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"hyperaware" Definitions
  1. extremely or excessively aware

84 Sentences With "hyperaware"

How to use hyperaware in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "hyperaware" and check conjugation/comparative form for "hyperaware". Mastering all the usages of "hyperaware" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We are hyperaware of our physicality and the space around us.
So on his 2012 album this hyperaware jokester plays the Brit.
It made me hyperaware of race from a very young age.
"I didn't see people spraying their clothes or being hyperaware," she said.
"I was hyperaware of when she started using a wheelchair," she says.
The museum of the future should be hyperaware of the community it serves.
Working at a tortoise's pace, Schade surely must be hyperaware of time passing.
And it always leaves me hyperaware that I'm not Katniss, not even close.
Since that election cycle, he's been "hyperaware" of what's going on in the world.
I spent the rest of the day feeling numb and hyperaware of my surroundings.
And coming off of an especially nasty election season, it's no wonder we're hyperaware of it.
I am consistently alert and hyperaware of my surroundings, even living in supposedly progressive New York.
They were like puppets who were always hyperaware of what the puppeteers were doing with them.
You might think, 'Just get over it!' but people who have acne are very hyperaware of it.
He was "hyperaware of others," according to his husband, Terry Kaelber, yet he had not said goodbye.
That being said, the entire system of retail operations should have been hyperaware of employee health issues.
She was hyperaware of the movements of the train, the chatting of passengers, the announcements of upcoming stops.
This is Bourne's personal outlook — fractured and dangerous, anxious and unstable, hyperaware but never quite sure of itself.
Born to Mexican and Colombian immigrant parents, Castañeda was made hyperaware of his identity from an early age.
I also needed to conquer the crawdaddies because I was hyperaware of what was happening in this city.
Trump is hyperaware that he could soon be facing a Democrat who supports overhauling the nation's health-care system.
Those performances that have that a super aggressive sexual tone to them, but make you hyperaware of your body.
Even with his varied interests, Mr. Paredes says downtime often leaves him frustrated and hyperaware of his limited finances.
The training methods encourage students to be hyperaware of their surroundings, and they require an intense level of focus.
"Being raised during the apartheid era in South Africa made me so hyperaware of equality and human rights," says Theron.
"Being raised during the apartheid era in South Africa made me so hyperaware of equality and human rights," Theron said.
From an early age, I was hyperaware of how race impacted outcomes and circumstances, even when it came to smoking.
So there's a possibility that being hyperaware of these changes in your mood and physiology while drunk could contribute to anxiety.
Stephens likens it to a police car sitting on the side of the road: It makes everyone hyperaware of their surroundings.
"Being raised during the apartheid era in South Africa made me so hyperaware of equality and human rights," Theron, 42, says.
"I find myself this month being hyperaware about women and their health, as it pertains to the heart," the Today anchor wrote.
Since I was very small, like many other people who are socialized as girls and women, I've been hyperaware of boys' suffering.
All this means that you might be bored at home right now and hyperaware that your bangs haven't seen scissors in months.
On the bright side, Lueck's entering the entertainment industry at a time when people, especially women, are hyperaware of the industry's next step.
Ms. Johnson described being hyperaware of the politics around her but not inspired enough by anyone in either party to get more engaged.
Recording one makes you hyperaware of your body; it sort of felt like I was staring into a mirror, but couldn't see my own reflection.
She felt panicked about her need to feed the Twitter machine, and hyperaware of who she needed to be to produce that volume of content.
I said that I hadn't seen it in years but wondered how it would play in an era when people are hyperaware of toxic masculinity.
Wurtzel herself is hyperaware of the narcissistic nature of her problems, and her willingness to expose herself — narcissism and all — ultimately wins the reader over.
Even though Tom's experience was with another man, it may be especially important for heterosexual couples that men are hyperaware of their women partners' nonverbal communication.
Black, 24, once loved attending concerts, but now she says she's hyperaware in any crowded public space and spends her time figuring out the quickest exit.
While the campaign staff were incredibly passionate and skilled, one thing I was hyperaware of was that I was the only person of color [on staff].
But while he claimed his faults as qualities, she seemed at times on Monday night to be hyperaware of the flaws that voters see in her.
The very methods that are meant to help are hard to stick to; meditation, for instance, makes me hyperaware of sensations I've worked hard to avoid.
After two solid months of traveling, in which I was constantly soaking in every detail around me, I found myself hyperaware of changes in New York.
At the center of this story is a man who is homebound and his attentiveness to his shrinking world imbues every moment and interaction with hyperaware contrast.
"Growing up in the archive, I just became hyperaware of the missing images in our society—the images that aren't shown, the stories that aren't told," he said.
Progressives in America pride themselves on being hyperaware of the persecution of minority groups of all kinds—blacks, women, LGBT people, immigrants—but they have a blind spot.
But children of narcissists are hyperaware of asshole games being played because we've had the most experience with it, and often, we know how best to handle it.
Clinton is often described as guarded and hyperaware of how she is perceived, she has frequently projected a sense of ease with who she is during this campaign.
For one thing, the Nortons — Ed, a widower, and his three adult sons — are hyperaware of their relative good fortune and the unfairness to others it unavoidably entails.
I also live in a gentrifying city, and am also hyperaware that the people around me who might provide parenting advice are also someone else's daughters and sons.
I think we're all so hyperaware of our relationships to the truth right now, and to our sense of objectivity, in every interaction we have throughout a day.
Many black people are already hyperaware of police brutality, but they may feel obligated to watch a film like Detroit where they are seen, only because it happens so rarely.
While the cast is hyperaware that there's a lot riding on the success of their film, they talked to CNN last week about why it should be allowed to fail.
I was always kind of aware of that, but was never literally aware of that, so now I'm hyperaware of that, and I feel like I'm making better design choices.
In the Brooklyn Museum's Beaux-Arts Court (a grand space with high ceilings, balconies, and balustrades) you become hyperaware of the museum's own adaptation of surveillance in its design and architecture.
In the working world there, it's critical to have a sense of nunchi, a sort of hyperaware emotional intelligence that involves being able to read delicate social situations and interpersonal relationships.
Field Notes As a jewelry store owner, Marisa Perry spends most of her days trying on engagement rings and wedding bands, and so she is hyperaware of how her hands look.
Despite all this, it did feel like we were one organism, adapting to one another's tugs and pulls, at once hyperaware of our individual impact and drawn by the collective current.
"I'm hyperaware walking into that situation that I might be the first openly trans person they've ever met — and certainly the first trans actor that they've worked with," she told BuzzFeed News.
Such tension energizes the Guggenheim exhibition, whose audience walks the halls with deserved paranoia: everyone seems hyperaware that others might be looking at them looking at the artist's explicit nudes — and they're right.
It's hard to delve all that deeply into an institution filled with people who appear to be hyperaware of the scrutiny directed at their workplace, wary of the idea of becoming the story themselves.
No matter how skillfully the show plays out the political tensions within Westeros this season, viewers are going to be hyperaware of what the ending will probably look like when all is said and done.
And the sentiment of this particular artist—the idea that we can be hyperaware of the world and systems around us, and not be suspicious of our neighbors every day—is the key to coexistence.
All photos by Neil KrugAt the core of every great song is a great story, and if there's anyone who's hyperaware of this, it's Dave Bayley, frontman of Oxford-based indie rock quartet Glass Animals.
We have two young children ourselves and are hyperaware of the very real, physical, day-to-day implications of being alone with a baby and what this development will mean for Jane's personal and professional life.
When I travel on a plane, bus, or train, I'm hyperaware of how much space I take up and whether a stray elbow here or a thigh there hits the person in the seat next to mine.
The president is hyperaware of TV ratings, which are compiled weekly for him in the White House, and viewership of the briefings during the daytime hours have seen a notable spike as Americans anxiously watch from home.
Companies must start being hyperaware by monitoring changes in their environment (which extends beyond what their competitors are doing); they must start making informed decisions and execute those decisions quickly to respond to the threat of autonomous vehicles.
Through our three and a half hour long conversation and exchanging multiple emails (in one note to me he clearly states our conversation is his "final interview"), it's clear that Simpson is hyperaware of that idea, unconsciously or not.
R. seemed not to notice but I noticed, it was a weird reversal: he was the more open one here, and I was hyperaware, feeling the reflexes of fear though I wasn't afraid, I didn't think I was afraid.
Delightful children's book style drawings, illustrated by Ukrainian artist Sashko Danylenko, serve as visual aids as Bryce explains the leading theory that our skin has evolved to be hyperaware of touch to protect us from the threats in the outside world.
"A big chill came across Silicon Valley in the wake of all these stories, and people are hyperaware and scared of behaving wrongly, so I think they're drawing all kinds of parameters," said a venture capitalist who spoke anonymously for the same reason.
"It makes sense that women who are invested in the movement — are invested in having greater conversations and greater solutions to things like sexual harassment and sexual assault — would be hyperaware of the potential political and cultural discourses that could interrupt that process," she said.
I was there for work, after all, and I was hyperaware of the Hollywood stereotype of the slutty mess of a woman journalist who, in the course of doing her job, just can't help herself and unprofessionally, irresponsibly starts sleeping with the subject of her story.
Definitely something happened, the floodgates for sure opened, and I think because it wasn't just Harvey – it was Harvey, and then all of a sudden this landslide of other people, from Matt Lauer to whoever, Kevin Spacey – I think everyone is just hyperaware of it right now.
As someone whose shot could make or break an assignment, Ricketts emphasizes how, when capturing a moment, he's hyperaware of a situation and its smallest details compared with a regular observer, often entering a heightened emotional state that makes it easier for him to remember those moments.
Having been worn down by one violation after the other, it was a beautiful sort of freedom to take a stroll in my body without having to be hyperaware of all the strangers who just couldn't wait to shout things at me, to make me feel powerless and small.
From Alec Soth's exploration of fading modes of American community to Larry Towell's collages of old Kodak products to Susan Meiselas's dive into the city's last surviving major factory, this entire collection seems to be hyperaware that the moment it endeavors to capture, just like all moments, is passing.
But if we're thinking about a physical illness, if you know what the symptoms are, you could focus on or be hyperaware of anything in your body that could be those symptoms — if you have a bit of a tickle, or feel like you maybe have a low-grade fever.
Theranos and Goldman Sachs and Martin Shkreli and Purdue Pharma and the Fyre Festival and the Catholic Church and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and parking placard abuse and police violence and all the various Trump administration scandals aren't bad apples: They're part of a pattern, one that the American public is hyperaware of.
Buss- Social Anxiety may have developed from fearful temperament and either excessive socialization of a child to the point that they are hyperaware of inappropriate social situations or underdeveloped social skills.Buss, A. (1980). Self-consciousness and social anxiety. San Francisco: Freeman.
He argues that strangers undergo both anxiety and uncertainty; they do not feel secure and they are not sure how to behave. Gudykunst noted that strangers and in-group members experience some degree of anxiety and uncertainty in any new interpersonal situation, but when the encounter takes place between people of different cultures, strangers are hyperaware of cultural differences. They then tend to overestimate the effect of cultural identity on the behavior of people in an alien society, while blurring individual distinctions. The purpose of the first iteration of AUM was to be a practical application with a high degree of utility.

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