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"imaginal" Definitions
  1. of or relating to imagination, images, or imagery
  2. of or relating to the insect imago

124 Sentences With "imaginal"

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In a study conducted by Mooli Lahad, researchers pointed out the similarities between the "as if" nature of creative imagination and imaginal exposure.
It often helps to practice being triggered with role-playing exercises and something called imaginal exposure homework, where you write an anger scene, record yourself reading it and then repeatedly replay it, practicing new ways of thinking and reacting.
However, these experiments have not been replicated in imaginal wing discs.
The Sufi movement, as exemplified by Ibn Arabi, continued to explore contemplative approaches to the imaginal realm.
Imaginal discs develop to form most structures of the adult body, such as the head, legs, wings, thorax, and genitalia. Cells of the imaginal disks are set aside during embryogenesis and continue to grow and divide during the larval stages—unlike most other cells of the larva, which have differentiated to perform specialized functions and grow without further cell division. At metamorphosis, the larva forms a pupa, inside which the larval tissues are reabsorbed and the imaginal tissues undergo extensive morphogenetic movements to form adult structures.
The school was founded in 1997 by Tom Rudmik. Rudmik is the author of the book Becoming Imaginal and based the school on the theory outlined in the book. Its goal is to go beyond academic excellence and to prepare students by encouraging them to be creative, imaginal, and leaders of change.
She is seething with illusive fragmentary gold being bewitched typhlotic furtive much like a hovering sapphire embrasure or imaginal sanguinary.
Differences in growth rates and patterns in each compartment, maintain the two lineages separated and each control the precise size of the imaginal discs.
Dpp diffuses from this stripe towards the edges of the tissue, forming a gradient as expected of a morphogen. However, although cells in the Dpp domain in the embryo do not proliferate, cells in the imaginal wing disc proliferate heavily, causing tissue growth. Although gradient formation in the early embryo is well understood, how the Dpp morphogen gradient forms in the wing imaginal disc remains controversial.
He then explains the story of how Eesa created both Real and Imaginal, with a "Child of Eesa" (either L'Arc or Alf) having to choose which of two laws to present. L'Arc and Ryfia chose Imaginal, and Adele and Alf chose Real. He orders L'Arc to deliver a message to General Freya in Turmelia, the Senate for the Republic. Unfortunately, Zamuel, due to Ignacy's assault on him earlier, has died.
Prolonged exposure therapy (PE) is a form of behavior therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy designed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. It is characterized by two main treatment procedures – imaginal and in vivo exposures. Imaginal exposure is repeated 'on-purpose' retelling of the trauma memory. In vivo exposure is gradually confronting situations, places, and things that are reminders of the trauma or feel dangerous (despite being objectively safe).
Characteristic for the genus are the pleural pockets of sternum 7, which are densely covered in short microtrichia. The pre-imaginal stages of Bacotoma have not been described.
Bottici's early work––as well as her multidisciplinary engagement with art and psychoanalysis––culminated in Imaginal Politics, a book that provides a general and systematic reflection on the link between politics and our capacity to imagine. Whereas most philosophical theories focus on imagination understood as an individual faculty that we possess or on the social imaginary understood as the social background in which we live, Bottici proposes the concept of the imaginal as an "in-between" third alternative. The imaginal, defined as the space made of images, of representations that are also presences in themselves, acts both as the result of an individual faculty as well as the product of the social context. In contrast to the term "imaginary," which maintains its connotation of unreality or alienation, as in Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic theory, the "imaginal" does not make any ontological assumption as to the status of images, and is therefore a more malleable tool for thinking about images in an age of virtuality.
In the hindbrain of vertebrate embryos, rhobomeres are compartments of common lineage outlined by expression of Hox genes. In invertebrates, the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila provides an excellent model for the study of compartments. Although other tissues, such as the abdomen, and even other imaginal discs are compartmentalized, much of our understanding of key concepts and molecular mechanisms involved in compartment boundaries has been derived from experimentation in the wing disc of the fruit fly.
For instance, some argue that there is one type of memory in the brain which has different levels of processing within it. Nevertheless, the classical model poses memory as dual memory (short-term and long-term) model. Another related theory is the dual-code theory which splits the brain processes into two systems: an imaginal system and a verbal system. The imaginal system primarily stores concrete events and objects while the verbal system stores more abstract information from language.
Anthroposophic Press. The steps following Imagination he termed Inspiration and Intuition. In Inspiration, a meditant clears away all personal content, including even the consciously chosen content of a symbolic form, while maintaining the activity of imagination itself, and thus becomes able to perceive the imaginal realm from which this activity itself stems. In the next step, Intuition, the meditant leverages the connection to the imaginal or angelic realm established via the cognitive imagination, while releasing the images mediated via this connection.
Yingling, R. W. (1962). Classification of reaction patterns in listening to music. Journal of Research in Music Education, 10, 105-120. #Imaginal – This response often involves "images, memories or situations that music evokes" (p. 109).
This reproductive control or suppression has been recently credited to pre-imaginal caste determination via the mechanism of insemination.O’Donnell, S. 1998. Reproductive Caste Determination in Eusocial Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Annual Review of Entomology. 43: 323-46.
Third edition, 1990. has been foundational in the development and popularization of "core shamanism" as a path of personal development for new age adherents of neoshamanism.Noel, Daniel C. (1997) Soul Of Shamanism: Western Fantasies, Imaginal Realities.Continuum.
The imaginal realm is known in Islamic philosophy as alam al-mithal, the imaginal world. According to Avicenna, the imagination mediated between, and thus unified, human reason and divine being. This mediating quality manifested in two directions: on the one hand, reason, rising above itself, could attain to the level of active imagination, an activity shared with the lower divine beings. On the other hand, in order to manifest the concrete forms of the world, divinity created a range of intermediate beings, the angelic co-creators of the universe.
In Hillman's psychology, the "immunisation of the imaginal from the historical process has become inherent in its very form."Giegerich, W. (2008). 'The unassimilable remnant — what is at stake?: A dispute with Stanton Marlan' In Archetypal Psychologies, ed.
Examples that have been especially well studied include tail loss and other changes in the tadpole of the frog Xenopus, and the biology of the imaginal discs, which generate the adult body parts of the fly Drosophila melanogaster.
'The Psychologist as artist: the imaginal world of James Hillman'. Quadrant: A Jungian Quarterly, 17, 1, 39–48. Hillman has also rejected individuation, central to Jungian psychology. Wolfgang Giegerich argues that Hillman's work exists in a 'bubble of irreality' outside time.
Suhrawardi elaborated the neoplatonic idea of an independent intermediary world, the imaginal world (ʿalam-i mithal عالم مثال). His views have exerted a powerful influence down to this day, particularly through Mulla Sadra’s combined peripatetic and illuminationist description of reality.
Rudolf Steiner suggested cultivating imaginative consciousness through meditative contemplation of texts, objects, or images. The resulting imaginal cognition he believed to be an initial step on a path leading from rational consciousness toward ever-deeper spiritual experience.Steiner, R. (1972). An outline of occult science.
However, specific cellular programming of individual cells in a field is flexible: an individual cell in a cardiac field can be redirected via cell-to-cell signaling to replace specific damaged or missing cells. Imaginal discs in insect larvae are examples of morphogenetic fields.
Influence of Hemolymph-Binding Protein on Juvenile-Hormone Stability and Distribution in Manduca-Sexta Fat-Body and Imaginal Disks Invitro. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 3, 167-184. Hammock, B.D., Quistad, G.B., 1976. The degradative metabolism of juvenoids by insects, in: Gilbert, L.I. (Ed.), The Juvenile Hormones.
Metabolism of Cecropia Juvenile Hormone in Insects and in Mammals, in: Menn, J.J., Beroza, M. (Eds.), Insect Juvenile Hormones: Chemistry and Action. Academic Press, New York, pp. 155–176. Sparagana, S.P., Bhaskaran, G., Barrera, P., 1985. Juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase activity in imaginal discs of Manduca sexta prepupae. Arch.
Williams, M.; Cahill, S.; Foa, E. Psychotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In Textbook of Anxiety Disorders, Second Edition, ed. D. Stein, E. Hollander, B. Rothbaum, American Psychiatric Publishing, 2010. The imaginal exposure typically occurs during the therapy session and consists of retelling the trauma to the therapist.
Dpp is a classic morphogen, which means that it is present in a spatial concentration gradient in the tissues where it is found, and its presence as a gradient gives it functional meaning in how it affects development. The most studied tissues in which Dpp is found are the early embryo and the imaginal wing discs, which later form the wings of the fly. During embryonic development, Dpp is uniformly expressed at the dorsal side of the embryo, establishing a sharp concentration gradient. In the imaginal discs, Dpp is strongly expressed in a narrow stripe of cells down the middle of the disc where the tissue marks the border between the anterior and posterior sides.
Along with her academic and philosophical work, Bottici is also known for her creative writing, particularly her feminist experimental writings. Whereas Bottici's academic work provides a philosophy of the imaginal, her experimental writings put forward an imaginal philosophy, that is, a form of polystylism where literary images convey philosophical ideas. An important part of her work in this area was devoted to retelling the myths of femininity from the point of view of contemporary time, transforming figures of the old patriarchal mythology, such as Sheherazade, Ariadne, and Europa, into feminist symbols. Bottici's retelling of the myth of the "city of women" recalls Monique Wittig's Les guerrilieres, as well as other works in the écriture féminine tradition.
The extra sensory organs (SOs) in Drosophila arise from cell-clusters known as sensory mother cells (SMCs). Once an imaginal disc cell has been selected to become an SMC, it will go on to mature into an SO. Therefore, the regulation of which imaginal disc cells become SMCs is vital to neural development. This transition is caused by the Da and AS-C genes, which are transcription factors with the basic helix-loop- helix (bHLH) domains. The Da protein (made by the daughterless gene) is a Class I HLH protein, meaning it has generalized distribution, whereas the AS-C proteins (made by the as-c gene complex) are Class II HLH proteins, meaning they have restricted distribution.
The Haunted Mind. New York: Helix Press. According to (Irin and Watt, 2007) Jan Ehrenwald had described the out-of-body experience (OBE) "as an imaginal confirmation of the quest for immortality, a delusory attempt to assure ourselves that we possess a soul that exists independently of the physical body".
This theory also allows for knowledge transfer within both systems as images, expressed through verbal language, can be encoded and placed into the imaginal system. While these theories can be traced back to gestalt psychology, much of the these theories were influenced by the rise of technology, neuroscience, and communications.
In this phase, no adult offspring have been produced, only eggs and young larvae. In the second stage, female workers are produced. The third stage is characterized by the production of males and queens. Apoica flavissima exhibits pre-imaginal determination of caste, meaning that an individual's caste is determined in the larval stage.
Upon pupation a wider head width difference between castes become more evident. Reproductive larvae are larger than worker larvae, and present discrete morphological differences in mouthparts. Fourth-instar larvae of males and queens can be differentiated based on their relative shape and body coloration, and also internal gonopodal imaginal discs can differ.
Also, queens, males and other members of the reproductive caste have larger fat reserves than the workers, allowing them to survive the winters.Keeping, M.g. "Reproductive and Worker Castes in the Primitively Eusocial Wasp Belonogaster Petiolata (DeGeer) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): Evidence for Pre-imaginal Differentiation." Journal of Insect Physiology 48.9 (2002): 867-79\. Web.
Swammerdam knew this because he had found eggs inside the creature. But he did not publish this finding. In 1669 Swammerdam was visited by Cosimo II de' Medici and showed him another revolutionary discovery. Inside a caterpillar the limbs and wings of the butterfly could be seen (now called the imaginal discs).
Pre- imaginal determination is the predominant theory as to why certain females become reproductively capable over others. There is a lack of queen-queen aggression that suggests that only workers are involved in the queen selection process.Noll, F.B., Zucchi R. 2002. Castes and the influence of the colony cycle in swarm-founding polistine wasps.
Similar to William James and other eminent psychologists, Downey was greatly interested in the creative arts. She wrote poems, plays, and stories throughout her life. She even wrote the school song, "Alma Mater", for the University of Wyoming. In 1911, she published The Imaginal Reaction to Poetry, one of her most important experiments involving the arts.
The imaginal response also tends to invoke memories of past events, or to imagine events that could take place in the future. #Analytical – This response often involves pre-conceived expectations about the music itself. Listeners tend to separate music by identifying of the technical aspects of the music (e.g., tempo, dynamics, etc.); type, through music genre (e.g.
One archetypal approach, sometimes called "the imaginal school" by James Hillman, was written about by him in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Its adherents, according to Samuels (1985), include Murray Stein, Rafael Lopez-Pedraza and Wolfgang Giegerich. Thomas Moore also was influenced by some of Hillman's work. Developed independently, other psychoanalysts have created strong approaches to archetypal psychology.
The theosophy of post-Renaissance Europe embraced imaginal cognition. From Jakob Böhme to Swedenborg, active imagination played a large role in theosophical works. In this tradition, the active imagination serves as an "organ of the soul, thanks to which humanity can establish a cognitive and visionary relationship with an intermediate world".Fairvre, quoted in Hanegraaff, W. J. (1998).
Oct 24, 2011. US: American Psychological Association. When utilizing cognitive restructuring in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), it is combined with psychoeducation, monitoring, in vivo experience, imaginal exposure, behavioral activation, and homework assignments to achieve remission. The cognitive behavioral approach is said to consist of three core techniques: cognitive restructuring, training in coping skills, and problem solving.
Cellular memory modules (CMMs) refers to the ability of cells to remember and propagate their gene expression programs throughout the entire development. This basic developmental function has been conserved during evolution, as related mechanisms were identified in other model organisms.Maurange C. and Paro R., 2002. A cellular memory module conveys epigenetic inheritance of hedgehog expression during Drosophila wing imaginal disc development.
Argosomes are derived from basolateral epithelial membranes and allow communication between adjacent cells. They were first described in Drosophila melanogaster, where they act as a vehicle for the spread of molecules through the epithelia of imaginal discs. Melanosomes are also transferred by filopodia from melanocytes to keratinocytes. This transfer involves a classic filopodial forming pathway, with Cdc42 and WASP as key factors.
From a classical Jungian perspective, Hillman's Archetypal Psychology is a contrarian school of thought, since he has discarded the essentials of Jungian psychology. The term 'archetypal' gives the impression that his school is based on Jung's understanding of the archetype. Yet, Walter Odajnyk argues that Hillman should have called his school 'imaginal' psychology, since it is really based on Hillman's understanding of the imagination.Odajnyk, V.W. (1984).
New Age religion and Western culture: Esotericism in the mirror of secular thought. State University of New York Press.,pp. 398-9 Coleridge made a distinction between imagination expressing realities of an imaginal realm above our mundane personal existence, and "fancy", or fantasy, which expresses the creativity of the artistic soul. For him, "imagination is the condition for cognitive (conscious?) participation in a sacramental universe".
By ceasing the activity of imaginative consciousness while allowing one's awareness to remain in contact with the archetypal realm, the possibility opens up for an awareness deeper than the imaginal to be conveyed to the open soul by the mediating agents of this realm.Steiner, R. (2001). The human form and cosmic activity. In Guardian angels: connecting with our spiritual guides and helpers (pp. 25–42).
Female behavior toward males is composed of three stages, beginning after the imaginal molt, through which the grasshopper reaches the adult phase. Which courtship stage a female is in is affected by age and whether she has mated in the past. First, there is rejection of the males, which lasts approximately four days. In this stage, the males can do nothing to induce copulation.
During the pupal stage, the larval body breaks down as the imaginal disks grow and produce the adult body. This process is called complete metamorphosis. About 24 hours after fertilization, an egg hatches into a larva, which undergoes three molts taking about 5.5 to 6 days, after which it is called a pupa. The pupa metamorphoses into an adult fly, which takes about 3.5 to 4.5 days.
Composition represents a special class of autoclitic responding, because the responding is itself a response to previously existing verbal responses. The autoclitic is controlled not only by the effects on the listener but upon the speaker as listener of their own responses. Skinner notes that "emotional and imaginal" behavior has little to do with grammar and syntax. Obscene words and poetry are likely to be effective, even when emitted non-grammatically.
He was a proponent of the theory of orthogenesis, believing that several lineages of cribrimorph cheilostome bryozoans evolved progressively thicker and more elaborate skeletal structures which eventually became maladaptive, driving the lineage to extinction.Anonymous. (1938). Dr. W. D. Lang, F.R.S. Nature 142: 907. By extending the study of existing British species of mosquitoes to their four larval stages, previously ill-known, he tested the relationships already inferred from imaginal characters.
Cytonemes take up and transport morphogens. This micrograph shows tissues from a Drosophila larva whose tracheal cells are marked with membrane-tethered mCherry fluorescent protein. Some of the cytonemes that extend from the tracheal branch contact the underlying wing imaginal disc and transport the Dpp morphogen protein (marked with green fluorescent protein) to the tracheal cells. Cytonemes are thin, cellular projections that are specialized for exchange of signaling proteins between cells.
Her work has explored the role that images and imagination play in politics. She is the author of six books, including A Philosophy of Political Myth (Cambridge University Press, 2007), Imaginal Politics (Columbia University Press, 2014), and Per tre miti, forse quattro (Manni, 2016), which address the history of philosophy, critical theory, psychoanalysis, and feminism. With Jacob Blumenfeld and Simon Critchley, she also edited The Anarchist Turn (Pluto Press, 2013).
Membrane nanotubes were first described in a 1999 Cell article examining the development of Drosophila melanogaster wing imaginal discs. More recently, a Science article published in 2004 described structures that connected various types of immune cell together, as well as connections between cells in tissue culture. Since these publications, more TNT-like structures have been recorded, containing varying levels of F-actin, microtubules, and other components, but remaining relatively homogenous in terms of composition.
Additional demonstrations of retrieval-extinction were shown in juvenile rats and adolescents humans. Variations of the effect include retrieval followed by vicarious extinction and imaginal extinction. The retrieval-extinction procedure was also effective in clinical populations, including heroine addicts, tobacco smokers, PTSD and spider phobics with long- lasting effects. Some forms of therapy, such as coherence therapy, are built on the principles of memory reconsolidation and are designed to maximally optimize this process.
Imaginal worlds, William Chiittick (1994), pg.53 In his book Fasus –al-Hikam, Ibn-e-Arabi states that "wujūd is the unknowable and inaccessible ground of everything that exists. God alone is true wujūd, while all things dwell in nonexistence, so also wujūd alone is nondelimited (muṭlaq), while everything else is constrained, confined, and constricted. Wujūd is the absolute, infinite, nondelimited reality of God, while all others remain relative, finite, and delimited".
The colour of the abdomen changes at the same time from buff to black. Such age-specific changes in the imago coloration, are connected with sexual maturation of the bugs and often take place in diapausing imagos at the time they are becoming active again.Mikhailov V.K. 1949. Sub-imaginal phase of wing stage and the secondary atypical pigmentation of cuticle in Cabbage bug, Eurydema oleraceum L. In: Reports of Acad. Sci. USSR.
It must be said that in vertebrates the equivalent to Dpp are Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, and the mammalian equal to Wg might be integrin-beta 4. The first one (Wg) controls cell proliferation and differentiation during embryos development, specifically in epidermis, whereas the latter (Dpp) plays a role in the imaginal discs’ growth. Dpp and Wg are mutually antagonistic in patterning genitalia. Concretely, dally selectively regulates both Wg signalling in epidermis and Dpp in genitalia.
Velez started singing at the age of five years and won an opera scholarship at the age of 12 years, as a mezzo-soprano. She studied for three years, then went to the High School of Performing Arts in New York City. She holds a master's degree from Antioch University in Clinical Psychology and a Ph.D. from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Cultural Mythology and Depth Psychology. She is a founding Fellow of the Imaginal Institute of Ojai, California.
Type B ovaries also contained sperm and could very clearly be categorized as those of queens where as type A ovaries were observed as uninseminated thus identifying as those of workers. This dimorphism displays strong control of sexual organs upon pre-imaginal determination. A. pallipes morphology is also affected by the altitude with an inverse relationship between higher altitude and reduction in body size, especially hind femur length and head width.Rodríguez-Jimenez, Andrea, & Sarmiento, Carlos E.. (2008).
Besides the Hippo pathway, Pan also contributed to the understanding of other developmental signaling pathways. As a postdoctoral fellow, Pan identified cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) as a mediator of Hedgehog signalingPan, D., and Rubin, G.M. (1995). cAMP-dependent protein kinase and hedgehog act antagonistically in regulating decapentaplegic transcription in Drosophila imaginal discs. Cell 80, 543-552. and Kuzbanian (ADAM10) as a transmembrane metalloprotease responsible for the proteolytic cleavage and activation of the cell-surface receptor Notch.
Imaginal worlds, William Chiittick(1994), pg.53Souad Hakim – Unity of Being in Ibn 'ArabîIbn al-'Arabi, Muhyi al-Din (1164–1240) In Alevism, Muhammed is the means by which the Nasut (human nature) of the Avlioh (Saints) achieve ittihad (communion) with Haqq being the Lahut (divine nature) of Allah. It has more in common with theosis and the distinction and unity of the divine and human physes in orthodox Christology than it does with any kind of tritheism.
At stage 14 (620–680 hours post-fertilisation), miRNA-10 is localised to the posterior midgut and the anal pad. In Drosophila larvae, miR-10-3p is found in the imaginal discs (groups of cells which are destined to become adult structures upon metamorphosis). Expression of miR-10ba in mouse embryos shows a similar pattern to that of the Hoxb4 gene. Highest levels are found in the posterior trunk of the embryo, surrounding the hindlimb buds.
The Distal-less gene is present in almost all eyespot organizers, making it an ideal candidate to carry out major functions of eyespot formation. During the wing imaginal disc development Dll, has two expression domains separated by a temporal component. First Dll is expressed in a group of cells in the center of what will become the focus and eventually the eyespot. This expression starts during the middle of the fifth instar larva and lasts until the pupal stage.
A. diversus has many stages throughout its life, changing greatly not only in size but also in appearance as it progresses from egg, larval, prepupal, pupal and imaginal stages. A. diversus is nocturnal, most active at dusk and at night. The first stage of the life cycle is the egg which is light yellow and cylindrical in appearance and shape when it is first laid. It then turns colour when open to air to dark brown.
Modules 3 through 6 guides the participants through exposures to memories and images of the trauma, using both imaginal and in-vivo techniques. Module 7 focuses on cognitive restructuring and module 8 is relapse prevention. The structure of the intervention was very similar to PTSD Online, but in this intervention, therapists did not tailor the assignments each week and provided only minimal feedback to participants on their progress. Therapists were, however, available to provide encouragement or help.
During the development of morphological features while in the embryo, or embryogenesis, a cluster of cells grow underneath the ectoderm which later in development, after the lateral ectoderm has grown dorsally to form wind imaginal disc. An example of wing bud development in the larvae, can be seen in those of White butterflies (Pieris). In the second instar the histoblast become more prominent, which now form a pocket-like structure. As of the third and fourth instars, the histoblast become more elongated.
Some research suggests the nannochoristids are the only holometabolous insects with true larval compound eyes . All other eyed larvae have stemmata, which are structurally different from adult compound eyes with ommatidia. This is unusual, since most adult features are present as imaginal discs in larvae and not formed until pupation. The presence of compound eyes in nannochoristid larvae suggests the timing of the development of adult features can be initiated earlier in development, which has important implications for insect evolutionary development.
Ash1 was discovered as a gene causing an imaginal disc mutant phenotype in Drosophila. Ash1 is a member of the trithorax-group (trxG) of proteins, a group of transcriptional activators that are involved in regulating Hox gene expression and body segment identity. Drosophila Ash1 interacts with trithorax to regulate ultrabithorax expression. The human ASH1L gene spans 227.5 kb on chromosome 1, band q22. This region is rearranged in a variety of human cancers such as leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and some solid tumors.
They are also consistent with a model advanced by others that corpora allata maintained in vitro of day 0 M. sexta larva secrete high levels of JH, but that the shift to producing only JH acid at day 4, which is then methylated by imaginal discs to generate the JH peak.Sparagana et al., 1985; Sparagana et al., 1984 However, secretion of the relative amounts of JH produced by CA of Manduca sexta has been found to differ considerably from in vivo titers.
It has a gut which lies across the body, a mouth between the "ear flaps", but no anus. A small number of imaginal discs form, encircling the archenteron (developing gut) and coalesce to form the juvenile. When it is fully formed, the juvenile bursts out of the larva body and usually eats it during this catastrophic metamorphosis. This larval stage is unique in that there are no Hox genes involved during development, which are only found in the juveniles developing inside the larvae.
Females lay up to 50 eggs which hatch after 2–5 days. Each generation lasts up to 10 days in the summer and up to 20 days in the winter, but it is active throughout the year. The animal goes through 4 pre-imaginal instars before reaching maturity. As well as the direct damage caused by this species, the hollows caused in affected fruit encourage infestation by other pests including the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri and the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae.
Chapter 3. PTTH also stimulates the corpora allata, a retrocerebral organ, to produce juvenile hormone, which prevents the development of adult characteristics during ecdysis. In holometabolous insects, molts between larval instars have a high level of juvenile hormone, the moult to the pupal stage has a low level of juvenile hormone, and the final, or imaginal, molt has no juvenile hormone present at all.Gullan, P.J. & Cranston, P.S. 6.3 Process and Control of Moulting in The Insects: An Outline of Entomology.
Some clinicians include the mind's ability to spontaneously generate imagery that can provide intuitive solutions or even reprocessing that improves people's typical reactions to situations or inner material. However, this goes beyond the behavioristic principles on which covert conditioning is based. Therapies and self-help methods have aspects of covert conditioning. This can be seen in focusing, some neuro-linguistic programming methods such as future pacing, and various visualization or imaginal processes used in behavior therapies, such as CBTs or clinical behavior analysis.
Drosophila merlin is expressed in embryonic hindgut, salivary glands, and imaginal discs, and has apparently a slightly different role than in vertebrates. The phosphorylation of serine 518 is known to alter the functional state of merlin. The signaling pathway of merlin is proposed to include several salient cell growth controlling molecules, including eIF3c, CD44, protein kinase A, and p21 activated kinases. Work in Drosophila identified Merlin as an upstream regulator of the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway, a function that is conserved in mammals.
Drosophila display a holometabolous method of development, meaning that they have three distinct stages of their post-embryonic life cycle, each with a radically different body plan: larva, pupa and finally, adult. The machinery necessary for the function and smooth transition between these three phases develops during embryogenesis. During embryogenesis, the larval stage fly will develop and hatch at a stage of its life known as the first larval instar. Cells that will produce adult structures are put aside in imaginal discs.
Larvae of species in the genera Liriomyza and Phytomyza are extremely polyphagous (they attack many different species of plants). A long imaginal aestivation and hibernation period is an uncommon overwintering strategy among agromyzid flies. The shape of the mine is often characteristic of the species and therefore useful for identification. For some of the serpentine leaf miners it is possible to use the mine to indicate the instar of the animal that made it, and in some cases its cause of death.
The game is based on political tensions between the Meridian Empire and the Turmelian Republic; a third faction is Olquina, a devoutly-followed coalition at war with the Republic and the Empire. Another central plot point is the game's 2 Laws; Real's Law and Imaginal's Law. A Child of Eesa must choose to present one of two laws that will form the building blocks of the world to the god Eesa. Also, both Real and Imaginal have Divas, who are the priestesses of their religions.
This transition can be a part of the normal maturation process, or caused by an inducement. One example is the transformation of iris cells to lens cells in the process of maturation and transformation of retinal pigment epithelium cells into the neural retina during regeneration in adult newt eyes. This process allows the body to replace cells not suitable to new conditions with more suitable new cells. In Drosophila imaginal discs, cells have to choose from a limited number of standard discrete differentiation states.
Cytonemes with a diameter of approximately 0.2 μm and as long as 80 μm have been observed in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. Many cell types have filopodia. The functions of filopodia have been attributed to pathfinding of neurons, early stages of synapse formation, antigen presentation by dendritic cells of the immune system, force generation by macrophages and virus transmission. They have been associated with wound closure, dorsal closure of Drosophila embryos, chemotaxis in Dictyostelium, Delta-Notch signaling, vasculogenesis, cell adhesion, cell migration, and cancer metastasis.
Wm. Chittick, Imaginal Worlds. Ibn al-'Arabi and the Problem of Religious Diversity (SUNY 1994), Chapter 1, "Oneness of Being" at 15-29. Ibn 'Arabi has described several varieties of sacred experience, including one in which, having known an awareness of unity with the Divine, a soul may return to the former daily life, yet nonetheless remaining aware also of the fruit of mystical events, conscious both of the "I and the not I", the commonplace and the transcendent.Asín, El Islam cristianizado (1931, 1990) at 255.
"Flooding" works on the principles of classical conditioning or respondent conditioning—a form of Pavlov's classical conditioning—where patients change their behaviors to avoid negative stimuli. According to Pavlov, people can learn through associations, so if one has a phobia, it is because one associates the feared stimulus with a negative outcome. Flooding uses a technique based on Pavlov's classical conditioning that uses exposure. There are different forms of exposure, such as imaginal exposure, virtual reality exposure, and in vivo exposure.Eftekhari, A.; Stines, L.R. & Zoellner, L.A. (2005).
In 1970, by means of clonal analysis, the Anterior-Posterior boundary was identified. The founder cells, found at the border between parasegments 4 and 5 of embryo, are already determined at the early blastoderm stage and defined into the two populations they will generate by stripes of the engrailed gene. The selector gene, engrailed (en), is a key determinant in boundary formation between the anterior and posterior compartments. As the wing imaginal disc expands, posterior, but not anterior cells will express engrailed and maintain this expression state as they expand and form the disc.
Messenger RNA distributions from front to back of the fruit fly embryo, the model organism of Held's laboratory Lewis Irving Held, Jr. is a professor of developmental genetics at Texas Tech University. His laboratory is known for its research on pattern formation in the fruit fly embryo. His books on evolutionary developmental biology (evo- devo) include Imaginal Discs: The Genetic and Cellular Logic of Pattern Formation (2002), Quirks of Human Anatomy: An Evo-Devo Look at the Human Body (2009), and Deep Homology? Uncanny Similarities of Humans and Flies Uncovered by Evo-Devo (2017).
Archetypal psychology is a polytheistic psychology, in that it attempts to recognize the myriad fantasies and myths that shape and are shaped by our psychological lives. The ego is but one psychological fantasy within an assemblage of fantasies. To illustrate the multiple personifications of psyche Hillman made reference to gods, goddesses, demigods and other imaginal figures which he referred to as sounding boards "for echoing life today or as bass chords giving resonance to the little melodies of daily life"Hillman, J. 'Who Was Zwingli?', SPRING Journal 56, p.
Decapentaplegic is expressed in the wing disc by cells that function as a developmental organizer, and cytonemes that are responsive to decapentaplegic orient toward this developmental organizer. Receptors for signaling proteins are present in motile vesicles in cytonemes, and receptors for different signaling proteins segregate specifically to different types of cytonemes. In Drosophila, cytonemes have been found in wing and eye imaginal discs, trachea, lymph glands and ovaries. They have also been described in spider embryos, earwig ovaries, Rhodnius, Calpodes, earthworms, retroviral- infected cells, mast cells, B-lymphocytes and neutrophils.
The psychosocial approach to the treatment of ICDs includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which has been reported to have positive results in the case of treatment of pathological gambling and sexual addiction. There is general consensus that cognitive-behavioural therapies offer an effective intervention model. ;Pathological gambling :Systematic desensitization, aversive therapy, covert sensitization, imaginal desensitization, and stimulus control have been proven to be successful in the treatments to the problems of pathological gambling. Also "cognitive techniques such as psychoeducation, cognitive-restructuring, and relapse prevention" have proven to be effective in the treatments of such cases.
It is distinct from the psychiatric personality disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder or borderline personality disorder, with which it shares some characteristics, and is likewise distinct from the abnormal conditions of sociopathy or psychopathy. Alexithymia is defined by:Taylor (1997), p. 29 # difficulty identifying feelings and distinguishing between feelings and the bodily sensations of emotional arousal # difficulty describing feelings to other people # constricted imaginal processes, as evidenced by a scarcity of fantasies # a stimulus-bound, externally oriented cognitive style. Studies have reported that the prevalence rate of alexithymia is less than 10% of the population.
The Notch (N) gene expression precedes an upregulation of Dll in the cells that will become the center of the focus. This makes N the earliest developmental signal, so far studied, that is related with the establishment of the eyespots. Loss of N completely disrupts Dll expression, and eventually eyespot formation, in several butterfly species. A variety of other wing patterns are determined by N and Dll patterns of expression in early development of the wing imaginal disc, suggesting that a single mechanism patterns multiple coloration structures of the wing.
In 1963, he was recruited as a full professor and director of the clinical psychology training program for the City University of New York. Singer became considered "the father of daydreaming" and he "has laid the foundations for virtually all current investigations of the costs and benefits of daydreaming and mind-wandering". To study daydreaming, Singer and co-worker John S. Antrobus of the City University of New York developed a questionnaire designed to measure the various dimensions that characterize the individual's inner life. They called this instrument the Imaginal Process Inventory (IPI).
The town comes under attack by a monster force of undead skeletons led by a man called the "Deathchanter", whom Ryfia stated was the one who attacked her hometown and killed her mother. The party of L'Arc, Ryfia, Niko, Alf and Rastan are able to drive away the attacker, who seeks to kill L'Arc (the "Child of Eesa") and Ryfia (the "Imaginal Diva"). The standoff results in L'Arc being led to Dragon Prison, where he is able to bond with Simmah, the first Rogress. Rogress are extremely powerful creatures only a Child of Eesa can bond with.
It is also possible that both compartments produce the same cell adhesion molecules, but a difference in its abundance or activity could result in sorting between the two compartments. In vitro, transfected cells with high levels of a given adhesion molecule will segregate from cells that expressing lower levels of this same molecule. Finally, differences in cell bond tension could also play a role in the establishment of the boundary and the separation of the two different cell populations. Experimental data has shown that Myosin-II is up-regulated along both the dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior boundaries in the imaginal wing disc.
Finding himself frustrated by the limiting assumptions and religious sectarianism he perceived in transpersonal psychology, Ferrer introduced a participatory alternative to the neo‑perennialism dominating the field thus far. Ferrer’s participatory approach holds that human spirituality emerges from people’s co-creative participation in an undetermined mystery or generative power of life, the cosmos, or reality. He argued that spiritual participatory events can engage the entire range of human epistemic faculties (e.g., rational, imaginal, somatic, vital, aesthetic) with the creative unfolding of the mystery in the enactment—or “bringing forth”—of a plurality of ontologically rich religious worlds.
Self-directedness is a personality trait of self-determination, that is, the ability to regulate and adapt behavior to the demands of a situation in order to achieve personally chosen goals and values. It is one of the "character" dimensions in Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Cloninger has described it as "willpower", defined as "a metaphorical abstract concept to describe the extent to which a person identifies the imaginal self as an integrated, purposeful whole individual, rather than a disorganized set of reactive impulses." Cloninger's research has found that low self-directedness is a major common feature of personality disorders generally.
A combination of relaxation, cognitive restructuring, imaginal exposure, and in-vivo exposure was superior to supportive counselling. Mindfulness-based stress reduction programmes also appear to be effective for stress management. In a wilderness context where counselling, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy is unlikely to be available, the treatment for acute stress reaction is very similar to the treatment of cardiogenic shock, vascular shock, and hypovolemic shock; that is, allowing the patient to lie down, providing reassurance, and removing the stimulus that prompted the reaction. In traditional shock cases, this generally means relieving injury pain or stopping blood loss.
Macrohistory is distinguished from microhistory, which involves the rigorous and in-depth study of a single event in history. However, these two can be combined such as the case of studying the larger trends of post-slavery societies, which include the examination of individual cases and smaller groups. Macrohistory is also distinguished from metahistory with the way the latter recognizes historical works as "a verbal structure in the form of a narrative prose discourse." According to Garry Trompf, macrohistory encompasses but is not limited by metahistory by takeing in broad prospectus of change, including those that are imaginal or speculative.
The cytoneme-mediated model suggests that Dpp is directly transported to target cells via actin-based filopodia called cytonemes that extend from the apical surface of Dpp- responding cells to the Dpp-producing source cells. These cytonemes have been observed, but the dependence of the Dpp gradient on cytonemes has not been definitively proven in imaginal wing discs. However, Dpp is known to be required for and sufficient to extend and maintain cytonemes. Experiments analyzing the dynamics between Dpp and cytonemes have been conducted in the air sac primordium, where Dpp signaling was found to have a functional link with cytonemes.
Decapentaplegic (Dpp) is a key morphogen involved in the development of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and is the first validated secreted morphogen. It is known to be necessary for the correct patterning and development of the early Drosophila embryo and the fifteen imaginal discs, which are tissues that will become limbs and other organs and structures in the adult fly. It has also been suggested that Dpp plays a role in regulating the growth and size of tissues. Flies with mutations in decapentaplegic fail to form these structures correctly, hence the name (decapenta-, fifteen, -plegic, paralysis).
The portion of the R cells at the central axis of the ommatidium collectively form a light guide, a transparent tube, called the rhabdom. Although composed of over 16,000 cells, the Drosophila compound eye is a simple repetitive pattern of 700 to 750 of ommatidia, initiated in the larval eye imaginal disc. Each ommatidium consists of 14 neighboring cells: 8 photoreceptor neurons in the core, 4 non-neuronal cone cells and 2 primary pigment cells. A hexagonal lattice of pigment cells insulates the ommatidial core from neighboring ommatidia to optimize coverage of the visual field, which therefore affects the acuity of Drosophila vision.
DnaJ homolog subfamily A member 3, mitochondrial, also known as Tumorous imaginal disc 1 (TID1), is a protein that in humans is encoded by the DNAJA3 gene on chromosome 16. This protein belongs to the DNAJ/Hsp40 protein family, which is known for binding and activating Hsp70 chaperone proteins to perform protein folding, degradation, and complex assembly. As a mitochondrial protein, it is involved in maintaining membrane potential and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) integrity, as well as cellular processes such as cell movement, growth, and death. Furthermore, it is associated with a broad range of diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, inflammatory diseases, and cancers.
The human givens organising ideasUse of the term 'organising idea' as a way of referring to human thinking/perceptual processes seems to have originated with Henri Bortoft and is much used in human givens literature. proffer a description of the nature of human beings, the 'givens' of human genetic heritage and what humans need in order to be happy and healthy. Human Givens therapy seeks to use a "client's strengths to enable them to get emotional needs met". It is advertised as "drawing from the best of person-centred counselling, motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioural therapy, psychoeducational approaches, interpersonal therapy, imaginal exposure and hypnotherapy".
From the early 1980s until the end of her life, Vinciarelli created evanescent watercolor-and-ink studies of hypothetical architectural spaces. Her work has been analyzed by scholars and critics, including Ada Louise Huxtable and K. Michael Hays in Not Architecture But Evidence That It Exists. Vinciarelli belonged to an esteemed and influential group of contemporary paper architects, which included, among others, Raimund Abraham, John Hejduk, Gaetano Pesce, Lebbeus Woods, and Aldo Rossi. Vinciarelli created powerful and inspiring, hand-crafted imagery of topological space, on paper, which is a distillation of traditional, historical, and imaginal references.
According to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature's Principle of Priority, the family group name Lathrotelidae J.F.G. Clarke, 1971 applies to this subfamily. Characteristic features of the Lathrotelinae are the undulating wing outline, the absent chaetosemata on the imaginal head, the completely reduced gnathos, and the male genitalia's aedeagus with a strongly spiculose "manica" on its posterior end. Lathrotelinae are suggested to be closely related to Acentropinae based on two synapomorphies in the second sternum of the abdomen, but no phylogenetic analysis has been undertaken investigating this hypothesis. Little is known on the larval stage of Lathrotelinae.
Source: (accessed: February 5, 2008) (Tibetan: རང་བྱུན་ rang byung) of phenomena ( Tibetan: ཆོས་ Wylie: "chos" Sanskrit: dharmas) and sentient beings (Tibetan: ཡིད་ཅན་ yid can): # dang (གདངས་ Wylie: gDangs), which is essentially infinite and formless # rolpa (རོལ་པ་ Wylie: Rol-pa), which may be perceived as the thoughtform of "the eye of the mind", or the transpersonal imaginal manifestation # tsal (རྩལ་ Wylie: rTsal, which may be conceived as the manifestation of the energy of the individual, as apparently an 'external' world.Norbu (1999), pp. 99, 100, 101 Though not discrete correlates, dang equates to dharmakaya; rolpa to sambhogakaya; and tsal to nirmanakaya.
Since the early 1990s, Stone has focused almost exclusively on interactive, technologically based art forms, using technology to isolate and explore specific properties of the human experience. Notably, she has done work with "the misogynistic world of video games, the disciplinary effects of medical science, the stimulation of human intelligence and affect in robotics, and the visual modeling of protein molecules." Her "most ambitious piece" (according to Robert Enright) is Imaginal Expression, which appeared in a featured exhibition at the Winnipeg Art Gallery in 2004. In this piece, she shaped parts of her own body (hair, skin, fingers) into protein molecules projected as moving images on a 9' x 48' screen.
Stone sees Imaginal Expression as a visual form of potential for "genetic re-mapping and re-engineering." Carnevale 3.0, finished 2002, mirrors human consciousness by taking pictures of viewers in the gallery that are either stored or "forgotten" as a way to simulate human memory. The robot figure is inspired by a picture of Stone, herself, as a young girl. This choice was very intentional, according to Stone, and attempts to works against the "image of women in cyber culture." sentientBody, 1998, uses Stone's own disembodied breathing matched with images of water and sand "to both realize and dematerialize the existence of the body" (according to Enright).
This pattern is lost by the time the organism develops into a larva, but wingless is still expressed in a variety of tissues such as the wing imaginal discs, patches of tissue that will develop into the adult wings. The spatiotemporal pattern of wingless gene expression is determined by a network of regulatory interactions consisting of the effects of many different genes such as even-skipped and Krüppel. What causes spatial and temporal differences in the expression of a single gene? Because current expression patterns depend strictly on previous expression patterns, there is a regressive problem of explaining what caused the first differences in gene expression.
Gehring has mainly been involved in studies of Drosophila genetics and development, particularly in the analysis of cell determination in the embryo and transdetermination of imaginal discs. He has studies of the heat shock genes, various transposons, and the homeotic genes which are involved in the genetic control of development. In 1983 Gehring and his collaborators (William McGinnis, Michael S. Levine, Ernst Hafen, Richard Garber, Atsushi Kuroiwa, Johannes Wirz), discovered the homeobox, a DNA segment characteristic for homeotic genes which is not only present in arthropods and their ancestors, but also in vertebrates including man. Gehring has also been involved in the development and application of enhancer trapping methods.
The Arcs of Descent and Ascent (), an ontological circle, are described in Neoplatonism, as well as in Islamic and Sufi cosmology, mainly inspired by the works of Ibn al-Arabi. In the Arc of Descent ("qaws al-nuzuli"), from unity to diversity, God creates successively the Intellect (Supreme Pen), the Universal Soul (Guarded Tablet), Prime Matter, Nature, the Universal Body (including the imaginal world) and the Earth. The Arc of Ascent ("qaws al-su'ud") is the way back to the Presence of God, the process of spiritual perfection. In a hadith attributed to Ja'far al-Sadiq, the sixth Imam of Shi'i Islam, the arc of descent is described as having seven stages.
This review did find similar beneficial effects for Internet-based settings as in face-to-face but the quality of the evidence was low due to the small number of trials reviewed. Exposure therapy is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that involves assisting trauma survivors to re-experience distressing trauma-related memories and reminders in order to facilitate habituation and successful emotional processing of the trauma memory. Most exposure therapy programs include both imaginal confrontation with the traumatic memories and real-life exposure to trauma reminders; this therapy modality is well supported by clinical evidence. The success of exposure-based therapies has raised the question of whether exposure is a necessary ingredient in the treatment of PTSD.
Filopodia have been given various names: microspikes, pseudopods, thin filopodia, thick filopodia, gliopodia, myopodia, invadopodia, podosomes, telopodes, tunneling nanotubes and dendrites. The term cytoneme was coined to denote the presence of cytoplasm in their interior (cyto-) and their finger- like appearance (-neme), and to distinguish their role as signaling, rather than structural or force-generating, organelles. Filopodia with behaviors suggestive of roles in sensing patterning information were first observed in sea urchin embryos, and subsequent characterizations support the idea that they convey patterning signals between cells. The discovery of cytonemes in Drosophila imaginal discs correlated for the first time the presence and behavior of filopodia with a known morphogen signaling protein - decapentaplegic.
Sal-like protein 4 (SALL4) is a transcription factor encoded by a member of the Spalt-like (SALL) gene family, SALL4. The SALL genes were identified based on their sequence homology to Spalt, which is a homeotic gene originally cloned in Drosophila melanogaster that is important for terminal trunk structure formation in embryogenesis and imaginal disc development in the larval stages. There are four human SALL proteins (SALL1, 2, 3, and 4) with structural homology and playing diverse roles in embryonic development, kidney function, and cancer. The SALL4 gene encodes at least three isoforms, termed A, B, and C, through alternative splicing, with the A and B forms being the most studied.
The specification of sensory organs by proneural genes is a complex process, since they elicit different cellular contexts. For instance, in Drosophila, atonal (ato) can promote the development of chordotonal organs, for the receptors of olfactory sense organs, depending on the imaginal disc in which it is expressed. In Drosophila’s embryogenesis, the proneural gene achaete is expressed in well- determined regions as in the endoderm, being responsible for the formation of particular sensory organs in the adult and larvae. According to Ruíz-Gomes and Ghysen (1993), this expression occurs in two distinct phases: a competent state, in which the proneural gene is expressed in a cell cluster; a determined state, in which a specific cell accumulate high levels of ‘’ac’’ transcripts, originating a neural precursor.
They stand in much the same relation to the childhood memories from which they are derived as do some of the Baroque palaces of Rome to the ancient ruins whose pavements and columns have provided the material for the more recent structures. In the late 1960s, cognitive psychologists Jerome L. Singer of Yale University and John S. Antrobus of the City College of New York, created a daydream questionnaire. The questionnaire, called the Imaginal Processes Inventory (IPI), has been used to investigate daydreams. Psychologists Leonard Giambra and George Huba used the IPI and found that daydreamers' imaginary images vary in three ways: how vivid or enjoyable the daydreams are, how many guilt- or fear-filled daydreams they have, and how "deeply" into the daydream people go.
Five arts was Goethe's method of transmuting his observation of human nature into sharable form. Drawing from his novel, Elective Affinities (Wahlverwandschaften), Goethe discerned a geheime Verwandschaft (hidden relationship) of parts that explains how one form can transform into another form while being part of an underlying archetypal form (Ur-phänomen). It is this organizing idea or form that guides the consideration of the parts; it is a Bild or virtual image that "emerges and re-emerges from the interaction of experience and ideas". This consideration is a special type of thinking (noetic ideation or denken) carried out with a different organ of cognizance to that of the brain (mentation or sinnen), one that involves an act of creative imagination, what Goethe terms "the living imaginal beholding of Nature" (das lebendige Anschauen der Natur).
Many memory contest champions report using this technique to recall faces, digits, and lists of words. The term is most often found in specialised works on psychology, neurobiology, and memory, though it was used in the same general way at least as early as the first half of the nineteenth century in works on rhetoric, logic, and philosophy.e.g. in a discussion of "topical memory" (yet another designator) Jamieson mentions that "memorial lines, or verses, are more useful than the method of loci." Alexander Jamieson, A Grammar of Logic and Intellectual Philosophy, A. H. Maltby, 1835, p112 John O'Keefe and Lynn Nadel refer to: > 'the method of loci', an imaginal technique known to the ancient Greeks and > Romans and described by Yates (1966) in her book The Art of Memory as well > as by Luria (1969).
Clock gene mutations, including those to Drosophila's dbt, alter the sensitization of drug-induced locomotor activity after repeated exposure to psychostimulants. Drosophila with mutant alleles of dbt failed to display locomotor sensitization in response to repeated cocaine exposure. Additionally, there is experimental evidence for this gene to function in 13 unique biological processes, including biological regulation, phosphorus metabolic process, establishment of planar polarity, positive regulation of biological process, cellular process, single-organism developmental process, response to stimulus, response to organic substance, sensory organ development, macromolecule modification, growth, cellular component organization or biogenesis, and rhythmic process. The gene's alternative name, discs overgrown, refers to its role as a cell growth regulating gene that has strong effects of cell survival and growth control in imaginal discs, an attribute of the larvae fly stage.
To get around this problem, the nuclei that have made a mistake detach from their centrosomes and fall into the centre of the embryo (yolk sac), which will not form part of the fly. The gene network (transcriptional and protein interactions) governing the early development of the fruit fly embryo is one of the best understood gene networks to date, especially the patterning along the anteroposterior (AP) and dorsoventral (DV) axes (See under morphogenesis). The embryo undergoes well- characterized morphogenetic movements during gastrulation and early development, including germ-band extension, formation of several furrows, ventral invagination of the mesoderm, and posterior and anterior invagination of endoderm (gut), as well as extensive body segmentation until finally hatching from the surrounding cuticle into a first-instar larva. During larval development, tissues known as imaginal discs grow inside the larva.
Bottici's work on the imaginal, as this third alternative between the individual and the social reflects her efforts to move towards a new social ontology. In a 2017 interview, Bottici states that "to understand the present, we have to understand how we actually got here, which other roads we missed on the way, and thus, also, possibly whether we can get off this path," explaining her work as animated by the question, "where is the new coming from?" Drawing from her work on Baruch Spinoza and on Etienne Balibar's reading of Spinoza's Ethics, Bottici embraced the concept of the transindividual, contributing to the development of a philosophy of transindividuality. In a 2017 seminar on mass psychology and Trumpism with Judith Butler, Bottici emphasized the ongoing production and receipt of the political image as a mode of the ongoing production and receipt of the political self.
Wilby 2005. pp. 185-198. Learned magicians of the period who practiced "high magic" have been recognized as having mystical experiences, so Wilby provides some reasons that scholars may have treated common magic practitioners differently: these practitioners were illiterate and therefore never recorded their experiences, they were intimidated by crowded courtrooms during witch trials, they sometimes used methods of deception that our culture would term quackery, they didn't conform to today's preconceptions of mysticism that we inherited from Christianity, and there was a large gulf between the way they experienced the world versus scholars of today—the last point being elucidated by Ananda Coomaraswamy's claim that our society suffers from "imaginal illiteracy" which prevents our mind from forming images in the same was as illiterate peoples.Wilby 2005. pp. 199-217. Wilby draws parallels between the cunning folk and witches to Christian contemplatives whose status as mystics is taken as historical fact, including Margery Kempe, Walter Hilton, Teresa of Ávila, Bridget of Sweden, Hadewijch, and Christina Ebner.
PTSD is characterized by the re-experiencing of the traumatic event through intrusive and upsetting memories, nightmares, flashbacks, and strong emotional and physiological reactions triggered by reminders of the trauma. Most individuals with PTSD try to ward off the intrusive symptoms and avoid the trauma- reminders, even when those reminders are not inherently dangerous. To address the traumatic memories and triggers that are reminders of the trauma, the core components of exposure programs for the disorder are: #Imaginal exposure, revisiting the traumatic memory, repeated recounting it aloud, and processing the revisiting experience #In vivo exposure, the repeated confrontation with situations and objects that cause distress but are not inherently dangerous The goal of this treatment is to promote processing of the trauma memory and to reduce distress and avoidance evoked by the trauma reminders. Additionally, individuals with emotional numbing and depression are encouraged to engage in enjoyable activities, even if these activities do not cause fear or anxiety but have dropped out the person's life due to loss of interest.
Series B. Biological Sciences, vol. 237, no 641, 1952, p. 37-72. Lewis WolpertLewis Wolpert, « Positional information and the spatial pattern of cellular differentiation », Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 25, no 1, 1969, p. 1-47 in 1969 and Francis CrickFrancis Crick, « Diffusion in embryogenesis », Nature, vol. 225, 1970, p. 420-422 in 1971 proposed a more precise definition, as factors that form a concentration gradient at the origin of positional information. Thomas Lecuit shows that the growth factors of the BMP/Dpp and Wg/Wnt families are morphogens, acting at a distance, whose local concentration constitutes positional information that spatially organizes cell identity and limb axesLecuit T, Brook WJ, Ng M, Calleja M, Sun H, Cohen SM, « Two distinct mechanisms for long-range patterning by Decapentaplegic in the Drosophila wing », Nature, 1996 may 30;381(6581), p. 387-93Lecuit T, Cohen SM, « Proximal-distal axis formation in the Drosophila leg », Nature, 1997 jul 10;388(6638), p. 139-45Lecuit T, Cohen SM, « Dpp receptor levels contribute to shaping the Dpp morphogen gradient in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc », Development, 1998 dec;125(24), p. 4901-7.

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