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304 Sentences With "phobias"

How to use phobias in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "phobias" and check conjugation/comparative form for "phobias". Mastering all the usages of "phobias" from sentence examples published by news publications.

As Hess notes, the Associated Press struck political phobias from
What exactly are phobias and where do they come from?
Some patients might suffer from multiple specific phobias at once.
Why do people not immediately seek help for these phobias?
But coverage of the phobias of the powerful is different.
Do you think facing your phobias can improve your life?
Specific phobias affect about 19 million individuals in the U.S. A recently published meta-analysis of 14 clinical trials showed that VRET was similarly effective in treating specific phobias as real-life exposure therapy.
This is one more thing that AHS gets right about phobias.
I decided to experience the top five phobias of most Americans.
They're the things that more specific fears or phobias spring from.
In fact, many people's phobias stem from TV shows and movies.
These broader phobias are harder to treat than a specific phobia.
What all my fashion phobias really come down to is exposure.
It was also a common treatment for anxiety, phobias, and trauma.
Researchers could foresee potential clinical applications in PTSD, phobias, and addiction.
Likewise, those with social phobias took longer to join social interactions.
Virtual anger management system, phobias, creating experiences that deal with that.
When I was little, like six, I had all these phobias.
Ally's phobias and official vote for Jill Stein only made things worse.
Independence, Rush introduced an original taxonomy of phobias in 1786, in an
Paulson's character reportedly suffers from multiple phobias including a fear of clowns.
Fear, which is personified in every single one of Ally's many phobias.
The current standard of treatment for such phobias revolves around exposure therapy.
All of them had treated people with clown phobias, but never statues.
A wasp is clearly bad, but the subjects didn't have wasp phobias.
" She shared it caused Delilah to have "serious anxiety and multiple phobias.
For her patients that struggle with irrational phobias, Suzanne Stone, a clinical psychologist at CBT Associates of Toronto, specializes in exposure therapy, which entails on-site visits to treat phobias by literally exposing patients to what they fear.
Ally appears to be cured of her phobias because she's confronted them all.
Even vocalizing it, I felt calmer and more prepared to address my phobias.
Or in some cases, people have conquered phobias using lucid dreaming, he says.
It's possible, since childhood trauma is a common link to phobias, Chao says.
"Billy Bob Thornton is a curious man with curious phobias," Curtis told Elle.
Well, when it comes to actual phobias, it's by definition an irrational fear.
More typically, it's used to treat anxiety, phobias, and mood disorders like depression.
In him, several of the phobias of Iranian hard-liners found a focus.
Also: Confronting kids' phobias, cleaning with Marie Kondo and more from NYT Parenting.
Children can develop phobias about bees, dogs, needles, bridges, vomit, darkness and more.
Also featured: the possible uses for virtual reality in helping people overcome their phobias.
PALOMER: We treat specific phobias, like fear of flying, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, agoraphobia.
But did you know the posters were also geared toward three specific phobias, too?
Dr. Schneier explains that agoraphobia is one of the most common — and severe — phobias.
Unlike other notable phobias, trypophobia is relatively new, at least in the English lexicon.
"PTSD and anxiety disorders, like phobias, are characterized and propagated by avoidance," says Rizzo.
You can also have specific phobias of going to the dentist, flying, or heights.
Ironically, controlled VR environments are actually used to treat phobias, including fear of spiders.
Such phobias may appear safer and more controllable than the ultimate fear of death.
He does intend to sic the "Get Out" model on other phobias and -isms.
If Alfred Hitchcock's thriller The Birds scarred you, prepare to have your old phobias return.
"The Turkish state used to have two phobias, Islam and the Kurds," says Mr Okumus.
There appear to be general fear fingerprints corresponding to different phobias that occur across populations.
"Phobias are reactions in which a specific trigger produces an extremely intense response," he says.
There's no doubt that anxiety disorders — from panic attacks to social phobias — can be crippling.
Basically, it can help people conquer phobias or other conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder.
Instead, they only serve multicourse, blind tasting menus, although food phobias and allergies are respected.
Barcelona-based Psious has developed a virtual reality platform for treating phobias and anxiety disorders.
BURKE: What are the different phobias or conditions that you`re trying to treat with this?
But not all people with phobias have access to or can afford sessions with a therapist.
Mattu has treated quite a few different phobias, including his own, which involve bees and sharks.
In fact, some people find online self-help resources to be effective for coping with phobias.
Celebrity phobias symbolize cracks in their façade, proof that the rich and beautiful have simple terrors.
Phobias can also be their own disorder category, such as social phobia or agoraphobia, he says.
Some friends and family members understand; others don't; and I hide my phobias when I can.
Cheltenham, a longtime sci-fi fan, says LGBT phobias in the comic community are not new.
We meticulously go through all my phobias, obsessions, and rituals and rate them on a hierarchy.
Ally's phobias are feeding her fake news, which is indistinguishable from the actual danger around her.
Ms. Paulson's character, Ally, crippled by various phobias, rails about how the election made everything worse.
But mostly, life is free from -isms and -phobias; boundaries are respected, voting rights aren't suppressed.
That said, everyone has a fear of something, whether they constitute true phobias or not — even celebrities.
Mostly, tapeworm phobias develop from a fear of illness rather than directly seeing graphic images of them.
Javanbakh tells Axios his clinic has been "very successful" in treating spider phobias with AR and telepsychiatry.
Others had the familiar phobias of snakes, dogs, heights, and spiders, as well as some stranger varieties.
In the story, a creature disguised as a clown preys on the phobias of its young targets.
With panic attacks, there are many theories: You might start off with a strong tendency toward phobias.
Exposure therapy is a highly effective way to treat certain kinds of anxiety, specific phobias, and PTSD.
I went through graded exposures for two specific phobias related to my OCD: food poisoning and vomit.
As is the case with other specific phobias, sufferers create idiosyncratic restrictions or allowances around taking them.
Tell 'em the name of the book, Bill-- BILL GATES: It's called Progressive Phobias, the chapter name.
If change numbers among your biggest phobias, remember that you have all of spring ahead of you.
He needs a bugaboo, and the images of the migrant caravan play into his base's biggest phobias.
Some people suffer from generalized anxiety; some people deal with social anxiety; some people have specific phobias.
But her therapist, Dr. Vincent (Cheyenne Jackson), supported her confinement after witnessing the intensity of her evolving phobias.
In addition to their work on phobias, Psious and VirtualRet also have solutions for generalized anxiety and relaxation.
Such phobias are so rare that it doesn't really make sense to spend university money to research them.
Sound phobias are very common for dogs—and cats—making this holiday a nightmare for millions of animals.
"Part of the reason people will delay seeking treatment is that phobias are characterized by avoidance," Nadkarni explains.
Luckily, one of the most widely supported forms of treatment for phobias allows one to take their time.
Photograph by Herbert Matter / Courtesy Condé Nast He was ridden with phobias of death, darkness, and open spaces.
This new documentary series raises that question by looking at experiments involving a drug that can eliminate phobias.
The character of Jessica James may be riddled with doubts and phobias, played for humorous and poignant effect.
The themes are appropriately brooding: police violence, the conflict between progress and nature, personal phobias, and feelings of alienation.
Such is the thinking of clinical psychologist Merel Kindt, who works will people suffering from phobias and anxiety workers.
But, there's more to Halloween TV than the Scooby Gang's phobias and Ross Geller's (David Schwimmer) "Spud-nik" costume.
Since these people didn't have any phobias, they acted as the "surrogates" for brain activity for the phobic people.
It's similar to other conditions and phobias and anxiety disorders where you see a large range within the population.
Lastly, Kalliope had me close my eyes and encouraged me to relax as she talked me through approaching my phobias.
Still, Hudak thinks, it's better if a therapist can be involved when people use VR to help overcome their phobias.
Phobias often start in childhood, where traumatic events are capable of leaving a mental residue that can last a lifetime.
Dental phobias are extremely common, says Carrie L. Lintner, a dentist who's been practicing in Kalamazoo, Michigan for 17 years.
Sometimes phobias are part of a different disorder — for example, "germ phobia" is often part of OCD, Dr. Schneier says.
Hypnosis has become a common medical tool, used to reduce pain, help people stop smoking and cure them of phobias.
"It's often used to help clients overcome depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, phobias, and fears," says UK-based hypnotherapist Sara Maude.
However, having dietary limitations, restrictions, phobias or preferences does not give a person license to announce it at a party.
The anxieties and unspoken phobias that live inside your own head are far worse than when they're finally spoken aloud.
There is robust scientific evidence demonstrating the value of the method in coping with O.C.D., phobias, and other anxiety disorders.
Anxiety is a broad term for a range of disorders, from generalized anxiety disorder to social anxiety to specific phobias.
She is rightfully furious that Kai has been using information from Dr. Vincent's medical file on her to trigger her phobias.
The controversial theories of evolutionary psychology have been applied to explain other common phobias, such as ophiophobia: the fear of snakes.
In the early twentieth century, Sigmund Freud argued phobias were "protective structures" springing from a patient's "repressed longing" for his mother.
Today we explore a potential new way to treat phobias where the patient doesn't even need to know they're being treated.
Luckily, specific phobias are highly treatable, but they're often mild enough that people don't end up seeking treatment, Dr. Schneier explains.
People with past brain injuries were also about four times more likely to suffer from panic attacks, specific phobias and depression.
Brains are in fact so similar across the board that we study fear in the rat's amygdala to treat human phobias.
We try to prey on people's worst fears and phobias, so we're constantly switching up the actual scares inside the house.
Nothing says spooky quite like Friday the 133th — that quirky day when all our superstitions and phobias come out to play.
Fifteen million Americans suffer from a diagnosable form of social anxiety, and millions more suffer from less severe but related phobias.
"Specific phobias are very interfering for the person—the level of fear that that individual is experiencing is going to be pretty significant, like produce panic attacks and those sorts of things," says Todd Farchione, a researcher and associate professor at Boston University and the director of the Intensive Treatment Program for Panic Disorder and Specific Phobias.
Trump's win is the moral loss that tosses lead character Ally Mayfair-Richards (Sarah Paulson) into the throws of her darkest phobias.
Judging by Ally's reaction to the election results, it's safe to say that the latter is what causes her phobias to return.
People with dental phobias might avoid going to the dentist altogether, he adds, which can cause a whole slew of other issues.
Ivy claims that she felt that she lost all control of her life after the election and when Ally's phobias took over.
This goes back to what some of VR's therapeutic applications are, and that is stuff like immersion therapy for PTSD and phobias.
Similar to PTSD, VR therapy has for many years been used in clinics for the treatment of phobias and other anxiety disorders.
Maybe you want to help with depression or anxiety, the CBT for Depression, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic Attacks will help with that.
Depression, anxiety, phobias, and, of course, PTSD are but a few of the areas that VR technology is already being applied in.
A good starting place, if you can do it, is to find a therapist who has experience in treating anxiety and phobias.
I saw someone who specializes in anxiety, with plans to see an expert in phobias later on if she deemed it necessary.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is also known to help phobias, and a therapist might help you reshape how you think about your phobia.
The outcome, however, doesn't just unsettle Ally, but also unleashes a series of dormant phobias, including her fear of (sigh) homicidal clowns.
The tendency toward anxiety — and toward some specific forms of anxiety, like phobias — may persist throughout childhood and adolescence and into adulthood.
The practice has been scientifically proven to help treat phobias, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Their approach, if proven in further studies, could lead to new ways of treating patients with phobias or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
One school of psychology—"terror management theory"—holds that fear of death is the source of everything distinctively human, from phobias to religion.
And, unless they cause "significant distress" or impact your ability to work and form relationships, they might not even qualify as technical phobias.
Exposure therapy, in which subjects are eased into facing their fears, is quite effective in treating phobias, according to every psychologist I interviewed.
Some examples include general stress at work, relationship issues, fears and phobias, depression and other anxiety disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Sarah Paulson truly had to face her fears while filming American Horror Story: Cult — the actress' personal phobias were used in the script!
Kindt is currently focusing her research on the specific conditions that trigger reconsolidation in people with more complicated anxiety disorders than specific phobias.
As far as I'm concerned, noise art is the most extreme musical confrontation of the systemic -isms and phobias which rot our society.
Actually, it's interesting, because phobias not only have a genetic component, but it's also the exact fear or phobia that the offspring develop.
It captures one of our greatest phobias in non horror movie, and manages to keep our guards down in time for the scare.
Similarly, those with phobias may go to extreme lengths to avoid what they fear and react with extreme distress when confronted with it.
One way the elite functions, Lind says, is through the labeling of white-working-class prejudices as phobias — as in transphobia, homophobia, Islamophobia.
Yet the kind of anxiety that strikes without notice for no apparent reason — such as panic attacks and social phobias — can be debilitating.
Under Furness, Rose and his colleagues developed civilian uses of the technology, creating VR worlds for everything from treating spider phobias to teaching Japanese.
Ally's phobias, prejudices, and declarations that she has a reason to be exactly this paranoid tend to end with her being in the right.
Treatment for fear of flying is trickier than for other phobias because an individual doesn't often have ample opportunity to engage in exposures repeatedly.
This time around they're tackling fear, revealing their darkest phobias, sharing what horror movie monsters they find sexy, and interviewing an intrepid Hollywood stuntwoman.
VirtualRet is another tool for psychologists and therapists to help evaluate and treat phobias such as public speaking, flying, heights, blood and public places.
The most common are specific phobias, in which people develop an irrational fear of a situation or an object, such as heights or spiders.
Haxby can attest to this now; he never envisioned that his method of visualizing the brain might be used for unconscious treatment of phobias.
Each person met with a psychologist for diagnostic interviews to screen for various psychological disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, phobias and depression.
He was a kind man by inclination, if prone to phobias—so dreading death, for example, that he made an obsessive topic of it.
Of course I was chronically sad, and of course various phobias lay dormant inside me, but none of that was currently dictating my behavior.
I've dated anxious people before, and while I felt we really "got" each other, we could provoke each other's phobias and end up spiraling.
More from Tonic: Finally, specific phobias are characterized by excessive fears of heights, spiders, snakes and blood—all of which are associated with death.
The big picture: Nationalist phobias prompted the original immigrant quotas in the U.S., according to Guillermo Cantor, research director at the American Immigration Council.
The technique seems to be most helpful for patients with psychological conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, or anxiety, Dr. Spiegel says.
For some, the psychological obstacle isn't endurance or managing pain but rather fear, particularly the common phobias associated with height, water and confined spaces.
They see judges, tax cuts, nationalism, a boatload of phobias and permission to be hostile to people whose lifestyles or very existence unnerve them.
He's developed a protocol for treating child phobias — like being afraid of dogs, the dark, and other fears — in a concentrated three-hour session.
His studies find that these brief, intense sessions for phobias and anxiety could be as effective as treatments that are spread out over months.
Although adults with phobias may realize these fears are irrational, even thinking about facing the feared object or situation brings on severe anxiety symptoms.
This company has partnered with leading academic institutions, research and treatment facilities to undertake new R&D projects concerning childhood anxiety and childhood social phobias.
According to Jason Riggle, a professor in the department of linguistics at the University of Chicago, people's avoidance of "moist" is comparable to other phobias.
But talking about their phobias represents something different: We want the statesmen who dominate us to be terrorized by fears whose size reflects their grandiosity.
Remaining in this state of wary hypervigilance can contribute to issues like social anxiety, hypochondria, post-traumatic stress disorder, insomnia and all manner of phobias.
Beyond physical ailments, Dr. Soon said, the boys could eventually experience anxiety, panic attacks, recurrent nightmares, phobias or other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Virtual reality can also act as a therapeutic tool for those who experience more debilitating stress, including PTSD, and panic disorders or phobias, researchers say.
Long-term PTSD can lead to depression, anxiety, or developing phobias, as well as acting in a self-destructive manner through alcohol or drug abuse.
I had, on the whole, embraced the American way of living and developed its two accompanying phobias: meals that drag on forever and overly chic restaurants.
And I'm also not speaking for people with needle phobias, although somehow I doubt a "system of exploding micro-needles and magnets" is the best workaround.
Here's its mission statement:This is a Scary Website that is made for the following: Lost Episodes Phobias, Urban Legends Or Serial Killers,BUT NO GRAPHIC PICTURES!
Fear-conditioning studies tested fears that were only a day old, after all, while people often live with anxieties and phobias for years before seeking treatment.
If you feel like that's you, and your symptoms interfere with your life, you should seek treatment from a therapist or psychiatrist who specializes in phobias.
I'm not sure this study adds a whole lot, but it remains an interesting topic that's relevant well beyond phobias and the perceived size of arachnids.
I don't make vacation the time to tackle my phobias I'm constantly working on my anxiety, and OCD, which is my particular flavor of anxiety disorder.
Trump's limited vocabulary reflects a limited intellectual capacity that gives way to reductive solutions to big problems and tribal phobias that pit us against one another.
VR has been used to provideexposure therapy for people with PTSD or phobias, as well as to provide scenarios that helpheroin addicts deal with triggering moments.
In a survey, public speaking is ranked as one of the top 80 phobias for most Americans, according to the Chapman University Survey on American Fears.
Read: Therapists are using VR headsets to cure phobias The problem with this immersive experience is that occasionally breaks down if you don't pick a white avatar.
She'd gotten her phobias under control for long enough to marry and settle down with Ivy, but they've come roaring back since the election — the clowns, especially.
Being hypnotized can help address psychological problems such as generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, panic attacks, body image issues in cancer survivors, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more.
"It's not hard to imagine that programs like this will blossom for treating other specific phobias, besides heights, and posttraumatic stress disorder," Bienvenu said in an email.
Anxiety disorder includes "panic disorder, specific phobias, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)," demonstrated by persistent and debilitating fear.
Phobias, panic attacks and disorders like post-traumatic stress are extremely common: 29 percent of American adults will suffer from anxiety at some point in their lives.
More from Tonic: The Anxiety and Depression Association of America provides a comprehensive description of anxiety disorders, like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, and social anxiety.
These are fears based on our individual phobias, like the fear of spiders or ghosts, something that a lot of recent horror movies have based themselves on.
As far back as the mid-1990s, clinical trials showed that this kind of technology could help treat phobias and other conditions, like post-traumatic stress disorder.
Therapists use it to treat P.T.S.D. and phobias by exposing patients to their worst fears in controlled doses, eventually desensitizing them to whatever is causing their anxiety.
Does that open the door to connect this info with any other data DHS can get its hands on: job histories, criminal histories, a list of phobias, etc?
I was disappointed to realize that some parts of my mental health (phobias, obsessive disorder) would not be cured by transitioning, but they no longer feel all- consuming.
Rather than test participants' existing phobias, the researchers created a new, mild "fear memory" by giving volunteers a brief electrical shock when they saw a certain computer image.
Anxiety disorders — such as generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and phobias — are the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., and they affect twice as many women as men.
That said, nonchalantly assigning yourself with a phobia can belittle the fact that some people struggle to go about their daily lives because their phobias are so severe.
To defeat our scientific phobias and taboos will require understanding how the findings of science and their consequences fit into the cultural makeup of both liberals and conservatives.
Absence of delightful or, depending on your particular phobias, alarming fellows in whiteface wandering around notwithstanding, the company does essentially go back to basics for its latest show.
While there are yet to be scientific studies on whether lucid dreaming could indeed help treat such phobias, it is nevertheless a tantalizing possibility that should be explored.
The Virtual Reality Medical Center is one of a growing number of medical practices in cyber psychology to help patients with phobias and other chronic mental health issues.
Benzodiazepines are among the most commonly used drugs, including alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonopin), and diazepam (Valium) to treat anxiety, separation anxiety, panic attacks, and noise phobias in dogs.
In the first and most fundamental instance, there's been a major shift in public opinion away from many of the phobias and bigotries on which Republicans have long relied.
Researchers at the University of Louisville experimented with VR to treat anxiety disorders and phobias, while some at Stanford University used it to set up practice spaces for surgeons.
He's not involved in this current work, and he tells me that he didn't have phobias in mind at all when he developed this kind of imaging, called hyperalignment.
He adds that referring to a fear of Friday the 13th as a "phobia" may be a misnomer, since phobias are usually grounded in something other than a superstition.
You can't let your phobias run your life, you have to confront and work through them or you'll be left paralyzed — like someone stung by a female widow spider.
Though he referred to enduring a sexual assault at a Catholic boarding school and having dyslexia, phobias and PTSD, he also said he "fully" accepted responsibility for his actions.
Farris had spent nearly half his childhood in a post-9/173 world and had grown accustomed to phobias, as much as anyone can ever get used to them.
Phobic disorders, as experts call them, include social anxiety disorder (essentially a fear of interacting with others), as well as specific phobias, like an overwhelming and irrational fear of spiders.
These days, we no longer shield our souls from the mirrors in our home, but the residue of old phobias lingers in the anxiety with which we approach our reflection.
Though the drug was not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, some therapists incorporated it into their treatment regimens for patients struggling with PTSD, depression, phobias, and relationship problems.
From separation anxiety to social anxiety to school avoidance to phobias to generalized anxiety disorder, many children's lives are at some point touched by anxiety that gets out of hand.
The pain and fear around childhood vaccinations, he said, contributes to the development of needle phobias, which can make people reluctant to get flu shots and other potentially lifesaving vaccines.
He unwraps all his wounds, all the conceivable sources that nurtured in him this perplexing desire to be humiliated: childhood bullying, his stutter, germ phobias, acne and high, feminine voice.
The cult identity is also given phobias—irrational fears that terrible things will happen to the world and to them if they betray the Vanguard, the only hope for humankind.
The study's authors noted that their experiment was relatively small and said further research was needed to turn this approach into a verified clinical treatment for patients with phobias or PTSD.
Still, I don't know whether the rascally Chappelle of Killin Them Softly could have taken these phobias and made them self-reflexive, more timely, or critical of a culture at large.
"I wouldn't say this is one of the most common phobias," Ali Mattu, a clinical psychologist at the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders, told me over the phone.
Ally's anxiety has triggered all of her phobias: fear of clowns, blood, the dark, confined spaces, and the a piece of coral in her doctor's office with way too many holes.
"This is about the people of the 13th District disregarding fear tactics, disregarding phobias, where we celebrate you because of who you are, not despite it," she told the Washington Post.
In 2013, Kindt recruited subjects who were very afraid of spiders—one of the most common phobias, and a fear that is also relatively easy to control in a laboratory setting.
The second reason we have the pit is that some of the research we do in this lab which is one of the long historical successes of VR is treating phobias.
I have many specific phobias that I talk about in therapy weekly, try to challenge and understand, or select which ones are inhibiting and which ones I should offer compassion to.
For example, lucid dreamers often report resolving waking life phobias, such as fear of flying, insects, heights, public speaking and so forth by acting in the relative safety of a dream.
If a student with a psychological disability has the right to live with an animal, how should schools protect other students whose allergies or phobias may be triggered by that animal?
What I learned was that people who are struggling with phobias, trauma and other mental health problems can see results with hypnosis if they're open to it, as I had been.
And it found that placebos seem to move the needle on pain, nausea, asthma, and phobias, with more inconsistent results for outcomes like smoking, dementia, depression*, obesity, hypertension, insomnia, and anxiety.
Ally, Sarah Paulson's character in the latest season of American Horror Story, lives with a wide and ranging assortment of phobias (agoraphobia, coulrophobia, and trypophobia) which only intensify following the 2016 election.
Although it's not officially recognized in the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5 categorization of disorders, coulrophobia, the fear of clowns, is one of the most commonly known phobias in the public perception.
The NFL Draft, more than any other time, is when we see this most clearly—the league's phobias and foibles, its conscious and its unconscious biases, and its twinned cynicism and romance.
Medical specialists worry that aside from physical ailments, the boys could experience anxiety, panic attacks, recurrent nightmares, phobias or other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in the short or long term.
In the Carpool Karaoke episode above, the host and the former One Directioner team up to tackle songs, pigeons-based phobias, and — right at the end — a surprisingly tense lie detector test.
Beyond the uncertainties all preteens face, Joseph is burdened by a disparate set of phobias — from gargoyles to goose poop to hard-boiled eggs to his dread of the school bully, Charlie.
The "Brexiters" were a motley band driven mainly by anti-immigration anger, sentimental nationalism, resentment of globalized elites, economic fears, phobias about Germany and Brussels — all whipped up by post-truth politicians.
Other resources the player association provides include a players-only website with a focus on mental health that features up to 90 links about issues including depression and all kinds of phobias.
The USA Network's murder mystery has come to an end, after eight straight weeks of creating unexpected ski mask phobias and generally making nudity seem like psychosexual horror rather than a beautiful thing.
The hotline Shin works for fields calls from between 80 and 100 people a day, with many reporting issues akin to post traumatic stress disorder, including spontaneous panic attacks, insomnia and inexplicable phobias.
Now that we know it's possible to reactivate memories, we may be able to try continuously reactivating a memory to improve performance, or manipulate traumatic memories to help people with phobias or PTSD.
The character has leftover reflexes and phobias due to her time in the bunker because, whether the show admits it or not, women being held hostage by men is never not fucking terrifying.
An HTC Vive horror experience that served around 2,500 fans a day, AHS Fearless VR served up a series of themed mini-scenes focusing on common phobias: claustrophobia, acrophobia, of gettingburnedalive-o-phobia.
At trial, an expert for the state confirmed that systematic desensitization was a "generally accepted treatment method," especially for phobias, and was often paired with relaxation and breathing techniques, precisely as Afshar described.
This article originally appeared on VICE UK.Obviously you've got you mainstream phobias—arachnophobia, agoraphobia, claustrophobia—which come backed up with a ton of research, official Greek and Latin names, and lengthy Wikipedia pages.
The story seems at first to be about Gregory Peck's mixed-up identity and amnesia and phobias and fainting spells and stuff, but in the end you realize Peck is by the by.
Others include Alice Munro, Doris Lessing, Harold Pinter and Elfriede Jelinek, but their reasons had to do with illness, old age and, in the case of Ms. Jelinek, various prohibitive phobias (crowds, flying).
Studies have shown that these immersive systems are a convenient, cost-effective way to manage anxiety and other psychiatric symptoms, and the headsets are already being used to treat everything from PTSD to phobias.
"Creating foot phobias all around the world with this post but this is the raw truth on how bad my fluid got towards the end of my first pregnancy," she joked in the caption.
Arizona shows up to talk her into the surgery, which I don't think is a thing one can do with actual phobias, but it does make me desperately want her to be my doctor.
Just like we can rid of phobias by gradually getting exposed to the things that terrify us without anything bad happening, we can learn to stop being revolted by vomit, cockroaches, and dog poop.
Anxiety disorders affect at least 40 million people in the U.S. CleVR is a company in the Netherlands developing VR systems for fear of flying, heights and social phobias, also backed by scientific research.
Psious is a company in Spain that offers a clinical toolkit for therapists to administer and control VRET to treat patients with phobias; it includes VR hardware, a customizable software platform and biofeedback devices.
In the case of phobias and disorders like PTSD, however, the surge in stress hormones at the time of trauma makes the memory too vivid, so that it intrudes on the victim's everyday life.
We also dig deep on what to do with unused embryos, how to help scared kids overcome phobias and whether Marie Kondo's new children's book is an effective way to teach kids about cleaning.
More From Tonic: The Opioid Effect "In my experience, [these] phobias are more common in the western world compared to under-developed regions," says Phil Craig, a professor of parasitology at the University of Salford.
Her phobias, which have resurfaced en masse since the election, are just getting worse — though admittedly, finding a dying colleague trussed up like a piece of meat in the restaurant cooler must not have helped.
Agoraphobia may be one of the most common phobias out there (it even played a part in the last season of American Horror Story), but there's still a lot that we get wrong about it.
A: There are two types of phobias around death: necrophobia, which is the fear of dead things and things associated with the dead (funerals, cemeteries), and thanatophobia, which is the fear of one's self dying.
It's a collection of mostly musical comedy sketches co-starring and appropriate for kids but dealing with grown-up topics like death, phobias and grandparents dating (and featuring such guests as Byrne and Jake Gyllenhaal).
The approach is based on a century-old method called exposure therapy, wherein those who've experienced trauma or people with phobias learn to cope by reliving the scarring incident or exposing themselves to what they fear.
She has built her own laboratory, published in the most prestigious scientific journals, and developed a simple treatment she hopes might one day help millions of people who suffer from PTSD, phobias, and other anxiety disorders.
We spoke to a few people who suffer from weird phobias to find out what got them to this place in their life and what happens when they accidentally touch a mug in the office kitchen.
Kessler said women are also more likely to have anxiety disorders, not every anxiety disorder, but the ones that are associated with suicide, such as panic disorder and phobias, and post-traumatic stress from sexual assault.
The district also includes the Three Village Academy, an alternative high school in Stony Brook founded in 2013 for students with social phobias or anxiety that make learning in large settings difficult (ninth through 2530th grade).
It's so hard to face your own phobias and react in way that's conducive to change, but that's the only way we can grow as people, is unlearning all the garbage we've been told our whole lives.
According to the Mayo Clinic, medications such as beta blockers and antidepressants are sometimes prescribed to control the symptoms associated with phobias, however, cognitive behavioral therapy can allow patients to manage their fears in the long-term.
Fears can be erased, much as they are in aversion therapy—where phobias are conditioned away through exposure to the subject of the phobia, an oft unpleasant process—but without every having to conjure the fear itself.
When it comes to treating anxiety, studies show that Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT) works really well, and many mental health professionals view it as a go-to treatment for helping people tackle their worries, fears, and phobias.
Overdose deaths involving benzodiazepines — such as Xanax, Librium, Valium and Ativan, drugs commonly used to treat anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, seizures and insomnia — have quadrupled between 22013 and 22015, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Aside from just watching the movie—which, by the way, looks terrifying—the theater full of clowns will get to participate in a host of fun activities (or nightmarish, depending on your personal phobias) on Saturday, September 9.
"You could feel the willingness from the American side to work together in a business-like manner without any (anti-Russian) phobias," RIA quoted Georgy Borisenko, head of the North America Department at Russia's Foreign Ministry, as saying.
There are a ton of underground, alternative phobias for people who reject the dominant narrative—the kind of stuff that won't be appearing in a Stephen King novel or during an episode of Fear Factor any time soon.
But unlike other phobias, such as agoraphobia, trypophobia "is not a major public health problem," Franklin Schneier, MD, co-director of the Anxiety Disorders Clinic and special lecturer in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, previously told Refinery29.
Designed to offer support to gapjil victims, who often report issues akin to post traumatic stress disorder, including spontaneous panic attacks, insomnia and inexplicable phobias, it received more than 22,000 requests for help in its first year alone.
Either way, the idea is that you can train your brain to eliminate phobias, tweak bad habits, and even gain a deeper understanding of others' body language — skills that are beneficial in the workplace, your social life, and beyond.
Irrational fears, also known as phobias, are of the "I am afraid of a situation or a thing that is not present or is intangible" variety, like fear of public speaking or spiders, of death or of the unknown.
Franklin Schneier, MD, co-director of the Anxiety Disorders Clinic and special lecturer in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, tells Refinery29 that not all phobias are created equal — especially when it comes to the three that Ally faces.
The very real side effects of antidepressants and similar medications are balanced against potential health benefits, but the Wavelength is almost purely recreational, though White says that it could augment more established virtual reality treatments for phobias and PTSD.
Chloe told me that while she believes hormonal requirements for transgender competitors are logical, surgical requirements are obviously unnecessary and point to cultural phobias around trans bodies rather than to any scientific facts about the relative sportiness of genitals.
Before things get started there should be a negotiation of what fantasies each party wants to explore, what is on/off the table during play, any phobias/allergies, experience levels, and what the tone of the session should be.
Taylor Garland, spokeswoman for the Association of Flight Attendants, says that with minimum staffing, it can be difficult for flight attendants to spend time with individual passengers, but she suggests people with phobias advise a flight attendant when they board.
I don't have any phobias (I think), but a few things get my heart racing a mile per minute: spiders, sitting at the edge of a tall building, and being locked in a confined space for long periods of time.
In fact, the more dates you make yourself go on, the less scary they'll eventually feel — a pattern that's true of many phobias and anxieties, explains Lena Aburdene Derhally, MS, LPC, a licensed psychotherapist who focuses on anxiety and relationships.
In general, any excessive fear can be considered a phobia, but most phobias are "highly circumscribed," meaning they're very specific, says Franklin Schneier, MD, co-director of the Anxiety Disorders Clinic and special lecturer in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center.
It's not that far off from the logic of exposure therapy, in which patients encounter the objects of their phobias in safe circumstances until the fear wears off—except those outcomes are achieved with time and behavior instead of lasers.
True, simple tactics of breathing exercises may benefit manageable cases like random sparks of nervosity, but complex struggles such as ongoing bullying, OCD, or internal phobias may require less independent exercises and more deep discussion with others from counseling to therapy.
Luke Chao, a hypnotherapist and founder of the Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis in Toronto, treats a variety of patients daily, who show symptoms of more common phobias, such as the fear of flying (aviophobia or aerophobia), or the fear of public speaking (glossophobia).
While severe disorders may still require pharmacological intervention, techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy (ET) are highly effective in conditions such as anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, PTSD and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) when administered by a qualified practitioner.
In summary, people with generalized anxiety disorder (like my former patient) worry about everything, individuals with phobias are afraid of specific things (like elevators or airplanes), and those with social anxiety fear interacting with coworkers and friends, especially in large social situations.
And if researchers are successful, they will likely not only impact the way we treat addiction, PTSD, and phobias, but will also end a global search for a forgetting pill: A drug that can safely target unwanted memories, and weaken them forever.
" On her YouTube channel, Contrapoints, Wynn tries to reframe the debate around issues like free speech, the alt-right, incels, and transgender pronouns in a way that "makes [the far right] reveal their puritanism and their phobias, and has me as the, like, libertine.
We're only two episodes into the cult favorite's seventh season, and fans already have questions about the pack of murderous clowns currently terrorizing Michigan, where Ally Mayfair-Richards' many phobias come from, and, honestly, who decided to name a little boy Ozymandius (Cooper Dodson)?
While it is fitting for a show like AHS to feature a character living with intense fears of her own, it's important to note that phobias are more complicated than simply identifying a source of anxiety and slapping its Greek root on the word.
If practitioners are to be believed, you can quit smoking, lose weight, time travel to past lives, have mind-blowing orgasms, get smarter, cure your phobias, get rich, enlarge your boobs, and heal all sorts of physical ailments, purely with the power of your mind.
Thomas H. Ollendick, a psychology professor at Virginia Tech, who helped pioneer a one-day treatment for phobias and has studied a one-week treatment for O.C.D., said this can be crucial for people whose illnesses are preventing them from attending school or work.
One of my mild phobias is being trapped somewhere, on a plane or a stalled train or in a line, with nothing to read, and I also have the Kindle reader app on my iPhone, so I always have my entire library with me.
If you think you might have social anxiety, it might comfort you to know that it's fairly common — according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), it affects approximately 15 million Americans, and is the second most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorder following specific phobias.
A certified practitioner with the National Guild of Hypnotists and certified hypnosis instructor who has performed hypnosis in seminars, groups, and one-on-one interactions, Angelo has found that a generalized level of stress exists at the root of most of her clients' various phobias and habits.
Whether you're living with generalized anxiety disorder or suffer specific phobias, or are mostly anxiety-free until around mid-November, we've curated some of the more portable bits from the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy toolkit to help you get through all the crushing merriment that yet lies ahead.
Researchers have used video game technologies like virtual reality to help people recover from PTSD, get over phobias, and learn to manage drug addictionVirtual-reality environments provide safe but real-feeling scenarios in which people can face fears and difficult situations with the support of a therapist.
I've read tons of think pieces claiming that social media is terrible for your mental health, but what if these online communities are actually helping people overcome their phobias by connecting individuals with shared experiences and providing access to resources that might aid in self-guided exposure therapy?
A study published in the China-based journal General Psychiatry this month found nearly 35% of 52,730 respondents across China had experienced psychological distress during the epidemic, based on their reported frequency of anxiety, depression, specific phobias, cognitive change and other symptoms over the course of a week.
"We included panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder and separation anxiety," said the lead author, Zhen Wang, an associate professor of health services research at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science (they did not include children with post-traumatic stress disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder).
"The major components to watch out for is when you allow a person or group to control your sleep, tell you what you should say or who you can talk to, instill phobias in people's minds—like if you question the leader or think about leaving, then your life or world will fall apart," he told VICE.
Those in the low-income category were at greater risk for every mental health ailment measured (except for alcoholism): They were two times more likely to have bipolar disorder, two times more likely to have dysthymia (a lower-intensity but longer-lasting form of depression), and 1.39 times more likely to have PTSD and social phobias.
He also explains the larger historical forces and phobias that set the stage for mass expulsions in Forsyth County, including the downward mobility of whites in the antebellum South; the irrational panic over black male sexuality; and the paranoia over the possibility of a black uprising to avenge slavery, which allowed whites to see themselves as victims, rather than aggressors.
"Puppy Prozac" is so last decade: Dr. Dodman, who has diagnosed Tourette's syndrome in racehorses and autism in bull terriers, ticked off an extensive if familiar-sounding list of remedies for mental disorders in animals: Buspar to treat anxiety, Ritalin for A.D.H.D., Xanax for phobias, an arsenal of S.S.R.I.s for depression, PTSD, and O.C.D. Can LSD microdosing be far behind?
Hayes finds Whitman's range without his privilege in a mostly alphabetized sonnet full of threats and phobias: All cancers kill me, car crashes, cavemen, chakras, Crackers, discord, dissonance, doves, Elvis, Ghosts, the grim reaper herself, a heart attack While making love, hangmen, Hillbillies exist, Lilies, Martha Stewarts, Mayflower maniacs, Money grubbers, Gwen Brooks' "The Mother," (My mother's bipolar as bacon), pancakes kill me, Phonies, dead roaches, big roaches & smaller Roaches, the sheepish, snakes, all seven seas, Snow avalanches, swansongs, sciatica, Killer Wasps, yee-haws, you, now & then, disease.

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