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"shul" Definitions

367 Sentences With "shul"

How to use shul in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "shul" and check conjugation/comparative form for "shul". Mastering all the usages of "shul" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Her father started a shul and yeshiva in the Canarsie neighborhood.
Our shul may be empty, but it is not a crime scene.
I would take you to shul like this and out to dinner.
The interior of the shul features arched windows, chandeliers, and a linoleum floor.
But they will at New Light, a small 120-year-old conservative shul.
A heroic team of local police officers charged the shul under heavy fire.
Dovid is nominated by the shul to inherit Ronit's father's position as rabbi.
Who cares whether he spends his Saturdays at a shul or a socialist rally?
Isaac wouldn't go near a synagogue, so Paley accompanied Babushka to shul on the holidays.
Every shul should have at least an armed guard, and several qualified people with firearms.
Thursday, while daughter Ivanka Trump will be at the Shul of Bal Harbour in Surfside, Fla.
"My great-grandfather, my grandfather and my father were all presidents of the shul," he said.
The stabbing occurred at Rabbi Rottenburg&aposs Shul during a Hanukkah celebration, CBS New York reported.
In the chapel where my shul holds its Friday night services, the doors are generally kept open.
The final message of Disobedience—delivered inside shul itself—is that we are all free to choose.
I remember homemakers searching for outfits appropriate for shul, and single girls and teenagers shopping for date nights.
The Kushners attended the town's biggest shul, dressing in their finest on Fridays for the walk to synagogue.
They went to shul and observed Shabbat every Friday, and their four children attended Perth's only Jewish school.
Amichai Lau-Lavie, a Conservative rabbi who is the founder of both Lab/Shul NYC and Storahtelling Inc.
"We're a very poor shul," Rabbi Yehuda Oshry said in 2001, after the disastrous fire in the roof and ceiling.
After a rabbi saw Sivan sing at his shul in Perth, he was invited to perform at Sydney's Central Synagogue.
Meanwhile, hundreds of people gathered outside the Satmar Shul orthodox synagogue in Brooklyn to mourn 24-year-old Moshe Deutsch.
" Mr. Rosenthal recalled: "I grew up going to shul on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and with the Hanukkah candles.
Outside Satmar Shul orthodox synagogue in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, thousands of people gathered on the street to mourn Mr. Deutsch.
During the next four days, there were six new cases that were linked to the first one from the New Square shul.
"I can't tell people I don't know very well, 'Don't eat at this restaurant or that restaurant,'" Lipskar of The Shul said.
In the New Square shul, this meant that as many as seven thousand people had shared airspace with the young man from Israel.
The bride's father is the founder of the Shul, a Jewish outreach organization in Cleveland, and is a chaplain at the Cleveland Clinic.
Initially, Hineni offered classes and social events in the Canarsie shul, but over the years it expanded its reach, establishing offices in Jerusalem and elsewhere.
The Pearls explained how they had built their New York community around their synagogue, the Prospect Heights Shul in Brooklyn, which the Firestones also attend.
Without that option, "it would be impossible for them to leave their apartments," said Rabbi Aviad Bodner of Stanton Street Shul on the Lower East Side.
Outside Satmar Shul orthodox synagogue in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on Wednesday, thousands of people mourned Mr. Deutsch, transforming the block into a sea of black hats.
"YE SHUL hav a fevere tertaine," a line from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, is probably a reference to malaria, which was rife in swampy areas of medieval England.
"But, there are also some Democrats with very strong liberal views in my congregation, which is why I try to keep politics out of the shul," he added.
Shira Kline, who was ordained by the Open Ministry and is the director of worship and a ritual leader at Lab/Shul, is to lead a progressive Jewish ceremony.
Rabbi Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, the grand rabbi of Satmar Shul, spoke over a loudspeaker, crying as he delivered remarks in Yiddish calling the killing a senseless, anti-Semitic act.
But if you're not one of them, not bound for shul, just looking for dinner, how about making Melissa Clark's recipe for a sweet-and-spicy roast chicken tonight?
But he could sing, started lessons at 7, and in short order was transfixing the congregation at his local shul with his rendition of yigdal at Shabbos service on Friday nights.
"I've spent a lot of time in synagogues in my life, but my parents taught me that Judaism is about more than going to shul," Bloomberg said during a January speech in Miami.
At the time, no one—not even Jews—wanted to see a bearded black hatter in their neighborhood, said Lipskar, who is 71 and with his wife Chani founded The Shul of Bal Harbour.
Manohla Dargis called Disobedience "drained of oxygen" in her New York Times review, because so much of the film takes place in closed environments: houses, shul, school, streets where everybody is noting your behavior.
Inmates periodically hold an informal vote to elect a "gabbai" to run the shul, which is currently led by a Hasidic man from Williamsburg, Brooklyn, who is locked up for arson and corporate fraud.
One family set up their living room to look like a makeshift shul; my friend from dance class wore a fascinator atop her head and remarked that she also sings the "Sanctuary Song" in her church.
The founder of Lab/Shul, an experimental congregation that has replaced traditional services with exuberant performance, he is the descendent of 37 Orthodox Jewish rabbis, and I bet the first in that esteemed line to lead services in drag.
The shul is more than twenty-two thousand square feet and holds seven thousand people, and the bleachers that ring the inside of the building from floor to ceiling were full, as was the gallery upstairs, where the women sit.
When Maura escapes, running panicked through the woods, her fury and terror echo other moments of escape: Sarah's grotesque totter down the aisle, a guilt-stricken Josh fleeing the family shul, and, most disturbing, the Pfefferman family's exodus from Berlin.
But when people in a progressive, social-justice, immigrant-loving synagogue—a shul like my own—are slaughtered for allegedly polluting white America, of course my mind drifts toward who did and who did not flee Europe in time to escape the Holocaust.
Zion Halili, the president of the Hollis Hills Civic Association and a 30-year resident, said P.S. 188 and quick highway access are among the attractions for home buyers, as is, for the Bukharian community, the presence of an Orthodox shul, Chabad of Eastern Queens.
"For a Jewish person, there is no place like Otisville," said Earl Seth David, 54, a former inmate who attended kosher meals, religious classes and weekly Shabbat services in the prison shul, a shared space where the Torah scrolls are locked up every night.
Taking a break from tennis to hydrate in the 100-degree heat, he experiences a religious hallucination: Instead of a tennis court, he is in a shul, and a cantor in a white robe is singing the Kol Nidre, the prayer that initiates the holy Day of Atonement.
There's a potluck holiday party coming up at the school, at the church or the shul, at the office, the gym, the bait shop, at the yoga studio, the grange hall, the library, wherever communities gather to ask anodyne questions about family and travel this time of year, about the weather, about work.
At a time when Judaism is under assault — the F.B.I. said this week that anti-Semitic attacks have increased in each of the last three years — they are unabashedly Orthodox, observing shabbat each week, walking to an Orthodox Chabad shul near their Kalorama home in Washington, D.C., dropping their children off at Jewish day school and hanging mezuzas on the doors of their West Wing offices.
Embedded in that tone is the history of a particular branch of the Hebrews, the Expulsion and the endless walk out of Zion, forays in Germany and Poland, shtetls and schools, the jewel like cities of the East, the mystics and false messiahs, the misery, hatred and pogroms, the wars, harbors and ships, grandparents who laid their lives across the water so that we could walk into Brooklyn and Cleveland and Chicago, then the big shul in the suburbs, where the voice is all that remains.
The same routine, day after day after day: instant black coffee and black bread with canteloupe; read the Jewish Week with that enormous magnifying glass; check the house to make sure all the lights are still off; push a walker on tennis balls to shul to have the same Sad Libs conversations with the same macular degenerates, substituting different names into the news about cancers and graduations; thaw a brick of chicken soup while flipping through the same photo albums; eat the soup while advancing through another paragraph of the Jewish Week; nap in front of one of the same five movies; walk across the street to confirm Mr. Kowalski's continued existence; skip dinner; check the house to make sure all the lights are still off; go to bed at seven and have eleven hours of the same nightmares.
The fortress-like Sirkes Shul in Medzhybizh, probably built in the 17th century (photo taken in 1935) The interior of the main Sirkes Shul in Medzhybizh in 1930 Exterior of the Baal Shem Tov's Shul in Medzhybizh, c. 1915. This original shul no longer exists, but was recently re-created. Another view of the Baal Shem Tov's Shul, c. 1915 Interior of the Baal Shem Tov's Shul, c.
Membership is available from the Oxford Shul Membership page, by phoning Oxford Shul or visiting in person.
Services at City Shul are fully egalitarian; men and women participate equally. The service is conducted primarily in Hebrew and the shul uses Gates of Prayer, the Reform Prayerbook; transliterations are provided. City Shul was formally accepted as a member of the Union for Reform Judaism in December 2013.
Today "The Shul" meets weekly for Friday evening Shabbat services.
In 1892, the congregation merged with the Anshe Kalvarier shul (whose building had been demolished when 12th Street, now Roosevelt Road, was widened) and adopted the name, "Anshe Sholom Congregation." In 1894, they retained their first Rabbi, Abraham Samuel Braude zt"l, who served until his death in 1907, and the shul took its place in the top rank of Chicago Jewry. It was long known unofficially as "the Mariampoler Shul" and also informally as "the Straw Hat Shul." In 1910, two great events occurred: the congregation brought Rabbi Saul Silber zt"l to Chicago, and moved west into a new shul building at Polk and Ashland; a magnificent domed building by Chicago architect Alexander Levy.
JerusalemTens of Thousands Gather in Yerushalayim for Atzeres Tefillah Over Desecration of Shul in Arad, Hamodia, 22 December 2016. and Ashdod.Thousands Gather in Ashdod for Atzeres Tefillah Over Desecration of Shul in Arad, Hamodia, 21 December 2016.
Werdyger, Songs of Hope, p. 297. Upon arrival in New York, Werdyger began working as a hazzan in the Warshever Shul on Rivington Street; after a year he moved to the Chasam Sofer Shul on the Lower East Side.
Chetrit was born to a Jewish family in Morocco to Simon and Alice Chetrit.Tom Acitelli, "Joseph Chetrit, the Most Mysterious Big Shot in New York Real Estate",, July 5, 2011.Jeanette Friedman, "Shul within a shul – Sephardic Center dedicated at Ahavath Torah", jstandard.
There is a dining room, boardrooms, printing room, kitchen, and the Torah Academy Shul on premises.
The Chazan is accompanied by the Oxford Shul Choir under the direction of Choirmaster Bryan Isakow.
The old Jewish cemetery is the site of ongoing restoration efforts. The location of its famous graves are now protected by a modern building. The Apter Rav's shul is currently undergoing renovation. A complete re-creation of the Besht's shul was recently constructed on its original site.
Full members are entitled to all the benefits the Shul offers. They are also entitled to permanent seats in the Shul, which includes the High Holidays. You are added to the Shul's mailing list, and receive regular communications from the Shul, including a monthly newsletter. All the members personal details are entered into their database, so that they can notify members of upcoming Yartzeits, and so that their personal simchas and other important events can be noted in the newsletters.
Rav Yosef Yitzchak ran a minyan in the old city of Jerusalem at a shul called Tzuv Devash.
Interior The Worms Synagogue, also known as Rashi Shul, is an 11th-century synagogue located in Worms, Germany.
Months of physical therapy followed, enabling Shul to eventually pass a flight physical and return to active flying duty.
In 1945, Rabbi Osher Zilberstein of Breed Street Shul opened the city's first Jewish parochial elementary school. When Israel was established as an independent nation in 1948, Breed Street Shul was the site of a solemn ceremony in which the new flag of Israel was flown for the first time in Los Angeles.
The Dohány Street Synagogue is also known under the name of the Tabak-Shul, the Yiddish translation of Dohány Synagogue.
By the late 1980s, the Vilna Congregation's membership continued to contract and they struggled to gather a minyan by the mid-1980s. Menachem Schmidt became rabbi of the shul in 1989, reviving it as a community shul where he led services, hosted meals, and taught. The synagogue conducted services every Friday night for both the Vilna congregation and Congregation B'nai Abraham until 2018. On Shabbos mornings and holy days, the Vilna shul held a “late morning” minyan with a festive kiddish following services in the building's second floor community space.
Upon gaining semicha, Rabbi Alperstein briefly served as rabbi of the Kamenitzer shul in Vilna before becoming rabbi of nearby Novogorod. A few years later he accepted a position as rabbi of the Zevach Tzedek shul in the vibrant Jewish community of Slabodka. Rabbi Alperstein immigrated to the United States in 1881, becoming rabbi of Khal Adath Jeshurun in New York. In 1884, he went to Chicago to take another rabbinic pulpit, serving there for 15 years as rabbi of various shuls including Congregation Oheb Shalom Bnai Marienpol, Anshei Kovno, and the Suvalker shul.
It is part of the Downtown Jewish Community Council of Toronto. City Shul is noted for its diverse population, and includes members who are visible minorities, LGBT, Jews-by-choice and those who are exploring Judaism. The Shul also includes members who were raised in different Jewish traditions, such as Ashkenazi or Sephardi Jews, and those who come from a variety of Jewish religious movements including Orthodox, Conservative, and Reconstructionist. City Shul accepts non-Jews as voting members, with the requirement that members of the Leadership Team be Jewish (by birth or conversion).
Etching showing the Portuguese and High German Synagogues, at the Amsterdam City Archives Soon after, several other synagogues were built, among them the Obbene Shul (1685-1686), the Dritt Shul (1700) and the Neie Shul (1752, also known as the New Synagogue). For a long time, the Ashkenazi community was strongly focused on Central and Eastern Europe, the region where most of the Dutch Ashkenazi originated from. Rabbis, cantors and teachers hailed from Poland and Germany. Up until the 19th century, most of the Ashkenazi Jews spoke Yiddish, with some Dutch influences.
The Jakob Glanzer Shul, or the former Chasidim Synagogue, was a synagogue at the Ugol'naya street Nr.3 in Lviv, Ukraine.
The Peitav Synagogue or Peitav-Shul (; ) is the only synagogue in Riga to have survived the Holocaust and to be currently active. It is a center of the Latvian Jewish community and recognized by the Latvian government as an architectural monument of national significance.Jewish Community of Latvia. "The Riga Synagogue on Peitavas Street (Peitav Shul)" ,
Walter de Gruyter, 1981. . p. 241 In particular the Jama'at Khana (or masalla) approximates the status of a conventicle. According to Kaufman, modern-day Jewish synagogues resemble churches whereas smaller meeting places—the shul, hevre, anshe, or shtibl—can be described as conventicle settings.David Kaufman (1999). Shul with a Pool: The Synagogue- Center” in American Jewish History.
Goddess Shul-utula, foundation peg, with inscription "Ur-Nanshe, King of Lagash, son of Gunidu, built the shrine Girsu", probably Girsu, Tell Telloh, Iraq, mid 3rd millennium BCE. Harvard Semitic Museum, Cambridge, MA Shul-utula (, ) is a tutelary deity in the Sumerian pantheon. She is known only as the personal deity to Entemena, king of the city of Eninnu.
In 1999 he published a humorous memoir of his experiences as a pulpit rabbi entitled Tales Out of Shul: The unorthodox journal of an Orthodox rabbi (Feldheim Publishers). In 2001 he published a book of essays on rabbinic and synagogue life entitled The Shul Without a Clock: Second thoughts from a rabbi's notebook (Mesorah Publications Ltd.).
Kord Shul (, also Romanized as Kord Shūl; also known as Gerd Shūl and Kurd Shūl) is a village in Fathabad Rural District, in the Central District of Qir and Karzin County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 197, in 40 families. The majority of the population of Kord Shul are from Kordshuli tribe.Nomads of Persia.
Kord-e Shul (, also Romanized as Kord-e Shūl and Kord Shūl; also known as Kurshūr) is a village in Madar Soleyman Rural District, Hakhamanish District, Pasargad County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 972, in 238 families. The majority of the population of Kord-e Shul are from Fars tribe.Nomads of Persia.
The shul belongs to the Orthodox Federation of Synagogues. The term "Sfardish" in the original name indicates that the shul, while Ashkenazi, follows Nusach Sefard, a prayer liturgy influenced by the Rabbi Isaac Luria's attempts to reconcile the Ashkenazi and Sephardi liturgies. The East End now has a very considerable Muslim population, with which the shul actively maintains interfaith relations through the Tower Hamlets Inter Faith Forum, of which the large East London Mosque on Whitechapel Road is also a member. The building is also regularly visited by historical societies and walking tours, and has in the past participated in Open House London.
Public Protest Mounts After Violation of Shul in Arad, Hamodia, 13 December 2016. A speaker at an emergency meeting called by MK Yaakov Litzman said "It is inconceivable that something that would not be done to Jews in enemy states, such as Iran, should be done to Jews here in Israel."Emergency Meeting Addresses Desecration of Shul in Arad, Hamodia, 12 December 2016. The incident led to tens of thousands of people protesting in Bnei Brak,Tens of Thousands Gather in Bnei Brak for Atzeres Tefillah and Demonstration Over Shul in Arad, Hamodia, 20 December 2016.
The Boyle Heights section of Los Angeles, located east of downtown, was home to the city's most populous Jewish community from 1910 to 1950. The area around Breed Street Shul became a center for the Jewish community. The business district on Brooklyn Avenue (renamed Cesar Chavez Avenue in 1995) just north of the Shul was the location of many kosher butchers, bakeries, delis, bookstores and other shops catering to the Jewish community. The Breed Street block where the Shul was located also became home of the Los Angeles Jewish Academy (now part of Yavneh Academy) and Mount Sinai Clinic (a forerunner of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center).
Upon activating his radio and confirming his identity and his general location, an aerial search was initiated. Shul did not know his precise location, but he did know the approximate grid he was located within, so the search continued until his exact location was determined by him being able to see American aircraft. The only practical way to recover the injured Shul would be by helicopter; and as it would likely be under fire from the enemy, Air Force Special Operations Command Pararescue teams were selected for the operation. Although the original plan was to extract Shul quietly without the enemy noticing, the operation quickly turned into an openly hostile mission.
The Bagg Street Shul is the oldest synagogue still operating with its original congregation in its original location in Quebec. , the congregation had 50 member families.
By 1914, the Rose Street location was nonviable, for lack of a quorum (minyan), and the membership merged with the new Breed Street group. In 1915, they purchased a lot two blocks north, and commissioned a new wood-framed building on the present site. It became known as the "Breed Street Shul." The original shul on the site was designed by O.M. Warner and constructed by Bornstein & Cohn.
In 1988, the building was designated as a City of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument. The building fell into disrepair in the 1990s, and the City of Los Angeles foreclosed on the property after recording an assessment for barricading and protection. In 1998, Hillary Clinton visited the Shul as part of her Save America's Treasures campaign. In July 2000, the City quitclaimed the property to Breed Street Shul Project, Inc.
Breed Street Shul, 2008 Osher Zilberstein (1888–1973), a noted Torah scholar, was a tenth generation rabbi from Mezritch, Ukraine. In 1935 he assumed the rabbinical position as the rabbi of the Breed Street Shul, also known by the name Talmud Torah Los Angeles. Rabbi Zilberstein was instrumental in the opening of an Orthodox day school, Yeshivas HaMaarav. He was buried at Home of Peace Cemetery in East Los Angeles, California.
The young people had taken over the shul, itself a novel experience. However, it was not directly linked to the Young Israel lecture series, only sharing a common group of leaders, and the common idea of refreshing Orthodoxy for younger Jews. Recognizing its potential for young Jews everywhere, they named themselves "The Model Synagogue Organization." However, they recognized the synergy with the forums, and renamed the shul Young Israel.
Interior of the St John's Wood synagogue Saatchi Shul is an independent Orthodox Jewish synagogue that was founded in Maida Vale, London, England, in 1998. The synagogue was founded by Charles Saatchi and Maurice Saatchi. When it opened, its rabbi was Pinchas "Pini" Eliezer Dunner. The Saatchi Shul holds services on the site of the St John's Wood (United) Synagogue, and in 2018 plans were made to merge the two groups.
The congregation voted to sell the Pershore Road shul in 2010.Birmingham backs synagogue downsizing For the next few years they had to wait to get planning permission from both Birmingham City Council and Calthorpe Estates. Redevelopment of the Malcolm Locker Hall into the new synagogue began in January 2013.Brum shul is set for sale and rebuilding Work was completed in July 2013, with the handover taking place in August 2013.
Moving times in Brum are marked by service Of the 42 etched glass windows in the old building, only 6 could be saved (and were installed in the new shul). The other 36 were to be sold (some broke when they were removed). From August 2013 the old building was in the hands of the developers, who had to first remove asbestos. The old shul building was completely demolished during October 2013.
The first Young Israel synagogue was established in 1913 on East Broadway, on Manhattan's Lower East Side. David Warshaw traces the origins of the new synagogue to the summer of 1913, when some members of the YI seminar group were asked into a storefront shul at 205 East Broadway, to complete a minyan. Much to their delight, the shul allowed the new young members to lead services at least once each month.Kaufman, David.
Shul served as a Foreign Air Advisor in the Vietnam War, flying 212 close air support missions in conjunction with Air America. Near the end of hostilities in 1973, his T-28 aircraft was shot down in the vicinity of the Cambodian border. Unable to eject from the aircraft, Shul was forced to crash land into the jungle. Surviving the initial impact of the crash, he suffered severe burns in the ensuing fireball.
City Shul is a Reform synagogue in downtown Toronto, founded in October 2012 and led by Rabbi Elyse Goldstein. The congregation meets at 300 Bloor Street West, in the same building as Bloor Street United Church. Until September 2017, meetings were held at the Wolfond Centre for Jewish Campus Life, near the St George campus of the University of Toronto. City Shul was founded to serve the growing Jewish population in downtown Toronto.
Shul (, also Romanized as Shūl) is a village in Hamaijan Rural District, Hamaijan District, Sepidan County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 94, in 21 families.
Between 2016-2019, he served as maskil at Shaar Shalom Synagogue in Halifax Nova Scotia. Beginning in 2019, Rank directs the Shul School at Kehilat HaNahar in New Hope, PA.
In 1926 Jewish emigrants from Podhajce (Pidhaitsi) bought a building in New York and consecrated it as their synagogue. It was called the Podhajcer Shul. Nowadays it is a private residence.
Knesseth Israel, a 1922-founded Orthodox congregation, initially prayed in the Far Rockaway Chamber of Commerce building on Mott Avenue. When the members of the 1911-built Temple Israel synagogue,(Reform) located at Roanoke Avenue and State Street (the names were later changed to Nameoke Street and Dinsmore Avenue) moved in 1930 to their new quarters on Central Avenue in Lawrence, they sold their old building to Congregation Kneseth Israel. Due to this building's appearance (a "white colonial structure") the shul began to be called The White Shul. In 1964, Congregation Knesseth Israel moved into its present quarters at Empire Avenue and Sage Street, but the name "White Shul" is still in use, including as the name of their website (
In 1982, Lipskar founded The Shul of Bal Harbour in Surfside, Florida and was its head Rabbi. He also founded (and is the director for) the Aleph Institute (a non-profit national humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for both prisoners and military personnel and their families) and the Educational Academy for the Elderly (Kolel Tiferes Zkaynim Levi Yitschok), both based in Surfside. The Shul is based on the ideology of Chabad Lubavitch.
Congregation Agudath Shalom, also known as Agudas Sholom the Walnut Street Synagogue or the Walnut Street Shul, is an active, historic Open Orthodox Jewish synagogue at 145 Walnut Street in Chelsea, Massachusetts.
The first name of the shul was prescient. Young Jews in other neighborhoods were soon starting their own Young Israel shuls. However, each was independent, with only informal connections to the original group.
Shul (, also Romanized as Shūl) is a village in Arudan Rural District, in the Central District of Mohr County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 462, in 89 families.
Congregation Tiferes Yisroel – Beis Dovid (), also known as Rabbi Goldberger's Shul, is an Orthodox Jewish congregation located at 6201 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, Maryland. The leader of the congregation is Rabbi Menachem Goldberger.
Rabbi Raphael Pelcovitz (1921 - March 14, 2018), best known for his years as rabbi of Far Rockaway's Congregation Knesseth Israel (The White Shul) was also the author of four books published by ArtScroll.
The Markham Street Shul is one of the few remaining synagogues and the last remaining shtiebel of what were once dozens of small congregations in the area around Kensington Market, Spadina Avenue and Bathurst Street - which was a vibrant Jewish area prior to World War II."Jews of the old shul; Only three of the many small Orthodox congregations in downtown Jewish neighbourhoods remain - These synagogues are kept alive and often financially assisted by families with historical affiliations", Toronto Star, September 23, 2006.
Menorah Institute building on Euterpe St. In 1926 Beth Israel built the "Menorah Institute" Talmud Torah building on Euterpe Street, adjoining the Carondelet synagogue. The school, which served as an Orthodox alternative to the existing Communal Hebrew School, comprised a nursery school, a Hebrew school, and a Sunday school. The building also housed Beth Israel's offices, and the "Little Shul" ("shul" is the Yiddish word for synagogue), where services were held twice a day.New Orleans City Guide (1938/2009), p. 384.
Letter to MK Gilad Erdan from MK David Azulai asking that the perpetrators of the desecration of a synagogue in Arad be brought to justice (13-Dec-2016) ;January 12 In Tel Aviv, anti-Semitic graffiti were scrawled on the walls of a synagogue in the Neve Tzedek neighborhood.Anti-Semitic Graffiti Scrawled on Tel Aviv Shul, Hamodia, 12 January 2016. ;July 6 In Bnei Brak, a synagogue was set on fire damaging prayer books.Arson Reported at Bnei Brak Shul, Hamodia, 6 July 2016.
Any new shuls wishing to use the name would have to get agreement from the central organization, which required subscription to the charter. This prevented any Young Israel shul from moving toward Conservative practice.
July 25, 1977. p. A1. The congregation's leadership decided to build a chapel and a religious school on Seven Locks Road in Potomac.Fingerhut, Eric. "Shul hits century mark", Washington Jewish Week, February 28, 2008 .
Intrigued by the Chabad philosophy, Robin studied the works of movement founder Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, including the Tanya and the Shulchan Aruch HaRav, and began attending shul regularly after his father died.
Harvey Silbert was born on June 10, 1912 in Los Angeles, California. He grew up in Boyle Heights, and he became barmitzvah at the Breed Street Shul. Silbert graduated from the Southwestern University Law School.
Chabad on Campus rabbi Simcha Weinstein, whose activities are based at Pratt Institute, has been termed one of "New York's Hippest Rabbis"."Too cool for shul: High Holidays with NYCs hippest rabbis." September, 2011.
Shul (, also Romanized as Shūl and Shool) is a village in Hayat Davud Rural District, in the Central District of Ganaveh County, Bushehr Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 1,225, in 268 families.
As of 1986, more than 500 South African Jews reside in Irvine, in Orange County outside of Los Angeles. Most South African Jews in Los Angeles are Orthodox and go to shul or a Chabad center.
Rabbi Aharon's son, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Roth, inherited Rabbi Arele's shul in Jerusalem and the name and title "Shomer Emunim" and become Rebbe and Rabbi Arele's successor recognized as such by the Belzer Rebbe and Rabbi Shlomke of Zhvil. Approximately ten years after becoming Shomrei Emunim Rebbe, Rabbi Aharon's son also opened a second shul in Bnei Brak, and today he divides his time between Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, as well occasional visits to his shul in Ashdod (headed by the Rebbe's son Rabbi Aharon Roth, the Shomrei Emunim Rov) and to Tifrach. The Shomrei Emunim Rebbe has four sons who are involved in Shomrei Emunim, and five sons-in-law, all of whom are rebbes in their own right. The Shomer Emunim group is more moderate than the Toldos Aharon - Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok group, and is informally affiliated with Agudath Israel.
This custom is still observed today by most members of the German community. It is an extremely joyous occasion, and its main purpose is to instill a love and enthusiasm for shul and Judaism within the child.
He designed Blanchard Hall in 1909, on South Broadway (231-235). From about 1920 to 1923, he designed Breed Street Shul in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles in the Byzantine Revival architectural style.Breed Street Shul, Los Angeles Conservancy In 1920, Edelman designed the First National Bank Building in Lemon Cove, California and the First National Bank of San Pedro in San Pedro, Los Angeles, with his nephew and fellow architect Leo W. Barnett. They also designed the clubhouse of the Hillcrest Country Club, a Jewish golf club in Cheviot Hills, Los Angeles, in 1921-1922.
Barlow, Rich. "Summering with spirit: Keep the faith on vacation at seasonal houses of worship", The Boston Globe, August 14, 2005.Resnick, Elliot. "Beaches, Cottages ... And Shul Draw Vacationers to Onset, Massachusetts", The Jewish Press, June 18, 2008.
Shul (, also Romanized as Shūl and Shool; also known as Sūl) is a village in Band-e Amir Rural District, Zarqan District, Shiraz County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 2,221, in 478 families.
In 2005, the synagogue became the first Orthodox congregation in Washington to elect a woman as president of the congregation. "Beth Sholom breaks ground; First local Orthodox shul to elect woman president". Washington Jewish Week. April 7, 2005.
The Bagg Street Shul is the only synagogue still remaining. The synagogue's building, a red- brick duplex on Clark Street, was constructed in 1899. The congregation purchased the building and moved there in 1922. The sanctuary seats 350.
In 1950 Carlebach assumed the spiritual leadership of Congregation Kehilath Jacob, "The Carlebach Shul," located in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. After his death in 1967, his sons Shlomo Carlebach and Eli Chaim Carlebach took over his position.
Sholom Dovber Lipskar (born 1946) is a Chabad rabbi who was principal of the Landow Yeshiva in Miami Beach in 1969. He founded The Shul of Bal Harbour in Surfside, Florida as well as the Aleph Institute in 1981.
Shul-e Bozorg (, also Romanized as Shūl-e Bozorg; also known as Shūl) is a village in Khorram Makan Rural District, Kamfiruz District, Marvdasht County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 936, in 178 families.
Four Sifrei Torah Stolen From Bnei Brak Shul, Hamodia, 11 June 2019. ;July 28 In Ashkelon, an Ethiopian synagogue received a threatening letter with swastikas.Ethiopian synagogue in Israel receives threatening letter with swastikas, World Israel News , 28 July 2019.
Efforts to preserve the synagogue were organized by the Cultural Heritage Artists Project New Haven, CT, Dec-Jan 2009: Orchard Street Shul Arts Project, Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, ZEEK; A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture, and the synagogue returned to regular weekly use during 2011 under the leadership of Rabbi Mendy Hecht, whose grandfather Rabbi Maurice I. Hecht had been rabbi at the shul for 45 years, and whose father Rabbi Sheya Hecht had also served in the pulpit. The synagogue was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1995. (pages 72-85) and The synagogue website describes the historic restoration of the Orchard Street Shul that has taken place during 2012 and that there are traditional Shabbat services held every Saturday morning at 9:30 AM as well as on all Jewish holidays, with no tickets or membership required to attend High Holiday services.
Deh-e Shul (, also Romanized as Deh-e Shūl) is a village in Gughar Rural District, in the Central District of Baft County, Kerman Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its existence was noted, but its population was not reported.
Amirabad-e Shul (, also Romanized as Amīrābād-e Shūl; also known as Amīrābād) is a village in Malekabad Rural District, in the Central District of Sirjan County, Kerman Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 1,548, in 355 families.
Shaarai Torah Synagogue (Hebrew: שַׁעֲרֵי תּוֹרָה, "Gates of Learning") is an historic former synagogue building at 32 Providence Street in Worcester, Massachusetts. Worcester's first Modern Orthodox "shul" (and 6th overall), Shaarai Torah was considered the city's "Mother Synagogue" for many years.
Shul (, also Romanized as Shūl; also known as Shūl-e Pasakūn and Shūl-e Paskūn) is a village in Vahdatiyeh Rural District, Sadabad District, Dashtestan County, Bushehr Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 378, in 79 families.
Fire breaks out in Haifa synagogue, believed arson, Ynet, 3 September 2009. ;November 8 In Ashkelon, vandals broke into the N’vei Dekalim synagogue damaging furniture, prayer books and alms boxes.Ashkelon Shul Targeted in Vandalism Attack, The Yeshiva World, 8 November 2009.
These items were purchased from the Shaar Hashomayim in 1918 for $1,500 ($ today). The building is recognized as a heritage site by Quebec's Minister of Culture, and by the City of Montreal.Home Page, Bagg Street Shul website. Accessed 2017-05-31.
The Pacific Jewish Center, also known as The Shul on the Beach or PJC, is a synagogue in Venice, Los Angeles, California, known for its outreach to unaffiliated and disconnected Jews.Religion and Prime Time Television By Michael Suman, UCLA Center for Communication Policy, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997, p. 116 The Shul remains the last of the synagogues built in Venice during the first part of the 20th century. Although an Orthodox synagogue,Wade Clark Roof (ed.), Religious pluralism and civil society, Volume 612 of Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Sage Publications, 2007, , p. 144.
Cape Town's significant Jewish population supports a number of synagogues most notably the historic Gardens Shul. The Cape Town Progressive Jewish Congregation (CTPJC) also has three temples in the city. Other religious sites in the city include Hindu, Buddhist and Baháʼí temples.
Jordan rhymes in a mixture of English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Arabic, Latin and Aramaic,Erin MacLeod, "Cool shul: Matisyahu and Y-Love on why rap, reggae and rabbinical teachings fit together naturally," Montreal Mirror, October 19, 2006. often covering social, political and religious themes.
After graduating from Abraham Lincoln High School in 1954, he attended New York University, declining an athletic scholarship.Pfefferman, Naomi. "Louis Gossett Jr. to Give Shul Inaugural Ball Toast", The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, January 15, 2009. Accessed September 23, 2009.
Shul-e Sarui (, also Romanized as Shūl-e Sārū’ī; also known as Shūl) is a village in Naqsh-e Rostam Rural District, in the Central District of Marvdasht County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 1,396, in 320 families.
Shul-e Bozi (, also Romanized as Shūl-e Bozī; also known as Bozī and Shūn Bozī) is a village in Khorram Makan Rural District, Kamfiruz District, Marvdasht County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 850, in 147 families.
The north slope neighborhood transitioned as blacks moved out of the neighborhood and immigrants, such as Eastern European Jews, made their homes in the community. The Vilna Shul was established in 1898, and the African Meeting House was converted into a synagogue.
Originally Orthodox, it became more liberal following World War II, and in 1987 joined the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. The congregation moved into a new building at 751 San Juan Boulevard in 2018.David J. Litvack. "Bellingham’s new shul", Jewish Independent, December 14, 2018.
In 2009, the congregation voted to endorse the celebration of same-sex marriages.Frances Kraft, "Toronto shul votes in favour of same-sex marriage", Canadian Jewish News, June 25, 2009. Ed Elkin has been the congregation's rabbi since 2000.Rabbi Ed Elkin , First Narayever Congregation website.
Dov Rosenblatt was born in 1981 and grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. He is the son of Gary Rosenblatt, editor and publisher of The Jewish Week. His grandfather was the rabbi of a shul in Annapolis. Rosenblatt studied music and psychology at Yeshiva University.
A team of 65 rabbis oversee the kosher slaughter process in Mifflintown.Lacter, Mark, "What goes into an Empire kosher chicken?", LA Biz Observed, August 4, 2011. The rabbis live in on-site dormitories during the week, and the plant has its own mikvah and shul.
Jewish Spanish sculptor and painter Angel Orensanz purchased the property in 1986. He restored it, and converted it into an art gallery and performance space, the Angel Orensanz Foundation for the Arts, which he operated along with his brother, Al. The building was designated an historic landmark by New York City in 1987. The Shul of New York, a liberal Reform synagogue organized in 1997 that is led by Rabbi Burt Siegel and whose services are accompanied by the Shul Band, originally held its Sabbath services at the synagogue, and now holds its Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services there. It is the oldest standing synagogue in New York City.
283 Anshe Sholom Bnai Israel Congregation began its long record of service to Chicago's Jews with a fight over a hat. One hot day in the summer of 1870, Duber (Dov Ber) Ginsburg, an immigrant from Mariampol, Lithuania, appeared for services at the Bais Medrash Hagodol synagogue wearing a straw hat, but the leaders of the shul took exception to its frivolity and threw him out. Offended, Ginsburg assembled a minyan from his old-country friends, and founded a competing shul, Ohave Sholom Mariampol, at Polk and Dearborn Streets. Barely a year later, the Great Chicago Fire drove many homeless Jews into their neighborhood, and membership grew rapidly.
More than anyone else, it was Rabbi Davis who made the Lakeview experiment a success, and built the shul into a respected center of Orthodox worship, communal life and education. Although Rabbi Davis began early to raise funds for the construction of a permanent synagogue building, he and the congregation decided to put education first, and instead saw to the construction of the school building which has since become the property of the Florence Heller JCC, directly east of Anshe Sholom. Only after this was finished was the present shul erected and dedicated, in 1959. Two more mergers brought the congregation to its present status.
From 1976 until 1991 Lapin was the rabbi of the Pacific Jewish Center in Venice, California. During those years Lapin and Michael Medved helped to revitalize the synagogue, which viewed itself as functioning as part of the recent Baal teshuva movement. The Center is known for its outreach to unaffiliated and disconnected Jews, and the Shul remains the last of the synagogues built in Venice during the first part of the 20th century.Prayer Shawls, Flip-Flops Mingle at 'Shul on the Beach', by Rebecca Spence, Forward, September 26, 2007 Religion and Prime Time Television By Michael Suman, UCLA Center for Communication Policy, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997, p.
Synagogue facade Meserich Shul or Meseritz Shul, also known as Edes Israel Anshei Mesrich, Edath Lei'Isroel Ansche Meseritz or Adas Yisroel Anshe Mezeritz ("Community of Israel, People of Mezertiz"), is a 1910 Orthodox synagogue in the East Village of Manhattan, New York City. It was built by a congregation established in 1888 consisting of immigrants from Międzyrzec Podlaski, a city in Biała Podlaska County, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland which was known as a center of Jewish learning. It was designed by Herman Horenburger in the Neo-Classical style, and is located at 415 East 6th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.Betts, Mary Beth (ed.) et al.
Basically, it is one or two kg in weight, consist two types, big and small. Another name of this weapon is Rea- Par. It is used in war and hunting. 13\. Shul: The weapon is a pointed weapon made of iron and had a toxicant tip.
Mazraeh-ye Hasanabad-e Shul (, also Romanized as Mazra‘eh-ye Ḩasanābād-e Shūl) is a village in Naqsh-e Rostam Rural District, in the Central District of Marvdasht County, Fars Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its existence was noted, but its population was not reported.
The neighbors helped large families and poor families to build their houses. In 1933 the household of Gavrila Yakovlevich Shul`gin was "dekulakizated" (dispossessed and repressed by Soviet power). The family had six children: five sons and one daughter. The villagers did not consider this family was kulaks.
The main brick building was vacated in the mid-1980s due to seismic retrofit requirements. Services were moved to the original wooden structure at the rear of the lot for several years. By 1996, services ceased at Breed Street Shul, and the buildings have been vacant since that time.
Brian Shul was born in Quantico, Virginia, in 1948. He graduated from Radford High School in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1966 and from East Carolina University in 1970 with a degree in history. That same year he joined the Air Force and attended pilot training at Reese AFB in Texas.
335 but the Shul is not noteworthy for its architecture, according to Stanley Smith, then executive director of Historic Boston Inc., a nonprofit group that recommended preserving the old synagogue. It's not high style, not one of the great monuments of architecture that you would travel miles to see.
Shul with a Pool: The "synagogue- center" in American Jewish History, Brandeis University Press, University Press of New England, 1999, , pp. 202–203. As they led the services, the Young Israel members introduced some small stylistic changes, that were acceptable to the Orthodox wing and would make the service more palatable to the Young Israel congregants. The changes included singing many parts of the prayer service, and the distribution of worship honors equally, where they had traditionally gone to established, wealthy congregants who could pay for them. Though the shul predated its Young Israel members, within months, they had attracted so many new young members, that they outgrew the store and moved to the Educational Alliance building.
Retrieved 27 July 2020. In October 2015 Barnet Council became the first Conservative-run local authority district to resettle refugees under the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme,Liberal shul helps secure Sukkot sanctuary for child refugees, Jewish News, 23 September 2018. Retrieved 27 July 2020. agreeing to admit 50 Syrian refugees.
Feiler, Alan H. "'It's Part Of Our Heritage': Shaarei Tfiloh's listing on a landmarks registry may attract new members, and dollars, to an old shul". Baltimore Jewish Times. January 10, 1997. p. 28. At the time the synagogue was built, the surrounding "Park Circle" area was a thriving Jewish community.
Sheffield & District Reform Jewish Congregation (Hebrew name: Kehillat Shivah Harim – "Seven Hills Shul") is a Reform Jewish community in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. It was founded in 1989 and is affiliated to the Movement for Reform Judaism. The congregation holds services at a local community centre and also meets in members' houses.
Shaarei Tzedec Congregation (also known as the Markham Street Shul) is an Orthodox Jewish synagogue located at 397 Markham Street in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Shaarei Tzedec congregation was founded in 1902About, Shaarei Tzedec website. Accessed July 17, 2011. and is the westernmost of the three Orthodox synagogues left in Downtown Toronto.
The Vilna Shul also has pews salvaged from the former Twelfth Baptist Church on which once sat former African American slaves and volunteers in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment popularized by the movie Glory. The Vilna was the last of the approximately seven West End synagogues to stay open, closing in 1985.
Breed Street Shul, also known as Congregation Talmud Torah of Los Angeles or Breed Street Synagogue, is an Orthodox Jewish synagogue in the Boyle Heights section of Los Angeles, California. It was the largest Orthodox synagogue west of Chicago from 1915 to 1951, and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
B'nai Abraham in East Flatbush, a synagogue where Rabbi Teitelbaum served as president until his death in 2005. Oholei Torah Mesivta is located at 417 Troy Avenue (the Rabbi Jacob J. Reines Shul). There is also a branch of the Mesivta, Yeshivas Beis Dovid Shlomo at 292 Norton Street., New Haven, Connecticut.
The residence and shul of the first Clevelander Rebbe on Massie Avenue. The Matzeiva (gravestone) of first Clevelander Rebbe, Rabbi Meir Leifer. Grand Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Rosenbaum of Cleveland-New York Rebbe, There are two Hasidic Jewish dynasties known as Cleveland and both are considered to be a part of the Nadvorna dynasty.
The East London Central Synagogue is an Ashkenazi purpose-built synagogue (shul) on Nelson Street in London's East End, the area immediately to the east of the City of London. When founded in 1923, its name was the Nelson Street Sfardish Synagogue. It has "an unassuming exterior and a stunningly beautiful interior".
A stone plaque on the west wall of the building records its construction at the expense of two donors. Like the other four synagogues in Venice, it was termed a scuola ("School"), rather than sinagoga ("Synagogue"), in the same way in which Ashkenazi Jews refer to the synagogue as the shul () in Yiddish.
Ford states that he was converted to Judaism through the Los Angeles Beis Din. Ford says he observes the Jewish Sabbath, attends synagogue regularly, and keeps kosher. He has been asked to leave at least two different congregations. Ford wrote about his religious ostracism in XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without a Shul.
Actor Leonard NimoyBenarsky, M. Leonard Nimoy, Boston Native, Dies at 83, Jamaica Plain Patch, February 27, 2015, 11:01am was raised in this community. The new Boston Synagogue, the 1919 Vilna Shul, and the African Meeting House which was the home of Anshi Lubuvicher from 1900 to 1972 are the only surviving West End synagogues. The Boston Synagogue is a newly merged congregation; the Vilna Shul at 16 Philips Street, which was outside the urban renewal demolition area, is now a synagogue museum, and the African American Meeting House is now a church museum. Over the Vilna Shul's ark is the double hand symbol for the Kohanim, the ancient Israelite priests, which was the source for the Star Trek Vulcan salute.
In addition, she started a Friday night service at Dorshei Emet, something it had not had before.Arnold, Janice. "‘Cantor Heather’ is a first for Reconstructionist shul", Canadian Jewish News, January 6, 2011. Dorshei Emet was one of six Jewish institutions in Montreal that were attacked by vandals on the night of January 15, 2011.
New Stoke Newington Shul is a Masorti Jewish congregation in Stoke Newington in the London Borough of Hackney. Its part-time rabbi (since 2015) is Roni Tabick. Its members include the Labour life peer Lord Glasman and the journalist Jonathan Freedland. The community was established in 2007 (as the Haringey/Stoke Newington Masorti Group).
Eventually, Mendelson emigrated to London, England. At age 22, he found a position as Rabbi and Dayan of Leeds, and of the ‘Chevras Torah’ shul there. He sent for his cousin Feiga, and they married in Leeds. In 1905, he took a new position as rabbi of Gateshead, and later, as rabbi of Glasgow, Scotland.
Information about past and future events can also be found on Facebook.Oxford Shul Facebook Group The synagogue campus stretches over several acres of land. The main sanctuary, which seats 1600, is the largest in Africa. Services take place in the main sanctuary every Shabbat (Friday night and Saturday morning) and on major Jewish holidays.
Michael Strassfeld was rabbi of the Society for the Advancement of Judaism, a Manhattan synagogue. Before that he was the rabbi of Congregation Ansche Chesed.Ansche Chesed Rabbi To Step Down: At issue is role of rabbi in prominent multi-minyan shul, The Jewish Week, January 12, 2001. Strassfeld is a graduate of the Maimonides School.
Gaisin grew up in Kemp Mill, Maryland, the youngest of seven children. His parents, who both became baalei teshuva before he was born, Note: Skip to 13:15. were founding members of the Kemp Mill Synagogue, a local Modern Orthodox shul. They also played instruments at home and exposed him to classical music early on.
Shomrei Shabbas Mahzikei Hadas - The Trolley Street Shul. By Sara Edell Schafler Kelman After an ideological split in the congregation, a new synagogue was built on Terauley Street, on land donated by Zelig Shapira.Shapira family held key to Terauley Street synagogue Weinreb died on October 15, 1943 in Toronto. His successor was Rabbi Gedalia Felder.
As part of the transition, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein assumed the role of Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Elie Weinstock was granted the title of "Rabbi", and Rabbi Roy Feldman remained as Assistant Rabbi.Heilman, Uriel. "For first time in 100 years, outsider tapped to lead Looksteins’ N.Y. shul", Jewish Telegraphic Agency, August 3, 2015. Accessed August 4, 2015.
By the early 1960s both the Stashover and Slipia Congregations found downtown membership dwindling. The Stashover moved first—to the building we occupy today on Sultana Avenue. They were joined a few years later by the Slipia Congregation. Through the 1960s and 1970s, the shul thrived in the vibrant centre of Toronto Jewish life.
The Perth Hebrew Congregation, also referred to simply as the Perth Synagogue, has more membership than all the other synagogues combined in Perth and thus caters for the vast majority of the Jewish population. They have erected an eruv making travel to and from the shul easier for the large number of orthodox families.
The Villalobos Brothers have been frequent collaborators of The Shul Band, a klezmer band led by Adam Feder. In 2005 Ernesto Villalobos and Adam Feder led a candlelit vigil at the children's barracks inside the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum as part of Bernie Glassman's 2005 Bearing Witness Zen Peacemakers retreat in Oświęcim, Poland.
The longest-serving rabbi at White Shul was Raphael Pelcovitz. One of his two predecessors was Shimshon Zelig Fortman, a Lithuanian rabbi and father-in-law of Rabbi David B. Hollander. Pelcovitz was the shul's third rabbi, but the first to publicly speak in English. The two previous rabbis delivered their sermons in Yiddish.
During this time he also opened Werdyger Travel in Brooklyn.Werdyger, Songs of Hope, p. 275. Later, Werdyger moved to the Rabbi Meir Simcha Hakohein Shul in East Flatbush, headed by Chabad Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht. Rabbi Hecht tapped him to sing cantorial selections on his weekly radio program, Shema Yisrael, which exposed Werdyger to even larger audiences.
The Oxford Shul is situated in Riviera, Johannesburg,20 North Avenue Riviera, Johannesburg, South Africa near the suburbs of Saxonwold, Houghton and Killarney. It has been in existence for over 70 years. The Synagogue provides regular services, morning and evening (seven days a week). It is a venue used for marriages, Bar-Mitzvahs and other life cycle ceremonies.
He is accompanied by the Oxford Shul Choir under the direction of Choirmaster Bryan Isakow. The synagogue publishes a monthly newsletter, which is sent to all member families and is also available online. “The Oxfordian” is a weekly pamphlet, replete with synagogue news. The synagogue also keeps its congregation informed of events via an sms service.
In the years after World War II, the Jewish community in Boyle Heights dispersed, moving to areas such as the West Fairfax District, Beverlywood, and Encino. Rabbi Zilberstein remained at Breed Street Shul until his death in 1973. Many families, including those of Jewish Veterans of WWII, went east across the L.A. River to the San Gabriel Valley.
Shifreen hosted the online gallery on In December 2009, he participated in the Orchard Street Shul Cultural Heritage Artists Project at the John Slade Ely House Center for Contemporary Art in New Haven. His work was an audio take on prayer chants and ritual songs in Jewish culture. On July 28, 2010, Shifreen worked with Cultureinside.
The Liverpool Talmudical College (Hebrew: Yeshiva Torat Chaim) was a Yeshiva established in 1914 to provide a higher religious education in Liverpool. It educated some 200 students a year. It was originally based at the New Central Synagogue (Shaw Street Shul). In 1938 it accepted refugees from Nazi Germany and residential accommodation for the refugees was organised.
Carlebach spread the teachings of Chabad, Breslov, and popularized the writings of, among others, the Rebbe of Ishbitz, Mordechai Yosef Leiner, and Rebbe Kalonymus Kalman Shapira of Piasetzno. Carlebach became the Rabbi of the Carlebach Shul on West 79th Street. He continued to perform regularly at concerts, and to record various albums of his original melodies.
He once brought Roger Daltrey of the Who to shul to talk about the importance of giving charity. Einhorn extended his Judaism Alive Torah brand to include a second music album called "Teshuva". This album tells the story of repentance and return through music and Jewish ideas. Celebrity musicians and vocalists are featured throughout the album.
In Toronto, he married his niece, Freyda, with whom he had three more children, Soore Ratze, Sol and Ruth. The rabbi purchased a home on Henry Street across from the Poilishe Shul, and continued to head the congregation for more than 40 years.Genealogy as a labour of love. Bill GladstoneYosef Weinreb (1869 - 1943)Yahrzeit Memoir - 'One Hundred Years'.
In October 2015 Barnet Council became the first Conservative-run local authority district to resettle refugees under the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme,Liberal shul helps secure Sukkot sanctuary for child refugees, Jewish News, 23 September 2018. Retrieved 27 July 2020. agreeing to admit 50 Syrian refugees. The synagogue has continued to provide support to the refugees,Doherty, Rosa.
The Nebraska Jewish Historical Society is located at the Omaha Jewish Community Center. Permanent exhibits include “Jewish Landmarks,” “Our Story” and “From Generation to Generation”, and there are changing exhibits in the main gallery. The Society also features archives of local Jewish history. The Henry and Dorothy Riekes Museum features a representation of a neighborhood shul.
Feldman's first major test of his authority occurred in 1955, when the congregation moved into a church building. Feldman had a mechitza installed for the first night of Selichos. When they saw the tall divider separating the men's and women's sections, most of the board members' wives stormed out of the shul. The next morning, the mechitza was missing.
It was built in 1905 at a cost of £4,000 and nicknamed the "Lions Synagogue" (also commonly known as Lions Shul) after the two cast iron lions watching over either side of the entrance. The architect was Morrie Jacob Harris. A fire damaged the building in 1930. It has been completely restored, but the original look has therefore changed.
He was succeeded by Rabbi Binyamin Marwick, a musmach of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, who is the current rabbi. The Shul has grown under his leadership to over 600 families. The congregation's present building, completed in 2009, was designed by Curry Architects of Towson, Maryland. Jerusalem stone is incorporated in the interior wall design of the central lobby and gallery.
Twenty-four hours later, he died of his injuries. He left behind his Rebbetzin and children, all under the age of bar mitzvah. A few years after his death, his Hasidim crowned his eldest son, Shmuel, as the sixth Sochatchover Rebbe. His second son, Avrohom Nosson Bornsztain, was appointed as Rav of the Radomsker shul in Bnei Brak.
The synagogue has gone through two periods where it did not own a permanent building. The congregation purchased its current location on Griswold Street and Clifford Street from the former Fyntex department store, marking its third home. In years past, the shul had hundreds of members, joined by Jewish businessmen visiting and working in the city.
The first Ashkenazi shul, the Great Synagogue ( now the Jewish Historical Museum ), and the fifth Sephardi shul, the Portuguese- Israelite Synagogue, were opened in 1671 and 1675, respectively, immortalized by the engravings of the Dutchman, Romeyn de Hooghe ( 1645–1708 ). The Portuguese Synagogue was the place where Spinoza was placed under the ban by the Sephardic Jewish community in 1656. Because of their knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese, many of the Sephardim were involved with trade and plantations in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in South America. Several Jews, such as Isaac de Pinto and his father David, had a great influence on the national government of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces but they came under heavy criticism from the Doelisten, a political coalition of Orangists, moderates, radicals and democrats.
Upon his return to New York, Rabbi Alperstein was delighted to learn that his colleagues Rabbis Moshe Matlin and Yehuda David Bernstein had opened a Lithuanian-style yeshiva named in honour of the distinguished Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor of Kovno. Desiring to assist the yeshiva, Rabbi Alperstein's abilities as a dynamic public speaker in Yiddish proved useful as he campaigned throughout the Shteiblach of the Lower East Side for funds for RIETS. In 1903, when RIETS felt it had outgrown its premises at the Kalvarier shul, Rabbi Alperstein arranged for the yeshiva to transfer to his own Yagustava shul. By 1905, the year he became rabbi at Congregation Mishkon Yisroel, approximately 100 students were engaged in Torah study in RIETS, under the tutelage of several rabbis including Rabbi Alperstein.
New dedicatory inscriptions were put in place above and beside the main entrance. Under the leadership of the Rev. Leibish Gayer, the refurbishment kept the humbleness of the old building. The passage along the east wall led into the shul where the marbled columns and some old pews survived, the remade ark bore humbler luhot and carved and gilt-painted Lions of Judah.
B'nai Abraham was established in 1874 as the "Russian shul". An 1881 almanac identifies the name as Beth Hamedrosh Hagadol B'nai Abraham Anshe Russe. Its congregants officially incorporated in 1882 as Chevra B’nai Avrohom Mi Russe. The synagogue would continue to be known as B'nai Abraham Anshe Russa; Congregation B’nai Abraham; the B’nai Abraham Congregation; and later as Historic Congregation B’nai Abraham.
Rabbi Chanan Atlas was appointed minister of the shul in early 2012 taking over from Rabbi Shlomo Odze.Rabbi Atlas thinks the world of Birmingham Rabbi Atlas and his family left Birmingham, to take up a new position in Manchester. He was replaced by Rabbi Dr Lior Kaminetsky in May 2015, who along with his family stayed for four years until May 2019.
In North Scottsdale, there is the Jewish Community Center of Phoenix and the New Shul. The community center was originally in central Phoenix, it had eventually outgrown the location and was looking to relocate and build a more expansive campus. In 2009, a new Armenian Apostolic church was built in the city, representing the larger numbers of Armenians in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.
In 2016, Congregation Agudath Shalom hired Rabbi Lila Kagedan as its full-time spiritual leader. Kagedan is the first graduate of Yeshivat Maharat to take the title of Rabbi for her work as a female Orthodox leader. She had previously worked and taught in the Boston area for over ten years. The Synagogue continues to operate as an Orthodox Shul.
While ethnically diverse like the rest of Toronto, there is a significant Jewish community in Humewood–Cedarvale, along with several key religious sites within walking distance (Holy Blossom Temple, Beth Tzedec Synagogue, The Village Shul, Beth Sholom Congregation and The Leo Baeck Day School). The most common mother tongue is English (about 66% in 2011), followed by Tagalog/Filipino (3.5% in 2011).
After spending eight months in Hungary, the brothers boarded the Orient Express to Istanbul, and finally arrived in Israel in February 1944. Both men lost their entire families to the Nazis. Rokeach's eldest son, Moshe, was burned alive in the Przemyslany shul at the same time as Rokeach was in hiding in that town. Later, Rabbi Moshe's wife and five children were murdered.
Jama is one of the woredas in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Debub Wollo Zone, Jama is bordered on the southeast by the Qechene River which separates it from the Semien Shewa Zone, on the west by Kelala, on the north by Legahida, and on the northeast by Were Ilu. Towns in Jama include Dagolo, Faj, and Shul Afaf.
While in the city, he published his commentary to Tractate Bikkurim of the Jerusalem Talmud. The work boasted two notable approbations, one from the Beis HaLevi of Brisk and the other from Rabbi Jacob Joseph of New York. Moving in 1899 to St. Paul, Rabbi Alperstein returned to New York in 1901 to become rabbi of the Yagustava shul on Rutgers Street.
It was Newton's only synagogue until 1937, when Temple Emanuel was completed on Ward Street. It was built with significant contribution of labor by the congregation, which included skilled craftsmen. The Torah ark and bema were added in 1924, the work of a Jewish-Ukrainian craftsman, who also created the Vilna Shul ark. The interior has seen only modest alterations since its construction.
Glasman is a supporter of Jewish tradition, regularly goes to a synagogue on Shabbat and is a founder member of Stoke Newington New Shul, a congregation affiliated with the Masorti Movement. His wife Catherine, who is not Jewish, has also become "engaged with Judaism". According to The Jewish Chronicle, they keep kosher and celebrate Shabbat. He plays the trumpet and smokes rolled-up cigarettes.
In 1982, Lane played with Dave Shul in the band Ice Age. In 1983, he joined Bay Area ska punk band The Uptones when their saxophonist left, prompting drummer Dave Ellis to switch instruments. They released an album, K.U.S.A., before Lane left in 1985 to join the Freaky Executives. After four years of gigging the Executives landed a record deal with Warner Bros. Records.
In 1912, a number of families left Shaarei Tzedec, then on Centre Street, in a dispute over burial rites, and formed a new congregation, Chevra Rodfei Sholem, commonly known as the Kiever Shul."History" , Kiever Synagogue website. Accessed July 18, 2011. Shaarei Tzedec has been located in a converted Victorian semi-detached house on Markham Street, near Bathurst Street and College Street, since 1937.
"Jews of the old shul; Only three of the many small Orthodox congregations in downtown Jewish neighbourhoods remain", Toronto Star, September 23, 2006, p. L10. Anshei Minsk is the only Orthodox synagogue in downtown Toronto with a full- time rabbi,"Anshei Minsk -Religion", Toronto's First Synagogues, Ontario Jewish Archives. Accessed July 16, 2011. and the only functioning Orthodox Jewish synagogue in downtown Toronto to hold daily services.
Entemena, also called Enmetena (, ), flourished 2400 BC, was a son of En-anna- tum I, and he reestablished Lagash as a power in Sumer. He defeated Il, king of Umma in a territorial conflict, through an alliance with Lugal-kinishe-dudu of Uruk, successor to Enshakushanna, who is in the king list. The tutelary deity Shul-utula was his personal deity. His rule lasted 29 years.
The first Rebbe of Skver was Rabbi Hershele of Skver (Reb Hershele Skverer), a direct descendant of the Baal Shem Tov. When Rabbi Hershele settled in Skver (Skvira), he was elected to become the town rabbi in the shtutishe shil ( = main shul in the city). Rabbi Hershele's daughter later married Rabbi Yitzchok Twersky, called Reb Itzikl, the seventh son of Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl.
Rebbe Dovidl's eldest son, Rabbi Mordechai Twerski, died in the same year, before his father in Kiev. During those difficult times, many Jews fled Ukraine and came to America. Rabbi Mordechai's son, Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky, also left Bessarabia and came to America, arriving in 1923. Eventually, he settled in Borough Park, Brooklyn, and opened his shul on 47th Street, between 13th and 14th Avenue.
Goel Tzedek and Beth Hamidrash Hagadol Chevra Tehillim, founded by Russian Jews in 1883, and Shomrei Shabbos, founded in 1888 by Jews from Galicia, Poland. In 1889, two more congregations were established: Beth Jacob, known as the Poylishe Shul, and Adath Israel, founded by Romanian Jews. For ten years, Shomrei Shabbos was housed in rented buildings along Richmond Street. The first permanent synagogue was on Chestnut Street.
The Vilna Congregation began in 1904 as a Landsleit shul for Lithuanian Jewish immigrants in Philadelphia. The congregation held services in rented rooms until 1915, when the building on 509 Pine Street was purchased by the Shapiro family. The building was registered as a synagogue on February 1, 1922. Prior to its purchase by the Shapiro family in 1915, the building was the residence of Julius Taussig.
Maida Vale is served by St Mark's parish church, Hamilton Terrace and by St. Saviour's Church, Warwick Avenue, a building constructed between 1972–76 in a "modern" style, which building was called, by some local residents, "the God Box". Between 1870 and 1906 the incumbent of St. Mark's was Robinson Duckworth. Saatchi Shul, an independent Orthodox Jewish synagogue, was founded in Maida Vale in 1998.
In 1979, Friedman married Sara Feldman of London, and settled in the city's Stamford Hill neighborhood. Three months after his wedding, his grandfather died and his father became Rebbe. In 1993, on the yahrtzeit of the first Ruzhiner Rebbe, he opened the Ohr Yisrael shul in Golders Green, London, and developed close relationships with the community members. He also served as a dayan (Rabbinic judge) in London.
The Canton, Ohio born Pelcovitz was a student of Rabbi Shlomo Heiman at Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and also studied at the Chevron Yeshiva. He "served several out-of- town synagogues before coming to the White Shul in 1951." Pelcovitz was the shul's third rabbi, but the first to publicly speak in English. Part of his career included serving as a rebbi at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas.
The structure, located on 302 North Park Street, remains a staunchly Orthodox Shul. The projecting structure on the near side is the Mikveh. The white clapboard structure with its pointed arched windows closely resembles the small country churches in the region. Inside the building the Aron Kodesh can be seen on the eastern wall and in the center the Bimah where the Sefer Torah was read.
During reconstruction after 1355 Gothic forms for the window and the vault were chosen. Of comparable seriousness was the damage after the fire of 1689 during the Nine Years' War. When the building was restored in 1700, the interior was renovated in period style. Pre-1938 interior of the Rashi Shul On Kristallnacht in 1938 the synagogue was once again attacked and reduced to rubble.
The First Roumanian-American Congregation,or First American-Roumanian congregation, First Rumanian-American Congregation also known as Congregation Shaarey Shomayimor Congregation Shaarey Shomoyim, Congregation Shaarai Shamoyim, Congregation Shaarai Shamoyim (, "Gates of Heaven"), or the Roumanishe Shulor Roumaniashe Shul, Rumanische shul (Yiddish for "Romanian synagogue"), was an Orthodox Jewish congregation that, for over 100 years, occupied a historic building at 89–93 Rivington Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. Those who organized the congregation in 1885 were part of a substantial wave of Romanian-Jewish immigrants, most of whom settled in the Lower East Side. The Rivington Street building, built around 1860, had previously been a church, then a synagogue, then a church again, and had been extensively remodeled in 1889. It was transformed into a synagogue for a second time when the First Roumanian-American congregation purchased it in 1902 and again remodeled it.
When Haberkasten assumed the position of rosh yeshiva in Brisk, Luria replaced him as the official rabbi of the city and region of Ostroh. Luria later succeeded Shalom Shachna as head of the famed Lublin Yeshiva, which attracted students from all over Europe. Due to various internal problems in the yeshiva, he opened his own yeshiva. The building, known as the "Maharshal's shul", remained intact until World War II.
Sectarianism also exists between Orthodox and Reform Jews, with orthodox Jews often characterizing reform Jews as being non-religious, disobeying the Torah, rarely attending shul and adopting semi-Christian styles of worship. Reform Jews, on the other hand, often view the orthodox as being intolerant of them and of other religions, placing legalistic rules such as the observance of the Sabbath above ethical obligations, being cult-like and hostile to change.
After receiving semicha and a master's degree in education from Yeshiva University, Einhorn began his rabbinic career as an intern rabbi in Manhattan’s Lincoln Square Synagogue. In 2005, Einhorn became the head rabbi of New York’s West Side Institutional Synagogue. Seven years later the shul was drawing over 400 people every week. In 2010, the Orthodox Union gave Einhorn his own think tank to craft programming for other synagogues across America.
The murals, started in 1974, took three years to complete.Schwabsky (1998). A documentary entitled "The Painted Shul", was made about the murals and Archie Rand's experience by filmmaker Amala Lane and produced by Marji Greenhut in 2003, with minor changes made more recently in 2006. Featuring extensive footage of the stunning and widely varied painting styles, viewers get a glimpse of one of the world's few 'painted shuls'.
The Rebbe told Rabbi G.M. Garelick when he went out to Milano, "[Y]ou will be a Rabbi of a shul, headmaster of a school, director of a camp and a counselor for people, but none of it will truly define what you will do in Milan. It will be above and beyond all of it - you'll be a Shaliach."Shliach to South Carolina, retold on a recent Merkoz Shlichus excursion.
The building currently known as "Beth Am" was first founded as Chizuk Amuno Congregation, which has since moved to a new suburban location in Pikesville, Maryland. Chizuk Amuno first occupied the building in 1922 and moved to Pikesville in 1958. Following the move of Chizuk Amuno, services continued in the building, led by Cantor Abba Weisgall. Then, in 1974, the current Beth Am congregation was founded as Dr. Louis Kaplan's shul.
The shul has established an outreach program, the M.C. Weiler Primary School, in Alexandra township. The women of Temple Israel began such programs in 1944, believing that Jews must help fellow both believers and their other neighbors in need. Businesswoman Reeva Forman got involved with Temple Israel in the early 1990s when she heard the congregation was going to sell the synagogue. The purchase vote failed by one.
On the evening of 8 March 1963, Kuper, who was at home with his wife and daughter, was shot through a window by an unknown assailant. He died twelve days later. Later that year, a hall at the Oxford Shul in Johannesburg, where Kuper had been a member of the congregation, was named in his memory. In November 1963, a new B'nai B'rith lodge, founded in Johannesburg, was named after Kuper.
Orchards has several heritage sites. The Kraal is a house in Pine Street, now a museum and guest house, built in 1907 by Hermann Kallenbach and has two rondavels attached to it. It was inhabited by Kallenbach's friend Mohandas Gandhi who lived there between 1908-1909. Other heritage buildings include the Pine Street Shul built in 1959 with stone friezes that depict the 12 Israeli tribes and designed by Eduardo Villa.
The building was sold at auction in 1910 and was purchased by the Roumanian American Congregation, which represented the merger of Oir Chudas and Agudas Achaim Congregations. Oir Chudas was organized in 1886 as a beneficial society with daily services held in the second floor at 512 S Third Street. Agudath Achim was organized in 1905. The synagogue became commonly known as the Great Roumanian Shul (דיא גרויסע רומענישע שוהל).
Due to his extensive negotiations with the Nazis the U.S. Department of State initially suspected he was a German spy and refused to grant him a visa. He found refuge in Cuba until 1942 when the State Department was convinced that his contacts with the Nazis were used only to save lives.They Called Him Mike by Yonason Rosenblum - Mesorah Publications, 1995, page 236 He settled in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, NY. In the U.S. he continued his rescue work to save European Jews from the Holocaust by joining the Vaad Hatzalah of the Agudath Harabbanim. Julius was active in the Vienner shul of Williamsburg which was founded by his son-in-law Karl Richter and was modeled after the famous Ashkenaz Schiff Shul in Vienna of which Julius and Karl were active members ofInterview on April 25, 2009 in Brooklyn, NY with Eli Richter - son of Karl Richter and grandson of Julius Steinfeld and that was destroyed by the Nazis on Kristallnacht.
Haskel Lookstein (born March 21, 1932) is an American Modern Orthodox Rabbi who serves as the rabbi emeritus of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Lookstein served as the rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun from 1958 through 2015, and as the principal of the Ramaz School from 1966 through 2015.Heilman, Uriel. "For first time in 100 years, outsider tapped to lead Looksteins' N.Y. shul", Jewish Telegraphic Agency, August 3, 2015.
Building costs were estimated at £3,500, from which the Federation of Synagogues contributed £500, private members raised £700 and Samuel Montagu put down at least £200 of his own money. Upon establishment, Samuel Montagu was made honorary president, while Nathaniel Charles Rothschild performed the opening ceremony. Solomon Michaels, a clothier, was the acting president. William Whiddington, a city-based architect, was commissioned to design the synagogue, to comply with an Ashkenazi shul tradition.
In 1908 Eisenmann bought two adjoining buildings, and built the synagogue to stretch through the interior of both. The facades of the buildings were not to be recognizable as a Jewish place of worship or Shul. This stealth was a crucial factor in the survival of the synagogue during the Second World War. As an architect Eisenmann chose a Mr De Lange, who had just graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts.
Congregation Talmud Torah started in 1904, using rented quarters in downtown Los Angeles, at 114 Rose Street. It was started primarily as a Hebrew school ("Talmud Torah" is typically used to mean a supplemental afternoon religious school, though it was also used as a synagogue). Within a few years, the immigrant population moved, concentrating in Boyle Heights. Several Jews purchased a house at Breed and First, and started using it as a shul.
Reuben is wandering around the city when he runs into a Rabbi who convinces him to come and perform a minyan. A minyan refers to a quorum required for certain obligations; it is usually done in public with ten men. On their way to the shul they find out that they knew each other when they were younger. He asks how his brothers were doing and Reuben informs him that Johnny had died.
The Italian Synagogue was built in 1575Italian Scola, to serve the needs of the Italian Jews, the poorest group living in the Venetian Ghetto. As such, it is the smallest, and the most simple of the five synagogues. Like the other four synagogues in Venice, it was termed a scuola ("School"), rather than sinagoga ("Synagogue"), in the same way in which Ashkenazi Jews refer to the synagogue as the shul ("School").
Shul and O'Grady 1994 Its "blue light" source star tracker, which could see stars during both day and night, would continuously track a variety of stars as the aircraft's changing position brought them into view. The system's digital computer ephemeris contained data on a list of stars used for celestial navigation: the list first included 56 stars, and was later expanded to 61."SR-71A-1 Flight Manual, Section IV, p. 3."
Congregation Knesseth Israel, also known as the Ellington Shul, is a Modern Orthodox synagogue located at 236 Pinney Street in Ellington, Connecticut. The congregation was founded in 1906 by a group of Yiddish-speaking Jewish farmers from Russia and Eastern Europe. Its building, dating to 1913, is a rare example of an early 20th-century rural synagogue in the state, and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1995.
Interzonal Tournament in Bad Kissingen Marta Ivanivna Litynska (; , Marta Ivanovna Litinskaya; born 25 March 1949 in Lviv) is a Ukrainian chess player holding the title of Woman Grandmaster (WGM). Born Marta Shul, she was Soviet Women's Champion in 1972, and runner-up in 1971, 1973, and 1974. She also won the Ukrainian Women's Championship in 1967, 1977 and 1995. She played in the 2nd Interzonal Tournament in Menorca 1973 where tied for 2nd–5th places.
The original Jerusalem community was founded by emigres from Ukraine in the late 19th century, and was joined by descendants of the Yerushami Yishuv haYashan (Old Yishuv in Jerusalem) community. It is built around the Breslov Yeshiva in Mea Shearim, founded by Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Rosen in 1953, which is referred to as the shul. It is affiliated with the Edah HaChareidis, and led by Rabbi Yaakov Meir Shechter and Rabbi Shmuel Moshe Kramer.
Currently, Rabbi Zev Spitz is the assistant rabbi. During October 2007, the shul became the home of a newly founded kollel, named Kollel Ohr Yosef, named after Tannenbaum.Article in Jewish Tribune Another article in the Jewish Tribune In January 2010, Rabbi Taub announced his plans for retirement to Israel. In January 2011, Rabbi Taub was given the honorary designation Rabbi Emeritus by the shul's board, and he left to Israel as scheduled.
The Vilna Shul is now a historic landmark building housing a cultural center, community center, and living museum. It was a synagogue and was built for an Orthodox congregation in 1919 by immigrants primarily from Vilna, Lithuania. The building stands on what is known as the back side or north slope of Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts. The front of the Hill has always been filled with stately homes and faces the Boston Common.
Religious organizations include the Vilna Shul, an Orthodox Jewish synagogue, and the Unitarian Universalist Association headquarters. Church of the Advent is a Victorian Gothic Church, faced in brick with 8 massive carillon bells and a 172-foot spire. The Park Street Church, nicknamed "Brimstone Corner" in the 19th century, was used to store gunpowder during the War of 1812. Samuel Francis Smith first sang his song America the Beautiful at this church in 1831.
Built at the point when late Romanesque style was fading and Gothic rising, the rectangular prayer hall features a pair of Romanesque columns supporting groin vaults. The windows in the thick stone walls are simple gothic arches. The windows in the adjoining study hall, the so-called Rashi Shul, have rounded Romanesque arches. The women’s section of the prayer hall has Romanesque windows in the eastern wall, and gothic windows in the western wall.
His Talmidim numbered in the thousands. His "Thursday Shiur" teaching methodology incorporated a student-presented topic, followed by discussion; he helped the student prepare the prior week or two. He also served as a synagogue rabbi in the Bronx. Rav Poleyeff died 2 Kislev 5727 (1966); on his 25th Yartzeit, a former student with whom he had ongoing correspondence, Rabbi Mordechai Gifter, spoke in the NYC shul of son Rabbi Yisroel Poleyeff.
In 1965 he returned to Israel and studied at the Yeshivah of Kamenitz in Jerusalem. He spent 1966 through 1967 at the Slonim shul in Tiberias. After the Six-Day War, Ginsburgh went to Jerusalem and was one of the first to move into the old Jewish quarter. There, together with his future father-in-law, Rabbi Moshe Zvi Segal, he began renovating the ruins, sleeping at night in the Tzemach Tzedek synagogue.
Later in the battle between her and Kirika, it is revealed that she is the true host of the reincarnated Finé. In GX, she is redeemed and regrets her actions before she personally apologizes to Hibiki. Her Symphogear Shul Shagana are disc blades stored in several parts of her body. :In XV, it is revealed that prior to arriving at FIS, she was caught in a car accident that killed her parents and gave her amnesia.
She has been married to Rabbi Larry Tabick since 1975 and was the first female rabbi to marry a rabbi. Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1947, Larry came to England to study at the Leo Baeck College in the early 1970s and retired as rabbi of Shir Hayim in Hampstead in 2017. He and Jackie have three children, one of whom, Roni Tabick, is rabbi of the Masorti synagogue New Stoke Newington Shul in Stoke Newington, London.
Home of Peace has many famous interments, among them Louis B. Mayer, Carl Laemmle, Jack L. Warner, Harry Warner, and two of the Three Stooges. Mount Zion has: Yiddish writer Lamed Shapiro, who died forgotten, broke, alcoholic, and destitute while living in a friend's garage. Lamed Shapiro on Also buried at Zion are Samuel Weisberger - President Congregation Talmud Torah abt 1909 (aka after 1911 Breed Street Shul), Jacob Tanenbaum - Founder of the Talmud Torah congregation Etz Jacob.
The Maisel Synagogue in Prague's Jewish Quarter. The oldest Jewish house of worship in Prague, the "Old School," is no longer standing, but it is responsible for the original name of the "Great" or "New Shul," when it was built in the 13th century. After more synagogues were built later on, this medieval gothic building became known as the Old-New Synagogue Altneuschul. During the Renaissance in Prague, four major Jewish synagogues were built and completed.
Temple Fortune is a place in the London Borough of Barnet to the north of Golders Green. It is principally a shopping district used by residents of the Hampstead Garden Suburb. Between here and Golders Green, at Hoop Lane are two cemeteries – Golders Green Jewish Cemetery and Golders Green Crematorium. Religious buildings include the Catholic Church of St Edward the Confessor, St. Mary & Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church, and North Western Reform Synagogue (also known as Alyth Shul).
Yiddishkayt has also applied the principle of Doikayt through local history programming including tours of the neighborhood of Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, a historically multi-ethnic area that was once the hub of Los Angeles Yiddish cultural life. Stops on the tour have included the Breed Street Shul, the former Soto-Michigan Jewish Community Center, and Phillips Music Company, a store that served a diverse range of musicians including Mickey Katz, Los Lobos, and Thee Midniters.
In 1891, Beth El Emeth reappears in the directories on Poplar and Washington in Cochrane Hall. At the same time, there is another shul called Tiferes Israel in the Knights of Pythias Hall. It says in the directories that the reader for the Beth El Emeth was Moses Franklin. In 1893, the directories do not include Beth El Emeth, but it says that Tiferes Israel is located in Cochrane Hall and the reader is Moses Franklin.
Some found work as peddlers, others as tailors or small scale businessmen. To ease the loneliness, people from the same town - called in Yiddish - sought each other. They tried hard to rebuild a new life in a cold city that did not care much for Jews or other immigrants. For many, one of the best ways to recreate a small part of what they had left behind was to form a small synagogue, commonly called a shul.
Congregation Agudas Achim Anshei Sfard, more commonly known as The Adams Street Shul, is an Orthodox Jewish synagogue located at 168 Adams Street in the village of Nonantum in Newton, Massachusetts. Built in 1912 for a congregation established in 1911, it is home to Newton's oldest Jewish congregation, and one of the oldest in the region still occupying its original synagogue. Its Romanesque Revival building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on March 16, 1990.
Additionally, Stern Show writer Benjy Bronk has repeatedly used a shofar in his antics.From ‘Star Wars’ To Madonna: 7 Times Shofars Showed Up Outside Shul The shofar is sometimes used in Western classical music. Edward Elgar's oratorio The Apostles includes the sound of a shofar, although other instruments, such as the flugelhorn, are usually used instead. The shofar has been used in a number of films, both as a sound effect and as part of musical underscores.
Apart from his activities in the family business, Pupkewitz was farming on farm Us on the banks of Kuiseb River from 1946 to 1985. He was an active rugby player, horse rider, and horse trainer between 1942 and 1962 and has won several trophies. Pupkewitz was a member of Windhoek's small Jewish community, the Windhoek Hebrew Congregation, and has attended its shul for almost its entire time of existence. He was the congregation's Honorary Vice-President.
Robin grew up in California's Orange County. He began playing guitar and writing songs at age 12, and later performed at clubs in Hollywood with a band that ultimately broke up. He was athletic as a child, participating in gymnastics and baseball. Raised in a non-observant family, Robin first discovered Hasidism at 17, when some friends of his father were attempting to start a shul in Venice Beach with a rabbi who had studied under the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
The Beth Tfiloh Congregation in Pikesville, Maryland, set off fireworks to celebrate Thanksgivukkah. President Obama recognized Thanksgivukkah at the official White House Hanukkah reception on December 5, singling out Menurkey-creator Asher Weintraub as well as Dana and Deborah Gitell for coining the phrase "Thanksgivukkah". Outside the United States, in London, England, the Saatchi Shul hosted a Thanksgivukka Friday night dinner. In Tel Aviv, Israel, Nefesh B'Nefesh co-hosted a Thanksgivukka Friday night dinner and clothing drive.
His fame as a hazzan spread, and he signed a contract with the New Lots Talmud Torah Shul, which was famous for the high- caliber hazzanim that it attracted. Within a few months of this appointment, he began receiving invitations to appear in concert, and he performed before audiences of thousands in Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and other cities. He also started training with a voice coach, who taught him how to create his own cantorial compositions.Werdyger, Songs of Hope, pp. 269-274.
As a pulpit rabbi, Rabbi Hirsch served as the senior rabbi at the Fleetwood Synagogue, a Modern Orthodox shul located in Southern Westchester, Mt. Vernon, just outside of New York City. . He then moved his family to Passiac, New Jersey, where he currently serves as the rabbi of Kehillas Bais Yosef. During the summer months, Rabbi Hirsch has served as rosh kollel for many years, including at Camp Lavi in the Poconos, and at his own Passaic Summer Kollel in New Jersey.
Rebbetzin Shima Feinstein arranged the match between Rav Nisson and Zeldi Scheinberg, the daughter of Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg. Rabbi Alpert was one of the founders of Peylim. He first was rabbi of the East Third Street Shul in the Lower East Side. He later became the Rav of Agudath Israel of Long Island. In 1967, he was appointed as a Rosh Yeshiva at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, and later became the first Rosh Kollel of its Kollel L’Horaah— Yadin-Yadin.
The Ari-Ashkenazi Shul, on The Ari's tradition of welcoming the Sabbath during Kabbalat Shabbat is still echoed in Jewish communities around the world during the singing of Lecha Dodi, when worshippers turn toward the entrance of the synagogue to "greet" the sabbath. In the eighteenth century, with the arrival of the Hasidim from Eastern Europe, the synagogue came to serve the Ashkenazi community. The synagogue was destroyed in the Galilee earthquake of 1837, and was rebuilt 20 years later.
Nearby enemy patrols were driven back by the rescue teams using small arms, while larger groups of enemies or search parties were handled with heavy weapon outfitted operators or operators acting as forward air control. Once Shul was located, the team provided immediate medical treatment to ensure that the extraction would not result in further wounds or make his existing wounds worse. Medical treatment continued aboard the evacuation helicopter and at a nearby American base. No American casualties occurred in the operation.
In 1905 he also designed a new synagogue building for Brooklyn's Beth Jacob Anshe Sholom, based on Arnold Brunner's West Side Synagogue building on Manhattan's West 88th Street.Kaufman, David. Shul with a Pool: The "synagogue-center" in American Jewish History, Brandeis University Press, University Press of New England, 1999, , pp. 186–187. The synagogue is no longer extant. For many years the office was at 200 West 72nd Street, originally built as a clubhouse for the Colonial Club of New-York.
Shul and O'Grady 1994 At the front of each inlet, a pointed, movable cone called a "spike" (inlet cone) was locked in its full forward position on the ground and during subsonic flight. When the aircraft accelerated past Mach 1.6, an internal jackscrew moved the spike up to inwards,"SR-71 manual, Air Inlet System". Retrieved: 14 March 2010. directed by an analog air inlet computer that took into account pitot-static system, pitch, roll, yaw, and angle of attack.
The Ohel Yitzchak Synagogue previously known as the Shomrei ha-Chomos Synagogue and the Ungarin Shul (Hungarian synagogue) is located in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. It was built in the 1870s by Kolel Shomrei HaChomos, an organization of Hungarian Jews, but was abandoned after the riots of 1938. Although the building was destroyed after 1948, it has recently been acquired by a Religious Zionist group for refurbishment and was reopened after restoration work finished in October 2008.
The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird holds the official Air Speed Record for a manned airbreathing jet engine aircraft with a speed of . The record was set on 28 July 1976 by Eldon W. Joersz and George T. Morgan Jr. near Beale Air Force Base, California, USA. It was able to take off and land unassisted on conventional runways. SR-71 pilot Brian Shul claimed in The Untouchables that he flew in excess of Mach 3.5 on 15 April 1986, over Libya, in order to avoid a missile.
The Rabbi then seems to look into Reuben's soul. He sees the pain in Reuben and the asks the same questions Reuben has been repeating in his head and adds a few more for some perspective. Although the rabbi feels the reason for Reuben's pain is his brother's passing he assists in helping Reuben find the answer. The rabbi tells Reuben why he did not recognize him as a Jew and tells a little bit of history about Jews as they arrive at the shul.
The First Russian Congregation of Rodfei Sholem Anshei Kiev, known as the Kiever Synagogue or Kiever Shul, is a Modern Orthodox Jewish synagogue in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was founded by Jewish immigrants from Ukraine in 1912, and formally incorporated in 1914. The congregants were poor working- people, and services were led by members and held in their homes. Two houses were eventually purchased in the Kensington Market area, and in their place construction was completed on the current twin-domed Byzantine Revival building in 1927.
Being District Rabbi of about 80 surrounding villages, he also served as head ("Av") of the Beth din. He officiated at the wedding of Menachem Begin which took place at his shul, the Choral Synagogue in 1939. During the Holocaust, he lost his wife, his two daughters and his brother David the Rabbi of Andrychów, among many family members. After his liberation from the Buchenwald concentration camp, Avigdor became extremely active in the efforts of rescue and rehabilitation of Jewish refugees in postwar Europe.
The architect Maxwell Hutchinson has drawn up a plan for adding museum and library space, so that the shul could increase its standing as a tourist destination and allow it to become a historic Jewish centre. Funding for this plan is in the process of being sought. In January 2018 there was a march to the synagogue from Aldgate to commemorate the East End's Jewish heritage, followed by a multi-faith service of remembrance in which the Deputy Mayor of Tower Hamlets took part.
In 1849, Abraham Nordheimer purchased land for a cemetery on behalf of the Toronto Hebrew Congregation, an Orthodox synagogue that became known as the Daytshishe Shul. In 1856, Lewis Samuel of York, England helped to found the Sons of Israel Congregation, which merged with Toronto Hebrew Congregation in 1858. In the 1920s, the synagogue became a Reform synagogue, joining the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. As Jews fleeing the pogroms in Czarist Russia in the 1880s began to settle in Toronto, three new synagogues were established.
The Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbinical College, like other Chabad Yeshivot Gedolot, provides education and training to young men seeking ordination as rabbis. Established in 1986 by the Yeshiva Centre, it forms part of the Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva network. Rabbi Boruch Lesches served as its Rosh Yeshiva and Mashpia for almost twenty years. He has since left Sydney, and is currently serving as the rabbi of the Chabad-Lubavitch shul in Monsey, New York, which also contains a Yeshiva that is part of the Tomchei Temimim network.
The B'nai Yosef Synagogue (or Congregation Bnai Yosef), formerly Magen David Congregation of Ocean Parkway, is an Orthodox Sephardi synagogue at the 1616 Ocean Parkway and Avenue P in Brooklyn, New York. It is considered "America's busiest synagogue for Middle and Near Eastern Jews", with over 30 prayer services daily."The Sephardic Arbit Experiment" May 2012. Built in the early 1970s, it became known as The Painted Shul, because its interior is covered in brightly painted murals, making it the only completely muraled synagogue in the world.
Yitzchok Dov Koppelman (May 2020}} 1905 – June 17, 2011) was born in Vasilishki, Belarus. He was the head of the 1915-founded Lucerne Yeshiva in Switzerland for nearly 50 years. A year before he died, a report about his visit from Switzerland to Melbourne, Australia was titled "World's oldest rabbi visits Oz". While the main purpose of his trip was to raise additional funds for his yeshiva, he gave a number of public lectures: at an elementary school, a high school, a Kollel, and a major shul.
It therefore represents the oldest Jewish building within the city limits whose entire history has been devoted to activities of Jewish faith and culture. The Vilna Shul is also noteworthy as one of only two extant free-standing buildings on the north slope of Beacon Hill. It represents a physical, colorful, and rich part of Boston's history and built heritage. The Vilna Center for Jewish Heritage was founded to raise funds to preserve and restore the synagogue for use as a Jewish cultural heritage center.
The Adams Street Shul is located on the north side of Adams Street a short way east of Watertown Street (Massachusetts Route 16), the main road through Nonantum Village. It is a single-story brick structure, three bays wide, with a pair of round-arch windows flanking the main entrance, which is also set in a round- arch opening. Above the entrance is an oculus window with a Star of David. The synagogue was built in 1912 by a Jewish congregation established in 1911.
The bochurim (unmarried young men) sit in a first-level balcony-like room, while only married men and their pre-bar mitzvah children sit in the main shul. Above the bochurim's balcony is another balcony for the women. The main synagogue is only used on Shabbos and holidays; on weekdays, a complex of four also brand-new smaller synagogues (shtiblach) in the basement of the building are used. The old synagogue, on the first floor of the old building, is now used for tishen.
In recent years, it has received significant donations from Holocaust survivor Sigi Ziering and his wife Marilyn, whose names are on the building. The current cantor is Rabbi Hillary Chorny. In 2012, the Sefer Torah nearly fell to the ground during a service.Julie Gruenbaum Fax, A Torah falls, a shul bonds, The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, September 27, 2012 As this is seen a traumatic event in the Jewish faith, rabbi Adam Kligfeld requested that members of the congregation share among themselves forty days of fasting to recover.
A proclamation went out throughout the land that all Jews should be imprisoned and killed and their properties confiscated. The Rebbe went to shul and prayed--he offered himself as a sacrifice if this terrible verdict could be averted. The following week, as the Rabbi was sitting at the dinner table deep in thought, he took a piece of meat in his mouth, the food got lodged in his throat and he choked. It was believed that in the merit of this sacrifice, the tragedy against the Jews had been averted.
Routh is married to Asher Remy-Toledo and the father of sons Edison and Remy Routh. The couple have hosted many events at their Chelsea loft, including benefits for Freedom to Marry, GLAAD, the Jewish National Fund, Jennifer Muller/The Works, a press launch for the Richard Gere Foundation and Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and events for The New Shul. In addition, they regularly host art salons led by art curator Remy-Toledo who co-founded Hyphen Hub, an organization dedicated to the integration of art and technology.cityfile. "Marc Routh". Gawker.
Sydney Simon Shulemson DFC (October 22, 1915 - January 25, 2007) was a Canadian fighter pilot, and Canada's highest decorated Jewish soldier, during World War II. His paternal grandparents came from a town called Bacău in southern Romania and arrived in Montreal in the late nineteenth century when Shul was seven years old. Growing up in Montreal, Shulemson attended McGill University. He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on September 10, 1939, and graduated from flight school in 1942. He joined RCAF 404 Squadron in Wick in Scotland, flying a Bristol Beaufighter.
Among the structures uncovered during the 2012 dig were the remains of an elaborate synagogue,Ancient shul, Samson mosaic found in Galilee, By Yonah Jeremy Bob, 07/02/2012, Jerusalem Post dated to the 5th century. Findings include limestone carvings and an elaborate floor mosaic. The synagogue's walls and columns were painted in bright colors: plaster fragments show traces of pink, red, orange and white pigments. The artistry of the mosaic, which is composed of tiny tiles, together with the large stones used for the walls, attests to the prosperity of the village.
Accessed February 21, 2013. "But she was also committed to her family and to my father's right to have his religion, and we celebrated the major holidays, we fasted on Yom Kippur, and I walked with my father to the shul, which was a long walk from where we lived." He graduated from Great Neck North High School in 1956, and credits his interest in biology to a high-school summer spent at the Jackson Laboratory's Summer Student Program in Bar Harbor, Maine.Nobel Prize autobiography. (March 7, 1938).
This congregation was known as the "Bohemian shul" as it was founded by German speaking Bohemian Jews who lived in the southern part of St. Louis. Daniel Block was named as the "first parnass" and referred to as "the father of the B'nai B'rith Congregation." Many of the other founding members were listed in Daniel Block's 1853 will. This congregation came into existence because recently emigrating liberal Bohemian German Jews considered the preexisting United Hebrew congregation too intolerant in religious matters and too Polish in habits and mannerisms and too exacting in financial matters.
Lance was born Lance Christopher Sterling in 1965, in Woodstock, New York.Thousand Oaks Acorn: "New Shul to honor graffiti artist, Canyon club owner at event" By Stephanie Bertholdo February 7, 2013Gensler, Andy and Halperin, Shirley "Houses of the Holy: Where the Music Biz Celebrates the Jewish High Holidays" Billboard Magazine. September 23, 2014 He was always into music but didn’t work in the industry until after his college years. He attended the University of Arizona where he studied civil engineering and then worked for several years as a structural engineer for a billboard company.
After Zecharja passed away, Lea continued to live there with the Fendel family above the shul. Zecharja had opened a hole in the floor of his apartment, which was right above the reading table of the synagogue, and covered it with a grate and a carpet. The grate was right under the dining room table. When the ladies of the family wanted to pray with the men, they had the choice of going down to the Ladies’ Section, or remaining in the Fendel dining room and uncovering the grate in the floor.
Bernson was born in South Gate, California, on November 19, 1930, to Jewish parents, his father from Romania and his mother from Poland. He grew up in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Boyle Heights, where he became a bar mitzvah at the historic Breed Street Shul. He recalled that at the age of ten he attended services at the synagogue three times a day to recite a mourner's prayer for his father. As a young man, he served in the Navy and afterward ran a clothing store in Bakersfield.
In the defter of the Sanjak of Scutari in 1485 Prekali appears spread throughout the lands north-east of Shkodër and Drisht. The village of Gur i Zi in which the tribe held property in 1416, appears as also having the name Prekal in 1485, an indication of their settlement there. A century later, in the defter of 1582, their village near the plains of the Buna river appears under two names Shul Prekala or Gjergj Bardhi. A branch of Prekali was on the process of becoming a feudal family in the early 15th century.
Hamodia Features section, 27 August 2009, pp. C4-5. When Bornsztain acceded to the leadership of the Sochatchov dynasty in 1965, the Radomsker Hasidim asked him to become their Rebbe as well, and he officially became known as the Sochatchover-Radomsker Rebbe. Following Bornsztain's untimely death in 1969, his eldest son, Rabbi Shmuel Bornsztain, became the Sochatchover Rebbe and another son, Avrohom Nosson Bornsztain, was appointed as the rav of the Radomsker shul in Bnei Brak. Today Radomsker communities exist in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, Israel; Brooklyn, New York; Lakewood, New Jersey; and Montreal, Canada.
Eldridge Street Synagogue, New York City, USA Princes Road Synagogue, Liverpool, UK Yusef Abad Synagogue, Tehran, Iran A synagogue (; from Ancient Greek , ', 'assembly'; ', 'house of assembly', or ', "house of prayer"; Yiddish: shul, Ladino: ', 'bright as fire'; or ') is a Jewish (mainly) or Samaritan (rarely) house of worship. Synagogues have a large place for prayer (the main sanctuary) and may also have smaller rooms for study and sometimes a social hall and offices. Some have a separate room for Torah study, called the beth midrash, lit. "house of study".
Just three synagogues now remain in the area, the Nelson Street Synagogue the only one purpose-built. About twenty neighbouring synagogues were amalgamated with it over the years, including: Belz, Berditchever, Buross Street, Cannon Street Road, Chevra Shas, Commercial Road Great, Grove Street, Jubilee Street, Mile End, New Road, Philpot Street Great, Philpot Street Sphardish, Rumanian Sidney Street, and Sons of Britchan (B'nai Brichtan). As a consequence of these amalgamations the shul has a large collection of Torah scrolls, some dating back to the 18th century, many of now unknown origin.
By the 1950s many Jews had moved to other communities, and most synagogues were demolished or converted to other uses. The Bagg Street Shul is the only synagogue still remaining. Former prominent Jewish-run businesses on the street included Ida Steinberg’s grocery store, founded in 1917 on St. Lawrence near Mount Royal, which went on to become Steinberg's, Quebec’s largest supermarket chain. Another supermarket, Warshaw's, was the subject of controversy when the city of Montreal was forced to pay damages after first approving and then rejecting changes to its iconic storefront.
However in 1977, a group of young, Orthodox Jews led by Michael Medved, and Rabbi Daniel Lapin re-established the community and it soon became the nexus of Orthodox outreach in Los Angeles for the next decade. Lapin was the unpaid rabbi of the congregation from 1978 to 1992.Religious Leaders and Faith-based Politics: Ten Profiles, By Jo Renee Formicola, Hubert Morken, Published by Rowman & Littlefield, 2001, p. 98 The Bar Mitzvah of Jason Gould, son of Barbra Streisand and Elliott Gould, was held at the shul.
On Jewish holidays, such as Rosh Hashanah ("new year"), hundreds of Pshevorsker Hasidim, and also other Hasidim such as Vizhnitz and Satmar, come to Antwerp to pray at the Pshevorsker prayer gatherings, which are usually held in a large wedding hall. The Pshevorsker's headquarters is the beis midrash (or, "study hall") known as Beis Yitzchok, at Mercatorstraat 56 in Antwerp. There are organized groups of Pshevorsk Hasidim in London and also in Manchester, and groups in the United States and Israel. A shul was built in London, where the Rebbe's son serves as the Rav.
By 1872, the shul had acquired a cemetery, which was located south of Central Avenue and north of Cane Creek, according to the Shelby County directory. In the mid-1870s, Ferdinand Leopold Sarner, a former chaplain in the Civil War, became the new rabbi. The Yellow Fever epidemic in Memphis in the late 1870s would deliver a huge blow to the congregation, killing off Peres, Sarner, and much of its membership. In 1880, services were suspended, only to be continued the next year, according to the Shelby County directory.
During the 1950s and 1960s, until his wife's death in 1967, Soloveitchik and some of his students would spend summers near Cape Cod in Onset, Massachusetts, where they would pray at Congregation Beth Israel.Resnick, Elliot. contentid=33340&mode;=a§ionid;=17&contentname;=Beaches%2C_Cottages_..._And_Shul_Draw_Vacationers_To_Onset%2C_Massachusetts&recnum;=12&subid;=20740 "Beaches, Cottages ... And Shul Draw Vacationers to Onset, Massachusetts", The Jewish Press, June 18, 2008. After the passing of his wife in 1967, Soloveitchik began giving additional lectures, open to the public, during the summer months in Boston.
Dianella lies at the heart of Perth's small Jewish community. Although this is the third largest Jewish community in Australia, numbers have never reached more than 6000 members (the most recent Australian census put Western Australia's entire Jewish community at 5,300 members). Dianella itself is home to a number of community institutions such as a Jewish day school (Carmel), a sports club, an aged home (Maurice Zeffert Home) and a small synagogue known as "Dianella Shul". A number of streets in the region are named after Jewish icons such as Menora, Maccabean and Golda Meir.
The congregation which built it was formed in 1896 by Orthodox Jews who immigrated from Russia. The first stage of the building, its lower level, housed the congregation until it could raise funds to build the upper level, and was then used as a shul. The upper level was designed by Harry Marshak, a self-taught architect and builder born to immigrant Russian Jews, who was likely the first Jewish architect to work in the Providence area. The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1989.
It's like many of the early meetinghouses and churches that are highly representative of the immigrants who built them.Synagogue Architecture in America: Faith, Spirit & Identity by Henry Stolzman, Daniel Stolzman University of Michigan Press, p. 143 According to the American Jewish Historical Society, there is "no record of any important event ever taking place at that congregation," which was one of many modest synagogues built by Jewish immigrants. The Vilna Shul is, however, the last of the purpose-built immigrant synagogues still standing in downtown Boston at the end of the 20th century.
Shul in Izhbitza The Central Radziner Beis Hamedrash in Bnei Brak, which houses the Radziner Yeshiva Ateres Shlomo and the Yeshiva Tiferes Yosef Izhbitza-Radzin is the name of a dynasty of Hasidic rebbes. The first rebbe of this dynasty was Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner, author of Mei Hashiloach, in the city of Izhbitza. (Izhbitza is the Yiddish name of Izbica, located in present-day Poland). Rabbi Mordechai Yosef founded his own Hasidic movement in the year 5600 (1839), with Rabbi Mordechai Yosef leaving the court of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk.
The Villalobos Brothers performing at Queens Theatre In The Park On October 23, 2005 The Villalobos Brothers reunited in New York City for their debut recital at Carnegie Hall. The concert was also a sold-out benefit for The Shul of New York and included the following musicians: Carlos Pereira piano and guitar, Matt Snyder clarinet, Kathleen Tagg piano, Dave Hertzberg bass, Ramón Ponce Jr. vihuela and guitarrón, Ilmar Gavilán violin, Humberto Flores guitar, An Vanhauwaert violin, Morley Kamen voice, Adam Feder guitar, Cristina Vásquez voice, Yamani Fuentes flute, Seth Ginsberg mandolin, Daniel Sadownick percussion.
He and his brother founded an independent Jewish synagogue, named Saatchi Shul in Maida Vale, London, England, in 1998, in honour of their parents. In December 1998, Saatchi donated 130 artworks to a Christie's auction that raised £1.7 million, creating scholarship bursaries at four London art schools. In February 1999, he gave an additional 100 pieces of artwork from his collection to the Arts Council of Great Britain. In July 2010, Charles Saatchi announced he would be donating the Saatchi Gallery and over 200 works of art to the British public.
It is a member of the Historic Hotels of America and a franchise of the Hilton Tapestry Collection. Society of New Beth Israel, at 601 Irving legacy signage of the Society of New Beth Israel Just across S. Crouse Avenue, facing onto Irving Avenue, was another synagogue, at 601 Irving, whose building also survives, and also has four engaged columns. It was the home of the Society of New Beth Israel, Syracuse, a congregation which was established in 1854. Their original building was known as the "Grape Street Shul".
Several important synagogues were located there, including the Schiff Shul, the Leopoldstädter Tempel, the Türkischer Tempel, the Polnische Schul, and the Pazmanitentempel, as well as yeshivas. None of the synagogues escaped the destruction during the Kristallnacht pogroms of November 1938 following the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany. A fragment of a Torah scroll was saved by Heschel Messias from one of the synagogues as it burned."Artifacts: A Remnant of a Torah Scroll Saved from a Burning Synagogue", "It Came From Within..." Exhibition Marking the Events of Kristallnacht, An online exhibition by Yad Vashem.
When Rabbi Landinski arrived in Gateshead he began to teach in the 'Blechenner Shul', a tin shed synagogue, which in 1939 was replaced with the current Gateshead community synagogue. The original building procured by the yeshiva was at 179 Bewick Road. As the yeshiva expanded it acquired neighbouring properties in Rectory Road and 177 Bewick Road. In 1961 a new building was erected at 88 Windermere Street to house a new beth hamedresh (the hall used for study and prayer), with the dining room on the floor below and the kitchens in the basement.
The Bagg Street Shul or Beth Shloime (formally Congregation Temple Solomon) is an Orthodox , Canadian Jewish Congress Charities Committee, 2008, p. 4. synagogue located at the intersection of Clark Street and Bagg Street in the Montreal Plateau region of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In the early 1900s, fueled by heavy immigration, Jews established a large community in Montreal's Plateau region, around Saint Laurent Boulevard, that supported at least a dozen synagogues at its peak. It started to decline in the 1950s, as many Jews moved further west in Montreal or to other parts of Canada.
After his marriage, he studied at the Gateshead Kollel under Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler, who served as rosh kollel. A few years later, Rabbi Weiss moved to London, where he was hired as a maggid shiur at a yeshiva, and as a posek and rav of a shul. Later, he moved to Antwerp, where he served as a maggid shiur at a yeshiva in Wilrijk, and where he was appointed as dayan in 1967. When he accepted his new role as Gaavad, he also adopted the traditional Jerusalem mode of dress.
Lookstein started first grade at the Ramaz School in 1937, the year it was established by his father, Rabbi Joseph Lookstein, who was then senior rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun. The school was named in honor of Joseph Lookstein's grandfather-in-law and predecessor in the pulpit, Rabbi Moses Zevulun Margolies. As a child in the 1940s and 1950s, Lookstein would maintain a "shul scorecard", tracking the weather, the subject of his father's sermon, the details of any special occasions, and the number of congregants in attendance, which hovered in the 200s, depending on the subject of the sermon.Mark, Jonathan.
In November 2006 the building was rededicated after works to renovate the synagogue were carried out voluntarily by a group of newly qualified police officers. At the ceremony, Shfaram mayor Ursan Yassin retold how that during the October riots he had been forced to physically protect the location and had told local youngsters who wanted to burn it down that they could set him alight, but he would not allow them to harm the synagogue.Ashkenasi, Dovid, (November 16, 2006), “Shfaram shul renovated”, Jewish Tribune, pg. 9. There were however reports of damage to religious artifacts in the ancient synagogue on October 9, 2000.
In 1988 Landau became the Associate Rabbi of Brith Sholom Beth Israel Synagogue in Charleston, South Carolina. He was a founding member of the Charleston County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy, which provided personal and spiritual counseling. Four years later he became the Rav of Beth Jacob Congregation of Irvine, California. During his 12 years of service he managed to triple the size of the shul, and in addition to his rabbi responsibilities he was actively involved in many aspects of the Jewish community life, from local schools to the JCC, Federation, AIPAC and representing Israel and Judaism in general.
The construction of a new synagogue, built in the Greek Revival style, was completed in 1840. Around this time, perhaps influenced by his time spent in Germany, Poznanski began to show signs of support for reform. He was in favor of adding instrumental music to service and suggested building a new organ in the new synagogue building.David B. Green, This Day in Jewish History / Shul rebels found Reform Judaism in U.S., Haaretz, November 21, 2013 Some progressive members of the congregation, backed by Poznanski, submitted a petition for the creation of an organ to the Board of Trustees.
Reform Judaism does not believe in the rebuilding of a central Temple or a restoration of Temple sacrifices or worship. It regards the Temple and sacrificial era as a period of a more primitive form of ritual from which Judaism has evolved and should not return. It also believes a special role for Kohanim and Levites represents a caste system incompatible with modern principles of egalitarianism, and does not preserve these roles. Furthermore, there is a Reform view that the shul or synagogue is a modern Temple; hence, "Temple" appears in numerous congregation names in Reform Judaism.
Major Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods include Hancock Park, Pico-Robertson, and Valley Village, while Jewish Israelis are well represented in the Encino and Tarzana neighborhoods, and Persian Jews in Beverly Hills. Many varieties of Judaism are represented in the greater Los Angeles area, including Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and Reconstructionist. The Breed Street Shul in East Los Angeles, built in 1923, was the largest synagogue west of Chicago in its early decades; it is no longer in daily use as a synagogue and is being converted to a museum and community center. The Kabbalah Centre also has a presence in the city.
Rabbi Yossi Chaikin was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. He spent his Primary and High School years in Brussels, Belgium and thereafter studied in Yeshivot in Belgium and the United States He moved to South Africa in 1986 to be the Director of Activities at Chabad House in Johannesburg (then situated in Yeoville). In 1988 he accepted the call of the Constantia Hebrew Congregation in the Cape Peninsula to become their spiritual leader. At the same time he also held the position of Vice-Principal and Head of Department of Jewish Studies at Herzlia Constantia Primary School (on whose campus the shul is located).
Max Bemis was raised "in a strong Jewish environment." Many of Bemis' lyrics borrow from his Jewish roots, and contain elements of Jewish humor. While most of band's earlier songs are free of any such inspiration, the songs of ...Is a Real Boy and In Defense of the Genre include references to Jewish heritage. "Alive with the Glory of Love," Say Anything's first single, has a main subject of a relationship affected by World War II and the Holocaust, based on Bemis's grandparents, while "Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too" includes mentions of "the old shul" and a rabbi's teachings.
The Perth Hebrew Congregation (often shortened as the PHC) is synagogue located in the Perth suburb of , Western Australia. Established as an organization in 1892, it is the oldest of three shul and one temple serving the Jewish community in Perth. The synagogue includes a child care - namely Ruth Landau Harp Early Learning offering education to children aged from 6 weeks to 5 years, educating children on the Jewish calendar of events and Jewish values, with all meals being kosher. The synagogue offers facilities for daily services, educational programmes, PHC also houses a library, a mikveh and a bookshop.
Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue (; Ashkenazi Hebrew: Tiferes Yisroel), most often spelled Tiferet Israel, also known as the Nisan Bak Shul, (), after its co- founder, Nisan Bak. was a prominent synagogue between 1872-1948 in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The synagogue was established in 1872 by the Ruzhin Hasidim among the members of the Old Yishuv and was destroyed by the Jordanian Arab Legion on 21 May 1948 during the Battle for Jerusalem of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The synagogue was left as ruins after the recapture of the Old City in the Six-Day War.
In July 2013, Rabbi Perry Tirschwell assumed the position of Executive Director. The new administration has made significant changes in the organization: moving the national office out of Manhattan, putting Viewpoint [magazine] on hold; and creation of two monthly publications whose goal is to share best practices: Shul Solutions and Practical Pulpit. NCYI serves as the national coordinating agency for nearly 150 Orthodox congregations of nearly 25,000 member families throughout the United States and Canada. NCYI also serves as a resource to its sister organization in Israel, entitled Yisrael Hatzair - "The Young Israel Movement in Israel", encompassing over 50 synagogues in Israel.
The synagogue is known as "The Painted Shul", because its interior is covered in brightly painted murals, making it the only completely muraled synagogue in the world.Steinfels (2008). Every inch of wall space, including the prayer hall, is covered with murals painted by Archie Rand, professor of art at Brooklyn College, fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, and a Laureate of the National Foundation for Jewish Culture. Rand's involvement in painting the synagogue began when, unable to pay the tuition fees at his daughter's school, he painted three murals for the school in exchange for a year's tuition.
The current Rebbe of Piaseczno is Rabbi Kalman Menachem Shapira, a great-nephew of the first Rebbe, Klonimous Kalman. Rabbi Kalman Menachem resides in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel and leads Congregation Aish Kodesh,Official Shul Website which is both a synagogue and the worldwide headquarters for spreading the teachings of his great-uncle. Study halls named Aish Kodesh are also located in Moshav Mevo Modi'im, Beitar Illit and in Bnei Brak. There is a yeshiva in Baka, Jerusalem called Yeshivat Chovat Hatalmidim, where students under the helm of Rabbi Yair Eisenstock learn the legendary teachings of The Piaseczna Rabbi.
During the defense of the shrine the spirit of Oshikai's wife Shul-sen is released from captivity with the help of Druss and Talisman; the spirit unleashes a storm on the Gothir army and those that are not killed are ordered to withdraw. Druss' friend Sieben reveals that he has found the jewels which the Nadir call "The Eyes of Alchazzar". He takes them back to Gothir where they find that Klay had died a few days after they left. However, they heal many of the sick in the hospice before returning the jewels to the Nadir.
At first, the Jewish community had to make do with a simple prayer room that had been set up in one of the Jewish houses. In the Judenordnung decreed by the Warsberg lordship in 1749, it was stipulated that a synagogue was not to be built too near the church. Shortly after 1750, a new synagogue (actually a new prayer room) was established; a new decree, a Synagogenordnung, was made for that to regulate the “ritual character” in the “shul at Hennweiler”. To be able to hold regular services, Jewish inhabitants from Bruschied and Schneppenbach also came to Hennweiler.
Breed Street Shul, 2008 Boyle Heights was called ("White Bluff") when Alta California was part of the First Mexican Republic. The area is named after Andrew Boyle, an Irishman born in Ballinrobe Co.Mayo in 1818 who purchased on the bluffs overlooking the Los Angeles River after fighting in the Mexican–American War. From 1889 through 1909 the city was divided into nine wards. In 1899 a motion was introduced at the Ninth Ward Development Association to use the name Boyle Heights was extended to apply to all the highlands of the Ninth Ward, including Brooklyn Heights and Euclid Heights.
Adath Israel was founded in 1903 by Jewish immigrants from Romania as the First Roumanian Hebrew Congregation Adath Israel. Known as the "Roumainshe Shul", the synagogue started when new immigrants from Roumania gathered together in a rental space, eventually moving to its first permanent home on Centre Avenue. In 1911, the synagogue dedicated a new building on Bathurst Street near Dundas, where for 30 years the congregation grew under the leadership of Rabbi Abraham Kelman. In 1947, Rabbi Erwin Schild, newly ordained by the Yeshivah Torath Chaim of Toronto, became the new rabbi of the Congregation.
These scraps were discovered in the home of his widow in late 2009, causing his son and current Rebbe, Rabbi Yissachar Dov, to change his levush (wardrobe) in the middle of Hanukkah. The Rebbe appeared in the Belzer shul wearing a spodik instead of the usual kolpik, as his father's papers had revealed that Belzer Rebbes wore the kolpik for traveling and the spodik at home, not the other way around (as had been done in the Rebbe's court until then).Inner Circle in History: In the court of the Rebbe. Mishpacha, 23 December 2009, p. 16.
Bottom central panel of the Prick of Conscience Window in All Saints Church, North Street, York, showing the second sign of doom: 'þe seconde day þe see sall be so lawe as all men sall it see' (cf. '¶The secounde day hit shal be low / That unnethe men shul hitte knowe' in the main manuscript version, ll. 5.753-54). Unusually, passages from and illustrations of the account of the Fifteen Signs of Doom in the Prick of Conscience appear in stained glass form in the 'Prick of Conscience Window' in All Saints' Church, North Street, York. The window is thought to have been constructed around 1410–20.
The average tenants were middle-aged or even elderly. Fay Susser-Sher remarks in her thesis on Killarney: ‘Often after having brought up children on large plots in the very affluent suburb of Lower Houghton, the parents, after the children had left home, sold the houses and then moved into flats in Killarney.’ Many of them settled there for life. A very prominent section consisted of affluent Jews, members of the Oxford Shul congregation, attended by Black domestic servants who lived in the outbuildings next to the block. According to the 1985 census about half of the suburb’s White population were older than sixty-five.
With initial funding and support from Hillel International's Office of Innovation, private donors, and Start-Up Shul, an organization that helps build inclusive Orthodox institutions, Fruchter announced her plans in July 2018 to move to Philadelphia and open her own synagogue that "will look like a typical modern Orthodox congregation". Seeing the growing Jewish community in South Philadelphia and interest in additional local Jewish programming, Fruchter founded the South Philadelphia Shtiebel in 2019. The Shtiebel moved into a space at 1733 E Passyunk Avenue in March 2019, previously Philadelphia Scooters. The synagogue held its first prayer services on Friday night, July 19, 2019 with 80 in attendance.
Gravestone of the Baal Shem Tov in Medzhybizh (before restoration in 2006–2008) bearing the inscription רבי ישראל בעל שם טוב Exterior of the Baal Shem Tov's synagogue in Medzhybizh, circa 1915. This shul no longer exists, having been destroyed by the Nazis. However, an exact replica was erected on its original site as a museum. The Baal Shem Tov's personal Siddur (now in Chabad library archive #1994) 1758 Polish tax census of Medzhybizh showing "Baal Shem" as occupying house #95 Israel ben Eliezer left no books; for the Kabbalistic commentary on Psalm 107, ascribed to him (Zhitomir, 1804), Sefer mi-Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem-tov, may not be genuine.
Following World War II, Toronto's Jewish population gradually migrated away from the Kensington Market area and north up Bathurst Street. The Minsker became principally a 'businessman's shul' where Jewish businessmen would pray in the morning before work. The synagogue continues to serve older congregants who did not join the northward migration and remained in the area, along with Jewish students at the nearby University of Toronto, tourists, and younger Jews who have moved into the area."Anshei Minsk -Today", Toronto's First Synagogues, Ontario Jewish Archives. Accessed July 16, 2011. The synagogue was recognized by the City of Toronto as a heritage property in 1985.
Congregation Beth Israel () was founded in September, 1925, but did not formally incorporate until November, 1932. The incorporation was done in cooperation with the United Synagogue of America (now the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism); at the time, this was unusual in Western Canada, where most synagogues were Orthodox. Previously, the small non-Orthodox Temple Emanu-El—also called the Deutscher Shul ("German synagogue")—had been formed in Vancouver in 1894 or 1895 as a "semi-Reform" congregation – not Orthodox, but more traditional than American Reform congregations. Most Jewish immigrants to Vancouver were, however, Orthodox Yiddish-speakers from Eastern Europe, and Emanu-El's membership did not grow.
Stanton Street Synagogue, also known as Stanton Street Shul and Congregation Bnai Jacob Anshei Brzezan (, "Congregation Sons of Jacob, People of Brzezan"), is a historic synagogue located at 180 Stanton Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. It was constructed in 1913 by a landsmanshaft from the town of Brzeżany in southeast Galicia. One of the few surviving tenement-style synagogues, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2002. That same year, the synagogue's congregants went to court over an attempt by its rabbi and board members to sell the aging structure to an organization run by a Jesuit priest.
The town of Radomsko was destroyed and most of its Jews deported and killed during the German occupation of Poland in World War II. The fourth Radomsker Rebbe, Rabbi Shlomo Chanoch Hakohen Rabinowicz, was murdered by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942, bringing the father-to-son dynasty to an end. In 1965, Radomsker Hasidim who had survived the Holocaust and were living in Israel asked Rabbi Menachem Shlomo Bornsztain, the fifth Sochatchover Rebbe and a descendant of the first Radomsker Rebbe, to become their Rebbe as well, and he agreed. Bornsztain's son, Rabbi Avrohom Nosson Bornsztain, is the current Rav of the Radomsker shul in Bnei Brak..
"Old City synagogue opened amid heightened tensions", Ynetnews. Several Palestinian leaders claimed that the rededication signaled Israel's intent to destroy the Muslim holy places on the Temple Mount and replace it with the Third Temple. Fatah official Khatem Abd el-Khader called the renovation of the Hurva a "provocation", warned Israel that it was "playing with fire" and called on Palestinians to "converge on Al- Aksa to save it".Selig, Abe. Old City’s Hurva shul reopens, The Jerusalem Post, March 14, 2010 Khaled Mashal of Hamas described the synagogue's opening as "a declaration of war" and called it a "falsification of history and Jerusalem's religious and historic monuments".
There are Hasidic communities, such as the Chabad community, who wake early in the morning on Shabbat to recite the entire Tehillim in shul, and who hold a gathering of extra rejoicing (known as a farbrengen), in honor of Shabbat Mevorchim.HaYom Yom 26 Kislev - Customs of Shabbat Mevorchim. If the day following Shabbat is Rosh Chodesh, a special haftarah ("Machar Chodesh" - I Samuel 20:18-42) is generally read; if Shabbat itself falls on Rosh Chodesh, both a special maftir and haftarah (Isaiah 66) are generally read, along with Hallel and a special Mussaf. These haftarot may be overridden by another special shabbat, such as Shabbat Shekalim or Shabbat HaChodesh.
Operation of the air inlets and flow through the propulsion system The air inlets allowed the SR-71 to cruise at over Mach 3.2, with the air slowing down to subsonic speed as it entered the engine. Mach 3.2 was the design point for the aircraft, its most efficient speed.Johnson 1985 However, in practice the SR-71 was sometimes more efficient at even faster speeds—depending on the outside air temperature—as measured by pounds of fuel burned per nautical mile traveled. During one mission, SR-71 pilot Brian Shul flew faster than usual to avoid multiple interception attempts; afterward, it was discovered that this had reduced fuel consumption.
Orot Hatshuva study hall in Har Nof Rabbi David Yosef is the head of the Yachveh Da'at Kollel and the chief rabbi of Har Nof. Har Nof has a large number of synagogues, yeshivas, and Torah study institutions, among them are: Imrei Shefer, Boston Shul, Kehilat Zichron Yosef, Heichal Hatorah, Yeshiva Pachad Yitzchok, Machon Shlomo, Yeshivat Lev Aharon, and Machon Yaakov. The campuses of Neve Yerushalayim and She'arim College of Jewish Studies for Women are located in Har Nof,Neve Yerushalyim College as is Yechaveh Da'at, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's synagogue and spiritual headquarters. On 18 November 2014, an attack occurred at the Kehilat Bnei Torah synagogue.
Friedman incorporated "pigment, acrylic, ink, spray paint, marker, gold powder and, yes, borsch juice and coffee grounds" into his art, the latter as a tribute to one of the nonagenarian congregants who sets up the coffee and Kiddush on Shabbat mornings. Since 2004, the synagogue has held an annual event, either a Kiddush or sidewalk chalking gathering, memorializing the victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of March 25, 1911. Artists and synagogue board members inscribe the victims' names in chalk in front of the victims' former homes. In 2015, the Stanton Street Shul launched its monthly Stanton Kids tefila, which includes guided prayers for kids, singing, kid-friendly foods, and a special dvar torah by the rabbi.
The congregation, which was incorporated on January 1, 1904, held daily worship services for two years in a cottage they had purchased at 32 Providence Street in the heart of Worcester's east side Union Hill neighborhood, where most Jewish immigrants to Worcester lived. High Holiday services in 1904 and 1905 were held at A.O.H. (Ancient Order of Hibernians) Hall at 26 Trumbull Street while the present structure was being built. At a final cost of $30,000 ($ in current dollar terms), the new building, designed by Edwin T. Chapin in a Classical Revival style, and modeled after Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York City,Kaufman, David. Shul with a pool: the "synagogue-center" in American Jewish history.
Cedarhurst is part of School District 15 and is served by the Lawrence Public Schools. Lawrence High School as well as the #5 Elementary School, which serve students from a number of surrounding communities, are located in Cedarhurst. Cedarhurst is also home to the Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway High School and a Kahal school, both located on Central Avenue. Cedarhurst is home to a number of shuls, including Temple Beth El, the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center, Congregation Tifereth Zvi, Kehilas Bais Yehuda Tzvi (otherwise known as The Red Shul), Agudath Israel of the Five Towns, Chabad of the Five Towns, Kehilas Bais Yisroel and the Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst.
The Cymbalista Synagogue and Jewish Heritage Center was made early in a time when famous architects where designing many high profile buildings in Israel,Esther Hecht, Building Israel, Hadassah Magazine, December 2004 Vol. 86 No.4 and developing a form of creative contemporary architecture around Jewish institutions.Esther Zandberg, The Jewish shul of architecture, Haaretz, 2004 One such institution, the Jewish Museum Berlin hosted an exhibition, Jewish Identity in Architecture which featured the Cymbalista Synagogue.Jewish Museum Berlin, Jewish Identity in Architecture, 2005 Earlier international architects had designed synagogues in their signature modern ways: Beth Sholom Congregation (Elkins Park, Pennsylvania) by Frank Lloyd Wright and the proposed redesign of the Hurva Synagogue by Louis Kahn.
Congregation Beth Israel, also known as the Orchard Street Shul, is an Orthodox Jewish synagogue at 232 Orchard Street in New Haven, Connecticut. The synagogue building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The congregation was founded in 1913 by an orthodox congregation that was formed by Jewish families who had prospered sufficiently to move beyond the neighborhood of first immigrant settlement around Oak and Lafayette Streets to the area of upper Oak Street (renamed Legion Avenue in 1928) and Winthrop Avenue. First meeting in leased space, in 1915 the congregation moved into a remodeled house at 147 Orchard Street. In 1923 they purchased a lot at 232 Orchard Street for $12,000 (today $) and built the present Colonial revival style building in 1925.
By the end of the 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer (1342–1400) was mentioning an English apothecary in the Canterbury Tales, specifically "The Nun's Priest's Tale" as Pertelote speaks to Chauntecleer (lines 181–184): > ... and for ye shal nat tarie, > Though in this toun is noon apothecarie, > I shal myself to herbes techen yow, > That shul been for youre hele and for youre prow. > In modern English, this can be translated as: > ... and you should not linger, > Though in this town there is no apothecary, > I shall teach you about herbs myself, > That will be for your health and for your pride. > In Renaissance Italy, Italian Nuns became a prominent source for medicinal needs. At first they used their knowledge in non-curative uses in the convents to solidify the sanctity of religion among their sisters.
He studied Yiddish language and literature in the Seminar of the "Yiddisher Shul-Farayn" and at the same time appeared with recitals of Yiddish prose and poetry, often singing his own melodies. Levin's first recitals were warmly acclaimed by the linguist and philologist Dr. Haim Gininger. In a long article, published in the literary magazine "Di Vokh" on January 31, 1935, he wrote: "Leibu Levin showed himself to be an excellent interpreter of Yiddish poetry... Levin is perhaps the first interpreter of Manger. Never before have we been so intoxicated by the specific Manger landscape and its fragrance as when Levin recited Manger's ballades..." In 1939 in Czernowitz, Hersh Segal published the little album "Zeks Shloflider" ("Six lullabies"), with Levin's melodies to poems by I. Manger, H. Leivick, M.-L.
College Hillel Orthodox minyans may choose this option because the rooms at Hillel are all used for multiple purposes besides prayer. 6\. Separate room: the most strict separation has women in a separate room from the men, able to view through one-way glass, an open window from a balcony, or not view at all. Examples of this are the Yeshiva of Ohr Someach in the neighborhood of Maalot Dafna in Jerusalem, where the men sit in a first floor room with a two story ceiling, and the women are on the second floor with a window overlooking the men's prayer hall. A similar design (men first floor, women second floor) is in 770 Eastern Parkway, the main synagogue for the Chabad Lubavitch movement in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and the Main Belzer Shul in Jerusalem.
Synagogues offered a more modernized ritual: English sermons, choir singing, late Friday evening services which tacitly acknowledging that most had to work until after the Sabbath began, and often mixed-gender seating. Men and women sat separately with no partition, and some houses of prayer already introduced family pews. Motivated by popular pressure and frowned upon by both RA and seminary faculty—in its own synagogue, the institute maintained a partition until 1983—this was becoming common among the OU as well. As both social conditions and apathy turned American Jews away from tradition (barely 20 per cent were attending prayers weekly), a young professor named Mordecai Kaplan promoted the idea of transforming the synagogue into a community center, a "Shul with a Pool", a policy which indeed stymied the tide somewhat.
Often on her visits she tries to teach Ilana her Christian practices, however is not around enough for her teachings to set in and only manages to cause Ilana trouble in her shul and with the Dinn's. Jakob Daw - a writer who is a close friend of Anne Chandal, insists on calling Ilana ‘Ilana Davita’. Writes stories in support of the communist party and was gassed in World War I. He was especially notable for his close relation to Ilana, whom commonly referred to him as her "uncle" and who she "loved". Ezra Dinn - an immigration lawyer and devoted Jew who is a cousin of Anne Chandal, he helps Jakob Daw with his visa into the U.S. and later marries Anne Chandal after Michael Chandal’s death in Spain.
Jews did not arrive in any significant numbers at Cape Town before the 1820s. The first congregation in South Africa, known as the Gardens Shul, was founded in Cape Town in September 1841, and the initial service was held on the eve of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) in the house of 1820 Settler and businessman Benjamin Norden, located at the corner of Weltevreden and Hof streets. Benjamin Norden, Simeon Markus, together with a score of others arriving in the early 1820s and '30s, were commercial pioneers, especially the Mosenthal brothers—Julius, Adolph (see Aliwal North), and James Mosenthal—who started a major wool industry. By their enterprise in going to Asia and returning with thirty Angora goats in 1856 they became the originators of the mohair industry.
Bit of Boston's Jewish Pride Is Revived, by GUSTAV NIEBUHR , New York Times, December 1, 1996 This 501(c)(3) corporation is now The Vilna Shul, Boston's Center for Jewish Culture, Inc. Three million dollars were spent on the architectural restoration of the synagogue building, which now houses a small exhibit on the history of the synagogue and of the history of Boston's Jewish community.Center preserves Jewish history, By Gary Band - The Jewish Advocate, March 3, 2008 The building opens certain weekdays and weekends is a regular part of the Beacon Hill and Boston tourist circuit. Besides being a historic, cultural, and community site, It serves as a location for regular Jewish religious services including major holidays, young family Shabbats, and is the home of Havurah on the Hill.
Congregation Kol Emes is a continuation of Orthodox synagogues in Richmond dating back to 1789. History of Kol Emes It has been at the center of the continuation of Orthodox Jewish life in Richmond: :In 1964... brothers Abraham and Emil Dere spearheaded the founding of the Jewish Academy of Richmond, which, shortly thereafter became Congregation Kol Emes, with the guidance of HaRav Nachman Bulman, who at the time was a Rov in Newport News, VA. At the time, once again, Kol Emes housed the only Mikvah in Richmond (until the Chabad Mikvah opened in the 1980s) and the only shul in Richmond with a Mechitzah (until Keneseth Beth Israel moved to its present location in the 1970s). In 1965, the Richmond Hebrew Day School, presently Rudlin Torah Academy, was founded in the Kol Emes building, with personal blessings from Gedolei Yisrael.
Like the other four synagogues in Venice, the Canton Synagogue was termed a scuola ("School") rather than sinagoga ("Synagogue"), in the same way in which Ashkenazi Jews refer to the synagogue as the shul () in Yiddish. In the Venetian context, however, the term has a further connotation: Scuola was in fact the name given to Christian confraternity institutions devoted to assisting those in need, the most famous being the six Scuole Grandi of Venice. The building of the Canton Synagogue hosted indeed the headquarters of several charitable and aid organizations throughout the centuries, similarly to what happened in the adjacent Scuola Italiana. Among the several proposed etymologies for the word Canton, the generally accepted one links it to the site's ancient toponym, canton del medras (midrash's corner), referring to the building's position in the southern corner of the square of the Ghetto Nuovo.
Examples of Holtz's work throughout the years include: Yerusalem Wedding (2010), depicting a Chuppa in Jerusalem on early evening, oil on canvas; The Funeral(1966), depicting five stoic Hasidim carrying a body on a bier over to a gravesite, with the people behind them crying, in charcoal on paper and oil on canvas; Rejoicing (1974), an image of religious men dancing, in felt pen and marker on paper; and the oil painting Shamash Learning in Shul (2003), a portrait of a pious Jew studying the Talmud inside a claustrophobic synagogue scene. Throughout the years Holtz has created hundreds of works in many art mediums, including, genre scenes, portraits, still lifes and landscape scenery, his works are sought after by art collectors worldwide, and he has been called the greatest living Jewish artist."Artist Bios," Belmont Galleries. Accessed May 14, 2014.
In January 2004, Forum 18 reported that Yakov Gutman (president of the World Association of Belarusian Jewry) accused Lukashenko of "personal responsibility for the destruction of Jewish holy sites in Belarus", accusing authorities of permitting the destruction of a synagogue to build a housing complex, demolishing a former shul in order to build a multi-story car park and destroying two Jewish cemeteries. According to the report, he was detained by police and taken to a hospital after apparently suffering a heart attack. In March 2004 Gutman announced that he was leaving Belarus for the U.S. in protest of state anti-Semitism. His view was echoed by a July 2005 report by UCSJ that a personal aide of the President (a former Communist Party ideologue, Eduard Skobelev) had published anti-Semitic books and promoted guns to solve what he termed the "Jewish problem".
The 8th World Senior Championship was held 9–23 November 1998 in Grieskirchen, Austria. Vladimir Bagirov (Latvia) won the 200-player men's section on tie-break over Wolfgang Uhlmann (Germany), both with 8.5/11. Ten players tied a half point behind with 8.0/11, including former World Championship Candidates Mark Taimanov and Borislav Ivkov, the first ever World Junior Chess Champion. WGM Tamar Khmiadashvili (Georgia) won the 24-player women's section outright with 9.5 points. The 13th World Senior Championship was held 16–29 November 2003 in Bad Zwischenahn, Germany. IM Yuri Shabanov (Russia) won the 272-player men's section 9.0/11 on tie-break over GM Jānis Klovāns (Latvia) and IM Vladimir Bukal (Croatia). Khmiadashvili (Georgia) won the 22-player women's section 7.5/9 on tie-break over WGM Marta Litinskaya- Shul (Ukraine). The 14th World Senior Championship was held 24 October–5 November 2004 in Halle (Saale), Germany.
On maps and plans of the Economic notes to the General land-surveying of the 52 gubernii of Russia (1765-1782) sel`tso Oznobishino of Sudogodsky Uyezd was denoted as a plot № 575; there were number 23 households and 108 inhabitants (55 male and 53 female).Economic notes to the General land-surveying. 1771. Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. Ф. 1354. Оп. 54, д. 590 In the 18th century the Oznobishino sel`tso consisted of two parts. The first upper part (23 households) belonged to the nobles: to the governorate (provincial) secretary Andrian and to poruchik (lieutenant) Aleksandr Vladimirovich Gofmans. The second lower part (without buildings) belonged to the nadvorny (court) counselor M.F. Shul`gina. The co-owners of the sel`tso were 8 people: Guriy Petrov`s son Dubenskiy, Grigoriy Alekseevich Dubenskiy, Ivan Ivan`s son Rogovskiy, Anisya Fyodor`s daughter Kravkova, Avdotya Ivan`s daughter Sencherirova, Osip Sergeev Lukin, Aleksandr Fyodorov Lukin and Aleksey Boris`s son Borisov.
The modern word was likely derived from the past-tense participle, "welled" (wællende), with the addition of "d" for this purpose being common in the Germanic languages of the Angles and Saxons. It was first recorded in English in 1590, from a version of the Christian Bible that was originally translated into English by John Wycliffe in the fourteenth century. The original version, from Isaiah 2:4, reads, "...thei shul bete togidere their swerdes into shares..." (they shall beat together their swords into plowshares), while the 1590 version was changed to, "...thei shullen welle togidere her swerdes in-to scharris..." (they shall weld together their swords into plowshares), suggesting this particular use of the word likely became popular in English sometime between these periods.An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Walter William Skeat -- Oxford Press 1898 Page 702 The word is derived from the Old Swedish word valla, meaning "to boil".
The two surround a carving of two tablets with Hebrew writing, representing the Ten Commandments. Julia Vitullo-Martin, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and director of its Center for Rethinking Development, stated that First Roumanian-American's roof collapse and subsequent destruction dramatized an "ongoing though undocumented synagogue crisis—particularly in poor neighborhoods" and revealed a broader problem peculiar to Jewish houses of worship: In the years preceding the building's collapse, the congregation had received offers of assistance from the New York Landmarks Conservancy, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Lower East Side Conservancy, and the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, though reports on the amounts and types of assistance offered varied. The congregation, then under the leadership of Jacob Spiegel, rejected them. Joel Kaplan of the Lower East Side Conservancy stated that the congregation "didn't want the several hundred thousand dollars in landmarking grants that went to other Lower East shuls, money that could have kept the shul in repair".
In the fall of 2015, the Rabbinical Council of America, representing over a thousand Orthodox rabbis across the United States, formally adopted a policy prohibiting the ordination or hiring of women rabbis by synagogues that operate within the boundaries of their figurative jurisdiction, regardless of title.Times of Israel First Yeshivat Maharat Female Rabbi Hired by Orthodox Synagogue, January 3, 2016 Similarly, also in the fall of that year, the Agudath Israel of America denounced moves to ordain women, and went even further, declaring Yeshivat Maharat, Open Orthodoxy, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, and other affiliated entities to be similar to other dissident movements throughout Jewish history in having rejected basic tenets of Judaism. Right-wing Orthodox news outlets reported Kagedan's hiring by an Orthodox synagogue with derision, putting terms like "clergy" and "ordination" in First Yeshivat Maharat Female Rabbi Hired by Orthodox Shul, January 4, 2016 Asked why she chooses to identify with Orthodoxy when a number of other Jewish denominations readily accept female clergy, Kagedan responded that she was raised in Orthodoxy and remains committed to its tenets.
At first we spoke Russian and Yiddish, then English, some better than others. We devotedly helped each other get from Russia to Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin, then to establish homes and businesses...Landing on the Atlantic Coast in 1883, my great-grandfather "Little Joe" and his brother Israel...walked most of the way to northern Minnesota along the construction route of the new Canadian-Pacific Railway...In Spring, 1884 they arrived by boat in Duluth Harbor, among the first eastern Europeans there...All this time, cousin Yosef Mendel Oreckovsky, well-trained in Russia, was assistant rabbi at Orthodox Temple Tifereth Israel and later helped found Congregation Adas Israel, the "Fourth Street shul"."My Jews of Duluth": The Oreckovsky Family: From Russia to America (Oreck Foundation, San Francisco; December, 1994), Editor: Lionel Traubman, DDS, MS Other histories record that: :Adas Israel was formed in the 1890s by members of the Moses Montefiore congregation, an earlier Orthodox congregation composed of Lithuanian Jews. By the turn of the 20th century, there were close to 1,500 Jews living in Duluth, most of who were Russian or Eastern European.

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