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"identic" Definitions
  1. IDENTICAL: such as
  2. constituting a diplomatic action or expression in which two or more governments follow precisely the same course or employ an identical form
  3. constituting an action or expression in which a government follows precisely the same course or employs identical forms with reference to two or more other governments

9 Sentences With "identic"

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The history of the team is identic like F.C. United of Manchester. In the early 2011 the team was dissolved.
An identic note is a letter delivered from a single state to multiple recipient states. Examples include the identic note sent by Thomas Jefferson regarding action against the Barbary Pirates and that from the United States to China and the Soviet Union in 1929. In it, the United States called on the other two powers to resolve their differences over the Eastern China Railway peacefully.
In Fellbach (and in Kernen im Remstal) appears as daily newspaper Fellbacher Zeitung. It is nationally identic with the Stuttgarter Nachrichten. The Stuttgarter Zeitung appears in Fellbach and Kernen im Remstal also with this self-produced local section.
I, Făgărașul, p. 456 and Calian,Probabil, identic cu Călin.„Din Caliani se trage generalul austriac Caliani, care s-a remarcat în revoluția dela 1848.” Vd. C. Stan, Școala poporană din Făgăraș și depe Târnave, Vol. I, Făgărașul, p. 456.
"Proposals for concerted operation among the powers at war with the Pyratical states of Barbary" was the title of an identic note written by Thomas Jefferson in 1786, when he was the American ambassador to France. It proposed an intergovernmental military alliance for purposes of instituting a naval blockade of the Ottoman Regency of Algiers, which allowed the Barbary pirates to attack ships. The alliance was opposed by Congress and was never implemented.
Arnaut Osman is also a hero of the Albanian epic poetry. He is one of main characters in the song Sirotan Alia and Arnaut Osman () Albanian epic poetry had almost identic song to song about Mali Radojica, although the name of the hero is not Mali Radojica but Arnaut Osman.Radosav Medenica, Belgrade, Арбанашке крешничке песме и наша народна епика [Albanian borderland songs and our epic poetry], Извор: зборник "Рад XIV конгреса Савеза фолклориста Југославије (у Призрену 1967)", Београд 1974.
Haig Ajemian, Hayotz Hayrig, page 511-3; translated by Fr. Vazken Movsesian. In Bulgarian historiography, Liberation of Bulgaria means the events of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 that led to the re-establishment of Bulgarian Sovereign state with the Treaty of San Stefano. In 1880 Armenians especially encouraged by the prime minister Gladstone touched the Armenian issue with the words “To serve Armenia is to serve the Civilization. June 11, 1880, The great powers sent to porte an “Identic Note” which asked for the enforcement of the article 61.
This also applies to other species, such as Pliomys and Allocricetus, which were thought to have become extinct during the Eemian. Another example is the European adder (Vipera berus) which evolved towards the Baskian viper and now occupies the Cantabrian region and the Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaïcus), found in fossil form at the site. The European water vole (Arvicola terrestris) retained a local enclave whereas the rest of the population turned towards Asia. Further studies suggested that the Nemausia genus, a nomen nudum is identic with the Mimomys genus.
Regarded by Rice-Oxley himself as a "corny" song, it follows a medieval-fairytale soft progression, with an identic piano playing of that of "This Is the Last Time". Sixteen beats drumming are introduced with 10 seconds of playback. Rice-Oxley often creates an impromptu during live performances with the entry of the chorus at 1:31, that would lead piano going quicker and stronger, leaving the electric in the background sound. Bridge requires Rice-Oxley's vocals and distorted piano to complete, followed by the last verse which lies before the magical outro, created with the Yamaha CP60 Chaplin plays during gigs, a succession of F-G-F-G-A-Bb-G-F.

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