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287 Sentences With "fetishized"

How to use fetishized in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "fetishized" and check conjugation/comparative form for "fetishized". Mastering all the usages of "fetishized" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The Cronut was fetishized, then scorned for being fetishized, then imperfectly and ubiquitously reproduced.
I don't get fetishized for being cutesy, I get sexualized.
There's no doubt that Lafayette's Johns fetishized his black body.
She especially disliked working in an environment that fetishized beauty.
It's a worrying sign, that the behavior is clearly so fetishized.
People of color are more fetishized in the straight adult film industry.
"Breasts Unbound" will examine the history of those often-fetishized body parts.
In America, our communities are otherized or demonized, fetishized or deemed dangerous.
Myth: Trans women should be fetishized for their bodies, but not loved.
No other athlete in recent history has fetishized hardship like Bryant has.
Imperial art often depicted these newly conquered 'others' in politicized and fetishized ways.
The old Twitter fetishized anti-censorship; the new Twitter puts user safety first.
IA: These struggles are commodified and fetishized, fitting seamlessly into Western orientalist narratives.
Her paintings confront us with empowered female sexuality, insanity, and fetishized body parts.
Being seen as non-normative means your sexuality is either invisible or fetishized.
Objects and bodies are completely fetishized—encouraging a collapse between man and machine.
In US cycling culture, bikes themselves — the materials, the brands — are often somewhat fetishized.
Kinky hair is still called nappy while 2 and 3-type curls are fetishized.
You are our media-morphed, sexually-reduced, ad-aesthetical and fetishized perception of ourselves!
It was the first piece of technology that I fetishized and had to have.
Johnny Weissmuller, the most famous screen Tarzan, was an exemplary fetishized object of desire.
Like many things in America, the midday meal has been epically commodified and fetishized.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, parts of the radical left fetishized firearms.
That vulnerability — a condition rarely seen in contemporary painting — never seems fetishized or precious.
He considered these materials and processes as worthy as the fetishized oil on canvas.
They fetishized bygone eras that were defined by the brutalization and subjugation of my ancestors.
They like it because it's a fetishized thing — so you're just not taken seriously ever.
And for all of Cruz's delegate scrambling, fetishized by the political cognoscenti, Trump still won.
The fetishized austerity and performative asceticism of minimalism is a kind of ongoing cultural sickness.
If nothing else, it provided another wallow in fetishized gore for hot-takers to parse.
Sometimes, he was pilloried for this behavior; other times, he was fetishized because of it.
Kusama is fetishized by white male artists, but her work is largely eclipsed by theirs.
It's the businesses that recruit from those colleges which have fetishized the Ivy Plus credential.
"There's a difference between something being hip and trendy, and something being fetishized," she said.
Where other artists focus on human anatomy, Odegaard seems preoccupied with erotic and fetishized materials.
It's trying to get away from that narrative about African masks that makes them fetishized objects.
In part, this is because we have fetishized intercourse, from which men can orgasm relatively easily.
In the past, Mr. Ligon has repeatedly considered the black male body as a fetishized object.
Will skateboarders freak out when they discover they are a fetishized masculine archetype among gay men?
And later on, he collected and fetishized glossy fashion magazines, wrote poetry, and explored graphic design.
For the first time, Refn is exploring that opacity through exaggerated femininity instead of fetishized masculinity.
Ornaments first, warriors only in fetishized pretense, they are, after all, the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
But it is one of the things that always irritated me, this fetishized ideal of women.
He becomes essentially a sort of fetishized snapshot rather than a totality of a human being.
That is even true at clubs like Liverpool, where the reputation of the fans is fetishized.
Firstly, I was bombarded with comments and questions about my ethnicity, which made me feel fetishized.
He has always fetishized reaching 40 points, the putative mark at which relegation has been avoided.
"Fat bodies have been fetishized and demonized for so long," she wrote to her 307,000 followers.
When it comes to dating, I've been so fetishized by some of the white women I've dated.
It's obvious that the kind of sex we're representing is not meant to fetishized in that way.
I like the way Paul gradually forgets the very body he had overly fetishized, even the ears.
This was becoming more stylized and sometimes fetishized by the 1980s: pearl necklaces, cum on my tits!
In porn, bisexual women are oftentimes fetishized as their attraction to different genders is read as promiscuity.
In this way, they're not exoticized or fetishized — they are individuals with agency and complicated back stories.
But too often, we're fetishized, made to feel ashamed of our bodies, or people assume that we're celibate.
It's not just our bodies that are fetishized, but also the music, food, aesthetics, and even the struggles.
When people are fetishized for their bodies, it tips the balance of power and control in a relationship.
" —Olivia "I really get fetishized a lot—I think a lot of women, femmes, and feminized people do.
I longed for—even fetishized—the gaze and affection of straight men, which my ex couldn't offer me.
Fetishized Identities The category "BBW" doesn't only set the boundaries for what is acceptable in terms of size.
Double-height spaces—like in mansions—are always fetishized because it shows that there's no one above you.
"Being misunderstood and fetishized within the community and outside of it is hard, invalidating, and stressful," Luna says.
In these, the practice of slamming (injecting) is itself sexualized and, through its focus within the video, fetishized.
I asked Wolf if she ever feels like joshi is fetishized by the men who come to the shows.
In those final, brief moments of recognition, their previously isolated and largely unrecorded lives become an infinitely fetishized object.
Thiel fetishized the 1960s in his speech while ignoring the immense progress that has been made in years sense.
In this context, the search for the "authentic" food experience is not only de-fetishized, but also rendered impossible.
Michelle: I have had so many negative experience being sexually fetishized by Jewish men who are more white-passing.
Much of what made shows like "Dynasty" and "Dallas" so successful was how they fetishized the externals of wealth.
Those settings and presentations, he said, send the wrong message: that good coffee must also be expensive and fetishized.
They either get fetishized as all superhero, SEALs, medal of honor winners, or people don't know them at all.
I'm sure he's seen images or porn where that was fetishized or played up to be this super romantic thing.
So it's not hard to imagine why plus-sized women are often ignored, ridiculed, and/or fetishized on dating apps.
It's either fetishized in some movies—like Chocolat—or it's fantasy like Eat, Pray, Love or even Master of None.
The construction of the GIF focuses on body parts that have been fantasized and fetishized historically and in popular culture.
Snackwave, the Internet movement that peaked a couple of years ago, fetishized and exalted burgers, fries, burritos, and especially pizza.
The drug also makes them confident and literally more skinny, a look that's fetishized as much as muscle-bound hunks.
Do you ever feel fetishized when you perform as a bearded lady, especially as part of a circus sideshow group?
I think it's not one of the most fetishized records in the L.I.E.S. catalog, but it's one of my favorites.
A voyeuristic look at Hannah's death keeps her suicide from feeling glamorous and fetishized — but it also introduces a complication.
And the press fetishized the helpmate status of the astronauts' wives — a detail that galled me even as a child.
Other spices from the East were coveted and fetishized, launching a thousand ships, notably cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper and cloves.
Stand-up can be tradition-bound, and certain segments of it have long fetishized stationary comics talking into a microphone.
It feels like a throwback to what gamer guys thought (and fetishized) women video gamers looked like in the aughts.
The glamour of flipping a "fixer-upper" has in part been fetishized by home-renovation TV shows on channels like HGTV.
That's how straight white activism became so fetishized, so lauded: How brave, how wonderful to fight to dismantle your own power.
Whereas for people using sex toys who have vulvas, it's fetishized: She's going to have some solo time with her dildo.
I don't like the fact that squirting is so fetishized within mainstream porn—there are so many sites devoted to it.
Despite being popularized, and often fetishized, by the millennial generation, freelancing is really just the 21st century approach to self-employment.
Now, however, chefs are not merely respected professionals; they're the celebrated producers of our fetishized, farm-to-table hopes and dreams.
A mere broken bone, along with a now-familiar hyperspeed recovery, lets people celebrate football's much-fetishized toughness with clean consciences.
The Natural Order of Things creates the sense of utopian nostalgia through objects that idealize a fetishized and stratified capitalist history.
Anyway, the second half of the class then featured Dominatrix Pussy Willow and her "victim" Jonathan, in various fetishized wrestling poses.
Mr. Hankes said that the group fetishized violence and looked to use degeneracy to establish order in a depraved modern world.
Yes, Duggan says, but it isn't the vaunted rationality that Rand fetishized as much as it is the feelings she validated.
But this one dives further into the idea that modern movie Batman has fetishized fury and angst, elevating them into aspirational emotions.
Mulvey herself, in her book Death 24x a Second (2006), moves beyond thinking of women's bodies as entirely fetishized, as pure spectacle.
The end result of that movement today is a fetishized niche of elite culture and a dwindling set of museumified public buildings.
The e-girl aesthetic draws from characteristics of anime, where female characters are often skimpily dressed and fetishized as innocent, helpless victims.
The feminine figures are transformed by swapping their delicate limbs for meaty, fawn-like legs and their traditional jewelry for fetishized chains.
This, mind you, is the same political party that fetishized balanced budgets and browbeat Democrats about being the foolishly, fatally profligate ones.
"My bob is romantic, edgy, artistic and so magical it could be fetishized," said Isabella Lalonde, a media trainee at Christian Dior.
Instead, they give their leads a gift rarely bestowed on attractive young women in horror movies: to be observed without being fetishized.
Now in her 70s — and after years of being a photographically fetishized subject — Barzini has decided that she would like to disappear.
My previous images took into consideration the erotic potential of household objects; the transformation of a utilitarian object into a fetishized one.
It isn't a mistake that films like Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Soapdish, and The Crying Game feature trans women being shamed or fetishized.
And they wear black bodies: Kylie's enhanced lips are precisely the shape that black women have long been alternatively denigrated and fetishized for.
Vampires are fetishized, seen as seductive, sexual creatures that will fuck anything, and anyone, a harmful trope often associated with the gay community.
On the other, Kukoo is fetishized by the show, with Sacred Games declining to bless her with either long life or longstanding significance.
She fetishized objects to an intense degree; it was difficult to tell why she ascribed so much sentimentality to these seemingly unimportant items.
As I started to date, I noticed how I was fetishized and exoticized by most white men and denied by most black men.
In weed culture, something like this already exists, with different strains of weed, skunk and hash dismissed, fetishized and analyzed by smoker connoisseurs.
My 2013 show Demoiselles d'Avignon at Y Gallery envisioned Chinese princelings in 2063 fetishizing Western abstraction the way Picasso fetishized African masks [link].
Her illustrations joyfully embrace the black female form — "which has in the past been excluded or fetishized," Magugu says — in all its complexity.
Her illustrations joyfully embrace the black female form — "which has in the past been excluded or fetishized," Magugu says — in all its complexity.
As Mia Mercado notes at Bustle, Asian and Asian-American women have typically been either marginalized or fetishized (or both) in American films.
This is possibly how people can develop fetishized porn interests like with cartoons (a very popular search term), inanimate objects, and authority figures.
Trans people seem to be fetishized by some fashion brands, their androgyny capitalized on without any significant investment in trans people or culture.
The network is the most fetishized concept in the valley, and as I listened, I began to think the real danger was the collectivism.
It's a really smart indictment of microaggressions and how black minds are discarded and black bodies are fetishized by those who seem well-meaning.
"We envisioned a future in which the only utility left for humans was emotional labor/entertainment for AI: fetishized artisanal human labor," explains Gorman.
It's all fetishized and fascistic: Oiled leather and polished metal against field-gray coats and gold braid, Galahad and Percival reimagined as Gestapo stormtroopers.
So I fetishized and exoticized this poor guy from the Midwest struggling with his religious background at a performing arts college in the Northeast.
No one questions the plausibility of Antonio being attracted to a plus-size woman, an image so often stereotyped or fetishized in pop culture.
But because Ethan/Esther is Asian, there is another layer to the story — one that shows how frequently Asian women are exploited and fetishized.
But as much as I enjoy commanding a premium rate, I've struggled to come to terms with allowing myself to be fetishized so blatantly.
For the last two decades, Hollywood's fictional high schools have — by and large — clumsily lumped teen lesbians into two dehumanized categories: fetishized or feared.
In addition to emphasizing why the political must be made personal, the Yiannopoulos case also highlights the relationship between digital tools and fetishized abstraction.
Instead, there were dozens of books about South Polar explorers, notably Ernest Shackleton—a figure scarcely less fetishized onboard than the Lindblad experience itself.
In other words, moms, if you go see "Tully" hoping for your everyday tribulations to be validated — and even fetishized — you will be disappointed.
Sean Moon is tapping into an existing truth of gun culture: that they have become fetishized and imbued with a wider cultural ritualistic significance.
In doing so, she allows populations that have been historically silenced and fetishized the opportunity to reclaim their own images in these contested spaces.
Some time during the late 1980s or early 1990s, rich Westerners got wind of kopi luwak and, as rich Westerners do, fetishized the exotic brew.
We can't really know, but fashion media has always struggled with its portrayals of plus-size women, opting for overly sexualized or fetishized images vs.
Whether it's by a boss, or a friend, or some random asshole on the street, lesbians are constantly surveilled, fetishized, and punished for their sexuality.
Video games have always depicted all manner of violence, but it's traditionally grotesque and over-the-top, eschewing nuance in favor of fetishized aesthetic hyperbole.
To be fetishized and treated like an exotic creature is an uncomfortable and often demeaning situation, one that I've experienced many times throughout my life.
Every fetishized element — the glorious house, the tiled pool, Marianne's Dior outfits and the scrubbiest of vistas — looks ravishing, ready for a close-up, too.
Tony La Russa sufficiently fetishized the role of manager-as-chessmaster so that the pitching mound turns into a revolving door come the fifth inning.
But we also cannot and must not approach these images with a fetishized gaze, in which our sight is restricted to those within the frame.
But Puppies Puppies wryly satirizes selfie culture by highlighting a viral image too gross, embarrassing, and fetishized to want to be in a photo with.
In general, some gay men are irritated by being fetishized by women in this way, which Neville calls "gaypropriation," while still others are bemused or indifferent.
We live in a culture in which girls' virginity is still fetishized and praised in certain segments of the population, with promise rings and purity balls.
It's ugly and boring, a toxic combination that means the film's highly fetishized violence doesn't even have the exciting tingle of the wicked or the taboo.
Totti, and everything about him, could be glamorized in any context, but he is outright fetishized in a country fretting the dearth of men like him.
And Zhijun Wang, a Chinese designer, has bulked up the basic surgical mask, using designer sneakers as material, thus converting fetishized footwear into post-apocalyptic chic.
And though the film does deal in harmful stereotypes — Japanese culture is exoticized and fetishized to a disturbing degree — Liu's character manages to avoid being typecast.
Actual phone numbers will become a thing of the past, fetishized by old puds like me who prized getting them from girls back in the day.
The images are of iconic and, in many ways, fetishized locations within the Navajo Nation and Southwest, including the Sandia Mountains, Window Rock, and Canyon DeChelly.
To feel fetishized based on your race—and to determine whether that feeling is even warranted—is much more complicated than facing outright rejection or avoidance.
To me the male gaze means that women are fetishized sexually, and I don't think the female gaze fetishizes men, I think it seeks different things.
It wasn't great — "Some of them fetishized me, some of them were violent towards me" — and she often came back to her parents' house to do laundry.
With the aim of desacralizing what was currently being fetishized, Mosset toyed with Buren's bands (268-21989), and then with the idea of the monochrome (1977–84).
For years, the centrist, establishment media has fetishized the concept of unbiased and polite discourse, and nobody has exploited this more aggressively or successfully than the right.
These days, Barnes works mostly in clay, merging an earthy style with a sophisticated understanding of popular culture and the way objects—like body parts—are fetishized.
Indeed, our safety is fetishized to the point that we are often protected against our will: not the protection of a person, but the protection of property.
The British study suggested that the rise of premarital sex has meant that "conquest" narratives, which once fetishized the taking of virginity, now require a new focus.
Later, he learns to use fetishized black art as a lure for white hookups: Come on over to my place and let's watch some Melvin Van Peebles.
No other decade is more fetishized than the era of *NSYNC and plastic chokers, and it's not just TV show revivals — but it's also dominating the beauty industry.
But it works best when used to describe something that's difficult to imagine, like a far-flung space station, or thematically important, like Tom Clancy's fetishized military tech.
It's because she's featured and styled on the issue in a way that any other female-born model would be, and not fetishized because of her gender identity.
"Turning down a client is a privileged thing," explained Sonja, adding that since trans sex workers are often fetishized and devalued, they often can't afford to say no.
"Afternoon of the Sex Children" draws a chilling picture of a culture in which youthfulness is fetishized and the pedophilic impulse of Nabokov's Humbert Humbert has become normalized.
At Paco Rabanne, Julien Dossena fetishized dance, alongside the brand's trademark futurism and his own tetchy sportswear, a tripartite approach that added a refined fluidity to his arsenal.
Among the general public, happiness is a whole industry now, churning with self-help gurus and college lectures and annual UN reports and a fetishized understanding of yoga.
It is the fixation on the mortal body in Flights that is most striking; bodies are fetishized, taxidermied, reduced to their parts and preserved in glass jars in museums.
But is this a sign that we are on our way to a post-racial society, or is the racially ambiguous imagery just being fetishized by the fashion industry?
As a similarly othered Black woman artist, I can understand, to an extent, Walker's frustration with being fetishized by a public that, for the most part, barely understands her.
I care about making work that confronts issues important to the people of Hawai'i—work that can also be appreciated, not simply fetishized and collected, by audiences from elsewhere.
The ways in which I have been objectified and fetishized by them has often made me feel that I'm only good enough for sex and not for a relationship.
For example, artist Yuki Kihara explores the pseudo-scientific forms of anthropometry in the 19th century, when Pacific peoples were often fetishized and objectified as lab specimens and commodities.
Attending anime conventions felt like a natural extension of Pho's hobbies, but she noticed how Asian fans, especially Japanese girls, were fetishized by obsessive anime fans who were usually white.
"[Women of color] are the ones whose stories are the brightest, but very intentionally, our stories are silenced and pushed aside — they are 'othered' while also being fetishized," she said.
Ultimately, for all of MLB's fetishized rough justice via beanball, it's on the league to more stringently and effectively police this stuff, even if they can only do so retroactively.
This is one of the deepest accounts I have read in poetry of what it feels like to have one's body fetishized as an object but criminalized as a force.
Over the past eight years, even as they fetishized the historic presidency of Barack Obama, Democrats lost power in Congress and fell into a deep hole in statehouses across America.
Each of our bios indicated our ethnicities exactly, since we found that, even within the fetish of Asian women, some men fetishized us for being Korean, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.
The dramatic fallout between Hurston and Hughes, triggered by their collaboration on the ill-fated and controversial play "Mule Bone," has been fetishized in literary circles for its dramatic nature.
The work examines contemporary modes of digital viewership and looks toward the possibility of a future in which bodies aren't fetishized but rather exist as an abstraction that negates objectification.
But what makes Hustlers different — and a huge part of what makes Lopez's performance in it so compelling — is that it's not interested in Lopez's body as a fetishized object.
Though he rents an apartment for her, she remains hardened, and hesitant to believe he really cares—a trait some trans women develop from being publicly demonized and privately fetishized.
Black women have not had the same privilege—an imbalance that persists because of the ways in which, historically, Black women have been overtly fetishized and robbed of their sexual agency.
Since the body is such an essential part of kink, any fetish could have been included in the first issue as long as a body was engaged in a fetishized way.
I enjoy being dominant and started to feel fetishized when I'd go to hook up with a gay guy who assumed I was a bottom because of the body I had.
The juxtaposition of natural and synthetic elements in the floor piece and in three nearby installations on white pedestals invokes a larger narrative of nature colonized and fetishized by capitalist society.
"It's ugly and boring, a toxic combination that means the film's highly fetishized violence doesn't even have the exciting tingle of the wicked or the taboo," Vanity Fair's Richard Lawson wrote.
Both the race problem and the sex problem are built into George R.R. Martin's source novels, but Benioff and Weiss' show has fetishized violence and coercion, even past the books' level.
Fascists also fetishized the Aryan mythos and a return to paganism as naturally closer to the European folk—a tendency that became especially clear with their championing of Scandinavian black metal.
"The idea is to give emphasis to every single one of the 38 works in these galleries, and not concentrate everything on the few fetishized, iconic super-masterpieces," Mr. Schmidt said.
"I felt like I was being accepted," says Rachel of her first boyfriend, Chad, who would fetishized her depression and requested that she cut herself to prove she truly loved him.
Six years ago, when I worked at Slate, I did one of those contrarian pieces the magazine is famous for — I called on Twitter to drop its fetishized 140-character limit.
Today, however, cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some men, who get aroused by the idea of their romantic partner engaging in sexual activity with someone else.
It's the only avenue I've seen to push someone who isn't with it, who isn't aware of us, or doesn't know we aren't something to be fetishized or put to the side.
"[M]ore disturbing than the soulless copycat feel of the film's narrative was the overwhelmingly fetishized violence of Snyder's visual style," Esquire's Dom Nero wrote in a 2018 retrospective on the film.
Rose-tinted memories of United's nineties success allow Keane's violence to be fetishized in a way that Marouane Fellaini's is not, even though both players have become victims of their own physicality.
That's why I decided not to have sex with white people anymore because I'm tired of being fetishized and made to feel like I'm only around to fulfill other people's sexual fantasies.
There's no need to recapitulate every one of these arguments, but suffice it to say that the artist projected his sexual desires onto his Black subjects in a manner tantamount to fetishized racism.
"Gay men have fetishized straight men to some degree based on seeing them as more masculine," says Joe Kort, a gay sex and relationship psychotherapist who works primarily with an LGBTQ+ client base.
Since sex between two women is often so fetishized through the male gaze, I made sure to only include positions I've tried and enjoyed or spoken with others who have tried and enjoyed.
But Franken, like every promising Democratic office-holder, is going to be flattered and urged and petititoned to run for president—partly because his party has fetishized the presidency, to its own peril.
He described his aesthetic for "Akhnaten" — with costumes by Kevin Pollard and scenic design by Tom Pye — as "a weird fever dream" of ancient Egypt and the Victorians who excavated and fetishized it.
Less fetishized forms of trafficking—in which immigrants are forced into domestic or agricultural work—went largely ignored by his administration, which also denied a record number of protective visas to immigrant victims.
The PASEO 2019 Artist in Residence, La Pocha Nostra, will present The Enchilada Western (A Living Museum of Fetishized Identities), an interactive performance opera conceptualized & written by Guillermo Gómez-Peña & La Pocha Nostra.
Transgender women are often fetishized in mainstream porn — they are depicted as the objects of sexual gratification and don't see themselves on film having loving, everyday sexual acts that feel familiar and relatable.
Being racially ambiguous adds to the problem, "I've had someone think I was Latinx but found out I was Black and was completely awful to me... I am constantly being fetishized," she said.
I also find it very othering to see gay men making jokes in the "pronoun" section, and I got tired of being fetishized or called a "tranny," so eventually I deleted the app.
Think, for example, of MoMA's Machine Art, organized by Philip Johnson and Alfred J. Barr in 1934, which fetishized anonymous products of industry, like airplane propellers and ball bearings, rather than their progenitors.
A diptych of Andrea Chung's collages reveals, upon inspection, tears and rips in beautiful, tourist-friendly images of Caribbean landscapes, exposing the locals who do the work and the dark skin that gets fetishized.
I think entrepreneurship has been fetishized as a career path in the media lately, but the parts of it you don't see are the less glamorous aspects, which is about 99% of the job.
Like scissoring, strap-on sex between queer and lesbian women is a heavily fetishized act popular in mainstream porn, and its association with the male gaze and physical anatomy can be a turn-off.
Her mixed-race appearance—then, not as prominent in mainstream North American culture compared to now—drew further fascination and was even fetishized as "striking, Afro-Asian features" despite being of British-Nigerian heritage.
Actual real-life sexual assault is considered a taboo subject to discuss while fictional instances of rape in both porn and mainstream media are often fetishized as a wholly sexual—not a violent—act.
In "La Negra Blanca," she's a mixed-race med student who moonlights as a stripper and is constantly fetishized by men who think of her as a white girl with a black girl's ass.
But while some old masters fetishized the male body in barely coded ways, the idea of an openly queer artist expressing his desires from a queer perspective was only born in the last century.
The lavish homes with their walls of windows (actual glass houses!), the fetishized beach, the fantastic stemware: All of it was coded to suggest an environment of privileged people fit for comeuppance and punishment.
In fact, it offers us a fetishized vision of female vengeance, one that ultimately seems far more like an extended male fantasy of domination than an authentic vision of female characters overcoming systemic rape culture.
They fetishized the ideal forms of "Jersey produce," but had no idea what the real thing looked, smelled, or tasted like, much less the state of agriculture in that rapidly developing part of the country.
"We thought, how are Asian women being fetishized in Western culture?" explains Li. From there, the two decided to incorporate women wrapped in giant tentacles reminiscent of Japanese tentacle erotica, a surprisingly popular porn category.
For close to two decades, the Knicks have been defined by a downright lousy product on the court and a front office that fetishized faded, overpaid and defense-free scorers and/or archaic offensive systems.
But the production largely succeeds at Mr. McDermott's goal of presenting "Akhnaten" as a "weird fever dream" combining ancient Egypt and the Victorians who fetishized it, as he said in a New York Times interview.
"Transsexuality is very fetishized in mainstream porn, so [we are] certainly creating a space and allowing people to be themselves without fetishizing their identity or trying to fit into some kind of niche," she says.
It's a fetishized time, like childhood, when your mother always held the answer and could minister the cure for whatever ailed you — and even if she really couldn't, it's nice to revisit that place anyway.
They surrendered a first-round pick, something that is fetishized by the "build your team the right way" crowd even though late first-round picks are more of a 50/50 proposition than a sure thing.
We know, from Shannon's own words, that he, like many other white modernist artists, fetishized black culture as the "expression of primitive souls" in ways that the curator of this survey has worked assiduously to remedy.
Cuba itself is a place that attracts projections of authenticity, frequently imagined as a land "locked in time," with its mid-century automobiles, pastel-colored peeling buildings, and other symbols that serve as shorthands for fetishized pastness.
I romanticized solitary depravity to no end at this time, and also fetishized the novel's obsession with Jungian archetypes, like a woman named Hermine who serves as Haller's anima, or a way into his own feminine side.
And because of the surface-level thrills each can offer, both hip-hop and martial arts films are often fetishized and misunderstood by those who don't make an effort to understand them within their own unique contexts.
Through selective focus and a distorted scale between gift and domestic backdrop, visual planes collide and coalesce, upending the conventions of high-end fashion spreads to expose how easily model and consumer good can be instantly fetishized.
Written and directed by Geremy Jasper, the movie treads familiar aspirational ground: Patricia has dreams, pluck and obstacles (she's routinely taunted because of her weight), but her outsider status isn't fetishized or romanticized, and she's divinely real.
Famed, and often uncritically fetishized, for its masterworks and swaggering machismo, this was the era that brought us some of the most illustrious male auteurs in history, including Martin Scorsese, Peter Bogdanovich, Robert Altman and Hal Ashby.
Some have taken the (sensible) position that climate pricing has been rather fetishized, that it may not be the smartest political priority in all cases, and that other policy instruments with more proven records are equally important.
Underground Railroad Game demonstrates that more than being  convoluted, desire is also fugitive, appearing here in a treasured photograph, winking out and reappearing in fetishized objects, or in the naughty games of power and dominance we play.
The heavy fabrics and tie bars made a virtue of RAND Corporation squareness in an era that had yet to abandon casual Fridays, while the short trousers and cinched jackets recall prep school uniforms glammed up and fetishized.
While requests tend to stay pretty innocent—though I imagine repetitive requests to draw other people's boring families or busty Harley Quinns would be a grueling exercise in patience—sometimes commission requests get real weird, and real fetishized.
I think of this as the "Tarantino vengeance fantasy": You have a white male director/writer (in this case, Shepard) attempting to tell a hyper-fetishized tale of violent retribution on behalf of a marginalized group not his own.
Like the actual Italian mob, the games centered on a white male who makes a name for himself by keeping locals under his thumb, and like so many Martin Scorsese knockoffs, fetishized this behavior without vigorous analysis or reflection.
And yet, in an era where the front office is fetishized more than ever before, the Giants offer no hotshot young executives talking up proprietary algorithms, nor any crusty old scouting directors waxing nostalgic about the good old days.
In highly fetishized examples ranging from the Harambe meme to "classic" memes like Bed Intruder, the potential for symbolic or emotional or, in the case of the no-longer-Harvard students, long-term professional harm tends to fall away.
Although limited-edition collaborations have become a trend in fashion, this takes the idea to an entirely different level, especially in an industry where designers are not known for sharing the spotlight and sole aesthetic authorship is traditionally fetishized.
"I march today for Asian-American women who have been ignored, or judged, or fetishized, or expected to be a certain way, to fulfill a certain idea of what a sweet girl should be," Wu said to applause from the crowd.
The problem is that the "just" framing (just joking, just a meme on the internet, just a new kind of hazing ritual) posits what we describe in our work as a fetishized gaze, one that obscures everything but the joke itself.
Then, by early 2018, Mr. Trump started to gain confidence on foreign affairs and perhaps detect in Mr. Mattis — whom he initially fetishized as "Mad Dog," the archetypal military tough guy, reportedly to Mr. Mattis's chagrin — a note of condescension.
But in a twist of deeply poetic justice, Yiannopoulos was exploited right back, as he himself was fetishized as an alt-right meme, one amplified by those without awareness of—or concern about—the specific embodied impact of his hateful rhetoric.
We shut it down, because of years of being told that genitals equal gender; years of feeling like the whole world is only focused on trans people's genitals, and that if we're open about our bodies, we'll be fetishized for it.
Still, Goldin has admitted in previous interviews that early in her career she fetishized becoming a "slum goddess" and a junkie — that her interest in heroin in the '21970s was more social until it wasn't, and everything spiraled of control.
One might suppose that the inconvenience of such an arrangement would make it attractive only to the rare client who fetishized privacy, but nearly fifteen thousand clients chose this method—roughly half of the account holders at H.S.B.C.'s Swiss bank.
"Striving to present only one type of hairstyle not only accommodates narrow and fetishized expectations, it also freezes the ability to experiment creatively with appearance," said Laura Miller, a professor of Japanese studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
He's been accused of engaging in a much-fetishized chemsex scene from at least July 20193 to January 2019 where he injected partners — primarily black men, drug users, or homeless individuals he picked up around LA — with large doses of drugs.
I was especially trying to be conscious that there's a whole weird phenomenon where lesbian sex is fetishized by straight men, and trying to present a [vision of] female sexuality that can deflect that by virtue of the narrative that we're telling.
Even though these neighborhoods face extreme poverty and often lack basic city services, over the last few years the favelas have almost been fetishized in pop culture—there's a big installation in the Providência favela by the famous street artist JR, for example.
However, where he views his coyness as an adoption of a progressive, non-binary stance on sexuality, it is actually a counteraction to that idea, as if he views gayness as the ultimate "other," a fabulous costume to be worn and fetishized.
And it's not like fetishized character modeling has wholly stood in the way of awesome experiences, recently—Nier: Automata's android protagonist rocks around in high heels, flashing her backside whenever she hits a sprint, and like Ann sports a cleavage-revealing top.
It conflates brutalism with a fetishized minimalism—a Silicon Valley, cappucino minimalism that extends from apartment design to Everlane clothing to overpriced coworking space—at the expense of understanding what brutalism might actually contribute to the places where we live and work.
As epitomized by convenient free speech defender Milo Yiannopoulos ("convenient" in the sense that he defends free speech when he's the one talking), many fights over free speech don't just unfold on the internet, already a hotbed of rapid-fire, fetishized amplification.
"Twin Peaks," which returns on Sunday after a 26-year hiatus, fetishized pie (as well as doughnuts and that coffee, "black as midnight on a moonless night") to such an extent that almost any real-life slice is bound to fall short.
Or that one of the earliest scenes in the marketing video for the thing, with its slow, fetishized swirls of the gadget, shows a woman picking it up to her ear and saying "Hello?" the way you would with, well, you know.
Then it partnered with the editorial arm of luxury fashion seller SSENSE to produce an avant-garde photo shoot and literary companion essay called "The Data of Desire," using Pornhub analytics to figure out which sneaker brands are most fetishized in porn.
The previous year, Musk had made an audacious announcement: His company, which was known—fetishized, actually—for its luxurious electric vehicles, would soon begin manufacturing a new sedan that it planned to sell for just $35,000, putting it within reach of the middle class.
The period's groundbreaking films, including Countryman, Rockers, The Harder They Come, and later Babylon, were made by white directors who both loved and fetishized reggae culture, while Pressure and Burning an Illusion are notable films about Black Londoners's lives by West Indian British directors.
As I've said before: Art you can take home in a taxi dissents from the big scale and site specificity that, regardless of medium, are so highly favored if not fetishized by the current system of huge spaces, museum commissions and sprawling international exhibitions.
Every single woman who appears on screen is humiliated or fetishized, including Serena Williams, whose appearance is itself a joke—the punchline being that she and Martha Stewart will have a three-way with Dinklage for his part in helping Sandler save the world.
If Major League Baseball's organizational philosophies lie on a spectrum, with the big-money/big-name Los Angeles Dodgers of recent years at one end and the fetishized pragmatism of the St. Louis Cardinals on the other, the Giants sit somewhere in the middle.
At the same time, Clinton left behind a much more simplistic political legacy, one that fetishized not correct countercyclical policy but balanced budgets and debt reduction — a legacy that's been deeply influential in the Democratic Party since he left office, and not in a good way.
Independent of how they each felt about acting in sex scenes, the real-life Butcher and Esposito were both aware of what including sex scenes in Take My Wife could mean for lesbian representation onscreen in general, which tends to be either grossly fetishized or completely absent.
The unwanted attention included groping, staring, catcalling and wolf-whistling at girls who were in their school uniform, according to a survey by Plan International UK. The girls felt that the uniform made them a target, and they described feeling "sexualized and fetishized" by older men.
Second-wave feminists in the 1960s worked hard to reject housework and domesticity as the lot of women; their modern counterparts may now ask if we are sliding back to a position where domesticity is being fetishized without any thought to what else that implies about women's status.
It is in the tribal nature of gay culture that white men still center their white maleness as privileged, if one step removed from that enjoyed by their heterosexual brothers, where racial minorities are too often fetishized and thing-ified, seen more as an opportunity than an equal.
He is from one of those scrappy Rust Belt cities fetishized by so many pundits — people who believe that the imaginary working-class white voter who is going to deliver the White House to the Democrats wants Joe Biden, which is what, in turn, makes Joe Biden electable.
In addition to over 333 paintings, "High Times" includes a large group of Mr. Prince's 1997-2000 "Hippie Drawings"; a hilariously fictive, fetishized private library; and 16 copies of the catalog for a recent Willem de Kooning retrospective, each Oedipally vandalized and appended onto a Richard Prince artwork.
Here, and consistently elsewhere during the diagrammatic, fetishized phase covered in the exhibition, Fernandez disregards the beatific (if banal) blooming mood typically associated with sexual imagery by painting in a gritty, dark, and oily metallic palette that distances his work from the tropical chromaticism often associated with his native Cuba.
Against the backdrop of their modest childhood apartment, it's clear that each sister has assimilated toward some promise of whiteness, despite privately grappling with discrimination along the way: Emma, a successful management consultant, chafes against her corporate, unsympathetic bosses, while Lyn is fetishized, used, and discarded by her rich white boyfriends.
At that point she becomes a woman, a full-bodied woman, not a fetishistic pair of lips, and they do indeed reconcile, with Sean remaining in the last scene of the movie vulnerable and awkward because of having to confront a woman who is no longer a fetishized object form.
I did not know that the tech industry fetishized the online superstore for its cutthroat, data-driven company culture, or that its proprietary recommendation algorithms, which suggested vacuum cleaner bags and diapers alongside novels about dysfunctional families, were considered cutting-edge, admirable, and at the fore of applied machine learning.
I was twenty-five years old, in graduate school for creative writing, and had just quit my job as a professional dominatrix, where my shifts consisted of dressing up in corsets, fishnets, stilettos, and the occasional nurse costume to enact the fetishized scenarios of my clients, who were mostly stockbrokers.
"Even trans women often have ambiguous relationships to the men who pursue us," Richards said, explaining that many trans women want to be seen simply as women, so when a guy like Yusaf pursues trans women for the fact that they are trans, "we can feel both invalidated and fetishized," Richards said.
We who have been unjustly forced to take responsibility for every crime committed by our kinsmen—Muslims having to address "radical Islamic terror," to employ the right's fetishized term—know that white voters who put Trump into office will never take responsibility for what he and his supporters will do to us.
"This isn't the first time he's attempted to slur Elizabeth Warren by calling her Pocahontas, who was a real person, and he diminished an entire demographic of native women to a single figure in history who's been largely fetishized and whose traumatic story has been whitewashed by the American narrative," Houska added.
And part of what makes Lopez so good in this movie is that she brings with her decades of cultural baggage around her body, around all the ways pop culture has drooled over and fetishized her body, around all the ways we've flattened her image into nothing but a body without a person inside it.
In the book, Masking Identity: The Performance at of Roger Shimomura (2019), the author Krystal Reiko Hauseur states: His art, in essence, holds up a mirror and returns the Gaze back upon the regime of representation that attempts to define him as exotic, fetishized, yellow peril, rat bastard, perpetual foreigner, emasculated Asian male, model minority, less than human, Other.
A myopic story, influenced by a culture of aggression and white male privilege—the powerful restaurateur, the brilliant head chef, the creative genius who has created a space to be an asshole, the fetishized bartender in his uniform—cheapens the depth and the complexity of everyone's story (theirs included), as well as the stories of the establishments they represent.
This sort of They-Don't-Make-'Em-Like-They-Used-To musicianship is much fetishized in a music climate that is dominated by the digital, and though, yeah, that sort of attitude is boring and often used to discredit emerging forms, it is pretty thrilling to strap in and hear something so raw by such a beloved artist.
There was criticism at the time that the show fetishized stay-at-home mothers, and maybe back then I did, too, but the behavior (mine and the show's) was probably for lack of imagination of a future where being single didn't mean you were childless, or when childlessness didn't mean you were considered pathetic or lonely.
A 2016 piece by scholar Jimmy Johnson (which, full disclosure, I gave feedback on) posits an inherent anti-blackness within the "interracial" porn category by juxtaposing the "one-drop rule" with the idea that, through this tabooed and fetishized sexual interaction, Black men are "blackening" the white women they share scenes with and penetrate, voiding their racial purity through this act of miscegenation.
While she understands that she has to label her work with terms like BBW and "Ebony" in order to attract clients, she says this comes at a price: "When you're part of a fetishized group because of race and/or size a lot of people will have a hard time remembering outside of compensated contact that fetish talk is not wanted," she told me in an email.
Sure, you can put all those fetishized objects on screen, and director John Crowley does — his version of Hobie's workshop is a warm and wood-paneled nest that you want to get lost in, and the costumes are so luscious I spent most of the movie pining after all the knitwear on display — but they are no longer the thing that the story is about.
The New England Patriots team insignia occupies the center, while the logos for the Carolina Panthers (a black panther) and the Washington Redskins (a native American with feathers) are placed on the periphery — a very unsubtle indication of how whiteness occupies the center of the US American narrative of country and destiny, in which conquered peoples and fetishized people are made to seem exotic.
A person would be hard pressed to find two brands as diametrically opposed as Telfar, the gender-blind, trend-agnostic line by Telfar Clemens that has fetishized the one-shouldered top and left-of-center proportion, the subway performative embrace of self, and Rodarte, where the sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy traffic in the stuff (and fluff) of cinematic fantasy: lace and ruffles and rosettes and point d'esprit, often seen through a darkened lens.

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