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"hyperconscious" Definitions
  1. intensely or excessively aware : acutely conscious

21 Sentences With "hyperconscious"

How to use hyperconscious in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hyperconscious" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hyperconscious". Mastering all the usages of "hyperconscious" from sentence examples published by news publications.

To behold Michelangelo's work is perforce to be hyperconscious of his performance.
Her fluent, hyperconscious vibe is more like that of a novelist than a comedian.
My entire body is now tense, and I'm feeling hyperconscious about my hair and muscles.
All she knew was that in more than three hours of hyperconscious running, she had not seen Miller once.
I imagine everywhere he goes, though, he's just very hyperconscious of who's around him, who's taking pictures of him.
Then, there are the Western brands, hyperconscious of both their costs and their reputations, which came under sharp attack after Rana Plaza.
It was outside forces later in life that made race such a big issue that made me start to feel hyperconscious about it.
It honestly wasn't hyperconscious, it was simply a value that we shared that came out in the characters and stories we were telling.
But we shouldn't necessarily misconstrue virtue signaling as dishonest; rather, it's a hyperconscious mode of thinking about how others might judge our reactions.
I took actions to prepare for and protect myself during my flights, like being hyperconscious of human contact and washing my hands after I touched anything.
This blind spot has kept many consumers from asking questions about how their wine is made, even though they may be hyperconscious of the origins of the food they eat.
But lately, I feel that the way I've lived for years—in hyperconscious, hypervigilant awareness of everything I put in my mouth—no longer serves to quell my depression and anxiety.
Subscribe to WIRED In her own teenage years, Sam, hyperconscious and pre-HRT, would have burned an hour getting ready, even if just for a late-night run to the gas station.
What Jackson has created is a vortex of postmodern worry — a rendering of how our hyperconscious searches for identity have provided us both the tools of self-actualization and the means to our own destruction.
Like cast members on a reality show's third season, each woman is hyperconscious of her own "type," and, by extension, how the culture sees her story, through condescending lenses like chick lit and mommy wars.
Rebecca is hyperconscious about Kate's weight, which leads Jack to be even more defensive of his daughter than usual; Randall just got glasses, and Rebecca's protective instincts kick in, warning Kevin not to mock him for the new look.
I recently flew economy from Austin, Texas, to New York during the spread of the coronavirus in the US.I took actions to prepare for and protect myself during my flight, like being hyperconscious of human contact and washing my hands after I touched anything.
Back in the land of the free and the home of hyperconscious parenting, Claudia Hunter Johnson, the author of HURTLING TOWARD HAPPINESS: A Mother and Teenage Son's Road Trip From Blues to Bonding in a Really Small Car (Arcade, $24.99), has piled into a rental car with her son, Ross.
In his Substack-published "Consumer Guide" column, Robert Christgau found that the melodies range from "catchy to exquisite" and, "though the hyperconscious lyrics often seem constricted, resentful, unresolved, the music lifts them up, and then the title finale lifts the whole album up." In Paste, Ben Salmon concluded that That Dog "were—and are—a band that offers a unique voice within their field, and it's wonderful to have them back".
Perfectionism has been linked with anorexia nervosa in research for decades. Researchers in 1949 described the behavior of the average anorexic person as being "rigid" and "hyperconscious", observing also a tendency to "neatness, meticulosity, and a mulish stubbornness not amenable to reason [which] make her a rank perfectionist". Perfectionism is an enduring characteristic in the biographies of anorexics. It is present before the onset of the eating disorder, generally in childhood, during the illness, and also, after remission.
Most of Cordell's work for Malhavoc Press has followed similar patterns, creating a sort of story arc across When the Sky Falls, If Thoughts Could Kill, and Hyperconscious, connected by the god-like Dark Plea and, to a lesser extent, the kureshim race. In an interview with Monte Cook, Cordell himself described his style as including "subtle story threads that connect seemingly unrelated projects".A Talk With Bruce R. Cordell, Cordell co-designed the 4th Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, and Gamma World Seventh Edition. After working for a few years as a designer on the fifth edition of D&D;, Cordell left Wizards in July 2013.

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