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"palpate" Definitions
  1. palpate something to examine part of the body by touching it

35 Sentences With "palpate"

How to use palpate in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "palpate" and check conjugation/comparative form for "palpate". Mastering all the usages of "palpate" from sentence examples published by news publications.

You want to reach out and palpate its wounds, that you might believe.
There was no weight, no feeling of a source or origin or cause, nothing to palpate.
"A Rose in Glass" (1921) employs a captivating yellow background that seems to palpate the flower's white petals and the translucent drinking glass from within.
Each time Littlejohn flatlined, Stein stopped operating on his bullet wounds in order to palpate his heart again, and each time she revived him his battered body became even weaker.
Dr. Christopher Dobson of Royal Preston Hospital in Lancashire, one of the letter's authors, said he uses the technique to palpate lymph-node basins in the dermatology clinic when examining patients with skin cancer.
"They have no respect for him, indeed they seem to palpate with contempt for him, and to regard their mission as equivalent to being stewards for a syphilitic emperor," Douthat says of Trump's staff.
Replaced the salt with an impeccable salmon roe from the Yarra Valley, where they put natural clove oil in the tanks and palpate the gravid fish to encourage them to jettison their roe sacs.
On Friday afternoon, using blue chalk paint, Stacy Levy plans to palpate a few sidewalks on the Upper East Side of Manhattan to visualize the path of a stream, now out of sight, that has been running since ancient times.
Palpate the chest for subcutaneous emphysema and crepitus, and percuss for dullness, an indication of consolidations or effusions.
The purpose of this exam is to palpate or feel the pelvic organs. The index and middle finger are inserted into the vagina. This maneuver allows the doctor to palpate the vagina for any deep lacerations, masses, or nodularity. Next, the cervix is palpated to check position, size, consistency, and mobility.
During the examination, failure to palpate a liver edge or percuss a normal liver span could indicate massive hepatocyte loss and reduced liver volume.
To perform an extraoral examination, stand near the patient and visually inspect and bilaterally palpate the muscle. Place the fingers of each hand over the muscle and ask the patient to clench his or her teeth several times.
On clinical examination, it is important to evaluate the exact location of the pain, the range of motion and the condition of the nerves and vessels. It is important to palpate the calf bone (fibula) because there may be an associated fracture proximally (Maisonneuve fracture), and to palpate the sole of the foot to look for a Jones fracture at the base of fifth metatarsal (avulsion fracture). Evaluation of ankle injuries for fracture is done with the Ottawa ankle rules, a set of rules that were developed to minimize unnecessary X-rays. There are three x-ray views in a complete ankle series: anteroposterior, lateral, and oblique (or "mortise view").
Real-time fluoroscopy is used to assess bowel motility. The radiologist may press or palpate the abdomen during images to separate intestinal loops. The total time necessary for the test depends on the speed of bowel motility or transit time and may vary between 1 and 3 hours.
A mammogram or mammography is a special x-ray of the breasts. They are the procedure most likely to detect early breast cancer in asymptomatic women. Mammograms can show tumors long before they are large enough to palpate. They are recommended for women who have symptoms of breast cancer or who are at increased risk of developing the disease.
Adults have stout, tapered abdomens, slightly elongated legs, with aristate antennae. Males are sexually dimorphic with holoptic eyes. Adult athericids usually rest on the upper surface of leaves, near the streams from which they emerge, or more inland if they are looking for a blood meal. Athericids commonly stroke or palpate the surface of leaves, an action they share with the Tabanidae.
While facing the woman, palpate the woman's upper abdomen with both hands. An obstetrician can often determine the size, consistency, shape, and mobility of the form that is felt. The fetal head is hard, round, and moves independently of the trunk while the buttocks feel softer, are symmetric, and the shoulders and limbs have small bony processes; unlike the head, they move with the trunk.
They display very long black antennae with a single distinct band of white near the tip, although the tip itself is also black. The wasp uses the white part of the antenna to palpate damaged wood and identify a suitable host. X. novozealandicus’ coloration is an example of Aposematism helping to protect them from birds. The wasp has been known to mimic its prey through both coloration and flight pattern.
Surgery on the great vessels (e.g., aortic coarctation repair, Blalock–Thomas–Taussig shunt creation, closure of patent ductus arteriosus) became common after the turn of the century. However, operations on the heart valves were unknown until, in 1925, Henry Souttar operated successfully on a young woman with mitral valve stenosis. He made an opening in the appendage of the left atrium and inserted a finger in order to palpate and explore the damaged mitral valve.
Palpation under general anesthesia is sometimes necessary, such as when there is a need to palpate structures deep in the abdominal or pelvic cavity, since it would otherwise cause considerable patient discomfort and subsequent contraction of the abdominal muscles which would make the examination difficult.Pelvic examination under anesthesia at Uptodate. Author: William J Mann, Jr, MD. This topic last updated: Oct 8, 2012. It is used, for example, in the staging of cervical cancer.
Trissolcus basalis is a solitary endoparasitoid, completing development within the eggs of pentatomid bugs. Females use their clubbed-shape antennae to palpate eggs laid by their primary host, Nezara viridula. When ready to oviposit, the female faces away from the egg and backs into it, inserting her ovipositor through the wall of the egg. Once finished ovipositing, the female withdraws her ovipositor and wipes the tip across the egg surface to mark the egg.
In 1322, however, Jacobina Félicie was put on trial for unlawful practice. She was placed on trial against the Medical Faculty of Paris solely for the reason that she practiced medicine without a medical license. In her defense, Jacobina believed that it was improper for men to palpate the breasts and abdomens of women. During the trial, there were eight witnesses, all being her patients besides one, that testified to her medical skills.
An auscultatory gap is a period of diminished or absent Korotkoff sounds during the manual measurement of blood pressure. The improper interpretation of this gap may lead to blood pressure monitoring errors: namely, an underestimation of systolic blood pressure and/or an overestimation of diastolic blood pressure. In order to correct for an auscultatory gap the radial pulse should be monitored by palpation. It is therefore recommended to palpate and auscultate when manually recording a patient's blood pressure.
The dorsal venous arch of the foot is a superficial vein that connects the small saphenous vein and the great saphenous vein. Anatomically, it is defined by where the dorsal veins of the first and fifth digit, respectively, meet the great saphenous vein and small saphenous vein. It is usually fairly easy to palpate and visualize (if the patient is barefoot). It lies superior to the metatarsal bones approximately midway between the ankle joint and metatarsal phalangeal joints.
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a form of bodywork or alternative therapy that uses gentle touch to palpate the synarthrodial joints of the cranium. It is based on fundamental misconceptions about the physiology of the human skull and is promoted as a cure-all for a variety of health conditions. CST was invented in the 1970s by John Upledger, an osteopathic physician, as an offshoot of cranial osteopathy, which had been devised in the 1930s by William Garner Sutherland. CST is a pseudoscience, and its practice has been characterized as quackery.
Gynaecological examination is quite intimate, more so than a routine physical exam. It also requires unique instrumentation such as the speculum. The speculum consists of two hinged blades of concave metal or plastic which are used to retract the tissues of the vagina and permit examination of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus located within the upper portion of the vagina. Gynaecologists typically do a bimanual examination (one hand on the abdomen and one or two fingers in the vagina) to palpate the cervix, uterus, ovaries and bony pelvis.
The most common and helpful way to diagnose thyroiditis is first for a physician to palpate the thyroid gland during a physical examination. Laboratory tests allow doctors to evaluate the patient for elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rates, elevated thyroglobulin levels, and depressed radioactive iodine uptake (Mather, 2007). Blood tests also help to determine the kind of thyroiditis and to see how much thyroid stimulating hormone the pituitary gland is producing and what antibodies are present in the body. In some cases, a biopsy may be needed to find out what is attacking the thyroid.
A veterinarian or experienced horse owner can palpate the back of a horse to pinpoint sources of pain and from there assess the most likely cause. Radiographs (X-Rays) can be used to diagnose potential problems with cracked vertebrae, some forms of arthritis, impinging dorsal spinous processes (kissing spines), and other skeletal problems, although with large, heavily muscled animals this diagnostic modality is limited. Certain types of soft tissue injury can be assessed with other modern diagnostic imaging techniques, such as ultrasound. In addition, Scintigraphy is often very useful in localising either bony or soft tissue disorders.
The semitendinosus is more superficial than the semimembranosus (with which it shares very close insertion and attachment points). However, because the semimembranosus is wider and flatter than the semitendinosus, it is still possible to palpate the semimembranosus directly. At its insertion it gives off from its lower border a prolongation to the deep fascia of the leg and lies behind the tendon of the sartorius, and below that of the gracilis, to which it is united. These three tendons form what is known as the pes anserinus, so named because it looks like the foot of a goose.
Female attraction to the male occurs upon physical contact, whereby the close proximity allows for the olfactory senses to detect the male produced pheromones. The pheromones are also responsible for the attraction between male beetles. Stimulation from the pheromones is characterized (in both male-to-male and male-to-female interaction) by an excited and rapid walking motion; the head, thorax, and antennae are extended forward and up, in the direction of the pheromone source. When they are around a pheromone source, the beetles walk around with their antennae extended and they actively palpate the abdominal area.
In 1925 operations on the heart valves were unknown. Henry Souttar operated successfully on a young woman with mitral stenosis. He made an opening in the appendage of the left atrium and inserted a finger into this chamber in order to palpate and explore the damaged mitral valve. The patient survived for several yearsDictionary of National Biography – Henry Souttar (2004–08) but Souttar's physician colleagues at that time decided the procedure was not justified and he could not continue.Lawrence H Cohn (2007), Cardiac Surgery in the Adult, page 6+ Cardiac surgery changed significantly after World War II. In 1948 four surgeons carried out successful operations for mitral stenosis resulting from rheumatic fever.
The practice of vegetotherapy involves the analyst enabling the patient to physically simulate the bodily effects of strong emotions. In this technique, the patient is asked to remove his or her outer clothing, lie down on a sheet-covered bed in the doctor's office, and breathe deeply and rhythmically.Description of Orgone Therapy 1Description of Orgone Therapy 2Description of Orgone Therapy 3 An additional technique is to palpate or tickle areas of muscular tension,A patient's description of vegetotherapy also known as "body armour". This activity and stimulation eventually causes the patient to experience the simulated emotions, thus theoretically releasing emotions pent up inside both the body and the psyche (compare with primal therapy).
The most common of these procedures are removal of all or part of the colon (colectomy), or removal of the kidney (nephrectomy). Some surgeons perform these procedures completely laparoscopically, making the larger incision toward the end of the procedure for specimen removal, or, in the case of a colectomy, to also prepare the remaining healthy bowel to be reconnected (create an anastomosis). Many other surgeons feel that since they will have to make a larger incision for specimen removal anyway, they might as well use this incision to have their hand in the operative field during the procedure to aid as a retractor, dissector, and to be able to feel differing tissue densities (palpate), as they would in open surgery. This technique is called hand-assist laparoscopy.
A 2003 Human Rights Watch report, claims children as young as five years old are employed and work for up to 12 hours a day and six to seven days a week in silk industry. These children, claims, are bonded labour; even though the government of India denies existence of bonded child labour, these silk industries children are easy to find in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, claims Children are forced to dip their hands in scalding water to palpate the cocoons and are often paid less than Rs 10 per day. In 2012, a German news investigative report claimed that in states like Karnataka, non-governmental organisations had found up to 15,000 children working in the 1,100 silk factories in 1998. In other places, thousands of bonded child labourers were present in 1995.
117 What Metzinger probably refers to is that unlike the artists before them, he and Picasso move around their models and subjects, capturing not just one vision but many, capturing the full essence of their subject matter, if not all of its characteristics and properties. "Palper", or to 'palpate the objects' is more than just 'feel', it is to examine or explore by touch, a method of examination in which the artist feels size or shape or firmness or location of something, it implies volume, it involves a sense, just as taste. This text can also be found in André Salmon on French Modern Art, translated as: "We have never had the curiosity to touch the objects we were painting."André Salmon on French Modern Art, edited and translated by Beth S. Gersh-Nešić, Cambridge University Press, 2005, , p.

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