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35 Sentences With "naturalizes"

How to use naturalizes in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "naturalizes" and check conjugation/comparative form for "naturalizes". Mastering all the usages of "naturalizes" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Each year, USCIS naturalizes hundreds of thousands of new citizens.
It thrives on its immunity to interrogation and its own invisibility; it naturalizes the accolades and infinite chances bestowed on its recipients.
It naturalizes a complex and painful process—one that we will be going through more and more often according to climate models.
Steven Universe naturalizes the issues many shows would rather sensationalize in a way that's clever but not condescending to its younger audience.
In other words, design solidifies, and naturalizes, things that start off as opinions, stories and traditions, supplying form to the fictions by which we live.
U.S.C.I.S. naturalizes 22017,22 to 2500,2100 people a year; in 183, that number was 218,210, despite a 220 percent surge in applications that began in the run-up to the last presidential election.
"What makes it a turning point is it isn't gayness singled out and made the theme," Katz told the AP. "On the contrary, the work naturalizes gayness within the fabric of the city, and in so doing, that's actually an even more powerful message."
But Beyoncé plays her fame as ambivalently as a repeat pageant queen, and in doing so elevates her celebrity (revering it too much to comment on it all the time) and naturalizes it (grins and bears it, as we see in the candid clips).
If these parts are ingested it may cause severe discomfort, and handling plants may cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction. The plant is rejected by herbivorous animals. Variegated cultivars of Hedera algeriensis are widely used in gardening. It naturalizes in mild climates and lowlands.
This bulbflower naturalizes well in gardens. The bulb grows best in well-drained soil high in humus. It will grow in lightly shaded forest areas and on rocky outcrops as well as in open meadows or prairies. Additionally it is found growing alongside streams and rivers.
This bulbflower naturalizes well in gardens. The bulb grows best in well-drained soil high in humus. It will grow in lightly shaded forest areas and on rocky outcrops as well as in open meadows or prairies. Additionally it is found growing alongside streams and rivers.
In its native range the grass grows in woodlands and seasonally flooded grasslands. It is also tolerant of drought and easily naturalizes in disturbed habitat sites. Several species of leafcutter ants have been observed foraging on jaragua, including Atta capiguara and A. laevigata.Nagamoto, N. S., et al. (2009).
Achillea tomentosa, commonly known as woolly yarrow, is a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is sometimes kept as a garden plant, and occasionally naturalizes outside its original range of dry lowland habitats of southern Europe and (possibly) western Asia. It is a recipient of the RHS's Award of Garden Merit.
S. siberica is cultivated for its bluebell-like flowers. It naturalizes rapidly from seed. At , it is suitable for planting in grass, and will spread by seed to form large colonies that go dormant by the time grass needs to be mowed. In the Midwestern United States it is becoming invasive in some situations.
In a world increasingly relying on digital technologies, older adults face higher risks of social exclusion and prejudices (see digital ageism). Generational segregation naturalizes youth as digitally adept and the old as digitally inept. Older adults’ experiences are often excluded from research agendas on digital media.Loos, E. F., L. Haddon & E. Mante-Meijer (2012), Generational use of new media.
According to Gregory Clark, it is possible that there is also a substantial genetic component, and this is why social mobility is so low across societies and across history, as he establishes in his book The Son Also Rises. However, this view is highly problematic, ethnocentric, and eurocentric as it naturalizes and self-validates middle-class dominance.
Aethionema grandiflorum, commonly known as Persian stonecress or Persian candytuft, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae, preferring to grow at 750 to 2600m on limestone slopes. It is sometimes kept as a garden plant, and occasionally naturalizes outside its original range of eastern Turkey, the southern Caucasus and northern Iran. It is a recipient of the RHS's Award of Garden Merit.
Mature fertile flowers are 5–10 mm long with stalks of this length or more and are bell-shaped, opening at the mouth, where there are paler lobes. The linear leaves are 5–15 mm wide, with a central channel. Leopoldia comosa naturalizes easily and may become invasive. It has spread northwards from its original distribution, for example appearing in the British Isles in the 16th century.
Festuca perennis (Italian rye-grass, annual ryegrass) is a ryegrass native to temperate Europe, though its precise native range is unknown. It is a herbaceous annual, biennial, or perennial grass that is grown for silage, and as a cover crop. It is also grown as an ornamental grass. It readily naturalizes in temperate climates, and can become a noxious weed in agricultural areas and an invasive species in native habitats.
Studies on the populations in the Adirondacks suggest that an introduction of U. inflata to a location where it naturalizes can lead to altered sediment chemistry by reducing the net primary productivity of native species. It is also listed by the state of Washington as a problematic species because of the dense mat- forming habit of this aquatic Utricularia. It is one of the few carnivorous plants that can be invasive.
The concept of masculinity is said to rest logically on a dichotomization of sex (biological) and gender (cultural) and thus marginalizes or naturalizes the body. Brod observes that there is a tendency in men's studies field to proceed as if women were not a relevant part of the analysis and therefore to analyse masculinities by looking only at men and relations among men. Therefore, a consistently relational approach to gender is being called upon.
An oath of citizenship is an oath taken by immigrants that officially naturalizes immigrants into citizens. It is often the final step in this process, and is usually done in a ceremonial capacity. An oath of citizenship is designed to be a statement of patriotism and loyalty to the new country. In countries which retain a monarchical system of government, an oath of allegiance to the monarch is often required as well.
Desan's recent work argues that such theories cannot explain how decentralized agents have a commensurable unit in which to work. More generally, Desan critiques neoclassical economics on the ground that it naturalizes existing arrangements and reifies "the market" as a sphere with a self-evident structure. Her work contends that design features associated with modern monetary systems are distributively non-neutral, contributing to escalating inequality. Desan's earlier work focused on the monetary practice in early America.
Racial stereotyping in advertising is not always negative, but is considered harmful in that the repetition of a stereotype naturalizes it and makes it appear "normal". It is said that advertisers often utilize already existing deep-seated ideologies in society and base their commercials on them. Stereotypes have been used in advertisement as long as they have been around, and different ads over time have been thought by some to be more racist than others. Racial stereotypes are used frequently in advertising.
He has the English-like education and air, but lacks the skin color and legal status. Behn uses this conflicting description of Oroonoko to infuse some European familiarity into his figure while still remaining exotic enough. She compares Oroonoko to well-known historical figures like Hannibal and Alexander and describes Oroonoko's running, wrestling and killing of tigers and snakes. Albert J. Rivero states that this comparison to great Western conquerors and kings translates and naturalizes Oroonoko's foreignness into familiar European narratives.
Buddleja asiatica is not completely hardy in the UK, but can be grown reliably against a south-facing wall in coastal areas of the south and west, where it tolerates temperatures down to around . A specimen is grown under glass by Longstock Park Nursery, near Stockbridge, Hampshire, one of the four NCCPG national collection holders. Hardiness: RHS H3, USDA zones 9-10. Owing to its wide ecological range, adaptation to disturbed areas, elevation and rainfall tolerance, it readily naturalizes in tropical regions and can become invasive.
Marx argues that Bauer is mistaken in his assumption that in a "secular state", religion will no longer play a prominent role in social life. As an example, he refers to the pervasiveness of religion in the United States, which, unlike Prussia, had no state religion. In Marx's analysis, the "secular state" is not opposed to religion, but rather assumes it. The removal of religious or property qualifications for citizenship does not mean the abolition of religion or property, but rather naturalizes both and introduces a way of regarding individuals in abstraction from them.
This has been praised by a present-day critic as a book that "draws least attention to gaps and contradictions.... The story is episodic, as we follow the mouse Nimble through various households and overhear a variety of conversations.... This episodic, even picaresque, form effectively naturalizes—defuses—potential inconsistency."Beverley Lyon Clark, "Reconstructing Dorothy Kilner: Anecdotes as Antidotes in Project Muse". Project Muse Retrieved 25 October 2016. Other titles of hers included Anecdotes of a Boarding School, or an antidote to the vices of those Establishments (1790) and Little Stories for Little Folks (c. 1785).
Digital ageism refers to the prejudices faced by older adults in the digital world. A few examples of the subtle ways in which digital ageism operates in cultural representations, research, and everyday life: Generational segregation naturalizes youth as digitally adept and the old as digital dunces. There is no empirical evidence, though, for a digital divide between older and younger people, with the former never and the latter always capable to use digital media; a far more accurate description is that of a digital spectrum.Loos, E. F., Haddon, L., & Mante-Meijer, E. A. (Eds.) (2012).
Much like Captain Ahab, he declares that if he fails with this dog, he will find another and another until he succeeds. Keys's counterpart, Carruthers, a white trainer, believes the dog is irredeemable and should be killed, representing the view that racism cannot be cured. Scenes showing Kristy McNichol innocently burying her hands in the dog's fur and his normal loving behavior when alone with her provides a stark image of "how hatred can be familiar, reassuringly close." J. Hoberman argues that the film "naturalizes racism in an unnatural way" in the contrasting depictions of white characters horrified by the dog's behavior, and black characters who grimly accept it as a fact of life.
The UN has called on Colombia to end impunity for sexual crimes by the armed forces. Rubiela Valderrama, organiser at Cartagena, stated that many organizations, collectives and foundations were invited to join the protest. She also explained the objective of La Marcha de las Putas is "to create interest among the Cartagena community, to promote its participation in affirmative action focused on the transformation of individual and collective conscience to break the oppression, injustice and any rule or norm which naturalizes violence against women in the city." On November 17, 2013, La Marcha de las Putas organised a protest in front of a famous restaurant in Bogotá called Andrés Carne de Res.
While a sophomore at the University of Rochester she attended her first Women's Liberation meeting and later did field work at the Women's Liberation Center. These experiences and research, as well as the event of her pony being killed, showed her that her feminism and vegetarianism were related. Through some feminist studies she was conducting she realized that both were connected throughout the history of feminism as well. She found that many feminists were vegetarians, and she also found multiple books written by feminists, on vegetarianism as a “part of the feminist awakening of the hero”. A further look into the newly connected themes proved to be very important to the course Adams’ work would take in the future. She found that a patriarchal ethics ”naturalizes and normalizes violence...and perpetuates human exceptionalism that permits the oppression of other beings”.
It is essentially the production of a conscious artist, deliberative and selective in his methods. Don Juan Manuel naturalizes the Eastern apologue in Spain, and by the laconic picturesqueness of his expression imports a new quality into Spanish prose which attains its full development in the hands of Juan de Valdés and Cervantes. Some of his themes are utilized for dramatic purposes by Lope de Vega in La Pobreza estimada, by Juan Ruiz de Alarcón in La Prueba de las promesas, by Calderón in La Vida es sueño, and by José de Cañizares in Don Juan de Espina en Milán; there is an evident, though remote, relation between the tale of the mancebo que casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava and The Taming of the Shrew; and a more direct connexion exists between some of Don Juan Manuel's enxemplos and some of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales.
There is some confusion regarding the issue of holding Thai dual nationality, largely owing to outdated preconceptions or confused interpretations about what the Thai nationality act states on the matter. As the law currently stands, a Thai citizen who is born with another nationality, a person who naturalizes as a Thai, or a Thai who takes a foreign citizenship are generally allowed to maintain their Thai citizenship without issue. The main categories of people this affects includes the following: \- Dual national children: A major misconception is that a child born with Thai and a foreign nationality must, at the age of 20, choose to renounce their foreign nationality if they wish to remain a Thai citizen. However, Section 14 of the Thai nationality act actually does not force a renunciation, but merely gives a one-year window following that persons 20th birthday for renunciation. If no application is made for renunciation in that one year window, there is also no penalty for not making a ‘choice’.
Neopragmatism is a broad contemporary category used for various thinkers that incorporate important insights of, and yet significantly diverge from, the classical pragmatists. This divergence may occur either in their philosophical methodology (many of them are loyal to the analytic tradition) or in conceptual formation: for example, conceptual pragmatist C. I. Lewis was very critical of Dewey; neopragmatist Richard Rorty disliked Peirce. Important analytic pragmatists include early Richard Rorty (who was the first to develop neopragmatist philosophy in his Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (1979),Pragmatism – Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Hilary Putnam, W. V. O. Quine, and Donald Davidson. Brazilian social thinker Roberto Unger advocates for a radical pragmatism, one that "de-naturalizes" society and culture, and thus insists that we can "transform the character of our relation to social and cultural worlds we inhabit rather than just to change, little by little, the content of the arrangements and beliefs that comprise them".

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