into meditation or yoga and things like that but ultimately it's just being real with who you are.
But given that he called Caitlyn Jenner "Dad" after she transitioned, he may not exactly be on top of the news regarding his family.
Though she's transitioned into the food world, the blogger clearly still shows an interest in the fashion industry, displaying her chic style on Instagram.
He cited it as one of the reasons why he transitioned from a focus on national security to gun-related issues and community building.
Everyone seems to have transitioned from "pretty drunk" to "visibly brain-damaged by alcohol" in the 43 or so minutes that we were gone.
Inform your company earlyWork on getting your projects wrapped up or transitioned and make a solid plan for who's covering what while you're away.
We transitioned away from whale oil after discovering much more abundant and useful petroleum-derived kerosene, not because we were running out of whales.
Now, he's transitioned fully into pop, in the House of Balloons-esque despair of My Dear Melancholy, and in the crossover success of Starboy.
Last year, he released Relationship, a private photo diary documenting a six-year relationship with the artist Zackary Drucker, in which both transitioned genders.
Kanner, who transitioned in rural Maine, knows firsthand that trans-friendly medical care can be especially hard to come by outside of urban areas.
Before my dad transitioned, I was a part of the vast majority of African Americans in this country who belong to the Christian religion.
Crime anthologies haven't been this numerous since the early days of TV, when the genre transitioned from print and radio to the small screen.
The actress later transitioned this coat and her bold red lip into her next look, a set of plaid matching separates by Tanya Taylor.
The 85033 rule allows people who have transitioned to join the military and allowed those already serving to transition while in the armed forces.
Based in the southern city of Porto Alegre, Lojas Renner has successfully transitioned from a traditional department store to a leaner, fast-fashion retailer.
As Slice transitioned from street fighting to mixed martial arts, losing forty pounds in the process, opinions were mixed about his likelihood of success.
News of Cortana integration in Outlook comes just weeks after Microsoft's Outlook for iOS and Android boss transitioned to overseeing the Cortana digital assistant.
The problem grew even more dire as travel photography transitioned from a hobby to perhaps the ultimate signifier of the inauthentic and the conformist.
The conflict has transitioned from naval engagements in the Gulf to the realm of economic sanctions and cyber warfare, so it's not all theatre.
As US families transitioned from depending on one parent's income to expecting both parents to work, children increasingly spent their days with childcare professionals.
He became prominent after publishing Illiberal Education in 1991, has written 16 books critiquing the liberal world-view, and gradually transitioned into film projects.
Many schools and universities have transitioned to online classes and Harvard has even asked students to leave campus housing within a matter of days.
As our due dates grew closer, Cathy and I transitioned from the occasional polite email exchange to rapid-fire text messages at all hours.
When Americans transitioned into Affordable Care Act plans, they often found those plans had high premiums and deductibles — and were frustrated with those costs.
The circuits of neurons that govern walking, many have long thought, emerged sometime after that, as creatures transitioned from swimming to limb-based locomotion.
He was known as a guitarist in the early 1970s, according to his agent, and then transitioned into voice acting into the early 1980s.
Athletes who have transitioned from male to female are able to compete without having had surgery, but must keep their testosterone at certain levels.
Recently, the social media site has transitioned some work moderating content on the site from contractors to full-time employees, according to the report.
Following New York City's ban on in-restaurant dining on March 16, Porter and DeGrezia transitioned their shop to provide takeout and delivery only.
In 9, an insurgency led by Maoist sympathizers ended after rebels agreed to a peace agreement and the country transitioned from monarchy to democracy.
Last summer, she transitioned to movie stardom, playing the lead in " Crazy Rich Asians ," an ecstatic fantasy of romance and opulence set in Singapore.
Hernandez has not successfully transitioned from a power to a finesse pitcher, but that is probably the only way he can save his career.
We transitioned into laying down, with the male in our group on his back and us two women draped over either side of him.
I recently transitioned my 15-year-old cat from the top-entry Modkat litter box to the XL and she adjusted to it immediately.
Since he transitioned to an instructor role with the Mariners, Suzuki has applied his trademark meticulousness in a new area: throwing batting-practice pitches.
In contrast, he said Mississippi spends disproportionately more money on mental health hospitals, lagging behind other states that have transitioned better to community care.
Through an internet connection, she met a man who had transitioned from a woman, opening her eyes to the possibility of another life path.
As Brady became a household name in New England, McDonough transitioned from the team's public affairs group to the quarterback's first full-time manager.
And Ms. Manning, who transitioned from male to female in prison, will be freed in May since her sentence was commuted by President Obama.
But by the early 20193s, it transitioned to a subscription and ad-supported model of licensing and subtitling shows itself exclusively for its service.
" Agrawal says she "transitioned out as CEO" because she "was ready to move onto my next adventure and spend QT with my newborn baby.
Tagged transitioned to being a place to meet new people, whether that was for (mainly) dating or friendships, by matching up their common interests.
It was a signal that the United States was going to exploit Russian weakness, not lift the nation up, as it transitioned from communism.
Since then, as Taiwan has transitioned from one-party rule to democracy, Beijing has not given up on one day taking control the island.
" Amazon confirmed to CNBC that it's ending Vendor Express and said the program's vendors will be "transitioned to alternative ways to sell on Amazon.
It then transitioned to a post-tropical cyclone as it moved over cooler water and made landfall near Sambro Creek in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Following the nuptials, the newlyweds, their family and and friends transitioned to a large, outdoor tent, where they ate and danced the night away.
Health care is particularly attractive to these companies as it's one of the few remaining industries that hasn't fully yet transitioned to the cloud.
Underwood was vegetarian for a while, and then transitioned away from dairy when she realized she "had a lactose intolerant thing," she told Oprah.
And that's something that I think we've transitioned to at Instagram, which is like, okay, we can take a lot of risks and fail.
Ever since she transitioned from male to female, Amelie says that she noticed a marked difference in the way her colleagues behave toward her.
Ever the pioneer, he transitioned into a new role as a uniformed adviser who took batting practice but was not allowed on the bench.
Is that good or bad, considering Obamacare transitioned from an administration deeply invested in its success to one transparently trying to make it fail?
Nor do we understand which jobs will be eliminated and which will be transitioned into what some say will be better, less tedious work.
Now, a far-right party has won spots in Spain's legislature for the first time since the country transitioned to democracy 40 years ago.
That is why Tesla engineering has transitioned to focus heavily on designing the machine that makes the machine -- turning the factory itself into a product.
Zara, 37, perfectly transitioned from England's chilly winter weather to the warmth, wearing a lace dress with long sleeves and pink ruffles on the skirt.
When I transitioned out of sex work, I began seeking everything my intimate life was missing: I wanted sex that was pleasurable and non-exploitative.
"His love of performing began in a dance studio, which then transitioned him into commercials, and not long after television and film," the channel says.
In a surprising Where Are They Now update: actor David Joyner's career has transitioned from Barney & Friends to owning and operating a tantric massage practice.
Samantha and Tyrese spread the news with help from a faux movie trailer, which Tyrese narrated, that transitioned partway through into footage from Samantha's ultrasound.
If the clean energy transition isn't fair or equitable, if it actually forces poor people into areas with worse environmental quality, then what really transitioned?
The BB&T and SunTrust brands, which have a combined 275 years of history, will be "seamlessly transitioned" over time to Truist, the companies said.
Perhaps the best indication that we have transitioned from one regime to another is the way the Kelly memos define the behavior that warrants removal.
"So don't stop him now," the three harmonized as they transitioned into the chorus of the song and the number of singers just kept growing.
And then, once I transitioned and realized that juggling the demands of motherhood and my business was challenging, I did scale back on some work.
The transgender applicant must also demonstrate they have not transitioned and that a licensed medical provider has determined that gender transition is not medically necessary.
" "Throughout my transition, it often feels like I am mentally transitioned but the rest of my body has yet to catch up to my identity.
Roem was lucky in that when she transitioned, she was accepted by her family and community, but she's still faced a crushing array of obstacles.
Uber Eats is also being transitioned to Grab, as part of its Grab Food platform, and it will be closed at the end of May.

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