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"prophylactically" Definitions
  1. in a way that is intended to prevent a disease

88 Sentences With "prophylactically"

How to use prophylactically in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "prophylactically" and check conjugation/comparative form for "prophylactically". Mastering all the usages of "prophylactically" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The urban legend of doctors performing it pre­emptively and prophylactically is unfounded.
She had her unaffected breast removed prophylactically and also had a prophylactic hysterectomy.
He had 33 mania patients who'd previously been hospitalized take a probiotic prophylactically.
In general, they would prophylactically limit the collection, use, sharing and retention of data.
"I would not recommend that anyone take iron supplements prophylactically without consulting a physician."
The I.R.C.P. captures the survivors' stories, prophylactically, rather than entering them into the public record.
He takes antibiotics prophylactically to go to day care, where, his mother said, many of his peers are not fully vaccinated.
Kyratsous added that the premade antibodies can be used prophylactically to prevent infection as well as therapeutically to treat the disease.
Just about everyone wraps tape on players' ankles prophylactically, and there is, in reality, very little evidence to support doing that.
It plans to dose patients prophylactically with steroids in the phase 3 trial in hopes that will suppress any immune responses.
But with antibiotics used prophylactically, so used on animals who are not sick, it allows them to live their conditions that would otherwise be lethal.
"If, for example, there&aposs a flu epidemic going on and Tamiflu supplies are limited, this data could help identify who should be prophylactically treated first," Khatri said.
He has called on the F.D.A. to close the loophole that allows ranchers to feed antibiotics to their animals prophylactically, and for violations to be a criminal offense.
When I met Paul, who previously worked at IBM and in telecommunications, he was carrying a Gear VR and headphones that, not ironically, were prophylactically covered with hygienic cotton.
Meaning, you were prophylactically doing things in a way in which you thought would get you informed, more engaged, more understood, more sympathy, more empathy, and it's the opposite.
Kind of like prophylactically letting everyone at the cool kids' lunch table know that you also hate *NSYNC, because you know they do and that hating boy bands is cool.
The study, in the British Journal of Surgery, included 195,973 women in a Swedish health registry who had undergone oophorectomy either prophylactically or for benign conditions between 1965 and 2011.
It is not something to rush into, or to try prophylactically; but in the midst of a global financial crisis, or a deep recession, it would have much to recommend it.
That led to a major study published in April showing that giving antibiotics prophylactically to infants in very poor countries could work like a vaccine, preventing up to 220 percent of early deaths.
Nevertheless, Lai added, if his team's therapy is proven effective, it could likely be used prophylactically, to protect health workers or family members who come into contact with Ebola virus patients in lieu of a vaccine.
"Fighting the press is always an ancillary activity — you do it defensively, you do it prophylactically," said Mr. Schmidt, who lashed out at journalists during the 2008 convention for their coverage of Mr. McCain's running mate, Gov.
Beta-lactams are used prophylactically to prevent infections during surgery, and studies have found that patients with penicillin allergies who are given second-line antibiotics before surgery had a substantially greater risk of a surgical site infection.
But your triggers could be so random you can't even isolate them, let alone avoid them, and anyway, prophylactically hiding from all the parts of the world that might mess with you is usually no way to live.
Now, if I said, "Well, there's all of this information that I'm consuming that has positive and negative impacts on my mind, still not clearly well understood, so I'm going to prophylactically do something to help manage my mental health," you sound like a crazy person.
"There's a potential that they could be used prophylactically, which means when you look at a high-risk patient population — healthcare workers, family members of COVID-19 patients — those could be the targeted groups for a prophylactic antibody, which would essentially protect that person from being infected," Dunn said.
" In 2012 a task force set up by the NFL Physicians Society recommended Toradol not be "used prophylactically as a means of reducing anticipated pain either during or after participation in NFL games of practices and should be limited to those players diagnosed with an injury or condition and listed on the teams' injury report.
How do you think about the tension between the idea that, in some ways, we want this technology to be here in the United States because we think we have the best values and we'll get to the right answers to these questions, versus, we have to put some rules to the road in place prophylactically because an ex post facto enforcement machine isn't going to protect people. Right.
In this study, 2 out of the 3 people with acne aestivalis did not have an episode of lesions after being prophylactically treated with alpha-glucosylrutin and SPF 15.
Based on Mirel's score (if the score is more than 8), bone fixation should be done prophylactically. Fixation is done by internal fixation rather than conservatively, along with treatment of the underlying cause.
In addition, atovaquone has the advantage of not causing myelosuppression, which is an important issue in patients who have undergone bone marrow transplantation. Atovaquone is given prophylactically to kidney transplant patients to prevent PCP in cases where Bactrim is contraindicated for the patient.
Zaurategrast was investigated in chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice. The drug was effective when given prophylactically (i.e., before the disease was induced in mice) and when given therapeutically (i.e., after outbreak of the disease) and reduced the disease severity significantly.
Epidurals may also be helpful in hind limb lameness. Horses at risk for contralateral laminitis may be prophylactically treated with aggressive icing and supportive shoeing.Redden, RF. "Preventing laminitis in the contralateral limb of horses with nonweight-bearing lameness." Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice 3.1 (2004): 57-63.
Eosinophilic, polymorphic, and pruritic eruption associated with radiotherapy is a skin condition that occurs most often in women receiving cobalt radiotherapy for internal cancer. Radiation- induced erythema multiforme may occur when phenytoin is given prophylactically to neurosurgical patients who are receiving whole-brain therapy and systemic steroids.
Prevention of atherosclerosis, which is a major risk factor of arterial embolism, can be performed e.g. by dieting, physical exercise and smoking cessation. In case of high risk for developing thromboembolism, antithrombotic medication such as warfarin or coumadin may be taken prophylactically. Antiplatelet drugs may also be needed.
Current treatments are not entirely satisfactory. Amprolium (100 mg/kg, daily for 30 days), fed prophylactically, reduced illness in cattle inoculated with S. cruzi. Prophylactic administration of amprolium or salinomycin also protected experimentally infected sheep. In horses, treatment has been confined to dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors such as the sulfonamides and pyrimethamine.
Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery can result in destruction of a large proportion of the patient's platelets and may render the remaining viable platelets to be dysfunctional. The indications for transfusion in such patients is controversial. General guidelines recommend not transfusing patients prophylactically but only when they are bleeding excessively, while also giving desmopressin.
First the larva must be eliminated through pressure around the lesion and the use of forceps. Secondly the wound must be cleaned and disinfected. Further control is necessary to avoid further reinfestation. Livestock may be treated prophylactically with slow release boluses containing ivermectin which can provide long-term protection against the development of the larvae.
After initial visit Self-Administered SPG Blocks (SASPGB) are less than $1.00 per application. Frequent repeated administration of SPG Blocks seems to increase effectiveness initially, after which decreased frequency is required. Self-Administered SPG Blocks can be used to treat acute pain symptoms, and prophylactically to reduce the onset of painful conditions and anxiety.
If an anaphylactoid reaction occurs the acetylcysteine is temporarily halted or slowed and antihistamines and other supportive care is administered. For example, a nebulised beta-agonist like salbutamol may be indicated in the event of significant bronchospasm (or prophylactically in patients with a history of bronchospasm secondary to acetylcysteine). It is also important to closely monitor fluids and electrolytes.
Moreover, it is yet to be established whether the benefits of administering antibiotics prophylactically outweighs the inherent risks, such as anaphylactic reaction related deaths. Ethically, there is still a need to discuss with patients, the benefits and disadvantages of antibiotic prophylaxis before they make a decision on whether they will go through with it or not.
Chloramphenicol is still used occasionally in topical preparations (ointments and eye drops) for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. Isolated case reports of aplastic anaemia following use of chloramphenicol eyedrops exist, but the risk is estimated to be of the order of less than one in 224,716 prescriptions. In Mexico, this is the treatment used prophylactically in newborns.
Other less common surgical complications include deep vein thrombosis (DVTs), infection, blood loss, and nerve/artery damage. The best way to avoid these complications is to preemptively treat them. DVTs are typically treated prophylactically with either aspirin or sequential compression devices (SCDs). In high risk patients there may be a need for prophylactic administration of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH).
The drug is a thiamine analogue and blocks the thiamine transporter of Eimeria species. By blocking thiamine uptake it prevents carbohydrate synthesis. Despite only moderate efficacy it is well favoured due to few resistance issues and is commonly used in the United States in conjunction with sulfonamides prophylactically in chickens and cattle as a coccidiostat.Amprolium synthesisGrewe, R. Z. Physiol. Chem. (1936).
The specific nursing interventions will depend on the nature and severity of the risk. Patients should be taught how to recognize the signs of infection and how to reduce their risk. Surgery is a frequent risk factor for infection and a physician may prescribe antibiotics prophylactically. Immunization is another common medical intervention for those who are at high risk for infection.
No routine diagnostic test is yet available. There is currently no specific treatment or vaccine for the virus; supportive therapy is recommended. On the assumption that the virus is transmitted by a tick or insect, the main prevention method recommended is the avoidance of tick and insect bites. In mice models, Favipiravir has been shown to be beneficial both therapeutically and prophylactically.
Amblyomma hebraeum, a vector of heartwater disease During the early stages of disease, animals may be treated with sulfonamides and tetracyclines. In advanced disease, prognosis is poor. Tetracyclines can also be used prophylactically when animals are introduced into an area endemic with cowdriosis. A live blood vaccine is available for protection of young stock, but animals may require treatment for the disease after vaccination.
Cefazolin is pregnancy category B, indicating general safety for use in pregnancy. Caution should be used in breastfeeding as a small amount of cefazolin enters the breast milk. Cefazolin can be used prophylactically against perinatal Group B streptococcal infection (GBS). Although penicillin and ampicillin are the standard of care for GBS prophylaxis, penicillin-allergic women with no history of anaphylaxis can be given cefazolin instead.
Prophylactic oophorectomy may be prudent in women who are at a high risk for recurrence or are seeking an alternative to endocrine therapy as it removes the primary source of estrogen production in pre-menopausal women. Women who are carriers of a BRCA mutation have an increased risk of both breast and ovarian cancers and may choose to have their ovaries removed prophylactically as well.
The disease can be treated with external in-situ pinning or open reduction and pinning. Consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon is necessary to repair this problem. Pinning the unaffected side prophylactically is not recommended for most patients, but may be appropriate if a second SCFE is very likely. Once SCFE is suspected, the patient should be non-weight bearing and remain on strict bed rest.
Candida krusei is a budding yeast (a species of fungus) involved in chocolate production. Candida krusei is an emerging fungal nosocomial pathogen primarily found in the immunocompromised and those with hematological malignancies. It has natural resistance to fluconazole, a standard antifungal agent. It is most often found in patients who have had prior fluconazole exposure, sparking debate and conflicting evidence as to whether fluconazole should be used prophylactically.
Social insects have evolved an array of sanitary behaviours to keep their nests clean, thereby reducing the probability of parasite establishment and spread within the colony. Such behaviours can be employed either prophylactically, or actively, upon demand. For example, social insects can incorporate materials with antimicrobial properties into their nest, such as conifer resin, or faecal pellets that contain symbiont derived antimicrobials. These materials reduce the growth and density of many detrimental bacteria and fungi.
Amnioinfusion is a method in which isotonic fluid is instilled into the uterine cavity. It is primarily used as a treatment in order to correct fetal heart rate changes caused by umbilical cord compression, indicated by variable decelerations seen on cardiotocography. In severe cases of oligohydramnios, amnioinfusion may be performed prophylactically to prevent umbilical cord compression. It has also been used to reduce the risk of meconium aspiration syndrome, though evidence of benefit is mixed.
This occurs more frequently when treating JET than other forms of supraventricular tachycardia, requiring treatment with a pacemaker in 5-10% of ablations for JET. The risk is lower if the tissue is frozen rather than heated. For those at risk of developing JET such as children undergoing heart surgery, treatment can also be given prophylactically. A meta-analysis of 9 studies found that sedation with dexmedetomidine reduced the risk of JET occurring post-operatively.
Thiotepa is used as intravesical chemotherapy in bladder cancer. It may be used prophylactically to prevent seeding of tumor cells at cystoscopic biopsy; as an adjunctive agent at the time of biopsy; or as a therapeutic agent to prevent recurrence after cystoscopic resection of bladder tumor (transurethral resection of bladder tumor, TURBT). For intravesical use, thiotepa is given in 30 mg doses weekly, for four to six weeks. Efficacy in tumor control may reach 55 percent.
Both whole bovine MFGM and its extracted lipid components were found to exhibit dose-dependent inhibition of rotavirus infectivity in vitro. Antibacterial effects of MFGM have included decreased gastric colonization and inflammation after H. pylori infection in mice; inhibition of shiga toxin gene expression by E. coli O157:H7; and decreased colonization and translocation of L. monocytogenes. Mice that were fed prophylactically with bovine whey glycoprotein fraction, including MFGM proteins, did not develop diarrhea after exposure to rotavirus.
Antibiotics are used in the cattle industry for therapeutic purposes in the clinical treatment of infections and prophylactically for disease prevention by controlling the growth of potentially harmful bacteria. Because of their effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of diseases there is an increased efficiency of the farm. This results in reduced costs for cattle producers, and for consumers. Antibiotics are also present in antibacterial cleaning products, and in disinfection products used in farm and veterinary practices.
A plantibody is an antibody that is produced by plants that have been genetically engineered with animal DNA encoding a specific human antibody known to neutralize a particular pathogen or toxin. The transgenic plants produce antibodies that are similar to their human counterparts, and following purification, plantibodies can be administered therapeutically to acutely ill patients or prophylactically to at-risk individuals (such as healthcare workers). The term plantibody and the concept are trademarked by the company Biolex.
A chronobiotic is an agent that can cause phase adjustment of the body clock. That is, it is a substance capable of therapeutically entraining or re- entraining long-term desynchronized or short-term dissociated circadian rhythms in mammals, or prophylactically preventing their disruption following an environmental insult such as is caused by rapid travel across several time zones. The most widely recognized chronobiotic is the hormone melatonin, secreted at night in both diurnal and nocturnal species.
Return to the past: the case for antibody-based therapies in infectious diseases. Clin. Infect. Dis. 21:150-161 In 1953, human vaccinia immunoglobulin (VIG) was used to prevent the spread of smallpox during an outbreak in Madras, India, and continues to be used to treat complications arising from smallpox vaccination. Although the prevention of measles is typically induced through vaccination, it is often treated immuno-prophylactically upon exposure. Prevention of rabies infection still requires the use of both vaccine and immunoglobulin treatments.
Gastropexies are also performed prophylactically in dogs considered to be at high risk of gastric dilatation- volvulus, including dogs with previous episodes of gastric dilatation-volvulus or with gastrointestinal disease predisposing to gastric dilatation-volvulus, and dogs with a first-order relative (parent or sibling) with a history of gastric dilatation-volvulus. Precautions that are likely to help prevent gastric dilatation-volvulus include feeding small meals throughout the day instead of one big meal and not exercising immediately before or after a meal.
Muromonab-CD3 is a murine anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody of the IgG2a type that prevents T-cell activation and proliferation by binding the T-cell receptor complex present on all differentiated T cells. As such it is one of the most potent immunosuppressive substances and is administered to control the steroid- and/or polyclonal antibodies-resistant acute rejection episodes. As it acts more specifically than polyclonal antibodies it is also used prophylactically in transplantations. The muromonab's mechanism of action is only partially understood.
Most adhesive electrodes are designed to be used not only for defibrillation, but also for transcutaneous pacing and synchronized electrical cardioversion. These adhesive pads are found on most automated and semi-automated units and are replacing paddles entirely in non-hospital settings. In hospital, for cases where cardiac arrest is likely to occur (but has not yet), self-adhesive pads may be placed prophylactically. Pads also offer an advantage to the untrained user, and to medics working in the sub-optimal conditions of the field.
Shapiro, Roger L. MD; Charles Hatheway, PhD; and David L. Swerdlow, MD Botulism in the United States: A Clinical and Epidemiologic Review Annals of Internal Medicine. 1 August 1998 Volume 129 Issue 3 Pages 221-228 Antitoxin also known as heterologous hyperimmune serum is often also given prophylactically to individuals known to have ingested contaminated food. IVIG treatment was also used successfully to treat several victims of toxic shock syndrome, during the 1970s tampon scare. Antibody therapy is also used to treat viral infections.
Bloodletting was used to "treat" a wide range of diseases, becoming a standard treatment for almost every ailment, and was practiced prophylactically as well as therapeutically. Scarificator Scarificator mechanism Scarificator, showing depth adjustment bar Diagram of scarificator, showing depth adjustment A number of different methods were employed. The most common was phlebotomy, or venesection (often called "breathing a vein"), in which blood was drawn from one or more of the larger external veins, such as those in the forearm or neck. In arteriotomy, an artery was punctured, although generally only in the temples.
Antihistamines suppress the activity of the histamine. Diphenhydramine, a first-generation H1 receptor antagonist or medicine that combats the H1 receptor that is associated with many allergic reactions, has been found to be the most potent antihistamine for this particular disease. Patients prescribed 50 milligrams four times per day have been able to sustain normal exposure to the sun without suffering a reaction. Patients with less potent forms of solar urticaria such as fixed solar urticaria can be treated with the medication fexofenadine, which may also be used prophylactically to prevent recurrence.
Barrage laser is at times done prophylactically around a hole or tear associated with lattice degeneration in an eye at risk of developing a retinal detachment. It is not known if surgical interventions such as laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy is effective in preventing retinal detachment in patients with lattice degeneration or asymptomatic retinal detachment. Laser photocoagulation has been shown to reduce risks of retinal detachment in symptomatic lattice degeneration. There are documented cases wherein retina detached from areas which were otherwise healthy despite being treated previously with laser.
There are no evidence-based guidelines to guide the use of these stockpiled drugs, and plans are based on assumed similarities to seasonal influenza. The most common antivirals are neuraminidase inhibitors, which, if begun during the first 48 hours after symptoms appear, will reduce the duration of seasonal influenza by about one day. Taken before symptoms appear, it may prevent disease in about three-quarters of people treated prophylactically. Currently, this is recommended in institutionalized elderly people and other high-risk groups as a form of post-exposure prophylaxis during seasonal influenza outbreaks.
Such scaling and root planing may be performed using a number of dental tools, including ultrasonic instruments and hand instruments, such as periodontal scalers and curettes. A dental hygienist demonstrates scaling The objective for periodontal scaling and root planing is to remove dental plaque and calculus (tartar), which house bacteria that release toxins which cause inflammation to the gum tissue and surrounding bone. Planing often removes some of the cementum or dentine from the tooth. Removal of adherent plaque and calculus with hand instruments can also be performed prophylactically on patients without periodontal disease.
Seizures, including subclinical seizure activity, can complicate clinical courses and increase progression of brain herniation in persons with cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure. Anticonvulsants can be used to treat seizures caused by acute brain injuries from a variety of origins. However, there are no clear guidelines on the use of anticonvulsants for prophylactic use. Their use may be warranted on depending on the clinical scenario and studies have shown that anticonvulsants such as phenytoin can be given prophylactically without a significant increase in drug-related side effects.
Gonadoblastoma is most often associated with an abnormal chromosomal karyotype, gonadal dysgenesis, or the presence of a Y chromosome in over 90% of cases. Gonadoblastoma has been found in association with androgen insensitivity syndrome, mixed gonadal dysgenesis and Turner syndrome, especially in the presence of Y chromosome-bearing cells. Women with Turner syndrome whose karyotype includes a Y chromosome (as in 45,X/46,XY mosaicism) are at increased risk for gonadoblastoma. Because of the risk of gonadoblastoma, individuals with Turner syndrome with detectable Y chromosome material (Mosaic Turner syndrome) should have their gonads prophylactically removed.
Amicus sells a regulatory agency approved pharmacologic chaperone for Fabry disease–a lysosomal storage disease. The principle behind proteostasis regulators is different, these molecules alter the biology of protein folding and / or degradation by altering the stoichiometry of the proteostasis network components in a given sub cellular compartment. For example, some proteostasis regulators initiate stress responsive signaling, such as the unfolded protein response, which transcriptionally reprograms the endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis network. It has been suggested that this approach could even be applied prophylactically, such as upregulating certain protective pathways before experiencing an anticipated severe cellular stress.
Despite superior filtration capability of N95 filtering facepiece respirators measured in vitro, insufficient clinical evidence has been published to determine whether normal surgical masks and N95 filtering facepiece respirators are equivalent with respect to preventing respiratory infections in healthcare workers. Adults in intensive care units (ICU) have a higher risk of acquiring an RTI. A combination of topical and systematic antibiotics taken prophylactically can prevent infection and improve overall mortality for adults in ICU. There is no sufficient evidence to recommend that antibiotics be used to prevent complications from an RTI of unknown cause in children under the age of 5 years old.
Bumpus and her team identified which kinases do this and found that the enzymes responsible varied by cell type, so administration route (e.g. orally or topically) could affect how effectively the drug is processed. They also sequenced the genes of these kinases from different patients and found that some people have genetic variants in the kinases that may affect how effectively the drug is processed. Tenofovir can be given prophylactically, and Bumpus collaborated with researchers from around the world in a study of the use of tenofovir for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection in heterosexual men and women.
Sylvatic plague, a disease caused by Yersinia pestis introduced into North America, also contributed to the prairie dog die-off, though ferret numbers declined proportionately more than their prey, thus indicating other factors may have been responsible. Plague was first detected in South Dakota in a coyote in 2004, and then in about 50,000 acres of prairie dogs on Pine Ridge Reservation in 2005. Thereafter 7,000 acres of prairie dog colonies were treated with insecticide (DeltaDust) and 1,000 acres of black-footed ferret habitat were prophylactically dusted in Conata Basin in 2006–2007. Nevertheless, plague was proven in ferrets in May 2008.
Illustration of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is a battery-powered device that monitors electrical activity in the heart and when an arrhythmia or asystole is detected is able to deliver an electrical shock to terminate the abnormal rhythm. ICDs are used to prevent sudden cardiac death (SCD) in those that have survived a prior episode of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) due to ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia (secondary prevention). ICD's are also used prophylactically to prevent sudden cardiac death in certain high risk patient populations (primary prevention). Numerous studies have been conducted on the use of ICDs for the secondary prevention of SCD.
Artificially acquired passive immunity is a short-term immunization achieved by the transfer of antibodies, which can be administered in several forms; as human or animal blood plasma or serum, as pooled human immunoglobulin for intravenous (IVIG) or intramuscular (IG) use, as high-titer human IVIG or IG from immunized donors or from donors recovering from the disease, and as monoclonal antibodies (MAb). Passive transfer is used to prevent disease or used prophylactically in the case of immunodeficiency diseases, such as hypogammaglobulinemia.Keller, Margaret A. and E. Richard Stiehm Passive Immunity in Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Clinical Microbiology Reviews, October 2000, p. 602-614, Vol.
Many people with CF are on one or more antibiotics at all times, even when healthy, to prophylactically suppress infection. Antibiotics are absolutely necessary whenever pneumonia is suspected or a noticeable decline in lung function is seen, and are usually chosen based on the results of a sputum analysis and the person's past response. This prolonged therapy often necessitates hospitalization and insertion of a more permanent IV such as a peripherally inserted central catheter or Port-a-Cath. Inhaled therapy with antibiotics such as tobramycin, colistin, and aztreonam is often given for months at a time to improve lung function by impeding the growth of colonized bacteria.
It is also sometimes used either alongside penicillin or alone against dentoalveolar infections with the advantage of having a low allergenicity. Mild side effects of metronidazole include transient rashes, furred tongue, an unpleasant taste in the mouth alongside several other side effects not restricted to the oral cavity. Sulphonamides : This a group of drugs which is used in dentistry as they have a major advantage of being able to penetrate cerebrospinal fluid and this is particularly relevant when prescribing antibiotics, prophylactically against bacterial meningitis in patients who have had severe maxillofacial injuries, where the risk of infection is high. There are various other uses for sulphonamides as treatment with other parts of the body.
In a placebo-controlled trial of TrichGuard with forty prophylactically vaccinated, T. foetus-infected beef heifers, 95% of the heifers in the active treatment group conceived, as opposed to 70% in the placebo group. 50% in the TrichGuard-group gave birth to a live calf, compared to 20% in the placebo group. The most effective control method for eliminating the infection in a herd or an individual remains by culling the animal(s) and replacing them with virgin animals after positive test results. Cows can remain in the herd if given enough time to shed the infection or can be culled like bulls to allow faster turnover and assure the herd is clear of the infection.
Interferons are cellular signalling factors produced in response to viral infection. Research into the use of interferons to combat influenza began in the 1960s in the Soviet Union, culminating in a trial of 14,000 subjects at the height of the Hong Kong Flu of 1969, in which those treated prophylactically with interferon were more than 50% less likely to suffer symptoms, though evidence of latent infection was present. In these early studies leukocytes were collected from donated blood and exposed to a high dose of Newcastle disease, causing them to release interferons. Although interferon therapies became widespread in the Soviet Union, the method was doubted in the United States after high doses of interferon proved ineffective in trials.
Sitoiganap (EU)/Gliovac/ERC1671 is an immunotherapy vaccine that trains the body’s immune system to attack a Glioblastoma (brain tumor) using cells taken from the patient’s own tumor, along with tumor cells from three other donors. Unlike most vaccines, it is only given to patients who have already developed the disease, rather than prophylactically. By receiving tumor cells from different people, the patient’s immune system is exposed to several different tumor-associated antigens (TAA), or proteins, minimizing the chance that tumor cells might escape from the body’s defenses. It also is believed this approach will trigger a stronger cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL, or a “cell-killing” T-cell) response against the TAA on the patient’s tumor.
As the gene FYN codes for the enzyme Fyn, FYN-knockout mice display neither excitotoxic events nor dendritic spine shrinkage when injected with Aβ oligomers. In mammals, the full functional significance of PRNP remains unclear, as PRNP deletion has been prophylactically implemented by the cattle industry without apparent harm. In mice, this same deletion phenotypically varies between Alzheimer’s mouse lines, as hAPPJ20 mice and TgCRND8 mice show a slight increase in epileptic activity, contributing to conflicting results when examining Alzheimer's survival rates. Of note, the deletion of PRNP in both APPswe and SEN1dE9, two other transgenic models of Alzheimer’s, attenuated the epilepsy-induced death phenotype seen in a subset of these animals.
A persistent ectopic pregnancy refers to the continuation of trophoblastic growth after a surgical intervention to remove an ectopic pregnancy. After a conservative procedure that attempts to preserve the affected fallopian tube such as a salpingotomy, in about 15–20% the major portion of the ectopic growth may have been removed, but some trophoblastic tissue, perhaps deeply embedded, has escaped removal and continues to grow, generating a new rise in hCG levels. After weeks this may lead to new clinical symptoms including bleeding. For this reason hCG levels may have to be monitored after removal of an ectopic pregnancy to assure their decline, also methotrexate can be given at the time of surgery prophylactically.
At interview, clinicians indicated that their > management decisions were guided by the Royal College of Obstetricians and > Gynaecologists Green-top guidelines for the Management of Preterm Pre-labour > Rupture of the Membranes (RCOG Green-top Guideline No.44 2006 amended 2010). > The patient was commenced on erythromycin at 22.00hrs on the 22nd of > October. Erythromycin is indicated for use prophylactically in preterm pre- > labour rupture of the membranes in the absence of signs such as a faster > pulse or lower blood pressure or raised temperature (Green-top Guidelines No > 44 (2006 with amendment Oct 2010)). Erythromycin has also been shown to > delay delivery which is beneficial in the management of preterm pre-labour > rupture of the membranes but not in cases of inevitable miscarriage.
In March 2020 scientists of Stanford University presented a CRISPR-based system, called PAC- MAN (Prophylactic Antiviral Crispr in huMAN cells), that can find and destroy viruses in vitro. However, they weren't able to test PAC-MAN on the actual SARS-CoV-2, use a targeting-mechanism that uses only a very limited RNA- region, haven't developed a system to deliver it into human cells and would need a lot of time until another version of it or a potential successor system might pass clinical trials. In the study published as a preprint they write that it could be used prophylactically as well as therapeutically. The CRISPR- Cas13d-based system could be agnostic to which virus it's fighting so novel viruses would only require a small change.
Onabotulinumtoxin A (trade name Botox) received FDA approval for treatment of chronic migraines on 15 October 2010. The toxin is injected into the head and neck to treat these chronic headaches. Approval followed evidence presented to the agency from two studies funded by Allergan showing a very slight improvement in incidence of chronic migraines for migraine sufferers undergoing the Botox treatment. Since then, several randomized control trials have shown botulinum toxin type A to improve headache symptoms and quality of life when used prophylactically for patients with chronic migraine who exhibit headache characteristics consistent with: pressure perceived from outside source, shorter total duration of chronic migraines (<30 years), "detoxification" of patients with coexisting chronic daily headache due to medication overuse, and no current history of other preventive headache medications.
There are 3 approaches that have been taken to this possibility of pain and suffering: (1) provide palliative medications where there are physical signs compatible with distress; (2) withhold all such medications on the ground that even if signs of distress are occurring, the patient does not have sufficient cognition to interpret any sensations as noxious; or (3) provide palliative medications prophylactically to prevent any possible distress. Whichever approach is adopted, worries have been expressed over whether patients can be guaranteed not to experience any distress. Re: (1) providing medication only on signs compatible with distress does not prevent the possibility of distress. Re: (2), since patients declared dead by cardiocirculatory criteria cannot be known to be brain dead, dismissing signs compatible with distress as not being distress again does not prevent the possibility of distress.
Corsican blue tits (Parus caeruleus) prophylactically line their nest with aromatic plants (such as Achillea ligustica, Helichrysum italicum and Lavandula stoechas) to ward off mosquitoes and other blood-sucking ornithophillous (bird-targeting) insects. According to Richard Dawkins's concept of the extended phenotype, human healthcare activities, such as vaccination (depicted here) could be seen as social immunity After the broader definition of social immunity by Cotter and Kilner, numerous examples of social immune behaviours within animal families can be given: túngara frogs (Engystomops pustulosus) create 'foam nests' during breeding in which embryogenesis occurs; these foam nests are imbued with ranaspumin proteins which provide defence against microbial attack and act as a detergent. The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), grass goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus), fringed darter (Etheostoma crossopterum) and two species of blenny also use chemical strategies to defend their eggs from microbes. Intriguingly, microbes themselves have been found to have social immune systems: when a population of Staphylococcus aureus is infected with gentamicin, some individuals (called small colony variants) begin to respire anaerobically, lowering the pH of the environment and thus conferring resistance to the antibiotic to all other individuals-including those S. aureus individuals who did not switch phenotype.

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