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"concatenate" Definitions
  1. linked together
  2. to link together in a series or chain

34 Sentences With "concatenate"

How to use concatenate in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "concatenate" and check conjugation/comparative form for "concatenate". Mastering all the usages of "concatenate" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It exists to "concatenate and print (display) the content of files," according to its Unix man page.
"The challenge is to figure out which two-digit blocks to concatenate with which other two-digit blocks," Nelson said.
To concatenate the two values, producing the output 1003000, it is necessary to use the `Text.Append(text1, text2)` method.
Types of triads: , , , ;Stacking of third intervals The fundamental guitar-chords—major and minor triads and dominant sevenths—are tertian chords, which concatenate third intervals, with each such third being either major (M3) or minor (m3).
For trees, a concise polynomial canonization algorithm requiring O(n) space is presented by .. Begin by labeling each vertex with the string 01. Iteratively for each non-leaf x remove the leading 0 and trailing 1 from x's label; then sort x's label along with the labels of all adjacent leaves in lexicographic order. Concatenate these sorted labels, add back a leading 0 and trailing 1, make this the new label of x, and delete the adjacent leaves. If there are two vertices remaining, concatenate their labels in lexicographic order.
555-1234 Bobby Brown.555-9876 Sue Miller.555-6743 Jenny Igotit.867-5309 As an example usage of both, the command can be used to concatenate multiple consecutive lines into a single row: $ paste -s -d '\t ' names.
If the strings represent potentially isomorphic structures such as graphs, normalizing in this way allows for simple equality checking. A common implementation trick when dealing with circular strings is to concatenate the string to itself instead of having to perform modular arithmetic on the string indices.
This is useful in for statements and macros. In Smalltalk and APL, the comma operator is used to concatenate collections, including strings. In APL, it is also used monadically to rearrange the items of an array into a list. In Prolog, the comma is used to denote Logical Conjunction ("and").
Gnopernicus uses these in a number of places: to know when text should and should not be interrupted, to better concatenate speech, and to sequence speech in different voices. Benchmarks conducted by Sun in 2002 on Solaris showed that FreeTTS ran two to three times faster than Flite at the time.
Such lasers are commonly used in optical communications applications such as DWDM-systems to allow adjustment of the signal wavelength. To get wideband tuning using this technique, some such as Santur Corporation or Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT Corporation) contain an array of such lasers on a single chip and concatenate the tuning ranges.
Generally, the command copies files from one location to another. It is used to make copies of existing files, but can also be used to combine (concatenate) multiple files into target files. The destination defaults to the current working directory. If multiple source files are indicated, the destination must be a directory, or an error will result.
JavaScript follows opposite rules—finding the same expression above, it will convert the integer `12` into a string `"12"`, then concatenate the two operands to form `"123.14"`. In the presence of coercions in a language, the programmer must be aware of the specific rules regarding operand types and the operation result type to avoid subtle programming mistakes.
An alternative to building a generalized suffix tree is to concatenate the strings, and build a regular suffix tree or suffix array for the resulting string. When hits are evaluated after a search, global positions are mapped into documents and local positions with some algorithm and/or data structure, such as a binary search in the starting/ending positions of the documents.
If another task completes after such an interrupt is sent, the host bus adapter can concatenate the completion messages together if the first set of completion messages has not been sent to the CPU. This allows the hard disk firmware design to trade off disk performance against CPU utilization by determining when to withhold and when to send completion messages.
In audio part we use features like log mel spectogram, mfcc etc. from the raw audio samples and we build a model to get feature vector out of it . For visual part generally we use some variant of convolutional neural network to compress the image to a feature vector after that we concatenate these two vectors (audio and visual ) and try to predict the target object.
'The Twelve Days of Christmas' is a cumulative song A cumulative song is a song with a simple verse structure modified by progressive addition so that each verse is longer than the verse before. Cumulative songs are popular for group singing, in part because they require relatively little memorization of lyrics, and because remembering the previous verse to concatenate it to form the current verse can become a kind of game.
Hans-Jürgen "Hansjürgen" Rudolf ReinickeSome sources concatenate his first name Hans-Jürgen and spell it Hansjürgen. (10 August 1902 – 29 January 1978) was a Kapitän zur See, commander of heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, in Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during the Second World War and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Reinicke was born in Frankfurt and grew up in the German Empire. He joined the Reichsmarine after World War I in 1922.
Spectrograms are a good way to view how the frequency content of a signal changes over time. The most common way to compute a spectrogram is to compute a Fourier transform over different segments of the signals, convert the frequency magnitude plot into an image, and concatenate those images. This is a useful way to visually identify coding and non-coding regions of DNA and to inspect other patterns that might exist.
The fluent calculus is a formalism for expressing dynamical domains in first- order logic. It is a variant of the situation calculus; the main difference is that situations are considered representations of states. A binary function symbol \circ is used to concatenate the terms that represent facts that hold in a situation. For example, that the box is on the table in the situation s is represented by the formula \exists t .
The name of Rule 90 comes from Stephen Wolfram's binary-decimal notation for one-dimensional cellular automaton rules. To calculate the notation for the rule, concatenate the new states in the rule table into a single binary number, and convert the number into decimal: 010110102 = 9010. Rule 90 has also been called the Sierpiński automaton, due to the characteristic Sierpiński triangle shape it generates, and the Martin–Odlyzko–Wolfram cellular automaton after the early research of on this automaton..
Heap sprays for web browsers are commonly implemented in JavaScript and spray the heap by creating large strings. The most common technique used is to start with a string of one character and concatenate it with itself over and over. This way, the length of the string can grow exponentially up to the maximum length allowed by the scripting engine. Depending on how the browser implements strings, either ASCII or Unicode characters can be used in the string.
DNA Nanoball Sequencing involves isolating DNA that is to be sequenced, shearing it into small 100 – 350 base pair (bp) fragments, ligating adapter sequences to the fragments, and circularizing the fragments. The circular fragments are copied by rolling circle replication resulting in many single-stranded copies of each fragment. The DNA copies concatenate head to tail in a long strand, and are compacted into a DNA nanoball. The nanoballs are then adsorbed onto a sequencing flow cell.
Figure 2.2: Concatenating two child ropes into a single rope. : Definition: `Concat(S1, S2)`: concatenate two ropes, S1 and S2, into a single rope. : Time complexity: (or time to compute the root weight) A concatenation can be performed simply by creating a new root node with and , which is constant time. The weight of the parent node is set to the length of the left child S1, which would take time, if the tree is balanced.
The Julia official distribution includes an interactive command-line read–eval–print loop (REPL), with a searchable history, tab-completion, and dedicated help and shell modes, which can be used to experiment and test code quickly. The following fragment represents a sample session example where strings are concatenated automatically by println:See also: for string interpolation and the `string(greet, ", ", whom, ". ")` example for preferred ways to concatenate strings. Julia has the println and print functions, but also a @printf macro (i.e.
MSD sorts are not necessarily stable if the original ordering of duplicate keys must always be maintained. Other than the traversal order, MSD and LSD sorts differ in their handling of variable length input. LSD sorts can group by length, radix sort each group, then concatenate the groups in size order. MSD sorts must effectively 'extend' all shorter keys to the size of the largest key and sort them accordingly, which can be more complicated than the grouping required by LSD.
A file archiver is a computer program that combines a number of files together into one archive file, or a series of archive files, for easier transportation or storage. File archivers may employ lossless data compression in their archive formats to reduce the size of the archive. Basic archivers just take a list of files and concatenate their contents sequentially into archives. The archive files need to store metadata, at least the names and lengths of the original files, if proper reconstruction is possible.
Uranium oxide is amphoteric and reacts as acid and as a base, depending on the conditions. ;As an acid: :UO3 \+ H2O → + 2 H+ Dissolving uranium oxide in a strong base like sodium hydroxide forms the doubly negatively charged uranate anion (). Uranates tend to concatenate, forming diuranate, , or other poly-uranates. Important diuranates include ammonium diuranate ((NH4)2U2O7), sodium diuranate (Na2U2O7) and magnesium diuranate (MgU2O7), which forms part of some yellowcakes. It is worth noting that uranates of the form M2UO4 do not contain ions, but rather flattened UO6 octahedra, containing a uranyl group and bridging oxygens.
In computer storage, logical volume management or LVM provides a method of allocating space on mass-storage devices that is more flexible than conventional partitioning schemes to store volumes. In particular, a volume manager can concatenate, stripe together or otherwise combine partitions (or block devices in general) into larger virtual partitions that administrators can re-size or move, potentially without interrupting system use. Volume management represents just one of many forms of storage virtualization; its implementation takes place in a layer in the device-driver stack of an operating system (OS) (as opposed to within storage devices or in a network).
When the observations are scalar quantities, one possible way of avoiding such re-computation is to first concatenate the entire sequence of observations and then apply the standard estimation formula as done in Example 2. But this can be very tedious because as the number of observation increases so does the size of the matrices that need to be inverted and multiplied grow. Also, this method is difficult to extend to the case of vector observations. Another approach to estimation from sequential observations is to simply update an old estimate as additional data becomes available, leading to finer estimates.
Each formal system uses primitive symbols (which collectively form an alphabet) to finitely construct a formal language from a set of axioms through inferential rules of formation. The system thus consists of valid formulas built up through finite combinations of the primitive symbols—combinations that are formed from the axioms in accordance with the stated rules.Encyclopædia Britannica, Formal system definition, 2007. More formally, this can be expressed as the following: # A finite set of symbols, known as the alphabet, which concatenate formulas, so that a formula is just a finite string of symbols taken from the alphabet.
Unlike a modern stream cipher (such as those in eSTREAM), RC4 does not take a separate nonce alongside the key. This means that if a single long-term key is to be used to securely encrypt multiple streams, the protocol must specify how to combine the nonce and the long-term key to generate the stream key for RC4. One approach to addressing this is to generate a "fresh" RC4 key by hashing a long-term key with a nonce. However, many applications that use RC4 simply concatenate key and nonce; RC4's weak key schedule then gives rise to related key attacks, like the Fluhrer, Mantin and Shamir attack (which is famous for breaking the WEP standard).
For many types, there are corresponding system classes. When a generic function is called, multiple-dispatch will determine the effective method to use. (defgeneric add (a b)) (defmethod add ((a number) (b number)) (+ a b)) (defmethod add ((a vector) (b number)) (map 'vector (lambda (n) (+ n b)) a)) (defmethod add ((a vector) (b vector)) (map 'vector #'+ a b)) (defmethod add ((a string) (b string)) (concatenate 'string a b)) (add 2 3) ; returns 5 (add #(1 2 3 4) 7) ; returns #(8 9 10 11) (add #(1 2 3 4) #(4 3 2 1)) ; returns #(5 5 5 5) (add "COMMON " "LISP") ; returns "COMMON LISP" Generic Functions are also a first class data type. There are many more features to Generic Functions and Methods than described above.
In Python, strings are immutable, so it's hard to modify an existing string, but luckily it's easy to extract and concatenate strings to each other: Extracting characters is even easier: >>> var = 'hello world' >>> var[0] #return the first character as a single-letter string 'h' >>> var[-1] 'd' >>> var[len(var)-1] #len(var) is the length of the string in var; len(var)-1 is the index of the last character of the string. 'd' >>> var = var + ' ' + var[8] + var[7] + var[2] + var[1] >>> var 'hello world role' Python is flexible when it comes to details, note var[-1] takes -1 as the index number. That index is interpreted as the first character beginning from the end of the string. Consider 0 as the index boundary for a string; zero is inclusive, hence it will return the first character.
Lexical analysis, 2.4.2. String literal concatenation: "Multiple adjacent string literals (delimited by whitespace), possibly using different quoting conventions, are allowed, and their meaning is the same as their concatenation." which copied it from C.Python-ideas, "Implicit string literal concatenation considered harmful?", Guido van Rossum, May 10, 2013 Notably, this concatenation happens at compile time, during lexical analysis (as a phase following initial tokenization), and is contrasted with both run time string concatenation (generally with the `+` operator)The Python Language Reference, 2. Lexical analysis, 2.4.2. String literal concatenation: "Note that this feature is defined at the syntactical level, but implemented at compile time. The ‘+’ operator must be used to concatenate string expressions at run time." and concatenation during constant folding, which occurs at compile time, but in a later phase (after phrase analysis or "parsing"). Most languages, such as C#, Java and Perl, do not support implicit string literal concatenation, and instead require explicit concatenation, such as with the `+` operator (this is also possible in D and Python, but illegal in C/C++ – see below); in this case concatenation may happen at compile time, via constant folding, or may be deferred to run time.

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