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"matrilineal" Definitions
  1. used to describe the relationship between mother and children that continues in a family with each generation, or something that is based on this relationship
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The groupings follow matrilineal lines; grandmothers live with their daughters and their daughters' offspring.
But researchers exploring family affiliations point out that a so-called "matrilineal advantage" does exist.
Khasis, along with two other tribes in Meghalaya, are among the few matrilineal societies in India.
Why not look at the magic of a matrilineal world where the magical powerhouses are women?
What's more common is a matrilineal society, where inheritance and titles are exclusively passed onto female descendants.
They live in matrilineal groups that might include four generations, with the oldest grannies running the show.
The female-forward characters and the matrilineal Wayúu tribe the movie orbits have gone surprisingly under-explored by film critics.
Perhaps it's no coincidence that other mammals that feature stable matrilineal communities — including lemurs and orcas — also exhibit great intelligence.
But the repeated emphasis on family and generational conversation rooted in matrilineal love and care can do the same work.
"I hate that we're supposed to have these matrilineal bonds of motherhood and sisterhood," she laments to an art-collector friend.
There are current examples of matrilineal societies all around the world, from Native Americans, to tribes in Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
It no longer makes sense, Mnookin thinks, to use matrilineal descent, or any descent really, to determine who is a Jew.
It's also the only Indian state where residents observe a system of matrilineal inheritance, an oddity in India's fiercely patriarchal society.
"The matrilineal system helps protect customary land," said Walter Fernandes, a senior fellow at the think tank North Eastern Social Research Centre.
Like most of the cultures that appear on Internet lists of existing or past matriarchies, the Mosuo are actually "matrilineal" in structure.
In Kerala, where my family is from, the inheritance of property has historically been traced through a matrilineal system known as marumakkathayam.
Despite the supposed matrilineal advantage, I know several hardworking new grandmas providing regular care for their sons' children, and all seems amicable.
The majority of those who live in Mawlynnong are Khasi people, part of one of the oldest matrilineal tribes in the world.
The late Annie Pootoogook's mother depicted the matrilineal bond of Tuniit women, the ancient people of the Arctic, from newborns to elders.
A matrilineal obsession, the three Missoni women hunt for vintage finds on weekends, filling their respective homes with vast medleys of kooky relics.
Symbolism of matrilineal power is at its apex with Empress Dowager Cixi, who entered the court as a lower consort of the Xianfeng Emperor.
Their culture also influenced leaders of the suffragist movement; it is a matrilineal society, in which children's identities are passed down from the mother.
According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the services create DNA profiles that include YSTR and mtDNA, the genetic markers that determine patrilineal and matrilineal relationships.
This seems to be especially necessary for humans, who must learn how to cope in groups as diverse as matrilineal Arctic foragers and patrilineal tropical horticulturalists.
Akunnittinni, though, moves past the belabored topics of market making and the in/authentic modernity of Cape Dorset printmaking to pursue matrilineal discourses internal to the community.
Having descended from a matrilineal line of women who were paid to care for other people's children, I felt deeply conflicted about the "vacation nanny" concept before we arrived.
Traditional Khasi society is matrilineal and Mr Gandhi, surrounded by baton-wielding female commandos, seemed to mean it when he said that the rest of India could learn from minuscule Meghalaya.
The new center would be run by female tribal elders, Mr. Bourgeois said, as a nod to the matrilineal traditions of the Lenape and in memory of his wife, Carollee Pelos.
Matrilineal societies structure the home around female family members: property and the family name are passed from mother to daughter; male romantic partners remain part of their own families, under their mother's name.
While there is the notion of a "hereditary witch" in the world of witchcraft, as in one coming from a matrilineal line of witches, it is by no means a defining characteristic for most.
With so many men dead or enslaved, Native women married men outside their group—often African-Americans—and then redefined the families of mixed marriages as matrilineal in order to preserve collective claims to land.
Karolin Klüppel's images are a peek into the semi-matrilineal world — "a world in which women choose and change partners as they wish," according to National Geographic's Alexandra Genova — that leaves the viewer hungry for more.
It's part of an installation by artist Corazon del Sol, who created the interactive exhibit as a way to discover, embrace, and ultimately understand her role as an artist, specifically within the context of her matrilineal pedigree.
Home to Colombia's largest indigenous group, the matrilineal Wayuu, and neglected by successive governments, it is a region of barren landscapes, intense heat, little infrastructure, and where a number of former mayors have been imprisoned on corruption charges.
Also some of the traditions, things like matrilineal land tenure that applies in a lot of Bougainville means that people have a sense of culture that I think will drive that sense of identity as an independent nation.
Home to Colombia's largest indigenous group, the matrilineal Wayuu, and neglected by successive governments, it is a region of barren landscapes, intense heat, little infrastructure, and where a number of former mayors have been imprisoned on corruption charges(here)(here).
Red Star reminds us of the importance of women in a matrilineal culture, Wilson offers agency and reciprocity to his subjects, and Jackson proves with humor that the "vanishing" people carry on, continuing to find their place in the dominant culture.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Three generations of artists from Kinngait, the renowned center of Inuit printmaking best known as Cape Dorset, are on view in an exhibition that consists of a century-spanning matrilineal exchange of forms, stories, and values.
For a film that David Edelstein called "part ethnographic documentary, part The Godfather," the female-forward characters and the matrilineal Wayúu tribe the movie orbits have gone surprisingly under-explored by (predominantly white, male) film critics, as has the relevance of Gallego's co-directorial role.
But the onslaught of attention and money from the outside world may also be contributing to the end of their most famous (and misunderstood) traditions: a matrilineal family structure that privileges the female bloodline; and informal "walking marriages" in which romantic partners live apart.
And before that, as one of the so-called Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeast, they had been pressured to cede their hunting lands and trade in their traditional matrilineal system for Christianity, male dominance and commercial agriculture as practiced in the 19th-century South.
Applying a fine dusting of baby powder to the outer labia, post-shower or bath, is one of those long-practiced feminine hygiene hacks that you may have learned from your mother, who likely learned it from hers, and so on, back through the matrilineal generations.
They, too, concerned themselves with the problems of the metropolis, as evidenced by Leslie Harris's Just Another Girl on the I. R. T. (33), but far more of them retreated to bucolic, matrilineal havens, and nearly all of these tales are fascinated with the past or the archive.
For decades, the world's two largest Jewish communities differed over the definition of "who's a Jew" — the Israeli government hews to the traditional requirement of matrilineal descent and Orthodox conversions, while liberal American congregations admit members born only of Jewish fathers and even those unwilling to undergo any conversion — so-called Jews of choice.
As she travels through New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, D.C. and Atlanta, we get insight into the craft, matrilineal tradition, and inspiration behind her larger body of work, as well as the original pieces she created for the (Belvedere)RED campaign, raising money for the Global Fund to fight and eliminate the transmission of HIV/AIDS.
Elizabeth S. Hawley (Richmond, IN) Native Feminisms Drawing inspiration from the entwined histories of women's rights movements and Native rights movements in the United States, this exhibition presents the works of contemporary American Indian artists who identify as feminist and whose practices address urgent intersectional issues regarding matrilineal traditions, indigenous futurisms, ecocriticism, land and water rights, survivance, and the fight for sovereignty.
Matrilineal succession is a form of hereditary succession or other inheritance through which the subject's female relatives are traced back in a matrilineal line.
Schneider, D. M. 1961. The distinctive features of matrilineal descent groups. Introduction. In Schneider, D. M. and K. Gough (eds) Matrilineal Kinship. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 1-29.
The People of Akropong practise the matrilineal system of inheritance.
A king's own biological son does not inherit the kingship because he is not a member of the ruling matrilineal family group. Women usually inherit status and property directly from their mothers in matrilineal societies.
Villagers in Bangwa Kuuni, Ngazidja Comorian society has a bilateral descent system. Lineage membership and inheritance of immovable goods (land, housing) is matrilineal, passed in the maternal line, similar to many Bantu peoples who are also matrilineal, while other goods and patronymics are passed in the male line. However, there are differences between the islands, the matrilineal element being stronger on Ngazidja.Walker, Iain.
The Ngalops follow matrilineal lines in the inheritance of land and livestock.
He was the first successor to the throne through a matrilineal line.
Creek society was matrilineal; therefore a person's status and identity were determined through their mother. Fathers were not considered blood relatives, but only related by marriage. Both males and females traced their ancestral lineage through their mother and social connections were based on matrilineal kinships. Several matrilineal kinship groups claimed the same mythical ancestor thus forming a clan, such as the Wind, Bear, or Turtle clans.
Seven abusua or matrilineal clans represent them on earth and rule the state.
They built permanent villages, and traded with the indigenous Pygmies and Khoi-San populations. The Ambundu society consisted of local communities until the 14th century. Their society has always been matrilineal. Land was inherited matrilineally, and the descent system was matrilineal as well.
59, Is.1, p. 21. The Conservative Jewish Movement also practices matrilineal descent as virtually all Jewish communities have for at least two thousand years. In 1986, the Conservative Movement's Rabbinical Assembly reiterated the commitment of the Conservative Movement to the practice of matrilineal descent.
The social structure is anthropologically interesting, being a matrilineal Muslim society with natolocal residence. A man will live in either his mother's or his wife's house. Remarriage for both men and women is accepted. Property is inalienable and owned by "houses" (matrilineal descent groups).
Families were matrilineal and matrilocal, that is, young married couples would live in the wife's community.
This matrilineal descent pattern is in contrasts to the more common pattern of patrilineal descent pattern.
Male age grade systems associated with matrilineal kinship systems are found among the Austronesian populations of Taiwan.
A matrilineal surname or matrinameSykes, Bryan (2001). The Seven Daughters of Eve. W.W. Norton. ; pp. 291–2.
Matrilineality in Judaism or matrilineal descent in Judaism is the tracing of Jewish descent through the maternal line. Jewish communities have practiced matrilineal descent from at least early Tannaitic (c. 10-70 CE) times to Modern times.Reviewed by Louis Jacobs, Originally published in Judaism 34.1 (Winter 1985), 55-59.
The Rade practice matrilineal descent. Descent is traced through the female line, and family property is in the hands of and inherited from women. The basic kinship unit is the matrilineage; these are grouped into higher-level matrilineal sibs (matrisibs). The Rade are further divided into two phratries.
Asakyiri is one of the major eight major Akan clans. These clans are derived along the matrilineal lines.
A lineage is a unilineal descent group that can demonstrate their common descent from a known apical ancestor. Unilineal lineages can be matrilineal or patrilineal, depending on whether they are traced through mothers or fathers, respectively. Whether matrilineal or patrilineal descent is considered most significant differs from culture to culture.
Matrilineality in Judaism or matrilineal descent in Judaism is the tracing of Jewish descent through the maternal line. Close to all Jewish communities have followed matrilineal descent from at least early Tannaitic (c. 10-70 CE) times through modern times.Reviewed by Louis Jacobs, Originally published in Judaism 34.1 (Winter 1985), 55-59.
Saramaka society is firmly based on a matrilineal kinship system. A clan (lo) – often several thousand individuals – consists of the matrilineal descendants of an original band of escaped slaves. Children are considered born into this clan. It is subdivided into lineages (bee) – usually 50 to 150 people – descended from a more recent ancestress.
The caste is made of a number of matrilineal exogamous clans called Kilais or branches descending from the female line.
He usurped the stool of Juaben after her death which contradicts the traditional usage of the matrilineal system of succession.
Reference to Nari Rajya (female kingdom; or land of matriarchy) in the epic Mahabharata likely correlates with the Khasi and Jaintia Hills and Meghalaya's present-day matrilineal culture. The proud heritage of the Khasi, Garo, and other subgroups is matrilineality; however in 2004 it was reported that their matrilineal traits were on the wane.
292 that a matriname would then be handed down with mitochondrial DNA, the main topic of his book. In subsequent generations the sons may retain the patrilineal half of their double surname when they marry, dropping the matrilineal half, and the daughters may do the reverse, retaining the matrilineal half and dropping the patrilineal half.
Names and crests thus stayed in the mother's line. At first, Boas—like Morgan before him—suggested that the Kwakiutl had been matrilineal like their neighbors to the north, but that they were beginning to evolve patrilineal groups. In 1897, however, he repudiated himself, and argued that the Kwakiutl were changing from a prior patrilineal organization to a matrilineal one, as they learned about matrilineal principles from their northern neighbors. Boas's rejection of Morgan's theories led him, in an 1887 article, to challenge Mason's principles of museum display.
The remains of King Richard III were identified by comparing his mtDNA with that of two matrilineal descendants of his sister.
The Anyi are a matrilineal people, and women have relatively high social status exhibited in both the political and economic arenas.
Says DeFreitas, "Some of the major themes in my practice are mourning and loss, matrilineal narratives, post memory, and cultural identity".
1310 BCE).Midrash Rabbah, Numbers, 19 Conservative Jewish Theologian Rabbi Louis Jacobs suggests that the marriage practices of the Jewish community were re- stated as a law of matrilineal descent in the early Tannaitic Period (c. 10-70 CE). The law of matrilineal descent was first codified, as all Jewish Oral Law, in the Mishnah (c.
Matrilineal surnames are names transmitted from mother to daughter, in contrast to the more familiar patrilineal surnames transmitted from father to son, the pattern most common among family names today. For clarity and for brevity, the scientific terms patrilineal surname and matrilineal surname are usually abbreviated as patriname and matriname.Sykes, Bryan (2001). The Seven Daughters of Eve.
Archaeologists have concluded that Pueblo Bonito was associated with an elite matriline, a powerful family who inherited their status from their mothers, for approximately 330 years. The room 33 excavations are the first archaeological evidence of matrilineal descent among the Ancestral Puebloans, which is a further link to their modern Pueblo descendants, many of whom practice matrilineal succession.
The Cochin royal family followed the system of matrilineal succession known as Marumakkatayam. Traditionally the female members of the family marry (Sambandham) with Namboodiri Brahmins while male members marry women of the Samanthan Nair class. These wives of the male members are not Ranis or Queens as per the matrilineal system but instead get the title of Nethyar Amma.
The evolutionary origins of mutual understanding. London and Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.Knight, C. 2008. Early human kinship was matrilineal.
In societies using matrilineal descent, the social relationship between children and their biological father tends to be different because he is not a member of their matrilineal family. For example, the man who would have the formal responsibilities that Western cultures assign to a father would be a boy's mother's brother, since he is the closest elder male kinsman. Similarly, inheritance patterns for men in matrilineal societies often reflect the importance of the mother's brother. For example, in the Ashanti Kingdom of Central Ghana, a king traditionally passes his title and status on to his sister's son.
Josephus, Antiquities, 14.15.2. In practice, Jewish denominations define "Who is a Jew?" via descent in different ways. All denominations of Judaism have protocols for conversion for those who are not Jewish by descent. Orthodox Judaism practices matrilineal descent and considers it axiomatic.See Rabbi Moses Feinstein’s re- affirmation of matrilineal descent, Elberg, Rabbi S., September, 1984, HaPardes Rabbinical Journal, Hebrew, vol.
This idea was taken up by Friedrich Engels in The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. The Morgan-Engels thesis that humanity's earliest domestic institution was not the family but the matrilineal clan soon became incorporated into communist orthodoxy. In reaction, most 20th century social anthropologists considered the theory of matrilineal priority untenable,Malinowski, B. 1956. Marriage: Past and Present.
See his Ancient Yemen, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994; and his Pre-Islamic Yemen, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1995. He was also the first to provide convincing evidence for the existence of matrilineal descent organisation in Pre-Islamic ArabiaKorotayev A. V. "Were There Any Truly Matrilineal Lineages in the Arabian Peninsula?" Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 25 (1995); pp. 83–98.
The brotherhoods of Ceklin proper (pravi Ceklin) are divided in the Gornjaci and Donjaci brotherhoods. The Gornjaci are most numerous brotherhood of Ceklin today. They share the same matrilineal origin from Piperi, but have different patrilineal descent from Kelmendi (Gornjaci) and Piperi (Donjaci). Thus, Ceklin became a tribe (pleme) on the basis of matrilineal descent, although it follows patrilineal inheritance customs.
This may because until recently, families followed matrilineal heritages instead of a patriarchal society, thus some aspects of the earlier society were retained (Coe 68).
Early human kinship was matrilineal. In N. J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar and W. James (eds.), Early Human Kinship. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 61–82.).
Societies can also consider descent to be ambilineal (such as Hawaiian kinship) where offspring determine their lineage through the matrilineal line or the patrilineal line.
It is regarded as incest by the Iroquois to marry within one's matrilineal clan, but considered acceptable to marry someone from the same patrilineal clan.
"Gender Differences in the Dictator Experiment: Evidence from the Matrilineal Mosuo and the Patriarchal Yi." SSRN Electronic Journal (2010): 1-25. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
Tourism has influenced kinship and parenting practices, with Mosuo residing in areas where tourism is prevalent being less likely to adhere to strict matrilineal norms.
A lineage is a unilineal descent group that can demonstrate their common descent from a known apical ancestor. Unilineal lineages can be matrilineal or patrilineal, depending on whether they are traced through mothers or fathers, respectively. Whether matrilineal or patrilineal descent is considered most significant differs from culture to culture. A clan is generally a descent group claiming common descent from an apical ancestor.
Ezhavas adopted different patterns of behavior in family system across Kerala. Those living in southern Travancore tended to meld the different practices that existed in the other parts of Kerala. The family arrangements of northern Malabar were matrilineal with patrilocal property arrangements, whereas in northern Travancore they were matrilineal but usually matrilocal in their arrangements for property. Southern Malabar saw a patrilineal system but partible property.
Cabécar social organization is predicated on matrilineal clans in which the mother is the head of household. Matrimonial norms restrict an individual from marrying a relative within the blood group related to the individual’s mother. On the father’s side, marriages are not prohibited beyond the father’s sisters and first cousins. Each matrilineal clan controls marriage possibilities, regulates land tenure, and determines property inheritance for its members.
These theories were presented as scholarly hypotheses, albeit from an ideological viewpoint, in the 1970s, but they also influenced feminist spirituality and especially feminist branches of Neo-paganism that also arose during the 1970s (see Dianic Wicca and Reclaiming (Neopaganism)), so that Matriarchal Religion is also a contemporary new religious movement within the larger field of neopaganism, generally known as the Goddess movement. Most modern anthropologists reject the idea of a prehistoric matriarchy, but recognize matrilineal and matrifocal groups throughout human history. In recent years, genetic and other evidence has accumulated in support of the view that early human kinship was probably matrilineal,Chris Knight, 2008. Early Human Kinship was Matrilineal.
For recent genealogy, exact matching on the mtDNA full sequence is used to confirm a common ancestor on the direct maternal line between two suspected relatives. Because mtDNA mutations are very rare, a nearly perfect match is not usually considered relevant to the most recent 1 to 16 generations. In cultures lacking matrilineal surnames to pass down, neither relative above is likely to have as many generations of ancestors in their matrilineal information table as in the above patrilineal or Y-DNA case: for further information on this difficulty in traditional genealogy, due to lack of matrilineal surnames (or matrinames), see Matriname.Sykes, Bryan (2001).
130 n. 42; Clarkson (2010) ch. 9 ¶ 49; Woolf (2007) p. 262. perhaps a matrilineal link to Owain Foel's confederate at Carham, Máel Coluim mac Cináeda.
Sam Perryman was also Creek. In matrilineal Creek society, in which paternity is much less important, they were automatically accepted as members of the Creek nation.
The ruling houses of the Sponheimish condominium were matrilineal descendants of the House of Sponheim and took on the title of Count at Sponheim (Graf zu Sponheim).
Through his son Maurice, he was the great-grandfather of Diana, Princess of Wales. His daughter Cynthia was the matrilineal great-grandmother of American actor Oliver Platt.
The process was initially proposed by Whitehead in a 1998 paper as an explanation for this low genetic diversity in matrilineal whale species. In these communities, female individuals remain grouped together with their mothers and other female relatives.Whitehead H. "Genetic Diversity in the Matrilineal Whales: Models of Cultural Hitchhiking and Group-Specific Non-heritable Demographic Variation". Marine Mammal Sci. 2005;21(1):58-79. doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.2005.tb01208.
Boas initially broke with evolutionary theory over the issue of kinship. Lewis Henry Morgan had argued that all human societies move from an initial form of matrilineal organization to patrilineal organization. First Nations groups on the northern coast of British Columbia, like the Tsimshian, and Tlingit, were organized into matrilineal clans. First Nations on the southern coast, like the Nootka and the Salish, however, were organized into patrilineal groups.
'Ozhimuri' is based on the story of the book 'Uravidangal' by veteran bilingual writer Jeyamohan. The title of the work refers to the matrilineal system that prevailed in the Nair community in the erstwhile southern Travancore. A prominent feature of the matrilineal system was that properties were enjoyed by successors of the women in the family. The women were educated and bold, with mothers often being stronger than fathers.
Conflict among females has also shown the presence of recognition among matrilineal relatives. It has been observed that, shortly after conflicts among two females, patas monkeys often act differently toward each other than if they had not been in conflict. Females often “reconcile” with each other by activities such as sitting together and grooming. While this reconciliatory behavior is observed even between unrelated individuals, it is most common among matrilineal relatives.
The matrilineal succession is prevalent among many sects in Asia. These include the Minangkabau culture of West Sumatra, Marumakkathayam or Aliyasantana system among Nairs and Tuluva's of India. The Undangs of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia exhibit matrilineal succession in their elective chieftaincies. Similar traditions exist among the Khasi and Garo of Meghalaya, India, the Naxi of China, the Gitksan of British Columbia, the Iroquois Confederacy (Haudenosaunee), the Hopi, the Berbers.
A traditional Palauan house Palauan society follows a very strict matrilineal system. Matrilineal practices are seen in nearly every aspect of Palauan traditions, especially in funeral, marriage, inheritance and the passing of traditional titles. The system probably had its origins from the Philippine archipelago, which had a similar system until the archipelago was colonized by Spain. The cuisine includes local foods such as cassava, taro, yam, potato, fish and pork.
The senior most maternal uncle was the head of the matrilineal joint families, known as Tharavadu, and was called Karnavar. The authority of the Karnavar in a family is unquestionable. Even after the decline of Matrilineal system, the word is used to denote authority, and elderly person. This titile is given by the Maharaja of Travancore to an aristocratic Nair family because they have saved the Rani of Attingal.
The Berber inhabitants of Gran Canaria island had developed a matrilineal society by the time the Canary Islands and their people, called Guanches, were conquered by the Spanish.
Knight, C. 2008. Early human kinship was matrilineal. In N. J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar and W. James (eds.), Early Human Kinship. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 61-82.
In the remainder of this article, birth name, family name, surname, married name and maiden name refer to patrilineal surnames unless explicitly described as referring to matrilineal surnames.
Macaulay, G.C. and Lateiner, Donald. The Histories. Spark Educational Publishing, 2004, , p. 63. This passage has normally been understood as meaning that the Lycians were a matrilineal society.
Akan societies are matrilineal, with a person belonging to the abusua of his mother. Inheritance, succession and status are lineally determined. Osei Tutu belonged to the Oyoko Abusua.
A basis for matrilineal priority? In N. J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar and W. James (eds.), Early Human Kinship. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 168-186.Chris Knight, 2012.
The swaroopams were further divided into matrilineal descent groups (the thavazhis).Menon, V. K. R, Rathi Ramachandran, et al. eds. History of Medieval Kerala. Pragati Publications, 2006. 81.
As Gimbutas' beliefs evolved, she put increasing emphasis on the patriarchal, patrilineal nature of the invading culture, sharply contrasting it with the supposedly egalitarian, if not matrilineal culture of the invaded, to the point of formulating essentially a feminist archaeology. Her interpretation of Indo-European culture found genetic support in remains from the Neolithic culture of Scandinavia, where DNA from bone remains in Neolithic graves indicated that the megalith culture was either matrilocal or matrilineal, as the people buried in the same grave were related through the women. Likewise, there is a tradition of remaining matrilineal traditions among the Basque, a people whose language and culture is widely supposed to be descended from a pre indo-european relict.
It may be that the evolutionary advantage of the social organization of Homo sapiens was not that male hunting contributed to the family's food but rather that it allowed men not to compete for the family's food. Reed argues there are no credible examples of communities moving from patriarchal to matrilineal, but many examples in history and mythology of moving from matrilineal to patriarchal - though the process is not well understood (p166). Many of the matrilineal communities studied by early anthropologists changed very rapidly, allowing later anthropologists to believe that patriarchal or patrilineal relations were the norm. Thus was evidence of the original matriarchy written out of history almost before it was written in.
Khasi women Multiple tribes in the state of Meghalaya in northeast India practise matrilineal descent. Often referred to as Khasi people and Garo people, among the Khasi people which is a term used as a blanket term for various subgroups in Meghalaya who have distinguishing languages, rites, ceremonies, and habits, but share an ethnic identity as Ki Hynniew Trep (The Seven Huts) whereas the Garo people refers to the various groups of Achik people. The Khasi, Garo, and other subgroups have a proud heritage, including matrilineality, although it was reported in 2004 that they were losing some of their matrilineal traits. The tribes are said to belong to one of the "largest surviving matrilineal culture[s]" in the world.
Many of the Tamil Mudaliyars, a high colonial rank, were drawn from the Vellalar caste. In Eastern Sri Lanka, the Vellalars are further divided into kudis or matrilineal clans.
The Akan people live in Akanland, and are one of the few matrilineal societies in West Africa. The matrilineal system of the Akan continues to be economically and politically important. Each lineage controlled the land farmed by its members, functioned as a religious unit in the veneration of its ancestors, supervised marriages, and settled internal disputes among its members. Akan kings, once renowned for their splendor and wealth, retained dignitary status after colonization.
Makurian princess protected by Virgin Mary and Christ Child, Faras (12th century) The Christian Nubian society was matrilineal and women enjoyed a high social standing. The matrilineal succession gave the queen mother and the sister of the current king as forthcoming queen mother great political relevance. This importance is attested by the fact that she constantly appears in legal documents. Another female political title was the asta ("daughter"), perhaps some type of provincial representative.
Khasis are believed to be migrants with ancestral links to the Mon-Khmer people of East Asia. The matrilineal tradition which the Khasi and other subgroups practice in Meghalaya is unique within India. Matrilineal principles among the Khasi are emphasised in myths, legends, and origin narratives. Khasi kings embarking on wars left the responsibility of running the family to women and thus their role in society became very deep rooted and respected.
Opie, K. and C. Power, 2009. Grandmothering and Female Coalitions. A basis for matrilineal priority? In N. J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar and W. James (eds.), Early Human Kinship.
Heide Göttner-Abendroth (born February 8, 1941 in Langewiesen, Germany) is a German feminist advocating Matriarchy Studies (also Modern Matriarchal Studies), focusing on the study of matriarchal or matrilineal societies.
The Seven Daughters of Eve. W. W. Norton. , pp. 291–92. Sykes discusses the difficulty in genealogically tracing a maternal lineage, due to the lack of matrilineal surnames (or matrinames).
Aliyasantana (sister's son lineage) was a matrilineal system of inheritance practiced by Tuluva community in the coastal districts of Karnataka, India. It is similar to the marumakkatāyam system of Malabar.
Donat, p. 232 Among the holders of the Paharnic title since the days of Mihnea Turcitul was a matrilineal Craiovești, Șerban of Coiani, who successfully litigated over his family's assets.Donat, pp.
Janet Fieldhouse was born in Cairns, Queensland, and maintains strong connections with her matrilineal connections to Badu (Mulgrave), Mua (Moa), Kirriri (Hammond) and Erub (Darnley) islands and South Sea Islander communities.
Beaver and Halibut are also common Laxsgiik crests. Tsimshian, Gitksan, and Nisga'a matrilineal houses belonging to the Laxsgiik tend to belong to one of two groups, the Gwinhuut and the Gitxon.
There are two lineages of the East African lowland subspecies (Apis mellifera scutellata) in the Americas: actual matrilineal descendants of the original escaped queens and a much smaller number that are Africanized through hybridization. The matrilineal descendants carry African mtDNA, but partially European nuclear DNA, while the honey bees that are Africanized through hybridization carry European mtDNA, and partially African nuclear DNA. The matrilineal descendants are in the vast majority. This is supported by DNA analyses performed on the bees as they spread northwards; those that were at the "vanguard" were over 90% African mtDNA, indicating an unbroken matriline, but after several years in residence in an area interbreeding with the local European strains, as in Brazil, the overall representation of African mtDNA drops to some degree.
Matrilineal primogeniture, or female-preference uterine primogeniture, is a form of succession practised in some societies in which the eldest female child inherits the throne, to the total exclusion of males. The order of succession to the position of the Rain Queen is an example in an African culture of matrilineal primogeniture: not only is dynastic descent reckoned through the female line, but only females are eligible to inherit. The Khasi Community of Meghalaya, India is an example of matrilineal, ultimogeniture inheritance where the youngest daughter inherits all or the largest chunk of the ancestral estate. Elder sisters may also inherit shares of the family estate, but their shares are much lesser when compared to the share of the youngest sister.
Whether a particular tribe is predominantly matrilineal or patrilineal, often both sexes have some degree of decision-making power within the tribe. Many Nations, such as the Haudenosaunee Five Nations and the Southeast Muskogean tribes, have matrilineal or Clan Mother systems, in which property and hereditary leadership are controlled by and passed through the maternal lines. In these Nations, the children are considered to belong to the mother's clan. In Cherokee culture, women own the family property.
After the completion of her thesis she taught for a year at the University of Toronto before moving to the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. She then carried out further fieldwork funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada in Namibia. During this time she published her first book, Matrilineal Ideology (1981),Karla Poewe, Matrilineal Ideology: Male Female Dynamics in Luapula, Zambia. London: Academic Press. 1981. followed by Reflections of a Woman Anthropologist (1982).
235 From Constantin's marriage to Elina Șerban, daughter of Movilă's vanquisher Radu Șerban, the Wallachian Cantacuzinos were matrilineal descendants of the Basarab dynasty.Cazacu, pp. 171–172, 178–179; Djuvara, p. 28; Gane, pp.
Nature, 291: 652–54, 1981; Hartung, J. Polygyny and Inheritance of Wealth. Current Anthropology, 23:1–12; Hartung, J. Matrilineal Inheritance: New Theory and Analysis. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8:661–68, 1985.
The lintel was noteworthy for being the first known representation of Maat with African features. Numerous Sedeinga artifacts were dedicated to high-ranking women, emphasizing the fact that Nubia was a matrilineal society.
Various Amazigh tribes during the 4th, 5th, and 6th century were noted to have been matrilineal, such as the Tuareg tribes of North Africa.Brett, Michael, and Elizabeth Fentress. The Berbers. Wiley: Blackwell, 1997.
Mattison, Siobhán M., Brooke Scelza, and Tami Blumenfield. "Paternal Investment and the Positive Effects of Fathers among the Matrilineal Mosuo of Southwest China." American Anthropologist 116.3 (2014): 591-610. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
Ancient Maya kinship and descent have alternatively been described as patrilineal, matrilineal, and bilateral. Maya political organization has been characterized as both segmentary (involving well-defined lineages and clan-like structures) and centralized.
The Kurukkal are a caste in Kerala, India. Originally a patrilineal community of Travancore whose traditional function was that of temple servants, they became matrilineal towards the end of the 18th century under the influence of the dominant Nambudiri Brahmin caste. From that time on, Kurukkal women had hypergamous marriages with Nambudiri men and Kurukkal men struck similar relationships with women from the matrilineal Maran caste. The community's position in the Hindu ritual ranking system known as varna is disputed.
The term matrilateral describes kin (relatives) "on the mother's side". Social anthropologists have underlined that even where a social group demonstrates a strong emphasis on one or other line of inheritance (matrilineal or patrilineal), relatives who fall outside this unilineal grouping will not simply be ignored. So, a strongly patrilineal orientation will be complemented by matrilateral ties with the mother's kin. Likewise within a strongly matrilineal organisation, patrilateral ties will enter the reckoning of relationships as an important balancing factor.
The amenokal is elected in a ritual which differs between groups, the individual amghar who lead the clans making up the confederation usually have the deciding voice. The matrilineal inheritance and mythology among Tuareg clans, states Susan Rasmussen, a cultural vestige from the pre-Islamic era of the Tuareg society. According to Rasmussen, Tuareg society exhibits a blend of pre-Islamic and Islamic practices. As such, patrilineal Muslim values are believed to have been superimposed upon the Tuareg's traditional matrilineal society.
Douglas’ first publication, The Lele of the Kasai (1963), focuses on a matrilineal society in Kasai (now the Kasai-Occidental), the Lele. This matrilineal society is marked by a strong division of tasks, polyandric matrimonial rules, egalitarianism, autonomy and anarchism; a social world that was completely different from her own and that defied the teachings of Evans-Pritchard. She breaks from a functionalist approach by her analyses on the production and distribution of wealth amongst clans, a detailed description of matrilineal organization and the role of aristocratic clans in the power structure, and the place of marriage in the alliance strategies between the clans and the practice and supervision of witchcraft. Her intense empirical work granted to her an insight into the concrete practices of the Lele contrary to the theories developed by institutions.
In reaction, most twentieth- century social anthropologists considered the theory of matrilineal priority untenable,Malinowski, B. 1956. Marriage: Past and Present. A debate between Robert Briffault and Bronislaw Malinowski, ed. M. F. Ashley Montagu.
At the time, the matrilineal bloodline was very important in Japanese noble society. Hiroko's mother Gishi's hazy background might have put her at a disadvantage, but to her father she was a long-awaited daughter.
"Adinegoro" is a "nom de plume". He was born Achmad Djamaluddin. Later in life he was awarded the title Datuk Maradjo Sutan by his matrilineal clan in Minangkabau.Perpustakaan Universitas Diponegoro – Digital Library Diponegoro University.
1310 BCE). Conservative Jewish Theologian Rabbi Louis Jacobs suggests that the marriage practices of the Jewish community were re- stated as a law of matrilineal descent in the early Tannaitic Period (c. 10-70 CE).
List has studied the economics of discrimination, finding that discrimination in marketplaces is statistical discrimination, rarely motivated by animus. He has also investigated gender differences in competition and wages, finding that men are more likely to apply for jobs that offer incentive pay than women. He has also researched the role of gender in competition in matrilineal and patriarchal societies, finding that women in matrilineal societies opt to compete at similar levels to men in patriarchal societies. List has also used experiments to test ideas in finance.
When traditional young women marry, their husbands may join them in their mother's household. Matrilineal structures enable young women to have assistance in childbirth and rearing, and protect them in case of conflicts between the couple. If a couple separates or the man dies, the woman has her family to assist her. In matrilineal cultures the mother's brothers are usually the leading male figures in her children's lives; fathers have no standing in their wife and children's clan, as they still belong to their own mother's clan.
In Pictish society, succession in leadership (later kingship) was matrilineal (through the mother's side), with the reigning chief succeeded by either his brother or perhaps a nephew but not through patrilineal succession of father to son.
If there are no daughters, a chosen daughter-in-law (bohari) or an adopted child (deragata) comes to stay in the house and inherit the property. Meghalaya has one of the world's largest surviving matrilineal cultures.
Trigger,Trigger, B. (1969). Wright,Wright, J.V. (1966). and Williamson and MacDonald Williamson, T. and MacDonald (2003). that the ossuary burial practice is tied to inter village alliances with socio-political systems based on matrilineal kinship.
Most building materials, including sand, must also be imported. Gasoline or petrol costs are, at minimum, 15 percent higher than on the mainland. Skopelos is a matrilineal society. Wealth is passed on via the female line.
Since most Asian traders were Muslim, their children inherited their paternal ethnic identity, though East African matrilineal traditions remained key.Campbell, Gwynn. "Africa and the Indian Ocean World from Early Times to Circa 1900." Cambridge University Press.
However, juvenile males do not change the amount of time they spend near the adult male. This may indicate weakening of matrilineal ties, rather than male aggression, as the main reason juveniles disperse from their natal group.
Not much nor convincing evidence survives that the House of Loairn followed in any way the postulated Pictish tradition of matrilineal succession. Rather, their succession seems to follow quite fully the Irish-Celtic tradition of agnatic clan.
Although these are common Han practices, many minority groups in China practice different marriage and family lineage practices. For example, the small ethnic minority of the Mosuo practice matrilineal succession,The Mosuo Sisters. Directed by Marlo Poras.
His ancestry is Irish, English, Scottish and, through his matrilineal great-grandmother, Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jewish. He trained at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, from which he graduated in 2011. O'Connor is a Southampton FC supporter.
The Akans of Ghana and the Ivory Coast, West Africa have similar matrilineal succession and as such Otumfour Osei-Tutu II, Asantehene inherited the Golden Stool through his mother (the Asantehemaa) Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem II.
And also tells her about Kali Pillai, Thanu pillai's mother who was lord of a feudal family which followed matrilineal succession and had considerable power in the local politics and among people. Thanupillai was also very harsh towards his mother and even hated the matrilineal system that's why he married Meenaskhi who was from a family with patrilineal system. Eventhough Meenakshi was from a poorer family Kali Pillai loved her even advised her many times to take a stronger stand against her husband instead of submitting to patriarchy. Sharath and Balamany slowly develops a relationship.
In this article, family name and surname both mean the patrilineal surname, handed down from or inherited from the father, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Thus, the term "maternal surname" means the patrilineal surname which one's mother inherited from either or both of her parents. For a discussion of matrilineal ('mother-line') surnames, passing from mothers to daughters, see matrilineal surname. It is common for women in the entertainment industry (like celebrities) to keep their maiden name after they get married, especially if they achieved their fame before marriage.
The Ajila Jain Bunt Dynasty ruled the principality of Venur for several centuries, 1154 to 1786 C.E. The most notable of the Ajila kings was Veera Timmannarasa Ajila IV who erected the monolith of Bahubali in 1604 C.E. The succession to the Ajila throne was as per the Bunt custom of matrilineal inheritance (Aliya Santana). The descendants of the Ajila rulers still survive and inhabit the Aladangady Aramane (Ajila Palace). The present head of the Ajila dynasty is Padmaprasad Ajila, fourteenth in line through the matrilineal lineage of Veera Timmannarasa Ajila IV.
The Minangkabau are the largest matrilineal society in the world, with property, family name and land passing down from mother to daughter, while religious and political affairs are the responsibility of men, although some women also play important roles in these areas. This custom is called Lareh Bodi-Caniago and is known as adat perpatih in Malaysia. Today 4.2 million Minangs live in the homeland of West Sumatra. As one of the world's most populous (as well as politically and economically influential) matrilineal ethnicities, Minangkabau gender dynamics have been extensively studied by anthropologists.
A husband could divorce a wife by leaving her house, and a wife her husband by leaving his possessions outside of her door. To the matrilineal Creek tribe, the house always belonged to the wife; it was usually shared with her female relatives and their husbands. The Creek considered the mother's children as wholly Creek, regardless of partial European ancestry, due to the matrilineal kinship system of the Muscogee. After the late 1750s, Sehoy married at least two other men (monagamously), with whom she bore at least two additional children, before McGillivray relocated to Savannah.
Females tend not to leave the social group, and have highly stable matrilineal hierarchies in which a female's rank is dependent on the rank of her mother. In addition, a single group may have multiple matrilineal lines existing in a hierarchy, and a female outranks any unrelated females that rank lower than her mother. Rhesus macaques are unusual in that the youngest females tend to outrank their older sisters.Waal, F. (1993) "Codevelopment of dominance relations and affiliative bonds in rhesus monkeys." in Juvenile Primates: Life History, Development, and Behavior.
Some of the groups, such as Moran and Saraniya consider themselves as Hindus under Ekasarana Dharma. Other groups, such as the Garo, Rabha, Lalung and Hajong have established separate identities. With the exception of the Garo, which is still a matrilineal society, the other groups do not follow rules of matrilineal society. The Mech in Western Assam, the Boro in central Assam; the Dimasa in Dima Hasao District (DHD) formerly North Cachar Hills, Cachar district and Nagaland state and the Sonowal and Thengal in the eastern part of the Brahmaputra now represent the Kachari.
Khasi, among multiple tribes in the state of Meghalaya in northeast India, practise matrilineal descent. They are referred to as Khasi people; Khasi is used as an umbrella phrase to refer to many subgroups in Meghalaya who have distinguishing languages, rites, ceremonies, and habits, but share an ethnic identity as Ki Hynniew Trep (The Seven Huts). Khasi are an ancient tribe said to be the "largest surviving matrilineal culture[s]" in the world. who, along with other subgroups, such as Garo, live in Meghalaya, as well as bordering areas of Assam and Bangladesh.
Berkeley: University of California Press. along with "bilateral inheritance" (in some sense intermediate between matrilineal and patrilineal inheritance).Ruwanpura, 2006, p. 71. While the first two groups speak the Tamil language, the third group speaks the Sinhala language.
American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of patri- sib, referring to patrilineal clan descent, and matri-sib, to refer to matrilineal clan descent.
The pāḍdanas also reflect multi-socio-cultural background shifts (for example, the move from Matrilineal system to Patrilineal system). The older sense of cosmology is retained through the pāḍdanas. The pāḍdanas also reflect processes of Hinduisation and Sanskritization.
The order of succession to the position of the Rain Queen is an example in an African culture of matrilineal primogeniture: not only is dynastic descent reckoned through the female line, but only females are eligible to inherit.
Located in Western Sumatra, the Minangkabau are the largest matrilineal culture in the world and the fourth largest ethnic group in Indonesia. Tribe, clan (or suku) titles, properties and names are all handed down through the female line.
Latin signature of Nicolaus Bassaraba, referring to himself as heir to "Transalpine Wallachia" Although much of the family was expunged from Wallachia, its matrilineal descendants continued to claim and hold high offices at the court of successive Princes.
The chief crests of the Gispwudwada are the Killerwhale (a.k.a. orca) ('neexł in Tsimshian) and Grizzly Bear (midiik). Tsimshian matrilineal houses belonging to the Gispwudwada tend to belong to one of two groups, the Git'mlaxam and the Gitnagwinaks.
The Pallavicini were related to the De la Roche family then ruling in Athens. After the death of Albert in 1311 the Pallavicini influence slowly declined. The subsequent Zorzi margraves were matrilineal descendants of the last Pallavicini marquise, Guglielma.
Dominance structure has relatively little effect on the probability of reconciliation occurring, except that the alpha-female is the least reconciliatory of the females. Affiliation toward matrilineal relatives is common in other primates as well, such as vervet monkeys.
"Memorial Tribute Page for Alice Brown Davis." A Breath Away. (retrieved 25 Nov 2009) As the Seminole have a matrilineal system, the children of a marriage belonged to the mother's clan. Her parents had a total of seven children.
The Mukkuvars of eastern parts of Sri Lanka follow the Mukkuva laws, also known as Mukkuva Ēṟppāṭu, which applies to marriage and property. The Mukkuvars in Eastern Sri Lanka are, like other castes, also divided into kudi's (matrilineal clans).
Orthodox Judaism follows matrilineal descent and holds that anyone with a Jewish mother also has irrevocable Jewish status; that even were such a Jew to convert to another religion, that person would still be considered Jewish by Jewish Law.
As standards changed for taking a husband's name in marriage, Carol Heifetz Neiman's name changed from Carol Margolin, to Carol Neiman-Margolin until her divorce in 1980; then to Carol Neiman, and finally adopting the matrilineal Carol Heifetz Neiman.
As the Seminole had a matrilineal kinship system, they believed children belonged to their mother's people. Mixed-race children belonged to the mother's people, whichever race that was.Kevin Mulroy, "Seminole Maroons", Handbook of North American Indians:Southeast, Vol. 14, ed.
Uskwa'li-gu'ta was born into his mother's family and clan, as the Cherokee had a matrilineal system. Accordingly, his maternal uncle would have taught him men's ways and guided him into the men's societies. He was a descendant of Moytoy III.
The men could marry into some of the matrilineal tribes and be accepted, as their children were still considered to belong to the mother's people. As European expansion increased in the Southeast, African and Native American marriages became more numerous.
Some oceanic societies, such as the Marshallese and the Trobrianders,Malinowski, Bronisław. Argonauts Of The Western Pacific, esp. or only chaps. I, II, & VI. the Palauans,The Palauan culture the YapeseThe Yapese kinship and the Siuai, are characterized by matrilineal descent.
See, for example, the Molecular Genealogy Research Project. These tests are limited to either the patrilineal or the matrilineal line.CeCe Moore, "The History of Genetic Genealogy and Unknown Parentage Research: An Insider’s View." Journal of Genetic Genealogy 8.1 (2016): 35-37.
In the matrilineal system, women were free to divorce their husbands if they were not having a sound relationship. The 'ozhimuris' or small palm-leaf pieces recording divorces of couples still stand testimony to the freedom, which women enjoyed those days.
Alternative terms for 'matrifocal' or 'matrifocality' include matricentric, matripotestal, and women-centered kinship networks. The matrifocal is distinguished from the matrilocal, the matrilineal, matrilateral and matriarchy (the last because matrifocality does not imply that women have power in the larger community).
Devadiga are a community from the districts of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada in the Indian state of Karnataka. They are temple servants and traditionally Vaishnavites. They follow the traditional Tulu system of matrilineal inheritance and have similar marriage ceremonies to Bunts.
His wife was baptized the next day. As the Moravians recognized the Cherokee had a matrilineal society, they were glad to have converted a Cherokee mother, expecting her to influence her children.Fries, Adelaide. Records of the Moravians in North Carolina.
The novel captures the traumas and psychological graph of Appunni, an introvert and angry youth, aspiring to avenge the insult meted out to him in a matrilineal family by building a new edifice on the ruins of his ancestral home.
Arterton recalled: "I'd never seen anything like that. I was absolutely blown away... A whole different world just opened up." Her matrilineal great-grandmother was a German-Jewish concert violinist. Her early education was at the Gravesend Grammar School for Girls.
The Hindu. Retrieved 14 August 2015. The background of the novel is that of northern Kerala a few decades after the British established their authority. The Nair society that existed there was matrilineal. A child belonged to its mother’s family.
New York: Monthly Review Press. In recent years, evolutionary biologists, geneticists and palaeoanthropologists have been reassessing the issues, many citing genetic and other evidence that early human kinship may have been matrilineal after all.Hrdy, S. B. 2009. Mothers and others.
Second were the private temples owned by Nambudiris which were smaller versions of the first. The third and fourth kinds of temples belonged to royal matrilineal lineages and the "common" Nair families and these were often dedicated to Bhagavathi or Bhadrakali.
Women have a dominant role in the matrilineal society of Meghalaya. The youngest daughter of the family, the Ka Khadduh, inherits all ancestral property. After marriage, husbands live in the mother-in-law's home. The mother's surname is taken by children.
Most ethnic groups classified as "(Montagnards, Malayo-Polynesian and Austroasian)" are matrilineal. On North Vietnam, according to Alessandra Chiricosta, the legend of Âu Cơ is said to be evidence of "the presence of an original 'matriarchy' ... and [it] led to the double kinship system, which developed there .... [and which] combined matrilineal and patrilineal patterns of family structure and assigned equal importance to both lines."Chiricosta, Alessandra, Following the Trail of the Fairy-Bird: The Search For a Uniquely Vietnamese Women's Movement, in Roces, Mina, & Louise P. Edwards, eds., Women's Movements in Asia: Feminisms and Transnational Activism (London or Oxon: Routledge, pbk.
After the exhumation the emphasis shifted from the excavation to laboratory analysis of the bones that had been recovered. Ashdown-Hill had used genealogical research to track down matrilineal descendants of Anne of York, Richard's older sister, whose matrilineal line of descent is extant through her daughter Anne St Leger. Academic Kevin Schürer subsequently traced a second individual in the same line. Ashdown-Hill's research came about as a result of a challenge in 2003 to provide a DNA sequence for Richard's sister Margaret, to identify bones found in her burial place, the Franciscan priory church in Mechelen, Belgium.
" The film won the Findling Award and the Bayerische Dokumentarfilmpreis – Junger Löwe in 2002. Its short version Matrilineal was shown at the International Critic's Week or Sémaine de la critique 2003 during the Cannes Film Festival. Matrilineal was awarded the Jameson Short Film Award in 2002 because of its originality "in portraying how difficult it is to overcome the often essential self-protection of blocking-out terrible events and how liberating dialogue can be. The accent within the film is not so much on the final statement, as on showing the difficult ways needed to break down self-built barriers.
CV as a young man Born in Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), capital city of the erstwhile native State of Travancore, on 19 May 1858 to Panavilakath Neelakanta Pillai, a Sanskrit scholar and Parvathy Pillai, a scion of an ancient matrilineal family; both his parents were from middle-class families and employees at the Palace of the Maharaja of Travancore. Pillai got his family name, Cannankara, through matrilineal succession. Fondly called Ramu, he had a traditional Sanskritized education, early in life, under his father's tutelage which included lessons in Ayurveda and even magic and Tantra. He continued education at the first English school in Thiruvananthapuram.
Each taravad referred to a family tracing descent from a common ancestress and with mudal sambandham (relationship of property ) and pula sambandham (relationship of pollution). Since four taravads arose from Eduppidikkeri and the other four from Kuliyambethu, they formed two blocks with four sibling taravads in each block and considered their respective matrilineal stems (Kuliyambethu and Edupidikkeri) as their gotra. In essence, each block represented a wider matrilineal kin group that was knit by symbolic ties prominently in sharing birth and death pollution and a memory of common ancestor. Marriages within taravads of the same block are prohibited.
It is worth noting that Senufo culture is matrilineal and certain societal positions such as the artisans, are determined by matrilineal inheritance. While ruled by elder male leaders, one's place in society, as well as their position for the future, is determined by the lineage of the mother. The ceremonial drum owned and housed in the Art Institute of Chicago epitomizes Senufo culture, and it is through drum's embellished designs that viewers are exposed to core beliefs of the Senufo, particularly, in how women are seen as guardians of divinity and supporting foundations of society for the Senufo.
True to the matrilineal tradition of the Nair caste, he had a reverential relationship with Thakazhi. Thakazhi in turn was proud of his nephew's journalistic pursuits. MGG Pillai was married to P.C. Jayasree. They have two sons, Sreekant Pillai and Sreejit Pillai.
Among the Iberian, Gallaeci, women had an important role in the family and the clan, despite the importance of men as warriors, indicated by frequent matrilineal succession among them.Sievers/Urban/Ramsl: Lexikon zur Keltischen Archäologie. A–K und L–Z, pp. 588 f.
Their population is approximately 25,000. The Bedzan pygmies (who also live on the Tikar Plain) share their language. The main Tikar towns are Bankim, Ngambe Tikar, and Magba. Location of the Tikar in Cameroon The Tikar have elements of matrilineal and patrilineal descent.
The Jauch have brought forth some notable lineal descendants, both patrilineal and matrilineal. They can trace the nearer cognatic kinship of the issue of the progenitor Johann Christian Jauch the Elder (1638–1718) in the following centuries to a number of renowned contemporaries.
It has been claimed that the Brak of Waalo ruled through a local kind of African traditional democracy, but the rulership had definite patrilineal and matrilineal hereditary restrictions. They claimed descent from the legendary first Brak of Waalo and Jolof, Ndiadiane Ndiaye.
The members of the Tharavadu consisted of mother, daughters, sons, sisters and brothers. The fathers and husbands had a very minimal role to play in the affairs of the Tharavadu. It was a true matrilineal affair. The Karanavar took all major decisions.
The Cherokee called themselves the Ani-Yun' wiya. In their language; this meant "leading" or "principal" people. Before 1794, the Cherokee had no standing national government. Its people were decentralized and lived in bands and clans according to a matrilineal kinship system.
The Crow had a matrilineal system. After marriage, the couple was matrilocal (the husband moved to the wife's mother's house upon marriage). Women held a significant role within the tribe. Crow kinship is a system used to describe and define family members.
His doctoral dissertation focused on changes underway then in the matrilineal kinship and indigenous spiritual belief systems. He has become known for his work on processes related to AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, especially in African nations, and making use of indigenous healers.
This group of descendants uses a patrilineal kinship line. But the Riau Malays who lived on the mainland Sumatra partially embraced matrilineal tribalism. There are also those who referthe tribe as a hinduk or a cikal bakal. Each tribe is led by a leader.
Myths of Male Dominance. Collected articles on women cross- culturally. New York: Monthly Review Press. In recent years, evolutionary biologists, geneticists and palaeoanthropologists have been reassessing the issues, many citing genetic and other evidence that early human kinship may have been matrilineal after all.
Culturally, the Minangkabau maintain a matrilineal society in which women are given ancestral lands and house, family and its upbringing than do men. These properties however are managed by men. The children take the surname of their mother. Property is shared among the sisters only.
Similary, the offspring of a Kurukkal man and a Pushpka woman were treated as Kurukkals and continued to follow matrilineal system of Kurukkals. The dual exogamy practiced by these two castes ultimately formed Kurukkal families of purely Kerala background, abjuring their Tamil background completely.
"Jews in Azerbaijan: a History Spanning Three Millennia." Accessed November 12, 2012.Behar, D. M., Metspalu, E., Kivisild, T., Rosset, S., Tzur, S., Hadid, Y., ... & Skorecki, K. (2008). "Counting the Founders: The Matrilineal Genetic Ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora", PLOS One, 3(4), e2062.
The matrilineal communities in South and North- East India, like the Nairs, Bunts and Khasi, have family names which are inherited from their mother. Matronymic names are common in Kerala.Mother's name becoming common in naming conventions in Kerala (page 201),; accessed May 18, 2017.
Kodjoe's matrilineal great-grandmother was Jewish and was murdered in the Holocaust; his maternal grandmother survived the war in hiding.The Gospel: Boris Kodjoe Kodjoe's parents divorced when he was six years old.Boris Kodjoe at He grew up in the vicinity of Freiburg im Breisgau.
For tim and den yaay (see p. 116). The book also deals in depth about the Serer matriclans and means of succession through the matrilineal line. See also pages 38, 95-99, 104, 119–20, 123, 160, 172–4 (Retrieved 9 July 2012) in Serer).
When the wives family accepted Molly, later known as "Chickaw," she became a part of their clan (the Deer Clan), and thus Cherokee.Perdue (2000) Inheritance was largely matrilineal, and kinship and clan membership was of primary importance until around 1810, when the seven Cherokee clans began the abolition of blood vengeance by giving the sacred duty to the new Cherokee National government. Clans formally relinquished judicial responsibilities by the 1820s when the Cherokee Supreme Court was established. When in 1825, the National Council extended citizenship to biracial children of Cherokee men, the matrilineal definition of clans was broken and clan membership no longer defined Cherokee citizenship.
Joseph Miller wrote a complaint letter to the Home Committee in Basel after this episode. Another possible future spouse, Jonathan Palmer Bekoe was rejected by her parents because as a Christian convert, Bekoe came from a native Akan polygamous family that practised matrilineal inheritance with fewer rights granted to non-Akan wives. The Millers were afraid their daughter will become a domestic slave under the matrilineal system in Akan society. Bekoe was in the pioneer class of the Basel Mission Seminary, Akropong and trained as a teacher-catechist, linguist and translator working with German missionary and philologist, Johann Gottlieb Christaller to translate the Bible into the Twi language.
Interestingly, "[t]hese restrictions as to marriage were not founded on any enactments; they were a part of that large mass of Roman law which belongs to Jus Moribus Constitutum [unwritten Roman law]". and that "even if the Rabbis were familiar with the Roman law, they might have reacted to it [instead] by preserving the patrilineal principle, holding fast to their own system." The Jewish Oral Tradition cites the Book of Ezra, Chapters 9, 10, regarding the law of matrilineal descent in Judaism. The medieval French commentator, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (1040-1105 CE), in his commentary on Prophets references the law of matrilineal descent regarding Tamar, daughter of King David.
Friedrich Engels Friedrich Engels built on Morgan's ideas in his 1884 essay, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State in the light of the researches of Lewis Henry Morgan. His primary interest was the position of women in early society, and — in particular — Morgan's insistence that the matrilineal clan preceded the family as society's fundamental unit. 'The mother-right gens', wrote Engels in his survey of contemporary historical materialist scholarship, 'has become the pivot around which the entire science turns...' Engels argued that the matrilineal clan represented a principle of self-organization so vibrant and effective that it allowed no room for patriarchal dominance or the territorial state.
These landlords were from the lineages of the royal families or feudatory chiefs; or were patrilineal Nambudiri families or the estates of temples operated by groups of those families. They were also from the lineages of the matrilineal vassal Samantan chiefs and, finally, the lowest jenmis in terms of ritual ranking were Nairs who had inherited from matrilineal ancestors to whom land and the concomitant headmanship had been granted by a king. In all cases, the landholdings could not be sold without royal permission. The villages were historically mostly self-sufficient, with craft trades such as pottery and metalwork present in each of them.
Based on an 1881 census, there were 19 groups within the Kachari classification: #Boro #Chutia #Dhimal #Garo #Hajong #Koch #Lalung (Tiwa) #Dimasa # Mech # Moran # Modahi # Phulgaria #Deuri # Rabha # Sonowal Kachari # Sarania kachari # Solaimiya # Thengal Kachari # Tiprasa – Bru (Reang), Jamatia, Uchai, Noatia (Tripura), Debbarma, Murasing, Roaza, etc. Some of the groups, such as Moran and Sarania consider themselves as lower- caste Hindus. Other groups, such as the Garo, Rabha, Lalung (Tiwa) and Hajong having been isolated from the parental stock, have established separate identities. With the exception of the Garo, which is still a matrilineal society, the other groups have given up the rules of matrilineal society.
The Saramaka world is populated by a wide range of supernatural beings, from localized forest spirits and gods that reside in the bodies of snakes, vultures, jaguars, and other animals, to ancestors, river gods, and warrior spirits. Within these categories, each supernatural being is named, individualized, and given specific relationships to living people. Intimately involved in the ongoing events of daily life, these beings communicate to humans mainly through divination and spirit possession. Kúnus are the avenging spirits of people or gods who were wronged during their lifetime and who pledge themselves to eternally tormenting the matrilineal descendants and close matrilineal kinsmen of their offender.
The Minangkabau people came from Western Sumatra. The Minangkabaus are known for their matrilineal social system and their tradition for travelling. The Minangkabaus would leave their homes and travel in search of work, knowledge and experience. They would usually return home once they had fulfilled their objective.
The Iroij control land tenure, resource use and distribution, and settle disputes. The Alap supervise land maintenance and daily activities. The Rijerbal work the land including farming, cleaning, and construction. The Marshallese society is matrilineal and land is passed down from generation to generation through the mother.
Koyama NF. (2003) "Matrilineal cohesion and social networks in Macaca fuscata". Intl J Primatol 24(4):797-811. Strong relationships with dominant females can allow dominant males to retain their rank when they otherwise would not.Nakamichi M, Kojima Y, Itoigawa N, Imakawa S, Machida S. (1995).
John Harding (Sha ko hen teh tha is his Mohawk name) was born to a Mohawk mother and into her Turtle clan. In the matrilineal kinship system, inheritance and property are passed through the maternal line. Harding's father is not Mohawk. He developed as a Mohawk traditionalist.
Separately, according to the matrilineal system among many Native American tribes, children were considered to be born to and to belong to the mother's people, so were raised as Native American. As European expansion increased in the Southeast, African and Native American marriages became more common.
The Hopi (in what is now the Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona) are traditionally both matriarchal and matrilineal,Schlegel, Alice, Hopi Gender Ideology of Female Superiority, in Quarterly Journal of Ideology: "A Critique of the Conventional Wisdom", vol. VIII, no. 4, 1984, p. 44 and see pp.
Matrilineal inheritance makes it easier to trace the line of succession. Within each lineage or House are the branches. The chief of a family is called an Abusuapanyin (or family-elder). Ranking above a family chief (a family's Abusuapanin) is the clan's chief (or clan's Abusuapanyin).
The Lenape Indians discovered the area of Lake Hopatcong about 12,000 years ago. They settled near the Great Pond and Little Pond, which provided abundant fish and forested shores with ample game. The waters became important to the traditions of the matrilineal clans of Native Americans.
Children of tribal members can be enrolled at birth. As the tribe has a matrilineal kinship system, children are considered to be born into the mother's clan. Descent and inheritance are passed through the maternal lines. The tribe requires members to have a mother who is Cayuga.
Thornton was a cousin of U.S. Presidents James Madison and Zachary Taylor through his great-grandfather William Thornton. Both presidents were matrilineal descendants of William Thornton. Thornton was a second cousin of North Carolina Chief Justice Thomas Ruffin through Capt. James Clack and his wife Mary Sterling.
Traditionally, the Iroquois had lived in communal longhouses based on matrilineal descent and matrilocal residence, an arrangement giving women much solidarity and power. Writing shortly after Marx’s death, Engels stressed the theoretical significance of Morgan’s highlighting of the matrilineal clan: Primitive communism, according to both Morgan and Engels, was based in the matrilineal clan where women lived with their classificatory sisters – applying the principle that "my sister’s child is my child". Because they lived and worked together, women in these communal households felt strong bonds of solidarity with one another, enabling them when necessary to take action against uncooperative males. Engels cites this passage from a letter to Morgan written by a missionary who had lived for many years among the Seneca Iroquois, According to Morgan, the rise of alienable property disempowered women by triggering a switch to patrilocal residence and patrilineal descent: Engels added political impact to all this, describing the "overthrow of mother right" as "the world-historic defeat of the female sex"; he attributed this defeat to the onset of farming and pastoralism.
About 20 matrilineal clans were recognized by the Acoma. Traditional child rearing involved very little discipline. Couples were generally monogamous and divorce was rare with a quick burial after death, followed by four days and nights of vigil. Women would wear cotton dresses and sandals or high moccasin boots.
The Iroij control land tenure, resource use and distribution, and settle disputes. The Alap supervise land maintenance and daily activities. The Dri-jerbal work the land including farming, cleaning, and construction. The Marshallese society is matrilineal and land is passed down from generation to generation through the mother.
"Soft yellow" was easy to pound and turn into meal. Each variety had a distinct taste. Besides corn, the women had beans, sunflowers and squash in their well cared for gardens. Scalp dance of the Hidatsa The Hidatsa are a matrilineal people, with descent determined through the maternal line.
According to Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, Eastern Sri Lanka "is highly regarded even among" feminist economists "for the relatively favourable position of its women, reflected" in women's equal achievements in Human Development Indices "(HDIs) as well as matrilineal and" bilateral "inheritance patterns and property rights".Ruwanpura, (2006), p.1.
"Early human kinship was matrilineal". In N. J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar and W. James (eds.), Early Human Kinship. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 61–82. One common arrangement is the sexual division of labour, with women doing most of the gathering, while men concentrate on big game hunting.
Malik Deenar built a mosque in Madayi north of Kannur, the third oldest mosque in Kerala. Perumal's nephew Mabeli was an Arayankulangara Nair, and hence the Nair matrilineal system is observed by the Arakkal royal family.Kerala District Gazetteers: Malappuram, A. Sreedhara Menon, Superintendent of Govt. Presses, 1972, p.
2001, . but defined by Paul J. Smith as "the creation of short-term family structures dominated by women" and see pp. 1 (abstract), 2–3, 46, 63, 65, 69–70, 72–73 & 81 and not as matrilineal or matriarchal. The gynarchy possibly could be passed down through generations.
As the Wampanoag had a matrilineal kinship system, they considered all children born to their women to be Wampanoag. They carried on their culture this way. Descent and inheritance passed through the women's lines. In the nineteenth century, most Wampanoag men worked in the whaling industry on board ships.
In his childhood, Brahmananda Sivayogi was called Govindankutty. His mother was a devout Nair lady who strictly followed the tenets of religion. He lived with his mother in her house as per the existing custom of matrilineal families. His parents and other family members naturally influenced him towards conservatism.
The baYei had a matrilineal succession, i.e. the inheritor of a kingdom is the son of a sister to the king. The baYei believed in a creator god who lived among the humans. One day the god became angry with the humans for their wickedness and went to heaven.
The Constitution of Negeri Sembilan came into force on 26 March 1959. It is divided into two sections. The constitution establishes that the state's form of government is constitutional monarchy and the world's only elective monarchy for matrilineal society. The system was partially the basis for the federal monarchy.
Khasi society has greatly been transformed by many factors which have arisen in recent times. Adoption of the Western style of life, especially among the literate and educated, have been quite rapid although the matrilineal laws of inheritance and succession and the other cultural traits are still retained.
Before European contact these tribes were generally matrilineal societies. Agriculture was the primary economic pursuit. The bulk of the tribes lived in towns (some covering hundreds of acres and populated with thousands of people). These communities regulated their space with planned streets, subdivided into residential and public areas.
In the traditional Navajo culture, local leadership was organized around clans, which are matrilineal kinship groups. Children are considered born into the mother's family and gain their social status from her. The clan leadership have served as a de facto government on the local level of the Navajo Nation.
It is a common misconception that the Kabaka (king) of Buganda takes his clan from his mother. Some go as far as saying that Buganda's royal family was matrilineal. Neither of these assertions is true. The Kabaka has his own clan which is called the royal clan "Olulyo Olulangira".
While a mother normally takes care of her own children in all cultures, in some matrilineal cultures an "uncle-father" will take care of his nieces and nephews instead: in other words social fathers here are uncles. There is not a necessary connection between the role of father and genitor. In many such matrilineal cultures, especially where residence is also matrilocal, a man will exercise guardianship rights not over the children he fathers but over his sisters' children, who are viewed as 'his own flesh'. These children's biological father – unlike an uncle who is their mother's brother and thus their caregiver – is in some sense a 'stranger' to them, even when affectionate and emotionally close.
Occupied for 10,000 years by Native Americans, the land that would become New Jersey was overseen by clans of the Lenape or Lenni Lenape or Delaware, who farmed, fished, and hunted upon it. The pattern of their culture was that of a matrilineal agricultural and mobile hunting society that was sustained with fixed, but not permanent, settlements in their matrilineal clan territories. Leadership by men was inherited through the maternal line, and the women elders held the power to remove leaders of whom they disapproved. Villages were established and relocated as the clans farmed new sections of the land when soil fertility lessened and when they moved among their fishing and hunting grounds by seasons.
His mother descended from Captain James Neale, who settled in the Maryland colony in the mid-seventeenth century. Matthews' matrilineal ancestry traces its origins to the noble O'Neills of Ireland.. His cousin, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, was the sole Catholic signatory of the Declaration of Independence. In 1781, aged eleven, he witnessed British troops burn part of his family's estate during the American Revolution.. He eventually became the maternal uncle of Senator Richard T. Merrick and Judge William Matthews Merrick, and the brother-in-law of Senator William Duhurst Merrick.. From his parents, Matthews received a sizable inheritance that he drew from throughout his life for the advancement of the church. Many of Matthews' matrilineal relatives entered the priesthood.
In Orthodox Judaism Halakhic Jewish status is determined by documenting an unbroken matrilineal line of descent and when no such line of descent exists, it is determined by conversion to Judaism. Jews who adhere to Orthodox or Conservative rabbinism believe that "Jewish status by birth" is only passed from a Jewish female to her children (if she herself is a Jew by birth or a Jew by conversion to Judaism) regardless of the Jewish status of the father. Because of the absence of matrilineal Jewish descent for the Lemba, Orthodox or Conservative Judaism would not recognise them as 'Halakhically Jewish.' The Lemba would need to complete a formal conversion process in order to be accepted as Jews.
Nectowance is believed by some to be the father of Totopotomoi.citing According to Rountree, the Powhatans practiced matrilineal descent-- Opitchapan to Opechancanough, to Catataugh to 2 living sister (unnamed) having the same mother; but, not necessarily the same father (Leaving aside adoption practices) would be the line of succession. Because Totopotomoi succeeded Nectowance many assume they were father and son, however, when considering the tribes practice of matrilineal succession it is more likely Totopotomoi was the son of the sister of Nectowance or even a younger brother. Paramount Chiefdom Succession of the Pan Algonquian Confederacy known as the Powhatan Confederacy, which had its own linguist "buinessess dialect" in order for communication to all "Algonkian" language users.
Khasi girls The majority of the population and the major tribal groups in Meghalaya follow a matrilineal system where lineage and inheritance are traced through women. The youngest daughter inherits all the property and she is the caretaker of aged parents and any unmarried siblings. In some cases, such as when there is no daughter in the family or other reasons, the parents may nominate another girl such as a daughter in law as the heir of the house and all other property they may own. The Khasi and Jaintia tribesmen follow the traditional matrilineal norm, wherein the Khun Khatduh (or the youngest daughter) inherits all the property and responsibilities for the family.
While many Taiwanese indigenous peoples are regarded as matrilineal societies, only Taivoan in Xiaolin and Pinuyumayan people hold a specific traditional ceremony or holiday for the women. Many regard the two cheerful festivals for women only as legacies of the matrilineal practices of Taivoan and Pinuyumayan. Decades ago, the Women's Night () used to start from 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm on the full-moon of the first lunar month in Xiaolin, when all the local Taivoan women dressed beautifully, played games, and sang and danced in the streets. That evening, the Taivoan women could play games with the men or ask for money or cigarettes from a man, and the man could not refuse or get angry.
For nearly a quarter century, the British had control of this area. Several Scots and Irish traders, such as McGillivray and Weatherford, were active in the region. They married into the Creek matrilineal aristocracy and later claimed vast land grants. Their descendants became important Creek leaders because of their mothers' status.
The Marshallese society is matrilineal and land is passed down from generation to generation through the mother. Land ownership ties families together into clans. Grandparents, parents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and cousins form extended, close-knit family groups. The islanders continue to maintain land rights as the primary measure of wealth.
Marthanda Varma, the founder of the Kingdom of Travancore, was the son of Raghava Varma. The nephewSister's son. According to the matrilineal system prevalent at that time children born of the female members only belonged to that house. of Raghava Varma, Ravi Varma Koil Thampuran, married the sister of Marthanda Varma.
Li and her brother adopted matrilineal surname as a realization of her parents' gender equality idea. From 1974 to 1977, Li attended Shanxi University, where she studied history. From 1982 to 1998, she lived in the United States of America and obtained a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh.
Marthanda Varma, the founder of the Kingdom of Travancore, was the son of Raghava Varma. The nephewSister's son. According to the matrilineal system prevalent at that time children born of the female members only belonged to that house. of Raghava Varma, Ravi varma Koil Thampuran, married the sister of Marthanda Varma.
Tharavadi was also related to the matrilineal system of Marumakkathayam in Kerala. Hermann Gundert in his Malayalam—English dictionary published in 1872, lists tharavad as "ancestral residence of land-owners" and also as "a house, chiefly of noblemen". Contemporary usage of the word is more generic to all social classes.
Omanhene are appointed by Ohemma (queen mothers) that are often but not necessarily their birth mothers. Dynastic succession tends to follow a matrilineal pattern. The exception to this is found, though, in the case of the Omanhene of Elmina. Not all Akan nations have the Omanhene as the supreme ruler.
Due to the matrilineal system of inheritance, sons do not automatically succeed their fathers as kings. Kings are by and large selected from among the sons of the deceased king's close female relations. This title is therefore a convenient means of ennobling a king's son without upsetting the royal succession.
2009 Q4. Enrollment in the tribe required an individual to be full-blood Native American: half to full-blood Muscogee Creek and up to one- half Indian of any other tribe. Documentation for enrollment follows matrilineal descent. Any descendant of a female Kialegee tribal member is automatically eligible for tribal membership.
Ramakrishna Pillai was born over a century later. Following the matrilineal Nair tradition, Ramakrishna Pillai spent much of his boyhood with his maternal uncle, Advocate Keshava Pillai. He had his early education at Neyyattinkara English Medium School and Rajagiyamahapadashala, the Royal school, Thiruvananthapuram. He was a shy and silent student.
She was of Basque descent, a daughter of Juan José de Barrenechea y Urdampilleta and wife Micaela Montegui y Mercaide, patrilineal granddaughter of Pedro de Barrenechea y Zubea and wife María Ignacia de Urdampilleta y Lagarto, and matrilineal granddaughter of José Manuel Montegui and wife María de la Concepción Mercaide.
Irene Hardy Clark is a Navajo Native American weaver. Her matrilineal clan is Tjbahj (water's edge people) and her patrilineal clan is Honjghjahnii (he walks around one people). Her technique and style is primarily self-taught, incorporating contemporary and traditional themes. Her mother, Glenebah Hardy, mentored her in traditional techniques.
They were part of the Algonquin language family, and known as "Delaware Indians" by the 18th century. They identified themselves with the totem of the Turtle. They were hunter- gatherers, matrilineal, and had cultural traditions such as Wedding Ceremonies. Northfield Ave and Old Indian Road in West Orange, remain as original Hackensack trails.
The Bono, also called the Brong and the Abron, are an Akan people of West Africa. Bonos are normally tagged Akan piesie or Akandifo of which Akan is a derivative name. Bono is the genesis and cradle of Akans. Bono is one of the largest ethnic group of Akan and are matrilineal people.
Sharchop peoples practice slash-and-burn and tsheri agriculture, planting dry rice crops for three or four years until the soil is exhausted and then moving on, however the practice has been officially banned in Bhutan since 1969. Most of the Sharchops follow matrilineal lines in the inheritance of land and livestock.
The tribal council of the OIN has established the rules for citizenship: it requires documentation of at least 1/4 blood ancestry (equivalent to one grandparent) through the maternal line.OIN Fact Sheet The OIN and other Iroquois nations have had a matrilineal kinship system, with descent and inheritance through the mother's line.
The Haudenosaunee people are made up of several Nations. Among these nations are kinship groups called clans. While Nation members have their immediate family of parents and siblings, they also have an extended family of fellow Clan members. As a matrilineal society, each clan member is born into their clan by their mother.
Japan is characterized by a bilateral kinship system including patrilineal and matrilineal elements of descent recognition. Succession is largely determined by patrilineal succession via household headship; headship is usually passed in accordance with primogeniture from eldest son to eldest son.White, Merry Isaacs. 1963 Perfectly Japanese : Making Families in an Era of Upheaval.
122-166 There is no archaeological evidence of a Pictish link and in archaeology the Cruthin are indistinguishable from their neighbours in Ireland.Warner 1991 The records show that the Cruthin bore Irish names, spoke Irish and followed the Irish derbfine system of inheritance rather than the matrilineal system sometimes attributed to the Picts.
The Nyamwezi have matrilineal descent groups. Ancestral worship is also integral to the Nyamwezi and they also look to high gods and spirits for guidance. The Isanzu people are based in the Iramba district of Singida region. The Isanzu speak a Bantu language called Kinyihanzu and the population is approximately 87,000 people.
Storm's matrilineal powers have even been linked to the real-world Rain Queens of Balobedu, the region from which her Sorceress Supreme ancestor, Ayesha, hails. The Mystic Arcana series deals with Storm's ancestor Ashake, who worships the Egyptian goddess Ma'at, also known as Oshtur – the mother of Agamotto.Mystic Arcana (vol. 1) #1.
These matrilineal families engaged in constant dynastic struggles to become "Brak" or king of Waalo, as well as warring with Waalo's neighbors. The royal title "Lingeer" means queen or royal princess, used by the Serer and Wolof. Waalo was founded in 1287. The semi-legendary figure NDiadiane Ndiaye, was from this kingdom.
Clark said of finding they were related to Long Ago Man, "It was extremely moving. I couldn't believe it." Fifteen of the 17 individuals identify as Wolf clan, suggesting the man may also have belonged to the Wolf clan. In their matrilineal kinship system, children are considered born into their mother's clan.
They traditionally followed a kinship system of matrilineal descent, in which inheritance and descent are traced through the maternal line. Children are considered born into the mother's family and clan, and gain their social status from her. Women controlled some property and hereditary leadership in the tribe passed through the maternal line.
Many Bemba are slash-and-burn agriculturists with manioc and finger millet being their main crops. However, many Bemba also raise goats, sheep, and other livestock. Some Bemba are also employed in the mining industry. Traditional Bemba society is matrilineal where close bonds between women or a mother and daughter are considered essential.
Main Residents of Tura are the Garo tribe (Native People). Christianity is the main religion, Almost 100% of the Garos are Christians. There are different Christian denominations like Baptist, Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, Church of Jesus Christ (COJC), Christian Revival Church (CRC) etc. The Garos have a matrilineal society, whereas Hajongs are Hindus.
Rupert Moser (born 2 June 1944 in Horn, Thurgau canton, Switzerland) is professor emeritus for social anthropology and African studies at the University of Bern. He conducted research on the paternal Ngoni (WaNgnoni) and the matrilineal Mwera in southern Tanzania. He did further work on the genesis of Swahili, migration and religious movements.
In every generation mitochondrial lineages end – when a woman with unique mtDNA dies with no daughters. When the mitochondrial lineages of daughters of Mitochondrial Eve die out, then the title of "Mitochondrial Eve" shifts forward from the remaining daughter through her matrilineal descendants, until the first descendant is reached who had two or more daughters who together have all living humans as their matrilineal descendants. Once a lineage has died out it is irretrievably lost and this mechanism can thus only shift the title of "Mitochondrial Eve" forward in time. Because mtDNA mapping of humans is very incomplete, the discovery of living mtDNA lines which predate our current concept of "Mitochondrial Eve" could result in the title moving to an earlier woman.
Senufo culture is matrilineal, with certain positions such as the artisans being determined by matrilineal inheritance. Of the four Senufo societies, which educate and govern the individual acts of people, the divination governing sandogo society is, notwithstanding those few men who inherit the position, mostly women. While ruled by elder male leaders, ones place in society, as well as their position for the future, is determined by the lineage of the mother For the sandogo divination society, the drum would have been of great utilitarian importance. In particular, would have been used to summon spirits, played at ceremonial occasions such as funerals or memorials, and also at initiation ceremonies for young men in the tribe as they passed into adulthood.
The Holy Ghost panel in the Horseshoe Canyon is considered to be one of the earliest uses of graphical perspective where the largest figure appears to take on a three dimensional representation. Recent archaeological evidence has established that in at least one great house, Pueblo Bonito, the elite family whose burials associate them with the site practiced matrilineal succession. Room 33 in Pueblo Bonito, the richest burial ever excavated in the Southwest, served as a crypt for one powerful lineage, traced through the female line, for approximately 330 years. While other Ancestral Pueblo burials have not yet been subjected to the same archaeogenomic testing, the survival of matrilineal descent among contemporary Puebloans suggests that this may have been a widespread practice among Ancestral Puebloans.
According to the regulation of the Ming dynasty, only the imperial sons and other imperial clan members (excluded matrilineal relatives of the imperial house) can award princely titles. For non-imperial and nobles (excluded matrilineal relatives of the imperial house), the highest rank title can be awarded is “duke” (国公), they can only posthumously awarded the second-rank princely title after died. This regulation was carried out until the extinction of the Ming dynasty, and regimes of Hongguang Emperor and Longwu Emperor. During the reign of Yongli Emperor, he abolished the regulation under the force of Sun Kewang, and granted various princely titles to Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo, Zheng Chenggong (known as Koxinga) and other military officers of Southern Ming.
More durable wooden houses with steel roofs have gained popularity. They are oriented from north to south and built in a place acceptable to the local spirits. Houses are set up according to matrilineal clan. A daughter, when married, lives in the house of her mother with her husband and thus her own daughter.
As was customary among the matrilineal Creeks, he was accepted as a genuine member of the tribe. Perryman fought on the side of the British during the American Revolutionary War. He was part of the forces of Colonel Thomas Brown, who had married one of his daughters. Perryman also had the title of Colonel.
Land is generally passed down from father to son or from older brother to younger brother. If a family does not have any sons, the oldest daughter can inherit the land. This land is separated by matrilineal kinship. Individuals and groups who have to rely on other people's lands are part of the serf caste.
120–121 Others identified as Creek, particularly if born to Creek women. The Creek kinship system was historically matrilineal, with children considered born to the mother's clan and taking their social status from her. Descent and property passed through the maternal line. Such mixed-race children of Creek women are full members of the tribe.
287 Another line of argument is that when sisters and their mothers help each other with childcare, the descent line tends to be matrilineal rather than patrilineal. Biological anthropologists are now widely agreed that cooperative childcare was a development crucial in making possible the evolution of the unusually large human brain and characteristically human psychology.
Ironically, it's not uncommon for interfaith families and their offspring rejected by matrilineal devotees to simultaneously suffer external discrimination on the basis of being Jews. In recent years organizations like 18 Doors and Building Jewish Bridges have provided opportunities for families and individuals exiled by matrilineality to connect with each other and embrace their faith.
The gray fox's dwarf relative, the island fox, is likely descended from mainland gray foxes. These foxes apparently were transported by humans to the islands and from island to island, and are descended from a minimum of 3–4 matrilineal founders. The genus Urocyon is considered to be the most basal of the living canids.
As the Creek culture was matrilineal, McQueen derived his social status from his mother's family and clan. He identified as Creek. Traditionally, for a Creek boy, his maternal uncles were more important than his biological father, as the eldest uncle would introduce him to men's ways and the men's societies of his clan and tribe.
Most often, the comparison is made with the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence. Vilà et al. have published studies tracing the matrilineal descent of domestic dogs from wolves. The concept of the Mitochondrial Eve is based on the same type of analysis, attempting to discover the origin of humanity by tracking the lineage back in time.
The largest political unit among the Eastern Woodland tribes were village-bands, which consisted of one chief. In the Eastern Woodlands Algonquian society, patrilineal clans with names appointed by animal totems made up the village- bands. The Eastern Woodlands Iroquoian society was a matrilineal culture. The Iroquoian village-bands were also composed of numerous clans.
The Akans consider themselves one nation. Akan means first, foremost, indicating the enlightened and civilized. While traditionally matrilineal, they are also united philosophically through 12 patrilineal spirit groups called the Ntoro or egya-bosom. Within the Akan nation are branches based on many dialects, widest and possibly the oldest one being used is Twi.
According to a modern historian, Romila Thapar, the kinship system of the Yadavas shows traces of matrilineal structure, which is found from the mention of their cross-cousin marriages. This is particularly prohibited in the Indo Aryan kinship system.Thapar, Romila (1978, reprint 1996). Ancient Indian Social History: Some Interpretations, New Delhi: Orient Longman, , pp.
After losing their reservations, these tribes faded from the public record. Some of their landless members intermarried with other ethnic groups and became assimilated. Others maintained ethnic and cultural identification despite intermarriage. In their matrilineal kinship systems, children of Indian mothers were considered born into her clan and family, and Indian regardless of their fathers.
Thaniyavarthanam () is a 1987 Malayalam drama film written by A. K. Lohithadas and directed by Sibi Malayil. It stars Mammootty as school teacher Bala Gopalan, Thilakan as the uncle of the matrilineal family, Mukesh as Gopinathan, and Kaviyoor Ponnamma. Thilakan won Kerala State Film Award for Second Best Actor. Upon release, it received critical acclaim.
The kingdom was indirectly hereditary, ruled by three matrilineal families: the Logar, the Tedyek, and the Joos, all from different ethnic backgrounds. The Joos were of Serer origin. This Serer matriclan was established in Waalo by Lingeer Ndoye Demba of Sine. Her grandmother Lingeer Fatim Beye is the matriarch and early ancestor of this dynasty.
The Longuda are a West African ethnic group living in Adamawa and Gombe States in northeastern Nigeria. They are the only known matriarchal tribe in Nigeria. The Longuda consider matrilineal descent in many aspects of their social organisation more important than the patrilineal descent. Clan membership may even be counted on the mother line.
The Eskimo system is defined by its "cognatic" or "bilateral" emphasis - no distinction is made between patrilineal and matrilineal relatives. Parental siblings are distinguished only by their sex (Aunt, Uncle). All children of these individuals are lumped together regardless of sex (Cousins). Unlike the Hawaiian system, Ego's parents are clearly distinguished from their siblings.
The Corregidora women Ursa recounts in the novel form a matrilineal ancestry. Particularly, Ursa describes the histories of her Great Gram, Gram, and Mama. Ursa describes how the Corregidora women were compelled to "make generations," connecting motherhood to remembering their trauma. Ursa describes a responsibility in her family to become women by bearing children.
The authority of the micos was complemented by the clan mothers, mostly women elders. The Muscogee had a matrilineal kinship system, with children considered born into their mother's clan, and inheritance was through the maternal line. The Wind Clan is the first of the clans. The majority of micos have belonged to this clan.
Females are free to disperse, and assess males. Conversely, in mammals, the predominant mating system is one of matrilineal social organisation. Males generally invest little in the raising of offspring, and compete with each other for mates rather than resources. Thus dispersing can result in reproductive enhancement, as greater access to females is available.
The name probably derives from an Arabic name for the tambourines used in the dance, ad-duff. This word became adufe or adufo in Portuguese, and then tufo. The dance has also been heavily influenced by the matrilineal Makhuwa culture. Despite its Muslim origins, tufo has spread beyond the communities and context of Islam.
W.W. Norton. ; pp. 291-2. Bryan Sykes uses the word matriname and suggests that women add their own matriname to men's patriname (or "surname" as Sykes calls it), effectively suggesting this double surname. (He does not discuss the man adding his patriname to the woman's matriname in matrilineal societies.) Professor Sykes also states on p.
Gitxsan are a matrilineal society that consists of Frog, Eagle, Wolf, and Fireweed Clans. Each clan consists of a series of independent Houses (Wilp), each with their own High Chief, and traditional territories and fishing sites. Marriage within a clan is forbidden. There are approximately 5,000 people British Columbia wide with many living in traditional Gitxsan territory.
This favored arrangement occurred primarily because of what some men considered their conflict with the matrilineal system. Under this kinship system, children were considered born into the mother's clan and took their status from her family. Generally her eldest brother served as mentor to her children, particularly for the boys. She was protected by her family.
Ghanaian girl in traditional Ghanaian kente clothing and national costume. In Ghanaian society polygyny — marriages in which men are permitted to have more than one wife at the same time. — has been traditionally practised, especially among well-to-do Ghanaian men. Among matrilineal groups, such as the Akan, married women continued to reside at their maternal homes.
26522 ColVI also functions as a cytoprotective agent: # ColVI plays an important role in cancer by acting as a chemotherapy resistance modulator. #ColVI inhibits oxidative damage and apoptosis. #ColVI regulates cell differentiation and autophagic machinery. # With the assistance of other collagens, proteoglycans, matrilineal, fibronectins, and glycoproteins, ColVI anchors the basement membrane of the skin to the extracellular matrix.
A 2011 study found they had the second-lowest average effective number of alleles and allelic richness (2.83 and 4.01) among several breeds of pony breeds found in Canada. A 2012 study of matrilineal genetics verified Canadian horse and British pony breed ancestry, with Iberian origins indicated but more difficult to verify on account of modern Spanish Mustang crossbreeding.
Matrilineality among the Muslims and Tamils in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka arrived from Kerala, India via Muslim traders before 1200 CE.Ruwanpura, Kanchana N. (2006). Matrilineal Communities, Patriarchal Realities: A Feminist Nirvana Uncovered. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, paperback ()(fieldwork in 1998–'99 during the Sri Lankan civil war, per p. 45); see p. 51.
The Khasi tribe in Meghalaya state is matrilineal. The children take the mother's surname, the sons have no rights to property, and a family without an heir usually adopts a girl. After marriage, a man moves into his wife's house. Their way of life is protected under the Khasi Social Custom of Lineage Act of 1997.
The First Printed Law in the Cherokee Nation; "The Cherokee Observer," Vol. 15, Nos. 11 & 12; Blackwell, Oklahoma; November–December 2007. In the Act of Oblivion on April 18, 1810, the National Council completely eradicated clan retaliation from Cherokee law, repudiated matrilineal inheritance, and referred to husbands/fathers in the Nation as the heads of household.
Ambalavasi, (; IAST:Ampalavāsi) , is a generic name for a group of castes among Hindus in Kerala, India, who render temple services. Some Ambalavasi castes are patrilineal, while the others are matrilineal. Those that practise matrilineality share many cultural similarities with the Nair caste. Their ritual rank in Hinduism lies below the Brahmin castes and above the Nairs.
They enjoyed freedom in all respects. However, when the system was marginalized in the 1940s, women lost all their powers and soon became 'slaves' in the hands of a feudal male-dominated society. The movie exposes the complexities of a period of transition from a matrilineal to patrilineal society."Ozhimuri" means 'divorce record' in both Tamil and Malayalam.
"Aswathi Thirunal" Umayamma, known as Queen Umayamma or Queen Ashure (Aswathi),Papers and articles. "Holding Kings to Ransom – Royal Women in Matrilineal Kerala": Manu S. Pillai (2015) was the regent queen of Venad (Venatu)A. Sreedhara Menon. "Kerala History and its Makers" DC Books (Kottayam) 2016 in southern India from 1677 to 1684 Markus P. M. Vink.
Sanford Plummer was born on 1 November 1905 on the Allegany Reservation, located mostly in Cattaraugus, New York, in the Seneca Nation. His parents were Clarence Plummer and Nellie Kennedy.The Haudenosaunee Project , RootsWeb. (accessed 10 April 2008) He was born into the Seneca Wolf Clan through his mother's line, as the Iroquois have a matrilineal kinship system.
The Indian economic and social history review, Volume 28 By Delhi School of Economics p.312 In Cochin, the Madampis had their own armies, but seldom numbered more than 100. Their power was only a little bit higher than that of the Desavazhis.Marriage and the family in Kerala: with special reference to matrilineal castes By Joseph Puthenkalam p.
Tsukahara T. (1990) "Initiation and solicitation in male- female grooming in a wild Japanese macaque troop on Yakushima island". Primates 31(2):147-56. Mothers pass their grooming techniques to their offspring most probably through social rather than genetic means.Tanaka I. (1995) "Matrilineal distribution of louse egg-handling techniques during grooming in free-ranging Japanese macaques".
The Oka Crisis generated political change under the Indian Act at Kanehsatà:ke. It altered its method of governance. In 1991, citizens held the first elections for grand chief and six council chiefs. Chiefs previously had traditional hereditary claims to positions through their clans under the matrilineal kinship system in which inheritance and property were passed through the maternal lines.
Among the Senga political hierarchy is senior chief, chief, group headman (headman over more than one village) and the village headman. Like all Senga chiefs the senior chief inherits his position. Unlike some of them he inherits from his maternal uncle (a matrilineal system). The principal clans are Goma, Ng’uni, kumwenda, Nyirenda, Lungu, Zimba and Miti.
The Cherokee had a matrilineal society, a social system in which their descent was traced strictly through their mother's side of the family. The most important man in the life of any Cherokee child was their mother's brother. Discipline and instruction in hunting and warfare rested not with the child's father, but with his maternal uncle.
Because the Mohawks were a matrilineal society, the title "Tekarihoga" did not pass from father to son. Instead, the women in the family selected the next Tekarihoga from their male relatives. As Clan Mother, Catharine Brant would name Johannes Tekarihoga's successor. At a young age, her son John became an obvious candidate for the next Tekarihoga.
Reform Judaism and Reconstructionist Judaism accept both matrilineal and patrilineal descent as well as conversion. Karaite Judaism predominantly follows patrilineal descent as well as conversion. Jewish identity is also commonly defined through ethnicity. Opinion polls have suggested that the majority of Jews see being Jewish as predominantly a matter of ancestry and culture, rather than religion.
He was possibly a matrilineal descendant of the Nibelungids. His early life was unknown. Herbert became count of Soissons before 889 and was probably charged with defending the Oise against Viking intrusions. A contemporary of Baldwin II, Count of Flanders he had the advantage of being a Carolingian, a great-grandson of Pepin of Italy, a son of Charlemagne.
Before the 19th century, polygamy was common among the Cherokee, especially by elite men.Perdue (1999), p. 176 The matrilineal culture meant that women controlled property, such as their dwellings, and their children were considered born into their mother's clan, where they gained hereditary status. Advancement to leadership positions was generally subject to approval by the women elders.
44, 57–8 It was unusual for a Cherokee man to marry a European-American woman. The children of such a union were disadvantaged, as they would not belong to the nation. They would be born outside the clans and traditionally were not considered Cherokee citizens. This is because of the matrilineal aspect of Cherokee culture.
Second, the Tannaim may have been influenced by Roman law, which dictated that when a parent could not contract a legal marriage, offspring would follow the mother. Rabbi Rivon Krygier follows a similar reasoning, arguing that Jewish descent had formerly passed through the patrineal descent and the law of matrilineal descent had its roots in the Roman legal system.
The Maligundidj people were divided into 20 clans each with their particular territory. The first question they would ask an outsider was:ngaia yauarin? (What is your flesh?) meaning what was your place within the system of moieties and totemic skin relations that governed Aboriginal identity. They were a matrilineal society divided into two moieties: gabadj (var.
The children were considered to belong to the mother's clan and achieved status within it. When the tribe adopted war captives, the children became part of their mother's clan and accepted in the tribe. In Cherokee and other matrilineal cultures, wives owned the family property. When young women married, their husbands joined them in their mother's household.
The current Akyempimhene is Oheneba Adusei Poku, son of the late Otumfuo Nana Poku Ware.His Majesty Akyempimhene Oheneba Adusei Poku: Vice-King of the Ashanti. Oheneba was enstooled in 1992.Nana Arhin Brempong, "Elite Succession among the Matrilineal Akan of Ghana", chapter 4 in João de Pina-Cabral (ed.) Elites: choice, leadership and succession, Table 4.1, p. 83.
Sermon Book of John Bass, owned by the Nansemond Tribe. They had eight mixed-race children together (Elizabeth, John, Jordan, Keziah, Nathaniel, Richard, Samuel, and William). Although Christianized, Elizabeth likely raised their children in Nansemond culture. The tribe had a matrilineal kinship system, in which the children were considered born to the mother's clan and people.
Human organization, 50(4), pp. 369–377 An unusual exception to the dowry custom in South Asia is found in Bhutan. The dowry system does not exist in Bhutan; inheritance is matrilineal, and daughters do not take their father's name at birth, nor their husband's name upon marriage. Rural land may be registered in a woman's name.
On ceremonial occasions, such as funerals or of the clan house repair, goods between are again malu and ai baqa replaced. However, women rarely leave their clan. In the majority of the Bunak family, a matrilineal system prevails for the succession. The man traditionally moves into the clan of the bride (Matrilocality), where the later children also grow up.
The alienation of women from the acquisition of wealth, even in conjugal relationships, was strengthened by traditional living arrangements. Among matrilineal groups, such as the Akan, married women continued to reside at their maternal homes. Meals prepared by the wife would be carried to the husband at his maternal house. In polygynous situations, visitation schedules would be arranged.
Intermarriage was prohibited in former times, and remains rare even nowadays. Both groups are matrilineal and conform to matrilocal residence practice. A mosque in Da Phuoc village, An Phu district, An Giang province. As Muslim merchants of Arab and of Persian origin stopped along the Vietnam coast en route to China, Islam began to influence Cham civilization.
Denaʼina culture is a hunter-gatherer culture and have a matrilineal system. The Iditarod Trail's antecedents were the native trails of the Denaʼina and Deg Hitʼan Athabaskan Indians and the Inupiaq Eskimos.The Iditarod National Historic Trail Seward to Nome Route: A Comprehensive Management Plan, March 1986. Prepared by Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage District Office, Anchorage, Alaska.
The third ring was for exclusive hunting and deer fields for community use. The Plains Aborigines hunted herds of spotted Formosan sika deer, Formosan sambar deer, and Reeves's muntjac as well as conducting light millet farming. Sugar and rice were grown as well, but mostly for use in preparing wine. Many of the Plains Aborigines were matrilineal/matrifocal societies.
Although traces of polygamous relationships are still visible today, the acceptance of Christianity has discouraged the practice to a large extent. As a matrilineal society, the Oroko cannot marry among the extended relatives from the mother's side. Cousins, several generations removed, from the father's side are free to engage in matrimonial relationships, on the other hand.
They have a patrilineal rather than matrilineal kinship system, with inheritance and descent passed through the male line. According to a 2013 estimate, the population of Coast Salish numbers at least 56,590 people, made of 28,406 Status Indians registered to Coast Salish bands in British Columbia, and 28,284 enrolled members of federally recognized Coast Salish tribes in Washington State.
The three highest dances are secret, called hai'likula (a word meaning magical or shamanistic) and commoners are not permitted to know the details. Jesters are used to entertain the crowd as dancers would make their preparations behind a screen. They also will dance in select dances. The position of jester is hereditary via the matrilineal line.
During his Civil War service, Orren Curtis was captured and imprisoned. During this period, the toddler Charles was cared for by his maternal grandparents. They also later helped him gain possession of his mother's land in North Topeka, which, under the Kaw matrilineal system, he inherited from her. His father tried unsuccessfully to get control of this land.
Upon arriving there, they named the stream after the hunter ("Abomo" "nsu"). "Nsu" means water in the Akim language so the name Abomosu means Abomo's water (the hunter Abomo's water). The people of Abomosu practice matrilineal linage of ancestry........... (var. Abomoso) is a city in central Ghana's Atiwa West District, an area dominated by the production of cocoa.
Speakers of Mandan, a Siouan language, they developed a settled, agrarian culture. They established permanent villages featuring large, round, earth lodges, some in diameter, surrounding a central plaza. Matrilineal families lived in the lodges. The Mandan were a great trading nation, trading especially their large corn surpluses with other tribes in exchange for bison meat and fat.
Menon was born in Angadipuram, Malappuram District, Kerala on 10 July 1942. His mother was M.P. Narayanikutty Menon, and father was V.P.K. Nair. He was the grandnephew of the famous freedom fighter and Malabar rebellion leader, M.P. Narayana Menon. Being a member of the matrilineal Nair society, his family name was taken from his mother's side of the family.
12-13 The Palatines had not understood that the Haudenosaunee were a matrilineal kinship society, and that the clan mothers had considerable power. They headed the nine clans that made up the Five Nations. The Palatines had expected to meet male sachems rather than these women, but property and descent were passed through the maternal lines.
Only after the churikakettu, shall such a kaaranavar (eldest male) be allowed to participate in the temple customs and practices in the capacity of an ooralan. The eldest member along the matrilineal line is identified and receives the title of Family name + achan from a prince of the part-dominion (Koor-vazcha Thampuran). It is being taken from the Royal family of Kottayam (Malabar). Towards this, initially a delegation of Kaaranavrs and Komaram (Oracle, usually dressed in red and carrying a sword and a large brass anklet) represent the matter of succession of the tharavad (matrilineal line) to the Kottayam Raja who in turn bestows upon the supplicant the title of achan of the respective tharavadu after a perusal of his credential as the senior most male member within the tharavadu.
In human genetics, the Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (Y-MRCA, informally known as Y-chromosomal Adam) is the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) from whom all currently living males are descended patrilineally. The term Y-MRCA reflects the fact that the Y chromosomes of all currently living human males are directly derived from the Y chromosome of this remote ancestor. The analogous concept of the matrilineal most recent common ancestor is known as "Mitochondrial Eve" (mt-MRCA, named for the matrilineal transmission of mtDNA), the most recent woman from whom all living humans are descended matrilineally. As with "Mitochondrial Eve", the title of "Y-chromosomal Adam" is not permanently fixed to a single individual, but can advance over the course of human history as paternal lineages become extinct.
The properties were not handed to his sons but to the daughters of his sons or to their sisters. The word literally means inheritance by sisters' children, as opposed to sons and daughters. 'Marumakkal', in the Malayalam language, means nephews and nieces. The joint family under the matrilineal system is known as Tharavad and formed the nucleus of the society in Malabar.
Certain words cannot be spoken in the presence of the opposite sex. This gender- restrictive vocabulary, sometimes called cookhouse speech, may only be used when speaking to people of the same gender. This gender-restrictive vocabulary shows an example of avoidance speech, a type of honorific, in the Mortlockese Language. Mortlockese is a matrilineal society, considering the patrilineal lineage as secondary.
He was also a matrilineal great-grandson of the second caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab. Surrounded with great scholars, he is credited with having ordered the first official collection of Hadiths and encouraged education to everyone. He also sent out emissaries to China and Tibet, inviting their rulers to accept Islam. At the same time, he remained tolerant with non-Muslim citizens.
The main feature of their society is the kudi system. Although the Tamil word kudi means a house or settlement, in eastern Sri Lanka it is related to matrimonial alliances. It refers to the exogamous matrilineal clans and is found amongst most caste groups. Men or women remain members of the kudi of their birth and be brother or sister by relation.
Minangkabau wedding in West Sumatera, Indonesia As a matrilineal society, the bride family will be the one who proposes to the groom. This tradition is called maminang. If proposal is accepted, they will sign marriage contract. For the ceremony, manjapuik marapulai, the bride family will invite the groom, then, they will be shown to the public as newly married couple.
Teslin is made up of two moieties; Wolf and Crow. Under the moiety of Wolf there are two clans; Eagle (Dakhl'awedi') and Wolf (Yanyedi). The Crow moiety have three clans; Raven's Children (Kukhhittan or Crow), Frog (Ishkitan) and Split tail Beaver (Deshitan). Under their matrilineal kinship system, children are considered born into the mother's clan, and descent is traced through her line.
Sambandham was an informal mode of marriage followed by Nairs, Samantha Kshatriya and Ambalavasis with Nambudiris, in what is the present day state of Kerala, India. All of these were matrilineal communities. The custom is no longer observed. Alternate names for the system were used by different social groups and in different regions; they included Pudavamuri, Pudavakoda, Vastradanam, Vitaram Kayaruka, Mangalam and Uzhamporukkuka.
Societies with the Iroquois kinship system, are typically unilineal, while the Iroquois proper are specifically matrilineal. In a society which reckons descent bilaterally (bilineal), descent is reckoned through both father and mother, without unilineal descent groups. Societies with the Eskimo kinship system, like the Inuit, Yupik, and most Western societies, are typically bilateral. The egocentric kindred group is also typical of bilateral societies.
She asserts that in "actually documented primitive societies" of recent (historical) times, paternity is never ignored and that the sacred status of goddesses does not automatically increase female social status, and believes that this affirms that utopian matriarchy is simply an inversion of antifeminism. J.F. del Giorgio insists on a matrifocal, matrilocal, matrilineal Paleolithic society.del Giorgio, J.F., The Oldest Europeans (A.J.Place, 2006 ()).
The Chocó people use matrilineal descent, practice polygamy and live in family units. The cacique, or chief, of the Chocó lived in the largest village and capitol of the Chocó Nation, named Unión Chocó. The city is on the banks of the Tuira River. The Chocó have their own form of government and live by their own set of unwritten rules.
Bonspille is a traditionalist, elected to the chiefs' council in 2001. The community had adopted a new system of electoral politics in 1991, following the Oka Crisis. Formerly chiefs were selected by clan mothers as part of a traditional, hereditary system based in matrilineal kinship. Children are considered born into their mother's clans in the community, and derive their status from the mother.
Harding and Gabriel both have mixed ancestry, but Harding's mother is Mohawk, so he belongs to her clan under the matrilineal system. Gabriel has a Mohawk father and is a registered member of the community, but his mother is not Mohawk.Aubin, Benoit (March 23, 2004). "Kanesatake Chief in Exile", Maclean's Magazine, online at The Canadian Encyclopedia, Retrieved on: 16 October 2015.
When William III died childless, the patrilineal ancestry of Orange-Nassau became extinct. In contrast to other provinces of the Dutch Republic, Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe had mostly drawn its stadtholders from the House of Nassau, that starting with John VI, the brother of William of Orange, and comprises in addition a matrilineal ancestry with the house of Orange- Nassau.
The Bribri people live in the mountains and islands of southern Costa Rica and northern Panama both on reservations and non-protected areas. The Bribri social structure is organized in clans. Each clan is composed of an extended family. The clan system is matrilineal; that is, a child's clan is determined by the clan his or her mother belongs to.
Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Nubian Studies. Warsaw University, 27 August - 2 September 2006; In: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Aerchaeology University of Warsaw. PAM Supplement Series 2.2./1-2. Kandake, often Latinised as Candace, was the Meroitic term for the sister of the king of Kush who, due to the matrilineal succession, would bear the next heir, making her a queen mother.
In 1827 after Charles' death, William was selected as interim Principal Chief. As the Cherokee were a matrilineal culture, the children of Nan-Ye-Hi belonged to her Paint Clan. They grew up within the Nation and gained status from her clan, but the boys also learned English. This gave them advantages for dealing with the European Americans and advancing politically.
The people had a matrilineal kinship system: property and position were passed through the maternal line. Nearly 40 when he became chief, Micanopy soon began acquiring large amounts of land and cattle. As was common practice among elite Seminole, he hired more than 100 fugitive slaves to work his estates during the early nineteenth century. He encouraged intermarriage between the Seminole and blacks.
When William III died childless, the patrilineal ancestry of Orange-Nassau became extinct. In contrast to other provinces of the Dutch Republic, Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe had mostly drawn its stadtholders from the House of Nassau, that starting with John VI, the brother of William of Orange, and comprises in addition a matrilineal ancestry with the house of Orange- Nassau.
The system practices democracy in electing chiefs and a king. Only men are eligible to be elected as leaders for their clan or tribe. There is also a female leader known as Ibu Soko. Their culture is matrilineal and patriarchal, with property and land passing down from mother to daughter, while religious and political affairs are the responsibility of men.
The children of such unions were accepted into the tribe as Native Americans, due to the matrilineal focus of Nipmuc culture, but to the eyes of their sceptical White neighbours, the increasingly Black phenotypes delegitimised their Indian identity.Minardi, M(2010). Making slavery history, abolitionism and the politics of memory in massachusetts. New York, NY: Oxford Univ Pr US. pp 60-63.
Naalukettu is a Malayalam novel written by M. T. Vasudevan Nair. Published in 1958, it was MT's first major novel. The title attributes to Nālukettu, a traditional ancestral home (Taravad) of a Nair joint family. Like many other novels written by MT, Naalukettu is also set against the backdrop of the crumbling matrilineal order of Kerala in a newly independent India.
He was later promoted to become the Range Inspector of Schools. Pillai found that the Nair community was beset with many unnecessary customs and traditions that prevented the groups progress. He tried to stop the celebration of such extravagant and ridiculous ceremonies like Thalikettu, Therandu Kalyaanam, Pulikudi, etc. He campaigned for the discontinuation of the out-dated matrilineal system observed by the Nairs.
As of the early 20th century, Milne Bay peoples lived in small hamlets, which were dominated by clans. Most clans consisted of relatives, with an integration of adopted and individuals who married into the clan from other clans. Relocation of hamlets was commons, where one, two or three hamlets might combine and relocate together. The culture, was of that time, was matrilineal.
Dudoward had no (matrilineal) heirs and so adopted his own son and a niece into the House of Sgagweet in order to perpetuate the line. The son inherited the name Sgagweet and held it in 1938, when the anthropologist Viola Garfield recorded the house's order of succession. He had designated the niece's son as his successor. His children included the carver Charles Dudoward.
In some cases Graves conjectures a process of "iconotropy", or image-turning, by which a hypothetical cult image of the matriarchal or matrilineal period has been misread by later Greeks in their own terms. Thus, for example, he conjectures an image of divine twins struggling in the womb of the Horse-Goddess, which later gave rise to the myth of the Trojan Horse.
In English law, matrilineal descent is not considered valid for earldoms, and in Brehon law, then largely still in use in Ireland, new leaders were chosen by election. These customs were, in Boleyn's case, outweighed by a more important consideration – he was the father of two daughters. Henry VIII had affairs first with Boleyn's elder daughter Mary, then with his younger daughter, Anne.
On the contrary, the King's Wife (Kame Fumu or by contraction Ka fu) is not Moé. Ditto for the Children of the King (Bane Fumu, Mwane fumu in the singular or by contraction Mwa fu). Can claim or accede to the throne only the holders of the title of Moé, because of the matrilineal succession (power derived from the royal Blood).
Shenandoah is the daughter of Maisie Shenandoah, Wolf Clanmother of the Oneida Nation of New York, and the late Clifford Shenandoah, an Onondaga Nation chief. She has three sisters, Vicky, Diane, and Danielle. As the Oneida have a matrilineal kinship system, the sisters were all considered to be born into their mother's Wolf Clan. Descent and inheritance passes through the maternal line.
The battle formation has the Frontline, the West Flank, an East Flank, the main body and the Vanguard. There are, therefore, five divisional chiefs in each Paramountcy. These are followed in rank by the Kings of the city and then the Kings of the town and then king of the suburbs. The Akan tribe mostly has seven Abusua (Matrilineal clans) in each state.
Hazairin wrote extensively on marriage law in relation to Islam, and is considered a moderate. He saw Islam as having a bilateral marriage system; in other words, not matrilineal and not patrilineal. He based this opinion on three things. Firstly, he read Sura An-Nisa verses 23 and 24 as allowing cousin marriages, which in his opinion showed support for the bilateral system.
Common Abiriba names include: Ikwan or Ikhwan, Kalu, Nnanna, Nnenna "Nina", Ndukwo, Ogbogu, Agwu, Oyediya, Ogbonnaya, etc. It is a common Abiriba naming tradition for parents to name their first son after the father's father and the first daughter after the father's mother. Naming traditions are paternal-oriented, Abiriba is a matrilineal society: descent and inheritance are traced through the mother's family.
The First Mesa Tourism Program describes the village of Walpi as "a living village where the homes are passed down through matrilineal clan lineage." About half a dozen in number live in the ancient stone dwellings, without running water or electricity, in the traditional manner. ;Access Walpi is accessible to visitors by guided tours, given by the First Mesa Consolidated Villages' Tourism Program.
Eknath Easwaran was born in 1910 in a village in Kerala, India. "Easwaran was born on December 17, 1910, into an ancient matrilineal family in Kerala, India" (p. 143) Eknath is his surname, Easwaran his given name.However, after he came to the United States, "Easwaran" generally functioned as his last name (analogous to a surname) for authorship credits and other public activities.
Long- finned pilot whale movement and social structure: residency, population mixing and identification of social units. M.Sc. thesis, Biology, Dalhousie University. Genetic investigations of the pilot whales driven ashore in the Faroese hunts have shown a relatedness amongst whales, suggesting a matrilineal structure within social units.Amos, B., Bloch, D., Desportes, G., Majerus, T.M.O., Bancroft, D.R., Barrett, J.A. and Dover, G.A. (1993).
An individual's connection is to whom they feel the closest to (i.e., ones they've grown up with, lived with, or see the most); the closer the connection, the more they share food and gardens. Relationships between villages maintain by ties of marriage with a matrilineal affiliation. The Kaluli prefer to marry others from a different clan because they are unfamiliar with them.
The Pnar, also known as Jaiñtia, are a sub-tribal group of the Khasi Tribe in Meghalaya, India. The Pnar people are matrilineal. They speak the Pnar Language which belongs to the Austro-Asiatic language family and is very similar to the Khasi Language. The Pnar people are natives of West Jaintia Hills and East Jaintia Hills District of Meghalaya, India.
For tim and den yaay (see p. 116). The book also deals in depth about the Serer matriclans and means of succession through the matrilineal line. See pp. 38, 95–99, 104, 119–20, 123, 160, 172–74, The hierarchical highest status among the Serer people has been those of hereditary nobles and their relatives, which meant blood links to the Mandinka conquerors.
Much of Brant's influence came from her connections to Sir William Johnson and her stepfather Brant Kanagaradunkwa. Additional influence came from the fact that women in Iroquois society had more political influence than did women in patriarchal societies. Under the Iroquois matrilineal kinship system, inheritance and social status were passed through the maternal line. Women elders influenced the selection of chiefs.
The Tjapwurrung are known to have had at least eleven bands. They have a two class matrilineal system, with descent based on the wirran (yellow-tailed black cockatoo) and grugidj (sulphur-crested cockatoo or Long-billed corella white cockatoo) moieties. Grugidj sub-totems included pelican, parrot, mopoke and large kangaroo. Gamadj sub-totems included emu, whip snake, possum, koala, and sparrowhawk.
In function, the system is extremely similar to the Crow system. But, whereas Crow groups are matrilineal, Omaha descent groups are characteristically patrilineal. In this system, relatives are sorted according to their descent and their gender. Ego's father and his brothers are merged and addressed by a single term, and a similar pattern is seen for Ego's mother and her sisters.
All of the stories are scripted by Lisa Jonté, but have involved a variety of artists. The current storyline (2006) is Palladium (featuring the art of Stevie Wilson), and is a story of "Pedigree, progeny and matrilineal machinations; Jayne and Padraigh are about to discover that family breeds contempt". All of the Arcana Jayne stories are now available free of charge at
However, Mississippi farmer and World War II Veteran Noah Robinson Sr. (born c. 1925) has claimed to be her biological father. A genetic test in 2006 determined that her matrilineal line originated among the Kpelle ethnic group, in the area that today is Liberia. Her genetic makeup was determined to be 89% Sub-Saharan African, 8% Native American, and 3% East Asian.
As with the remainder of the Creek people, those of Kialegee had a matrilineal kinship system, with descent figured through the mother's line. Children are considered to be born into the mother's clan and receive their status from her and her people. It was an agrarian community. Women and children grew and processed a variety of crops, while men hunted for game.
The tenure of outgoing Legislative Assembly, elected in March 2013, was set to end on 6 March 2018. A total of 370 candidates contested the polls across the 60 constituencies. Out of these, only 32 were female candidates, despite the state's distinction of being a matrilineal society. There were 17.68 lakh voters in the state, out of which 8.93 lakh voters were female.
Khasi children (1944)The locals living in and around Cherrapunji are known as Khasis. It is a matrilineal culture. After the wedding, the husband of the youngest daughter goes to live with his wife's family, who own the property of the family, while others live on their own getting a bit of the share. The children take on the surname of the mother.
LeFlore was of mixed Choctaw and French ancestry, but he was brought up among his mother's people as a Choctaw. In their matrilineal kinship system, children were considered born to the mother's people and took their social status from her family. LeFlore attended the mission school at Brainard, Mississippi. For several years he attended the Johnson Indian School in Kentucky.
Cuyloga is True Son's adoptive Indian father and believed that the boy had become culturally Lenape. His wife adopted the boy, who was then considered to be a member of her clan, as the Lenape had a matrilineal kinship system. Cuyloga is described as the wisest and the strongest father. He is the one who took the boy as captive in the raid.
Ravi Varma's paintings of Nair women in general were seen as part of a turning point in the discourse on female sexuality within the matrilineal context. It has been described that a notable feature about Ravi Varma's paintings of such women were the passive beauty and unerotic sensuality. Of even greater significance was the image of domesticity that Ravi Varma had presented.
While the society is matrilineal, it is not matriarchal. In past monarchies of the state, the son of the youngest sister of the king inherited the throne. Even now in the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly or village councils or panchayats the representation of women in politics is minimal. As of 2013, in a Meghalaya Legislative Assembly of 60 members, there are only four women.
In human genetic genealogy (the application of genetics to traditional genealogy), use of the information contained in the Y chromosome is of particular interest because, unlike other chromosomes, the Y chromosome is passed exclusively from father to son, on the patrilineal line. Mitochondrial DNA, maternally inherited to both sons and daughters, is used in an analogous way to trace the matrilineal line.
Nazhikamani records the rituals and life around Guruvayur temple, where he worked for 32 years. Balikkallu too emerged from this experience. Aattukattil documents the growth and break-up of the Nair tharavad (ancestral house) in the feudal era. Panchara Mavu Veenu, Bhagam, Ozhivudinam, Gopuravelicham, Eeeranmundum Nananja Kannukalum, Nakshatrakunju, Pavakkalyanam, and Kadinjool Prasanam too are set in the matrilineal Nair milieu.
The present owners, the Compton family, are matrilineal descendants of William Weddell. They have restored the property. The gardens, which have extensive herbaceous borders and woodland walks, were developed in their present form by Major Edward Compton, who took over Newby in 1921. His son Robert Edward John (Robin) Compton, born in 1922, was chairman of Time-Life International for many years.
Several lineages from a single clan constitute the core of every village. The matrilineal clans (lo) own land, based on claims staked out in the early 18th century as the original Maroons fled southward to freedom. Hunting and gathering rights belong to clan members collectively. Within the clan, temporary rights to land use for farming are negotiated by village headmen.
II Samuel 13:13, Rashi Maimonides re-codified the law of matrilineal descent in his compilation of Jewish Law, Mishneh Torah (c. 1170-1180 CE).Maimonides' Laws of Forbidden Relationships, 15:4. The law of matrilineal descent was again re-codified in the Code of Jewish Law, Shulchan Aruch (1563 CE), without mention of any dissenting opinion.Even HaEzer 8:5 The Hellenized Jewish philosopher, Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE – 50 CE) calls the child of a Jew and a non-Jew a nothos (bastard), regardless of whether the non-Jewish parent is the father or the mother.On the Life of Moses 2.36.193, On the Virtues 40.224, On the Life of Moses 1.27.147 While Flavius Josephus (c. 37-100 CE), the Romanized Jewish historian, writing about events that were alleged to have occurred a century prior, has Antigonus II Mattathias (c.
According to anthropologist Maurice Godelier, matrifocality is "typical of Afro- Caribbean groups" and some African-American communities. These include families in which a father has a wife and one or more mistresses; in a few cases, a mother may have more than one lover. Matrifocality was also found, according to Rasmussen per Herlihy, among the Tuareg people in northern Africa;, cited in according to Herlihy citing other authors, in some Mediterranean communities; and, according to Herlihy quoting Scott, in urban Brazil., cited in In their study of family life in Bethnal Green, London, during the 1950s, Young and Wilmott found both matrifocal and matrilineal elements at work: mothers were a focus for distributing economic resources through the family network; they were also active in passing down the rights to tenancies in matrilineal succession to their daughters.
The quarter is framed by nine golden squares alternated by nine blue towers. Doña Isabel de Portugal, bastard daughter of King Ferdinand I, married Don Alfonso Dount of Gíjon Noronha, bastard son of the King Enrico II di Castiglia. Heraldry joins the symbols by matrilineal descent: Portugal-antigo (only because of the matrilineal line of the descendants of Doña Isabel, daughter recognized by the King Ferdinando I) with the one of the Noronhas.Armando de Mattos "A heráldica dos bastardos reais portugueses" 1940 The three ancient heraldries, in different periods, belonging to different lineages of the House de Silva, were joined to make the emblems of the: De Silva Portugal, De Silva Cifuentes, De Silva Alénquer, De Silva Alvarez de Toledo, De Silva Infantado, De Silva Fernández de Hijar, De Silva Fernández de Híjar Portugal, De Silva Pastrana and so on.
This complementarity often has a moral or emotional tone to it: Malinowski's classic studies of the matrilineal Trobriand islanders showed that matrilineal ties were associated with discipline and authority, while patrilateral ties were characterised by nurturance and kindness (at least in principle). Likewise, in Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart, the hero, Okonkwo is forced into exile from his own ancestral village to the village of his matrilateral kin who should, by rights, treat him with maternal fondness. Matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is typically used by anthropologists to describe a form of marriage in which the sons of one consanguineous group marry the daughters of the consanguineous group from which their mother originates. This may take the form of a preference for this kind of cousin marriage or a prescription that this is what will happen.
The transition from matrilineal to patriarchal is perhaps best shown in the Greek myth of Orestes (who killed his mother Clytemnestra in revenge for her killing his father Agamemnon, which was in revenge for Agamemnon sacrificing their daughter) (pp460–4). When Orestes is put on trial the key question, as related by Reed, is whether he is the flesh and blood of his mother, as in matrilineal custom, or the product of his father's seed as asserted in patriarchal custom. Luckily for Orestes, the judge is Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who has to accept that she herself was born without a mother (she was plucked out of Zeus's head) - thus proving the patriarchal assertion that a mother is not necessary. So Orestes was his father's flesh and blood and it was OK to kill his mother.
In 1994, Bina Agarwal compared characteristic features between the Garo and Khasi. She reported that Garo practiced matrilineal inheritance, matrilocal post-marital residence, a preference for cross-cousin marriage, acceptance of pre-marital sex by women, but adultery by women is punished, while the Khasi practised matrilineal inheritance, matrilocal and duolocal post-marital residence (in which the husband lives in a separate house while the wife stays at her parents’ residence), an aversion to cross-cousin marriage, and again, acceptance of pre-marital sex by women, but adultery by women is punished. Care of children is the responsibility of mothers or mothers-in-law. The youngest daughter of this society who inherits the ancestral property holds a pivotal role of looking after the welfare of her parents in their old age, as well as the welfare and education of her siblings.
The hypothetical woman at the root of all these groups (meaning just the mitochondrial DNA haplogroups) is the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) for all currently living humans. She is commonly called Mitochondrial Eve. The rate at which mitochondrial DNA mutates is known as the mitochondrial molecular clock. It is an area of ongoing research with one study reporting one mutation per 8000 years.
Seneca women generally grew and harvested varieties of the three sisters, as well as gathering and processing medicinal plants, roots, berries, nuts, and fruit. Seneca women held sole ownership of all the land and the homes. The women also tended to any domesticated animals such as dogs and turkeys. The Iroquois had a matrilineal kinship system; inheritance and property descended through the maternal line.
Marumakkathayam was a system of matrilineal inheritance prevalent in what is now Kerala, India. Descent and the inheritance of property was traced through females. It was followed by all Nair castes, some of the Ambalavasis, Mappilas, and tribal groups. The elder male was considered the head known as karanavar and the entire assets of the family were controlled by him as if he was the sole owner.
The term was coined by the cetologist Hal Whitehead who studies the cultures and population genetics of matrilineal whale communities. Cultural hitchhiking and has been proposed as a cause for reduced genetic diversity at certain loci in prehistoric Homo sapiens, dolphins, killer whales, and sperm whales.Whitehead H. Cultural specialization and genetic diversity: Killer whales and beyond. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2020;490:110164. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.
These proto-Serer clans hold great significance in Serer religion and mythology. Some of these proto- Serer matriclans include the Cegandum and Kagaw, whose historical account is enshrined in Serer religion, mythology and traditions. Gravrand, Henry, "La Civilisation Sereer - Cosaan", p 200, Nouvelles Editions africaines (1983), In Serer culture, inheritance is both matrilineal and patrilineal. It all depends on the asset being inherited – i.e.
In the matrilineal system, the family lived together in a tharavadu which was composed of a mother, her brothers and younger sisters, and her children. The oldest male member was known as the karanavar and was the head of the household, managing the family estate. Lineage was traced through the mother, and the children belonged to the mother's family.Earlier times surname would be of the maternal side.
Inheritance and succession to public office among the Fante are traditionally determined by matrilineal descent, as is common among Akan peoples. When the Portuguese arrived in the 15th century, the Fante prevented them from venturing inland and leased properties for Portuguese trading missions. But when the Portuguese objected to Fante rules and regulations, the Fante expelled them. Thereafter the Dutch arrived, followed by the British.
Ashanti are a matrilineal society where line of descent is traced through the female. Historically, this mother progeny relationship determined land rights, inheritance of property, offices and titles. It is also true that the Ashanti inherit property from the paternal side of the family. Ashanti soulwasher Though not considered as important as the mother, the male interaction continues in the place of birth after marriage.
Nikonha told Hale that his father had been a Tutelo chief named Onusowa. His mother had died when he was a child, and he was raised by her brother, his maternal uncle, as his people had a matrilineal kinship system. Children were considered born to their mother's family and clan, and were reared largely by her people. Nikonha's people had gradually migrated north out of Virginia.
Simply put, individuals belong to their mother's descent group. Matrilineal descent includes the mother's brother, who in some societies may pass along inheritance to the sister's children or succession to a sister's son. Conversely, with patrilineal descent, individuals belong to their father's descent group. Children are recognized as members of their father’s family, and descent is based on relationship to males of the family line.
Johnson was elected as a hereditary chief of the Six Nations, succeeding his mother's brother, Henry Martin of the Wolf clan. The Mohawk had a matrilineal kinship system, in which descent and property passed through the woman's line, and his mother nominated him for the post. He later became friends with Jasper Tough Gilkison, Upper Canada Superintendent to the Six Nations. He was appointed government interpreter.
Waletzky has two sisters, Marion Rockefeller Weber and Laura Rockefeller Chasin, and a brother, Laurance Spelman Rockefeller Jr.. Her patrilineal great-grandfather was Standard Oil's co-founder John D. Rockefeller and her matrilineal great-grandfather was Frederick H. Billings, a president of Northern Pacific Railway. Both of her grandmothers, Mary Billings French and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, were important to the early development of YWCA USA.
Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group.
Maud's paternal grandfather was William le Vavasour, Lord of Hazlewood, and Justiciar of England. Her maternal grandfather was Adam fitz Peter of Birkin. Maud was heiress to properties in Edlington, Yorkshire and Narborough in Leicestershire. King John of England with whom Maud's husband Fulk FitzWarin quarrelled She is a matrilineal ancestor of Anne Boleyn, Queen of England and second wife to King Henry VIII of England.
Almost nothing is known about Gwriad's background. He married Ethyllt ferch Cynan, daughter of Cynan Dindaethwy, King of Gwynedd. Their son Merfyn Frych later became the first king of Gwynedd known not to have come from the dynasty of its founder Cunedda. Merfyn evidently claimed the throne through his mother rather than through Gwriad, and bolstered this atypical matrilineal claim through his own power and reputation.
The construction of a house is subject to specific regulations, laid down by the ancestors and formalised in adat, that need to be observed if the house is to become a beautiful and pleasant building. The construction and maintenance of a rumah gadang is the responsibility of ninik mamak, the elder male blood- relatives of the matrilineal descent group that owns and builds it.
Endogamy is common to many groups. Normative Orthodox Judaism today recognises only matrilineal descent as determining Judaism from birth. Patrilineal descent was once the norm among the Israelites, with people being identified as descendants of one of the twelve sons of Israel. The restrictions on intermarriage with non-Lemba make it nearly impossible for a male non-Lemba to become a member of the Lemba.
In 1900, following the absence of heirs in the Travancore Royal Family, she had been adopted by her maternal great-aunt. According to the matrilineal traditions of the Travancore Royal Family, Sree Chithira Thirunal, at the time of his birth, was proclaimed the Heir Apparent of Travancore with the title of : Sree Padmanabhadasa Maharajkumar Sree Balarama Varma II, Elaya Rajah (Crown Prince) of Travancore.
The people of the Trobriand Islands are mostly subsistence horticulturalists who live in traditional settlements. The social structure is based on matrilineal clans that control land and resources. People participate in the regional circuit of exchange of shells called kula, sailing to visit trade partners on seagoing canoes. In the late twentieth century, anti-colonial and cultural autonomy movements gained followers from the Trobriand societies.
The political ideals which the Seneca had were contributed to the U.S. Constitution. The Seneca's matrilineal kinship system gave considerable power to women, as inheritance and property were passed through the maternal line. Children were considered born into their mother's family and clan, which determined their social status. In 1848 at Seneca Falls, New York, American women created a proclamation of rights to achieve similar power.
Some matrilineal advocates have hypothesized that DNA may carry a specific genome from the mother that transmits Judaism. However, NIH researchers have sought but found no evidence that Judaism is transmitted genetically from either the mother or the father. Genetic memory, however, would suggest that the experiences of Jewish forbears are passed down to descendants across multiple generations regardless of which parent it comes from.
Norton later became a chief of the Mohawk in the Iroquois League. He was of half Cherokee and half Scots ancestry. He was raised in his mother's culture, as the Cherokee had a matrilineal kinship system, with children taking their status from the mother's family and clan. His writings provide a rare American Indian perspective of the early 19th century in the United States.
He was the matrilineal great- grandson of Scipio Africanus. He was married to Caecilia Metella, daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus. He had two children: Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica, who married a daughter of the famous orator Lucius Licinius Crassus, and a daughter who married Publius Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus. His son was praetor in 93 BC and the father of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio Nasica.
The people have a matrilineal kinship system, and children are considered to be born into the mother's clan, through which descent and inheritance passes. Each gender, clan, and family unit within a clan has particular duties and responsibilities in the tribe. Clan identities go back to the Creation Story of the Onyota'a:ka peoples. The people identify with three clans: the Wolf, Turtle or Bear clans.
Large ovoid vessel made by a Chewa woman in National Museum of African Art Women have a special place in Chewa society and belief. They are recognized as reproducers of the lineage (Bele), which is an extended family of people related to the same ancestor. As a matrilineal society, property and land rights are inherited through the mother. Bele means "descended from the same breast".
They live in longhouses containing several compartments occupied by matrilineally linked nuclear families. There may be twenty to sixty longhouses in one village. The Rade and Jarai cultivate dry- field rice and secondary crops such as maize. Both groups have exogamous matrilineal descent groups (consanguineous kin groups that acknowledge a traditional bond of common descent in the maternal line and within which they do not marry).
Southern New England was populated by various tribes, so hunting grounds had strictly defined boundaries. The Wampanoag had a matrilineal system, like many indigenous peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands, in which women controlled property, and hereditary status was passed through the maternal line. They were also matrifocal; when a young couple married, they lived with the woman's family. Women elders could approve selection of chiefs or sachems.
Marriage roles of the Tiwi plays an important role for economic, social and political status. The Tiwi consider marriage as a very important aspect of their livelihoods, as almost all people get married, especially women. Tiwi culture places great emphasis on the importance of marriage in women's lives. Since both the men and women come from a matrilineal descent group, wives descent group is important.
The society is matrilineal like the Khasis and the Jaintias. Till death, the newborn baby belongs to the mother's family, irrespective of sex, even after marriage. Marriage within the clan is completely prohibited and severely punishable for both the Khasis and the Garos. Till now, the institution of Bachelors dormitories which is gradually disappearing amongst the tribes of northeastern region, are found in the Garo villages.
Pilot whale pod near Ireland Both species live in groups of 10–30, but some groups may number 100 or more. Data suggest the social structures of pilot whale pods are similar to those of "resident" killer whales. The pods are highly stable and the members have close matrilineal relationships. Pod members are of various age and sex classes, although adult females tend to outnumber adult males.
Native Americans occupied the areas that would become New Jersey, and Madison, following the retreat of the Wisconsin Glacier for many thousands of years. Settlements of the Lenape were agriculturally based following matrilineal lines. The protected lands nearby, Jockey Hollow, are what is remaining of the settlement. Occupation changed with the seasons, the variable nature of the climate, and to preserve the fertility of the rich soil.
Despite foreign influences, a diverse array of indigenous traditional cultures is still evident in Indonesia. The indigenous ethnic group of Toraja in South Sulawesi, still has a strong tradition that descends from animistic beliefs even though most Toraja are Christian now. One of the most famous Toraja tradition is their funeral rites, Rambu Solo. The Minangkabau ethnic group retain a unique matrilineal culture, despite being devoted Muslims.
English is the official language of Meghalaya. Unlike many Indian states, Meghalaya has historically followed a matrilineal system where the lineage and inheritance are traced through women; the youngest daughter inherits all wealth and she also takes care of her parents. The state is the wettest region of India, recording an average of of rain a year. About 70% of the state is forested.
The Suku people or Basuku (plural) are an ethnic group of Bantu origin who traditionally inhabit the south-western Democratic Republic of the Congo and north-western Angola. As of 2017, there are believed to be about 200,000 people who identify as Suku, many living in the Congo's Kwango Province. Suku society is matrilineal. Basuku traditionally speak a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo sub-branch.
Tradition says the Tonga came from the north, perhaps from the Maravi people or the Tumbuka. Until the coming of the Ngoni in 1855, they had been a matrilineal people and had never possessed a centralized government. Defeated by the Ngoni, older inhabitants remained on the land while the young were incorporated into the Ngoni fighting regiments. In 1876, some Tonga revolted against the Ngoni and won.
Knox, James. The topography of the basin of the Tay, Andrew Shorteed, Edinburgh, 1831 Early writers have asserted that Máel Coluim also designated Donnchad as his successor under the rules of tanistry because there were other possible claimants to the throne. In this period, the Scottish throne still passed in Picto-Gaelic matrilineal fashion, from brother to brother, uncle to nephew, and cousin to cousin.
Religiously and culturally, the Chams were grouped into two major religio- cultural groups; the Balamon Chams that adhere to an indigenized form of Hinduism, and Bani Chams that adhere to an indigenized form of Islam. These two groups mostly live in separate villages. Intermarriage was prohibited in former times, and remains rare even nowadays. Both groups are matrilineal and conform to matrilocal residence practice.
The Cham were matrilineal and inheritance passed through the mother. Because of this, in 1499 the Vietnamese enacted a law banning marriage between Cham women and Vietnamese men, regardless of class. The Vietnamese also issued instructions in the capital to kill all Chams within the vicinity. More attacks by the Vietnamese continued and in 1693 the Champa Kingdom's territory was integrated as part of Vietnamese territory.
The central Bantu groups which comprised most of the Kongo kingdom passed on status through matrilineal succession.Boy-Wives and Female Husbands: Studies of African Homosexualities, edited by Stephen Murray & Will Roscoe. Published by St. Martin's Press in 1998. p. 146 Furthermore, women in the group of kingdoms that at various times were provinces in the Kongo kingdom could have important roles in rulership and war.
529-550 The Hopi, Zuni, Keres and Jemez each have matrilineal kinship systems: children are considered born into their mother's clan and must marry a spouse outside it, an exogamous practice. They maintain multiple kivas for sacred ceremonies. Their creation story tells that humans emerged from the underground. They emphasize four or six cardinal directions as part of their sacred cosmology, beginning in the north.
Janaki was born in the town of Vaikom in Kottayam district of Travancore into a family with ties to both Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Her father, Rajagopal Iyer, was a Tamil Brahmin hailing from Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu, and was the brother of Papanasam Sivan, the musician and composer. Her mother, Narayani Amma, belonged to Vaikom and was of a Keralite matrilineal caste. Janaki married twice.
Dalabon society had 8 subsections, each of which had a male and female name, and which can be analysed in terms of three dichotomies. The first taxonomy identifies people in terms of patrimoieties of the Dua/Yirritja type. A second division of descent is matrilineal; the intersection of these two forms 4 sections. A third system has subsections to elicit the ideal father-and-son pairs.
In 1875, Bojić's father was conscripted into the Austro-Hungarian Army. Shortly afterwards, he entered into an argument with a high-ranking Hungarian officer, insulted him, then fled to the Serbian capital to escape punishment. He attended trade school in Belgrade and became a successful shoemaker. Bojić's matrilineal line traces its origins to the town of Tetovo, in what is now the northern part of North Macedonia.
English is the official language. The other principal languages spoken include Khasi, Garo, Pnar, Biate, Hajong, Assamese and Bengali. Unlike many Indian states, Meghalaya has historically followed a matrilineal system where the lineage and inheritance are traced through women; the youngest daughter inherits all wealth and she also takes care of her parents. The economy is mostly agrarian, with a significant commercial forestry industry.
The Akyem ethnic group make up between 3-4 percent of Ghana's population depending on how one defines the group and are very prominent in all aspects of Ghanaian life. The Akyem are a matrilineal people. The history of this ethnic group is that of brave warriors who managed to create a thriving often influential and relatively independent state within modern-day Ghana .Akan Laws and Customs.
He married a high-status woman in the Coushatta or Alabama tribe. Their mixed-race children were considered Muskogean, as both tribes had a matrilineal system of property and descent. The children were always considered born into their mother's clan, and gained their status from her people. In 1785, Abraham Mordecai, a war veteran from a Sephardic Jewish family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, established a trading post.
Theyanoguin was born to a Mohawk noblewoman and a Mahican chief in Westfield, Massachusetts. By the Mohawk matrilineal kinship system, he was considered born into his mother's Bear Clan. Hereditary offices and property are passed through the maternal line and the mother's oldest brother plays a prominent role in her children's lives, especially for boys. The uncle is more important than the biological father.
Duivenvoorde Castle () is a castle in the town of Voorschoten, South Holland, in the Netherlands. It was first mentioned in 1226, making it one of the oldest castles in South Holland. The castle is remarkable in that it has never been sold, which can be said of very few Dutch castles. It has passed by inheritance through several noble houses, sometimes through the matrilineal line.
Schematic illustration of the Beringia migration based on matrilineal genetics: Arrival of Central Asian populations to the Beringian Mammoth steppe c. 25,000 years ago, followed by a "swift peoplling of the Americas" c. 15,000 years ago. Around 20,000 years ago, approximately 5,000 years after the Neanderthal extinction, the Last Glacial Maximum forced northern hemisphere inhabitants to migrate to several shelters (refugia) until the end of this period.
The Cherokee Nation jointly owned all land; however, improvements on the land could be sold or willed by individuals. It was passed through the matrilineal line, and property was controlled by the women of the tribe. In 1816 he founded Ross's Landing, served by a ferry crossing. After the Cherokee were removed to Oklahoma in the 1830s, American settlers changed the name of Ross's Landing to Chattanooga.
Due to the matrilineal nature of Chamorro society, the maga'håga of his clan must have influenced the grant. Chief Kepuha died in 1669 of natural causes. Under the insistence of Padre San Vitores, he became the first Chamorro buried at the church despite opposition from Chamorro leaders, who desired a traditional burial. This caused resentment among the Chamorros contributing to the outbreak of war within two years.
The Choctaw had a matrilineal kinship system, so their children were considered born to Natika's clan and were raised in Choctaw culture. Pitchlynn had ten children. The most notable of these was their son Peter Pitchlynn, who in 1864 became principal chief of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. This was decades after their removal from the Southeast under the 1831 Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek.
Princess Adelheid of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (20 July 1835 – 25 January 1900) was Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein, a niece of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, a cousin of King Edward VII, and the mother-in-law of Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany. She is the direct most recent common matrilineal ancestress (through women only) of Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Felipe VI of Spain.
Women slaves "usually work within the domestic sphere", caring for children and doing domestic chores, but "may also herd animals and farm". Women slaves "are subject to sexual assault by their masters". Because slave status is matrilineal, slaves typically serve the same families that their mothers and grandmothers did. They usually sleep and eat in the same quarters as the animals of their owning families.
In addition to the matrilineal dominance hierarchy, male dominance rankings also exist. Alpha males have a higher frequency of mating compared to their lower-ranking conspecifics. The increased success is due partially to his increased access to females and also due to female preference of an alpha male during periods of maximum fertility. Though females have a preference for alpha males, they do display promiscuous behavior.
The Rembau District is a district that is located in the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The district is a stronghold of the matrilineal system known as adat perpatih, a customary practice inherited from the Minangkabaus, of Sumatra. Rembau still maintains the old district ruler, which used to be called the district head or Penghulu. Now the title is Yang Teramat Mulia Undang Luak Rembau.
The Mosuo are a small ethnic group living around China's Lugu Lake in the provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan. Most Mosuo people celebrate a matrilineal culture, tracing lineage through the female side of the family. Historically the Mosuo lived in a feudal system where a larger peasant population was controlled by a small nobility. The nobility was afraid of the peasant class gaining power.
High Chief Beouch title is inherited through Ngedengoll ourrot. Omlei Demk was a ranking woman in the highest clan of Ngardmau called "Ngedngoll". Palau is still exercising traditional system which consists of matrilineal order where women hold power and heir among the clans. Women make decisions or selections on whom to be chief and so on, titles are awarded or inherited to men from their mothers clan.
Wehali is centred at the village of Laran, situated on a fertile plain which is well suited for varied agriculture. It belongs to the South Tetun-speaking area, which is also known as Belu. The southern Tetun have a matrilineal system. At the apex of the political system stood a "great lord" (Nai Bot) who held the title of Maromak Oan ("son of God").
The areas along the rivers had been used by varying cultures of indigenous peoples for thousands of years. French and Spanish explorers encountered the historic Creek Indians. Later, British colonial traders developed relationships with the Creek, and several married high-status Creek women. As the tribe has a matrilineal system, children are considered born into their mother's clan and take their status from her family.
His father, Charles Weatherford, was a red-haired Scots trader and friend of the chieftain, and had married Sehoy III after the death of her first husband, Tory Col. John Tate, in the summer of 1780. Sehoy III was of mixed Creek, French and possibly Scottish descent. As the Creek had a matrilineal kinship system, Sehoy III's children were considered born into her clan.
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, Edited by Robin Dunbar and Louise Barret, Oxford University Press, 2007, Chapter 31 Kinship and descent by Lee Conk and Drew Gerkey According to an evolutionary psychology hypothesis that assumes that descent systems are optimized to assure high genetic probability of relatedness between lineage members, males should prefer a patrilineal system if paternal certainty is high; males should prefer a matrilineal system if paternal certainty is low. Some research supports this association with one study finding no patrilineal society with low paternity confidence and no matrilineal society with high paternal certainty. Another association is that pastoral societies are relatively more often patrilineal compared to horticultural societies. This may be because wealth in pastoral societies in the form of mobile cattle can easily be used to pay bride price which favor concentrating resources on sons so they can marry.
During World War II, the Battle of Milne Bay took place in the province giving it some other significance. The Massim, the people of Milne Bay, have exchanged culture with nearby islands and gained many rituals from nearby including the Kula ring. The people of the Massim are characterized by matrilineal descent. The people of Milne Bay while distinct from, are still in culture sync with Papua New Guinea.
The same forms of temporary marriage have been used in Egypt, Lebanon and Iran to make the donation of a human ova legal for in vitro fertilisation; a woman cannot, however, use this kind of marriage to obtain a sperm donation. Muslim controversies related to Nikah Mut'ah have resulted in the practice being confined mostly to Shi'ite communities. The matrilineal Mosuo of China practice what they call "walking marriage".
A monument was erected in 1748 in the church of Sieraków. Story of the church of Sierakow, on the parish site of the city The crypt in a nearby castle contains the sarcophagus of the Opalinńki family. Among her matrilineal descendants is the King Juan Carlos I of Spain, who is her descendant through an unbroken line of Bourbon princesses from Marie Leszczyńska of France, who married within the Bourbon house.
Homes were not permanent, but rather camps of chickees. The chickee was an open-sided structure with corner support posts of cypress or palm logs, to which was secured a sleeping platform with a thatched roof of palmetto fronds. These chickee camps were arranged according to matrilineal clans and multiple living units surrounded a shared central cooking chickee. Well suited to climate, they could be moved in hunting or farming seasons.
According to their traditional calendar, days are ordered in cycles of seven, and these follow each other in a three-week cycle. They have a matrilineal kinship system, with descent and property passed through the maternal lines. A religious Kundum Festival is held annually all over the Ahanta-Nzema area. Its start is timed to coordinate with the harvest period, so local communities determine when that will be.
This page 51 of the Ruwanpura book is accessible online via Google Books ( The book's TOC and pages 1-11 and 50-62 are currently accessible.McGilvray, Dennis B. (1989). "Households in Akkaraipattu: Dowry and Domestic Organization among Matrilineal Tamils and Moors of Sri Lanka," in J. N. Gray and D. J. Mearns (eds.) Society From the Inside Out: Anthropological Perspectives on the South Asian Household, pp. 192-235.
The Balondo society comprises family and people living together in a close community structure. It includes parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and neighbors. The communities are matriarchal, which means they are matrilineal, and inheritance is traced to the mother's side, which is called Nwana a Timbaka O Mbusa Nyange in their language. Societal issues are dealt with and arbitrated by a committee of elderly men and women called Batina-ba-Moki.
Chisholm's father, Ignatius, was of Scottish descent and probably also a trader, and his mother Martha (née Rogers) was a Cherokee from the region of Great Hiwassee. As the Cherokee had matrilineal kinship, Jesse was considered to belong to his mother's people. He moved with his mother to Indian Territory during the early period when some Cherokee migrated there voluntarily from the Southeast, and grew up in Cherokee culture.
The Cherokee National Council had passed a law in 1825 enabling the descendants of Cherokee fathers and white mothers to be full citizens of the Cherokee. (Formerly they had no official place in the matrilineal tribe, as children belong to their mother's clan and people.) The Boudinots returned to Georgia to live at New Echota. They reared their six children as Cherokee. Boudinot believed that removal was inevitable.
The complex history of Kahnawake has included a variety of indigenous peoples, although the Mohawk became by far the majority. They had a practice of adopting captives into the tribe, mostly young women and children taken in raids. They made them full members, including Europeans. The Mohawk had a matrilineal kinship system, with children considered born into the clan of the mother and deriving their status from her family.
Jewish atheism refers to the atheism of people who are ethnically and (at least to some extent) culturally Jewish. Because Jewish identity is ethnoreligious (i.e., it encompasses ethnic as well as religious components), the term "Jewish atheism" does not inherently entail a contradiction. Based on Jewish law's emphasis on matrilineal descent, even religiously conservative Orthodox Jewish authorities would accept an atheist born to a Jewish mother as fully Jewish.
Kampar culture can not be separated from the influence of Minangkabau, which is identical with the title Limo Koto Kampar and formerly part of Pagaruyung. Limo Koto consists of Kuok, Salo, Bangkinang, Air Tiris and Rumbio. There are many tribal are still preserved to this day, including kinship models of maternal lines (matrilineal). The concept of custom and tradition together with the concept Minang tribe especially in Luhak Limopuluah.
In fact, it is not easy to categorize Mosuo culture within traditional Western definitions. They have aspects of a matriarchal culture: women are often the head of the house, inheritance is through the female line, and women make business decisions. However, unlike in a true matriarchy, political power tends to be in the hands of males.Lugu Lake Mosuo Cultural Development Association, The Mosuo: Matriarchal/Matrilineal Culture (2006), retrieved July 10, 2011.
There was frequent intermixing between the Austronesian and Bantu-speaking populations of Madagascar. A large number of the Malagasy today are the result of admixture between Austronesians and Africans. This is most evident in the Mikea, who are also the last known Malagasy population to still practice a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Additional information is that most of the African admixture is patrilineal while most of the Austronesian admixture is matrilineal.
Richardville also joined his mother's tribal community.Chaput, pp. 112–13. Richardville was initially reluctant to take part in Miami tribal affairs, preferring instead to culturally identify himself as a creole Frenchman, dress in French clothing, and take an interest in European culture. Because his tribe had a matrilineal power system, Richardville gained leadership status in the tribe from his mother's people, meaning he gained authority through his mother’s brother, Chief Pacanne.
His mother's family had fled the Cherokee Nation in Indian Territory to Texas in 1863 as refugees from the fighting during the American Civil War. His father's family had immigrated to Texas from Alabama. He was Cherokee through his mother, who was a member of the Long Hair Clan. According to the Cherokee matrilineal kinship system, he was considered born into her clan, receiving his social status from her people.
Patrilineal ties dominate the ideology of family life, but in practice matrilineal ties are almost as important. Married women provide especially important links between their husbands' brothers' families. Brothers and sisters often visit their brothers' households, which are in fact the households of their deceased fathers. By Islamic law, women inherit a share of their fathers' property and thus retain a claim on the often scanty fields worked by their brothers.
Japanese macaques grooming Japanese macaques live in matrilineal societies, and females stay in their natal groups for life, while males move out before they are sexually mature. Macaque groups tend to contain a number of adults of both sexes. In addition, a Japanese macaque troop contains several matrilines. These matrilines may exist in a dominance hierarchy with all members of a specific group ranking over members of a lower-ranking group.
In 1845, he was one of the signatories of a treaty with the US, which gave the Seminole of western Florida semi-independence from the Creek Nation in Indian Territory. The treaty provided for full Seminole independence to be granted in 1855. Micanopy died at Fort Gibson on January 2, 1849. As the Seminole had a matrilineal kinship system, his sister's son, Jim Jumper, succeeded Micanopy as principal chief.
George Johnson encouraged their four children to respect and learn about their Mohawk and English heritage. Because George Johnson had partial Mohawk ancestry his children were, by British law, legally considered Mohawk and wards of the British Crown. However, because Emily Johnson was English and according to the Mohawk kinship system, the children were not officially born into a tribal clan and excluded from important aspects of the tribe's matrilineal culture.
The third woman stated that she had seen a bear feeding in the river along the rocks. Following the reports of the women, village leaders named the Oneida clans the Turtle, Wolf and Bear clans. They determined that a village member’s clan would be passed through the mother's line from generation to generation, as women have the Creator’s gift to create life. The Oneida Nation is still a matrilineal kinship society.
Honoring the "mother town" was analogous to honoring Selu, the Cherokee Corn Mother (of the ancient Green Corn Ceremony and many other connections). Honoring mothers is a concept that has pervaded Cherokee culture. Well into the 20th century, the Cherokee had a matrilineal kinship system, by which clan membership, inheritance and status were carried by the mother's family. A child was considered born into its mother's family and clan.
Suriname, Some women living in French Guiana are from the Maroon society. Although matrilineal in nature, some Maroon women in French Guiana once acted only as assistants or basia to the kabiten or male leader. A common job for the Maroon women in French Guiana include cleaning work in coastal areas, particularly in the markets of Saint-Laurent and Cayenne to earn income that would support their children.
Gender discrimination was solidified across the continent during the colonial era. In the pre-colonial period, women held chieftaincies in their own right, and some tribes even had traditions to pass dynastic rights to exclusively male titles to royal descendants through the matrilineal line (e.g., Asanteman, Balobedu, Ijawland, Wolof kingdoms). Colonialism eroded the power of these chieftancies and traditions, and reinforced what was by then an already ascendant patriarchy thereafter.
Headmen like the chiefs are said to be selected from members of the chiefs clan (Goma Clan for the senior chiefs area). Senior chiefs usually are headmen before being senior chiefs. While these clans in Zambia are matrilineal in nature, the same tribes which are based in Malawi have a patrilineal lineage. The Nyirendas, Kumwendas, Lungus, Zimbas who migrated to Malawi have had a partineal system of chieftainship.
She is variously described in contemporary documents as "a dark-skinned native woman", "an Armenian woman from Bombay", and "Mrs. Forbesian".Williamson, D (1981) "The Ancestry of Lady Diana Spencer". Genealogist's Magazine 20(6): 192–199; 20(8): 281–282 Genealogist William Addams Reitwiesner assumed Kewark was Armenian. In June 2013, BritainsDNA announced that genealogical DNA tests on two of William's distant matrilineal cousins confirm Kewark was matrilineally of Indian descent.
James Gabriel was born to a European-Canadian mother and Mohawk father. Under the matrilineal kinship system at Kanesatake, children are traditionally considered to be born into the mother's clan, so Gabriel did not have a formal kinship relationship through his mother with the community. He grew up at Kanesatake, and both he and his father are registered as members of the community. He grew up bilingual in French and English.
The Haudenosaunee are a matriarchal society. Traditionally, the Clan Mother has held the ultimate power over all decisions, though her specific role has varied by Nation. In this structure the men under her are the Chiefs, serving primarily in a diplomatic capacity. Tradition holds that she has the power to veto any idea proposed by her chiefs, and that both the naming traditions and transfer of political power are matrilineal.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y-chromosome DNA are commonly used to trace ancestry in this manner. mtDNA is generally passed un-mixed from mothers to children of both sexes, along the maternal line, or matrilineally. Matrilineal descent goes back to our mothers, to their mothers, until all female lineages converge. Branches are identified by one or more unique markers which give a mitochondrial "DNA signature" or "haplotype" (e.g.
They get most of their meat from hunting and fishing. Cashew nuts are the main cash crop but marketing charcoal is good income too for those living within 20 kilometers of coastal cities. The Mwera are a matrilineal society in which marriage requires the husband to move to the wife's premises. The children are named after the mother's brother, the maternal uncle who is responsible for important rituals and ceremonies.
York was of royal lineage, and – allowing for matrilineal descent – actually had a better claim to the throne than Henry; Ross (1997), pp. 3–5. The act, signifying usurpation, left the assembly in shock.Hicks (1998), pp. 186–7. It is unclear whether Warwick had prior knowledge of York's plans, though it is assumed that this had been agreed upon between the two in Ireland the previous March.Keen (2003), p. 355.
Iroquoian cultural was matrilineal, several families of girls and brothers from the same maternal lineage shared a longhouse. A married man moved into his wife's longhouse. Unlike the Iroquois Confederacy of upstate New York, West Virginia saw no large centralized sovereign national governments of Native Americans. The extent of proto-Iroquoia and proto-Shanwan cultural and language in West Virginia was similar to the St. Lawrence Iroquoians' (Laurentian language).
As givers and nurturers of life via childbirth and the growing of plants, and community leaders as clan mothers, women are traditionally community leaders in Cherokee communities. Some have served as warriors, both historically and in contemporary culture in military service. Cherokee women are regarded as tradition-keepers and responsible for cultural preservation. As a matrilineal society, Cherokee women are expected to be strong members of their communities.
The Palauan language is an outlier among the Austronesian languages, and so does not shed much light on the origins of the modern population. However, there are some indications that it may derive from the Sunda Islands (modern Indonesia). For thousands of years, Palauans have had a well established matrilineal society, believed to have descended from Javanese precedents. Traditionally land, money, and titles passed through the female line.
It is adat that guides matrilineal inheritance, and though it seems that such a tradition might conflict with the precepts of Islam, the Minangnese insist that it does not. To accommodate both, the Minangkabau make a distinction between high and low inheritance. “High inheritance” is the property, including the home and land, which passes among women. “Low inheritance” is what a father passes to his children out of his professional earnings.
Hers was a politically powerful family of the Upper Creek nation, which had matrilineal system of descent and property. Sehoy's immediate family included several important chiefs. The marriage was a strategic alliance for her family as well as for the ambitious trader; she could protect her children within the tribe. Albert Pickett and other biographers portrayed Sehoy as a beautiful black-eyed Indian princess, with whom McGillivray was instantly lovestruck.
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte was the first Native American woman to become a physician in the United States. Gender roles were differentiated in most Native American tribes. Both sexes had power in decision making within the tribe. Many tribes, such as the Haudenosaunee Five Nations and the Southeast Muskogean tribes, had matrilineal systems, in which property and hereditary leadership were controlled by and passed through the maternal lines.
In October 1830, the national council deposed Greenwood LeFlore as chief after he signed the treaty for removal. It elected Harkins, who belonged to the same clan and was a nephew of LeFlore through his mother. In the Choctaw matrilineal system, the mother's clan was the one that was most important to a person's status. To proceed with Indian Removal, President Andrew Jackson refused to recognize Harkins's authority with the tribe.
The Isanzu are also farmers who survive off of sorghum, millet, and maize. Some Isanzu are also migrant laborers in other parts of the country; and they also have matrilineal descent. The Datooga people also live in certain parts of the Singida region and as of 1996 there are approximately 100,000 Datooga people. They mainly practice Christianity but have strong adherence to traditional practices rooted in animist beliefs.
She was likely the mother of his successor as chief, as the tribe had a matrilineal kinship system. De Soto evidently thought Talisi was subject to Coosa, although the village was closer to Tuskaloosa. As such the chief may have had dual allegiances to both chiefdoms and balanced between them. Tuskaloosa sent an envoy led by his son and several head men to meet the Spanish in Talisi.
Due to the existing law stating that Nepalese citizenship falls along the father's line, daughters born to deukis, known as devis, frequently cannot become citizens of Nepal. Denied access to education and other social services, many devis become deukis. Though a legislative change in 2006 makes it slightly easier for deukis to get citizenship for their children if they can prove that the father is Nepalese, matrilineal descent remains unrecognized.
In contrast, within Ego's own matrilineage, differences of generation are noted. The system is associated with groups that have a strong tradition of matrilineal descent. In doing so, the system is almost a mirror image of the Omaha system, which is patrilineal. As with the Iroquois system, the Crow uses bifurcate merging, meaning that there is a distinction between collateral relatives of different gender in Ego's descent group.
Turner uses the example of the Isoma ritual among the Ndembu of northwestern Zambia to illustrate. The Isoma rite of affliction is used to cure a childless woman of infertility. Infertility is the result of a "structural tension between matrilineal descent and virilocal marriage" (i.e., the tension a woman feels between her mother's family, to whom she owes allegiance, and her husband's family among whom she must live).
Women would gather Mescal Agave in groups of 4-10 people, mainly consisting of female friends and family members and usually several men. Men would also take an active role in the processing of mescal. Family descent was matrilineal, but men's heritage would be remembered especially if there was a famous warrior in his lineage. Extended families consisted of grandparents, unmarried children, and their remarried daughters' nuclear families.
The Anyi live in loose, spread out neighborhoods of family housing complexes, usually with a headman, directed by a Council of Elders who represents the town in regional politics. The Anyi, like other Akan people, have a highly stratified society including a hierarchical political administration made up of officials with rank and power. Since the Anyi are matrilineal, women have relatively high social status in both the political and economic areas.
The Tsimshian are one of the largest First Nations peoples in northwest British Columbia. Some Tsimshian migrated to Annette Island, Alaska, and today approximately 1,450 Alaska Tsimshian people are enrolled in the federally recognized Metlakatla Indian Community, sometimes also called the Annette Island Reserve. Tsimshian society is kinship-based and matrilineal, so clans and property pass through the maternal line. Their moiety-based societal structure is further divided into clans.
New York: Bantam. Jared Diamond suggests that the status of women declined with the adoption of agriculture because women in farming societies typically have more pregnancies and are expected to do more demanding work than women in hunter-gatherer societies. Like most contemporary hunter-gatherer societies, Paleolithic and the Mesolithic groups probably followed mostly matrilineal and ambilineal descent patterns; patrilineal descent patterns were probably rarer than in the Neolithic.
Unlike their closest kin, the Bakweri, the Oroko lean towards a matrilineal tradition of succession, which is common among many Bantu societies. While children can inherit their father upon his death, it is usually the children of a man's sister who inherit him after he dies. This implies that children inherit their mothers or their uncles from their mother's side. Polygamy was common among the Oroko in the past.
It is an ascension ritual. During this, the eldest male member of each of the nine matrilineal Ooralar family on becoming the Ooralan ascends to his respective family post in the temple. It is performed only once in the lifetime of an Ooralan and is the ceremony that officially makes him one. The ceremony requires the acceptance of the Ooralan as legitimate by member of the Kottayam Royal family.
Adosinda was the queen of Asturias during the reign of her husband, Silo, from 774 to 783. She was a daughter of Alfonso I and Ermesinda, daughter of the first Asturian king, Pelayo. She was a sister of Fruela I. Her husband probably succeeded in becoming King because he was related by marriage to both of the previous ruling families. Some scholars have even posited a matrilineal succession.
Karthika Thirunal with her younger brother, future Maharaja Uthradom Thirunal Marthanda Varma. Born as the only daughter of Sanskrit Scholar and aristocrat Sri Pooram Nal Ravi Varma Kochu Kovil Tampuran of Kilimanoor Kovilakam and Amma Maharani Moolam Thirunal Sethu Parvathi Bayi Of Travancore, on 17 September 1916, in the matrilineal Royal House of Travancore. She was educated by selected tutors and scholars. She mastered languages like Malayalam, Sanskrit, English, French etc.
KAthleen Gough. Haralambos-Families Household: Published by bob jiggings ; In case of sambandham with Namboothiri men, the system benefited both the Namboothiri Brahmins as well as matrilineal castes like the Nairs for two reasons. First, Namboothiri Brahmins had institutionalized primogeniture, permitting only the eldest son to marry within the caste. Younger sons (also called aphans) in Namboothiri families were expected to establish sambandham with Nair and Ambalavasi (temple service castes) women.
Lake Skadar. View from Ceklin Ceklin (Montenegrin/Serbian Cyrillic: Цеклин; ) is a historical tribe (pleme) and region of Old Montenegro. Ceklin is a tribal community that was formed through matrilineal descent as its matriarch was married and had offspring with a man from Piperi and then her second husband was from Kelmendi. Their descendants, the Gornjaci (via the second marriage) and Donjaci (via the first) are the core of Old Ceklin.
Today the primary settlements of the Natchez Nation (Nvce or Nahchee), a treaty tribe, are within the southern halves of the Muscogee and Cherokee Nations in Oklahoma. The nation developed a constitution in 2003, which confirms its long-held traditions of self-government. Approximately 6,000 Natchez are members of the nation. Membership is based on matrilineal descent from people listed on the Dawes Rolls or the updated records of 1973.
Asad ibn Abd al-Uzza ibn Qusai ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b ibn Lu'ayy ibn Ghalib ibn Fihr ibn Malik ibn An-Nadr ibn Kinana () was a grandson of Qusai ibn Kilab and the matrilineal great-great-grandfather of the prophet of Islam Muhammad. Note that Asad was of the Banu Quraish. His clan should not be confused with the large Asad tribe, who claimed descent from Asad bin Khuzayma.
There is a tradition of matrilineal inheritance in Kerala, where the mother is the head of the household. As a result, women in Kerala have had a much higher standing and influence in the society. This was common among certain influential castes and is a factor in the value placed on daughters. Christian missionaries also influenced Malayali women in that they started schools for girls from poor families.
Reed, Evelyn. Woman's Evolution: From Matriarchal Clan to Patriarchal Family, Pathfinder Press 1975. Page references in the text are to this edition. She concludes that social organization was created out of the mother-child relationship - initially as a matrilineal clan system, long before patriarchal families became the norm (page xiii). She focuses particularly on the earliest records of 'primitive' communities (with economies based on hunter-gathering or simple agriculture) (pp468,xviii).
The Kolathiri Raja is a prosperous ruler of Northern Kerala. Prince Udayan, Raja's second nephew, is handsome, brave and intelligent than Prince Devan, Raja's elder nephew. The King named Udayan as his successor to the throne in accordance to matrilineal traditions along with marriage of his daughter Princess Parvathi, who was in deep love with Udayan. This has dashed the hopes of Devan, who secretly longed to marry Parvathi.
Some matrilineal cultures use surname, in which case they often would use matriname. The Minangkabau people and the Mosuo for example use matriname. Although the term "maternal surname" can be confused with "matriname", there is a difference in patrilineal cultures, where the maternal surname is the mother's patriname, or father's last name. In addition, in some cultures, women inherit a surname from their mother as well as from their father.
The majority of Seminole people in the 21st century continue to identify with their clans. Clan law and kinship are highly revered by the Seminole people, and are integral to their spiritual and ceremonial world. Clan law traditionally governs every aspect of tribal life, from the spiritual, to the governmental, to the social, including marriage rules. The kinship systems is matrilineal; descent and inheritance are passed through the mother's lines.
The Gulidjan are a matrilineal society who intermarried with the Djab Wurrung, Djargurd Wurrung and Wada wurrung. Each person belonged to a moiety of gabadj (Black Cockatoo) or grugidj (White Cockatoo). At interregional corroborees, where upwards of 20 tribes each having its own language or dialect, would gather, Gulidjan was one of four languages spoken, the other three being Tjapwurrung, Kuurn Kopan Noot and Wiitya whuurong, a dialect of Wathawurrung.
A Wayuu rancheria A traditional Wayuu settlement is made up of five or six houses that made up caseríos or rancherías. Each ranchería is named after a plant, animal or geographic place. A territory that contains many rancherias is named after the mother's last name; that is, society is matrilineal. The Wayuu congregated in rancherias are usually isolated and far from each other to avoid mixing their goat herds.
Accessible online as above.Humphries, 1993, p. 228. She also conversely argues that "feminist economists need to be cautious in applauding Sri Lanka's gender-based achievements and/or matrilineal communities",Ruwanpura, 2006, p. 3. Accessible online as above. because these matrilineal communities coexist with "patriarchal structures and ideologies" and the two "can be strange but ultimately compatible bedfellows",Ruwanpura, 2006, p. 10 and see p. 6 ("prevalence of patriarchal structures and ideologies"). Accessible online as above. as follows: She "positions Sri Lankan women within gradations of patriarchy by beginning with a brief overview of the main religious traditions," Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, "and the ways in which patriarchal interests are promoted through religious practice" in Eastern Sri Lanka (but without being as repressive as classical patriarchy).Ruwanpura, 2006, pp. 4–5. Accessible online as above. Thus, "feminists have claimed that Sri Lankan women are relatively well positioned in the" South Asian region,Ruwanpura, 2006, p. 4. Accessible online as above.Agarwal, Bina (1996).
The old story of Alcimede's son Jason and the quest for the golden fleece is most familiar from a late version, the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes. A hint of matrilineal descent in archaic times among the Boeotian Minyans of Greece is in Apollonius' aside concerning Jason's heritage: :"So many then were the helpers who assembled to join the son of Aeson. All the chiefs the dwellers thereabout called Minyae, for the most and the bravest avowed that they were sprung from the blood of the daughters of Minyas; thus Jason himself was the son of Alcimede, who was born of Clymene, the daughter of Minyas."Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica 1.228–233 A further hint of archaic matrilineal descent is that Clymene's consort is offered in two versions: she was usually cast as the wife of Phylacus (son of Deioneus, son of Aeolus) or in some versions, Aeson was fathered by Cephalus, otherwise the consort of Procris.
Indeed, he formally married Ammu at a registry office in London at a later point. This was necessary because Sambandam relationships, while traditionally acknowledged, did not constitute marriage and the children of such a union belonged only to the family of their mother and not their father. Even the registered marriage in London did not change people's attitudes, or the way the family was received in society: both of Ammu's daughters were to recount in their memoirs that while their father's family acknowledged them (as was traditional) by including them at family events such as weddings, they would be served their food separately from other family members, and subtle distinctions would be evident in the way they were treated. The legally valid wedding in the London registry office did have one definite result: the abandonment of the matrilineal Marumakkathayam system and the severance of affiliation with the Vadakkath family and the matrilineal Nair community to which Ammu and her parents had belonged.
Lieberman's mother and Ullman's matrilineal great-grandmother were sisters. Ullman taught himself how to play the trombone. Ullman was selected to attend the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Foundation (HOBY) youth leadership program of Connecticut in March 2002 where he was selected as the "outstanding ambassador" enabling him to attend the HOBY World Leadership Congress in the summer of 2002. He went to Hillel Academy and is a graduate of Fairfield Warde High School.
Matrilineality (the transmission of property through the female line) is not attested for the Celts either. In a matrilineal society, children are related only to the family of the mother not to the family of the father. A situation like that among the Picts, where, according to some accounts, kingship was inherited through the maternal line, but not inherited by the women themselves,David Rankin: Celts and the Classic World. pp. 248 f.
Edensew (the name also spelled Edensaw, or Edenso from the Haida chiefly name ) was born at the Haida village of Skidegate, on Haida Gwaii, located 27 miles off of the coast of British Columbia Canada. His father was of the lineage of the Raven moiety. His mother, whose lineage identity he followed in the Haida matrilineal system, was (later Mrs. John Robson) of the Eagle moiety's lineage, of which Charles eventually became chief.
A descent group is a social group whose members talk about common ancestry. A unilineal society is one in which the descent of an individual is reckoned either from the mother's or the father's line of descent. Matrilineal descent is based on relationship to females of the family line. A child would not be recognized with their father’s family in these societies, but would be seen as a member of their mother’s family’s line.
The patriarchal society did not recognize educated women like Frances Cardinal. However, his father's tribe's societal norms accepted a matrilineal culture, where women are very respected and admired. These cultural ideas shaped Cardinal's upbringing and affected his worldview and relationship with his heritage. He has recalled that his mother told him at a young age, “You’re going to be an architect.” Cardinal grew up in the small city of Red Deer, Alberta.
80, citing Memoranda Roll, 3 Eliz., Trinity, no. 48. In the previous year, he once more sitting for Maldon, his mother-in-law Martha Heigham died at Denham, also making Edward her sole executor and leaving him very extensive estates, Denham itself coming to him in Susan's share of the matrilineal inheritance divided between the two Heigham daughters.Will of Martha Heigham, (P.C.C. 1593, Nevill quire), Transcript in Hervey, Denham Parish Registers, pp.
On the other hand it has also been suggested that evidence indicates a matrilineal Xianbei origin of this clan. Northern Zhou General Li Xian, who claimed to have the same ancestor as the imperial family of the Tang, was in fact of Xianbei origin. Genealogical records of the house seem to have been extensively modified during the rule of the Tang dynasty to conceal their Xianbei heritage. The Tang imperial family preserved many Xianbei customs.
Consulate officials follow a set of ethics or laws, a constitution, by which women retained matrilineal-rights. All diplomatic, political, militant, judicial and matrimonial decisions made by the matriarchs of the Cree Tribes. Any matter at hand is given to the women as a whole to consider and confer to decide upon appropriately. Unknown to the general population; due to continued modern day genocide, sex trafficking and abuse, these important tribes are composed of royalty.
The title Ballal in its feminine form Ballalthi also appears to have been born by females. This was possible as the matrilineal culture of the Bunts allowed women to take family titles and enjoy ownership of land. An inscription from 1673 C.E states that one Sankara Devi Ballalthi possessed ownership of a land called Kambala gadde in Sullia. Some women bearing the title are known to have established ancient temples as well.
This custom might have existed since 3000–4000 years ago based on its similarity with the Oceanian people especially the Polynesian people who like the Minangkabau also speak Malayo-Polynesian languages. This custom is also practised by the Comorian when the Malayo-Polynesian migrated to Africa 2000 years ago. Adat perpatih is similar to Oceanian matrilineal inheritance in the sense that both systems practise inalienable possessions. However the monarchy system is different.
At least two of the Bunong subgroups have matrilineal descent. Monogamy is the predominant form of marriage, and residence is usually matrilocal. Wealth distinctions are measured by the number of buffalo that a notable person sacrifices on a funereal or ceremonial occasion as a mark of status and as a means of eliciting social approval. Slavery is known to have existed in the past, but the system allowed a slave to gain freedom.
The Batin are a sub-group of Malay people that inhabits the interior parts of Jambi province There are approximately 72,000 Batin living in the interior of south-central Sumatra. They speak a dialect of the Jambi variant of Malay,Ethnologue report for "Malay, Jambi" but the accent is similar to Minangkabau language. The Batin are predominantly Muslim, but have a matrilineal kinship system, which is similar to Minangkabau than to Jambi Malays.
The current studies on mandrills are inconclusive, and present different results. Various semi-free ranging studies conducted report a matrilineal social structure with a stable infant and female mandrill "supergroup". Male Mandrillus monkeys would disperse from this group when old enough and join other groups only during mating season. Further studies, also done in semi-free ranging settings, conclude that dominant females are central to group cohesion and connectivity (how close they remained).
Dennis B. McGilvray is a professor in the Department of Anthropology in University of Colorado at Boulder. Dennis's research interest are focused on the Tamils and Muslims of south India and Sri Lanka. His research examines matrilineal Hindu and Muslim kinship, caste structure, religious ritual, and ethnic identities in the Tamil-speaking region of eastern Sri Lanka. It is also important to note that this region is deeply affected by the island’s civil war.
The new laws targeted the Cherokee leadership in particular. The hereditary chiefs were selected from men who belonged to the important clans of the matrilineal culture. They gained their status from their Cherokee mothers and their clans, although by this time, there were several of mixed race. Principal Chief John Ross was also of mixed race, and had tried to make use of his heritage to benefit the Cherokee in relations with whites.
Mathabar Singh Thapa, a matrilineal descendant of Kaji Tularam The descendants of Tularam Pande were called Gora Pandes and were a branch of the Gorkha based Pande family. The Pande genealogy mentions the name of Bhimaraj's son Vamshidhar as Kalu due to his dark complexion. Historian Baburam Acharya contends that Kalu Pande's sons and grandsons were probably of a dark complexion, hence Mathbar Singh derisively called them Kala Pandes (i.e. Black Pandes).
Detailed anthropological and sociological studies have been made about customs of patrilineal inheritance, where only male children can inherit. Some cultures also employ matrilineal succession, where property can only pass along the female line, most commonly going to the sister's sons of the decedent; but also, in some societies, from the mother to her daughters. Some ancient societies and most modern states employ egalitarian inheritance, without discrimination based on gender and/or birth order.
The Tiwi people (or Tunuvivi) are one of the many Aboriginal groups of Australia. Nearly 2,000 Tiwi people live on Bathurst and Melville Islands, which make up the Tiwi Islands, lying about from Darwin. The Tiwi language is a language isolate, with no apparent link to the languages of Arnhem Land on the Australian mainland. Their society is based on matrilineal descent, and marriage plays a very important part in many aspect of their lives.
The Tiwi come from a matrilineal descent group, which the Tiwi call "skin". This group of "skin" believe pregnancy comes from spirits. The Tiwi believe these spirits are unborn, coming from bodies of water. This traditional belief system from the Tiwi explains how the man has no physical role in birth, but a male's role is to find a spirit and uncover it, so that it is sent to the wife (Culture Sketches, 237).
Ventilation openings, later singly dubbed as a smoke pipe, were positioned at intervals, possibly totalling five to six along the roofing of the longhouse. Missionaries who visited these longhouses often wrote about their dark interiors. On average a typical longhouse was about and was meant to house up to twenty or more families, most of whom were matrilineally related. The people had a matrilineal kinship system, with property and inheritance passed through the maternal line.
The Kula trade was organized differently in the more hierarchical parts of the Trobriand islands. There, only chiefs were allowed to engage in Kula exchange. In hierarchical areas, individuals can earn their own kitomu shells, whereas in less hierarchical areas, they are always subject to the claims of matrilineal kin. And lastly, in the hierarchical areas, Kula necklaces and bracelets are saved for external exchange only; stone axe blades are used internally.
Kodial Guthu family (circa 1900). This particular Bunt family were landlords in the city of Mangalore, India American anthropologist Sylvia Vatuk states that the Bunt community was a loosely defined social group. The matrilineal kin groups that constituted the caste were linguistically, geographically and economically diverse, which were united by their arrogation of aristocratic status and power. The Bunts speak Tulu as their native language and were traditionally an agrarian caste engaged in rice cultivation.
The three sisters were grown together: the stalk of corn supported the beans, and squash or pumpkins provided ground cover and reduced weeds. The men would hunt bears, deer, fish, and birds. The Abenaki were a patrilineal society, which was common among New England tribes. In this they differed from the six Iroquois tribes to the west in New York, and from many other North American Indian tribes who had matrilineal societies.
However, the woman may never cohabit with that man, taking multiple lovers instead; these men must acknowledge the paternity of their children (and hence demonstrate that no caste prohibitions have been breached) by paying the midwife. The women remain in their maternal home, living with their brothers, and property is passed matrilineally. A similar form of matrilineal, de facto polyandry can be found in the institution of walking marriage among the Mosuo tribe of China.
To reduce Gimbutas's argument to simplicity, she viewed early Neolithic society as egalitarian, matrifocal, matrilineal, and focused on worshipping a Mother Goddess (Tringham 1993), as evidenced by females figurines found in Neolithic sites in the Near East and eastern Mediterranean region. Few archaeologists support her notion for a number of reasons (Meskell 1995; Tringham 1993, for example). They maintain that the Mother Goddess is an assumption, not a theory, and certainly not a demonstrated thesis.
Alfonso was the eldest child of the then-reigning King Alfonso XIII and his wife, Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg. He inherited the genetic disorder haemophilia from his maternal line, as did a number of his matrilineal relatives. He and his youngest brother, Gonzalo, were kept in specially-tailored jackets to prevent injury from accidents. Alfonso's father faced increasing political problems that led Spain to become a Republic in 1931 when the monarch was deposed.
Some Navajo favor their children to marry into their father's clan. While clans are associated with a geographical area, the area is not for the exclusive use of any one clan. Members of a clan may live hundreds of miles apart but still have a clan bond. Historically, the structure of the Navajo society is largely a matrilineal system, in which the family of the women owned livestock, dwellings, planting areas and livestock grazing areas.
John Benjamins Publishing. p281. Many speak other languages such as English in Tanzania, Portuguese in Mozambique, and Swahili and Makua in both countries. The Makonde are traditionally a matrilineal society where children and inheritances belong to women, and husbands move into the village of their wives. Their traditional religion is an animistic form of ancestor worship and still continues, although Makonde of Tanzania are nominally Muslim and those of Mozambique are Catholic or Muslim.
A series of tawsheten (plural of tawshet) may bond together under an Amenokal, forming a Kel clan confederation. Tuareg self- identification is related only to their specific Kel, which means "those of". For example, Kel Dinnig (those of the east), Kel Ataram (those of the west). The position of amghar is hereditary through a matrilineal principle, it is usual for the son of a sister of the incumbent chieftain to succeed to his position.
Bag with 65 Inlaid Gambling Sticks, Tsimshian (Native American), 19th century, Brooklyn Museum The Tsimshian have a matrilineal kinship system, with a societal structure based on a clan system, properly referred to as a moiety. Descent and property are figured through the maternal line. Hereditary chiefs gained their rights through their maternal line and could be deposed by women's elders. The marriage ceremony was an extremely formal affair, several prolonged and sequential ceremonies.
"Mixed blood" Indians in white society and culture were considered important intermediates in the early development of European goals of colonization, trade, and land acquisition, but they were still not considered white and therefore maintained marginal status in the white world. "Mixed blood" children bridged two cultures, but because of the matrilineal customs there was no marginal status in Creek society for women like Mary Musgrove and others in the Muskogee world.
Banga Arasa or Banga Raja is the dynastic title of a medieval ruling family of coastal Karnataka, India. The word Banga is the name of a clan and a surname of the Bunts and the word Arasa or Raja means a ruler in the Tulu language. The dynasty followed the Bunt custom of matrilineal inheritance (Aliyasantana). The Banga Arasas claimed descent from the ancient Alupas and the rulers bore the Alupa royal title Pandyapparasa.
A former name used for the Jino, Youle, means "following the maternal uncle," an indication of a matrilineal past. The Jino have a population of 20,900 people according to the census of the year 2000. Most of the Jino concentrate in the Jinoshan Mountain, in a series of mild hills with wet climate near Mengyang Township in Jinghong Municipality, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. They live in an area of about 70x50 km.
Princess Ingeborg of Denmark (Ingeborg Charlotte Caroline Frederikke Louise; 2 August 1878 – 12 March 1958), was a Princess of Sweden by marriage to Prince Carl, Duke of Västergötland. She was the daughter of Frederick VIII of Denmark, and the maternal grandmother of Harald V of Norway, Baudouin and Albert II of Belgium, the matrilineal great grandmother of Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and the paternal great-grandaunt of Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.
Luzene Hill (born November 14, 1946) is a Native American multimedia artist and an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. She is best known for socially engaged conceptual installations that address violence against women and the loss of Indigenous culture. Her works primarily explore themes of personal and cultural trauma, through the lens of a Native American woman. Recent work, employing indigenous matrilineal motifs, asserts female agency and challenges phallocentric hierarchies.
Reed argues this was enforced by belief in women having superior magic - demonstrated by their ability to produce children (p108). From a feminist perspective, the most important point to be drawn is that early human society was almost certainly organised along matrilineal lines with people tracing their kin ties through their mothers. Men were typically kept well away from child birth and may not even have known where babies come from (p340).
Some Biloxi had traditional facial tattoos and wore nose- and/or earrings (Dorsey & Swanton 1912). The surviving Biloxi gradually migrated from Mississippi to Louisiana and Texas. They merged with other peoples such as Caddo, Choctaw, and most recently, Tunica people. Although much of tribal structure had disappeared by the time ethnologist James Owen Dorsey visited them in Louisiana in 1892 and 1893, they still traced descent in the maternal line, in a matrilineal kinship system.
Francis was a métis, with a white father and Creek mother. The Creek mother herself might be a métis, as much intermingling of white and Creek took place. White husbands were valued; there was no stigma and no stated view that a Creek woman should take a Creek husband. As was normal among the matrilineal Creeks, because of his Creek mother Francis was accepted as a member of their tribe or nation.
Kurlansky, Mark. The Basque History of the World (p.94) This preference for female dominance existed well into the 20th century: > ...matrilineal inheritance laws, and agricultural work performed by women > continued in Basque country until the early twentieth century. For more than > a century, scholars have widely discussed the high status of Basque women in > law codes, as well as their positions as judges, inheritors, and arbitrators > through ante-Roman, medieval, and modern times.
Detailed anthropological and sociological studies have been made about customs of patrilineal inheritance, where only male children can inherit. Some cultures also employ matrilineal succession, where property can only pass along the female line, most commonly going to the sister's sons of the decedent; but also, in some societies, from the mother to her daughters. Some ancient societies and most modern states employ egalitarian inheritance, without discrimination based on gender and/or birth order.
The Chowtas followed the system of matrilineal inheritance (Aliyasantana) of Digambara Jain Bunt community by which Tirumala Raya, Abbakka's uncle, crowned her the queen of Ullal. He also forged a matrimonial alliance for Abbakka with Lakshmappa Arasa Bangaraja II, king of Banga principality in Mangalore. This alliance was to later prove a source of worry for the Portuguese. Tirumala Raya also trained Abbakka in the different aspects of warfare and military strategy.
Detailed anthropological and sociological studies have been made about customs of patrimonial inheritance, where only male children can inherit. Some cultures also employ matrilineal succession, where property can only pass along the female line, most commonly going to the sister's sons of the decedent; but also, in some societies, from the mother to her daughters. Some ancient societies and most modern states employ egalitarian inheritance, without discrimination based on gender and/or birth order.
Succession to most offices held by women and inheritance of women's property are by matrilineal descent. Inheritance of other property and succession to male-held public offices are by patrilineal descent. Men of the lineage live together in a men's compound, while women, even after marriage, live with their mothers and children in a women's compound. Each Ga town has a number of different cults and many gods, and there are a number of annual town festivals.
She was born in Forte dei Marmi, Tuscany, Italy, the seventh and youngest child of the World War I Italian flying ace Fulco, Prince Ruffo di Calabria, 6th Duke of Guardia Lombarda (1884–1946).Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Fürstliche Häuser XVI. "Ruffo". C.A. Starke Verlag, 2001, pp. 522–529. . Her mother was Donna Luisa Gazelli dei Conti di Rossana e di Sebastiano (1896–1989), a matrilineal descendant of the Marquis de Lafayette, a hero of the American Revolution.
Sangramadhira Ravivarman Kulaśēkhara adopted two princesses from the related Kolathiri dynasty called Attingal and Kunnumel Ranis in 1305 C.E. The line of kings after Ravi Varman followed the Marumakkathayam law of matrilineal succession.Native Life in Travancore Vol I by Rev:Samuel Mateer, AD 1883, pages 388 The royal family continued thus in the female line. Whenever there were no females to take forth the line, princesses were adopted from the Kolathiri family, the latest adoption being in 1994.
The Miccosukee requires members to have at least half-Miccosukee ancestry, and will accept individuals with Miccosukee mothers who are not enrolled in any other Tribe. The tribe has a matrilineal system of kinship and inheritance. Children are considered to be born into their mother's clan, from which they gain their status in the tribe. In this system, the mother's older brother is highly important to her children, more than the biological father, especially for boys.
Tattooed Arm (French: Bras Piqué; died after 1731) was the Female Sun of the Natchez people in the early 18th century. The Natchez were matrilineal, and while the paramount chief was a man, this title was inherited through his mother, the Female Sun. Tattooed Arm was the mother of the Great Sun (in office from 1728), and the daughter of the previous female sun, "White Woman" (died 1704). She was the sister of war chief Tattooed Serpent (d.
They are more pleased with the birth of a girl than that of a boy, as they believe she will guarantee the future of the people by bearing children. Women are given more praise for giving birth to girls. Like other Iroquoian peoples, the Wyandot had a matrilineal kinship system, and children were considered born to the mother's family. They took their status from hers; her older brother would be more important to her sons than their biological father.
Mosuo woman The Mosuo culture, which is in China near Tibet, is frequently described as matriarchal.MacKinnon, Mark, In China, a Matriarchy Under Threat, in The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), August 15, 2011, 11:55p. The Mosuo themselves often use this description and they believe it increases interest in their culture and thus attracts tourism. The term matrilineal is sometimes used, and, while more accurate, still doesn't reflect the full complexity of their social organization.
John Ridge was born to the Cherokee chief Major Ridge and his wife Sehoya around 1802 in their village of Oothacaloga, near present-day Calhoun, Georgia. The Cherokee were a matrilineal tribe, so he belonged to the Wild Potato Clan through his mother, Sehoya (Susannah Catherine Wickett).Johansen and Pritzker, 777 Ridge was often sick as a child. He studied at the nearby mission school run by the Moravian Brethren at Spring Place, Cherokee Nation (now Georgia).
Kula exchange is the only way for an individual to achieve local prestige without local political action. But this prestige is fleeting and does not transform into permanent differences in rank because women's participation is minor and Kula shells lack cosmological authentication. It is not Kula shells but women's cloth wealth that is connected with matrilineal ancestors. It is for this reason that women retain high prestige and authority despite the fame of male Kula exchange players.
Her family is from Nashville, Tennessee and is of Irish, Dutch, and Cherokee descent. Her primary themes often revolve around the natural world, the American Southeast, womanhood, girlhood, matrilineal history, domesticity, and feminism. Grae attended Rollins College and then earned her MFA at Bennington College. While completing her PhD at Florida State University, she received several awards including the Edward H. and Marie C. Kingsbury Fellowship and the 2018 John McKay Shaw Academy of American Poets Prize.
Princess Feodora of Leiningen (Anna Feodora Auguste Charlotte Wilhelmine; 7 December 1807 – 23 September 1872) was the only daughter of Emich Carl, Prince of Leiningen (1763–1814), and Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (1786–1861). Feodora and her older brother Carl, 3rd Prince of Leiningen, were maternal half-siblings to Queen Victoria of Great Britain. She is a matrilineal ancestress (through women only) of Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and of Felipe VI of Spain.
The Great Peacemaker established a council of clan and village chiefs to govern the confederacy. In each tribe, which had matrilineal kinship systems of descent and property-holding, power was shared between the sexes. Men held the positions of hereditary chiefs through their mother's line; clan mothers ruled on the fitness of chiefs and could depose any that they opposed. Most decisions in council were made by consensus, to which each representative had an equal voice.
Ball's art practice includes installation art, performance art, mixed-media textile art, sculpture, painting, and printmaking. Her textiles often combine stitched words with quilts and dolls that draw upon Modoc and Klamath history. Her aunt taught her quilt making when Ball was young, inspiring the adult artist to challenge assumptions about materials, matrilineal craft, and textiles. Ball's installation at the 2015 One Flaming Arrow Indigenous Art, Music, & Film Festival in Portland, Oregon incorporated a variety of materials.
In 2005, John Ashdown-Hill announced that he had discovered the mitochondrial DNA sequence of Richard III after identifying two matrilineal descendants of Richard III's sister Anne of York.Carson, Ashdown- Hill, Johnson, Johnson & Langley, pp. 29–30. He also concluded, from his knowledge of the layout of Franciscan priories, that the ruins of the priory church at Greyfriars were likely to lie under the car park and had not been built over.Carson, Ashdown-Hill, Johnson, Johnson & Langley, p. 31.
Pillai was born in Trivandrum, Travancore State (now Kerala) on 24 July 1898, in a distinguished ancient Nair family of Elankath in South Travancore. He was a matrilineal descendant of Dewan Nanoo Pillai. Elankom Gardens in Diamond Hill, Trivandrum is named after the family's town house.See K. R. Elenkath, supra He read English and became a Bachelor of Arts first-class honours in 1918 from Madras University, subsequently receiving a government scholarship to study at Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
The lofty roof of the large house, seen at the righthand corner in the above picture of the temple, is Puthur Madham. "Ms Kunhanujathi Nethiar avarkal" is the senior most noble lady of that house of many illustrious members. Nairs in Kerala follow the matrilineal system where the senior most lady wields equal authority in all family matters and holds most of family lands. Kunjanujathi Nethiar Avarkal remained a prominent devotee of the temple throughout her life.
"Gautamiputra" literally means "son of Gautami", while Satakarni is a title common to several Satavahana kings. Such matronymics also appear in the names of other Satavahana kings, including Vasishthiputra Pulumavi ("Pulumavi, son of Vasishthi"). These do not indicate a matriarchy or a matrilineal descent system. The real explanation for matronymics seems to be that since the rulers married a number of wives from different royal families, a prince was best identified with reference to his mother.
He was born as Bob Benge about 1762 in the Overhill Cherokee town of Toqua, to a Cherokee woman and a Scots-Irish trader named John Benge, who lived full-time among the Cherokee and had taken a "country wife." They also had a daughter Lucy. Benge stood out physically because of the red hair he inherited from his father. Under the Cherokee matrilineal kinship and clan system, children were considered born into their mother's family and clan.
A typical tharavad reproduced from Panikkar's article published in 1918. Capital and small letters represent females and males respectively. Supposing that the females A, B and C were dead and the oldest male member karnavan being d, if the male members t, k and others demanded partition, the property would be divided into three parts. Nairs operated a matrilineal (marumakkathayam) joint family structure called tharavad, whereby descendant families of one common ancestress lived under a single roof.
The chief crest of the Laxgibuu is the Wolf. Other crests used by some matrilineal house-groups of the Laxgibuu include black bear. Some Laxgibuu house-groups are related to Wolf clan groups among the Tahltan and Tlingit First Nations to the north. In the case of the Tlingit, the connection is through Tlingit Wolves who migrated south from what is now Alaska to escape inter-clan warfare and settled among the Tsimshian, Gitxsan, and Nisga'a.
They speak the Yipunu or Yisira. Subgroups of the Punu (Sira) people include: Subgroups of the Punu- speaking groups include the Bagambu, Badumbi, Simbu (Dibur Simbu), Mbagyenga, Kogu, Ilabu, and Jungu. The Punu subgroups all have cultural attributes in common; most notably the tracing of matrilineal descent, inheritance of property, and succession to high political office. Punu Sira culture can also be found in the Americas, where a number of Punu knowns as kongo were taken as captives.
Her work often brings images of women from many indigenous cultures to the forefront. Thus her work references matrilineal systems and points to the possibility of female leadership. There are many layers to the works and with in the story layers many discover that our history is varied and deep. It is made clear that there are many indigenous peoples in the world and we all have different stories and it sometimes has a sad connection to mainstream society.
Legend has it that clan names and the matrilineal kinship system came from a response to issues that arose during the Haudenosaunee mourning process. Prior to clans being created, the entire Oneida village would mourn after the death of a village member. This caused problems as important decisions were put on hold during the time of mourning. Village leaders were at a loss as to how to continue everyday life while at the same time observing traditional mourning practices.
The Seminole society was based on a matrilineal kinship system, in which inheritance and descent went through the maternal line. Children were considered to belong to the mother's clan, so those born to ethnic African mothers would have been considered black by the Seminole. While the children might integrate customs from both parents' cultures, the Seminole believed they belonged to the mother's group more than the father's. African Americans adopted some elements of the European-American patriarchal system.
Bent was born at Bent's Fort, owned and operated by his father William Bent, a major fur trader from St. Louis, Missouri. His mother was Owl Woman, daughter of a Cheyenne chief, and he was born into her clan under the matrilineal kinship system. Bent and his three siblings grew up speaking both Cheyenne and English at home. He learned much about Cheyenne culture from his mother and her family, and in their culture was considered Cheyenne.
The Taíno had a matrilineal system of kinship, descent and inheritance. When a male heir was not present, the inheritance or succession would go to the oldest male child of the deceased's sister. The Taíno had avunculocal post-marital residence, meaning a newly married couple lived in the household of the maternal uncle. He was more important in the lives of his niece's children than their biological father; the uncle introduced the boys to men's societies.
Gelelemend was born near the Lehigh River in Pennsylvania, son of Bemino (John Killbuck Sr.), a renowned war leader during the French and Indian War, and his wife. Under the matrilineal kinship system of the Lenape, Gelemend was born into his mother's Turtle clan, which had responsibility for providing hereditary chiefs for the tribe. His maternal grandfather was Netawatwees ("Newcomer"), principal chief of the Delaware. At that time, the Lenape had three clans or phratries: Turtle, Turkey, and Wolf.
Arms of the Derugin family The Derugin family (, ) is a Russian noble family descended from boyar scions. One branch of the family also holds matrilineal descent from the Rurik dynasty through Irina Borisovna née princess Shakhovskaya, wife of George Georgievich von Derjugin (1915 - 1987). In the 19th Century, and especially after the abolition of serfdom, the "Derugin" surname began to appear among peasants who adopted their employers' name but were not themselves descendants of the noble family.
The novel is told entirely from the points of view of its elephant characters. Much like real elephants, all female elephants (cows) and prepubescent males (bulls) live in matrilineal family groups, and mature male elephants are loners. The main characters in the novel are mostly from the "She-S" family, into which Mud, a young cow who is pregnant with her first calf, has been adopted. Mud is blessed with visionary powers and can occasionally see into the future.
In 1821 they lost the last 30 acres of communal land. Once they were landless, the Chowanoke were often no longer considered Native Americans. The European Americans tended to classify everyone as either colored (even free people of color) or white, not taking into account the continued existence of Native American people. Like other Algonquian peoples, the Chowanoke had a traditional matrilineal kinship system, in which children were considered born into the mother's family and clan.
Although matrilineal in nature, some Maroon women in French Guiana once acted only as assistants or basia to the kabiten or male leader. A common job for the Maroon women in French Guiana include cleaning work in coastal areas, particularly in the markets of Saint-Laurent and Cayenne to earn income that would support their children. Other women from French Guiana also come from other ethnic groups such as the Kali'na, the Oyaricoulet, and the Wayana peoples.
In general, no formal ceremony or declaration is required to return to Jewish practices. All movements of Judaism welcome the return to Judaism of those who have left, or been raised in another religion. When returning to Judaism, these individuals would be expected to abandon their previous practices and adopt Jewish customs. The same rules in principle apply to the matrilineal descendants of such persons, though some rabbinical authorities may require stricter proof of Jewish descent than others.
Subgroups of the Akan people include: the Agona, Akuapem, Akwamu, Akyem, Ashanti, Bono, Fante, Kwahu, Wassa, and Sefwi. Subgroups of the Bia-speaking Akan groups include the Anyin, Baoulé, Chakosi (Anufo), Sefwi (Sehwi), Nzema, Ahanta, and Jwira- Pepesa. The Akan subgroups all have cultural attributes in common; most notably the tracing of matrilineal descent, inheritance of property, and succession to high political office.The Techiman-Bono of Ghana: an ethnography of an Akan society Kendall/Hunt Pub.
For instance, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have patrilineal social systems, where the males usually remain in their natal groups and the females emigrate into neighbouring groups. Conversely, in the matrilineal societies of bonobos (Pan paniscus), it is the females who remain in their natal groups and the males who disperse to new groups. Dispersal patterns will also likely affect the structure or organisation of social hierarchies. thumb There are also affiliative behaviours which encourage stronger associations among individuals over time.
Following the death of King Andrew III, several claimants started to struggle for the throne; finally, King Charles I (the grandson of King Stephen V's daughter) managed to strengthen his position around 1310.Benda 1981 Magyarország pp. 188–192. Henceforward, all the kings of Hungary (with the exception of King Matthias Corvinus) were matrilineal or cognate descendants of the Árpáds. Although the agnatic Árpáds have died out, their cognatic descendants live everywhere in the aristocratic families of Europe.
The Pende have a matrilineal culture and family kinship plays an important role in structuring social relations. They traditionally practice a form of ancestor worship in which the ancestors (Mvumbi) are believed to affect prospects of success and failure in everyday life. The Pende traditionally speak their own language, known as Kipende, which is part of the Central Bantu group. The Pende are particularly known for their art, which is complex and includes traditional masks, associated with initiation rituals.
The Iroquois have traditionally followed a matrilineal system, with women holding property and hereditary leadership passing through their lines. Historically women have held the dwellings, horses and farmed land, and a woman's property before marriage has stayed in her possession without being mixed with that of her husband. Men and women have traditionally had separate roles but both hold real power in the Nations. The work of a woman's hands is hers to do with as she sees fit.
R1b1a2 is considered a typical European lineage, but is also found at low frequencies in North Africa. About 10% of examined Guanches of Gran Canaria have been found to be carriers of R1b1a2. The dominance of a single maternal lineage (H1-1626) suggested that the Bimbache were a matrilineal society. The authors of the study suggested that the Bimbache were descended from the earliest of two or more migration waves from North Africa to the Canary Islands.
It typically travels in pods of 10–30 members, typically family, but has been observed moving in groups of several hundred. Like killer whales, it has a matrilineal social hierarchy with an elder female at the head, and a sizable post-reproductive lifespan. It is polygynous, and females often outnumber males 8:1 in a pod. Pods are known to mass strand, possibly due to sheer accident, geomagnetic anomalies affected biosonar, injury from loud military sonar, or disease.
However, a study by Van Cise et al. (2017) showed that, in the Hawaii islands, the social organization of pods was indicative of familial behaviour rather than matrilineal, and was driven by genetic relatedness. Groups of closely related individuals formed tight associations, or clusters, with other close relatives, and genetic analysis revealed a significant differentiation between clusters, even those that were present in the same area. Clusters that were more genetically different also spent less time together.
Canaqueese was born in the 17th century near the site of the Dutch frontier village of Schenectady to a Mohawk mother and a Dutch father.Lowensteyn, P. The Role of the Dutch in the Iroquois Wars. Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies (1983): 5-13. In the matrilineal kinship system of the Mohawk, children were considered born into the mother's clan and deriving their status from her family, through which inheritance and property were passed.
The Jicarilla grouped their bands into "moieties", perhaps influenced by the example of the northeastern Pueblo. The Western Apache and Navajo also had a system of matrilineal "clans" that were organized further into phratries (perhaps influenced by the western Pueblo). The notion of "tribe" in Apache cultures is very weakly developed; essentially it was only a recognition "that one owed a modicum of hospitality to those of the same speech, dress, and customs."Opler 1983a, p.
The plunder was divided among them according to military merit, so fighters strove to outdo each other. They were skilled horsemen with the native pony and also expert bladesmiths, producing arms both for their own use and for export to Aceh. Traditional Minang society was based around matrilineal custom, so pencak silat was commonly practiced by women. As pencak silat became widespread in Srivijaya, the empire was defeated by the Tamil Cholas of south India in the 13th century.
Rockefeller's parents were Laurance Rockefeller (1910–2004) and Mary French (1910–1997). He has three sisters, Marion, Laura, and Lucy, and is a fourth generation member of the Rockefeller family. His patrilineal great-grandfather was Standard Oil's co-founder John D. Rockefeller and his matrilineal great- grandfather was Frederick H. Billings, a president of Northern Pacific Railway. Both of his grandmothers, Mary Billings French and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, were important to the early development of YWCA USA.
On the basis of examples in today's chimpanzee and bonobo societies, Klaus Ebner introduced both patriarchal and matriarchal characters in the novel, Costello and Akshaya. Some of the female characters are very strong and self-conscious, such as Akshaya, who is so firm that even Costello retrocedes from her.Hominide, p. 45. While political power is controlled by the males, the social structure seems matrifocal and matrilineal, corresponding to the image of prehistoric societies exhibited by scholars.
However, both MT and Verma have rejected these claims. In the novel Kaalam, MT returns to his favourite milieu, the dilapidated joint-family Nair tarwad set against the wider backdrop of the Valluvanadan village in the backdrop of the crumbling matrilineal order of Kerala in a newly independent India. Sethu, the protagonist, is toppled over by the eddies of social, cultural and economic transformation. Kaalam, though not strictly autobiographical, has a strong autobiographical element in it.
Flo (ca. 1919–1972) was the matriarch of the F-family, so named because she and all her matrilineal descendants were given names beginning with the letter "F". In 1962, Flo was one of the first chimpanzees to approach Goodall's camp, along with her infant daughter Fifi. Video of Flo approaching Goodall and allowing Fifi to reach out to touch Goodall's forehead, letting Goodall know she had been accepted, is shown in the IMAX film Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees.
It also opposed the powerful role of women in the matrilineal Minangkabau culture. The Adat, or traditionalist, position was that local custom that pre-dated the arrival of Islam should also be respected and followed. Feeling their leadership position threatened, the traditionalists appealed to the Dutch for help in their struggle against the Paderis. At first, the Dutch were not able to win militarily against the Paderis because their resources were stretched thin by the Diponegoro resistance in Java.
Thomson further suggests the possibility that as Oresteia's ending dramatizes the establishment of the court of Areopagus, the Danaid plays may have ended by dramatizing the establishment of the festival of the Thesmophoria, a festival reserved for women which was based on the cult of Demeter which, according to Herodotus, was brought to Greece from Egypt by the Danaids. Ridgeway, on the other hand, interpreted the plays as a dramatization of the conflict between matrilineal and patrilineal inheritance.
A study on matrilineal polar bear hybridization in relationship to Irish lineage was conducted. The study used the ABC Islands population to support their hypothesis. Comparisons have shown that the ABC Islands had polar bears present during the Last Glacial Maximum, but Ireland most likely did not have proper habitat. Bone isotopic data shows that Irish bears had a similar terrestrial diet to late Pleistocene brown bears from Alaska, and not similar to the marine diet of polar bears.
Art and spirituality are incorporated in nearly all areas of Tlingit culture, with even everyday objects such as spoons and storage boxes decorated and imbued with spiritual power and historical beliefs of the Tlingits. Tlingit society is divided into two moieties, the Raven and the Eagle. These in turn are divided into numerous clans, which are subdivided into lineages or house groups. They have a matrilineal kinship system, with descent and inheritance passed through the mother's line.
The heterosexual advantage hypothesis was given strong support by the 2004 Italian study demonstrating increased fecundity in the female matrilineal relatives of gay men. As originally pointed out by Hamer,Hamer, D., Copeland, P. The Science of Desire: The Search for the Gay Gene and the Biology of Behavior (Simon and Schuster, 1994) even a modest increase in reproductive capacity in females carrying a "gay gene" could easily account for its maintenance at high levels in the population.
When he presents himself to the Queen, he tells her his decision to wed the Alban Princess Dorelei. He met her when he was eighteen and Prince Talorcan, Drustan's nephew and heir apparent, came to visit. While Drustan would like to name Alais as his heir, he cannot without risking another civil war. If Alais were to wed Talorcan, she would rule at his side but their children wouldn't inherit the throne, as Alba works by matrilineal succession.
1 (DOI 10.2307/2642829) (author asst. prof. gov't, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale), in JStor, as accessed December 29, 2013 (database). affecting "different social classes" to ying degrees". According to Chiricosta, the legend of Âu Cơ is said to be evidence of "the presence of an original 'matriarchy' in North Vietnam and [it] led to the double kinship system, which developed there .... [and which] combined matrilineal and patrilineal patterns of family structure and assigned equal importance to both lines.
Born Betty Mae Tiger on April 27, 1923, in a Seminole camp near Indiantown, Florida, she was the daughter of Ada Tiger, a Seminole woman of the Snake clan, and a French trapper, Abe Partan. Her grandmother Mary Tiger picked her Seminole name of Potackee. Under the Seminole matrilineal kinship system, Betty Mae was given her mother's surname. The tribe so discouraged intermarriage with whites that sometimes they left half-breed children in the Everglades to die.
Pereira et al. (2010) observed greater matrilineal heterogeneity among the Tuareg inhabiting more southerly areas in the Sahel. The Tuareg in the Gossi environs in Mali largely bear the H1 haplogroup (52%), with the M1 lineage (19%) and various Sub-Saharan L2 subclades (19%) next most common. Similarly, most of the Tuareg inhabiting Gorom-Gorom in Burkina Faso carry the H1 haplogroup (24%), followed by various L2 subclades (24%), the V lineage (21%), and haplogroup M1 (18%).
The term Iroquois comes from the six Iroquois tribes of northeastern North America. Another aspect of their kinship was that the six tribes all had matrilineal systems, in which children were born into the mother's clan and gained status through it. Women controlled some property, and hereditary leadership passed through the maternal line. A woman's eldest brother was more important as a mentor to her children than their father, who was always of a different clan.
Lord Fanny is a trans woman sorceress who was recruited into the Invisibles by John-a-Dream. She is shown to be quite powerful, destroying Mr. Quimper and banishing the demon Orlando. Born male into a matrilineal family of bruhas, they were raised as a girl and put through a blood rite of passage as a child where they faced Mictlantecuhtli, the Aztec god of death and gained magical powers and the knowledge of their whole life.
The Blank family in the Russian Empire is mostly notable as the family of the maternal grandfather of Vladimir Lenin. Some researchers suggest that Lenin's maternal grandfather was a Jewish convert to Christianity (Alexander Blank). Whether or not Lenin, whose matrilineal "Blank" surname also traces to non- Jewish German roots, was actually partly descended from a Jewish Blank family remains contested. Some researchers argue the family was of German origin, and invited to Russia by Catherine the Great.
Like many Native American peoples, the Chitimacha had a matrilineal kinship system, in which property and descent passed through the female lines. The hereditary male chiefs, who governed until early in the 20th century, came from the maternal lines and were approved by female elders. Children were considered to belong to their mother's family and clan and took their status from her. Like other Native American tribes, the Chitimacha at times absorbed and acculturated other peoples.
The Chowanoke Indians lost their last 30-acre plot of communal land in 1821. Although Gates County residents were mostly yeomen farmers who owned few slaves, the South overall still had a slave society which classified people as either black or white. However, the Native Americans managed to maintain their culture and absorbed people of other races in their matrilineal kinship systems. The Chowanoke were increasingly classified as free people of color, as where free blacks and mulattos.
In June 1839, after the Cherokee Removal to Indian Territory, Major Ridge, his son John Ridge, and nephew Elias Boudinot (Cherokee) were accused of the same crime as that of Doublehead and themselves became the targets of assassins. Among the killers of Major Ridge were James Foreman, Anderson Springston, Isaac Springston, and Bird Doublehead. In traditional Cherokee matrilineal worldview, these men were all full brothers. They each shared the same mother: Nannie Drumgoole, last wife of Doublehead.
385–453, accessed 9 Dec 2010 The Natchez are noted for being the only Mississippian culture with complex chiefdom characteristics to have survived long into the period after the European colonization of America began. Others had generally declined a century or two before European encounter. The Natchez are also noted for having had an unusual social system of nobility classes and exogamous marriage practices. It was a strongly matrilineal kinship society, with descent reckoned along female lines.
Kakati 1989, p9: Yogini Tantra (2/9/13) siddhesi yogini pithe dharmah kairatajah matah. According to Banikanta Kakati, there existed a tradition among the priests established by Naranarayana that the Garos, a matrilineal people, offered worship at the earlier Kamakhya site by sacrificing pigs. The goddess is worshiped according to both the Vamachara (Left-Hand Path) as well as the Dakshinachara (Right-Hand Path) modes of worship. Offerings to the goddess are usually flowers, but might include animal sacrifices.
The Iroquois had a matrilineal kinship system, with inheritance and descent figured through the maternal line. Red Jacket was considered to be born into his mother's Wolf Clan, and his social status was based on her family and clan. Red Jacket lived much of his adult life in Seneca territory in the Genesee River Valley in western New York. In the later years of his life, Red Jacket moved to Canada for a short period of time.
When she passes away, the belongings are inherited by whomever she designated as the subsequent owner. Contact with non-indigenous peoples has exposed the Cabécar to Western forms of land tenure based on private ownership. Some Cabécar villages have begun to recognize land as property, evident in the construction of fences that demarcate boundaries around agricultural plots or household gardens, but traditional Cabécar land tenure regimes in which land is controlled communally by the matrilineal clan still persist.
Paliam, Cochin) A Nalukettu Nālukettu is the traditional homestead of old Tharavadu where many generations of a matrilineal family lived. These types of buildings are typically found in the Indian state of Kerala. The traditional architecture is typically a rectangular structure where four halls are joined together with a central courtyard open to the sky. The four halls on the sides are named Vadakkini (northern block), Padinjattini (western block), Kizhakkini (eastern block) and Thekkini (southern block).
The crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis), also known as the long-tailed macaque, is a cercopithecine primate native to Southeast Asia. It is referred to as the cynomolgus monkey in laboratories. It has a long history alongside humans; it has been alternately seen as an agricultural pest, sacred animal in some temples, and more recently, the subject of medical experiments. The crab- eating macaque lives in matrilineal social groups of up to eight individuals dominated by females.
Johnston, the mixed-race son of "Colonel" John Johnston, Sr, and of Mary Ann Cheadle Walker (1818 – c. 1863) was born in Skullyville, Indian Territory, at a time when it was the capital of the Choctaw Nation. In the Chickasaw matrilineal kinship system, children were considered born into their mother's clan and took their status from her. Johnston's name is sometimes given as "Douglas Henry Johnston",Williams, Chad; "Johnston, Douglas Henry (1856-1939)", Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture .
Many of these families avoid the practice of naming children just with the father's family name and include the mother's family name as well, with the objective of supporting the parental identification and the child's two-parent family history. Some encourage gender-neutrality in passing along the surname. For example, families may use double surnames that combine the usual patrilineal surname family name with a parallel matrilineal surname,Sykes, Bryan (2001). The Seven Daughters of Eve.
The Nukunu were the southeasternmost tribe which adopted not only circumcision but also subincision(mimpi) as part of their rite of initiating young males into full tribal status. The Nukunu took pride in being "ritual purists". A. P. Elkin established that the Nukunu represented the most southeasterly tribe maintaining a matrilineal moiety system, involving two marriage moieties, the Mathari and the Kararru. The system was essentially akin to that existing among the Barngarla, Adnyamathanha and Wailpi.
Members of the royal family of the Owamboland are known as aakwanekamba, ovakwaluvala, ovakwamalanga, ovakwaanime, aakwanyoka and many more; only those who belong to this family by birth, through the maternal line, have a claim to chieftainship. The tribes figure their descent by a matrilineal kinship system, with hereditary chiefs arising from the daughter's children, not the son's. Polygyny is accepted, with the first wife recognized as the senior. Ovambo brew a traditional liquor called ombike.
Nzambi published her first book, Ngulsi, in 2012. Her narrative in this work is taken from the oral tradition. It is based on the reinterpretation of some stories, which came partly from her education in Equatorial Guinea and were told by the "karichobo" (matrilineal kin) of her ethnic group, the Bisao. Afterward, she participated in two collective literary works: Navidad dulce, Navidad (Nativity, Sweet Nativity, 2012) and 23 Relatos sin Fronteras (23 Stories without Borders, 2015).
Although co- wives hold equal status, relations between them are expected to be adversarial. The Saramaka treat marriage as an ongoing courtship, with frequent exchanges of gifts such as men's woodcarving and women's decorative sewing. Although many women live primarily in their husband's village, men never spend more than a few days at a time in the matrilineal (home) village of a wife. Each house belongs to an individual man or woman, but most social interaction occurs outdoors.
Installation of Bhanu Vicrama as King of Kerala by Parashurama The family descends from ancient Kings.per Wigram, H., Malabar Law and Custom High Court of Judicature Madras 1900 See Introduction at page xvi. Wigram also comments that they might perhaps be "the oldest aristocracy in the world." The first recorded inscription of the Venad chiefdom that later became Travancore is in the copper-plate grants of land and privileges on Jewish & Christian tradesmen.Logan, W., "The Malabar Manual", 1887 at page 265 The grants were made by the rulers of Kerala, the Perumal Viceroys of South Indian Kingdoms of the East Coast who were deputed to rule Kerala and witnessed by Nair Chiefs including the Chief of Venad.Gough, K., page Matrilineal Kinship, University of California Press, Berkeley and LA 1962 at page 303 In the beginning, when aristocratic lineages rose to power,Page 373, K. Gough, Matrilineal Kinship, University of California Press,Berkeley and LA, 1962 as in the case of small group broken away from its earlier tharavad through conquest.
As in most Pacific Islands, pigs were, and still are, extremely important and are seldom eaten except in the course of rituals and formal feasts. The cuscus (a type of marsupial) and various birds also supplement the diet. Descent is matrilineal and the kinship terminology is based on a Hawaiian system. Buka kinship does not prescribe a post-marital residence, but it is generally preferred that a young couple live first with the husband's maternal relatives, and later move to the wife's land.
All family property was jointly owned. In the event of a partition, the shares of the children were clubbed with that of the mother. The karanavar's property was inherited by his sisters' sons rather than his own sons. (For further information see the articles Nair and Bunts and Billava.) Amitav Ghosh has stated that, although there were numerous other matrilineal succession systems in communities of the south Indian coast, the Nairs "achieved an unparalleled eminence in the anthropological literature on matrilineality".
The Modjadji, or Rain Queen, is the hereditary queen of Balobedu, a people of the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The succession to the position of Rain Queen is matrilineal, so her eldest daughter is the heir, and males are not entitled to inherit the throne at all. The Rain Queen is believed to have special powers, including the ability to control the clouds and rainfall. there is no ruling Rain Queen, as the previous Rain Queen died on 12 June 2005.
Dzugundini ended up in Molototsi Valley, which is in the present day Balobedu Kingdom. The village she established with her loyal followers was ruled by a Mugudo, a male leader, but the peace and harmony of the village was disrupted by rivalries between different families; therefore, to pacify the land, Mugudo impregnated his own daughter in order to restore the tribe's matrilineal tradition. She gave birth to the first Rain Queen, known as Modjadji, which means: "ruler of the day".
Beth Shalom currently has over 400 adult and child members, comprising about 200 families. Membership is open to all residents and students living in and around Cambridge who are Jewish by matrilineal descent or who have undergone conversion by a recognised beth din. Children, aged under 21, of members are automatically granted membership. A number of members have non-Jewish partners who, although not eligible for membership, are made very welcome and encouraged to attend services and join in community activities.
The Swinging Bridge is a novel by Ramabai Espinet, published in 2003 by Harper Collins Publishing. In 2004, the novel was short-listed for the Commonwealth Writers' Prize in the category of Best First Book (Caribbean and Canada Region). Espinet's novel focuses on a multi-generational Indo-Trinidadian family living in Canada, touching on a number of themes and topics such as gender identity and matrilineal ties. Ramabai Espinet is an Indo-Trinidadian author born in San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago, in 1948.
Their kinship organization is matrilineal. Typically, the Senufo people are studied in three large subgroups that have been relatively isolated. The northern Senufo are called "Supide or Kenedougou", found near Odienne, and who helped found an important kingdom of West Africa and challenged Muslim missionaries and traders. The southern Senufo are the largest group, numbering over 2 million, who allowed Muslim traders to settle within their communities in the 18th century who actively proselytized, and about 20% of the southern Senufo are Muslims.
Pillai was born on 26 December 1879 as the only son of Padmanabha Pillai, a Govt. School Inspector, who hailed from the then South Travancore. A. R. Pillai's mother, Narayani Pillai Kaaliyamma Pillai, niece (maternal cousin's daughter) of the famous Easwara Pillai Vicharippukar, was a member of an aristocratic and affluent Hindu (Nair) matriarchal/matrilineal joint family. The family lived in a large complex of buildings known as Punnackal, situated on the western side of Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple inside the Fort, Thiruvananthapuram.
Aldrich, p. 259. Near the Congo River a female who participates in strong emotional or sexual relationships with another female among the Nkundo people is known as yaikya bonsángo (a woman who presses against another woman). Lesbian relationships are also known in matrilineal societies in Ghana among the Akan people. In Lesotho, females engage in what is commonly considered sexual behavior to the Western world: they kiss, sleep together, rub genitals, participate in cunnilingus, and maintain their relationships with other females vigilantly.
But UEPs may also be large-scale additions, such as the YAP insertion that defines Y-DNA haplogroup DE, inversions or deletions. The discovery and widespread testing of new UEPs has been the key to the increasingly detailed analysis of the patrilineal and matrilineal ancestry of mankind into more distinct family trees of Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups. UEPs in X and autosomal chromosomes are also used to trace genealogy, to extend the time ranges available for Y-DNA and mtDNA.
The Maharajahs of Travancore (current south Kerala and Kanyakumari district) adopted the Matrilineal custom and inheritance prevalent in the land around the 14th Century AD. So basically, the Nair Thampi caste people originated at the original Travancore capital i.e. Padmanabhapuram in present day Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu. The Thampis present in the Northern Travancore Kingdom i.e present central Kerala districts like Thampis in Kottayam are people who have since migrated to northern borders of Kingdom after the 17th century.
The rate at which mutations occur during reproduction, the germline mutation rate, is thought to be higher than all observed mutation rates, because not all mutations are successfully passed down to subsequent generations. mtDNA is only passed down along the matrilineal line, and therefore mutations passed down to sons are lost. Random genetic drift may also cause the loss of mutations. For these reasons, the actual mutation rate will not be equivalent to the mutation rate observed from a population sample.
The Negeri Sembilan Minangkabau, however, have adopted the Malay-style roof construction, with continuous ridge piece thatched with lengths of palm-leaf attached to battens. Although this has meant the loss of the characteristic curved roof and has blunter eaves, it is still considered dignified and beautiful. More orthodox Islamic influence has also led to variations such as modifications to the interior layout, as women are more restricted to the rear of the house than in the case of the matrilineal Sumatran Minangkabau.
Cedric J. Robinson, Forgeries of Memory and Meaning: Blacks and the Regimes of Race in American Theater and Film Before World War II The related concept of the "tragic half- breed" or "tragic mestizo" involves the child of a white person and a Native American. Especially when such a person has a white mother and native father (and is thus excluded under most native tribes' matrilineal kinship from being considered legally native), the same basic tropes of dual societal rejection apply.
By the 19th century, novels written by Nairs had dealt with themes of social change. These themes would primarily relate to the rise of the nuclear family in replacement of the old matrilineal system. Novels such as, for example, Indulekha by O.C Menon had themes which dealt with societal constraints on romantic love, while C.V Raman Pillai's Marthanda Varma had dealt with themes relating to the Nair military past. Kathakali is a dance-drama which portrays scenes from Sanskrit epics or stories.
He took a Native American wife and had a child with her. According to the matrilineal kinship system of the Odawa and related tribes, children were considered born to the mother's people and belonged to her clan, so mixed-race children such as Bourgmont's were brought up in the tribal culture. Descent and inheritance were counted through the maternal line. In 1718, Bourgmont was decorated by the French government with the Cross of St. Louis and given an order of nobility.
Through her lineage and influence (as the Mohawk were matrilineal), their son George Johnson was named chief. Six Nations survivors of the War of 1812 George Johnson inherited his father's gift for languages and began his career as an Anglican Church missionary translator on the Six Nations reserve. Whilst working at the Anglican missionary Johnson met his sister-in-law Emily Howells. Emily Howells was born in Bristol, England, to a well-established British family who immigrated to the United States in 1832.
Bolek was one of several children born to Ahaya (Cowkeeper) and his wife. He and his older brother King Payne were groomed by their mother's brother (in the matrilineal kinship system) to become chiefs and take leading roles among the Seminole. They inherited that role through their mother's people, who were descended from the Alachua chiefly line. Bolek was designated as a village or itwála chief while a young man; he was based near the Suwannee River of western Florida.
In human genetics, the haplogroups most commonly studied are Y-chromosome (Y-DNA) haplogroups and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, each of which can be used to define genetic populations. Y-DNA is passed solely along the patrilineal line, from father to son, while mtDNA is passed down the matrilineal line, from mother to offspring of both sexes. Neither recombines, and thus Y-DNA and mtDNA change only by chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents' genetic material.
A large number of Beti-Pahuin are involved in lucrative enterprises such as cocoa and coffee farming. The Beti- Pahuin peoples organise themselves according to a series of patrilineal kinships, although some of its subgroups seem to have practised matriliny in the past. As a consequence of this matrilineal past we can still nowadays see the strong link among the maternal uncle and the nephew. The family (a man, his wife or wives, and his children) forms the backbone of this system.
The Sandobele constitute only a small portion of the members of the Sandogo society. Membership in the Sandogo society is almost exclusively hereditary as only one female from each matrilineal group is initiated into the Sandogo society. All new Sandogo initiates learn the process of divination called tyeli (or tyele), but only a small number are able to perfect the complicated method and become practicing diviners. Diviners have great responsibility and are highly respected within the community because of their skills.
He was born at the village of Oakfuskee, located on the Tallapoosa River in present-day Alabama. The site is now covered by the lower part of Lake Martin, created by a dam. His mother was a high-status Creek woman and his father a mostly Scots fur trader; such strategic alliances were common, as both cultures believed they benefited. As the Creek were matrilineal, Menawa was reared within the Creek tribe and gained his status from his mother's clan.
19 The Potatuck were woodland dwellers whose bark wigwam and longhouse villages typically housed anywhere from 50 to 200 individuals. Their social structure was relatively simple and egalitarian. Kin groups were matrilineal, and women held authority over land rights and transfer. Potatuck women gathered wild plants and fruits and raised the "Three Sisters" crops of squash, beans, and maize (corn), though there is some evidence that they began to cultivate maize only in the decades just before English settlers came to New England.
The children were named Angélique, Michel, and Antoine, and were raised primarily by their mother, who lived in a settlement with Ho-Chunk relatives. The Ho-Chunk have a matrilineal kinship system, in which they consider children born to the mother's people. Later Brisbois married formally on August 8, 1796, in Mackinaw City, Michigan, to Domitilde (Madeleine) Gautier de Verville, a legitimate daughter of Charles Gautier de Verville. They had a son Bernard Walter Brisbois, born in Prairie du Chien in 1808.
Little is known of Ots-Toch, although she is indirectly referenced in many histories of early New York. For example, a daughter, Hillitie, chose to live with the Dutch, but served as an official Mohawk interpreter. Ots-Toch had at least three other children with Cornelise Van Slyke, and may have had more children by a Mohawk father. Cornelise Van Slyke lived with the Mohawk according to matrilineal tradition, and he was chosen as an official delegate of New Netherlands to the Mohawk.
Initially, the Orthodox rabbinate in Israel said that the Bene Israel would have to undergo conversion in order to marry other Jews, as matrilineal descent could not be proven. In 1964 the Israeli Rabbinate declared that the Bene Israel are "full Jews in every respect". The Bene Israel claim a lineage to the Kohanim, the Israelite priestly class, which claims descent from Aaron, the brother of Moses. In 2002, DNA testing revealed that the Bene Israel shared some genetic markers of the Kohanim.
However, the Bretuo or Twidanfo (in Fante), as well as other clans, rule States, Divisions, Towns, and Villages within the Kingdom. The Fante-speaking tribes usually have the Asona Clan ruling most of their States (like Mankessim). Certain sub-clans or lineages have exclusive rights to some stools within Akanland such as the lineage of Afia Kobi in the Oyoko Clan who alone sits on the Golden Stool of Asante. The Akans are traditionally a Matrilineal people of the African continent.
Arterton was born at North Kent Hospital in Gravesend with polydactyly, a condition resulting in extra fingers which a doctor removed shortly after her birth. Her mother, Sally-Anne Heap, runs a cleaning business, and her father, Barry J. Arterton, is a welder. They divorced during Arterton's early childhood, and she grew up in a council estate with her mother and younger sister, Hannah Arterton, who is also an actress. \- Her matrilineal great-grandmother was a German-Jewish concert violinist.
Groups of the strongest association are known as "bands", and their composition can remain stable over years. There is some genetic evidence that band members may be related, but these bands are not necessarily limited to a single matrilineal line. There is no evidence that bands compete with each other. In the same research areas, as well as in Moray Firth, Scotland, males form strong associations of two to three individuals, with a coefficient of association between 70 and 100.
Some had come up with a two-fold division of the Vedars based on the Kuti or matrilineal descent system popular in the East coast. These Kutis were supposed to have descended from former local chiefs called Vanniyar, who had ruled feudal divisions called Vannimai. But these clan divisions and related rules of endogamy were not totally followed by all Vedar, and there no practical prohibitions from marrying from each Kuti.Jon Dart (Samarasinghe, S. W. R. de A[edit]), pp.
Most leopard seals remain within the pack ice throughout the year and remain solitary during most of their lives with the exception of a mother and her newborn pup. These matrilineal groups can move further north in the austral winter to sub- antarctic islands and the coastlines of the southern continents to provide care for their pups. While solitary animals may appear in areas of lower latitudes, females rarely breed there. Some researchers believe this is due to safety concerns for the pups.
Frequently, visiting marriage is being practiced, meaning that husband and wife are living apart, in their separate birth families, and seeing each other in their spare time. The children of such marriages are raised by the mother's extended matrilineal clan. The father doesn't have to be involved in the upbringing of his own children; he does, however, in that of his sisters' children (his nieces and nephews). In direct consequence, property is inherited from generation to generation, and, overall, remains largely undivided.
Short-finned pilot whales are long-lived, slow to reproduce, and highly social animals. They are usually found in pods of 10 to 30 individuals, though groups of up to several hundred short-finned pilot whales have been reported in the Caribbean. These pods are stable social structures, meaning that they form hierarchical associations that remain stable for generations, and are primarily thought to be matrilineal, i.e. lead by an elder female relative, similar to those of resident killer whales.
In accordance with both the historical traditions of The Order of the Omujwaara Kondo and its modern statutes, the honour is inherited by the original grantee's eldest child of the same sex at the moment of the original grantee's death or renunciation of the honour. Intergenerational transfer rules for the honour are described in Statute 8. For male grantees, the honour passes by patrilineal primogeniture (from male to male) and for female grantees, the honour passes by matrilineal primogeniture (from female to female).
Ancient European Neolithic farmers were genetically closest to modern Anatolian and Aegean populations: genetic matrilineal distances between European Neolithic Linear Pottery Culture populations (5,500–4,900 calibrated BC) and modern Western Eurasian populations. Genetic studies since the 2010s have identified the genetic contribution of Neolithic farmers to modern European populations, providing quantitative results relevant to the long-standing "replacement model" vs. "demic diffusion" dispute in archaeology. The earlier population of Europe were the Mesolithic hunter-gatherers, called the "Western Hunter-Gatherers" (WHG).
According to historian Martin Klein the caste systems among the Serer emerged as a consequence of the Mandinka people's Sine-Saloum guelowar conquest, and when the Serer people sought to adapt and participate in the new Senegambian state system. The previously held view that the Serer only follow a matrilineal structure is a matter of conjecture. Although matrilineality (tim in Serer) is very important in Serer culture, the Serer follow a bilineal system. Both matrilineality and patrilineality are important in Serer custom.
A Classic Nalukettu of Kerala built in Kerala architecture Nālukettu is the traditional homestead of Tharavadu where many generations of a matrilineal family lived. These types of buildings are typically found in the Indian state of Kerala. The traditional architecture is typically a rectangular structure where four blocks are joined together with a central courtyard open to the sky. The four halls on the sides are named Vadakkini (northern block), Padinjattini (western block), Kizhakkini (eastern block) and Thekkini (southern block).
Warqah ibn Nawfal ibn Asad ibn Abd-al-Uzza ibn Qusayy Al-Qurashi (Arabic ) was an Arab priest and the paternal first cousin of Khadija bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Warqah presumably died in 610 CE, shortly after Muhammad is said to have received his first revelation. Warqah and Khadija were also the first cousins twice removed of Muhammad : their paternal grandfather Asad ibn Abd-al-Uzza was Muhammad’s matrilineal great- great-grandfather.Muhammad ibn Saad, Tabaqat vol. 1.
In the matrilineal and matrilocal world of the Navajo, women were especially hurt, as many lost their only source of income with the reduction of livestock herds. The Navajo did not understand why their centuries-old practices of raising livestock should change. They were united in opposition but they were unable to stop it. Historian Brian Dippie notes that the Indian Rights Association denounced Collier as a 'dictator' and accused him of a "near reign of terror" on the Navajo reservation.
Kovilmala is the headquarters of Mannan community who preserves certain customs, traditions and form of governance, making them a unique tribal unit. The system of governance here is a democratic - monarchy in which a king is elected by the people to rule. The dynastic succession is through the matrilineal system of inheritance by which the properties are inherited by the nephew. The administration of Mannan community inhabited here is held by Raja Mannan (King of Mannans), the title given to the elected king.
Kinship structure in the "totok" community follows the patrilineal, patrilocal, and patriarchal traditions of Chinese society, a practice which has lost emphasis in "peranakan" familial relationships. Instead, kinship patterns in indigenized families have incorporated elements of matrilocal, matrilineal, and matrifocal traditions found in Javanese society. Within this community, both sons and daughters can inherit the family fortune, including ancestral tablets and ashes. Political, social, and economic authority in "peranakan" families is more evenly distributed between the two genders than in "totok" families.
The Fall 2012 journal of The Journal of Korean Studies said that anthropologist Elise Prebin said that Korean adoptee reunions can be more secure and are easier maintained along the birth father's line (patrilineal) than along the birth mother's line (matrilineal) in her study of Korean adoptee reunions with birth families. The journal said that "Korean patrilineal kinship ideologies" still have a strong societal influence in South Korea.Sorensen, C.W. et al. (2012). The Journal of Korean Studies. 17(2). Page 321.
In 1904, the ethnologist Howitt described Yuin "totems" as patrilineal (i.e. inherited from the father), and gave budjan, mura and jimbir as Yuin terms for these "totems". Errors in Howitt's account that have been identified by contemporary Yuin include his use of budjan for "totem" (it just means "bird") and that inheritance was only patrilineal, as there is also matrilineal inheritance of family connections. Marriage should be exogamous between family groups, as determined by the spiritual connections of those families.
Sir Lancelot D. Carnegie Sir Lancelot Douglas Carnegie (26 December 1861 – 15 October 1933),Lancelot Carnegie (1861-1933) sometime British Minister and then Ambassador and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Portugal in 1925, was the second son of the 9th Earl of Southesk, and the eldest son by his second marriage (1860) to Lady Susan Murray (died 1915), eldest daughter of Alexander Murray, 6th Earl of Dunmore. His matrilineal great-uncle was the diplomat and statesman Sidney Herbert, Lord Herbert of Lea.
The Tribal Belt of Northwest and east India includes the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The tribal people of this region have origins which precede the arrival of the Ancestral North Indians and are linked to the Ancestral South Indians. These people are thought to stem back to the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley, the oldest traceable civilization of the Indian subcontinent which flourished between 3500BC and 2500BC. The tribes of north-west India were once strongly matrilineal societies.
She spent a decade on research before writing the book published in the UK as The Paradise Papers and then in the U.S. as When God Was a Woman (1976). It describes her theory of how the Hebrews suppressed goddess-worshipping religions practiced in Canaan and how their reaction to what she says were existing matriarchial and matrilineal societal structures shaped Judaism and thus Christianity.Stone (1976) p. xiii. Her theory builds on the ideas of Robert Graves,Stone (1976) p.
551 Hopi is a concept deeply rooted in the culture's religion, spirituality, and its view of morality and ethics. To be Hopi is to strive toward this concept, which involves a state of total reverence and respect for all things, to be at peace with these things, and to live in accordance with the instructions of Maasaw, the Creator or Caretaker of Earth. The Hopi observe their traditional ceremonies for the benefit of the entire world. Traditionally, Hopi are organized into matrilineal clans.
Ambilineality is a cognatic descent system in which individuals may be affiliated either to their father's or mother's group. This type of descent results in descent groups which are non-unilineal in the sense that descent passes either through women or men, contrary to unilineal systems, whether patrilineal or matrilineal. Affiliation to a descent group will be determined either by choice or by residence. In the latter case, children will belong to the descent group with whom their parents are living.
Department of Sociology. pp. 26–28. . According to anthropologist Peggy Sanday, rape is less likely to occur within cultures that are peaceful (have low rates of interpersonal violence), promote mutual respect between the sexes, and lack an ideology of male toughness (machismo). The society of Minangkabau has an Islamic religious background of complementarianism and places a greater number of men than women in positions of religious and political power. The culture is also matrilineal, so inheritance and proprietorship pass from mother to daughter.
Through his mother, he was born into the prominent Wind Clan of the Creek; as the Creek had a matrilineal system of descent and inheritance, he achieved his chieftainship because of her. He was also related to Alexander McGillivray and William Weatherford, both mixed-race Creek. In the late 1810s and early 1820s, McIntosh helped create a centralized police force called 'Law Menders,' establish written laws, and form a National Creek Council. Later in the decade, he came to view relocation as inevitable.
2003 Marleigh Grayer Ryan Student Prize ; Moore, M. (1998) Symbol and Meaning in Nayar Marriage Ritual, American Ethnologist 15:254-73Report of the Malabar Marriage Commission (henceforth RMMC) I (Madras: Lawrence Asylum Press, 1891), p. 98. Appendix A, Home Judicial Proceedings (May 1896), no. 245±55, Part B. National Archives of India (henceforth NAI) However it was this innate weakness of sambandham that helped maintaining the integrity of the matrilineal tharavadu. Sambandham denoted hypergamy between Nair women and Namboothiri men.
Yonaguska was born about 1759 in the Cherokee Lower Towns of present-day North Carolina and Georgia. According to the Cherokee matrilineal system of inheritance and descent, he was considered born into his Cherokee mother's clan, where he gained his status. As a boy of 12, Yonaguska had a vision that the European Americans threatened the Cherokee way of life, but people did not pay attention when he spoke of it. At age 17, he witnessed widespread destruction by Gen.
It may designate people of Bemba origin, regardless of where they live, e.g. whether they live in urban areas or in the original rural Bemba area. Alternatively, it may encompass a much larger population that includes some 'eighteen different ethnic groups', who together with the Bemba form a closely related ethnolinguistic cluster of matrilineal-matrifocal agriculturalists known as the Bemba-speaking peoples of Zambia. Colonialism and destruction of local traditions have somewhat distorted the history of Africans and the Bemba are no exception.
Kolathiri or Kolathiri Rājā (King of Kolathunādu) was the title by which the senior-most male along the matrilineal line of the Mushika or Kolathunādu Royal Family (Kolaswarũpam) was styled.Duarte Barbosa, The Book of Duarte Barbosa: An Account of the Countries Bordering on the Indian Ocean and their Inhabitants, II, ed.M. L Dames (repr., London: Hakluyt Society, 1921)The Dutch in Malabar: Selection from the Records of the Madras Government, No. 13 (Madras: Printed by the Superintendent, Government Press, 1911), 143.
The history of the Khasi people – native inhabitants of Cherrapunji – may be traced from the early part of the 16th century. Between the 16th and 18th centuries, these people were ruled by their tribal 'Syiems (rajas or chiefs) of Khyriem' in the Khasi Hills. The Khasi hills came under British authority in 1883 with the submission of the last of the important Syiem, Tirot Sing Syiem. The main pivot on which the entire superstructure of Khasi society rests is the matrilineal system.
The practice of awelye is a collective form of matrilineal kinship and sharing of knowledge of the land, customs, and Dreamtime stories. Teachings are expressed in different modalities such as song, rhythm, melody, gestures and dance, gathering, graphic imagery, totem objects, and spatial orientation. Within awelye, there are many differentiated roles and relationships which form a complex whole. Awelye is important to kin bonding, education of country, and the passing on of tradition, which is done through gradual participation of the young.
The actual foundation of the Kingdom of Sine is unclear, but in the late 14th century Mandinka migrants entered the area. They were led by a matrilineal clan known as the Gelwaar. Here they encountered the Serer, who had already established a system of lamanic authorities, and established a Gelwaar led state with its capital in or near a Serer lamanic estate centred at Mbissel.Klein, Martin A. Islam and Imperialism in Senegal. Sine-Saloum, 1847-1914, Stanford: Stanford University Press. p.
The main goal of the organization is to create 'visual artifacts' — "words and images that document ancient sites, unusual occupations and traditional ways of life, many disappearing in the digital age." Examples of visual artifacts preserved by the Image Expedition range from cricket sellers in Beijing's public markets, to the Mingangkabau in Indonesia — one of the last existing matrilineal cultures, to duckherders in Burma, to public human cremation in Bali, to name a few.Collecting Visual Artifacts, IX/Lighthouse Press, 1998.
Mangalorean Catholics have retained many Indian customs and traditions; these are especially visible during the celebration of a marriage. Their culture is more traditional and Indian. Though the Portuguese traded quite frequently in Mangalore, and most of the priests arriving in the region were Portuguese, there did not develop a community identified with Portugal and Portuguese culture. The Mangalorean Catholics have no uniform rituals since they belong to both the patrilineal Brahmin stock and to the matrilineal non-Brahmin stock.
Gagnon was born in Lethbridge, Alberta, on June 17, 1948, to Thérèse Demers Gagnon and George Gagnon. He is a Franco-Albertan, given his family's ancestral roots in Quebec. Through his matrilineal line, he is "closely related" to, and a collateral descendant of, Modeste Demers, the first Bishop of Vancouver Island (since renamed to the Diocese of Victoria). The Gagnon family moved to British Columbia (BC) during his childhood, and he graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Secondary School in North Vancouver.
One explanation given for this discrepancy in the time depths of patrilineal vs. matrilineal lineages was that females have a better chance of reproducing than males due to the practice of polygyny. When a male individual has several wives, he has effectively prevented other males in the community from reproducing and passing on their Y chromosomes to subsequent generations. On the other hand, polygyny does not prevent most females in a community from passing on their mitochondrial DNA to subsequent generations.
After Hongwu Emperor of Ming dynasty succeeded the throne, he designated his eldest son, Zhu Biao as crown prince, and enfeoffed his all other sons and a grandnephew as vassals princes. Fiefs of nine of these princes were located at borders of Central and Mongol for defensive. Hongwu Emperor also posthumously bestowed his late patrilineal and matrilineal relatives with princely titles too. This article shows all princes of Ming dynasty, included non-actual princes (male imperial members and nobles had not title).
Tampuans have a matrilineal system of marriage, with the family name and inheritance passing through the mother’s side of the family. Normally, Tampuans marry between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. In accordance with tradition, the young couple lives with and serves the family of the bride for three years, and then moves to serve the grooms family for an additional three years. At this point, the young couple is considered to be of age, capable of starting their own farm.
Others allowed enslaved male captives to marry the widows of slain husbands. The Creek, who engaged in this practice and had a matrilineal system, treated children born of slaves and Creek women as full members of their mothers' clans and of the tribe, as property and hereditary leadership passed through the maternal line. The children did not have slave status. More typically, tribes took women and children for captives for adoption, as they tended to adapt more easily into new ways.
The men in each cluster of several houses, whether bee members or temporary visitors, eat meals together. The women of these same clusters, whether bee members or resident wives of bee men, spend a great deal of time in each other's company, often farming together as well. Matrilineal principles, mediated by divination, determine the inheritance of material and spiritual possessions as well as political offices. Before death, however, men often pass on specialized ritual knowledge (and occasionally a shotgun) to a son.
In contrast, according to Bayly, the procession reflects the traditional matrilineal social values, the brother- sister-groom kinship values that better explain its popularity. The warrior goddess worship tradition is ancient in the Tamil Hindu tradition, states Bayly, and it dramatically expanded after the 14th-century wars. The work completed by Vishwanatha Nayaka in 1560 was substantially expanded to the current structure during the reign of Tirumala Nayaka (1623–55). Tirumala Nayaka, a Hindu king, took considerable interest in erecting many complexes inside the temple.
The events associated with him by the annals are not supported by any contemporary or near contemporary source. In fact, the two annal-entries that recount these alleged events are fabricated additions inserted into the chronicle at some point before the mid seventeenth century. As a genealogical construct, Gofraid mac Fergusa may represent Clann Somhairle's matrilineal descent from Gofraid Crobán. The latter was the eponym of the Crovan dynasty, a family from which Clann Somhairle dynasts derived their claims to the kingship of the Isles.
It marks the divine marriage of Meenakshi, and is the most attended festival. The wedding of the divine couple is regarded as a classic instance of south Indian marriage with matrilineal emphasis, an arrangement referred as "Madurai marriage". This contrasts with the "Chidambaram marriage", with patrilineal emphasis, reflected by Shiva's dominance, ritual and mythology at the Shiva temple of Chidhambaram. The festival includes a procession, where Meenakshi and Sundareshwara travel in a chariot pulled by volunteer devotees, and Vishnu gives away his sister in marriage to Shiva.
If they become more familiar with traditional cultural practice they either discover and research their clan or are formally adopted into an appropriate clan in the area. Because of the heavy emphasis on clan and matrilineal descent, the father played a relatively minor role in the lives of his children. Instead, what Europeans would consider the father's primary role was filled by the mother's brother, the children's maternal uncle, who was of the same clan as the children. This man served as caretaker, teacher, and disciplinarian.
Jumper was the son of an African woman named Nagey Nancy, who had been one of only three African slaves retained by the remnant of the Seminoles left in Florida after the Third Seminole War. The three women had been purchased by Seminoles when they were children. Inheritance in the Seminoles was matrilineal, with a woman's children belonging to her clan. Normally, children with a Seminole father and a black mother would not have belonged to any clan, a distinct disadvantage in Seminole society.
Menon is a subcaste of the Nair community of Kerala, India, and was an honorific hereditary title, often used as an affix to one's name, bestowed by the various kings of Kerala (including the Zamorin) to the members of certain classes of Nairs. The recipient of the title held it lifelong, and the male members of his family held it in perpetuity along the matrilineal line. The Menons were engaged in various administrative duties, such as being scribes and accountants, in service of the kings of Kerala.
He learned the Muscogee language, and had a Creek woman, Lavinia Downs, as common-law wife, who, in the Creek's matrilineal society, provided an entry into that world. He had seven children with her, although he resisted Creek pressure to marry her until near the end of his life. He wrote extensively about the Creek and other Southeast tribes: the Choctaw, Cherokee and Chickasaw. He eventually built a large complex using African slave labor, including mills, and raised a considerable quantity of livestock in cattle and hogs.
To support their dependence on corn cultivation, the men cleared fields, broke the ground and fertilized the soil with fish and crustaceans, while the women tended to weeding with clam-shell hoes, with assiduity that amazed English settlers. Sachems acquired their positions by selection from a hereditary group (perhaps matrilineal). The polity of the sachem was called a sontimooonk or sachemship. The members of this polity were those who pledged to defend not only the sachem himself by the institution of the sachemship itself.
According to tradition, the French commander Captain Jean Baptiste Louis DeCourtel Marchand married the high-status Creek woman Sehoy in about 1720. Later generations of Sehoy's descendants include the Creek chiefs Alexander McGillivray, and William Weatherford, who inherited their status in the matrilineal tribe from their mothers' clans. Due to the poor living conditions at the fort, which was neglected by the French government, the troops mutinied in 1722. They killed Captain Marchand and captured the other officers, tying them up before leaving the fort.
This was supplemented by the men hunting game (turkeys, deer, elk, bears, and moose in the Taconics) and fishing (sturgeon, alewives, shad, eels, lamprey and striped bass). Moravian missionary John Heckewelder and early anthropologist Lewis H. Morgan both learned, from Mohican informants, that their matrilineal society was divided into three phratries (Turkey, Turtle, and Wolf) and these divided into clans or subclans, including a potentially prominent Bear Clan. This is supported by Mohican signatures on treaties and land deeds (see the works of Shirley Dunn).
There were also "makåhna" or "kakahna", shamans with magical powers and "Suruhånu" or "Suruhåna", healers who use different kinds of plants and natural materials to make medicine. Belief in spirits of ancient Chamorros called "Taotao mo'na" still persists as a remnant of pre-European culture. It is believed that "Suruhånu" or "Suruhåna" are the only ones who can safely harvest plants and other natural materials from their homes or "hålomtåno" without incurring the wrath of the "Taotao mo'na". Their society was organized along matrilineal clans.
Ridge's marriage was unusual for his marrying a European- American woman. In the past, marriages between Europeans and Cherokee took place most frequently between European men, frequently fur traders, and high- status Cherokee women. They were strategic alliances believed to benefit both peoples, at a time when Cherokee chiefs sought more influence with the European Americans. Generally the man would live among the Cherokee; in the matrilineal culture, the children were accepted into the Nation as Cherokee and gained status from their mother's clan.
The book deals in depth with the Serer matriclans and means of succession through the matrilineal line. See also pages : 38, 95-99, 104, 119-20, 123, 160, 172-4 (Retrieved : 9 July 2012) Caaka Mbar was the son of Bakar MboojVaritation : Barka Mbodj (see BIFAN, 1979, p 234) the founder of the Mbooj paternal dynasty of Waalo and an early holder of the royal title Brak. Ndoye Demba's marriage to one of the earliest Braks established the Joos Maternal Dynasty which lasted for nearly 600 years.
The estimate has changed to 76,200–51,600 years ago. The specimen was originally named X-woman because matrilineal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) extracted from the bone demonstrated it to belong to a novel ancient hominin, genetically distinct from contemporary modern humans and Neanderthals. In 2019, Greek archaeologist Katerina Douka and colleagues radiocarbon dated specimens from Denisova Cave, and estimated that Denisova 2 (the oldest specimen) lived 195,000-122,700 years ago. Older Denisovan DNA collected from sediments in the East Chamber dates to 217,000 years ago.
According to Marija Gimbutas, pre-Indo-European societies lived in small-scale, family-based communities that practiced matrilineal succession and goddess-centered religion where creation comes from the woman. She is the Divine Mother who can give life and take it away. In Irish mythology she is Danu, in Slavic mythology she is Mat Zemlya, and in other cultures she is Pachamama, Ninsun, Terra Mater, Nüwa, Matres or Shakti. In the late 1800s, James Weir wrote an article describing the beginnings and aspects of early religious feeling.
There were, as well, less well known shells called kitomu which were individually owned (rather than being part of lineage history), which would be given to temporarily please a disappointed trade partner expecting a more valuable shell. The Kula trade was organized differently in the more hierarchical parts of the Trobriand islands. There, only chiefs were allowed to engage in Kula exchange. In hierarchical areas, individuals can earn their own kitomu shells, whereas in less hierarchical areas, they are always subject to the claims of matrilineal kin.
This segmentation process caused division between the Christian-converted, acculturated Iroquois and the conservative, Longhouse-religious parts of Iroquois society, even as it provided a specific reservation for the people of the six nations. Iroquois society has strong matrilineal associations and families adhere to their mother's clan and nation relationships. Thus, Gibson was raised according to the Code of Handsome Lake of his Senecan mother. The Seneca are, approximately speaking in English, "elder brothers" in the Iroquois confederacy – "elder" specifically in relation to the "junior" Cayuga nation.
No records exist concerning Mary Kittamaquund's death, although in 1654 Giles Brent married Frances Whitegreave Harrison, who had emigrated from England to York County, Virginia, the previous year and had been wife of the recently deceased Dr. Jeremiah Harrison. Thus it is unclear whether Mary died as a young woman (childbirth deaths being common), or whether she left Giles and resumed her (matrilineal) Native American identity, or he divorced her as discussed below. In any event, Giles and Frances either had two or no children.Chilton p.
Governor Blacksnake was born near Seneca Lake in western New York in the Seneca/Cayuga village of Kendaia (Apple Town). His mother was a Seneca woman of the Wolf clan and his father was known as De-ne-oh-ah-te or "The Light". In the matrilineal kinship system of the Iroquois nations, a child is born into his or her mother's clan and gains social status from her family. The maternal uncles were very influential in the child's life, especially the oldest brother of the mother.
New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. “Ppo is held for young men who have received private teaching for an average of seven to eight years. The main part of this ritual consists of examining the young man’s knowledge of navigation techniques, and further instruction by the older considered to be the most skillful navigator on the island.” Sudo, Ken-ichi (1987), “Nurturing in Matrilineal Society: A Case Study of Satawal Island.” IN: Iwao Ushijima and Ken-ichi Sudo (Eds.) Cultural Uniformity and Diversity in Micronesia.
Also in contrast with both fraternal and associated systems, the men who visited a single woman could not be brothers, nor could a man have sexual relations with two women of the same household. That is, fraternal polyandry and sororal polygyny were prohibited. Reclining Nayar Woman (1902) by Raja Ravi Varma shows a Nair lady, identified as the character Indulekha, a main character from a Malayalam novel of the same name. The novel had criticized the Nair matrilocal and matrilineal system; notably the relationships with Nambudiri Brahmins.
He ordered a slave Isaac, caught stealing, to be burned alive. In the same incident, Vann had a teenaged girl slave hung by her thumbs to tell about the theft; the Moravian missionaries rescued her and tried to dissuade him from the murder of Isaac. In his will, Vann left nearly all his property to Joseph Vann, his eldest son by Nannie Brown. This followed European- American practice, but differed from the traditional Cherokee matrilineal system of having property passed on through the maternal line.
Orthodox Judaism bases Jewishness on matrilineal descent. According to Jewish law (halacha), all those born of a Jewish mother are considered Jewish, regardless of personal beliefs or level of observance of Jewish law. Jews who are atheists or Jews who follow other religions (Christianity etc) may have a Jewish identity. While the absolute majority of people with this identity are of Jewish ethnicity, people of a mixed Jewish and non-Jewish background or gentiles of Jewish ancestry may still have a sense of Jewish self-identity.
In 1857 the then Rani of Travancore, HH Pooradam Thirunal Lakshmi Bayi, the niece of Maharajah Uthram Thirunal died soon after giving birth to a son, the later Maharajah Moolam Thirunal. The royal family followed the Marumakkathayam system of matrilineal succession and the death of the Rani threatened the perpetuation of the dynasty. Thus, as in the previous five such incidents, it was decided to adopt from the Kolathunad family. Since members of the family were resident within Travancore the choice was made from amongst them.
Isleta (and the Sandia) have matrilineal kinship systems, with descent and inheritance traced through the mother's family; the children are considered born to her people and receive their status from her family or corn group, akin to a clan. They have an endogamous system of marriage. These kinship/cultural divisions are connected with the sacred directions and colors, as well as tribal lineages, clans, phratries, and moieties. In the moiety system, one moiety is connected with winter practices, and the other with the summer practices and traditions.
Different types of MRCAs are estimated to have lived at different times in the past. These time to MRCA (TMRCA) estimates are also computed differently depending on the type of MRCA being considered. Patrilineal and matrilineal MRCAs (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam) are traced by single gene markers, thus their TMRCA are computed based on DNA test results and established mutation rates as practiced in genetic genealogy. Time to genealogical MRCA of all living humans is computed based on non-genetic, mathematical models and computer simulations.
The Karaiyars in Northern Sri Lanka are classified into two groups: the Meelongi and the Keelongi. The Melongi Karaiyars are some areas known as Thevar Karaiyar and Kurukula Karaiyar, who were descendants of commanders, while Keelongi Karaiyars were descendants of the army's soldiers and workers. The Karaiyars in Eastern Sri Lanka like other castes are divided into kudi's or matrilineal clans. The Eastern Karaiyars almost exclusively also use the term Vaiyittu Var (Tamil for "womb-tie") as a synonymous term for kudi or clan.
Historical inheritance systems are different systems of inheritance among various people. Detailed anthropological and sociological studies have been made about customs of patrilineal inheritance, where only male children can inherit. Some cultures also employ matrilineal succession, where property can only pass along the female line, most commonly going to the sister's sons of the decedent; but also, in some societies, from the mother to her daughters. Some ancient societies and most modern states employ egalitarian inheritance, without discrimination based on gender and/or birth order.
Land inheritance customs greatly vary across cultures. The Ethnographic Atlas gives the following data regarding land distribution: primogeniture predominates in 247 societies, while ultimogeniture prevails in 16. In 19 societies land is exclusively or predominantly given to the one adjudged best qualified, while equality predominates in 301 societies. Regarding land inheritance rules, in 340 societies sons inherit, in 90 other patrilineal heirs (such as brothers), in 31 sister's sons, in 60 other matrilineal heirs (such as daughters or brothers), and in 98 all children.
Filmed largely on location in 1953 in the villages in West Sumatra, the region of the matrilineal Minangkabau people, The Tiger from Tjampa is exceptional in its evocation of a unique region and milieu. Apart from some of the main actors, almost everything in the film is from West Sumatra. All the film's varied music is from there, as are its dances. In its dialogue the film also effectively uses peribahasa - maxims and proverbs handed down for generations within oral culture - with their characteristic lilting Minangkabau rhythms.
Handsome Lake was born as Hadawa'ko ("Shaking Snow") around 1735 in the Seneca village of Canawaugus, on the Genesee River near present-day Avon, New York. Very little is known of his parents; his mother, Gahonnoneh, later had an affair with a Dutch fur trader and gunsmith, resulting in the birth of Handsome Lake's half-brother, Cornplanter. Handsome Lake was born into the Turtle clan of his mother, as the Iroquois have a matrilineal kinship system. He was eventually adopted and raised by the Wolf clan people.
This enabled the young women to have assistance for childbirth and rearing; it also protected her in case of conflicts between the couple. If they separated or the man was killed at war, the woman had her family to assist her. In addition, in matrilineal culture, the mother's brother was the leading male figure in a male child's life, as he mentored the child within the mother's clan. The husband had no standing in his wife's and children's clan, as he belonged to his own mother's clan.
In most species, daughters remain with their mothers for life, so that the basic social group among Old World monkeys is a matrilineal troop. Males leave the group on reaching adolescence, and find a new troop to join. In many species, only a single adult male lives with each group, driving off all rivals, but others are more tolerant, establishing hierarchical relationships between dominant and subordinate males. Group sizes are highly variable, even within species, depending on the availability of food and other resources.
His work often utilizes his mother's schematic drawings/inventions of ordinary objects influenced by consumer culture, medicine, fashion, Surrealism, mathematics, sex, philosophy, astrology, and matrilineal concerns. His series Reifying Desire was featured in the 2014 Whitney Biennial at the Whitney Museum of American Art. Combining 3D animation and live action, the work explores themes of memory and personal history in a virtual dreamlike environment. Satterwhite has also shown/performed in group exhibitions including at MoMA PS1, the Smithsonian, The Kitchen, Rush Arts Gallery, and Exit Art.
Depiction of Enggano islander by Dutch, 1596. It is thought that they strictly observe matrilineal exogamous traditions, where men and children of the village belong to the marga of their forefathers, while wives are taken from other marga. One cannot marry into the same marga or to a woman from the marga from which the groom's sister marries. But this is not exactly the case, as Enggano couples from the same clan are still allowed to married, provided they are of a different sub-clan.
The expulsion of the foreign women and their offspring was directed in order to preserve the purity of the Israelite "holy seed". Thus, Ezra did not introduce the idea of matrilineal identity. Katherine Southwood emphasizes that Ezra and Nehemiah are similar in their views of intermarriage in that both Ezra and Nehemiah allude to the Deuteronomic text in their narratives, and believe intermarriage to be a type of transgression. There are other similar nuances that lead some scholars to believe that they are from a similar source.
In the 19th century, some members of these tribes who were more closely associated with settlers, began to purchase African-American slaves for workers. They adopted some European-American ways to benefit their people. Among the Five Civilized Tribes, mixed-race slaveholders were generally part of an elite hierarchy, often based on their mothers' clan status, as the societies had matrilineal systems. As did Benjamin Hawkins, European fur traders and colonial officials tended to marry high-status women, in strategic alliances seen to benefit both sides.
The Tlingit have a matrilineal kinship system, with children considered born into the mother's clan, and property and hereditary roles passing through the mother's line.Pritzker, 210 Their culture and society developed in the temperate rainforest of the southeast Alaska coast and the Alexander Archipelago. The Tlingit maintained a complex hunter- gatherer culture based on semi-sedentary management of fisheries.Moss, 27 An inland group, known as the Inland Tlingit, inhabits the far northwestern part of the province of British Columbia and the southern Yukon Territory in Canada.
The Padri movement had formed during the early 19th century and sought to purge the culture of traditions and beliefs its partisans viewed as un-Islamic, including syncretic folk beliefs, cockfighting and Minangkabau matrilineal traditions. In the 1820s, the Dutch had yet to consolidate their possessions in some parts of the Dutch East Indies (later Indonesia) after re-acquiring it from the British. This was especially true on the island of Sumatra, where some areas would not come under Dutch rule until the 20th century.
Harriet has developed a morbid fascination with her brother and with the past of her matrilineal family, the Cleves. Her great-grandfather, Judge Cleve, once owned the local mansion, "Tribulation", but lost the family's wealth in his declining years. Harriet's fascination with her brother's death leads her to decide to find the murderer with the reluctant help of her younger but devoted friend, a boy, Hely Hull. The Dufresnes' stalwart black maid, Ida Rhew, reveals that Robin had a fight with another boy shortly before his death.
Hafiz Mohamad completed his post-graduation in sociology from Kerala University with 2nd rank and did his MPhil from Bangalore University. His doctoral thesis is on the matrilineal system among the Muslims of Malabar. He headed the Department Sociology at Farook College for three decades The official website of Farook College till his retirement in March 2011. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism from Mysore University and a Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Guidance from University of Kerala.
Archaeological evidence shows that domestication occurred independently in the Near East and the Indian subcontinent between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago, giving rise to the two major domestic subspecies observed today: the humpless taurine cattle (European cattle, Bos taurus taurus) and the humped indicine cattle (Zebu, Bos taurus indicus), respectively. This is confirmed by genetic analyses of matrilineal mitochondrial DNA sequences, which reveal a marked differentiation between modern B. t. taurus and B. t. indicus haplotypes, demonstrating their derivation from two genetically divergent wild populations.
Long ago Addu City was ruled by families appointed by the sultans in Malé, and may have had a matrilineal system of inheritance; it is very much a man's world today. There was a recent period in Addu history when the status quo changed for a while, when a more matriarchal society developed and women became the breadwinners. Addu Atoll has some of the earliest known settlements recorded in the country—specifically, on the island of Meedhoo in the far north of the atoll.
Princess Catherine, his only daughter and heir, was married by her first cousin, Empress Anna, to Gavrila Golovkin's son, thus bringing the Romodanovsky estates under control of that Chancellor of the Russian Empire. This was not the end of their story, however. Seven decades later, on April 8, 1798, Emperor Paul authorized his favourite general, Nikolay Ivanovich Lodyzhensky, to take the title and arms of Princes Romodanovsky on account of his matrilineal descent from Prince Grigory Grigorievich Romodanovsky. Nikolay's descendants became known as Princes Romodanovsky-Lodyzhensky.
Göttner-Abendroth's terminology is idiosyncratic. The term "matriarchy" to describe these cultures has been rejected by many Goddess-movement scholars, especially those in North America, because it implies female domination as the reverse of male domination in patriarchy. These scholars deny such a reversal, asserting these prehistoric cultures were egalitarian, though matrilineal - inherited assets and parentage traced through the maternal line. According to Riane Eisler, cultures in which women and men shared power, and which worshiped female deities, were more peaceful than the patriarchal societies that followed.
Other scholars attribute the emphasis on the mother's role to a matrilineal family structure. Despite the obvious importance of Rebekah's mother in the narrative of this bible passage, scholars have yet to reveal the name of Rebekah's mother. Some sources indicate that the name of Rebekah's mother is not revealed because she was not of the same tribe. A generation later, Isaac sent Jacob back to Padan-aram to take a wife from among Bethuel's granddaughters, rather than from among the Canaanites.Gen. 28:1-2.
Red Cloud was born close to the forks of the Platte River, near the modern-day city of North Platte, Nebraska. His mother, Walks As She Thinks, was an Oglala Lakota and his father, Lone Man, was a Brulé Lakota leader. They came from two of the seven major Lakota divisions. As was traditional among the matrilineal Lakota, in which the children belonged to the mother's clan and people, Red Cloud was mentored as a boy by his maternal uncle, Old Chief Smoke (1774–1864).
Occupied for thousands of years by Native Americans, this land was overseen by clans of the Minsi and Lenni Lenape, who farmed, fished, and hunted upon it. They were organized into a matrilineal, agricultural, and mobile hunting society sustained with fixed, but not permanent, settlements in their clan territories. Villages were established and relocated as the clans farmed new sections of the land when soil fertility lessened and moved among their fishing and hunting grounds. In 1498, John Cabot explored this portion of the New World.
The joint family system places no distinction between patrilineal and matrilineal relatives, instead, it focuses on differences in kinship distance (the closer the relative is, the more distinctions are made). The system emphasizes the nuclear family, identifying directly only the mother, father, brother, and sister. All other relatives are grouped together into categories. It uses both classificatory and descriptive terms, differentiating between gender, generation, lineal relatives (relatives in the direct line of descent), and collateral relatives (blood relatives not in the direct line of descent).
Although there are several examples of inbred populations of wild animals, the negative consequences of this inbreeding are poorly documented. In the South American sea lion, there was concern that recent population crashes would reduce genetic diversity. Historical analysis indicated that a population expansion from just two matrilineal lines was responsible for most of the individuals within the population. Even so, the diversity within the lines allowed great variation in the gene pool that may help to protect the South American sea lion from extinction.
Suzuna Kuraki is a beautiful young woman apprenticing to become a priestess of her wealthy, matrilineal family's Shinto faith. As part of her initiation, she must not only practice consecration, but also enter an arranged marriage by her grandmother and subsequently participate in the decadal Tsukimachi ceremony, an esoteric ritual held to welcome a new female minister. However, things starts to get complicated when her fiance, Koichi Hayama, is brought to her estate and a mysterious paranormal energy begins making her act somewhat strangely.
Samuel Houston Mayes was born May 11, 1845, near Stilwell, Oklahoma to Samuel and Nancy (Adair) Mayes. His mother Nancy Adair was of Scots-Cherokee descent, a granddaughter of Ga-hoga, a full-blood Cherokee woman of the Deer clan. Her father was of mixed race and belonged to his mother's clan, as the Cherokee were a matrilineal society, and children took their status from the mother. With his marriage, Samuel Mayes (1803–1858) was taken into the Adair family and the Cherokee community.
However, despite stressing the importance of love in a marriage, the "ideal woman" is drawn as one who obeys her husband and is always loyal. Batak culture heavily influenced Azab dan Sengsara. The relationship between Amiruddin and his matrilineal cousin Mariamin is acceptable in Batak culture, as it does not violate the restriction on marrying people from the same marga. Baginda Diatas' reluctance to accept a lower-class wife for his son also reflected Batak tradition, as did Amiruddin's acceptance of his father's decision.
The analysis of the diversity of cytochrome B further suggests Uyghurs are closer to Chinese and Siberian populations than to various Caucasoid groups in West Asia or Europe. A study of mitochondrial DNA (2013) (therefore the matrilineal genetic contribution) found the frequency of western Eurasian-specific haplogroup in Uyghurs to be 42.6% and East Asian haplogroup to be 57.4%. A study based on paternal DNA (2005) shows West Eurasian haplogroups in Uyghurs make up 65% to 70% and East Asian haplogroups 30% to 35%.
The Pamunkey practice of matrilineal succession also created some confusion for Englishmen, who finally in the 1677 Treaty of Middle Plantation recognized the Pamunkey queen.Alfred A. Cave, Lethal Encounters: Englishmen and Indians in Colonial America (2011) University of Nebraska Press at pp. 151,165 As with other tribes in the Powhatan confederacy, the Pamunkey also had a weroance (chief) and a tribal council composed of seven members, elected every four years. The chief and council execute all the tribal governmental functions as set forth by their laws.
The rapid rise in the value of pictures by Gainsborough and also by Reynolds in the mid 19th century was partly because the Rothschild family, including Ferdinand de Rothschild began collecting them.Hall, M. Waddesdon Manor: The Heritage of a Rothschild House, Scala, London, 2009, p. 77 In 2011, Gainsborough's portrait of Miss Read (Mrs Frances Villebois) was sold by Michael Pearson, 4th Viscount Cowdray, for a record price of £6.54M, at Christie’s in London.Christie’s She was a matrilineal descendant of Cecily Neville, Duchess of York.
Later unease with a matrilineal descendant from Godred may have led to the invention of a patrilineal descent of Clann Somairle from a like-named man with enviable, albeit concocted, Scottish connections. Godred, therefore, may be identical to the anachronistic Gofraid mac Fergusa, an alleged ninth-century figure dubiously noted in the Annals of the Four Masters,Annals of the Four Masters (2008a) §§ 835.15, 851.16; Annals of the Four Masters (2008b) §§ 835.15, 851.16; Byrne (2008c) p. 632; Woolf (2007) p. 299; Hudson, BT (2005) p.
Indigenous planning cultures often hold traditional governance structures, including: matrilineal heritage or consensus based decision making; self-reliance and resiliency; and, reciprocity and ceremony. Complex relationships with time exist, with strong emphases on cyclical patterns, such as nature-human relational processes and the Seven Generation Sustainability methodology. Strength-based practices and wellness planning lenses are employed, rather than a negative or weakness based assessment framework. Many of these Indigenous cultures evoke particular planning methods, including: Transformational Planning, Participatory Planning, Therapeutic Planning, Cultural Humility, and Reconciliation.
Some researchers have propounded the similarities between the Basque language and the Caucasian languages, especially the Georgian language. The comparison between the matrilineal and patrilineal DNA of the native peoples from the Basque Country and Georgia has allowed the discovery of significant differences. The hypothesis that related both populations is only based on the typological similarities, which is never a good marker of linguistic kinship. These superficial similarities in the linguistic typologies do not seem to accompany a genetic relation at a population level.
Its weakness is that the place name evidence is from a relatively late date and the nature of this transition remains controversial.Thomson (2008) pp. 43–50. Genetic studies show that Shetlanders have almost identical proportions of Scandinavian matrilineal and patrilineal ancestry, suggesting that the islands were settled by both men and women in equal measure.Goodacre, S. et al (2005) "Genetic evidence for a family-based Scandinavian settlement of Shetland and Orkney during the Viking periods" Heredity 95, pp. 129–35. Retrieved 20 March 2011.
On 21 December 1803 at Coburg, a young Victoria married (as his second wife) Charles, Prince of Leiningen (1763–1814), whose first wife, Countess Henrietta of Reuss- Ebersdorf, had been her aunt. The couple had two children, Prince Carl, born on 12 September 1804, and Princess Feodora of Leiningen, born on 7 December 1807. Through her first marriage, she is a direct matrilineal ancestor to various members of royalty in Europe, including Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Felipe VI of Spain, and Constantine II of Greece.
Scholars use diverse terms and spellings to designate the Mosuo culture. Most prefer 'Mosuo' some spell it 'Moso', while a minority use neither term, but refer to them as the Na people. The Mosuo people are known as the 'Kingdom of Women' because the Na are a matrilineal society: heterosexual activity occurs only by mutual consent and mostly through the custom of the secret nocturnal 'visit'; men and women are free to have multiple partners, and to initiate or break off relationships when they please.
Charles and William's father was Nathan Hicks (1740–1829), a Scottish trader, son of Robert Hicks and Mary Courtney. Their mother was Nancy Conrad (1740–1770), a half blood, daughter of Swiss immigrant, Johann Conrad (1720–1754) and Jennie Oconastota (b. 1724), daughter of Oconastota Rainmaker (1702–1783) and Ahneewakee of the Red Paint Clan (b. 1704). As the Cherokee had a matrilineal system, the children belonged to their mother's clan, where they gained their social status, and boys were guided by males in their mother's family.
The Mbunda system of traditional rule had been such that sovereign rule of the entire Kingdom was vested in the king who had to come from the central matrilineal line of the royal hierarchy. This somewhat limited the number of aspiring royals to the central throne. The King had absolute authority so that when he made a decision his or her decision was not questioned but was to be carried out. The two main functions of a King were to legislate rules and govern the community.
Keish (1859 or 18601901 Census of Canada, District 206, Subdistrict f-93 (Cariboo Crossing, Yukon), at page 2, line 2, at, (December 28, 2013). - July 11, 1916), legally James Mason, best known by his nickname Skookum Jim Mason, was a member of the Tagish First Nation in what became the Yukon Territory of Canada. He was born near Bennett LakeKEISH - Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online on what is now the British Columbia and Yukon border, to a Tahltan woman (which under the conventions of a matrilineal society made him Tahltan).
Crécy was an important success for the English crown in the Edwardian War in France. In 1328 Charles IV of France died without a male heir. His cousin Phillip of Valois and Queen Isabella, on behalf of her son Edward, were the major claimants to the throne. Philip, as senior grandson of Philip III of France in the male line, became king over Edward's claim as a matrilineal grandson of Philip IV of France, following the precedents of Philip V's succession over his niece Joan II of Navarre and Charles IV's succession over his nieces.
His parents were a Yuchi woman, whose name is not known, and Timothy Kinnard, a white man of Scottish descent, who had come to the area as a trader. According to the matrilineal system of the Yuchi, Sam was considered born to his mother's people and he was raised as Yuchi. The chief became a well-known figure in the Florida Panhandle and was highly respected by whites. Following the United States' acquisition of this territory in 1821 from Spain, European Americans entered the panhandle in greater numbers, encroaching on Euchee and Creek territory.
Some clans' name were changed to adapt with the Islam after its arrival. Some of the new clans developed from the main clans due to differences in understanding and outlook in terms of customs. The new matrilineal clans also developed in Negeri Sembilan along with the Minangkabau migrant waves from Pagaruyung to Negeri Sembilan circa 17th-18th century. Some of them were named by the place of origin of the migrant groups from Pagaruyung and other were named after the Minangkabau groups that intermarried with the Orang Asli, Malay, Javanese and Acehnese.
Relief depicting Kandake Amanitore Kandake, kadake or kentake (Meroitic: 𐦲𐦷𐦲𐦡 kdke or 𐦲𐦴𐦲𐦡 ktke), often Latinised as Candace (), was the Meroitic term for the sister of the king of Kush who, due to the matrilineal succession, would bear the next heir, making her a queen mother. She had her own court, probably acted as a landholder and held a prominent secular role as regent. Contemporary Greek and Roman sources treated it, incorrectly, as a name. The name Candace is derived from the way the word is used in the New Testament ().
Life in the Praying towns was an interesting blend of English and Indian culture. The Praying Indians had to adopt the Puritan Christianity of their English neighbors, as well as English assimilatory rules such as patriarchy, as the Massachusett were traditionally a matrilineal society where woman were not restrained, as well as English ideas of decency. The Praying Indians also had to submit to English laws and adopted the administrative practices of the English town in their governance. Otherwise, the daily affairs of administration and the Indian churches was conducted in the Massachusett language.
This article is about the demographic features of the population of the Marshall Islands, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population. The people of the Marshall Islands are of Micronesian origin, which is traced to a combination of peoples who emigrated from Southeast Asia in the remote past. The matrilineal Marshallese culture revolves around a complex system of clans and lineages tied to land ownership. Virtually all Marshallese are Christian, most of them Protestant (see Religion in the Marshall Islands).
In the cultural practices of the Iroquoian peoples, also rooted in a matrilineal system with men and women having equal value, any child would have the status determined by the woman's clan. More typically, tribes took women and children captives for adoption, as they tended to adapt more easily into new ways. Several tribes held captives as hostages for payment. Various tribes also practiced debt slavery or imposed slavery on tribal members who had committed crimes; full tribal status would be restored as the enslaved worked off their obligations to the tribal society.
The Rain Queen's official mates are chosen by the Royal Council, so that all of her children will be of dynastic status, from which future Rain Queens may descend. However, the Rain Queens are not expected to remain in exclusive relations with these partners. In the past, the Rain Queen was allowed to have children only by her close relatives. Perhaps uniquely, the Balobedu crown descends according to matrilineal primogeniture: her eldest daughter is always her successor, so the title of Rain Queen is normally passed from mother to daughter.
Melon-headed whales are a highly social species and usually travel in large groups of 100 – 500 individuals, with occasional sightings of herds as large as 1000–2000. Large herds appear to consist of smaller subgroups that aggregate into larger groups. Data from mass strandings in Japan suggest melon-headed whales may have a matrilineal social structure (i.e., related through female kin/groups organized around an older female and their relatives); the biased sex ratio (higher number of females) of the stranding groups suggesting mature males may move between groups.
388 In the Cherokee matrilineal kinship culture, children traditionally belonged to the mother's clan and took their status from her people. The Cherokee had long absorbed the mixed-race children of Cherokee mothers and white fathers (usually fur traders). But, the children of Ridge and Boudinot would have had no place in the Cherokee society without the Council's new law. The historian Theresa Strouth Gaul wrote that the law was inspired by Ridge's marriage and Boudinot's engagement; as the young men were elite Cherokee, it protected the status of their future children.
The Winnebagos and Menominees used both hunting methods interchangeably and built up widespread trade networks extending as far west as the Rockies, north to the Great Lakes, south to the Gulf of Mexico, and east to the Atlantic Ocean. The Hurons reckoned descent through the female line, while the others favored the patrilineal method. All tribes were governed under chiefdoms or complex chiefdoms. For example, Hurons were divided into matrilineal clans, each represented by a chief in the town council, where they met with a town chief on civic matters.
Lewis Henry Morgan Morgan's interest in kinship systems came from his interest in the history and society of the Iroquois league, particularly the Seneca which he knew well. Studying Iroquois social organization, he discovered their matrilineal system of kinship reckoning, and this was what spurred his interests in kinship terminology. The Iroquoian kinship system used the same kin terms for all male blood relatives on the father's side (i.e., a father's brother is mentioned with the same term as father), and all female blood relatives on the mother's side (i.e.
Jesse Cornplanter was born in 1889 to Seneca parents Nancy Jack and Edward Cornplanter on the Cattaraugus Reservation in New York. His mother was of the Snipe Clan of the Tonawanda and the matrilineal traditions of the tribe passed the Snipe Clan designation to the children. He had six sisters and three brothers, but because of childhood diseases, only two of his sisters survived, Carrie and Anna, until 1918 when Carrie perished. He was the last male direct descendant of Cornplanter, a renowned Seneca war chief during and after the American Revolutionary War.
Arakkal kingdom included little more than the Cannanore town and the southern Laccadive Islands (Agatti, Kavaratti, Androth and Kalpeni, as well as Minicoy), originally leased from the Kolattiri. The royal family is said to be originally a branch of the Kolattiri, descended from a princess of that family who converted to Islam. They owed allegiance to the Kolattiri rulers, whose ministers they had been at one time. The rulers followed the Marumakkathayam system of matrilineal inheritance, a system which is unique to a section of Hindus of Kerala.
She was the daughter of Catharine (Tekarihoga), a Mohawk, and George Croghan, the prominent Irish colonist and British Indian agent, deputy to William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Northern District. Through her mother, Adonwentishon became clan mother of the Turtle clan, the first in rank in the Mohawk Nation. The Mohawk had a matrilineal kinship system, with inheritance and descent through the maternal line. As the clan matriarch, Adonwentishon had the birth right of naming the Tekarihoga, the principal hereditary sachem of the Mohawk who would come from her clan.
While not a creation of the Hebrew Bible, Shekinah appears in a slightly later Aramaic translation of the Bible in the first or second century C.E., according to Patai. Initially portrayed as the presence of God, she later becomes distinct from God, taking on more physical attributes. Meanwhile, the Indo-Europeans were known to have practiced multiple succession systems, and there is much better evidence of matrilineal customs among the Indo-European Celts and Germanics than among any ancient Semitic peoples. Women were running Sparta while the men were often away fighting.
Powell was believed to have ancestors from all of these groups. His mother was Polly Coppinger, a mixed-race Creek woman, and his father was most likely William Powell, a Scottish trader. Polly was also of Creek and European ancestry, as the daughter of Ann McQueen and Jose Coppinger. Because the Creek had a matrilineal kinship system, Polly and Ann's children were all considered to be born into their mother's clan; they were reared by their mothers and their maternal male relatives as traditional Creek and gained their social status from their mother's people.
Matrilineality is the tracing of kinship through the female line. It may also correlate with a social system in which each person is identified with their matriline – their mother's lineage – and which can involve the inheritance of property and/or titles. A matriline is a line of descent from a female ancestor to a descendant (of either sex) in which the individuals in all intervening generations are mothersin other words, a "mother line". In a matrilineal descent system, an individual is considered to belong to the same descent group as their mother.
The area was claimed as a part of the Dutch New Netherland province dating from 1614, where active trading in furs took advantage of the natural pass west, but the Lenape prevented permanent settlement beyond what is now Jersey City. "Early Europeans who first wrote about these Indians found matrilineal social organization to be unfamiliar and perplexing. ... As a result, the early records are full of 'clues' about early Lenape society, but were usually written by observers who did not fully understand what they were seeing."This quote is from Lenni-Lenape's Society section.
The Iroquois Confederacy or League, combining five to six Native American Haudenosaunee nations or tribes before the U.S. became a nation, operated by The Great Binding Law of Peace, a constitution by which women retained matrilineal-rights and participated in the League's political decision-making, including deciding whether to proceed to war,Jacobs, Renée E., Iroquois Great Law of Peace and the United States Constitution: How the Founding Fathers Ignored the Clan Mothers, in American Indian Law Review, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 497–531, esp. pp. 498–509 (© author 1991).
In the early 1960s, Bob and Yolanda, with their two small children Robert and Pamela in tow, trekked to the Sahara to undertake a second fieldwork among the Tuareg of Niger, where Bob, who was fond of paradoxes, was able to study a matrilineal society with patrilocal residence patterns. Murphy died of heart failure on October 8, 1990, at his home in Leonia, New Jersey. He was survived by his wife Yolanda and their two children.Narvaez, Alfonso A. "Robert F. Murphy, 66, Professor Of Anthropology and an Author", The New York Times, October 11, 1990.
The Whadjuk formed part of the Noongar language group, with their own distinctive dialect. Culturally they were divided into two matrilineal moieties: Wardungmaat, from wardung ("crow", that is, the Australian raven, Corvus coronoides) and maat ("lineage"; literally "leg") and; Manitjmaat, from manitj ("sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua galerita ") and maat. Moieties were endogamous, and children took the moiety of their mother. Each moiety also contained two "sections" (or "skins"): in the case of the Manitjmaat these were Ballarok and Tondarup and for the Wardungmaat, they were Ngotak and Naganyuk.
The Creek Indians (Muscogee people) had long been cultivating lands in this area, producing crops of maize, squash and beans (the Three Sisters), and tobacco, used primarily for ritual purposes. Osceola (1804-1838), who became well-known as a leader of the Seminole people in Florida, was born to a Creek woman at Red Creek, 10 miles from the Tallapoosa River. He was of mixed race but identified as Creek; the people have a matrilineal kinship system. Franklin has been home to many churches for more than 200 years.
On August 7, 2016, Bravani married Dimas Aditya, her co-star on the sitcom program titled Saya Terima Nikahnya on NET TV. Wedding reception held in Cilandak, South Jakarta with a mixture of Minangkabau and Bantenese culture which is packed with a touch of semi-modern and semi-formal shades. Based on the Minangkabau culture that embraced the matrilineal system, Dimas Aditya is given the title of Sutan Marajo of the Bravani family. A few months after marriage, Bravani suffered a miscarriage when she was three weeks pregnant.
According to this theory, the Levite genealogy is a myth to explain away the fact that four different groups claimed descent from Levi---the Gershonites, Kehathites, Merarites, and Aaronids. Since Aaron could not have been a brother to Gershon, Kehath, and Merari, he had to belong to the following generation. The hypothetical reconstruction of the "Elohist source" mentions only that both parents were Levites without identifying their names (). Some scholars suspect that the "Elohist source" attributes to Moses both matrilineal and patrilineal descent from Levites in order to enhance his religious credentials.
They established an important water route between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River known as the Fox–Wisconsin Waterway. It was likely long used by Native Americans prior to European encounter, as they had extensive cross-country trading routes related to the Mississippi River. During the French colonization of the Americas, this route was used frequently by fur traders. French-Canadian men who established homes on the Fox River married First Nation women, producing mixed-race descendants who were generally raised within the matrilineal cultures of their mothers and identified with the tribes.
In addition to the Minangkabau's rumah gadang, the Batak of Lake Toba region build the boat-shaped jabu with dominating carved gables and dramatic oversize roofs, and the people of Nias build the fortified omo sebua houses on massive ironwood pillars with towering roof structures. The Minangkabau are indigenous to the highlands of central Sumatra. Their culture is matrilineal, with property and land being passed down from mother to daughter; religious and political affairs are the province of men. The Minangkabau are strongly Islamic, but also follow their own ethnic traditions, or adat.
South African Jews of European descent have long been aware of the Lemba, but they have never accepted them as Jews or thought of them as more than an "intriguing curiosity." Generally, the Lemba have not been accepted as Jews because of their lack of matrilineal descent. Several rabbis and Jewish associations support their recognition as descendants of the "Lost Tribes of Israel". In the 2000s, the Lemba Cultural Association approached the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, asking for the Lemba to be recognized as Jews by the Jewish community.
The Nambudiri Brahmin tradition which limited the extent of marriage within their own caste led to the practice of hypergamy. Gough notes that The disparity in caste ranking in a relationship between a Brahmin man and a Nair woman meant that the woman was unable to live with her husband(s) in the Brahmin family and so remained in her own family. The children resulting from such marriages always became Nairs. Panikkar argues that it is this type of relationship that resulted in the matrilineal and matrilocal system.
Fuller believes that in the relatively undocumented southern Travancore monogamy may have been predominant, and that although the matrilineal joint family still applied it was usually the case that the wife lived with the tharavad of her husband.Fuller (1975) pp. 284–285 Nancy Levine and Walter Sangree state that while Nair women were maritally involved with a number of men, the men were also married to more than one woman. The women and their husbands did not live together and their relationship had no meaning other than "sexual liaison" and legitimacy for the children.
Saldaña held the crown for three decades, although more as a decorative figure than a political one, however his moral weight allowed him to exert influence over the indigenous settlers and his opposition to the exploitation of the United Fruit Company in the area earned him powerful enemies. He died almost at the same time as his nephew and heir José according to the Bribri (matrilineal) tradition. It is suspected that both poisoned. Although his second nephew Ramón Almengor (Siarke) claimed the title was only recognized by the bribris.
Izz al-din Shir was described historically as being "of the line of Senek'erim", referring to Senekerim- Hovhannes Artsruni, the final ruler of the Kingdom of Vaspurakan. Given Shir's Kurdish heritage, it is likely that this Armenian ancestry was matrilineal, i.e. his mother or grandmother may have been an Artsrunid princess. Such intermarriages between Christian Armenian nobles and Muslim ruling families were not uncommon due to the mutual political benefits they provided. Alternatively, Armenians have been known to refer to other Armenians who had converted to Islam as “Kurds”.
In the anthropological study of kinship, a moiety () is a descent group that coexists with only one other descent group within a society. In such cases, the community usually has unilineal descent, either patri- or matrilineal, so that any individual belongs to one of the two moiety groups by birth, and all marriages take place between members of opposite moieties. It is an exogamous clan system with only two clans. In the case of a patrilineal descent system, this can be interpreted as a system in which women are exchanged between the two moieties.
The medieval French commentator, Rashi (1040-1105 CE) in his commentary on Prophets references the law of matrilineal descent regarding Tamar, daughter of King David.II Samuel 13:13, Rashi In the biblical account, Tamar attempted to persuade her half-brother Amnon not to rape her, by suggesting that he could legitimately marry her instead.II Samuel 13:13 Although they were half siblings biologically, by law they were not related. Tamar's mother (at least at the time when she was conceived) was not Israelite, her mother was Maacah, daughter of Talmai king of Geshur.
Naalukettu is a veritable depiction of the matriarchal social order of Kerala's Nair community in its final gasp for life. The hero Appunni is a scion of a once rich and powerful family. Appunni is the son of a woman who married a man of her own choices and who did not marry the man whom her Karnavar suggested. So she has to leave the family with her son and Appunni grows up without a father and away from the prestige and protection of the matrilineal home to which he belongs.
Human migrations and mitochondrial haplogroups Human mtDNA haplogroups are lettered: A, B, C, CZ, D, E, F, G, H, HV, I, J, pre-JT, JT, K, L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, M, N, P, Q, R, R0, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. The most up-to-date version of the mtDNA tree is maintained by Mannis van Oven on the PhyloTree website. Mitochondrial Eve is the name given by researchers to the woman who is the most recent common matrilineal (female-lineage) ancestor of all living humans.
During the same time-frame, in North America, studies confirm that there was no uniform practice toward women or their place in society. In some matrilineal societies, women were assigned specific roles in the ceremonial, economic and political customs of their societies. In some patrilineal groups, women gained prestige from their relationships with men but were allowed to own their own property and were honored for their participation in crafts and ceremonial functions. In ambilineal societies, women were allowed to own property, be recognized in political roles, and act in both economic and ritual capacities.
Economically the province is dependent upon tourism, oil palm, and gold mining on Misima Island; in addition to these larger industries there are many small-scale village projects in cocoa and copra cultivation. The World War II Battle of Milne Bay took place in the province. Culturally the Milne Bay region is sometimes referred to as "the Massim," a term originating from the name of Misima Island. Massim societies are usually characterized by matrilineal descent, elaborate mortuary sequences and complex systems of ritual exchange including the Kula ring.
Kern, J.H.C., (1907), De wij-inscriptie op het Amoghapāça-beeld van Padang Candi(Batang Hari-districten); 1269 Çaka, Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde. "At Malayapura, Adityawarman bore the royal title of Udayadityavarman (or Adityavarmodaya) Pratapaparakramarajendra Maulimalivarmadewa, a title which one scholar believes he can detect an attempt at synthesis of the royal title traditionally in use in Srivijaya and Malayu." His kingdom is believed to be the predecessor of the present-day Minangkabau matrilineal society in Indonesia. Adityawarman's inscriptions as a Sumateran ruler, shows that he was a devotee of Tantric Buddhism.
In the study of molecular evolution, a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation. Haplogroups pertain to deep ancestral origins dating back thousands of years. The most commonly studied human haplogroups are Y-chromosome (Y-DNA) haplogroups and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, both of which can be used to define genetic populations. Y-DNA is passed solely along the patrilineal line, from father to son, while mtDNA is passed down the matrilineal line, from mother to both daughter or son.
Gotra is always passed on from father to children among most Hindus. However, among the Malayali and Tulu people it is passed on from mother to child. The tatsama words 'sahodara' (brother) and 'sahodari' (sister) derive their roots from the Sanskrit word 'saha udara' (सहोदर) meaning co-uterine or born of the same womb. In communities where gotra membership passed from father to children, marriages were allowed between a woman and her maternal uncle, while such marriages were forbidden in matrilineal communities, like Thiyyars and Tuluvas, where gotra membership was passed down from the mother.
The Billavas practised the matrilineal system of inheritance known as Aliya Kattu or Aliya Santana. Ghosh describes that this system entailed that "men transmit their immovable property, not to their own children, but matrilineally, to their sister's children." Iyer described the rules regarding marriage as Marriage of widows was permitted but the wedding ritual in such cases was simplified. An amended version of the ceremony was also used for situations where an illegitimate child might otherwise result: the father had to marry the pregnant woman in such circumstances.
A Madappura (stand alone Kovil) where Theyyam rituals are performed seasonally. All the Muthappan Madappuras are built in similar style. These structures are found mainly in the North Malabar region of Kerala In the pre-democratic era, Marumakkathayam-matriliniality was widely prevalent among the natives of North Malabar and included both the Muslim and Nambudiri communities of Payyanur, in addition to other traditional matrilineal communities such as the Nair and Thiyyas. The practice of matriliniality was distinctly different and was predominantly virilocal with married couples residing with or near the husband's parents.
Peter P. Pitchlynn was born in Noxubee County, Mississippi, January 30, 1806 as the first son of Sophia Folsom, a Choctaw of partly Anglo-American descent; her mother Natika was Choctaw and her father was Ebenezer Folsom, an Anglo-American trader. Sophia's Choctaw name was Lk-lo-ha-wah (Loved but lost). Sophia Folsom and John Pitchlynn had married in 1804. As the Choctaw had a matrilineal kinship system of property and hereditary leadership, Peter was born into his mother's clan and people; through her family, he gained status in the tribe.
Jalal al-Din Al-Suyuti, al-Ajaja al-zarnabiyya fi al-sulula al Zaynabiyya, in al- Suyuti Hawai li-l-fatawi, 2 vols (Cairo1352/1933) Vol II p.31-34 In Tajikistan matrilineal descendants are honoured.The Origins of the Civil War in Tajikistan: Nationalism, Islamism, and Violent Conflict in Post-Soviet Space, Tim Epkenhans, Chapter 7 p.266 There is no total consensus indicating Sayyids and abandoning individuals of maternal descent, which may be to limit the number because of financial reasons, such as Khums or governmental support especially for Sayyids.
The wolf, Lupa, who nursed Romulus and Remus is related to the cult of this wolf-goddess and the matrilineal, Etruscan civilization that preceded the Roman. Acca Larentia is another name for the wolf or the deity represented. Emulation of the cultural hero, the religious martyr Saint Euphemia, may have had a more contemporary association and reason for selection as the royal name for the empress, especially given the religious changes taking place in Constantinople at the time and the apparent interest of the empress in the veneration of the saint.
A house in Dadens in 1878 Haida families broadly belong to one of two matrilineal moieties or clans; those being the Eagle and the Raven clans, however, each family group has their own unique lineages and sub lineages represented by symbols or crests. This is the practice Haida have followed in the past however it does not necessarily mean all Haida follow this practice today. According to George F. MacDonald in Haida Monumental Art, at the first point of European contact, Dadens was owned by the Middle Town People, the Yahgu Laanaas Raven Clan.
Arthur Wellington Clah Arthur Wellington Clah (1831–1916) was a Canadian First Nations employee of the Hudson's Bay Company at Lax Kw'alaams (Port Simpson), B.C., who was also a hereditary chief in the Tsimshian nation, an anthropological informant, a Methodist missionary, and an extensive diarist. Arthur Wellington was his English name. "Clah" is a spelling of one of his hereditary Tsimshian names, Ła'ax. He also held the name T'amks, which carries with it leadership of a matrilineal house-group of the same name in the Gispaxlo'ots, one of the "Nine Tribes" of Lax Kw'alaams.
The founder population of Iceland came from Ireland, Scotland, and Scandinavia: studies of mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomes indicate that 62% of Icelanders' matrilineal ancestry derives from Scotland and Ireland (with most of the rest being from Scandinavia), while 75% of their patrilineal ancestry derives from Scandinavia (with most of the rest being from the Irish and British Isles). In addition, there are some areas of the accepted Celtic countries whose population are mostly not of Celtic heritage: for example, the Orkney and Shetland Islands in Scotland have a population of mostly Nordic descent.
In relation to marriage, divorce, and burial, which are under the jurisdiction of the Israeli Interior Ministry, the halakhic definition of who is a Jew is applied. When there is any doubt, the Israeli Chief Rabbinate generally determines the issue. In terms of social relations, most secular Jews view their Jewish identity as a matter of culture, heritage, nationality, or ethnicity. Ancestral aspects can be explained by the many Jews who view themselves as atheists and are defined by matrilineal descent or a Cohen (Kohen) or Levi, which is connected by ancestry.
Several of these "penghulus", notably that of Sungai Ujong, Jelebu, Johol and Rembau became powerful enough to exalt themselves above other "penghulus". By the early part of the 18th Century, the leaders of these four districts started calling themselves "Undang". Malaysia's modern day constitution confirms the status of the Undang under Article 71, 160, 181 and Eight Schedule of Federal Constitution as Malay Ruler within the Federation. Undangs are still chosen from amongst certain noble families in the state, the succession being both matrilineal and elective following the Adat Purbakala.
He was the patron of the Gora Pande clan, a minor faction of the Gorkha-based aristocratic Pande family. Some of his patrilineal descendants became influential politicians such as Ranajit Pande and Dalabhanjan Pande in the Nepalese history through their marital ties with the Thapa dynasty. His matrilineal descendants became significantly influential; Queen Tripurasundari of Nepal went on to become Queen Mother of Nepal and Mathawar Singh Thapa - the Prime Minister of Nepal and Jang Bahadur Kunwar Ranaji - the latter period ruler of Kaski & Lamjung and Prime Minister of Nepal.
The Lungu people (also known as Rungu or Tabwa) are a Bantu ethnic group living primarily on the southwestern shores of Lake Tanganyika, on the Marungu massif in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in southwestern Tanzania and northeastern Zambia. They speak dialects of the Mambwe-Lungu language, a Bantu language. Lungu people comprise several clans and many subclans based on matrilineal descent, some with their own dialects, which are depicted as separate tribes on older ethnographic maps. reports a population of 851,359 Lungu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1999.
Her daughter Damayanti (Neena Gupta) quit studies and is a communist revolutionary on parole. Venu realizes that they are no one but his own uncle's family, his uncle Kunjunni Panicker whom he admired so much, a poet and revolutionary who left home long back (probably to join Bose's INA) when Venu was a child. Venu visits home in Kerala, a typical matrilineal nair household, to discuss about his chance meeting with Kunjunni uncle's family and also to secure their rightful share for them. Venu's mother has no sympathies for Arthi Panicker and her kids.
Under the Creek matrilineal kinship system, children were considered born into the mother's clan, and inherited property and hereditary positions within her clan. Grayson was one of several children, and later went into business with his brothers Samuel and Pilot. The Graysons had relatives in the towns of both the Upper Creek and Lower Creek in the American Southeast, who were divided during the Creek War. His band of ancestors had left the American Southeast years before the formal Indian Removal of the 1830s and lived in Arkansas and Indian Territory.
He was born to Memana Parameswara Pillai and Chankaradiyil Thoppil Parambil Janaki Amma on 1924 at Cherai, Kochi, India. He had four siblings, Balan Menon, Sarojini, Lakshmikuty and Indira. Later on, he adopted the screen name 'Sankaradi' from the name of his Matrilineal family name "Chankaradiyil" by discarding the "-yil" and changing "Chankaradi" to "Sankaradi" Sankaradi remained bachelor for a long time till he married Sharada in the late 1980s; the couple had no children. He was known throughout his film career by his house name (Tharavadu) "Sankaradi".
Digital Library on American Slavery, University of North Carolina - Location: Mobile, Alabama - Abstract: Latchlin Durant seeks to regain possession of slaves given by his grandfather McGilveray to his mother. McGillivray's will and other surviving writings frequently noted Alexander, referred to as his "natural son," a euphemism for illegitimate. McGillivray, a patrilineal member of the Clan Chattan, may well have fought a kind of custody battle with his son's mother. As a member of the matrilineal Creeks, she considered her son and daughters as members of her own Wind Clan.
Though less than 3% of Native Americans owned slaves, divisions grew among the Native Americans over slavery. Among the Cherokee, records show that slave holders in the tribe were largely the children of European men that had shown their children the economics of slavery. As European colonists took slaves into frontier areas, there were more opportunities for relationships between African and Native American peoples. Among the Five Civilized Tribes, mixed-race slaveholders were generally part of an elite hierarchy, often based on their mothers' clan status, as the societies had matrilineal systems.
While living among the Choctaw for nearly 30 years, Hawkins married Lavinia Downs, a Choctaw woman. As the people had a matrilineal system of property and hereditary leadership, their children were born into the mother's clan and gained their status from her people. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, a number of Scots-Irish traders lived among the Choctaw and married high-status women. Choctaw chiefs saw these as strategic alliances to build stronger relationships with the Americans in a changing environment that influenced ideas of capital and property.
Bradt London and Globe Pequot, New York (2006). While the Kel Owey continued to dominate the town, the sedentary farmers now held and inherited much of the Aouderas gardens, rare in the region.Mortimore (1972) points out that while Tibia farmers held their own land, they were descendants of Tuareg freemen, not slaves Most non-resident Tuareg land owners in 1946 were women, holding land under what the Tuaregs call a ', matrilineal, system. As the gardens prospered, more towns were formed to the west by Aouderas residents, the largest being Tegmak.
Kowdoor Nayarabettu: A medieval Bunt manor house. Most Bunts followed a matrilineal system of inheritance and the eldest male member in the female line was the head of the family. This head of the family was called Yajmane and he would preside over the manorial court during the feudal era. The Nadibettu Aramane house in Shirva was built in the 14th century and has copper plate inscriptions of the Vijayanagara Empire Chavadi Aramane of Nandalike, the manorial house of the Heggade chieftaincy has inscriptions from the 16th century.
453–45 One trait that differentiated them from their neighbors was not eating pork. Qu Yinan, a Chinese woman who discovered her Jewish ancestry after her mother attended a conference on minorities in 1981, says her family did not eat pork or shellfish and her grandfather always wore a blue skullcap. Within the framework of contemporary rabbinical Judaism, matrilineal transmission of Jewishness is predominant, while Chinese Jews based their Jewishness on patrilineal descent. As a result, in Israel they are required to undergo conversion in order to receive Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return.
In 1933 John E. Hamilton, also known as Chief Rolling Cloud, was appointed Grand Sachem for Life of the Mohegan by his mother, Alice Storey. The Mohegan had a matrilineal kinship system, and male leaders were chosen by women elders from families with hereditary claims to the position. Storey was a direct descendant of Uncas, the great 17th-century leader of the Mohegan Nation, and of Tamaquashad, Grand Sachem of the Pequot Nation. In Mohegan tradition, the position of tribal leadership called Grand Sachem had always been hereditary through the maternal line.
The Minangkabau people brought along with them a cultural heritage which is still preserved and practised today as the Adat perpatih, a matrilineal system of inheritance and administration that is unique to the state. It is a system where the husband is the head of the household and inheritance passes from the mother to the daughter. The Minangkabau's divided into twelve suku or tribes, and marriage between members of the same tribe or clan is forbidden. The Minangkabau influence in the state can be found in dances and food as well.
Sui is a matrilineal descendant of the prominent Fang clan of Tongcheng, Anhui, notable for its many scholars and philosophers. She is an 18th generation descendant of Fang Bao, an influential Chinese poet who founded the Tongcheng School of literary prose popular throughout the Qing Empire. Notable ancestors also include Fang Gongcheng, tutor of the imperial palace, and Fang Guancheng, Viceroy of Zhili seated at Tianjin from 1749 to 1768 amongst other Qing era scholars. By the time she was four years old, Sui knew she wanted to be a fashion designer.
The Khasi people are an indigenous ethnic group of Meghalaya in north-eastern India with a significant population in the bordering state of Assam, and in certain parts of Bangladesh. The Khasi people form the majority of the population of the eastern part of Meghalaya, and is the state's largest community, with around 48% of the population of Meghalaya. They are the only Mon-Khmer speaking people in South Asia. A cultural tradition of the Khasi people is that they follow the matrilineal system of descent and inheritance.
The rest of the tribe began to regard them with respect and no longer as outlaws. The Dog Soldiers contributed to the breakdown of the traditional matrilineal clan system of the Cheyennes. Customarily when a man married, he moved to the camp of his wife's band. Maintaining their separation, the Dog Soldiers brought all wives to their own camp. Other elements contributing to the breakdown of the traditional clan system were the high rate of deaths from the 1849 cholera epidemic, which killed perhaps half the Southern Cheyenne population,Hyde 1968, p. 96.
Igor Ursenco (born 9 February 1971) is a Moldovan-born Romanian poet, fiction writer, screenwriter, culturologist, pedagogue, political analyst, and polyglot translator. Igor Ursenco is the matrilineal descendant from Northern Bessarabian dynasty of scholar Marcu Văluță, director of the interwar publication Moldovan Thought. In late October 2012 he was appointed to organise the Romanian Cultural Institute in Kiev as a Deputy Coordinator. As a catalyst of pneumatic motion of the text, Igor Ursenco is known also as a polyvalent author and the promoter of critical integrative method theo-e- retikon.
Watercolor by James G. Swan depicting the Klallam people of chief Chetzemoka at Port Townsend, with one of Chetzemoka's wives distributing potlatch. Mauss' concept of "total prestations" was further developed by Annette Weiner, who revisited Malinowski's fieldsite in the Trobriand Islands. Her critique was twofold: first, Trobriand Island society is matrilineal, and women hold much economic and political power, but their exchanges were ignored by Malinowski. Secondly, she developed Mauss' argument about reciprocity and the "spirit of the gift" in terms of "inalienable possessions: the paradox of keeping while giving".
The genetic history of indigenous peoples of the Americas primarily focuses on human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups and human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. "Y-DNA" is passed solely along the patrilineal line, from father to son, while "mtDNA" is passed down the matrilineal line, from mother to offspring of both sexes. Neither recombines, and thus Y-DNA and mtDNA change only by chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents' genetic material. (Detailed hierarchical chart) Autosomal "atDNA" markers are also used, but differ from mtDNA or Y-DNA in that they overlap significantly.
In talks with Brims, it was decided a young niece from Brims' family would be betrothed to Musgrove's son, so as to maintain the native rules of kinship and reciprocity and thus help reinforce the peace treaty. Captain Musgrove was married to a Creek woman and, therefore, his son Johnny Musgrove, like Mary, was of "mixed blood."Hahn, The Invention of the Creek Nation, 103–105. Mary and Johnny Musgrove, in time, married and lived among her Coweta kin, which was the traditional practice of matrilineal cultures such as the Creeks.
The Y chromosome follows patrilineal inheritance, meaning it is only passed on among males, from father to son. Mitochondrial DNA on the other hand follows matrilineal inheritance, meaning it is only passed on from the mother to her children and from her daughters to their children. In 1997 Laurent Excoffier, his student Estella Poloni and his team reported that they had found a strong correlation between the Y-chromosomal sequence P49a,f/Taql variation and linguistics, while not being able to find such a correspondence for the mtDNA variation. Poloni et al.
Six survived to adulthood (Jonathan died young.) The Chickasaw had a matrilineal system, in which children were considered born into the mother's clan; and they gained their status in the tribe from her family. Property and hereditary leadership passed through the maternal line, and the mother's eldest brother was the main male mentor of the children, especially of boys. Because of the status of their mothers, for nearly a century, the Colbert-Chickasaw sons and their descendants provided critical leadership during the tribe's greatest challenges. They had the advantage of growing up bilingual.
Clinton secured passage of the act creating the new county, and proposed the name "Sampson" in honor of John Sampson, his stepfather and benefactor. In the 21st century, a significant minority in Sampson County are members of the state-recognized Coharie Native American Tribe. In the past during the segregation era, many Coharie were previously classified as black, or mulatto, regardless of their personal identification as Native American. The Coharie had a matrilineal kinship system, and children were considered to be born to the mother and her people; they took their status from her.
The Zia are a tribe of about 4,000 people living in the lower Waria Valley in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. The Zia tribe is divided into four clans, Bego (hornbill), Sakia (white cockatoo), Wapo (eagle) and Yewa (bird of paradise), each animal the clan's symbol. Each clan also carries specific responsibilities to the tribe at large, in part through the maintenance of specialized field of knowledge. The clans are matrilineal, with children inheriting their mother's clan membership and disallowing marriage between two members of the same clan.
Killer whales are highly social; some populations are composed of matrilineal family groups, which are the most stable of any animal species. The sophisticated social behavior, hunting techniques, and vocal behavior of killer whales have been described as manifestations of animal culture. Although killer whales are not an endangered species, some local populations are threatened or endangered due to bioaccumulation of PCBs pollution, depletion of prey species, captures for marine mammal parks, conflicts with fishing activities, acoustic pollution, shipping vessels, stress from whale-watching boats, and habitat loss.
Nest ferch Cadell was the daughter of Cadell ap Brochfael, an 8th-century King of Powys, the wife of Merfyn Frych, King of Gwynedd. On the death of her brother Cyngen ap Cadell in 855, authority over the Kingdom of Powys was claimed by Rhodri the Great, who had previously inherited the Kingdom of Gwynedd on the death of his father in 844. Rhodri thus united the Kingdoms of Powys and Gwynedd. Traditionally, Nest was claimed to be Rhodri's mother, hence his claim to Powys would have been matrilineal.
The name of "monastery" comes from the Roman belief that herein had lived some celibate priestesses called "harimaguadas", with whom young women of noble class came to live until their marriage (this society was matrilineal). The above-mentioned vision prevailed up to the 20th century, when Guy Marcy, a French archaeologist, was the first to recognize its real use as being obviously similar to that of other structures of the island and of north Africa.Cenobio de Valerón, Guia, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. UTube video of a guided tour in Valeron's caves.
David A. Moniac, as his name was sometimes recorded, was the son of the prosperous Creek merchant Samuel Moniac and Elizabeth Weatherford, both mixed-race Creek. His mother was the sister of the Creek leader William Weatherford, and his great-uncle was Alexander McGillivray, an important Creek chief on his mother's side. The Creek had a matrilineal kinship system, so Moniac was considered to be born into his mother's Wind Clan and gained his social status there. Moniac's maternal uncle would have been more important to his upbringing than his father.
Her Mother was Mary "Ah Ke Ch Lung Un A Qua" from the Delaware Indians Turtle Clan. Her English name was Mary Anderson (1760–1825). Mrs. Conner lived with her parents until 1812 when she moved with her husband of 10 years four miles south of the town of Noblesville, Indiana, and east of the White River. The Delaware Indians, also known as Lenape, had a matrilineal line (the children belonged to the mother's clan) and it was common that married children lived in the same household as the mother.
His mother and maternal grandmother were of mixed Scots- Cherokee ancestry, since his maternal grandfather was another Scottish immigrant. At the time among the matrilineal Cherokee, anyone born of a Cherokee mother was counted as a Cherokee, and a member of her clan. As a result, young John (in modern times counted as one-eighth Cherokee by blood quantum) grew up bilingual and bicultural, an experience that served him well when his parents decided to send him to schools that served other mixed-race Cherokee. After graduation, he was appointed an Indian agent in 1811.
1282 brought him other manors including Morpeth in Northumberland and its appurtenances. In 1297 he was enfeoffed as tenant-in-chief (feudal lord) of the entire barony of Greystoke, seated at Greystoke in Cumberland but with Yorkshire estates, through his matrilineal Greystok descent. He entered upon these in his own right in 1306. Having served in the retinue of Aymer de Valence, during the first decade of Edward II's reign he remained dependable as a military leader and royal lieutenant in the defence administration of the northern counties and Scottish marches.
Thornton was born in Gloucester County, Virginia to William Thornton a prominent Colonial Burgess and Judge and Jane Clack, the granddaughter of the Rev. James Clack. His parents were first cousins and benefited greatly not just the primogeniture status that settle a comfortable size estate upon William Thornton but also from an estate passed matrilineal from Peter Sterling, a seventeenth century surgeon with landholdings in Gloucester County, Virginia and Baltimore, Maryland. By 1753, Thornton's family removed to Brunswick County, Virginia where is father gained significant economic and political control.
After Şehzade Mahmud's death in 1507, she built a tomb for him in Bursa. In 1512, she built another complex and endowed a significant amount of property for its expenses. She designated her son Ahmed, and upon his death Ahmed's eldest daughter and her daughters, as the administrator of the endowment. Bülbül's delegation of the regency of the endowment through the matrilineal line after his son Ahmed demonstrated that this endowment was established as a precautionary measure in the event that Ahmed failed in his bid for the sultanate.
100(1380) pp. 193-196 Dittus' team tracks (among dozens of other variables) the life histories of some 4,500 macaques from birth to death, maintains matrilineal and patrilineal genealogies, documents migration between troupes and monitors the social rank and relations of each individual through time. His team has been engaged in similar long-term studies on the grey langur (Semnopithecus priam thersites) and the northern purple-faced leaf monkey (Semnopithecus vetulus philbricki) at the same site. The initiative contributes to the disciplines of sociobiology, forest ecology, population biology, genetics, epidemiology and conservation in these primates.
The Ngombo figurines have been traditionally a part of divining spirits who are shaken to tell causes of illness, misfortune, not having babies and other problems faced by a family or a village. Both chiefs and village groups are found in the Chokwe culture. Villages consist of company compounds with square huts or circular grass-houses with a central space that serves as the meeting place for the villagers. The Chokwe are traditionally a matrilineal society, but where the woman moves to live with her husband's family after wedding.
Joseph Medicine Crow (his Crow name meant High Bird) was born in 1913 on the Crow Indian Reservation near Lodge Grass, Montana, to Amy Yellowtail and Leo Medicine Crow. As the Crow kinship system was matrilineal, he was considered born for his mother's people, and gained his social status from that line. Property and hereditary positions were passed through the maternal line. Chief Medicine Crow, Leo's father, was a highly distinguished and honored chief in his own right, who at the age of 22 became a war chief.
To the Cherokee people, land is tied to many things, including family, heritage and gender roles. Ancestors are connected with the land because in most cases land was passed down from generation to generation, in a matrilineal way. The Cherokee Indians depended on land both to hunt and to farm, and they did not create borders through which people were not allowed to pass.citation required Indian Removal stripped the Cherokee away from their connectedness with their natural environment, causing feelings of loss and hopelessness that are ever-present in the novel.
The Spinner by Wilhelm Leibl (1892), features spinning flax from a distaff The term distaff is also used as an adjective to describe the matrilineal branch of a familyDistaff Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Retrieved on 2008-07-22, i.e., to the person's mother and her blood relatives. This term developed in the English-speaking communities where a distaff spinning tool was used often to symbolize domestic life. One still recognized use of the term is in horse racing, in which races limited to female horses are referred to as distaff races.
In this part of the book, Gould Davis focused on the role of women in the ancient civilizations of Crete and Mycenae. Her research suggested to her that, as in her model of prehistoric civilization, women were the primary powers. The book saw the Cretan and Mycenaean civilizations as remnants of the ancient pre-Christian Celtic culture, which Gould Davis also believed to have granted women a great deal of power. She claimed, for example, that the monarchy was matrilineal, and that most of the tribal chiefs were women rather than men.
She has contributed a chapter to book on matriarchy by Heide Göttner-Abendroth under the title, Khasi matrilineal society - Challenges in the 21st century and is working on a book, When Hens Crow. She has attended many conferences and seminars in places such as Japan, Thailand, Hawaii, Switzerland, Palestine, Israel, North and South Korea, UK, and the African continent and has delivered keynote addresses. She has also appeared on several television and radio programs. Patricia Mukhim is a divorcee and has three children, two of her children having died earlier.
These three rights are only a small part of the document's long list of rights related to gender equality meant to ensure women have equal opportunities to men. However, according to the article, the United States has not yet ratified this UN Convention or the multilateral treaty. In non-discriminating states, women may eventually gain the same right to their own matriname as men have traditionally had (within father-line cultures) to their own patriname. And similarly, within mother-line or matrilineal cultures, men may gain the right to their own patriname.
At the time some who had been opposed to Freedmen being allocated land also opposed their participation in government. As the Seminole Nation developed their constitution, some members wanted to exclude Seminole Maroons from the tribe, but the Constitution of the 1950s recognizes Freedmen as citizens. The Seminole Nation ratified a constitution on March 8, 1969, which restructured their government along more traditional lines. The Nation has been composed since the 19th century of 14 itálwa, matrilineal town bands, including two Freedmen bands, which each represent several towns.
La Troienne (1926–1954) was one of the most famous and influential Thoroughbred broodmares in twentieth century America. She produced 10 winners including two Hall of Fame inductees while at stud, while her daughters in turn produced many notable offspring. In 2000, pedigree expert Janeen Oliver designated her as the taproot of family 1-x, a designation that was implemented by the Pedigree Online Thoroughbred Database in 2003. Recent matrilineal descendants include 2003 Horse of the Year Mineshaft and Kentucky Derby winners Smarty Jones (2004) and Super Saver (2010).
The traditional religion of the Ovambo people is the primary faith of less than 3%, as most state Christianity to be their primary faith. The Ovambo's traditional religion envisions a supreme being named Kalunga, with their rites and rituals centered around sacred fire like many ethnic groups in southwestern Africa. The Kalunga cosmology states that the Supreme Being created the first man and first woman, who had a daughter and two sons. It is the daughter's lineage that created Ovambo people, according to the traditional beliefs of the matrilineal Ovambo people.
Each child, after spending its first several years with its mother, is raised by an individual man or woman (not a couple) designated by the bee, girls typically are raised by women, and boys by men. Although children spend most of their time with matrilineal kin, father-child relations are warm and strong. Gender identity is established early, with children taking on responsibility for gender-typed adult tasks as soon as they are physically able. Girls often marry by age 15, whereas boys are more often in their twenties when they take their first wife.
Jarai is a matrilineal culture tracing the descent through the female line and identifying each person with their matriline lineage, which can involve the inheritance of property and/or titles. The mother is the one to take the initiative of the marriage of her daughters and the husband is expected to come to live in the house of his mother-in-law. The intermarriage with persons of other ethnic groups can be common, especially if there is a proximity of villages. In Ratanakiri Province, Jarai people intermarriage especially with the Tampuan people, an unrelated group of Mon-Khmer language family.
The reasons behind Gofraid Crobán's apparent transformation into Gofraid mac Fergusa are uncertain. One possibility is that later unease of a matrilineal descent from the Gofraid of the praise poetry led to the assumption of a patrilineal link with him. Another aspect of the transformation could have concerned a conscious rejection of Gofraid Crobán, which in turn may have led to the adoption of a genealogical link to a similarly-named historical figure like Gofraid ua Ímair. A deliberate disavowal of Gofraid Crobán could have stemmed from a slackening of pride in Clann Domhnaill's supposedly less-than-Gaelic ancestors.
Indulekha is a graceful Nair girl with good intelligence, artistic talent. She is a young and educated, knowledgeable woman with education in English and Sanskrit, who is in love with a young man, Madhavan, the hero of the novel, who is also presented in ideal colours, a member of newly educated Nayar class graduated from the University of Madras. He dressed in western clothes, but at the same time he kept a long tuft of hair, according to the Nair custom. The story details how the matrilineal society of those times, encourages Namboothiris to start a relationship with Indulekha.
The children from this matrilineal marriage would be expected to inherit from their mother's family. Today, the percentage of women in polygynous marriages in Ghana's rural areas (23.9%) is almost double that of women in Ghana's urban areas (12.4%). The age group with the most women in polygynous marriages is 45–49, followed by the 15–19 age group and the 40–44 group. Rates of polygynous marriages decrease as education level and wealth level increase. During 2008–12, the national literacy rate for women aged 15–24 was 83.2%, only slightly lower than that for males of the same age group (88.3%).
Marie Guyart, a French nun who worked with the First Nations peoples of Canada during the seventeenth century, wrote in 1654 regarding the suffrage practices of Iroquois women, "These female chieftains are women of standing amongst the savages, and they have a deciding vote in the councils. They make decisions there like the men, and it is they who even delegated the first ambassadors to discuss peace."Women Mystics Confront the Modern World (Marie-Florine Bruneau: State University of New York: 1998: p. 106) The Iroquois, like many First Nations peoples in North America, had a matrilineal kinship system.
As the status of the children were inherited from the mother, the children of such unions were born free, and as long as they maintained social ties with other Indians, were accepted into the community, especially in the traditional matrilineal and matrilocal culture of the Massachusett and other Native peoples. Intermarriage with White men was not as common, as the English did not suffer a gender imbalance and anti-miscegenation laws prevented them, but nevertheless, these rates spiked too, often with pariahs and those of lesser means.Katz, William Loren (1996). "Their Mixing is to be Prevented".
The Cherokee society was historically a matrilineal society; meaning children belong to the mother's clan, and hereditary leadership and property were passed through the maternal line. Traditionally, women were considered the head of household among the Cherokee, with the home and children belonging to her should she separate from a husband, and maternal uncles were considered more important than fathers. Property was inherited and bequeathed through the clan and held in common by it. In addition, Cherokee society tended to be matrilocal, meaning that once married a couple moved in with or near the bride's family.
Much more wide-sweeping changes came with the first printed law in the Cherokee Nation, passed by the National Council on September 11, 1808. A major reform designed and pushed forward by the young chiefs' "Cherokee Triumvirate" (James Vann, Charles R. Hicks, and The Ridge), its primary prescriptive feature was setting up a Light Horse Guard of several teams over the whole Nation to act as "regulating parties", and also provided for a system of patrilineal inheritance alongside the matrilineal inheritance system of the clans. Major Ridge served as the first commander of the Light Horse Guard. Proscriptively, it further restricted clan retaliation.
Maria Tatar, The Annotated Brothers Grimm, 2004, . The tale is part of the collective of not uncommon stories in which a swine herd, a veteran or a vagrant prince – always someone from "far away" – wins a king's daughter and inherits the father ("half the kingdome" etc.) as in for example the devil with the three golden hairs. It is the story of a matrilineal inheritance in which daughters, and not sons inherit. If the story moves along into a patrilineal society, one needs a strong explanation to understand the solution – here the rare gift, never to be frightened and an unusually resolute wife.
He is the son of Dejazmatch Yohannes Iyasu (1915-1977).Genealogy Through his father, Lij Girma is a grandson of Lij Iyasu, Emperor-designate of Ethiopia from 1913 until 1916 when he was deposed by Dejazmach Teferi Mekonen with the support of the British, French and Italian Ministers (Thesiger, Brice and Coli) and excommunicated by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which deprived him of his rights of succession. Iyasu was the son of Negus Mikael of Sion, and matrilineal grandson of Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia. Lij Girma Yohannes grew up in the monasteries of Asebot, Dega Estifanos (Lake Tana) and Debre Damo.
The society of the Marshall Islands primarily has a social structure that is matrilineal. This means that women are own "a great deal of power" because they predominate in making decisions "behind-the-scenes" even though men are seen as the "public performers". In the past, Marshall islander women who belong to the upper class are commonly distinguished by wearing "intricate tattoos", and were spoken to using "restricted speech genres" and "speaking styles". At present, modern-day women in the Marshall Islands may wear "American-style dress modified it to local norms" where the emerging elite may wear "costly dress and personal adornment".
Lewis H. Morgan In his influential book, Ancient Society (1877), its title echoing Maine's Ancient Law, Lewis Henry Morgan proposed a very different theory. Morgan insisted that throughout the earlier periods of human history, neither the state nor the family existed. In place of both family and state, according to Morgan, was the gens — nowadays termed the 'clan' — based initially on matrilocal residence and matrilineal descent. This aspect of Morgan's theory, later endorsed by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, is nowadays widely considered discredited (but for a critical survey of the current consensus, see Knight 2008, 'Early Human Kinship Was Matrilineal'Knight, C. 2008.
Killer whales are apex predators, as no animal preys on them. A cosmopolitan species, they can be found in each of the world's oceans in a variety of marine environments, from Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas, absent only from the Baltic and Black seas, and some areas of the Arctic Ocean. Killer whales are highly social; some populations are composed of matrilineal family groups (pods) which are the most stable of any animal species. Their sophisticated hunting techniques and vocal behaviours, which are often specific to a particular group and passed across generations, have been described as manifestations of animal culture.
In India, of communities recognized in the national Constitution as Scheduled Tribes, "some ... [are] matriarchal and matrilineal", citing Srinivas, Mysore Narasimhachar, The Cohesive Role of Sanskritization and Other Essays (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989), & Agarwal, Bina, A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). "and thus have been known to be more egalitarian". According to interviewer Anuj Kumar, Manipur, India, "has a matriarchal society",Kumar, Anuj, Let's Anger Her! (sic), in The Hindu, July 25, 2012, as accessed September 29, 2012 (whether statement was by Kumar or Kom is unknown).
During the Japanese colonial-era, a sizeable minority of mixed-race Japanese-Palauans emerged. Japanese-Palauans were offspring of intermarriages between Japanese men and Palauan women. Most of them lived in urban areas, and were brought up in accordance to Japanese norms and values and spoke Japanese in their daily lives. A few sought further education in Japan, and at the same time had limited knowledge of Palauan customs and language, although children that were born out of wedlock reportedly had a greater exposure to their matrilineal customs and spoke both Japanese and Palauan fluently.McAuley (2001), p.
Therefore they formed bilingual mixed-tribal bands. Outsiders, such as the Spanish, Mexicans and Americans distinguished the peoples primarily by language, but often referred to them as one name. The Apache spoke the Tonto dialect of the Western Apache language (Ndee biyati' / Nnee biyati), and the Yavapai spoke the Yavapai language, a branch of Upland Yuman. Living together in common rancherias, families identified as Apache or Yavapai based on their “Mother tongue.” Both groups had matrilineal kinship systems, with children considered born into the mother's family and clan, with inheritance and property figured through the maternal line.
Its cultural features included matrilineal lineage and clans, with a feudal structure of "nobles" controlling land worked by "commoners" and settlements consisting of small groups of close relatives sharing a single cook house. The first missionary post was established by Congregationalists in 1852, and virtually the whole island had converted to Christianity by the 1870s. Today, many sects of Christianity are represented on Kosrae, and religion still plays an integral role in culture. The notorious captain and blackbirder Bully Hayes was shipwrecked on Kosrae on March 15, 1874, when his ship the Leonora was caught in Utwe harbor during a storm.
The imperial branch of the Palaiologos family were displaced in 1453 through the Fall of Constantinople, but the Montferrat cadet branch continued to rule Montferrat for almost another century after that, being replaced by the House of Gonzaga in 1533 after the death of the last male member of the house, John George Palaeologus. The last female member, Margaret Paleologa, died in 1566, rendering the house extinct. Their descendants are still alive today, both in the form of branches descended from illegitimate children and through matrilineal descent in several Italian noble houses, such as the House of Savoy.
Domnall became king of Ailech in 1083 and began his reign in traditional fashion, with an inaugural raid—crech ríg—against the Conaille Muirthemne (in the region of modern Dundalk, County Louth).Flanagan. The Annals of Ulster state that Domnall "carried off a great prey of cattle and gave stipends from that prey to the men of Fernmag [the people and land from whom modern County Fermanagh was named]".Annals of Ulster, s.a. 1083. However, Muirchertach Ua Briain the new king of Munster (a matrilineal kinsman of Toirdelbach), moved to oppose the rule of Meic Lochlainn between 1101 and 1119.
P. R. Godavarma Raja was born on 13 October 1908 at Poonjar in Kottayam district of Kerala, into the Royal House of Poonjar. He was the third son of Smt. Ambalika Thamburatty, a lady belonging to the Poonjar dynasty, and her husband, Puthusseri Narayanan Nampoothiri. In accordance with the Sambandam system and the matrilineal Marumakkathayam system then prevalent in Kerala, Godavarma Raja belonged not to the family and caste of his father, but to that of his mother; he was a member of the Poonjar dynasty, and similarly, his children would belong to the family of their mother.
This is as a result of having maintained already-Jewish and adopted many Han Chinese customs including patrilineal descent and extensive intermarriage with the local Han population. Since their religious practices are considered to be functionally extinct, they are not eligible for expedited immigration to Israel under the Law of Return unless they explicitly convert."The Truth About Matrilineal Descent" Today, many descendants of the Jews have assimilated into the majority Han Chinese populace. Some of them, as well as international Jewish communities are beginning to search for these descendants to help them revive their interest in their Jewish roots.
She was born July 17, 1855, in the Tsimshian village of Lax Kw'alaams, then known by its colonial name of Fort Simpson or Port Simpson. She was the daughter of a Tsimshian traditional healer and midwife named Mary Quintal (later Curtis) and French Canadian employee of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) fort in the village, François Quintal. Following her mother in the matrilineal system of the Tsimshian, Odille was a member of the Gitlaan tribe and most likely of the Killerwhale crest. She grew up trilingual, in English, Tsimshian, and French, and also knew the Chinook Jargon trade language.
282x282px Punu (Sira) culture is one of the traditional matrilineal cultures of Africa. Punu art is wide-ranging and renowned, especially for the tradition of crafting bronze and Wooden Masks and divers artifactes. Some of their most important mythological stories is called Nyambye Mbumba the creator of the universe, literally meaning "the Serpent God" Knowns as ouroburus in the most of the myths of creation in the old world. Elements of Punu culture also include, Punu art, Raphia cloth, Punu Sira seasonal Calendar, Punu Chieftaincy, Punu Masks, Punu Dances, Punu Palm wine festival, Punu tribal musical instruments and Punu religion.
Jakobovits also suggests a connection between the Jewish law of matrilineal descent and a mother's bond with her child. Jakobovits writes: “It was Eve who was called so “because she was the mother of all living” (Gen. 3:20), whereas Adam was not named as “the father of all life”. Jakobovits adds, “the determination of the child’s religious status by the mother may also indicate that she has the superior influence on the child’s religious development.” Also, Grunfeld, Isidor, and Samson Raphael Hirsch. Judaism Eternal: Selected Essays from the Writings of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. Vol.
Each Tharavadu also has a Para Devatha (clan deity) revered by those in the particular Tharavadu. Temples were built to honour these deities. Kerala's society is less patriarchal than the rest of India... Certain Hindu communities such as the Nairs, and Muslims around Kannur, Varkala and Edava in Thiruvananthapuram used to follow a traditional matrilineal system known as marumakkathayam which has in the recent years (post-Indian independence) ceased to exist. Christians, Muslims, and some Hindu castes such as the Namboothiris and some Ezhavas follow makkathayam, a patrilineal system.. Kerala's gender relations are among the most equitable in India and the Majority World...
He succeeded to his maternal uncle Paul Sgagweet's hereditary name-title Sgagweet in 1887 upon his uncle's death, in accordance with the rules of matrilineal succession. This established him as chief of the Gitando tribe. In 1871 Dudoward married Mary Catherine, later known as Kate Dudoward, who was the daughter of a Tsimshian mother and a non- Native customs officer named Holmes. Kate's mother had been killed the year before in an ambush en route from Victoria, B.C., to Lax Kw'alaams, where she had been traveling to assume a chieftainship for which there was no male heir.
However, whether Muslim or Christian, many Bantu have retained their ancestral animist traditions, including the practice of possession dances and the use of magic and curses. Many of these religious traditions closely resemble those practised in Tanzania, similarities which also extend to hunting, harvesting and music, among other things. Many Bantu have also retained their ancestral social structures, with their Bantu tribe of origin in southeastern Africa serving as the principal form of social stratification. Smaller units of societal organization are divided according to matrilineal kinship groups, the latter of which are often interchangeable with ceremonial dance groupings.
Not sex in the ephemeral, physical sense - the > adolescent incontinence of these tribes precludes this - but sex transformed > into a permanent fetter, spiritual (as love) and social (as marriage). We > will not probe the psychological depth of this antagonism. Let me only point > out two things: first, that it occurs in a matrilineal society, that is, a > society in which the fruits of procreation are not the man's. And, secondly, > that it is accompanied, not only on the strong emphasis on male > companionship, but also, in the domain of the abnormal, by widespread > homosexuality and transvesticism.
Alexander was born Hoboi-Hili- Miko (Good Child King) in the Coushatta village of Little Tallassee (also known as Little Tallase, Little Talisi and Little Tulsa) on the Coosa River, near present-day Montgomery, Alabama, in 1750. Alexander's mother, Sehoy Marchand, was the daughter of Sehoy, a mixed-race Creek woman of the prestigious Wind Clan ("Hutalgalgi"), and of Jean Baptiste Louis DeCourtel Marchand, a French officer at Fort Toulouse. Alexander and his siblings were born into the Wind Clan, as the Muscogee had a matrilineal system, and gained their status from their mother's clan. They identified as Creek.
Laura Spelman Rockefeller (October 11, 1936 – November 17, 2015) was an American philanthropist. She was the eldest child of Laurance Spelman Rockefeller (1910–2004) and Mary French (1910–1997), and a fourth generation member of the Rockefeller family. She has two younger sisters, Marion, Lucy Aldrich Rockefeller, and a younger brother, Laurance Spelman Rockefeller Jr.. Her patrilineal great-grandfather was Standard Oil's co-founder John D. Rockefeller and her matrilineal great-grandfather was Frederick H. Billings, a president of Northern Pacific Railway. Both of her grandmothers, Mary Billings French and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, were important to the early development of YWCA USA.
However, in Zambia, Namibia and Cameroon, the prevalent customary law of patrilineal primogeniture is beginning to be challenged in court. In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the predominant custom of male primogeniture is also beginning to be considered unfair by some women and younger sons. The custom of patrilineal primogeniture predominant in South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe and Gambia have not caused much opposition. In Ghana, the diverse inheritance customs across ethnic groups, such as the male primogeniture among the Ewe and the Krobos, or matrilineal inheritance among the Akan, contribute to the occurrence of children living in the streets.
The historiography of the Iroquois peoples is a topic of much debate, especially regarding the American colonial period. Jesuit accounts of the Iroquois portrayed them as savages because of comparisons to French culture; the Jesuits perceived them to lack government, law, letters, and religion. But the Jesuits made considerable effort to study their languages and cultures, and some came to respect them. A major problem with contemporary European sources from the 17th and 18th centuries, both French and British, was that Europeans, coming from a patriarchal society, did not understand the matrilineal kinship system of Iroquois society and the related power of women.
In 1900, following the absence of heirs in the Travancore Royal Family, she had been adopted by her maternal great-aunt, Maharani Lakshmi Bayi. According to the matrilineal traditions of the Travancore Royal Family, Sree Uthradom Thirunal, at the time of his birth, was proclaimed the Heir Apparent of Travancore with the title of : Sree Padmanabhadasa Maharajkumar Sree Marthanda Varma, Elaya Rajah (Crown Prince) of Travancore. Sree Uthradom Thirunal was educated privately by a group of 14 tutors in various subjects. He later graduated from the then Travancore University with Economics, Politics and History as specialisations in 1943.
The descendants of these Ammaveedu members were simply called Thampi and Thankachi and they didn't get any other distinguishing privileges.Travancore State Manual Vol ii 1940 by TK Velu Pillai and TSM Vol II 1906 by V Nagam Aiya The Cochin Royal family also followed the system of Marumakkatayam. Traditionally the female members of the family married Namboodiri Brahmins while male members marry ladies of the Nair caste. These wives of the male members are not royalty or didn't receive any royal titles or power, per the matrilineal system but instead get the title of Nethyar Amma.
The action is set on the largest of the Orkney islands (now known as Mainland). At the time of the story it is largely settled by the tribe of the Boar (Ork in their language), but the original inhabitants, the tribes of the Deer and the Raven, still live on the island, more numerous all together than the people of the Boar but divided by old rivalries. The tribe of the Boar is matrilineal, the Chief coming to power through his marriage to the former Chief's oldest daughter. The power of the Druids, maintained through ritual and secrecy, is still strong.
Ravivarma was born in a royal Bunt dynasty known as Domba HeggadeP. Gururaja Bhat, Studies in Tuluva history and culture: From the pre-historic times upto [sic] the modern (1975) who ruled the Vitla principality which roughly comprised the southern talukas of the present Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India. He succeeded his maternal uncle Achyuta Domba Heggade to the throne according to the matrilineal inheritance laws of the Bunt community to which the dynasty belonged. Ravivarma succeeded the throne in turbulent times as Achuyta Heggade was beheaded by Hyder Ali, the Muslim Ruler of Mysore after being captured in a conquest campaign.
"Version légèrement remaniée par rapport à celle qui est parue en 1986–87." p 19 In other regions where Serer people are found, state JD Fage, Richard Gray and Roland Oliver, the Wolof and Toucouleur peoples introduced the caste system among the Serer people. The social stratification historically evidenced among the Serer people has been, except for one difference, very similar to those found among Wolof, Fulbe, Toucouleur and Mandinka peoples found in Senegambia. They all have had strata of free nobles and peasants, artisan castes, and slaves. The difference is that the Serer people have retained a matrilineal inheritance system.
H'Hen was born in Đắk Lắk to parents Y'Krin Êban and H'Ngơn Niê and is from the Rade ethnic minority in Vietnam; she was raised speaking the Rade language, and did not learn Vietnamese until she was in eighth grade. H'Hen is the third oldest out of six children, and in her youth, she worked on a coffee farm to assist her family. As per the Rade people's matrilineal customs, Rade women tend to start a family at a young age. However, H'Hen refused to follow this tradition and decided to continue her studies at her own expense.
In Creek society before the arrival of Europeans and Africans in Creek country, slaves were simply war captives. Noncombatant women and young children were enslaved and clans who had lost members on the battlefield took the captives into their extended matrilineal households and most of these "slaves" eventually became part of the family unit. When trade between Europeans began the Creek's traditional ways of determining a war captive's fate drastically changed, and the Creek began to sell them to Europeans. The best-known victims of the Creeks in this Indian slave trade were the Apalachee tribe.
Because Brant's ancestry is unclear, historians have apparently disagreed about whether she was born into an influential clan. Brant has been described as the "head of the Six Nations matrons", although historian Robert Allen writes that "there is no substantive evidence to suggest that Molly was ever a clan matron or mother within the Iroquois matrilineal society". Fiester and Pulis write that "although not born to the position, she became one of the Mohawk matrons". In late 1777, Brant relocated to Fort Niagara at the request of Major John Butler, who wanted to make use of her influence among the Iroquois.
Upon arriving in Sherbro Country, John Tucker and Zachary Rogers took the daughters of a Sherbro chief as their wives as was customary in order to gain trading rights in the region. Being a matrilineal society, the descendants of John Tucker were able to maintain claims to the chieftaincy throne. The children of John Tucker and the Sherbro princess gained control of their mother's kingdom and utilised their father's name. Politically, the Tuckers would become one of the most influential and prominent Sherbro families during the 17th and 18th centuries, and were able to expand their powerful chiefdom into other territories.
214–216 The proprietors and their descendants controlled all the land of the town for generations,Prof. John Pearson, "Chap 6: Division of Lands", A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times (1883), Schenectady Digital History Archive essentially acting as government until after the Revolutionary War, when representative government was established. From the early days of interaction, early Dutch traders in the valley had unions with Mohawk women, if not always official marriages. Their children were raised within the Mohawk community, which had a matrilineal kinship system, considering children born into the mother's clan.
Auguste was the daughter of Austrian Count Ferdinand Joseph von Harrach zu Rohrau und Thannhausen (1763–1841) and Saxonian Noblewoman Johanna Christiane Rayski von Dubnitz (1767–1830), whose father, Johann Heinrich Adolf Rayski von Dubnitz, was the owner of Struppen Castle near Dresden. Patrilineally, she was a descendant of Aloys Thomas Raimund, Count Harrach (1669-1742), Viceroy of Naples, and Count Friedrich August von Harrach (1696–1749), Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands. According to her mother, Auguste was descended from Saxonian and Bohemian nobility. She was a direct matrilineal descendant of Lucas Cranach the Elder and Lucas Cranach the Younger.
Feminist organizing has increased in Ghana as women seek to obtain a stronger role in their democratic government. In 2004, a coalition of women created the Women's Manifesto for Ghana, a document that demands economic and political equality as well as reproductive health care and other rights.Interview with Manifesto organizers Dzodzi Tsikata, Rose Mensah-Kutin, and Hamida Harrison, conducted by Amina Mama: "In Conversation: The Ghanaian Women's Manifesto Movement", in Feminist Africa 4, 2005. Within this idea of gender inequality comes other problems such as patrilineal and matrilineal inheritance, equal education, wage gaps, and social norms and assigned roles for women.
The separate living patterns reinforced the idea that each spouse is subject to the authority of a different household head, and because spouses are always members of different lineages, each is ultimately subject to the authority of the senior men of his or her lineage. The wife, as an outsider in the husband's family, would not inherit any of his property, other than that granted to her by her husband as gifts in token appreciation of years of devotion. The children from this matrilineal marriage would be expected to inherit from their mother's family. The Dagomba, on the other hand, inherit from fathers.
On the death of his father in 1849, he succeeded as king of the Netherlands. William married his cousin Sophie of Württemberg in 1839 and they had three sons, William, Maurice, and Alexander, all of whom predeceased him. After Sophie's death in 1877 he married Emma of Waldeck and Pyrmont in 1879 and they had one daughter Wilhelmina, who succeeded William to the Dutch throne. Meanwhile, being the last agnatic dynastic descendant of Otto I, Count of Nassau, the throne of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg passed to his patrilineal seventeenth cousin once removed (and matrilineal third cousin), Adolphe.
The agnatic and cognatic kinship lines are at odds with each other. The agnatic/casato view is the vertical chain of fathers to sons, while parentado/cognatic view is based on relationships which include matrilineal kinship. Thus, the agnatic perspective removed women from the family map, whereas with the cognatic view, women were involved and seen as agents in kinship tie construction (through marital alliances and the exchange of dowries). It is also imperative to stress that both the agnatic and cognatic views existed simultaneously in Italy from antiquity up to the end of the ancient regime.
Thus the family is related both by blood and marriage to the royal families of Travancore and by marriage to the royal family of Cochin. The family is matrilineal with the oldest male relative through the mother heads the household as the "Valia Raja" and the oldest female gaining the title of "Amma Raja". The fortunes of the family went into decline in the 19th century as result of the end of feudalism and through the slow decline of marumakkathayam. In the last 19th century, the Valia Raja siphoned off the funds of the palace to fund the lifestyle of his birth family.
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State begins with an extensive discussion of Ancient Society which describes the major stages of human development as commonly understood in Engels' time. It is argued that the first domestic institution in human history was not the patriarchal nuclear family but the matrilineal clan. Engels here follows Lewis H. Morgan's thesis as outlined in his major book, Ancient Society. Morgan was a pioneering American anthropologist and business lawyer who championed the land rights of Native Americans and became adopted as an honorary member of the Seneca Iroquois tribe.
Expressions of dissatisfaction with marumakkatayam became prominent in newspapers of the 1870s and 1880s, and were also voiced by the colonial administrator William Logan in an official report of that period. Matters came to a head in 1890 when Nair introduced a bill seeking legitimisation of the customs in the Madras Legislative Council, causing the administration to establish the Malabar Marriage Commission in 1891. This was to investigate matrilineal customs and was also charged with recommending whether or not legal measures should be used to effect changes to the traditional practices for marriage, family organisation and inheritance.
McGuane was born in Wyandotte, Michigan, the son of Irish Catholic parents who moved to the Midwest from Massachusetts. His primary education included boarding school at Cranbrook School, but also included work on a ranch in Wyoming, fishing and hunting, and a difficult relationship with his alcoholic father that would later shadow much of his fiction. McGuane prefers to consider his roots matrilineal, on which side he is descended from a rich storytelling clan. He envisioned himself as a writer from a very young age, admiring what he perceived as the adventurous life of a writer as much as the prospect of writing.
Reconstructionist Judaism allows its rabbis to determine their own policy regarding officiating at intermarriages. Some congregations accept patrilineal as well as matrilineal descent, and children of one Jewish parent, of any gender, are considered Jewish by birth if raised as Jews. This contrasts with the traditional interpretations of Jewish law of both Rabbinical Judaism, in which a child is Jewish by birth if its mother was Jewish; and of Karaite Judaism, in which a child is Jewish by birth if its father was Jewish. The role of non-Jews in Reconstructionist congregations is a matter of ongoing debate.
The women were referred to as name + amma or family name + amma or as Moothamblakka. After the Land Reforms Ordinance was enacted by Kerala State Government and the breaking of Janmi- kudiyan (feudal tenancy relationship) system Sree Oorpazhachi Kavu and the Ooralar families do not have any socio- political influence in the area. However the eldest-male from these matrilineal families still perform their role as de facto Ooralar in the Sree Oorpazhachi Kavu temple administration during ceremonial events. One finds reference to this famous temple in the Malabar Manual by William Logan, the British collector of Malabar.
Maharani Karthika Thirunal Lakshmi Bayi was the only sister of the last ruling Maharajah of Travancore, Sree Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma and of his successor, Sree Uthradom Thirunal Marthanda Varma. Under the matrilineal Marumakkathayam system of inheritance prevalent in the kingdom of Travancore, it was her children who were heirs to the throne. She therefore held a very special place in the Travancore court, superior to the Maharaja's wives, and was termed the Rani of Attingal in her own right. In 2013, her only surviving son duly succeeded his uncles as titular Maharaja of Travancore and is known as Moolam Thirunal Rama Varma.
Before primary shooting began but after the film was announced, domestic film critics questioned how it could be faithful to the novel when most of the settings in the novel had changed since it was written. Sani, however, modernised the story and set it in 1970s Indonesia. The American visual anthropologist Karl G. Heider wrote that the result Indonesianised Minang culture, giving the drift from the matrilineal culture evidenced in the novel with the more standard patrilineal culture found in the Indonesian archipelago. The main plot points of both the film and novel, however, remained the same.
He is the son of Francisco José de Faria e Melo Ferreira Duarte, brother of sportsman Mário Duarte, son of the 1st Baroness of a Recosta, maternal grandson of the 1st Baron of Cadoro and matrilineal great-grandson of the 1st Viscount of o Barreiro, and wife Maria Manuela Alegre. His sister Maria Teresa Alegre de Melo Duarte is also a Deputy and is the widow of another Deputy, António Jorge Moreira Portugal (1931–1994). Their son is journalist Manuel Alegre Portugal. As he once stated, his ancestors were hanged and beheaded at the Praça Nova, Porto, during the Liberal Wars.
His mother Devaki Amma hailed from Thiruvattar in Kanyakumari District. In the Nair matrilineal traditions of the day, Devasahayam Pillai was raised by his maternal uncle, and was inculcated with Hindu beliefs and traditions early on. Devasahayam's family had much influence in the royal palace of Maharaja Marthanda Varma, king of Travancore, and Devasahayam went into the service of the royal palace as a young man. His capabilities and enthusiasm did not go unnoticed in the palace, as he was soon put in charge of state affairs as an official under Ramayyan Dalawa, the Dewan of Travancore.
Not sex in the ephemeral, physical sense – the > adolescent incontinence of these tribes precludes this – but sex transformed > into a permanent fetter, spiritual (as love) and social (as marriage). We > will not probe the psychological depth of this antagonism. Let me only point > out two things: first, that it occurs in a matrilineal society, that is, a > society in which the fruits of procreation are not the man's. And, secondly, > that it is accompanied, not only on the strong emphasis on male > companionship, but also, in the domain of the abnormal, by widespread > homosexuality and transvesticism.
The present family of Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan claim matrilineal descent from a Minangkabau, To' Gemok who came to Pahang following the route by Ulu Serting, Penarik and Bera, and founded a settlement in Chenor. The first mention in records of this chieftaincy was in 1740 when Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah summoned the chief to Pekan. The original territory of the Chenor fief was the land extending from the Bera to Kuala Luit. The Chenor chiefs are related to the royal family of Pahang through Tun Ismail, who is the second son of Tun Ali by his wife Cik Wan Ngah.
The present members of the Shahbandar family claim matrilineal descent from To' Tuan, a Bugis chief who settled in Pahang about 1722, married a Pahang lady, and was said to have improved the art of silk weaving in his adopted country. The patrilineal ancestor of the family is To' Tondek, the first Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar. After the death of Ali, the seventh Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar, the title went to a non-family member Che Osman, son of Imam Perang Indera Mahkota Gendut. On Che Osman's death, the chieftaincy reverted to the old family in the person of Dato' Hussein.
Another common cultural element of coastal south west India includes relatively more role for women in social system. Towards the southernmost tip of coastal south western India the social system is considerably more matri-focal with instances of matrilineal and matriarchal tradition like amongst the Bunt community of Tulus and the Marumakkathayam of the nairs.Smith R.T. (2002) Matrifocality, in International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (eds) Smelser & Baltes, vol 14, pp 9416. This is also manifested in feminine deity oriented festivals and rituals celebrating Shakti or feminine power Dikshitar, V. R. Ramachandra, The Lalita Cult, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
The Real Eve: Modern Man's Journey Out of Africa is a popular science book about the evolution of modern humans written by British geneticist Stephen Oppenheimer. The book is largely based on the "out of Africa" theory of human origins. Oppenheimer uses information from various disciplines including genetics, archaeology, anthropology and linguistics to synthesize theories on the origin of modern humans and their subsequent dispersal around the world. The Eve in the title refers to Mitochondrial Eve, a name used for the most recent common ancestor of all humans in the matrilineal (mother to daughter) line of descent.
Baloma is the spirit of the dead in Trobriand society, as studied by Bronislaw Malinowski, 1922. It plays a key role in conception ideologies and explains and maintains the matrilineal descent system by substituting the role of male sperm ("fathers") with that of a spirit. The baloma is that spirit of a deceased lineage member which impregnates the women while bathing in the sea, perpetuating the matrilineage intragenerationally. The role of sexual intercourse is only indirectly related to conception within Trobriand mentality and seen as a way of opening the path for the baloma to enter the woman's womb.
As the Travancore Royal Family follows matrilineal inheritance, the presence of females to continue the line and dynasty is crucial. With the death of the Junior Queen and her sons between 1893 and 1895, the royal family came to consist solely of Maharajah Moolam Thirunal, Senior Queen Lakshmi Bayi, and her two nephews. The Senior Queen decided to adopt the daughters of her nieces, Mahaprabha and Kochukunji of Mavelikara Utsavamadhom Palace, into the Travancore Royal Family. In 1900, Maharani Lakshmi Bayi petitioned Maharajah Moolam Thirunal for the adoption of her grand nieces, to perpetuate the ruling line.
After the extinction of the male lines of the perceived Fairhair dynasty in 1319, the throne of Norway passed through matrilineal descent to Magnus VII, who in the same year became elected as king of Sweden too. In 1343 Magnus had to abdicate as King of Norway in favour of his younger son, Haakon VI of Norway. The oldest son, Eric, was explicitly removed from the future line of succession of Norway. Traditionally Norwegian historians have interpreted this clear break with previous successions as stemming from dissatisfaction among the Norwegian nobility with Norway's junior position in the union.
In the matrilineal kinship system, children are considered born into their mother's clan and descent is figured by the mother's line. The individuals were split roughly in half between those who lived in coastal areas and those who lived inland, reflecting historic territories of bands.Judith Lavoie, Canwest News Service, "Iceman's DNA Linked To Coastal Aboriginals (Canada)", Leader Post, 26 April 2008, accessed 5 October 2014 As arranged by the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, after the tests they had the remains of the man cremated and buried with ceremony near where they were found in Tatshenshini-Alsek Park.
He is best remembered as a novelist. His first novel, Tjerita Oeij Se, was published in 1903 and followed a young trader named Oeij Se who, after acquiring extensive wealth, was corrupted by it. The novel had a distinctly anti-Islamic overtone, as Oeij Se's punishment for his transgressions is that his daughter converts to Islam (the religion of the Javanese majority). In the novel, Indonesian scholar of literature Jakob Sumardjo finds a condemnation of ethnic Chinese assimilation along the matrilineal line (with the wife as Chinese and husband is of another race), placing such persons in a state of ambiguity.
Gould Davis claimed that Greek women possessed rights that are presently denied by the Catholic, Orthodox, and conservative Protestant churches, such as the rights to abortion and divorce. She cited many well-known historians to support these claims. She also argued that women participated in almost all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman society, including government, learning and sport. In the following chapter, "The Celts", she argued that similar rights prevailed until the collapse of the Roman Empire, for a matrilineal system of monarchical descent, and for Celtic women being the major preservers of learning during the early Middle Ages.
Calvin Helin is a Canadian businessman and writer on aboriginal topics who is a member of the Tsimshian First Nation in northwestern British Columbia. He is from the Tsimshian village community of Lax Kw'alaams, B.C., son of Barry Helin (Niisłaganuus, a hereditary chief of the Gitlaan tribe) and Verna Helin (of the royal House of 'Wiiseeks of the Ginaxangiik tribe). In the Tsimshian matrilineal system, he follows his mother as a Ginaxangiik Tsimshian of the Gispwudwada (Killerwhale) clan. He is the author of the 2006 book Dances with Dependency: Indigenous Success through Self-Reliance, which is illustrated by his cousin Bill Helin.
Bowling's study of mitochondrial DNA in Arabians found that pedigree records kept by the American registry for Arabian horses were generally reliable from the time of importation forward. But her work also brought into question a belief commonly held by Arabian breeders that horses imported from the desert identified by specific historic dam lines or "strains" in their pedigrees actually traced to specific matrilineal groups. Bowling also found that some mare lines claimed to originate from the same desert-bred "strain" were not related at all, and some mares whose pedigrees claimed they were of different strains turned out to be distantly related.
Photo identification over the last 38 years has allowed researchers to track the southern resident population quite accurately, such as the Orca ID site offered through the Center for Whale Research. Their population is built upon a matrilineal system where these strong hierarchical groups of individuals are connected by maternal descent. Each matriline consists of a female, her sons and daughters and the offspring of her daughters; averaging anywhere from one to seventeen individuals and one to five generations within each of these matrilines. Pods are groups of matrilines that share a maternal ancestor, in which the southern residents consist of three pods.
Juanillo was mico, or chieftain, of the Tolomato, and heir to the chiefdom of Guale (clan organization was matrilineal). After the arrival of the Spanish colonizers in Florida, some chiefs of the Guale tribe, whose vast territory stretched from the Altamaha River to what is now Port Royal, were concerned about the spread of Christianity. Their grievances under the administration of the Spanish governor, Gonzalo Méndez de Canço, included the Franciscan missionaries forbidding the Indian practices of polygamy, divorce, dancing, games and tribal wars. These proscriptions weakened his people, according to Juanillo, making them lose their courage and skill.
As Philip was the eldest grandson of Philip III of France through the male line, he became regent instead of Edward, who was a matrilineal grandson of Philip IV of France and great-grandson of Philip III.Viard, "Philippe VI de Valois. Début du règne (février-juillet 1328)", Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes, 95 (1934), 263. During the period in which Charles IV's widow was waiting to deliver her child, Philip rose to the regency with support of the French magnates, following the pattern set up by Philip V's succession over his niece Joan II of Navarre.
The historical evidence, states Pintchman, suggests that the opportunities to create and participate in arts were available to women regardless of their caste or class. Classical vocal music was more prevalent among women upper classes, while public performances of arts such as dance were more prevalent among women in matrilineal Hindu traditions, particularly the Devadasi.Tracy Pintchman (2007), Women's Lives, Women's Rituals in the Hindu Tradition, Oxford University Press, , pages 181-185 The Devadasi tradition women practiced their arts in a religious context. Young Devadasi women were trained in the arts of music, theater, and dance, and their lives revolved around Hindu temples.
In human genetics, a human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup is a haplogroup defined by differences in human mitochondrial DNA. Haplogroups are used to represent the major branch points on the mitochondrial phylogenetic tree. Understanding the evolutionary path of the female lineage has helped population geneticists trace the matrilineal inheritance of modern humans back to human origins in Africa and the subsequent spread around the globe. The letter names of the haplogroups (not just mitochondrial DNA haplogroups) run from A to Z. As haplogroups were named in the order of their discovery, the alphabetical ordering does not have any meaning in terms of actual genetic relationships.
As relations between the United States government and the tribes became more complex, the mixed-race children often were excluded from benefiting both from the federal laws governing Indians and the political rights of their fathers because of discrimination on both sides. The tribes had their own kinship systems and rules of descent and inheritance. For instance, the Omaha had a patrilineal system, and considered mixed-race children of European or "white" fathers to be white unless formally adopted into the tribe by a man. Other tribes had matrilineal systems, and children were considered born into the mother's clan and took their status from her.
Prominent Cherokee and Creek leaders of the 19th century were of mixed-descent but, born to Indian mothers in matrilineal kinship societies, they identified fully and were accepted as Indian and grew up in those cultures.David A. Sicko, Review: "Mixed Blood" Indians: Racial Construction in the Early South by Theda Perdue, The Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 83, No. 2 (Fall, 2004) Renowned persons of mixed-blood ancestry in United States' history are many. One such example is Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, who guided the Mormon Battalion from New Mexico to the city of San Diego in California in 1846 and then accepted an appointment there as alcalde of Mission San Luis Rey.
Han Yerry Tewahangarahken ("He Who Takes Up the Snow Shoe") (1724 – 1794) was also known as Honyery Doxtator. Han Yerry was born into his mother's Wolf clan, as the Iroquois had a matrilineal society with women holding property and hereditary leadership passing through their lines, children took the nationality and clan of their mother, as they gain social status through her. He became a war chief of the Oneida people and was key during the American Revolutionary War, considered to be one of the most influential leader of the Oneida. Yerry fought in the Battle of Oriskany against Loyalists and other members of the Haudenosaunee.
Svāti Tirunāḷ‍ Rama Varma with his father Raja Raja Varma Koil Thampuran Svāti Tirunāḷ‍ was born into the Venad dynasty of the Matrilineal royal family of Travancore, which is now a part of Kerala, on 16 April 1813. He was the second child of Queen Gowri Lakshmi Bayi who ruled Travancore from 1811–15, and Raja Raja Varma Koil Thampuran of Changanasseri Palace. While in the womb itself, he was proclaimed King and was referred to as Garbha Sreemaan. He reigned under the regency of his mother from 1813–15 and then under the regency of his maternal aunt Gowri Parvati Bayi until 1829.
But Rivers is unable to sustain this focus throughout the work, so after a brilliant opening, the book tails off somewhat. We get a good idea of the Toda dairies and the ideas of ritual purity that protect them; but then the author returns to the ready-made categories of the day: gods, magic, kinship, clanship, crime and so on, and says no more about the dairies. Moreover, he failed to discover the existence of matrilineal clans alongside the patrilineal ones. A second, and more important, limitation of his study is its failure to view Toda society as a local and specialized variant of—as A.L. Kroeber wrote—“higher Indian culture”.
It is said that the Kochi dynasty travelled from places like Vannery and Thiruvalwamala and such other places thereabout in search of safer locales to settle down fearing the onslaught of marauding army of Zamorins of Calicut. Accordingly, at some of time, Puthiyedam was considered to be a place for settling down. They aptly named it as 'puthiya idam' meaning the new place. The two kovilakams, which can extend its matrilineal roots to the royals of Kochi, that exist on either side of the temple, bears testimony to the fact that this place was indeed used as a settlement by the members of royal family.
The new treaty with the US allowed the Tonawanda Band to buy back lands from the Ogden Land Company, which had been sold out without their permission in the Treaties of Buffalo Creek. The Tonawanda retrieved the horns of authority and other artifacts from the other Seneca tribes; they re- established a continuation of the traditional Seneca government that existed prior to 1848. They have a matrilineal kinship system; hereditary chiefs are selected through the maternal line by clan mothers. In addition, some Seneca relocated to Indian Territory in the early 19th century; their descendants now form part of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation in present-day Oklahoma.
Based on this idea of progressive improvement of systems of social organization, he argued that the primeval form of kinship among the earliest humans was a kind of "primitive promiscuity" in which everyone was considered equally related to everyone in their group because there was no knowledge of preferential partnerships, and even siblings married each other. From this ancient system developed a system of collective sibling marriage where a group of siblings married another group of siblings, which in turn eventually developed into the classificatory system based first on matrilineal, then on patrilineal principles, and finally becoming a fullfledged "descriptive" system such as that of English.
The Mahas people are a tribe that are descended on the matrilineal side from a combination of the Banu Khazraj of Arabia (of whom the Nasrid dynasty of Granada was also descended) and the Nubians. There is some intermarriage between the Rashaida peoples and the Mahas peoples of the Butana region in Sudan. Due to their intermarriage with the Rashaida peoples, some branches of the Mahas are partially linked to the Banu Abs tribe, as well. It is unclear when exactly they intermarried, and which full name they would carry, whether back to Adnan (of the Rashaida and Banu Abs) or Qahtan (of the Khazraj).
They belonged to a further endogamous denomination among Nambiars called Randu Illam Vargam (As they derive their ancestry from Mullapalli Illom and Velloor Illom). After the Land Reforms Ordinance was enacted by Kerala State Government and the breaking of Janmi- kudiyan (feudal tenancy relationship) system Sree Oorpazhachi Kavu and the Ooralar families do not have any socio-political influence in the area. However the eldest-male from these matrilineal families still perform their role as de facto Ooralar in the Sree Oorpazhachi Kavu temple administration during ceremonial events. Like most villages in Malabar, Edakkad has also suffered extensively during the invasion of Tipu Sultan.
The Ngarigo clan and marriage structure consisted of a dual class system with matrilineal descent. The Ngarigo would contact, via notched message sticks borne by messengers, other tribes such as the Walgalu and Ngunawal in order to arrange for all to meet up in the Bogong Mountains for the annual feasting off the Bogong moth colonies. Corroborees, together with initiation ceremonies at a bora ring were also held, and while in the hills, the Ngarigo and other tribes culled plants like mountain celery and alpine baeckea (Baeckea gunniana) for medicinal ends, preparing the former as a paste for problems in the urinary tract, the latter as a sedative and cough medicine.
Rumah gadang in the Pandai Sikek village of West Sumatra, with two rice barns (rangkiang) in front Rumah Gadang (Minangkabau: "big house") or Rumah Bagonjong "house for the Minangkabau people" (Minangkabau: "spired roof house") are the traditional homes () of the Minangkabau in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The architecture, construction, internal and external decoration, and the functions of the house reflect the culture and values of the Minangkabau. A Rumah Gadang serves as a residence, a hall for family meetings, and for ceremonial activities. In the matrilineal Minangkabau society, the Rumah Gadang is owned by the women of the family who live there; ownership is passed from mother to daughter.
Maresek is the first step of the pre-wedding process whereby a member of the prospective bridegroom's family seeks the courtship of the prospective bride, eventually leading to mutual agreement. The planning and implementation of the wedding generally involves a large number of the family members, especially on the bride's side. It is customary for the female and her family to be involved in most of the wedding plans, including making the marriage proposal, as the Minangkabau culture is matrilineal. The father of the bride has no say in the marriage proposal, as the decision is the prerogative of the maternal family of the bride.
Kanesatake has been defined as an 'interim land base' by the federal government, unlike the reserves which come under the 20th- century Indian Act. In terms of governance, the Mohawk at Kanehsatà:ke continued "custom", or the traditional practice of having clan mothers select chiefs from clans with hereditary responsibility; clan mothers made the selection. Like the other Iroquois nations and many other Native Americans, they long had a matrilineal kinship system, with inheritance and property passed through the maternal line. In the late 20th century, the Kanienkehaka renewed a land claim case to recover their property at Kanesatake, but were ruled against by the courts on technical issues.
Phemba from the collection of the Brooklyn Museum Phemba from the collection of the Brooklyn Museum A Phemba sculpture from a private collection in France Phemba, also known as Yombe maternity figures, refers to sculptural objects that depict the figures of a mother and child. Phemba are iconic examples of Kongo art and according to Thompson (1981) "reflect the degree to which women are treasured in Kongo culture, not just for their fecundity, but as seers and guardians of the spirit". Kongo societies are matrilineal. In special cases, communities honored women by commissioning stone icons depicting a mother and child to be placed on their tombs.
Growing up in poverty and witnessing widespread domestic disarray and land alienation amongst the Nairs had facilitated Padmanabhan to create the NSS. The organization aimed to respond to these issues by creating educational institutions, welfare programs, and to replace cumbersome customs such as the matrilineal system. Subsequent to Indian independence from British rule, the regions of Travancore, Malabar District and Cochin became the present-day state of Kerala. It is with regard to the Nairs living in the former areas of Cochin and South Malabar, which are sometimes jointly referred to as Central Kerala, that there is the most information; that available for North Malabar is the most scant.
The girl grows up, the king crowns her as the successor and when she meets Shiva, his words come true, she takes her true form of Meenakshi. According to Harman, this may reflect the matrilineal traditions in South India and the regional belief that "penultimate [spiritual] powers rest with the women", gods listen to their spouse, and that the fate of kingdoms rest with the women. According to Susan Bayly, the reverence for Meenakshi is a part of the Hindu goddess tradition that integrates with the Dravidian Hindu society where the "woman is the lynchpin of the system" of social relationships. Her eyes are fabled to bring life to the unborn.
Early American historians attributed McIntosh's achievements and influence to his mixed race Scots/European ancestry. Since the late 20th century, historians have contended that his power stemmed more from his Creek upbringing, particularly his mother's prominent Wind Clan in the Creek matrilineal system, and to other aspects of Creek culture. Because McIntosh led a group that negotiated and signed a treaty in 1825 to cede much of remaining Creek lands to the United States in violation of Creek law, for the first time the Creek National Council ordered that a Creek be executed for crimes against the Nation. It sentenced him and other signatories to death.
Tustunnuggee Hutke (White Warrior) was born in the Lower Town of Coweta in present-day Georgia to Senoya (also spelled Senoia and Senoy), a member of the Wind Clan, which was prominent in the Creek Nation. As the Creek had a matrilineal kinship system, through which property and hereditary positions were passed, his mother's status determined that of White Warrior. The boy was also named after his father, the Scots-American Captain William McIntosh, who was connected to a prominent Savannah, Georgia family. Captain McIntosh, a Loyalist during the American Revolutionary War, had worked with the Creek to recruit them as military allies to the British.
Males who share a common patrilineal ancestor also share a common Y chromosome, diverging only with respect to accumulated mutations. Since Y-chromosomes are passed from father to son, all Kohanim men should theoretically have nearly identical Y chromosomes; this can be assessed with a genealogical DNA test. As the mutation rate on the Y chromosome is relatively constant, scientists can estimate the elapsed time since two men had a common ancestor. Although Jewish identity has, since at least the second century CE, been passed by matrilineal descent according to Orthodox and Conservative Judaism, membership in the Jewish Kohanim has been determined by patrilineal descent (see Presumption of priestly descent).
Garabito statue in the Garabito Canton City Hall Garabito was an indigenous king of the Huetar ethnic group, who approximately between 1561 and 1574 was a monarch of the Western Huetar Kingdom and its surroundings, in the current territory of Costa Rica. A 1566 document indicates that in 1561 he succeeded his grandfather, although given that in the indigenous kingdoms of the Intermediate Area of Costa Rica, matrilineal succession prevailed, it is more likely that his predecessor was a maternal uncle.Bákit, Oscar, Garavito, nuestra raíz perdida, San José, Jiménez & Tanzi, 1981.Sáenz Carbonell, Jorge Francisco, El rey Garabito, defensor de la libertad, San José, Imprenta Nacional, 2016.
Such time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) estimates can be given based on DNA test results and established mutation rates as practiced in genetic genealogy, or by reference to a non-genetic, mathematical model or computer simulation. In organisms using sexual reproduction, the matrilinear MRCA and patrilinear MRCA are the MRCAs of a given population considering only matrilineal and patrilineal descent, respectively. The MRCA of a population by definition cannot be older than either its matrilinear or its patrilinear MRCA. In the case of Homo sapiens, the matrilinear and patrilinear MRCA are also known as "Mitochondrial Eve" (mt-MRCA) and "Y-chromosomal Adam" (Y-MRCA) respectively.
Pygmalion was so devoted to the cult of Aphrodite that he took the statue to his palace and kept it on his couch. The daimon of the goddess entered into the statue, and the living Galatea bore Pygmalion a son, Paphos, and a daughter, Metharme. Cinyras, debated as to if he is the son of PaphosAccording to the Roman Hyginus, Fabula 142, Cinyras was a son of Paphus, thus legitimate in the patrilineal manner, but Bibliotheke makes Cinyras an interloper, arriving with some of his people from Cilicia on the nearest coast of Asia Minor, and thus a suitor from outside, in the matrilineal manner. The conflict is instructive.
A Joint family enterprise in India has a dominant place due to the concept of family and the incentives of the economic benefits. The Joint family encompasses two types of family, which are patrilineal and matrilineal. Besides, the partnership between the family members or relatives with the same caste and sub-caste will bring significant start-up capital and assistance from relatives to solve the issue, such as handling all of the business simultaneously. Besides, another predominant reason for this form of partnership is the concept of unity in a kinship, which is a cherish perception relate to the immediate family or distant relatives as partners.
Some 241 volunteers were tested from the area Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, and related peoples in Yukon, British Columbia and Alaska. Seventeen living relatives, including two sisters, were found in the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations who are related through a mitochondrial DNA match of the direct female line. Fifteen of these 17 identify as Wolf clan, suggesting the young man also belonged to that clan.Judith Lavoie, Canwest News Service, "Iceman's DNA Linked To Coastal Aboriginals (Canada)", Leader Post, 26 April 2008, accessed 5 October 2014 In the matrilineal kinship system, children are considered born into their mother's clan, and descent is figured through the mother's line.
It has been suggested that the Ezhavas may share a common heritage with the Nair caste. This theory is based on similarities between numerous of the customs adopted by the two groups, particularly with regard to marking various significant life stages such as childbirth and death, as well as their matrilineal practices and martial history. Oral history, folk songs and other old writings indicate that the Ezhavas were at some point in the past members of the armed forces serving various kings, including the Zamorins of Calicut and the rulers of the Cochin dynasty. Cyriac Pullapilly has said that only a common parentage can explain some of these issues.
In 2005, Jerusalem-based Shavei Israel, a privately funded conservative religious organization, began assisting Kaifeng's Jewish descendants to make aliyah, first bringing them to Israel and then preparing them to undertake Orthodox conversion to Judaism, in order to legally qualify to remain under the Law of Return. Most of Kaifeng's Jewish descendants are of patrilineal rather than matrilineal Jewish descent. As a result, Israeli religious courts have required them to undergo Orthodox conversions in order to be recognised as Jews. The first of the estimated 3,000 Jewish descendants to arrive was Shlomo Jin who arrived in Israel with his wife Dina and daughter Shalva in 2000.
Matrilineality is a form of kinship system in which an individual's family membership derives from and is traced through his or her mother's lineage. It may also correlate with a societal system in which each person is identified with their matriline—their mother's lineage—and which can involve the inheritance of property and titles. A matriline is a line of descent from a female ancestor to a descendant in which the individuals in all intervening generations are mothersin other words, a "mother line". In a matrilineal descent system, an individual is considered to belong to the same descent group as her or his mother.
The daemon of Pygmalion's goddess, animating her cult image, bore him a daughter Paphus—the eponym of the city of Paphos—and Metharme. Of "this ecstatic relationship," Meyer Reinhold has remarked, "there may be lurking a survival of the ancient cult of the Great Goddess and her consort."Reinhold, eo. loc.. Cinyras, perhaps the son of Paphus,According to the Roman Hyginus, Fabula 142, Cinyras was a son of Paphus, thus legitimate in the patrineal manner, but Bibliotheke makes Cinyras an interloper, arriving with some of his people from Syria on the nearest coast of Asia, thus a suitor from outside, in the matrilineal manner; the conflict is instructive.
In the erstwhile princely state of Travancore, in India, the male members of the Travancore Royal Family were, under the existing matrilineal Marumakkathayam system of inheritance and family, permitted to contract marriages with women of the Nair caste only.Travancore State Manual Vol ii 1940 by TK Velu Pillai These were morganatic marriages called Sambandhams wherein the children gained their mother's caste and family name, due to Marumakkathayam. Although they could not inherit the throne, they did receive a title of nobility, Thampi (son of the Maharajah) and Kochamma (daughter of the Maharajah). These were the members of the Ammaveedus and their titles ensured a comfortable lifestyle and all other luxuries.
In 1915 Harris was expelled from the region by an uneasy colonial governor, an action that revitalized his church, leaving dozens of small "Harrist" churches along the coast. A decade later, Methodist missionaries made contact with Harris and attempted to continue his work among the lagoon peoples. Harris succeeded in part because of his ethnic background—he was African but not Ivoirian—but also because he converted women as well as men—a practice that had been scorned by earlier Christian missionaries who failed to recognize the impact of matrilineal descent on an individual's spiritual life. Harrism was subsequently recognized as a branch of Methodism.
Their fishing and hunting territories were wide-ranging and similarly divided among the three clans of the matrilineal culture in this Eastern Woodland environment. Trade with these native peoples for food and furs was conducted by the Dutch during the period of colonization of New Netherland. Although the European principle of land ownership was not recognized by the Lenape, Dutch West India Company policy required their colonists to purchase land that they settled, but typically, trading relationships were established in this area, rather than Dutch settlements. During the British colonial period, the earliest settlers of European descent arrived in this portion of the colony of New Jersey.
Mauss appeared to be arguing that a return gift is given to keep the very relationship between givers alive; a failure to return a gift ends the relationship and the promise of any future gifts. Jonathan Parry has demonstrated that Mauss was actually arguing that the concept of a "pure gift" given altruistically only emerges in societies with a well-developed market ideology such as the West and India. Mauss' concept of "total prestations" was further developed by Annette Weiner, who revisited Malinowski's fieldsite in the Trobriand Islands. Her critique was twofold: first, Trobriand Island society is matrilineal, and women hold a great deal of economic and political power.
Ben Potter, the University of Alaska Fairbanks archaeologist who unearthed the remains at the Upward River Sun site in 2013, named this new group Ancient Beringians. The Tlingit people developed a society with a matrilineal kinship system of property inheritance and descent in what is today Southeast Alaska, along with parts of British Columbia and the Yukon. Also in Southeast were the Haida, now well known for their unique arts. The Tsimshian people came to Alaska from British Columbia in 1887, when President Grover Cleveland, and later the U.S. Congress, granted them permission to settle on Annette Island and found the town of Metlakatla.
Clan allegiance is governed through a matrilineal system; children are born to the mother's clan and gain their status within her family, including what was traditionally hereditary leadership positions. The parents are required to be from differing clans; the children are born from the father, but he has a lesser role in their rearing than does the mother's brothers. Not all clans listed below are extant today; some have been absorbed into other clans; others have died out due to the lack of female descendants, and a few have been lost to history. Not all the clans are independent, since clans formed in a long and fluid process.
Kewa Pueblo (Eastern Keres , Navajo: Tó Hájiiloh), formerly known as Santo Domingo Pueblo, is a census-designated place (CDP) in Sandoval County, New Mexico, United States and a federally recognized tribe of Native American Pueblo people. The population of the pueblo is composed of Native Americans who speak Keres, an eastern dialect of the Keresan languages. Like several other pueblo peoples, they have a matrilineal kinship system, in which children are considered born into the mother's family and clan, and inheritance and property pass through the maternal line. The Pueblo celebrates an annual feast day on August 4 to honor their patron saint, Saint Dominic.
The second of six mixed- race sons of James Logan Colbert, a North Carolinian son of a settler of Scots descent and his second wife Minta Hoye, a Chickasaw, George "Tootemastubbe" Colbert was born in present-day Alabama in 1764.Pate, James P., "George Colbert," Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture (accessed November 3, 2009). As a youth he began to rise in prominence in the Chickasaw nation, as he gained status from his mother's clan as well as his actions. The Chickasaw had a matrilineal kinship system, in which children were considered born into their mother's clan; positions of hereditary leadership were passed through the mother's line.
Goodall generally used a naming convention in which infants were given names starting with the same letter as their mother, allowing the recognition of matrilineal lines. Sculpture of one of the first chimpanzees described by Jane Goodall, David Greybeard One of the most important discoveries that was learned by observing the Kasakela chimpanzee community was the use of tools. On November 4, 1960, Goodall observed a chimpanzee that she had named David Greybeard using a grass stalk as a tool to extract termites from a termite hill. Later, she observed David Greybeard and another chimpanzee named Goliath stripping leaves off twigs to create termite fishing tools.
Frederik as an infant in the arms of his mother Frederik was born at Rigshospitalet the Copenhagen University Hospital in Copenhagen, on 26 May 1968, to the then Princess Margrethe, oldest daughter of Frederick IX and heir presumptive to the Danish throne, and Prince Henrik. At the time of his birth, his maternal grandfather was on the throne of Denmark and his matrilineal great-grandfather was on the throne of Sweden. He was baptized on 24 June 1968, at Holmen Church, in Copenhagen. He was christened Frederik after his maternal grandfather, King Frederick IX, continuing the Danish royal tradition of the heir apparent being named either Frederik or Christian.
His people are matrilineal, with leadership going to the husband of Lubrin's sister. His father's status as chieftain derives from being married to the "woman of the tribe", and is intertwined with his duty to lay down his life for the tribe if needed, a duty which later descends to Lubrin Dhu. After their tribe is vanquished by the Attribates and their Strong Place occupied, Lubrin Dhu finds himself nominal leader of the survivors, his father and older brothers having been killed in battle. He strikes a bargain with the conquering chieftain, who will free Lubrin's people after completion of a monumental horse carved from the hillside.
In 2015, obesity theorist Edward Archer published "The Childhood Obesity Epidemic as a Result of Nongenetic Evolution: The Maternal Resources Hypothesis" and a series of works on maternal effects in human obesity and health. In this body of work, Archer argued that accumulative maternal effects via the non-genetic evolution of matrilineal nutrient metabolism is responsible for the increased global prevalence of obesity and diabetes mellitus type 2. Archer posited that decrements in maternal metabolic control altered fetal pancreatic beta cell, adipocyte (fat cell) and myocyte (muscle cell) development thereby inducing an enduring competitive advantage of adipocytes in the acquisition and sequestering on nutrient energy.
Roosevelt estimated that Marajó may have had a population of more than 100,000 people at its peak. The population lived in homes with tamped earth floors, organized themselves into matrilineal clans, and divided tasks by sex, age, and skill level. The arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century was catastrophic to the indigenous population of the island; 90% died due to high mortality from Eurasian infectious diseases; they lacked immunity against these diseases that had become endemic in European and Asian cities. In contrast, however, during the 1918–1919 pandemic worldwide of the Spanish influenza, Marajó was the only major populated area not to have any documented cases of the illness.

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