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291 Sentences With "daemons"

How to use daemons in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "daemons" and check conjugation/comparative form for "daemons". Mastering all the usages of "daemons" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That's when the fearsome daemons come out to murder you.
Correction: A previous version of this article stated that the daemons were puppeteer-operated.
Daemons, of course, are one of the central conceits of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy.
When actors needed to demonstrate the weight of daemons, the team made gray furry cushions called bucks.
With a daemon, you can even touch your lover's soul, as Will and Lyra touch each other's daemons.
But how exactly were these daemons — with their subtle movements and facial expressions — actually woven into the show?
The souls of powerful warriors become daemons, and Kagachi can recruit them to help him fight the Fallen.
Improving your daemons will also unlock their memories, giving you a bit of backstory about how they died.
They created a whopping 41 daemons, completed 2,145 shots, and delivered three hours' worth of VFX across eight episodes.
ET on HBO in the US.Watch the full video below to see how the daemons were brought to life.
Some "flappy" puppets were used for daemons that were in flight or had to land on actors&apos arms.
These had weight and shape to make it look like actors were holding daemons or pressing their face to them.
His Dark Materials is set in an alternate world where parts of people's souls manifest as external animals called daemons.
Wilson, who worked closely with her puppeteer, Brian Fisher, said the daemons help illuminate flesh-and-blood characters like her Mrs.
Daemons are animal spirits meant to represent the essential characteristics—what we might traditionally call the soul—of their human companions.
The series is set in an alternate world in which people are accompanied by manifestations of their souls, shapeshifting animals called daemons.
The series is set in an alternate universe where people are accompanied by manifestations of their souls, shapeshifting animals known as daemons.
Actors would initially work with puppeteer-operated daemons in order to help develop individual scenes, and then Dodgson's team would step in.
Daemons also improve the more you use them, and you can pick and choose new skills to build your own fighting style.
While children's daemons change animal form at will, upon puberty the creature "settles" into one shape, a metaphor for adulthood's closing off of possibilities.
The level of detail instilled in the daemons isn't just a finishing touch — it's an important insight into the inner-workings of individual characters.
It was the universal sentiment both of the church and of heretics, that the daemons were the authors, the patrons, and the objects of idolatry.
Interestingly, there's no sign anywhere of any of the characters' daemons, and only the briefest of glimpses of the story's trademark magical item, the alethiometer.
Ever at her side is the animal spirit Pantalaimon (Kit Conner); in this world, "daemons" like him are the physical representations of an individual's soul.
As things go along, it will stand ready with an army of daemons ready to launch on-demand if they're needed to support some possible user action.
The story centers on Lyra Belacqua, an orphan living at Jordan College in a parallel-world Oxford, in which zeppelins float and the gargoyles represent animal daemons.
The fantasy novel follows the adventures of Lyra Belacqua, a child from an alternate world in which people's souls physically manifest as shape-shifting animals called daemons.
The religious framework has not been neglected in this new TV version, and neither have the "daemons" — the characters' souls that exist alongside humans as talking animal companions.
Then catch a preview from the latest episode of Motherboard's web series Speed Daemons, where we test out an off-road trophy truck in the desert in northern Las Vegas.
The subplots include the mysterious abduction of children, people in this world traveling about with spirit animals called daemons and the shadowy machinations of ruling cabal known as the Magisterium.
How much longer do mom and dad have to wait to see Alexander Hamilton arrive in Lyra Belacqua's world of Gyptians, stolen children, and those animal spirits known as daemons?
Children, with their fluid identities, have shapeshifting daemons, but at puberty a daemon settles down into a single form: a scholarly raven, a tough Arctic hare, a glamorous and malevolent golden monkey.
Ross's chief points of contention with Pullman's book—that the characters murder God and consort with beings called "daemons"—fueled pious right-wing tirades for years, even though they are based on misreadings.
The novels follow the adventures of 12-year-old Lyra Belacqua, who lives in a parallel universe version of Oxford where humans are constantly accompanied by animal "daemons," the literal embodiments of their souls.
You can tell a large group people who are fans of the books have spent time poring over the little details — from the costumes and set design to the impressively realistic-looking CG daemons.
In His Dark Materials, the Magisterium's evil nature becomes apparent in its attempt to separate children them from their daemons—an act equivalent to a lobotomy—to harness the resulting energy for its own ends.
Following Lyra Belacqua and Will Parry through parallel universes and an intense theological hunt/coming-of-age story, His Dark Materials would be a stunning TV show full of witches, armored polar bears, daemons and fantastical creatures.
Now Pullman is returning to the central world of His Dark Materials — Lyra's world of daemons and armored bears and alethiometers — in a trilogy called The Book of Dust, of which La Belle Sauvage is the first installment.
As a treat, there are scenes demonstrating the special bond between humans and their daemons, one of Pullman's most delightful creations, as when Lyra babbles endlessly with her baby dæmon, the two teaching each other how to talk.
The two pre-eminent distinguishing features are an all-powerful, malevolent Church centred in Geneva, and daemons: a sort of external soul that all humans have and which takes the form of different animals depending on the person's character.
You're holding the line like you're defending Gralea, but just as the city was befallen by Daemons, the enchiladas break the phalanx and now everyone at the Phoenix, Cincinnati and Spokane offices are inquiring about the interference on the line.
The flashiest visual accomplishment is the rendering of "daemons" — manifestations of the soul in animal form, which accompany every human in this world, resulting, for instance, in combat scenes in which the warring humans are flanked by monkeys, birds and bunnies.
The ambiance looks to be quite a bit more creepy than the 2007 feature film, and it shows off the Daemons and other sentient polar bears in Lyra's world, which we didn't really see in the teaser the BBC released earlier this year.
In the latest episode of our Speed Daemons series, host Derek Mead travels to the Mojave Desert to meet the people under the hoods and behind the wheels of vehicles capable of whipping over boulders and ditches at 130 miles per hour.
Not too many years after the success of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight," Harkness, surveying the racks of paperbacks at an airport bookstore, was struck by the fact that so many of the books "suggested vampires, daemons, witches, fairies, werewolves and all manner of supernatural creatures were living among us," she recalls.
It took two-and-a-half years for the creative team — including the writer Jack Thorne, the director Tom Hooper (who directed the first two episodes) and the special-effects studio Framestore — to figure out how to structure the series, bring the daemons (pronounced "demons") to life and create the different environments that the heroine journeys through.
The bond between human and daemon is sacred, as the opening credits to the first season of the HBO/BBC One adaptation of the series will tell you, and we learn the rules of daemons in the early scenes of His Dark Materials: They are a representation of the human's character in some way; they can't get very far from their person, to hurt a daemon is to hurt the human.
His Dark Materials, in just these introductory moments, promises not just the intellectual chewiness of Pullman's books, but also the character- and theme-building that extends the story beyond the page and into the realm of prestige TV. His Dark Materials, in just its introductory moments, promises not just the intellectual chewiness of Philip Pullman's books, but also the character- and theme-building that extends the story beyond the page and into the realm of prestige TV. The first question you'll have about the series, of course, is: Are the daemons any good?
There are two main programs in the launchd system: launchd and launchctl. launchd manages the daemons at both a system and user level. Similar to xinetd, launchd can start daemons on demand. Similar to watchdogd, launchd can monitor daemons to make sure that they keep running.
Daemons are fast, over 6 feet tall, and take more magic to create. 13 krul form a squad. A platoon is composed of 13 squads, or 169 krul and therefore 13 daemons.
Systems often start daemons at boot time that will respond to network requests, hardware activity, or other programs by performing some task. Daemons such as cron may also perform defined tasks at scheduled times.
The is an organization founded and led by Artorius as a means of fighting daemons with the help of malakhim. During these three years, the Abbey gained much popularity and support. While officially it states the daemonblight is the reason that humans and animals alike turn into daemons, it is a facade to hide the truth behind the origins of daemons: the "impurity", or darkness, within human hearts. Those who fight on behalf of the Abbey are known as exorcists, religious soldiers who quell daemons.
A third installment, A Legacy of Daemons (2010), was published after a long hiatus.
Another concern is the air, so humans have to have damp sponges placed in their nostrils in order to breathe. The trip is made with the daemons pushing the humans toward Levania with great force. At the Lagrangian point between the Earth and the Moon, the daemons have to slow the humans down lest they hurtle with great force into the Moon. After describing the trip to Levania, the daemon notes that daemons are overpowered by the Sun.
The story opens with a quick overview of Santa's castle in the Laughing Valley. Its focus soon switches to the five Caves of the Daemons in nearby (though unnamed) mountains. These creatures are pagan daemons rather than Christian demons, in that they are not servants of Satan or necessarily evil. Four of the five, the Daemons of Selfishness, Envy, Hatred, and Malice, certainly are bad, but the fifth, the Daemon of Repentance, is a more ambiguous figure.
In Debian the GVfs is packaged into four packages: gvfs, gvfs-daemons, gvfs-bin and gvfs-backends.
It is also revealed to the group early on that Daemonblight is actually an impurity called "malevolence" generated by the negative emotions of humanity, which can turn humans into Daemons, and that Daemons and Malakhim are visible to only humans who possess "resonance" in them. Artorius' actions caused humanity's latent resonance to be amplified, revealing Malakhim and Daemons. Laphicet is revealed to be the reincarnation of Celica's unborn son. Initially disheartened by the revelations, Velvet embraces her role as the "Lord of Calamity" who will topple the Abbey.
That means that the software packages and daemons of those systems/distributions support it, coming with or using the available scripts.
Often the costumes and masks on parades strictly follow traditional designs and represent specific historical characters, public figures – or specific daemons.
They dwell in the shadows of the Earth, called Volva by the inhabitants of Levania. The daemons can rush to Volva during a solar eclipse, otherwise they remain hidden in shadows on Levania. After the daemon describes other daemons' behavior, she goes on to describe Levania. Levania is divided into two hemispheres called Privolva and Subvolva.
The developers of systemd aimed to replace the Linux init system inherited from UNIX System V and Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) operating systems. Like init, systemd is a daemon that manages other daemons. All daemons, including systemd, are background processes. Systemd is the first daemon to start (during booting) and the last daemon to terminate (during shutdown).
Eurynomos is one of the daemons of the underworld, who eats off all the flesh of the corpses, leaving only their bones.
While under the influence of a stupefactive or anaesthetic, the sorcerer or the person subjected to his artifices, beheld spirits or daemons.
Syntax: :`RULES` Requests the server rules. This command is not formally defined in an RFC, but is used by most major IRC daemons.
According to the daemon, there is a pathway between the island of Levania and Earth. When the pathway is open, daemons can take humans to the island in four hours. The journey is a shock to humans, so they are sedated for the trip. Extreme cold is also a concern on the trip, but the daemons use their powers to ward it off.
Doctor Who: The Daemons (2012). BBC Warner DVD. ASIN: B0072BNJGC The omnibus repeat achieved higher ratings than the original broadcast, with 10.5 million viewers.
It may also be combined with the NAMESX command. This command is not formally defined in an RFC, but is recognized by most major IRC daemons.
FRRouting (FRR) is an IP routing protocol suite for Unix and Linux platforms. It incorporates protocol daemons for BGP, IS-IS, LDP, OSPF, PIM, and RIP.
Clients mount the POSIX-compatible file system using a Linux kernel client. An older FUSE-based client is also available. The servers run as regular Unix daemons.
Here Be Daemons is a short story anthology by author Basil Copper. It was published by Robert Hale Publishing in 1978. It was Copper's third book published.
2 Operator flags are used to describe the permissions an operator is granted. While some IRC operators may be in charge of network routing, others may be in charge of network abuse, making their need for certain permissions different. Operator flags available vary widely depending on which IRC daemon is in use. Generally, more feature rich IRC daemons tend to have more operator flags, and more traditional IRC daemons have fewer.
His main daemons are the Daemonettes (his soldiers), the Fiends (his beasts), and his Steeds (his serpentine mounts). They are led by Greater Daemons called the Keepers of Secrets, lithe creatures with unholy beauty. His realm is described to be a massive castle in the middle of seven circles, each representing one of the classical seven deadly sins. People cannot make it through without succumbing to some type of flaw.
Starting off with a basic sword Daemon, Kagachi gains more Daemons as the story progresses. Each Daemon comes with a different weapon type, such as scythes, axes and spears. Daemons have different weapon-based skills, mapped to four different control buttons, each with a cooldown timer after use. Using a Daemon increases an affinity meter; reaching 100% raises Kagachi's attack power, while going above 150% begins decreasing his defence.
Syntax: :`HELP` Requests the server to display the help file. This command is not formally defined in an RFC, but is in use by most major IRC daemons.
Note that macOS uses the term "services" to designate software that performs functions selected from the Services menu, rather than using that term for daemons as Windows does.
The party continues towards Niflheim's capital of Gralea by train. Ignis' blindness and Noctis's mourning of Lunafreya cause friction with Gladiolus until Ignis forces a reconciliation. It is also revealed that the nights are growing longer, causing more Daemons to appear. Ardyn then tricks Noctis into throwing Prompto from the train, and holds Prompto and the Crystal captive in Gralea's military fortress Zegnautus Keep, revealing the Crystal's power can destroy the Daemons.
There are two main strategies when creating launchd dependencies on Tiger: IPC allows daemons to talk amongst themselves to work out dependencies, or daemons can watch files or paths for changes. Using IPC is much more subtle than the SystemStarter's keys and requires more work from the developer, but it may lead to cleaner and quicker startups. SystemStarter was still supported up to OS X Mountain Lion, but was removed in OS X Yosemite.
After the term was adopted for computer use, it was rationalized as a "backronym" for Disk And Execution MONitor. Daemons that connect to a computer network are examples of network services.
A motley and fractious crew of Daemons, Malakhim, and humans out to overthrow the Abbey and kill its leader: Artorius, the team is ruthless and pragmatic; despite their differing motivations, however, they come to trust each other completely. When not hanging out on the Van Eltia, they travel the land, fighting daemons, malakhim, and the Abbey alike. ; :Voiced by (English): Cristina Vee Voiced by (Japanese): Rina Satō :A 19-year-old woman who transformed into a Daemon and was subsequently imprisoned because of an incident that happened three years prior to the events of the game in her village. After breaking out of her island prison Titania, she battles the Abbey and their Exorcists who have shed their emotions in pursuit of victory against Daemons.
It is used by Debian build servers, which automatically build binary packages for every supported architecture. The Launchpad service provides similar build daemons for Ubuntu, both the official distribution and personal package archives (PPAs).
NetworkManager is a daemon that sits on top of libudev and other Linux kernel interfaces (and a couple of other daemons) and provides a high-level interface for the configuration of the network interfaces.
IRC daemons support IPv4, and some also support IPv6. In general, the difference between IPv6 and IPv4 connections to IRC is purely academic and the service operates in much the same manner through either protocol.
A service wrapper is a computer program that wraps arbitrary programs thus enabling them to be installed and run as Windows Services or Unix daemons, programs that run in the background, rather than under the direct control of a user. They are often automatically started at boot time. Arbitrary programs cannot run as services or daemons, unless they fulfil specific requirements which depend on the operating system. They also have to be installed in order for the operating system to identify them as such.
Noctis continues to Tenebrae, where Aranea is aiding refugees from across Eos. While in Tenebrae, Noctis learns that Lunafreya was dying from waking the Astrals, and that Ravus now supports him. On the final journey to Gralea, the train is ambushed by Daemons; after defeating them, Noctis receives the Astral Shiva's blessing from Gentiana, revealed as Shiva's human form. Arriving to find Gralea overrun by Daemons, Noctis is separated from his friends and forced to use the Ring of the Lucii to survive Zegnautus Keep.
The mythology of ancient Greece knew gods, daemons, and heroes. Θεοὶ ἄρχοντες (ruling gods) appear in the subsequent philosophy of Plato.Plato, Phaedr. 247 A. However Philo never alludes to archons: in a single passage (De Mon. i.
Eventually the Chaos Daemons were driven back by Lizardmen and Elves, with the Elves performing a great ritual to drain out the raw magic that was flowing into the world and sustaining the Daemons. Some creatures, such as Dragons and Dragon-Ogres, are stated to have existed prior to the arrival of the Old Ones. After this, Elves and Dwarfs flourished and created mighty empires, but eventually they were set into a slow decline. A series of civil wars amongst the Elves split them into two groups – the malicious Dark Elves and righteous High Elves.
In a rage, she slaughters the nearby Daemons before passing out. She awakes in a prison for Daemons on the island Titania, swearing to kill Artorius and avenge her brother's murder. A group of beings known as Malakhim, who were previously only visible to "resonant" individuals, become visible to most people of the world after the "Advent". Over the next three years, Artorius forms the Abbey to bring peace to the Holy Midgand Empire, becoming the Abbey's "Shepherd" and is seen as a savior by the people for establishing the Exorcists using the malakhim.
The Daemons of the Caves resent Santa Claus because children under the influence of his gifts rarely visit their caves. They decide to frustrate his efforts and counter his influence. (The Daemon of Repentance goes along with the plan, since children cannot reach his remote cave without passing through the caves of his compatriots beforehand.) The Daemons first try to tempt Santa Claus to their own vices; they visit him one by one, and attempt to lure him into selfishness, envy, and hatred. Santa Claus merely laughs at their clumsy efforts.
While they no longer have "canon" rules, they can be used as their generic equivalents. Their original rules accompanied the production models. Ephrael Stern was armed with a standard bolter, a blessed sword (wounded daemons easily, negated invulnerable saves, and destroyed enemy leadership), a jump pack, general bonuses against daemons and is not allowed to receive "faith" based bonuses standard for the Sisters of Battle. She could not join a unit with her fellow Sisters or an army containing any Inquisitor besides Silas Hand (with Silas, she counted as a "henchman".
In that regard Moira was later considered an agent; Martin P. Nilsson associated these daemons to a supposed "Pre-Greek religion".Martin P. Nilsson (1967). Die Geschichte der griechischen Religion. Vol. 1. C. F. Beck, Munich, pp. 361–368.
Many Postfix daemons can simply "die" when they run into a problem; they are automatically restarted when the next service request arrives. This approach makes Postfix highly resilient, as long as the operating system or hardware don't fail catastrophically.
He is married to Linda Goodhew, formerly an associate professor of English literature at Gakushuin University in Tokyo, Japan, and co-author of "The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons." They live near Boulder, Colorado, and have one son, Mark Loy Goodhew.
His main daemons are the Plaguebearers (his soldiers), his Nurglings (smaller, minuscule versions of himself), his Beasts, and his Rot Flies (his flying, disgusting beasts). They are led by Greater Daemons known as Great Unclean Ones, which are physically manifestations of himself in the material world and so terrible that most mortals are instantly driven insane just by looking at one. His realm is described to be a massive rotting garden filled with death and decay. It is said that he has captured the Eldar (Elven) goddess Isha, who whispers the cures of Nurgle's plagues to those in the material realm.
To the right of the painting, daemons drag terrified women away. The woman in the lower right-hand corner turns to see flames reflected in the eyes of the daemon who holds her from behind, with a look of horrified guilt on her face. Behind her, other women struggle helplessly with the daemons or are carried away unconscious, having fainted. In the centre of the foreground is a figure modelled on Caius Gabriel Cibber's Raving Madness, which at the time was one of two monumental sculptures above the entrance to Bethlem Hospital ("Bedlam"), and a well-known London landmark and symbol of insanity.
Guix System uses the GNU Daemon Shepherd as its init system, which is developed in tandem with Guix and is written in Guile as well. It was previously known as "dmd", which stood for "Daemon managing Daemons" or "Daemons-managing Daemon", but changed names to avoid collision with the Digital Mars D compiler. Shepherd supplies user-space functionality asynchronously as services, which under Shepherd are generic functions and object data types that are exported for use by the Shepherd to extend the base operating system in some defined way. In contrast to systemd, a userspace shepherd process runs as that user.
The second version of Realm of Chaos was a boxed set released in 1995 covering all of the rules for the Chaos armies (Beastmen, Warriors, and Daemons) in Warhammer Fantasy. The box also contains the magic spell cards and items for the army.
In order to simplify the use of SMTP, OpenSMTPD implements a smaller set of functionalities than those available in other SMTP daemons, the objective is to provide enough features to satisfy typical usage at the risk of unsuitability for esoteric or niche requirements.
Syntax: :`KNOCK []` Sends a NOTICE to an invitation-only with an optional , requesting an invite. This command is not formally defined by an RFC, but is supported by most major IRC daemons. Support is indicated in a RPL_ISUPPORT reply (numeric 005) with the KNOCK keyword.
On July 19, 2019, Trevor Something debuted his fourth and most recent EP, 'Escape'. His seventh LP, 'microwaves' was released on April 17, 2020. It was quickly followed up with his eighth and latest LP, 'Deep Wave Data Dark Web Daemons' on May 8, 2020.
Some of them hold flutes. These could be a procession of women with animal masks or of hybrid creatures.Pausanias :8.25, 4 -8.42 -8.37Nilsson, Vol I, p.479 Similar processions of daemons or human figures with animal masks appear on Mycenean frescoes and gold rings.
Federation in Ganglia is achieved using a tree of point-to-point connections amongst representative cluster nodes to aggregate the state of multiple clusters. At each node in the tree, a Ganglia Meta Daemon (gmetad) periodically polls a collection of child data sources, parses the collected XML, saves all numeric, volatile metrics to round-robin databases and exports the aggregated XML over a TCP socket to clients. Data sources may be either gmond daemons, representing specific clusters, or other gmetad daemons, representing sets of clusters. Data sources use source IP addresses for access control and can be specified using multiple IP addresses for failover.
On Microsoft Windows NT systems, programs called Windows services perform the functions of daemons. They run as processes, usually do not interact with the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and may be launched by the operating system at boot time. In Windows 2000 and later versions, Windows services are configured and manually started and stopped using the Control Panel, a dedicated control/configuration program, the Service Controller component of the Service Control Manager ( command), the and commands or the PowerShell scripting system. However, any Windows application can perform the role of a daemon, not just a service, and some Windows daemons have the option of running as a normal process.
It may also be combined with the UHNAMES command. This command is not formally defined in an RFC, but is recognized by most major IRC daemons. The newer modern approach is to use IRCv3 protocol extensions to activate the multi-prefix extension for the regular NAMES command.
IRC Scripts have many of the same concepts of other scripting or programming languages, such as variables, event-based execution, modification of core components and functions. IRC Scripts look similar to modular software configuration files, such as those used for some IRC daemons such as UnrealIRCd.
LWK implementations vary, but all strive to provide applications with predictable and maximum access to the central processing unit (CPU) and other system resources. To achieve this, simplified algorithms for scheduling and memory management are usually included. System services (e.g., daemons), are limited to the absolute minimum.
Eudaemons in Greek mythology included deified heroes. They were regarded intermediary spirits between gods and the men. Eudaemons, the good daemons, were understood as guardian spirits, bestowing protection and guidance to ones they watched over. As a counselor, the eudaemon whispered advice and opinions in one's ear.
Several other IRC daemons are derived from ircu, including Nefarious,evilnet development - Home . Asuka, snircd (used by QuakeNet) and OpenIRCd.OpenIRCd Development. DreamForge (formerly used by DALnet) is also based on ircu, but it was forked early during the development of ircu, hence there is little resemblance.
WebYaST is a web interface for YaST that can be used to check the status of the current machine. It can check on the installation of packages, shutdown or reboot the system, change some system settings (such as the time), and change the status of system services or daemons.
Diagram of derivations and relations for common IRCd implementations. More recently, several irc daemons were written from scratch, such as ithildin,Ithildin IRCd InspIRCd,Inspire IRCd csircd (also written by Chris Behrens), ConferenceRoom, Microsoft Exchange Chat Service, WeIRCd, or IRCPlus/IRCXPro.OfficeIRC – IRC Server Software, Web Chat, Internal Communications and Instant Messaging (IM) These attempts have met with mixed success, and large doses of skepticism from the existing IRC development community. With each new IRCd, a slightly different version of the IRC protocol is used,Blog entry mentioning RFC violationsNumerics diversity of different IRC daemons and many IRC clients and bots are forced to compromise on features or vary their implementation based on the server to which they are connected.
Net Daemons Associates (NDA) was a computer system and network administration company that "ran the wave" of the 1990s high tech bubble going from a $900.00 investment to multimillion-dollar revenue, getting purchased by Interliant Corporation right at the start of the economic downturn in 1999. The company started as a partnership between Jennifer Lawton and Christopher Caldwell with help from Rudolph Ventresca. It was founded to take care of spin-offs from the bankrupt company Stardent in 1991 under the name NDI and incorporated in 1992 as Net Daemons Associates (aka NDA). The company grew to 60 people with offices in Massachusetts, California, Colorado, and Utah and $6 million in revenue by 1999.
A fault in any one of these areas may allow the compromise of the entire system. In contrast, the security of a "modified" system (based on an SELinux kernel) depends primarily on the correctness of the kernel and its security-policy configuration. While problems with the correctness or configuration of applications may allow the limited compromise of individual user programs and system daemons, they do not necessarily pose a threat to the security of other user programs and system daemons or to the security of the system as a whole. From a purist perspective, SELinux provides a hybrid of concepts and capabilities drawn from mandatory access controls, mandatory integrity controls, role-based access control (RBAC), and type enforcement architecture.
Officially, the Imperium denies the existence of psychic phenomena, including its manifestations as witchcraft and sorcery, and punishes its belief as ignorant and superstitious; yet the Imperium is also dependent on psychic activity in order to achieve faster-than-light travel between its scattered dominions. The Emperor knows that psychic phenomena originate in The Warp, a parallel dimension reflecting the events of the material world at its most emotional. Within the Warp exist Daemons, sentient vortices of concentrated feeling that are chiefly malignant. The Daemons are themselves in service to the Chaos Gods, also known as the Ruinous Powers, titanic collectives of dark will whose rulership over the parallel dimension is supreme.
Upon his return to Iceland, Duracotus finds his mother still alive. She is overjoyed to learn that he is well studied in astronomy as she too possesses knowledge of astronomy. One day, Fiolxhilde reveals to Duracotus how she learned of the heavens. She tells him about the daemons she can summon.
To control the 13 daemons a bone lord must be raised. The bone lords speak well, they possess more intelligence and they can used talent-based magic. 13 bone lords make a legion, to control a legion a fiend must be raised. 13 fiends make an army, which is 28,561 krul.
They are led by massive Greater Daemons called Bloodthirsters. His realm is described to be a giant killing field with warriors constantly fighting and dying at his feet. His followers often use "blood for the Blood God, skulls for the Skull Throne!" chanted once or repeatedly as their battle cry.
They are led by avianoid Greater Daemons called Lords of Change. His realm is described as a crystalline maze that constantly shifts and distorts, leading people who enter it into unimaginable levels of madness. His followers do not normally use a battle cry, instead muttering about "the plans" during battle.
The phrase "system extension" later came to encompass faceless background applications as well. Extensions generally filled the same role as DOS's terminate and stay resident programs, or Unix's daemons, although by patching the underlying OS code, they had the capability to modify existing OS behaviour, the other two did not.
Ady's point is that he discovers what 'witches' really are, despite all the accusations: innocent. His third publication was The Doctrine of Devils proved to be the grand apostacy of these later times. An essay tending to rectifie those undue notions and apprehensions men have about daemons and evil spirits (1676).
Zebra uses an advanced software architecture to provide a high quality, multi server routing engine. Zebra has an interactive user interface for each routing protocol and supports common client commands. Due to this design, new protocol daemons can be easily added. Zebra library can also be used as a program's client user interface.
Alenka Goljevšček (7 September 1933 – 17 January 2017) was a Slovene writer, essayist and playwright. She won the Levstik Award in 1988 for her book on Slovene mythology Med bogovi in demoni (Amongst Gods and Daemons). She is also a playwright. Her husband was the literary historian, philosopher and essayist Taras Kermauner.
The Lost and the Damned covers the background material and Daemons for the other two major Chaos gods Tzeentch and Nurgle. In addition, it contains rules that allow players and game masters to create their own gods and appropriate Daemons. The additional section introduced important elements for Warhammer 40,000, giving background on the early life of The Emperor as well as rules for the Sensei, immortal children the Emperor fathered during his thousands of years of life before he ascended the Golden Throne, who are champions of the cause of "good". The Sensei have since been written out of the Warhammer 40,000 background, although an explanation for their extermination was given as an Easter egg of sorts in the third edition of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.
When she was a child, Velvet Crowe and her younger brother Laphicet were saved by her brother-in-law Artorius when a Scarlet Night happened and daemons attacked their village; Velvet's pregnant older sister Celica was killed during the event known as the "Opening". Seven years later, Velvet takes care of her sickly brother with Artorius. The Scarlet Night returns, with the entire village succumbing to the Daemonblight: when Velvet finds Artorius, she sees him sacrifice her brother as part of a ritual, known as the "Advent". Artorius attempts to use her for the Advent as well, but she fights back and the Daemonblight possesses her arm, mutating it and turning her into a Daemon called a "Therion", with the ability to absorb Daemons.
The daemons Homados (Battle-Noise), Alala (War-Cry), Proioxis (Onrush), Palioxis (Backrush) and Kydoimos (Confusion)Shield of Heracles 139 ff were closely associated with the Machai. They were accompanied in battlefields by other deities and spirits associated with war and death, such as Ares, Phobos, Deimos, the Keres, Polemos, Enyo, and their mother Eris.
125), a popular writer, expounded an eclectic Platonism in his books On the God of Socrates and On Plato and his Doctrine which are written in Latin. Maximus of Tyre (c. 180), like Plutarch, endeavoured to bridge the gulf between a transcendent God and matter by the assumption of numerous daemons as intermediaries. Atticus (c.
A poll conducted by Doctor Who Magazine in 2009 saw it voted the second best story of the Third Doctor's era.Doctor Who Magazine, "The Mighty 200!", Panini Magazines, 14 October 2009 (The Daemons voted 2nd best Third Doctor story) An April Fool spoof report of a suppressed sixth episode was published in the fanzine DWB in 1993.
Nova is the OpenStack project that provides a way to provision compute instances (aka virtual servers). Nova supports creating virtual machines, baremetal servers (through the use of ironic), and has limited support for system containers. Nova runs as a set of daemons on top of existing Linux servers to provide that service. Nova is written in Python.
From this point, death haunted his life and work.Russell (1971), 178 Though outwardly stoic at the time, he was inwardly broken. He did not express his feelings to critics, but later admitted to friends that "daemons, disaster and loss" now stalked him as if his own version of the Eumenides (Greek for The Furies).Russell (1970), 179.
A site or system operator (siteop/sysop) is in charge of the day-to-day operation of a topsite. They have full (root) access to the server and are able to manage users, groups, and topsite scripts and daemons installed on server. They decide on site rules, and site sections (e.g. TV Rips, XviD movies, MP3 music, etc.).
Angels and Daemons at Play is the sixth full-length studio album by the Norwegian rock-band Motorpsycho. The album was originally released as three EP's; "Babyscooter" (released January 27), "Have Spacesuit Will Travel" (February 3) and "Lovelight" (February 10). Only 500 copies were pressed of each. It was later also released as a single CD and double-LP.
Retrieved on 2006-04-22. The FreeBSD slogan is "The Power to Serve." The NetBSD flag, designed in 2004 by Grant Bissett, is inspired by the original NetBSD logo, Also see NetBSD Logos. designed in 1994 by Shawn Mueller, portraying a number of BSD daemons raising a flag on top of a mound of computer equipment.
The runlevels in System V describe certain states of a machine, characterized by the processes and daemons running in each of them. In general, there are seven runlevels, out of which three runlevels are considered "standard" as they are essential to the operation of a system: : 0. Halt : 1. Single user mode (also known as S or s) : 6.
I repeated queer extracts, and > muttered of Afrasiab and the daemons that floated with him down the Oxus; > later chanting over and over again a phrase from one of Lord Dunsany's > tales--"The unreverberate blackness of the abyss." The paragraph goes on to quote the Irish poet Thomas Moore. The Colossi of Memnon are also mentioned.
The primary providence is that of the supreme God. It is concerned with the heavens and the rational souls. The secondary providence is recognizable by the influence of heavenly bodies on the order of the coming of perishable things and the preservation of natural things. The tertiary providence in the hierarchy concerns daemons concerning the actions of man.
Troparion (Tone 3) :Vanquisher of daemons, :dispeller of the powers of darkness, :by thy meekness thou hast inherited the earth :and reignest in the Heavens; :intercede, therefore, with our Merciful God, :that our souls may be saved.Holy Hieromartyr Philoumenos. All Saints of North America Russian Orthodox Church. (Eastern American Diocese - Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia).
While the T'au are relatively unified thanks to the T'au's subconscious urge to obey the Ethereals' with only rivalries between military commanders being the worst form of friction, there does exist a separatist faction called the Farsight Enclaves. Led by the renowned Commander Farsight, an expedition from the T'au homeworld was sent east towards the frontier between the Imperium and the T'au Empire to establish future colonies. Unfortunately, the expedition was eventually cut off from contact with the rest of the T'au, no less thanks to Farsight's unusual sense of independence. After an encounter with Daemons on Arthas Moloch led to massive casualties and the death of the Ethereal observers attached to the expedition, Commander Farsight was horrified that they kept the existence of Daemons a secret from the T'au military.
These daemons can move her anywhere on Earth in an instant. If the place is too far away for them to take her, they describe it in great detail. She then summons her favorite daemon to speak with them. The summoned daemon tells them, "Fifty thousand miles up in the Aether lies the island of Levania," which is Earth's moon.
He has no material form, as it constantly shifts and changes. His holy number is 9 and his main enemy god is Nurgle. Those who worship Tzeentch are sorcerers and magicians hungry for knowledge and pursuing a greater understanding of the universe. His main daemons are the Horrors (his soldiers), Flamers and Screamers (his beasts), and Discs (his flying, metal discs).
Sophisticated software development tools that can speed the research and development of new artificial intelligence applications are highly desirable. The SHINE system was developed for that purpose. Included in the system are facilities for developing reasoning processes, memory-data structures and knowledge bases, blackboard systems and spontaneous computation daemons. Computational efficiency and high performance are especially critical in artificial intelligence software.
The group then journey to the Land of Mountains and face Four: after Four's death, Zero recruits Decadus. They then proceed to the Land of Forests. There, Three's disciple Octa attempts to betray his mistress, but she forces him to help her fight Zero. She is killed by Mikhail, who is then attacked and captured by daemons summoned by Two and Cent.
When angry, in the winter he sent down snowstorms and in the summer hurricanes, bringing misfortune. Some illness-bearing spirits or daemons appeared as winds and struck people. Western and northern winds were considered ominous in Turkish opinion. In January and February there were some very windy days and these months were called "Jil Aiy (Yel Ayı)", months of wind.
Determining the abilities of troop is easy: you choose their morale class (A = veterans, B = trained or C = militia) weapons and armour from 11 different races (Human, Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs...). Monsters (flying or not), pack animals and daemons were also available. More races were expected in the supplement Armies of Vortimax. Generation of heroes or wizards is more time consuming.
These must often be invoked in ways that can be awkward to express with the Unix permissions model (for example, allowing users to join wireless networks only if they are logged into the video console). Application authors resort to using setuid binaries or run service daemons to provide their own access control and privilege separation, potentially introducing security holes each time.
Then they report Santa's absence; the queen of the fairies in the Forest of Burzee knows what has happened. An army of magical creatures is mustered to rescue the missing hero. Meanwhile, though, Santa is released from captivity by the Daemon of Repentance, who has repented the kidnapping. Santa meets the army on its way, and turns it back from attacking the daemons.
The development of OpenSMTPD was motivated by a combination of issues with current SMTP daemons: difficult configuration, complicated and difficult to audit code, and unsuitable licensing. OpenSMTPD was designed to solve these problems and make mail exchanges accessible to a wider user-base. After a period of development, OpenSMTPD first appeared in OpenBSD 4.6. The first release shipped with OpenBSD 5.3.
Booting is complete when the operative runtime system, typically operating system and some applications,Including daemons. is attained. The process of returning a computer from a state of hibernation or sleep does not involve booting. Minimally, some embedded systems do not require a noticeable boot sequence to begin functioning and when turned on may simply run operational programs that are stored in ROM.
Syntax: :`USERIP ` Requests the direct IP address of the user with the specified nickname. This command is often used to obtain the IP of an abusive user to more effectively perform a ban. It is unclear what, if any, privileges are required to execute this command on a server. This command is not formally defined by an RFC, but is in use by some IRC daemons.
Note that the original Flavors did not use generic functions. In New Flavors (a successor of Flavors) and CLOS, methods are organized in "generic functions". These generic functions are functions that are defined in multiple cases (methods) by class dispatch and method combinations. CLOS and Flavors allow mixin methods to add behavior to existing methods: `:before` and `:after` daemons, whoppers and wrappers in Flavors.
Usually the only indication of failure is that, at the end of the knock sequence, the port expected to be open is not opened. No packets are sent to the remote user at any time. While this technique for securing access to remote network daemons has not been widely adopted by the security community, it has been actively used in many rootkits even before year 2000.
In the Homeric poems the words moira, aisa, moros mean "portion, part". Originally they did not indicate a power which led destiny, and must be considered to include the "ascertainment" or "proof". By extension Moira is the portion in glory, happiness, mishappenings, death (μοίρα θανάτοιο "destiny of death") which are unexpected events. The unexpected events were usually attributed to daemons, who appeared in special occurrences.
They may be related to Keres, the daemons of death in Greek mythology, who accompanied the dead to the entrance of Hades. In the scene of Kerostasia, Keres are the "lots of death", and in some cases Ker ("destruction") has the same meaning, with Moira interpreted as "destiny of death" (moira thanatoio: μοίρα θανάτοιο).Keres, derived from the Greek verb kērainein (κηραίνειν) meaning "to be destroyed".
Other programs provide administrative support to start or stop Postfix, query status information, manipulate the queue, or to examine or update its configuration files. center ; Yellow ellipses: One of Postfix' many daemons serving exactly one purpose. This split-up into many smaller pieces of software is considered one of the reasons why Postfix is secure and stable. ; Blue boxes: The blue boxes represent so-called lookup tables.
In order, the hierarchy of the Strangers is Krul, Daemons (White Krul), Bone Lords, Fiends, Archanghuls and Night Lords, with Titans possibly more than a single rank about them. It is unknown if there is a rank above Titan, though the Khalidorans mistakenly believed that Khali was. Destroying an army of Strangers requires very powerful magic, and only sends them back to the plane whence they came.
The Daemons' backstories helped communicate the narrative's somber tone. The world's faith and its related imagery drew from real-world rituals for the dead such as the Bon Festival. Following the globe- spanning adventure of Lost Sphear, Inaba wanted to write a story on a small scale similar to Vagrant Story. In the game's Japanese release, multiple linguistic writing systems were employed, including kanji, hiragana, and katakana.
Daemons in computing, generally processes that run on servers to respond to users, are named for Maxwell's demon. Historian Henry Brooks Adams in his manuscript The Rule of Phase Applied to History attempted to use Maxwell's demon as a historical metaphor, though he misunderstood and misapplied the original principle.Cater (1947), pp. 640–647; see also Daub (1970), reprinted in Leff & Rex (1990), pp. 37–51.
The Exec is at heart a real time, multi-threaded batch processing system. Everything has been built around that model. The Exec itself is largely structured as a real time program. Functions that are performed as Services in Windows or Daemons in Linux and UNIX are implemented as either activities within the Exec or as batch programs that are always running in the background.
It consisted of a line discipline within the Unix kernel, a set of daemons that managed queues of commands to be sent across machines, and a set of user-level programs that enqueued the actual commands. The Berkeley Network introduced the file; Horton noted in 1984 that "Berknets are gone now", but support for Berknet's custom email addressing scheme was provided in the Sendmail program until 1993.
3 in Loy and Goodhew, The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2004). When the book was published in the U.S. in 1985, Natalie Babbit from the Washington Post commented: "Is it a children's book? Not here in America."Book: Momo at Donnelly/Colt Progressive Resources website Momo was republished by Puffin Press on January 19, 2009.
One of Celsus' most bitter complaints is of the refusal of Christians to cooperate with civil society, and their contempt for local customs and the ancient religions. The Christians viewed these as idolatrous and inspired by evil spirits, whereas polytheists like Celsus thought of them as the works of the Daemons, or the god's ministers, who ruled mankind in his place to keep him from the pollution of mortality.
Communion is the seventh studio album by Greek death metal band Septicflesh. It was released on March 17, 2008 worldwide, and March 25, 2008 in the United States, both dates through the French label Season of Mist. The album is the first since the band's split up, after the release of Sumerian Daemons in 2003, and the first to be released under the name "Septicflesh" following the band's name change.
Separate daemons such as `rngd` take random numbers from such hardware and make them accessible via `/dev/random`. Since its creation, `/dev/random` and `/dev/urandom` have become standard interfaces on Unix, Linux, BSD, and macOS systems. After MIT IS, Ts'o went to work for VA Linux Systems for two years. In late 2001 he joined IBM, where he worked on improvements in the Linux kernel's performance and scalability.
In 1904, a short story called "A Kidnapped Santa Claus", by Baum, appeared in The Delineator magazine. It was illustrated by Frederick Richardson, who had also illustrated Baum's Queen Zixi of Ix. The story deals with Santa Claus's kidnapping by the Daemons of the caves, in an effort to thwart his yearly delivery of toys. However, Claus's assistants complete the task for him, and later attempt an unnecessary rescue.
On the classic Mac OS, optional features and services were provided by files loaded at startup time that patched the operating system; these were known as system extensions and control panels. Later versions of classic Mac OS augmented these with fully fledged faceless background applications: regular applications that ran in the background. To the user, these were still described as regular system extensions. macOS, which is a Unix system, uses daemons.
31, National Archaeological Museum of Athens, No. 2665"procession of daemons in front of a goddess on a gold ring from Tiryns" Martin Nilsson (1967) Vol I, p. 293 Most of the temples were built near springs, and in some of them there is evidence of a fire which always was kept burning. At Lycosura, a fire burned in front of the temple of Pan, the goat god.Nilsson, Vol I p.
Syntax: :`WATCH [+/-]` Adds or removes a user to a client's server-side friends list. More than one nickname may be specified in a space-separated list, each item prefixed with a "+" or "-" to designate whether it is being added or removed. Sending the command with no parameters returns the entries in the client's friends list. This command is not formally defined in an RFC, but is supported by most major IRC daemons.
The implementation is robust, has been ported to an extensive set of operating systems and processor architectures, and is currently in use on over 500 clusters around the world. It has been used to link clusters across university campuses and around the world and can scale to handle clusters with 2000 nodes.Ganglia Monitoring System The ganglia system comprises two unique daemons, a PHP-based web front-end, and a few other small utility programs.
Pausanias, 8.21.3. Their appearance indicate the Greek desire for health which was connected with the Greek cult of the body that was essentially a religious activity.Pindar, Nemean VII 1–4 The Moirai assigned to the terrible chthonic goddesses Erinyes who inflicted the punishment for evil deeds their proper functions, and with them directed fate according to necessity. As goddesses of death they appeared together with the daemons of death Keres and the infernal Erinyes.
BBC Television's Doctor Who director Barry Letts (1925 - 2009) commented on Power's contribution to 'Doctor Who & The Daemons' noting that "The music & FX work well because they are so precise in their dubbing." Titles that include Simon Power's sound enhancement have been released regularly since 2004 under BBC Audiobooks & more recently as BBC Audio's AudioGo imprint. In 2010, some of the recordings were broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra and BBC iPlayer.
Open-source NAS-oriented distributions of Linux and FreeBSD are available. These are designed to be easy to set up on commodity PC hardware, and are typically configured using a web browser. They can run from a virtual machine, Live CD, bootable USB flash drive (Live USB), or from one of the mounted hard drives. They run Samba (an SMB daemon), NFS daemon, and FTP daemons which are freely available for those operating systems.
If a character's current HP reaches zero, they enter Danger Mode, during which the maximum HP cap steadily decreases; the character is defeated when all of their maximum HP is lost. Some enemies, such as Daemons, are able to lower the HP cap with their attacks. If Noctis is defeated, there is a brief period where a revival item must be used. Should the player fail to do so, the game ends.
An "ancient Wonder-Worker" of the Wampanaug tribe. According to the fictional book Of Evill Sorceries Done in New-England of Daemons in No Humane Shape, Misquamacus teaches "Sorceries" to Richard Billington and imprisons Ossadagowah, a spawn of Tsathoggua, in a ring of stones.Lovecraft and Derleth, p. 15. The same character later reappears in the early 19th century as Quamis, a servant of Alijah Billington and the guardian of his son Laban.
Sumerian Daemons is the sixth studio album by the Greek death metal band Septicflesh. It was released by Hammerheart Records in 2003. It was originally the band's final album before they disbanded later the same year, until they reformed in 2007. The cover art for the album was a real background constructed in accordance with Spiros' instructions by a Greek FX team that usually works for films and advertisements, called the Alahouzos Bros.
Eduard Zeller, Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy, 13th Edition, page 308 The gods of popular religion are merely different names for one and the same divine Being and the powers that serve them. Daemons were for him agents of God's influence on the world. Plutarch defended freedom of the will and the immortality of the soul. Platonic- Peripatetic ethics were upheld by Plutarch against the opposing theories of the Stoics and Epicureans.
A limited edition of only 1,000 miniatures was released for Daemonifuge. These miniatures were sculpted by Juan Diaz, Mark Harrison & Alex Hedstrom in 2004 and are no longer in production. Portraying Ephrael Stern and Silas Hand on a diorama base and entering into combat against the Daemons of Chaos. In the Warhammer 40,000 game, Ephrael Stern is a Seraphim of the Witch Hunters and Silas Hand is an Inquisitor for the Daemonhunters army.
This is a list of all Internet Relay Chat commands from RFC 1459, RFC 2812, and extensions added to major IRC daemons. Most IRC clients require commands to be preceded by a slash ("`/`"). Some commands are actually sent to IRC bots; these are treated by the IRC protocol as ordinary messages, not as `/`-commands. Conventions used here: Angle brackets ("<" and ">") are used here to indicate a placeholder for some value, and are not a literal part of a command.
His material form is a mighty, humanoid being wearing brass armor and sitting atop an enormous throne of skulls, his face twisted in an unnaturally wide smile. His holy number is 8 and his main enemy god is Slaanesh. Those who worship Khorne are strong warriors seeking to earn his favor by slaying mighty beasts and slaughtering mass populations. His main daemons are the Bloodletters (his soldiers), Flesh Hounds (his beasts), and Juggernauts (his daemonic, metal-armoured steeds).
Agents are daemons or services that can monitor any numeric parameter, Boolean status, string or numerical incremental data and/or condition. They can be developed in any language (as Shellscript, WSH, Perl or C). They run on any type of platform (Microsoft, AIX, Solaris, Linux, IPSO, Mac OS or FreeBSD), also SAP, because the agents can communicate with the Pandora FMS Servers to send data in XML using SSH, FTP, NFS, Tentacle (protocol) or any data transfer means.
In addition to the chaos-worshiping Warriors of Chaos who live in strange Chaos Wastes north of the other faction's lands, chaos cults often arise within human and elven nations. Beastmen are depicted as mutants dwelling deep in forests and impossible to fully eradicate. Vampires and necromancers raising armies of undead are also depicted often as an internal threat. Chaos Daemons are restricted to manifesting themselves where magical energy is strongest, but this could be almost anywhere.
The classical threat to Unix-like systems are vulnerabilities in network daemons, such as SSH and web servers. These can be used by worms or for attacks against specific targets. As servers are patched quite quickly when a vulnerability is found, there have been only a few widespread worms of this kind. As specific targets can be attacked through a vulnerability that is not publicly known there is no guarantee that a certain installation is secure.
It then starts up, separately, the idle process, scheduler, and the init process, which is executed in user space. # The init either consists of scripts that are executed by the shell (sysv, bsd, runit) or configuration files that are executed by the binary components (systemd, upstart). Init has specific levels (sysv, bsd) or targets (systemd), each of which consists of specific set of services (daemons). These provide various non-operating system services and structures and form the user environment.
He sought to show that God, in creating the world, had transformed matter, as the receptacle of evil, into the divine soul of the world, where it continued to operate as the source of all evil. God is a transcendent being, who operates through divine intermediaries, which are the gods and daemons of popular religion. Numenius of Apamea (c. 160) combined Platonism with Neopythagoreanism and other eastern philosophies, in a move which would prefigure the development of Neoplatonism.
Similarly, they demonstrated the keys generated by Broadcom access daemons running on VxWorks 5 and later can be recovered in four minutes or less, which affects, for example, certain versions of Linksys WRT54G and certain Apple AirPort Extreme models. Vendors can defend against this attack by using a secure RNG. By doing so, Hostapd running on Linux kernels is not vulnerable against this attack and thus routers running typical OpenWrt or LEDE installations do not exhibit this issue.
As long as the daemon runs normally, the system will be protected against serious system crashes such as a kernel panic. To detect less severe faults, the daemon can be configured to perform tests that cover resource availability (e.g., sufficient memory and file handles, reasonable CPU time), evidence of expected process activity (e.g., system daemons running, specific files being present or updated), overheating, and network activity, and system-specific test scripts or programs may also be run.
Syntax: :`SILENCE [+/-]` Adds or removes a host mask to a server-side ignore list that prevents matching users from sending the client messages. More than one mask may be specified in a space-separated list, each item prefixed with a "+" or "-" to designate whether it is being added or removed. Sending the command with no parameters returns the entries in the client's ignore list. This command is not formally defined in an RFC, but is supported by most major IRC daemons.
In the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, tieflings are commonly known by the colloquial term Hellspawn. Due to limitations in the Open Game License, they are referred to exclusively by this term in the Pathfinder Tales novels. In the empire of Cheliax, tieflings are subjugated and often enslaved, despite the royal house's affiliation with Hell. Some tieflings have a stronger connection to one of the fiendish races, such as the grimspawn, who are descended from daemons, and the pitborn, who are descended from devils.
Both volumes also have army lists for Chaos armies and painting guides for miniature figures. They also introduce the idea of daemonic battles, which consist of armies formed primarily from daemons and other immortal followers of Chaos and fought within the realms of Chaos itself. Each was heavily illustrated and interspersed with many short stories related to Chaos. The Lost and the Damned featured the tale of the Horus Heresy's climax and an illustration of the Emperor's climactic battle with Horus.
Followers of Chaos are often lunatics who sport hideous mutations. Many humans worship the Chaos Gods in the hopes of alleviating their misery, advancing their ambitions, or gaining access to magical power, perhaps not understanding the terrible price they will ultimately pay. By far the people most vulnerable to Chaos influence are those with psychic ability. Unless they are carefully trained to resist daemonic possession, psykers can become living conduits by which daemons can enter the mortal world and wreak havoc.
Signals have always been a convenient method of inter-process communication (IPC), but in early implementations there were no user-definable signals (such as the later additions of SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2) that programs could intercept and interpret for their own purposes. For this reason, applications that did not require a controlling terminal, such as daemons, would re-purpose SIGHUP as a signal to re-read configuration files, or reinitialize. This convention survives to this day in packages such as Apache and Sendmail.
The experience left Eleanor traumatized and with a bitter hatred towards Daemons. Over the course of game, Eleanor discovers the true depths of the Abbey's immorality and joins with Velvet's group to help stop them. In the end, she becomes the new Shepherd, one of few humans to maintain the ability to see Malakhim. ; :Voiced by (English): Benjamin Diskin Voiced by (Japanese): Daisuke Kishio :A Daemon similar to Velvet who managed to maintain his sense of reason and his human form.
Many network service daemons have to do a specific privileged operation such as open a raw socket or an Internet socket in the well known ports range. Administrative utilities can require particular privileges at run-time as well. Such software tends to separate privileges by revoking them completely after the critical section is done, and change the user it runs under to some unprivileged account after so doing. This action is known as dropping root under Unix-like operating systems.
Key to launchd, and similar to xinetd, is the idea of launch-on-demand daemons. When launchctl scans through the job plists at boot time, it asks launchd to reserve and listen on all of the ports requested by those jobs. If so indicated in the plist by the "OnDemand" key, the daemon is not actually loaded at the time. Rather, launchd will listen on the port, start the daemon when needed, and shut it down when it is no longer needed.
TDS was essentially a Honeywell development. It was later replaced by the backward-compatible Transaction Processing 8 (TP8) on GCOS 8, which profited from the overhaul in GCOS system architecture that came with GCOS 8 to make full use of virtual memory concepts. TP8 used multiple static processes in a way similar to UNIX daemons to handle incoming transactions in a multiplexed way. TDS and its TP8 successor were commercially successful, and TDS predated IBM CICS, which had a very similar architecture.
When at 100% and above, Kagachi can trigger an empowered state. Using a Daemon in combat earns Soul Stones which unlock that Daemon's skill tree; unlocks include new combat abilities which are equipped to three of the four buttons, stat increases, and small cutscenes related to the Daemon's narrative. Using skills repeatedly unlocks bonuses for that attack. New weapons found during exploration and combat can be equipped to Daemons, with these weapons having slots for upgrade gems, which increase weapons stats.
"John on the Island of Patmos", foilo 3r The book contains 72 half or full page miniature illustrations, most of which are courtly in the early 14th century style, although the borders of the leaves are richly detailed. Folio 9 verso contains six armorial shields on the border of an altar cloth. In keeping with a Book of Revelations, contain scenes of pessimism and violence, while miniatures show a bleeding Christ by a tree. The marginalia contains grotesque beasts and daemons.
There are two known specialist chapters in the Imperium: The Grey Knights and the Deathwatch. The Grey Knights are a Chapter formed in secret to specifically hunt daemons from every shade of the Chaos spectrum. Each battle-brother is a sanctioned psyker who is adept at using Force Weapons, and they possess different tactics, training, and resources compared to typical Astartes. Similarly, the Deathwatch is a Chapter who specialise in hunting alien threats such as the Orks, Aeldari, or T'au.
An IRCd, short for Internet Relay Chat daemon, is server software that implements the IRC protocol, enabling people to talk to each other via the Internet (exchanging textual messages in real time).IRC Server Request FAQ It is distinct from an IRC bot that connects outbound to an IRC channel. The server listens to connections from IRC clients on a set of TCP ports. When the server is part of an IRC network, it also keeps one or more established connections to other servers/daemons.
When a user is k-lined (short for kill line), the user is banned from a certain server, either for a certain amount of time or permanently. Once the user is banned, they are not allowed back onto that server. This is recorded as a line in the server's IRC daemon configuration file prefixed with the letter "K", hence "K-line". Some IRC daemons, including ircd-hybrid and its descendants, can be configured to propagate K-lines to some or all other servers on a network.
The PCD needs to be configured with all the processes, daemons and tasks it controls. The configuration is done in runtime, using a simple, human readable configuration file (AKA PCD Script). Each process has its own rule block which describes it, defines its dependency in other rules, defines its details and what action to perform in case it fails. The rule blocks define the inter-process dependencies in the most deterministic manner, and as a result, the PCD builds a dependency tree out of this information.
The Universal Time-Sharing System (UTS) is a discontinued operating system for the XDS Sigma series of computers, succeeding Batch Processing Monitor (BPM)/Batch Time-Sharing Monitor (BTM). UTS was announced in 1966, but because of delays did not actually ship until 1971. It was designed to provide multi- programming services for online (interactive) user programs in addition to batch-mode production jobs, symbiont (spooled) I/O, and critical real-time processes. System Daemons, called "ghost jobs" were used to run monitor code in user space.
Having destroyed one side of the temple, it is poised to hurl a thunderbolt. Below the angel, daemons attack a group of around 25 semi-naked human figures. Each human is shown in a different position and expresses terror differently, and each is deliberately painted in paler tones than those Etty typically used to suggest death and pallor. As with most of Etty's works, the figures are a collection of depictions of models in studio poses, later arranged for dramatic effect, rather than painted as a group.
These tools maintain minimal working systems in chroot, install only the necessary build dependencies listed in `debian/control`, and remove them when the build is finished. Therefore, using `pbuilder`, a package maintainer can detect if some build dependencies were not specified in `debian/control`. Also, `pbuilder` makes it possible to test-build for distributions other than the one the maintainer is running: for example, for the development version, while actually running the stable version. `sbuild` is designed for integration with automated build daemons (`buildd`).
Once the kernel has finished booting, it runs the init process (also sending output to the console), which handles booting of the rest of the system including starting any background daemons. After the init boot process is complete, the console will be used to multiplex multiple virtual terminals (accessible by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1, Ctrl-Alt-F2 etc., Ctrl-Alt-LeftArrow, Ctrl-Alt- RightArrow, or using chvt). On each virtual terminal, a getty process is run, which in turn runs /bin/login to authenticate a user.
Nirvana operation is controlled by three daemons; Metadata, Sync and ILM. The Metadata Daemon can extract metadata automatically from an instrument creating data, from within the file's actual data using predefined and customizable templates and metadata parsing policies, or capturing user input via the GUI or Command Line Interface. The Sync Daemon, running in the background, detects when files are added to, or deleted from, the underlying Storage Resource filesystems. When filesystem changes are observed by the Sync Daemon, the changes are registered and updated in MCAT.
The system only has to register the daemons that are to run and does not actually launch them until they are needed. In fact, the progress bar that appears during boot time is just a placebo application (named WaitingForLoginWindow) that does not really show anything other than the passage of time. The hardest part to manage during a launchd boot is dependencies. SystemStarter had a very simple system of dependencies that used the "Uses", "Requires", and "Provides" keys in the plist of a startup item.
MultiFinder and System 7 and later supported faceless background applications similar to UNIX daemons or Windows Services, though using cooperative multitasking. Examples included Time Synchronizer (daylight saving time adjustment and remote time synchronization), Software Update Scheduler, and Folder Actions (folder event handling). Faceless background applications were regular applications with the restriction that they did not show up on the application menu. The only technical differences between a faceless background application and a regular application were that the "Only background" flag was set in the '`SIZE`' resource.
Gennadius burnt it in 1460; however, in a letter to the Exarch Joseph (which still survives) he details the book, providing chapter headings and brief summaries of the contents. It seemed to represent a merging of Stoic philosophy and Zoroastrian mysticism, and discussed astrology, daemons and the migration of the soul. He recommended religious rites and hymns to petition the classical gods, such as Zeus, whom he saw as universal principles and planetary powers. Man, as relative of the gods, should strive towards good.
Silas Hand was armed with a bolter (using "Psycannon bolts", psychically charged weapons used against daemons) and a force field for defense. He could only include Ephrael Stern in his retinue. In the Warhammer 40,000 "visual combat game", Warhammer Warriors, the gaming book Warhammer Warriors #3 was created for Ephrael Stern. She equipped with many Sisters of Battle-based weapons, such as a powersword, bolter and a flamer, but also has new weapons designed for Warhammer Warriors, like Photon Flares and a Bolt Pistol Hotshot.
The Gray Waste (more fully, the Gray Wastes of Hades; also, Hades, The Three Glooms, Hope's Loss or The Nadir) is a strongly neutral evil aligned plane of existence. It is one of a number of alignment-based Outer Planes that form part of the standard Dungeons & Dragons (D&D;) cosmology, used in the Planescape, Greyhawk, and some editions of the Forgotten Realms campaign settings. Hades is the plane of origin of the yugoloth daemons. Pathfinder's analogue to Hades is the plane called Abaddon (from the Hebraic Abaddon).
There are several software packages that implement services. Some of the popular ones include srvx, Atheme, ChatServices, Hybserv (developed for use with the Hybrid IRCd software), Epona, Anope, and IRC Services 5 (supporting a wide range of IRC daemons, considered the "original" IRC Services). While some of these packages provide excellent features in the eyes of many users, some network operators decide to write their own services, with the most important reasons being flexibility, customization, and often, mostly on smaller networks, fun also plays an important role. Not all packages implement the above service bots.
Overhead on both the server and client in terms of traffic, CPU and memory consumption is minimal. Port knock daemons are not complex to code; any type of vulnerability within the code is obvious and auditable. A port knock system implemented on ports such as the SSH sidesteps the issue of brute force password attacks on logins. In the case of SSH, the SSH daemon is not activated without the correct port knock, and the attack is filtered by the TCP/IP stack rather than using SSH authentication resources.
They are served by a host of daemons and constantly seek to expand their influence over humanity. In essence, the mortals of the galaxy are molested by monsters spawned by their own collective id. Though they are often at odds with each other, the Chaos Gods' common goal is to crush the worship of the God-Emperor and convert and consume the sentient inhabitants of the material universe (although ironically this would mean the end of the Chaos gods). Chaos is a malevolent force that twists the bodies and minds of mortals exposed to it.
Some of the humans appear dead or unconscious, others flee or struggle against the daemons. When first exhibited in 1832, The Destroying Angel was widely praised for its technical brilliance, but critics were divided on the subject matter. Some praised its vivid blend of fear and beauty; others criticised its theme as inappropriate, and chastised Etty for wasting his talent. As Etty had hoped, the painting changed critics' perception of him; some saw it as indicating previously unseen depths, others considered it a renunciation of his previous work.
Traveling with Zero on her quest are the disciples, a group who formally served the Intoners and accompany Zero after their original mistresses are killed. They include: , a dumb and overconfident man, as well as the lover of the Intoner Two; , an old and cunning man obsessed with sex; a gentlemanly warrior with a masochistic streak; and , a sadistic young man. Each of the disciples helps the Intoner summon angels and daemons into battle. The game is narrated to the player by , an android created by the "old world" to monitor and document all timelines.
Resembling a massively multiplayer online game (MMO), the Metaverse is populated by user-controlled avatars as well as system daemons. Although there are public-access Metaverse terminals in Reality, using them carries a social stigma among Metaverse denizens, in part because of the poor visual representations of themselves as low-quality avatars. Status in the Metaverse is a function of two things: access to restricted environments such as the Black Sun, an exclusive Metaverse club, and technical acumen, which is often demonstrated by the sophistication of one's avatar.
There are no benevolent gods or spirits in the cosmos, only daemons and evil gods, and the cults dedicated to them are growing. In the long run, the Imperium of Man cannot hope to defeat its enemies, so the heroes of the Imperium are not fighting for a brighter future but "raging against the dying of the light".Aaron Dembski-Bowden (2017). Master of Mankind, Afterword The tone of the setting has led to a subgenre of science fiction called "grimdark", which is particularly amoral, dystopian or violent.
After reuniting and rescuing Prompto, the party continues through Zegnautus Keep, defeating Ravus and Emperor Aldercapt, who have been transformed into Daemons. Forced to leave his friends behind, Noctis reaches the Crystal, only to be pulled into it. Ardyn appears and reveals himself to be Ardyn Lucis Caelum, a healer ostracised by his family with support from the Astrals and Crystal after being infected by the Starscourge. Ardyn sought revenge on the Caelum bloodline and the Crystal, spreading the Starscourge while waiting for the True King to appear so he could destroy them both.
There are two different directories that are scanned: # The LaunchDaemons directories contain items that will run as root, generally background processes. # The LaunchAgents directories contain jobs, called agent applications, that will run as a user or in the context of userland. These may be scripts or other foreground items, and they can even include a user interface. These directories are all kept in the typical Library directories of Mac OS X. launchd is very different from SystemStarter in that it may not actually launch all the daemons at boot time.
SX-Aurora TSUBASA is a successor to the NEC SX series and SUPER-UX, which are vector computer systems upon which the Earth Simulator supercomputer is based. Its hardware consists of x86 Linux hosts with vector engines (VEs) connected via PCI express (PCIe) interconnect. High memory bandwidth (0.75–1.2 TB/s), comes from eight cores and six HBM2 memory modules on a silicon interposer implemented in the form- factor of a PCIe card. Operating system functionality for the VE is offloaded to the VH and handled mainly by user space daemons running the VEOS.
The Telchines, for example, were a class of half-human, half-fish or dolphin aquatic daemons said to have been the first inhabitants of Rhodes. These beings were at once revered for their metalwork and reviled for their death- dealing power of the evil eye. In Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound, the imprisoned craftsman is aided by the daughters of Ocean; and Hephaestus had his forge on "sea-girt Lemnos". The nexus of sea, otherworld and craft is most strikingly embodied in the Cabeiri of Samothrace, who simultaneously oversaw salvation from shipwreck, metalcraft, and mystery-rites.
Lennart Poettering and Kay Sievers, software engineers that initially developed systemd, sought to surpass the efficiency of the init daemon in several ways. They wanted to improve the software framework for expressing dependencies, to allow more processing to be done in parallel during system booting, and to reduce the computational overhead of the shell. Systemd's initialization instructions for each daemon are recorded in a declarative configuration file rather than a shell script. For inter-process communication, systemd makes Unix domain sockets and D-Bus available to the running daemons.
Transfer trigger could be done through daemons (directory spooling), command line calls or through one of the various available API (Java, Thrift, REST HTTP(s)). From production aspect, Waarp R66 proposed local administration interface (HTTPS) or central ones (GUI). It optimizes the usage of the network (using multiplexing, bandwidth throttling, proxy support, Keep-alive and timeout, ...) or the usage of other resources (cpu and memory). It allows a high availability installation and the support of horizontal scalability with a high parallel transfer capability (in theory up to 2^64).
In the Beyond, the environment shifts, allowing for new routes to open or allowing access to teleport points for travelling between different areas. Players must explore both worlds in order to progress through the game, with areas that must be first explored in the world of the living, otherwise Kagachi must navigate a black void in the Beyond and can be killed in one hit by enemies. By defeating Fallen, Kagachi earns experience points which raise his basic statistics. Kagachi battles the Fallen using Daemons, spirits manifesting as weapons.
The background story is told by a 64-page novella with 19 chapters written by Rupert Goodwins, featuring the back-story of the game (plus serving as a copy protection). Steve is in love with his attractive coworker Emily. Unbeknownst to Steve, Emily is possessed by a daemon named Zelloripus who was banished to Earth, stripped of most of her powers, and trapped into a human female due to unspecified crimes done to other daemons. Emily sees a chance to let someone else suffer and stifle her boredom.
In Plato's Symposium, the priestess Diotima teaches Socrates that love is not a deity, but rather a "great daemon" (202d). She goes on to explain that "everything daemonic is between divine and mortal" (202d–e), and she describes daemons as "interpreting and transporting human things to the gods and divine things to men; entreaties and sacrifices from below, and ordinances and requitals from above..." (202e). In Plato's Apology of Socrates, Socrates claimed to have a daimonion (literally, a "divine something")Plato, Apology 31c–d, 40a; p. 16, Burnet, Plato's Euthyprho, Apology of Socrates, and Crito.
Halium is a collaborative project to unify the Hardware Abstraction Layer for projects which run GNU/Linux on mobile devices with pre-installed Android. The project aims to standardize the middleware software used by various projects to talk with android daemons and make use of hardware on installed devices.Halium is an Open Source Project Working Towards a Common Base for Non-Android Mobile Operating SystemsDevelopers hope to create a common Android base to fix Linux mobile fragmentation It is distributed as free and open- source software under a mix of software licenses.
Horus' campaign lasts less than a standard decade, yet it is devastating in its scale, and the Loyalist victory comes at great cost. The losses in talent, knowledge, manpower, and territory result in a prolonged period of cultural, political, and technological stagnation and regression for the Imperium. The barely-alive Emperor is interred at the end of the Battle for Terra in a complex life support device, a technological marvel known as the . The Throne also powers the Astronomicon, the navigation aid responsible for holding the Imperium together, as well as keeping the destroyed Webway entrance sealed, lest Daemons overrun the Earth.
I am seized by the cold south wind! Send fire to me!) Heeding his call, they sent fire in the form of two taniwha (daemons), Te Pupu and Te Hoata. As they travelled underground the flames first erupted at White Island, then Rotorua and Taupo, finally bursting at the feet of Ngātoro-i-rangi, welling up from the large vent in the volcano’s summit, warming the tohunga and thus allowing him to achieve his goal. On the summit of Tongariro Ngātoro-i-rangi gave thanks and established 'Te Wharetoa o Tūmatauenga' The Warrior House of Tū - the legacy of Tūwharetoa.
Homer refers to her being as necessity, often abstracted in modern translation (ἀναγκαίη πολεμίζειν, "ιt is necessary to fight") or force (ἐξ ἀνάγκης, "by force").Iliad 4.300, Odyssey 4.557: Lidell, Scott: A Greek English Lexicon: ἀνάγκη In Ancient Greek literature the word is also used meaning "fate" or "destiny" (ἀνάγκη δαιμόνων, "fate by the daemons or by the gods"), and by extension "compulsion or torture by a superior."E.Ph.1000, Xenophon, Hiero 9.4 She appears often in poetry, as Simonides does: "Even the gods don’t fight against ananke".Simonides Fr. 4.20 Diehl: C. M. Bowra (1958), The Greek Experience.
GNU Hurd is the multiserver microkernel written as part of GNU. It has been under development since 1990 by the GNU Project of the Free Software Foundation, designed as a replacement for the Unix kernel, and released as free software under the GNU General Public License. When the Linux kernel proved to be a viable solution, development of GNU Hurd slowed, at times having slipped intermittently between stasis and renewed activity and interest. The Hurd's design consists of a set of protocols and server processes (or daemons, in Unix terminology) that run on the GNU Mach microkernel.
In 1983, Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, set forth plans of a complete Unix-like operating system, called GNU, composed entirely of free software. In September of that year, Stallman published a manifesto in Dr. Dobb's Journal detailing his new project publicly, outlining his vision of free software. Software development work began in January 1984. By 1991, the GNU mid-level portions of the operating system were almost complete, and the upper level could be supplied by the X Window System, but the lower level (kernel, device drivers, system-level utilities and daemons) was still mostly lacking.
Ancient Near Eastern religion knew an elaborate system of benevolent, neutral and malevolent demons (which more resembled Greek daemons than the Christian concept of evil demons), and much of medicine consisted of exorcisms, e.g. of Lamashtu, the hermaphroditic demoness responsible for complications at childbirth and infant deaths. In Assyrian and Babylonian mythology the seven evil demons were known as Shedu or Lamassu, meaning "storm-demon". They were represented in winged bull form, derived from the colossal bulls used as protective genii of royal palaces, the name "Shed" assumed also the meaning of a propitious genius in Babylonian magical literature.
Act I begins in the Indian Caucasus where the Titan Prometheus is bound to a rock face and he is surrounded by the OceanidesThe mythological origin of Panthea is uncertain and Ione is usually considered a Nereid. However, in Shelley's list of characters, they are both designated as Oceanides. Panthea and Ione. As morning breaks, Prometheus cries out against the "Monarch of Gods and Daemons", Jupiter, and his tyrannous kingship.Shelley 1820 p. 19 From his bound position, Prometheus claims to be greater than Jupiter before relating his suffering to the conditions of nature, including the Earth, Heaven, Sun, Sea, and Shadow.
In the Fishtank 10 is a 2003 EP by Motorpsycho and Jaga Jazzist Horns, recorded in 2002 during their European tour and released via the Konkurrent label in 2003. Motorpsycho did a handful of gigs together with the horn section of Jaga Jazzist and used the opportunity to record their addition to the Fishtank series. The style differs heavily from both Motorpsycho and Jaga Jazzist records, consisting of mainly jazz fusion. The first three tracks can be described as rather soothing, with track 2 (a reworking of the song from Angels and Daemons at Play) as a highlight.
In an alternate route, he surrenders to Ardyn and gains knowledge that allows Noctis to save Eos without sacrifice. In the story mode for the multiplayer expansion Comrades, the player controls a survivor of the Kingsglaive, Regis's bodyguard who abandoned him during Niflheim's attack on Lucis. Despite the peoples' mistrust, the Kingsglaive help defend humanity's last stronghold of Lestallum while experiencing visions of Noctis's resting place on the island of Angelgard. Drawn to Angelgard, the Kingsglaive face Bahamut in combat and are absolved of their treachery, dedicating themselves to protecting Angelgard from Daemons during Noctis's slumber.
The notion of gargoyles as supernatural constructs brought to life by evil was introduced in Maker of Gargoyles (1932), a short pulp fiction story by Clark Ashton Smith where Reynard, a medieval stonemason, unconsciously infuses his hate and lust into two gargoyles that attack the town of Vyones and later kill him when he attempts to destroy them. In the novelette Conjure Wife (1943) by Fritz Lieber, a dragon sculpture is animated by a witch and sent to kill an archaeology professor. Such gargoyles also entered science fiction, such as in the Doctor Who episode The Daemons (1971).
RPGFans Alana Hagues was disappointed with the game overall due to its gameplay shortfalls and narrative, a feeling magnified by her wish to enjoy her time. Journalists generally agreed that the game's dark setting and theme of how people coped with death was intriguing, but faulted the writing as either long-winded or poor. The gameplay met with a mixed response; some praised it, others found it boring, but a common complaint was a lack of variety over the course of the game. The Daemon system and its customization were praised, but many felt it lacked depth and several Daemons were underwhelming.
The first novel in the Yorùbá language was Ogboju Ode ninu Igbo Irunmale (translated by Wole Soyinka as The Forest of A Thousand Daemons), although the literal translation is "The bravery of a hunter in the forest of deities", written in 1938 by Chief Daniel O. Fagunwa (1903–1963). It contains the picaresque tales of a Yoruba hunter encountering folklore elements, such as magic, monsters, spirits, and gods. It was one of the first novels to be written in any African language. Fagunwa wrote other works based on similar themes, and remains the most widely read Yorùbá-language author.
Components of some Linux desktop environments that are daemons include D-Bus, NetworkManager (here called unetwork), PulseAudio (usound), and Avahi. In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon ( or ) is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. Traditionally, the process names of a daemon end with the letter d, for clarification that the process is in fact a daemon, and for differentiation between a daemon and a normal computer program. For example, is a daemon that implements system logging facility, and is a daemon that serves incoming SSH connections.
Work began in 1984. Later, in 1985, Stallman started the Free Software Foundation and wrote the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) in 1989. By the early 1990s, many of the programs required in an operating system (such as libraries, compilers, text editors, a Unix shell, and a windowing system) were completed, although low- level elements such as device drivers, daemons, and the kernel, called GNU/Hurd, were stalled and incomplete. Linus Torvalds has stated that if the GNU kernel had been available at the time (1991), he would not have decided to write his own.
The PIE feature is in use only for the network facing daemons – the PIE feature cannot be used together with the prelink feature for the same executable. The prelink tool implements randomization at prelink time rather than runtime, because by design prelink aims to handle relocating libraries before the dynamic linker has to, which allows the relocation to occur once for many runs of the program. As a result, real address space randomization would defeat the purpose of prelinking. The randomization can be disabled for a specific process by changing its execution domain, using `personality(2)`.
In contrast with other popular configuration-management software -- such as Chef, Puppet, and CFEngine -- Ansible uses an agentless architecture, with Ansible software not normally running or even installed on the controlled node. Instead, Ansible orchestrates a node by installing and running modules on the node temporarily via SSH. For the duration of an orchestration task, a process running the module communicates with the controlling machine with a JSON-based protocol via its standard input and output. When Ansible is not managing a node, it does not consume resources on the node because no daemons are executing or software installed.
21\. Fear to Tread: The angel falls Fear to Tread describes an operation by the forces of Chaos that is supposed to turn Primarch Sanguinius and the the "Blood Angels", to their cause. To succeed, Chaos plans to take advantage of a genetic flaw in Sanguinius' and the Legion's DNA. As the Heresy is getting under way, the outwardly still loyal Warmaster orders the entire 9th Legion and their unsuspecting Primarch to a remote star system. There they find themselves isolated and ambushed, fighting a new kind of war against Chaos entities and daemons designed to trigger the Legion's flaw.
If the IP address of the client cannot be resolved to a valid hostname by the server, it is used instead of the hostname. Because of the privacy implications of exposing the IP address or hostname of a client, some IRC daemons also provide privacy features, such as InspIRCD or UnrealIRCd's "+x" mode. This hashes a client IP address or masks part of a client's hostname, making it unreadable to users other than IRCops. Users may also have the option of requesting a "virtual host" (or "vhost"), to be displayed in the hostmask to allow further anonymity.
He would go on to direct for the show a number of times again, but still listed The Dæmons as his favourite, saying it was "a damn good script"."The Devil Rides Out – The Making of The Daemons", DVD documentary, BBC DVD, 2012 Much of the serial was filmed on location in Aldbourne, Wiltshire. The location shoot was awarded two weeks' filming, more than double the usual amount at the time, leading to a lot of the finished story being set outside, rather than in studio.p196, Peter Haining, Doctor Who – A Celebration, W.H. Allen, 1983 Membury airfield in Berkshire and Bridge Farm, Ramsbury, were also used briefly as locations.
A process can be sent a SIGTERM signal in four ways (the process ID is '1234' in this case): kill 1234 kill -s TERM 1234 kill -TERM 1234 kill -15 1234 The process can be sent a SIGKILL signal in three ways: kill -s KILL 1234 kill -KILL 1234 kill -9 1234 Other useful signals include HUP, TRAP, INT, SEGV and ALRM. HUP sends the SIGHUP signal. Some daemons, including Apache and Sendmail, re-read configuration files upon receiving SIGHUP, so the kill command may be used for this too. A SIGINT signal can be generated very simply by pressing in most Unix shells.
On some IRCds, such as UnrealIRCd, a Q-line forbids a nickname, or any nickname matching a given pattern. This is most often used to forbid use of services nicknames (such as 'X', or NickServ) or forbid use of IRC operator nicknames by non-operators. Some IRC daemons may disconnect users when initially applying the Q-line, whilst others will force a nickname change, or do nothing until the user covered by the Q-line reconnects. Other IRCds, like ircd-hybrid, use the 'RESV' ("reserve") command instead, with the stats letter remaining as Q. The 'RESV' command can also forbid a channel from being used.
Proclus described Helios as a cosmic god consisting of many forms and traits. These are "coiled up" within his being, and are variously distributed to all that "participate in his nature", including angels, daemons, souls, animals, herbs, and stones. All of these things were important to the Neoplatonic practice of theurgy, magical rituals intended to invoke the gods in order to ultimately achieve union with them. Iamblichus noted that theurgy often involved the use of "stones, plants, animals, aromatic substances, and other such things holy and perfect and godlike."(Myst. 5.23, 233) For theurgists, the elemental power of these items sacred to particular gods utilizes a kind of sympathetic magic.
The female figure shades her eyes, either against the brightness of the angel or to block out the horror taking place in front of her. On the left-hand side of the painting, in the background, the structure of the temple crumbles and burns in the wake of the angel's path, while figures in varying stages of undress flee the approaching daemons. In the foreground a drunken man mimics the pose of the Barberini Faun as he clutches his head, alert enough to realise his fate if he does not escape but too intoxicated to flee. Around the painting lie corpses in various states of undress.
Salvator Léonardi Salvator Léonardi (born Catania, Italy 1872 – died 1938) was a mandolin virtuoso, teacher and composer. He taught in Egypt, Malta, London and Paris for more than 20 years, and also toured as a performer. Léonardi learned mandolin and guitar from an uncle, but went on to become a professional musician, studying the violin at a Naples conservatory. He won awards as a solo mandolinist at international music competitions in Florence and Rome.Aulino Editore, In preparizione: Salvator Leonardi, Souvenir de Cicile Mandos Island, Salvatore Leonardi “Souvenir de Sicile” & “Angels and Daemons” – Mandolin / LiuquinPaul Sparks, The Classical Mandolin, Oxford University Press, 1995, pages 79, 148.
Limiting privilege to the minimum required to work reduces or eliminates the ability of these programs and daemons to cause harm if faulty or compromised (for example via buffer overflows or misconfigurations). This confinement mechanism operates independently of the traditional Linux (discretionary) access control mechanisms. It has no concept of a "root" superuser, and does not share the well-known shortcomings of the traditional Linux security mechanisms, such as a dependence on setuid/setgid binaries. The security of an "unmodified" Linux system (a system without SELinux) depends on the correctness of the kernel, of all the privileged applications, and of each of their configurations.
With a last effort, she helps Noctis subdue Leviathan before giving him the Ring of the Lucii, an artifact through which he can access the Crystal's magic. Noctis heads for Niflheim's capital of Gralea, burdened by the loss of Lunafreya and tormented by Ardyn. Arriving in Gralea to find its population turned into Daemons, Noctis finds and is pulled into the Crystal. Noctis learns from the Astral Bahamut of Providence, a power borne from the combined might of the Crystal, the Royal Arms and the Ring of the Lucii capable of destroying the Starscourge forever, the price of wielding it being Noctis's own life.
Also a product of Chaos are the shrewd and evil ratmen, the Skaven, whose vast, subterranean and labyrinthine "Under-empire" riddles the earth. The Chaos Gods are the flaws of humankind personified; the inner literal daemons of living things come back through a magic medium to torment and kill. The ultimate victory of these forces is often hinted at, highlighting a strong assumption that sentient beings are fundamentally flawed and will eventually bring about their own destruction via the forces of Chaos. This is especially tragic in light of the outside, non-Chaotic forces that threaten civilized beings, including rampaging Orcs, political strife, and general warfare.
The `disown` command can be used to remove jobs from the job table, so that when the session ends the child process groups are not sent SIGHUP, nor does the shell wait for them to terminate. They thus become orphan processes, and may be terminated by the operating system, though more often this is used so the processes are adopted by init (the kernel sets their parent process to init) and continue executing as daemons. Alternatives to prevent jobs from being terminated include nohup and using a terminal multiplexer. A job running in the foreground can be stopped by typing the suspend character (Ctrl-Z).
Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and deities, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature, or the deities themselves (see Plato's Symposium). According to Hesiod's myth, "great and powerful figures were to be honoured after death as a daimon…" A daimon is not so much a type of quasi-divine being, according to Burkert, but rather a non-personified "peculiar mode" of their activity. In Hesiod's Theogony, Phaëton becomes an incorporeal daimon or a divine spirit,"ποιήσατο, δαίμονα δῖον"; Hesiod, Theogony 991. but, for example, the ills released by Pandora are deadly deities, keres, not daimones.
In Plato there is an incipient > tendency toward the apotheosis of nous. ... He needs a closeness and > availability of the divine that is offered neither by the stars nor by > metaphysical principles. Here a name emerged to fill the gap, a name which > had always designated the incomprehensible yet present activity of a higher > power, daimon. Daemons scarcely figure in Greek mythology or Greek art: they are felt, but their unseen presence can only be presumed, with the exception of the agathodaemon, honored first with a libation in ceremonial wine-drinking, especially at the sanctuary of Dionysus, and represented in iconography by the chthonic serpent.
In the cliffs above Llyn Idwal is a dark cleft in the rock known as Twll Du from which plumes of mist sometimes emanate. These were believed to be caused by ancient druids creating lightning bolts to keep the invading Romans at bay. Llyn Idwal itself was said to be named after a drowned boy, either the son of 8th century Prince Cadwalader, murdered by a rival, or the son of 12th century Prince Owain Gwynedd and killed by his uncle. The traveller Thomas Pennant, writing in the 1780s, stated that the local shepherds were in awe of the lake believing it to be "the haunt of Daemons, and that no bird dare fly over its damned waters".
The religious themes are primarily inspired by the early history of Christianity. Daemons in WH40K are manifestations of human dreams and emotion, given physical form and sentience by the Warp — this idea comes from the 1956 movie Forbidden Planet.Q&A; with Rick Priestley ( "...that's the essence of chaos - its physic energy shaped by the human unconsciousness - it is not good/bad - but likewise it is not logical - it is Monsters from the Id in the same sense as in Forbidden Planet" The Emperor of Man was inspired by various fictional god-kings, such as Leto Atreides II from the novel God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert, and King Huon from the Runestaff novels by Michael Moorcock.
The first Billington to lay claim to Billington's Wood. According to the book Of Evill Sorceries Done in New-England of Daemons in No Humane Shape, in the early years of the Plymouth Colony, during the governorship of William Bradford (1621–1657), Billington set up "a great Ring of Stones" where he said "Prayers to ye Devil" and "sung certain Rites of Magick abominable by Scripture". After a series of mysterious deaths were linked to him, he disappeared, and was said by the Wampanaug Indians to have been "eat up by what he had call'd out of ye Sky."H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth, The Lurker at the Threshold, in The Watchers Out of Time, pp. 14-15.
The yugoloths (called daemons in 1st edition D&D;) are neutral evil natives of the Bleak Eternity of Gehenna and the Gray Wastes of Hades; they are neutral to the affairs of the other fiendish races, interfering only when they see a situation that may be profitable or a potential for the advancement of their own schemes. The yugoloths are manipulative, secretive, and mercenary by nature, often acting as soldiers for deities in their own private wars, or even at times aiding both sides of the Blood War. In 4th Edition, the yugoloths are considered to be demons, and their previously standard naming convention of "loth" is replaced by "demon" (Ex. the Mezzoloth is the 4e Mezzodemon).
Being both written and configured in Guile Scheme, GNU Shepherd is intended to be highly programmable by the system administrator, but it can also be used to manage per-user profiles of unprivileged daemons and services. Its services and configuration are stored uniformly as object- oriented Scheme code, and while a core set of services are provided with the basic Guix System, arbitrary new services can be flexibly declared, and through Guile's object system, GOOPS, existing services can be redefined at the user's discretion by asking the Shepherd to dynamically rewrite services in specified ways on instantiation. GNU Shepherd was originally designed to work with GNU Hurd, and was later adopted by Guix System.
Kagachi is a Watcher, a person charged with defending the Cycle of Reincarnation, killing monsters formed from regret with spirit weapons called Daemons and helping spirits pass into their next life by any means necessary. Kagachi works closely with both Kushi, his adopted father, and Mayura, Kushi’s daughter, operating from the world's only city Szaka. In the aftermath of a mission against a cult rebelling against the Cycle of Reincarnation, Kagachi meets a girl who does not remember who she is, and so he names her Linne. She is being hunted by the Night Devil, a powerful spirit who hounds Kagachi and gives aid to the cult in undermining the current monarch Lobelia.
From 1994 to 2004, the NetBSD project used artwork by Shawn Mueller as a logo, featuring four BSD Daemons in a pose similar to the famous photo, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. However, this logo was seen as inappropriate for an international project, and it was superseded by a more abstract flag logo, chosen from over 400 entries in a competition. Early versions of OpenBSD (2.3 and 2.4) used a BSD Daemon with a halo, and briefly used a daemon police officer for version 2.5. Then, however, OpenBSD switched to Puffy, a blowfish, as a mascot. The FreeBSD project used the 1988 Lasseter drawing as both a logo and mascot for 12 years.
Slaves to Darkness features extensive descriptions of the gods Khorne and Slaanesh, complete with a pantheon of their Daemons and rules for including these in tabletop battles as demonic armies. It also features rules on the creation of Chaos Champions and their warbands, Daemon weapons, demonic possession and the Horus Heresy of WH40K. To give flavour for the background and attributes of followers of Chaos it contained material such as a list of over 120 "Chaos Attributes" - mutations that the followers of Chaos were often afflicted by. This included some mutations that were advantageous, such as those that made the mutant extra strong or taller, and those that confer a disadvantage, such as ones that made the mutant small, weak or stupid.
Because of the differences existing between the hundreds of various implementations of the Linux OS, executable objects, even though they are compiled, assembled, and linked for running on a specific hardware architecture (that is, they use the ISA of the target hardware), often cannot run on different Linux Distributions. This issue is mainly due to distribution-specific configurations and set of patches applied to the code of the Linux kernel, differences in system libraries, services (daemons), filesystem hierarchies, and environment variables. The main standard concerning application and binary compatibility of Linux distributions is the Linux Standard Base (LSB). However, the LSB goes beyond what concerns the Linux kernel, because it also defines the desktop specifications, the X libraries and Qt that have little to do with it.
In order to avoid completely removing this security enhancement, prelink supplies its own randomization; however, this does not help a general information leak caused by prelink. Attackers with the ability to read certain arbitrary files on the target system can discover where libraries are loaded in privileged daemons; often libc is enough as it is the most common library used in return-to-libc attacks. By reading a shared library file such as libc, an attacker with local access can discover the load address of libc in every other application on the system. Since most programs link to libc, the libc library file always has to be readable; any attacker with local access may gather information about the address space of higher privileged processes.
Before a user gets to the network there is usually some form of machine authentication, this probably verifies and configures the system for some basic level of access. Short of mapping a user to a MAC address prior or during this process (802.1x) it is not simple to have users authenticate at this point. It is more usual for a user to attempt to authenticate once the system processes (daemons) are started, and this may well require the network configuration to have already been performed. It follows that, in principle, the network identity of a device should be established before permitting network connectivity, for example by using digital certificates in place of hardware addresses which are trivial to spoof as device identifiers.
Linux startup process is the multi-stage initialization process performed during booting a Linux installation. It is in many ways similar to the BSD and other Unix-style boot processes, from which it derives. Booting a Linux installation involves multiple stages and software components, including firmware initialization, execution of a boot loader, loading and startup of a Linux kernel image, and execution of various startup scripts and daemons. For each of these stages and components there are different variations and approaches; for example, GRUB, coreboot or Das U-Boot can be used as boot loaders (historical examples are LILO, SYSLINUX or Loadlin), while the startup scripts can be either traditional init-style, or the system configuration can be performed through modern alternatives such as systemd or Upstart.
Noctis Lucis Caelum is the only son and heir of King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII of Lucis; the Caelum dynasty safeguards the Crystal, a divine artifact connected to the world's deities. When he was five years old, Noctis was chosen by the Crystal as the "True King", a prophesied figure who would purge Eos of the Starscourge, a plague that will trigger eternal darkness on Eos and turns living things into monstrous Daemons. At eight years old, Noctis is attacked by a Daemon and is sent to the nation of Tenebrae for healing, where he meets and bonds with the nation's princess Lunafreya Nox Fleuret. However, Noctis and Regis are forced to flee Tenebrae when it is attacked by the Niflheim Empire.
Modular operating systems such as OS-9 and most modern monolithic operating systems such as OpenVMS, Linux, BSD, SunOS, AIX, and MULTICS can dynamically load (and unload) executable modules at runtime. This modularity of the operating system is at the binary (image) level and not at the architecture level. Modular monolithic operating systems are not to be confused with the architectural level of modularity inherent in server-client operating systems (and its derivatives sometimes marketed as hybrid kernel) which use microkernels and servers (not to be mistaken for modules or daemons). Practically speaking, dynamically loading modules is simply a more flexible way of handling the operating system image at runtime—as opposed to rebooting with a different operating system image.
These malign immaterial entities forever seek to breach the material universe and subject all life within it to foul and debased whims. Awareness and perception of the Chaos Gods and their Daemons serves as the basis of numerous faiths and religions in the setting, both human and alien in origin. Knowing followers of the Chaos Gods, though rare, refer to their faith as the Primordial Truth, or the Primordial Annihilator. Humankind's continuing biological and psycho-spiritual evolution includes the gradual development of widespread Warp-related psychic abilities that will make the species far more susceptible to Chaotic influence; united under the Imperium of Man, the Emperor seeks to protect all of mankind by using faith in the Imperial Truth as a shield.
In traditional role-playing games, storytelling is done by the person who controls the environment and the non- playing fictional characters, and moves the story elements along for the players as they interact with the storyteller. The game is advanced by mainly verbal interactions, with dice roll determining random events in the fictional universe, where the players interact with each other and the storyteller. This type of game has many genres, such as sci-fi and fantasy, as well as alternate-reality worlds based on the current reality, but with different setting and beings such as werewolves, aliens, daemons, or hidden societies. These oral-based role-playing games were very popular in the 1990s among circles of youth in many countries before computer and console-based online MMORPG's took their place.
The basis of the XNU kernel is a heavily modified (hybrid) Open Software Foundation Mach kernel (OSFMK) 7.3. As such, it is able to run the core of an operating system as separated processes, which allows a great flexibility (it could run several operating systems in parallel above the Mach core), but this often reduces performance because of time-consuming kernel/user mode context switches and overhead stemming from mapping or copying messages between the address spaces of the kernel and that of the service daemons. With macOS, the designers have attempted to streamline some tasks and thus BSD functions were built into the core with Mach. The result is a heavily modified (hybrid) OSFMK 7.3 kernel, Apple licensed OSFMK 7.3, which is a microkernel, from the OSF.
Pausanias mentions animal-headed statues of Demeter and of other gods in Arcadia.Pausanias. Description of Greece, VIII–25.4, VIII–37.1ff, VIII–42. At Lycosura on a marble relief, appear figures of women with the heads of different animals, obviously in a ritual dance.. This could explain a Mycenaean fresco from 1400 BC that represents a procession with animal masks; National Archaeological Museum of Athens, No. 2665. and the procession of "daemons" in front of a goddess on a golden ring from Tiryns.. The Greek myth of the Minotaur probably originated from a similar "daemon".. In the cult of Despoina at Lycosura, the two goddesses are closely connected with the springs and the animals, and especially with Poseidon and Artemis, the "mistress of the animals" who was the first nymph.
P. Lovecraft and Lovecraft Criticism: An Annotated Bibliography, Wildside Press, 2002, pp. 96, 147 "Of Evill Sorceries Done in New-England of Daemons in no Humane Shape" and "The Round Tower",First published as "Notes for the Round Tower: (An Unwritten Story)" in an amateur magazine, Golden Atom, in 1943 he also used an untitled fragment, usually referred to as "The Rose Window", in framing his narrative."Legacy of the Lurker" , Robert M. Price, Crypt of Cthulhu #6, 1982 Derleth cited only the "Tower" and "Window" fragments in his account of his writing Lurker,"In the Steps of Lovecraft", Arthur F. Hillman, Fantasy Review, December 1948, p.24 although he drew on "Evill Sorceries" much more extensively, changing the date of the events described from 1684 to 1788.
Using allows the deployment of single or multiple containers cluster-wide, with more advanced options including redundancy, failover, deployment to specific cluster members, dependencies between containers, and grouped deployment of containers. A command-line utility called is used to configure and monitor this distributed init system; internally, it communicates with the daemon using a JSON-based API on top of HTTP, which may also be used directly. When used locally on a cluster member, communicates with the local instance over a Unix domain socket; when used from an external host, SSH tunneling is used with authentication provided through public SSH keys. All of the above-mentioned daemons and command-line utilities (, , and ) are written in the Go language and distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.
The authenticity of Epinomis has also been questioned on the grounds of its philosophical content. Leonardo Tarán, while finding parallels for many of the allegedly un-Platonic elements of the dialogue's style, declared it spurious based on (in the words of a sympathetic reviewer) "the much firmer ground of the misunderstanding or contradiction of Platonic doctrines, such as the placing of astronomy above dialectic as the supreme object of study, the rejection of the Ideas, the introduction of a fifth element, aether, between fire and air, and the elaborate theory of daemons inhabiting the three middle elements."John Dillon, review of L. Tarán, Academica: Plato, Philip of Opus and the Pseudo-Platonic Epinomis (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1975), in American Journal of Philology 101 (1980), pp. 486-488.
TUI utility that selects which SysV-style init scripts will be run in each runlevel When compared to its predecessors, AT&T;'s UNIX System III introduced a new style of system startup configuration, which survived (with modifications) into UNIX System V and is therefore called the "SysV-style init". At any moment, a running System V is in one of the predetermined number of states, called runlevels. At least one runlevel is the normal operating state of the system; typically, other runlevels represent single-user mode (used for repairing a faulty system), system shutdown, and various other states. Switching from one runlevel to another causes a per- runlevel set of scripts to be run, which typically mount filesystems, start or stop daemons, start or stop the X Window System, shutdown the machine, etc.
It is sometimes desirable to intentionally orphan a process, usually to allow a long-running job to complete without further user attention, or to start an indefinitely running service or agent; such processes (without an associated session) are known as daemons, particularly if they are indefinitely running. A low-level approach is to fork twice, running the desired process in the grandchild, and immediately terminating the child. The grandchild process is now orphaned, and is not adopted by its grandparent, but rather by init. Higher-level alternatives circumvent the shell's hangup handling, either telling the child process to ignore SIGHUP (by using nohup), or removing the job from the job table or telling the shell to not send SIGHUP on session end (by using disown in either case).
On December 26, 2017 the hacker Jonathan Levin (known on Twitter as @Morpheus____) released LiberiOS, a WIP developer-only jailbreak based on the async_wake exploit by Ian Beer for iOS 11.0 to iOS 11.1.2. Jonathan Levin later stated that LiberiOS would not be officially released with Cydia. On January 29, 2018, Zimperium, whose goal is to assess issues and locate a possible iOS sandbox escape, released two crucial bugs, one of which is a major vulnerability that leads to execution of arbitrary code on different crucial daemons, found in iOS 11.2 up to 11.2.2. The second bug is a full relative (ASLR bypass) control on the stack in CoreBluetooth, that leads to memory corruption (also on 11.2 – 11.2.2). On February 26, 2018, developer CoolStar (known on Twitter as @CStar_OW) released a public version of the Electra jailbreak for iOS devices on 11.0–11.1.2.
When Samuel Carter Hall was choosing works to illustrate his newly launched The Art Journal, he considered it important to promote new British artists, even if it meant illustrations which some readers considered pornographic or offensive. In 1849 Hall secured reproduction rights to the 157 paintings which Vernon had given to the nation but declined to distribute reproductions of Candaules, despite his willingness to publish reproductions of other provocative Etty nudes such as Female Bathers Surprised by a Swan. Shortly after Candaules was exhibited Etty, needled by repeated attacks from the press on his supposed tastelessness, indecency and lack of creativity, decided to produce an explicitly moral piece. The result was his 1832 The Destroying Angel and Daemons of Evil Interrupting the Orgies of the Vicious and Intemperate, which was seen by many as a renunciation of his earlier, more openly sensual works.
Then having gone up on the housetop, and summoned the daemons of the air, whom the Manichees to this day invoke over their abominable ceremony of the fig, he was smitten of God, and cast down from the housetop, and expired: and so the second beast was cut off. :24. The books, however, which were the records of his impiety, remained; and both these and his money the widow inherited. And having neither kinsman nor any other friend, she determined to buy with the money a boy named Cubricus: him she adopted and educated as a son in the learning of the Persians, and thus sharpened an evil weapon against mankind. So Cubricus, the vile slave, grew up in the midst of philosophers, and on the death of the widow inherited both the books and the money.
The BSD Daemon was first drawn in 1976 by comic artist Phil Foglio. Developer Mike O'Brien, who was working as a bonded locksmith at the time, opened a wall safe in Foglio's Chicago apartment after a roommate had "split town" without leaving the combination. In return Foglio agreed to draw T-shirt artwork for O'Brien, who gave him some Polaroid snaps of a PDP-11 system running UNIX along with some notions about visual puns having to do with pipes, demons/daemons, forks, a "bit bucket" named /dev/null,, Usenix, retrieved 15 December 2007 Foglio's drawing showed four happy little red daemon characters carrying tridents and climbing about on (or falling off of) water pipes in front of a caricature of a PDP-11 and was used for the first national UNIX meeting in the US (which was held in Urbana, Illinois).
As far as they have been reconstructed, these books appear to fall into two broad categories: some are compilations of spells and magical writings, gathered by scholarly collectors either out of academic interest or for some kind of study of magic; others may have been the working manuals of travelling magicians, containing their repertoire of spells, formulae for all occasions. These often poorly educated magic-users were more like showmen than the traditional Egyptian wizards, who were a highly educated and respected priestly elite. The pages contain spells, recipes, formulae, and prayers, interspersed with magic words and often in shorthand, with abbreviations for the more common formulae. These spells range from impressive and mystical summonings of dark gods and daemons, to folk remedies and even parlor tricks; from portentous, fatal curses, to love charms, and cures for impotence and minor medical complaints.
In Warhammer 40,000, the term "space hulk" is used to refer to any massive derelict space ship. Due to the shifting, immaterial nature of the Warp, an otherworldly realm through which space ships may travel between the stars far quicker than they would be able to through real space, some space hulks are jumbled and twisted agglomerations of multiple vessels lost to the Warp throughout centuries or millennia. Space hulks may house more than just Genestealers; other threats aboard can include human followers of the dark gods of Chaos, nightmarish Warp Daemons, and Orks who use space hulks as their "standard" method of interstellar travel. Genestealers were described in an entry of the "Aliens and monsters" section of the first edition of Warhammer 40,000 (the "WH40K - Rogue Trader" manual), but they were very different from their Space Hulk incarnation, which was more influenced by the xenomorphs depicted in the Alien franchise.
The Oracle's main task is curing the Starscourge, a plague that absorbs all natural light and turns those infected into nocturnal monsters known as Daemons. Central to the lore of Eos are the Astrals, six divine beings who serve as the guardians of the natural world and are based on summoned monsters from the Final Fantasy series; and the True King, a legendary figure prophesied to appear when the Starscourge threatens to plunge Eos into eternal night. A key part of Eos's backstory is the Great War of Old, a conflict born when the ancient human civilization of Solheim turned on the Astrals and their patron Ifrit; Ifrit's attempt to destroy humanity defied the Astrals' duty to protect Eos, forcing them to kill Ifrit. The Great War of Old is implied to have caused the spread of the Starscourge across the planet, hastening the fall of Solheim.
The Orange Book further explains that : [t]he ability of a trusted computing base to enforce correctly a unified security policy depends on the correctness of the mechanisms within the trusted computing base, the protection of those mechanisms to ensure their correctness, and the correct input of parameters related to the security policy. In other words, a given piece of hardware or software is a part of the TCB if and only if it has been designed to be a part of the mechanism that provides its security to the computer system. In operating systems, this typically consists of the kernel (or microkernel) and a select set of system utilities (for example, setuid programs and daemons in UNIX systems). In programming languages that have security features designed in such as Java and E, the TCB is formed of the language runtime and standard library.
The Septuagint translates both the reference to lilith and the word for jackals or "wild beasts of the island" within the same verse into Greek as onokentauros, apparently assuming them as referring to the same creatures and gratuitously omitting "wildcats/wild beasts of the desert" (so, instead of the wildcats or desert beasts meeting with the jackals or island beasts, the goat or "satyr" crying "to his fellow" and lilith or "screech-owl" resting "there", it is the goat or "satyr", translated as daimonia "demons", and the jackals or island beasts "onocentaurs" meeting with each other and crying "one to the other" and the latter resting there in the translation).34:14 καὶ συναντήσουσιν δαιμόνια ὀνοκενταύροις καὶ βοήσουσιν ἕτερος πρὸς τὸν ἕτερον ἐκεῖ ἀναπαύσονται ὀνοκένταυροι εὗρον γὰρ αὑτοῖς ἀνάπαυσιν Translation: And daemons shall meet with onocentaurs, and they shall cry one to the other: there shall the onocentaurs rest, having found for themselves [a place of] rest.
A slightly revised version of the process, with an improved motion- estimation engine, was first used on the BBC's 2005 DVD release of Quatermass and the Pit (as part of The Quatermass Collection) and then on all subsequent relevant Doctor Who DVD releases. The 1970s Doctor Who serials to have undergone the VidFIRE process are: Doctor Who and the Silurians, The Ambassadors of Death (episodes 2-7; episode 1 remains on original 2-inch tape), Inferno, Terror of the Autons, The Mind of Evil, The Claws Of Axos (only Episodes 2 and 3), The Daemons (only episodes 1-3 and 5), Planet of the Daleks (only episode 3) and Invasion of the Dinosaurs (only episode 1). Beyond this, the technique (although critically applauded) has seen relatively little exposure, perhaps because of a belief within the broadcasting industry that public interest in the kind of archive television that would benefit from VidFIRE is insufficient to justify the cost of processing.
In "Supernatural Horror in Literature", Lovecraft gives his definition of weird fiction: > The true weird tale has something more than secret murder, bloody bones, or > a sheeted form clanking chains according to rule. A certain atmosphere of > breathless and unexplainable dread of outer, unknown forces must be present; > and there must be a hint, expressed with a seriousness and portentousness > becoming its subject, of that most terrible conception of the human brain—a > malign and particular suspension or defeat of those fixed laws of Nature > which are our only safeguard against the assaults of chaos and the daemons > of unplumbed space. S. T. Joshi describes several subdivisions of the weird tale: supernatural horror (or fantastique), the ghost story, quasi science fiction, fantasy, and ambiguous horror fiction and argues that "the weird tale" is primarily the result of the philosophical and aesthetic predispositions of the authors associated with this type of fiction.Joshi 1990, pp.
In the late 1960s after moving to live in Ponsanooth near Falmouth, he rediscovered stage magic - something he had been taught as a boy by his father and grandfather - and wrote articles for The Linking Ring and The Budget magazines. This included interviews with Ray Harryhausen and Ray Bradbury. He also published a trio of magic books: 13, Something Strange and Daemons Darklings and Doppelgangers which were sold in both the UK and the US and led to him being associated with 1970s bizarre magic.White, Rupert (2015) Monstermind: The magical life and art of Tony 'Doc' Shiels Antenna Publications Between 1970 and 1974 he performed as 'Doc Shiels: Wizard of the West' at festivals and fayres in Cornwall, UK. This, presented with the help of friend Vernon Rose and the rest of the Shiels family, was a magic show that incorporated illusions such as the headless woman, the sub-trunk and the buzz- saw.
Yasht 14, the hymn of praise to Verethragna, "though ill-preserved, contains what seem very archaic elements" There, Verethragna is described as "the most highly armed" (Yasht 14.1), the "best equipped with might" (14.13), with "effervescent glory" (14.3), has "conquering superiority" (14.64), and is in constant battle with men and daemons (14.4, 14.62). Verethragna is not exclusively associated with military might and victory. So, for instance, he is connected with sexual potency and "confers virility" (Yasht 14.29), has the "ability to heal" (14.3) and "renders wonderful". The Yasht begins with an enumeration of the ten forms in which the divinity appears: As an impetuous wind (14.2-5); as an armed warrior (14.27) and as an adolescent of fifteen (14.17); and in the remaining seven forms as animals: a bull with horns of gold (14.7); a white horse with ears and a muzzle of gold (14.9); a camel in heat (14.11-13); a boar (14.15); a bird of prey (veregna, 14.19-21); a ram (14.23); and a wild goat (14.25).
When Claus is in his 60s, the Immortals realize he is near the end of his life, and a council, headed by Ak (Master Woodsman of the World), Bo (Master Mariner of the World), and Kern (Master Husbandman of the World) gathers together the Gnome King, the Queen of the Water Spirits, the King of the Wind Demons, the King of the Ryls, the King of the Knooks, the King of the Sound Imps, the King of the Sleep Fays, the Fairy Queen, Queen Zurline of the Wood Nymphs, and the King of the Light Elves with the Princes Flash and Twilight, to decide the fate of Santa Claus. After much debate, he is granted immortality just as the Spirit of Death comes for him. At the end of the book, the immortal Santa Claus takes on four special deputies: Wisk the Fairy, Peter the Knook, Kilter the Pixie, and Nuter the Ryl. Baum's short follow-up, "A Kidnapped Santa Claus", further develops his relationship with his deputies, who must work in his place when Claus is captured by five Daemons.

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