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"asynchronously" Definitions
  1. not at the same time
"asynchronously" Synonyms

279 Sentences With "asynchronously"

How to use asynchronously in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "asynchronously" and check conjugation/comparative form for "asynchronously". Mastering all the usages of "asynchronously" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They found that most people preferred to communicate asynchronously – like through text messages.
There's also other multitask video apps like Loom's asynchronously-recorded video clips that prevent distraction.
With text, I can maintain a number of conversations at once – and I can reply asynchronously.
Students may also work asynchronously, tackling different sections of the year's work at the same time.
Paid members are guaranteed at least one texting session per day, and the messages are sent asynchronously.
Yac addresses the issue of providing verbal feedback and communication asynchronously instead of needing to respond in real time.
I'm a big fan of Marco Polo, which lets you send video chats — great for communicating asynchronously across time zones.
Instead of scheduling a video call, employees can asynchronously discuss projects or give "stand-up" updates without massive disruptions to their workflow.
Instead of scheduling a video call, employees can asynchronously discuss projects or give 'stand-up' updates without massive disruptions to their workflow.
You compete asynchronously via high scores instead of directly at the same time, so it's convenient to try your luck any time.
However, the internet's current wasteland of content somehow makes humor even more impossible as every one exists asynchronously on a different plane.
So, beginning with the most broadly used components of software – operating systems and databases – progressive developers collaborated, often asynchronously, to author great pieces of software.
And some use cases like being able to asynchronously text a customer support rep instead of waiting on hold on the phone make perfect sense for Messenger.
And, why doesn't Congress already have a computational intelligence capacity for every committee — one that could assist human staff with complex input in real time or asynchronously?
Faculty can make adjustments — for example, by recording a class for later viewing or offering portions of a course asynchronously — if they know in advance what's needed.
It worked well enough for the desktop era when we asynchronously stalked each other's online representations and had the time and screen space to consume a lot of information.
A secondary "toad rush" mode has you compete with friends asynchronously — so don't plan on realtime multiplayer sessions — to complete the same levels in pursuit of the highest possible score.
In the end, the best fit for me has been assignments that can mostly be done autonomously and asynchronously with somewhat of an advanced deadline and with a minimal need for phone calls.
What we're trying to do is prepare the company for a world where truly there are more devices capable of playing games, and players are refreshing them more often and likely refreshing them asynchronously.
By throwing a few Alexa's in conference rooms, the company can track down employees across the globe and see if they're available to meet… or can communicate asynchronously by transcribing the meeting and sharing it over Slack.
The result is Let It Die, an asynchronously online, post-apocalyptic journey where players must fight their way to the top of the mysterious "Tower of Barbs" after a cataclysmic earthquake—a nod to the manga Violence Jack—destroys Tokyo.
The bullet wounds throbbed asynchronously, in and out of phase, so that he could never anticipate and thus get on top of the pain which had, he was at last forced to concede, nothing at all to do with pleasure whatsoever.
In Rowell's two-channel "Parallelograms" (2015), footage of the buildings that house political action committees, lobbying groups, think tanks, and other behind-the-scenes political players is shown alongside (but asynchronously with) Google Maps aerial views of the same sites.
In one interpretation of this, small businesses would gain more customers, with Google's technology handling the details so that people who manage their tasks asynchronously and who have embraced this as a model for adaptation can deploy agents to do their voice bidding.
This week Fox unveiled FN Genius, which looks and works almost exactly the same as HQ. One of HQ's long-time rivals, Trivia Crack, where users play asynchronously over the course of days, also declined earlier this year, but has bucked HQ's trend and started rising on the App Store charts again.
On Windows XP and Server 2003, the drivers are all initialized asynchronously.
A streaming channel does not require each input and matching output to synchronise, so communication can occur asynchronously.
Strong ligaments connecting the upper and lower jaws restrict the jaw gape. The strong adductor muscles can be asynchronously activated.
If desired, users can dedicate one process per node to overlap fault tolerance workload and scientific computation, so that post-checkpoint tasks are executed asynchronously.
Electronically mediated communication often happens asynchronously in that the participants do not communicate concurrently. Examples include email and bulletin-board systems, where participants send or post messages at different times. The term "asynchronous communication" acquired currency in the field of online learning, where teachers and students often exchange information asynchronously instead of synchronously (that is, simultaneously), as they would in face-to-face or in telephone conversations.
Three to five eggs are laid. The eggs hatch asynchronously, taking 18 to 24 days to hatch. Both parents feed the young. Fish are the main diet fed to young.
Global Mirror for IBM System z series (formerly known as XRC or eXtended Remote Copy) also creates consistency groups to asynchronously mirror disk data from one site to another over any distance .
Windows XP includes a Fast Logon Optimization feature that performs logon asynchronously without waiting for the network to be fully initialized if roaming user profiles are not set up.Description of the Windows XP Professional Fast Logon Optimization feature Use of cached credentials avoids delays when logging on to a domain. Group Policy is applied in the background, and startup or logon scripts execute asynchronously by default. Windows XP reconciles local and roaming user profiles using a copy of the contents of the registry.
The structural view in ROOM is composed of actors or capsules. Actors can communicate with each other using ports. Those ports are connected by bindings. Actors do exchange messages asynchronously via ports and bindings.
Components can be compiled on one machine and executed on another, providing the Uniface Virtual Machine is present. The Uniface Router and Uniface Server make Uniface scalable, balanceable and make is possible to run processes asynchronously.
The hook-billed kingfisher excavates a nest chamber in an active arboreal termite nest above the ground. The clutch is two white eggs which hatch asynchronously. The male helps to incubate the eggs and brood the young.
In Windows, an asynchronous procedure call (abbreviated APC) is a function that executes asynchronously in the context of a specific thread. APCs can be generated by the system (kernel-mode APCs) or by an application (user mode APCs).
At the schizont stage, the parasite replicates its DNA multiple times and multiple mitotic divisions occur asynchronously. Each schizont forms 16-18 merozoites. The red blood cells are ruptured by the merozoites. The liberated merozoites invade fresh erythrocytes.
Usually, because the event processing engine has to process them in near real time, the event channels will be read asynchronously. The events are stored in a queue, waiting to be processed later by the event processing engine.
The data path between the CPU bus and the memory bus is separated by the 82492, allowing the CPU bus to handshake synchronously, asynchronously, or with a strobed protocol, and allowing concurrent CPU bus and memory bus operations.
On average the eggs measure and weigh about . The eggs hatch asynchronously, with about a 60% hatchability. The nestlings are fed by both parents for 23–27 days to fledging. Usually, there is only one successful fledgling per nest.
JMS (Java Message Service) is used to send messages from beans to clients, to let clients receive asynchronous messages from these beans. MDBs can be used to receive messages from clients asynchronously using either a JMS Queue or a Topic.
Definitely this requires another mind set than the one that is needed for functional programming of synchronous systems. But after a short while of getting accustomed it will be evident that asynchronously communicating state machines are perfectly suited for control software.
It has been observed that the clutch size decreases with decreasing latitude. These eggs are incubated by the female for 16 to 18 days. Because the female starts incubating as soon as the first egg is laid, the eggs hatch asynchronously.
A universal synchronous and asynchronous receiver-transmitter (USART) is a type of a serial interface device that can be programmed to communicate asynchronously or synchronously. See universal asynchronous receiver- transmitter (UART) for a discussion of the asynchronous capabilities of these devices.
Online instruction comes from 8 different teachers in 6 different schools within the division. Some of these classes are synchronous while others are delivered asynchronously. There is also a School Community Council which supports all school-related activities. 2010 enrollment = 85 Students.
The adapter operates at 5 MHz and asynchronously to the CPU as it generates its own clock signal. The NBI adapter consists of two modules, the NBIA and NBIB. The NBIA is the NMI side of the adapter, and the NBIB the VAXBI side.
During data collection, a neutrino interaction and its corresponding brick are tagged in real time by the scintillators and spectrometers. These bricks are extracted from the walls asynchronously with respect to the beam for film development, scanning and for the topological and kinematic search of tau decays.
Ripe and unripe fruit of Vaccinium corymbosum The vigour of the seeds forming inside a fruit can affect the growth of the fruit itself. For example, in two plant species whose fruit ripen asynchronously (Vaccinium corymbosum and Amelanchier arborea) the fruit with more seeds ripened faster.
The UpdatePanel is an ASP.NET server control that updates portions of a web page without reloading it. Through a mechanism called asynchronous postback, the HTML for the region of the page wrapped by the control is sent by the server asynchronously through an Ajax request. The ASP.
The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on one or more worker nodes using multiprocessing, eventleteventlet or gevent.gevent Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready). Celery is used in production systems, for instance Instagram, to process millions of tasks every day.
Thus fragmentation of habitat is an important cause of species extinction. Population dynamics of subdivided populations tend to vary asynchronously. In an unfragmented landscape a declining population can be "rescued" by immigration from a nearby expanding population. In fragmented landscapes, the distance between fragments may prevent this from happening.
Channel I/O requires the use of instructions that are specifically designed to perform I/O operations. The I/O instructions address the channel or the channel and device; the channel asynchronously accesses all other required addressing and control information. This is similar to DMA, but more flexible.
The BDL expects a decrease of a dispatched object's value for individuals, when delivered asynchronously. The initiation of the depreciation varies by context and may be subject of a variety of different depreciation functions. The term "lapse" is ambiguous. "Lapse" describes the delay of the object being dispatched.
A back-to-back connection for electric power transmission is a high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) system with both ends in the same switchyard. This is used to couple asynchronously operated power grids or for connecting power grids of different frequencies where no DC transmission line is necessary.
The eggs hatch asynchronously, with the second one hatching eight days after the first. The second chick usually perishes within the first two days of life; only a small number fledge successfully. Newly hatched chicks are covered with pale yellow down, and are blind. They can sit but are otherwise helpless.
Patchy EPN distributions may also reflect the uneven distribution of host and nutrients in the soil (Lewis et al. 1998; Stuart and Gaugler 1994; Campbell et al. 1997, 1998). EPNs may persist as metapopulations, in which local population fragments are highly vulnerable to extinction, and fluctuate asynchronously (Lewis et al. 1998).
At a higher level, the RTMP encapsulates MP3 or AAC audio and FLV1 video multimedia streams, and can make remote procedure calls (RPCs) using the Action Message Format. Any RPC services required are made asynchronously, using a single client/server request/response model, such that real-time communication is not required.
Depending on the technologies used, replication can be performed synchronously, asynchronously, semi-synchronously, or point-in-time. Replication is enabled via microcode on the disk array controller or via server software. It is typically a proprietary solution, not compatible between various data storage device vendors. Mirroring is typically only synchronous.
This approach also provides a vehicle to easily solicit feedback from users in remote areas quickly and with lower organizational overheads. In recent years, conducting usability testing asynchronously has also become prevalent and allows testers to provide feedback in their free time and from the comfort of their own home.
Incubation begins as soon as the first egg is laid, so the chicks are born asynchronously. The chicks hatch with a covering of downy feathers. By around day three to five, feather quills emerge which will become the adult feathers. The chicks are brooded by the female for between 9 and 14 days.
MIPS I has thirty-two 32-bit general-purpose registers (GPR). Register $0 is hardwired to zero and writes to it are discarded. Register $31 is the link register. For integer multiplication and division instructions, which run asynchronously from other instructions, a pair of 32-bit registers, HI and LO, are provided.
Both partners continue to add nesting material throughout the breeding season and the same nests may be used in successive years. It also more occasionally uses abandoned raptor nests. The clutch contains 2-4 eggs, which are pale blue and hatch asynchronously. The eggs are incubated for 28–31 days by the female.
Males produce ultrasonic pulses to attract mates. The sound is produced by a tymbal on each tegula, which covers the forewing. The left and right tymbals emit pulses slightly asynchronously. In order for sound production to occur, the tegula has to be raised and the wings have to be fanned at a 45° arc.
The moray eel's elongation is due to an increase in the number of vertebrae, rather than a lengthening of each individual vertebra or a substantial decrease in body depth. Interestingly, vertebrae have been added asynchronously between the pre-tail ("precaudal") and tail ("caudal") regions, unlike other groups of eels such as Ophicthids and Congrids.
JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON. It is similar to the XML-RPC protocol, defining only a few data types and commands. JSON-RPC allows for notifications (data sent to the server that does not require a response) and for multiple calls to be sent to the server which may be answered asynchronously.
Branchiostoma floridae, about once every 2 weeks during spawning season) or asynchronously (Branchiostoma lanceolatum, gradual spawning through the season). Nicholas and Linda Holland were the first researchers to describe a method of obtaining amphioxus embryos by induction of spawning in captivity and in vitro fertilization. Spawning can be artificially induced in the lab by electric or thermal shock.
DNA profiling by FACS showed that JADE1S depletion facilitated rates of G1-cells accumulation in synchronously dividing HeLa cells. The depletion of JADE1S protein in asynchronously dividing cells decreased the proportion of cytokinetic cells, and increased the proportion of multi-nuclear cells. The data demonstrated that JADE1 negatively controls cytokinesis, presumably by contributing to cytokinesis delay.
The chicks usually hatch asynchronously, over several days, but in some species the hatching is synchronous. On hatching the Gurney's pitta parents are reported to consume the eggshells. This behaviour ensures that the calcium used to create the eggs is not lost. It is unknown if other species do this, but it is a common behaviour among birds.
Qlipso Inc. is an Israeli-American technology company, which builds and operates multi-user content-sharing platforms for Flash-based media. The company's social-viewing platform provided users the ability to view and share various forms of media with others, live or asynchronously. Since 2010, the company holds the assets of the online video portal Veoh.
These are specified by codes, such as `READ decbaddr,TI,...` for a "read initial." The read or write operation is executed asynchronously by the channel. Following a read or write, a `WAIT` or `TWAIT` macro is required to wait for completion and retrieve ending status. The `RESETPL` macro cancels an outstanding read and/or stops polling on a line.
First, the potential goals of peer production must be modular. In other words, objectives must be divisible into components, or modules, each of which can be independently produced. That allows participants to work asynchronously, without having to wait for each other's contributions or coordinate with each other in person. Second, the granularity of the modules is essential.
Votes may be weighted by a mode manager. The Pareto optimal action is then sent to the vehicle controller. One method of obtaining votes is for behaviours to asynchronously update a utility map over the configuration space of the robot. The arbiter then overlays paths resulting from action candidates onto the map, and samples utilities along the paths.
CCTRL enables developers to perform call control and media processing via XML. Unique features of LignUp's CCTRL platform include its ability to handle events asynchronously, contributing additional stability to servers that receive many requests at once. CCTRL is open standards, written in a non-proprietary markup language. Currently, CCTRL supports call initiation, call termination, and voice application initiation.
The event loop almost always operates asynchronously with the message originator. When the event loop forms the central control flow construct of a program, as it often does, it may be termed the main loop or main event loop. This title is appropriate, because such an event loop is at the highest level of control within the program.
Clutch size ranges from 3–8 eggs, which are laid asynchronously at an average interval of 2.1 days; the eggs are white and slightly shiny and measure 28 x 23 mm. The mean incubation period is 19.7 days, and ranges from 16–28 days. Only the mother incubates the eggs. The eggs hatch around mid-December; on average 3.6 eggs successfully hatch.
Xlib stores the received events in a queue. The client application can inspect and retrieve events from the queue. While the X server sends events asynchronously, applications using the Xlib library are required to explicitly call Xlib functions for accessing the events in the queue. Some of these functions may block; in this case, they also flush the request buffer.
Implementations of the Circuit Breaker Design Pattern need to retain the state of the connection over a series of requests. It must offload the logic to detect failures from the actual requests. Therefore, the state machine within the circuit breaker needs to operate in some sense concurrently with the requests passing through it. One way this can be achieved is asynchronously.
Scout features a capacity optimized CDP repository. The continuous approach allows for near zero backup windows, any point in time restores, second level RPOs, both within the datacenter and across datacenters. The target volume is kept updated either synchronously or asynchronously based on the product line. The retention logs allow for any point in time recovery to the user specified retention window.
Multinucleate cells (multinucleated or polynuclear cells) are eukaryotic cells that have more than one nucleus per cell, i.e., multiple nuclei share one common cytoplasm. Mitosis in multinucleate cells can occur either in a coordinated, synchronous manner where all nuclei divide simultaneously or asynchronously where individual nuclei divide independently in time and space. Certain organisms may have a multinuclear stage of their life cycle.
Applying the Time Triggered Bus Scheduling concept, it may be demonstrated that a CANaerospace network behaves predictably. Shown in Figure 5 is the transmission schedule of a CANaerospace network with two nodes transmitting their messages asynchronously, in alternating order and at random times within their minor time frames (worst-case scenario). This example utilizes 50% of the maximum bandwidth. File:CANaerospace 5.
The XS1 architecture is event-driven. It has an instruction that can dispatch on external events in addition to traditional interrupts. If the program chooses to use events, then the underlying processor has to expect an event and wait in a specific place so that it can be handled synchronously. If desired, I/O can be handled asynchronously using interrupts.
The send and receive operations are blocking and synchronous, reply doesn't block, the client thread is already blocked waiting for the reply and no additional synchronization is required. The server thread replies to the client and continues running while the kernel and/or networking code asynchronously passes the reply data to the client thread and marks it READY for execution.
The eggs are mainly incubated by the female, but the male will relieve her for short periods while she feeds. The male will also bring food for the female. Incubation starts as soon as the first egg is laid. Each egg hatches after 31 to 32 days but as they hatch asynchronously a clutch of three eggs requires 38 days of incubation.
It is a monogamous breeder, but does not pair for life. Both members of the pair build a large stick nest, which may be used for several years. Each year the female can lay one clutch of usually four eggs, which hatch asynchronously 33–34 days after being laid. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs and both feed the young.
The female typically lays four eggs, though clutches of one to seven have been recorded. The eggs are white, but often look dirty or yellowish due to a glutinous covering. They typically measure , and weigh , of which about is shell. Incubation begins as soon as the first egg is laid, so the brood hatches asynchronously, beginning 33 to 34 days later.
In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences (pp. 409-426). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. CSCL can be implemented in online and classroom learning environments and can take place synchronously or asynchronously. The study of computer-supported collaborative learning draws on a number of academic disciplines, including instructional technology, educational psychology, sociology, cognitive psychology, and social psychology.
The breeding season begins in September, and eggs are laid up to December, with two up to five eggs laid per clutch. The incubation period is 24-25 days, where the female is the sole incubator while the male provides for her. Eggs hatch asynchronously, and mortality is higher for fourth and fifth chicks in a clutch. Both parents care for the chicks.
Print quality was poor by modern standards. The ITA2 code was used asynchronously with start and stop bits: the asynchronous code design was intimately linked with the start-stop electro-mechanical design of teleprinters. (Early systems had used synchronous codes, but were hard to synchronize mechanically). Other codes, such as FIELDATA and Flexowriter, were introduced but never became as popular as ITA2.
An RO need not consent to token issuance at run time but can set policy at an AS, allowing an RqP to attempt access asynchronously. Third, UMA enables access attempts to result in successful issuance of tokens associated with authorization data based on a process of trust elevation in the RqP, for example, gathering identity claims or other claims from them.
Incubation takes around 30 days from the first egg being laid to hatching, eggs are laid with intervals of one to three days, and they hatch asynchronously. Both parents feed the young, often leaving them alone for long times. This habit, which is unusual for wading birds, may be made possible because of the thick nest walls. The young hatch covered with grey down.
Real-time XTI end user application will use XTI interface asynchronously (otherwise there are no guarantees about how long a call waiting for data will block). The set of functions is the same as synchronous calls but when initializing transport endpoint, O_NONBLOCK parameter is provided. XTI asynchronous mode permits end user application be notified about various events of file handles: connections indications requests, new data, time outs.
Message passing ACL (Agent Communication Language) is the base of communication between agents. Sending messages is done by the method send of the class Agent. In this method, you have to pass an object of type ACLMessage that contains the recipient information, language, coding and content of the message. These messages are sent asynchronously, while messages are received they will be stored in a message queue.
Sage Bionetworks is notable for being an early advocate of open science. The company operates a software platform for collaborative data analysis called Synapse that allows researchers to work together on data curation and computational modeling asynchronously in a manner inspired by GitHub. Synapse also serves as the software infrastructure for running computational challenges. Sage is also developing a citizen-science platform called Bridge.
In all digital communication systems, both the modulator at the transmitter and the demodulator at the receiver are structured so that they perform inverse operations. Asynchronous methods do not require a receiver reference clock signal that is phase synchronized with the sender carrier signal. In this case, modulation symbols (rather than bits, characters, or data packets) are asynchronously transferred. The opposite is synchronous modulation.
The nest of the Madagascan harrier-hawk is a large, bulky structure which is constructed using sticks and situated approximately above the ground within the canopy of a tree. Nesting has been observed the months of September, October, and November. The eggs are brooded by both sexes and hatch asynchronously, with the older sibling often killing its younger brood mates. Fledging takes about seven weeks.
The first image obtained from the GOES 1 satellite, 1975 October 25, 1645 GMT. In use since 1960, the weather satellite is a type of satellite that is primarily used to monitor the weather and climate of the Earth. Satellites can be polar orbiting, covering the entire Earth asynchronously, or geostationary, hovering over the same spot on the equator.NESDIS. Satellites. Retrieved on July 4, 2008.
This may be done synchronously or asynchronously. Boolean networks have been used in biology to model regulatory networks. Although Boolean networks are a crude simplification of genetic reality where genes are not simple binary switches, there are several cases where they correctly capture the correct pattern of expressed and suppressed genes. The seemingly mathematical easy (synchronous) model was only fully understood in the mid 2000s.
The Utah valvata snail is univoltine (produces one group of eggs per year) with a lifespan of about 1 year. Reproduction and spawning occur asynchronously between March and October, depending on habitat, with the majority of young spawned between August and October. Emergence of a new cohort follows approximately 2 weeks after oviposition, and senescent snails (i.e., those approximately 374 days old) die shortly after reproduction.
Hohpe, Gregor. Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions. . p. 184 For simplicity, this pattern is typically implemented in a purely synchronous fashion, as in web service calls over HTTP, which holds a connection open and waits until the response is delivered or the timeout period expires. However, request–response may also be implemented asynchronously, with a response being returned at some unknown later time.
Recently, there have been many trends in modernizing and optimizing instructor-led training through educational technology. Instructor-led training can be delivered within a classroom or remotely through a virtual classroom, in which case it is called virtual instructor-led training. Instructor and learners are in different locations, and a classroom environment is replicated through online tools. This type of training can be delivered synchronously or asynchronously.
The automatic multiplier and divider operated asynchronously (that is, other instructions could be executed while the multiplier/divider unit was in operation). Two arithmetic units were provided for integer operations: one of 32 bits and another capable of performing 32-bit operations and 64-bit operations. Auto-increment and auto-decrement was provided on eight registers from about 1957. Array arithmetic and array data transfers were permitted.
Communication in a collaboration setting can be achieved either synchronously or asynchronously, differing in how agents interact with each other. The different communication forms create analogous communication systems and tools depending on the type of communication supported, which serve different purposes in a distributed development setting. Even inside a company, the tasks and responsibilities of different members reflect in their usage in the tools used in the work environment.
All disk I/O in libtorrent is done asynchronously to the network thread, by the disk io thread. When a block is read, the disk io thread reads all subsequent blocks from that piece into the read cache, assuming that the peer requesting the block will also request more blocks from the same piece. This decreases the number of syscalls for reading data. It also decreases delay from seeking.
Node lookups can proceed asynchronously. The quantity of simultaneous lookups is denoted by α and is typically three. A node initiates a FIND_NODE request by querying to the α nodes in its own k-buckets that are the closest ones to the desired key. When these recipient nodes receive the request, they will look in their k-buckets and return the k closest nodes to the desired key that they know.
One Nation – One Grid, Powergrid website (retrieved 18 November 2015). As a result, the converter station is no longer required for its original purpose of asynchronously linking the Eastern and Northern grids, although it can still be used as an embedded power flow device to help control power flow within the AC system. The converter station could potentially be shifted to elsewhere to export/import power from other countries.
Oracle NoSQL Database is configurable to be either C/P or A/P in CAP. In particular, if writes are configured to be performed synchronously to all replicas, it is C/P in CAP i.e. a partition or node failure causes the system to be unavailable for writes. If replication is performed asynchronously, and reads are configured to be served from any replica, it is A/P in CAP i.e.
3-ball box, siteswap: (4,2x)(2x,4) Box patterns are juggling patterns that combine vertical, columns-like throws with horizontal throws, such as in the shower pattern. Box patterns are so named due to the props in the pattern apparently tracing several sides of a box in the air, and can be performed with any number of props greater than or equal to two, synchronously (see right) or asynchronously (e.g. 612).
On the other hand, it can be thought of a larger panel of experts operating asynchronously from remote locations within a longer period of time. The greatest weakness of the real-time approach is that it is missing a wholly integrated, scientifically founded concept. The real-time Delphi idea is still a very new concept, which requires further research and application to become a tool for full-scale operations.
XAM provides a way to do this in a type safe manner with the XIterator (secondary) object. The XIterator can contain all properties, or just a subset (those having a name starting with a "prefix"). Finally, an XStream is a (secondary) object that can contain the actual content associated with an XSet. XStreams have operations to read and write the content using various means, both synchronously and asynchronously.
Evaluación de áreas importantes para aves marinas y playeras en el litoral Pacífico Colombiano. Fondo FEN, Cali, Colombia. Brown boobies in Gorgona National Natural Park breed asynchronously; on the same date Ospina-Alvarez recorded eggs, chicks in early or youthful stages, and fledged chicks. The calculated accumulative reproductive success (17.3%) included more than 95% of all pairs breeding in 2002 - 2003, but this may change to year after year.
225px In computing, MIMD (multiple instruction, multiple data) is a technique employed to achieve parallelism. Machines using MIMD have a number of processors that function asynchronously and independently. At any time, different processors may be executing different instructions on different pieces of data. MIMD architectures may be used in a number of application areas such as computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, simulation, modeling, and as communication switches.
Both males and females were observed to be very aggressive toward same-sex intruders that come to their territory to accost their partners. However, several biological and ecological factors also enforce monogamy in these cleaner gobies. Elacatinus species reproduce asynchronously, which makes polygyny unfavorable. Furthermore, although it differs among species, cleaner gobies tend to live in environments of low population density where distance between potential mates is rather far.
Many implementations of init (including Sysvinit used in many Linux distributions) start processes in a pre-determined order, and only start a process once the previous process finishes its initialization. Initng starts a process as soon as all of its dependencies are met. It can start several processes in parallel. Initng is designed to significantly increase the speed of booting a Unix-compatible system by starting processes asynchronously.
Each layer is made up by a set of processors that are augmented finite-state machines (AFSM), the augmentation being added instance variables to hold programmable data-structures. A layer is a module and is responsible for a single behavioral goal, such as "wander around." There is no central control within or between these behavioral modules. All AFSMs continuously and asynchronously receive input from the relevant sensors and send output to actuators (or other AFSMs).
Unlike the other products, POWER required a dedicated partition. It allowed a single printer (1403/2311), punch (2520, 2540) or reader (2540, 2501) to be shared by two or more processing partitions. Input data was asynchronously loaded and directed to the proper partition by Job class. Output was directed to disk and stored there - then directed to a printer or punch by the writer type, (PRT, PUN), Job Class, Priority and form code.
Semi-synchronous replication typically considers a write operation complete when acknowledged by local storage and received or logged by the remote server. The actual remote write is performed asynchronously, resulting in better performance but remote storage will lag behind the local storage, so that there is no guarantee of durability (i.e., seamless transparency) in the case of local storage failure. Point-in-time replication produces periodic snapshots which are replicated instead of primary storage.
The Civilization games can be played in a single-player mode, and both local and online multiplayer modes, along with a number of computer-controlled opponents. Some games provide a means to play asynchronously, where each player is given a set amount of time, such as within a day, to decide their actions and send results to a game server, when then determines the results of all actions and returns this information to players.
Developing software for DX 200 platform is rather straightforward for any well educated software developer. TNSDL language, which plays vital role in producing asynchronously communicating fault- tolerant software modules, is easy to learn. Software architecture of DX 200 is a fine combination of highly efficient traditional solutions as well as modern actor model based, highly concurrent design. DX 200 products are famous for availability exceeding 99.999% "five nines" as well as unrivaled performance.
Another technique, cross- document messaging allows a script from one page to pass textual messages to a script on another page regardless of the script origins. Calling the postMessage() method on a Window object asynchronously fires an "onmessage" event in that window, triggering any user-defined event handlers. A script in one page still cannot directly access methods or variables in the other page, but they can communicate safely through this message-passing technique.
Thomson et al. suggest that if genetically different segments of a single tree flower asynchronously, agaonid wasp populations may be more resistant to low host population sizes that previously thought. Alternatively, genetic mosaicism could mean that the number of certain varieties of fig in an ecosystem may be far lower than biologists have previously thought, and given populations may not have enough trees to maintain their symbiotic relationship with their pollinating wasps.
Most distance education uses a paced format similar to traditional campus-based models in which learners commence and complete a course at the same time. Some institutions offer self-paced programs that allow for continuous enrollment, and the length of time to complete the course is set by the learner's time, skill, and commitment levels. Self-paced courses are almost always offered asynchronously. Each delivery method offers advantages and disadvantages for students, teachers, and institutions.
FTPmail is the term used for the practice of using an FTPmail server to gain access to various files over the Internet. An FTPmail server is a proxy server which (asynchronously) connects to remote FTP servers in response to email requests, returning the downloaded files as an email attachment. This service might be useful to users who cannot themselves initiate an FTP session—for example, because they are constrained by restrictions on their Internet access.
Direct data sets must be preformatted before use by opening them as output and writing all the blocks sequentially. This can load all "dummy" records or load initial data.CICS and BDAM, IBM infocenter As a basic access method BDAM reads and writes member data in blocks and the I/O operation proceeds asynchronously and must be tested for completion using the `CHECK` macro. BDAM uses the standard system macros `OPEN`, `CLOSE`, `READ`, `WRITE`,and `CHECK`.
They lay between 1 and 4 white eggs during their breeding season which lasts from December to July. The average size of a Jamaican tody egg is about 16.1 mm long and 13.3 mm wide. One egg is laid each night until the clutch is finished, and then eggs are incubated between 21 and 22 days before hatching asynchronously. Once the young emerge from the shell, the eggs are left in the chamber.
Kleene's theorem holds for rational monoids: that is, a subset is a recognisable set if and only if it is a rational set. A rational monoid is not necessarily automatic, and vice versa. However, a rational monoid is asynchronously automatic and hyperbolic. A rational monoid is a regulator monoid and a quasi- rational monoid: each of these implies that it is a Kleene monoid, that is, a monoid in which Kleene's theorem holds.
In online contexts, several researchers have pointed out that there are some key differences in how users interact online that may affect levels of empathy. For example, communication in online forum communities interact asynchronously, and are generally text-based rather than verbal communications. Establishment of trust in online communities may also operate differently in online environments. Furthermore, communications related interactions with others online might facilitate empathy while video or online gaming might negatively affect empathy.
P is a programming language for asynchronous event-driven programming and the IoT that was developed by Microsoft and University of California, Berkeley.Microsoft open-sources P language for IoT P enables programmers to specify systems consisting of a collection of state machines that communicate asynchronously in terms of events. Code can be run on Microsoft Windows and Windows Phone, and is now open source licensed under MIT License and available on GitHub.
Replicated volumes ensure that there exists at least one copy of each file across the bricks, so if one fails, data is still stored and accessible. Geo- replication provides a master-slave model of replication, where volumes are copied across geographically distinct locations. This happens asynchronously and is useful for availability in case of a whole data center failure. GlusterFS has been used as the foundation for academic research and a survey article.
In addition, the client-side is not fully implemented. Finally, while RPC is primarily a synchronous protocol, it is used asynchronously in DART in conjunction with mutexes, condition variables, and other types of locks. DART implements RPC over both the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and the Transport Control Protocol (TCP). Each application has a single UDP stream and one TCP stream per connection, with the common IP module acting as a multiplexer.
The data manager stores and retrieves documents in response to data operations from applications. It asynchronously writes data to disk after acknowledging to the client. In version 1.7 and later, applications can optionally ensure data is written to more than one server or to disk before acknowledging a write to the client. Parameters define item ages that affect when data is persisted, and how max memory and migration from main-memory to disk is handled.
Major factors in designing a search engine's architecture include: ; Merge factors : How data enters the index, or how words or subject features are added to the index during text corpus traversal, and whether multiple indexers can work asynchronously. The indexer must first check whether it is updating old content or adding new content. Traversal typically correlates to the data collection policy. Search engine index merging is similar in concept to the SQL Merge command and other merge algorithms.
In data management, the time scale of the data determines how it is processed and stored. Dynamic data or transactional data is information that is periodically updated, meaning it changes asynchronously over time as new information becomes available. Data that is not dynamic is considered either static (unchanging) or persistent, which is data that is infrequently accessed and not likely to be modified. Dynamic data is also different from streaming data, which is a constant flow of information.
Agile/Lean Documentation: Strategies for Agile Software Development Much Ado About Nothing: Documentation An ICD need not be a textual document. It may be an (evolving) table of goes-intos and comes-out-ofs, a dynamic database representing each subsystem as a DB view, a set of interaction diagrams, etc. ICDs are often used where subsystems are developed asynchronously in time, since they provide a structured way to communicate information about subsystems interfaces between different subsystem design teams.
The University of Mississippi High School is an online school that delivers courses asynchronously in the style and format similar to university online courses. Using the online format, students and teachers can access and participate in courses at any time: weekends, holidays, etc. And because the courses are asynchronous, there are no registration deadlines, meaning that students can complete their studies at their own pace. The school welcomes non-traditional students, including homeschool students and adult learners.
The Event Service is a publish/subscribe multipoint-to-multipoint communication mechanism that is based on the concept of event channels: one or more publishers communicate asynchronously with one or more anonymous subscribers by using events over an event channel. Event channels are cluster- wide named entities that provide best effort delivery of events. Publishers can also be subscribers on the same event channel. Events consist of a standard header and zero or more bytes of published event data.
3-ball shower, siteswap: 51 This pattern can be performed with any number of props greater than or equal to two. Quite often the first pattern attempted by non-jugglers, the shower has props following a "circular" path, with one hand throwing arcing throws of equal height to the opposite hand, and one throwing balls in a horizontal path to the other hand. Showers can be executed in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions, and both asynchronously and synchronously.
True continuous data protection is different from traditional backup in that it is not necessary to specify the point in time to recover from until ready to restore. Traditional backups only restore data from the time the backup was made. True continuous data protection, in contrast to "snapshots", has no backup schedules. When data is written to disk, it is also asynchronously written to a second location, either another computer over the network or an appliance.
Shared memory is an efficient means of passing data between processes. In a shared-memory model, parallel processes share a global address space that they read and write to asynchronously. Asynchronous concurrent access can lead to race conditions, and mechanisms such as locks, semaphores and monitors can be used to avoid these. Conventional multi-core processors directly support shared memory, which many parallel programming languages and libraries, such as Cilk, OpenMP and Threading Building Blocks, are designed to exploit.
In demand mode, job stream I/O was attached to a terminal handler rather than card image (input) and spool (output) files. The same run control language was used for both. A few years later, more specific time sharing commands were added, and some control statements could be issued asynchronously for immediate processing, even when neither the executive or the running program were expecting data. Those commands, which could be entered only from a terminal, began with "@@".
Although the bird often appears to beat its wings asynchronously during flight, photographic and stroboscopic studies have shown that it beats them in unison. The illusion that it does otherwise is heightened by its very fast and highly erratic flight, with many rapid changes of direction. The legs of the chimney swift, like those of all swifts, are very short. Its feet are small but strong, with very short toes that are tipped with sharp, curved claws.
Redis typically holds the whole dataset in memory. Versions up to 2.4 could be configured to use what they refer to as virtual memory in which some of the dataset is stored on disk, but this feature is deprecated. Persistence in Redis can be achieved through two different methods. First by snapshotting, where the dataset is asynchronously transferred from memory to disk at regular intervals as a binary dump, using the Redis RDB Dump File Format.
Errors are instead received and treated asynchronously: the application can provide an error handler that will be called whenever an error message from the server is received. The content of a window is not guaranteed to be preserved if the window or one of its parts are made not visible. In this case, the application are sent an `Expose` event when the window of one part of it is made visible again. The application is then supposed to draw the window content again.
In rotordynamics, order tracking is a family of signal processing tools aimed at transforming a measured signal from time domain to angular (or order) domain. These techniques are applied to asynchronously sampled signals (i.e. with a constant sample rate in Hertz) to obtain the same signal sampled at constant angular increments of a reference shaft. In some cases the outcome of the Order Tracking is directly the Fourier transform of such angular domain signal, whose frequency counterpart is defined as "order".
The former is for data coming from the device (the device is a data producer) and the latter is for data going to the device (the device is a data consumer); that is, with RPDO you can send data to the device and with TPDO you can read data from the device. In the pre-defined connection set there are identifiers for four (4) TPDOs and four (4) RPDOs available. With configuration 512 PDOs are possible. PDOs can be sent synchronously or asynchronously.
Available in BSD and POSIX Unix. I/O is issued asynchronously, and when it is completed a signal (interrupt) is generated. As in low-level kernel programming, the facilities available for safe use within the signal handler are limited, and the main flow of the process could have been interrupted at nearly any point, resulting in inconsistent data structures as seen by the signal handler. The signal handler is usually not able to issue further asynchronous I/O by itself.
TimesTen implements a parallel log manager in order to maximize throughput on large SMP systems. By default, TimesTen operates in non-durable commit mode. In this mode, a commit operation occurs purely in memory, and the writing of the log records for the transaction to disk occurs asynchronously to the commit. This provides for very low response times and very high throughput at the cost of the potential for some small amount of data loss in the event of a system failure.
The effort needed to produce good object code was perhaps underestimated during the initial design of the language. Program optimization (needed to compete with the excellent program optimization carried out by available Fortran compilers) is unusually complex owing to side effects and pervasive problems with aliasing of variables. Unpredictable modification can occur asynchronously in exception handlers, which may be provided by "ON statements" in (unseen) callers. Together, these make it difficult to reliably predict when a program's variables might be modified at runtime.
The chitin content of the mycelial form is greater than that of the yeast form, but the lipid content of both phases is comparable. The yeast reproduces by asexual budding, where daughter cells are borne asynchronously at multiple, random positions across the cell surface. Buds begin by layers of cell wall increasing in optical density at a point that eventually gives rise to the daughter cell. Once the bud has expanded, a cleavage plane develops between the nascent cell and the mother cell.
Eggs are usually laid at two-day intervals, incubated around 27 days, and hatch asynchronously over a period of several days. Males incubate for about 10.5 hours of each day, while females usually incubate for the remainder of each day and the night, with eggs left without incubation for about 6 minutes of each hour. The first chick to hatch usually becomes more experienced in food handling and aggressive interactions with siblings, so often grows more quickly than the other chicks.Naumann, Robert.
On 11 September 1940, George Stibitz transmitted problems for his Complex Number Calculator in New York using a teletype, and received the computed results back at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.George Stibitz, Kerry Redshaw, 1996. This configuration of a centralized computer (mainframe) with remote dumb terminals remained popular well into the 1970s. However, already in the 1960s, researchers started to investigate packet switching, a technology that sends a message in portions to its destination asynchronously without passing it through a centralized mainframe.
If many events come in asynchronously, they must be stored in a queue or dropped. In ReactiveX, an observer will never be called with an item out of order or (in a multi-threaded context) called before the callback has returned for the previous item. Asynchronous calls remain asynchronous and may be handled by returning an observable. It is similar to the iterators pattern in that if a fatal error occurs, it notifies the observer separately (by calling a second function).
This can benefit the male, but since the female controls copulation, the lack of resolution on how this behaviour benefits females makes the high level of extra-pair paternity puzzling. The female incubates the clutch of two to eight (but usually four to seven) pure white eggs for around 14 to 15 days. The chicks hatch slightly asynchronously, allowing the female to prioritize which chicks to feed in times of food shortage. They generally fledge about 18 to 22 days after hatching.
These eggs are incubated by the female, usually after the second-to-last egg is laid, for 11 to 20 days, although most hatch after 14 to 15 days. About 88% of nests produce at least one nestling, but this can be lowered by poor weather and a younger breeding female. The eggs generally hatch in the order they were laid. They also hatch slightly asynchronously, with an average of 28 hours between when the first and final nestling emerges.
Users of the website created avatars to represent themselves, and joined a virtual three-month cruise, during which time they could speak to other users and take part in events. The aim was to build up "flirtpoints" and kisses. The users avatar would take part in activities and perform actions with other avatars, and then ask the user to decide what they should do next upon login. Users directed their avatars to take certain actions, which would take place asynchronously without direct input.
Coprocessors vary in their degree of autonomy. Some (such as FPUs) rely on direct control via coprocessor instructions, embedded in the CPU's instruction stream. Others are independent processors in their own right, capable of working asynchronously; they are still not optimized for general-purpose code, or they are incapable of it due to a limited instruction set focused on accelerating specific tasks. It is common for these to be driven by direct memory access (DMA), with the host processor building a command list.
It lives mainly in forest and woodland though it sometimes inhabits plantations. It is strictly nocturnal and eats mostly insects but will also eat reptiles, small mammals, and other birds which are mostly caught by swooping from a perch. It breeds from July to October and lays 1 to 3 eggs in a tree hollow, incubation starts with the first egg so that the young hatch asynchronously and if food is short then siblicide occurs. The eggs are incubated for about 31 days.
A systolic array typically consists of a large monolithic network of primitive computing nodes which can be hardwired or software configured for a specific application. The nodes are usually fixed and identical, while the interconnect is programmable. The more general wavefront processors, by contrast, employ sophisticated and individually programmable nodes which may or may not be monolithic, depending on the array size and design parameters. The other distinction is that systolic arrays rely on synchronous data transfers, while wavefront tend to work asynchronously.
The female fig wasp enters the fig to lays its eggs on the short styled female flowers, pollinating the long styled female flowers in the process. Wingless male fig wasps are the first to emerge, inseminating the emerging females and boring exit tunnels out of the fig for the winged females. Female wasps then exit the fig to collect pollen from the male flowers and search for new figs. F. amplissima flowers asynchronously to support the life cycle of the fig wasp pollinators.
The environment allows to make changes to a program at runtime, so variables and functions may be redefined and the changes take effect immediately. A programmer can also create and schedule code for future execution, as well as data events such as notes and graphics objects. Once an event is scheduled, execution continues. Looping is performed by using an idiom called "temporal recursion" which works by having a function asynchronously schedule a future call to itself as its final action.
An event camera, also known as a neuromorphic camera, silicon retina or dynamic vision sensor, is an imaging sensor that responds to local changes in brightness. Event cameras do not capture images using a shutter as conventional cameras do. Instead, each pixel inside an event camera operates independently and asynchronously, reporting changes in brightness as they occur, and staying silent otherwise. Modern event cameras have microsecond temporal resolution, 120 dB dynamic range, and less under/overexposure and motion blur than frame cameras.
SymmetricDS is open source software for database and file synchronization with Multi-master replication, filtered synchronization, and transformation capabilities. It is designed to scale for a large number of nodes, work across low-bandwidth connections, and withstand periods of network outage. Data synchronization occurs asynchronously from a scheduled job, with data changes being sent over a push or pull operation. It uses standard web protocols (HTTP) and database technologies (JDBC) in order to support a wide range of platforms and maximize its interoperability.
In 1975, the D23 system was seriously delayed and the solution was a joint company with Sperry UNIVAC. In 1978, this company merged with a division of Saab and became Datasaab. It was later owned by Ericsson, Nokia and ICL. When Intel sued the competitor UMC for patent infringement over technologies including microcode updates of processors and different parts of the processor working asynchronously, UMC could point to an awarded paper describing how these technologies had been used in the D23 already in 1972.
Brown noddy nest on stump of Casuarina equisetifolia Terns are normally monogamous, although trios or female-female pairings have been observed in at least three species. Most terns breed annually and at the same time of year, but some tropical species may nest at intervals shorter than 12 months or asynchronously. Most terns become sexually mature when aged three, although some small species may breed in their second year. Some large sea terns, including the sooty and bridled terns, are four or older when they first breed.
GOES-8, a United States weather satellite of the meteorological-satellite service The weather satellite is a type of satellite that is primarily used to monitor the weather and climate of the Earth. Satellites can be polar orbiting, covering the entire Earth asynchronously, or geostationary, hovering over the same spot on the equator.NESDIS. Satellites. Retrieved on July 4, 2008. Meteorological satellites see more than clouds: city lights, fires, effects of pollution, auroras, sand and dust storms, snow cover, ice mapping, boundaries of ocean currents, energy flows, etc.
Swing is a highly modular-based architecture, which allows for the "plugging" of various custom implementations of specified framework interfaces: Users can provide their own custom implementation(s) of these components to override the default implementations using Java's inheritance mechanism via . Swing is a component-based framework, whose components are all ultimately derived from the class. Swing objects asynchronously fire events, have bound properties, and respond to a documented set of methods specific to the component. Swing components are JavaBeans components, compliant with the JavaBeans specification.
BITS transfers files on behalf of requesting applications asynchronously, i.e., once an application requests the BITS service for a transfer, it will be free to do any other task, or even terminate. The transfer will continue in the background as long as the network connection is there and the job owner is logged in. BITS jobs do not transfer when the job owner is not signed in BITS suspends any ongoing transfer when the network connection is lost or the operating system is shut down.
Instead of a single, monolithic blockchain, Nano uses a block-lattice data structure, where every account has its own blockchain (i.e. transaction and balance history). This is a unique implementation of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where a "block" is just one transaction, and each transaction contains the account's current balance. Furthermore, account- chains can only be updated by the account owner, which allows the account- chain to be updated immediately and asynchronously from the rest of the block- lattice, resulting in quick transactions.
MFTs can include multiplexers and demultiplexers, codecs or DSP effects like reverb. The core layer uses services like file access and networking and clock synchronization to time the multimedia rendering. These are part of the Platform layer, which provides services necessary for accessing the source and sink byte streams, presentation clocks and an object model that lets the core layer components function asynchronously, and is generally implemented as OS services. Pausing, stopping, fast forward, reverse or time-compression can be achieved by controlling the presentation clock.
The original standard that was derived from the Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI) and formally adopted in 1986 by ANSI. SCSI-1 features an 8-bit parallel bus (with parity), running asynchronously at 3.5 MB/s, or 5 MB/s in synchronous mode, and a maximum bus cable length of , significantly longer than the limit of the ATA interface also popular at the time. A rarely-seen variation on the original standard included a high-voltage differential (HVD) implementation whose maximum cable length was 25 meters.
The security layer FDL (Field bus Data Link) works with a hybrid access method that combines token passing with a master-slave method. In a PROFIBUS DP network, the controllers or process control systems are the masters and the sensors and actuators are the slaves. Each byte is secured with an even parity and transferred asynchronously with a start and stop bit. There may not be a pause between a stop bit and the following start bit when the bytes of a telegram are transmitted.
The programmer specifies `DSORG=PS` in his Data Control Block (DCB) to indicate use of BSAM. As a basic access method BSAM reads and writes member data in blocks and the I/O operation proceeds asynchronously and must be tested for completion using the `CHECK` macro. BSAM uses the standard system macros `OPEN`, `CLOSE`, `READ`, `WRITE`,and `CHECK`. The `NOTE` macro instruction returns position of the last block read or written, and the `POINT` macro will reposition to the location identified by a previous `NOTE`.
Satin bowerbirds nest between October and February. Typically two eggs but occasionally one or three are laid in a shallow nest of twigs on top of which are placed leaves of Eucalyptus or Acacia. These leaves turn brown as the eggs are laid, and may serve as camouflage. The eggs are cream but streaked with brown, and are much larger than typical for a bird of its size at around ; they are laid every other day and hatch asynchronously after 21 days of incubation.
The HVDC Sileru–Barsoor is a high voltage direct current transmission system between Sileru and Barsoor in India. It is in service since 1989 as the first HVDC line in the country. The HVDC Sileru–Barsoor is a bipolar HVDC with a voltage of 200 kV and a transmission rate of 400 megawatts. The HVDC Sileru–Barsoor couples two asynchronously operated parts of Indian electricity mains over a long overhead line, which was originally a double-circuit 220 kV AC line from which three conductors are paralleled.
The HVDC Thailand–Malaysia is a 110 kilometer long HVDC powerline between Khlong Ngae in Thailand at and Gurun in Malaysia. The HVDC Thailand–Malaysia, which crosses the border between Malaysia and Thailand at , serves for the coupling of the asynchronously operated power grids of Thailand and Malaysia and went in service in June 2002. The HVDC connection Thailand–Malaysia is a monopolar 300 kV overhead line with a maximum transmission rate of 300 megawatts. The terminal of the HVDC is situated east of Gurun at .
Technology allows for groups to collaborate synchronously or asynchronously from anywhere in the world; schedules and geography no longer prevent collaboration in PBL. Today, there is a plethora of tools available to promote group collaboration online, each with unique strengths and limitations. Learning management systems and cloud-based solutions are the two most popular and accessible technological solution for online collaboration. Learning management systems, such as Canvas, Edmodo, Moodle, Schoology, and itslearning, provide schools and classrooms collaborative tools to support synchronous and asynchronous communication and learning.
Other protocols related to the X Window System exist, both built at the top of the X Window System core protocol or as separate protocols. In the X Window System core protocol, only four kinds of packets are sent, asynchronously, over the network: requests, replies, events, and errors. Requests are sent by a client to the server to ask it to perform some operation (for example, create a new window) and to send back data it holds. Replies are sent by the server to provide such data.
The GL 2.1 object model was built upon the state-based design of OpenGL. That is, to modify an object or to use it, one needs to bind the object to the state system, then make modifications to the state or perform function calls that use the bound object. Because of OpenGL's use of a state system, objects must be mutable. That is, the basic structure of an object can change at any time, even if the rendering pipeline is asynchronously using that object.
Clutches usually contain 4 or 5 eggs, although a Slovakian study found clutch sizes ranging from 2 to 9 eggs. The eggs are incubated by the female for 17–18 days until hatching as naked altricial chicks, which are completely dependent on the adults for food. They fledge after 28–35 days, and the parents continue to feed them for another four weeks or so. Western jackdaws hatch asynchronously and incubation begins before clutch completion, which often leads to the death of the last-hatched young.
Further high-level threading facilities such as thread pools have been remanded to a future C++ technical report. They are not part of C++11, but their eventual implementation is expected to be built entirely on top of the thread library features. The new `std::async` facility provides a convenient method of running tasks and tying them to a `std::future`. The user can choose whether the task is to be run asynchronously on a separate thread or synchronously on a thread that waits for the value.
Markham's storm petrel nests in burrows, natural cavities, and holes in saltpeter crusts. Nests in saltpeter cavities have been reported in Pampa de Camarones in northern Chile, and inland on Paracas Peninsula. In Peru, egg laying occurs from late June to August; in Chile, an analysis of three colonies in the Atacama Desert found a five-month reproductive cycle, from arrival at colonies to departure of fledglings, across all three colonies, though pairs could reproduce asynchronously. This could lead to an overall ten-month reproductive season.
The 8250 included an on-chip programmable bit rate generator, allowing use for both common and special-purpose bit rates which could be accurately derived from an arbitrary crystal oscillator reference frequency. The chip designations carry suffix letters for later versions of the same chip series. For example, the original 8250 was soon followed by the 8250A and 8250B versions that corrected some bugs. In particular, the original 8250 could repeat transmission of a character if the CTS line was asserted asynchronously during the first transmission attempt.
In XFS, the journal primarily contains entries that describe the portions of the disk blocks changed by filesystem operations. Journal updates are performed asynchronously to avoid a decrease in performance speed. In the event of a system crash, file system operations which occurred immediately prior to the crash can be reapplied and completed as recorded in the journal, which is how data stored in XFS file systems remain consistent. Recovery is performed automatically the first time the file system is mounted after the crash.
Hewitt argued otherwise: there is no bound that can be placed on how long it takes a computational circuit called an arbiter to settle (see metastability (electronics)). Arbiters are used in computers to deal with the circumstance that computer clocks operate asynchronously with respect to input from outside, e.g., keyboard input, disk access, network input, etc. So it could take an unbounded time for a message sent to a computer to be received and in the meantime the computer could traverse an unbounded number of states.
Code-division multiplexing (CDM) is a technique in which each channel transmits its bits as a coded channel-specific sequence of pulses. This coded transmission typically is accomplished by transmitting a unique time-dependent series of short pulses, which are placed within chip times within the larger bit time. All channels, each with a different code, can be transmitted on the same fiber and asynchronously demultiplexed. Other widely used multiple access techniques are time-division multiple access (TDMA) and frequency-division multiple access (FDMA).
MySQL Cluster writes Redo logs to disk for all data changes as well as check pointing data to disk regularly. This allows the cluster to consistently recover from disk after a full cluster outage. As the Redo logs are written asynchronously with respect to transaction commit, some small number of transactions can be lost if the full cluster fails, however this can be mitigated by using geographic replication or multi-site cluster discussed above. The current default asynchronous write delay is 2 seconds, and is configurable.
JamVM is an open-source Java Virtual Machine (JVM) developed to be extremely small compared with other virtual machines (VMs) while conforming to the Java virtual machine specification version 2 (blue book). JamVM can be configured to use the GNU Classpath or the OpenJDK Java class library and recent versions support object finalization, Soft/Weak/Phantom References, the Java Native Interface (JNI) and the Reflection API. The compacting garbage collector can run either synchronously or asynchronously within its own thread. JamVM currently supports the CPUs: AMD64, ARM, x86, MIPS, PowerPC and SPARC.
There are a large number of different types of event logs including Administrative, Operational, Analytic, and Debug log types. Selecting the Application Logs node in the Scope pane reveals numerous new subcategorized event logs, including many labeled as diagnostic logs. Analytic and Debug events which are high frequency are directly saved into a trace file while Admin and Operational events are infrequent enough to allow additional processing without affecting system performance, so they are delivered to the Event Log service. Events are published asynchronously to reduce the performance impact on the event publishing application.
As a basic access method BPAM reads and writes member data in blocks and the I/O operation proceeds asynchronously and must be tested for completion using the `CHECK` macro. BPAM uses the standard system macros `OPEN`, `CLOSE`, `READ`, `WRITE`,and `CHECK`. The `NOTE` macro instruction returns position of the last block read or written, and the `POINT` macro will reposition to the location identified by a previous `NOTE`. The `BLDL` macro can be used to build a list of the addresses of members specified by the programmer for later use, if desired.
You Don't Know Jack on Facebook follows a similar format to previous games from the series, where players compete in a virtual game show hosted by the emcee "Cookie" Masterson (voiced by Jellyvision Games's Tom Gottlieb). The player competes asynchronously with other friends on Facebook or with other Facebook users in trying to earn the most virtual money from an episode. Episodes consist of five questions. Most questions are multiple choice, where the player is given four answers to choose from within a short amount of time once the emcee has finished reading the question.
OctoPrint monitors the status of the print job, as well as the printer itself, primarily the temperature of the print head (hot end) and the temperature of the bed, if the bed on the printer is heated. OctoPrint can also show the output of a connected webcam in order to monitor the state of the print, and can visualize the G-code in sync with the print job, or asynchronously. OctoPrint also provides a plugin system, allowing users to extend functionality. There are currently over 150 plugins listed in the official plugin repository.
As a consequence, it follows immediately from results on synchronous cellular automata that asynchronous cellular automata are capable of emulating, e.g., Conway's Game of Life, of universal computation, and of self- replication (e.g., as in a Von Neumann universal constructor). Moreover, the general construction and the proof also applies to the more general class of synchronous automata networks (inhomogeneous networks of automata over directed graphs, allowing external inputs - which includes cellular automata as a special case), showing constructively how their behaviour may be asynchronously realized by a corresponding asynchronous automata network.
Asynchronous systems provide a mechanism for submission and retrieval of messages, where the sender can send information whenever he likes and the recipient will only retrieve it and reply when he is available. This form of communication can be used to have a discussion or convey information about less urgent matters, since no answer is guaranteed promptly. It is useful in a distributed development process specially because most of the times the different teams working on a project don't do so simultaneously, and matters that are not urgent can be discussed asynchronously.
If the program is expected to create many child processes that may execute asynchronously and terminate in an unpredictable order, it is generally good to create a handler for the SIGCHLD signal, calling one of the wait-family function in a loop, until no uncollected child data remains. It is possible for the parent process to completely ignore the termination of its children and still not create zombies, but this requires the explicit definition of a handler for SIGCHLD through a call to sigaction with the special option flag SA_NOCLDWAIT.
Magpie eggs hatch asynchronously, and if the parents have difficulty finding sufficient food, the last chicks to hatch are unlikely to survive. Only a single brood is reared, unless disaster overtakes the first clutch. A study conducted near Sheffield in Britain, using birds with coloured rings on their legs, found that only 22% of fledglings survived their first year. For subsequent years, the survival rate for the adult birds was 69%, implying that for those birds that survive the first year, the average total lifespan was 3.7 years.
In the Aurora Project, Stonebraker, along with colleagues from Brandeis University, Brown University, and MIT, focused on data management for streaming data, using a new data model and query language. Unlike relational systems, which "pull" data and process it a record at a time, in Aurora, data is "pushed", arriving asynchronously from external data sources (such as stock ticks, news feeds, or sensors.) The output is itself a stream of results (such as windowed averages) that are sent to users., Stonebraker co-founded StreamBase Systems in 2003 to commercialize the technology behind Aurora.
It breeds all year but most eggs are laid in July–November. The female lays 1-2 eggs, and she takes most of the burden of incubating them, incubation lasting 42 days, as she incubates the male provides her with food. As is normal in birds of prey the eggs are laid asynchronously, as much as two weeks apart, and the female begins incubation as soon as the first egg is laid which means that hatching is also asynchronous. When the young hatch they are initially mainly fed by the male.
Asynchronous communication at the data link layer or higher protocol layers is known as statistical multiplexing, for example asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). In this case the asynchronously transferred blocks are called data packets, for example ATM cells. The opposite is circuit switched communication, which provides constant bit rate, for example ISDN and SONET/SDH. The packets may be encapsulated in a data frame, with a frame synchronization bit sequence indicating the start of the frame, and sometimes also a bit synchronization bit sequence, typically 01010101, for identification of the bit transition times.
DAI nodes can act independently and partial solutions are integrated by communication between nodes, often asynchronously. By virtue of their scale, DAI systems are robust and elastic, and by necessity, loosely coupled. Furthermore, DAI systems are built to be adaptive to changes in the problem definition or underlying data sets due to the scale and difficulty in redeployment. DAI systems do not require all the relevant data to be aggregated in a single location, in contrast to monolithic or centralized Artificial Intelligence systems which have tightly coupled and geographically close processing nodes.
Experimentally manipulated synchronous broods produced more aggressive chicks; chicks in asynchronous broods were less violent. This pattern of behavior arguably occurs through a clearly established brood hierarchy in asynchronously hatched siblings. Although asynchronous hatching is not vital for the formation of brood hierarchies (the experimentally synchronous broods established them, as well), it does aid in efficient brood reduction when food levels are low. Subordinate chicks in asynchronous broods die more quickly, thus relieving the parents of the burden of feeding both offspring when resources are insufficient to properly do so.
A process can obtain a lock on a resource by enqueueing a lock request. This is similar to the QIO technique that is used to perform I/O. The enqueue lock request can either complete synchronously, in which case the process waits until the lock is granted, or asynchronously, in which case an AST occurs when the lock has been obtained. It is also possible to establish a blocking AST, which is triggered when a process has obtained a lock that is preventing access to the resource by another process.
Mirroring can also be used to support maintaining multiple copies of a database in which updates are only made to the master but readers are directed to one of the mirrored slaves in order to distribute many possible database readers across multiple computers. In this situation, it is not necessary for the master to wait for each slave to confirm a successful commit of each transaction and the mirroring process can run asynchronously. RDM database mirroring requires that the master and all mirrored databases be maintained on the same computer/operating system platforms.
Extended Remote Copy or XRC is an IBM zSeries and System z9 mainframe computer technology for data replication. It combines supported hardware and z/OS software to provide asynchronous replication over long distances. It is complementary to IBM's Peer to Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) service, which is designed to operate either synchronously or asynchronously over shorter distances. XRC as a z/OS copy services solution can be compared to Global Mirror for ESS, which is a controller-based solution for either the open systems or z/Series environments.
The sex ratios are female biased because xenoestrogens interrupt gonadal configuration causing complete or partial sex reversal. When comparing adjacent populations of white sucker fish, the exposed female fish can have up to five oocyte stages and asynchronously developing ovaries versus the unexposed female fish who usually have two oocyte stages and group-synchronously developing ovaries. Previously, this type of difference has only been found between tropical and temperate species. Sperm concentrations and motility perimeters are reduced in male fish exposed to xenoestrogens in addition to disrupt stages of spermatogenesis.
A large number of real-time card games are in the Slapjack family: players take turns playing cards and then race to "slap" a jack or face card when it is turned up. In this family are Spit, Egyptian Ratscrew, and Nertz. Another group of real-time card games are related to Spoons, in which players exchange cards asynchronously until one or more players have a certain hand; then the first player to perform a certain action wins. In this family are the 52-card game Pig and Parker Brothers' Chicago Commodities Exchange-themed Pit.
Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a memory management feature of the Clang compiler providing automatic reference counting for the Objective-C and Swift programming languages. At compile time, it inserts into the object code messages `retain` and `release` which increase and decrease the reference count at run time, marking for deallocation those objects when the number of references to them reaches zero. ARC differs from tracing garbage collection in that there is no background process that deallocates the objects asynchronously at runtime. Unlike tracing garbage collection, ARC does not handle reference cycles automatically.
For 9.2 applications running PeopleTools 8.54, the only supported search server technology is the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search. Integration Broker Integration Broker is another major server component of PeopleTools. Making use of the PIA web and app servers, Integration Broker sends and receives data via web service-based APIs. While adhering to standards-based web service standards - such as XML-based SOAP and JSON-based RESTful web services -, Integration Broker also provides a simple proprietary XML-based standard (known as PSCAMA) for PeopleTools-based applications to exchange data both synchronously and asynchronously.
It is also possible to replicate asynchronously between clusters; this is sometimes referred to as "MySQL Cluster Replication" or "geographical replication". This is typically used to replicate clusters between data centers for disaster recovery or to reduce the effects of network latency by locating data physically closer to a set of users. Unlike standard MySQL replication, MySQL Cluster's geographic replication uses optimistic concurrency control and the concept of Epochs to provide a mechanism for conflict detection and resolution,MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: 17.6.11 MySQL Cluster Replication Conflict Resolution.
It is typically situated in the fork or lower branch of a tree in the forest interior, especially pines or eucalyptus but also indigenous trees such as small-leaved yellowwood (Afrocarpus falcatus). The two eggs are laid in the period from August–November, with most being laid in September–October. The eggs are laid asynchronously so the first laid hatches first and the older sibling is aggressive to its younger chick, preventing it from having food and if food is scarce the younger one will starve. They fledge at about 47 days old and become fully independent roughly four months.
A dispersive (e.g. Fourier) transform might be applied to disclose the spin spectra in a particular context from a particular perspective. For many years he discussed these distinctions in his conversation theory, insisting that his p-individuals could exist in a single m-individual, where communication was synchronous or in many m-individuals where p-individuals were coherent collections of concepts and m-individuals where the media supporting these states, communicated asynchronously or via a Petri net token protocol. He regarded IA as a process theory and his Actors were eternal, supporting the production of all bounded products (e.g.
The source and target systems must have access to the same network and SANs but need not be of the same type, the only requirement is they use POWER6, POWER7, or POWER8 processors. Partitions that are to be relocated must be fully virtualized (i.e. have no dedicated I/O adapters) although it is possible to use multi-pathing software to fail over to virtual adapters for the duration of the move. Any sized partition can be moved; essentially, memory is copied asynchronously from one system to another to create a clone of a running partition, with "dirty" pages being re-copied as necessary.
In another experiment which tested the effect of a synchronous brood on siblicide, three groups were created: one in which all the eggs were synchronous, one in which the eggs hatched asynchronously, and one in which asynchronous hatching was exaggerated. It was found that the synchronous brood fought more, was less likely to survive than the control group, and resulted in lower parental efficiency. The exaggerated asynchronous brood also had a lower survivorship rate than the control brood and forced parents to bring more food to the nest each day, even though not as many offspring survived.
Since it is physically impossible to modify a polarizer's orientation within such a time span, two polarizers — one for each side — were used and pre-oriented in different directions. A high-frequency shunting randomly oriented towards one polarizer or the other. The setup corresponded to one polarizer with a randomly tilting polarization angle. Since it was not possible either to have the emitted photons provoke the tilting, the polarizers shunted periodically every 10 nanoseconds (asynchronously with the photon's emission) thus assuring the referral device would tilt at least once between the emission of the photon and its detection.
Amy S. Gladfelter (born April 27, 1974) is a quantitative cell biologist and Professor of Biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she mainly investigates cell cycle control and the septin cytoskeleton. She discovered that nuclei in multinucleated cells can undergo the cell cycle asynchronously despite sharing a common cytoplasm and continues to investigate spatial organization of the cell and cellular components. Additionally, she studies the assembly of the septin cytoskeleton and the how aberrant septin structure affects their function. She has trained and mentored many undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral fellows.
Birman's research group at Cornell has created a series of open-source systems. Most recent among these is Derecho, a C++ library that provides Paxos in a form particularly well suited to modern datacenter networks, which run at very high speeds and can have extremely low node-to-node latencies. In such systems, it is important to adopt a protocol design that streams data as asynchronously as possible, and Derecho is unusual among data replication options in this respect: it uses a new "receiver-driven opportunistic batching" approach, whereby senders rarely need to pause when streaming high volume data.
Available in Microsoft Windows, Solaris, AmigaOS, DNIX and Linux (using io_uring, available on 5.1 and above). I/O requests are issued asynchronously, but notifications of completion are provided via a synchronizing queue mechanism in the order they are completed. Usually associated with a state- machine structuring of the main process (event-driven programming), which can bear little resemblance to a process that does not use asynchronous I/O or that uses one of the other forms, hampering code reuse. Does not require additional special synchronization mechanisms or thread-safe libraries, nor are the textual (code) and time (event) flows separated.
One of the founders was also a founder of RAMBUS, and not surprisingly, the MPACT used RDRAM as its memory technology. The chip could DMA data into contiguous SRAM entries asynchronously with other ALU operations which made the design very parallel and able to absorb the long latencies of RAMBUS's RDRAM while sustaining high throughput. The MPACT was unlike other fixed functionality hardware solutions in that the hardware only supplied the bare minimum hardware support (the various DACs) along with the MPACT! processor. All of the higher level functionality was handled in software written for the MPACT!.
On 31 December 2013, the Northern, Eastern and Western grids were synchronised with the Southern regional grid, creating a single synchronous AC grid over the whole of India.One Nation – One Grid, Powergrid website (retrieved 18 November 2015). As a result, the converter station is no longer required for its original purpose of asynchronously linking the Eastern and Southern grids, although it can still be used as an embedded power flow device to help control power flow within the AC system. The stations could potentially be dismantled and moved to elsewhere to export/import power from other countries.
On 31 December 2013, the Northern, Eastern and Western grids were synchronised with the Southern regional grid, creating a single synchronous AC grid over the whole of India. One Nation – One Grid, Powergrid website (retrieved 18 November 2015). As a result, the converter station is no longer required for its original purpose of asynchronously linking the Western and Southern grids, although it can still be used as an embedded power flow device to help control power flow within the AC system. The stations could potentially be shifted to elsewhere to export/import power from other countries.
A device remains infected until it is rebooted, which may involve simply turning the device off and after a short wait turning it back on. After a reboot, unless the login password is changed immediately, the device will be reinfected within minutes. Upon infection Mirai will identify any "competing" malware, remove it from memory, and block remote administration ports. Victim IoT devices are identified by “first entering a rapid scanning phase where it asynchronously and “statelessly” sent TCP SYN probes to pseudo-random IPv4 addresses, excluding those in a hard-coded IP blacklist, on Telnet TCP ports 23 and 2323”.
The latest iteration of the site was launched in August 2007, and at the time, only worked in the web browser Internet Explorer, version 6 and version 7. Before using the catalog, the user must install an ActiveX control so that they can search the updates available on the website. Searches can be saved as an RSS feed so that it can be monitored for new updates. On the Microsoft Update Catalog, downloads are accelerated with Microsoft's Background Intelligent Transfer Service, which downloads updates from the website asynchronously while attempting to use as little bandwidth as possible.
Guix System uses the GNU Daemon Shepherd as its init system, which is developed in tandem with Guix and is written in Guile as well. It was previously known as "dmd", which stood for "Daemon managing Daemons" or "Daemons-managing Daemon", but changed names to avoid collision with the Digital Mars D compiler. Shepherd supplies user-space functionality asynchronously as services, which under Shepherd are generic functions and object data types that are exported for use by the Shepherd to extend the base operating system in some defined way. In contrast to systemd, a userspace shepherd process runs as that user.
Asynchronously replicating autosomal RNAs (ASARs) are very long (~200kb) non-coding RNAs that are non- spliced, non-polyadenylated, and are required for normal DNA replication timing and chromosome stability. Deletion of any one of the genetic loci containing ASAR6, ASAR15, or ASAR6-141 results in the same phenotype of delayed replication timing and delayed mitotic condensation (DRT/DMC) of the entire chromosome. DRT/DMC results in chromosomal segregation errors that lead to increased frequency of secondary rearrangements and an unstable chromosome. Similar to Xist, ASARs show random monoallelic expression and exist in asynchronous DNA replication domains.
After the debugger performs those operations, the state may be restored and execution continued using the RESTART instruction. Debug mode is also entered asynchronously by the debug module triggering a watchpoint or breakpoint, or by issuing a BKPT (breakpoint) instruction from the software being debugged. When it is not being used for instruction tracing, the ETM can also trigger entry to debug mode; it supports complex triggers sensitive to state and history, as well as the simple address comparisons exposed by the debug module. Asynchronous transitions to debug mode are detected by polling the DSCR register.
During this same period, Supercell released Clash of Clans in 2012. Clash of Clans is a strategy game that at its core has elements of city management and tower defense as the player oversees a fighting clan's home base. To obtain resources to maintain and upgrade the base, the player can send their forces to attack another player's base, which is handled asynchronously with the opposing player's forces managed by the computer. Should the attacking player win, they steal some resources from the losing player, while the losing player, when they next access the game, will learn of these loses.
4 The basic affordances of virtual collaborative learning are to have the ability to synchronously and asynchronously communicate via an array of electronic tools, e.g.: group and discussion chats, wikis, and blogs, where application transparency is essential. The main barrier to virtual collaborative learning is the difficulty in achieving agreement when diverse viewpoints, cultural boundaries, acuity of thoughts, or different working and cognitive learning styles exist.5 Virtual collaborative learning systems can be divided into two main categories: action-oriented from where the participant’s knowledge is captured and shared or text-oriented which focuses on participants sharing knowledge via written communication.
Group cognition is a social, largely linguistic phenomenon whereby a group of people produce a sequence of utterances that performs a cognitive act. That is, if a similar sequence was uttered or thought by an individual it would be considered an act of cognition or thinking. The group can be a small group, such as 3-5 people talking together or working together online. The group can also be a larger collective, such as a classroom of students or a global community contributing asynchronously to an extended discourse on a problem or topic or to a knowledge repository like Wikipedia.
BBN and MIT teams raced to be first to realize this concept, with BBN winning by days and holding the first successful demonstration of computer time-sharing in 1964. BBN's initial system, designed by Sheldon Boilen, supported five simultaneous users on a DEC PDP-1, all sharing one cathode-ray tube (CRT) screen for output. Seeing dynamic displays from several distinct programs, simultaneously and asynchronously ("out of time and tune"), was a breathtaking experience. Time sharing made feasible the economic use of remote distributed terminals and opened up the possibilities of interactive computer use in schools.
Eggs hatch asynchronously after 15 to 17 days. The young stay in the nest for 19 to 24 days. After being fed, nestlings make their way down to the bottom of the nest, pushing their still-hungry siblings up to be fed in their turn (but also to be cold). Kinglets are the most fecund and shortest-living of all altricial birds,Sibly Richard M., Witt, Christopher C., Wright, Natalie A., Venditti, Chris, Jetze, Walter and Brown, James H.; "Energetics, lifestyle, and reproduction in birds" ; in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; 109 (27); pp.
Ajax (also AJAX ; short for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML") is a set of web development techniques using many web technologies on the client side to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send and retrieve data from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behaviour of the existing page. By decoupling the data interchange layer from the presentation layer, Ajax allows web pages and, by extension, web applications, to change content dynamically without the need to reload the entire page. In practice, modern implementations commonly utilize JSON instead of XML.
In programming and software design, an event is an action or occurrence recognized by software, often originating asynchronously from the external environment, that may be handled by the software. Computer events can be generated or triggered by the system, by the user, or in other ways. Typically, events are handled synchronously with the program flow; that is, the software may have one or more dedicated places where events are handled, frequently an event loop. A source of events includes the user, who may interact with the software through the computer's peripherals - for example, by typing on the keyboard.
The compositor in turn sends information back to the client by causing the object to emit events (probably with arguments too). These events can be emitted by the compositor as a response to a certain request, or asynchronously, subject to the occurrence of internal events (such as one from an input device) or state changes. The error conditions are also signaled as events by the compositor. For a client to be able to make a request to an object, it first needs to tell the server the ID number it will use to identify that object.
For example, psychophysics has shown that percepts for different properties are realized asynchronously. In addition, although achromats experience other cognitive defects they do not have motion deficits when their lesion is restricted to V4, or total loss of form perception. Relatedly, Zihl and colleagues' akinetopsia patient shows no deficit to color or object perception (although deriving depth and structure from motion is problematic, see above) and object agnostics do not have damaged motion or color perception, making the three disorders triply dissociable. Taken together this evidence suggests that even though distinct properties may employ the same early visual areas they are functionally independent.
The client-side (Web browser) technologies used in Web 2.0 development include Ajax and JavaScript frameworks. Ajax programming uses JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM) to update selected regions of the page area without undergoing a full page reload. To allow users to continue interacting with the page, communications such as data requests going to the server are separated from data coming back to the page (asynchronously). Otherwise, the user would have to routinely wait for the data to come back before they can do anything else on that page, just as a user has to wait for a page to complete the reload.
A set of statements is in turn generally structured as a block, which in addition to grouping, also defines a lexical scope. Interrupts and signals are low-level mechanisms that can alter the flow of control in a way similar to a subroutine, but usually occur as a response to some external stimulus or event (that can occur asynchronously), rather than execution of an in-line control flow statement. At the level of machine language or assembly language, control flow instructions usually work by altering the program counter. For some central processing units (CPUs), the only control flow instructions available are conditional or unconditional branch instructions, also termed jumps.
The primary disadvantage of many message-oriented middleware systems is that they require an extra component in the architecture, the message transfer agent (message broker). As with any system, adding another component can lead to reductions in performance and reliability, and can also make the system as a whole more difficult and expensive to maintain. In addition, many inter- application communications have an intrinsically synchronous aspect, with the sender specifically wanting to wait for a reply to a message before continuing (see real-time computing and near-real-time for extreme cases). Because message-based communication inherently functions asynchronously, it may not fit well in such situations.
Coarray Fortran (CAF), formerly known as F--, started as an extension of Fortran 95/2003 for parallel processing created by Robert Numrich and John Reid in the 1990s. The Fortran 2008 standard (ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010) now includes coarrays (spelled without hyphen), as decided at the May 2005 meeting of the ISO Fortran Committee; the syntax in the Fortran 2008 standard is slightly different from the original CAF proposal. A CAF program is interpreted as if it were replicated a number of times and all copies were executed asynchronously. Each copy has its own set of data objects and is termed an image.
BITS is upgradeable to version 2.5 in Windows XP. BITS 2.5, part of Windows XP SP3, adds support for IPv6 and certificate-based client authentication for secure HTTP transports and custom HTTP headers. Windows XP components such as Windows Update use BITS to download updates so only idle bandwidth is used to download updates and downloading can be resumed in case network connectivity is interrupted. BITS uses a queue to manage file transfers and downloads files on behalf of requesting applications asynchronously, i.e., once an application requests the BITS service for a transfer, it will be free to do any other job, or even terminate.
The resource adapter can control the transaction context with which work instances are executed. ;Transaction inflow management: Transaction inflow management enables a resource adapter to propagate an imported transaction to an application server. This contract also allows a resource adapter to transmit transaction completion and crash recovery calls initiated by an EIS, and ensures that the Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability (ACID) properties of the imported transaction are preserved. ;Message inflow management: Message inflow management enables a resource adapter to asynchronously deliver messages to message endpoints residing in the application server, independent of the specific messaging style, messaging semantics and messaging infrastructure used to deliver messages.
In actinopterygian steady state swimming, the pelvic fins are actively controlled and used to provide powered corrective forces. Careful timing of the pelvic fin movement during whole-body movements allows the pelvic fins to generate forces that dampen the forces from the entire body, therefore stabilizing the fish. For maneuvers, electromyogram data shows that pelvic fin muscles are activated after the start of the maneuver, indicating that the fins are used more for stabilization instead of generating the maneuver. In rays and skates, pelvic fins can be used for "punting," where they asynchronously or synchronously push off the substrate to propel the animal forwards.
Credit-based, time-aware and cyclic (peristaltic) shapers require network-wide coordinated time and utilize network bandwidth inefficiently, as they enforce packet transmission at periodic cycles. The IEEE 802.1Qcr Asynchronous Traffic Shaper (ATS) operates asynchronously based on local clocks in each bridge, improving link utilization for mixed traffic types, such as periodic with arbitrary periods, sporadic (event driven), and rate-constrained. ATS employs the urgency-based scheduler (UBS) which prioritizes urgent traffic using per- class queuing and per-stream reshaping. Asynchronicity is achieved by interleaved shaping with traffic characterization based on Token Bucket Emulation, a token bucket emulation model, to eliminate the burstiness cascade effects of per-class shaping.
A virtual team (also known as a geographically dispersed team, distributed team, or remote team) usually refers to a group of individuals who work together from different geographic locations and rely on communication technology such as email, FAX, and video or voice conferencing services in order to collaborate. The term can also refer to groups or teams that work together asynchronously or across organizational levels. Powell, Piccoli and Ives (2004) define virtual teams as "groups of geographically, organizationally and/or time dispersed workers brought together by information and telecommunication technologies to accomplish one or more organizational tasks."Anne Powell, Gabriele Piccoli, and Blake Ives.
While the words analog audio usually imply that the sound is described using a continuous time/continuous amplitudes approach in both the media and the reproduction/recording systems, and the words digital audio imply a discrete time/discrete amplitudes approach, there are methods of encoding audio that fall somewhere between the two, e.g. continuous time/discrete levels and discrete time/continuous levels. While not as common as "pure analog" or "pure digital" methods, these situations do occur in practice. Indeed, all analog systems show discrete (quantized) behaviour at the microscopic scale, and asynchronously operated class-D amplifiers even consciously incorporate continuous time, discrete amplitude designs.
A/ROSE itself is very small, the kernel using only 6 KB, and the operating system as a whole about 28 KB. A/ROSE supports pre-emptive multitasking with round-robin task scheduling with a 110 microsecond context switch time and only 20 microseconds of latency (guaranteed interrupt response time). The system's task is primarily to move data around and start and stop tasks on the cards, and the entire API contains only ten calls. A/ROSE is a message passing system, and the main calls made by programs running under it are `Send()` and `Receive()`. Messages are short, including only 24 bytes of user data, and sent asynchronously.
This coded transmission typically is accomplished by transmitting a unique time-dependent series of short pulses, which are placed within chip times within the larger bit time. All channels, each with a different code, can be transmitted on the same fiber or radio channel or other medium, and asynchronously demultiplexed. Advantages over conventional techniques are that variable bandwidth is possible (just as in statistical multiplexing), that the wide bandwidth allows poor signal-to-noise ratio according to Shannon-Hartley theorem, and that multi-path propagation in wireless communication can be combated by rake receivers. A significant application of CDMA is the Global Positioning System (GPS).
The architecture of the Xgrid system is designed around a job based system; the controller sends agents jobs, and the agents return the responses. The actual computation that the controller executes in an Xgrid system is known as a job. The job contains all the files required to complete the task successfully, such as the input parameters, data files, directories, executables and/or shell scripts, the files included in an Xgrid job must be able to be executed either simultaneously or asynchronously, or any benefits of running such a job on an Xgrid is lost. Once the job completes, the controller can be set to notify the client of the task's completion or failure, for example by email.
Players compete asynchronously, playing alongside other participants that have already played the present episode, and later compared to the scores of their friends that play that episode later. As part of the series' theme of "high culture meeting pop culture", the questions are often phrased eloquently and combine general knowledge with contemporary entertainment and celebrities references. A mobile version for iOS was released in December 2012, and for Android in May 2013; both mobile games will allow cross-platform play with the Facebook application. The game has been praised for taking an unconventional route towards social media-based games, incorporating elements like microtransactions and interactions with friends without aggressively marketing these elements.
Although often used for simpler applications, modern smart cameras can rival PCs in terms of processing power and functionalities. Smart cameras have been marketed since the mid 80s. In the 21st century they have reached widespread use, since technology allowed their size to be reduced and their processing power reached several thousand MIPS (devices with 1 GHz processors and up to 8000MIPS are available as of end of 2006). Having a dedicated processor in each unit, smart cameras are especially suited for applications where several cameras must operate independently and often asynchronously, or when distributed vision is required (multiple inspection or surveillance points along a production line or within an assembly machine).
SIP can be related to the style and content of the message, as well as the timing that the message is presented, whether that be synchronously or asynchronously. In this study, Madlock got organizations that utilize telecommuting to fill out a survey because on their job satisfaction and the satisfaction that they feel when leadership is communicated through a computer, whether that be something like Skype, Instant Messaging, cell phones, email and via voice. Employees were able to develop a better connection with their leadership team through telecommuting, if it was task orientated and the information was presented in a realistic format that represented who they were, as opposed to a fake personality.
The major advance that the Microtan 65 had over a lot of the competition at that time was that the video display was flicker free. At the time a lot of microcomputers would either access the screen memory asynchronously to the video timing (causing flicker and splats on the screen), or would write to the screen memory during a non-display period (which was slow). The Microtan 65 got over this problem by making use of an incidental feature of the 6502. The 6502 (unlike most other CPUs) has a regular period in each instruction cycle when all CPU activity is inside the chip, leaving the external memory available without using complex external arbitration logic.
Multitrack recording of sound is the process in which sound and other electro- acoustic signals are captured on a recording medium such as magnetic tape, which is divided into two or more audio tracks that run parallel with each other. Because they are carried on the same medium, the tracks stay in perfect synchronisation, while allowing multiple sound sources to be recorded asynchronously. The first system for creating stereophonic sound (using telephone technology) was demonstrated by Clément Ader in Paris in 1881. The pallophotophone, invented by Charles A. Hoxie and first demonstrated in 1922, recorded optically on 35 mm film, and some versions used a format of as many as twelve tracks in parallel on each strip.
A CAL dataflow program provides simple, understandable, and powerful abstractions that allow the specification of as much or as little parallelism as is required, enabling tools to produce sophisticated implementations that exploit the concurrent structure of a computation. When programming in dataflow, the programmer is typically constructing a concurrent description of a computational system, which is different from a common sequential program. Rather than being concerned with the step-by-step execution of an algorithm, a dataflow programmer builds a system of asynchronously communicating entities called actors. Much of the programming effort is directed toward finding a good factoring of the problem into actors, and toward engineering appropriate communication patterns among those actors.
Upstart operates asynchronously; it handles starting of the tasks and services during boot and stopping them during shutdown, and also supervises the tasks and services while the system is running. Easy transition and perfect backward compatibility with sysvinit were the explicit design goals; accordingly, Upstart can run unmodified sysvinit scripts. In this way it differs from most other init replacements (beside systemd and OpenRC), which usually assume and require complete transition to run properly, and do not support a mixed environment of traditional and new startup methods. Upstart allows for extensions to its event model through the use of initctl to input custom, single events, or event bridges to integrate many or more-complicated events.
Flow-based programming supports process multiplexing in a very natural way. Since components are read-only, any number of instances of a given component ("processes") can run asynchronously with each other. Example of multiplexing When computers usually had a single processor, this was useful when a lot of I/O was going on; now that machines usually have multiple processors, this is starting to become useful when processes are CPU-intensive as well. The diagram in this section shows a single "Load Balancer" process distributing data between 3 processes, labeled S1, S2 and S3, respectively, which are instances of a single component, which in turn feed into a single process on a "first-come, first served" basis.
Except for CPUs used in low- power applications, embedded systems, and battery-powered devices, essentially all general-purpose CPUs developed since about 1998 are superscalar. The P5 Pentium was the first superscalar x86 processor; the Nx586, P6 Pentium Pro and AMD K5 were among the first designs which decode x86-instructions asynchronously into dynamic microcode-like micro-op sequences prior to actual execution on a superscalar microarchitecture; this opened up for dynamic scheduling of buffered partial instructions and enabled more parallelism to be extracted compared to the more rigid methods used in the simpler P5 Pentium; it also simplified speculative execution and allowed higher clock frequencies compared to designs such as the advanced Cyrix 6x86.
This message triggers the execution of code within the chare to handle the message asynchronously. Chares may be organized into indexed collections called chare arrays and messages may be sent to individual chares within a chare array or to the entire chare array simultaneously. The chares in a program are mapped to physical processors by an adaptive runtime system. The mapping of chares to processors is transparent to the programmer, and this transparency permits the runtime system to dynamically change the assignment of chares to processors during program execution to support capabilities such as measurement-based load balancing, fault tolerance, automatic checkpointing, and the ability to shrink and expand the set of processors used by a parallel program.
The operating system kernel is still referred to as "the Exec" by most Unisys and customer personnel. However, when Unisys began releasing suites of products tested together as system base releases, later called "ClearPath OS 2200 Release n", the term OS 2200 changed to refer to the entire suite of products in the system release and others, such as BIS, released asynchronously for the Dorado hardware platforms. In 1986 Burroughs and Sperry corporations merged to become Unisys (which some long time 2200 Series clients say stands for "UNIVAC Is Still Your Supplier"). The major mainframe product lines of both companies have continued in development including the MCP Operating System from Burroughs and OS 2200 from Sperry.
To prevent the child becoming a zombie the parent should call wait on its children, either periodically or upon receiving the SIGCHLD signal, which indicates a child process has terminated. One can also asynchronously wait on their children to finish, by using a signal handler for SIGCHLD, if they need to ensure everything is cleaned up. Here's an example of a signal handler that catches any incoming SIGCHLD signals and handles multiple concurrent signals received. void cleanup(int signal) { while (waitpid((pid_t) (-1), 0, WNOHANG) > 0) {} } When the child process calls `exec()`, all data in the original program is lost, and it is replaced with a running copy of the new program.
Pixetell screencasts could be combined with audio voice-over, existing video files and webcam recordings to present information to the person viewing the recording; attachments may be added and sent as part of the message. The software permitted people to communicate asynchronously; as with email, the producer and the viewer did not need to be online at the same time; but as with remote desktop software, it was possible to provide detailed demonstrations of computer-based tasks. Pixetell production software was available only for Microsoft Windows; the recordings were displayed in Flash format, and viewable from Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Files could be attached to Pixetell messages and existing video could be edited into a Pixetell message.
Clinger and Carl Hewitt have developed a model (known as the Actor model) of concurrent computation with the property of unbounded nondeterminism built in [Clinger 1981; Hewitt 1985; Hewitt and Agha 1991; Hewitt 2006b]; this allows computations that cannot be implemented by Turing Machines, as seen above. However, these researchers emphasize that their model of concurrent computations defined by Church, Kleene, Turing, etc. (See Indeterminacy in concurrent computation.) Hewitt [2006] justified his use of unbounded nondeterminism by arguing that there is no bound that can be placed on how long it takes a computational circuit called an arbiter to settle (see metastability in electronics). Arbiters are used in computers to deal with the circumstance that computer clocks operate asynchronously with input from outside, e.
In this case, two complete network round-trips to that machine must take place before the third statement can begin to execute. The third statement will then cause yet another round-trip to the same remote machine. Using futures, the above expression could be written t3 := (x <- a()) <- c(y <- b()) which could be expanded to t1 := x <- a(); t2 := y <- b(); t3 := t1 <- c(t2); The syntax used here is that of the language E, where `x <- a()` means to send the message `a()` asynchronously to `x`. All three variables are immediately assigned futures for their results, and execution proceeds to subsequent statements. Later attempts to resolve the value of `t3` may cause a delay; however, pipelining can reduce the number of round-trips needed.
The Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (SRDF) is a family of software products that facilitates the data replication from one Symmetrix storage array to another through a storage area network or Internet Protocol (IP) network. SRDF logically pairs a device or a group of devices from each array and replicates data from one to the other synchronously or asynchronously. An established pair of devices can be split, so that separate hosts can access the same data independently (maybe for backup), and then be resynchronised. In synchronous mode (SRDF/S), the primary array waits until the secondary array has acknowledged each write before the next write is accepted, ensuring that the replicated copy of the data is always as current as the primary.
To prevent double spending and Sybil attacks, Nano uses a consensus algorithm called open representative voting (ORV), a variant of delegated proof of stake (DPoS). In ORV, every account can choose a representative to vote on their behalf, and these representatives remain online to vote on the validity of transactions they see on the network. Unlike conventional DPoS, anyone can be a representative, no funds are staked or locked up, users can remotely redelegate their voting weight to anyone at any time, representatives do not earn transaction fees, blocks are not built or chosen, and representatives cannot censor or reverse transactions. All transactions are individually and asynchronously voted on by user-selected representative nodes before being immutably and irreversibly confirmed.
Far from containing 77 million paintings, the software consists of 296 original works which are overlaid and combined up to four at a time in a simulation of simultaneous projection onto a common screen. The various images are slowly faded in and out asynchronously before being replaced by another random element. Also the music that accompanies the paintings, if played on a Mac G5 or a Windows PC, is randomly generated in a similar way, so the selection of elements and their duration in the piece are arbitrarily chosen, forming a virtually infinite number of variations. In conjunction with this, Annabeth Robinson (AngryBeth Shortbread) recreated the performance in Second Life by building the performance in a multi-user virtual environment (MUVE).
This last version was a critical success, and led to the studio to focus on developing similar games, rebranding the studio by 2013 as Jackbox Games. Among their one-off titles including Lie Swatter, Clone Booth, and Word Puttz, generally designed as single player titles or played asynchronously with other players. One key game that followed this was their 2014 title Fibbage, which was designed to be a game allowing eight players to play against each other simultaneously aided by the use of one of the players using live streaming of their game or with people in the same room. Other players would participate by using a web browser or mobile device to connect to the streaming player's game through Jackbox's servers and which to provide their answers.
The combinational logic circuitry of the 74181 integrated circuit, which is a simple four-bit ALU An ALU is a combinational logic circuit, meaning that its outputs will change asynchronously in response to input changes. In normal operation, stable signals are applied to all of the ALU inputs and, when enough time (known as the "propagation delay") has passed for the signals to propagate through the ALU circuitry, the result of the ALU operation appears at the ALU outputs. The external circuitry connected to the ALU is responsible for ensuring the stability of ALU input signals throughout the operation, and for allowing sufficient time for the signals to propagate through the ALU before sampling the ALU result. In general, external circuitry controls an ALU by applying signals to its inputs.
Ajax and Web 2.0 are claimed to be one of the area where sideband method is used. It is said that Ajax is conducted through asynchronously though additional channel other than a browser-server’s main HTTP channel. Examples of sideband computing in this sense include collaborative filtering, online auctions, online ranking, mashing up, prediction markets, reputation systems, computational social choice, tagging, and verification games using Ajax. A typical setup would involve that the server allows each client to do a small amount of work and the server coordinates and aggregates results every client to form a larger picture. For instance, when sideband computing applies to the social computing based on each client creating or recreating social conventions and social contexts through the use of client’s computing resource, software and technology.
Asynchronous Layered Coding (ALC) is an Internet protocol for content delivery in a reliable, massively scalable, multiple-rate, and congestion-controlled manner. Specified in RFC 5775, it is an IETF proposed standard. The protocol is specifically designed to provide massive scalability using IP multicast as the underlying network service. Massive scalability in this context means the number of concurrent receivers for an object is potentially in the millions, the aggregate size of objects to be delivered in a session ranges from hundreds of kilobytes to hundreds of gigabytes, each receiver can initiate reception of an object asynchronously, the reception rate of each receiver in the session is the maximum fair bandwidth available between that receiver and the sender, and all of this can be supported using a single sender.
In computer systems programming, an interrupt handler, also known as an interrupt service routine or ISR, is a special block of code associated with a specific interrupt condition. Interrupt handlers are initiated by hardware interrupts, software interrupt instructions, or software exceptions, and are used for implementing device drivers or transitions between protected modes of operation, such as system calls. The traditional form of interrupt handler is the hardware interrupt handler. Hardware interrupts arise from electrical conditions or low-level protocols implemented in digital logic, are usually dispatched via a hard-coded table of interrupt vectors, asynchronously to the normal execution stream (as interrupt masking levels permit), often using a separate stack, and automatically entering into a different execution context (privilege level) for the duration of the interrupt handler's execution.
The Johnson counter generates a code in which adjacent states differ by only one bit (that is, have a Hamming distance of 1), as in a Gray code, which can be useful if the bit pattern is going to be asynchronously sampled. When a fully decoded or one-hot representation of the counter state is needed, as in some sequence controllers, the straight ring counter is preferred. The one-hot property means that the set of codes are separated by a minimum Hamming distance of 2, so any single-bit error is detectable (as is any error pattern other than turning on one bit and turning off one bit). Sometimes bidirectional shift registers are used (using multiplexors to take the input for each flip-flop from its left or right neighbor), so that bidirectional or up–down ring counters can be made.
This was months before Les Paul and Mary Ford had their first multi- voiced release. Paul was the first to make use of the technique of multitracking to record separate elements of a musical piece asynchronously – that is, separate elements could be recorded at different times. Paul's technique enabled him to listen to the tracks he had already taped and record new parts in time alongside them. In 1963, solo jazz pianist, Bill Evans, recorded Conversations with Myself, an innovative solo album using the unconventional (in jazz solo recordings) technique of overdubbing over himself, in effect creating a two-piano duet of jazz improvisations. Despite Ampex having created the first 8-track tape machines for Les Paul and Atlantic Records, multitrack recording was taken up in a more limited way in the industry via 3-track recorders.
In combination with a parametrization ability, called Initial Information Packets (IIPs), ports provide FBP with a component reuse ability, making FBP a component-based architecture. FBP thus exhibits what Raoul de Campo and Nate Edwards of IBM Research have termed configurable modularity. Information Packets or IPs are allocated in what might be called "IP space" (just as Linda's tuples are allocated in "tuple space"), and have a well- defined lifetime until they are disposed of and their space is reclaimed - in FBP this must be an explicit action on the part of an owning process. IPs traveling across a given connection (actually it is their "handles" that travel) constitute a "stream", which is generated and consumed asynchronously - this concept thus has similarities to the lazy cons concept described in the 1976 article by Friedman and Wise.
An animation demonstrating datagram type of packet switching across a network A simple definition of packet switching is: Packet switching allows delivery of variable bit rate data streams, realized as sequences of packets, over a computer network which allocates transmission resources as needed using statistical multiplexing or dynamic bandwidth allocation techniques. As they traverse networking hardware, such as switches and routers, packets are received, buffered, queued, and retransmitted (stored and forwarded), resulting in variable latency and throughput depending on the link capacity and the traffic load on the network. Packets are normally forwarded by intermediate network nodes asynchronously using first-in, first- out buffering, but may be forwarded according to some scheduling discipline for fair queuing, traffic shaping, or for differentiated or guaranteed quality of service, such as weighted fair queuing or leaky bucket. Packet-based communication may be implemented with or without intermediate forwarding nodes (switches and routers).
It performed 32-bit or 64-bit (true single- and double-precision) floating point calculations compliant with the (draft) IEEE-754 standard (as used by the i80387 and other later FPUs), but only on the four primary arithmetic functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). The available FPU version of 4-MHz was for USD $235.00 and 2-MHz was for USD $149.00 in quantities of 100 or more.Intel Corporation, "Intel peripherals enhance 8086 system design", Intel Preview Special Issue: 16-Bit Solution, May/June 1980, Pg. 22 All three chips used an 8-bit data bus design, in line with the i8080 and most other contemporary microprocessors. The 8231 could run at up to 3 MHz, and the 8231A and 8232 up to 4 MHz (a slight improvement on the Am9512 which was limited to 3 MHz), either in sync with the CPU or (in the 8231A and 8232) asynchronously depending on the degree of bus separation in the host system.
The presence of an ATR is often used as a first indication that a Smart Card appears operative, and its content examined as a first test that it is of the appropriate kind for a given usage. Contact Smart Cards communicate over a signal named Input/Output (I/O) either synchronously (data bits are sent and received at the rhythm of one per period of the clock supplied to the card on its CLK signal) or asynchronously (data bits are exchanged over I/O with another mechanism for bit delimitation, similar to traditional asynchronous serial communication). The two modes are exclusive in a given communication session, and most cards are built with support for a single mode. Microprocessor-based contact Smart Cards are mostly of the asynchronous variety, used for all Subscriber Identity Modules (SIM) for mobile phones, those bank cards with contacts that conform to EMV specifications, all contact Java Cards, and Smart Cards for pay television.
There are several types of IGMP messages: ;General membership queries :Sent by multicast routers to determine which multicast addresses are of interest to systems attached to the network(s) they serve to refresh the group membership state for all systems on its network. ;Group- specific membership queries :Used for determining the reception state for a particular multicast address ;Group-and-source-specific queries :Allow the router to determine if any systems desire reception of messages sent to a multicast group from a source address specified in a list of unicast addresses ;Membership reports :Sent by multicast receivers in response to a membership query or asynchronously when first registering for a multicast group ;Leave group messages :Sent by multicast receivers when specified multicast transmissions are no longer needed at the receiver IGMP messages are carried in bare IP packets with IP protocol number 2. Similar to the Internet Control Message Protocol, there is no transport layer used with IGMP messaging.
"Brutal mode" is a challenge mode where, as the player continues doing well on a song, the notes on the scrolling highway will disappear some time after they appear on it, but will still need to be played on time; the speed at which they disappear is based on how well the player is playing, and by clearing the song with what would normally be gold stars, the player earns "Crimson Stars" instead. A new "Score Challenge" gameplay mode will allow players to track what their friends are playing and then asynchronously challenge their scores on the same song, including light- hearted taunts should they win. A February 2016 update (originally slated for January but pushed back) implemented a number of features to prevent high score cheating via game exploits, as well as changing the nature of non-Tour mode shows to allow their scores to be included in leaderboards. To effect this change, Harmonix had to wipe existing leaderboards, but in the future if similar exploits are found, they will be able to adjust leaderboards for specific songs and instruments.
Legacy systems usually require a human to physically connect a laptop to the system controller or a telematic solution to manually collect data and carry it back to a location where it can be later transferred to the factory or to restricted webserver-based download sites for offboard analysis. The architecture also enables communications with other micro-webservers in its Computer cluster (i.e. in an aircraft), or to higher level clusters (such as an internet portal managed fleet and flight operations managers), thus enabling access to data resources and personnel and factory engineers at remote office computers through the World Wide Web. As stated previously, the system operates asynchronously, in that it does not have to be always connected to the World Wide Web to function; rather it simply operates locally, then synchronizes two-way information relevant to the subsystem, acting as a Gateway (telecommunications) on board that connects with other gateways within the network, which can be airborne or on the ground, on an as- needed basis when communications is available.
Additionally, many specialized methods were developed for BVHs, especially ones based on AABB (axis-aligned bounding boxes), such as parallel building, SIMD accelerated traversal, good split heuristics (SAH - surface-area heuristic is often used in ray tracing), wide trees (4-ary and 16-ary trees provide some performance benefits, both in build and query performance for practical scenes), and quick structure update (in real time applications objects might be moving or deforming spatially relatively slowly or be still, and same BVH can be updated to be still valid without doing a full rebuild from scratch). BVHs also naturally support inserting and removing objects without full rebuild, but with resulting BVH having usually worse query performance compared to full rebuild. To solve these problems (as well as quick structure update being sub-optimal), the new BVH could be built asynchronously in parallel or synchronously, after sufficient change is detected (leaf overlap is big, number of insertions and removals crossed the threshold, and other more refined heuristics). BVHs can also be combined with scene graph methods, and geometry instancing, to reduce memory usage, improve structure update and full rebuild performance, as well as guide better object or primitive splitting.

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