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"excretory" Definitions
  1. connected with getting rid of waste matter from the body

327 Sentences With "excretory"

How to use excretory in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "excretory" and check conjugation/comparative form for "excretory". Mastering all the usages of "excretory" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The Moon is in Scorpio today, the sign that rules the excretory system.
If you're concerned that this habit betrays some sort of greater dysfunction within my excretory system, buddy … I know it.
Oppressive heat and humidity, often combined with monsoon rains and soaring smog levels, make summer an excretory season in Korea.
As for Japanese, because the culture is largely free of an excretory taboo (hence the poo emoji), there is no equivalent of "shit".
Many words describing sexual organs, excretory functions, and so on fail to rise to the heights (or, if you prefer, sink to the depths) of profanity.
He is fond of saying that it does not matter what materials or techniques he uses: Days ago, he referred to his artwork in excretory terms.
I realize that we cannot—and should not—try to legislate morality, but surely we can, and should, try to stop dissemination of such excretory matter as this.
But if love between two adults is a mess, consider what happens when you throw in a couple of dependents who do not have control of their excretory functions.
However, the New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles has recently asked Auger to turn in her plates due to the fact that the state prohibits phrases related to excretory acts.
New Hampshire asked Auger, in a letter she received August 16, to surrender her plate because it includes a phrase relating to "sexual or excretory acts or functions," said Auger.
The Moon in down-to-earth Virgo will sextile warrior planet Mars at 9:22 AM. In medical astrology, Virgo rules the digestive system and Scorpio the excretory system... so, we're totally happy when planets are chillin' together in these signs.
They occupy every continent and have evolved a mechanism in which, upon predation (ending up in the mouth of a predator, for example), they combine a special chemical with excrement to produce a high temperature burst from their excretory canal.
"Trainspotting Live," then, is for a particular kind of audience, the sort that's game for flying toilet juice or, say, a bare bottom inches from their eyeballs as Renton, in another unfortunate excretory incident, takes his time toweling waste off his body.
Excretory system: The renal pore is between heart and anus.
Then its nutrients diffuse to the rest of the planaria. Planaria receive oxygen and release carbon dioxide by diffusion. The excretory system is made of many tubes with many flame cells and excretory pores on them. Also, flame cells remove unwanted liquids from the body by passing them through ducts which lead to excretory pores, where waste is released on the dorsal surface of the planarian.
This transverse duct opens into a common canal that runs to the excretory pore.
Excretory idioblasts store oils, lipids, tannins, mucilage, and minerals. They are currently under research for their storage of the important medicinal qualities of plants. Selective culturing of excretory idioblasts allows better harvesting of their stored products. Tracheoid idioblasts strongly resemble tracheids, or water-conducting cells.
God foreknew what would happen in the future, and created the excretory organs from the beginning.
Among other exhibits, this being a library, it included "Excretory Literature", books on turds and related subjects.
The body has pigmented lens. Intestine and excretory system is absent. It is hermaphrodite but protandry is common.
As a legal term, it usually refers to graphic depictions of people engaged in sexual and excretory activity.
Like most platyhelminthes, aspidogastreans use flame cells as an excretory mechanism. The two excretory bladders are located dorsally, on the anterior side of the posterior sucker, connected to ducts, and three flame cell "bulbs" on each side of the body; the ducts contain cilia to aid the flow of excreta.
Protonephridia are generally found in basal organisms such as flatworms. Protonephridia likely first arose as a way to cope with a hypotonic environment by removing excess water from the organism (osmoregulation). Their use as excretory and ionoregulatory structures likely arose secondarily. These are excretory systems in phyla Platyhelminthes and are also called blind tubules.
The size is approximately 280 μm long by 5–6 μm wide. The cephalic tip is bluntly rounded. The nerve ring (excretory pore) and the nucleus of the excretory cell are said to be similar to B. malayi. Behind the nerve ring it was found that the cells of the nuclear column over time become less dense.
Solid, small PRCC tumors (<3cm in diameter) are more easily viewed on nephrographic, excretory phase images rather than on unenhanced, corticomedullary phase images.
140–141, specifically "external sexual organs." Occult, Dowry, Inheritance, Imprisonment, Excretory organs,deFouw, pp. 140–141. accidentsdeFouw p.140; also Braha p.39.
The wandering cells of nudibranchs are excretory taking up effete matter from the harmocoele and discharging it into the lumen of the gut.
Parasitic worms and nematodes regulate many immune pathways of their host in order to increase their chances of survival. For example, molecules secreted by Acanthocheilonema vitae actually limit host effective immune mechanisms. These molecules are called excretory-secretory products. An effective excretory-secretory product released from Acanthochelionema vitae is called ES-62, which can affect multiple immune system cell types.
The gallbladder is an excretory organ that is pear-shaped and identified between two liver lobes. It is divided into three sections a body, neck and fundus. The main function of this excretory organ is storing, acidifying and concentrating bile. This is achieved due to the nature of the muscular sac being a thin wall that can easily distend to accommodate the bile.
Some cats are resistant to the virus and can avoid infection or even becoming carriers, while others may become FECV carriers. Carriers may heal spontaneously, but acquired immunity may be short, and they may go on to reinfect, usually within a few weeks, if they are living in a group with healthy, but persistent, excretory carriers. Some cats never heal, and the excretory phase remains permanently.
The excretory system consists of segmented "kidneys" containing protonephridia instead of nephrons, and quite unlike those of vertebrates. Also unlike vertebrates, there are numerous, segmented gonads.
AVPR2 is also expressed outside the kidney in vascular endothelium.Jackson EK (2018). "Drugs Affecting Renal Excretory Function". In: Brunton LL, Hilal-Dandan R, Knollmann BC. eds.
The excretory glands of arachnids include up to four pairs of coxal glands along the side of the prosoma, and one or two pairs of Malpighian tubules, emptying into the gut. Many arachnids have only one or the other type of excretory gland, although several do have both. The primary nitrogenous waste product in arachnids is guanine. Arachnid blood is variable in composition, depending on the mode of respiration.
The animal is transparent, sometimes with a brownish lophophore. The haemal, excretory and nervous systems are bilaterally symmetrical, which is not the case with other members of the genus.
They have a radular membrane of flexoglossate type. They have no jaw. They have salivary glands with salivary ducts. The excretory organs are only the left ones, in the pallial cavity.
A similar structure in nymphal stoneflies (Plecoptera) is of uncertain homology. These terminal abdominal segments have excretory and sensory functions in all insects, but in adults there is an additional reproductive function.
The American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, xii + 1112 pp. These beetles have an excretory organ that produces an odor telling the ants they mean no harm.Gillott, C. 1995. The Remaining Endopterygote Orders.
A similar structure in nymphal stoneflies (Plecoptera) is of uncertain homology. These terminal abdominal segments have excretory and sensory functions in all insects, but in adults there is an additional reproductive function.
Any of the tissue or tissue systems of plants can contain idioblasts.Sachs 1874. "Botany" Idioblasts are divided into three main categories: excretory, tracheoid, and sclerenchymatous. Idioblasts can contain biforine cells that form crystals.
The enoplean excretory system is simple, sometimes made up of a single cell, while chromadoreans have more complex, tubular systems, sometimes with glands.Class Enoplea. Nemaplex: Nematode-Plant Expert Information System. University of California, Davis.
There are 10 to 17 pairs of metanephridia (excretory organs) in the mid-region of the leech. From these, ducts typically lead to a urinary bladder, which empties to the outside at a nephridiopore.
They also have an excretory system possessing lateral canals. This parasite eats epithelial cells. Also, very often the canals are a place of inflammation, with accumulation of exudates in them. Gongylonema also swallows these exudates.
From the central sinus in the collar, blood flows to a complex series of sinuses and peritoneal folds in the proboscis. This set of structures is referred to as a glomerulus and may have an excretory function, since acorn worms otherwise have no defined excretory system. From the proboscis, blood flows into a single blood vessel running underneath the digestive tract, from which smaller sinuses supply blood to the trunk, and back into the dorsal vessel. The blood of acorn worms is colourless and acellular.
A unit consisting of a single glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule surrounding it is called renal corpuscle, and a unit consisting of single renal corpuscle with its associated mesonephric tubule is called a "nephron" or "excretory mesonephric unit".
With Achard, the "Achard-Castaigne test" is named, a urinary test using methylene blue dye to analyze the excretory function of the kidneys. His name is also lent to the "Castaigne test", a method for examining the density of urine.
Other protists, such as Amoeba, have CVs that move to the surface of the cell when full and undergo exocytosis. In Amoeba contractile vacuoles collect excretory waste, such as ammonia, from the intracellular fluid by both diffusion and active transport.
Direct identification of larvae in human disease is not feasible, so the diagnosis relies on history supported by serologic ELISA assay. The most sensitive assay, called excretory/secretory (E/S), contains 96 immunogenic antigens isolated from cultured T. canis larvae.
During erection, these centers block the relaxation of the sphincter muscles, so as to act as a physiological separation of the excretory and reproductive function of the penis, and preventing urine from entering the upper portion of the urethra during ejaculation.
The cercaria has two suckers: a ventral sucker and rounded subterminal sucker. Intestinal ceca bifurcate posterior to pharynx. Excretory bladders are located at posterior end of the cercarial body. The metacercarial cyst is elongated and oval-shaped with sensory papillae.
Arthropod bodies are also segmented internally, and the nervous, muscular, circulatory, and excretory systems have repeated components. Arthropods come from a lineage of animals that have a coelom, a membrane-lined cavity between the gut and the body wall that accommodates the internal organs. The strong, segmented limbs of arthropods eliminate the need for one of the coelom's main ancestral functions, as a hydrostatic skeleton, which muscles compress in order to change the animal's shape and thus enable it to move. Hence the coelom of the arthropod is reduced to small areas around the reproductive and excretory systems.
A study in an Adelie penguin colony found that the tick had alternate periods of feeding and off-host aggregation under rocks. The engorged ticks found an aggregation site with the help of a pheromone released by other ticks. Guanine, the major excretory product of ticks, encouraged assembly. Non-fed stages responded positively to guano and uric acid, excretory products of the penguins, suggesting that these act as a kairomone to help them locate their host. After feeding, the immature ticks’ response to both the assembly and kairomones ceased for a few days until after they had moulted.
It represents passion, deception, violence, and vice. Its planetary intelligence is Graphiel and its spirit is Bartzabel; it is associated with the god Mavors, and the angels Samael and Barbiel. It is associated with the reproductive and excretory systems along with the genitals.
The metasoma (the "abdomen") of the ant houses important internal organs, including those of the reproductive, respiratory (tracheae), and excretory systems. Workers of many species have their egg-laying structures modified into stings that are used for subduing prey and defending their nests.
Moreover, excretory/secretory products (ES) can pronounce the immune response. Pattern and degree of response varies in primary and secondary exposure. The immune response here is mainly of Th2 type. Primary infection does not involve recruitment of specific lymphocytes to the intestinal mucosa.
Though recited normally by observant Jews each time excretory functions are used, it is also recited during the Shacharit service due to its spiritual significance (to Jews, humans are made in God's image, so it is an expression of awe toward God's creations).
Bithynia siamensis serves as a first intermediate host for Southeast Asian liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini.. PDF part 1, PDF part 2 The number of excretory cells of the digestive system is increased in infected Bithynia siamensis. Parasites of Bithynia siamensis include trematode Multicotyle purvisi.
He further depicted people playing popular games of chance such as morra as well as excretory functions. Several of his compositions deal with lively scenes from peasant life. His pictures are marked by skillful composition and good drawing. He was especially careful in perspective.
The mesonephros derives from intermediate mesoderm in the upper thoracic to upper lumbar segments. Excretory tubules are formed and enter the mesonephric duct, which ends in the cloaca. The mesonephric duct atrophies in females, but participate in development of the reproductive system in males.
There are 800 to 1,000 minor salivary glands located throughout the oral cavity within the submucosa of the oral mucosa in the tissue of the buccal, labial, and lingual mucosa, the soft palate, the lateral parts of the hard palate, and the floor of the mouth or between muscle fibers of the tongue. They are 1 to 2 mm in diameter and unlike the major glands, they are not encapsulated by connective tissue, only surrounded by it. The gland has usually a number of acini connected in a tiny lobule. A minor salivary gland may have a common excretory duct with another gland, or may have its own excretory duct.
Since cestodes are devoid of any digestive and excretory systems, the tegument with its microtriches is the principal site of absorption and secretion. In fact the tegument highly resembles the gut of animals turned inside out.Smyth JD, McManus DP (1989). The Physiology and Biochemistry of Cestodes.
Black sea nettles are carnivorous. Their mouth is located at the center of one end of the body, which opens to a gastrovascular cavity that is used for digestion. It has tentacles that surround the mouth to capture food. Nettles have no excretory or respiratory organs.
Its oesophagus is expanded at its posterior half. The valvular apparatus of the oesophagus is well developed. Its nerve ring is located below the neck constriction, while its excretory pore is near te junction of the oesophagus and intestine. The latter is dark, almost straight and broad.
The stylet is 100-140 micrometers long; it is very thin and flexible with rounded knobs. The excretory pore is posterior to median bulb. The esophageal gland is lobe-like and extends anteriorly over the intestine. The tail is 115-189 micrometers long with a rounded terminus.
C. F. Wolff, attribution of the portrait dubious. Wolff's research covered embryology, anatomy, and botany. He was the discoverer of the primitive kidneys (mesonephros), or "Wolffian bodies" and its excretory ducts. He described these in his dissertation "Theoria Generationis" after observing them in his studies on chick embryos.
Because of their small size, copepods have no need of any heart or circulatory system (the members of the order Calanoida have a heart, but no blood vessels), and most also lack gills. Instead, they absorb oxygen directly into their bodies. Their excretory system consists of maxillary glands.
Members of the family are characterised by having extensive vitelline (yolk producing) follicles, eye-spot pigment dispersed in the front half of the body, a rod-shaped excretory vesicle, no cirrus-sac and the genital pore just in front of the ventral sucker or occasionally just behind it.
Pharmacokinetics studies the manner and speed with which drugs and their metabolites are eliminated by the various excretory organs. This elimination will be proportional to the drug's plasmatic concentrations. In order to model these processes a working definition is required for some of the concepts related to excretion.
Caenorhabditis briggsae is a small nematode, closely related to Caenorhabditis elegans. The differences between the two species are subtle. The male tail in C. briggsae has a slightly different morphology from C. elegans. Other differences include changes in vulval precursor competence and the placement of the excretory duct opening.
Examples include small collecting ducts of the kidney, pancreas, and salivary gland. :(3) Simple columnar: Cells can be secretory, absorptive, or excretory. Simple columnar epithelium can be ciliated or non-ciliated; ciliated columnar is found in the female reproductive tract and uterus. Non-ciliated epithelium can also possess microvilli.
From the mouth, two tubes called caeca run the length of body. They are the digestive and excretory tracts. The posterior end is broad and blunt. A poorly developed ventral sucker lies behind the oral sucker, at about one-fourth of the body length from the anterior end.
Contrast enhancement techniques for CTU vary from institution to institution. A common technique used at our institution and others is a double bolus, single phase imaging algorithm. Excretory phase imaging allows for not only evaluation of the ureteral lumen, but also periureteral abnormalities including external masses and lymphadenopathy.
The heart consists of only one atrium and one ventricle. The nervous system is also more developed than in the Archeogastropods. The ganglia are connected with different organs through nerve pathways. In the Mesogastropoda, the excretory and the reproductive ducts are separated (in contrast with the most primitive prosobranchs).
Reasons for using euphemisms vary by context and intent. Commonly, euphemisms are used to avoid directly addressing subjects that might be deemed negative or embarrassing, e.g. death, sex, excretory bodily functions. They may be created for innocent, well-intentioned purposes or nefariously and cynically, intentionally to deceive and confuse.
All the metabolic wastes are excreted in a form of water solutes through the excretory organs (nephridia, Malpighian tubules, kidneys), with the exception of CO2, which is excreted together with the water vapor throughout the lungs. The elimination of these compounds enables the chemical homeostasis of the organism.
The Harderian gland was first described in 1694 by Swiss anatomist Johann Jacob Harder (1656–1711). He documented his findings in a paper titled Glandula nova lachrymalis una cum ductu excretorio in cervis et damis, ("A new lachrymal gland with an excretory duct in red and fallow deer", English translation).
Since cestodes are devoid of any digestive and excretory systems, the tegument with its microtriches constitute the principal site of absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste materials. In fact the tegument highly resembles the gut of animals turned inside out.Smyth JD, McManus DP (1989). The Physiology and Biochemistry of Cestodes.
It has muscles, a large stomach and short intestine, a cloaca, an excretory system, nerve ganglia, organs sensitive to touch and a pair of ovaries. At the posterior end is a foot with foot glands, short triangular spurs and three toes. The whole is enclosed in a flexible, transparent cuticle.
The basic body plan of Aurelia consists of several parts. The animal lacks respiratory, excretory, and circulatory systems. The adult medusa of Aurelia, with a transparent look, has an umbrella margin membrane and tentacles that are attached to the bottom. It has four bright gonads that are under the stomach.
A nephridiopore is part of the nephridium, an excretory organ found in many organisms, such as flatworms and annelids. Polychaetes typically release their gametes into the water column using nephridiopores. Nephridia are epicly analogous to nephrons or uriniferous tubules found in the kidney of humans.Nephridiopores are present in ventral region.
The intermediate mesoderm connects the paraxial mesoderm with the lateral plate and differentiates into urogenital structures. In upper thoracic and cervical regions this forms the nephrotomes, and in caudally regions this forms the nephrogenic cord. It also helps to develop the excretory units of the urinary system and the gonads.
They have various functions such as storage of reserves, excretory materials, pigments, and minerals. They could contain oil, latex, gum, resin or pigments etc. They also can contain tannins. In Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruits, tannin is accumulated in the vacuole of tannin cells, which are idioblasts of parenchyma cells in the flesh.
In cirrhosis and CHF, impaired delivery of solute to the diluting sites or diminished glomerular filtration rate causes impairment of maximal water-excretory capacity, resulting in persistence of vasopressin release leading to water retention. Vasopressin receptor antagonists include the new class of "vaptan drugs" such as conivaptan, tolvaptan, mozavaptan, lixivaptan, satavaptan etc.
The antigenic preparations used have been primarily derived from extracts of excretory/secretory products from adult worms, or with partially purified fractions. Recently, purified native and recombinant antigens have been used, e.g. recombinant F. hepatica cathepsin L-like protease. Methods based on antigen detection (circulating in serum or in faeces) are less frequent.
In addition P. noctiluca also lacks a gaseous exchange, excretory and circulatory system. However cnidaria have evolved cnidae, cells which serve for a variety of functions that include prey capture, defense, locomotion and attachment. When fully formed cnidae are called cnidocytes. When stimulated the cnidae secrete nematocyst toxins that are biological poisons.
In Freudian psychology, the anal stage is said to follow the oral stage of infant or early-childhood development. This is a time when an infant's attention moves from oral stimulation to anal stimulation (usually the bowels but occasionally the bladder), usually synchronous with learning to control their excretory functions—in other words, any form of child training and not specifically linked to toilet training. Freud posited that children who experience conflicts, in which libido energy is under-indulged during this period of time, and the child is perhaps too strongly chastised for toilet-training accidents, may develop "anal retentive" fixations or personality traits. These traits are associated with a child's efforts at excretory control: orderliness, stubbornness, and compulsions for control.
The apocrine gland is made up of a glomerulus of secretory tubules and an excretory duct that opens into a hair follicle; on occasion, an excretory duct opens to the skin surface next to the hair. The gland is large and spongy, located in the subcutaneous fat deep in the dermis, and has a larger overall structure and lumen diameter than the eccrine sweat gland. The secretory tubules of apocrine glands are single layered, but unlike the eccrine secretory tubules, contain only a single type of ductal epithelial cell, varying in diameter according to their location, and sometimes branching off into multiple ducts. The tubules are wrapped in myoepithelial cells, which are more developed than in their eccrine gland counterparts.
Left: On the dorsal underside under its snout are chin glands that release hormones when males rub against females. These are located under the white flecks. Right: The male vent (excretory and reproductive opening) area has an enlarged anatomy and papillae (pictured). The female vent is not so large and often smoother without papillae folds.
The submandibular duct or Wharton duct or submaxillary duct, is one of the salivary excretory ducts. It is about 5 cm. long, and its wall is much thinner than that of the parotid duct. It drains saliva from each bilateral submandibular gland and sublingual gland to the sublingual caruncle at the base of the tongue.
Exchange of gases also takes place through the tube feet. Echinoderms lack specialized excretory (waste disposal) organs and so nitrogenous waste, chiefly in the form of ammonia, diffuses out through the respiratory surfaces. The coelomic fluid contains the coelomocytes, or immune cells. There are several types of immune cells, which vary among classes and species.
Similarly, this animal lacks dedicated respiratory, excretory, and circulatory systems because of the high surface area to volume ratio. The basic body plan consists of several parts. Food travels through the muscular manubrium while the radial canals help disperse the food. The fried egg jelly and all other members of the phylum Cnidaria are diploblastic.
If a biopsy is taken, the histopathologic appearance is one of hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. There may be squamous metaplasia of excretory ducts, which results in the visible papules if the ducts become hyperplastic. Neutrophils may fill some ducts. It is characterized as a "fissured" or "dried mud" appearance from excess keratin production by cells.
These are all single-cell glands found in connective tissue and they secrete their products via pores that pass between the epidermal cells. They are of various shapes and usually have a long excretory duct. There are eight different types of secreting glands. Four of these different types secrete protein, calcium, pigments and lipids.
During embryogenesis, Lim1 is expressed from the central nervous system (CNS) and the excretory system (primarily the kidney). In the CNS, it is expressed approximately 10 days after fertilization and patterns the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord regions. In the spinal cord Lim1 is expressed in dorsal and lateral parts but is not detected in the ventricular region.
Achard's syndrome @ Who Named It In 1897, along with internist Joseph Castaigne (1871–1951), he developed a urinary test using methylene blue dye for examining the excretory function of the kidneys. The procedure was to become known as the "Achard- Castaigne test". With Castaigne and Georges Maurice Debove (1845-1920), he published Manuel des maladies du tube digestif.
A curious feature shared by both larva and adult is the large size of many of the cells, e.g. the nerve cells and cells forming the uterine bell. Polyploidy is common, with up to 343n having been recorded in some species. The acanthocephalans lack an excretory system, although some species have been shown to possess flame cells (protonephridia).
The catalytic enzyme has been isolated in the human liver mitochondria. Furthermore, phenylacetylglutamine has been found in human urine, but not in the excretory material of rats, dogs, cats, monkeys, sheep, or horses. Throughout the metabolic process, phenylacetylglutamine is bound and conjugated by free-plasma in the kidney to remove excess nitrogen through its excretion in the urine.
It adds that cats have a low tolerance for NSAIDs. No decline in renal excretory function was observed when meloxicam was administered to cats with chronic kidney disease. Cats that received meloxicam had greater proteinuria at 6 months than cats that received placebo. It was concluded that meloxicam should be used with caution in cats with chronic kidney disease.
Argiope aurantia feeding on silk- wrapped grasshopper. Digestion is carried out internally and externally. Spiders do not have powerful chelicerae, but secrete digestive fluids into their prey from a series of ducts perforating their chelicerae. The coxal glands are excretory organs that lie in the prosoma, and open to the outside at the coxae of the walking legs.
The buccal capsule is well sclerotised, trapezium-shaped in lateral view, its anterior rim bearing one row of 26 circular teeth. Its oesophagus is strongly muscular and expanded at its posterior half, its lumen being triangular. The valvular apparatus of the oesophagus is well developed. The excretory pore is located near the junction of the oesophagus and intestine.
The Malpighian tubules are significant for excretory features by throwing out excess and unnecessary solutes. Ileum, on the other hand, has the function of balancing the ion, water, organic compounds, and protein balance in the body. Together, the two organs work together to achieve homeostasis within the Bombus morios bodies despite the lack of rectal papillae.
Oligochaete worms without any mouth, gut, or nephridial excretory system were first discovered in the 1970s-1980s near Bermuda.Giere, O. 1979. Studies on marine Oligochaeta from Bermuda, with emphasis on new Phallodrilus species (Tubificidae). Cah. Biol. Mar. 20:301-314. They were later found to contain symbiotic chemosynthetic bacteria which serve as their primary food source.
The heart of tadpole shrimps is a long dorsal tube in the anterior eleven trunk segments. It has a pair of ostia in each of these segments. Sometimes hemoglobin is present in its blood and the crustacean may be pink as a result. The excretory organs are the paired maxillary glands, located on the segment of the second maxilla.
Thus, red imported fire ants and other arthropods can have a modest circulatory system though they have highly expensive metabolic demands. The excretory system consists of three regions. The basal region has three cells found within the posterior portion of the midgut. The anterior and superior cavities are formed by the bases of four Malpighian tubules.
Excretory calcinosis in American lobsters in Long Island Sound was described in 2002. The disease causes mineralized calculi to form in the antennal glands and gills. These cause a loss of surface area around the gills, and the lobster eventually asphyxiates. Several reasons have been proposed for the cause of a recent outbreak of the disease.
The preferred modality is a multi-phasic computed topography (CT) urography. This is a three-phase study that includes a non-contrast phase, an arterial phase, and an excretory phase. The study should sufficiently evaluate the kidney and the urothelium lining the upper urinary tracts. If there are contraindications to this study then alternative studies can be used.
While studying at Chicago, she was asked to join Sigma Xi, a scientific research society, which was an unusual honor for a master's student. In 1924 her first article, "On the excretory apparatus in Paramecium" was published in the journal Science, making her the first African American woman to research and professionally publish in this field.
Sea nettles have no excretory or respiratory organs. Each sea nettle is either in a free-swimming stage or a polyp stage. The free-swimming stage, or medusa stage reproduces sexually, and the polyp stage reproduces asexually. The Atlantic sea nettle is a bell-shaped invertebrate, usually semi-transparent and with small, white dots and reddish- brown stripes.
The P. gralli egg is nonoperculate and oval. The shell is thin and elastic and has an internal thickening at the small end. The miracidia is composed of twenty epidermal plates arranged in four tiers, which have six, eight, four, and two cells, respectively. It consists of two excretory pores and two pairs of lateral sensory papillae.
Issue 292, 2014: 151-5. Birds are the definitive hosts for this parasitic worm. The cercariae develop into adult distomes in the digestive system of the bird; these adult forms sexually reproduce and lay eggs, which are released from the host via the bird's excretory system. These droppings are then consumed by snails to complete the creature's life cycle.
The fluorescent material is not the fungus itself (which does not fluoresce), but rather an excretory product of the fungus which sticks to hairs. Infected skin does not fluoresce. Microscopic test: The veterinarian takes hairs from around the infected area and places them in a staining solution to view under the microscope. Fungal spores may be viewed directly on hair shafts.
Two ovaries are situated in front of the testes, and they form several lobes. The uterus runs along the ejaculatory duct and opens at the genital pore. A sac- like S-shaped tube called excretory bladder is between the two testes. The remaining body spaces are mostly occupied by a highly branched glandular organ called vitellaria (often called vitelline glands).
It does this by taking many cross-sectional images that can be computationally arranged so as to provide 3D information. The scan itself usually involves a CT scan without contrast (a non-contrast phase), a CT scan while the contrast is within the kidneys (a parencyhmal phase), and a CT scan taken while the contrast travels through the renal tract (an excretory phase).
The afferent arterioles are a group of blood vessels that supply the nephrons in many excretory systems. They play an important role in the regulation of blood pressure as a part of the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism. The afferent arterioles branch from the renal artery, which supplies blood to the kidneys. The afferent arterioles later diverge into the capillaries of the glomerulus.
There are no specialized sense organs, but there are sensory nerve endings in the body, especially on the proboscis. The priapulids are gonochoristic, having two separate sexes (i.e. male and female) Their male and female organs are closely associated with the excretory protonephridia. They comprise a pair of branching tufts, each of which opens to the exterior on one side of the anus.
The tips of these tufts enclose a flame-cell like those found in flatworms and other animals, and these probably function as excretory organs. As the animals mature, diverticula arise on the tubes of these organs, which develop either spermatozoa or ova. These sex cells pass out through the ducts. The perigenital area of the genus Tubiluchus exhibit sexual dimorphism.
Malpighamoeba mellificae is a single celled parasite which affects excretory organs (malphigian tubules) of adult bees, causing the contagious disease called amoebiasis, which ultimately leads to death of the host. Worker bees are most prone to being infected. It is commonly found in collaboration with nosemosis. In order to diagnose the 3 - 15 μm size parasite, removal of the malphigian tubule is necessary.
Calcium oxalate needles shot out from idioblast (600x magnification) An idioblast is an isolated plant cell that differs from neighboring tissues. They have various functions such as storage of reserves, excretory materials, pigments, and minerals. They could contain oil, latex, gum, resin, tannin or pigments etc. Some can contain mineral crystals such as acrid tasting and poisonous calcium oxalate or carbonate or silica.
The four major classes of simple epithelium are (1) simple squamous, (2) simple cuboidal, (3) simple columnar, and (4) pseudostratified. :(1) Simple squamous: Squamous epithelial cells appear scale-like, flattened, or rounded (e.g., walls of capillaries, linings of the pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal cavities, linings of the alveoli of the lungs). :(2) Simple cuboidal: These cells may have secretory, absorptive, or excretory functions.
The body of this jellyfish does not contain any respiratory, circulatory, or excretory systems. Instead, it uses its large surface area to accomplish these things. Also, this species (and all others in the phylum cnidaria) lack a mesoderm and instead uses mesolgea. Therefore, there are not three true tissue layers, in turn making this species (and all other cnidarians) diploblastic not triploblastic.
The mites have low mobility and transmission between hosts occurs only during close contact. The feeding of the mites and their excretory products irritates and inflames the skin, causing intense pruritus. Dermal hypersensitivity reactions develop in the host. Chronic infestations lead to thickening of the skin by overproduction of epidermal cells (acanthosis), resulting in a characteristic depilated and scaly appearance.
Antegrade pyelography is the procedure used to visualize the upper collecting system of the urinary tract, i.e., kidney and ureter. It is done in cases where excretory or retrograde pyelography has failed or contraindicated, or when a nephrostomy tube is in place or delineation of upper tract is desired. It is commonly used to diagnose upper tract obstruction, hydronephrosis, and ureteropelvic junction obstruction.
He successfully has the digestive system installed in his body, and plans to create an excretory system to match. Meanwhile, his products are successfully marketed and he becomes a highly honored inventor. As he reaches 150 years of age, a dinner is held in his honor in which he is labeled the Sesquicentennial Robot. Andrew is not yet satisfied, however.
Its intestine is six-times longer than its body and the caecum is twice the volume of its stomach. The fecal matter of the beaver takes the form of balls of sawdust which it deposits into the water. The sex organs of a beaver are located within the body. Beavers have one opening, a cloaca, that contains the genital, digestive and excretory openings.
The excretory system contains a pair of nephridia in every segment, except for the first three and the last ones. The three types of nephridia are: integumentary, septal, and pharyngeal. The integumentary nephridia lie attached to the inner side of the body wall in all segments except the first two. The septal nephridia are attached to both sides of the septa behind the 15th segment.
The number of collar spines varies between Echinostoma species, but there are usually between 27 and 51. These spines can be arranged in one or two circles around the sucker, and their arrangement may be a characteristic feature of an Echinostoma species. Echinostoma have a digestive system consisting of a pharynx, oesophagus and an excretory pore. Echinostoma are hermaphrodites, and have both male and female reproductive organs.
Their matrix code is: A1, B2, C2, D2, E3, F2, G2, H1, I3, J1, K1 which is determine using tabular and dichotomous keys based on their morphological characters. Their lateral fields, stylet length, excretory pore and vulva position, post- vulval uterine sac length and number of annuli on tail all serve as distinguishing factors between P. alleni and other closely related species P. flakkensis, P. neobrachyurus.
Creech, p. 180. Infinity was instead warned of the risk of fines or the loss of its broadcast license if violations occurred. The investigation caused the FCC to expand its indecency standard beyond the seven dirty words, to "language or material that depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory activities or organs".
After completing her teaching career, she worked for the War Trade Board and the United States Treasury Department from 1919 to 1924 in Washington D.C., where she researched a variety of topics. Some of her research topics encompassed the development of turtle excretory systems and the emergence of the pronephric duct in Selachians. Additionally she studied embryos and developed a new method for injecting them.
Longitudinal section of a congeneric species, Xenoturbella bocki Xenoturbella hollandorum is a marine, benthic worm-like species that belongs to the genus Xenoturbella. It was discovered in eastern Pacific Ocean by a group of Californian and Australian scientists. The species was described in 2016. X. hollandorum shares morphological similarities with other species of the genus Xenoturbella, and is known for lacking respiratory, circulatory and an excretory system.
These three layers give rise to all the various types of tissue in the body. The endoderm later forms the lining of the tongue, digestive tract, lungs, bladder and several glands. The mesoderm forms muscle, bone, and lymph tissue, as well as the interior of the lungs, heart, and reproductive and excretory systems. It also gives rise to the spleen, and produces blood cells.
The organs of Bojanus or Bojanus organs are excretory glands that serve the function of kidneys in some of the Molluscs. In other words, these are metanephridia that are found in some molluscs, for example in the bivalves. Some other molluscs have another type of organ for excretion called Keber's organ. The Bojanus organ is named after Ludwig Heinrich Bojanus, who first described it.
The lining of the gynecophoric canal is roughened by minute spines. The integument of the female is ridged and pitted and possesses fewer spines than in the oral sucker, the ventral sucker, and the gynecophoric canal of the male. Anterior to the acetabulum, the integumental surfaces are devoid of spines. However, in the other areas, spines are equally distributed except for the vicinity of the excretory pore.
Millipedes breathe through two pairs of spiracles located ventrally on each segment near the base of the legs. Each opens into an internal pouch, and connects to a system of tracheae. The heart runs the entire length of the body, with an aorta stretching into the head. The excretory organs are two pairs of malpighian tubules, located near the mid- part of the gut.
The excretory organs of barnacles are maxillary glands. The main sense of barnacles appears to be touch, with the hairs on the limbs being especially sensitive. The adult also has three photoreceptors (ocelli), one median and two lateral. These photoreceptors record the stimulus for the barnacle shadow reflex, where a sudden decrease in light causes cessation of the fishing rhythm and closing of the opercular plates.
Glands of Zeis are unilobar sebaceous glands located on the margin of the eyelid. The glands of Zeis service the eyelash. These glands produce an oily substance that is issued through the excretory ducts of the sebaceous lobule into the middle portion of the hair follicle. In the same area of the eyelid, near the base of the eyelashes are apocrine glands called the "glands of Moll".
The nephridium consists of an opening called the nephrostome, a long convoluted tubule, and another opening called the nephridiopore. Body fluids are filtered in through the nephrostome and passed through the convoluted tubule system. Essential substances are reabsorbed through active mechanisms and waste products are secreted back into the lumen of the tube. The resulting excretory fluid or urine is passed out through the nephridiopore.
In aquatic gastropods, the nephridium is drained by a ureter that opens near the rear of the mantle cavity. This allows the flow of water through the cavity to flush out the excreta. Terrestrial pulmonates instead have a much longer ureter, that opens near the anus. In addition to the pericardial glands and nephridum, excretory cells are also present in the digestive glands opening into the stomach.
Long, slender (excretory) malpighian tubules can be found between the junction of the mid- and hind gut. The reproductive system of females consist of paired ovaries, lateral oviducts, spermatheca, and a genital chamber. The lateral ducts are where the eggs leave the body, while the spermatheca is where sperm is stored. Unlike other insects, the gonopore, or genital opening is behind the seventh abdominal segment.
Kidney stones can cause visceral pain in the ureter as the stone is slowly passed into the excretory system. This can cause immense referred pain in the lower abdominal wall. Further, recent research has found that ketamine, a sedative, is capable of blocking referred pain. The study was conducted on patients suffering from fibromyalgia, a disease characterized by joint and muscle pain and fatigue.
Contraindications of spironolactone include hyperkalemia (high potassium levels), severe and end-stage kidney disease (due to high hyperkalemia risk, except possibly in those on dialysis), Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency and low aldosterone levels), and concomitant use of eplerenone. It should also be used with caution in people with some neurological disorders, no urine production, acute kidney injury, or significant impairment of kidney excretory function with risk of hyperkalemia.
Sharks' glands are found in their rectum, birds' and reptiles' in or on the skull in the area of the eyes, nostrils or mouth. These glands are lobed containing many secretory tubules which radiate outward from the excretory canal at the center. Secretory tubules are lined with a single layer of epithelial cells. The diameter and length of these glands vary depending on the salt uptake of the species.
In the hindgut (element 16 in numbered diagram), or proctodaeum, undigested food particles are joined by uric acid to form fecal pellets. The rectum absorbs 90% of the water in these fecal pellets, and the dry pellet is then eliminated through the anus (element 17), completing the process of digestion. Envaginations at the anterior end of the hindgut form the Malpighian tubules, which form the main excretory system of insects.
When it turns into an adult frog and moves to land, it excretes urea instead of ammonia. Thus an aquatic ancestry to land animal is established. A chick on up to its fifth day of development excretes ammonia; from its 5th to 9th day, urea; and thereafter, uric acid. Based on these findings, Baldwin sought a biochemical recapitulation in the development of vertebrates with reference to nitrogenous excretory products.
In 1986, he served as an expert witness for the American Civil Liberties Union, in a Federal Court case in which a trucker challenged an Alabama state statute prohibiting the public display of "any bumper sticker, sign or writing which depicts obscene language descriptive of sexual or excretory activities".Baker v. Glover. United States District Court For The Middle District Of Alabama, Northern Division, discussed in Battistella, Edwin, How's My Driving?.
Development of subunit vaccines requires the identification of protective antigens and their formulation in a suitable adjuvant. Trichuris muris is an antigenically similar laboratory model for T. trichiura. Subcutaneous vaccination with adult excretory–secretory products (ES) protects susceptible mouse strains from T. muris. Larval stages may contain novel and more relevant antigens which when incorporated in a vaccine induce worm expulsion earlier in infection than the adult worm products.
Nematomorphs possess an external cuticle without cilia. Internally, they have only longitudinal muscle and a non-functional gut, with no excretory, respiratory or circulatory systems. The nervous system consists of a nerve ring near the anterior end of the animal, and a ventral nerve cord running along the body. Reproductively, they have two distinct sexes, with the internal fertilization of eggs that are then laid in gelatinous strings.
Four peripheral nerves run along the length of the body on the dorsal, ventral, and lateral surfaces. Each nerve lies within a cord of connective tissue lying beneath the cuticle and between the muscle cells. The ventral nerve is the largest, and has a double structure forward of the excretory pore. The dorsal nerve is responsible for motor control, while the lateral nerves are sensory, and the ventral combines both functions.
Because dews and nectars are most abundant early in the morning and are the best sources of fluids, the workers fly off early in the morning before the competition becomes severe. Last is the necessity to release excretory products such as trophallactic secretions from the larvae. Generally, wasps are unable to predict heavy rainfalls. They continue their foraging activities even in the rain, but cease when the rain becomes torrential.
Nectonematids also possess a blindly-ending intestine and double rows of dorsal and ventral cuticular natatory bristles. In males, sperm sacs attached to the dorsal epidermis are the gonads, while females possess a vesicle-rich tissue called a gono-parenchyne during early developmental stages. Additionally, spines are formed on nectonematid eggs after they make contact with seawater. Like all horsehair worms, there is a lack of excretory organs or blood.
This nuclear protein is involved in thyroid follicular cell development and expression of thyroid- specific genes. PAX8 releases the hormones important for regulating growth, brain development, and metabolism. Also functions in very early stages of kidney organogenesis, the müllerian system, and the thymus. Additionally, PAX8 is expressed in the renal excretory system, epithelial cells of the endocervix, endometrium, ovary, Fallopian tube, seminal vesicle, epididymis, pancreatic islet cells and lymphoid cells.
The manubrium of the medusae is short. They lack a gastric peduncle, ocelli (making them effectively blind) and excretory pores, and have 4 simple radial canals and in adults at least 16 statocysts. The tentacles at their margin are hollow and at the side carry cirri; cirri are lacking from around the margin however. The gonads are located at the radial canals; they do not reach the manubrium.
The females, after mating with males on the surface of their host's skin, burrow into the living layers of the epidermis (mainly the stratum spinosum). They make long tunnels horizontal to the surface of the skin. Eggs are laid in the tunnels and development of larvae and nymphs occurs in such tunnels. The feeding of the mites and their excretory products irritates and inflames the skin, causing intense pruritus.
Although adapted to terrestrial life, frogs resemble freshwater fish in their inability to conserve body water effectively. When they are on land, much water is lost by evaporation from the skin. The excretory system is similar to that of mammals and there are two kidneys that remove nitrogenous products from the blood. Frogs produce large quantities of dilute urine in order to flush out toxic products from the kidney tubules.
The mouth has a chevron-shaped lip in front of it, and bears tentacles behind it, which have various shapes and layouts in different species. The heart is divided into two equal halves, each with its own auricle, ventricle and aorta. The left and right aorta fuse shortly after leaving the heart, and supply blood to the open circulatory system. There are six pairs of nephridial excretory organs, which empty into the mantle cavity.
The standard intestinal donor is deceased with a diagnosis of brain death. In terms of transplant outcomes, brain-dead donors are highly preferable to donors who have suffered cardiopulmonary death. If respiration can be assisted by a ventilator, brain-dead donors may exhibit maintainable cardiac, endocrine, and excretory function. If appropriately managed, the continuation of blood flow and bodily metabolism allows for healthier organs for procurement and additional time to prepare recipients for transplant.
The lacrimal glands secrete lacrimal fluid, which flows through the main excretory ducts into the space between the eyeball and the lids. When the eyes blink, the lacrimal fluid is spread across the surface of the eye. Lacrimal fluid gathers in the lacrimal lake which is found in the medial part of the eye. The lacrimal papilla is an elevation in the inner side of the eyelid, at the edge of the lacrimal lake.
Researchers trying to develop a vaccine for Trichinella have tried to using either "larval extracts, excretory–secretory antigen, DNA, or recombinant antigen protein." Currently, no marketable vaccines are available for trichinosis, but experimental mouse studies have suggested a possibility. In one study, microwaved Trichinella larvae were used to immunize mice, which were subsequently infected. Depending on the dosage and frequency of immunization, results ranged from a decreased larval count to complete protection from trichinosis.
Another studyDea-Ayuela et al. (2006) used extracts and excretory–secretory products from first-stage larvae to produce an oral vaccine. To prevent gastric acids from dissolving the antigens before reaching the small intestine, scientists encapsulated the antigens in microcapsules. This vaccine significantly increased CD4+ cell levels, and increased antigen-specific serum IgGq and IgA, resulting in a statistically significant reduction in the average number of adult worms in the small intestines of mice.
They may also be simply excretory organs (hydathodes), used for exuding surplus metabolic products. The ant species Iridomyrmex cordatus is commonly associated with A. quercifolia, in addition to other epiphytic plants. In Australia, Aglaomorpha rigidula serve as shelter for amethystine pythons (Morelia amethistina) and scrub pythons (Morelia kinghorni). As much as 81% of sightings of the snakes in one study were in large individuals of A. rigidula located about above the ground.
A pair of simple or branched diverticula are connected to the rectum. These are lined with numerous minute ciliated funnels that open directly into the body cavity, and are presumed to be excretory organs. The proboscis has a small coelomic cavity separated from the main coelom by a septum. Echiurans do not have a distinct respiratory system, absorbing oxygen through the body wall of both the trunk and proboscis, and through the cloaca in Urechis.
Japanese has many other words for places reserved for excretory functions, including kawaya (厠) and habakari (憚り), but most are rare or archaic. The toilet itself—that is, the bowl or in-floor receptacle, the water tank, et cetera—is called benki (便器). The toilet seat is benza (便座). A potty, either for small children or for the elderly or infirm, is called omaru (sometimes written 御虎子).
The archinephros is a primitive kidney that has been retained by the larvae of hagfish and some caecilians. It also occurs in the embryos of higher animals as the simplest kind of excretory organ. The archinephros is nonfunctional in humans and other mammals. The three types of mature vertebrate kidneys develop from the archinephros: the pronephros from the front section, the mesonephros from the mid-section and the metanephros from the rear section.
Longitudinal section of a congeneric species, Xenoturbella bocki Xenoturbella churro is a marine, benthic, deep-water worm-like species that belongs to the genus Xenoturbella. It was discovered in eastern Pacific Ocean by a group of Californian and Australian scientists. The species was described in 2016 from a single specimen. X. churro shares morphological similarities with other species of the genus Xenoturbella, and is known for lacking respiratory, circulatory and an excretory system.
Its amphids are outlined; its oesophagus forms about 9–14% of its body length, and is slightly inflated at its anterior end; its posterior part (oesophagus) is overlapped by a large oesophageal gland with a substantial cell nucleus in the middle. Its excretory pore is located posterior to its nerve ring. Its testis slightly exceeds anteriorly the posterior end of the oesophagus. The posterior end of its body counts with two lateral U-shaped mounds.
Adult dicyemids range in length from , and they can be easily viewed through a light microscope. They display eutely, a condition in which each adult individual of a given species has the same number of cells, making cell number a useful identifying character. Dicyemida lack respiratory, circulatory, excretory, digestive, and nervous systems. The organism's structure is simple: a single axial cell is surrounded by a jacket of twenty to thirty ciliated cells.
Development of brochosomes (stages I to IV) in a secretory cell. Brochosomes are produced within cells of specialized glandular segments of the Malpighian tubules – the primary excretory organs of insects, which often serve additional functions. Each cell simultaneously manufactures a large number of brochosomes within its Golgi complexes and eventually releases them into the lumen of the tubule.Rakitov R.A. (1999) Secretory products of the Malpighian tubules of Cicadellidae (Hemiptera, Membracoidea): an ultrastructural study.
10% to 25% of the dose of gallium-67 is excreted within 24 hours after injection (the majority of which is excreted through the kidneys). After 24 hours the principal excretory pathway is colon. The "target organ" (organ that receives the largest radiation dose in the average scan) is the colon (large bowel). In a normal scan, uptake of gallium is seen in wide range of locations which do not indicate a positive finding.
The parotid fascia in human anatomy is a fascia that builds a closed membrane together with the masseteric fascia. This common membrane sheaths the parotid gland, its excretory duct and the passing out branches of the facial nerve as well. The parotid fascia proceeds of the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia that splits to cover the gland. At the lateral side of the gland this fascia is called the parotid fascia.
The excretory function of the kidneys, iodine-concentrating ability of the thyroid, blood flow to heart muscle, etc. can be measured. The principal imaging devices are the gamma camera and the PET Scanner, which detect the radiation emitted by the tracer in the body and display it as an image. With computer processing, the information can be displayed as axial, coronal and sagittal images (single-photon emission computed tomography - SPECT or Positron-emission tomography - PET).
Furthermore, U. botrytis aids in decreasing aldehyde levels. Dodecane and 9,10,12,13-tetrahydroxyheneicosanoic acid were also found as metabolites of U. botrytis. Another U. botrytis metabolite is 1-hydroxy-6-methyl-8-(hydroxymethyl)xanthone, which has antimicrobial effects indicating its identification as an antifungal metabolite. Importantly, a major protein allergen of Alternaria alternata, termed Alt a 1, and an allergen homologous to it is expressed in the excretory-secretory materials of U. botrytis.
The common ostrich is well adapted to hot, arid environments through specialization of excretory organs. The common ostrich has an extremely long and developed colon the length of approximately between the coprodeum and the paired caeca, which are around long. A well developed caeca is also found and in combination with the rectum forms the microbial fermentation chambers used for carbohydrate breakdown. The catabolism of carbohydrates produces around of water that can be used internally.
In many other animals a single posterior orifice, called the cloaca, serves as the only opening for the reproductive, digestive, and urinary tracts (if present). All amphibians, birds, reptiles, some fish, and a few mammals (monotremes, tenrecs, golden moles, and marsupial moles) have this orifice, from which they excrete both urine and feces in addition to serving reproductive functions. Excretory systems with analogous purpose in certain invertebrates are also sometimes referred to as cloacae.
The larvae of this species glow to attract prey into their threads. The glow has a maximum wavelength of 487 nm and, like other species exhibiting bioluminescence, this glow is produced as a result a luciferase enzyme acting upon a small molecule of luciferin. It occurs in modified excretory organs known as Malpighian tubules in the abdomen. The luciferase enzyme in this species shares similarities with the protein that occurs in fireflies.
Dorsal, ventral and longitudinal nerve cords are connected to the main body of the muscle. As a nematode in the group Secernentea, Gnathostoma have specialized tubular excretory system with three canals. The canals are arranged to form an H. On average, female worms are larger than males by an estimated 4 mm in length and 0.65 mm in width. Respectively, their size ranges from 11 to 54 mm and 11 to 31 mm long.
The beating of these flagella resemble a flame, giving the cell its name. The cup is attached to a tube cell, whose inner surface is also coated in cilia, which help to move liquid through the tube cell. The tube opens externally through a nephropore, or, in the trematoda, into an excretory bladder. The function of these cells is to regulate the osmotic pressure of the worm, and maintain its ionic balance.
Retrograde pyelography is generally done when an intravenous excretory study (intravenous pyelogram or contrast CT scan) cannot be done because of renal disease or allergy to intravenous contrast. Relative contraindications include the presence of infected urine, pregnancy (because of radiation), or allergy to the contrast. Because a pyelogram involves cystoscopy, it may cause sepsis, infection or bleeding, and may also cause nausea and vomiting. The dye may also be toxic to the kidneys.
Only one nitrogen atom is removed with it. A lot of water is needed for the excretion of ammonia, about 0.5 L of water is needed per 1 g of nitrogen to maintain ammonia levels in the excretory fluid below the level in body fluids to prevent toxicity. Thus, the marine organisms excrete ammonia directly into the water and are called ammonotelic. Ammonotelic animals include protozoans, crustaceans, platyhelminths, cnidarians, poriferans, echinoderms, and other aquatic invertebrates.
Animals had to change their feeding and excretory systems, and most land animals developed internal fertilization of their eggs. The difference in refractive index between water and air required changes in their eyes. On the other hand, in some ways movement and breathing became easier, and the better transmission of high-frequency sounds in air encouraged the development of hearing. The relative number of species contributed to the total by each phylum of animals.
The pharyngeal nephridia are attached to the fourth, fifth and sixth segments. The waste in the coelom fluid from a forward segment is drawn in by the beating of cilia of the nephrostome. From there it is carried through the septum (wall) via a tube which forms a series of loops entwined by blood capillaries that also transfer waste into the tubule of the nephrostome. The excretory wastes are then finally discharged through a pore on the worm's side.
Pronephros is the most basic of the three excretory organs that develop in vertebrates, corresponding to the first stage of kidney development. It is succeeded by the mesonephros, which in fish and amphibians remains as the adult kidney. In amniotes the mesonephros is the embryonic kidney and a more complex metanephros acts as the adult kidney. Once a more advanced kidney forms, the previous version typically degenerates by apoptosis or becomes part of the male reproductive system.
The excretory ducts of the sublingual gland are from eight to twenty in number. Of the smaller sublingual ducts (ducts of Rivinus), some join the submandibular duct; others open separately into the mouth, on the elevated crest of mucous membrane (plica sublingualis), caused by the projection of the gland, on either side of the frenulum linguae. One or more join to form the major sublingual duct (larger sublingual duct, duct of Bartholin), which opens into the submandibular duct.
Campaign button used in the 1976 United States presidential election. Common four-letter words (in this sense) that are widely considered vulgar or offensive to a notable degree include: cunt, fuck (and regional variants such as feck, fick, fock and foak), jism (or gism), jizz, shit, twat and tits. Piss (formerly an offensive swear word) in particular, however, may be used in non-excretory contexts (pissed off, i.e. "angry", in US English and British UK English; pissed, i.e.
There are two different types of arthropod excretory systems. In aquatic arthropods, the end-product of biochemical reactions that metabolise nitrogen is ammonia, which is so toxic that it needs to be diluted as much as possible with water. The ammonia is then eliminated via any permeable membrane, mainly through the gills. All crustaceans use this system, and its high consumption of water may be responsible for the relative lack of success of crustaceans as land animals.
This research was prompted by a dispute with Darwin on the function of extra-floral nectaries. According to Darwin, these were excretory in function. Delpino noted that the nectaries provided sweet substances and observed that ants provided defence to many of these plants and identified nearly 80 plants with ant associations. Darwin unfortunately could not read many of his works in Italian and was only able to examine some parts with the help of his wife.
The main imaging tests performed in order to identify renal cell carcinoma are pelvic and abdominal CT scans, ultrasound tests of the kidneys (ultrasonography), MRI scans, intravenous pyelogram (IVP) or renal angiography. Among these main diagnostic tests, other radiologic tests such as excretory urography, positron-emission tomography (PET) scanning, ultrasonography, arteriography, venography, and bone scanning can also be used to aid in the evaluation of staging renal masses and to differentiate non-malignant tumours from malignant tumours.
In the anterior part of the visceral hump, the heart bulb is visible externally on the right side of the body. A few elongate, subepidermal spicules of up to 40 μm in length can be found in the posterior part of the visceral hump. Organ complexity as seen in Pseudunela cornuta (regarding excretory and reproductive features, at least) represents innovations that evolved in small, mesopsammic marine acochlidians. nervous system of Pseudunela cornuta shows ganglia and their interconnections with nerves.
In verses 1.56–1.61, it states that those who are ill or injured should not do this yoga, and those who are suffering from excretory obstructions should refrain as well. The text lists as obstacles to progress in a yogin as following: self doubts, confusion, indifference, abnormal sleep, habit of giving up, delusions, being caught up in worldly drama, failure to comprehend descriptions, suspicions regarding the truth of yoga. ;Chakras The Yoga-kundalini Upanishad mentions six chakras.
Longitudinal section of a congeneric species, Xenoturbella bocki Xenoturbella profunda, the purple sock or sock worm, is a marine, benthic, deep-water worm- like species that belongs to the genus Xenoturbella. It was discovered in eastern Pacific Ocean by a group of Californian and Australian scientists. The species was described in 2016 from seven specimens. X. profunda shares morphological similarities with other species of the genus Xenoturbella, and is known for lacking respiratory, circulatory and an excretory system.
Longitudinal section of a congeneric species, Xenoturbella bocki Xenoturbella monstrosa, a deep-sea giant purple sock worm, is a marine, benthic, deep-water worm-like species that belongs to the genus Xenoturbella. It was discovered in eastern Pacific Ocean by a group of Californian and Australian scientists. The species was described in 2016 from several specimens. Xenoturbella monstrosa shares morphological similarities with other species of the genus Xenoturbella, and is known for lacking respiratory, circulatory and an excretory system.
D. tenuis possess eight papillae in addition to two amphids around the mouth opening. The mouth leads to a short esophagus, which is connected to the intestine and leads to the excretory opening. D. tenuis also possesses a nerve cord at the anterior end of the body cavity and differentiated reproductive organs. The outermost surface of the cuticle, or outer covering of the worm, is covered in small lines running transversely and more prominent ridges arranged longitudinally.
On September 29, 2014, during a debate among candidates of the 2014 presidential election hosted by RecordTV, Levy Fidelix stated that homosexuals "need psychological care" and were better kept "well away from [the rest of] us". He also said that Brazil's population of 200 million would be reduced by half if homosexuality were encouraged because "the excretory system" does not function as a means of reproduction."Brazil presidential candidate airs homophobic rant during TV debate". The Guardian.
Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, Fehrenbach and Herring, Elsevier, 2012, p. 156 The sublingual glands are drained by 8-20 excretory ducts called the ducts of Rivinus.Ten Cate's Oral Histology, Nanci, Elsevier, 2013, page 255 The largest of all, the sublingual duct (of Bartholin) joins the submandibular duct to drain through the sublingual caruncle. The sublingual caruncle is a small papilla near the midline of the floor of the mouth on each side of the lingual frenum.
Clinical manifestation of human immune response to T. regenti infection is known as cercarial dermatitis (aka swimmer's itch). Majority of humans (82% of adults, 57% of children) who have experienced cercarial dermatitis (caused by undetermined species of bird schistosome) have increased levels of T. regenti antigen-specific IgG, but not IgE. Cercarial homogenate and excretory-secretory products of T. regenti induce basophils from humans without a history of cercarial dermatitis to degranulate and release IL-4.
The evisceration process is when the sexual, digestive and excretory organs are removed. These days, the pig can also be obtained as a half (Croatian: polovica or polutka), without intestines or blood. In modern times, because of the danger of Trichinosis, people in some countries are required to have critical parts of the fresh meat tested by a veterinarian before any further contact with potentially infected meat. Very sharp knives and a cleaver are required for butchering.
There is also a significant correlation between high Toxocara antibody titers and epilepsy in children. Parasitic loads as high as 300 larvae in a single gram of liver have been noted in humans. The “excretory-secretory antigens of larvae… released from their outer epicuticle coat [and]… readily sloughed off when bound by specific antibodies” incite the host's immune response. The tipping point between development of VLM and OLM is believed to be between 100 and 200 larvae.
Symsagittifera roscoffensis Acoelomorphs resemble flatworms in many respects, but have a simpler anatomy, not even having a gut. Like flatworms, they have no circulatory or respiratory systems, but they also lack an excretory system. They lack body cavities (acoelomate structure), a hindgut or an anus. The epidermal cells of acoelomorphs are unable to proliferate, a feature that is only shared with rhabditophoran flatworms and was for some time considered a strong evidence for the position of Acoelomorpha within Platyhelminthes.
A set of "valve cells" connects the pharynx to the intestine, but how this valve operates is not understood. After digestion, the contents of the intestine are released via the rectum, as is the case with all other nematodes. No direct connection exists between the pharynx and the excretory canal, which functions in the release of liquid urine. Males have a single-lobed gonad, a vas deferens, and a tail specialized for mating, which incorporates spicules.
The intensity of inflammatory response controls how fast the parasites are rejected from the body. Intensity is determined by recognition of and regulation by salmon lice secretory/excretory products (SEP), which include proteases and prostaglandin E2. The marine parasite secretes SEP into the damaged skin of the salmon which inhibits proteolytic activity. Proteolytic activity increases the amount of host peptides and amino acids that can be used as a source of nutrition and lowers the intensity of inflammatory responses.
The sporocysts turn into cercaria (juveniles) that have a tail, along with a digestive tract that is lined with an excretory bladder that extends into the tail. The tail of a cercaria has finfolds on the top and bottom and setae on the sides. Cercaria also have two eyespots. At the end of the cycle, the adults appear as worms that have spines and are dorsally flattened, with suckers in order to attach to the definitive host.
The incomplete alimentary canal consists of a pair of lateral pouches arising from the oral sucker and a slightly tortuous pharyngeal tube, which bifurcates into two gut caeca. The large excretory bladder is in the middle, behind the ventral sucker. The species, being hermaphrodite, has both male and female reproductive systems, arranged in the posterior region. The testes lie in alongside the bifurcation of the caeca, and a common genital pore is on the cone just anterior to the bifurcation.
The phrase four-letter word refers to a set of English-language words written with four letters which are considered profane, including common popular or slang terms for excretory functions, sexual activity and genitalia, terms relating to Hell or damnation when used outside of religious contexts or slurs. The "four-letter" claim refers to the fact that many (but not all) English "swear words" are incidentally four-character monosyllables. This description came into use during the first half of the twentieth century.
Colpoda inflata is 30-90 μm long and is characteristically L-shaped with its oral opening, the vestibule, lying in the corner of the "L". Very well-nourished individuals can also appear reniform. C. inflata has a macronucleus to which a micronucleus is attached, contractile vacuoles, an excretory pore and several extrusomes, although populations without extrusomes have been observed. The ciliature of C. inflata is holotrichous, meaning that it is regularly distributed over the whole cell surface in slightly spiralling lines.
Euplectella aspergillum, a glass sponge known as "Venus' flower basket" Sponges do not have distinct circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems – instead the water flow system supports all these functions. They filter food particles out of the water flowing through them. Particles larger than 50 micrometers cannot enter the ostia and pinacocytes consume them by phagocytosis (engulfing and internal digestion). Particles from 0.5 μm to 50 μm are trapped in the ostia, which taper from the outer to inner ends.
Sigmund Freud has footnoted the possibility that this fear may be derived from a lack of ingenuity allowing one to ornamentally distance the copulatory organs from the excretory organs. Such a condition can affect both men and women. For others, symptoms include what characterizes a panic attack. It does not necessarily have to be induced by an uncovered penis, but may also result from seeing the manbulging outline or curvature of the penis, perhaps through clothes consisting of thin fabric.
When a prey is caught by a snare, its larva pulls it up (at up to about 2 mm a second) and feeds on the prey. When Arachnocampa prey are scarce, larvae may show cannibalism, eating other larvae, pupae or adult flies. The glow is the result of a chemical reaction that involves luciferin, the substrate; luciferase, the enzyme that acts upon luciferin; adenosine triphosphate, the energy molecule; and oxygen. It occurs in modified excretory organs known as Malpighian tubules in the abdomen.
A venipuncture performed using a vacutainer A venipuncture is useful as it is a minimally invasive way to obtain cells and extracellular fluid (plasma) from the body for analysis. Blood flows throughout the body, acting as a medium that provides oxygen and nutrients to tissues and carries waste products back to the excretory systems for disposal. Consequently, the state of the bloodstream affects or is affected by, many medical conditions. For these reasons, blood tests are the most commonly performed medical tests.
When cercariae of T. regenti find either avian or mammalian host, they penetrate its skin. For this purpose, they are equipped with cysteine peptidases present in their excretory/secretory products, which are capable of keratin and collagen degradation. Experiments with laboratory prepared recombinant form of the cysteine peptidase cathepsin B2 of T. regenti (TrCB2) confirmed its ability to cleave skin proteins (collagen, keratin and elastin). After penetration the skin, cercariae transform to schistosomula and start a migration through the host's body.
Wave-like peristaltic contractions move the food through the stomach for digestion. The final section of the stomach is lined with cilia (minute hairs) that compress undigested solids, which then pass through the intestine and out through the anus. There are no nephridia ("little kidneys") or other excretory organs in bryozoa, and it is thought that ammonia diffuses out through the body wall and lophophore. More complex waste products are not excreted but accumulate in the polypide, which degenerates after a few weeks.
Steinernema scapterisci can be distinguished from other species of its genus "by the presence of prominent cheilorhabdions, an elliptically shaped structure associated with the excretory duct, and a double-flapped epitygma in the first-generation female." It does not hybridise with Steinernema carpocapsae, and it infects and kills fewer than 10% of the non-orthopteran insects with which it comes in contact. Larvae of the wax moth, which all other known species of Steinernema infect, are not parasitised by this nematode.
An early detection sera detects the cysteine protease of some species of Spirometra excretory-secretory proteins. This option proves to be the best choice for early diagnostic methods in regards to early antigen identification. Some imaging methods such as CT or MRI scans can be used to identify spargana larvae in other areas of the body, like the brain. When diagnosing an infection in animals, proglottids from the worm itself may have broken off and ended up in the feces along with eggs.
Adult schistosomes share all the fundamental features of the digenea. They have a basic bilateral symmetry, oral and ventral suckers, a body covering of a syncytial tegument, a blind-ending digestive system consisting of mouth, esophagus and bifurcated caeca; the area between the tegument and alimentary canal filled with a loose network of mesoderm cells, and an excretory or osmoregulatory system based on flame cells. Adult worms tend to be long and use globins from their hosts' hemoglobin for their own circulatory system.
Osculum The osculum (plural "oscula") is an excretory structure in the living sponge, a large opening to the outside through which the current of water exits after passing through the spongocoel. Wastes diffuse into the water and the water is pumped through the osculum carrying away with it the sponge's wastes. Sponges pump large volumes of water: typically a volume of water equal to the sponge's body size is pumped every five seconds. The size of the osculum is regulated by contractile myocytes.
During early development (approximately day 22 in humans), the pronephric duct forms from the intermediate mesoderm, ventral to the anterior somites. The cells of the pronephric duct migrate caudally whilst inducing adjacent mesenchyme to form the tubules of the initial kidney-like structure called the pronephros. This process is regulated by Pax2/8 markers. The pronephros is active in adult forms of some primitive fish and acts as the primary excretory system in amphibious larvae and embryonic forms of more advanced fish.
Enoka, R. "Mechanisms That Contribute to Differences in Motor Performance between Young and Old Adults." Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 13.1 (2003): 1-12. Print. These similar patterns of neurodegeneration in three different diseases have led researchers to speculate that slow-twitch motor neurons, along with motor pools of the eyes and excretory muscles, have intrinsic neuroprotective properties that are not disease-specific. Research is currently being conducted to discover a possible molecular basis for neuroprotection in these cell types.
Carnivora have a simple stomach adapted to digest primarily meat, as compared to the elaborate digestive systems of herbivorous animals, which are necessary to break down tough, complex plant fibers. The caecum is either absent or short and simple, and the large intestine is not sacculated or much wider than the small intestine. Bovine kidney The mammalian excretory system involves many components. Like most other land animals, mammals are ureotelic, and convert ammonia into urea, which is done by the liver as part of the urea cycle.
The latter clade was called Nephrozoa by Jondelius et al. (2002) and Eubilateria by Baguña and Riutort (2004). The acoelomorph taxa had previously been considered flatworms with secondarily lost characteristics, but the new relationship suggested that the simple acoelomate worm form was the original bilaterian bodyplan and that the coelom, the digestive tract, excretory organs, and nerve cords developed in the Nephrozoa. Subsequently the acoelomorphs were placed in phylum Xenacoelomorpha, together with the xenoturbellids, and the sister relationship between Xenacoelomorpha and Nephrozoa confirmed in phylogenomic analyses.
Evolutionary principles have predicted that the reward system is part of the proximate mechanism underlying the behavior. Because animals possess a brain reward system they are motivated to perform in different ways by desire and reinforced by pleasure. Animals establish security of food, shelter, social contact, and mating because proximate mechanism, if they do not seek these necessities they will not survive. All vertebrates share similarities in body structure; they all have a skeleton, a nervous system, a circulatory system, a digestive system and excretory system.
Insects are valuable as forensic indicators in cases of abuse and neglect. Some insects, such as the Green Bottle Fly, (Lucilia sericata (Meigen)), are drawn to odors, such as ammonia, resulting from urine or fecal contamination. Adult green bottle flies tend to be attracted to an incontinent individual who lacks the voluntary control of excretory functions. Such examples include a baby who has not had its diapers changed often or an incontinent elderly person who has not been helped in maintaining routine bodily hygiene.
An acute hypoglycemic episode (very low blood sugar) can happen to even careful pet owners, since cats' insulin requirements sometimes change without warning. The symptoms include depression/lethargy, confusion/dizziness, loss of excretory/bladder control, vomiting, and then loss of consciousness and/or seizures. Immediate treatment includes administering honey or corn syrup by rubbing on the gums of the cat (even if unconscious, but not if in seizures). Symptomatic hypoglycemia in cats is a medical emergency and the cat will require professional medical attention.
The excretory and circulatory systems are located at the right side of the body just at the beginning of the visceral hump. The circulatory system shows a large two- chambered heart consisting of an anterior ventricle and a smaller, posterior atrium. The thin-walled pericardium surrounding the heart could not be detected because of the very compressed tissue. The aorta arises anteriorly from the ventricle and leads to the head, where the aorta bifurcates approximately at the level of the eyes ending in blood sinuses.
The mouth is a mid-ventral pore leading to a gastral cavity, and there is no anus: waste is dispelled through the same opening as food is taken in. The nervous system is composed by a net of interconnected neurons beneath the epidermis, without any concentration of neurons forming ganglia or nerve cords. Species of Xenoturbella also lack a respiratory, circulatory and excretory system. In fact, there are no defined organs, except for an anterior statocyst containing flagellated cells and a frontal pore organ.
It is the signs, symptoms and results from laboratory tests which result from inadequate excretory, regulatory and endocrine function of the kidneys. Both uremia and uremic syndrome have been used interchangeably to denote a very high plasma urea concentration that is the result of renal failure. The former denotation will be used for the rest of the article. Azotemia is a similar, less severe condition with high levels of urea, where the abnormality can be measured chemically but is not yet so severe as to produce symptoms.
The thorax has three pairs of segmented legs, one pair each for the three segments that compose the thorax and one or two pairs of wings. The abdomen is composed of eleven segments, some of which may be fused and houses the digestive, respiratory, excretory and reproductive systems. There is considerable variation between species and many adaptations to the body parts, especially wings, legs, antennae and mouthparts. Spiders a class of arachnids have four pairs of legs; a body of two segments—a cephalothorax and an abdomen.
Gaping causes water loss by evaporation from the lining of the mouth, and on land, water is also lost through the skin. Large animals are better able to maintain homeostasis at times of osmotic stress than smaller ones. Newly hatched crocodilians are much less tolerant of exposure to salt water than are older juveniles, presumably because they have a higher surface-area- to-volume ratio. The kidneys and excretory system are much the same as in other reptiles, but crocodilians do not have a bladder.
The excretory system consists of two protonephridia emptying through pores in the final segment. Echinoderes close up head anatomy The nervous system consists of a ventral nerve cord, with one ganglion in each segment, and an anterior nerve ring surrounding the pharynx. Smaller ganglia are also located in the lateral and dorsal portions of each segment, but do not form distinct cords. Some species have simple ocelli on the head, and all species have tiny bristles on the body to provide a sense of touch.
A possible explanation is that the long flexible tail of the black rat could be exposed to sticky or frozen substances such as sebum (a secretion from the skin itself), sap, food or excretory products. This mixture acts as a bonding agent and may solidify as they sleep especially when rats live in proximity during winter. Once they realise they are bound, they would struggle and the knot would get tighter. This explanation is plausible given that most cases were found during winter and in confined spaces.
The saccate metanephridia are excretory glands which function similarly to the metanephridia. They are found in the arthropods: coxal glands of arachnids, antennal (or green) glands and maxillary glands of crustaceans, etc. The saccate metanephridia filter the fluid of the hemocoel, as opposed to the metanephridia which filter coelomic fluid. In a saccate metanephridium, there is a ciliated funnel covered with a membrane that helps to filter the hemocoel of heavy particles (such as proteins and carbohydrates) before the fluid even enters the funnel.
Marcello Malpighi (10 March 1628 – 29 November 1694) was an Italian biologist and physician, who is referred to as the "Founder of microscopical anatomy, histology & Father of physiology and embryology". Malpighi's name is borne by several physiological features related to the biological excretory system, such as the Malpighian corpuscles and Malpighian pyramids of the kidneys and the Malpighian tubule system of insects. The splenic lymphoid nodules are often called the "Malpighian bodies of the spleen" or Malpighian corpuscles. The botanical family Malpighiaceae is also named after him.
Stylised diagram of the last part of the insect's digestive tract showing malpighian tubule (Orthopteran type) The Malpighian tubule system is a type of excretory and osmoregulatory system found in some insects, myriapods, arachnids, and tardigrades. The system consists of branching tubules extending from the alimentary canal that absorbs solutes, water, and wastes from the surrounding hemolymph. The wastes then are released from the organism in the form of solid nitrogenous compounds and calcium oxalate. The system is named after Marcello Malpighi, a seventeenth-century anatomist.
Epimenia babai, a member of the Solenogastres Aplacophorans are worm-like animals, with little resemblance to most other molluscs. They have no shell, although small calcified spicules are embedded in the skin; these spicules are occasionally coated with an organic pellicle that is presumably secreted by microvilli. Caudofoveates lack a foot while solenogasters have a narrow foot which lacks intrinsic musculature. The mantle cavity is reduced into a simple cloaca, into which the anus and excretory organs empty, and is located at the posterior of the animal.
The mollusc shell is reduced to an internal, longitudinal chitinous "pen" in the functionally dorsal part of the animal; the pen acts to stiffen the squid and provides attachments for muscles. On the functionally ventral part of the body is an opening to the mantle cavity, which contains the gills (ctenidia) and openings from the excretory, digestive and reproductive systems. An inhalant siphon behind the funnel draws water into the mantel cavity via a valve. The squid uses the funnel for locomotion via precise jet propulsion.
Fly strike, or blowfly strike, (Lucilia sericata) is a condition that occurs when flies (particularly botflies) lay their eggs in a rabbit's damp or soiled fur, or in an open wound. Within 12 hours, the eggs hatch into the larval stage of the fly, known as maggots. Initially small but quickly growing to long, maggots can burrow into skin and feed on an animal's tissue, leading to shock and death. The most susceptible rabbits are those in unsanitary conditions, sedentary ones, and those unable to clean their excretory areas.
The sublingual glands are a pair of major salivary glands located inferior to the tongue, anterior to the submandibular glands. The secretion produced is mainly mucous in nature; however, it is categorized as a mixed gland. Unlike the other two major glands, the ductal system of the sublingual glands does not have intercalated ducts and usually does not have striated ducts either, so saliva exits directly from 8-20 excretory ducts known as the Rivinus ducts. Approximately 5% of saliva entering the oral cavity comes from these glands.
The party has been accused of having links with neo-nazi and neofascist organizations and promoting fake news and conspiracy theories on the internet. During 2014 Brazilian general election the party leader and candidate Levy Fidelix during a debate made a statement that homosexuals “need psychological care” and were better kept “well away from [the rest of] us. He also said that Brazil’s population of 200 million would be reduced by half if homosexuality were encouraged because “the excretory system” does not function as a means of reproduction. Fidelix obtained 0.43% of votes.
Leading causes of myiasis in animals occur when there is an injury or the presence of excretory material, making the living animal alluring to insects. The following characteristics have to be present for myiasis to happen in a pet animal. There has to be abuse or neglect that causes an injury with blood, decaying tissue, feces or urine that attracts flies and the animals must be fairly helpless or incapable of cleaning itself. In long-coated animals, matts and burrs can cause irritation which leads to hot spots, scratching, open lacerations, and infestation.
The reverse of Sattva, asserts Karika is Tamasa. Sattva is the characteristic of intellect, states the text.Samkhya karika by Iswara Krishna, Henry Colebrooke (Translator), Oxford University Press, pages 83-94 The Karika lists the sensory organs to be the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin, while action organs as those of voice, hands, feet, excretory organs and that of procreation.Samkhya karika by Iswara Krishna, Henry Colebrooke (Translator), Oxford University Press, pages 95-108 Mind, states the text, is both a sensory organ in some aspects, and an organ of action in other aspects.
No respiratory organs are found, with gas exchange able to occur across the entirety of the body. Some tardigrades have three tubular glands associated with the rectum; these may be excretory organs similar to the Malpighian tubules of arthropods, although the details remain unclear. Also nephridia are absent.Segmentation in Tardigrada and diversification of segmental patterns in Panarthropoda The tubular mouth is armed with stylets, which are used to pierce the plant cells, algae, or small invertebrates on which the tardigrades feed, releasing the body fluids or cell contents.
The anus is located on the ventral surface close to the posterior of the body. In some species, there are pores in the pharynx opening to the ventral surface; these contain valves and may allow egestion of any excess water swallowed while feeding. In the chaetonotidans, the excretory system consists of a single pair of protonephridia, which open through separate pores on the lateral underside of the animal, usually in the midsection of the body. In the macrodasyidans, there are several pairs of these opening along the side of the body.
Nitrogenous waste is probably excreted through the body wall, as part of respiration, and the protonephridia are believed to function mainly in osmoregulation. Unusually, the protonephridia do not take the form of flame cells, but, instead, the excretory cells consist of a skirt surrounding a series of cytoplasmic rods that in turn enclose a central flagellum. These cells, termed cyrtocytes, connect to a single outlet cell which passes the excreted material into the protonephridial duct. As is typical for such small animals, there are no respiratory or circulatory organs.
They have remained almost entirely aquatic, possibly because they never developed excretory systems that conserve water. Arthropods provide the earliest identifiable fossils of land animals, from about in the Late Silurian, and terrestrial tracks from about appear to have been made by arthropods. Arthropods were well pre-adapted to colonize land, because their existing jointed exoskeletons provided protection against desiccation, support against gravity and a means of locomotion that was not dependent on water. Around the same time the aquatic, scorpion-like eurypterids became the largest ever arthropods, some as long as .
This species of plant has nutritional value as a source of starch for Indian foods. The rhizomes of C. angustifolia are typically ground into a flour which can then be mixed together with milk or water to form a nutritious meal. This flour was a common commercial crop in the 1800s. Most importantly, the West has begun to notice its potential as a source of nutrition and as a non-irritating diet for patients suffering from specific chronic ailments, recovering from fevers, or experiencing irritations of the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, or the excretory system.
As mentioned previously, neurogenic bowel dysfunction tends to occur after some form of spinal cord injury in which nerves important to control of sphincter contraction, bowel movements, and bladder control are severed or damaged. Lumbar root stimulators have been used in order to treat bowel dysfunction by allowing the patient to regain control of both excretory muscles and organs. Regaining such motor control prevents further complications associated with NBD such as constipation, incontinence, and irritable bowel syndrome. However, lumbar anterior root stimulators are not effective for all gastrointestinal issues.
Tissue culture also attracted significant popular media interest, with contemporary reports describing Fell as a woman working on "cultivating life in bottles" and tissue culture as leading to the growth of human babies in test tubes. Even though tissue culture has made such progress, it cannot tell us about the physiology of an animal’s circulatory or excretory systems or the physiology of its brain or sense organs. Which means the chemical compound that might appear quite harmless when tested on a tissue culture when administered, it might have disastrous side effects.
Bird migration is a seasonal phenomenon and when the temperature escalates in Europe and in the North America, the birds starts seeing for a location that will be suitable for survival. The wetlands in this region is quite suitable for the migratory birds as it provides suitable environment for food, shelter and reproduction. The farmers of this region also love the arrival of migratory birds as the irrigation water becomes fertile once it was enriched with the excretory of the birds. The state government had appointed officers for prevention of both hunting and poaching.
This chemical transformation was similar to that demonstrated in the fatty acids of his previous experiments on intermediary metabolism. The results of the experiment revealed that body proteins are in a continuous and dynamic state of synthesis and degradation. Schoenheimer and Rittenberg were responsible for discovering that body constituents were in a state of constant chemical renewal, as they were previously believed to be in a static state. Experiments on the metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids, and excretory products are used to support and demonstrate this concept of metabolic “regeneration”.
As in all arthropods, the chelicerate body has a very small coelom restricted to small areas round the reproductive and excretory systems. The main body cavity is a hemocoel that runs most of the length of the body and through which blood flows, driven by a tubular heart that collects blood from the rear and pumps it forward. Although arteries direct the blood to specific parts of the body, they have open ends rather than joining directly to veins, and chelicerates therefore have open circulatory systems as is typical for arthropods.
Comparing IAVs in birds and humans, one of the main barriers to host switching is the type of cells the virus can recognise and bind to (cell tropism) in order to initiate infection and viral replication. An avian influenza virus is adapted to binding to the gastrointestinal tract of birds. In bird populations, the virus is shed from the excretory system into the water and ingested by other birds to colonise their guts. This is not the case in humans as influenza, in this species, produces a respiratory infection.
Many artists pose models to emphasize the buttocks. The buttocks have been considered an erogenous zone in Western thought for centuries; the eroticization of the female buttocks was due to their association and closeness to the female reproductive organs. The buttocks are often taboo due to their proximity to the anus and association with the excretory system. The psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud theorized that psychosexual development occurred in three stages—oral, anal, and genital—and that fixation in the anal stage caused anal retentiveness and a lasting focus on eroticization of the anus.
Like most other molluscs, the excretory organs of bivalves are a pair of nephridia. Each of these consists of a long, looped, glandular tube, which opens into the body cavity just beneath the heart, and a bladder to store urine. The pericardial glands either line the auricles of the heart or attach to the pericardium, and serve as extra filtration organs. Metabolic waste is voided from the bladders through a pair of openings near the front of the upper part of the mantle cavity, from where it joins the stream of exhalant water.
C. elegans hermaphrodite worm RNA-binding proteins' transcriptional and post- transcriptional regulation of RNA has a role in regulating the patterns of gene expression during development. Extensive research on the nematode C. elegans has identified RNA-binding proteins as essential factors during germline and early embryonic development. Their specific function involves the development of somatic tissues (neurons, hypodermis, muscles and excretory cells) as well as providing timing cues for the developmental events. Nevertheless, it is exceptionally challenging to discover the mechanism behind RBPs' function in development due to the difficulty in identifying their RNA targets.
In addition to RBPs' functions in germline development, post-transcriptional control also plays a significant role in somatic development. Differing from RBPs that are involved in germline and early embryo development, RBPs functioning in somatic development regulate tissue-specific alternative splicing of the mRNA targets. For instance, MEC-8 and UNC-75 containing RRM domains localize to regions of hypodermis and nervous system, respectively. Furthermore, another RRM- containing RBP, EXC-7, is revealed to localize in embryonic excretory canal cells and throughout the nervous system during somatic development.
The parotid glands are a pair of mainly serous salivary glands located below and in front of each ear canal, draining their secretions into the vestibule of the mouth through the parotid duct. Each gland lies behind the mandibular ramus and in front of the mastoid process of the temporal bone. The gland can be felt on either side, by feeling in front of each ear, along the cheek, and below the angle of the mandible. The parotid duct, a long excretory duct, emerges from the front of each gland, superficial to the masseter muscle.
Intensive marine aquaculture in the last decade has increased considerably and resulted in considerable adverse environmental impacts. Large discharge volumes of organic matter from uneaten feed and excretory waste from aquacultured species has resulted in high levels of nutrients within coastal waters. Large quantities of nitrogen (~ 75%) excreted from bivalves, salmon and shrimp, enter into the coastal environment, with the potential to develop algal blooms, and reduce dissolved oxygen in the water. An integrated aquaculture system consists of a number of species at different trophic levels of the food chain.
Research has shown that there are two types of hydrothecae with different behaviours. The second type has a longer, extensible column and fewer, shorter, thicker tentacles armed with larger stinging cells. It can twist and coil during extension, and contract by bulging and folding while still remaining extended; both types of polyp can catch and ingest planktonic particles, but the extensible one is able to writhe around and explore a greater volume of water. It is probably used in defence and may also have an excretory or sensory function.
During hibernation American black bears retain all excretory waste, leading to the development of a hardened mass of fecal material in the colon known as a fecal plug. A special hormone, leptin, is released into the bear's systems to suppress appetite. The retention of waste during hibernation (specifically in minerals such as calcium) may play a role in the bear's resistance to atrophy. The body temperature of the American black bear does not drop significantly, like other mammalian hibernators (staying around ) and they remain somewhat alert and active.
Mites have a typical arachnid digestive system, although some species lack an anus: they do not defecate during their short lives. The circulatory system consists of a network of sinuses and lacks a heart, movement of fluid being driven by the contraction of body muscles. Gas exchange is carried out across the body surface, but many species additionally have between one and four pairs of tracheae, the spiracles being located in the front half of the body. The excretory system includes a nephridium and one or two pairs of Malpighian tubules.
This reduces the ionized calcium concentration in blood, which further induces a compensatory parathyroid hormone response. Parathyroid hormone is reported to accelerate urinary calcium load, which results in the formation of calcium phosphate crystals in the renal distal tubules and collecting ducts. When the calcium phosphate crystals bind to the tubular epithelial cells, the reactive oxygen species are released, which further impair the renal excretory pathway. The use of OSP causes an increase in phosphatemia and impairs renal perfusion, which later leads to acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and ageing-related motor degeneration share clear parallels with ALS in the patterns and specificity of motor neuron loss. Though it is completely distinct from ALS in its pathogenesis, SMA leads to a similar rapid death of FF motor neurons, with S type neurons being generally spared. Further, motor pools controlling facial muscles (including those of the eye) and voluntary excretory muscles are spared. Motor neuron degeneration caused by ageing similarly affects FF types but not S types; ageing also seems to spare ocular motor pools.
Under the Miller test (which takes its name from Miller v. California (1973)), speech is unprotected if (1) "the average person, applying contemporary community standards,Smith v. United States, 431 U.S. 291 (1977). would find that the [subject or work in question], taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest" and (2) "the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law" and (3) "the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value".
In 1979, Rook and Whimster revised their work and mentioned that squamous cell carcinoma could develop in a keratoacanthoma. Despite being common lesions, much about keratoacanthomas remains a matter of debate. Although Rook and Whimster believed it to originate from the excretory ducts of sweat glands, other schools of thought have its origin in the hair follicle or the surface epithelium. In addition, although the distinct crater has been shown to be a hallmark of a keratoacanthoma, other benign or malignant skin lesions have also been shown to exhibit similar appearances.
The gutless marine oligochaete worm Olavius algarvensis is another relatively well-studied marine host to microbes. These three centimetre long worms reside within shallow marine sediments of the Mediterranean Sea. The worms do not contain a mouth or a digestive or excretory system, but are instead nourished with the help of a suite of extracellular bacterial endosymbionts that reside upon coordinated use of sulfur present in the environment.Dubilier, N., Mülders, C., Ferdelman, T., de Beer, D., Pernthaler, A., Klein, M., Wagner, M., Erséus, C., Thiermann, F., Krieger, J. and Giere, O. (2001) "Endosymbiotic sulphate-reducing and sulphide-oxidizing bacteria in an oligochaete worm".
Oxford University Press. A pair of maxillary glands, also called nephridial organs, involved in osmoregulation and excreting nitrogenous waste open up to the gnathochilarium and wastes are passed entirely through the digestive tract before being evacuated. The nephridial organs are thought to be derived from similar organs in annelids, although reduced in number since the open circulatory system of arthropods lessens the demand on separate excretory organs. The reason for their anterior location is probably because these organs must be developed early on in the embryo and millipedes and other arthropods develop mainly by proliferation of cells at the posterior of the embryo.
If the thyroid gland from a tadpole is removed and replaced with a bovine thyroid gland, normal metabolism will take place and the tadpole will metamorphose into a frog. As there is a fundamental relationship among these animals, such exchange of hormones or glands is possible. # Nitrogenous Excretory Products: Mainly three types of nitrogenous waste is excreted by living organisms; ammonia is a characteristics of aquatic life form, urea is formed by the land and water dwellers, uric acid is excreted by terrestrial life forms. A frog, in its tadpole stage excretes ammonia just like a fish.
Indeed, in many cartilaginous fish, the anterior portion of the kidney may degenerate or cease to function altogether in the adult. In the most primitive vertebrates, the hagfish and lampreys, the kidney is unusually simple: it consists of a row of nephrons, each emptying directly into the archinephric duct. Invertebrates may possess excretory organs that are sometimes referred to as "kidneys", but, even in Amphioxus, these are never homologous with the kidneys of vertebrates, and are more accurately referred to by other names, such as nephridia. In amphibians, kidneys and the urinary bladder harbour specialized parasites, monogeneans of the family Polystomatidae.
All cestodes lack digestive and excretory systems, therefore, the tegument with its microtriches constitute the principal site of absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste materials. Moreover, the microtriches are the primary structures for host-parasite interface, and are metabolically active performing all the vital activities such as sensory, absorptive and secretory functions. Thus their structural significance is clearly to amplify the total surface area of the tegument. The surface carbohydrate complex called glycocalyx is responsible for inhibition of the host digestive enzymes, absorption of cations and bile salts, and enhancement of the host amylase activity.
It is mostly water (up to 95% by volume), and contains important dissolved proteins (6–8%) (e.g., serum albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen), glucose, clotting factors, electrolytes (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3−, Cl−, etc.), hormones, carbon dioxide (plasma being the main medium for excretory product transportation), and oxygen. It plays a vital role in an intravascular osmotic effect that keeps electrolyte concentration balanced and protects the body from infection and other blood disorders. Blood plasma is separated from the blood by spinning a tube of fresh blood containing an anticoagulant in a centrifuge until the blood cells fall to the bottom of the tube.
Most digestion, as well as the absorption of nutrients, occurs in the digestive gland, sometimes called the liver. Nutrients and waste materials are exchanged between the gut and the digestive gland through a pair of connections linking the gland to the junction of the stomach and caecum. Cells in the digestive gland directly release pigmented excretory chemicals into the lumen of the gut, which are then bound with mucus passed through the anus as long dark strings, ejected with the aid of exhaled water from the funnel. Cephalopods tend to concentrate ingested heavy metals in their body tissue.
Sulfate and potassium exist in a hypoionic state, as well, with the exception of the excretory systems of cephalopods, where the urine is hyperionic. These ions are free to diffuse, and because they exist in hypoionic concentrations within the organism, they would be moving into the organism from the seawater. The fact that the organism can maintain hypoionic concentrations suggests not only that a form of ionic regulation exists within cephalopods, but also that they also actively excrete certain ions such as potassium and sulfate to maintain homeostasis. O. vulgaris has a mollusc-style kidney system, which is very different from mammals.
As adults, most digeneans possess a terminal or subterminal mouth, a muscular pharynx that provides the force for ingesting food, and a forked, blind digestive system consisting of two tubular sacs called caeca (sing. caecum). In some species the two gut caeca join posteriorly to make a ring-shaped gut or cyclocoel. In others the caeca may fuse with the body wall posteriorly to make one or more anuses, or with the excretory vesicle to form a uroproct. Digeneans are also capable of direct nutrient uptake through the tegument by pinocytosis and phagocytosis by the syncitium.
With all the essential molecules inside the epithelial cell, some such as Cl-, glucose and vitamins pass through their respective channels on the basal lateral side into the blood. Na+ continues to be pumped into the blood maintaining the osmotic gradient allowing for continuous reabsorption of these molecules and ions.Muller, Michael, "The Excretory System" , "University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Biological Sciences", 2004 Terrestrial birds like the Corvus corax produce urine that is osmotically more concentrated then its blood plasma. This is likely due to the fact that water is not as abundant in raven habitat.
Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. In vertebrates, it is composed of blood cells suspended in blood plasma. Plasma, which constitutes 55% of blood fluid, is mostly water (92% by volume), and contains proteins, glucose, mineral ions, hormones, carbon dioxide (plasma being the main medium for excretory product transportation), and blood cells themselves. Albumin is the main protein in plasma, and it functions to regulate the colloidal osmotic pressure of blood.
All zooids, including those of the solitary species, consist of a cystid that provides the body wall and produces the exoskeleton and a polypide that contains the internal organs and the lophophore or other specialist extensions. Zooids have no special excretory organs, and the polypides of autozooids are scrapped when the polypides become overloaded by waste products; usually the body wall then grows a replacement polypide. In autozooids the gut is U-shaped, with the mouth inside the "crown" of tentacles and the anus outside it. Colonies take a variety of forms, including fans, bushes and sheets.
X "X-rated" films are not suitable for public exhibition. A film shall be disapproved for public viewing if, in the judgment of the Board: # The average person, applying contemporary community standards and values, would find that the dominant theme of the work, taken as a whole appeals solely to the prurient interest and satisfies only the craving for gratuitous sex and/or violence. # The film depicts in a patently lewd, offensive, or demeaning manner, excretory functions and sexual conduct such as sexual intercourse, masturbation and exhibition of the genitals. # The film clearly constitutes an attack against any race, creed, or religion.
The distal segment of the legs, the tarsus, is equipped with a terminal claw or pair of claws and sometimes with an adhesive pad or sucker that enables the mite to crawl up smooth surfaces. The internal organs (or viscera) include a tubular gut with a posterior anus, paired excretory tubes (Malpighian tubules) that empty out into the anus, paired respiratory tubes (tracheae) that carry atmospheric air directly up against the viscera, paired salivary glands with ducts to the mouthparts, female or male reproductive organs (ovary or testes), and a central nervous ganglion that acts as a simple brain.
Nephrology concerns the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, including electrolyte disturbances and hypertension, and the care of those requiring renal replacement therapy, including dialysis and renal transplant patients. The word 'dialysis' is from the mid 19th century: via Latin from the Greek word 'dialusis'; from 'dialuein' (split, separate), from 'dia' (apart) and 'luein' (set free). In other words, dialysis replaces the primary (excretory) function of the kidney, which separates (and removes) excess toxins and water from the blood, placing them in the urine. Many diseases affecting the kidney are systemic disorders not limited to the organ itself, and may require special treatment.
Earthworm metanephridium (9). Earthworm metanephridium A metanephridium (meta = "after") is a type of excretory gland found in many types of invertebrates such as annelids, arthropods and mollusca. (In mollusca, it is known as the Bojanus organ.) A metanephridium typically consists of a ciliated funnel opening into the body cavity, or coelom connected to a duct which may be variously glandularized, folded or expanded (vesiculate) and which typically opens to the organism's exterior. These ciliated tubules pump water carrying surplus ions, metabolic waste, toxins from food, and useless hormones out of the organism by directing them down funnel-shaped bodies called nephrostomes.
Roujin Z is set in early 21st-century Japan. A group of scientists and hospital administrators, under the direction of the Ministry of Public Welfare, have developed the Z-001: a computerized hospital bed with robotic features. The Z-001 takes complete care of the patient: it can dispense food and medicine, remove excretory waste, bathe and exercise the patient lying within its frame. The bed is driven by its own built-in nuclear power reactor—and in the event of an atomic meltdown, the bed (including the patient lying within) would become automatically sealed in concrete.
Xiphosurans have well-developed circulatory systems, with numerous arteries that send blood from the long tubular heart to the body tissues, and then to two longitudinal sinuses next to the gills. After being oxygenated, the blood flows into the body cavity, and back to the heart. The blood contains haemocyanin, a blue copper-based pigment performing the same function as haemoglobin in vertebrates, and also has blood cells that aid in clotting. The excretory system consists of two pairs of coxal glands connected to a bladder that opens near the base of the last pair of walking legs.
Hanrahan's books were just as expressive and confronting as her artworks. In books such as the Scent of Eucalyptus are described as breaking the suburban female mould, “in- scribing the female sexual, reproductive and excretory body in text”. Her novels often had a main character that was similar to Hanrahan herself. Annette Stewart writes about the difficulty in being able to distinguish fact and fiction. “Confusion between reality and the imagination was key to barbara writing, lending it a particular and distinctive atmosphere.” Hanrahan's book, Sea Green features a narrator, Virginia and her move from Adelaide, South Australia to London.
In dogs, the violet or supracaudal gland is found approximately above the 9th caudal vertebra, but depending on breed it may be vestigial or entirely absent. The violet gland secretes protein and hydrophobic lipids, has wide excretory ducts, is connected with coarse hairs, devoid of cysts, and has no sexual dimorphism. In the dog and cat fancy it is often referred to as "stud tail", despite the fact that it occurs in all sexes, not just breeding males. However, for reasons still unknown the hair at a dog's violet gland tends to fall out when androgen levels are high over a prolonged time.
The most primitive gastropods retain two nephridia, but in the great majority of species, the right nephridium has been lost, leaving a single excretory organ, located in the anterior part of the visceral mass. The nephridium projects into the main venous sinus in the animal's foot. The circulatory fluid of gastropods, known as haemolymph directly bathes the tissues, where it supplies them with oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste, a necessary waste product of metabolism. From the arterial sinuses bathing the tissues, it drains into the venous sinus, and thus flows past the nephridium.
In some groups, these two vessels arise directly from the heart, so that the animal may be said to have two aortas. These two vessels in turn divide into many finer vessels throughout the body, and deliver haemolymph to open arterial sinuses where it bathes and oxygenates the tissues. De-oxygenated haemolymph drains into a large venous sinus within the head and foot, which contains the nephridium, an excretory organ with a function similar to that of the vertebrate kidney. From here it passes into vessels within the gill, or into the capillary network of the pulmonate lung, before returning to the heart.
Although the excretion of nitrogenous waste occurs mostly through the tegument, trematodes do possess an excretory system, which is instead mainly concerned with osmoregulation. This consists of two or more protonephridia, with those on each side of the body opening into a collecting duct. The two collecting ducts typically meet up at a single bladder, opening to the exterior through one or two pores near the posterior end of the animal. The brain consists of a pair of ganglia in the head region, from which two or three pairs of nerve cords run down the length of the body.
The seminal vesicles are a pair of glands in males that are positioned below the urinary bladder and at the end of the vasa deferentia, where they enter the prostate. Each vesicle is a coiled and folded tube, with occasional outpouchings termed diverticula in its wall. The lower part of the tube ends as a straight tube called the excretory duct which joins with the vas deferens of that side of the body to form an ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory ducts pass through the prostate gland before opening separately into the verumontanum of the prostatic urethra.
Anatomy viewed from below with frontal edge of mantle on the top. Heart (red) is surrounded by renal organ (yellow). Retractor muscles (blue) include retractor muscle of left eye tentacle (depicted on the right), retractor muscle of right eye tentacle and retractor muscle of odontophore (both on the left). The cerebral ganglia, a central processing area which is equivalent to the brain within the nervous system of the slug The circulatory and excretory systems of the Kerry slug are closely related; the heart is surrounded by the triangular kidney, which has a lamellate (layered) structure and two ureters.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease that differentially affects specific motor pools and classes of motor neurons. ALS modelled in mice, for example, was shown to lead first to rapid FF motor neuron loss, followed by a delayed loss of FR neurons, leaving S type neurons largely intact in the late stages of the disease. Further, in late-stage ALS patients, death of motor neurons is pool-specific. Motor neuron death all throughout the spinal cord leads to a nearly complete loss of voluntary movement; however, ocular control and voluntary control of excretory functions remain mostly unaffected.
There is no heart and separate circulatory system but at the base of the disc there is a large blood vessel known as the axial organ, containing some slender blind-ended tubes of unknown function, which extends into the stalk. These various fluid-filled spaces, in addition to transporting nutrients around the body, also function as both a respiratory and an excretory system. Oxygen is absorbed primarily through the tube feet, which are the most thin-walled parts of the body, with further gas exchange taking place over the large surface area of the arms. There are no specialised organs for excretion while waste is collected by phagocytic coelomocytes.
In animal anatomy, a cloaca (plural cloacae or ) is the posterior orifice that serves as the only opening for the digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts (if present) of many vertebrate animals, opening at the vent. All amphibians, reptiles, birds, and a few mammals (monotremes, tenrecs, golden moles, and marsupial moles) have this orifice, from which they excrete both urine and feces; this is in contrast to most placental mammals, which have two or three separate orifices for evacuation. Excretory openings with analogous purpose in some invertebrates are also sometimes referred to as cloacae. Mating by cloaca is known as cloacal copulation, commonly referred to as cloacal kiss.
The intestinal epithelium secretes further digestive enzymes and absorbs the released nutrients, although the majority of digestion has already taken place externally or in the mouth. Indigestible remnants arrive in the rear intestine, or rectum, which is once again lined with a cuticula and which opens at the anus, located on the underside near to the rear end. In almost every segment is a pair of excretory organs called nephridia, which are derived from coelom tissue. Each consists of a small pouch that is connected, via a flagellated conductor called a nephridioduct, to an opening at the base of the nearest leg known as a nephridiopore.
The pouch is occupied by special cells called podocytes, which facilitate ultrafiltration of the blood through the partition between haemocoelom and nephridium. The composition of the urinary solution is modified in the nephridioduct by selective recovery of nutrients and water and by isolation of poison and waste materials, before it is excreted to the outside world via the nephridiopore. The most important nitrogenous excretion product is the water-insoluble uric acid; this can be excreted in solid state, with very little water. This so-called uricotelic excretory mode represents an adjustment to life on land and the associated necessity of dealing economically with water.
No major pathological changes are observed in Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks infected with THOV. The virus is concentrated in the synganglion (the tick brain) early on in the blood-feeding process, with the proportion of virus located in the salivary glands increasing during the late phase of blood-feeding. Lower levels of virus are found in the trachea, digestive tract and female sex organs, but not in the male sex organs or the excretory system. The high level of virus present in the synganglion has been proposed to help the virus persist through the metamorphosis of the tick, as the nervous system undergoes less remodeling than other systems.
Before any symptomatic manifestation of colony collapse disorder, various physio- pathological traits may serve as biomarkers for colony health as well as predict CCD status. Bees of collapsing colonies tend to have a soft fecal matter, half-filled rectums, rectal enteroliths (rectal stones), and Malpighian tubule iridescence. The defective rectum indicates nutritional disruption or water imbalance, whereas rectal enteroliths suggest a malfunction of excretory physiology which might further lead to constipation and poor osmoregulation in CCD bees. These traits express at various degrees across four bee age groups (newly emerged bees, nurse bees, non-pollen foragers, and pollen foragers) and were confirmed not to be associated with age.
The general structure of the veliger includes a shell that surrounds the visceral organs of the larva (e.g., digestive tract, much of the nervous system, excretory organs) and a ciliated velum that extends beyond the shell as a single or multi-lobed structure used for swimming and particulate food collection: veliger signifies "velum bearer." The larva may have, or may develop, a foot that will be used by the newly settled veliger as it moves about and searches for an appropriate place to metamorphose. Following metamorphosis, the foot may be used by the juvenile mollusk to move about on the seabed (in gastropods) or in the seabed (in some bivalves).
Anal expulsiveness is the state of a person who exhibits cruelty, emotional outbursts, disorganization, self-confidence, artistic ability, generosity, rebelliousness and general carelessness. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis theory claims the anal stage follows the oral stage of infant/early-childhood development. This is a time when an infant's attention moves from oral stimulation to anal stimulation (usually the bowels but occasionally the bladder), usually synchronous with learning to control their excretory functions, a time of toilet training. For a child in this stage of development, control of bowel movements is the stage at which the child can express autonomy by withholding, refusing to comply, or soiling himself or herself.
Beneath the nectosome is the siphosome which extends to the far end of Praya dubia, containing several types of specialized zooids in repeating patterns. Some have a long tentacle used for catching and immobilizing food and distributing their digested nutrients to the rest of the colony. Other zooids known as palpons, or dactylozooids, appear to contain an excretory system that may also assist in defense, though little is known about their precise function in Praya dubia. Transparent bracts (also called hydrophyllia), are leaf-shaped organs generally thought to be another type of zooid which covers and forces other zooids to contract in times of danger.
In addition to the myoglobinuria, two other mechanisms contribute to kidney impairment: low blood pressure leads to constriction of the blood vessels and therefore a relative lack of blood flow to the kidney, and finally uric acid may form crystals in the tubules of the kidneys, causing obstruction. Together, these processes lead to acute tubular necrosis, the destruction of the cells of tubules. Glomerular filtration rate falls and the kidney is unable to perform its normal excretory functions. This causes disruption of electrolyte regulation, leading to a further rise in potassium levels, and interferes with vitamin D processing, further worsening the low calcium levels.
The film depicts a harrowing week in the life of Bill Jensen (Giuseppe Andrews), a young, sexually confused, half-Latino speed- dealer in San Francisco's Mission District. As the week begins, Bill picks up a bag of speed and starts walking the streets in a desperate attempt to make some money and, more importantly, escape his nightmares. Streetwalking leads to bed-hopping and Bill falls for a one-night stand just long enough to earn, and subsequently, betray her trust. When Bill wakes up from the whole affair in an excretory abyss, his friend Jerm (Keith Brunsmann) provides some support, however Bill fails to express what's truly bothering him.
Spiros Giannakou was the first president of Gerakas, whereas Giannis Papadogeorgakis and Athanasios Zoutsos ensue up to the modern administrative era of the city. During the recent years, Gerakas is trying to balance between the variant forms of development and its urbanization, while it seems to "flirt" with the borders of the Athens metropolitan city. Some of the city's conveniencies are the easy connection between the Athens basin and the East Attica plain, the significant location between the two greak attica mountains and the modern architecture. Among the problems the municipality faces are the delay of the excretory system and some bungling of the street layout.
1 Chelicerae, 2 Palps, 3 Salivary glands, 4 Gut, 5 Excretory (Malpighian) tubules, 6 Anus, 7 Ovary or testes, 8 Air-breathing tubes (tracheae), 9 Central ganglion, 10 Legs, 11 Hypostome The parasitic mites are either just visible to the naked eye or one needs a microscope to see them clearly. The distinct body segmentation characteristic of most arthropods is greatly reduced in the Acari. At the left of the diagram is an anterior section bearing the mouthparts (gnathosoma or capitulum), and at right, a posterior section comprising the main body (idiosoma). Mouthparts are characterized by a central pair of chelicerae, a ventral hypostome, and a lateral pair of palps.
Sea cucumbers extract oxygen from water in a pair of "respiratory trees" that branch in the cloaca just inside the anus, so that they "breathe" by drawing water in through the anus and then expelling it. The trees consist of a series of narrow tubules branching from a common duct, and lie on either side of the digestive tract. Gas exchange occurs across the thin walls of the tubules, to and from the fluid of the main body cavity. Together with the intestine, the respiratory trees also act as excretory organs, with nitrogenous waste diffusing across the tubule walls in the form of ammonia and phagocytic coelomocytes depositing particulate waste.
The mesonephros is constituted of a set of new tubules formed from the lateral and ventral sides of the gonadal ridge joining the cloaca. The mesonephros functions between the 6th and 10th weeks of embryological life of mammals as a temporary kidney, but serves as the permanent excretory organ of aquatic vertebrates. By 8 weeks post-conception, the human mesonephros reaches maximum size and begins to regress, with complete regression occurring by week 16. Despite its transiency, the mesonephros is crucial for the development of structures such as the Wolffian duct (or mesonephric duct), which in turn gives rise to the ureteric bud of the metanephric kidney.
Mites are tiny members of the class Arachnida; most are in the size range but some are larger and some are no bigger than as adults. The body plan is similar to that of ticks in having two regions, a cephalothorax (with no separate head) or prosoma, and an opisthosoma or abdomen. Segmentation has almost entirely been lost and the prosoma and opisthosoma are fused, only the positioning of the limbs indicating the location of the segments. 1 Chelicerae, 2 Palps, 3 Salivary glands, 4 Gut, 5 Excretory (Malpighian) tubules, 6 Anus, 7 Ovary or testes, 8 Air-breathing tubes (tracheae), 9 Central ganglion, 10 Legs, 11 Hypostome.
Iopamidol is indicated for angiography throughout the cardiovascular system, including cerebral and peripheral arteriography, coronary arteriography and ventriculography, pediatric angiocardiography, selective visceral arteriography and aortography, peripheral venography (phlebography), and adult and pediatric intravenous excretory urography and intravenous adult and pediatric contrast enhancement of computed tomographic (CECT) head and body imaging. It is also indicated for intrathecal administration in adult neuroradiology including myelography (lumbar, thoracic, cervical, total columnar), and for contrast enhancement of computed tomographic (CECT) cisternography and ventriculography. Isovue-M 200 (lopamidol Injection) is indicated for thoraco-lumbar myelography in children over the age of two years. Nursing considerations: Early generations of IV contrast carried considerable nephrotoxicity, necessitating continual assessment of renal function.
The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) describes the volume of fluid filtered from the renal (kidney) glomerular capillaries into the Bowman's capsule per unit time. – "Glomerular Filtration Rate" Creatinine clearance is the volume of blood plasma that is cleared of creatinine per unit time and is a useful measure for approximating the GFR. Creatinine clearance exceeds GFR due to creatinine secretion, which can be blocked by cimetidine. Both GFR and CCr may be accurately calculated by comparative measurements of substances in the blood and urine, or estimated by formulas using just a blood test result (eGFR and eCCr) The results of these tests are used to assess the excretory function of the kidneys.
The word sebaceous, meaning "consisting of sebum", was first termed in 1728 and comes from the Latin for tallow. Sebaceous glands have been documented since at least 1746 by Jean Astruc, who defined them as "...the glands which separate the fat." He describes them in the oral cavity and on the head, eyelids, and ears, as "universally" acknowledged. Astruc describes them being blocked by "small animals" that are "implanted" in the excretory ducts and attributes their presence in the oral cavity to apthous ulcers, noting that "these glands naturally [secrete] a viscous humour, which puts on various colours and consistencies... in its natural state is very mild, balsamic, and intended to wet and lubricate the mouth".
The blood of these molluscs contains the respiratory pigment hemocyanin as an oxygen-carrier. The heart consists of one or more pairs of atria (auricles), which receive oxygenated blood from the gills and pump it to the ventricle, which pumps it into the aorta (main artery), which is fairly short and opens into the hemocoel. The atria of the heart also function as part of the excretory system by filtering waste products out of the blood and dumping it into the coelom as urine. A pair of nephridia ("little kidneys") to the rear of and connected to the coelom extracts any re- usable materials from the urine and dumps additional waste products into it, and then ejects it via tubes that discharge into the mantle cavity.
"drunk" in UK English) that are often not considered particularly offensive, and the word also occurs several times with its excretory meaning in the King James Bible. Several of these have been declared legally indecent under the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) TV and radio open-airwave broadcasting regulations. A number of additional words of this length are upsetting to some, for religious or personal sensitivity reasons, such as: arse (UK), damn, crap, hell, piss, wang, and wank (UK). Racist, ableist, and slurs pertaining to an individual's sexual orientation may also qualify, such as mong (in the UK not a racial slur, but short for Mongol, or someone with Down syndrome - previously called Mongolism), gook, kike, spic, coon, dago and dyke.
Karmazin also pointed out that there had been no complaint of the use of the seven dirty words, and included letters of praise from those supporting WYSP for carrying Stern's program. On April 16, 1987, the FCC concluded that Stern had aired indecent material several times. In some instances, his broadcasts "did not merely consist of an occasional off-color reference or expletive, but...a dwelling on sexual and excretory matters in a way that was patently offensive".Colford, pp. 171–172. No fine was imposed, since the FCC believed there may have been some uncertainty as to the reach of the Carlin case, and that its Section 1464 indecency provisions were applied for the first time in a number of years.
Similarly, circularly disposed muscular fibrils formed from the endoderm permit tentacles to be protract or thrust out once they are contracted. These muscle fibres belong to the same two systems, thus allows the whole body to retract or protrude outwards. We can distinguish therefore in the body of a polyp the column, circular or oval in section, forming the trunk, resting on a base or foot and surmounted by the crown of tentacles, which enclose an area termed the peristome, in the centre of which again is the mouth. As a rule there is no other opening to the body except the mouth, but in some cases excretory pores are known to occur in the foot, and pores may occur at the tips of the tentacles.
The first attempt to regulate pornography on the Internet was the federal Communications Decency Act of 1996, which prohibited the "knowing" transmission of "indecent" messages to minors and the publication of materials which depict, in a manner "patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs", unless those materials were protected from access by minors, for example by the use of credit card systems. Immediately challenged by a group of organizations spearheaded by the ACLU, both of these provisions were struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union (1997). The "indecent transmission" and "patently offensive display" provisions were ruled to limit the freedom of speech guarantee of the First Amendment.
Numerous chapters in the Charaka Samhita are dedicated to identifying and classifying seeds, roots, flowers, fruits, stems, aromatic leaves, barks of different trees, plants juices, mountain herbs, animal products ranging from their milk to their excretory waste after the animals eat certain diet or grasses, different types of honey, stones, salts and others. The text also describes numerous recipes, detailing how a particular formulation should be prepared. A typical recipe appears in the Chikitsa Sthana book of the Charaka Samhita as follows: The text, thereafter, asserts that this Anu-taila is to be used as a rubbing oil and as nasal drop for a certain class of ailments. Glucklich mentions other medical texts from ancient India which include the use of Anu-taila in skin therapy.
The early webcasts were criticized for poor connection, and users that could connect were subjected to low video quality. One critic from The New York Times described the initial 20th-century webcast experience as having felt like he was "watching a striptease through a keyhole". Some critics have described the 21st-century televised editions of the show as pornographic, while others have described it as both "outright commercialism" and indistinguishable from an infomercial. The Federal Communications Commission has received complaints regarding the broadcast, but no fines have been imposed, with the FCC, following the 2001 airing, citing the First Amendment and stating that "sexual or excretory activities or organs in a patently offensive manner as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium" were not broadcast.
In September 1991, Helms charged the National Endowment for the Arts with financing art that would turn "the stomach of any normal person" while proposing an amendment to an appropriations bill forbidding the usage of the grants for the N.E.A. in promoting material that would be deemed as depicting "sexual or excretory activities or organs" in an "offensive way." On September 20, the Senate voted 68 to 28 in favor of the amendment. The same night, Helms withdrew another amendment that changed the financing formula of the N.E.A. to funneling over half of its grant money through states as opposed to the Washington headquarters and would see a reduction in the New York fiscal year appropriation from its 26 million to just over 7 million.
It is an excretory function of the plants as it removes waste materials that it accumulated throughout the year. Self-pruning also serves the original purpose of deciduous plant which is to remove excessive parts deemed unnecessary by the plant that might be competitive for water and nutrients. Without the presence of leaves can reduce the excessive energy required to repair damages of leaves to keep them functional which can be caused by predation from insects or other physical factors. As deciduous plant species would commit to full abscission to survive environmental stress, they must expend the extra energy that evergreen species will never need to in order to regrow a full new foliage when the harsh environmental condition resile or approaching to the next growing season.
Creatinine clearance rate (CCr or CrCl) is the volume of blood plasma that is cleared of creatinine per unit time and is a useful measure for approximating the GFR. Creatinine clearance exceeds GFR due to creatinine secretion, which can be blocked by cimetidine. Both GFR and CCr may be accurately calculated by comparative measurements of substances in the blood and urine, or estimated by formulas using just a blood test result (eGFR and eCCr) The results of these tests are used to assess the excretory function of the kidneys. Staging of chronic kidney disease is based on categories of GFR as well as albuminuria and cause of kidney disease. The normal range of GFR, adjusted for body surface area, is 100–130 average 125 mL/min/1.73m2 in men and 90–120 ml/min/1.73m2 in women younger than the age of 40.
Several "four-letter words" have multiple meanings (some even serving as given names), and usually only offend when used in their vulgar senses, for example: cock, dick, knob, muff, puss, shag (UK) and toss (UK). A borderline category includes words that are euphemistic evasions of "stronger" words, as well as those that happen to be short and have both an expletive sound to some listeners as well as a sexual or excretory meaning (many also have other, non- vulgar meanings): butt (US), crud, darn, dump, heck, poop (US), slag (UK, NZ, AUS), slut and turd, as several examples. Finally, certain four-lettered terms with limited usage can be considered offensive by some, within the regional dialect in which they are used, such as mong and mary. Occasionally the phrase "four-letter word" is humorously used to describe common words composed of four letters.
Pool of a medieval mikvah in Speyer, dating back to 1128 . Ancient ablution pool (mikvah) unearthed at Gamla The Hebrew Bible mentions a number of situations when ritual purification is required, including during menstruation, following childbirth (postpartum), sexual relations, nocturnal emission, unusual bodily fluids, skin disease, death (corpse uncleanness), and animal sacrifices. The oral law specifies other situations when ritual purification is required, such as after performing excretory functions, meals, and waking. The purification ritual is generally a form of water-based ritual washing in Judaism for removal of any ritual impurity, sometimes requiring just washing of the hands, and at other times requiring full immersion; the oral law requires the use of un-drawn water for any ritual full immersion - either a natural river/stream/spring, or a special bath (a Mikvah) which contains rain-water.
The Communications Decency Act was an attempt to protect minors from explicit material on the Internet by criminalizing the knowing transmission of "obscene or indecent" messages to any recipient under 18; and also the knowing sending to a person under 18 of anything "that, in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs." The American Civil Liberties Union argued that certain parts of the act were facially unconstitutional and sought a preliminary injunction preventing the government from enforcing those provisions. Section 561 of the act required that any facial challenges be heard by a panel of three district judges; that panel granted the injunction. Because the act also permitted appeals to be heard directly by the Supreme Court, the Court affirmed the panel's judgment without the usual intermediate appellate decision.
Any television program that does not conform to the "G", "PG", and "SPG" classification shall be disapproved for television broadcast. The material shall be disapproved for television broadcast if, in the judgment of the Board applying contemporary Filipino cultural values as standard, it is objectionable for being immoral, indecent, contrary to law and/or good customs, injurious to the prestige of the Republic of the Philippines or its people, or with a dangerous tendency to encourage the commission of violence, or of a wrong, or crime, such as but not limited to: # The work depicts in a patently lewd, offensive, or demeaning manner, excretory functions, and sexual conduct such as sexual intercourse, masturbation and exhibition of the genitals. # The work clearly constitutes an attack against any race, creed or religion. # The work condones or encourages the use of illegal drugs and substances.
In effect, therefore, Mayow – who also gives a remarkably correct anatomical description of the mechanism of respiration – preceded Priestley and Lavoisier by a century in recognising the existence of oxygen, under the guise of his "spiritus nitro-aereus," as a separate entity distinct from the general mass of the air. Mayow perceived the part "spiritus nitro- aereus" plays in combustion and in increasing the weight of the calces (oxides) of metals as compared with metals themselves. Rejecting the common notions of his time that the use of breathing is to cool the heart, or assist the passage of the blood from the right to the left side of the heart, or merely to agitate it, Mayow saw in inspiration a mechanism for introducing oxygen into the body, where it is consumed for the production of heat and muscular activity. He even vaguely conceived of expiration as an excretory process.
The respiratory and excretory systems of arthropods vary, depending as much on their environment as on the subphylum to which they belong. Their vision relies on various combinations of compound eyes and pigment-pit ocelli: in most species the ocelli can only detect the direction from which light is coming, and the compound eyes are the main source of information, but the main eyes of spiders are ocelli that can form images and, in a few cases, can swivel to track prey. Arthropods also have a wide range of chemical and mechanical sensors, mostly based on modifications of the many bristles known as setae that project through their cuticles. Arthropods' methods of reproduction and development are diverse; all terrestrial species use internal fertilization, but this is often by indirect transfer of the sperm via an appendage or the ground, rather than by direct injection.
Hoover and Drickamer's original study did not delve into any specific mechanisms of action for the effect on female oestrus cycles beyond stating that the results of their work support the conclusion that some factor in the urine of the pregnant and lactating mice used did act to affect the oestrus cycles of the subjects used. Their conclusions suggested exploring the excretory components of the urine of pregnant and lactating mice to explore whether any substances in it constituted a pheromone that could impact mice on a physiological level such that oestrus cycles could be affected. A 2006 study by Stephen D. Liberles and Linda B. Buck demonstrated that in mouse olfactory epithelium, there is a specialized receptor sub-class called the trace amine-associated receptor (TAAR). Some of these receptors were found to be activated by volatile amines in mouse urine and at least one presumed mouse pheromone.
There are characteristics that are particularly important for the terrestrial lifestyle of arachnids, such as internal respiratory surfaces in the form of tracheae, or modification of the book gill into a book lung, an internal series of vascular lamellae used for gas exchange with the air. While the tracheae are often individual systems of tubes, similar to those in insects, ricinuleids, pseudoscorpions, and some spiders possess sieve tracheae, in which several tubes arise in a bundle from a small chamber connected to the spiracle. This type of tracheal system has almost certainly evolved from the book lungs, and indicates that the tracheae of arachnids are not homologous with those of insects. Further adaptations to terrestrial life are appendages modified for more efficient locomotion on land, internal fertilisation, special sensory organs, and water conservation enhanced by efficient excretory structures as well as a waxy layer covering the cuticle.
In spite of his speedy and remarkable recovery from the spinal injury he received in the train accident in 1899, Albert Johnson continued to feel the effects of his injury for the rest of his life. Although he regained the ability to walk, he suffered from partial paralysis below the waist, specifically paralysis of the excretory organs. His paralysis was such that Johnson was forced to catheterize himself multiple times every day to assist in his ability to urinate, and keep meticulous records of his daily fluid intake and output in order to monitor his own health. There is also some speculation that Johnson was also forced to carry a colostomy bag with him for the rest of his life, based on the observations of a few of his friends that Johnson frequently wore clothing that was too baggy for him, possibly to disguise certain side effects of his injuries.
Population pharmacokinetics is the study of the sources and correlates of variability in drug concentrations among individuals who are the target patient population receiving clinically relevant doses of a drug of interest. Certain patient demographic, pathophysiological, and therapeutical features, such as body weight, excretory and metabolic functions, and the presence of other therapies, can regularly alter dose-concentration relationships and can explain variability in exposures. For example, steady- state concentrations of drugs eliminated mostly by the kidney are usually greater in patients suffering from kidney failure than they are in patients with normal kidney function receiving the same drug dosage. Population pharmacokinetics seeks to identify the measurable pathophysiologic factors and explain sources of variability that cause changes in the dose-concentration relationship and the extent of these changes so that, if such changes are associated with clinically relevant and significant shifts in exposures that impact the therapeutic index, dosage can be appropriately modified.
Around the age of 38, and with a remarkable academic career behind him, Malpighi decided to dedicate his free time to anatomical studies. Although he conducted some of his studies using vivisection and others through the dissection of corpses, his most illustrative efforts appear to have been based on the use of the microscope. Because of this work, many microscopic anatomical structures are named after Malpighi, including a skin layer (Malpighi layer) and two different Malpighian corpuscles in the kidneys and the spleen, as well as the Malpighian tubules in the excretory system of insects. Although a Dutch spectacle maker created the compound lens and inserted it in a microscope around the turn of the 17th century, and Galileo had applied the principle of the compound lens to the making of his microscope patented in 1609, its possibilities as a microscope had remained unexploited for half a century, until Robert Hooke improved the instrument.
Ford has campaigned on the mis-use of forensic data in courts.Laboratory News p 20, 8 July 1991 Ford's recent research interests included e-learning,Laboratory News p 16, 12 January 2006Times Higher Education Supplement p 2, 18 November 2005 for which he was based at the University of Leicester. Ford's other publications range from microbial researchThe Microscope vol 52:3/4 pp 135–144 2004 and elucidating newly threatening infectionsThe Microscope vol 51:4 pp 209–220 2003 to examining scientists' dissatisfaction with their lot.New Scientist vol 145 p 11, 18 March 1995 Other areas of his interests are the invention of a space microscope commissioned by Brunel University, to be used by European Space Agency, safety of the water supply'Merely going through the seaside motions', The Guardian p 23, 17 August 1991 and the rising incidence of head lice'Pediculus, bug with a lousy image', Sunday Times, 14 November 1971 and bed bugs, his discovery of new phenomena in blood coagulation,Clinical Laboratory International vol 30(5) pp 12–13, September 2006 the excretory mechanisms of plantsJournal of Biological Education vol 20(4) pp 251–254 1986 and investigations of the 'ingenuity' of living cellsBiologist magazine vol 53(4) pp 221–224 that alter our understanding of the living cell.

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