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"republicanism" Definitions
  1. belief in the principles of a republic

385 Sentences With "republicanism"

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Republicanism is Republicanism, and for most voters, it is based more on group attachments and resentments than it is on ideology.
Boredom, not republicanism, is the real enemy of the monarchy.
How does that agenda square with Trump's brand of Republicanism?
This form of Republicanism attracted a number of former Democrats.
That's not the Republicanism that I want to associate with.
It is in the West Indies that republicanism is brewing.
Bannonism has displayed far more electoral vitality than mainstream Republicanism.
Reagan himself set liberal Republicanism on the path to extinction.
" Southern Republicanism, he said, was based on "truly progressive elements.
So far, some kind of standard Republicanism looks more likely.
Republicanism never got much traction in Britain, even before Brexit.
"That's the birthplace of Louisiana Republicanism, Jefferson Parish," Carville said.
"Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism," Romney said.
The question is, will Trumpism replace Republicanism in the Republican Party?
Their comments escalate the war Bannon has declared on mainstream Republicanism.
Now it is in the West Indies where republicanism is brewing.
York's Mike Quill applied his experience organizing for Irish Republicanism to
To what extent are liberalism and republicanism compatible with each other?
Republican voters want something different from anti-government or establishment Republicanism.
Intellectually, economic republicanism has no appeal for either liberals or conservatives.
The Founders were adherents of classical republicanism—also known as civic republicanism or civic humanism, an older democratic doctrine conceived around the common political good and the welfare of society as a whole—before modern liberalism.
"That is the brand of Republicanism they have to defend," he said.
It is possible that Trump destroys Republicanism and conservatism for a generation.
Trumpism has become Republicanism, and that spells electoral doom for the party.
Weld's strain of Republicanism is, unlike Reagan's at the time, on the wane.
That&aposs why this tax bill is the heart and soul of Republicanism.
These are people who didn't feel tied to the Nixon brand of Republicanism.
The conventional wisdom holds that Trump's nomination is a rejection of conservative Republicanism.
The counterargument I suggested depends on restoring the moral framework of civic republicanism.
He even recommended a piece by Playboy on moderate Republicanism to someone else.
Even more important, a radicalized version of Republicanism will likely dominate those institutions.
I'd argue that Republicanism has been intellectually bankrupt for a very long time.
For his many critics, Adams is the utterly unacceptable face of Irish Republicanism.
Politically, however, economic republicanism has intermittently been effective, though less so over time.
These are concrete manifestations of the impact of Trumpian Republicanism on the electorate.
Trump&aposs Syria retreat is a massive break from post-9/11 Republicanism
But many Republicans were uneasy or even antagonistic with that strain of Republicanism.
At the same time, though, his brand of Republicanism contrasts sharply with Trump's.
Hart observes elsewhere that the United States is heir to two distinct and venerable politico-philosophical traditions, that of liberalism and that of republicanism (which is often referred to nowadays as "civic republicanism," to avoid any confusion with the Republican Party).
Although she has no link with the IRA, her family is steeped in republicanism.
More than anything, wrestling honestly with Trump and Republicanism means confronting and condemning bigotry.
Read more: Trump's Syria retreat is a massive break from post-9/11 Republicanism
From a certain point of view, White's history is also a history of Republicanism.
Trumpism and Republicanism once seemed an uneasy fit, but now they are increasingly fused.
To some, his activity with Irish republicanism has made him a martyr to Ireland.
Trump's unstinting support for fossil fuels is federal Republicanism for now, with shrinking exceptions.
Reagan Republicanism famously rests on three legs: religious conservatism, national security conservatism, and economic conservatism.
Trump's policies really resemble very little of what we typically associate with free-market Republicanism.
I remember Panama City as a small town run on nepotism, Republicanism, racism, and religion.
France insists — in the name of republicanism — that religion should remain a strictly private affair.
There is no finer cheerleader, though, for Republicanism in the Senate today than Mitch McConnell.
For Res Publica, Editor-in-Chief Win McCormack examines whether civic republicanism can help save
Trumpism equals Republicanism as long as Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket.
As a one-of-a-kind artifact of pre-2016 Late Republicanism, 'Landfall' is fascinating.
As a one-of-a-kind artifact of pre-2016 Late Republicanism, "Landfall" is fascinating.
"Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism," Romney said in a statement on Facebook.
But he represents a side of Tennessee Republicanism that makes a Bredesen win look more possible.
"Republicanism isn't that good of a product," Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, said.
The magazine was born in 1955 as a revolt against the moderate Republicanism of Dwight Eisenhower.
Ronald Reagan, the patron saint of modern Republicanism, grinned from a framed portrait in the corner.
I suppose as a side duty it has to reinvigorate the very idea of moderate Republicanism.
Its brief mission statement is a straightforward summary of the basic tenets of small-r republicanism.
He has written an entire book critiquing Trump's brand of Republicanism, called Conscience of a Conservative.
Where Mr. Bannon does veer sharply from recent mainstream Republicanism is in his all-embracing nationalism.
Reaganism, Republicanism, core conservatism and Trump populism must be effectively combined for a successful way forward.
Many believed Republicanism was conservatism, and so a non-conservative could never win over Republican voters.
That's not just Cruz's character — it's part of the character of the conservative Republicanism he represents.
I think what's interesting about this [film] is the fairness with which we approach Jackie's Republicanism.
And he thinks he's finally found an audience he can convert to his unusual brand of Republicanism.
Racial and geographic realignments over the 1980s and '90s favored the anti-environmental Republicanism Gingrich now sought.
And for all their republicanism, their rulers often succumbed to the temptation of establishing their own dynasties.
Although violent dissident Republicanism largely faded to the background after the landmark agreement, it never fully disappeared.
It could have at most two of the following three things: republicanism, white supremacy, or overseas expansion.
Trump's vote-winning issues will be understood as Reagan Republicanism Part Deux: tax cuts, deregulation, constitutional judges.
He argued that Trump is "contrary to the spirit of Republicanism" and will hurt candidates down ballot.
Bush embodied, almost to the point of caricature, the older tradition of upper-class New England Republicanism.
" Two months later, he wrote, "I don't want Republicanism that's served with an entree of racism and sexism.
Giesea described "Trumpism" as a new breed of Republicanism and said it was still a work-in-progress.
Coleman's brand of Republicanism celebrated personal responsibility, traditional family values and patriotism — he trained with the Tuskegee Airmen.
The first thing the Lincoln Caucus would do is plant a flag for a different style of Republicanism.
"Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism," Mr. Romney, the 2012 Republican nominee, wrote on Facebook.
And if that's what modern Republicanism is really about, how much has changed in the era of Trump?
Mr. Bell was only 19813 in 21981 when he challenged Mr. Case, a last pillar of liberal Republicanism.
In his post, Romney reiterated his disgust for Trump, stating: Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism.
I brought a different brand of Republicanism -- one that is fiscally conservative and socially inclusive -- to the Bay State.
John Kasich's campaign would focus on eastern states where his brand of Republicanism is most salient, and Texas Sen.
It rather overshadowed 19 May Youth and Sports Day, established by Ataturk as a celebration of secularity and republicanism.
But the rising stirred a spirit of republicanism that would soon lead to the independence of the Irish Republic.
Where are their spines, as he trashes American values abroad and re-writes Republicanism for the worse at home?
Chesterfield, which includes the city of Richmond, is the ancestral home of country club Republicanism in the Old Dominion.
Young Republicans who remain have largely embraced Trump-style Republicanism — but they also look increasingly unlike their nonpartisan peers.
The choice is unavoidable, and white resentment is bound to define Republicanism more and more in the months ahead.
For its most fervent adherents, French republicanism is supposed to supercede all previous loyalties, be they Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.
This is not to say, however, that green republicanism is a top-down exercise in political persuasion; quite the contrary.
The Good Friday Agreement wasn't the last gasp of Republicanism; more like the deep rasping of a wounded beast recuperating.
He redefined, in other words, the "negative rights" of liberalism and the "positive rights" of civic republicanism as mutual necessities.
It's this message of republicanism that he and his party have been sharing with voters as they've fought this campaign.
His opponent, Bob Morgan, 66, a lawyer, represents a more establishment brand of Republicanism that goes back to Teddy Roosevelt.
There&aposs simply no broad constituency for the old Bush Republicanism of unaccountable trade deals, lax borders and perpetual military interventionism.
The best part of the hour involves the mentors trying to reason Jenner out of her belief in old-school Republicanism.
He has positioned himself as the champion of a very different brand of Republicanism to that espoused by the president-elect.
Reagan became the biggest Republican icon since Lincoln, while Baker's brand of moderate Republicanism has been diminishing since the late 1970s.
Adams was born into a Belfast family steeped in revolutionary politics, several of his relatives having been involved in armed republicanism.
A Rust Belt Republicanism that returns to an older idea of pragmatic consensus politics could be a revolution for the better.
Twin losses would be a massive repudiation of Trump and his brand of Republicanism, just as he embarks on his reelection.
Simply ignoring the leading political issue of the day in favor of some least common denominator Republicanism is an appealing alternative.
" He added, "What is happening right now is not the standard Republicanism that we've had in our country for many, many years.
Hillary Clinton's decision to downplay her early Republicanism, by contrast, signalled her lack of ambition to win votes from the other side.
The disagreement stems from a Clinton campaign decision, affirmed by President Obama, to distinguish between Trump and Republicanism as an electoral strategy.
Rather, it is the apotheosis of Gingrich Republicanism turned in on itself: cynical, based on abstractions, and devoted to seizing political power.
Many Republicans privately believe Bannon is waging an ideological war against the principles of Republicanism that they have held dear for generations.
One of the tenets of early American civic republicanism was that acting publicly on behalf of the community required individual economic independence.
Gerry Adams, the president of Ireland's Sinn Féin party and current doyen of Irish republicanism, campaigned firmly against last month's Brexit vote.
Expect him to try to vouch for the ticket's conservative bona fides, and to tie Trumpism to more traditional strands of Republicanism.
Call what is needed a reinvigoration of "civic nationalism" or "civic republicanism" (a reference to the ancient political ideal, not the party).
Hugh L. Carey, and spoke bluntly about his come-lately Republicanism, alienating George Pataki, the state's conservative governor, at a joint appearance.
These days, Carlson is adored by precisely the people who might once have dismissed him as a twerpy avatar of establishment Republicanism.
Certainly, his No. 1 cause, erecting barriers to free trade, has been a constant feature of economic republicanism from the very beginning.
Many Republicans blame the shift away from Ryan Republicanism and toward Trumpism, led by a candidate who explicitly promised no changes to entitlements.
More important, and more worrying for Republicans, that trend spilled over last year into the sprawling suburbs, long the bedrock of Texas Republicanism.
Like Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil was born out of the rise of republicanism and was founded by former Irish President Éamon de Valera.
The division illuminates much about modern Republicanism and the surprising bedfellows brought about when an emerging political force begins to imperil entrenched power.
In Maryland and Pennsylvania, the biggest states where Republicans vote next Tuesday, Cruz's brand of "just say no" Republicanism is a hard sell.
Flake's reelection bid will be viewed as a fight between his brand of classic conservative Republicanism and Trump's brand of ideology-bending populism.
You have to instill a sense that this may really be the end of a certain kind of republicanism, with a small r.
He has always been a shapeshifter, proudly veering between New England Republicanism and extreme conservatism, depending on the political winds of the time.
Some Republicans and conservative media figures like Rush Limbaugh condemn their cause as a return of moderate Republicanism or a capitulation to liberalism.
Taft's brand of conservatism was mostly extinguished by the Bush brand of internationalist "Rockefeller" Republicanism — that of Wall Street and the Eastern Establishment.
Rubio's prerecorded video should be courteous and will probably follow the "praise generic Republicanism, not Trump" approach of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
But she is also struggling to excite the voters who rejected that type of Republicanism when they voted for Mr. Trump last year.
Worse still, he does not accept the authority of constitutional republicanism—its norms, its faiths and practices, its explicit rules and implicit understandings.
His moderate brand of Republicanism failed to catch on in a year when GOP voters were instead attracted to a firebrand first-time politician.
" Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, began our conversation by insisting: "Let me start by saying: don't conflate evangelicalism with Republicanism.
They were never going to take it away from him, they just wanted to show that some semblance of old fashioned Republicanism still exists.
In Mississippi, Mr. Bannon is courting another firebrand, State Senator Chris McDaniel, to challenge Senator Roger Wicker, who embodies low-key country-club Republicanism.
A wave of Left Republicanism swept through Spain and the country was engulfed in a bloody civil war which would last nearly four years.
Mainstream Republicanism is an artifact of another age, its adherent now skirting the margins, homeless, looking on from the other sides of burning bridges.
Most important, philosophical concepts such as individualism or, later, Herbert Spencer's notion of "survival of the fittest" undercut the revolutionary implications of Radical Republicanism.
These new policies reflect a "stodgy business Republicanism" befitting an establishment figure like Jeb Bush, and they may just cost President Trump his base.
Anyone who truly believes in the tenets of freedom and republicanism shouldn't be lighting fireworks, but lighting a fire beneath our politicians, demanding change.
In the #MAGA era, Paul has become one of the biggest cheerleaders of Trump-style Republicanism and a tireless defender of the president's perspective.
Their 210 midterm victories were powered by affluent suburbanites who might have dabbled with Republicanism before, but for whom Trump was a breaking point.
Father Paul Farren is administrator of Saint Eugene's Catholic cathedral, and his pastoral domain includes the Bogside area, long a heartland of armed Irish Republicanism.
But it was precisely that sense of security which steered him away from name-calling Anglophobia or from joining the militant end of Irish Republicanism.
In their respective primetime speeches, Obama and Clinton were at pains to distinguish Trump's menacing authoritarianism from the headier traditions of Republicanism and conservative thought.
Now, Trump Republicanism has won a stunning victory — which presumably weakens the case for the more cerebral, center-right variety with which Ryan is identified.
Regardless of whether other Republicans rise to support him, what McCain is trying to say is of critical import: Trumpism is neither conservatism nor Republicanism.
"Socialism" in America, much like "liberalism", "conservatism", "republicanism", and, at least until recently, "nationalism", has a very different connotation from what is meant in Europe.
Attributing this presidency and its policies to uniquely American root causes (Republicanism run amok, changing demographics, etc.) misses the global nature of this political moment.
"I never viewed Trump as a strict adherent to Republicanism," said Ned Ryun, a Trump supporter and founder of American Majority, which trains political activists.
You may be recognized as a member of a minority that needs to be acknowledged, and as a possibly unreliable ally against Donald Trump Republicanism.
But as his sniffing at swearing proves, Bush wants to continue to cast himself, as his father before him, as a genteel voice of respectable Republicanism.
The study acknowledged that whiteness, Republicanism, and racial resentment all tend to correlate, so maybe this really reflects that partisan beliefs, not racial resentment, drive birtherism.
" In an interview with Mic, the anonymous group positioned themselves as the voice of moderate Republicanism, saying their goal was to "keep the conservative movement sane.
Challenges to that agenda will stand a better chance if they can also stoke the embers of an older pro-environment Republicanism that continue to glow.
Key to the Democrats' efforts is suburban Orange County south of Los Angeles, where four congressional districts were once the heart of rock-ribbed California Republicanism.
But the Cuban Republicanism of Diaz-Balart and his colleagues is distinct from the conservatism that defines the GOP in much of the rest of America.
Despite her past Republicanism, Ms Warren could not win votes on the right without repudiating her party in some way; by opposing mass immigration, for example.
But it ensures that republicanism remains democratic: that elected officials are acting, on the whole, on behalf of a majority of the country that elected them.
Make no mistake: Trumpism is Republicanism, just a tad more explicit in its strategic use of race to fulfill a decades-long political journey toward plutocracy.
"Within French republicanism, which is today the dominant political language, the fear of fragmentation is very powerful and very real," Mr. Chabal said in an interview.
Along comes Donald Trump offering to replace it and change the nature of the G.O.P. He tramples all over the anti-government ideology of modern Republicanism.
On the other hand, the Francoist government viewed Barcelona, the club of Catalonia, and the Basque club, Athletic Bilbao, as repositories of republicanism and local identity.
He opened his report with a discussion of the Federalist Papers, which serve as a Rosetta stone of sorts for American republicanism, and their illustrious authors.
While many here believe he would like to seek statewide office, his chances do not appear great in a state that remains a bastion of Republicanism.
So Haley is presenting her brand of conservative Republicanism as a middle path between radicals on the left (Black Lives Matter) and those on the right (Trump).
Seeking to woo potential Republican defectors who just can't get behind their party's nominee, some DNC speakers also used rhetoric that was consistent with old-fashioned Republicanism.
On some level, they do not quite believe that he is really, seriously running for president, despite everything, nor are they convinced that his Republicanism is authentic.
The Romney of Bain Capital and country-club Republicanism, someone who didn't seem to get the base — and moreover, how mad the base was — back in 2012?
" Celtic – who, given the club's roots in Irish republicanism, feel particularly targeted – summed up the sentiment of many by officially labelling the act "unhelpful and counter-productive.
Bannon grew up in a family of Irish Catholic Democrats who were swayed by Richard Nixon's platform of law-and-order Republicanism when he was a teen.
A lawyer and successful businessman, he is a man of no very fervent views, but likes enterprise, is socially liberal and leans, like many Australians, towards republicanism.
Some former detractors, like National Review editor Rich Lowry, have become appreciative of the president's court appointments and tax cuts, which are perfectly compatible with standard Republicanism.
This fear may sound ridiculous today, but it was hardly unreasonable in an age where kings and emperors were the norm and American republicanism was the exception.
November will decide whether this has been just a one-off battle, or the first victory in a campaign that will restore representative republicanism to our nation.
Mr. Kirk represents a strain of moderate Republicanism long popular in Illinois, but increasingly seen as out of step as his party has marched to the right.
Ancient republicanism held that humans are political animals, who need cohesive, vibrant political communities in order to thrive, so nurturing the public sphere was the dominant priority.
In its aftermath, George Romney, then the governor of Michigan and a leading light of moderate Republicanism, wrote a twelve-page letter outlining his disagreements with Goldwater.
Remarkably, his strong showing included Jefferson Parish, which is the largest locality in suburban New Orleans and was where modern Republicanism first took root in the state.
Hogan has been relatively open in his criticism of Trump's brand of Republicanism, but has also said he wouldn't run simply to be crushed underneath the incumbent's machine.
Indeed, Chang and Kim's brand of Republicanism is not the same brand of conservatism that's currently coming out of the White House, especially when it comes to immigration.
Brenda Wineapple on how Richard White's The Republic For Which It Stands is really a history of Republicanism in its chronicling of American Reconstruction and the Gilded Age.
Republicanism goes awry when it seeks to interfere with individual liberty in an unnecessary, counterproductive way, as the predominately republican Progressive Movement did in the fiasco of Prohibition.
" Another ex-editor, Hendrik Hertzberg, has contended, contrariwise, that there's a case to be made "that civic republicanism, as much or more than liberalism, was TNR's founding creed.
Big mistake, because he is singularly capable of poaching votes from the Democrats for the simple reason that Mr. Trump is not steeped in the ethos of Republicanism.
"It would be an opportunity for Mitt to represent the Utah style of Republicanism … and present a strong challenge to the president," one senior Republican said to The Atlantic.
Trumpism was something distinct from Republicanism: a potent form of white nationalism mixed with a bit of economic populism, a loathing of the Washington establishment, and a charismatic celebrity.
"The people who brought guns onto the street, and those who organize them do not represent any version of Irish republicanism," O'Neill said at the Easter Commemoration in Derry.
The magazine was launched in opposition to the moderate Republicanism of Dwight Eisenhower, who was seen as being soft on communism and all too willing to compromise with liberals.
Those commentaries are built on a hidden respect for the outcome, that this is a rejection of a Republicanism that wasn't working and it points in some better direction.
Democratic republicanism is the best form of government when it is functioning well, but instant, majoritarian mob rule is one of the most grotesque when it is moving fast.
Republicanism has not been a very popular cause in Britain since the Civil War in the 17th century, when Charles I was executed and Oliver Cromwell ruled the country.
From the point of view of environmental or "green" republicanism, Warren's plans, like those of the economists advising on the Green New Deal, raise a couple of serious questions.
They will overlook that as well because they&aposre disgusted by Hillary and what happened in the election, as many people who voted for Trump were disgusted by mainstream Republicanism.
Obama flipped between an indictment of the Republican Party in general and an argument that even non-Democrats should reject the current brand of Republicanism currently in power in Washington.
In The Folklore of Capitalism, Thurman Arnold—who oversaw the antitrust division of the Justice Department during the last years of FDR's presidency—took stock of capitalism's triumph over republicanism.
The governor has opted instead to defend his own brand of Republicanism, and has leveled pointed criticism at Mr. Trump since the last round of contested primaries in the spring.
Why it matters: Losing both the House and the Senate to Democrats would be a clear repudiation of President Trump and his brand of Republicanism, as Axios' Mike Allen writes.
But it also requires looking backward, to Bush and Reagan, to a Republicanism that had a thousand flaws but also understood a few important things Trump's party has deliberately forgotten.
Alluding to "challenges right now with the brand," Mr. English said his party would likely face painful setbacks in precincts that evoke silk stocking Republicanism, such as Philadelphia's Main Line.
Trump's only major legislative achievement, the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act, was absolutely standard modern Republicanism: huge tax cuts for corporations, plus tax breaks that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy.
He also acknowledges that simply sharing a creed is insufficient to fully sustain a democratic order: Achieving that goal requires an active and involved citizenry, exactly as civic republicanism stipulates.
At the same time, he sees the club as belonging to a long tradition of New York Republicanism, associated with moderate figures like the former State Senator Roy M. Goodman.
"The early Clinton era is presented as a parade of confrontations — over welfare, balanced budgets, health care — that, for a time, emboldened Gingrich's showdown wing of Republicanism," wrote our reviewer.
As long as he's bestriding the Republican world, it seems that no G.O.P. politician is going to emerge as a clear champion of the next Republicanism, whatever it might be.
When Trump first started running for president, there was a sense that "Trumpism"—basically whatever half-formed idea came out of his mouth most recently—was different from ordinary Republicanism.
No worries National Republicans heading up the midterm campaigning say the targeted members, some of whom have long represented Democratic districts with a localized-style of Republicanism, will be just fine.
In this, the highest-profile personnel decision Trump will make, he's signaled either a lack of faith or a lack of commitment to Trumpism, and a desire to reconcile with Republicanism.
There's a divide in Republicanism in the state that's best demonstrated by the well-documented rift between Blackburn and Corker, the retiring senator who holds the seat Blackburn is running for.
For decades, elected officials and party leaders had crafted a particular vision for Republicanism in America: a smaller government paired with a muscular foreign policy and uncompromising conservatism on social issues.
The BDSM scene is premised on consensual non-consent; it's one of their core beliefs, just like how modern-day Republicanism is based on a rabid hatred of female bodily autonomy.
While Trump's embrace of conventional Republicanism might keep his party loyal, which he'll need to fend off scandals, it marks the abandonment of any hope that he would realign American politics.
In both frameworks, the existential condition of extreme vulnerability makes humans clearly dependent on one another—or more precisely, interdependent, as Aristotle, the first great philosopher of republicanism, insisted so strongly.
The region's small-r republicanism was a legacy of the Civil War, when most counties in the eastern third of the state voted to remain with the Union, rather than secede.
And the play became a staple of American public school reading lists, in part because it allowed teachers to discuss republicanism, said Brett Gamboa, an assistant professor of English at Dartmouth.
Professor Burrows's first book, drawn from his doctoral dissertation on Albert Gallatin, the treasury secretary under Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, was titled "Gallatin and the Political Economy of Republicanism" (1986).
Nowhere was the Republican pain more acute than in Orange County, the longtime stronghold of Ronald Reagan Republicanism, where Republicans lost all four of the county's six districts they had held.
It's true that Trump has, with the help of Congress, had success rolling back some Obama-era regulations—but that's just standard-issue pro-business Republicanism, not anything unique to Trump.
In past cycles, the Northeast has served as a stronghold of moderate Republicanism — checking the advance of pure conservative true-believer candidates and helping deliver the nomination to relatively electable mainstream alternatives.
If anyone has a solution to the unwieldy collective-action problem bedeviling Republicanism, that person probably isn't writing it into an opinion column at a wifi cafe on the Fourth of July.
McCain's diagnosis last week with a glioblastoma tumor, an aggressive form of cancer, shocked Washington, where he has friends across the aisle -- even among lawmakers who do not share his conservative Republicanism.
Among leftist supporters of Irish republicanism, in Belfast and Dublin, there will be particular emphasis on remembering James Connolly, a socialist trade union leader who led a separate force during the rebellion.
Trump is perhaps less suited to Virginia's gentlemanly political bent than the tribe of Republicanism he defeated; coarseness and confrontational politics are alien to the political brands that best succeed in Virginia.
Ronald Reagan folded in religious conservatives in the 1980s to replace the generation of Dixiecrats dying off, thus consolidating the powerful mix of cultural reaction and economic conservatism that is modern Republicanism.
Alongside the liberal tradition, which concerns itself predominantly with the idea of individual liberty, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence, civic republicanism constitutes a second foundational tradition in American political thought.
As The Washington Post has tracked, red did not reliably stand for Republicanism, at least as far as "red states" are concerned on TV broadcasts, until the late 1980s at the earliest.
It's possible the correlation was coincidental: The study acknowledged that whiteness, Republicanism, and racial resentment all tend to correlate, so maybe this really reflects that partisan beliefs, not racial resentment, drive birtherism.
In key areas of Virginia Republicanism -- the suburbs of Richmond and the exurbs of Washington, DC -- Republican Ed Gillespie ran far behind recent past GOP gubernatorial nominees and even behind Trump himself.
Wood demonstrates that in the decades that preceded the American Revolution, republicanism, with its commitment to self-government and the equal dignity of human beings, was on the march in the colonies.
As a matter of observable fact, the United States, through its sporadic adherence to that creed, is the most far-reaching and successful experiment in pluralistic republicanism the world has ever known.
Its worldview resembles, in fact, the right-wing politics of contemporary Europe — a tradition, heretofore judged foreign to American politics, called "herrenvolk republicanism," that reserved social democracy solely for the white majority.
Each division of government will offer its own brand of Republicanism that will need to work together to develop an agenda that will move America forward after eight years of President Obama.
But they failed to stand on principle and [failed to do] outreach to communities that may not have typically identified with Republicanism, like college-educated women, professional women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims.
Readers of this book will have a tremendous advantage over those who continue to read nonsense about how the new president's agenda is being set by classic conservatism Republicanism, racism or Russian agents.
It's easy to point to Trump's rhetorical heresies — his tweets criticizing Republican leadership, his musings about withdrawing from free trade agreements, his distrust of the so-called "establishment" — as signs of non-Republicanism.
ST: I'm not trying to sell Donald Trump or Republicanism; whatever your political leanings, we need to have Muslim councilmen, we need to have Muslim state delegates, we need to have Muslim congressmen.
As well as exemplifying the frictions between different levels of government and different strands of Republicanism (business-minded and religious), these flashpoints also illuminate a bigger clash: between the past and the future.
A key concept in civic republicanism is citizenship: If people aren't empowered to govern themselves as citizens, no matter what liberal rights are codified to protect them from tyranny, they aren't truly free.
Bannon is a former Navy officer who came from a Democratic household but began to embrace Reagan Republicanism after what he has described as former President Jimmy Carter's disastrous leadership of the country.
We know how that played out: The centrists won the argument and, when Clinton rode the "New Democrat" agenda to victory in 22020, Lite Republicanism became the official strategy of the Democratic Party.
Regrettably, Arendt failed to discern the close affinity between anarchism and republicanism, manifested in their mutual embrace not only of radical decentralization, but of the principle of federation (as opposed to strict hierarchy).
The Arizona senator rejected the moderate Republicanism of Dwight Eisenhower (and many black party members) in favor of a doctrinaire conservatism that closed all doors to government action in civil and economic life.
The face of Irish Republicanism during some of the worst moments of "The Troubles" that killed more than 3,600 people, McGuinness remained a figure of hate for many pro-British Protestants until his death.
Policy differences with Fine Gael are the cause of much political science debate, with some suggesting the only real contrast is in how each try to promote the cause of Irish unification and republicanism.
The Diaz-Balart family is a political dynasty that perfectly represents the politics of the area: a Republicanism defined by opposition to communism in general and Cuban dictators Fidel and Raúl Castro in particular.
He had been added to the ticket as Gerald Ford's vice presidential candidate in 1976 to provide strong conservative balance to Ford's Midwestern moderate Republicanism after Ford almost lost the nomination to Ronald Reagan.
Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey, has evidently decided that the time to defect from mainstream Republicanism—of which, just a couple of weeks ago, he was considered a standard-bearer—has arrived.
Cruz's brand of Republicanism is cold toward concerns of major financial institutions, and he has pitched himself as a populist, evangelical everyman who gained political power through hard work and an appetite for risk.
Tim Pawlenty as their exemplar, Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam had coined the term "Sam's Club Republicanism" in a 2005 article in the Weekly Standard, and fleshed the idea out in a 2008 book.
Hillary Clinton went out of her way to distinguish between Trumpism and old-fashioned Republicanism, as represented by the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, and her ads cited Republican critics of Trump.
Jackson does a brilliant job detailing the evolution of de Gaulle from a normal French officer who has contempt for the squabbling, mediocre politicians of the Third Republic into a clear voice for republicanism.
What we didn't know at the time, however, was that the decision to run against Trumpism and not Republicanism was made in May, when the Democratic primary was definitively won, but not yet over.
As political scientist Cas Mudde points out, President Donald Trump's brand of Republicanism did well at the ballot box in some places, allowing Trump-style Republicans to replace more conventional ones in some places.
In his article "Jewish Republicanism"—which focuses on the underlying political philosophy of David Ben-Gurion, Israel's founding leader—Nir Kedar offers a different twist on the relation between individual freedom and communal solidarity.
It's true that our government has been a model for many that have come after it, with varying success, and that our interpretation of republicanism set a standard for the world at the time.
"I guess I'm reserving judgment for how we define Republicanism going into the 2018 race," Mr. Mesnard said, adding of Mr. Flake's criticism of the president, "Obviously, he has offended a lot of people."
Sinn Fein — the party that represents mainstream republicanism and whose leaders participated in the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement — has offered a stark political response to the anger Brexit has fomented.
Yet his real policy agenda, aside from the looming trade war, is standard-issue modern Republicanism: huge tax cuts for billionaires and savage cuts to public programs, including those essential to many Trump voters.
However, to those who believe the salvation of the American polity requires a revival of the ideals of civic republicanism, to modify those of individualistic liberalism, Alexander Hamilton is at best an ambiguous figure.
A couple weeks ago it looked like it would require them to reconcile themselves to instead nominating Ted Cruz—a widely disliked, factional candidate, but at least one moored in Republicanism and the conservative movement.
Texas was once synonymous with the expansive version of Republicanism pursued by the Bushes and Rick Perry, a strand more concerned with taking care of business than with fighting culture wars or kicking out immigrants.
And in the 2016 campaign, primary challengers in key Senate battlegrounds are seeking to align themselves with Trump in order to attack GOP incumbents who are struggling to support the GOP nominee's brand of Republicanism.
This dilemma mirrors a debate that has played out in the past 24 hours, since President Barack Obama treated Trump as an aberration, rather than the apotheosis of modern Republicanism, in his Wednesday convention address.
In other words, Trump apparently believes that if he achieves 3 percent GDP growth and avoids a major war abroad, his brand of economic nationalism, realist deterrence, and America-first chauvinism will replace mainstream Republicanism.
Even beyond some glaring policy disagreements, the Koch network has not exactly enjoyed a cozy relationship with Trump, having voiced stark concerns about him during the presidential election and recoiled at his brand of Republicanism.
Moreover, the DNC's highest profile speakers—both Clintons, Barack Obama, Tim Kaine, Michael Bloomberg—relentlessly argued that Trumpism was not Republicanism and that Trump was an aberration, not a representative of the party of Lincoln.
Bret: Roy Moore is what Republicans get — and what they deserve — when they abandon mainstream Republicanism for populism, and when they renounce the idea that good moral character is a requirement of high political office.
What Bannon's exit might mean, however, is the end of even the pretense that Trumpist economic policy is anything different from standard Republicanism — and I think giving up the pretense matters, at least a bit.
Contrary to interpretations of the American Revolution that stress the influence of enlightenment philosophy or Roman republicanism, patriots were more likely to cite the Bible than any other source in making the case for independence.
I wanted to explore whether traditional Republicanism could fully explain how the Old South's most independent thinkers became Trump zombies willing now to send a plausibly accused pedophile to the Senate rather than a Democrat.
Read more " _____ John Nichols in The Nation: "The measure of responsible Republicanism in these times cannot be made with words — not even with words so powerful as those employed by Jeff Flake on Tuesday afternoon.
Distinguished in their communities, identified with the cause of Republicanism, an extremely unpopular cause among blacks, they had been served notice that the party they had fought for considered them just another bunch of "niggers".
Michael Grimm are vying to convince New York City's lone bastion of Republicanism that each is the most supportive of, the most closely affiliated with, the most kindred spirit of the man in the White House.
Moderate Republicanism will take time to resuscitate, and it will likely never re-emerge in the old form from the 1960s and 1970s, embodied by figures like the senators Jacob Javits, Charles Percy and Lowell Weicker.
Then we had people in the Bush administration who had made misjudgments, but understood and respected democratic institutions, and had not yet been intoxicated by a new brand of Republicanism that coddles dictators and vilifies patriots.
Like the honky-tonk in "The Blues Brothers" that had "both kinds" of music, "country and western," it offered a rightist sampler running from Sean Hannity's party-loyal Republicanism to Bill O'Reilly's pugnacious East Coast populism.
Bouteghmès, himself a product of these forces and a consummate proponent of French Republicanism, was, like many of the people he represents, an object of much of this discussion if seldom an equal partner in it.
Throughout his time in politics, Corbyn has devoted himself to causes including nuclear disarmament, Palestinian solidarity, animal rights, gay rights and Irish republicanism — the latter being a source of contention in this election (more on that later).
But at least Trump has a roughly consistent jobs worldview, one that mostly aligns with ordinary Republicanism, save for his hardline views on trade policy, which fly in the face of the GOP's usual free-market economics.
However, growth has been too slow for an overwhelmingly youthful population, far more interested in jobs and change than in the Islamist idealism and anti-Shah republicanism of the 1979 revolution that the old guard clings to.
It was the height of big-tent Republicanism, an era when democratic optimism at home melded with democratic optimism abroad: a sense that popular democracy could not only win elections, but could also win the Cold War.
"What you have in French republicanism is a conflict between a commitment to equality and the notion that sexual difference is a natural difference which explains why there can't be equality between women and men," she said.
The Democratic capture of four Republican-held congressional seats in Orange County in November — more than half the seven congressional seats Democrats won from Republicans in California — toppled what had long been a fortress of conservative Republicanism.
In fact, with so many political successes Orange County has been called "the ideological birthing place for California Republicanism" dating all the way back to President Richard Nixon — who also happened to be birthed in Orange County.
The whole concept of small-r republicanism rests on the idea that self-government works only when public opinion is filtered through multiple institutions and wiser heads, not merely flushed through Congress like sewage in a drain.
I think a Republican Party that's more nationalistic and populist, not necessarily Trumpist, but more in that direction than it was in 2004 when Mitt Romney ran, has more potential to jump racial lines than stereotypical Republicanism.
Mr. Gillespie is a practiced and articulate messenger of the kind of pre-Trump mainstream Republicanism that is popular enough in Virginia to have nearly lifted him to an upset victory over Senator Mark Warner in 2014.
THE SHOT that killed Lyra McKee, one of Northern Ireland's most promising young journalists, was fired by a youth urged on by embittered ancients still convinced that Irish republicanism can prevail only through the barrel of a gun.
Both teams' identities were built upon being perceived in opposition to each other, in politics as well as religion: Celtic have been associated with socialism and Rangers with conservatism; Celtic with Irish republicanism, and Rangers with Ulster loyalism.
Mr. Bannon, 62, who grew up in a Democratic family in Virginia that fled the party in favor of Richard Nixon's law-and-order Republicanism, has quietly advised Mr. Trump throughout his campaign, according to friends and colleagues.
It was only through understanding the foundational principles of French Republicanism, and 200-year-old ideas that were in crisis in a modern, multicultural France, that he could see they needed to be adjusted to a new reality.
It might be called economic republicanism (with a small "r"), and it uses the distributed nature of power in the political system to force a distribution of power in the economic system, or a part of it, anyway.
In the face of a large and growing Latino population, the state's Republican Party appears to be shifting away from the Flake/McCain tradition of immigrant-friendly Republicanism and toward the Arpaio/Trump brand of white grievance politics.
It does, however, seem to mark the final eclipse of the notion that Trump would move beyond demagoguery and construct a vision of "nationalist" economic policy that would differ in a meaningful way from standard-issue pro-business Republicanism.
Washington, New Hampshire (CNN)Ted Cruz swatted away the idea that Donald Trump's conversion to Republicanism was genuine, saying that Trump's late-life change to conservatism was in no way similar to that of another former Democrat, Ronald Reagan.
The 1932 presidential election is a good example when the activist approach of Franklin Roosevelt swept aside traditional small government Republicanism or the 1979-1981 period when the conservative free-market Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan came to power.
Machiavelli's "The Prince" is famous for its cool espousal of political expediency, but for fifteen years before Machiavelli wrote it, in 1513, he championed popular republicanism, working tirelessly, if ultimately unsuccessfully, to prevent Florence from returning to Medici rule.
Meanwhile a strain of republicanism emerged as the country broke into two camps: on one side, the establishment, with the palace at its core; on the other, the disenfranchised, whose demand for a political voice threatened the traditional order.
Trump has stayed the course with traditional Republicanism on a wide array of issues, but with foreign policy he's a wild card — and that's why it's the one issue where members of his party will actually stand against him.
France's distinctiveness arises in part from the ideological strength of the idea the nation has had of itself since the French Revolution, including an assertive form of republicanism and an open distrust of all religions, beginning, historically, with Catholicism.
Mr. Molinaro is trying to thread a very narrow political needle while offering a vision of Republicanism that seems more attuned to former President George W. Bush's idea of "compassionate conservatism" than President's Trump more antagonistic and nationalistic approach.
The three represent the range of the Republican Party, from the furthest-right social conservatism of Labrador, a founding member of the House's Freedom Caucus, to the establishment business-centric Republicanism of Little and the outsider firebrand of Ahlquist.
Mr. Bush had replaced, and would be judged against, a two-term president who had come to embody a new era of Republicanism while presiding over what was, at the time, the longest period of economic growth in history.
Henri was said to harbor royal ambitions, but the movement to restore France's monarchy has progressively dwindled since the years leading up to World War Two, when it was viewed in some quarters as a credible threat to Republicanism.
While many Democrats weary of Reagan-era Republicanism envisioned their party racing to the left, Mr. Biden chafed as some advisers nudged him toward a kind of zealous populism, an imperfect fit for the candidate's within-the-system sensibility.
For the GOP, having a New Yorker at the top of the ticket signals that the Southern-based Republicanism of low taxation, social and cultural conservatism, unfettered markets and hawkish militarism no longer sits as well with voters in the party.
The Bush family, a dynasty that defined Republicanism for decades, clashed on Monday with the new and irreverent face of the party, Donald J. Trump, in one of the most vivid and powerful confrontations in the presidential primary campaign so far.
It's a strange way of humanizing them, pulling away their universalist pretensions, like the pornographic satires of the French Revolution, or the inherent republicanism in the fact that sometimes the Queen of England has to use the toilet like everyone else.
This un-Trumpy vice presidential pick seems to signal his willingness embrace conventional Republicanism, as Ezra Klein argues: A Pence pick is Trump deciding — or perhaps admitting — that it's more important to be a Republican than to be, well, himself.
This was the nation that turned its nose up at republicanism, fascism and communism; that has typically advanced not through revolutions but by tweaks and fiddles; and that tolerates the ensuing tensions and contradictions like wrinkles on an old face.
And that if he could make Trump enact the Ryan agenda, then there would be a policy backbone to conservative Republicanism that would survive Trumpism -- no matter what the President said or did over his time in the White House.
Jacobins, Positivists, Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Maoists all featured an elite stratum of intellectuals whose mastery of some body of liberating ideas—Rousseauist republicanism, Comtean "social science," Marxism-Leninism, Aryan race science, Mao Zedong Thought—entitled them to rule the uninitiated.
With Mr. Trump in the White House, Mr. Ryan's strain of Republicanism is seen as a liability and an object of disdain from the party's ultraconservative base, which prizes partisan battling over governing and regards legislative negotiating as weak capitulation.
They say that in a place like Arkansas, their party must play a long game, and not expect voters to swing all the way from Republicanism to a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren-style liberal platform in a single election.
Orange County has historically been a symbol of Republicanism — it is the birthplace of Richard M. Nixon — but its political composition has changed considerably over the past 10 years, reflecting the demographic shifts that have taken place across much of California.
Like the Alabama Senate primary, the G.O.P.'s battle to replace Corker will likely yield "a competitive primary that pits more establishment Republicans against candidates who identify with the Trump brand of Republicanism," writes the Cook Political Report's Jennifer Duffy.
Republicanism, even in California, has become inseparable from Trumpism because most of the party's leaders and lawmakers are more focused on catering to its far-right base and elite donors than on speaking to or for the majority of Americans.
There are two main political traditions in America: liberalism, which exalts the liberty of the individual, and civic republicanism, which advocates what Benjamin Barber has called "communal liberty," a tradition requiring citizen participation in the political life of the community.
The more Trump speaks out and explains to Republican voters how to interpret the events in Charlottesville (and whatever conflicts come next, as there will almost certainly be more), the more Republican voters will adapt to the new meaning of Republicanism.
Bannon's label for his own philosophy — "economic nationalism" — might be a dubious attempt to distance himself from the ethnic nationalists who make up many of his allies, but it's also a reminder that economic populism is part of Bannonesque Republicanism.
Such activities—in which he has served the government in his capacity as a private citizen—are very much in keeping with the ethos of civic republicanism, the political-philosophical tradition that, after shuttering his campaign, Hart came to embrace as his own.
He was a hero of the philosophes, partly because he was one of the last thinkers to be actively persecuted for his atheism, but also because he wrote an influential treatise on politics denying the legitimacy of censorship and advocating democratic republicanism.
In 1965, William F. Buckley ran for mayor of New York City against John Lindsay; Buckley didn't mind the risk of delivering the race to a Democrat, because he wanted to destroy the liberal Republicanism of which Lindsay was the perfect embodiment.
Again, maybe this was an example of tough liberals brilliantly playing hardball: Don't let Rubio have any kind of victory for his slightly more popular flavor of Republicanism, so that he and his party will be easier to crush in 2018 and beyond.
There was a BuzzFeed piece that talked about [your visit to] Iowa, and it noted how you're not the first Republican to challenge a sitting president [from] your own party, but you're doing so while your strain of Republicanism is on the wane.
The danger lies in fostering the idea that the divides between progressives and moderates are more important than their intense and shared opposition with [Trump] and a right-wing version of Republicanism that seeks to undo our nation's advances since the New Deal.
Following a path laid by Caroline Robbins, historians like Bernard Bailyn and Gordon S. Wood emphasized civic republicanism, a set of beliefs that focused on the threat of power to liberty and the need to put the common good above personal self-interest.
"I think this has now taken a nastier turn and it's clear that people in dissident republicanism are trying to use the disorder for their own ends," Colum Eastwood, leader of the moderate nationalist Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), told Irish national broadcaster RTE.
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — The Bush family, a dynasty that defined Republicanism for decades, clashed on Monday with the new and irreverent face of the party, Donald J. Trump, in one of the most vivid and powerful confrontations in the presidential primary campaign so far.
Either it will adopt the non-profane elements of Trumpism (his economic populism, his restrictive thinking about immigration) and conform to him, or it will abandon different elements of orthodox Republicanism (supply-side economics, white identity politics) and move in a completely new direction.
Especially after Vichy made anti-republicanism synonymous with surrender, de Gaulle came to see that France had to be addressed by the republic's magic words—liberty, equality, and fraternity—and not the near-Vichyite ones of fatherland and family, which he had first favored.
Should Trump lose on Election Day, though, many Republicans will want to say "I told you so" and turn the page on the Trump experiment, returning to a more generic Republicanism that they see as a better vote-getter and a more substantively defensible ideology.
But then Nixon became Dwight Eisenhower's running mate — and most conservatives loathed Ike, believing he had stolen the 1952 nomination from the staunchly conservative Robert Taft, and that as president, he charted a course toward New Deal Republicanism and a soft-on-communism foreign policy.
The early Clinton era is presented as a parade of confrontations — over welfare, balanced budgets, health care — that, for a time, emboldened Gingrich's showdown wing of Republicanism, but also vaulted Clinton to a re-election that created an early version of today's blue America.
Grand Rapids was also the hometown of another president, Gerald R. Ford, whose presidential museum sits across the river from the arena where Mr. Trump spoke — a monument to the moderate Republicanism that the president has banished and the Washington establishment that he has upended.
The danger lies in fostering the idea that the divides between progressives and moderates are more important than their intense and shared opposition with President Trump and a right-wing version of Republicanism that seeks to undo our nation's advances since the New Deal.
But Eisenhower's New Deal–light Republicanism angered the activists and economic elites in the Republican Party, who still wanted to undo the New Deal and who were sure that if they really truly opposed the New Deal, public opinion would miraculously move to their side.
Despite France's staunch republicanism and its infamous history of decapitating monarchs, some people in the country would love to see a King Louis XX. And in early July, around 150 of Louis Alphonse's most fervent supporters gathered in Paris's 1st arrondissement to welcome him.
Leaders of a Manhattan political club that was once the archetype of moderate Republicanism say they stand behind the decision to invite the founder of a far-right men's group as police investigate violence by and against his group after his speech at their clubhouse Friday night.
Conservatives who favor a populist shift in how the G.O.P. approaches issues like taxes or transfer programs have stressed the ways in which Reaganite Republicanism has failed the working class, while urging a conservative politics of solidarity that borrows at least something from the wreck of Trumpism.
Mr. Price was the editorial page editor of The New York Herald Tribune when it closed in 20073, and when he joined Nixon's nascent second presidential campaign the next year, he brought with him the sort of moderate Republicanism that had characterized that newspaper's opinion pages.
And it's an emblem of how the little-known Tallahassee mayor has shown Democrats a new path in the Trump era, a way to balance the poll-tested imperative to stay positive with the demand that they respond to the vitriolic and sometimes openly racist style of Trump Republicanism.
But, then, that's the whole point: If Trump will sell out Trumpism for Republicanism in a decision this important — a decision about who will lead the nation if Trump dies or is impeached or resigns to spend more time with his golf courses — he'll do the same as president.
In the 1990s, as a budding politician who finally entered Congress in the year 2000, his evangelical convictions deepened and he underwent an ideological change too: from the Democratic leanings of his youth (when he preferred the devout Jimmy Carter to the divorced Ronald Reagan) to religiously-inspired Republicanism.
His commitment to working people has always been in doubt (did anyone really expect more from a rapacious real estate mogul who hid his taxes and pledged to repeal Obamacare?), and this has only been affirmed by his policies since taking office, which have been bog-standard Republicanism.
With the front-running candidate for the nomination of her party taking the GOP into dark and dangerous directions that even some conservatives have compared to the politics of Germany in the 1930s, Haley in her speech championed a Republicanism and conservatism that is civil, respectful and thoughtful.
Barry and Smith argue that civic republicanism and green politics share the same basic view of the human condition, one mostly missing from the liberal canon: a sense of human vulnerability—either to climate change or to the vagaries of random political chance, which Machiavelli famously called fortuna.
Whether the Gillespie-Trump brand of Republicanism sells to the Virginia electorate this year will tell us a lot about where American politics stand a year after the election of President Trump — and the outcome will also offer tantalizing hints about where we are headed in 2018 and 2020.
He has worked quietly with the White House to apply a conservative policy structure to the unorthodox brand of Republicanism that elevated Mr. Trump to power, urging fellow senators to be mindful of the anti-free-trade, anti-open-immigration energy that will color the lawmakers' own elections.
Indeed, the northern Atlanta suburbs, once considered bastions of Republicanism, are experiencing an identity crisis — one that became acute with the success of a Democrat, Jon Ossoff, in a special House of Representatives election in Georgia's Sixth District, which last sent a Democrat to Congress in the Carter administration.
MACCALLUM: Let&aposs go terrify some small children and, you know, send them running to the streets while a man with dark sunglasses chases them until they go over a fence, and teach kids that that what&aposs, you know, that&aposs what represents conservatism or Republicanism in this country.
The solutions advocated by The New Republic of today will frequently differ from those favored by Croly—for instance, we will call for significant political and economic decentralization, à la Brandeis—but they will all involve, as did his, an interplay between the two political traditions of liberalism and civic republicanism.
He is, perhaps above all, a significant figure owing to the fidelity of his republicanism: from a background that in most places and circumstances would have led, in crisis, toward some form of Bonapartism, he remained a faithful believer in the norms of democracy, in oscillating governments and principled resignation.
The strains on Republicanism are driven home by scenes like the 1,500 people who waited two hours in 10-degree weather on Tuesday night to see Mr. Trump campaign in Claremont, N.H. And the 700 who jammed the student center of an Iowa Christian college the same evening to hear Mr. Cruz.
A review of Hahn's coverage from the past three months shows she has been instrumental in building the anti-immigration narrative on Breitbart, as well as fueling the longstanding divide between Trump's Republicanism and the party's establishment faction, with some pretty scathing headlines about House Leader Paul Ryan and the GOP-majority Congress.
In an essay for our recent Trump cover package, I argued that for all there is to fear and regret about Trump's ascent, our institutions, however flawed, are still robust enough to curb his ambitions—that Trump represents more of an existential threat to modern Republicanism than to our democracy as a whole.
And the attacks ranged from challenges to his stop-and-frisk policies, to allegations of abusive behavior toward women in his workplace, to his cleaving in his ads to former President Barack Obama -- with whom he wasn't always close or supportive -- to his past Republicanism and to general sniping about his vast wealth.
And at the very least, one answer this administration has supplied is that personnel is policy, and that if you don't have people standing by and ready to implement an agenda, it doesn't matter what you campaigned on — you'll get bog-standard pre-Trump Republicanism, whatever rhetorical gloss you put on it.
Sinn Fein, the political voice of Irish republicanism, has recently shown its secular face by taking a firm line in favour of gay rights and a liberal abortion regime in both parts of Ireland, to the point of virtually forcing members who dissent from this line, on grounds of Catholic conscience, to leave the party.
He had the strongest Anti-Federalist instincts of any eminent American, later writing of the constitutional system, It must be agreed that our governments have much less of republicanism than ought to have been expected; in other words, that the people have less regular control over their agents, than their rights and their interests require.
Campaigning recently at a recreation center in Murray County — a rural, mainly white bastion of Republicanism on the Tennessee border — she stood before TV news cameras, reminding people of her work helping to pass a bipartisan billion-dollar transportation bill, and her support of legislation that supports grandparents and other family members raising children.
As in his campaign, he faces an array of obstacles: his historic unpopularity and lack of discipline, advisers who hope to nudge him back toward conventional Republicanism and, perhaps most significant, other party leaders who have a more conservative outlook on domestic policy and government spending and a more hawkish attitude on foreign affairs.
The scope of Andrew Gillum's talent became clear to a national audience on October 25, when he invented what will likely be the way Democrats talk about Trump Republicanism for years to come: "Now, I'm not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist," Gillum said of his Republican rival for the governorship of Florida, Ron DeSantis, during a debate.
The Proud Boys, who made an appearance at a racist gathering in Charlottesville in 2017, are a group so wedded to violence that their initiation rituals involve being punched by members — a far cry from the wealthy Upper East Side Republicanism of figures like former senator Jacob Javits, who the club boasts once made its townhouse his campaign headquarters.
"If the real world today is governed as an insanely dysfunctional republic, and the Internet today is governed as a cluster of insanely despotic corporate monarchies, it doesn't strike me as at all inconsistent with historical thought to treat the former case of misgovernment with efficient monarchism, and the latter case with liberating republicanism," he wrote.
Years ago, reform conservatives were proposing a Sam's Club Republicanism, which would actually provide concrete policy ideas to help the working class, like wage subsidies, a higher earned-Income tax credit, increased child tax credits, subsidies for people who wanted to move in search of work and exemption of the first $20,000 in earnings from the Medicare payroll tax.
For two hours, America's dads Joe Biden, Tim Kaine, and Barack Obama and its aloof rich uncle Michael Bloomberg relentlessly made the case that Trumpism was not Republicanism, but a tumor infecting a once noble Republican Party and that the only way for Republicans to get rid of the tumor was to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Yet in the battle over how to accommodate France's Muslim population, the largest in Europe, a certain faction of the left has been among the most vocal in embracing a hardline Republicanism and restrictive vision of secularism that separates religion from public life—a narrow, and some argue flawed, interpretation of what the French call laïcité.
But many were clearly motivated by grudges and fears instilled by the party's civil war, and by a sense that even though Trump might represent a grave threat to their vision of Republicanism, it would still be better to serve under his rule for a season than to risk putting their hated intraparty rivals in the catbird seat.
Heather Cox Richardson, a Boston College professor and the author of a new history of the Republican Party, predicts a violent rupture that cleaves the party in two: a hard-line conservatism, as embodied by Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich and Mr. Trump, and an old-fashioned strain of moderate Republicanism that recalls Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Nelson Rockefeller.
His involvement with Irish republicanism led to an ill-conceived mission in Germany to generate support, and to secure arms and possibly volunteers, in the midst of World War I. In Germany, he felt betrayed — and, afforded little in the way of help or arms, he wanted to stop the Easter Rising, because it seemed doomed to failure.
If the country delivered a mixed verdict nationally on Mr. Trump and his brand of unrepentant nationalism and white-hot rhetoric on immigration in the 2018 midterms — Democrats seized the House and ceded ground in the Senate, and the two parties split key governorships — the results were far clearer in a region that once defined moderate Republicanism in America.
Reflecting on the tumult, a Republican strategist who has been involved in campaigns at every level for more than 35 years and who is a dues-paying member of the establishment (and thus did not want his name used to avoid alienating his clients), expressed the contradictions of contemporary Republicanism with precision: The post-Trump world is a Humpty Dumpty story.
Just as the takeover of the party's congressional delegation in 1995 by House Speaker Newt Gingrich signaled the end of moderate Republicanism on Capitol Hill, so the ascent of the Tea Party, the screeds of Fox News commentators, the rise of the Breitbart alt-right and now Trump's success signal that even the die-hard conservatives of a decade ago have been marginalized.
Insert your own punch line about old-school Republicanism imperiled at a time of scorched-earth politics ... Number of the day: $244 Yup, Marianne Williamson is still in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, and CNN's David Wright reports that she is gingerly upping the ante with her first TV ad booking: a $244 cable buy in Columbia, South Carolina.
Former Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele said Wednesday that "there is a difference between Republicanism and conservatism" under President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE.
The film and the book, a copy of which The New York Times obtained independently of Mr. McCain, amount to the senator's final say on his career and a concluding argument for a brand of pro-free trade and pro-immigration Republicanism that, along with his calls for preserving the American-led international order, have grown out of fashion under President Trump.
Those dynamics are now on display as Wisconsin prepares for a major primary election on Tuesday: Mr. Walker's bid for a third term is at stake; Wisconsin Democrats' desire to deal blows to Trump Republicanism is intense; Republicans are deeply concerned about their future hold on state government; and the very identity of the state, which swings between progressivism and conservatism, feels up for grabs.
It is not much solace for Republican representatives like Mark Sanford of South Carolina, who lost with 46 percent of the vote or for Martha Roby, a Republican congresswoman in Alabama, who got 39 percent and faces a runoff, but the size of their vote in these Southern states is a plausible measure of the spirit of Republicanism that lies outside Mr. Trump's vision for the party.
And here is where civic republicanism comes in; where the ambitions of liberalism as a universal-rights–based creed appear to be succumbing to the pressures of ethno-nationalist reaction on the right and identity-based agitations for recognition on the left, the particularist, historically informed character of the republican tradition may prove more adaptable to the world's shifting and radically contingent political landscape.
One was to recognize that the Republican Party was becoming the middle-class party, and to offer a set of economic policies targeted to help these increasingly struggling middle-class voters — perhaps something akin to the "Sam's Club Republicanism" that Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam argued for in their 2008 book, Grand New Party: How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream.
Where the liberal order envisioned as the summit of political development in The End of History and the Last Man has grown notably brittle, hidebound, and inward-looking, the participatory and locally embedded traditions of republicanism, aimed at cultivating virtue and self-sacrifice as a civic bulwark against the corrosive forces of vice, luxury, and atomistic individualism, now speak to an increasingly unmoored political age with fresh urgency.
I still vote on the Republican ticket, but Republicanism is so tied up with being for Trump," she said, adding that she understands why people voted for President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE as well as why people think "he's tearing this country apart.
Heller supporters argue that his more moderate brand of Republicanism will give the GOP a better shot at holding the seat in 22019, a move to the center they say is necessary after Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE won the state in 2016.
More from the Financial Times: Trump signs 'Buy American, Hire American' orderUS Treasury canvasses appetite for 'ultra-long' bondsSupport builds for watered-down Glass-Steagall law Instead, he laid out an agenda that gives credence to the growing view in Washington that, when it comes to economic policy at least, the Trump administration may be turning out to be a variant of mainstream Republicanism rather than the fire-breathing "America First" populism Mr Trump employed to get elected.

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