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"gainfully" Definitions
  1. in a way that earns money for the useful work that you do

130 Sentences With "gainfully"

How to use gainfully in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "gainfully" and check conjugation/comparative form for "gainfully". Mastering all the usages of "gainfully" from sentence examples published by news publications.

You're gainfully employed, your business is thriving, and you're rich.
"You really have to be gainfully employed to shop here," she said.
Being gainfully employed as a professional since my release didn't matter, either.
A wonderfully unique, hot, gainfully employed person — do I actually text them?
It will gainfully employ brilliant people like Werner Herzog and Amy Sedaris.
Evidence from a longitudinal study", Robert C. Pianta and Arya Ansari "Gainfully Employed?
Her two older daughters both recently graduated from college and are gainfully employed.
That campaign, however, clearly didn't affect Benioff and Weiss' ability to stay gainfully employed.
This constituency, the gainfully employed but insecure lower middle class, is the Trumpian core.
"Because I was gainfully employed, I could buy a lot of art," he said.
And we would, hopefully, both be gainfully employed by the time the baby arrived.
Turning a gainfully-employed defendant into an unemployed, desperate felon is a recipe for disaster.
In Denver, Lucas stressed that all of the protesters in Gardner's office are gainfully employed.
Agrawal claimed as many as half of the community are gainfully occupied with a day job.
For now, the point is that Jimmy could already be gainfully employed as a copier salesman.
"For a young, gainfully-employed couple, I didn't really see anything wrong with the system," Keith said.
It didn't — and I actually bring home more bacon today than I ever did being gainfully employed.
Even though I'm gainfully employed again, I still list items to sell when I have the time.
They are gainfully employed 20-somethings, trying their hardest to make living in New York City affordable.
How do you recommend that we get gainfully employed young adults to start paying their own bills?
Perhaps most importantly here, becoming gainfully employed dramatically cuts down the chances that these individuals will reoffend.
But, be gainfully employed and make a living wage it seems you must be specialized.
The point of the project: to reduce recidivism rates by making sure that former convicts are gainfully employed.
Two-thirds of Japan's over-65s say they want to stay gainfully employed, according to a government survey.
But since the Trump Administration came into office, news from the executive branch has kept them gainfully employed.
If you're gainfully employed, your company just deducts however much you're supposed to pay and files for you.
But once you're gainfully employed, you go along to get along, thinking your boss will appreciate your agreeability.
The truth is, while his real high school buddies were in college, Mr. Rogen was already gainfully employed.
Let's look at 13A as an example: "Gainfully employed Grannie with juggling (7)": At first glance, the entry will seem to be either a synonym of "Gainfully employed" or "Juggling," but as you gain experience, you'll learn that words like "juggling" are a signal that you will need to anagram something.
We are hoping to limit work disruption while the hotel is closed and keep Sheraton Atlanta's associates gainfully employed.
While this pooch is gainfully employed in a comfortable office, she is not allowed on the fancy leather couch.
So then, O.K., a mothering guide for middle-class, heterosexual women who went to college and are gainfully employed.
Many of them are well educated, gainfully employed, Chardonnay-drinking professionals with summer homes and are set for life.
If that were the jobless rate today, 1.9 million Americans would not be working who are instead gainfully employed.
So the unemployment rate doesn't give a good indication of how many more people the economy can gainfully employ.
These women had escaped exploitation and were now gainfully employed, doing dignified work in a sewing cooperative in Kolkata.
I want to thank Dana Walden, Gary Newman, and everyone at 20th Century Fox for keeping your brother gainfully employed.
People, including veterans, who are unemployed tend to have worse physical and mental health than those who are gainfully employed.
But the child's father, perhaps 35 years old and gainfully employed at an Amazon subsidiary, doesn't know or doesn't care.
I want to thank Dana Walding, Gary Newman and everyone at 20th Century Fox for keeping your brother gainfully employed.
Still, there are plenty of opportunities for the gainfully employed to knock back a brew or two in the daylight hours.
What's more, a bit more than 8 million of them are gainfully employed — about 6 percent of the total US workforce.
SOCIAL Q'S A gainfully employed reader wonders why her in-laws only ever thank her husband for picking up the tab.
Instead, they agree to contribute a pre-determined percentage of their income once they have completed the program and are gainfully employed.
There is no reason why the workforce can't remain this gainfully employed for a long time without any sort of imminent collapse.
Jeff Sessions: Here's the best thing you say about the attorney general at the end of this week: he's still gainfully employed.
Almost anyone that has been gainfully employed throughout their lifetime has practiced the "best" way to answer questions during a job interview.
Put another way: A quarter of these people (who, again, used to be gainfully employed) are pushed out of work by prison.
A lot of my friends and associates are no longer here, or no longer in the business, and I'm still gainfully employed.
He is now gainfully employed as an analyst of gold and other precious metals, a hobby he has turned into a vocation.
There were exceptions, including those for clergy members, as long as they could prove that they would be gainfully employed upon arrival.
It also damages community morale, as thousands of gainfully employed factory workers find themselves unable to provide for themselves and their families.
I worry that my gainfully employed friends will think there's something wrong with me when they realize how long I've been fruitlessly searching.
If all it took was "no more silence," surely there'd be fewer bullies so gainfully employed, though speaking about it is a decent start.
First, as noted above, veterans who are gainfully employed tend to be healthier, thus requiring less emergency, mental health and specialty health-care services.
At the time, I was gainfully employed at a trendy startup, making just under six figures while also side hustling as a freelance writer.
And Cassius's girlfriend, Detroit (Tessa Thompson), an artist with a day job twirling signs in front of businesses, is happy that he's gainfully employed.
Meanwhile, I sunk into listlessness and hopelessness, started skimping on personal hygiene, and nurtured an angry grudge against both the fertile and gainfully employed.
The department's "improved process" would allow some students to recoup only partial damages if they are found to be gainfully employed, Ms. DeVos said.
At the same time, unemployment has hit a 2202-year low under Trump which means that Americans are gainfully employed and have paychecks to spend.
His earnings from appearances, photo shoots and advertisements on social media average about $20,000 a month, enough to keep a staff of three gainfully employed.
If it's day that ends in "day," there must have been another major data breach that keeps criminal hackers gainfully employed by selling your information.
To become a gainfully employed welder, for example, a youth would need to obtain certification and, in some states like New York, attain further licensing.
There are starter packs for such niche social segments as men who install door hinges, gainfully employed realtors, angsty geologists, and mid-00s prom attendees.
If President Trump's tenure in office has any lasting impact on the jobs market, it might just be his ability to keep fact-checkers gainfully employed.
And while it may keep you safe for a moment or gainfully employed, your silence puts every other woman at risk for harassment, or much worse.
The effect is simple, but it electrifies as the sign of an intelligence that comprehends, and can gainfully subvert, the fictive language of figuration in sculpture.
It is also true that once out there, settled in and gainfully employed on the TV series "Entourage," she unexpectedly fell for the whole Lotusland lifestyle.
Believe it or not, French adults in their prime working years (25 to 54) are substantially more likely than their U.S. counterparts to be gainfully employed.
Carlsson's team used population registries to identify more than 210 million Swedish citizens born between 33 and 23 who were gainfully employed between 218 and 22019.
Many of the young immigrants protected from deportation by the program grew up as Americans, speak English, and, as a requirement of the program, are gainfully employed.
When Zayn Malik left One Direction in 2015, nearly 500 gainfully employed people in the UK requested 'compassionate leave' from work to cope with the emotional fallout.
They turned the party toward the center—supposedly the only way to win elections—and mostly left it to the private sector to keep Americans gainfully employed.
"The majority of people on our platform are gainfully employed, but they're using our service to monitor the job market for the future of their career," Nazar says.
For the privilege of doing "creative" work, we are asked to accept conditions of financial anxiety and precariousness that in previous times were unthinkable to the gainfully employed.
When staffers of the independent bookstores Powell's Books and McNally Jackson woke up on Monday morning, they were still gainfully employed, upcoming shifts still marked on their calendars.
When we talk about our national program to hire American, this must include helping millions of former inmates get back into the work force as gainfully employed citizens.
Once they were gainfully employed, I stressed that they take advantage of their company's 401(k) plan and to contribute enough to receive any match offered by the firm.
They are the homeowners, college-educated, or gainfully employed Americans, who have fallen out of favor from mainstream credit options because they experienced an income shock or surprise expense.
He has to stay crime-free, and part of that is being gainfully employed, so now I'm going to do what I can to help him find a job.
No conception of how to retrain and equip those who are likely to be redundant and made obsolete in the retail sector, for how they can be gainfully reemployed.
But now everyone will stay on to the end, and we'll gainfully employ them — in pop-up recitals, educational projects at community centers, schools, anywhere we can get a piano.
Instead, she was tough, stubborn, gainfully employed and — like most of the women in these movies, by that point — counterproductively heartless, tolerant of whatever partnership the plot backed her into.
And then, I took a lot of humanities classes because I was just interested and thought I would never be gainfully employed and would never be able to leave home.
And I was gravid with fear: unemployed and too embarrassed to admit to Terese that I worried I'd never be gainfully employed, able to pay the rent or purchase diapers.
The crime rate in the fictional English county of Midsomer is apparently so astronomically high, it has kept its local detectives gainfully employed across this show's 20 seasons (and counting).
"Auto-pay is not for convenience, it's for the gainfully employed," she said while having her makeup and hair done for the New York leg of the show last week.
Its questions included what Chancellor's exact role at Facebook is and why Kogan has been heavily criticized by the company yet his GSR co-director apparently remains gainfully employed by it.
Instead, this bill helps students become gainfully employed and pay off their loans while employers are benefitted by hiring skilled and educated employees with a vested interest in long-term employment.
On the surface, we're the quintessential Brooklyn duo: We have tasteful tattoos and piercings, we shop at food co-ops, we attend spin class together, and we're creative yet gainfully employed.
The hedge funds have been battling to protect their investments through the administrations of two Puerto Rico governors and across Capitol Hill, keeping an army of lawyers, consultants and operatives gainfully employed.
The hedge funds have been battling to protect their investments through the administrations of two Puerto Rico governors and across Capitol Hill, keeping an army of lawyers, consultants and operatives gainfully employed.
During this high time of unemployment, workers who had been very gainfully employed before layoffs were finding out that they were overqualified for one set of jobs and completely underqualified for others.
To most accurately figure out the overall costs and risks involved, these strategists will somehow need to reduce a bewildering array of separate causal factors or variables into a gainfully "simple" national policy.
Worried this lack of knowledge was the result of my having spent too many years in New York, I asked a few gainfully employed, well-educated Canadian friends if they could name spouses.
So you should be able to find a landlord willing to accept a gainfully employed relative (or two) to guarantee your lease, even if the guarantor lives in another part of the country.
"The fact that Wally or anybody else is not working for the New York Mets any longer is no reason to prevent Wally or anyone else from being gainfully employed elsewhere," Alderson said.
To make that move, they knowingly dealt with housing discrimination and acquiesced to borrowing at an incredibly high rate for their new home, despite having good credit and being gainfully-employed city police officers.
Plus, it's a nice reminder — to the viewers as well as the show — of Giles's steel bond with Buffy, and just how important to the team Giles continues to be, gainfully employed or not.
In a strange way, it may actually have been worse to be gainfully employed, because while the rest of us actually knew where we stood, the working stiffs quickly became BFFs with fear itself.
As you campaign for congressional candidates, why don't you bring forward people that could not find a job during the previous administration, but now, because of your policies, are gainfully employed and grateful to you?
There is certainly something to be said about the kind of privilege it takes for women like June — white, college-educated, and (formerly) gainfully employed with benefits — to be willing to rage against the machine.
From the dos and don'ts of online video conferencing to how to look your best on a webcam — many publications are offering invaluable service journalism about how to work from home for those still gainfully employed.
The pilot is a worthwhile initiative, but it barely begins to reap the potential benefits of lower recidivism, lower incarceration rates, and improved tax revenues from the participation of gainfully employed returning citizens in the local economy.
In December, she reversed an Obama-era policy of granting full debt relief for students by instituting a tiered system that granted partial relief for federal loans based on whether students went on to be gainfully employed.
First of all, an empty 10th house shouldn't be taken as a sign that your professional life is doomed or nonexistent — you could be gainfully employed your entire working life with nary a planet in the 10th house.
"When you perform at a level that draws the praise of management, teammates, coaches and fans, you expect appropriate compensation," he told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review last month, a sentiment to which all gainfully employed fans can relate.
Unlike us, they had guaranteed health care, which went along with higher life expectancy; they had much lower rates of poverty; they were actually more likely than we were to be gainfully employed during their prime working years.
Examples include that they must complete a bachelor or masters degree, maintain a modest lifestyle, be gainfully employed, pay bills on time and keep debt to a minimum, marry and whatever other "restrictions" you want to put in place.
Which means that if the presidential race continues to look like a very long shot, he has to make a real-world assessment of what race gives him the best chance of being gainfully employed in politics come 2021.
Now, thanks to brands like Lemonhead LA, it's possible for gainfully-employed adults to wear glitter without looking like toddlers in daycare, and the brand has a ton of Hollywood fans like Margot Robbie, Priyanka Chopra, and Emma Stone into fans.
While they will not be able to dump their primary inputs (steel, etc.) on our shores, they would benefit enormously from increases in demand for their other goods arising from the increased purchasing power of more gainfully employed U.S. workers.
I personally haven't met all that many gainfully employed pooches, unless digging holes in the backyard is a profession, and when those excavators received orders to desist, none of them got a pink slip and a referral to career counseling.
His attorney argued that Foster is gainfully employed, that the alleged victim is an ex-girlfriend with whom he does not reside or have children with and that a prior domestic battery case involving the same alleged victim was dismissed.
UNICOR is a multimillion-dollar complex making various items in many locations around the U.S. They claim that inmates who participate in the program are 24 percent less likely to return to jail and 14 percent more likely to be gainfully employed.
What more proof do we need that a person who enters the country illegally out of fear for his life (or a life of utter poverty) will make a good citizen than over 20 years of being gainfully employed and paying taxes?
Although, Kennedy's successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson, a Texan born and bred, would privately rail at so-called pointy-headed liberals whom he associated largely with Harvard, he nevertheless kept quite a few them gainfully employed at high levels in his administration.
According to Helena Lundberg, a criminologist who works for the justice ministry, prison costs SKr3,000 ($365) per prisoner per day, compared with just SKr173 under EM. Also, gainfully employed people such as Karl continue to work, contributing to the economy rather than draining it.
It is not Toyota pretending to be something other than Toyota; nor is it the Camry puffing up its grille or price tag to be something other than a good, middle-income car that any gainfully employed person can enjoy and be proud of.
Jen Rubio and Steph Korey met while working at eyeglass outfit Warby Parker, and they together spied what looked like a gap in the market between junky travel offerings that threatened to fall apart and richly priced luggage that was too expensive for even gainfully employed millennials.
And, second, veterans who are gainfully employed tend to seek health-care coverage from their employer rather than government programs, such as the VA. In what might be a surprise to some, the VA is not the primary source of health care for working age veterans.
He was a Dreamer, a beneficiary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and like the nearly 141,000 other Dreamers in Texas, he followed the requirements of the program — to stay in school or be gainfully employed — and had never been convicted of a crime.
So the next time you hear about the KORUS FTA, think about $4.1 billion filtering through the U.S. economy via the pockets of over 45,000 workers in dozens of cities and towns all across this great nation who are now gainfully employed, all because of investment by Korean firms into America.
From the emergence of the Earned Income Tax Credit in the Reagan era through work requirements, first in welfare reform and now proposed or implemented by waiver in the food stamp and Medicaid programs, policy has steadily enshrined the distinction between those gainfully employed — and thus deserving — and those not.
As that condition persists for a protracted period of time, the opportunity to invest gainfully in profitable new ventures is itself extinguished, and those same investors begin to trade among themselves in secondary markets, creating an illusion of higher values amid a desperate yearning to stay above the metaphorical 2%.
"It's going to be devastating to those families (if the program ends), and they typically are families, so you often have children that have grown up in the United States, people who are gainfully employed, settled in communities," said Leon Rodriguez, a former director of USCIS now working as an immigration attorney.
It so happened, of course, that when he went to do reshoots, the actor who was originally playing the role of Dryden Vos who was originally a CG character—I've got to stress that—was no longer available because Michael K. Williams is a brilliant actor and was being gainfully employed, so he got unlucky in a sense.
But at the same time, the fact that these voters aren't strictly speaking capitalism's losers, that the Trumpier among them are often not just gainfully-employed but making decent money even as they fret about their neighbors' dependence on the dole, perhaps makes them less sympathetic to the left than they would be if they were more uncomplicatedly racist but also straightforwardly poor or unemployed.
Sims says they tend to fall into one of two buckets: those who are learning a discrete skill set, perhaps to build a website in a pinch, and those who are gainfully employed but looking to climb the ladder or switch jobs and who see Codecademy as a way to spend a couple of hours a week to develop the skills to get there.
If this bill is signed into law, career education programs would no longer be required to prepare students to be "gainfully employed" in a job that allows them to meaningfully pay off their student loans after graduation; students defrauded by a college will no longer be protected by having their student loans forgiven; and/or colleges will no longer be required to earn revenue outside of federal sources (many for-profit colleges already derive close to 90 percent of their revenue—the current maximum allowed—from Higher Education Act Title IV funds).

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