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63 Sentences With "at the same instant"

How to use at the same instant in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "at the same instant" and check conjugation/comparative form for "at the same instant". Mastering all the usages of "at the same instant" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Sometimes two squeezed through one's door at the same instant.
At the same instant, the car is smashed by an oncoming vehicle.
He gets to the ball at the same instant as keeper Mandanda and goes down.
Time, on these little scraps, is a function of space: both run out at the same instant.
A wave hit the boat at the same instant, tipping it violently, and dumping freezing water into the hull.
I know the kind of wife I need and I become her: the one who will leave this earth at the same instant I do.
The skaters have a higher choreography if they move out of phase—one reaching the edge while the other passes through the center—than if they are in phase, passing through the center at the same instant.
But it's absolutely worth watching when this hits Netflix or Amazon (ideal landing pads for this) if you're interested in an examination of how the Internet is both incredibly robust and yet brittle at the same instant.
At the same instant that a significant chunk of elected and appointed policymakers seem to disbelieve the science behind global warming, and a significant chunk of parents seem to disbelieve the science behind vaccines … a bunch of actual scientists come along and point out that vast swaths of the social sciences don't stand up to scrutiny.
At the same instant the sounding gallopade of hoofs came from the tranquil roadway leading to the stables.
During the action at Lindley's Mills, Colonel McNeill and Major John Nall met in single combat both fired at the same instant, McNeill's ball struck Nall near the left pap, and Nall's ball penetrated McNeill in the forehead; both died on the spot.
The ship's blaster weapons have no effect and the creature kills Farman and two other crewmen. Morbius, asleep in the Krell lab, is startled awake by screams from Altaira. At the same instant, the roaring creature vanishes. Later, while Adams tries to persuade Altaira to leave, Ostrow sneaks away to use the Krell educator.
Courtney was also using shorter oars than he usually used. A large crowd of over 10,000 spectators showed up came to watch the race. Courtney had the inside (West) position with Paisted in the middle and Riley on the outside (East). When the word "go" was given, all three sculls started moved off the line at the same instant.
Barron's shot hit Decatur in the pelvic area, severing arteries. Both of the duelists fell almost at the same instant. Decatur, mortally wounded and clutching his side, exclaimed, "Oh, Lord, I am a dead man." Lying wounded, Commodore Barron proclaimed that the duel was carried out properly and honorably and told Decatur that he forgave him from the bottom of his heart.
Both of the duelists fell almost at the same instant. Decatur, mortally wounded and clutching his side, exclaimed, "Oh, Lord, I am a dead man." Lying wounded, Commodore Barron (who ultimately survived) declared that the duel was carried out properly and honorably and told Decatur that he forgave him from the bottom of his heart.Guttridge, 2005, pp. 257–261.Mackenzie, 1846, p. 441.
The guru left his body after bidding goodbye to his disciples and other followers. His favourite cow also died at the same instant, then the rest of the cows miraculously disappeared within a few days. There are also accounts of cows emptying their milk by themselves every day at the same time, at the place where the Guru died. He had done many miracles during his lifetime.
Generally it is impossible to close two or three transactions at the same instant; therefore, there is the possibility that when one part of the deal is closed, a quick shift in prices makes it impossible to close the other at a profitable price. However, this is not necessarily the case. Many exchanges and inter-dealer brokers allow multi legged trades (e.g. basis block trades on LIFFE).
On the final lap, Jim Rathmann led Rodger Ward. Over a half-lap behind was Bob Christie in third, George Amick in fourth, and Dick Rathmann further behind in fifth. As Rathmann and Ward were approaching the checkered flag, the spectacular and breathtaking race appeared to be completed without serious incident. However, at the same instant, a horrific crash occurred on the backstretch, taking the life of George Amick.
Within the catalytic distillation column, liquid reactants are catalyzed while concurrently being heated. As a result, the products immediately begin to vaporize and are separated from the initial solution. By catalyzing and heating the reactants at the same instant, the newly formed products are rapidly boiled out of the system. With the lack of the products, Le Chatelier's principle comes into effect and forms new products from the reactants to replace the removed products.
Sound generated by a meteor in the upper atmosphere, such as a sonic boom, typically arrives many seconds after the visual light from a meteor disappears. Occasionally, as with the Leonid meteor shower of 2001, "crackling", "swishing", or "hissing" sounds have been reported, occurring at the same instant as a meteor flare. Similar sounds have also been reported during intense displays of Earth's auroras. Theories on the generation of these sounds may partially explain them.
Amma was initiated into Sri Vidya by Guruji on October 5, 1979. She received Purna Diksha along with Aiya and was named Gnanamba by the Devi. In her ancestry is one of the greatest Tamil luminaries - "Sadhavadhani" Kadhirvel Pillai, a person who could concentrate on one hundred different things at the same instant. He is well known for his literary works, especially his commentary on Tiruvacakam, which has no equal to date.
A pressurized air hose is inserted into a receiving nozzle at the rear of the car, under the rear wing. Previously, this device was inserted on the side of the car, but for safety reasons, the location was moved in the 2000s. At the same instant, another crew member begins the refueling process. A fueling hose is inserted into a socket (called the "buckeye"), allowing a gravity-fed hose to refill the car's fuel tank.
Mass saw Villeneuve approaching at high speed and moved to the right to let him through on the racing line. At the same instant Villeneuve also moved right to pass the slower car. The Ferrari hit the back of Mass' car and was launched into the air at a speed estimated at . It was airborne for more than before nosediving into the ground and disintegrating as it somersaulted along the edge of the track.
A modern digital wattmeter samples the voltage and current thousands of times a second. For each sample, the voltage is multiplied by the current at the same instant; the average over at least one cycle is the real power. The real power divided by the apparent volt-amperes (VA) is the power factor. A computer circuit uses the sampled values to calculate RMS voltage, RMS current, VA, power (watts), power factor, and kilowatt-hours.
Linear circuits have a sinusoidal response to the sinusoidal line voltage. A linear load does not change the shape of the input waveform but may change the relative timing (phase) between voltage and current, due to its inductance or capacitance. In a purely resistive AC circuit, voltage and current waveforms are in step (or in phase), changing polarity at the same instant in each cycle. All the power entering the load is consumed (or dissipated).
Several of the troops were hit with stones and at the same instant the entire company discharged one round each from their guns into the crowd. The crowd backed off. The Company Commander, fearful of a greater slaughter, called his troops back to their carriages and they beat a speedy retreat, followed all the way by angry remnants of the crowd. However, back on the road in front of the church a young servant boy lay dead.
In such systems, the spare processors do not contribute to system throughput between failures, but merely redundantly execute exactly the same data thread as the active processor at the same instant, in "lock step". Faults are detected by seeing when the cloned processors' outputs diverged. To detect failures, the system must have two physical processors for each logical, active processor. To also implement automatic failover recovery, the system must have three or four physical processors for each logical processor.
In any event, Villeneuve caught Jochen Mass travelling much more slowly through a left-handed bend and moved to the right to pass him at the same instant that Mass also moved right to let Villeneuve through on the racing line. The two collided and Villeneuve was thrown out of his disintegrating car. He died of a fractured neck in a local hospital at 9:12 that evening. Ferrari withdrew from the race, which Watson won for McLaren.
The next afternoon, after one of the merchantmen signaled that an unknown sail had appeared, Saratoga set out to investigate. Within two hours, after seeing the British ensign flying from her mast, the Saratoga had reached within firing range and sent a warning 4-pounder shot across the stranger's bow. Instead of surrendering, the British privateer, Resolution, maneuvered to attack. The ships fired at the same instant, Resolutions gunners fired high and only did superficial damage to the Saratoga.
Jocasta then receives a messenger, who tells her about the progress of the war and that her sons are both alive, but have agreed to fight one-on-one for the throne. She and her daughter Antigone go to try to stop them. Shortly after they depart, Creon hears about how the duel has gone. Eteocles mortally wounded Polynieces, who was able to deliver a fatal blow to his brother; the two died at the same instant.
She after sometime meets Jeh Khurana (Rithvik Dhanjani), who is a strong werewolf and is in a hunt for Abhay to take retribution on him for killing his beloved brother. Devoid of knowing who his authentic identity, Piya saves Abhay from his condition. He is again impolite and mean to her, and she is confused about her thoughts, feeling both repulsive and fascinated towards him at the same instant. In the meantime, she and Jeh become best of friends.
At the same instant he plunges his knife into it, the catamount kills him and they die together. Stephen Bullock - A wealthy landowner from an old landowner family, he runs a two thousand acre spread along the Hudson River. In the past, his land was part of the town, but now it is its own village, set up much like a traditional English manor. He has vision and has adjusted with the times, moving towards self-sufficiency.
The diagram on the left illustrates a bar and a ring in the rest frame of the ring at the instant that their centers coincide. The bar is Lorentz-contracted and moving upward and to the right while the ring is stationary and uncontracted. The diagram on the right illustrates the situation at the same instant, but in the rest frame of the bar. The ring is now Lorentz-contracted and rotated with respect to the bar, and the bar is uncontracted.
Two simultaneous eruptions issued from the volcano; a cloud of ash and steam billowed seven miles into the sky. At the same instant, a tremendous pyroclastic surge exploded down the southwestern flanks of the mountain, obliterating two villages in its path, but just missing Precheur. At a speed of 120 miles per hour and at temperatures of 700 F, the surge struck St. Pierre with devastating force. All buildings in its path, as well as the city walls, were instantly demolished.
Adding a second serial line to the device, and adding another latching region would allow for the latching of two input values at the two different outputs. To perform computation, a gate that takes as inputs both serial lines at their respective outputs is added. The gate is placed over a new latching region configured to process data only when both latching regions at the end of the serial lines hold the values of interest at the same instant. Figure 10 shows such an arrangement.
As Penrose put it: The "paradox" consists of two observers who are, from their conscious perspective, in the same place and at the same instant having different sets of events in their "present moment". Notice that neither observer can actually "see" what is happening in Andromeda, because light from Andromeda (and the hypothetical alien fleet) will take 2.5 million years to reach Earth. The argument is not about what can be "seen"; it is purely about what events different observers consider to occur in the present moment.
Some said I could have > avoided a meeting by turning in a different direction. Probably I could, at > least for a time, but I had started to the post office and there I intended > to go. As we approached the young men, one of them dropped behind, and as I > passed the first one he dealt me a blow with a heavy cane. At the same > instant the other drew a pistol and fired, the bullet taking effect in my > side and passing partly through.
Although equivalent mathematically, there is an important philosophical difference between the differential equations of motion and their integral counterpart. The differential equations are statements about quantities localized to a single point in space or single moment of time. For example, Newton's second law F=ma states that the instantaneous force F applied to a mass m produces an acceleration a at the same instant. By contrast, the action principle is not localized to a point; rather, it involves integrals over an interval of time and (for fields) extended region of space.
The time at which to change clocks differs across jurisdictions. Members of the European Union conduct a coordinated change, changing all zones at the same instant, at 01:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which means that it changes at 02:00 Central European Time (CET), equivalent to 03:00 Eastern European Time (EET). As a result, the time differences across European time zones remain constant. North America coordination of the clock change differs, in that each jurisdiction change at 02:00 local time, which temporarily creates unusual differences in offsets.
Muybridge later assembled the pictures into a rudimentary animation, by placing them on a glass disk which he spun in front of a light source. His zoopraxiscope may have been an inspiration for Thomas Edison to explore the idea of motion pictures. Muybridge also took photos of actions from many angles at the same instant in time, to study how the human body went up stairs, for example. In effect, however, Muybridge had achieved the aesthetic opposite to modern bullet-time sequences, since his studies lacked the dimensionality of the later developments.
The download commences and the Final Five experience flashbacks to each other's lives on Earth and in the colonies. Tyrol learns then that Tory murdered his wife, Cally, and kills her in revenge before the downloading is complete. Feeling betrayed, the Cylons resume fighting; after the other Cylons in CIC are killed, Cavil commits suicide. At the same instant, a chance rock strike in the debris field causes Racetrack's dead hand to fall on the launch button for her Raptor's nuclear weapons, which were primed for launch before the Raptor's crew was lost.
The snatch blocks used were heavy steel and difficult to handle. The bowman and sternsheetsman stood by his respective block, as the craft was lowered into the water. At a time when there was sufficient slack in the falls both had to cast off at the same instant, and the blocks had to be released while there was slack in the falls. If the boat was not freed at both ends at once the rise and fall of the sea could cause the boat to tip, swamp, and perhaps capsize with loss of life.
Barbara Probst (born 1964) is a contemporary artist whose photographic work consists of multiple images of a single scene, shot simultaneously with several cameras via a radio-controlled system. Using a mix of color and black- and-white film, she poses her subjects, positioning each lens at a different angle, and then triggers the cameras’ shutters all at once, creating tableaux of two or more individually framed images. Although the pictures are of the same subject and are taken at the same instant, they provide a range of perspectives. She lives and works in both New York City and Munich.
This concept dates from 1642 and Florentine gun maker Antonio Petrini. He cast the first cannon intended to fire simultaneously from side-by-side barrels two balls linked by a chain, intended to scythe down enemy soldiers like standing wheat when it reached them. For the rig to work, the powder behind each round shot had to ignite at the same instant, which rarely happened. In 1862, Georgia dentist, builder, and mechanic John Gilleland raised money from a coterie of Confederate citizens in Athens, Georgia, to build the chain-shot gun for a cost of $350.
W.H. Burge, Recursive Programming Techniques, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1975 In FBP, it is necessary to be able to describe and process structured data chunks (FBP IPs). Furthermore, most applicative systems assume that all the data is available in memory at the same time, whereas FBP applications need to be able to process long- running streams of data while still using finite resources. Friedman and Wise suggested a way to do this by adding the concept of "lazy cons" to Burge's work. This removed the requirement that both of the arguments of "cons" be available at the same instant of time.
In each frame sent from each camera, the system identifies the group of pixels which corresponds to the image of the ball. It then calculates for each frame the position of the ball by comparing its position on at least two of the physically separate cameras at the same instant in time. A succession of frames builds up a record of the path along which the ball has travelled. It also "predicts" the future flight path of the ball and where it will interact with any of the playing area features already programmed into the database.
In October 1937, Robert (Bob) J. Dippy, working at Robert Watson-Watt's radar laboratory at RAF Bawdsey in Suffolk, proposed using two synchronized transmitters as the basis for a blind landing system. He envisaged two transmitting antennae positioned about apart on either side of a runway. A transmitter midway between the two antennae would send a common signal over transmission lines to the two antennas, which ensured that both antennas would broadcast the signal at the same instant. A receiver in the aircraft would tune in these signals and send them to an A-scope-type display, like those used by Chain Home.
Heisenberg showed that the commutation relation implies an uncertainty, or in Bohr's language a complementarity. Any two variables that do not commute cannot be measured simultaneously—the more precisely one is known, the less precisely the other can be known. Heisenberg wrote: > It can be expressed in its simplest form as follows: One can never know with > perfect accuracy both of those two important factors which determine the > movement of one of the smallest particles—its position and its velocity. It > is impossible to determine accurately both the position and the direction > and speed of a particle at the same instant.
1129, 1130 (2001); cf. Leon Green, 270 (1930) ("[T]hose equally expansible and collapsible terms 'law' and 'fact' ... They are basic assumptions; irreducible minimums and the most comprehensive maximums at the same instant. They readily accommodate themselves to any meaning we desire to give them.") Many jurisdictions provide a statutory or constitutional right for litigants to appeal adverse decisions.See Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876 (39 & 40 Vict. c.59) (establishing a nearly unlimited right of appeal to the Lords in England and Wales); Act of February 6, 1889, ch. 113, § 6, 25 Stat. 656, 656 (establishing a statutory right to appeals in federal capital cases in the United States).
If the aircraft were properly lined up with the runway, both signals would be received at the same instant, and thus be drawn at the same point on the display. If the aircraft were located to one side or the other, one of the signals would be received before the other, forming two distinct peaks on the display. By determining which signal was being received first, pilots would know that they were closer to that antenna, and would be able to recapture the proper direction by turning away from it. Watt liked the idea, but at the time, a pressing need for the system was not apparent.
Einstein (The Meaning of Relativity): "Two events taking place at the points A and B of a system K are simultaneous if they appear at the same instant when observed from the middle point, M, of the interval AB. Time is then defined as the ensemble of the indications of similar clocks, at rest relative to K, which register the same simultaneously." Einstein wrote in his book, Relativity, that simultaneity is also relative, i.e., two events that appear simultaneous to an observer in a particular inertial reference frame need not be judged as simultaneous by a second observer in a different inertial frame of reference.
Victorious Gladiators offering weapons to Hercules' guardian, 1884, by Andrés Parladé y Heredia (Museo del Prado) A match was won by the gladiator who overcame his opponent, or killed him outright. Victors received the palm branch and an award from the editor. An outstanding fighter might receive a laurel crown and money from an appreciative crowd but for anyone originally condemned ad ludum the greatest reward was manumission (emancipation), symbolised by the gift of a wooden training sword or staff (rudis) from the editor. Martial describes a match between Priscus and Verus, who fought so evenly and bravely for so long that when both acknowledged defeat at the same instant, Titus awarded victory and a rudis to each.Martial.
With eight minutes of the session left, Villeneuve came over the rise after the first chicane and found Jochen Mass in the March travelling much more slowly through Butte, the left-handed bend before the Terlamenbocht corner. Mass saw Villeneuve approaching at high speed and moved to the right to let him through on the racing line. At the same instant Villeneuve also moved right to pass Mass. The Ferrari hit the back of the March and was launched into the air at a speed estimated at 200-225 km/h (120-140 mph). It was airborne for over 100 metres before nosediving into the ground and disintegrating as it somersaulted along the edge of the track.
Two General Motors FM-2 Wildcats were thrown off the flight deck into the water. Two fighters were flipped over on their backs, and two others received severe damage when tossed about. At the same instant, two Wildcats broke loose from their lashings on the hangar deck and collided, with major damage to both. At 1744, a Japanese single-engine aircraft plunged at the ship from a high angle and missed the port forward corner of the flight deck, exploding in the water abreast the forecastle. Thirty seconds later, a second similar aircraft whistled down on the starboard side at tremendous speed, narrowly missing the bridge structure and plunging into the water about 10 feet (3 m) from the hull.
A young man (Firoz Mohan) arrives inside a movie theater with an ice cream and popcorn in hands. As he get seated, the movie begins showing a man (Renji Panicker) sitting in a chair outside his house and reading a newspaper, while his wife (Asha Aravind) arrive with a cup of tea and gave it to him with a smile which she did not get a response. A women (Jennifer Antony) after putting makeup on her face is leaving her apartment room. At the same instant, another women (Sini Abraham) locks her apartment door and both the strangers walks to an elevator, while a young boy (Bhavi Baskar) also enters inside with them, and he is pasting some paper on the elevator wall.
To move the mirrors, the required state is first loaded into an SRAM cell located beneath each pixel, which is also connected to the electrodes. Once all the SRAM cells have been loaded, the bias voltage is removed, allowing the charges from the SRAM cell to prevail, moving the mirror. When the bias is restored, the mirror is once again held in position, and the next required movement can be loaded into the memory cell. The bias system is used because it reduces the voltage levels required to address the pixels such that they can be driven directly from the SRAM cell, and also because the bias voltage can be removed at the same time for the whole chip, so every mirror moves at the same instant.
The white light means that the next signal is red (or double red) only because of grade timing, and if the train approaches at the proper speed, the signal will clear to a less restrictive aspect before the train gets there. If the train goes too fast, it will pass the red signal and be stopped by the train stop. In 1995 the second signal did not provide any confirmation that it was about to change and the operator was expected to remember the previous signal aspect correctly. With the tolerant attitudes of management, it had become common practice for operators to travel at the fastest speed that the system allowed, passing the signals at the same instant they were clearing.
That Lieutenant Taliaferro either was instantly > killed by the shock of impact or else rendered unconscious by his rapid > fall, is the belief of Army aviators. They based their opinion on the fact > that the aviator made no attempt to unbuckle the strap which held him in > securely to his seat in the enclosed body of the tractor, and to scramble to > temporary safety on top of the upper wing. The machine struck while the > engine was still running, a section of the propeller, which struck the water > at the same instant as the left end of the upper wing, being sheared off. It > is believed that the engine became unseated at the moment of impact and that > Lieutenant Taliaferro was crushed between the heavy motor and the back of > the enclosed body.
A Purple Heart is awarded for the first wound suffered under conditions indicated above, but for each subsequent award an oak leaf cluster or 5/16 inch star is worn in lieu of another medal. Not more than one award will be made for more than one wound or injury received at the same instant. A "wound" is defined as an injury to any part of the body from an outside force or agent sustained under one or more of the conditions listed above. A physical lesion is not required; however, the wound for which the award is made must have required treatment by a medical officer and records of medical treatment for wounds or injuries received in action must have been made a matter of official record.
Radar has wide signal beam divergence, so that an individual vehicle cannot be targeted, requiring significant operator skill, training and certification in order to visually estimate speed so as to locate an offender in a traffic stream, and offenders may use the defence that some other vehicle was offending. Radar will register the speed of any object in its field, for example a tree swaying or an airplane passing overhead. Lidar has a narrow beam, and easily targets an individual vehicle, thereby eliminating the need for visual estimation, and some models can record an image of the license plate at the same instant as recording the speed violation. Speed estimation takes less than half a second, which, together with the narrow, targeted beam, results in offending vehicles having little warning even when using an evasion device.
Mantz's people had also recently finished work on the picture "North by Northwest" starring Cary Grant in which there was considerable stunt flying. Shapiro's idea was to photograph the ground periodically and at the same instant to photograph the Inertial Navigation System's output. In that way no possibility of finger pointing was possible since none of Shapiro's people were involved in the data taking. So the two extra integrators were installed and the system was ready for test by early 1959. By 1959 things had gone well enough that Shapiro was able to obtain three successive flights in which the accuracies were substantially better than one mile an hour. On the basis of these results, Litton Industries was awarded a contract to provide 2000 systems for the F104 NATO Fighter Aircraft.Lipscomb and Wilbur (1965). The Cold War missile race spurred the development of smaller, lighter and more accurate inertial systems.
The relationship between the Insurance Brigade and the volunteer companies was not always harmonious; in fact, it could be very competitive. Indeed, in 1861, No. 470 fire bell became a matter of contention, with one correspondent complaining to the editor of the Sydney Morning Herald: :'This evening, at five minutes past seven, the fire bell in George-street sounded the alarm, and at the same instant I perceived the Insurance Company's engine ... having already departed. The fact is, and this is not the first time I have observed it, they get the fire engine ready, and when it has fairly started they sound the alarm for the volunteer companies to follow them ... Surely the public will see the vital necessity of having their own fire bell somewhere, say, for example, in the yard of the Central Police Court'.SMH 11/2/1861:3 Charles Bown (centre) with Superintendent Alfred Webb andf Deputy Superintendent Nicholas Sparkes in 1887 During the late 1860s, relations between the volunteer companies and the Insurance Brigade deteriorated.
On the night of Holy Thursday, it is said, he was preaching in the church of St. Pierre du Queyroix, when he stopped for a moment and remained silent. At the same instant he appeared in the choir of the Franciscan monastery and read a lesson. It was doubtlessly at Châteauneuf in the territory of Limoges that took place the celebrated apparition of the Infant Jesus to St. Anthony. Mention must also be made of the following natives of Limoges: Bernard Guidonis (1261–1313), born at La Roche d'Abeille, Bishop of Lodève and a celebrated canonist; the Aubusson family, one of whom, Pierre d'Aubusson (1483–1503), was Grand Master of the Order of Jerusalem and one of the defenders of Rhodes against the Ottomans; Marc Antoine Muret, called the "Orator of the Popes" (1526–1596). Three popes came from the Diocese of Limoges: Pierre Roger, born at Maumont (today part of the commune of Rosiers-d'Égletons), elected pope in 1342 as Clement VI, died in 1352; Etienne Albert, or Étienne d'Albret, born at Monts, elevated to the papacy in 1352 as Innocent VI, died in 1362.

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