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74 Sentences With "pinpricks"

How to use pinpricks in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pinpricks" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pinpricks". Mastering all the usages of "pinpricks" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She was fascinated by the pinpricks of light in eyes.
Now, I still say the same thing, because we're doing little pinpricks.
As for the pinpricks she gave me, they're still visible — but just barely.
Some of the mice had developed hundreds of mets—a fusillade of black pinpricks.
As portrayed by Kate McKinnon, she experiences pinpricks of horror over abetting Trump's ascent.
My mouth is now salivating and I can feel tiny pinpricks of sweat dotting my forehead.
When they bite humans, they usually just leave tiny pinpricks that can look like a rash.
Her experiments, conducted at Babies Hospital in New York City, showed that babies who had been fed and swaddled did not react to pinpricks, and that those who were awake did not have a specific response to pinpricks on parts of the body that were stimulated.
What kind of masochist wants to stare at a billion pinpricks of light all at once, anyway?
Still, we had guided each other through smothering blackness, supplying pinpricks of light only the other could.
A cosmic whatsit, the story largely takes place in a black-velvet void with pinpricks of light.
The next set of pinpricks felt as if I were being run through with a hot metal skewer.
A head no bigger than a walnut, two black pips for eyes, and the tiniest nostrils — mere pinpricks.
A few weeks later, however, the recipient begins to sprout hundreds of black pinpricks of melanoma in the kidney.
Too often, IG shops, including my own, focus on pinpricks and not the gaping wounds that threaten government programs.
When I closed my fist, for example, all the pinpricks I could see in my VR vicinity gathered together.
The room fell quiet, the string lights mere pinpricks in the darkness, and sounds of sleep filled the air.
Humans have been spotting the suddenly-bright pinpricks of stars violently exploding in the night sky for thousands of years.
Jay finds traces of sketches and pinpricks where Buchinger most likely used tools to help him lay out the design.
Mendler's voice is run through tube distortion, chopped up into pinpricks, and becomes a gorgeously vocoded choir on the cavernous hook.
Venture beyond the bright lights of the city and you might just see countless pinpricks of light illuminating the nighttime sky.
Todd: That opening sequence was beautifully filmed, too, with lots of shots emphasizing tiny pinpricks of light amid the enormous dark.
As I lay there, blanket over my head, pinpricks of light shining through the threads, I imagined scenarios in my mind.
The aspect of motherhood that gives me the most joy also pinpricks me with reminders that it will all someday vanish.
The capsaicin patch hardly tingled, and I scored the first round of pinpricks as a 22013, more out of hope than conviction.
"The presence of these pinpricks is a strong indication that this city view was copied," she told the University of St. Andrews.
But most painful for Ian are those constant emotional pinpricks; moments when Type 1 diabetes robs the spirited kindergartener of a normal childhood.
In Europe, Volkswagen is facing thousands of legal pinpricks — lawsuits by owners brave enough to take on one of the Continent's biggest corporations.
Now they will face litigation for making misleading claims about their company's ability to accurately test pinpricks of blood for a catalog of diseases.
Aeroplanes and UAVs often fly over hurricanes, getting pinpricks of data, but these result in inaccurate predictions regarding storm system movements, because they're incomplete.
Bask in the astronomical wonder of seeing all the brightest planets out at the same time, pinpricks of worlds drifting up from the horizon.
It was also around this time that clinical psychologist Myrtle McGraw began to study the reactions of newborn infants to various stimuli, including pinpricks.
"But pinpricks are very painful for those on the receiving end," he added, and members of Congress from affected districts will be speaking out.
Windows in tenement buildings are seen as both pinpricks of light and alarmingly open mini-theaters that leave the occupants behind them on ominous display.
Dr. Toffolo also noticed the presence of small pinpricks in the image, and surmises that these were made in the process of replicating the image.
The word moni means "gem" in Bengali, but in common usage it also refers to something ineffably beautiful: the shining pinpricks of light in each eye.
These cameras need ways to peel faint pinpricks of light away from bright host stars, like finding a firefly sitting on the rim of a distant spotlight.
It's hard to take in because I know each of those pinpricks of light is an actual destination — a realized world waiting to be discovered and explored.
They had all the lights turned out, then, illuminated by pinpricks of light, the band (and their robot drums) methodically picked through sustained, echoing dark ambient compositions.
Still, as the gliding camera keeps pace with this girl, a strange undercurrent disturbs the air, creating pinpricks of doubt about just how tranquil the scene is.
Understandably, Pakistani officialdom and the Pakistani public alike are incensed about Washington's refusal to sanction him at the UN. Ultimately, Washington's policy amounts to pressuring Pakistan with pinpricks.
Their patterns derive from bandannas — one belonged to Ms. Mays's great-grandmother, another to Georgia O'Keeffe — whose decorative forms are reproduced via pinpricks in the obscurity of the darkroom.
Like the few other pinpricks of light scattered throughout the movie, the trattoria is a vestige of a resilient communal spirit that has survived despite conspicuous neglect and abuse.
I exited my tent to fetch another pair of socks to put on and was amazed by the star-filled sky, an endless sea of tiny pinpricks of light.
Would a few pinpricks of fire do, or should I make the broth so incendiary that I would have to reach for the tissues mounted on the wall behind me?
The faint pinpricks of light at the very center include black holes up to 12.5 billion light years from Earth, which is to say, on other side of the known universe.
In Tracey's MRI machine, my third-degree burn felt five points more intense than the initial pinpricks, but was it really only two points less than the worst I could imagine?
Back at the police station, "my pupils were like pinpricks and I was sweaty and hot, and at the time I put that down to being tired and stressed," Sergeant Bailey said.
Thanks to his DOOMS abilities, he's able to traverse the outdoors and deliver all kinds of supplies between the various pinpricks of civilization that dot America after the Death Stranding tore it apart.
The chorus members had little LED lights that clipped onto their music folders so they could see their scores in the dark; from the podium, they looked like a sea of distant white pinpricks.
Intimacy so stressful to you, your heartbeat has quickened, pinpricks of sweat are breaking out on your upper body beneath your clothes though the air in the office is cold from the drafty, ill-fitting window.
Individuals on Twitter quickly pointed out that zooming in on those limited pinpricks reveals known U.S. military bases, as well as other unknown but potentially sensitive sites, likely due to American military personnel using such fitness trackers.
Neither Trump nor the vast field of Democratic hopefuls has really gone into serious campaign mode, attacking and defining their opponents — what negative attacks there have been thus far are mere pinpricks compared to what is sure to come.
Putin has built himself a reputation as the ultimate strongman, but were they to meet face-to-face, I like to imagine that one steely glare from Tolokno would cause more than a few pinpricks of sweat to cross his brow.
With the overall positive state of the U.S. economy and the remarkable strength of the dollar compared to the currencies of the dollar-busters including the Russian ruble, the yuan, the Turkish lira and the Iranian rial it may be easy to sink into complacency and dismiss the actions of the revisionists as mere pinpricks.
"What many people failed to acknowledge in the years following McGraw's work was that pinpricks are a minor injury, or that they may not even cause any tissue injury at all," said Kanwaljeet J. S. Anand, professor of Pediatrics and Anesthesiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, and a pioneer in the study of infant pain.
As does the careful slow walk home, the ritual of pinpricks through both ends, the steady breath that blows the yolk and albumen clean out but keeps the pretty shell intact, the nest of crumpled paper in the cedar drawer, the darkness falling then, the hush, and me bringing the weight of my warm mind to bear. 4.
The political chaos wreaked by Trump in the US and by Brexit in the UK are beyond his artistic responsibility, of course; rather, Landy's hundreds of tiny sign holders — like pinpricks to the conscience — are reminders that the degradation of democratic norms now enveloping us proceeds from a failure of collective responsibility, the consequence of letting down our guard.
That the iPhone X won't have any kind of physical button on its face—not even the cheesy simulacrum of one, such as the 26 has, and the 8 will have—is an affront to not just your humanity, but humanity at large, and honestly, probably the first of a thousand death by pinpricks in the forthcoming robot/human wars. Probably.
At the precise moment the bomb detonated another car had passed between the two cars, shielding Gilmour and his mother from the full force of the blast, although their car was badly damaged. He recalled that when the bomb exploded everything had gone black, "deeper and darker than black - the blackness only punctuated by pinpricks of orange". He later learnt that these orange pinpricks were most likely metal fragments from the exploded car or embers from the fertiliser that had been used to make the bomb. In the immediate aftermath of the blast, there had been several seconds of "deathly silence" before "all hell broke loose", with hysterical people rushing from the scene and others going to tend the wounded who were screaming in agony.
He would invade the Kingdom of Jerusalem again in September 1183. Free of his adversary, in October 1182 Baldwin recovered Habis Jaldak in the Transjordan. In December, Raymond of Tripoli launched a raid in the same area and Baldwin took a mounted force within a few miles of Damascus. But these were mere pinpricks.
Pitting was another problem affecting the castings. When conservators entered the pedestals, they could see hundreds of pinpricks of light and long cracks in the bronze. After sandblasting removed the original gilding, the exterior surface of the bronze was discovered to be full of pits. Few of pits showed galvanic corrosion, which indicatied they were present before the statues were gilded.
In speaking with everyone in the house, they meet Hannah, who quotes dark lines from scripture, bringing fire and brimstone on all concerned. She has an old book on poisons and medicines by Edward Logan, Miss Logan's father, a pioneer of serum therapeutics. They confirm this from the ill old lady. Tuppence notices that she has a mass of small pinpricks on her arm.
The waterfall is only around one and a half metres deep, but it sounds much louder underground. Also in the cave are fossils from the time when the area was beneath the sea. There are still living creatures in the cave such as the glowworms for which the Waitomo Caves are famous. The glowworms cover the cave's walls with pinpricks of light, giving the effect of a starry night.
An unseen contact plants a tourist guidebook to southern Germany in Richard's coat. The couple notice a series of ink dots on a map in the book, which, linked together, form a musical staff with the opening notes to the song "My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose." They deduce this is their password. Three pinpricks in the same map direct them to the book's seller, A. Werner (Felix Bressart), in Salzburg.
Alliance by night, showing the pinpricks of light on the arrow, as well as the partial glow of the hoop. Alliance's arrow and hoop seem to balance in the air. The hoop, filled with a phosphorescent liquid, is partially submerged below the pavement, with a mechanism programmed to make it rise and fall with the Bristol Channel tides. Métais describes the piece as "an organic clock" which "connects the place with the people".
Shifting the viewer's eyes ever so slightly with simple pinpricks in the negative could have a dramatic effect. The choice of the field of view can have a strong effect, effectively 'censoring out' other parts of the scene, accomplished by cropping them out or simply not including them in the photograph. This even touches on the philosophical question of what reality is. The human brain processes information based on previous experience, making us see what we want to see or what we were taught to see.
It's an immersive piece of modern pop music that feels like something between drowning and floating, or maybe like a little of both." Rachel Sonis of Idolator called the song a "wistful anthem". Noiseys Phil Witmer stated "Mendler's voice is run through tube distortion, chopped up into pinpricks, and becomes a gorgeously vocoded choir on the cavernous hook. It's something like Imogen Heap meeting early Purity Ring, and the guest verse from Florida underground rapper Kaiydo makes 'Atlantis' a masterwork in craft and atmosphere.
They call at Dr Burton's and find out that the poison is ricin and, from the entry in Edward Logan's book, deduce that Miss Logan is the murderer. The pinpricks on her arm are from injections of small amounts of the poison she has been giving herself to build up immunity. As next of kin to Dennis, she would inherit once Lois, then Dennis, died. The near-mad Hannah hears this accusation and then bursts into Miss Logan's room and attacks her, starting a fire in the process.
One of the earliest writers to mention an invisible ink is Aeneas Tacticus, in the 4th century BC. He mentions it in discussing how to survive under siege but does not indicate the type of ink to be used. This was part of his list of the 20 different methods of secret communications in a book called On the Defense of Fortifications. One of the techniques that involved steganography involved puncturing a tiny hole above or below letters in a document to spell out a secret message. This did not include an invisible ink but the Germans improved on the method during World War I and World War II. They used invisible ink and microdots instead of pinpricks.
A cartoon (from and —words describing strong, heavy paper or pasteboard) is a full-size drawing made on sturdy paper as a study or modello for a painting, stained glass, or tapestry. Cartoons were typically used in the production of frescoes, to accurately link the component parts of the composition when painted on damp plaster over a series of days (giornate). Such cartoons often have pinpricks along the outlines of the design so that a bag of soot patted or "pounced" over a cartoon, held against the wall, would leave black dots on the plaster ("pouncing"). Cartoons by painters, such as the Raphael Cartoons in London, and examples by Leonardo da Vinci, are highly prized in their own right.
He also touches upon the situation in the Balkans and other occupied territories, whose acts of resistance he disregards as irritating pinpricks. The war in the air and sea is also mentioned, as well as the domestic front (die innere Front) and factors from it such as enemy radio broadcasters and defeatism stemming from air raids. Subsequently, Himmler turns to the situation on the enemy's side, speculating over the relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States and their resilience and readiness for war. He goes into extensive detail about variances in the SS, individual divisions, police organisations, and outlines his duties regarding economic operations of the SS and being a minister of the Reich.
By 1945 U-Boat actions had reduced to pinpricks, but their potential forced the Allies to maintain large naval and air forces, and expend considerable resources, to counter the threat. During the first five months of 1945, the U-boat Arm dispatched 19 U-boat patrols to American waters, including seven sailings constituting group Seewolf, the last wolf pack of the Battle of the Atlantic. By 5 May 1945, the day U-boat Command (BdU) ordered the U Boat Arm to cease hostilities, just nine were still at large; six off the US coast, and three Seewolf boats in mid-ocean. Of these, two were involved in action with the USN, the last actions in American waters during the Atlantic campaign.
Eros as seen by visiting spacecraft Until the age of space travel, objects in the asteroid belt were merely pinpricks of light in even the largest telescopes and their shapes and terrain remained a mystery. The best modern ground-based telescopes and the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope can resolve a small amount of detail on the surfaces of the largest asteroids, but even these mostly remain little more than fuzzy blobs. Limited information about the shapes and compositions of asteroids can be inferred from their light curves (their variation in brightness as they rotate) and their spectral properties, and asteroid sizes can be estimated by timing the lengths of star occulations (when an asteroid passes directly in front of a star). Radar imaging can yield good information about asteroid shapes and orbital and rotational parameters, especially for near-Earth asteroids.

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