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35 Sentences With "extremely aware"

How to use extremely aware in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "extremely aware" and check conjugation/comparative form for "extremely aware". Mastering all the usages of "extremely aware" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The Danish soldiers need to be extremely aware of that.
"I was extremely aware of what was going on," Nimmo said.
I don't overthink—I have to be extremely aware of my shifting surroundings.
" "We are extremely aware that disrupting family routines puts a burden on parents.
I say "turns out" but my adrenaline was extremely aware of it at the time!
Credit card companies are extremely aware of sudden surreptitious charges from Russia or Ukraine or that region.
I mean, I was extremely aware of what I was creating and how much of what it was.
I was extremely aware that I had to make sure I was being paid what the male equivalent would be.
We are, however, extremely aware that the print business is in what the experts might refer to as a secular decline.
Watching friends and couples break it down on the dance floor, I became extremely aware of the fact that I was alone.
She's extremely aware of this scenario and wants to educate everyone else on the fact that this feels like a set up.
In this style, my hair is being naturally straightened but at the same time, I'm extremely aware there is nothing to hide behind!
She works, walks her huge dogs, and leads a comfortable life—she's just, unlike most of us, extremely aware of how close death always is.
"I am extremely aware and understand the hurt and confusion and pain I've caused to the victims in this case and their families," Priebe said Tuesday.
It makes me extremely aware that my iPhone will eventually tick down to uselessness, and, yikes, it kind of makes me want to buy a new battery.
But because I fought hard to maintain this illusion for myself all through Stanford and while building the startup, I'm extremely aware of the disconnect to reality.
I try to be extremely aware of my urges to contribute to social media and of the way it feels to observe others' highly curated looking glasses.
Elected Democrats are extremely aware that people are losing DACA every day, and many moderate Republicans also note that the program is less effective the longer it's allowed to wind down.
It's a next chapter that's extremely aware of being a next chapter, and knows it needs to offer something new to justify our return to a book we thought we'd closed.
LeBron James and Michael Jordan have been ceaselessly compared ever since LeBron came into the league 14 years ago (!!!), and not only is Cleveland's savior extremely aware of it, he wants it all.
"In the last two years, we have become extremely aware of how apathy to injustice is dangerous," says Amanny Ahmad, a Palestinian-American artist and chef, who signed and helped coordinate the open letter.
"I think Harvey Weinstein was extremely aware and extremely scared of what the implications would be if his biggest start ended up going on the record," Twohey told Guthrie in an interview earlier this month.
And, as Mara Seals told me, residents were extremely aware of the case of Claas Relotius, the Der Spiegel correspondent who fabricated details about right-wing intolerance in a Minnesota town in a March 263 story.
"She is extremely aware of the changing face of the Democratic Party," said Mr. Harrison, noting that in a recent telephone conversation, he told Ms. Warren that she can't simply "camp out" in New Hampshire and Iowa.
"I'm not here to say to my qualifications are a prerequisite, but I will say that they make me extremely aware of the consequences of decisions made in the White House Situation Room," Buttigieg said Friday in New Hampshire.
I think they've always been extremely aware of—and interested in—anything having to do with power, to make it simple, because high school can be very red in tooth and claw in terms of the kinds of social power.
While neither young man could know in 1929 the politician would actually end up presiding over the brutal kidnapping, rape, and murder of millions of innocent people, they were already extremely aware Adolf Hitler very much advocated for such topics.
"IT managers need to be extremely aware that new variants of this ransomware attack are being launched almost hourly, so they can't just check that their computer systems are protected, then relax, assuming everything will stay that way," he said.
Social, emotional, and personality development (pp. 646–718). New York: Wiley. Other researchers like Geng have looked to understand social inhibition, effortful control, and attention in school. In Geng's study, gender came in to play with high socially inhibited girls being extremely aware of their surroundings, possibly paying too much attention to potentially anxious situations.
Jacoby claimed that as the only conservative columnist on the otherwise liberal Globe op-ed pages, he was held to a higher standard. "I've been aware from the outset that I have to be extremely aware of my column," he told the Associated Press. In August 2000, Jacoby filed a grievance through his union, The Newspaper Guild.
He retired at the end of the season. McCully was regarded as someone with a nose for the goal, and a player with eyes in the back of his head (he was extremely aware of every man's position on the pitch). Charlie was also regarded as a great teacher of the game. He always had time to talk and mentor the younger players.
In addition, social media platforms have become extremely aware of their users and collect information about their viewers to connect with them in various ways. Social-networking website Facebook Inc. is quietly working on a new advertising system that would let marketers target users with ads based on the massive amounts of information people reveal on the site about themselves. This may be an unethical or ethical feature to some individuals.
By contrast, in management theory, analysts are extremely aware of value adding activities occurring when factors of production are withdrawn from the market in order to produce new outputs with them. That is because they aim to maximize productivity, i.e. get as much work and product out of the workers as efficiently as possible. Yet, because perceptions of value growth are based on the relationship between input costs and sales revenue, revealed by accounts, the central role of living labour in conserving, transferring and creating value is still obscured.
Influenced heavily by the Beast and enthusiastic about the power of collaboration, several Cloudmakers came together with the idea that they could create a similar game. The first effort to make an independent Beast-like game, Ravenwatchers, failed, but another team soon assembled and met with greater success. With very little experience behind them, the group managed, after nine months of development, to create a viable game that was soon seized upon eagerly by the Cloudmakers group and featured in WIRED Magazine. As players of the Beast, members of the Lockjaw development team were extremely aware of the community playing the game and took steps to encourage the tight bonding of the player base through highly collaborative puzzles, weekly Euchre games, and the inclusion of player personas in the game.
Under the influence of the Beast and enthusiastic about the power of collaboration, several Cloudmakers came together with the idea that they could create a similar game. The first effort to make an independent Beast-like game, Ravenwatchers, failed, but another team soon assembled and would meet with success. With very little experience behind them, the group managed, after nine months of development, to create a viable game that was soon seized upon eagerly by the Cloudmakers group and featured in WIRED Magazine. As players of the Beast, members of the Lockjaw development team were extremely aware of the community playing the game and took steps to encourage the tight bonding of the player base through highly collaborative puzzles, weekly Euchre games, and the inclusion of player personas in the game.

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