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"alcalde" Definitions
  1. the chief administrative and judicial officer or the mayor of a town in a Spanish-speaking country or region

1000 Sentences With "alcalde"

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Alcalde explained that four things happened that made him feel like he was ready to quit his day job: Alcalde quit his job in April 2018.
"Lo llamo dinero inteligente", afirmó Tony Martínez, alcalde de Brownsville.
To Alcalde, putting the campaign online was a significant motivator.
Cristóbal Martínez came of age in Alcalde, and Raven Chacon in Albuquerque.
Alcalde started Kegs & Code Co. because of his passion for home-brewing.
Cuando el alcalde se negó a ceder, Celanese contactó al gobernador del estado.
El alcalde le entregó las llaves de la ciudad a Zhang Yin, su presidenta.
"I'm super excited to say that I quit the 9-to-5," Alcalde said.
Pawel Adamowicz, alcalde de Gdansk, falleció ayer a los 53 años después de ser apuñalado [en inglés] durante un evento para recaudar fondos para hospitales; el responsable es un joven de 27 años que criticó al partido al que pertenecía el alcalde.
"Ahora tenemos turistas de todo el mundo", dijo Srecko Ocvirk, el alcalde de la ciudad.
"Everything started when I brewed a batch of beer, and it was great," Alcalde explained.
One of the consequences of the old system was that it depressed wages, said Ms. Alcalde.
ALCALDE, N.M. — The mystery figure appeared at twilight at a rendezvous point in a clearing of piñon trees.
Le interesó Buttigieg porque le recuerda al alcalde Eric Garcetti de Los Ángeles y al expresidente Barack Obama.
"So many people say they don't have the time to start a business or side hustle," Alcalde said.
Julio Cogorno fundó la murga de Palermo, donde era reconocido popularmente como el locuaz alcalde no oficial del barrio.
Many of those are probably invalid because they were never approved by workers, said the labor minister, Luisa María Alcalde.
"We want Mexico to be increasingly attractive to foreign investors, but not at the expense of our workers," Alcalde said.
Currently, Julia Palacin Alcalde of Keller Williams Realty World Class and Mark Tyoran of Keller Williams Westlake Village hold the listing.
El alcalde de Wuhan reconoció que cinco millones de personas habían salido de la ciudad antes de que comenzaran las restricciones.
Para 2002, Christophe Girard, asistente cercano de Yves Saint Laurent, se había convertido en delegado de cultura del alcalde de París.
Siguió durante una semana al nuevo alcalde de Pekín, Wang Qishan, para cubrir el modo en que el gobierno lidiaba con la crisis.
"Si una pequeña comunidad como esta no crece, entonces comienza a morir, y nosotros estamos viviendo esa etapa", comentó Jeff Williams, alcalde de Needles.
"Nos preocupa la manera en la que hemos narrado, y dejado de narrar, nuestra propia historia", dijo Federico Gutiérrez, el alcalde de la ciudad.
He dropped out after having completed 87 credits at 23 — he had roughly one semester left before graduation, the Alcalde and Spectrum News Austin reported.
El alcalde les había dado un año para demostrar que el personaje valía las decenas de miles de dólares que los contribuyentes invirtieron en él.
Seade plans to meet with top U.S. labor leaders and invite members of Congress to meet Mexico's new labor secretary, 31-year-old Luisa María Alcalde.
Stefan Jagsch, subdirector estatal del Partido Nacionaldemócrata, un movimiento de ultraderecha, fue elegido el 5 de septiembre como alcalde distrital en Waldsiedlung, una población cercana a Fráncfort.
At the restaurant Alcalde in Guadalajara, Francisco Ruano knows that when a chef creates a mole in Mexico, he or she is announcing a declaration of principles.
Después de que la policía federal detuvo al alcalde, los residentes comenzaron la búsqueda de sus familiares desaparecidos; desde entonces se han desenterrado unos 130 cuerpos en Iguala.
Un vocero de Celanese, W. Travis Jacobsen, dijo que el alcalde no tenía motivo para retener licencias ni permisos porque la empresa jamás recibió un citatorio por irregularidades.
Speaking at a news conference in Mexico City, Alcalde said the minimum wage hike was agreed between representatives of labor and employers for Latin America's second-biggest economy.
"Las cosas están realmente muy tensas por lo que ha estado pasando y porque esto no es normal, tantos temblores", dijo esta semana Nelson Torres Yordán, el alcalde de Guayanilla.
Jorge Zermeño, alcalde de la ciudad de Torreón, donde sucedió el tiroteo, le dijo a los reporteros que el chico vivía con su abuela pero que sufría "alguna problemática familiar".
MEXICO CITY, Dec 16 (Reuters) - Mexico has agreed to increase the daily minimum wage by 20% to 123.22 pesos ($6.36) for 2020, Labor Minister Luisa Maria Alcalde said on Monday.
Esto es lo que descubrió Carlos Maldonado, un exagricultor de trigo, cuando postuló a alcalde de Poncitlán, un municipio mayoritariamente rural que se encuentra río arriba, donde el Santiago rodea Guadalajara.
"We were trying to send this little freak show museum to Paris and blow the minds of the French," Mr. Wade told Alcalde, the alumni magazine of the University of Texas, in 2017.
Sanders, de 47 años, no se reunió con Castro pero visitó La Habana, se reunió con su alcalde y se maravilló de que los visitantes pudieran tomar un taxi en cualquier lugar del país.
El mayor éxito de Ofili fue que Rudolph Giuliani, alcalde de Nueva York por aquel entonces, hubiera intentado, sin éxito, frenar la exhibición de su virgen en la muestra Sensation, en el Brooklyn Museum.
MIAMI — A principios de 1989, como alcalde saliente de Burlington, Vermont, Bernie Sanders y su esposa, Jane, hicieron un viaje de ocho días a Cuba, con la esperanza de conocer al dictador cubano Fidel Castro.
Tanto Leo como el alcalde de Los Indios, Rick Cavazos, defendieron la cerca en el área, incluida la sección aislada, pues afirmaron que el cercado en general había ayudado a disminuir los cruces fronterizos ilegales.
Es subdirector de la oficina estatal del partido en Hesse, se ha postulado al parlamento y en elecciones estatales, además de que ya intentó ser alcalde de Altenstadt, el poblado del que Waldsiedlung es distrito.
Al parecer esto fue lo que sucedió en la ciudad de Iguala (Guerrero) cuyo alcalde, José Luis Abarca, está procesado por cargos de delincuencia organizada y se le acusa de ser miembro de los Guerreros Unidos.
Según Norbert Szilasko, el concejal de la unión en Waldsiedlung, la decisión fue fácil: la posición de alcalde distrital no había sido ocupada en más de diez semanas y Jagsch fue el único que se ofreció.
Ramsés Torres, alcalde de la ciudad ecuatoriana de Guaranda, fue ampliamente criticado en las redes sociales por haber declarado ciudadano honorífico al presidente de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong Un, por su contribución a la paz mundial.
NAGANO, Japón — El alcalde de Misato, un pueblo remoto de 4700 personas ubicado en la agreste región occidental de Japón, lanzó un ultimátum a principios del año pasado: la mascota local, Misabo, tenía que demostrar su valor.
El alcalde del pueblo, Georgios Stantzos, es un buzo apasionado que se ofreció como voluntario para rescatar a solicitantes de asilo y recuperar los cuerpos de los ahogados durante el momento más álgido de la crisis de 2015.
"The police were looking at her boyfriend, but the case went cold for a decade," Hansen says, noting advancements in DNA technology eventually led to the identification of the killer: Diego Olmos Alcalde, who was then living in Connecticut.
"To let everyone know that you're gay isn't easy, but if you have the support of friends, family, and the people that you know, there's no problem," said Hugo Alcalde, after celebrating his civil union with Jose Luis Valdes.
En Milán, a unos pocos kilómetros del epicentro del brote, el alcalde, Beppe Sala, publicitó una campaña de "Milán no se detiene", y reabrió el Duomo, la histórica catedral de la ciudad que atrae a turistas de todo el mundo.
Each December in the village of Alcalde, for instance, performers in headdresses stage the Matachines dance, thought by scholars to fuse the theme of Moorish-Christian conflict in medieval Spain with indigenous symbolism evoking the Spanish conquest of the New World.
Además de Ton-That, Clearview fue fundada por Richard Schwartz —quien fue asesor de Rudolph W. Giuliani cuando fue alcalde de Nueva York— y respaldada financieramente por Peter Thiel, el inversor de capital de riesgo detrás de Facebook y Palantir.
His lifesize portrait "Alcalde de Almolonga (Mayor of Almolonga)" (1919) is over a century old, but looks shockingly fresh; its flat, brilliant colors and thin outlines resemble batik textile more than an oil painting, and pay tribute to the artist's Mayan roots.
BERLÍN — Un funcionario local que respaldó el nombramiento reconoció que la decisión era desafortunada, pero que elegir a Stefan Jagsch como alcalde distrital de un poblado cercano a Fráncfort parecía inevitable: Jagsch, político local de un partido neonazi, era el único candidato.
In New Mexico in recent days, Oñate emerged yet again as a target of scorn, when the village of Alcalde awoke to find the statue's left foot painted red and the words "Remember 1680" — the year of the Pueblo revolt — written on the monument's wall.
Stantzos, el alcalde, señaló que el gobierno griego le prometió que cerraría el campamento de Samos y, a regañadientes, obtuvo su apoyo para construir un nuevo campamento para 1500 migrantes, al que muchas personas han calificado como centro de detención, a unos cinco kilómetros tierra adentro.
The foot thief described in detail how he and a comrade had hiked miles to the village of Alcalde and sawed the foot off the statue one wintry night in 1997 — an attempt to lambaste the celebrations of the Spanish conquest 400 years earlier by Oñate and his men.
Debatirán diez candidatos demócratas: el exvicepresidente Joseph R. Biden Jr., la senadora Elizabeth Warren, el senador Bernie Sanders, la senadora Kamala Harris, el alcalde Pete Buttigieg, el empresario Andrew Yang, el senador Cory Booker, el excongresista Beto O'Rourke, la senadora Amy Klobuchar y el exsecretario de vivienda Julián Castro.
At the center of the biennial's thesis is an exact replica of the bronze foot amputated from the Juan de Oñate monument in Alcalde, a town north of Santa Fe. In 22016, two anonymous people cut off the right foot of a recently erected monument to the conquistador.
El antes pastor evangélico y alcalde desde 2017 ha estado envuelto en varias polémicas por acciones como quitarle dinero al carnaval, aunque la decisión de los concejales de enjuiciarlo se debe a que la Secretaría de Hacienda lo acusa de renovar de manera irregular contratos públicos con empresas de publicidad.
Esta diferencia generacional entre los demócratas fue muy evidente en las entrevistas que se realizaron en todo el país esta semana para evaluar las opiniones y la historia de Sanders, la cual incluye viajes a la Unión Soviética y Nicaragua cuando era alcalde de Burlington, así como comentarios elogiosos de los sandinistas.
Ni el alcalde ni el jefe de policía enMea, una ciudad de medio millón de habitantes, tenía idea de los planes de Arpaio Nacido en 1932 de inmigrantes italianos en Massachusetts, Joe Arpaio hizo de las tácticas divisorias una característica de sus 24 años de reinado como alguacil del condado de Maricopa.
El jueves pasado el alcalde de Río de Janeiro y pastor evangélico, Marcelo Crivella, protestó contra la exposición en la Bienal del Libro de un cómic en el que aparecen dos personajes homosexuales besándose y el viernes ordenó que un equipo de fiscales decomisaran los libros que, según él, son inapropiados para menores de edad.
El gobierno de Francia lo desaprueba, pero al alcalde Jean-René Etchegaray no le importa: el funcionario a cargo de Bayona, ciudad fronteriza con España hacia donde han aumentado los cruces de migrantes africanos, ha dedicado parte de su presupuesto a crear un albergue en el que esas personas puedan resguardarse y lo visita varias veces al día.
José Santos Becerra, segundo alcalde was named as acting primer alcalde.
Some of the other titles held were Teniente a guerra, Corregidor, Alcalde mayor, Alcalde ordinario, Justicia mayor, Alcalde constitucional, Alcalde en propiedad, Alcalde real ordinario, and Comandante militar. Regardless of the titles held, the people listed here were the maximum civil authority at the municipal level. In the lists that follow, "Alcalde" refers to the Spanish colonial position attained via election by the regidores (council members) of the municipal council, and refers to someone who had both judicial and administrative functions. "Mayor", on the other hand, refers to a local executive, elected by the people, with administrative functions only.
Elecciones Generales 1992: Alcalde de Manatí on CEEPURElecciones Generales 1996: Alcalde de Manatí on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2000: Alcalde de Manatí on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2004: Alcalde de Manatí on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2008: Alcalde de Manatí on CEEPUR Cruz Manzano has received several recognitions. In 1981 the Junior Chamber of Commerce recognized him as Most Distinguished Youth. He also won an Agüeybana de Oro in 1986-1987 for his support of the arts. In 1992, he received a Paoli Award for the presentation of the show El Festival Playero.
López was first sworn in as mayor of Dorado on August 3, 1987 succeeding Alfonso López Chaar. He was then officially elected at the 1988 general elections.Elecciones Generales 1988: Alcalde de Dorado on CEEPUR He has been reelected in 1992,1996, 2000, 2004, 2008Elecciones Generales 1996: Alcalde de Dorado on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2000: Alcalde de Dorado on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2004: Alcalde de Dorado on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2008: Alcalde de Dorado on CEEPUR and 2012. In 1997, López was convicted for crimes against public order but never served time.
Throughout the centuries, the Ponce municipal heads of government, may have held titles different than the modern title of "Mayor". Some of the other titles held were Teniente a guerra, Corregidor, Alcalde mayor, Alcalde ordinario, Justicia mayor, Alcalde constitucional, Alcalde en propiedad, Alcalde real ordinario, and Comandante militar. Regardless of the different titles held, the people in this position were the maximum civil authority at the municipal level. "Alcaldes" in the Spanish colonial tradition referred to a position attained via election by the regidores (council members) of the municipal council, and refers to someone who had both judicial and administrative functions.
Alcalde (Spanish for mayor) is a census-designated place (CDP) in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 285 at the 2010 census. "Alcalde" literally means "Mayor" in Spanish.
He served the remainder of Caro Martínez's term, which would last until the next year. He was elected primer alcalde in the election of 1906. He ran again for primer alcalde of Pichilemu in 1909. The results of the March 1909 municipal election were controversial, with Francisco Javier Asalgado and Carlos Salas Salas disputing the primer alcalde office.
1912: San Francisco He was the third Alcalde of Yerba Buena in 1836. Guerrero served again as the sixth Alcalde in 1839.San Francisco History Alcaldes & MayorsSan Francisco History. Seventy-five Years in San Francisco.
If the alcalde de primer voto wasn't available (sick, away, on vacation, etc.), then the alcalde de segundo voto would take charge of running the cabildo. As their jurisdictions were both urban and rural, in 1606 the system was modified to create the posts of Alcalde de la Santa Hermandad, with one alcalde ordinario being in charge of the southern district of the jurisdiction while the other would take charge of the northern district.Adolfo Enrique Rodríguez. La policía de Buenos Aires en el período hispánico.
In 1900, Francisco Javier Asalgado was elected segundo alcalde of Pichilemu, as José María Caro Martínez began his third term as mayor (primer alcalde) of the commune. He was re-elected segundo alcalde of the commune in 1903. However, on 7 May 1905, just one year short of his term expiral, José María Caro Martínez resigned as mayor and decided to complete his term only as a regidor. In spite of this, the City Council named Francisco Javier Asalgado as the acting primer alcalde.
Judicial appeals from the decisions of an alcalde mayor were heard by an audiencia.Mark A. Burkholder, "Alcalde Mayor" in Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, vol. 1, p. 45. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1996.
Cristina Alcalde (born 3 March 1980) is a road cyclist from Spain. She represented her nation at the 2004 UCI Road World Championships. In 2006 Alcalde was suspended for two years after she failed a drug test.
The Alcalde: The University of Texas Alumni Magazine (January 1963), p. 25.
In 1980, this award was given to Berkeley Breathed.The Alcalde, November, 1980.
One of the two would carry out civil and criminal justice and would be relieved by the other Alcalde Mayor. Another custom was to have the Alcalde Ordinario de Primer Voto carry out criminal justice, while the Alcalde Ordinario de Segundo Voto would attend to civil justice matters. This was the lowest level justice system. Also, when the territorial governor or his lieutenant were not available, then the Alcalde de Primer Voto would perform as the head of the cabildo and carry out the business of city hall.
There were two alcalde ordinarios: "De Primer Voto" (First Vote Alcalde Ordinario) and "De Segundo Voto" (Second Vote Alcalde Ordinario). During former times they were called "Justicia Mayor" and "Justicia", respectively. Their functions included law-enforcement and judicial functions, watching for the public order and public safety, and the administration of justice, both civil and criminal justice. Administration of Justice took place in an alternating fashion.
These may be assigned deputy mayors (alcalde auxiliar) to serve as local representatives.
Teodoro "Prisco" Alcalde Millos (20 September 1913 - 9 August 1995) was a Peruvian international football player. He was born in Callao as the second eldest of 3 brothers, with Victor Alcalde and Jorge "Campolo" Alcalde being the others. He played for the Peru national football team at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. He played for 7 other professional football teams in his career, which ended in 1951.
Pedro Alcalde (born in Barcelona, 1959) is a Spanish composer, conductor, musicologist and pianist.
During his first mayoral term, Ortiz de la Renta performed as an alcalde constitucional.
During his second mayoral term, Ortiz de la Renta performed, again, as alcalde constitucional.
Rodrigo de Sosa (1600s-1669) was a military and alcalde of province of Cordoba.
The mayor (alcalde,-esa) of the town, as of July 2010, is Diana Olivera.
Eight years later, she became the youngest partner in the history of Alcalde & Fay.
Manuel María Puga Parga, Picadillo. Político, escritor, viajero, espadachín, juez, alcalde y político gallego.
Although in larger counties today the county judge usually functions solely as county chief executive, in smaller counties, the role of the county judge continues to have many of the combined judicial and administrative functions of the alcalde. The city of Sonoma, California has a tradition to name an honorary title of Alcalde/Alcaldesa, to preside over ceremonial events of the city, with "mayor" being the official position of city governor. In Belize, any rural community may appoint an alcalde. The alcalde serves both judicial and administrative functions and is paid a small stipend by the government.
José de la Cruz Sánchez's brother, Francisco Sanchez, was also an alcalde of San Francisco.
Colegio Alcalde Pedro Urbina () is a Chilean high school located in Peumo, Cachapoal Province, Chile.
Don Diego Vega (Tyrone Power) is urgently called home by his father. To all outward appearances, he is the foppish son of wealthy ranchero and former Alcalde Don Alejandro Vega (Montagu Love), having returned to California after his military education in Spain. Don Diego is horrified at the way the common people are now mistreated by the corrupt Alcalde, Luis Quintero (J. Edward Bromberg), who had forced his father from the position of Alcalde.
L.A. Skip Bafalis bio, Alcalde & Fay website. Retrieved 2011-06-30. In 2011, the firm said it had 45 partners and staff members.Rehill, John, "Alcalde & Fay Lobbying Firm Yields New Promise for Manatee Port Goals" , The Bradenton [FL] Times, August 19, 2011 2:05 am.
Mark A. Burkholder, "Alcalde Mayor" in Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, vol. 1, p. 45. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1996. Alcalde was also a title given to Indian officials inside the Spanish missions, who performed a large variety of duties for the Franciscan missionaries.
192 and Junta Política.Agirreazkuenaga, Urquijo 2008, p. 192 Together with the Valencia alcalde, Joaquín Manglano y Cucaló, he was one of two Carlist mayors of major urban centres. As alcalde he was considered part of "neguridad", the affluent bourgeoisie group related to the resort of Neguri.
The Mexican government authorized Benavides to continue recruiting colonists to De Leon's Colony after the 1833 death of empresario Martín De León. In 1832 and 1834, Benavides was elected second alcalde of Victoria. Martín De León had held the position as the first alcalde, and Silvestre De León served as the third alcalde. Benavides built a house fortress with first-floor gun slits and reinforced door, that became known alternately as "Plácido's Round House" and the "Round Top House".
Rosendo García Montesinos (died November 16, 1939) was a Spanish alcalde and supporter of the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. He was executed by the government of Francisco Franco after the Nationalist victory.El Gobierno restaura la memoria del alcalde fusilado tras la Guerra, Diario Información, 24 de septiembre de 2010, consulted on the same day.Recuperando la figura del alcalde Rosendo García Montesinos, Petrer al día, 11 de noviembre de 2009, consulted on 24 September 2010.
After the arrival of the settlers' caravan at San Luis de Potosí on November 14, 1730, Leal told the alcalde of the city that four Canarian men had abandoned the caravan and fled. The alcalde sent soldiers in pursuit, and they were arrested several days later and imprisoned at San Luis. The alcalde told Leal that if he would agree to be responsible for them, he would release the deserters to his custody. Leal accepted his proposal.
Corominas, "Alcalde", 127. This early use continued to be reflected in its other uses, such as alcaldes del crimen, the judges in the audiencias; Alcaldes de la Casa y Corte de Su Majestad, who formed the highest tribunal in Castile and also managed the royal court; alcaldes mayores, a synonym for corregidor; and alcaldes de barrio, who were roughly the equivalent of British parish constables. Because of this, the municipal alcalde was often referred to as an alcalde ordinario.
A statue of Juan de Oñate was installed in Alcalde, New Mexico, United States. The monument was removed in June 2020. It was situated outside the Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Center (until 2017 the Oñate Monument and Visitor Center) in Alcalde, New Mexico from 1994 to 2020.
In 1561 Juan de Cavallón y Arboleda was named alcalde mayor of the province. His assistant, Fray Juan de Estrade Rávago y Añez succeeded him in 1562. In the same year, Juan Vázquez de Coronado was named the new alcalde mayor. In 1565 the territory became Costa Rica Province.
The Alcalde (; ) has been the alumni magazine of The University of Texas at Austin since 1913, and is published by the university's alumni association, the Texas Exes."Texas Alcalde", Handbook of Texas Online (Retrieved 19 March 2012). The magazine was named for Oran M. Roberts, the governor who signed the university into existence and whose nickname was "Old Alcalde.""Break with the past: Changing a dorm name marks a good step toward healing UT’s troubled racial history", Houston Chronicle, 14 July 2010.
Municipal elections originally elected three mayors, called primer, segundo, and tercer alcalde, and a number of regidores. For example, the results of the first elections in Pichilemu, for the term between 1894 and 1897, showed José María Caro Martínez, Pedro Nolasco de Mira, and Francisco Reyes elected as the first primer, segundo, and tercer alcalde of Pichilemu, respectively. The role of the primer alcalde equals that of the current mayor of Pichilemu. However, voting was not popular: only taxpayers and landowners could vote.
Diego Pérez Moreno (15-16?) was a Spanish Military, Alcalde of Buenos Aires during the Viceroyalty of Peru.
The Padillas were raised to various offices and dignities. Her uncle, Henestrosa, became Alcalde de los fidalgos.Storer, Edward.
José de Jesús Noé (1805 in Puebla, Mexico – 17 March 1862 in San Francisco) served twice as alcalde of Yerba Buena. He was elected to a one-year term in 1842, becoming the 7th alcalde of Yerba Buena under Mexican rule. In 1845, Noé was granted the land known as Rancho San Miguel, which covered the neighborhoods now known as Noe Valley, Eureka Valley, Fairmont Heights, Glen Park and Sunnyside. Following US military occupation of Yerba Buena in the Mexican–American War, Noé became alcalde again in 1846, becoming the last man born in Mexico to serve in that office (the office of alcalde was abolished with adoption of the California Constitution in 1849).
Alcalde & Fay is a lobbying firm based in Arlington, Virginia. The firm consists of over 35 former politicians, public relations specialists, lawyers, journalists, and corporate executives. A team of Alcalde & Fay associates and a senior partner handles clients. The firm practices in all areas of legislative affairs, communications, and government marketing.
Lilburn Boggs became alcalde of the Sonoma district in 1847. During the California Gold Rush, Boggs owned a store and did quite well. On November 8, 1849, Boggs resigned as alcalde and became the town's postmaster. Boggs was elected to the California State Assembly from the Sonoma District in 1852.
36 and called for a formal town hall meeting; he asked the concejales present to remain calm and go home.Gil Honduvilla 2017, p. 37 The alcalde contacted the Cádiz civil governor, who remained loyal to the government and demanded compliance. Alcalde then challenged Roldan, who – apparently bewildered - withdrew to the barracks.
He served as alcalde for San Juan Moyotlan in the cabildo of San Juan Tenochtitlan from 1608 to 1610.
José María's father served as alcalde for 9 years. As the new mayor José María seemed pretty active, e.g.
Alcalde ordinario refers to the judicial and administrative officials in the cabildos in the Spanish Viceroyalties in the Americas during the times of the Spanish Empire in the 16th through 19th centuries Spanish West Indies Empire. Always existing in pairs, they were called Alcalde de primer voto (roughly, "first mayor") and Alcaldes de segundo voto (roughly, "second mayor"). The alcalde ordinario was a judicial magistrate who, with some exceptions, was responsible for the administration of civil and criminal justice within their municipal jurisdiction.Aida R. Caro de Delgado.
Abel Nazario Quiñones (born 24 June 1970) is former senator at large of the 26th Senate of Puerto Rico and was mayor of Yauco, Puerto Rico. He was first elected in 2000 representing the New Progressive Party (PNP). He was reelected in 2004 , 2008 and 2012.Elecciones Generales 2000: Alcalde de Yauco on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2004: Alcalde de Yauco on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2008: Alcalde de Yauco on CEEPUR Nazario is also the vice president of the PNP and also for the local Republican Party.
Alcalde (; ) is the traditional Spanish municipal magistrate, who had both judicial and administrative functions. An alcalde was, in the absence of a corregidor, the presiding officer of the Castilian cabildo (the municipal council) and judge of first instance of a town. Alcaldes were elected annually, without the right to reelection for two or three years, by the regidores (council members) of the municipal council. The office of the alcalde was signified by a staff of office, which they were to take with them when doing their business.
1771 saw the arrival of one of the most notable characters in the history of Guadalajara: Bishop Fray Antonio Alcalde, who founded the Civil Hospital and the University of Guadalajara. In 1793 Mariano Valdés Téllez ran the city's first printing press, whose first publication was a funeral eulogy for Fray Antonio Alcalde.
And also assisted in the founding of Santa Fe, Argentina, where was appointed as Alcalde. and Regidor of the City.
Some sources appear to suggest that the term Alcalde ordinario was used as a way to differentiate the administrative magistrate of a jurisdiction (called "Alcalde") from the military commandant (called Alcalde de la Santa Hermandad), as both terms were in concurrent use during the 18th century. For example, Andres R. Mendez Muñoz (Hereditas, Vol 8, #1, 2007, pp. 3-15.) distinguishes between the administrative magistrate and the military commandant by adding "ordinario" (ordinary) to those alcaldes that performed during the times when the Alcaldes de la Santa Hermandad also performed.Andres R. Mendez Muñoz.
Antonio Alcalde Barriga was born on 14 March 1701 in Cigales in the Valladolid province in the Kingdom of Spain as the fourth and final child of José Alcalde and Isabel Barriga Balboa (who had been married since 1691). His paternal priest uncle Antonio Alcalde baptized him on 3 April in the Santiago Apóstol parish church. His siblings preceding him were his brothers Fernando and Pedro and his sister Inés. His mother died (29.7.1701) when she was 35 which left the children in the care of their father.
Ponencia del Gobierno Municipal Autónomo de Ponce Before the Senate of Puerto Rico. Rafael Cordero Santiago, Alcalde de Ponce. Page 5.
Bernardo de Saavedra (1681-1722) was a Spanish politician and military, who served as alcalde, procurador and regidor of Buenos Aires.
From Baliwag's independence from Quingua, now Plaridel, Bulacan to 1898, 49 served as capitan, 13 alcalde and 92 as Gobernadorcillo. Felix de Lara (1782) and Agustin de Castro (1789) were the 1st alcalde and Gobernadorcillo, respectively. Municipal President Fernando Enrile, in 1908, honored some of these officials, even naming some of Baliuag calles in their honor, later.
Alcalde Pedro Del Pilar and Vice-Alcalde Severino Bautista, under the Commonwealth government, established NARIC (National Rice and Corn) buying stations in the town. This was during their term of office from 1937 to 1940. They were re-elected for the 1940–1942 term. As a continuation of their policies, the improvement of roads was continued.
Comisión Central and Comisión de Hospital, Moret i Llosas 1994, p. 56 During the following termwhich commenced in 1899 he grew to the first teniente de alcalde, president of Comisión de Fomento and vocal of the central, hospitalMoret i Llosas 1994, p. 56 and economyAnnuario-Riera 1904, p. 1604, available here commissions, in 1900 briefly serving as alcalde.
Alfredo Antonio Peña (13 April 1944 – 6 September 2016)Murió el ex alcalde Metropolitano Alfredo Peña was a Venezuelan journalist and politician.
Alonso de Escobar y Cáceres (16th Century) was a Spanish military, Conquistador, Alcalde, Regidor and Lieutenant governor of Asuncion and Buenos Aires.
He earned a degree from the University of Puerto Rico School of Law.Muere Ex-alcalde Dapena. El Nuevo Dia. 21 September 1991.
Dr. Alcalde earned her Masters of Arts (1999) and Ph.D (2003) at Indiana University Bloomington in Latin American Studies and anthropology, respectively.
Informe Anual, 1972. Jose Casanova Perez (Corporacion de Renovacion Urbana y Vivienda, "CRUV") a Juan H. Cintron, Alcalde. 18 de Junio de 1970.
Pedro Gómez de Don Benito (1492-1567) was a Spanish noblemen, conquistador of Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Chile. Regidor and Alcalde of Santiago.
Juan de Lezica y Torrezuri (1709–1784) was a Spanish nobleman, politician and merchant, who served as alcalde and regidor of Buenos Aires.
Its first building was the San Miguel de Belen Hospital, which was renamed, and is currently the Friar Antonio Alcalde Old Civil Hospital.
The province is composed of three communes, each governed by a municipality consisting of an alcalde and municipal council: Cauquenes, Chanco and Pelluhue.
Domingo González de Acosta (1628-1715) was a Spanish politician, who served as alcalde and comandante of Buenos Aires during the Habsburg period.
"El alcalde de Jun también optará a las primarias del PSOE-A""El alcalde de Jun encabezará una candidatura en las primarias del PSOE andaluz" On 17 September 2018 he resigned from his position as the Mayor of Jun to join the Presidency of the Government of Spain working as a senior advisor."El alcalde de Jun renuncia para incorporarse al gabinete de Pedro Sánchez" After the past Spanish General Elections held on 28 April 2019 and 10 November 2019, he has been a Member of the Congress of Deputies representing the Constituency of Granada, Spain, during the XIII and XIV Legislatures.
As a commune, Hualpén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde ("alcalde" in Spanish; alcalde and major, in English) who is directly elected every four years. The current major is Katherine Torres Machuca. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Hualpén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Jorge Ulloa (UDI) and Cristián Campos (PDC) as part of the 43rd electoral district, (together with Talcahuano). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Cordillera).
Alcalde is the most common Spanish term for the mayor of a town or city. It is derived from the (), i.e., "the (Sharia) judge," who often had administrative, as well as judicial, functions. Although the Castilian alcalde and the Andalusian qaḍi had slightly different attributes (the qaḍi oversaw an entire province, the alcalde only a municipality; the former was appointed by the ruler of the state but the latter was elected by the municipal council), the adoption of this term reflects how much Muslim society in the Iberian Peninsula influenced the Christian one in the early phases of the Reconquista.
An alcalde mayor was a regional magistrate in the Spanish Viceroyalties in the Americas during the times of the Spanish Empire in the 16th through 19th centuries Spanish West Indies Empire. These regional officials had judicial, administrative, military and legislative authority. Their judicial and administrative functions superseded those of an alcalde. Their area of territorial jurisdiction was called an alcaldía mayor.
Ernesto Pinto-Bazurco was born on 28 September 1913 to Moises Pinto-Bazurco and Rosa, née Alcalde. Moises Pinto-Bazurco was a master in mathematics and an officer in the Peruvian navy. Rosa Alcalde was a founder of a transport passenger business in Lima. In 1934 Ernesto Pinto-Bazurco travelled to Germany, contracted by the pharmaceutical company Bayer to study medicine.
Juan Carlos Zuniga was the MayorZúniga es el nuevo alcalde de San Pedro Sula (in spanish)Juan Carlos Zúñiga es el alcalde San Pdero Sula (in spanish) of San Pedro Sula from 2010 to 2014. He was elected mayor in the 2009 elections and took office on 25 January 2010. He is a member of the Liberal Party of Honduras.
Some rural villages in Belize also have an alcalde: a local magistrate who has both an administrative and a judicial role. In addition to presiding over local courts, alcaldes are responsible for managing communal land and act as school officers. This form of local governance is practised mainly in Mayan communities in Belize, but any rural community can choose to appoint an alcalde.
Bryant Street in San Francisco is named after Edwin Bryant, a pioneer of 1846 and alcalde (mayor) in 1847,SFGenealogy not after A.J. Bryant.
The adoption of the moniker "Showband of the Southwest" also occurred during this time."The Longhorn Band: Part Two." The Alcalde Jan.-Deb. 2000: 64.
Alonso Luján de Medina (1580s - 26 January 1647) was a Spanish nobleman, who served during the Viceroyalty of Peru as alcalde notary public of Córdoba.
Garro was the Governor and Alcalde of the town and castle of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, the capital of the sixth Merindad Lower Navarre.
The province comprises three communes, each governed by a municipality consisting of an alcalde and municipal council: Pirque, Puente Alto and San José de Maipo.
Juan Valdez was Governor of Texas and Coahuila, and lieutenant general and alcalde (mayor) of the presidio and villa of Bexar in 1714 and 1716.
On the local level, heading the pacified provinces (alcaldías), was the provincial governor (alcalde mayor). The unpacified military zones (corregimiento), such as Mariveles and Mindoro, were headed by the corregidores. City governments (ayuntamientos), were also headed by an alcalde mayor. Alcaldes mayores and corregidores exercised multiple prerogatives as judge, inspector of encomiendas, chief of police, tribute collector, capitan-general of the province, and even vice-regal patron.
When within the rural expanse of a cabildo a cluster of human dwellers formed, it would not be considered a village, town or city until it had its own "cabildo". Without a city there was no cabildo, and without a cabildo there was no city. Likewise, without a cabildo, there was no alcalde ordinario, and without alcalde ordinario, there was no cabildo.Adolfo Enrique Rodríguez.
And in strange turn of events, in 1838, Alcalde de Haro issued an arrest warrant for Jose Antonio Galindo for the murder of José Doroteo Peralta (1810–1838). De Haro served again as the fifth Alcalde from 1838-1839. He commissioned the first survey of the settlement by Jean Jacques Vioget in 1839.Selected text from "The Beginnings of San Francisco" by Z.S. Skinner.
Melchor Casco de Mendoza (1581–1658) was a Spanish nobleman, alcalde and alferez real of Buenos Aires. He also served as regidor of Asuncion in 1620.
Aurelio Crispin Francisco Hevia y Alcalde (October 25, 1866 - January 22, 1945) was a colonel in the Cuban Revolution and was the Cuban Secretary of Interior.
Francisco de Cabrera (1718–1787) was a Spanish merchant and politician, who served as regidor, alcalde and prosecutor of Buenos Aires during the Viceroyalty of Peru.
Starting in 1980 he became General Manager of WOLE-TV Channel 12 Aguadilla-Mayagüez.Despide Ponce al ex alcalde "Wito" Morales. Omar Alfonso. La Perla del Sur.
Manuel Ibern Alcalde (born 21 August 1946), nicknamed Lolo, is a Spanish water polo player. He competed in the men's tournament at the 1968 Summer Olympics.
Alcalde, M. Cristina. "Migration and Class as Constraints in Battered Women's Attempts to Escape Violence in Lima Peru." Latin American Perspectives 33, no. 6 (2006): 147-164.
In December 1991, and as part of the celebrations and activities for the celebration of the centennial of the creation of the commune of Pichilemu, mayor René Maturana renamed several streets "whose names were repeated" to "names of people relevant in [the local] history". As a result, Calle Cardenal Caro (Cardenal Caro Street) in Ross neighborhood was renamed to Calle Alcalde Washington Saldías Fuentealba (Alcalde Washington Saldías Fuentealba street).
Luján Muñoz 1990, p. 105. In 1661, at the age of eighteen, Fuentes y Guzmán was given the position of Regidor Perpetuo de Guatemala (permanent councillor on the town council of Santiago). At various times he served as magistrate (alcalde) in Santiago, and was later the alcalde mayor of Totonicapán, and then of Sonsonate. He worked many years as the Cronista del Ayuntamiento (Chronicler of the Municipal Government).
Willis-Leon's lawyer said that his client has a background in event planning and met Alcalde, as well as leaders of the Small Biz Tech PAC, through contacts that included Letitia White. The lawyer said that Willis-Leon had also worked part-time for General Atomics as well as for groups representing alternative fuel users and charter schools, before she met Alcalde. It is known that she was a wedding planner.
The University of Arizona Press. Page 242. he also became the alcalde of El Paso. He had an estate, including a large farm, in San Antonio de Padua.
Manuel Antonio Warnes (1727–1802) was a Spanish military man, who served as regidor and alcalde of Buenos Aires during the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata.
Alcalde Díaz is a town and corregimiento in Panamá District, Panamá Province, Panama with a population of 41,292 . It was created by Law 42 of July 10, 2009.
Canejan is a municipality in the comarca of the Aran Valley in Catalonia, Spain, close to the French border. The mayor is Joan Carles Lastera i Alcalde (UA).
Pedro Rodríguez Flores Díaz (1609-1682) was a Spanish militia officer and landowner. He served as alcalde de la hermandad in Magdalena, and Monte Grande (Buenos Aires Province).
Miguel de Riglos y de la Bastida (1649-1719) was a Spanish military, politician and merchant, who served during the Viceroyalty of Peru as alcalde of Buenos Aires.
Ramiriáñez Bravo de Saravia (1550-1594) was a Spanish noblemen, who served during the Viceroyalty of Peru as alguacil of the Inquisition, alcalde and regidor of Santiago, Chile.
José Dapena Laguna was born in Ponce on 28 July 1912. His parents were Ramon Dapena Pacheco and Maria Laguna y Cedo.Muere Ex-alcalde Dapena. El Nuevo Dia.
Juan Muñoz Bejarano (1610-1670s) was a Spanish military officer and politician, who served during the Viceroyalty of Peru as Alcalde, Regidor and Procurador General of Buenos Aires.
385, "Geary, at that time Alcalde of San Francisco..." Alcaldes were notorious for their support for rule of law and opposition to vigilantes. In nineteenth- century California, Stephen Johnson Field, later an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, once served as the only alcalde of Marysville, California, a town established in 1850 during the Gold Rush by immigrants, who temporarily used the Spanish and Mexican form of municipal government. In Texas, the position of county judge was based on that of the alcalde which had existed in the state prior to the Texas Revolution. Like the alcaldes before them, county judges under the Texas Constitution wield both judicial and chief executive functions.
In 2019, Angel Luis Torres is the mayor of Yauco. Abel Nazario Quiñones of the New Progressive Party had held the office of Mayor of Yauco since 2000. He succeeded Pedro Jaime Torres by winning the 2000 general election and retained his seat in both 2004 and 2008.Elecciones Generales 2000: Alcalde de Yauco on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2004: Alcalde de Yauco on CEEPURElecciones Generales 2008: Alcalde de Yauco on CEEPUR Nazario took a 50% pay cut which was reversed in 2005, yet his current annual wage of $36,000 is the lowest for any of the 78 Puerto Rican mayors, despite Yauco not being the least-populated municipality or the one with the lowest budget.
In 1849 Gahagan was elected U.S. Judge of the 1st Instance of the District of San Diego. From 1849 to 1850 Gahagan was an Alcalde (Mayor) of San Diego.
Francisco Guerrero y Palomares (1811 - 13 July 1851) was the Mexican Alcalde of Yerba Buena (later renamed San Francisco) in Mexican Alta California Territory, in 1836 and in 1839.
Lobbying: Alcalde & Fay Summary, 2011, a/o 2011-08-23. Retrieved 2011-08-23. The firm's full list of clients, past and present, is maintained on its website.
El Sol 07.02.22, available here The same year he was nominated teniente de alcalde, one of the deputy mayors,Molas 2009, p. 20 confirmed on this position in 1923.
Tepexco (municipality) is a town and municipality in Puebla in south-eastern Mexico. Mayor Antolín Vital Martínez was murdered on October 24, 2017.Asesinan a alcalde de Tepexco, Puebla.
As a commune, Iquique is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012–2016 alcalde is Jorge Soria. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Iquique is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Marta Isasi (Ind.) and Mr. Hugo Gutiérrez (PC) as part of the 2nd electoral district, which includes the entire Tarapacá Region.
As a commune, Monte Patria is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a Communal Council (Spanish: Consejo Comunal), headed by a directly elected alcalde. As of 2010, the alcalde is Juan Carlos Castillo. Monte Patria belongs to the 9th electoral district and the 4th Senate District (Coquimbo Region). It is represented in the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress by the Members Adriana Muñoz (PPD) and Luis Lemus (PRI).
See page 48. In the stormy period when California was under US military rule after the defeat of the Mexicans, Governor Richard Barnes Mason appointed the 26-year-old Foster alcalde (mayor) of Los Angeles to replace the dissolved ayuntamiento (government) of the Mexicans. For this reason, Foster often has been referred to as the first American mayor of the city. He served as alcalde from January 1, 1848 to May 21, 1849.
He was born 1607 in Buenos Aires, the son of Pedro Gutiérrez and Mayor Humanés de Molina, belonging to a distinguished Spanish family. He was married to Leonor Carbajal, daughter of Gonzalo Carbajal and María de Salas y Reynoso. In 1633 Diego Gutiérrez de Humanes, was elected Alcalde de la santa hermandad, in the town of Monte Grande. His brother Juan Gutierrez de Humanes, served as Alcalde of second vote in Buenos Aires in 1648.
The commune is governed from Puerto Williams in the Cabo de Hornos commune from its municipal office located at O'Higgins 165. Chilean law allows a municipality to govern more than one commune, however, this is the only such case. As a commune, Antártica is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2016-2020 alcalde is Patricio Fernández (DC).
As a commune, Alto Hospicio is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Ramón Galleguillos Castillo. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Alto Hospicio is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Marta Isasi (Ind.) and Mr. Hugo Gutiérrez (PC) as part of the 2nd electoral district, which includes the entire Tarapacá Region.
Enrique Ávila, son of Anastasio Ávila, was 2nd alcalde of Los Angeles in 1847. Enrique Ávila served on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for two terms 1868 - 1872.
There, it occurs in beech and oak forest at altitudes from .Alcalde, 2010, pp. 227–229 In Galicia, it is known from three localities at above sea level.Hermida et al.
236, also Deber 15.05.97, available here becoming the third teniente de alcalde,Annuario-Riera 1899, p. 931, available here president of Comisión de Gobernación and member of the other two.
Gobierno Municipal de Ponce. 1992. Page 317. Félix Saurí, at the time Teniente de Alcalde gave notice of Armstrong's death and took over mayoral duties on an interim basis.Félix Pubill.
Víctor Casco de Mendoza (1560-1600s) was a Spanish nobleman. He held political posts during the Viceroyalty of Peru, serving as alcalde, regidor and lieutenant governor of Buenos Aires and Asuncion.
The alcalde is responsible for managing communal land, judging disputes, and determining punishment for petty crimes. This type of local government is most commonly used by Maya communities in southern Belize.
Juan José de Erquicia (c. 1740-1800s) was a Spanish politician, who served in the colonial period as Alcalde, Regidor, Escribano of Cabildo and Real Hacienda of Santiago del Estero (Argentina).
Juan Báez de Alpoim (1643–1716) was a Spanish army officer and politician. He holds various government positions during the Viceroyalty of Peru, serving as alcalde and regidor of Buenos Aires.
As a commune, Guaitecas is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde was Luis Miranda Chiguay (RN). In December 2018 Cristian Alvarado Oyarzo who was then alcalde was preventively detained as part of an investigation where he is accused of a fraud against the state () for at least 340 million pesos.Alcalde de Guaitecas queda en prisión preventiva tras ser formalizado por millonario fraude al fisco Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Guaitecas is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Alinco (PDC) and David Sandoval (UDI) as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Region.
As a commune, Los Álamos is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Lautaro Melita Vinett (PS). Since 2013 and until the present the alcalde of Los Álamos is Jorge Fuentes Fetis Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Los Álamos is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Manuel Monsalve (PS) and Iván Norambuena (UDI) as part of the 46th electoral district, (together with Lota, Lebu, Arauco, Curanilahue, Cañete, Contulmo and Tirúa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
As a commune, Illapel is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008–2012 alcalde was Denis Cortés Vargas (IND/JPM). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Illapel is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Adriana Muñoz (PDC) and Mr. Luis Lemus (Ind.) as part of the 9th electoral district, (together with Combarbalá, Punitaqui, Monte Patria, Salamanca, Los Vilos, Canela).
Municipal building at Luis Infante Nº 520 in Canela Baja. As a commune, Canela is administered by a municipal council, headed by a directly elected alcalde. The municipal building (alcaldía) is located at Luis Infante Nº 520 in Canela Baja. The commune is administered by alcalde Juan Bernardo Leyton Lemus (Independent-PC) from 2012 to 2016, who won the election with 50,21% of the vote against 41,15% of his nearest rival, former mayor Norman Araya Araya (Independent).
As a commune, Peumo is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Fermín Alejandro Carreño. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Peumo is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Alejandra Sepúlveda (PRI) and Mr. Javier Macaya (UDI) as part of the 34th electoral district, (together with San Fernando, Chimbarongo, San Vicente, Peumo, Pichidegua and Las Cabras).
As a commune, La Higuera is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Sylvia Clavería Mondaca. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, La Higuera is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Mario Bertolino (RN) and Marcelo Díaz (PS) as part of the 7th electoral district, (together with La Serena Vicuña, Paiguano and Andacollo).
San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña. p. 276. Ortiz de la Renta's third mayoral term coincided with Ponce's second ayuntamiento. The ayuntamiento was composed of Ortiz de la Renta as mayor (in the role of Alcalde constitucional); Gregorio Medina (Alcalde segundo); Regidores were: Fernando Gandia, Antonio Algarra, Juan Pablo Aponte, José Pica, Domingo Clavell, Antonio González, Antonio Vazquez Zayas, Juan José Quintana; and Síndicos Procuradores were: Benito Paz Falcón and Esteban Dros.Eduardo Neumann Gandía.
In 1290, Denis of Portugal began the reconstruction, with emphasis on defense from its neighbors. For many years Gomes de Abreu, of Merufe, was the alcalde of Laboreiro, and in 1375, King Fernando gave the alcaderia to Estevão Anes Marinho. Following the conquest of Melgaço in the 14th century, King John used Castro Laboreiro to restrain various Castilian incursions from Galicia. In 1441, the alcalde, Martim de Castro, was removed owing to protest from its residents.
Fr. Juan Migrano, Capitan Felipe Cacho Valerio, and other municipal officials of Bolinao, the Alcalde came to Cabarruyan to choose a suitable location for the town site. They agreed on Segat in the center of the island which is now known as Namagbagan. The site for the plaza, church, town hall, convent, cemetery, and streets were laid out on January 20, 1850, by order of the Alcalde. Anda was once a part of the municipality of Bolinao.
Mateo Leal de Ayala (1579-1627) was a Spanish army officer and politician, who served during the Viceroyalty of Peru as alcalde, teniente de gobernador and gobernador of Buenos Aires and Paraguay.
2 March 2011. Retrieved 10 October 2011. but it is different from, a neighboring park also currently under construction called Parque Ecológico Urbano.MENSAJE DE SITUACIÓN Y PRESUPUESTO DEL ALCALDE DE PONCE, HON.
He often fed on vegetables but would sometimes add meat to his meal on some occasions. Alcalde died on 4 August 1792 in Guadalajara and his remains were buried in the diocese.
Anastasio Ávila (born 1776) was one of several sons of Cornelio Ávila. He was alcalde of Los Angeles in 1819 - 1821. In 1843, he was the grantee of the Rancho La Tajauta.
During the summer of 1896, he attended a summer school program in Chicago studying languages.Porterfield, p. 43. In 1897, he became an associate editor of the Alcalde, a student newspaper.Porterfield, p. 45.
Dapena Laguna lead a relatively quiet life the last few years of his life. He died in Ponce on 20 September 1991, of a heart condition.Muere Ex-alcalde Dapena. El Nuevo Dia.
As a province, Palena is a second-level administrative division, governed by a provincial governor appointed by the president. The province comprises four communes, each governed by a municipality, headed by an alcalde.
12, 1998, section E, p. 1. It is said to be the eighth largest collection of Italian Old Master paintings outside Europe.Cora Oltersdorf, "Oil-Rich Texas," Alcalde, Sept.-Oct. 1999, pp. 32-37.
The Centro de Convenciones de Ponce was named after former Ponce Mayor Juan H. Cintrón García.Centro de Convenciones de Ponce llevará nombre de ex alcalde Juan Cintrón. Primera Hora. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
In each canton there is a jefe político, chosen by, and representing the interests of, the president. There is also a mayor (alcalde) and a municipal council (concejo municipal), chosen by popular vote.
As a commune, Lago Verde is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is Nelson Opazo López. The previous governor was Gaspar Aldea Cadagán. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Lago Verde is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Alinco (PDC) and David Sandoval (UDI) as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aisén Region.
As a commune, Quintero is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a communal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is José Varas Zuñiga. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Quintero is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Eduardo Cerda (PDC) and Mrs. Andrea Molina (UDI) as part of the 10th electoral district, (together with La Ligua, Petorca, Cabildo, Papudo, Zapallar, Puchuncaví, Nogales, Calera, La Cruz, Quillota and Hijuelas).
Balbuena Castellano, José Manuel. "La odisea de los canarios en Texas y Luisiana" (The odyssey of the Canarians in Texas and Louisiana). Chapter I (Los canarios en Texas: Juan Leal, el primer alcalde de San Antonio), Page 23; chapter II (La Aldea de Yanaguana), Page 32; and chapter IV (La organización de los isleños), pages 42–46; (ed) 2007,editorial: Anroart Ediciones. In 1735 Leal was appointed as town councilman, and soon after was appointed to a life term as alcalde.
Moving west, Geary was appointed postmaster of San Francisco by President James K. Polk on January 22, 1849, and on January 8 1850, he was elected the city's alcalde, before California became a state, and then the first mayor of the city. He holds the record as the youngest mayor in San Francisco history. As alcalde, he served as the city's judge in addition to the city's mayor. Geary returned to Pennsylvania in 1852 because of his wife's failing health.
As a commune, Santo Domingo is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde was Fernando Rodríguez Larraín. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Santo Domingo is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. María José Hoffmann (UDI) and Mr. Víctor Torres (PDC) as part of the 15th electoral district, (together with San Antonio, Cartagena, El Tabo, El Quisco, Algarrobo and Casablanca).
Due to a change in the set-up in 1935, which was known as the commonwealth government, the heads of the municipal government came to be known and called Alcalde and Vice-Alcalde. Aside from the construction of more roads, the barrios of Patacla (now San Francisco) and A. Pascual were founded. The waterworks that provides the people of San Jose with drinking water was constructed and installed. The home economics building of San Jose Central School was also constructed.
In 1613, he returned to Buenos Aires, and began to work in his father's business. By the year of 1617 his father dies in Buenos Aires, and his mother towards the year of 1630. After completing his studies, he occupied several military and government posts, including the positions of alcalde, regidor and Maestre de Campo. His first public office was in 1621, when he was appointed as Alcalde de la Hermandad, serving in the suburban and provincial area of Buenos Aires.
In the summer of that same year, a group of Native Americans came north from Mexico and began living off the Larkin Family's cattle. Contacting the Alcalde (mayor) of Tecate, Pete Larkin was advised to confront the Native Americans. The confrontation became a fight, leading to the death of a Native American. This brought reprisal when the chief of the Native Americans asked for protection from the Alcalde, who subsequently assembled a posse and drove the cattle south of the border.
Noé was appointed alcalde by US Navy Commodore Robert F. Stockton, under his authority as military governor of the occupied territory. Also appointed alcalde, and serving concurrently with Noé, was Navy Lt. Washington Allon Bartlett. As a military officer, Bartlett was a direct representative of the military governor, functionally similar to the office of prefect in the Mexican system. One of the last acts of the Noé/Bartlett year was to rename Yerba Buena to its current name, San Francisco.
The other departments have areas not included in any municipality. Each municipality is governed by a local council, made up of 5 members. The chairperson of the local council is known as alcalde (mayor).
Francisco de Manzanares y Dardos (born-16th-century) was a Spanish nobleman and politician, who served during the Viceroyalty of Peru, holding honorary functions as alcalde, alguacil, lieutenant governor and regidor of Buenos Aires.
Governor José Castro of Alta California granted a large tract of land in what is now Milpitas, California on September 23, 1835 to Alviso. Alviso served as the alcalde of San José in 1836.
He became the first alcalde or judge of Stockton, California. On one occasion he rode with the posse that caught and hanged the stagecoach robber Tom Bell near Firebaugh's Ferry on October 4, 1856.
The specifying of Robert as "Robert Bordet alchaite in illo castello de Tudela" confirms the distinction between alcalde and justiciar for Robert is said to be holding the city's castle, cf. Villegas-Aristizábal, 126.
Martín Grandoli (c. 1765 c. 1830) was an Argentine politician, who served as regidor and alcalde of Buenos Aires. He had a preponderant political role during the colonial and post colonial period of Argentina.
Francisco Antonio Ruiz (c. 1804 - October 18, 1876) was the alcalde of San Antonio during the Texas Revolution and was responsible for identifying the bodies of those killed at the Battle of the Alamo.
Amador Báez de Alpoim (1602-1652) was a Spanish army officer and politician, who served during the Viceroyalty of Peru as alcalde of Buenos Aires and Lieutenant Governor of Corrientes and Santa Fe (Argentina).
Callaghan 28 Binder invited Cheucarama to move to Alcalde Díaz, where the young man was able to take art classes. Later he earned a degree in graphic design."La Riqueza Indígena de Cheucarama." Casamérica.
Grave of Francisco de Haro at Mission Dolores Cemetery, San Francisco, California Francisco de Haro (1792 - November 28, 1849) was the first Alcalde (mayor) of Yerba Buena (later named San Francisco) in Mexican Alta California.
Miguel Gerónimo de Esparza was one of the most veteran politicians and military of the colonial period of Buenos Aires. In 1764 he took oath to his son Juan Miguel de Esparza, who had been elected alcalde of first voto. And two years later (1766) at the age of 87, he was sworn to the alcalde Miguel de la Rocha Rodríguez. That same year, he resigned from the position of Regidor décano of the city of Buenos Aires in favor of Gregorio Ramos Mexía.
Berreyesa served as the alcalde at the Mexican Presidio of Sonoma. In 1846, while alcalde and during the Bear Flag Revolt, he was jailed with two of his brothers by American John C. Frémont. When his father traveled up to see how his three sons were being treated in jail, the father and two cousins, twin sons of Francisco de Haro, were shot and killed in San Rafael by a group of three men, including Kit Carson, who was assigned the task by Frémont.
As a commune, Puerto Varas is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012–2016 alcalde is Álvaro Berger Schmidt (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Puerto Varas is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Fidel Espinoza (PS) and Felipe DeMussy Hiriart (UDI). It is part of the 56th electoral district, together with Puyehue, Río Negro, Purranque, Puerto Octay, Fresia, Frutillar, Llanquihue and Los Muermos.
Salas Salas ran for the office of primer alcalde of Pichilemu for the 1909-12 term. The elections were held in March 1909, but the results were controversial, and Salas Salas disputed the office with Francisco Javier Asalgado until September, when an appeals court ruled in favor of Salas Salas, who held the mayor office until 1912. He was later elected tercer alcalde for the 1912-15, and 1918-21 terms. Later, in 1924, Salas Salas was elected regidor for the 1924-27 term.
In January, 1849 a conference of leaders was called by Don Pablo Cacho Valerio through his son Don Domingo with the end in view to established a new town. The leaders drafted a petition for the creation of a new town and sent copies on March 15, 1849, to Don Jose Sanchez y Guerrero, the then Alcalde at Iba, Zambales and to the Archbishop of Manila. On May 26, 1849, the Alcalde brought the reply granting the petition. Accompanied by the Parish Priest, Rev.
The Puerto Rico Republican Party enjoyed a sweeping victory in San Juan, as a result of which Manuel Egozcue Cintrón become Alcalde; Marxuach Echavarría, who was a political associate of Egozcue's, obtained a seat in the Municipal Council (Concejo Municipal). In 1900, Marxuach Echavarría was elected Mayor-President (Alcalde Presidente). The dual office, a result of Spanish reforms implemented in 1878, combined the executive duties of a municipal mayor with the offices of a city council president. Marxuach Echavarría was succeeded in office by his predecessor.
Jorge Luis Félix "Campolo" Alcalde Millos (5 December 1916 – 25 June 1990) was a Peruvian professional footballer. He played as a striker, and was especially noted for his time spent with the Peru national football team.
In 2005, Brown's wages were garnished by a court for defaulting on payments on a lease of an MCI Center suite. At the time, Brown was a managing partner for the lobbying firm of Alcalde & Fay.
Manuel de Basavilbaso Urtubia (1739-1794) was a Spanish nobleman, who served as alcalde, procurador and regidor of Buenos Aires. He was the second General Administrator of the Royal Post Office of Río de la Plata.
Elected alcalde of Brazoria in 1833, he was soon chosen a delegate to the Convention of 1833. In 1834, he was appointed by the Mexican governor as the political chief of the department of the somewhere...............
Alonso Muñoz de Gadea (1630s-1708) was a Spanish politician, accountant and military officer who served in Buenos Aires during the Viceroyalty of Peru as Alcalde, Procurador and Mayordomo of the Cathedral Mayor of the city.
Manuel Alcalde Fornieles (December 31, 1956 – April 23, 2004) was a male race walker from Spain. He represented his native country twice at the Olympic Games: 1984 and 1988. He was born and died in Guadix, Granada.
In 1769 he was named alcalde de hijosdalgo in the Chancellery of Valladolid. In 1771 he was promoted to the criminal chamber of the court, and just four years after that he became an oidor (civil judge).
Salvador Perea. Historia de Puerto Rico, 1537-1700. Instituto de Cultura Puertorriquena, and Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico. 1965. p. 22. Some posts were obtained via a sort of public bidding system, but not the Alcalde Ordinario.
In 1831, he was appointed to occupy the post of Chief of Campaña (Alcalde) in the town of Cañuelas (Buenos Aires Province). He and his family were active members of Freemasonry in the Río de La Plata.
Pedro Santorromán, senador socialistaEl País. Pedro Santorromán, senador socialista y alcalde de AbizandaDiario de Aragón. Caluroso homenaje a Pedro Santorromán en Abizanda In 2012 a street was named and a monolith erected in his honour in Abizanda.
Juan Antonio Bustillo y Ceballos (Zevallos) was a soldier and politician who served as governor of Province of Texas (Texas) and Coahuila, New Spain (1754-1756). He also served as alcalde ordinario (ordinary mayor) in Mexico City.
It is part of city of Lima. Officially established as a district on May 30, 1968, by President Fernando Belaúnde. The current mayor (alcalde) of San Luis is David Rojas Maza. The district's postal code is 30.
He was mayor (alcalde) of Santiago in 1559, 1562, and 1581. He purchased the rights and founded the Spanish settlement at El Quisco. He died in 1589 in Santiago. An avenue in Vitacura is named after him.
Davis (2006), p. 93.Gammel (1898), p. 500. Just before the group dispersed, Rafael Manchola, the alcalde (mayor) of Goliad, arrived. He was the only delegate from Goliad and the only Tejano to appear at the convention.
Local government in Belize consists of four types of local authorities: city councils, town councils, village councils and community councils. Some rural communities also have an alcalde, a local magistrate who performs both administrative and judicial functions.
In 1746, he served temporarily as alcalde ordinario of the city of Buenos Aires in substitution of Gaspar de Bustamante, alcalde of second vote. He returned to occupy the post of mayor of second vote in 1760, this time in substitution of Don Joseph de Iturriaga. In 1744, he was appointed by the governor Domingo Ortiz de Rosas, to take charge of the completion of the padron (census) of the city of Buenos Aires. Miguel Gerónimo de Esparza was also in charge of providing services in ceremonies and public events in Buenos Aires.
The series is set in early 19th-century Spanish California. When the commandant of Los Angeles, Alcalde Luis Ramone, terrorizes the people of the pueblo and oppresses them, Don Alejandro de la Vega summons home from Spain his son Diego to fight the alcalde and his men. When Diego arrives, he finds his town in a sorry state, and while pretending to have little interest in anything but books and his experiments, he creates the secret identity of El Zorro: The Fox. He and his mute servant, the teenage Felipe, battle the alcalde's tyranny.
The municipal building is the town of Achao. As a commune, Quinchao is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Santiago Torres Águila (ILC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Quinchao is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena).
Along with his family, Silvestre was one of the co-founders of De León's Colony, becoming a colonial merchant, as well as co- founder of the city of Victoria, Texas. De León became the third alcalde of Victoria. Martín De León had been the first alcalde, while Silvestre's brother-in-law Plácido Benavides had been the second. After Benavides built the fortress known as "Plácido's Round House" (or the "Round Top House") the two brothers-in-law engaged in several attacks against the Tonkawa and Karankawa Indian tribes.
For John Malkovich´s directorial film debut, The Dancer Upstairs, Alcalde conducted the music composed by Alberto Iglesias with the Madrid Symphony Orchestra and soloists from the Berlin Philharmonic. The film won the Rota Award for best soundtrack at the 2002 Venice Film Festival .Venice Film Festival: Awards 2002.Recording: JMB 2055 Nuba Records, UPN 8-428353-205514. Conducting the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra at the Sónar Festival 2005, Alcalde collaborated with leading artists of electronic music such as Richie Hawtin, DJ/rupture and the rapper and artist Doseone.
Upon becoming the elected alcalde Colton decided to build a school in Monterey, he decided that it would be in the style of the buildings he was familiar with from Philadelphia and Washington DC, the Greek Revival style. He wrote in his diary "It is built of white stone (white Monterey shale), quarried from the neighboring hill". As alcalde, Colton served as mayor, corner, judge, sheriff, in charge of weights and measures, prosecutor, and tax collector. In order to raise funds and free labor, Colton took full advantage of his "absolute" powers.
Angélico Chávez wrote, "Manuel Armijo's character as Governor and as a man has been unjustly painted in sources too numerous to mention here." Armijo became the alcalde (mayor) of Albuquerque and militia lieutenant in 1822 and 1824. In 1827, he was appointed governor of New Mexico, but in 1828 he returned from Santa Fe to Albuquerque as a wealthy merchant in sheep and wool blankets, acting as alcalde again.Manuel Armijo from The Latina/o History Project, accessed 19 June 2006 Some have it that he left the governorship to avoid a Federal investigation.
Pey was alcalde of Bogotá at the time of the Cry of Independence, also known as the Florero de Llorente (Llorente Flower Vase) (July 20, 1810). On that morning, the history of the country changed; a group of Criollos accused José Gonzalez Llorente of discrimination and riots broke out all over the city. Pey, as the alcalde, tried to calm the populace. He proposed protective custody for Llorente, but by doing so he confirmed his culpability in the eyes of the general population and thus fueled the insurgency.
Becerra was a member of the Pichilemu City Council as regidor for three, three-year-long terms, between 1897 and 1906. In 1906, he was elected segundo alcalde of Pichilemu for the 1906-09 term, and was re-elected for the 1912-1915 term. However, following Francisco Javier Asalgado's resignation as mayor in September 1912, he became the fifth primer alcalde (mayor) of Pichilemu, an office which he held for the rest of the term, until 1915. He was succeeded by Gustavo Silva Pizarro for the 1915-18 term.
Muere el alcalde de Culebra on El Nuevo Día (November 17, 2011) The next day, it was announced that his daughter, Lizaida Peña, might replace him until the 2012 general elections.Hija del alcalde de Culebra esta dispuesta a sustituirlo on El Nuevo Día; Caquías, Sandra (November 18, 2011) However, in 2011, Ricardo López Cepero was elected by delegates to succeed Peña. López Cepero was defeated by Iván Solís in the 2012 general election. The city belongs to the Puerto Rico Senatorial district VIII, which is represented by two Senators.
Within months of graduation, Iseman joined a friend in Washington, D.C. and initially got a job as a receptionist at Alcalde & Fay. After a few months, she approached the president of Alcalde & Fay and said "I’m a college graduate and I’d like you to consider me for a secretarial or an administrative position." The president agreed to a three-month trial and within a year she became his special assistant. From this position, Iseman learned about lobbying from the firm's president, and soon became a lobbyist in her own right.
The SHSU School of Mass Communication operates KSHU, a student-run radio (90.5 FM) and television (cable channel 7) station, broadcasting news, sports, and entertainment programming for the campus and community. "The Houstonian" is the student-published twice-weekly campus newspaper. Broadcast studios and offices for all three media are located within the Dan Rather Communication Building. The Alcalde was the university's annual yearbook, published from 1910 to 1998 and 2003 to 2006; it was named in honor of Texas Governor Oran Roberts, whose nickname was "The Old Alcalde".
During the reign of King D. John II (1481–1495), Queen Leonor selected the settlement and castle to reside following the death of her son, the Infante D. Afonso, opting for the thermal waters of the region for treatments necessary during her later life. King John II's successor, Manuel I donated to the town a foral in 1513, resulting in improvements to both the town and castle. During this phase, the Paços do Alcaide (Palace of the Alcalde) was reconstructed, by then alcalde D. João de Noronha. The alcade also worked on improving the walls.
In the following century, many of the important noble families became affixed to the alcalde of the castles, and the fortress fell into the hands of the Cabral, whom were responsible for the alcalde of Belmonte.Rita Costa Gomes (1996), p. 57 But, even as Belmonte became the seat of their power, resulting the construction of their seat, in Castelo Melhor, little remained. Around this time (1527), Castelo Melhor was mentioned in the Cadastro da População do Reino (Kingdoms Population Cadastre) as being a part of the town of Almendra.
As corregidor, he had been named by the Spanish Crown to serve as Alcalde, but had both administrative duties and judicial powers.Socorro Girón. Ponce, el Teatro La Perla y La Campana de la Almudaina. Gobierno Municipal de Ponce.
Word traveled slowly. On November 22, 1826, thirty-six armed men who supported Edwards, arrested the anti-Edwards alcalde Samuel Norris and other officials. The party then arrested Jose Antonio Sepulveda, the commander of Nacogdoches’ tiny Mexican militia.
Retrieved 21 June 2011. Ponce Mayor Mayita Melendez also declared three days of mourning and ordered all municipal flags in public buildings at half staff.Fallece ex alcalde de Ponce Luis Antonio Morales Crespo. El Sur a la Vista.
As a province, Osorno is a second-level administrative division, governed by a provincial governor who is appointed by the president. The Osorno Province comprises seven communes; each commune is governed by its own municipality, headed by an alcalde.
Domingo Pelliza (c.1700-c.1770) was a politician and merchant of Genoese origin. He held several council posts in the City Council during the Viceroyalty of Peru, serving as Alcalde de la "Hermandad" and Mayordomo of Buenos Aires.
During the General Visitation of October 5, 1762 by, Sr. Doctor Don Simón de Anda y Salazar, the province was headed by Capitan Don Jose Pasarin, alcalde mayor of the province.Informe sobre el estado de las Islas Filipinas en 1842, Tomo 1, Madrid 1843, p. 139 1795-96, Don Manuel Piñon was the alcalde mayor.D. Angstanle Gouzaga, Estados de la Oblacion de Filipinas Correpsondiente a el ano de 1818, NO. III P. 3 According to the "Guia de 1839", Bulacan province in the island of Luzon, Philippines, is governed by a mayor, consists of 19 pueblos, 36,394 tributes and 181,970 souls.Biblioteca de LEGISLACION ULTRA MARINA, Tomo 2 Letras B. C. IMprenta de Alegria y Charlain, Madrid 1844, p. 105 D. Felipe Gobantes, Alcalde of the province of Bulacan erected a stone column in the plaza of Bulacan in Memory of Fr. Manuel Blanco O.S.A. who died on April 1, 1845.
Juan Alvires was alcalde of San Jose from 1812-1813, alcalde of Monterey in 1826, and alcalde of San Jose, again, in 1837. The four square league Rancho Laguna Seca was granted to Juan Alvires in 1834. As a result of financial difficulties, Rancho Laguna Seca was sold to William Fisher in 1845. William Gulnac, grantee of Rancho Campo de los Franceses and Fisher's brother-in-law, acted as Fisher's agent.Fisher Ranch House, Coyote Creek Park William Fisher (1810-1850) was born in England and settled in Massachusetts. In 1830 he left as mate on a vessel bound for the West Coast with a load of hides and tallow. He married Liberata Ceseña (1818 - 1905) in 1834 and continued his trading business in Baja California. In 1846 he decided to return, with his family, to Alta California and establish his home in the Pueblo of San José.
As a province, General Carrera is a second-level administrative division, governed by a provincial governor appointed by the president. The province comprises two communes, Río Ibáñez and Chile Chico; each is governed by a municipality, headed by an alcalde.
He was sworn in May 10, 2007. He was officially elected at the 2008 general elections.Elecciones Generales 2008: Alcalde de Carolina on CEEPUR As mayor, he was appointed to the EPA's Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC) and Small Community Advisory Subcommittee.
The entire project was estimated to cost $22 millionMensaje de Situacion y Presupuesto del Alcalde de Ponce, Hon. Francisco Zayas Seijo, a la Legislatura Municipal de Ponce Correspondiente al Año Fiscal 2008-2009. Hon. Francisco Zayas Seijo. Ponce, Puerto Rico.
By Rafael Cordero Santiago, Alcalde de Ponce. Page 5. when then-mayor Moret received from the Government of the United States of America a franchise for the city of Ponce to operate the Port of Ponce in perpetuity.Neysa Rodriguez Deynes.
The next year, he was elected the first alcalde of Matagorda. The Texas Revolution broke out on October 2, 1835. On December 22, 1835, Ingram wrote the Goliad Declaration of Independence. Ingram also played a key role in the Texas Revolution.
In a comic duet the two men scold each other (No. 6). Josecho asks him where Magdalen is; he can not find her at home. The alcalde says someone saw two carlists abducting an oarswoman. The crowd requires death for Josecho.
Alcalde Mayor Pedro Martin resigned.Taos History and Timeline - Taos County Historical Society. Retrieved in June 19, 2014, to 01:45 pm.. Maynez ended his term in New Mexico in 1816, being replaced by Pedro María de Allande in the province government.
The town was named after Dr. José Rizal. On January 1, 1913, Don Julian Paraiso took his oath as the first Alcalde of the Municipality. In 1917 and 1918, the Bureau of Land surveyed the Municipality into homestead and residential lots.
During his fifth mayoral term, Ortiz de la Renta performed as an alcalde. During this term he was mayor from 1 January 1837 to 31 December 1837.Eduardo Neumann Gandía. Verdadera y Auténtica Historia de la Ciudad de Ponce. 1913.
A province is the second largest administrative division in Bolivia, after a department. Each department is divided into provinces. There are 112 provinces. The country's provinces are further divided into 337 municipalities which are administered by an alcalde and municipal council.
The mayor has the authority to appoint, among the councillors that are part of the executive branch, Deputy Mayors (Tenientes de Alcalde). The duties of the deputy mayors are to replace the mayor in cases of vacancy, absence or illness.
For a while, Percy was an alcalde, or magistrate, under the Spanish government, hence his nickname, "Don Carlos." At the age of 90, Percy reportedly gave in to melancholia (depression) and drowned himself in a local creek, since named Percy's Creek.
Page 8. Retrieved 28 April 2012. The Puerto Rico Senate voted to name this structure "Centro de Convenciones de Ponce Juan H. Cintron" in honor to the Ponce politician.Centro de Convenciones de Ponce llevará nombre de ex alcalde Juan Cintrón.
Asunción was born on 12 July 1951 in Manises. He started his political career as alcalde (mayor) of his hometown in the 1970s. He was elected in the 1979 and 1983 municipal elections. He subsequently became Deputation President of Valencia.
He was master of the Majorat of Lagares d´El-Rei, 11th master of Pombalinho and was in the Order of Christ, Alcalde and Commander of Proença-a-Velha, Commander of São Miguel de Acha and of São Vicente de Vimioso.
As a commune, Tortel is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008–2012 alcalde is Bernardo López Sierra (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Tortel is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Iván Fuentes Castillo (Nueva Mayoría) and David Sandoval (UDI) as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aisén Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Antonio Horvath Kiss (RN) and Patricio Walker Prieto (PDC) as part of the 18th senatorial constituency (Aisén Region).
As a commune, O'Higgins is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is José Fica Gómez (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, O'Higgins is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Alinco (PDC) and David Sandoval (UDI) as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aisén Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Antonio Horvath Kiss (RN) and Patricio Walker Prieto (PDC) as part of the 18th senatorial constituency (Aisén Region).
As a commune, Lumaco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Manuel Painiqueo Tragnolao (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Lumaco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gonzalo Arenas (UDI) and Mario Venegas (PDC) as part of the 48th electoral district, (together with Angol, Renaico, Collipulli, Ercilla, Los Sauces, Purén and Traiguén). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
Bartlett served concurrently with a civilian (also appointed), José de Jesús Noé, who had previously served as alcalde in 1842-43. Accordingly, Lt. Bartlett became the first US citizen to be alcalde (an office combining functions of a strong mayor with those of a municipal court judge), of Yerba Buena. Lt. Bartlett was elected to succeed himself at the first election held under the new regime, on September 15, 1846. Bartlett was involved in the Donner Party tragedy; upon news being received at Yerba Buena of the disaster, Bartlett collected clothing and provisions to relieve the survivors.
As a commune, Curarrehue is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Héctor Carrasco Ruiz (RN). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Curarrehue is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Manuel García (RN) and Fernando Meza (PRSD) as part of the 52nd electoral district, (together with Cunco, Pucón, Villarrica, Loncoche, Gorbea and Toltén). The commune is represented in the Senate by José Garcia Ruminot (RN) and Eugenio Tuma Zedan (PPD) as part of the 15th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-South).
As a commune, Loncoche is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Ricardo Peña Riquelme (RN). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Loncoche is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Manuel García (RN) and Fernando Meza (PRSD) as part of the 52nd electoral district, (together with Cunco, Pucón, Curarrehue, Villarrica, Gorbea and Toltén). The commune is represented in the Senate by José Garcia Ruminot (RN) and Eugenio Tuma Zedan (PPD) as part of the 15th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-South).
As a commune, Cochamó is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Carlos Soto Sotomayor (PRSD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Cochamó is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Marisol Turres (UDI) and Patricio Vallespín (PDC) as part of the 57th electoral district, (together with Puerto Montt, Maullín and Calbuco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Galvarino is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2016-2020 alcalde is Marcos Hernandez Rojas (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Galvarino is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Diego Paulsen (RN) and Fuad Chahín (PDC) as part of the 49th electoral district, (together with Victoria, Curacautín, Lonquimay, Melipeuco, Vilcún, Lautaro and Perquenco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
As a commune, Hualqui is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Ricardo Fuentes Palma (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Hualqui is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Sergio Bobadilla (UDI) and Clemira Pacheco (PS) as part of the 45th electoral district, (together with Tomé, Penco, Florida, Coronel and Santa Juana). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Cordillera).
As a commune, Santa Juana is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Angel Castro Medina (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Santa Juana is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Sergio Bobadilla (UDI) and Clemira Pacheco (PS) as part of the 45th electoral district, (together with Tomé, Penco, Florida, Hualqui, Coronel). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Cordillera).
As a consequence, the place had come to be referred to as Quingua. During the presidency of Manuel L. Quezon, the then "Alcalde", or Town Mayor, of Quinga, Jose J. Mariano, took the initiative of renaming the town. Congressman Pedro Magsalin, a friend of the Alcalde, sponsored the bill changing the name of the town from Quingua to Plaridel. The bill was passed by the Philippine Congress and was approved by the President, and on December 29, 1936 the town was renamed as 'Plaridel', in honor of the great hero of Bulacan, Marcelo H. del Pilar.
As a commune, Chiguayante is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Tomás Solis Nova (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Chiguayante is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by José Miguel Ortiz (PDC) and Enrique Van Rysselberghe (UDI) as part of the 44th electoral district, (together with Concepción and San Pedro de la Paz). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Cordillera).
Warnes was born in Cartagena (Colombia), the son of Patricio Benito Warnes Geer and Juana María Durango y Atienza, belonging to a family of Irish, Flemish and Spanish origin. He had arrived in port of Buenos Aires from Cadiz as Master of the French frigate "Amable Maria". In 1756, he was appointed as alcalde of second vote (vice-mayor) of Buenos Aires, being designated alcalde in first vote in 1775 and 1788. His great great grandfather was Salomón Warnes (born in Connacht), banished from Ireland for religious reasons, he had settled in Antwerp, at the beginning of the 17th century.
As a commune, Collipulli is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Leopoldo Rosales Neira (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Collipulli is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gonzalo Arenas (UDI) and Mario Venegas (PDC) as part of the 48th electoral district, (together with Angol, Renaico, Ercilla, Los Sauces, Purén, Lumaco and Traiguén). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
Handbook of Texas Online: Arocha, Simón de. November 26, 2008. He also served as alcalde of San Antonio in 1770 and 1787. Between the years of his service as alcalde Arocha served in other capacities: in 1774 he was appointed lieutenant governor of Béxar province over the objections of the cabildo's sheriff and perhaps most of the local ranchers, and escorted the Adaesaños (also descendants of Spanish settlers), who were residents in Los Adaes, to the new settlement of Bucareli on the Trinity River; in 1778 he prepared a census report on the province for the new commanding general, Fray Juan Agustín Morfi.
As a commune, Toltén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008–2012 alcalde is Rafael García Ferlice (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Toltén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Manuel García (RN) and Fernando Meza (PRSD) as part of the 52nd electoral district, (together with Cunco, Pucón, Curarrehue, Villarrica, Loncoche and Gorbea). The commune is represented in the Senate by José Garcia Ruminot (RN) and Eugenio Tuma Zedan (PPD) as part of the 15th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-South).
As a commune, Pelluhue is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Carlos Zúñiga Villaseñor (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Pelluhue is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Guillermo Ceroni (PPD) and Ignacio Urrutia (UDI) as part of the 40th electoral district, (together with Longaví, Retiro, Parral, Cauquenes and Chanco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Hernán Larraín (UDI) and Ximena Rincón González (PDC) as part of the 11th senatorial constituency (Maule-South).
As a commune, Corral is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008–2012 alcalde is Gaston Peréz González (ILE). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Corral is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Alfonso De Urresti (PS) and Roberto Delmastro (RN) as part of the 53rd electoral district, (together with Valdivia, Lanco, Mariquina and Máfil). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Allamand (RN) and Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle (PDC) as part of the 16th senatorial constituency (Los Ríos Region).
As a commune, Angol is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Enrique Neira Neira (ILE). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Angol is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Nicolas Ardiles (UDI) and Mario Venegas (PDC) as part of the 48th electoral district, (together with Renaico, Collipulli, Ercilla, Los Sauces, Purén, Lumaco and Traiguén). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
As a commune, Río Ibáñez is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Luis Alarcón Escobar (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Río Ibáñez is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Alinco (PDC) and David Sandoval (UDI) as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aisén Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Antonio Horvath Kiss (RN) and Patricio Walker Prieto (PDC) as part of the 18th senatorial constituency (Aisén Region).
As a commune, Victoria is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Hugo Monsalve Castillo (ILA). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Victoria is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Enrique Estay (UDI) and Fuad Chahín (PDC) as part of the 49th electoral district, (together with Curacautín, Lonquimay, Melipeuco, Vilcún, Lautaro, Perquenco and Galvarino). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
As a commune, Perquenco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Luis Alberto Muñoz Pérez (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Perquenco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Enrique Estay (UDI) and Fuad Chahín (PDC) as part of the 49th electoral district, (together with Victoria, Curacautín, Lonquimay, Melipeuco, Vilcún, Lautaro and Galvarino). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
As a commune, Parral is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Israel Urrutia Escobar (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Parral is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Guillermo Ceroni (PPD) and Ignacio Urrutia (UDI) as part of the 40th electoral district, (together with Longaví, Retiro, Cauquenes, Pelluhue and Chanco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Hernán Larraín (UDI) and Ximena Rincón González (PDC) as part of the 11th senatorial constituency (Maule-South).
As a commune, Purén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Benigno Quiñones Lara (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Purén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gonzalo Arenas (UDI) and Mario Venegas (PDC) as part of the 48th electoral district, (together with Angol, Renaico, Collipulli, Ercilla, Los Sauces, Lumaco and Traiguén). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
Her father and the maternal grandfather of Cirici Ventalló, Domingo Ventalló Llobateras (1805–1878), was a Terrassa pharmacist and served as alcalde of the town, the role performed at the turn of the centuries also by one of his sons.José Ventalló Vintró served as alcalde of Terrassa in 1895-7 and 1900-1, Juan Duch, La literatura en Tarrasa, Tarrasa 1964, pp. 19–20 Author of a few works on hydrology, Ventalló Llobateras was also the leader of local conservative Catholics.Duch 1964, p. 7 The newly wed Matías and Vicenta settled in Terrassa,at calle San Isidro 55, Carles-Pomar 2007, p.
As a commune, Río Hurtado is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Gary Valenzuela Rojas. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Río Hurtado is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Pedro Velásquez (Ind.) and Matías Walker (PDC) as part of the 8th electoral district, (together with Coquimbo and Ovalle). The commune is represented in the Senate by Evelyn Matthei Fornet (UDI) and Jorge Pizarro Soto (PDC) as part of the 4th senatorial constituency (Coquimbo Region).
As a commune, Curanilahue is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2013-2016 alcalde is Luis Gengnagel . Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Curanilahue is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Manuel Monsalve (PS) and Iván Norambuena (UDI) as part of the 46th electoral district, (together with Lota, Lebu, Arauco, Los Álamos, Cañete, Contulmo and Tirúa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
As a commune, Taltal is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Guillermo Hidalgo Ocampo. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Taltal is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Pedro Araya (PRI) and Mr. Manuel Rojas (UDI) as part of the 4th electoral district, (together with Antofagasta, Mejillones and Sierra Gorda). The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Cantero Ojeda (Ind.) and José Antonio Gómez Urrutia (PRSD) as part of the 2nd senatorial constituency (Antofagasta Region).
His impact on a generation of young attorneys was symbolized by the affectionate title "Old Alcalde" bestowed upon him by his students. In continuance of that legacy, the University of Texas named its alumni magazine "Alcalde" in his honor and, in 1963, built and named a residence hall after him. During his tenure at the university, Roberts wrote several professional works, among them a text, The Elements of Texas Pleading (1890), which was used for decades after his retirement from teaching. In 1893, he left the university and moved to Marble Falls, where he turned his attention to more general historical writings.
As a commune, Osorno is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Jaime Alberto Bertin Valenzuela. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Osorno is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Fidel Espinoza (PS), Javier Hernández (UDI), Harry Jürgensen (RN) and Emilia Nuyado (PS) as part of the 25th electoral district. The commune is represented in the Senate by Rabindranath Quinteros Lara (PS) and Iván Alejandro Moreira Barros (UDI) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Renaico is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Ivonne Morales Urra (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Renaico is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gonzalo Arenas (UDI) and Mario Venegas (PDC) as part of the 48th electoral district, (together with Angol, Collipulli, Ercilla, Los Sauces, Purén, Lumaco and Traiguén). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
As a commune, Vilcún is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Patricio Villanueva Rubilar (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Vilcún is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Enrique Estay (UDI) and Fuad Chahín (PDC) as part of the 49th electoral district, (together with Victoria, Curacautín, Lonquimay, Melipeuco, Lautaro, Perquenco and Galvarino). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
As a commune, Punitaqui is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2016-2020 alcalde is Carlos Araya Bugueño. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Punitaqui is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Miguel Alvarado (PDC) and Mr. Luis Lemus (Ind.) as part of the 9th electoral district, (together with Combarbalá, Monte Patria, Illapel, Salamanca, Los Vilos, Canela). The commune is represented in the Senate by Adriana Muños (PDC) and Jorge Pizarro Soto (PDC) as part of the 4th senatorial constituency (Coquimbo Region).
As a commune, Coyhaique is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is Alejandro Huala Canumán (PS). He was preceded by Omar Muñoz Sierra (UDI) from 2008 to 2012 and David Sandoval Plaza (also UDI), who served from 2000 to 2008. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Coyhaique is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Alinco (PDC) and the former mayor David Sandoval as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aysén Region.
As a commune, Lonquimay is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Guillermo Vásquez Veroiza (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Lonquimay is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Enrique Estay (UDI) and Fuad Chahín (PDC) as part of the 49th electoral district, (together with Victoria, Curacautín, Melipeuco, Vilcún, Lautaro, Perquenco and Galvarino). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-North).
Today these two men are remembered as martyrs. An obelisk commemorates their sacrifice, between San Jose Church and Alcalde Market, named for Ambrosio Alcalde. US forces marched on to capture Mexico City and departed after the Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo. In November 1862 Xalapa was attacked in the French invasion; foreigners temporarily took control of the state capital. On 27 November 1867 the corpse of emperor Maximilian I of Mexico, who had been executed in Querétaro, arrived and was held in San José, attended by the priest José María y Daza, then transferred to Veracruz the following day.
As a commune, Gorbea is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2016-2020 alcalde is Guido Siegmund González (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Gorbea is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Manuel García (RN) and Fernando Meza (PRSD) as part of the 52nd electoral district, (together with Cunco, Pucón, Curarrehue, Villarrica, Loncoche and Toltén). The commune is represented in the Senate by José Garcia Ruminot (RN) and Eugenio Tuma Zedan (PPD) as part of the 15th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-South).
As a commune, Linares is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Rolando Rentería Möller. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Linares is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Jorge Tarud (PPD) and Romilio Gutiérrez (UDI) as part of the 39th electoral district, (together with Colbún, San Javier, Villa Alegre and Yerbas Buenas). The commune is represented in the Senate by Hernán Larraín (UDI) and Ximena Rincón González (PDC) as part of the 11th senatorial constituency (Maule-South).
As a commune, Maullín is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Juan Cárcamo Cárcamo (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Maullín is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Marisol Turres (UDI) and Patricio Vallespín (PDC) as part of the 57th electoral district, (together with Puerto Montt, Cochamó and Calbuco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
Subsequent ones were elected annually by the settlers, the vecinos pobladores. Since the government of Las Californias had a strong military orientation in this early phase of colonization, the civilian cabildo was originally supervised by a commisionado (commissioner) appointed by the comandante (commander) of the Presidio of Santa Barbara, who was charged with making sure the alcalde and regidores carried out their duties correctly. The first commisionado was José Vicente Feliz, one of the soldiers who accompanied the original 44 settlers to the pueblo. The first recorded alcalde was José Vanegas, who served in 1786 and 1796.
As a commune, Chile Chico is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Luperciano Muñoz González (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Chile Chico is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Alinco (PDC) and David Sandoval (UDI) as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aisén Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Antonio Horvath Kiss (RN) and Patricio Walker Prieto (PDC) as part of the 18th senatorial constituency (Aisén Region).
As a commune, Ercilla is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Ramón Vilches Álvarez (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Ercilla is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gonzalo Arenas (UDI) and Mario Venegas (PDC) as part of the 48th electoral district, (together with Angol, Renaico, Collipulli, Los Sauces, Purén, Lumaco and Traiguén). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alberto Espina Otero (RN) and Jaime Quintana Leal (PPD) as part of the 14th senatorial constituency (Araucanía- North).
As a province, Cardenal Caro is a second-level administrative division of Chile, governed by a provincial governor who is appointed by the president. The province is composed by six communes (Spanish: comunas), each of which is governed by a popularly elected alcalde.
Washington Allon Bartlett (c. 1816 – February 6, 1865) was the first US citizen to serve as alcalde of Yerba Buena/San Francisco, appointed by the military government during the Mexican-American War and serving from August 14, 1846, to January 31, 1847.
Alcalde et al., 2008, p. 15 In Catalonia, the species appears tolerant of different habitats and of human disturbance, but it is listed as "data deficient". In France, where the species was only discovered in 2009, it is also listed as "data deficient".
In the same time, he was accused of being involved in corruption.El TSJ asume la investigación a Alperi por prevaricación, en On 11 September 2008, he resigned from the mayor post without giving any further reason.Alperi, un alcalde de paso, en elpais.
In 2010, Roberts founded 4th and 1,Moving the Chains, On and Off the Field. The Alcalde. July 7, 2011. LLC - a nonprofit that provides free ACT prep, football skills training and life skills development to high school students in Texas and Michigan.
In the 2019 local elections FeC won only 3 councillors and lost the mayorship of the city to Ángel Mato (PSdeG-PSOE).Pita Parada, R. (2019). El socialista Ángel Mato, alcalde número 11 de la democracia en Ferrol. La Voz de Galicia.
Peralta returned to Mexico City and told his version of the dispute with Ordóñez. The Mexican Inquisition eventually ordered Ordóñez to return to Mexico City, and reprimanded him. Peralta was vindicated. Shortly afterwards, he was appointed alcalde mayor of the port of Acapulco.
Juan Francisco Reyes (1749-1809), soldado de cuero ("leather-jacketed soldier") on the 1769 Portola expedition, alcalde (municipal magistrate) of the Pueblo de Los Angeles for three terms, and recipient of the Spanish land grant for Rancho Los Encinos and later Lompoc.
During his eighth mayoral term, Ortiz de la Renta performed again as alcalde. During this eighth and last mayoral term, he mayored from 1 April 1846 to 30 June 1846.Socorro Girón. Ponce, el teatro La Perla y La Campana de la Almudaina.
In Valladolid, groups looted the belongings of the New Christians. At Segovia, there was a massacre (May 16, 1474). D. Juan Pacheco, a converso, led the attacks. Without the intervention of the alcalde, Andres de Cabrera, all New Christians might have died.
Lince is a district of the Lima Province in Peru. It is part of the city of Lima. Officially established as a district on May 29, 1936, the current mayor (alcalde) of Lince is Vicente Amable Escalante. The district's postal code is 14.
Vicki L. Iseman (born 1967) is a Washington, D.C.-based lobbyist working for the firm Iseman & Szelinga. As a lobbyist for the firm Alcalde & Fay she gained national media attention in February 2008, due to her involvement in the John McCain lobbyist controversy.
Baltasar also was Regidor in the Cabildo de Chile. His son Baltasar de Ávila, attended the foundation of La Rioja in 1591, also was Alcalde in Catamarca. Baltasar jr. was married to Juana Bazán de Pedraza, granddaughter of Conquistador Juan Gregorio Bazán.
The government of the city of Medellín is divided into executive and legislative branches. The mayor of the city (Alcalde) is publicly elected for a term of four years (just like the president and the governor of any other department in Colombia).
Osuna died 1851, and is buried in El Campo Santo Catholic Cemetery in Old Town San Diego. A modern headstone reads "Juan Maria Osuna Died 1851 First Alcalde Of San Diego". His wife died December 22, 1871 and was buried next to him.
His wife was Georgina Thompson. His children were José (the mayor), Maria Rosa (who became the executive assistant of the first lady of Puerto Rico, Lila Mayoral de Hernandez Colon), Georgianne, and Victoria Eugenia (Baby).Muere Ex-alcalde Dapena. El Nuevo Dia.
In addition to presiding over local courts, alcaldes are responsible for managing communal land and act as school officers. This form of local governance is practised mainly in Mayan communities in Belize, but any rural community can choose to appoint an alcalde.
Retrieved 10 October 2011. but it is different from, another park also currently under construction called Parque Lineal Veredas del Labrador.Mensaje de Situacion y Presupuesto del Alcalde de Ponce, PR, Hon. Francisco Zayas Seijo, a la Legislatura Municipal de Ponce Correspondiente al AñoFiscal 2008-2009.
Estanislao ( – 1838) was an indigenous alcalde of Mission San José and a member and leader of the Lakisamni tribe of the Yokuts people of northern California. He is famous for leading bands of armed Native Americans in revolt against the Mexican government and Mission establishments.
Ponce, Notas para su Historia. Second edition. 1986. p. 77. He had also been a long-time member of the Ponce Municipal Council, and immediately prior to becoming mayor, he also held the post of Teniente de Alcalde, the equivalent of a deputy mayor.Félix Pubill.
Tomás López da Torre (1900 – October 1, 1936) was a Spanish lawyer, alcalde and supporter of the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. He was born in Betanzos. He was executed by the Nationalists of Francisco Franco during the White Terror (Spain).
14,000 evacuated as wild fire takes hold in Alicante province ,, 24 January 2009El alcalde de La Nucía destaca la 'tristeza' del municipio tras arder 1.006 hectáreas, 25 January 2009 The best method for the reforestation of the mountain is currently being studied.
Nuevos Hallazgos Sobre el Origen de Ponce. Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones del Sur Oeste de Puerto Rico. 2019. p. 61. This militia was organized under an institution termed Santa Hermandad. The term of service of an Alcalde de la Santa Hermandad was one year.
In Catalonia the Carlists could have influenced only minor roles, like alcalde of Badalona, Martorell Pérez 2009, p. 226 In 1943 Sivatte co-signed Reclamación de Poder, a document which demanded from Franco dismantling of national-sindicalist regime and introduction of Traditionalist monarchy.Alcalá 2001, pp.
A noted cattleman, the Conde de Mayalde became the President of the Union of Breeders of Fighting Bulls in 1982. The Avenida del Alcalde Conde de Mayalde in Hortaleza is named after him, as is the Public School "Conde de Mayalde" in Añover de Tajo.
El Agustino is a district of the Lima Province in Peru. It is part of city of Lima. Officially established as a district on January 6, 1965, the current mayor (alcalde) of El Agustino is Víctor Modesto Salcedo Ríos. The district's postal code is 10.
1936 Berlin Summer Olympics team. Front: Adelfo Magallanes, Jorge Alcalde, Teodoro Fernández, José Morales, and Alejandro Villanueva. Back: Carlos Tovar, Víctor Guarderas Lavalle, Juan Valdivieso, Arturo Fernández, Segundo Castillo, and Orestes Jordán. Austria played Peru in an astonishing game leading to a huge political row.
She also visited Europe, Greece, Egypt, and China. She continued to record information about Navajo ceremonials given by Klah and by another 58 medicine men, and collected reproductions of ceremonial sandpaintings in various media. In 1923, Wheelwright purchased the Los Luceros Ranch near Alcalde.
Savage Messiah are an English heavy metal band formed in May 2007 in London. The band was formed by guitarist and lead vocalist Dave Silver and also consists of guitarist Joff Bailey, bassist Míra Sláma, keyboardist Carlos Alcalde De Lema and drummer Charly Carretón.
Vasco Fernandes was the son of Fernaö Mártins da Fonseca Coutinho and Theresa Pires Varella, belonging to noble Lusitanian lineages. His wife was Beatriz Gonçalves de Moura, a noble woman, daughter of Gonçalo Vasques de Moura (Alcalde of Moura), and Inês Gonçalves de Sequeira.
Sautuola, having died 14 years earlier, did not live to witness his rehabilitation. Further excavation work on the cave was done by Hermilio Alcalde del Río between 1902–04, the German Hugo Obermaier between 1924–25 and finally by Joaquín González Echegaray in 1968.
In 1980 was recovered in the Parque Lineal until, in 2007, after the construction of underground parking El Sembrado, was located on the roundabout between the Paseo de la Libertad, the Avenida de la Estación, the Paseo de la Cuba and Calle Alcalde Conangla.
As a commune, Tocopilla is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2013-2016 alcalde is Fernando San Román Bascuñán (Ind./PRO). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Tocopilla is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Marcos Espinosa (PRSD) and Mr. Felipe Ward (UDI) as part of the 3rd electoral district, (together with María Elena, Calama, Ollagüe and San Pedro de Atacama). The commune is represented in the Senate by Mr. Pedro Araya Guerrero(Ind.) and Mr.Alejandro Guillier(Ind.) as part of the 2nd senatorial constituency (Antofagasta Region).
As a commune, Palena is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Aladin Delgado Casanova (RN). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Palena is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué and Futaleufú). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, San Pablo is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Omar Alvarado. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, San Pablo is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Javier Hernández (UDI) and Mr. Sergio Ojeda (PDC) as part of the 55th electoral district, (together with Osorno and San Juan de la Costa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, San Juan de la Costa is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Javier Oyarzo Ruiz (RN). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, San Juan de la Costa is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Javier Hernández (UDI) and Sergio Ojeda (PDC) as part of the 55th electoral district, (together with Osorno and San Pablo). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (17).
As a commune, Cisnes is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008–2012 alcalde (mayor) is Luis Valdés Gutiérrez (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Cisnes is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Alinco (PDC) and David Sandoval (UDI) as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Antonio Horvath Kiss (RN) and Patricio Walker Prieto (PDC) as part of the 18th senatorial constituency (Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Region).
As a commune, Molina is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Mirtha Segura Ovalle (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Molina is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Roberto León (PDC) and Celso Morales (UDI) as part of the 36th electoral district, (together with Curicó, Teno, Romeral, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén and Rauco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule- North).
As a commune, Hualaihué is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Freddy Ibacache Muñoz (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Hualaihué is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Laguna Blanca is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is Ricardo Ritter Rodríguez (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Laguna Blanca is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Morano (PDC) and Gabriel Boric (Ind.) as part of the 60th electoral district, which includes the entire Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Bianchi Chelech (Ind.) and Carolina Goic (PDC) as part of the 19th senatorial constituency (Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region).
As a commune, Vallenar is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Cristian Tapia Ramos. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Vallenar is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Alberto Robles (PRSD) and Mr. Giovanni Calderón (UDI) as part of the 6th electoral district, (together with Caldera, Tierra Amarilla, Freirina, Huasco and Alto del Carmen). The commune is represented in the Senate by Isabel Allende Bussi (PS) and Baldo Prokurica Prokurica (RN) as part of the 3rd senatorial constituency (Atacama Region).
As a commune, General Lagos is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde was Gregorio Mendoza Chura. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, General Lagos is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Nino Baltolu (UDI) and Mr. Orlando Vargas (PPD) as part of the 1st electoral district, which includes the entire Arica and Parinacota Region.The commune is represented in the Senate by Fulvio Rossi Ciocca (PS) and Jaime Orpis Bouchon (UDI) as part of the 1st senatorial constituency (Arica and Parinacota Region and Tarapacá Region).
The Rancho of Francisco Reyes (then the Alcalde of the Pueblo de Los Ángeles) was approved by the padres as a suitable site for the Mission. After brief negotiations with the Alcalde, the land was acquired (Mission records list Reyes as godfather to the first infant baptized at San Fernando).Young, p. 39 The mission was founded on September 8, 1797 by Father Fermín Lasuén who, with the assistance of Fray Francisco Dumetz and in the presence of troops and natives, performed the ceremonies and dedicated the mission to San Fernando Rey de España, making it the fourth mission site he had established; ten children were baptized on the first day.
The Presidio de las Fronteras de Sonora was created in 1690, an armed force with no permanent base, but operating at first out of the San Juan Bautista mining camp. In 1693 Domingo Jironza Petriz de Cruzate, former governor of New Mexico, was made captain for life of the Presidio of Fronteras and alcalde mayor of Sonora, holding office until 1701. In 1702 Don Juan Francisco de Bustamante y Velasco was appointed alcaldía mayor of San Juan Bautista. As of 1724 San Juan Bautista was within the province of Nueva Vizcaya, and was administered by the Alcalde mayor de Sonora y minas de San Juan Bautista.
In 1835, with the assistance of William A. Richardson, he laid out, in accordance with the Spanish Laws of the Indies, the streets, lots, central plaza and broad main avenue of the new Pueblo de Sonoma.Bancroft III:721 Although Sonoma had been founded as a pueblo in 1835, it remained under military control, lacking the political structures of municipal self-government of other Alta California pueblos. In 1843, Lieutenant Colonel Vallejo wrote to the Governor recommending that a civil government be organized for Sonoma. A town council (ayuntamiento) was established in 1844 and Jacob P. Leese was named first alcalde, and Cayetano Juarez second alcalde.
Jorge Burgues (1691-1766) was a Genoese politician, landowner and merchant, who served as alcalde, regidor, depositario and procurador general of Montevideo, Uruguay. He was born in Rapallo, Italy, the son of Filipo Borghese and Ana Posansa. He was married in Buenos Aires with María Martina Carrasco, daughter of Salvador Carrasco y Fernández de los Cobos, born in Málaga, and Leonor de Melo Coutinho, born in Buenos Aires, and descendant of Vasco Fernandes Coutinho. He was the first resident of the city of Montevideo, where he settled with his family in 1724, and where he served as regidor and alcalde of 2nd vote in 1741.
As a commune, Coihueco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Arnoldo Manuel Jiménez Venegas (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Coihueco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Carlos Abel Jarpa (PRSD) and Rosauro Martínez (RN) as part of the 41st electoral district, (together with Chillán, Pinto, San Ignacio, El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay and Chillán Viejo). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
As a commune, Purranque is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is César Negrón Schwerter (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Purranque is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Fidel Espinoza (PS) and Mr. Carlos Recondo (UDI) as part of the 56th electoral district, (together with Puyehue, Río Negro, Puerto Octay, Fresia, Frutillar, Llanquihue, Puerto Varas and Los Muermos). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Pencahue is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012/2012-2016 alcalde is Lucy Lara Leiva (RN). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Pencahue is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Pablo Lorenzini (PDC) and Pedro Pablo Alvarez-Salamanca (UDI) as part of the 38th electoral district, (together with Curepto, Constitución, Empedrado, Maule, San Clemente, Pelarco, Río Claro and San Rafael). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Empedrado is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Gonzalo Tejos Perez. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Empedrado is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Pablo Lorenzini (PDC) and Pedro Pablo Alvarez-Salamanca (UDI) as part of the 38th electoral district, (together with Curepto, Constitución, Pencahue, Maule, San Clemente, Pelarco, Río Claro and San Rafael). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Huasco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Rodrigo Loyola Morenilla. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Huasco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Alberto Robles (PRSD) and Mr. Giovanni Calderón (UDI) as part of the 6th electoral district, (together with Caldera, Tierra Amarilla, Vallenar, Freirina and Alto del Carmen). The commune is represented in the Senate by Isabel Allende Bussi (PS) and Baldo Prokurica Prokurica (RN) as part of the 3rd senatorial constituency (Atacama Region).
Municipal building of Talca As a commune, Talca is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Juan Castro Prieto (Independent Democratic Union, centre-right). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Talca is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Sergio Aguiló (PS) and Germán Verdugo (RN) as part of the 37th electoral district, which consists entirely of the Talca commune. The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Lebu is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Carlos González Anjari (PS).[1][2] Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Lebu is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Manuel Monsalve (PS) and Iván Norambuena (UDI) as part of the 46th electoral district, (together with Lota, Arauco, Curanilahue, Los Álamos, Cañete, Contulmo and Tirúa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
As a commune, Lebu is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Carlos González Anjari (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Lebu is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Manuel Monsalve (PS) and Iván Norambuena (UDI) as part of the 46th electoral district, (together with Lota, Arauco, Curanilahue, Los Álamos, Cañete, Contulmo and Tirúa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
As a commune, Coltauco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is Ruben Jorquera Vidal. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Coltauco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Eugenio Bauer (UDI) and Mr. Ricardo Rincón (PDC) as part of the 33rd electoral district, (together with Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Machalí, Requínoa, Rengo, Olivar, Doñihue, Coinco, Quinta de Tilcoco and Malloa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Coinco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Gregorio Valenzuela. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Coinco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Eugenio Bauer (UDI) and Mr. Ricardo Rincón (PDC) as part of the 33rd electoral district, (together with Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Machalí, Requínoa, Rengo, Olivar, Doñihue, Coltauco, Quinta de Tilcoco and Malloa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Arica is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008–2012 alcalde is Waldo Sankán Martínez (Independent). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Arica is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Vlado Mirosevic (Partido Liberal) and Mr. Luis Rocaful as part of the 1st electoral district, which includes the entire Arica and Parinacota Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Fulvio Rossi Ciocca (PS) and Jaime Orpis Bouchon (UDI) as part of the 1st senatorial constituency (Arica and Parinacota Region and Tarapacá Region).
As a commune, Machalí is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is José Miguel Urrutia. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Machalí is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Eugenio Bauer (UDI) and Mr. Ricardo Rincón (PDC) as part of the 33rd electoral district, (together with Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Requínoa, Rengo, Olivar, Doñihue, Coinco, Coltauco, Quinta de Tilcoco and Malloa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Torres del Paine is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is Anahi Cardenas Rodríguez (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Torres del Paine is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Morano (PDC) and Gabriel Boric (Ind.) as part of the 60th electoral district, which includes the entire Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Bianchi Chelech (Ind.) and Carolina Goic (PDC) as part of the 19th senatorial constituency (Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region).
As a commune, Timaukel is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012–2016 alcalde is Alfonso Simunovic Ojeda. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Timaukel is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Morano (PDC) and Gabriel Boric (Ind.) as part of the 60th electoral district, which includes the entire Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Bianchi Chelech (Ind.) and Carolina Goic (PDC) as part of the 19th senatorial constituency (Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region).
As a commune, La Unión is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is María Angelica Astudillo Mautz. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, La Unión is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Enrique Jaramillo (PDC) and Mr. Gastón Von Mühlenbrock (UDI) as part of the 54th electoral district, (together with Panguipulli, Los Lagos, Futrono, Lago Ranco, Río Bueno and Paillaco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Allamand Zavala (RN) and Eduardo Frei Ruiz -Tagle (PDC) as part of the 16th senatorial constituency (Los Ríos Region).
As a comuna, San Gregorio is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012–2016 alcalde is Edgar Cárcamo Alderete. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, San Gregorio is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Morano (PDC) and Gabriel Boric (Ind.) as part of the 60th electoral district, which includes the entire Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Bianchi Chelech (Ind.) and Carolina Goic (PDC) as part of the 19th senatorial constituency (Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region).
As a commune, Llanquihue is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008–2012 alcalde is Juan Vazquez Vasquez (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Llanquihue is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Fidel Espinoza (PS) and Carlos Recondo (UDI) as part of the 56th electoral district, (together with Puyehue, Río Negro, Purranque, Puerto Octay, Fresia, Frutillar, Puerto Varas and Los Muermos). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Licantén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Héctor Quiero Palacios (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Licantén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Roberto León (PDC) and Celso Morales (UDI) as part of the 36th electoral district, (together with Curicó, Teno, Romeral, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Vichuquén and Rauco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule- North).
As a commune, Rauco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2013-2017 alcalde is Enrique Olivares Farías, of the (Social Democrat Radical Party). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Rauco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Roberto León (PDC) and Celso Morales (UDI) as part of the 36th electoral district, (together with Curicó, Teno, Romeral, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén and Vichuquén). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Romeral is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Carlos Cisterna Negrete (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Romeral is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Roberto León (PDC) and Celso Morales (UDI) as part of the 36th electoral district, (together with Curicó, Teno, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén and Rauco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, San Rafael is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Patricio Poblete Yáñez (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, San Rafael is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Pablo Lorenzini (PDC) and Pedro Pablo Alvarez-Salamanca (UDI) as part of the 38th electoral district, (together with Curepto, Constitución, Empedrado, Pencahue, Maule, San Clemente, Pelarco and Río Claro). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Río Claro is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Claudio Guajardo Oyarce. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Río Claro is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Pablo Lorenzini (PDC) and Pedro Pablo Alvarez-Salamanca (UDI) as part of the 38th electoral district, (together with Curepto, Constitución, Empedrado, Pencahue, Maule, San Clemente, Pelarco and San Rafael). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Pelarco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Alfredo Pérez Leiva (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Pelarco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Pablo Lorenzini (PDC) and Pedro Pablo Alvarez-Salamanca (UDI) as part of the 38th electoral district, (together with Curepto, Constitución, Empedrado, Pencahue, Maule, San Clemente, Río Claro and San Rafael). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Vichuquén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Román Pavez López (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Vichuquén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Roberto León (PDC) and Celso Morales (UDI) as part of the 36th electoral district, (together with Curicó, Teno, Romeral, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén and Rauco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Sagrada Familia is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Francisco Meléndez Rojas (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Sagrada Familia is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Roberto León (PDC) and Celso Morales (UDI) as part of the 36th electoral district, (together with Curicó, Teno, Romeral, Molina, Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén and Rauco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Queilén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Carlos Gómez Miranda (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Queilén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Saavedra is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Ricardo Tripainao Calfulaf (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Saavedra is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by José Manuel Edwards (RN) and Joaquín Tuma (PDC) as part of the 51st electoral district, (together with Carahue, Nueva Imperial, Teodoro Schmidt, Freire, Pitrufquén and Cholchol). The commune is represented in the Senate by José Garcia Ruminot (RN) and Eugenio Tuma Zedan (PPD) as part of the 15th senatorial constituency (Araucanía-South).
Contulmo Town Hall As a commune, Contulmo is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2016-2020 alcalde is Mauricio Lebrecht Sperberg (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Contulmo is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Manuel Monsalve (PS) and Iván Norambuena (UDI) as part of the 46th electoral district, (together with Lota, Lebu, Arauco, Curanilahue, Los Álamos, Cañete and Tirúa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
As a commune, Freirina is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Roberto Bruzzone Galeb. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Freirina is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Alberto Robles (PRSD) and Mr. Giovanni Calderón (UDI) as part of the 6th electoral district, (together with Caldera, Tierra Amarilla, Vallenar, Huasco and Alto del Carmen). The commune is represented in the Senate by Isabel Allende Bussi (PS) and Baldo Prokurica Prokurica (RN) as part of the 3rd senatorial constituency (Atacama Region).
As a commune, San Pedro de Atacama is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Sandra Berna Martínez. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, San Pedro de Atacama is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Marcos Espinosa (PRSD) and Felipe Ward (UDI) as part of the third electoral district, (together with Tocopilla, María Elena, Calama and Ollagüe). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Guillier Álvarez (PRSD) and Pedro Araya Guerrero (Ind.) as part of the second senatorial constituency (Antofagasta Region).
As a commune, Los Muermos is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Emilio González Burgos (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Los Muermos is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Fidel Espinoza (PS) and Carlos Recondo (UDI) as part of the 56th electoral district, (together with Puyehue, Río Negro, Purranque, Puerto Octay, Fresia, Frutillar, Llanquihue and Puerto Varas). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
José Ángel Navarro (1784–1836), known as José Ángel Navarro (the elder), was born in San Antonio de Béxar and became a soldier under Spanish Texas. He was the son of Ángel Navarro, a brother to Texas statesman José Antonio Navarro, and an uncle to Texas legislator José Ángel Navarro III. Navarro was two-term alcalde (mayor) of San Antonio in Spanish Texas. As alcalde, he was one of the seven community leaders to sign the December 19, 1832 Béxar Remonstrance, a petition to the Mexican government regarding what they felt was "the historic neglect of San Antonio in particular and Texas in general".
As a commune, San Fernando is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2013-2017 alcalde is Luis Antonio Berwart Araya (Independent). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, San Fernando is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Javier Macaya (UDI) and Ms. Alejandra Sepúlveda (PDC) as part of the 34th electoral district, (together with San Fernando, Chimbarongo, San Vicente, Peumo, Pichidegua and Las Cabras). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro García-Huidobro (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Pemuco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Julio Muñoz Salazar (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Pemuco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Carlos Abel Jarpa (PRSD) and Rosauro Martínez (RN) as part of the 41st electoral district, (together with Chillán, Coihueco, Pinto, San Ignacio, El Carmen, Yungay and Chillán Viejo). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, El Carmen is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Juan Diaz González (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, El Carmen is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Carlos Abel Jarpa (PRSD) and Rosauro Martínez (RN) as part of the 41st electoral district, (together with Chillán, Coihueco, Pinto, San Ignacio, Pemuco, Yungay and Chillán Viejo). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, San Pedro de la Paz is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Audito Retamal Lazo (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, San Pedro de la Paz is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by José Miguel Ortiz (PDC) and Enrique Van Rysselberghe (UDI) as part of the 44th electoral district, (together with Concepción and Chiguayante). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Cordillera).
As a commune, Arauco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Mauricio Alarcón Guzmán (ILE). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Arauco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Manuel Monsalve (PS) and Iván Norambuena (UDI) as part of the 46th electoral district, (together with Lota, Lebu, Curanilahue, Los Álamos, Cañete, Contulmo and Tirúa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
As a commune, Chillán is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2020 alcalde is Sergio Zarzar Andonie (ILE). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Chillán is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Carlos Abel Jarpa (PRSD) and Rosauro Martínez (RN) as part of the 41st electoral district, (together with Coihueco, Pinto, San Ignacio, El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay and Chillán Viejo). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Felipe Harboe (PPD) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Carahue is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Héctor Figueroa Ramírez (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Carahue is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by José Manuel Edwards (RN) and Joaquín Tuma (PDC) as part of the 51st electoral district, (together with Nueva Imperial, Saavedra, Teodoro Schmidt, Freire, Pitrufquén and Cholchol). The commune is represented in the Senate by José Garcia Ruminot (RN) and Eugenio Tuma Zedan (PPD) as part of the 15th senatorial constituency (Araucanía- South).
As a commune, Camarones is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Ivan Martin Romero Menacho. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Camarones is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Nino Baltolu (UDI) and Mr. Orlando Vargas (PPD) as part of the 1st electoral district, which includes the entire Arica and Parinacota Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Fulvio Rossi Ciocca (PS) and Jaime Orpis Bouchon (UDI) as part of the 1st senatorial constituency (Arica and Parinacota Region and Tarapacá Region).
As a commune, Calama is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Esteban Velásquez Núñez. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Calama is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Marcos Espinosa (PRSD) and Mr. Felipe Ward (UDI) as part of the 3rd electoral district, (together with Tocopilla, María Elena, Ollagüe and San Pedro de Atacama). The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Cantero Ojeda (Ind.) and José Antonio Gómez Urrutia (PRSD) as part of the 2nd senatorial constituency (Antofagasta Region).
Between 1833 and 1845, thirty-eight rancho land grants were issued in the Santa Clara Valley, 15 of which were located within modern-day San Jose's borders. Numerous prominent historical figures were among those granted rancho lands in the Santa Valley, including James A. Forbes, founder of Los Gatos, California (granted Rancho Potrero de Santa Clara), Antonio Suñol, Alcalde of San Jose (granted Rancho Los Coches), and José María Alviso, Alcalde of San Jose (granted Rancho Milpitas). In 1835, San Jose's population of approximately 700 people included 40 foreigners, primarily Americans and Englishmen. By 1845, the population of the pueblo had increased to 900, primarily due to American immigration.
As a commune, Chonchi is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Pedro Andrade Oyarzún (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Chonchi is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Quemchi is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Luis Macías Demarchi (ILC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Quemchi is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Aysén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Marisol Martínez Sanchez (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Aysén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by René Alinco (PDC) and David Sandoval (UDI) as part of the 59th electoral district, which includes the entire Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Antonio Horvath Kiss (RN) and Patricio Walker Prieto (PDC) as part of the 18th senatorial constituency (Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Region).
As a commune, Los Lagos is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Samuel Torres Sepúlveda (Ind.). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Los Lagos is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Enrique Jaramillo (PDC) and Gastón Von Mühlenbrock (UDI) as part of the 54th electoral district, (together with Panguipulli, Futrono, Lago Ranco, Río Bueno, La Unión and Paillaco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Allamand (RN) and Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle (PDC) as part of the 16th senatorial constituency (Los Ríos Region).
As a commune, Pinto is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Fernando Chavez Guiñez (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Pinto is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Carlos Abel Jarpa (PRSD) and Rosauro Martínez (RN) as part of the 41st electoral district, (together with Chillán, Coihueco, San Ignacio, El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay and Chillán Viejo). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Curicó is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. Currently, the 2012-2016 alcalde is Javier Muñoz Riquelme. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Curicó is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Roberto León (PDC) and Mr. Celso Morales (UDI) as part of the 36th electoral district, (together with Teno, Romeral, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén and Rauco). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
He came in 1842 to Monterey, where Thomas O. Larkin put him in a mercantile store at Santa Cruz and made him his agent. Belden was living in Branciforte (now Santa Cruz), when the USS United States, under the command of Commodore Thomas ap Catesby Jones, captured the nearby Presidio of Monterey on October 20, 1842. Jones appointed Belden alcalde, a political position that combines the functions of a mayor, a judge, and a sheriff. On October 21, Jones discovered that the U.S. and Mexico were not at war, and returned the Presidio back to the Mexican forces; Belden's short term as alcalde also ended.
As a commune, Fresia is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Bernardo Espinoza Villalobos (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Fresia is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Fidel Espinoza (PS) and Carlos Recondo (UDI) as part of the 56th electoral district, (together with Puyehue, Río Negro, Purranque, Puerto Octay, Frutillar, Llanquihue, Puerto Varas and Los Muermos). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
The Statutes of Autonomy of the various autonomous communities also contain provisions concerning the relations between the municipalities and the autonomous governments. In general, municipalities enjoy a large degree of autonomy in their local affairs: many of the functions of the comarcas and provinces are municipal powers pooled together. Each municipality is a corporation with independent legal personality: its governing body is called the ayuntamiento (municipal council or corporation), a term often also used to refer to the municipal offices (city and town halls). The ayuntamiento is composed of the mayor (Spanish: alcalde), the deputy mayors (Spanish: tenientes de alcalde) and the plenary assembly (pleno) of councillors (concejales).
As a commune, Dalcahue is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Alfredo Hurtado Alvarez (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Dalcahue is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Quellón is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Iván Haro Uribe (RN). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Quellón is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
Pensamiento Alaves 24.03.39, available here Like one of his uncles,in the early 1920s one of his uncles, Agustín Tellería, was alcalde of Antzuola, Iñigo Ramirez de Okariz Tellería, Irinmodo blog, 08.11.14, available here José served as mayor of Antzuola; he was killed as requeté in 1937.
The Spanish alcalde mayor (provincial governor) of Tayabas, Don Joaquín Ortega, whose wife was a member of the cofradía, ordered the release of the prisoners, reasoning that it was an ecclesiastical matter. Afterwards, in early 1841, the cofradía transferred to Majayjay, hometown of "Purgatorio" de San Jorge.
This was seconded by Pérez's soldiers, and by the fleet. Rojas left office, having governed for 40 days. Rojas was soon replaced as lieutenant assessor, by Antonio de Morga, who had been sent from Spain. Rojas was promoted to the position of alcalde in Mexico City.
The fort was the site of an Indian raid in 1840 which saw a woman scalped. During the Convention of 1832, Hadley represented the District of Viesca. In 1835 he was elected Alcalde. Hadley also served in the Army of the Republic of Texas in 1836.
Many critics consider the last to be the best. She also authored several plays like El cuadro de la esperanza (1846), Alfonso IV de León, Un alcalde de monterilla, and El divino Figueroa, but these endeavors are considered minor in comparison to her non-theatrical works.
Eventually a new tower was added built upon some rocks on the northern side of the castle, and a bridge joined them together. In 1946, Mrs. Esperanza Artaza Matta inherited the property, and asked another architect, José Alcalde, to remodel it. The southern tower was removed.
An early town leader serving on the city council as second alcalde, or assistant mayor, of San Francisco during the years 1849-1854 was Frank Turk a New York Knickerbocker. According to historian Frank Joel, baseball was formally introduced into California, at San Francisco in 1859.
Following the trial, Parmer left Joseph Durst in charge as the Alcalde in Nacogdoches and returned to Ayish Bayou. Flag of the Fredonian Republic. Martin Parmer was the President. In December 1826, Parmer led the Fredonian Rebellion, declaring the area around Nacogdoches the independent Republic of Fredonia.
During his third mayoral term, Ortiz de la Renta performed again as an alcalde constitucional. In 1820, the first known division of the Ponce territory into barrios took place.Eduardo Questell Rodriguez. Historia de la Comunidad Bélgica de Ponce, a partir de la Hacienda Muñiz y Otros datos.
During his sixth mayoral term, Ortiz de la Renta performed as alcalde. During this term, Ortiz de la Renta was mayor from 6 January 1842Eduardo Neumann Gandía. Verdadera y Auténtica Historia de la Ciudad de Ponce. 1913. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña. p. 276.
El Diario Palentino 12.10.08, available here In 1909 he became concejal of the Villaescusa ayuntamientoBoletín Oficial de la Provincia de Santander 15.12.09, available here and in 1910 was elected alcalde of La Concha, noted for introducing fines for offences to religion and morality.Bueis Güemes 2014, pp.
Rix was born on March 24, 1882 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He attended Dartmouth College, where he played on the football team as a halfback in 1905,Alcalde, Volume 2, p. 65, Ex-Students' Association of the University of Texas, 1913.Dartmouth Football Media Guide, Dartmouth College, p.
At this time, he came under the influence of Marià Fortuny, but preserved his own style; especially his use of color.Esteban Casado Alcalde: Pintores de la Academia de Roma. La primera promoción. Barcelona: Lunwerg Editores, 1990 His personal exhibition in Barcelona in 1884 was very popular.
Libertarian possibilism (Spanish: posibilismo libertario) was a political current within the early 20th century Spanish anarchist movement which advocated achieving the anarchist ends of ending the state and capitalism with participation inside structures of contemporary parliamentary democracy.Jesus Ruiz. Posibilismo libertario.Felix Morga, Alcalde de Najera (1891-1936).
Rivolta made a fortune in Batopilas, and wielded significant power in the area, holding among other titles, that of alcalde (mayor).John Mason Hart, pp. 43-44 Following Rivolta's death, the hacienda was occupied by Rafael Alonzo Pastrana, who discovered several rich silver veins in the area.
Walter Colton Rev. Walter Colton (May 7, 1797 – January 22, 1851) was a Chaplain for the United States Navy, the Alcalde of Monterey, and the author of Three Years in California and Deck and Port. He was also co-publisher of California's first newspaper, The Californian.
He was a close cousin of the Alcalde Mayor of Santo Domingo, Alonso Maldonado, and of Martín de Guzmán.Vallejo García- Hevia,José María; Martín Blasco, Julio (2008). Juicio a un conquistador, Pedro de Alvarado (in Spanish: Trial of a conqueror, Pedro de Alvarado). Volume I. Page 215.
13.05.45, available here In 1947 he became a great-grandfather,¡Arriba España! 22.02.47, available here but since 1949 he remained seriously disabled.¡Arriba España! 12.03.49, available here His funeral was attended by president of Diputación Provincial, alcalde of Olot, leaders of provincial Movimiento and representatives of Carlism.
In Buenos Aires he held the highest political positions, being designated the 27 of December of 1613 as governor of the Río de la Plata and Paraguay. He also served as alguazil mayor of the city, and was elected alcalde in first vote of Buenos Aires in 1621.
Independencia is a district of the Lima Province in Peru. It is part of the city of Lima. Officially established as a district on March 16, 1964, the current mayor (alcalde) of Independencia is Yuri Pando. The district's postal code was changed from 28 to 15300 in February 2011.
William Goodwin Dana (May 5, 1797 – Feb 11, 1858) was born in Boston. Captain Dana went to sea early in life and arrived in Santa Barbara in 1825. He married Maria Josefa Carrillo, daughter of Carlos Antonio Carrillo in 1828. In 1836, Dana was alcalde of Santa Barbara.
Texian rifleman A. J. Jones later wrote to Fannin that 3 Mexicans had died with 14 wounded, though historian Stephen Hardin believes that 5 Mexicans died with 17 wounded.Hardin (1994), p. 46. Jones's letter mentioned that three of the wounded were the alcalde, judge, and sheriff of San Patricio.
In New Spain (Mexico), alcaldes mayores were chief administrators in colonial-era administrative territories termed alcaldías mayores; in colonial-era Peru the units were called corregimientos.Mark A. Burkholder, "Alcalde Mayor" in Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, vol. 1, p. 45. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1996.
Luisa María Alcalde Luján (born 24 August 1987) is a Mexican politician. She is the Secretary of Labor of Mexico, and is affiliated with the National Regeneration Movement (formerly to the Citizens' Movement). She was formerly Deputy of the LXII Legislature of the Mexican Congress, representing the Federal District.
Francisco Ávila (1772 - April 5, 1832) was a wealthy ranchero and alcalde (mayor) of the pueblo of Los Angeles 1810 - 1811. Francisco Ávila was a native of present-day Sinaloa, Mexico. He was one of several sons of Cornelio Ávila. Francisco came to Los Angeles sometime after 1794.
As by the utmost confidence and proximity of Carrero, he ceased his actions on 3 January 1974. Later on, he was the alcalde of Almadén and Arrayanes Mines for several years before his death on 10 September 2015 in Madrid.Falleció el ganadero José María Gamazo . El Rincon Taurino. 2015.
During his seventh mayoral term, Ortiz de la Renta performed again as alcalde propietario. During this term, he was mayor from the day when mayor Juan Rondon left city hall in 1843 until 31 December 1843.Eduardo Neumann Gandía. Verdadera y Auténtica Historia de la Ciudad de Ponce. 1913.
In the 19th century, the commune was a property located between Chahuilco and Purranque called Curileufu by the natives. It was founded on lands donated by Jose Miguel Alderete in the year 1896. The first inhabitants were indigenous to the area. The first alcalde (mayor) was Pedro González.
Black was born in Teaneck, New Jersey where he was childhood friends with film critic Leonard Maltin and singer Phoebe Snow.Menconi, David. "SxSW @ 25: Texas Ex Louis Black reflects on the little festival he almost didn't start", The Alcalde, March / April 2011, pp. 38-43. Accessed September 14, 2011.
Tulia Angela Medina Alcalde (born March 18, 1983 in Cali, Valle del Cauca) is a female weightlifter from Colombia. She won a gold medal at the 2007 Pan American Games for her native South American country. Medina twice represented Colombia at the Summer Olympics: in 2004 and 2008.
Francisco Maria Sanchez (April 11, 1805 – September 8, 1862) was Commandante of the San Francisco Presidio and the eighth alcalde of San Francisco, California in 1843, and grantee of the Rancho San Pedro.Sanchez Adobe , San Mateo County History Museum.Early San Francisco Street Names: 1846-1849, San Francisco Museum.
Its taxiways, runway and fuel platform are the only public use infrastructure areas at the airport. It is home to about 100 aircraft, a restaurant and a public park next to the main entrance in Alcalde Fernando Castillo Velasco Avenue.Eulogio Sánchez Errazuriz Runway 19 has an additional displaced threshold.
Statue of Che Guevara in Oleiros. The ideology of the party is based on left-wing politics and direct democracy. AV also supports anti- imperialist movements in Latin America (mainly the Cuban revolution) and PalestineUn alcalde bolivariano en el pueblo de los ricos. El Mundo, 17/12/2015.
As a commune, Curaco de Vélez is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Luis Curumilla Sotomayor (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Curaco de Vélez is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Futaleufú is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council and led by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. Since 200, the alcalde has been Mr. Arturo Carvallo Pardo (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Futaleufú is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Rabindranath Quinteros (PS) and Iván Moreira (UDI), as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
He was Alcalde mayor (Chief Justice) and Alguacil mayor (Chief of Police) of Córdoba, Alcalde mayor of Antequera, Alcaide (Governor) of the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, of Antequera and of Alcalá la Real. One of Priego's first acts was to sign a defensive alliance with Diego Deza, Archbishop of Seville, the Duke of Medina Sidonia, the Count of Cabra and the Count of Urueña. The threats were not named, but it is clear that the pact was to defend their privileges against two new instruments created by the Catholic Kings, the corregimientos and the inquisition. In 1500 Montalbán was the property of Doña Beatriz de Montemayor and her husband Fernán Yáñez de Badajoz (Alcaide Mayor of Écija).
As a commune, Tirúa is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2017-2021 alcalde is Adolfo Millabur Ñancuil (Ind). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Tirúa is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Manuel Monsalve Benavides (Socialist Party of Chile) e Iván Norambuena Farías (Independent Democratic Union) as part of the 46th electoral district, (together with Lota, Lebu, Arauco, Curanilahue, Los Álamos, Cañete and Contulmo). The commune is represented in the Senate by Felipe Harboe Bascuñán del PPD y Víctor Pérez Varela de la UDI as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Laja is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Vladimir Fica Toledo (ILE). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Laja is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
Chacon ordered Alcalde Jose Manuel Aragon of the Pueblo of Laguna to formally transfer the approved area to the receivers of the grant. As New Mexico was still under the control of Spain, and the Alcalde was appointed by the Spanish king, this order had the force of a royal command. The colonists had been granted an area bordered “On the north, by the San Mateo Mountains; on the east, by the Zia Road and Pedro Padilla Valley; on the south, by the Mesa del Bagilan, which adjoins the Paquate ranch; and on the west, by the San Mateo Mountains.” In 1801, the Navajo returned, believing the land to be theirs, and forced the colonists to leave.
Municipality As a commune, Codegua is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Ana María Silva Gutierrez. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Codegua is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Eugenio Bauer (UDI) and Mr. Ricardo Rincón (PDC) as part of the 33rd electoral district, (together with Mostazal, Graneros, Machalí, Requínoa, Rengo, Olivar, Doñihue, Coinco, Coltauco, Quinta de Tilcoco and Malloa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Quinta de Tilcoco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2002 alcalde is Nelson Patricio Barrios. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Quinta de Tilcoco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Eugenio Bauer (UDI) and Mr. Ricardo Rincón (PDC) as part of the 33rd electoral district, (together with Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Machalí, Requínoa, Rengo, Olivar, Doñihue, Coinco, Coltauco and Malloa). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Santa Cruz is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde, who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is William Arévalo. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Santa Cruz is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Ramón Barros (UDI) and Mr. Juan Carlos Latorre (PDC) as part of the 35th electoral district, (together with Placilla, Nancagua, Chépica, Lolol, Pumanque, Palmilla, Peralillo, Navidad, Litueche, La Estrella, Pichilemu, Marchihue and Paredones). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
In modern Spanish, the term alcalde is equivalent to a mayor, and is used to mean the local executive officer in municipalities throughout Spain and Latin America. For example, the title alcalde continued to be used in the Spanish-speaking American Commonwealth of Puerto Rico after the occupation of the island during the Spanish–American War in 1898. In the autonomous Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla, however, the alcaldes-presidentes have greater powers than their peninsular colleagues. Because the United States incorporated parts of the former Viceroyalty of New Spain, the office had some influence in the local political and legal developments of those areas and is mentioned in judicial cases.
As a commune, Tucapel is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Jaime Sergio Veloso Jara (RN). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Tucapel is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Paredones is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Sammy Ormazábal López. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Paredones is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Ramón Barros (UDI) and Mr. Juan Carlos Latorre (PDC) as part of the 35th electoral district, (together with Placilla, Nancagua, Chépica, Santa Cruz, Lolol, Pumanque, Palmilla, Peralillo, Navidad, Litueche, La Estrella, Pichilemu and Marchihue). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro García- Huidobro (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Los Ángeles is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Joel Rosales Guzmán (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Los Ángeles is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
Map of the Punta Arenas commune in Magallanes Region As a "comuna" (commune) Punta Arenas is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2016–2020 alcalde is Claudio Radonich (National Renewal). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Punta Arenas is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Carolina Goic (PDC) and Miodrag Marinovic (Ind.) as part of the 60th electoral district, which includes the entire Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Bianchi Chelech (Ind.) and Pedro Muñoz Aburto (PS) as part of the 19th senatorial constituency (Magallanes Region).
As a commune, Ránquil is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Carlos Garrido Carcamo (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Ránquil is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Jorge Sabag (PDC) and Frank Sauerbaum (RN) as part of the 42nd electoral district, (together with San Fabián, Ñiquén, San Carlos, San Nicolás, Ninhue, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Treguaco, Portezuelo, Coelemu, Quillón, Bulnes, Cabrero and Yumbel). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Cordillera).
As a commune, Quillón is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008–2012 alcalde is Jaime Catalán Saldias (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Quillón is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Jorge Sabag (PDC) and Frank Sauerbaum (RN) as part of the 42nd electoral district, (together with San Fabián, Ñiquén, San Carlos, San Nicolás, Ninhue, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Treguaco, Portezuelo, Coelemu, Ránquil, Bulnes, Cabrero and Yumbel). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Cordillera).
As a commune, Coelemu is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Laura Aravena Alarcón (ILE). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Coelemu is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Jorge Sabag (PDC) and Frank Sauerbaum (RN) as part of the 42nd electoral district, (together with San Fabián, Ñiquén, San Carlos, San Nicolás, Ninhue, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Treguaco, Portezuelo, Ránquil, Quillón, Bulnes, Cabrero and Yumbel). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Cordillera).
He was eventually banished from New Mexico and exiled from Mexico for five years, convicted by the Spanish government of using "excessive force" against the Acoma people. Today, Oñate remains a controversial figure in New Mexican history: in 1998, the right foot was cut off a statue of the conquistador that stands in Alcalde, New Mexico, in protest of the massacre, and significant controversy arose when a large equestrian statue of Oñate was erected in El Paso, Texas, in 2006. On June 15, 2020, the statue of Oñate in Alcalde, New Mexico, was temporarily removed by Rio Arriba County workers at the direction of officials. Civic institutions will make the final decision on the statue's future.
As a commune, Chépica is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-16 alcalde is Rebeca Cofré Calderón. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Chépica is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Ramón Barros (UDI) and Mr. Juan Carlos Latorre (PDC) as part of the 35th electoral district, (together with Placilla, Nancagua, Santa Cruz, Lolol, Pumanque, Palmilla, Peralillo, Navidad, Litueche, La Estrella, Pichilemu, Marchihue and Paredones). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Ancud is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Federico Krüger Finterbüch. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Ancud is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Mr. Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
As a commune, Constitución is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde (mayor) who is directly elected every four years. In 2008-2012 the alcalde was Hugo Tilleria Torres, who was replaced by Carlos Valenzuela Gajardo. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Constitución is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Pablo Lorenzini (PDC) and Pedro Pablo Alvarez-Salamanca (UDI) as part of the 38th electoral district, (together with Curepto, Empedrado, Pencahue, Maule, San Clemente, Pelarco, Río Claro and San Rafael). The commune is represented in the Senate by Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI) and Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (PDC) as part of the 10th senatorial constituency (Maule-North).
As a commune, Santa Bárbara is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Daniel Enrique Iraira Sagredo (ILE). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Santa Bárbara is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío- Coast).
As a commune, La Estrella is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Gastón Fernández Mori. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, La Estrella is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Ramón Barros (UDI) and Mr. Juan Carlos Latorre (PDC) as part of the 35th electoral district, (together with Placilla, Nancagua, Chépica, Santa Cruz, Lolol, Pumanque, Palmilla, Peralillo, Navidad, Litueche, Pichilemu, Marchihue and Paredones). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Litueche is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is René Acuña Echeverría. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Litueche is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Ramón Barros (UDI) and Mr. Juan Carlos Latorre (PDC) as part of the 35th electoral district, (together with Placilla, Nancagua, Chépica, Santa Cruz, Lolol, Pumanque, Palmilla, Peralillo, Navidad, La Estrella, Pichilemu, Marchihue and Paredones). The commune is represented in the Senate by Andrés Chadwick Piñera (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
Wind wheels in Marchigüe As a commune, Marchigüe is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Héctor Hernán Flores Peñaloza. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Marchigüe is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Ramón Barros (UDI) and Mr. Juan Carlos Latorre (PDC) as part of the 35th electoral district, (together with Placilla, Nancagua, Chépica, Santa Cruz, Lolol, Pumanque, Palmilla, Peralillo, Navidad, Litueche, La Estrella, Pichilemu and Paredones). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro García Huidobro (UDI) and Juan Pablo Letelier Morel (PS) as part of the 9th senatorial constituency (O'Higgins Region).
As a commune, Antuco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Claudio Edelberto Solar Jara (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Antuco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Ninhue is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Luis Molina Melo (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Ninhue is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Jorge Sabag (PDC) and Frank Sauerbaum (RN) as part of the 42nd electoral district, (together with San Fabián, Ñiquén, San Carlos, San Nicolás, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Treguaco, Portezuelo, Coelemu, Ránquil, Quillón, Bulnes, Cabrero and Yumbel). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Cordillera).
As a commune, Negrete is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2013-2016 alcalde is Javier Melo Márquez (Independent). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Negrete is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Joel Rosales Guzmán (UDI) and José Pérez Arriagada (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz-Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Bío Bío-Coast).
As a commune, San Rosendo is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Duverlis Valenzuela Martínez (RN). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, San Rosendo is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Nacimiento is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Gerardo Montes Cisternas (PS). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Nacimiento is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Ñiquén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Domingo Garrido Torres (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Ñiquén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Jorge Sabag (PDC) and Frank Sauerbaum (RN) as part of the 42nd electoral district, (together with San Fabián, San Carlos, San Nicolás, Ninhue, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Treguaco, Portezuelo, Coelemu, Ránquil, Quillón, Bulnes, Cabrero and Yumbel). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Cordillera).
As part of the construction, a connection was made between the dungeons and the Church of Santiago gallery. During the context of the 1383–1385 Portuguese succession crises, the alcalde (against the wishes of its residents) allied with John I of Castile, resulting in an assault by the forces loyal to the Master of Avis (future King John). Óbidos and its castle were transferred to John (following his election by the Cortes in Coimbra as King) by Vasco Gonçalves Teixeira, following the death of his father and former-alcalde, João Gonçalves, in the Battle of Aljubarrota. A settlement started building to the west and southern part of the castle within the walls sometime in the 15th century.
As a commune, Cabrero is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Hasan Sabag Castillo (PDC). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Cabrero is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Jorge Sabag (PDC) and Frank Sauerbaum (RN) as part of the 42nd electoral district, (together with San Fabián, Ñiquén, San Carlos, San Nicolás, Ninhue, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Treguaco, Portezuelo, Coelemu, Ránquil, Quillón, Bulnes and Yumbel). The commune is represented in the Senate by Alejandro Navarro Brain (MAS) and Hosain Sabag Castillo (PDC) as part of the 12th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Cordillera).
As a commune, Mulchén is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Francisco Jara Delgado (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Mulchén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Quilaco is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Fredy Barrueto Viveros (PRI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Quilaco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Biobío-Coast).
As a commune, Alto Bío Bío is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2008-2012 alcalde is Félix Vita Manqueti (PPD). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Alto Bío Bío is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo and Laja). The commune is represented in the Senate by Victor Pérez Varela (UDI) and Mariano Ruiz -Esquide Jara (PDC) as part of the 13th senatorial constituency (Bío Bío-Coast).
"The Ligon-Lamsam Study Abroad Challenge: Plan II Alumnus Austin Ligon Gives $200,000 for Study Abroad, Encourages Others to Give" Retrieved January 19, 2011"Big Money for Plan II" Geoff Abraham, The Alcalde. Retrieved January 19, 2011 He also serves on the board of several venture start-up companies.
The town's mayor (alcalde), Sandra Berma, condemned the ecological impact of the operation and stressed that the geysers are in an indigenous zone that "our people put value on and [our people] show to the world".Corema paraliza la exploración geotérmica en géiseres de El Tatio, El Mercurio, October 2, 2009.
He was connected with the Hospital clinical area, via the collaboration with the Neurochirurgical Unit led by Dr. Obrador-Alcalde. As professor in the Department of Physiology of the School of Medicine of the Universidad Autonoma in Madrid, he taught Neuroscience, in close collaboration with Profs. Rodriguez Delgado and Reinoso Suarez.
Simón de Arocha (1731–1796) was a Tejano militia commander and alcalde (a municipal magistrate who had both judicial and administrative functions) of San Antonio de Béxar (1770 and 1787). Like his father, who had been city clerk and public notary, Simón and his brothers became leaders in the province.
Rafael Hernández Colón con Motivo al Natalicio del Ex- Alcalde de Ponce Rafael "Churumba" Cordero Santiago, el 24 de Octubre de 2011, en Ponce, Puerto Rico: Trascendencia Histórica de Rafael Cordero Santiago y Su Sentimiento Ponceñista. Rafael Hernández Colón. 24 October 2011. Ponce, Puerto Rico: Fundación Biblioteca Rafael Hernández Colón.
Spence was grantee of Rancho Encinal y Buena Esperanza in 1834, alcalde of Monterey in 1839, and a member of the state legislature. With the cession of California to the United States following the Mexican-American War, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo provided that the land grants would be honored.
Manuel Dominguez (1803–1882) Early-California ranchero holder and politician. His public career included Alcalde (Mayor) of the Pueblo de Los Ángeles and Third Prefect of the Southern District of Alta California. He was a signee of the first California Constitution. As grand nephew of the childless Juan Jose Dominguez (c.
He served as alcalde of Querétaro, and in 1752 was given an honorary knighthood in the Order of Calatrava. Spanish King Ferdinand VI granted Romero de Terreros a special exemption so that he could be inducted into the order from Querétaro rather than have to travel to Spain for the ceremony.
In Mexico, he won major political offices. He was appointed alcalde ordinaro (ordinary mayor) of Mexico City. In 1751, he was a member of the Audiencia Real, the highest administrative court of New Spain. The Audiencia approved the founding of the San Xavier missions, although this had raised objections in 1746.
During his forth mayoral term, Ortiz de la Renta performed as alcalde propietario. However, little is known about this period as there are no Acts in the Municipality for the period 1824 to 1834, affecting the period while he was mayor as well.Mariano Vidal Armstrong. Ponce: Notas para su Historia.
There were disturbances in the mines of Guanajuato and Pachuca, over the low wages paid to miners. One alcalde mayor was killed at Pachuca. De Croix got the mine-owners to agree to an increase in wages. De Croix established the lottery in 1769, which brought considerable income to the treasury.
Villa María del Triunfo is a district of the Lima Province in Peru. It is located in the Cono Sur area of the city of Lima. It was officially established as a district on December 28, 1961. The current mayor (alcalde) of Villa María del Triunfo is Eloy Chávez Hernández.
In 1118 he was serving Alfonso, still in opposition to his mother, as alcalde of Talavera de la Reina.Reilly (1982), 291. That year he was with the army that he forced Alfonso the Battler out of Castile and subsequently declared Alfonso VII rex Hispaniae ("King of Spain") at Toledo.Bishko (1965), 329.
Ancón is a district of northern Lima Province in Peru. It is a popular beach resort, visited every summer by thousands of people from Lima. Officially established as a district on October 29, 1874, the current mayor (alcalde) of Ancón is John Barrera Bernui . The district's postal code is 2.
Portrait of José Joaquin Estudillo José Joaquín Estudillo (May 7, 1800 – June 7, 1852) was a Californio politician and landowner, who served as second alcalde of Yerba Buena, California (the precursor to San Francisco), and whose land holdings, known as Rancho San Leandro, formed the basis of the city of San Leandro.
175 he eventually withdrew from politics;González Calleja 1998, p. 502 other sources quote his declining health.Iturbide 1990, p. 718 By the end of his life he served as alcalde of Ontinyent,see Defunciones 1930 entry at Valenpedia, available here where he died during the very last months of the detested Alfonsist monarchy.
La policía de Buenos Aires en el período hispánico. Homenaje al cuarto centenario de la segunda fundación de la ciudad de la Trinidad y puerto de Santa María de los Buenos Aires. Instituto de Estudios Americanos, Buenos Aires, 1980. The post of alcalde ordinario was created by the Spanish Crown in 1537.
Valera Cathedral in Valera Bolivar Square Downtown Valera View of Las Acacia area Valera is a city in Trujillo State in Venezuela, situated between the rivers Momboy and Motatán. The mayor is José Karkom, who has had that post since 2013."Proclamado José Karkom como alcalde de Valera". El Universal, 9 December 2013.
The majority of these words are nouns, with a more limited number of verbs, adjectives, adverbs and one preposition. Everyday Arabic loanwords include rincón (corner, from rukkan), aceite (oil, from az-zayt), and alcalde (mayor, from al-qādī), ahorrar (to save, from hurr), tarea (task, from tariha) and hasta (until, from hatta).
Emilio Leciguyena (19 August 1903 – 6 September 1936) was a Spanish alcalde and supporter of the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. He was executed by the Nationalist supporters of Francisco Franco during the White Terror (Spain).Entrada, en el Diccionario biográfico del socialismo español.Lista de ejecutado en La Rioja .
Accessed 28 May 2018. by Juan E. Mayoral Renovales, Jorge Martín, and Rafael Pou Vives.Mensaje del Lcdo. Rafael Hernández Colón con Motivo al Natalicio del Ex-Alcalde de Ponce Rafael "Churumba" Cordero Santiago, el 24 de Octubre de 2011, en Ponce, Puerto Rico: Trascendencia Histórica de Rafael Cordero Santiago y Su Sentimiento Ponceñista.
A voter had to cast his/her ballot in person and only in his/her constituency; voting by post was not allowed.García Ramos 2000, p. 262 The mayor (alcalde) was appointed by the minister of interior in case of provincial capitals and by civil governor in case of other municipalities.García Ramos 2000, p.
Abundan los problemas de infraestructura y burocracia a un año de María: A juicio del alcalde de Juana Díaz, Ramón Hernández Torres, el persistente desasosiego en los habitantes de la zona tiene su génesis en la desorganización que aún aqueja al gobierno central. Jason Rodríguez Grafal. La Perla del Sur. Ponce, Puerto Rico.
John White Geary in the Civil War John White Geary (December 30, 1819February 8, 1873) was an American lawyer, politician, Freemason, and a Union general in the American Civil War. He was the final alcalde and first mayor of San Francisco, a governor of the Kansas Territory, and the 16th governor of Pennsylvania.
Together Manuel and Maria had ten children, four of whom died in childhood. Beginning in 1828, Dominguez embarked on a lengthy career of public service, in addition to his business interests. His political service included Alcalde (Mayor) of the Pueblo de Los Ángeles and Third Prefect of the Southern District of Alta California.
Page 196. Mayor Ortiz de la Renta was the first mayor of Ponce with a legislative council. José Ortiz de la Renta was the first alcalde constitutional elected by popular vote, in 1812,El Archivo Histórico Municipal del Municipio Autónomo de Ponce, Puerto Rico: Antecedentes Históricos. Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico en Ponce.
The skeleton is examined to that of someone between 35 and 40 years. Her bones were coated with ochre, a red iron-based pigment, hence, her name. Striation-engraved red deer scapula from El Mirón Cave. The cave was discovered in 1903 by amateur archaeologists Hermilio Alcalde del Río and Lorenzo Sierra.
Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia. San Juan, PR: Ediciones Puerto. 2015. pp. 271-272. He arrived in Puerto Rico on 1815 as a Comandante Militar y Politico and was immediately named Subdelegado Real de Hacienda and Teniente de Justicia Mayor in Coamo. Two years later, in 1817, he became Alcalde Ordinario in Ponce.
The tribunal then separated Castro from the proceedings and granted him a separate trial. Nineteen rebels were found not guilty based on lack of evidence and their false testimony. Confessed leaders Raúl Castro, Oscar Alcalde, Pedro Miret, and Ernesto Tizol received 13-year prison sentences. Twenty other rebels received 10-year sentences.
Same document also from the 1582 Relacion de las Islas Filipinas by Miguel de Loarca reports that Alcaldia de Calumpit have the jurisdiction in the areas of Calumpit (capital) Capalangan, Cabangbangan and Hagonoy as its villages. Then Loarca was mentioned that Alcaldia de Bulacan have Bulakan (capital) Malolos, Caluya, Guguinto, Binto and Catanghalan (instead of Meycauayan) as it Encomiendas which formerly have one alcalde mayor but he said that Alcaldia de Bulacan was formed in 1580 at the time of Penalosa. In the document of Governor-General Luis Perez de Dasmarinas in the Account of the Encomiendas for the King of Spain furnished on June 21, 1591. Dasmarinas mentioned that Alcaldia of Bulacan was part of La Pampanga with the Encomiendas subject to it such as the Encomiendas of Malolos (3,600 persons), Binto (2,000 persons), Guiguinto (2,000 persons), Caluya (2,800 persons), Mecabayan (2, 800 persons) and Bulacan identified as " capital" and residence of "alcalde mayor" with 4,800 persons. In the same 1591 document, it was mentioned that Calumpit y Hagonoy belongs to Juan Moron with the 12,800 persons, 2 Augustinian Convents, and One Alcalde Mayor of its own.
Eugenio was Teniente de Alcalde of Pamplona, while Juan Pedro was the Alcalde himself, see Araiza genealogy available here His younger sister Dolores was a Carlist activist and author. His younger brother, Pedro María Baleztena Ascarate, became a famous pelota player.see BALEZTENA ASCARATE, Pedro María entry at Gran Enciclopedia Navarra available here , or Pedro María Baleztena Ascarate entry at Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia available here; Luis Baleztena Abarrategui, son of Ignacio, was also a locally known athlete, see Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia available here Married (1927) to Carmen Abarrategui Gorosábel,(1905-1992), daughter of Benito Abarrategui Zubía and Ascensión Gorosabel Eguidazu, see Geni genealogy service available here Ignacio fathered 10 children.Geni genealogy service available here, see also the obituary in ABC 09.02.
Eventually released, in 1712, he was made seventh alcalde of the Castle of São Brás, alcalde of Amieira, in the Order of Christ, commander of São Pedro de Torrados (in the same order). He was made an artillery commander in a contingent in the Alentejo, under the command of Pedro Mascarenhas, during the War of Spanish Succession. Finding the square at Campo Maior under attack from the enemy, under the command of French general Alexandre Maître, Marquess of Bay, he petitioned the Count to be given the difficult and honourable task of defending the site. Assisted by forces from Elvas, under the command of French huguenot brigadier João Massé (Jean Destremau, sieur de Massé, who would later be in Brazil), he surprised and entered the encampment.
Salir received its name, from the "disappearance" of the daughter of the Moorish alcalde Aben-Fabilla, so a legend suggests, who escaped when he saw his castle being threatened by the army of Afonso III. But, before fleeing, the alcalde buried all his gold, thinking that he could retrieve it later. When the Christians took the castle, they discovered it was empty, except for the beautiful daughter of the alcade who prayed with fervor, and who had preferred to stay in the castle and die a salir. From a nearby mountain, Aben-Fabilia saw his captive daughter in the hands of the Christians and with his right hand made a sign of the Star of David, uttering some mysterious words.
During the early period of Spanish colonization, newly conquered areas were designated as encomiendas which were headed by an encomendero chosen by the Spanish from among the ranks of the powerful local nobles. Encomiendas were organized only for the purposes of collecting tribute that went in part to the Roman Catholic Church, the Spanish army, and to the Royal Treasury. Later on areas which were organized and given the designation of "province" (provincia) were led by an appointed alcalde who performed judicial, fiscal and executive functions. This system of government lasted for almost three hundred years until 1886 when a governor (gobernador) was first appointed in each of the eighteen existing provinces, relegating the alcalde to carry out only judicial functions.
The last foral was donated to Pene de Dono during the reign of Manuel I of Portugal, undersigned by Fernão de Pina, on 27 November 1512. The land rents and rights of the crown at the time were set at 2$970 réis to be paid by the residents and municipality to the alcalde of the village castle. Of the sheep and goats that grazed in the lands without license, there was an obligation to pay one real per head, and in the case of cattle, 10 réis. Among the rights of the local authority, the alcalde had rights of portage and to cook bread. During the 1527 population cadastral inventory of King John III, the municipality of Penedono included 486 homes and 1500 inhabitants.
Oleiros is also known for its urban planning, with a wide range of social services and public facilities: gyms and swimming pools, a network of libraries, centers for the elderly, playgrounds, green spaces, auditoriums, houses of municipal property that are given free to neighbors to organize parties and birthdays and artificial turf football fields Oleiros, el municipio más rico de Galicia donde la derecha vota a un alcalde que venera al Che Guevara. Público, 31/10/2016.. Oleiros has the higher indexes of social housing and green spaces per inhabitant of all GaliciaOleiros, el municipio más rico de Galicia donde la derecha vota a un alcalde que venera al Che Guevara. Público, 31/10/2016.El extraño caso de Oleiros.
William Fisher was offered, but declined, the office of alcalde, probably because of continuing poor health and his involvement in raising cattle on the rancho and operating his mercantile business in San Jose. Declines Alcalde In 1849, because of deteriorating health, William sold his mercantile store in San Jose to his clerk, Josiah Belden, and returned to the rancho, where he died in 1850, at the age of 40, leaving the rancho to his wife, Liberta Ceseña, and six children. Capt. William J. FISHER - Liberata G. CESEÑA In 1851, Daniel Murphy, the youngest son of Martin Murphy, owner of the adjacent Rancho Ojo del Agua de la Coche married Maria Fisher. In 1882, Diana, their precocious daughter, secretly married Hiram Morgan Hill.
Bartlett was the daughter of Adophus Bartlett, a wealthy partner in a large wholesale hardware business in Chicago that became part of True Value Hardware. Florence Bartlett's sister, Maie Bartlett Heard, was co-founder of the Heard Museum in Phoenix. Florence Bartlett had a winter home, El Mirador, in Alcalde, New Mexico, near Los Luceros, the home of Mary Cabot Wheelwright, founder of the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, also in Santa Fe. Bartlett gave her Alcalde house and property to the State of New Mexico, as part of her gift that founded MOIFA. The Bartlett Wing, named in honor of the museum's founder, has two galleries with rotating exhibits from the museum's collection and gathered in field studies of specific cultures or art forms.
A corregidor () was a local administrative and judicial official in Spain and in its overseas empire. They were the representatives of the royal jurisdiction over a town and its district. He was the highest authority of a corregimiento. In the Spanish Americas and the Spanish Philippines, a corregidor was often called an alcalde mayor.
Guerrero was born in Tepic, New Spain (colonial México). He came to Alta California with the Hijar-Padres Colony in 1834, and settled in Yerba Buena (San Francisco). He was married to Josefa De Haro (daughter of Alcalde Francisco De Haro), and had five sons.Selected text from "The Beginnings of San Francisco" by Z.S. Skinner.
Bolcoff acted as an interpreter for Governor Pablo Vicente de Solá. In 1822, Bolcoff settled in Branciforte and was alcalde in 1833. In 1833, Bolcoff was granted Rancho San Agustin, which he sold to Joseph Ladd Majors (1806-1868) in 1839. Majors married Bolcoff's sister-in-law, María de los Angeles Castro (1818-1903).
Governors are elected representative of the municipalities that form a department. Each governor also appoints a local cabinet; the "department secretaries" to support its governing duties. Furthermore, each municipality in Colombia is governed by a mayor (alcalde), which in turn derogates for the president of Colombia and the department governor within its municipal jurisdiction.
Proyecto de Administracion: Para autorizar al Honarable Rafael Cordero Santiago, alcalde del Municipio Autonomo de Ponce, a otorgar escritura de cesion por virtud de la cual Bilchem LTD, le transfiere al Municipio Autonomo de Ponce dos (2) franjas de terreno dedicadas a uso publico. Asamblea Municipal de Ponce. Resolucion Numero 185. Serie 1998-1999.
León was born in Pamplona, Kingdom of Navarre, son of Jerónimo de Garro and Ana de Javier, belonging to the Basque nobility. He was married to the noble lady Inés de Coloma, daughter of don Pedro Coloma, Lord of Malon and Maria de Luna. In 1604, León de Garro was appointed Alcalde ordinario in Pamplona.
Nicasio Álvarez de Sotomayor (1900–1936) was a Spanish falangist politician and member of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT). He was alcalde of the Province of Cáceres in Extremadura under the Second Spanish Republic. After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, he was executed by the Nationalists in the White Terror (Spain).
Regional Government of Antofagasta. As a commune, Antofagasta is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The current mayor is Mr. Ignacio Pozo. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Antofagasta is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs.
They > committed many massacres and carried away a great deal of booty.Book II, > §107–8. By March 1115 it was either back in Christian hands or its Christian population in exile at Toledo had its own alcalde, a certain Genesio recorded in a private charter at that time.Reilly 1982, 318–19: alcaite aurelia Genesius.
He was alcalde of Monterey in 1836, and grantee of Rancho San Simeon in 1842. Estrada died in 1845. Charles Wolter was a German captain of a Mexican vessel, and settled in Monterey in 1833. He married Joséfa Antonia Estrada de Gomez (1813-1890), a daughter of José Mariano Estrada, grantee of Rancho Buena Vista.
José de los Santos Berreyesa (April 28, 1817 – October 30, 1864), a member of the Berreyesa family, was the last Alcalde of Alta California. Fluent to a high degree in both English and Spanish, he served as a witness on many land grant cases before the Public Land Commission in the 1850s and 1860s.
San Juan de Miraflores is a district of the Lima Province in Peru. It is located in the Cono Sur area of the city of Lima. Officially established as a district on January 12, 1965, the current mayor (alcalde) of San Juan de Miraflores is Cristina Nina Garnica. The district's postal code is 29.
As a commune, Teodoro Schmidt is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a communal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2014-2017 mayor is Alfredo Riquelme Arriagada. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Teodoro Schmidt belongs to the 51st electoral district and 15th senatorial constituency.
19 In 1097, he joined Alfonso's army on the campaign that was to lead to a pair of defeats, of the main army under Alfonso near Consuegra, and of a flanking army under Fáñez in the Cuenca district.Reilly, Alfonso VI, pp. 285, 287 Two years later, he appears as Alcalde of Toledo.Reilly, Alfonso VI, p.
Jesus Ruiz. Posibilismo libertario. Felix Morga, Alcalde de Najera (1891-1936). El Najerilla-Najera. 2003. In 1932, they establish the Syndicalist Party which participates in the 1936 Spanish general elections and proceed to be a part of the leftist coalition of parties known as the Popular Front obtaining two congressmen (Pestaña and Benito Pabon).
A new foral was the issue on 27 November 1512. Through the alcalde, the settlement paid to the Crown 2$970 cruzeiros annually. By 1527, the cadastre for the kingdom indicated that this population included 486 homes. The 1758 Memórias Paroquiais, included a description of the castle, that was constructed of small stone and mortar.
Oleiros reclama justicia para Palestina. La Voz de Galicia, 24/03/2017.Gala artística y pasacalles en solidaridad con Palestina hoy en Santa Cruz. La Opinión de A Coruña, 28/10/2017.. The mayor of Oleiros is supporter of Fidel CastroUn alcalde bolivariano en el pueblo de los ricos. El Mundo, 17/12/2015.
The King is the Best Mayor (Italian:Il miglior sindaco, il re, Spanish:El mejor alcalde, el rey) is a 1974 Italian-Spanish historical drama film directed by Rafael Gil and starring Analía Gadé, Simonetta Stefanelli and Ray Lovelock.Bentley p.205 The film is based on the play The Best Mayor, The King by Lope de Vega.
As a province, Coyhaique is a second-level administrative division of Chile, which is further sub-divided into two communes (comunas), Coyhaique and Lago Verde, each of which is governed by a municipality headed by an alcalde. The province is administered by a presidentially appointed governor. Néstor Mera Muñoz was appointed by president Sebastián Piñera.
Home built by José de la Cruz Sánchez for his family, where they lived for two generations, located in present-day alt= Image of Jose Antonio Sanchez (1773–1843), father to José de la Cruz Sánchez José de la Cruz Sánchez (November 8, 1799 – 1878) was the eleventh Alcalde of San Francisco, California in 1845 and a ranchero.
This omnivorous species mainly feed on arthropods, with a preference for copepods, ostracods, and hemipterans. Leandro Alcalde, Natacha Nara Derocco, and Sergio Daniel Rosset Feeding in Syntopy: Diet of Hydromedusa tectifera and Phrynops hilarii (Chelidae) They feed also on fish, birds, reptiles, small mammals and dead animals. It is oviparous. These turtles can live for up to 37 years.
Another passage in the document revealed that in 1746, Don Jose Araneta was executed in Sulugan, Mindanao, nowadays known as Anuling in Cotabato, Philippines. However, there are conflicting information drawn from translations of various documents pertaining to him. In 1823, Buenaventura Araneta son of Mathias Araneta became the Gobernadorcillo (Alcalde Naturales) in Molo, Iloilo. He married Isabel Theresa Estrella.
He was elected an alderman in December, 1828 and served on numerous electoral boards before becoming the San Antonio alcalde (mayor) in December 1833. He then served as political chief of Bexar in 1834, when the previous chief became ill. In 1835, he led a relief force to Monclova, when the Federalist Governor appealed for help.
The Barracks served as housing for a number of former Bears and their families after the California Battalion left. Most of those remaining Bears eventually returned to their homes. The Sonoma Alcalde complained to the U.S. Navy about the lack of protection for the town and a detachment of U.S. Marines was assigned to the Sonoma Barracks.Stammerjohan p.
For his decade of service to the Mexican government, Juarez was granted the two square league Rancho Tulocay. In 1840 (before the grant deed was finalized) Cayetano Juarez moved his family from Sonoma to Napa Valley. During the year 1840 he built his first adobe house, which is still standing. In 1844 he was elected alcalde of Sonoma.
Gammel (1898), p. 500. Just before the group dispersed, Rafael Manchola, the alcalde (mayor) of Goliad, arrived. He was the only delegate from Goliad and the only Tejano to appear at the convention. Manchola volunteered to accompany Wharton at his own expense--he and other delegates thought the expedition might have more success if a Tejano was also involved.
At Trinity University in San Antonio, he double-majored in fine arts and philosophy.THE ALCALDE, July/August 2007, p. 30. In the fall of 1943, as a freshman at Trinity, he met a sophomore named Kathryn Underwood, daughter of farmers from Normanna, Texas. The couple were engaged in January 1946 and married on July 12, 1947.
Rancho map of 1859 Francisco Guerrero y Palomares (1811-1851) came to California with the Híjar-Padrés Colony in 1834, and settled in San Francisco. He married Josefa de Haro, daughter of Francisco de Haro, and had five sons. He was Alcalde of Yerba Buena in 1836 and in 1839. Guerrero was murdered in San Francisco in 1851.
Nicholas Higuera was a soldier in San Francisco from 1819–1823, and alcalde at Sonoma. Higuera married Marta Frias. Higuera was granted the one square league Rancho Entre Napa, and the Rancho Rincon de los Carneros. Unlike most Mexican land grants in California that remained intact at the end of the Mexican era, Rancho Entre Napa was subdivided.
Luis Arenas came to California, possibly in 1834, with a group of colonists. He was married to Josefa Palomares (1815–1901),Josefa Palomares de Arenas the sister of Ygnacio Palomares. He was the alcalde of Los Angeles in 1838. On November 8, 1841, Luis Arenas received the Rancho El Susa land grant from Governor (pro-tem) Manuel Jimeno.
In 1810, Francisco Ávila became alcalde of the pueblo of Los Angeles. The pueblo's population at the time grew to 415 inhabitants. In 1823, the Mexican government granted him of land Rancho Las Ciénegas, near La Brea Pits, approximately seven miles west of the pueblo. Ávila grazed cattle here and turned it into a profitable venture.
José Ramón Estrada (1811–1845), son of José Mariano Estrada, grantee of Rancho Buena Vista, was born in Monterey. Ramón Estrada was administrator of Mission Santa Clara in 1835 and grantee of Rancho El Toro in 1835. He married Maria Gregoria Castro. He was alcalde at Monterey in 1836 and prefect of the first district at Monterey 1841–1843.
Sanchez was born and raised in Alcalde, New Mexico, a small farming community in Northern New Mexico. Sanchez earned a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the University of New Mexico and two master's degrees, one in electrical engineering from the University of New Mexico and one in business administration, from New Mexico State University.
The sugar was then sold in Hinulawan, the old name of Toledo. In Hinulawan, he was invited to a council composed of other leaders in the area, to establish the new town. The new town and its present location is called Toledo upon suggestion of the alcalde mayor of Cebu whose place of origin was Toledo, Spain.
In 1886, Papaya was changed into 'Muñoz' to honor Don Francisco Muñoz, the province's alcalde mayor, and the community's first appointed gobernadorcillo. Muñoz was annexed as a barrio of San Juan de Guimba municipality. Settlers trickled in from Bulacan and the Ilocos Region. In 1911, Factoria (now San Isidro town), the provincial capital, was totally flooded.
Central Square in Adjuntas town All municipalities in Puerto Rico are administered by a mayor, elected every four years. The current mayor of Adjuntas is Jaime H. Barlucea, of the New Progressive Party (PNP). He was elected at the 2004 general elections in a close election against incumbent Roberto Vera Monroig.Elecciones Generales 2004 - Alcalde de Adjuntas on CEEPUR.
In the local elections of 2015 ACE gained 4 town councillors (2 of the Galician People's Front and two of the United Left) and, for the first time, the mayorship of the municipality thanks to a pact with the BNG and Assembly for Unity (ASpUN).Pazos, de ACE, será alcalde de Cangas; en Moaña, del BNG.
Teodoro Gonzalez (1806-) came to Monterey from Mexico in 1825. He served as alcalde in 1836, and received the seven square league Rancho Rincon de la Puente del Monte grant in 1836. Teodoro Gonzalez married Guadalupe Villarnel (1808 -) after her husband Vicente Rico died. Guadalupe Villarnel de Rico was the mother of Francisco Rico grantee of Rancho San Lorenzo.
The cleanliness of Comerío under his incumbency has received recognitions from the governments of Puerto Rico and the state of New York. On May 26, 2012, a small local professional wrestling promotion, the Champion Wrestling Association, held the 1era Copa Alcalde José A. Santiago, a tournament in his honor to commemorate the fourth anniversary of its foundation.
Based on this experience, he knew the best of the ex-mission lands when seeking grants. He also served as justice, elector, alternate member of the assembly, alcalde, and county supervisor. In 1840, English sailor Edward Stokes came to California from Hawaii. In 1842 he married Maria del Refugio Ortega (1823-1918), daughter of José Joaquin Ortega.
From this experience, he knew which were the best of the ex-mission lands when seeking grants. He also served as justice, elector, alternate member of the assembly, alcalde, and county supervisor. Edward Stokes was an English sailor who came to California from Hawaii. In 1842 he married Maria del Refugio Ortega (1823-1918), daughter of José Joaquin Ortega.
When Dávila decided to get rid of Balboa out of distrust, he instructed Pizarro to personally arrest him and bring him to stand trial. Balboa was beheaded in January 1519. For his loyalty to Dávila, Pizarro was rewarded with the positions of mayor (Alcalde) and magistrate of the then recently founded Panama City from 1519 to 1523.
The cooperation between the church and the state did not last very long. Quarrels between the church and the state ensued. There was struggle for political power, from the Governor-General down to the alcalde mayors on one hand and from the archbishop to the friars on the other. Because of this, projects for improvements were all paralysed.
Zalamea de la Serena is a municipality in the province of Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain. According to the 2014 census,Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) the municipality has a population of 3797 inhabitants. Zalamea is the setting of the play, “El Alcalde de Zalamea,” or the “Mayor of Zalamea.” Monuments include: the dystile, and church called ´El Cristo.
The Síndico of a municipality in the Dominican Republic is called indistinctly alcalde or Mayor. The latter name is preferred as to avoid confusing the title with the similarly sounding alcaide (lit. prison warden). Such person is the governor of the municipality whose township elected him (or her) by direct vote for a term of four years.
However, an appeals court ruled in favor of Salas in September of that year. After Salas' term was completed, he once again ran for the office of primer alcalde, and was elected. He began his second term on 5 May 1912; however, he decided to retire the next month. His resignation became effective on 22 September 1912.
The mayor of a municipality in the Dominican Republic is called indistinctly alcalde or síndico. The latter name is preferred as to avoid confusing the title with the similarly sounding alcaide (lit. prison warden). Such person is the governor of the municipality whose township elected him (or her) by direct vote for a term of four years.
208 In December 1940 he ceased as provincial FET jefe and in February 1941 as alcalde of Bilbao;Ballestero 2014, p. 77 his fate was conscious decision rather than a fall from grace. Oriol was appreciated by Franco for his loyalty and remained one of the few with fairly easy access to the dictator.Paul Preston, Franco.
Covarrubias held several key government posts in Monterey and Santa Barbara. Covarrubias married María Carrillo, sister of Joaquín Carrillo. He served as alcalde at Santa Barbara. In 1843 Covarrubias received the Rancho Castac land grant. Covarrubias was a member of the 1849 California Constitutional Convention, and member of the California State Assembly for four terms 1849-1862\.
Núñez de Sanabria was born in Lima. He was a knight of the Order of Santiago and a professor of laws at the University of San Marcos, Lima. He bought a position as criminal alcalde before the Audiencia of Lima, and later became an oidor of the same Audiencia. He had much influence with his fellow oidores.
He was alcalde of the Pueblo of San José in 1848. White also owned Rancho Cholame and Rancho Pala. Charles White was killed in the explosion of the steamboat "Jenny Lind" en route from Alviso to San Francisco on April 11, 1853. Originally the Mexican rancho extended between Arroyo Penitencia in the east to Rio Guadaloupe in the west.
He became secretary for Governor Velázquez. Cortés was twice appointed municipal magistrate (alcalde) of Santiago. In Cuba, Cortés became a man of substance with an encomienda to provide Indian labor for his mines and cattle. This new position of power also made him the new source of leadership, which opposing forces in the colony could then turn to.
Haro forwarded the request to Governor José Figueroa, who denied the request on the grounds that the ayuntamiento (Town Hall) attached to the Mission did not have the authority to grant such requests. The governor reversed himself a few months later in September, however, stating that a building-lot could be granted to Estudillo, provided it was not within two hundred varas (yards) of the beach, and that other persons might obtain grants of the same kind and establish themselves there, although no records exist to show that Estudillo did receive such a grant afterwards. In November 1835, he was elected alcalde of Yerba Buena. Using the terms set by Figueroa, the first land grant issued in that area was approved by Estudillo himself, as alcalde on June 2, 1836.
He was born on October 23, 1630 in Santiago del Estero (Argentina), son of Ñuño Fernández Lobo and Juana Valdenebro Agüero, born in Talavera de la Reina (Spain). His wife, Mariana González de Acosta was daughter of Antonio González de Acosta, born in Portugal and María de Sanabria, belonging to the family of Antón García Caro and María Juana Gómez de Sanabria (granddaughter of Juan de Sanabria). In 1674 the King of Spain authorizes the encomienda of the tribes of the Serranos granted in their favor by governor of Buenos Aires and Paraguay Andrés de Robles. In addition to serving as alcalde of Buenos Aires, Fernández de Aguero was also Alcalde de la Santa Hermandad (municipal magistrate), a post which covered the rural areas of the province of Buenos Aires.
Vázquez de Coronado went very young to America, at only 17 years old, and established first in Mexico and then in Guatemala, where he started to fulfill official charges, such as Deputy of the Cabildo of the City of Santiago de los Caballeros and Ordinary Alcalde of Guatemala. In 1548 he married Isabel Arias-Dávila, the daughter of Captain Gaspar Arias-Dávila, and a first cousin to Pedrarias Dávila, both of whom were amongst the most prominent Conquerors of New Spain and Guatemala. Having issue, he passed to El Salvador, where he enjoyed of an encomienda at Naolingo and was appointed Alcalde-Mayor of San Salvador in 1549. Later he appears occupying the same charge in Honduras in 1556 and in Nicaragua in 1561 and finally in Costa Rica in 1562.
As a commune, Castro is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 alcalde is Nelson Águila Serpa (PDC). Colourful palafitos in Castro Wharf in Gamboa Wooden chapel in Gamboa Plazuela del Tren park Nuestra Senora de Gracia in Nercón Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Castro is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú and Palena). The commune is represented in the Senate by Camilo Escalona Medina (PS) and Carlos Kuschel Silva (RN) as part of the 17th senatorial constituency (Los Lagos Region).
The first Teniente Alcalde or Capitan (the highest political authority in a town) was Don Mauricio San Mateo. They first established a makeshift school in 1820, which was the very first requirement for it to be a town. The municipal hall was also constructed. A small chapel was also constructed and it gave way to the construction of a church in 1829.
Vega Borges was elected as mayor of Toa Baja at the 2004 general elections.Elecciones 2004: Alcalde de Toa Baja on CEEPUR He was reelected in 2008Elecciones Generales 2008: Alcaldes on CEEPUR receiving more than 70% of the votes. He was the mayor with the largest margin of victory. In 2016, Vega Borges was defeated by Bernardo Márquez García at the PNP primaries.
McDonald (2010), p. 35. In May 1827, Veramendi was named an alternate legislator to the Congress of the state of Coahuila y Tejas; he would serve if either of the elected legislators was unable to fulfill his duty. He was elected alcalde again in 1828 and used his position as alternate legislator as an excuse to ask that the election be overturned.
Naranjo was appointed an alcalde and leader of Indian auxiliary troops, serving on expeditions against the Apache and the Pueblo who had fled to El Quartelejo. In 1720 he was appointed chief scout and leader of auxiliary troops on the Villasur expedition, despite having opposed it. He was killed on 14 August 1720 when the expedition was attacked by Pawnee and Otoe forces.
Juan Jufré de Loayza y Montesa (1516–1578) was a Spanish conquistador who participated in the 1541 expedition of Pedro de Valdivia to Chile. He was the first alcalde of Santiago, Chile (in 1541) and held the position of governor of the Argentine province of Cuyo. He founded the city of San Juan de la Frontera and re-founded the city of Mendoza.
In 2005, he worked as an adviser at the Andalusian Youth Institute. In 2007, he was elected as an alcalde, a type of magistrate of Valdelamusa and a lieutenant mayor of Cortegana. He was a former representative councilman of Mining Development, Youth, Voluntary work, Participation, Cooperation. In 2011, he was named Provincial Delegate of Culture of the Regional Government of Andalusia to Huelva.
Born in Peru, Tristán y Moscoso went to Spain, where he fought the French in the War of the Convention (1793–1795). On his return to Peru he was elected alcalde (mayor) of Arequipa (1808). He was a general in the Royalist army in Peru. In June 1811 he fought as part of the victorious Royalist forces in the Battle of Guaqui.
Duboc had performed as Deputy Mayor ("Segundo Alcalde") under mayor José de Jesús Fernández in the 1846. The position was the result of the new Decreto Orgánico de 1846 (1846 Organic Decree), a new Law for Municipalities that allowed for increased centralization of public administration and greater political control over municipalities.Emilio J. Pasarell. Esculcando el Siglo XIX en Puerto Rico.
In 1836 Juárez was made mayordomo at Sonoma. For his decade of service to the Mexican government, Juárez was granted Rancho Tulucay in present day Napa County, California in 1840. In 1844 he was elected Alcalde of Sonoma. Although often away, Juárez resided on Rancho Tulucay until his death in 1883, and is buried in the Tulocay Cemetery in Napa, California.
In 1783, Col. Francisco Bouligny led an expedition against Bas du Fleuve, capturing 60 people, including Saint Malo. Jean Saint Malo was condemned to death by hanging, on charges of murder. The execution was carried out by the alcalde Mario de Reggio on June 19, 1784, in front of St. Louis Cathedral next to the present- day Jackson Square in New Orleans.
Saltillo Alcalde Fernando de Azcué in 1665 passed through the southeast corner of the county on an expedition, becoming the first European to cross the Rio Grande. Franciscan Brother Manuel de la Cruz explored the county in 1674. In 1675, Fernando del Bosque traversed the area on an expedition up the Rio Grande from the city of Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe.
347 while civilian volunteers tried to escape on their own. Martínez Morena was shot in unclear circumstances; according to some sources he was killed already as POW, on his way to prison.Roldán Pastor 2014 Approximately at the same time also Villarrobledo was overrun by the Toledo province militias; the rebel alcalde was killed while most of the Falangist defenders were dispersed.
The archives include documents such as Hernandez Colon's speech given upon the death of Ponce mayor Rafael Cordero Santiago.Mensaje del Lcdo. Rafael Hernández Colón con Motivo al Natalicio del Ex-Alcalde de Ponce Rafael "Churumba" Cordero Santiago, el 24 de Octubre de 2011, en Ponce, Puerto Rico: Trascendencia Histórica de Rafael Cordero Santiago y Su Sentimiento Ponceñista. Rafael Hernández Colón.
One of these pirates was John Drake, the nephew of Francis Drake. Burgos belonged to the second contingent of settlers established in the city of Buenos Aires. He also living in the provinces of San Miguel de Tucumán, Santa Fe and Corrientes. In 1596, he was appointed by Juan Ramírez de Velasco, to exercise the position of Alcalde and Justicia Mayor of Corrientes.
José María de Jesus Alviso (November 19, 1798 – June 18, 1853) was an early settler of the Silicon Valley in California, alcalde of San José, and grantee of Rancho Milpitas. Alviso's house, the Jose Maria Alviso Adobe, is listed on National Register of Historic Places. The Jose Maria Alviso Adobe once the center of Rancho Milpitas as it appeared in 1920.
When the two arrive in Los Angeles, they are met by Diego's childhood friend Esteban, who is now capitán of the guard. He has married Florinda, for whom the men competed when they were boys. Diego learns that his father was killed in a riding accident, his horse "frightened by a turtle". Esteban is the acting alcalde until the Dons elect a replacement.
Departments are country subdivisions and are granted a certain degree of autonomy. Departments are formed by a grouping of municipalities (municipios, sing. municipio). Municipal government is headed by mayor (alcalde) and administered by a municipal council (concejo municipal), both of which are elected for four-year periods. Some departments have subdivisions above the level of municipalities, commonly known as provinces.
He was born at San Miguel de Tucumán in what was then the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. His father was the alcalde. In his youth, he belonged to a branch of the revolutionary Lautaro Lodge which had been established in Tucumán by José Moldes. In 1810, he was living in Buenos Aires and enthusiastically supported the May Revolution.
Domingo Pelliza was replaced in 1757 by Justo de Robles. in 1766, he was appointed as alcalde of campaign, serving in the suburbs of the city of Buenos Aires. In addition to carrying out police and militia tasks in the Río de la Plata, Pelliza also engaged in trade and agriculture, he owned several lots of land and properties in Buenos Aires.
After the second world war, the Paris group was the first to restart organized labor. From 1946 it published the newspaper Senŝtatano (person without a country).Javier Alcalde, "Eduardo Vivancos kaj la liberecana Esperanto", afterword to a bilingual edition of , Unu lingvo por ĉiuj: Esperanto, Calúmnia, 2019, p.77-91. There was also an active anarchist group in Paris in the years following.
The school opened in August 1997 across Duncanville Road from Mountain View College, a community college operated by the Dallas County Community College District. The school is named for Moisés E. Molina, a musician and retired Dallas ISD teacher; he served as a band director for W. H. Adamson High School for over 15 years."The Texas Exes." The Alcalde.
Following Christianization, surnames of the local inhabitants were changed to Spanish surnames. Intermarriage between the Spaniards and locals brought for a new class of local mestizos, thus the Buenvenida family is as old as the town itself. In fact, several notable members of the clan became an alcalde of the pueblo, and many with the Buenvenida surname still live in the old town.
27, available here only weeks after his death, in March 1928, he arranged for a commemorative plaque to be mounted on the Escuela Normal de Maestros wallABC 25.03.27, available here and looked after his library.El Sol 22.11.29, available here In 1930 the press already referred to him as former teniente de alcalde, but it is not clear when he ceased.
Lope de Vega, 2010, Comedias: El Remedio en la Desdicha. El Mejor Alcalde El Rey, pp. 446–447 Although Lope has a great knowledge of the plastic arts, he did not use it during the major part of his career nor in theatre or scenography. The Lope's comedy granted a second role to the visual aspects of the theatrical representation.
Jorge Bernardo Torres Vallejo (August 20, 1934 – November 26, 2007) was a Peruvian Esposa del ex alcalde de Trujillo ordenó su entierro a menos de cinco horas fallecido Torres Vallejo was a member of APRA until 1988. He was elected Departmental General Secretary of APRA in La Libertad six times. At one point he served as national subsecretary of the party.
Before operettas, he wrote three operas: Die schwarze Kaschka (1895), Der Richter von Zalamea (1899) based on Calderon's El alcalde de Zalamea, and Der zerbrochne Krug (1903) based on Heinrich von Kleist's play; none prevailed. His main success, Die Försterchristl, had a run of 64 performances at Broadway's Herald Square Theatre in 1910/11 under the title The Girl and the Kaiser.
Santa Anita is a district of the Lima Province in Peru. It is part of city of Lima. Officially established as a district on October 25, 1989 from parts of Ate and El Agustino separated by the Rio Surco, a ditch which went all the way to Santiago de Surco. The current mayor (alcalde) of Santa Anita is José Luis Nole.
Charles Clayton Charles Clayton (October 5, 1825 – October 4, 1885) was a United States Representative from California. He was born in Derbyshire, England. He was the Alcalde of Santa Clara, California from 1849–1850. He was a miller and founded the Santa Clara flour mills. Clayton was one of San Francisco's 12 representatives in the California State Assembly from 1863 to 1867.
Joaquín de la Torre was a soldier from Spain who was alcalde in Monterey, and afterwards secretary to Governor Sola. Torre married Maria Los Angeles Cota (1790-1877) in 1803. Torre was granted the rancho, about two square leagues (roughly 8,880 acres), in 1822. Irishman John Milligan (or Mulligan), had a house on the rancho (labeled "Casa de Milligan" on the diseño).
Over the years The Texas Ranger often drew the ire of UT's administration for its targeted satire and occasionally risqué content. Staff members called themselves the "Rangeroos"The Alcalde (Jan-Feb 1983), p. 73. and were known for their bacchanalian parties, especially in the 1960s during Gilbert Shelton's reign as editor. The Ranger's offices were in the School of Journalism building.
Another factor is Malolos proximity to industrial and business centers. Malolos was first organized into a formal municipal unit in 1822 when the first "alcalde constitucional" or municipal head was appointed. He was Jorge de Victoria, a Filipino, who like all succeeding "alcaldes", served for one year. He was followed by thirty-one other "alcaldes", with Juan Dimagiba as the thirty-first.
After Juan de Padilla was imprisoned on 24 April 1521, the royalist cause triumphed. The fortresses submitted, and the bishop fled towards France. In Navarre, however, he was recognized, seized, and sent to the dungeon of Simancas. There he broke the head of the alcalde with a brick, and was escaping, when the son of the officer discovered and secured him.
Mercado was the son of Joseph de Mercado, who was "Alcalde de la Santa Hermandad" in 1757 (San German) and teniente a guerra (Ponce) in 1763.Eli D. Oquendo-Rodriguez. De criadero a partido: Ojeada a la historia de los orígenes de Ponce, 1645-1810. Lajas, Puerto Rico: Editorial Akelarre, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones del Sur Oeste (CEISO). 2015. p. 110.
The Alcalde ordinario was generally a layperson, that is, not versed in law. However, although this shortcoming was customarily overlooked in favor of possessing a positive attitude and common sense, it was mandatory that those chosen for these posts be among the most tried and tested individuals in the jurisdiction, and that they were also honest men who were also educated and could read and write. The men chosen for alcalde ordinario were to be men who were known to be good neighbors, and who possessed and occupied a house in the city where they were to serve. According to a decree from king Phillip II, preference was to be given to the descendants of the first settlers, since such descendants were considered to be vested with the same rights as the Spanish men born in Spain ("Peninsulares").
The petition was filed in the Court of Private Land Claims by Julian Sandoval and others from eight villages (La Cuesta, San Miguel, Las Mulas, El Pueblo, Puerticita, San José, El Gusano, and Bernal) within the 315,000 acres bounded within the grant requested for confirmation. The land was alleged to have been granted by Governor Fernando Chacón on November 25, 1794 to Lorenzo Marguez in the name of fifty-one men accompanying him. Copies of the governor's decree on that date, and of reports by the officiating alcalde Oritiz dated November 26, 1794 and by the more recent alcalde Pino, in 1893. Also submitted were a report made to Congress on November 13, 1879, and a survey made of the tract, July 26, 1880, with a statement that no action has been taken by Congress either to confirmation of rejection of the grant.
After receiving a letter from his father (Roland) in California requesting his immediate return home, Don Diego de la Vega (Langella) resigns his commission as a cadet and sails from Spain to California. Arriving in the pueblo of Los Angeles, he learns that his father has been replaced as Alcalde by Don Luis Quintero (Middleton), who is backed by the witty and urbane swordsman Captain Esteben (Montalbán), and that conditions in Los Angeles have worsened due to the Alcalde's and Captain's corruption. Diego immediately takes on the persona of a fop to avoid seeming dangerous, fooling the Alcalde and Capitan and, unfortunately, his own father, who perceives him as weak and useless. Determined to restore freedom, Diego secretly takes one of a pair of ancestral de la Vega swords and adopts the disguise of the legendary masked hero El Zorro.
The victory of the Spanish over the natives and the founding of Santa María la Antigua del Darién, now located in a relatively calm region, earned Balboa authority and respect among his companions. They were increasingly hostile toward Alcalde Mayor Fernández de Enciso, whom they considered a greedy despot because of the restrictions he imposed on their appropriation of the natives' gold. Balboa took advantage of the situation, acting as the spokesman for the disgruntled settlers. He removed Fernández de Enciso from the position of alcalde mayor, using the following legal manoeuvre: Fernández de Enciso was now controlling an area in Veragua, to the west of the Gulf of Urabá; since he was substituting for Alonso de Ojeda, his mandate was illegitimate, because the governor of Veragua was Diego de Nicuesa, not Ojeda; therefore, Fernández de Enciso should be deposed and arrested.
As a commune, Cabo de Hornos is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2016-2020 alcalde is Patricio Fernández (PDC).The communal council has the following members: Daniel Fernando Valdebenito Contreras (PS) Ángela Barría Barrientos (RN) Juan Velásquez (PS) Carolina Guenel González (DC) Francis Delgado Ibaceta (RN) Paola Speake Ojeda (DC) Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Cabo de Hornos is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Morano (PDC) and Gabriel Boric (Ind.) as part of the 60th electoral district, which includes the entire Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Bianchi Chelech (Ind.) and Carolina Goic (PDC) as part of the 19th senatorial constituency (Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region).
Francisco Avila (1772–1832), one of several sons of Cornelio Avila, was a native of Sonora y Sinaloa, New Spain-Mexico. Francisco Avila came to the Pueblo de Los Angeles in Las Californias sometime after 1794. In 1810, Francisco Avila became alcalde of Los Angeles. In 1823, the new Mexican government granted him Rancho Las Cienegas in Alta California, approximately seven miles west of the pueblo.
Gil Maria Ybarra (1784, San Diego -1855, Rancho Rincon de la Brea) was appointed síndico of Pueblo de Los Angeles in 1831. As sindico, it was his duty to receive or take charge of property under litigation and liquidated assets of those who were bankrupt. He was alcalde of Los Angeles in 1836-1837. In 1812 Ybarra married María Apolonia Manríquez (1796, San Diego -1856, Walnut California).
Juan Miguel de Esparza (1712 – 1766) was a Spanish military man and politician, who had a long career as a colonial official of the Viceroyalty of Peru, where he held the honorary positions of alcalde, regidor and procurador of Buenos Aires. He also served as lawyer, merchant, treasurer and Alférez real in charge of carrying the Royal Standard during the day of Saint Martin of Tours.
Some accounts say he remained there, teaching art, others say he travelled through the West Indies. Either way, after Venezuela became part of Gran Colombia, he returned to Caracas. In 1821, Carlos Soublette offered him the position of Corregidor, which he reluctantly accepted and, one year later, was promoted to Alcalde ordinario. From 1821 to 1823, he also worked on decorating the meeting room of the Cabildo.
The mayor (alcalde), the supreme representative of the city, presides over the ayuntamiento. The mayor is invested by the municipal councillors from among themselves following each municipal election. The Local Government Board consists of the mayor, the deputy mayor(s) and a number of delegates assuming the portfolios for the different government areas, delegated by the mayor. All those positions are held by municipal councillors.
In 1838 he was granted Rancho Rincon de Los Esteros. He died in 1848 leaving a large estate.California Pioneer Register and Index 1542—1848Ignacio Alviso and Margarita Bernal Ignacio Alviso is the uncle of José María Alviso, an early alcalde of San Jose. He is also the grandfather of Valentine Alviso, who was a member of the California State Assembly (14th District) from 1881 to 1883.
Homenaje al cuarto centenario de la segunda fundación de la ciudad de la Trinidad y puerto de Santa María de los Buenos Aires. Instituto de Estudios Americanos, Buenos Aires, 1980. With the issuance of Royal Decree of 25 June 1804, the alcalde ordinario was also vested with powers to aid the governor in the investigation of criminal actas that carried the death penalty.Aida R. Caro de Delgado.
Fr. José Torres' petition to rebuild the church and parochial house, was granted about July 5, 1866. The last Augustinian friar was Fr. Faustino Diez and the church was turned over to Alcalde (Mayor) Pedro Diaz and to the first native priest P. Macario Panlilio. Another account states that the last Augustinian priest to serve Minalin was Fr. Jose Sales. In 1937, the Most Rev.
Alcalde is a founding member of the Nonoprojekt from the Fondazione L'Unione Europea in Berlin, whose aim is inspiring young people to reflect upon the idea of freedom, democracy and tolerance through musical programs. He was Guest Professor of Composition at Barcelona´s Catalonia College of Music (ESMUC) in 2013 and taught at Madrid University Carlos III School of the Arts from 2009 until 2015.
In 2009, Ponce mayor Francisco Zayas Seijo reported that $1 million had been used by the municipality to remove toxic materials from the Hospital, and was optimistic that the inversion would lead to the opening of the hospital.Mensaje de Situación y Presupuesto del Alcalde de Ponce, Hon. Francisco Zayas Seijo, a la Legislatura Municipal de Ponce Correspondiente al Año Fiscal 2008-2009. Primera Hora.
114 After the Mexican secularization act of 1833 the church lost the land and building to the originally Spanish, later Mexican-recognized land grant Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana. The adobe and its surrounding property, a portion of Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, were deeded by the U.S. government to Diego Sepúlveda around 1868. He was a former alcalde of the Mexican era Pueblo of Los Angeles.
With the establishment of the San Francisco de Asís (St. Francis of Assisi) mission, much of the area became pasture for the mission livestock. Following the decline of the missions, the area became part of Rancho Buri Buri granted to José de la Cruz Sánchez, the eleventh Alcalde (mayor) of San Francisco. After Jose Antonio Sanchez died, his heirs divided the Rancho and sold it off.
Rosario Aguilar's daughter Rosaria was born ca. 1827. His daughter Rafaela was married to José Antonio Serrano, who was a grantee of Rancho Pauma. His son Blas was alcalde of San Juan Capistrano in 1847 and his adobe still stands there. Blas Aguilar was also a grantee of Rancho Pauma and his son, Jesus, was Bell Ringer of Mission San Juan Capistrano for several decades.
Company B of the California Battalion, that had been left in Sonoma for the protection of the town, was soon placed under U.S. Navy command.Parmelee p. 40 The American immigrants who comprised Company B eventually returned to their homes. Sonoma's Alcalde complained to the U.S. Navy about the lack of protection for the town and a detachment of U.S. Marines was assigned to the Sonoma Barracks.
Colton Hall is a government building and museum in Monterey, California, United States. It was built in the late 1840s by Walter Colton, who came to Monterey as a chaplain on Commodore Stockton's vessel and remained to become Monterey's first alcalde (mayor) in the American Period. Colton Hall was originally a public school and government meeting place. It also hosted California's first constitutional convention in 1849.
José Antonio Aguirre (1799-1860) was a merchant who lived in Santa Barbara and San Diego. Ygnacio del Valle was (1808-1880) was a landowner and one time alcalde of Pueblo of Los Angeles. Neither of the owners lived on the rancho. They chose instead to hire a "mayordomo" (ranch foreman) to be in full charge of the vaqueros needed to guard the cattle.
Usually called mariscal (marshal) as he was the first field marshal to govern the Islands, Bustamante was the former alcalde mayor of Trascala, in Nueva España (modern-day Mexico). He was appointed governor by royal provision on September 6, 1708 and arrived at Manila on August 9, 1717. Considered severe in judgments, Bustamante was also responsible for re-establishing the garrison at Zamboanga in 1718.
Plaque at the Tenencia Política of Baeza, in Baeza, Ecuador. Signed by Alcalde of Quijos, Mr. Javier Vinueza and Executive Director of Ecuador´s National Institute of Cultural Heritage (INPC), Arch. Inés Pazmiño. Soon after establishing themselves in the Royal Audience of Quito, members of the family mixed with locals, both in Baeza and then moving the lineage to the administrative capital in Quito.
The grant was made to seven former Presidio of Santa Barbara soldiers: Valentine Cota, Salvador Valenzuela, Vicente Pico, Rafael Valdez, Vincent Feliz, Leandro Gonzales, and Rafael Gonzales. Valentine Cota, the corporal of the guard at Mission Santa Inés. Jose Vicente Pico (1797-1863) married Maria Estefana Bruno Garcia in 1822. Rafael Gonzales built the Rafael Gonzalez House and was later alcalde of Santa Barbara.
The Soberanes family partiarch, José Maria Soberanes (1753-1803) accompanied the Portola expedition to San Francisco Bay in 1769. Soberanes married Maria Josefa Castro (1759-1822) and received Rancho Buena Vista. His sons Feliciano Soberanes (1788-1868) and Mariano Soberanes (1794-1859) were granted Rancho El Alisal in 1833. Mariano de Jesus Soberanes was a soldier and also held the office of alcalde in Monterey.
Abiertas las puertas para masiva adios a Víctor Jara. 3 December 2009. Retrieved 17 February 2013. The Galpón has been forced to close on a number of occasions. In 2010, the then mayor of Santiago, Pablo Zalaquett, closed the center because it did “not comply with the infrastructure required of a venue holding events of such a nature.”Alcalde de Santiago confirma clausura de Galpón Víctor Jara.
Reyes maintained an adobe house in the Pueblo de Los Angeles. Reyes became alcalde of the Pueblo of Los Angeles in 1790, and 1793-1795. Francisco Reyes married María del Carmen Domínguez and some of their eleven children include Antonio Reyes, Juana Reyes and José Jacinto Reyes.Reyes AncestryReyes AncestryJuan Francisco Reyes Francisco Reyes's brother-in-law, José María Domínguez, was the grantee of Rancho Las Virgenes.
Castro was made an elector in 1822 after which he served as alcalde and on a civil board that heard disputes. Castro explored land at the northeast edge of San Francisco Bay in 1823, and was granted Rancho San Pablo by Governor Luís Antonio Argüello. He and his family moved to the rancho some time after 1824. He died in 1831 at San Pablo.
He also made a brief appearance in The Bold and the Beautiful (as Sherman Gale). In addition to soaps, Tylo has done several movie and television roles, including two seasons as Alcalde Luis Ramon in Zorro and as Dee Boot in Lonesome Dove. Tylo is a full-time professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas,Michael Tylo Online,; accessed February 16, 2018.
As the auxiliary alcalde, Bernardo needed a place to keep lawbreakers. A jail was located between the main residence and the schoolrooms. The dark cellar below ground was called the 'dungeon' where criminals were locked up. After the death of Bernardo Yorba in 1858, the Indian servants left and the hacienda went into a slow decline as property and land was divided among the Yorba heirs.
83 A live, more aggressive version is featured on the posthumously released live album In Concert and the 1973 collection Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits. This version was also released as a single, reaching #91 on the charts in 1972. The third and final stanza of Joplin's version ends with a positive message:The Alcalde Jul 2008, p. 56 Joplin's version was covered by Jeany Reynolds in 1970.
Fernando Tico (d. 1862) married Maria Margarita Lopez in 1821. By 1829, Tico had served as alcalde of Santa Barbara. Tico’s wife died in 1834, and he married Maria de Jesus Silvestra Ortega. Tico was granted the four square league Rancho Ojai grant in 1837. In 1845, Tico was granted immediately to the west of the church at Mission San Buenaventura by Governor Pío Pico.
The three square league grant was made to three brothers-in-law. Jose Antonio Serrano was the son of Leandro Serrano, grantee of Rancho Temescal. Jose Antonio Serrano In 1838, José Serrano married Rafaela, daughter of Rosario E. Aguilar, majordomo of San Diego Mission. Blas Aguilar (1811-1885), son of Rosario E. Aguilar, was majordomo at Temecula in 1834, and alcalde of San Juan Capistrano in 1848.
Domingo de Basavilbaso (1709-1775) was a Spanish nobleman, who had a long public performance during the colonial period of Argentina, where he served as alcalde, regidor and comadante in the Fuerte de Buenos Aires. He was a pioneer of mail in the territories of the Viceroyalty of Peru, working for a long period as general administrator of the Río de la Plata mail.
Mateo Gil (c.1540-1590s) was a Spanish conquistador, who served as alcalde and regidor of Santa Fe, Argentina during the Viceroyalty of Peru. Born in Jaraicejo, Gil had arrived at Río de la Plata in the expedition of Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. In 1573, he participated in the delegation led by Juan de Garay in Santa Fe, being part of the founding of the city.
Donaciano Chanito Vargas was Government Representative (Mayor) of Altamira, Puerto Plata from 1966- 1968. He served as chief executive officer and/or ceremonial official of many types of municipalities. The mayor of a municipality in the Dominican Republic is called indistinctly alcalde or síndico. Such person is the governor of the municipality whose township elected him by direct vote for a term of four years.
They were executed with their leader. As a result, several prominent converso men were deposed from office, in obedience to a new statute. Nearly 20 years later in July 1467, another riot occurred where a mob attacked conversos in Toledo. The chief magistrate (alcalde mayor) of the city was Alvar Gomez de Cibdad Real, who had been private secretary to King Henry IV of Castile.
In 1998 he retired and was appointed professor emeritus. In 2007-2008 he served as president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Zamrik was awarded the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division's Robert M. McGrattan Literature Award in 1991; the Central Pennsylvania Section's Outstanding Mechanical Engineer of the Year Award in 1992; the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Medal in 1996;The Alcalde. Vol. 85, nr.
Casco was born in Aviles. After being established in Peru, he arrived in Asunción, in the expedition of Ñuflo de Chaves. Time later it held honorary positions in the city, serving like Alcalde in 1574, and Regidor in 1568, 1575 and 1578. Under the orders of Nufrio de Chaves, Gonzalo Casco participated in the expeditions against the tribes of Mayáes and Tomacocis, native inhabitants of Paraguayan territory.
The county was one of nine originally created for the Territory of New Mexico in 1852. Originally extending west to the California line, it included the site of present-day Las Vegas, Nevada.David Rumsey Historical Map Collection The county seat was initially sited at San Pedro de Chamita, and shortly afterwards at Los Luceros. In 1860 the seat was moved to Plaza del Alcalde.
At age 40, after both her parents had died, Wheelwright journeyed to the American Southwest, where she "found and embraced a more primitive type of civilization, more adventuresome and more exciting than the safety of Boston." In Alcalde, New Mexico, she stayed on a ranch. In addition, she traveled to the Four Corners region and Navajo reservation. There, she developed an interest in Navajo religion.
With the establishment of the San Francisco de Asís (St. Francis of Assisi) mission, much of the catchment basin became pasture for grazing mission livestock. Following the decline of the missions, the San Bruno Creek watershed became part of Rancho Buri Buri granted to José de la Cruz Sánchez, the eleventh Alcalde (mayor) of San Francisco. Dairy farms later became common in much of the area.
The Real Audiencia, the high court located in Spain, administered royal justice. During the early era of colonization, governors overseeing the smaller jurisdictions of the audiencia were appointed by the viceroy, but the crown incrementally took over the appointment of these designations. Governors were not re-appointed consecutively to oversee the same district. Indigenous villages were overseen by a corregidor, while alcalde mayors oversaw European settlements.
Francisco Sanchez was born in San Jose, California and was the son of Ana Josefa Soto and José Antonio Sánchez (1773–1843), grantee of Rancho Buri Buri. Francisco's brother, José de la Cruz Sánchez, was also an alcalde of San Francisco. He married Maria Teodora Higuera and they had ten children. During 1842 to 1846, Francisco established the Sanchez Adobe in what is now Pacifica, California.
He was the father of Texas statesman José Antonio Navarro, San Antonio alcalde José Ángel Navarro (elder), and the grandfather of Texas state legislator José Ángel Navarro III. Ángel Navarro's daughter María Josefa Navarro married Juan Martín de Veramendi, the Governor of Coahuila y Tejas from 1832 to 1833. This couple's eldest daughter, Maria Ursula de Veramendi, was the wife of Texas revolutionary Jim Bowie.
The Californian was first published in Monterey, California on August 15, 1846,Library of Congress. About This Newspaper: The Californian Retrieved on July 28, 2009. by Alcalde Walter Colton and his friend Robert B. Semple, from a well-used Ramage printing press that Agustín V. Zamorano brought from Hawaii to Monterey in 1834.The Historic Ramage Press from, retrieved on July 28, 2009.
The Rancho Huer Huero grant was one square league by Governor Alvarado and three additional leagues by Governor Pio Pico of former Mission San Miguel Arcángel land. José Mariano Bonilla (1807-1878), born in Mexico City, came to California in 1834 with the Híjar-Padrés Colony. He married Maria Dolores Garcia (1822-1902)in 1838. He held various public offices in San Luis Obispo, including alcalde.
His granddaughter, Josepha Lucía Jaimes Chiclana was married to Joseph Antonio Roberto. This family (Roberto Jaimes) was related to numerous Argentinean families, including the family of Casimiro Alegre, alcalde and Captain of Militias of San Vicente, Buenos Aires. His most renowned descendant (non-direct line) was Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, President of the Argentine Republic between 1868 and 1864. The surname Jaimes or Jaime is originally from Aragon.
Agua Hedionda means "stinking water", named after decayed organic material in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. During the Mexican–American War Marrón supported the Americans. This caused him hardship and embarrassment with his friends. Once incident was related by Richard F. Pourade in The Silver Dons: :One morning, along the road from the mission, came Alcalde Juan María Marrón, husband of Felipa Osuna, carrying a white flag.
The building was constructed in 1825 by Rafael Gonzalez, a landowner who in 1829 became an alcalde of Santa Barbara. At this time, Santa Barbara was a part of Mexican California. After his death, in 1866, the house was inherited by one of his daughters, Francisca Ventura Gonzalez de Ramires. She lived in the house until 1923, when it was sold out of the family.
He participated of the defense of Buenos Aires during the English invasions, serving as Captain in the Regiment of Patricians. In 1813 Agustín Wright was elected Alcalde in 2nd vote. He died in 1817, a year after the Declaration of Independence of Argentina. His father had come to the Río de la Plata with The South Sea Company, the son of John Wright and Martha Wright.
These Osos jailed the Sonoma alcalde and put the town under siege in the Bear Flag Revolt. The Haro twins and De los Reyes Berreyesa traveled to Sonoma to inquire on the safety of the latter's sons when they were discovered and killed. With the death of his sons, Don Francisco de Haro became owner of Rancho Rincon de las Salinas y Potrero article, June 2006.
His campaign against the Alcalde and the Captain begins to rouse the people against them, while at the same time he meets romances the Alcalde's beautiful niece Teresa (Archer), whom he grows to love and eventually reveals his secret identity, and simultaneously flirts with the Alcalde's wife Inez (Sorel) to gain information (and also make Captain Esteban, who has also been romancing her behind her husband's back, jealous). When Zorro's old teacher Frey Felipe is arrested by the Captain and whipped, Diego, warned by Teresa, steps up his campaign, while at the same time his father, wielding the remaining ancestral sword, rouses both the peons and caballeros into rebellion and marches on the Alcalde's palace. Before Zorro can force the Alcalde to sign his resignation, he is surprised by the Captain. While Don Alejandro and the people overcome the soldiers, Zorro and the Captain duel, resulting in the Captain's death.
Alcalde Caro Martínez street, in the Pavez Polanco neighborhood of Pichilemu According to José Arraño Acevedo's 1980 article "José María Caro Martínez, Primer Alcalde de Pichilemu", following his retirement from politics in 1906, Caro Martínez "stayed watchful to everything that was being done in favour of the commune he led so aptly." He appears as a subscriber of El Puerto, the first newspaper published in Pichilemu, which only printed three editions. In the first edition of the newspaper, dated 16 January 1908, an article states that José María Caro Martínez and Exequiel Fernández were awarded 200 pesos in a raffle held on the previous day in the headquarters of the La Unión newspaper, in Santiago. In late September-early October 1916, he became ill with an unspecified disease, which forty days later, in the night of that 11 November, "won against his strong physique" and provoked his death at age 86.
Francisco Salvador Lugo and his son Antonio María Lugo began construction in 1795 on Casa de Rancho San Antonio on the land called Rancho San Antonio. Antonio Lugo served as the Alcalde (Mayor) of Los Angeles. The house is located at 7000 East Gage Avenue in Bell Gardens. It was built to qualify the younger Lugo, a former Spanish colonial soldier, for a land grant from the Spanish crown.
Depiction of José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia. He demonstrated an early interest in politics. He became a provincial cabildo member in 1807, fiscal officer in 1808 and attained with difficulty the position of alcalde del primer voto, or head of the Asunción cabildo, by August 1809, the highest position he could aspire to as a ':criollo. He had tried in 1798 but failed because of his humble background.
Veramendi was named the collector of import taxes, a role which provided him a substantial income. He held this post in 1822 and 1823. leaving office when he was elected alternate deputy of the Texas Provincial Deputation to the Mexican National Constituent Congress. In 1824 and 1825 he was elected alcalde of Béxar. During this time he managed to resolve most of the disputes over the 1813 confiscation of property.
It is formed by the Plenary (Pleno), the Mayor (alcalde) and the Local Government Board (Junta de Gobierno Local). The Plenary of the Ayuntamiento is the body of political representation of the citizens in the municipal government. Its members (as of 2019, 27), known as concejales ("municipal councillors"), are elected for a 4-year mandate following the schedule of the country-wide municipal elections. They are organised in municipal groups.
Trailing 0–2, with elimination from the tournament at stake, the Peruvians entered the second half with renewed determination to extend their Olympic stint. In the 75th minute, the Peruvians scored their first goal through Jorge Alcalde. Six minutes later, in the 81st minute of play, Alejandro Villanueva scored the equalizer. The remaining minutes of the match saw no further scoring, and the match went into extra-time.
1742 - May 1803), daughter of another soldier, at Loreto. Some time after being promoted to sergeant in February 1757, Ortega left active duty to mine in Baja California and became alcalde (administrative and judicial officer) of mining camps in the southern part of the peninsula. Ortega rejoined the army in 1768, having been recruited by California Governor Gaspar de Portolá to join his expedition to explore and settle Alta California.
Osuna was considered a fine alcalde but was also a gambling man and lost some of his land to pay off bad debts. Leandro Osuna took possession of the ranch in 1851 when his father died. A veteran of the Battle of San Pasqual in 1846, Leandro died in 1859; he was thirty-seven years old. The care of Rancho San Diequito fell to Juan Osuna's widow, Juliana Lopez de Osuna.
On May 29, 2009, Bravo defended the titles in a Revolution X-Treme Wrestling card held in Panama, defeating El Cuervo. At a tournament named "Copa Alcalde Hon. Jose Rosario", Bravo dropped the IWA World Heavyweight Championship to Miguel Pérez, Jr.. On October 3, 2009, he won the IWA Intercontinental Championship. Two weeks later, Bravo was booked to defeat Pérez in an unification match, becoming a tri-champion.
Sánchez Adobe The Sánchez Adobe is the site of important regional history during the first three periods of California History. During Native California times the Aramai people established the village of Pruristac here. During the Spanish colonial period, it was an important agricultural outpost. During Mexican times, Francisco Sánchez, one-time Alcalde of Yerba Buena (later San Francisco), built his substantial adobe house at this site, which was completed in 1846.
The City Council (Ayuntamiento de Madrid) is the body responsible for the government and administration of the municipality. It is formed by the Plenary (Pleno), the Mayor (alcalde) and the Government Board (Junta de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Madrid). The Plenary of the Ayuntamiento is the body of political representation of the citizens in the municipal government. Its 57 members are elected for a 4-year mandate.
Ildefonso Ramos Mexía (1769–1854) was an Argentine military man and politician, who served as alcalde, governor and legislator of Buenos Aires. He was born in Buenos Aires, the son of Gregorio Ramos Mexía, born in Sevilla, and María Cristina Ross, belonging to a family of Scottish and Creole origin. He was married with his relative María Inés Basavilbaso, daughter of José Ramón Basavilbaso and María Lorenza Ferrín.
Cándida "Candy" Morales Alcalde is a beautiful young girl filled with dreams and hopes for her future. At her 15th birthday party she meets the man of her dreams - Patricio Molina Lizárraga, who later becomes her husband. On the day of their wedding, Candy finds out that Patricio cheated on her with her sister, Alicia. Angry and hurt, she leaves him and goes to Guadalajara with her uncle, Manuel.
In 1843 he left with a party from New Mexico with his family and livestock, traveling over the Old Spanish Trail to the San Bernardino Valley, then on to San Luis Obispo in 1844. There he served as alcalde of San Luis Obispo in 1845 and 1849. In 1880, Estevan's wife, Maria de Guadalupe Lujan Quintana inherited the ranch house and surrounding farm lands on the Rancho Potrero.
Captain José Antonio Ezequiel Carrillo (1796-1862) was the son of the José Raimundo Carrillo. He served three non-consecutive terms as alcalde of Los Angeles between 1826 and 1834. His brother, Carlos Antonio Carrillo, was granted Rancho Sespe in 1833 by Governor Figueroa. He married Estefana Pico (1806-) in 1823, and after her death, Jacinta Pico (1815-) in 1842; both were sisters of Pío and Andrés Pico.
In the Governor's untimely death at the hands of the British during the Seven Years' War, the creation and establishment of the town was made and attended by the Alcalde Mayor of the province, Don Francisco Morales y Mozabe, the Provincial Minister, S. Gregorio, Rev. Fr. Alejandro Ferrer, together with numerous religious devotees. The minister who was chosen to administer the town was Rev. Fr. Manuel De Olivencia.
The aggressiveness of Segismundo explodes when he is released from his tower, where he returns, chained, believing he has dreamed his experience of freedom. When a riot rescues him again, his will overcomes the predictions: he overcomes his violent nature, marries Rosaura to Astolfo, and accepts the hand of Estrella. El alcalde de Zalamea may have been first staged in 1636 or 37. It was printed in 1651.
Alvarado's paternal grandfather was Juan Alvarado "el Viejo" ("the elder"), who was comendador of Hornachos, and his paternal grandmother was Catalina Messía. Pedro de Alvarado's uncle on his father's side was Diego de Alvarado y Messía,Recinos 1986, pp. 9-10. who was the comendador of Lobón, Puebla, and Montijo, alcalde of Montánchez, and lord of Castellanos and of Cubillana. Diego was a veteran of the campaigns against the Moors.
The Rio Grande Bridge at San Juan Pueblo, crossing the Rio Grande near Alcalde, New Mexico, is a Parker pony truss bridge built in 1925. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1997. It is a four-span bridge located about south of New Mexico State Road 74, about west of San Juan Pueblo. In the former alignment of the road, it served NM 74.
He was born in Garachico (Tenerife, Spain), son of Amador de Acevedo and Catalina de Roxas, natives of Madrid. He had arrived at the Río de la Plata from Cádiz in 1612. After establishing himself in the city, he held the post of notary public of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires in 1620. He was elected alcalde in second vote in 1626, and also served as regidor of the Ayuntamiento.
Dobra peak. Erudinus (), Erudinu () or Erudino () was a pagan god in Cantabrian mythology. A stone altar with an inscription dated from the year 399 was found in 1925 by Hermilio Alcalde del Río at the Dobra peak, near Torrelavega (Cantabria). The inscription says: The altar forms part of the stock of the Museum of Prehistory and Archaeology of Cantabria, while a replica is installed in a green zone at Sierrapando.
Austin: University of Texas Press, John Jackson Tumlinson Sr., the first alcalde of the Colorado district, is considered by many Texas Ranger historians to be the first Texas Ranger killed in the line of duty.Transactions, Texas Lodge of Research, Captain Peter F. Tumlinson: Texian Ranger and Mason. Doyle, Brett Laird XXXIX (2004–2005) 83–91. One of his most urgent issues was protection of settlers from theft and murder by marauders.
Toler arrived in Hawaii on the United States in 1843. He made a two- or three-day round trip on horseback to sketch Mount Kilauea. Toler resigned from the Navy in 1848 and accepted a position as assistant to the alcalde, or chief executive officer, in San Francisco. In 1853, he married Maria Peralta, whose family owned the large land grant that is now the city of Oakland, California.
José de Jesús Noé (1805-1862) was born in Puebla, Mexico, and came to California with his wife, Guadalupe Garduno, in 1834 with the Hijar-Padres Colony. During the last years of Mexican rule in California, José Noé held several administrative posts in San Francisco. He was alcalde in 1842 and in part of 1846. José Noé received the one square league Rancho San Miguel grant in 1845.
He was captured in the Battle of Fort Niagara, and had to be exchanged. After its ultimate defeat in the war, France ceded Louisiana to Spain in the Treaty of Paris (1763). From that time on, Villiers served in various capacities for New Spain, including commandant at Fort St. Jean-Baptiste at Natchitoches in lower Louisiana, and Alcalde for New Orleans, Louisiana. He died May 22, 1794 in New Orleans.
Catalogo de los religiosos de N.P.S. Agustin de la Provincia del Smo Nombre de Jesus de Filipinas, Imp. De Ramirez Y Giraudier, Manila 1864. p. 11 In a census of June 1591, the Province of Bulacan had 1,200 tributes or 4,800 persons, one Augustinian convent, one Gobernadorcillo and one alcalde mayor (present day governor) who had jurisdiction over the towns of Bulakan (then capital) Malolos, Calumpit, Guiguinto, Caluya and Meycauayan.
Between the years 1582 and 1583, Taguig was part of the encomienda of Tondo headed by an alcalde mayor, Captain Vergara. It was in 1587 when Taguig was established as a separate "pueblo" (town) of the then province of Manila. Captain Juan Basi was its Kapitan from 1587 to 1588. According to records, Taguig had nine (9) barrios then namely, Bagumbayan, Bambang, Hagonoy, Palingon, Santa Ana, Tipas, Tuktukan, Ususan, and Wawa.
As a result, he was severely criticized by the press. He reacted by requesting a 4-month sick leave which was approved and he traveled to Spain for treatment. Teniente de alcalde (a sort of deputy mayor) Ermelindo Salazar, per the legal protocol in place at the time, filled in while Elices Montes was gone. Some time afterwards Elices Montes presented his resignation to the post of mayor from overseas.
The basic level of Spanish local government are the municipalities (Spanish: municipios, Catalan: municipis). The city of Barcelona constitutes a municipality. The reigning institution in Barcelona is called Ajuntament de Barcelona, and it's formed by the mayor (Catalan: alcalde, fem. alcaldessa), the government (Catalan: Comissió de govern, although it's commonly known as Govern municipal) and the legislature or ciy council (Catalan: Consell Municipal, although it's commonly known as Ple de l'Ajuntament).
Lenín Moreno, current President of Ecuador Rafael Correa, former leader of Alianza PAIS The president of the party is Lenín Moreno, who is also the current President of Ecuador. Other important leaders include: former president Rafael Correa, president of the National Assembly Fernando Cordero, the Alcalde of Quito Augusto Barrera, the assemblymen Fernando Bustamante, Aminta Buenaño, the ex-Secretary of Planning Fander Falconí, and the Chancellor of the Republic Ricardo Patiño.
The concept video for the song was directed by Livia Alcalde and Francesco Sperandeo and shot in Rome: young Lena introduces young Noemi to the magic world in an old Circus, and then they meet years later as grown up fairies. Golden Leaves fantasy music video received enthusiastic reviews and won several international awards, being screened in TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood and in many other theaters in Europe and USA.
He held the position of Lieutenant of Governor of Corrientes between 1629 and 1633, and 1634 and 1636. And was elected Alcalde of first vote of Corrientes in 1656. He also devoted himself to agriculture and livestock in Buenos Aires and Corrientes. In 1620 he had obtained permission for the exploitation of "ganado cimarron" (wild cattle and horses), of great abundance in the areas of the Province of Buenos Aires.
Rodrigo appointed a man called Sarrasin Muñez as his Alcalde for Álava. He governed that county until 870, when Vela Jiménez is recorded as count. Even when he was not Count of Álava, Rodrigo retained control of many possessions in the county. Rodrigo last appears in a document dated 18 April 873, and is said to have died either on 4 OctoberChronica Naierensis places it on 5 October.
The town is named after Plácido Benavides (1837-1919),DeLeon, 1980, p.4 namesake nephew of Plácido Benavides (1810–1837), Tejano 1832 alcalde of Victoria, who served under Stephen F. Austin with Juan Seguin, in the Siege of Béxar. Plácido Benavides whom the town is named after served in the Confederate States Army. After the war, he built his "Rancho Palo Alto" into one of the largest ranches in Duval County.
After Fernández de Enciso's ouster, a more open government was established and a municipal council was elected (the first in the Americas). Two alcaldes Alcalde: judge or quasi-judicial official were appointed: Martín Samudio and Vasco Núñez de Balboa. Shortly after this, a flotilla led by Rodrigo Enrique de Colmenares arrived in Santa María. His objective was to find Nicuesa, who was also facing some difficulties in the north of Panamá.
Colonel Domingo Ugartechea, as principal commandant of Coahuila y Texas, ordered Carbajal arrested, but soldiers were unsuccessful in their attempts at doing so when they arrived in Victoria. Upon orders from Victoria's alcalde, who happened to be Carbajal's brother-in-law Plácido Benavides, the local Victoria militia blocked the soldiers from entry into Victoria, and the soldiers retreated.Hardin-Teja (2010) pp.57, 58 Carbajal had gone into hiding.
Marcos de Aguilar (died March 1, 1527) was briefly royal governor of New Spain (from July 16, 1526 to March 1, 1527). Marcos de Aguilar was born in Seville, Spain, and was a licenciado. He served in various judicial capacities in Seville. Before his arrival in New Spain, he had been Inquisitor of the Indies and alcalde mayor of Santo Domingo, with his residence on the island of Hispaniola.
Parish records in Wuerttemberg show that while there, Charbonneau fathered a child with Anastasia Katharina Fries, a soldier's daughter. The baby, Anton Fries, died about three months after his birth. Nearly two decades later, while in California as an alcalde or magistrate, Charbonneau was recorded as being the father of another child. On May 4, 1848, Maria Catarina Charguana was born to Margarita Sobin, a Luiseño woman, and Charbonneau.
In November 1847, Charbonneau accepted an appointment from Colonel John D. Stevenson as alcalde (mayor) at Mission San Luis Rey de Francia. This position made him the only civilian authority, a combined sheriff, lawyer and magistrate, in a post- war region covering about . From 1834–50, the lands were owned by rancheros through legally questionable land grants. The rancheros hired local American Indians, mainly Luiseño, to do agricultural work.
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. The Rotonda de los Jaliscienses Ilustres is a landmark of the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, located at the flanked avenues of Fray Antonio Alcalde, Miguel Hidalgo and the streets Liceo and Independencia, in the heart of the capital of the state of Jalisco known as historical centre, by the Cathedral of Guadalajara. It honors the memory of the people of Jalisco that has transcended through history.
Avila was granted Rancho San Miguelito in 1842. Miguel Avila was alcalde of San Luis Obispo in 1849. With the cession of California to the United States following the Mexican-American War, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo provided that the land grants would be honored. A claim for Rancho San Miguelito, filed as required by the Land Act of 1851, with the Public Land Commission in 1852 was confirmed.
Española Public School District #55 (EPSD) or Española Public Schools (EPS) is a school district based in Española, New Mexico, USA. Española Public Schools serves students in Española, Chimayo, Abiquiú, Santa Cruz, Sombrillo, Alcalde, Velarde, Dixon and the Ohkay Owingeh and Santa Clara Pueblos. In the year 2000 the district had a total of 16 schools with approximately 6,103 students. In the 2011–2012 school year, the district had an enrollment of 4,970.
On October 21, 1822 Jose Felix Trespalacios was the Political chief for the Province of Texas and a veteran as a revolutionary leader for the Mexican movement for independence against Spain. Trespalacios opened the first “Banco Nacional de Texas”. This was the first chartered bank west of the Mississippi. Councilman Jose Miguel Arciniega, Councilman Vicente Travieso, Alcalde (Mayor) Jose Salinas and Trespalacios had to sign the currency in order for it to become legal tender.
José de la Rosa was a Mexican composer, printer, singer and guitarist who moved to Mexican Alta California in 1833, with the Híjar-Padrés Party, where he became known as Don Pepe. He may have also been the first professional printer in California history. Rosa was an Alcalde of the Presidio of Sonoma. He played a role in the 1846 Bear Flag rebellion in Sonoma, when he assisted in assuring the release of Mariano Vallejo.
In twelfth-century León and Castile, it was uncommon for the lords of the southern frontier—whose primary responsibility was defence against the Almoravids—to frequently attend the itinerant royal court. Fernando seems to have done both. He was given charge of several frontier fiefs (tenencias) and still managed to witness to twelve royal charters during the reign of Urraca. He was the royal official (alcalde) in charge of Guadalajara and Medinaceli in 1107.
Víctor Ramón Castro (February 2, 1820 – May 5, 1900) was a landowner in an area of Alta California which later became part of Contra Costa County, California.Don Víctor Castro Fights the French, Brentwood Press, by William Mero, retrieved 2007-08-01 Víctor Castro was the son of Francisco María Castro, a former soldier at the San Francisco Presidio, one-time alcalde of the Pueblo of San José, and grantee of Rancho San Pablo.
Aníbal José Torres was born in Orocovis, Puerto Rico. He ran for mayor of Orocovis at the 2000 general elections. However, he lost to the candidate of the PNP, Jesús Colón Berlingeri, by less than 340 votes.Elecciones Generales 2000: Alcalde de Orocovis on CEEPUR Has a Juris Doctor degree from the Eugenio María de Hostos School of Law in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, and a B.A. in political science from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico.
In January 1826, Ingram and his brother Seth moved to the Austin's Colony at his brother's recommendation. In 1828, they were partners in a merchandising establishment in San Felipe de Austin (presently known as San Felipe, Texas). Ira ran for mayor (alcalde) of San Felipe de Austin but lost to Thomas M. Duke. However, that year he represented the Mina District at the Convention of 1832 and San Felipe in the Convention of 1833.
In 1880 a Spanish zarzuela was performed in Cebu by members of Compania de Navarro, a visiting troupe from Manila. The prompter of the Compania, Eduardo Lopez, stayed in Cebu and became an important personality in the local theater. Other theater personalities at this time include Sabas Veloso, Sebastian Lingatong and Balbino Abadia. In 1894 a Spanish play entitled El Alcalde Interino was held during the feast of St. John the Baptist.
Hector Alcalde founded the firm in 1973 and still serves as the company’s Chairman. Alcalde’s partner, Kevin J. Fay, serves as the firm’s President and specializes in environmental and energy affairs. Fay is also currently the Executive Director of the International Climate Change Partnership.Alcalde & Fay Government and Public Affairs Consultants In 2009, Barry Zorthian (1920-2010), most notably a senior press officer during the Vietnam war, was a communications consultant with the firm.
Silvestre De León (1802–1842) was the second son born to the influential De León family in Victoria, Texas. He became the third alcalde of Victoria. De León joined his brother-in-law Plácido Benavides to fight with Stephen F. Austin at the 1835 Siege of Béxar. He joined the rest of the De León family in New Orleans in 1836 after Brigadier General Thomas Jefferson Rusk ordered the evacuation of Mexican families from Victoria.
" (Raids in 1757). The raids according to Domingo Abella-Bikol Annals, "ten towns and two missions were completely destroyed; ten churches were looted and burned; about 8,000 indios were captured or killed; one priest was killed, two captured, and the capital Caceres, was under alert one night. Alcalde Jacinto Rodriguez Morales provided material for a baluarte (earthwork or fortified rampant) as defense of Pasacao against these raids. He also issued rations to bantayes (watchmen, sentinels).
Plácido Benavides (1810–1837) was an early Mexican-born settler in De Leon's Colony, Victoria County, Texas. Benavides earned himself the sobriquet of the Paul Revere of Texas for his 1836 journey from San Patricio to Goliad to Victoria, warning residents of the approaching Mexican army. He was twice elected alcalde of Victoria, Texas. He married into the powerful De León family, and with his wife Agustina became the father of three daughters.
The mission was located on the Camino Real, a "royal highway" which connected the California missions and which remained well-used until the 19th century. In 1821, Mexico revolted against Spain, winning independence for itself, and making California a province of the newly independent Mexico. By 1834, a town known as San Juan de Castro has sprouted up around the mission. It drew its name from the town's prominent alcalde José Tiburcio Castro.
In 1820, the families crossed to the south side of the river and lived in the Jonesborough settlement. The authorities in Miller County, Arkansas tried to collect taxes from the residents of Jonesborough. Believing themselves to be living in Spanish Texas, about 80 settlers petitioned the Spanish governor, asking him to appoint an alcalde to govern them. If this was not possible the petition requested that the settlers be allowed to elect their own officials.
Manuel Burga has shown that in Mangas many of the social structures are pre-Hispanic and have only slowly been modified in the recent centuries. Much like imperial Cuzco, there are two districts Hana Barrio and Ura Barrio. The alcalde and regidor positions, positions of authority rotate from one side to the other each year. Many of the women in Mangas speak only Quechua while the men tend to be more bilingual Spanish-Quechua.
While Urbieta offers Josecho to repay Chiquivar's debt, the girl tells Ramona about the sacristan's indecent plan. Josecho refuses to take the captain's money, at least now. The festivities commence, and a procession of fishermen and oarswomen accompany Magdalen to the alcalde, who decorates her with the Cross in the middle of the square; Josecho rings the church bells diligently to please the girl (No. 4). The crowd proceeds to the town hall (No. 4bis).
The mission survived for about half a century, but both the pueblo and the mission were destroyed by Apache raiders on 23 January 1675. A Franciscan priest was killed during the raid, however many Piro and Spaniards survived. Luis López, the namesake of the village of Luis Lopez, was the alcalde of Senecú in 1667.Julyan, Robert, (1998) "Luis Lopez" The Place Names of New Mexico (revised edition) University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, p.
In August 1846, Lt. Washington Allon Bartlett was named alcalde of Yerba Buena. On January 30, 1847, Lt. Bartlett's proclamation changing the name Yerba Buena to San Francisco took effect. The city and the rest of Alta California officially became a United States military territory in 1848 by the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican–American War. California was admitted for statehood to the United States on September 9, 1850.
He was one of the leaders of the revolt against Governor Manuel Victoria in 1831. He and fifty other Los Angeles leaders were imprisoned by Alcalde Vicente Sánchez for plotting against Victoria. An army of 150 men raised at El Presidio Real de San Diego by José Antonio Carrillo and Pío Pico marched into the pueblo and released all prisoners. Victoria led a force from Monterey to stop the insurrection in Los Angeles.
He was born in Buenos Aires, son of a family of Portuguese origin. His wife, Lorenza Sosa Rabelo also belonged to a family of Portuguese ancestors. His son, José Manuel Ferreyra, born in 1815, was godson of Francisco Belgrano, alcalde of second vote of Buenos Aires. Ferreyra completed elementary education in Real Colegio de San Carlos, and received his law degree in 1804, acting as a Defender of Minors in the city.
Shortly after, García brought Cachao to a recording studio to record a descarga album, partly in honour of his father (who was friends with Cachao's family) and his hometown, Bejucal, where his father was known as el alcalde (the mayor). The album, entitled Master Sessions Vol. I, became a success, charting in the Billboard Latin 50 and winning the Grammy Award for Best Tropical Latin Album in March 1995. The follow-up, Master Sessions Vol.
On the local level, the military governors left much of the existing Mexican system in place. The top municipal office remained that of alcalde, which combined judicial and administrative functions. The ayuntamiento was an elected advisory body. The juez de pais (justice of the peace) handled minor judicial matters and law enforcement in the towns, and the juez de campo (judge of the countryside) settled rural matters of cattle ownership, branding, etc.
109 One of Mason's first local-government actions demonstrated the absolute authority of the military governor over civil affairs. In June 1847, Mason had to deal with a situation not resolved before Kearny's departure. Kearny had ordered that a locally elected alcalde at Sonoma, John H. Nash, be replaced by Kearny's choice, Lilburn W. Boggs (previously governor of Missouri). Nash and the Sonomans refused, challenging the military governor's authority over local civilian officials.
In 1874 Pesqueira appointed Cajemé as alcalde-mayor of all the towns of both the Yaqui and Mayo. José J. Pesqueira, son of the current governor, was designated successor to the governor. This caused an attempt to violently appoint a new governor, which Pesqueira reacted to by attacking Cajemé and his people. From Medano, Pesqueira attacked a large number of Yaqui residents, killing Yaqui just because they were present, and pillaging their farms and ranches.
Sergio Augusto Magaña Martínez (2 December 1949 – 25 December 2017)Fallece Sergio Magaña, ex alcalde de Morelia was a Mexican politician affiliated with the Party of the Democratic Revolution (formerly to the Institutional Revolutionary Party). From 2014 to 2017 he served as Deputy of the LIX Legislature of the Mexican Congress as a plurinominal representative and as Senator of the LVI and LVII Legislatures. He also was Mayor of Morelia from 1993 to 1994.
In 1667, Captain Luis López was alcalde mayor (mayor) of the Piro Pueblo of Senecú. It appears that he had an hacienda on the east bank of the Rio Grande. During the 18th century the estancia was mentioned in the journals of a few travellers though it had been abandoned after the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. The village of Luis Lopez appears to have been founded by the early to mid 1830s.
The two made their home in San José and produced thirteen offspring between 1796 and 1824. After serving as alcalde and in other public offices, Castro was granted Rancho San Pablo in 1823 by Governor Luís Antonio Argüello. The land had previously been grazing land for cattle belonging to the Mission San Francisco de Asís, but was secularized by the new Mexican republic. He and his family moved to the rancho some time after 1824.
Almonester became an alcalde or city councilman for Louisiana (New Spain)'s governing authority, the Cabildo, and afterwards bought the office of Alferez Real or royal standard bearer. He was made Knight of the Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Carlos III in 1796. His nearest allies appear to have been Governor Esteban Rodríguez Miró, Père Antoine (Antonio de Sedella), and the de La Ronde family, to which he later joined through marriage.
Juarez moved his family to the Napa Valley in 1840, building a small adobe home. On October 6, 1840, Mariano Vallejo gave him a Mexican land grant, Rancho Tulucay, consisting of east of the Napa River. In 1844, he was elected alcalde of the district of Sonoma. The Cayetano Juarez Adobe in 2020 In 1845, he built a larger adobe home that still stands and is the oldest building in the city of Napa.
Ygnacio Pacheco (1808 - 1864) was the grandson of Juan Salvio Pacheco (1729 - 1777) and Maria Carmen del Valle, who came to California in 1776 with the Anza Expedition. Ygnacio Pacheco was born in San Jose, the only child of Ygnacio Bernardino Pacheco, the alcalde of San Jose. Ygnacio Pacheco was a soldier at the Presidio of San Francisco. He retired in 1838 and was granted one and a half leagues in 1840.
William H. Ellison, 1953, The Life And Adventures In California Of Don Agustin Janssens, 1834–1856 Noriega was alcalde of San Jose 1839. Noriega was grantee of Rancho Los Meganos in 1835 (sold to John Marsh in 1837), Rancho Las Positas in 1839 (sold to Robert Livermore in 1854), and Rancho Quito in 1841 (sold to Manuel Alviso in 1844), and purchased Rancho Canada de los Vaqueros in 1847 (sold in 1856).
Ayllón accompanied Ovando's flotilla and arrived at the capital, Santo Domingo, in April 1502. In 1504 Ayllón was appointed alcalde mayor, the chief magistrate and administrative officer, of Concepción. Ayllón was expected to establish order in the turbulent gold-mining districts in the hinterlands of the island. In 1509 Ovando and his lieutenants, including Ayllón, were recalled to Spain and subjected to a residencia, a review or audit of their term in office.
Isabel de Olvera was a free woman of mixed racial heritage in the 16th and 17th centuries. She lived in Querétaro, Mexico, and travelled on the Juan Guerra de Resa expedition to Santa Fe, sent to strengthen the Spanish claim to the colonised province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México. Olvera, the servant of a Spanish woman, filed a remarkable sworn deposition with the alcalde mayor of Querétaro before leaving on the expedition.
Francisco was regidor and acting alcalde there in 1825. In 1831 as a participant in the uprising against Governor Victoria he was imprisoned for a short period. He was commissioner at the Mission San Juan Capistrano from 1836 and 1837. The family moved to the west of Pueblo de Los Ángeles shortly after 1839 when Francisco was granted the Rancho San Vicente y Santa Monica by the Mexican government in recognition of his services.
He came to the Presidio of San Francisco as a soldier in 1819. De Haro became the first Alcalde (mayor) of the pueblo of Yerba Buena in 1834. He was instrumental in planning the street grid of the town along with Englishman William A. Richardson in 1835. In 1837, de Haro bought the Rancho Laguna de la Merced, which included Lake Merced and portions of northern San Mateo County, from the grantee José Antonio Galindo.
Governor Juan Alvarado granted two square leagues of land in 1839 to Marcelino Escobar, Alcalde (or mayor) of Monterey. It was named for two bodies of water: San José Creek near Point Lobos and El Río Chiquito del Sur. Alta California. Two of Escobar's sons, Juan and Agustin, obtained possession of the rancho shortly afterward, and sold it on August 26, 1841 to Doňa Maria Josefa de Abrego for about three cents an acre.
Later, during the Portuguese Interregnum, forces of D. John I camped in the town, preparing for the assault on Chaves, whose alcalde had sworn fealty to the Kingdom of Castile. As a consequence of the battles with Castile, in 1385 the castle was damaged. Legend suggests that the sovereign returned to seize the castle on Christmas Eve 1423. This was repeated in 1666, as the castle was damaged during the war with Spain.
Alcalde researches domestic violence, particularly in Peru, her home country, and on the "interconnections among intimate, institutional, and structural violence in Peru and among Latinos in the U.S., as well as on masculinities and motherhood". She finds that the responsibility of preventing domestic violence and protecting those who are being abused does not belong to any one person or institution, and it includes the police, the prosecutors office, ministries, courts, and the public.
Narvacan was organized under the traditions of the royal government of Spain. The Habsburg royal family served as the heads of state which in turn appointed Santiago de Vera as President of the Royal Audiencia – governor over the region in which Narvacan was situated. In 1589, Governor Vera appointed Nicolas de Figueroa as the first Encomendero de Narvacan – principal administrator of the town and its neighbors in the encomienda system. His role eventually evolved into the office of alcalde.
Balaídos is located on the Avenida Balaídos, in the district of Coia. It occupies the block bounded by Avenida Balaídos, Rúa Val Minor, Avenida Alcalde Portanet and Rúa dos Olimpicos Galegos. The stadium comprises four stands: Tribuna, Río (main stand), Gol (west end) and Marcador (east end), giving a total official capacity of 29,000. The record attendance at the stadium is 45,000 which was set in a Segunda División match between Celta and Getafe in 1982.
The average is 165 municipalities by province. The ayuntamiento, presided by its alcalde (Mayor) is the formal institution charged with the government and administration of most municipalities. The municipal councillors forming the deliberative assembly of the ayuntamiento are directly elected through proportional representation with closed party lists and a 5% electoral threshold. In turn, the councillors are charged with electing from among themselves (by default candidates are the head of each electoral list) the Mayor presiding over the ayuntamiento.
In 1843, the three square league Rancho Nojoqui was granted to Raimundo Carrillo, grandson of José Raimundo Carrillo. Raimundo was alcalde of Santa Barbara in 1849. With the cession of California to the United States following the Mexican-American War, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo provided that the land grants would be honored. As required by the Land Act of 1851, a claim for Rancho Nojoqui was filed with the Public Land Commission in 1852,United States.
Such were the numbers of Kʼicheʼ dead that Olintepeque was given the name Xequiquel, roughly meaning "bathed in blood".Fuentes y Guzmán 1882, p. 49. In the early 17th century, the grandson of the Kʼicheʼ king informed the alcalde mayor (the highest colonial official at the time) that the Kʼicheʼ army that had marched out of Qʼumarkaj to confront the invaders numbered 30,000 warriors, a claim that is considered credible by modern scholars.Veblen 1977, p. 488.
In 1894 the residents of the district of Parian (in what is now Cebu City) staged a Spanish play titled El Alcalde Interino. The play was performed in the convent of the old church of Parian (destroyed in 1878 because of misunderstandings between the residents and the Spanish friar assigned to the parish). The special guest was Junquera. Junquera, who was also interested in the theater, commented that the convent is too small for a theater.
Their annual salary ranged from P300 to P2000 before 1847 and P1500 to P1600 after 1847. This could be augmented through the special privilege of "indulto de commercio" where all people were forced to do business with him. The alcalde mayor was usually an Insular (Spaniard born in the Philippines). In the 19th century, the Peninsulares began to displace the Insulares, which resulted in the political unrests of 1872, notably the 1872 Cavite mutiny and the Gomburza executions.
Montejo was appointed alcalde mayor (a local colonial governor) of Tabasco in 1529, and pacified that province with the aid of his son, also named Francisco de Montejo. D'Avila was sent from eastern Yucatán to conquer Acalan, which extended southeast of the Laguna de Terminos. Montejo the Younger founded Salamanca de Xicalango as a base of operations. In 1530 d'Avila established Salamanca de Acalán as a base from which to launch new attempts to conquer Yucatán.
In 1841 he was granted Rancho Huichica in Napa County. In 1841 he was also granted the two leagues Rancho Canada de Guadalupe la Visitacion y Rodeo Viejo on the San Francisco Peninsula, which Leese soon exchanged for Ridley's three leagues Rancho Collayomi in Lake County. Leese moved to Sonoma in 1841, where he was alcalde in 1844. During the Bear Flag Revolt of 1846, Leese was taken prisoner with Vallejo and held captive at Sutter's Fort.
A group of pagan Aetas from Sierra Madre also allied themselves with the cofradía. On October 23, 1841, alcalde mayor Joaquín Ortega, with orders from Manila, led 300 men in an attack on the cofradía's camp. The 4,000-strong cofradía was able to resist the attack, which resulted in the deaths of Ortega and many of his men. Pule then transferred his camp to Alitao, near Tayabas town, where his followers crowned him "King of the Tagalogs".
ABC was producing a Muppet TV Special called A Muppet Valentine Special with actress Mia Farrow as the only human guest star. (Miss Piggy had not been "born" yet, nor was Kermit the Frog the host) When ABC ordered a second TV special, The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence for a possible Muppet TV series in prime-time, Henson hired Holman away from ABC to be his associate producer for that second pilot.The Alcalde, January, pp. 40, Vol.
1876-1941, [in:] Angel García-Sanz Marcotegui (ed.), Memoria histórica e identidad, Pamplona 2004, , p. 223 and member of the inter-related family cacique network.he was related to Rafael Gaztelu Maritorena, a provincial deputy (1892-1896) and entrepreneur in banking industry, who married his sister; Rafael's brother Alfonso was alcalde of Pamplona 1913-1916, and both were Conservative though not Carlist politicians, Larraza Micheltorena 2001, p. 446, Ángel García-Sanz Marcotegui, Elites económicas y políticas en la Restauración.
Ortega's descendants became one of the prominent Californio families. His son Ygnacio was the 1809 grantee of Rancho San Ysidro. Granddaughter Maria de Guadalupe married the naturalized American Joseph John Chapman. Granddaughter Maria del Pilar Ortega married Santiago Argüello, alcalde of San Diego and grantee of the Rancho ex-Mission San Diego and the Rancho Tijuana "The Rancho Tía Juana (Tijuana) Grant" by Antonio Padilla Corona, The Journal of San Diego History 50 (Winter/Spring 2004).
30 General Martín Perfecto de Cos sent troops to shut down the legislature, and ordered the arrest of all who voted for the Four Hundred League Law. Colonel Domingo Ugartechea, as principal commandant of Coahuila y Texas, ordered Cabajal arrested, but soldiers searching for him in Victoria were unsuccessful in their attempts at doing so. Alcalde BenavidesChance (2006) p.35 had refused to surrender Carbajal, and ordered his local militia to block the soldiers from entry into Victoria.
The community's name refers to Louis Robidoux who settled in the area in 1843. Of French Canadian origin, Robidoux's grandfather migrated from Quebec to St. Louis, Missouri, where his interest in the fur trade expanded to become the family business. Robidoux and his brothers became US citizens after 1803 when St. Louis officially became part of the United States. Robidoux was also a naturalized Mexican citizen who had served as Alcalde of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Ponce Candy Industries was a multi-national manufacturer of confectionary sweets based in Ponce, Puerto Rico, best known for its "Fiesta" brand of candy products. The company was founded in 1940 by Juan Eugenio Mayoral Renovales, Jorge Martín and Rafael Pou.Mensaje del Lcdo. Rafael Hernandez Colon con motivo al Natalicio del Ex-Alcalde de Ponce Rafael "Churumba" Cordero Santiago, el 24 de Octubre de 2011 en Ponce, Puerto Rico: Transcendencia Historica de Rafael Cordero Santiago y su Sentimiento Ponceñista.
67 Civil War Once Cantabria had been taken over by the Nationalists some young local Carlists started to form anti-unification resistance groups. The dissenters, dubbed "Tercio José Luis Zamanillo", were eventually prosecuted; it is not clear to what extent Zamanillo was involvedSanz Hoya 2009, p. 219 and whether he held any posts in the new Nationalist administration of Santander.a November 1937 press mentiond a "José Zamanillo" as alcalde of Santander, Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Santander 08.11.
Colonel Domingo de Ugartechea, commander of all Mexican troops in Texas, sent a corporal and five enlisted men to retrieve the cannon that had been given to the colonists. Many of the settlers believed Mexican authorities were manufacturing an excuse to attack the town and eliminate the militia. In a town meeting, three citizens voted to hand over the gun to forestall an attack; the remainder, including alcalde Andrew Ponton, voted to stand their ground.Davis (2006), p. 137.
In addition, Maynez ordered the settlers of San Fernando de Taos to abandon the lands which were propriety of the Pueblo Native Americans. In October 1815, Maynez issued a law that defended the Indigenous rights of New Mexico. In 1816, during the final year of his government in New Mexico, 280 Spanish colonists protested the new 5% tax (which had been set by the Alcalde Mayor of Taos, Pedro Martin). The complaint was delivered to Maynez who represented them.
Fernando Castillo Velasco is an underground metro station and the southern terminal station of Line 3 of the Santiago Metro network, in Santiago, Chile. It is located underground, at the intersection of Alcalde Fernando Castillo Velasco Avenue with Loreley Street. It the current terminal station of Line 3, preceded by the Plaza Egaña station. The station was opened on 22 January 2019 as part of the inaugural section of the line, from Los Libertadores to Fernando Castillo Velasco.
However, such prosperous state of affairs collapsed due to the rescates and that "all the vecinos, the church, the monasteries, and the hospitals, were so poor and were invaded and robbed." An account claimed that the smuggling activities was ambiguous since the contraband trading relationship involved willing participation on the local side while, in some, it was coerced. For instance, some local functionaries called alcalde ordinarios sent to investigate rescate ports were also involved in the trade as well.
During the second invasion the third of Viscaínos participated in the Combat of Miserere. His social ascent was after taking place the Declaration of Independence. In 1816 he was appointed to integrate a regiment of urban militias created by order of the Supreme Director of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata. He also served as Alcalde in the neighborhood of Monserrat and San Nicolás, populated largely by traders of British and American origin.
This dispute came to a head among the Tompiros. In 1659, Governor Bernardo López de Mendizábal appointed Nicolás de Aguilar as Alcalde Mayor (Magistrate) of the Tompiro settlements. Aguilar was a Mestizo (part Indian) soldier from Michoacán, Mexico and he carried out the policy of Governor López forcefully. Among López's dictates were that no Indian would be required to work for the Franciscan priests without pay and that the Indians had the right to practice their religion.
Verdugo retired to Los Angeles around 1787, and served as alcalde of the Pueblo in 1790 - 1791 and 1802 - 1808. Mariano married Maria Guadalupe Lugo (-1780) at Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo in 1775. After Guadalupe Lugo died in San Diego in 1780, Verdugo married Maria Gertrudis Gregoria Espinosa (1760-1830) in 1788.Mariano de la Luz Verdugo and María Gregoria Espinosa marriage record Their daughter, Maria del Rosaria Verdugo (1793-), married Francisco Avila in 1810.
Francisco was born in 1559 in Cáceres, Spain, son of Francisco García Moroto and Inés Martin. He arrived in the Rio de la Plata in 1603, occupying distinguished political positions in the city, where served as alcalde, fiel ejecutor, attorney general and deputy of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires. Francisco García Romero married in Asunción to Mariana González de Santa Cruz, daughter of Bartolomé González de Villaverde and María Santa Cruz, belonging to a distinguished family of conquerors.
"Vivo cantando" (, ) is a song recorded by Spanish singer Salomé. The song was written by María José de Cerato and Aniano Alcalde, and it was produced by Augusto Algueró. It is best known as the Spanish winning entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 1969. The song was joint winner with the United Kingdom's "Boom Bang-a-Bang" performed by Lulu, "De troubadour" by Lenny Kuhr representing the Netherlands, and "Un jour, un enfant" sung for France by Frida Boccara.
José Joaquín Estudillo(1800 – 1852), son of Spanish soldier José María Estudillo and brother of José Antonio Estudillo, was born at the Presidio of Monterey and joined the Spanish Army at the age of 15. In 1823, Estudillo married Juana del Carmen Martinez (daughter of Ygnacio Martínez, grantee of Rancho El Pinole). In 1835, Estudillo was the commissioner for the secularization of Mission San Francisco de Asís. In 1835, he was elected alcalde of Yerba Buena.
The number of homes with some level of damage was, however, significantly higher. For example, according to its mayor, in the town of Yauco alone, there were 3,200 homes with some degree of damage.Sismos en el sur: Pasan terrible factura emocional y estructural en Yauco y Ponce: El alcalde de Yauco, Ángel Luis Torres Ortiz, indicó que unas 3,200 unidades de vivienda en su municipio sufrieron daños a raíz de la actividad sismica de la pasada semana.
Morales Crespo died at Hospital Damas, in Ponce, Puerto Rico, on 18 June 2011. Governor Luis Fortuño declared three days of mourning island- wide accompanied by the lowering of the U.S. and Puerto Rico flags at all public buildings and facilities in memory of Morales Crespo.Muere ex alcalde de Ponce: El gobernador Luis Fortuño expresó sus condolencias y declaró 3 días de duelo por la muerte de Luis Antonio “Wito” Morales. WAPA-TV. 18 June 2011.
The four square league Rancho Santa Ana was granted to Crisógono Ayala and his father-in-law Cosme Vanegas was part of the lands of Mission San Buenaventura. Cosme Damien Vanegas (1780-), was the son of Los Angeles Pobladores Jose Maria Vanegas (1753-) and Maria Bonifacia Maxima Aguilar(-1801). Jose Maria Vanegas was alcalde (mayor) of Los Angeles from about 1786 to 1788 and again in 1796. Jose Crisógono Dolores Ayala (1793 - 1866) married Bárbara Bernidina Vanegas (1800-).
Erquicia was born in Santiago del Estero, son of a traditional family settled in the area at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1790 he was President of the Municipal Committee, and was elected Alcalde in first vote that same year. In 1792 Erquicia bought the position of Faithful Executor. In 1798 were held the elections of Santiago del Estero, suffrages where he had been elected Regidor with only a difference of one vote in his favor.
Montejo was appointed alcalde mayor (a local colonial governor) of Tabasco in 1529, and pacified that province with the aid of his son, also named Francisco de Montejo. D'Avila was sent from eastern Yucatán to conquer Acalan, which extended southeast of the Laguna de Terminos. Montejo the Younger founded Salamanca de Xicalango as a base of operations. In 1530 D'Avila established Salamanca de Acalán as a base from which to launch new attempts to conquer Yucatán.Quezada 2011, p. 37.
Juan de Oñate y Salazar (; 1550–1626) was a Spanish conquistador from New Spain, explorer, and colonial governor of the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México in the viceroyalty of New Spain. He led early Spanish expeditions to the Great Plains and Lower Colorado River Valley, encountering numerous indigenous tribes in their homelands there. Oñate founded settlements in the province, now in the Southwestern United States. A monument in Alcalde, New Mexico was removed on June 15, 2020.
In 1770s Juan Joseph de Iramain had been promoted to Lieutenant colonel (Captain) of the 1° regiment. In 1780 he was elected Alcalde in first vote, and was appointed Governor of Arms of Santiago del Estero in 1786. During the British invasions, Iramain commanded the militias of Santiago del Estero, participating heroically of the defense and reconquest of Buenos Aires. He had led one of the two militia companies, made up of Cavalry volunteers sent from their home province.
As a commune, Placilla is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 mayor was José Joaquín Latorre Muñoz (PDC); Latorre, however, died as a consequence of a car crash on 22 July 2013. Latorre had previously held the mayoral office between 1992 and 2008. He was succeeded by Tulio Contreras Álvarez, a member of the local council.
In early 1864, a dedicated southern sympathizer from Tennessee, secessionist Judge George Gordon Belt, a rancher and former alcalde in Stockton, used his ranch on the Merced River to organize a group of partisan rangers. They would be led by two southerners John Mason and "Jim Henry" and sent out to recruit more men and pillage the property of Union men in the countryside. Unfortunately Judge Belt had chosen his men poorly. Both men had unsavory pasts.
Colton was nominated chaplain of the West India Squadron in 1831 and visited ports throughout the world. He was married to a Philadelphia woman of the same family name, and he sailed to the Pacific in 1845. He recorded the story of that eventful voyage in his book, Deck and Port. Soon after Colton's arrival in Monterey, Commodore Robert F. Stockton appointed him the first American Alcalde of Monterey, a title he held from 1846 to 1849.
In 1849, Gardner Colton went to California, where his brother Walter Colton was the Alcalde of Monterey, to join the California Gold Rush. He was unsuccessful in finding gold, and returned to the East. In partnership with two dentists, he set up the Colton Dental Association, which promoted the use of nitrous oxide in dental procedures and became a thriving business. Between 1864 and 1897, Colton and his associates used nitrous oxide in tens of thousands of tooth extractions.
He was born in San Antonio de Béxar (now San Antonio, Texas, United States). He married María Luisa Cásares by 1846 and had at least two children. The son of a military officer, Vicente Tarín and his wife, Juana Isidora Leal, he was grandson of rancher Joaquin Leal and great- great-grandson of Juan Leal, first alcalde (mayor) of San Antonio. Tarín was baptized at the San Antonio de Valero Mission ("the Alamo") two days after his birth.
The senior Wells was appointed alcalde by Governor John N. Goodwin while the younger Wells worked a series of clerk positions. The list of clerking positions included work for the 1st and 2nd territorial legislatures, the U.S. Army, Chief Justice William F. Turner, and the county board of supervisors. In 1870, Wells was elected county recorder and he also served as United States commissioner from 1871 to 1875. Wells married Rosiland Gertrude Banghart on October 5, 1869.
In 1168 he was appointed alcalde in the city of León, and controlled the city's fortifications (tenente turris Legionis, "held the towers of León") until 1182.Barton (1997), 171. In the early summer of 1169, the Portuguese freebooter Gerald the Fearless took the city of Badajoz after a long siege, but the garrison took refuge in the alcazaba, the siege of which continued.Charles Julian Bishko, "The Spanish and Portuguese Reconquest, 1095-1492," A History of the Crusades, vol.
The Mexican government granted the rights to establish a town, and the locals elected town officials. John J. Tumlinson, Sr., was elected alcalde, with Robert Kuykendall captain and Moses Morrison lieutenant. Tumlinson's land adjoined Beason's; together, they made up much of the site of present-day Columbus. Tumlinson was killed by Native Americans in 1823. In 1834, after the Tumlinson children inherited the estate, they sold land to William Dewees, who was married to Beason's daughter, Lydia.
The municipality was founded around 1800 by the Xincas, an almost extinct tribe indigenous to the area. San Juan Tecuaco is located in the southeast of Guatemala, in the department of Santa Rosa. Within 82 square km it's surrounded to the west and south by Chiquimulilla; to the east with Oratorio and Pasaco; to the north by Santa Maria Ixhuatan. The Democratic local government is represented by the Major, (Alcalde) followed by the vice, and three councilors.
However, as soon as they departed, Diego went back on his word and plundered Cabeza's entourage of natives that he had sent back home. Not long after this, Cabeza encountered the chief Alcalde (Spanish captain of the province) named Melchor Diaz. Melchor Diaz ordered Cabeza to bring the natives back from the forests so that they would re-cultivate the land. Cabeza and Melchor invited the natives to convert to Christianity and the natives did so willingly.
Carrillo was alcalde of Los Angeles in 1826, 1828, and 1833. In 1836, Juan Bandini, a prominent political official who supported the American cause, was back in the revolution-making business - this time in opposition to Governor Juan Bautista Alvarado. Carrillo returned from his post as territorial congressman in Mexico with the news that his brother, Carlos, had been appointed governor of Alta California to replace Alvarado, and that the capital had been changed from Monterey to Los Angeles.
Each week, there is one primary prioste called the "Fiesta Alcalde" and two secondary hosts called the "Encierro Izquierdo" and the "Encierro Derecho". The highlight of the festival are the corridas (runnings of the bulls) held each Saturday. Bulls are brought into a plaza and released, so that they can be chased and brought back to the plaza. Young people re-capture the animals, often by pulling on their tails, and bring the animals back to the plaza.
After three years, Alejandro meets Toypurnia, who was renamed Regina, at a lavish party to celebrate the arrival of Pedro Fages, who has earlier resigned from his post and was on his way to Mexico with Eulalia. He proposes marriage to Regina and she accepts. The two are wed by Padre Mendoza, and Fages bequeaths a large acreage of land to Alejandro. He retires from the military and becomes a hacienda owner, and later an alcalde.
Caro Martínez was elected president of the ' in the meeting. Later that year, on 6 May, the first municipal meeting (sesión municipal) was held. During the meeting, Caro Martínez, aged 64, was unanimously elected as the first Mayor of Pichilemu since its creation as a commune. Pedro Nolasco de Mira, and Francisco Reyes were elected as segundo, and tercer alcalde, respectively, and Francisco Cerón, José Leonardo Lizana, Ceferino Rosales, Benjamín Calderón, and Francisco León as regidores.
For a short time, he served as alcalde (magistrate) of the second Spanish town founded on the island. In 1519, he was elected captain of the third expedition to the mainland, which he partly funded. His enmity with the Governor of Cuba, Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, resulted in the recall of the expedition at the last moment, an order which Cortés ignored. Arriving on the continent, Cortés executed a successful strategy of allying with some indigenous people against others.
American infantry firing at Filipino insurgents at Balagtas, 1899. Originally known as Caruya/Caluya as per as the history records regarding the early years of the establishment of Bulacan Province, Caruya was one of the Encomiendas of the vast region La Pampanga falls under the Alcalde Mayor of Bulacan. Encomienda de Caruya was Encomienda of the King of Spain which appeared in Miguel de Loarca's Relacion delas Isla Filipinas in 1582 and the Report of Governor- General Luis Perez de Dasmariñas of June 21, 1591 document. The propagation of catholic instructions in Caruya initially belongs to Bulakan Convent and it was directly administered by Alcalde Mayor of Bulacan but it was transferred to Malolos Convent at uncertain date. Bigaa is one of the ancient towns of the Province together with Calumpit 1571 (became Town in 1575) Bulakan 1575 (became Town in 1578) Meycauayan 1578, Malolos 1571 (became Town in 1580) and Binto 1581 (a former visita of Malolos became Town renamed as Binto y Quingua 1602) later known as Plaridel.
He was a Slave Trader and Proprietor in Cuba, Regidor and Mayor (Alcalde) of Havana, Senator for life of the Kingdom of Spain, etc., and was created Grand Cross of the Order of Isabel the Catholic and the Order of Charles III and also received the titles of 1st Marquess of Álava and the previous title of 1st Viscount of Casa Blanca. Among his many commercial and industrial activities was a very extensive part in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Nicolas August Den (1812-1862) was an Irish immigrant who moved to Santa Barbara in 1836. Den who had studied to become a medical doctor in Dublin, and although not yet graduated, he became the first medical doctor in the Santa Barbara area. His brother, Richard, came to Santa Barbara in 1843. While both Den brothers were medical men, Nicolas Den's practice had been put aside in favor of administration of Rancho Dos Pueblos and service as alcalde of Santa Barbara.
In 1821 Mexico ousted the Spanish in the Mexican War of Independence and created the Province of Alta California. The San Diego Mission was secularized and shut down in 1834 and the land was sold off. 432 residents petitioned the governor to form a pueblo, and Juan María Osuna was elected the first alcalde ("municipal magistrate"), defeating Pío Pico in the vote. Beyond town Mexican land grants expanded the number of California ranchos that modestly added to the local economy.
El Ejido (also known as El Egido), is neighbourhood of León, Spain. Located in the east part of the city, between the streets Miguel Zaera and Alcalde Miguel Castaño, it emerged during the fifties as a neighbourhood around the parish of Jesús Divino Obrero. Nowadays, the newer part includes the parish of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Its most outstanding avenue is Jose María Fernández, although streets such as Pendón de Baeza or Daoíz y Velarde are of some importance as well.
Juan Martin de Veramendi (December 17, 1778-1833) was a Spanish (1778-1821, Mexican independence) and Mexican (1821–1833) politician who served as governor of the Mexican state of Coahuila y Tejas from 1832 until 1833. Varamendi was also collector of foreign revenue (in Bexar in 1822–1823), alternate deputy of the Texas Provincial Depuration to the Mexican National Constituent Congress, alcalde of Bexar (1824, 1825 and 1828) and Vice Governor (in Coahuila y Tejas province on September 6, 1830).
Vito Cruz station is a station on the Manila Light Rail Transit System Line 1. Like all other Line 1 stations, Vito Cruz station is above-ground. The station serves Malate in Manila and is the first station from Baclaran and the last station from Roosevelt to lie within Manila city bounds. The station takes its name from the former Vito Cruz Street (now Pablo Ocampo Sr. Street), which was named after a former alcalde mayor of Pineda (present-day Pasay) .
Although he eventually became a big landowner, he lived very simply on his lands. Mariano was a man of strong principles, and even led a petition to the Governor-General denouncing the corruption and abuses of the Alcalde Mayor, the governor of Nueva Ecija, and asking for his recall. Cabesang Mariano married several times and, in the fashion of the time, engaged in extramarital affairs, siring numerous progeny. His fourth and last wife was Silveria Misadsad Bundoc of Entablado, Cabiao.
These corregimientos were designed to attend to judicial matters between encomienda (later hacienda) holders and the indigenous population. These corregimientos were headed by an "alcalde mayor" or "high mayor." Initially, the Franciscans were in charge of evangelizing the area, but soon after this task fell to the regular clergy. During the Mexican War of Independence, insurgent forces under generals Joaquin Canseco, Jose Maria Oviedo, Felipe Nubi and Vicente Vargas fought against General Porlier of the royal Spanish Army in 1811.
Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá (1555–1620) was a captain and legal officer (procurador general) in the Juan de Oñate expedition that first colonized Santa Fe de Nuevo México in 1598. Between 1601 and 1603, he served as the Alcalde mayor of the Guanacevi mines in what is now the Mexican state of Durango. He is better known for his authorship of Historia de la Nueva México, published in 1610. He was born in Puebla de Los Angeles, New Spain.
In 1647 he was named alcalde for criminal law, and in 1652 he became an oidor (a judge in the Audiencia). He rose to the position of decano (president) of the Audiencia. In the interval between the death of Viceroy Diego de Benavides, 8th Count of Santisteban in 1666 and the arrival of his replacement, Pedro Antonio Fernández de Castro, the following year, Iturriaza served as governor (interim viceroy) of Peru. This was from about March 1666 to about November 1667.
Upon landing in Cuba in 1862, he was introduced to Antonio Galíndez, a distant relative who was a businessman involved in sugar production and trade businessman in the Matanzas Province. Arechabala later went to work for Galíndez. In 1869 he started working for Casa Bea, a hardware, banking and ship consignment company owned by the politician and industrialist Julián de Zulueta, who later became the Mayor (Alcalde) of Havana. In 1873, he was appointed the sole agent of Zulueta's business ventures in Cárdenas.
Californios were angry at United States immigrants settling on their ranchos. Six men of the U.S. sloop Warren, who had gone ashore to buy cattle from Mexicans for food, were taken hostage by a group under Francisco Sánchez. One of the hostages was Lieutenant Washington Allon Bartlett, the alcalde of Yerba Buena (soon to be renamed San Francisco). Captains Joseph Aram and Charles Maria Weber, commanding U.S. volunteers at Santa Clara and San Jose respectively, were sent to free them.
Hotel Tryp Ceuta, known as Hotel Tryp, is a hotel in Ceuta, a Spanish city bordering northern Morocco. It is located near the Palacio Municipal in the centre of the city, near the corner of Avenida Alcalde Antonio L. Sánchez Prados and the Plaza de África. The hotel has 117 rooms, two suites, a restaurant, bar and conference rooms which accommodate up to 530 people. It belongs to the TRYP Hotels brand, which belonged to the Sol Meliá Hotels & Resorts of Spain.
She was glad to leave Galicia, as she was criticized by Galician women for her refusal to do manual labor and for her love of study. She also disliked the damp climate and lack of cultural life. In the province of Seville in Andalusia she visited Constantina, where her father's family lived. In 1839, shortly after her arrival in Seville, she met and fell deeply in love with Ignacio de Cepeda y Alcalde, a wealthy, well-educated, and socially prominent young man.
His son Juan Ángel Ramón Higinio Hilario Michelena del Pino, was born on January 5, 1818 in Buenos Aires, and served in the Spanish Navy., He was married in Spain to María de Rada, being the parents of Juan Ángel de Michelena y Rada. His father José Ignacio de Michelena y Echeverría was born in Cadiz, belonged to a noble family of Basque ancestors. He had served as Alcalde in the City of Caracas, and was member of the Guipuzcoan Company.
The one square league Rancho Pala was granted to José Joaquín Higuera, and was acquired by Charles White. Charles White (Abt. 1808-1853), a native of Co. Kilkenny,Ireland who came overland from St. Joseph,Missouri in 1846 with his wife, Ellen E. Kearney White (Abt. 1814-1887), and two children, was one of San Jose's leading and wealthiest citizens in the half-dozen years before and after statehood. He was alcalde of the Pueblo of San José in 1848.
This raid captured 40,000 heads of cattle and around 40 prisoners, mostly herdsmen. The immensity of this raid incursion forced Castile's Christians to put aside their internal squabbles and form a united front against the Kingdom of Granada. The Alcalde of Lorca Castle, Alonso Fajardo, nicknamed el Bravo (English: The Brave) sent heralds to various towns within the Kingdom of Murcia. The resulting army from Aledo, Caravaca de la Cruz, and Murcia totaled around 300 knights and 2,000 infantry soldiers.
After several unsuccessful attempts, he was introduced to several Cincinnati, Ohio investors by Heintzelman. On March 24, 1856, US$2 million was secured to found the Sonora Exploring and Mining Company with Heintzelman as company president and Poston as managing supervisor. The company set up headquarters in Tubac, Arizona and began mining operations in the nearby Santa Rita Mountains and elsewhere. Poston served as alcalde of the settlement and became known as "Colonel" Poston in the town of roughly 800 people.
In 1835, William A. Richardson, a naturalized Mexican citizen of English birth, erected a homestead near the boat anchorage of Yerba Buena Cove. Together with Alcalde Francisco de Haro, he laid out a street plan for the expanded settlement, which retained the name Yerba Buena. In early 1841 James Douglas of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC), operating on the Pacific coast from Fort Vancouver, went to Yerba Buena to establish an HBC trading post. A large building on the water's edge was purchased.
The cabildo was taken to the Americas and Philippines by the Spanish conquistadors. Towns and villages in the Americas with the right to a council (villas and lugares in the Recopilación de las Leyes de Indias, 1680) had one alcalde. Cities (ciudades) had two, which was the maximum number anywhere. Early in the conquest, adelantados had the right to appoint the alcaldes in the districts they settled, if they could attract the legally specified number of settlers to the area.
Captured and imprisoned in Mexico, John later returned to Texas and joined Stephen Austin's colony, befriending him and becoming constable of his settlement at San Felipe de Austin. He was joined in Texas by his brother William. Stephen provided the capital for John's cotton gin on Buffalo Bayou, and his brother James opened a store with John in Brazoria, Texas. Involved through his business with the coasting trade, John became the port officer in 1831 and alcalde for Brazoria the next year.
Ygnacio Martínez was born in Mexico City, New Spain (now Mexico), and was a soldier in Alta California by 1822. In 1827, as a lieutenant stationed at the Presidio of San Francisco, Martínez met with the American explorer Jedediah Smith and helped to facilitate the continuation of Smith's northward travels toward the Columbia River. Martínez was the fourth Alcalde of Yerba Buena (now San Francisco) in 1837. In 1842, he was granted the Rancho El Pinole, which included the Alhambra Valley.
In 1880, having found the soil productive for agricultural purposes, the early settlers cleared the place, cultivate the land and cut down the trees. The trees were sawed into lumber out of which their houses were constructed. At time passes and population continues to grow, more and more demands are made for land and its resources. So much so, on the end of the 19th century, the barrio Nampicuan became a municipality and the first “alcalde mayors” were Andres Tabilangan and Feliciano Cuaresma.
After only three games, the rivalry had developed into a grudge match. The Alcalde reported "In the hardest fought game of the season the Bearkats downed the sturdy Lumberjacks at Nacogdoches. This fray was marked by unusual roughness and hard playing." November 24, 1930 – Sam Houston 20, Stephen F. Austin 0 At the end of November in 1930, all that stood between head coach J. W. Jones' Sam Houston team and the Bearkats' first ever conference championship was the Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks.
Church door In 1571, the Spaniards subjugated mainland Luzon including Taguig through the Legazpi expedition. Between the years 1582 and 1583, Taguig became part of the Encomienda del Tondo and was under the headship of an Alcalde Mayor, Captain Vergara. Taguig was eventually established as a separate town in 1587 and was declared a parish with St. Anne as its chosen patroness. Augustinian friars, Fr. Diego Alvarez and his assistant, Fr. Diego de Avila, were assigned to begin religious activities in Taguig.
This was seconded by Pérez's soldiers, and by the fleet. Rojas left office, having governed for 40 days. Pedro de Rojas was promoted to alcalde in Mexico City, and Antonio de Morga was named as his replacement in the Philippines, with increased authority. (Rojas had been lieutenant assessor in judicial matters, but Morga was also lieutenant governor of the colony.) Morga sailed from Acapulco, New Spain on March 22, 1595, arriving at Cavite on June 11 of the same year.
In order to live in a free state, Edwards moved to Indiana, where he served in the Indiana House of Representatives in 1845 and 1846. He had inherited slaves from his father's estate in Kentucky but freed them and gave them property with which to begin a new life in Indiana. He moved to California, and in 1849 was elected an alcalde. Edwards returned to Indiana in 1852, and as a Whig, he served as member of the Indiana State Senate in 1853.
A 27-article bill of rights, containing, according to historian Howard Miller, an "impressive list" of protected rights, was included. This document aligned closely with contemporary American political ideals, especially the notion that all men had a right to liberty. Much of the language and concepts were drawn from the first eight amendments to the United States Constitution. The document called for trial by jury, a distinct departure from Mexican law, which required that trials be heard by the local alcalde.
La Punta is a district of the Constitutional Province of Callao in Peru, and one of the seven districts that make up the port city of Callao. It is located in a peninsula in the western part of the province and is almost entirely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, except on its northeastern side, where it is bordered by downtown Callao. Officially established as a district on October 6, 1915, the current mayor (alcalde) of La Punta is Pio Salazar (2019-2022).
Nacogdochians looking for a stolen horse found a camp of around one hundred armed Tejanos. Rather than allow the local militia to act, Houston (who was in Nacogdoches at the time) prohibited both sides from assembly or carrying of weapons. Local alcalde Vicente Córdova and eighteen other leaders of the revolt issued a proclamation with a number of demands to be met before their surrender. After being joined by around three hundred Indian warriors, they moved towards the Cherokee settlements.
One discovered and named pearl, La Peregrina pearl, was offered to Philip II of Spain and then gifted to his wife Mary I of England. According to Garcilasso de la Vega, who says that he saw La Peregrina at Seville in 1607,Garcilasso, "Historie des Incas, Rois du Perou," Amsterdam, 1704, Vol. II, P. 352. this was found at Panama in 1560 by a slave worker who was rewarded with his liberty, and his owner with the office of alcalde of Panama.
McIntosh went the capital in Monterey to get the necessary papers in 1839. When he returned, Dawson on examining the papers, found that they were made out only in the name of McIntosh. Well authenticated tradition says that when Dawson made this discovery, he sawed the house, in which McIntosh and Dawson had been living, in two parts, and removed his half to what would become Dawson's Rancho Cañada de Pogolimi grant. Edward McIntosh, who never married, became alcalde of San Rafael.
As a commune, Caldera is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde (mayor) who is directly elected every four years. The 2012-2016 mayor was Patricia González Brizuela (UDI). Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Caldera is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Alberto Robles (PRSD) and Mrs. Yasna Provoste (DC) as part of the 6th electoral district, (together with Tierra Amarilla, Vallenar, Freirina, Huasco and Alto del Carmen).
Spanish reprint plus English translation in Land of Sunshine magazine, volume 6, January 1897. Available online at Internet Archive (retrieved July 2018) Those rules included locally elected officials (subject to approval by the governor): the alcalde (combined mayor and judge), the ayuntamiento (town council), the juez de paz (justice of the peace), and others. From its very inception in 1797 the Villa met with great obstacles. The funds were not adequate, and the enterprise failed to attract any retired soldiers.
In the end the Villa de Branciforte never resembled the neatly laid out plans for streets and buildings its planners envisioned. Furthermore, it never lived up to its expectations, and in 1802, the town itself lost the support of the Crown, and supplies ceased to arrive. In 1803, about five years after the villa was established the settlers attempted to establish a government by electing an alcalde or municipal magistrate. This election was one of the first elections ever held in Alta California.
In 711 Spain was invaded by Moors, who brought the Arabic language to the Peninsula. From then until the fall of the Emirate of Granada (1492), Spanish borrowed words from Arabic, such as alcalde "mayor", álgebra "algebra", and zanahoria "carrot". It is thought that the bilingualism of the Mozarabs facilitated the transfer of vocabulary from Arabic to Castilian. The neighboring Romance languages—Portuguese/Galician, Catalan, French, and Occitan—contributed greatly to the Spanish lexicon throughout the Middle Ages and into the modern era.
In the Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Center (until 2017 the Oñate Monument and Visitor Center) in Alcalde, New Mexico, is a 1991 bronze statue dedicated to Oñate. In 1998, New Mexico celebrated the 400th anniversary of his arrival. Shortly before (December 29, 1997), and the close dates are no coincidence, unknown perpetrator(s) cut off the statue's right footGinger Thompson. "As a Sculpture Takes Shape in Mexico, Opposition Takes Shape in the U.S.," The New York Times, January 17, 2002.
This suggest two things: first, those in Peru tend to blame battered women who are poor and indigenous for the abuse they experience and second, that women enjoy violence. Migration within Peru remains a significant issue in Peru. According to Alcalde, it can produce one of two outcomes. First, it may allow a women to leave her abuser behind but second, migration to Lima may further entrench violence because women (in a new city) have to rely on an abusive partner.
He joined an emigrant train heading west and arrived in Oregon's Willamette Valley in the spring of 1845. He left Oregon in June 1845 and headed south along the Siskiyou Trail into California, eventually reaching Sutter's Fort, California, an agricultural settlement, in mid-July. John Sutter, the founder of Sutter's Fort, was also the alcalde of the area, as California was still a Mexican possession in 1845. Sutter hired Marshall to assist with work at the sawmill, and around the fort (carpentry, primarily).
As a result of the Dutch court decision, in 2010 Rosneft paid Yukos the value of the awards. However, it did not pay the $160 million post-award interest that had accrued since 2006.Maria Alcalde (September 19, 2012), English courts entitled to adjudicate on enforcement of awards annulled at seat DLA Piper International Arbitration Newsletter. When Rosneft refused to make the requested payments, Yukos Capital asked the courts in Britain, Ireland and the state of New York to oblige it.
However, plays like Sancho García, El Rey loco, and El Alcalde Ronquillo are much more original. He considered his last play, Traidor, inconfeso y mártir (1845) his best play. Upon the death of his mother in 1847 Zorrilla left Spain, resided for a while at Bordeaux, and settled in Paris, where his incomplete poem Granada was published in 1852. In a fit of depression, he emigrated to America three years later, hoping, he claimed, that yellow fever or smallpox would kill him.
Manuel Cabral de Melo e Alpoim (1589-1676) was a Portuguese nobleman in the service of the Spanish Empire. He was one of the most prominent military and politicians of the Río de la Plata towards the beginning of the 17th century. He served as alcalde and teniente de gobernador de Corrientes Province (Argentina). He also had an outstanding participation as a landowner, dedicated to cimarron cattle, being one of the most powerful accioneros (hunting) of the Viceroyalty of Peru.
Manuel Cabral de Melo was twice married, 1st, to Inés Arias de Mansilla, daughter of Francisco Arias de Mansilla (regidor) and Lucía de Espinosa. And to 2dly, with Juana Delgado de Espinosa, daughter of Captain Francisco Delgado de Ledesma and Jerónima de Espinosa. He had two daughters Margarita and Gregoria, and a son, Juan Cabral de Alpoim y Arias de Mansilla, alcalde, regidor and landowner of Corrientes Province. He was a distant descendant of the Royal Houses of Portugal, Castile, France and England.
He was born in Buenos Aires, the son Amador Báez de Alpoim and Ana Romero de Santa Cruz, belonging to a distinguished family. He was elected alcalde of second vote of Buenos Aires in 1667, and served as Prosecutor General of Buenos Aires in 1668. For several periods he was chosen as Alférez real, in charge of carrying the Royal Standard during official ceremonies. He also had an outstanding performance at the head of the Provincial Militias of Buenos Aires.
In 1846 he was alcalde of San Rafael. With the cession of California to the United States following the Mexican-American War, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo provided that the land grants would be honored. As required by the Land Act of 1851, a claim for Rancho San Jose was filed with the Public Land Commission in 1852,United States. District Court (California : Northern District) Land Case 40 ND and the grant was patented to Ygnacio Pacheco in 1861.
He was a knight of the military Order of Calatrava. He was an oidor (judge) in the Audiencia of Santa Fe de Bogotá (also part of the Viceroyalty of Peru), beginning in August 1674. On October 31, 1680 he was promoted to criminal alcalde in Lima. During this time he married Luisa de Céspedes, a native of Lima and daughter of Juan Antonio de Céspedes y Toledo, knight of the Order of Santiago, and María de Arcos y Aguilar, a native of Lima.
Gustavo Silva Pizarro was elected mayor (primer alcalde) of Pichilemu in 1915 for a three-year term, and re-elected for the 1918-21 and 1921-24 terms. In the 1924 election, Luis Barahona Fornés was elected mayor and Silva Pizarro was relegated to a regidor office for the 1924-1927 term. During Silva Pizarro's tenure as mayor of Pichilemu, on 2 January 1919, the municipality contracted for the first time a doctor, Joaquín Browne, to provide health services for the commune.
The wedding was held on 18 September 2015 at Vitoria's City Hall. Maroto, a member of the conservative People's Party's national board, is known for his views contrary to the stance of his own party pertaining to same-sex marriage in Spain.Maroto, el alcalde de Vitoria, se casa con su novio, El Diario Montañés, 3 June 2015. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, who had challenged the law approving same-sex marriage when he was Opposition Leader, attended the wedding celebrations as a guest.
William Richardson (August 27, 1795 - April 20, 1856) was an early California entrepreneur, influential in the development of Yerba Buena, the forerunner of San Francisco. Richardson was the first to receive a land grant in the city, deeded to him by the alcalde, José Joaquín Estudillo. He was subsequently granted the Rancho Saucelito, an even larger rancho land holding across San Francisco Bay comprising a large portion of present-day southeastern Marin County. On these lands, he founded the city of Sausalito.
San Diego History, section Joshua Bean Bean was appointed Major General of the State Militia and served to crush the Antonio Garra revolt in 1851.San Diego History, Chronology Later he had a small role in preventing the massacre of John Edward Irvine near Redlands, California. San Diego was incorporated by the California State Legislature in 1850. Bean, the last alcalde of San Diego,San Diego History, Where California Began was elected mayor in the first election under the charter on June 16.
The Fuente de las Ranas (English: Fountain of the Frogs) is an emblematic fountain located in center of the Spanish city of Albacete. Built in memory of Dionisio Guardiola, was inaugurated in 1916 in the center of the current Plaza de Gabriel Lodares, having chaired several places in the city until, in 2007, it was moved to its current location, the roundabout between the Paseo de la Libertad, the Avenida de la Estación, the Paseo de la Cuba and Calle Alcalde Conangla.
On 31 May 1210, at Cuenca, Doña Sol, widow of Pedro Martínez, alcalde of Talavera, with the presence and permission of Alfonso VIII, sold most of her inheritance in Gébalo (Xenalo) to Rodrigo González and the Order for 500 maravedíes.Matilla, 641, p. 301. When Ferdinand III dissolved the Order in 1221 all its possessions in Talavera were granted to the city. On 30 June 1206, at Frías, Alfonso gave to the Order and Rodrigo González ten yugadasA yugada was roughly 2,700 square metres.
Later Rancho Agua Hedionda was acquired and held by the Kelly family for many years. The adobe home of Marrón still stands, although modernized in the 1960s. Marrón died in 1853 and is buried in El Campo Santo Catholic Cemetery in Old Town San Diego. His wife Juliana (is not his wife, but his mother-in-law, Felipa's own mother) died in 1871 (Juliana, born Lopez, is next to her own husband, Juan Maria Osuna, the Alcalde) both are buried nearby him.
In 1840, don Felipe Sena became alcalde primero (Mayor) of Santa Fe. On 23 October 1843 Sena was elected a member of the first departmental assembly of New Mexico. Early in 1844, Governor Manuel Armijo decided to give up active involvement in the governor position, and appointed Mariano Chavez as gobernado interino (acting governor) as of 31 January 1844. Don Mariano Chavez y Castillo resigned on 10 April due to illness. Felipe Sena then became acting governor, although Armijo remained governor.
The Bernals only moved to the rancho after the gold rush to protect their interests from squatters. Agustín Bernal moved to his portion of the Rancho and built an adobe in 1850.Victoria Christian, 2007, Sunol, Arcadia Publishing, María Dolores Bernal married Antonio Marie Suñol (1796–1865), born in Spain, a seaman on a French merchant ship and arrived in the Pueblo of San José in 1818. He held several public offices including Postmaster (1826–1829), and Alcalde (mayor) in 1841.
He married María Dolores Bernal and held several public offices including Postmaster (1826-1829), and Alcalde (mayor) in 1841. He was a grantee of Rancho Valle de San Jose with his three brothers-in-law. Sunol, California is named for him. In 1849, Suñol divided Los Coches into thirds; one-third went to his eldest daughter, Paula and her husband Pierre Sainsevain, grantee of Rancho Cañada del Rincon en el Rio San Lorenzo, and one-third was sold to Henry Morris Naglee.
After the Act came into force, the first elections for village councils were held in March and April 2001. Village councils have a more limited range of functions than town councils. They "encourage and assist co-operation on economic and social development and general welfare", and can run community centres and advise the national government on the affairs of the locality. Some rural villages in Belize have an alcalde: a local magistrate who has both an administrative and a judicial role.
Nathaniel Jones would become Contra Costa County's first sheriff. Brown and Jones took up residence in early 1848 and began the growing of barley and wheat in addition to raising cattle. Brown was soon chosen alcalde of his area, and was a delegate to the 1849 California Constitutional Convention in Monterey. Brown also became a representative to his district in the first and second sessions of the California State Assembly, but he withdrew from politics after 1852 to devote his time to his rancho.
As a commune, Concón administered by a municipal council, which is headed by a directly elected alcalde. The current mayor is Oscar Sumonte González. The municipal council has the following members: Jorge Valdovinos Gómez, Maria José Aguirre Neuenschwander, Rodolfo Moya Spuler, Marcial Ortiz Flores, Gabriela Orfali Abud y Adriana Marinetti García. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Concón is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Edmundo Eluchans (UDI) and Rodrigo González as part of the 14th electoral district, (together with Viña del Mar).
In the spring of 1849, Sutherland left Wisconsin for California, which had just been annexed by the United States in the Mexican–American War. Sutherland settled in San Diego, where, in 1850, he served as the final Alcalde (Mayor) of San Diego prior to California becoming a state. That year, on May 5, he and his wife welcomed a son, Thomas, who is claimed to be the first "white" child born in the territory. He then became District Attorney for San Diego County in 1851.
He took a captive Christian slave named Isabel de Solís and fell in love with her, renamed after her conversion as his second wife Zoraida or Soraya (Thuraya, "Star"), the daughter of Sancho Jiménez de Solís, Alcalde of La Peña de Martos. He had two sons. There are no other biographical elements on Zoraya: She could have joined him in his exile with her two sons. It seems that after the death of Abu'l-Hasan, Zoraya and her two sons re- converted to Catholicism.
In defense, Corozal became a garrison town and Fort Barlee was built here in 1870. Today, the brick corner supports the fort surround the post office complex of the buildings across from the central town square. The immigrants brought with them Maya Mestizo culture: Spanish and Yucatec Maya language, Catholicism and Maya folklore, the use of alcalde, their family structure and way of life. Soon, there emerged a local replication of the society of the Yucatán within the boundaries of a country ruled by English expatriates.
12 and 18.02.12 Some authors claim that his first public assignment was mayorship of Villafranca,Tomás Domínguez Arévalo, Conde de Rodezno, un político profundamente antidemocrático, responsable y cómplice del exterminio político, [in:] Autobús de la memoria 21.06.08, available here, also Tomás Domínguez Arévalo, Conde de Rodezno, Ministro de Justicia y Consejero Nacional, [in:] Fundacion Nacional Francisco Franco service, available here; his 1952 obituary also referred to him as ex-alcalde de Villafranca but specified no period of his term in office, see ABC 19.08.
Finally the socialist Villar won the mayor's office.Jesús Villar Notario, investido alcalde de San Vicente In the provincial palace, Pastor was succeeded by César Sánchez, from the same party. On 10 October 2014, a judge decided to investigate her for the possible relations with the corruption scandal in the "Brugal case".El juez amplía la investigación de Brugal a la gestión de Luisa Pastor On 22 October 2015, after 5 months as a councillor in the opposition, she decided to resign her seat for personal reasons.
The rebels answered with a similar reply, and a stand-off ensued. Alone among the government troops Captain Jose Antonio Romualdo Pacheco (father of the future governor Romualdo Pacheco) interpreted Victoria's order as a command to charge the enemy on horseback, spurring on his mount with outstretched lance. When he discovered he was alone he halted between the two forces. Jose Maria Avila of the rebel army, a former alcalde of the Pueblo of Los Angeles, took offense and went out to challenge Pacheco in mounted combat.
As of the 2012 census, the town had a population of 800 in an area of . There is a soccer pitch at the northern end of the village. The nearby school is called the Dresden School, after the German light cruiser SMS Dresden which was sunk there during World War I, as is the street it is situated on. The names of other generally unpaved streets in the village include Larraín Alcalde, Ignacio Carrera Pinto, El Sándalo, Vicente González, Teniente Cortés, and La Pólvora.
Cabildos in the Americas had two Alcaldes Ordinarios and a variable number of regidores, based on the importance of the city. Each of the two alcaldes ordinarios was responsible for specific duties. The initial appointment of the first two alcalde ordinarios was the responsibility of the founder of the town, with subsequent appointments taking place –traditionally– on 1 January each year, with the officials leaving the posts typically appointing their own successors. Their term generally ended on the first day of the new year.
It was on this site that the first mass in Nueva Vizcaya was celebrated and the first baptism of a Christian convert was held. In 1839, upon the advice of the alcalde mayor of Cagayan, Luis Lardizabal, then- Governor General of the Philippines created the province of Nueva Vizcaya. The order was approved by a Royal Decree on April 10, 1841. The original province covered the areas of present-day Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino, Mountain Province, and a large portion of Isabela, as well as much of Aurora.
The most common cause of myocardial rupture is a recent myocardial infarction, with the rupture typically occurring three to five days after infarction.Figueras J, Alcalde O, Barrabes JA, Serra V, Alguersuari J, Cortadellas J, et al. Changes in Hospital Mortality Rates in 425 Patients with Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Rupure Over a 30-Year Period. Circulation. 2008;118:2783–9. Other causes of rupture include cardiac trauma, endocarditis (infection of the heart), cardiac tumors, infiltrative diseases of the heart, and aortic dissection.
In 1637, Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera decided to send an expedition to subdue the Datus and the people of Lake Lanao. As early as September 1637, he had promised the lake area to the Jesuits, who would get the same the moment it was conquered. The conquest of the Maranaos was entrusted to Captain Francisco Atienza, the Alcalde Mayor of Caraga. With fifty Spaniards and five hundred Caragans, the captain landed in Bayug, then proceeded to the Maranao territory, reaching the lake on 4, April 1639.
Upon Ygnacio's death in 1833, the rancho was divided among his three children—including Gilroy's wife Maria Clara. In 1867, under U.S. property law, the Rancho San Ysidro (Gilroy) was patented to John Gilroy. The settlement now known as "Old Gilroy" grew up around Gilroy's rancho complex and, after the end of the Mexican–American War in 1848, Gilroy served as alcalde of the village. It served as a stagecoach station of the Butterfield Overland Mail, as well as other stage lines in the late 19th century.
Spanish Prime Minister of Filipino descent. Although the principalía had many privileges, there were limitations to how much power they were entitled to under Spanish rule. A member of the principalía could never become the GovernorGeneral (Gobernador y Capitán General), nor could he become the provincial governor (alcalde mayor).Hypothetically, a member of the principalía could obtain the position of provincial governor if, for example, a noblewoman of the principalía married a Spanish man born in the Philippines (an Insular ) of an elevated social rank.
The medieval Numeramento, carried out in 1527, identified a population of just under 396. In the 17th century, the Viscount of Vila Nova de Cerveira and Marquesses of Ponte de Lima, was appointed alcalde-mor, who installed two artillery-pieces and constructed a bastion tower with vaulted space occupied by a jail. During the Restoration Wars, it was an important frontier defense and served as a shelter for the Governors of Beira, when the cisterns (the Poços de El-Re and Poços da Escada).
Argüelles was born in 1566 in the Spanish settlement of San Agustín, Spanish Florida. Martín's parents were Martín de Argüelles (Sr.) and Leonor Morales. His father, Martín Argüelles Sr., an Asturian hidalgo, was one of the expeditioners who came to New Spain in the New World with Captain General Pedro Menéndez de Avilés in 1565. Argüelles Sr. was the first Alcalde (Mayor) of San Agustín, and had been in charge of munitions in the Florida forts of Santa María, San Agustín (now St. Augustine), and Santa Elena.
1215, see here in the early 20th century briefly serving also as a mayor.listed as alcalde in 1900 and 1902, compare Annual del comercio, de la industria, de la magistratura y de la administraction, 2 (1900), p. 545, available here; in 1899 and 1904 he is listed as "medico", compare here Marcelino's mother, Cecilia Elósegui Ayala, came from a distinguished and much branched Gipuzkoan family.Urkia Etxabe 2014 His older brothers were active in the Vascongadas branch of Carlism during the late Restoration period already.
Following Cortés' visit, no Spanish attempted to visit the warlike Itza inhabitants of Nojpetén for almost a hundred years. In 1618 two Franciscan friars set out from Mérida in Yucatán on a mission to attempt the peaceful conversion of the still pagan Itza in central Petén. Bartolomé de Fuensalida and Juan de Orbita were accompanied by the alcalde of Bacalar (a Spanish colonial official) and some Christianised Maya. After an arduous six- month journey the travellers were well received by the current Kan Ek'.
In 1992 calls for his beatification process were made and the cause launched in the Guadalajara archdiocese on 15 October 1994. The official introduction to the cause came on 17 December 1994 after the Congregation for the Causes of Saints issued the official "nihil obstat" (no objections to the cause) edict and titled Alcalde as a Servant of God. The cause stalled due to a lack of promotion and waning interest though was revitalized in 2013 due to the efforts of Fr. Tomás de Hijar Ornelas.
On August 31, 1731, Leal was elected alcalde (mayor) and regidor of the city. Since departing from Tenerife, he had been the group's leader. Once the Canarian people established themselves in the city, Leal found they had problems, including frequent clashes with the Franciscan missionaries of San Antonio and the soldiers stationed at the presidio. The Franciscans were opposed to the Canarians settling in the middle of an area where they had already established their domain and that they regarded as belonging to them.
Roberto Córdova, current mayor of Pichilemu, on 19 November 2010. Pichilemu, along with the communes of San Fernando, Nancagua, Chimbarongo, Peumo, San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, Las Cabras, Placilla, Chépica, Santa Cruz, Pumanque, Palmilla, Peralillo, Navidad, Lolol, Litueche, La Estrella, Marchihue, and Paredones, is part of Electoral District No. 16 and belongs to the Senatorial Constituency (O'Higgins) of the electoral divisions of Chile. Pichilemu is governed by the mayor (alcalde), who manages the executive function. The City Council (concejo municipal) manages the legislative function.
Miguel Ávila (1796–1874) was a Californio son of José de Santa Ana Ávila, born in Los Angeles. In 1816 he enlisted in the Presidio Real de Monterey company, and in 1824 was corporal of the guard at La Misión de San Luis Obispo de Tolosa. In 1826 he married María Innocenta Pico (born 1810), daughter of José Dolores Pico. Miguel Ávila was the grantee of Rancho San Miguelito (which includes present-day Ávila Beach) in 1842, and alcalde of San Luis Obispo in 1849.
Alcalde de la Santa Hermandad () was a term used in the Spanish colonies in the Americas during the times of the Spanish Empire. The term referred to judicial magistrates named in towns and villages within the jurisdiction of the Spanish Empire in the Americas whose function was primarily to be informed of infractions committed in rural areas against the established order, so they could be prosecuted.Aida R. Caro de Delgado. El Cabildo o Regimen Municipal Puertorriqueño en el Siglo XVIII, Tomo I, Organización y Funcionamiento. 1965.
They could also impose and collect fines from the offenders, and had to keep a strict ledger of the fines collected, their dates, amounts and the nature of the offense. This ledger had to be submitted to the cabildo on a regular basis and be certified by the cabildo's accountant. They could also perform other duties outside their base scope of duties as long as they had written orders from the governor, the alcalde ordinario or the cabildo of the jurisdiction in question.Aida R. Caro de Delgado.
The Osuna Codex depicts Viceroy Luís de Velasco granting the staffs of office to the alcaldes and alguaciles of the Mexica municipality of Mexico City.For a contemporary recording of an alcalde receiving the staff of office from the ayuntaminto, see The Installation of the new Ayuntamiento of Figueres. A woman who holds the office is termed an Alcaldesa. In New Spain (Mexico), alcaldes mayores were chief administrators in colonial-era administrative territories termed alcaldías mayores; in colonial-era Peru the units were called corregimientos.
Scotsman David Spence (1798-1875) came to Monterey in 1824 from Lima, Peru to work for William Hartnell. In 1829, Spence married Maria Adelaida Altagracia Estrada (-1875), a daughter of José Mariano Estrada, grantee of Rancho Buena Vista. Spence was alcalde of Monterey in 1839 in Alta California, and later a member of the California state legislature. With the cession of California to the United States following the Mexican-American War, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo provided that the land grants would be honored.
Manuel Domíngue held many public offices in his lifetime. In June 1828 he was appointed as Elector de Partido for the Pueblo of Los Angeles.. In November 1828 Manuel Domínguez was elected to the Pueblo de Los Angeles El Ilustre Ayuntamento (City Council) under Mexican rule. From January 11 to February 19, 1829 he served as delegate to the first Mexican legislature in Alta California, at San Diego. In 1832, at the age of 29, he was elected Alcalde (Mayor) of the Pueblo de Los Angeles.
In history, an Alguacil is a sheriff of a Spanish municipality who acted as the executive officer of the courses, and is considered to be the equivalent of a modern bailiff. An Alguacil will executive the decisions of an alcalde, or a local judge, and will receive a portion of the judgments he executed. An Alguacil, as the principal police officer of a municipality, was allowed to carry arms during town patrols. The same privilege was extended to the alguacil's assistants, known in Spanish as tenientes.
Zerolo was born in Caracas, Venezuela, to a family native to the island of Tenerife, one of Canary Islands. His father, Pedro González, lived in exile from the Francoist government there. Pedro González was the first mayor of San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife) in times of democracy and also well-known painter.Fallece Pedro González, gran pintor y primer alcalde democrático de La Laguna Pedro Zerolo went on to study law at the University of La Laguna on Tenerife, where he spent his childhood and adolescence.
86, available here Son of another José María's cousin once removedJordi Sentís Bonnet, his great-grandfather Jaime Sentís Gran and José María's father were brothers is a respected Tarragona physician.Dr. Jordi Sentís Bonet entry, [in:] Testimonios para la historia service, available here The oldest brother of José María, Eusebio, in the 1920s alcalde of Riudoms,La Vanguardia 03.06.25, available here was executed by the Republicans in 1936;El Avisador Numantino 19.07.39, available here, also César Alcalá, La represión política en Cataluña (1936-1939), Madrid 2005, , p.
Casimiro Alegre (1741–1825) was an Argentine politician and military man, who had an outstanding participation during the Viceroyalty of Peru and Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, serving as alcalde of campaign in the Province of Buenos Aires, and as Commandant in the Regiment of Blandengues of the Frontier of Buenos Aires. He participated in military expeditions against the Indians prior to the Desert Campaign of the 1830s. He was one of the landowners of Buenos Aires who supported the Independence movements of Argentina.
After the war, he accompanied the Walker filibustering expedition to Nicaragua as a captain and served for a brief period as alcalde of the Nicaraguan capital. Kerrigan returned to New York City and was elected alderman of the sixth ward. He also served as clerk of the Manhattan Police Court. Upon the outbreak of the American Civil War, he organized and then was commissioned Colonel of the 25th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, in the Union Army and served from May 19, 1861, until February 21, 1862.
Antonio Maria Lugo (1778–1860) was born at Mission San Antonio de Padua in present-day Jolon, California, the seventh son of Francisco Salvador Lugo. After 17 years of service at the Presidio of Santa Barbara, in 1810 Corporal Lugo received his discharge and settled with his family in the Pueblo de Los Angeles. Antonio Lugo was granted the Spanish concession Rancho San Antonio in 1810, which was confirmed in 1838 by Mexican governor Juan Alvarado. In 1816, he served as the alcalde (mayor) of Los Angeles.
In the Indies, corregimiento initially functioned to bring control over Spanish settlers who exploited the indigenous populations held in encomienda, in order to protect the shrinking indigenous populations and prevent the formation of an aristocracy of conquerors and powerful settlers. The royal official in charge of a district was the Corregidor, who was appointed by the viceroy, usually for a five-year term. Corregidores collected the tribute from indigenous communities and regulated forced indigenous labor. Alcaldías mayores were larger districts with a royal appointee, the Alcalde mayor.
He left the military when the governor of Nueva Vizcaya appointed him Alcalde Mayor (mayor) of Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila (modern Mexico). In 1737 he was appointed Governor of the province of Texas by the governor of Nuevo Leon José Fernández de Jáuregui y Urrutia, who had investigated the mismanagement of Governor Carlos B. Franquis de Lugo. Little is known about his administration. Osorio reportedly tried to fix all the damage that Franquis de Lugo, had done to the missions of San Antonio.
Rodrigo Sebastián Palacio Alcalde (; born 5 February 1982) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Italian club Bologna. He is the son of José Ramón Palacio, a historic player of Club Olimpo during the 1980s. Palacio holds a Spanish passport, allowing him to be counted as an EU player. At international level, Palacio has represented the Argentina national team at two FIFA World Cups and a Copa América, winning runner-up medals at the 2014 World Cup and the 2007 Copa América.
On March 22, 1851, the Falls County commissioners court voted to rename Adams the "Town of Marlin" to honor former Robertson County alcalde John Marlin. The new town of Marlin was laid out around a courthouse square and a log courthouse was constructed which also served as a school and church. In 1854 a new courthouse was constructed for $5,000, painted white with dark green shutters and a chrome yellow door. In 1859, the population of Marlin was 2,875 whites; 1,225 slaves; 9 free blacks.
It is not known whether he died in combat, was victim of repression of passed away regardless of the civil war none of the remaining brothers and sisters became a public figure. Among Teodoro's sons-in-law Juan Travería Pubill was the alcalde of Vich, while Manuel Gaus Ripoll gained name as an architect.Es cedeix a l’Ajuntament de Taradell l’arxiu documental de l’arquitecte Manel Gausa Raspall, [in:] Taradell service 10.10.18, available here Teodoro's brother Luis was manager of El Legitimista Español, issued in Buenos Aires.
After a spell during which Huelva was probably controlled by Seville, the tenency of the lordship was passed to several lords, including Alonso Meléndez de Guzmán —brother of Eleanor de Guzmán— (in 1338) and Juan Alfonso de la Cerda (c. 1344). Huelva, again a realengo for a small period during the reign of Peter I, saw its privileges confirmed and was granted the right to choose the alcalde and the alguacil in 1351. The lordship was soon given to King's Mistress María de Padilla.
Governor Vicente de Sola granted a concession to Bernardo Higuera (1790–1837) and Cornelio Lopez (born 1792) in 1821. Lopez soon quarreled with Higuera, leaving the latter in possession. Bernardo Higuera was the son of Joaquin Higuera, the alcalde of the Pueblo de Los Angeles in 1800. In 1834 Bernardo Higuera, and his wife, Maria del Rosario Palomares (born 1792), moved to Los Angeles, leaving his brothers Mariano (baptized 23 July 1804 Mission, San Gabriel) and Policarpio (baptized 27 January 1799, same mission) to run the ranch.
He accompanied Pedro de Valdivia in the Conquest of Chile and participated with great value in the Arauco War. Bartolomé Jaimes also participated of the Conquest of Tucumán, and attended the foundation of Santiago del Estero by Francisco de Aguirre in 1553, and of Córdoba by Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera. He served as Alcalde of Córdoba in 1581, and was elect as Regidor of the Cabildo in 1575, 1577, 1579 and 1584. His last prominent public post, was as Fiel Ejecutor in 1590 and 1599.
The first printing press in the Archipelago was found in this town. Tomas Pinpin, the first Filipino printer, learned the art from Fray Francisco Blanca de San Jose and Juan de Vera, a Chinese printer at the University of Santo Tomas. On June 23, 1647, a fierce battle was fought between the Dutch invaders and the Pampango defenders in the near the Abucay church area. Nearly 200 Pampangos were put to death and 40 others together with Pampanga’s Spanish alcalde mayor (town mayor) Antonio de Cabrera.
During the pre-Spanish era, the area of Candelaria was unsettled forest. The Spanish East Indies government made it a sitio of Masinloc, one of the oldest towns of Zambales. Sambal settlers from other parts of Masinloc, who found Candelaria an ideal location to live, played an important role in creating Candelaria as a separate town in 1870. The name of the town could have come from the name of the wife of the first Alcalde Mayor, who named the town after her as a birthday gift.
Following Cortés' visit, no Spanish attempted to visit the warlike Itza inhabitants of Nojpetén for almost a hundred years. In 1618 two Franciscan friars set out from Mérida in Yucatán on a mission to attempt the peaceful conversion of the still pagan Itza in central Petén. Bartolomé de Fuensalida and Juan de Orbita were accompanied by the alcalde of Bacalar (a Spanish colonial official) and some Christianised Maya. After an arduous six-month journey the travellers were well received by the current Kan Ekʼ.
Having someone occupy this position would ensure an automatic succession to the office of Governor and Captain General of Yucatán, until a final appointment could be made by the king or the viceroy. This decision was popular among the citizens of Campeche, but not with those of Mérida, whose alcalde in the city council had previously held the status of presumptive replacement of governors who vacated their office. The king welcomed this idea and appointed Romualdo de Herrera the first King's Lieutenant of Yucatán.
He was alcalde at San Jose. Pico sold his one fourth share of Rancho Valle de San José to Juan Pablo Bernal. Pico received the eight square league Rancho Pescadero grant in 1843. He took part in the revolt against Governor Micheltorena in 1845, and was a member of the 1849 California Constitutional Convention.Oscar T. Shuck,1870, “Representative & Leading Men of the Pacific”, Bacon & Co., Printers & Publishers, San Francisco,Pages 631-634 Antonio Maria Pico sold half the property to Henry Morris Naglee (1815–1886) in 1849.
As a commune, Mejillones is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Mejillones is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Pedro Araya (PRI) and Manuel Rojas (UDI) as part of the 4th electoral district, (together with Antofagasta, Sierra Gorda, and Taltal). The commune is represented in the Senate by Carlos Cantero Ojeda (Ind.) and José Antonio Gómez Urrutia (PRSD) as part of the 2nd senatorial constituency (Antofagasta Region).
The current mayor (alcalde) is Alberto Tejada. Street viewSan Borja Sur Avenue San Borja, is a quiet setting, where it is pleasant to live, it is classified within the top 5 of best places to live in Lima by many means. San Borja is one of the few districts of Lima which was planned from the beginning and developed in an orderly fashion. This happened in a relatively short time, during the 1970s the area underwent massive population growth and by the early 1980s almost all the land had been built up.
Vioget first arrived in San Francisco, then known as Yerba Buena, in 1837, when only two homes stood in the village - those of Jacob P. Leese and William A. Richardson. It was at this time that Vioget made a watercolor of the San Francisco Bay, which hung in the cabin of his ship for the next two years. He returned to Yerba Buena in 1839. In 1839 Governor Juan B. Alvarado ordered a survey of Yerba Buena, and the alcalde, Francisco Guerrero, employed Vioget to do the work.
While he was in Honda, Villavicencio was informed of the events of July 20 by Juan Merino, the alcalde of Honda.Antonio Villavicencio, Javier Ocampo Lopez When he arrived in Bogotá he was informed that the Junta no longer recognized the authority of the Regency Commission; he responded by resigning from the commission and embracing the patriotic cause. Villavicencio immersed himself in the fight for independence, and was appointed commander of a battalion in the southern campaign of Antonio Nariño. In 1814 he was made the military advisor to the United Provinces of New Granada.
On 9 December 2010, the Mexican federal police surrounded the village of El Alcalde in Apatzingán, Michoacán with more than 2,000 officers. Reportedly, Moreno González was at a local festival handing out Christmas presents to the villagers when he was tracked down by the authorities. As the police troops drove into town, gunmen of La Familia Michoacana blocked the entrances with more than 40 burning trucks and cars. La Familia gunmen also surrounded the state capital of Morelia in an attempt to prevent the police from receiving reinforcements.
Naranjo informed the Spanish authorities, tracked down and killed his brother before presenting his head to Vargas. In 1700 he was rewarded for his actions by appointment as alcalde of the Zuni and leader of their auxiliary troops, which fought for the Spanish. In this role he successfully escorted Spanish missionaries sent to the Hopi tribe, and defended them from attack. Naranjo helped facilitate the surrender of Santa Clara, Durango by bringing Indian leaders to negotiate with the Spanish at Santa Fe and also negotiated the surrender of the Tano tribe.
Buenaventura Araneta was the first member of the family to enter political life when he became the Gobernadorcillo (Alcalde Naturales) of Iloilo. In the latter part of the century, a kinsman of his on the Negros side; Juan Araneta was the architect of the Negros Revolution that defeated the Imperial Spanish forces in that island. This would lead to the establishment of the Cantonal Republic of Negros. He would serve as Secretary of War of the short-lived government, which was later absorbed into the American-controlled military government of the Philippines.
When Francisco de Villagra became governor of Chile, Jufré was named Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Cuyo in 1561 and founded the city of San Juan de la Frontera and refounded Mendoza. Returning in 1562 because of the new Mapuche revolt, he became lieutenant of Governor of Chile and organized aid for the war in the south. He continued participating in the war for more than a decade. In the Cabildo of Santiago (the municipal city council) Jufré held various positions, such as alcalde (magistrate) and regidor in the decades between 1550 and 1570.
The removal was in part due to a military uprising revolt and the Battle of Cahuenga Pass and Victoria was not liked by the rich. In 1829 soldiers who had not been paid for years marched south starting in Monterey. Echeandía heard about the unrest and had his troops stop them just before Santa Barbara. In 1829 Estanislao, an indigenous alcalde, of Mission San José and a member and leader of the Lakisamni tribe of the Yokut people of northern California lead a bands of armed Native Americans in revolt against the California Mexican government.
Official portrait of Pedro José Pidal by Dióscoro Puebla (1877). Congress of Deputies."Galería de Imágenes." Congress of Deputies. Retrieved 25 January 2019. Don Pedro José Pidal y Carniado, 1st Marquis of Pidal (25 November 1799–28 December 1865) was a Spanish lawyer, writer, politician (alcalde, deputy and senator) and academician who served important political offices in the reign of Isabella II of Spain, including those of Minister of Gobernación, Antonio (in Spanish). La Universidad de Barcelona desde el Plan Pidal de 1845 a la ley Moyano de 1857, p. 13. Edicions Universitat Barcelona, 1979.
Juan Maria Osuna, son of one of the "leather-jacket soldiers", also became a soldier and for many years served at the Presidio of San Diego. Osuna played an important role in the establishment of the pueblo of San Diego (population 150) and was elected alcalde. In addition, Juan Osuna became a Justice of the Peace and was administrator of the San Diego Mission. As Mayor, one of Juan Maria Osuna's powers included the approval of petitions for land and he quiet naturally approved his own application for the San Dieguito grant.
Alcalde was born in Barcelona, where he studied piano, flute, violin and composition and graduated in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona in 1982. He earned a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University in New York in 1984 and a Ph.D. in Musicology and Philosophy from the Free University of Berlin in 1988, with a dissertation on Mozart’s Don Giovanni, directed by Tibor Kneif.Strukturierung und Sinn / Die dramatische Funktion der musikalischen Form in Da Pontes und Mozarts Don Giovanni. Frankfurt/M., Bern, New York, Paris: Peter Lang, 1992.
Following Mexico City, merchants adopted the fixed market system to make themselves more visible to the public. Modern markets were built in the city in the late 19th and early 20th centuries including Mercado Corona in 1891, Mercado Libertad or San Juan de Dios in 1896, Mercado Alcalde in 1897, Mercado Mexicaltzingo in 1900 and Mercado Sebastián Allende in 1905. Some others were built later, such as Mercado Zalatitlan in 1920 and Mercado IV Centenario in 1941. However, this city would abandon the traditional market model fairly early in favor of supermarkets and chain stores.
Four villages around the towns of Loboc and Baclayon defected to his movement. All in all, Tamblot supposedly built a shrine for the diwata surrounded by hundreds of huts of his followers deep in the mountains. His message spread far and wide around the Visayas region including Pintado and Leyte that roused the alarm of local priests in the city of Santisimo Nombre de Jesus. The priests encouraged the alcalde mayor of Cebu, Juan Alcarazo to take action against the Boholanos in order to stifle the spread of their movement.
Previously lands of the San Diego Mission, the eleven square league grant was received in 1845 by María Antonia Estudillo, wife of Miguel Pedrorena. The grant was originally called Rancho Santa Monica, and later renamed Rancho El Cajon. Miguel Pedrorena (1808–1850), a native of Madrid, Spain, who came to California from Peru in 1838, operated a trading business. He married María Antonia Estudillo, daughter of José Antonio Estudillo, alcalde of San Diego.R.W. Brackett, 1939,A History of the Ranchos of San Diego County, California, Union Title Insurance and Trust Company.
Gonzales was founded by Dr. Mariano Gonzalez and his brother, Alfredo Gonzales on land that was originally Rancho Rincon de La Puente del Monte. The Rancho was given to their father, Teodoro Gonzalez in 1836 while he was serving as Alcalde of Monterey. The brothers laid out the 50-block town on approximately 15,000 acres in 1874 in a grid of east to west and north to south streets. In 1872, they granted a 100-foot right-of-way through town to Southern Pacific Railroad, which subsequently built a depot for freight and passengers.
The castle was the site of a crime of passion, when the alcalde, D. Rui Gonçalves Pereira, the great- great-grandfather of D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, discovered the infidelity of his wife while away. Upon learning of the marital infidelity of his wife, Inês Sanches, who was enamored with a friar from the monastery of Bouro, ordered the castle gates closed and fire set to the citadel. The fire killed Inês and her lover, as well as the servants, who were considered accomplices in the infidelity, for not having denounced the fact.
By his order, no one escaped the fire alive (including domestic animals) when the structure burned down. By 1264, the alcalde was D. Godinho Fafez, great-grandson of Fafez Luz, Master of Lanhoso, who nominated as his successor Mem Cravo. On 25 September 1292, King D. Dinis conceded a foral (charter) to the town of Póvoa do Lanhoso, which was later confirmed by King D. Manuel I on 4 January 1514. Following the consolidation of the kingdom's frontiers, the castle gradually lost its strategic importance and fell into abandon and ruined.
The Hounds soon began demanding protection money from the city residents, indiscriminately looting and burning stores and killing anyone who resisted. On July 15, 1849 the Hounds attacked a Spanish "shantie town," robbing and killing several immigrants. While city officials were previously hesitant to take action against the Hounds, this attack finally turned the public against them. With money collected for the city alcalde, Dr. T.M. Leavenworth along with Sam Brannan, Captain Beezer Simmons, and other citizens demanded the city take action and later 230 men were deputized to arrest the Hounds.
Two leagues were granted to Francisco de Haro (1792-1849) the first Alcalde (Mayor) of Yerba Buena in 1834. The rancho was regranted in 1840 to Manual Jimeno Casarin who served as secretary of state under Governor Alvarado and Governor Micheltorena, was a senior member of the Assembly, and occasionally acting governor. Casarin was married to María de las Angustias, the daughter of José de la Guerra y Noriega. Casarin, who lived in Monterey, also owned Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy in Ventura County and Rancho Jimeno in Yolo County.
Towards the year of 1590, he was in charge of a caravan of wagons from the territory of San Miguel de Tucumán and Córdoba to the city of Buenos Aires. Soon after settling in Buenos Aires, Santana began to hold Council positions in the city, serving as regidor in 1589, and lieutenant governor for 1595. Then he held the position of faithful executor, and served as alcalde of first vote of Buenos Aires in 1592 and 1618. Like all the founding neighbors, Anton Higueras de Santana had received land grants.
In 1814 he held the position of interim alcalde and was appointed as supervisor of the weekly draws of the national lottery. León Ortiz de Rozas married September 30, 1790 in Buenos Aires to Agustina López de Osornio, daughter of the rancher Clemente López de Osornio and María Manuela de Rubio. They had twelve children Juan Manuel, María Dominga, Gregoria, Andrea Mercedes, Prudencio, Gervasio José, María, Juana, Benigno, Manuela, Dominga Mercedes and Martina Agustina. Through his mother, Ortiz de Rozas descended from the first conquerors of the Río de la Plata and Paraguay.
Cabrera was active in the revolutionary cause and became the city's head of government (alcalde) in 1811 on the first vote. He was elected to represent Córdoba in the Tucumán Congress and served for the declaration in 1816. Along with his Córdoba colleagues, he was one of the few federalists in the Congress, speaking for a system of strong autonomous provinces . He was a supporter of the federalist José Gervasio Artigas and, along with Eduardo Pérez Bulnes, declined to follow the Congress to Buenos Aires, continuing to support Artigas' cause from Córdoba.
The Best Mayor, The King (El mejor alcalde, el rey) is a play by the Spanish playwright Lope de Vega, written between 1620 and 1623 according to the dating proposed by Morley and Bruerton. It was published in 1635 in the twenty-first part of de Vega's comedies. The action occurs in early 12th century Galicia during the reign of Alfonso VII. Sancho de Roelas, a nobleman who has fallen on hard times, announces to his lord Tello de Neira his intention to marry Elvira de Olite, also of impoverished noble lineage.
In October 1935, the concession granted to them passed over to Ricardo Calvo's and Enrique Borrás' for a period of one year, later revoked in March 1936. During the period of the Spanish Civil War, the concession of the theatre was in the hands of actor Manuel González, who staged El alcalde de Zalamea on 28 March 1939, the day the troops of Francisco Franco took Madrid. After the war, Teatro Español underwent a major change in its legal status. It reopened on 15 April 1939, coinciding with the death anniversary of Serafín Álvarez Quintero.
José Antonio Estudillo (1805 – 1852), the son of José María Estudillo, was born at Monterey and became prominent in political affairs. In 1825 Estudillo married María Victoria Dominguez, daughter of Sergeant Cristobal Dominguez, who was the grantee of Rancho San Pedro. The Estudillos were absentee ranchers, living in the pueblo of San Diego. He was alcalde of San Diego in 1836-1838 and was elected as the inaugural San Diego County treasurer in 1850, although he refused the office and Philip Crosthwaite was appointed to fill the office in his place.
Though released in 1968, this film was not seen in Europe or the US until the 1970s and 1980s after legal release and distribution rights were granted to video and television. In Italy, Pier Paolo Pasolini directed Edipo Re (1967), a modern interpretation of the play. Toshio Matsumoto's film, Funeral Parade of Roses (1969), is a loose adaptation of the play and an important work of the Japanese New Wave. In Colombia, writer Gabriel García Márquez adapted the story in Edipo Alcalde, bringing it to the real-world situation of Colombia at the time.
The northern and southern stands would have a capacity of 15,000 each while the eastern and western stands would have three levels. On 27 October 1952, the new Estadio Nacional was inaugurated with many comfortable features such as luxury boxes and elevators in one of the stands. The inauguration ceremony started early at 10:00 AM and lasted through the night. The ceremony included an award ceremony for many outstanding athletes including Teodoro Fernández, Alejandro Villanueva, Jorge Alcalde, Olympic gold medalist Edwin Vásquez and Pan American gold medalists Julia Sánchez and Gerardo Salazar.
United States District Court, California, Northern District. 1859. The New Almaden mercury mine began producing a small amount of rich ore in 1846. In 1846, during the Bear Flag Revolt, three of the sons of José de los Reyes Berreyesa were imprisoned by John C. Frémont in Sonoma, California, where one of the sons, José de los Santos Berreyesa, had been serving as Alcalde. Accompanied by two cousins, twin sons of Francisco de Haro, the 61-year-old father went to see how his sons were being treated in prison.
Gainza was born in Gipuzkoa, Spain, the son of Pedro de Gainza and Teresa de Leyza. He was married to María Teresa de Eguía y San Martín, daughter of Juan de Eguía, born in Navarra, and Jerónima Isabel de San Martín, belonging to an illustrious family of Buenos Aires. Joseph Blás de Gainza was consul of the Commerce Consulate of Buenos Aires, and served as alcalde of first vote of the city on two occasions. His first term was in 1763, and the second in 1779 during the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata.
The governor is advised by the Provincial Economic and Social Council (Consejo Económico y Social Provincial or CESPRO). The only exception is the Santiago Province, which makes no provision for provincial government in its regulations; the position corresponds to the intendant of the Santiago Metropolitan Region. In January 2001, the Provincial Delegation of Santiago was created with the position of a Provincial Delegate, who exercises the functions of a provincial governor on behalf of the respective intendant. The country's provinces are further divided into 346 communes which are administered by an alcalde and municipal council.
There he served as alcalde of San Luis Obispo in 1845 and 1849. He had purchased Rancho Potrero de San Luis Obispo from Maria Concepcion "Chona" Boronda in 1854. In 1880, Estevan's second eldest son, Pedro de Jesus Quintana, inherited two thirds of the Rancho San Bernardo, provided he pay Jose Maria Quintana, Estevan's eldest son, $50 per month during his lifetime. The remaining one third was to support his sister, Maria, a Sister of Charity, with the provision she was to give her brother Pedro preference if she wished to sell it.
On 27 July 1253 his uncle, Alfonso X of Castile the Wise, gave Enrique Enríquez the lordship of La Puebla de los Infantes, in the present province of Seville. Enrique Enríquez married Estefanía Rodríguez de Ceballos, Lady of Villalba de los Barros and of Vado de las Estacas. She was daughter of Rodrigo González de Ceballos, Alcalde Mayor of Toledo and Adelantado Mayor of Murcia, and María Fernández de Caviedes, Lady of Caviedes, Lamadrid and La Revilla. One son was born of the marriage, Enrique Enríquez the Younger.
Considering this relatively recent history with the Spanish and primarily under the influence of Catholic missionaries, many of the Ilocano chiefs rejected Andres Malong's offer. Ilocano merchants in the mid-19th century. In response to their rejection, Malong sent a Zambales chief named Don Pedro Gumapos, who had recently conquered the Pampanga region with 6,000 men, to invade the Ilocos as well as Cagayan regions. Gumapos and his men were met with only 1,500 Spanish loyalist Ilocanos under the command of the alcalde mayor of the region and even missionaries.
What would be the town of Guimba is a relatively organized community when the Spanish colonialists arrived and appointed Don Luis De Ocampo as the first Gobernadorcillo, and later, Don Pablo Ramos and Santiago Cudal. The Spanish left and the Americans came and in 1912, the town's name was abbreviated to Guimba with Don Alfonso Faigal as the first Alcalde Mayor. St. John the Evangelist though remains to be its patron saint. The first municipal hall was also built during this year in what is now known as Faigal Street.
The Plaza Municipal evolved and what will become the public market started its commerce. A foot bridge was constructed during the administration of the late Agustin Vigilia, Alcalde Mayor. This foot bridge was constructed across the Binituran River leading to the northern barrios like San Andres, Balbalino, Gueset, Baybayabas, Cinence, Nangabulan to barangay Talugtug from the Parairo Street. Later this wooden bridge was demolished and transferred it to the present site north of the Faigal St. This was known as Faigal Bridge going to the north, to the municipality of Talugtug.
The local administration of each commune or group of communities resides in the municipality (municipalidad), consisting of an alcalde and a communal council (Consejo Comuna), elected directly for a period of 4 years renewable. Municipalities represent the decentralization of central power. They are advised by an Economic and Social Communal Council (Consejo Económico y Social Comunal or CESCO), composed of representatives from the most important of the community's organizations and activities. There are 346 communes and 345 municipalities, as the municipality of Cabo de Hornos manages the grouping of communities of Cape Horn and Antártica.
In Peru encomiendas lasted longer, and the Quechua word mita frequently was used for repartimiento. There were instances when both systems (repartimiento and encomienda) coexisted. In practice, a conquistador, or later a Spanish settler or official, would be given and supervised a number of indigenous workers, who would labor in farms or mines, or in the case of the Philippines might also be assigned to the ship yards constructing the Manila galleons. The one in charge of doing the reparto ("distribution") of workers was the Alcalde Mayor (local magistrate) of the city.
Saavedra was born in Buenos Aires, the son of Pedro de Saavedra and Clara Gutiérrez de Paz, belonging to a distinguished family of Spanish Creole roots. He was married to Ana de la Palma y Lobatón, daughter of Francisco de la Palma Lobatón, born in Granada, and Antonia del Pozo Silva, born in the city. He was elected alcalde of 2nd vote in 1721, and served for several periods as regidor of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires. He also served as Acting Attorney General of the city of Buenos Aires.
Kearny, > assembling the citizens of the place, as usual, on the terraced roof of some > spacious building, delivered to them a stern, sententious speech, absolving > them from any further allegiance to the Mexican government. When the general > was about to compel them to swear fealty to our government on the sacred > cross, the Alcalde and Priest objected. The general inquired the grounds of > their objection. They replied, that the oath he required them to take would > virtually render them traitors to their country, a sin of which they > disdained to be guilty. Gen.
In 1779, he was promoted to Lieutenant of militia and appointed Captain in 1780. That same year he was appointed alcalde of the campaign in the town of Magdalena. He lent his oath on February 12, 1780 before the dean councilor of the Cabildo de Buenos Aires Don Gregorio Ramos Mexía. As mayor and captain of militias he participated in several military campaigns against the indigenous incursions in the Province of Buenos Aires. The night of August 27, 1780, in Luján there had been an Indians attack composed of thousands of pampas warriors.
As a commune, Camiña is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Camiña is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Marta Isasi (Ind.) and Mr. Hugo Gutiérrez (PC) as part of the 2nd electoral district, which includes the entire Tarapacá Region.The commune is represented in the Senate by Fulvio Rossi Ciocca (PS) and Jaime Orpis Bouchon (UDI) as part of the 1st senatorial constituency (Arica and Parinacota Region and Tarapacá Region).
José Joaquín de la Torre was a soldier who was alcalde in Monterey, and afterwards secretary to Governor Pablo Vicente de Solá. Torre married Maria Los Angeles Cota (1790-1877) in 1803. Torre was granted the two square league Rancho Bolsa del Potrero y Moro Cojo in 1822 by Governor Sola, and the four square league Rancho Arroyo Seco in 1840 by Governor Alvarado. In 1845, Joaquin de la Torre and a detachment of fifty-six armed and mounted volunteers, was sent by Alvarado to capture Los Angeles.
After winning independence in 1821, several of Spain's colonies in the New World joined together to create a new country, Mexico. The country divided itself into several states, and the area known as Mexican Texas became part of the border state Coahuila y Tejas. To assist in governing the large area, the state created several departments; all of Texas was included in the Department of Béxar. The department was further subdivided into municipalities, which were each governed by an alcalde, similar to a modern-day mayor.Ericson (2000), p. 33.
Etxebarri, the Leguizamon ancestral home (present view) The Lezama family is among the oldest in Vascongadas, traced back to the 12th century; one branch settled in Biscay.the Lezamas originated from Alava; one branch moved to Biscay in the Middle Ages, Juan José González, Bandera de la Anteiglesia de Lezama, Bilbao 2008, p. 8, available here Some of its representatives rose to high posts in Madrid;like alcalde de Madrid or members of Consejo de Castilla (noth 17th century), Cesar Estornes, Los Lezama. Primera parte, [in:] Blog de Historia y Deportes 28.10.
So he sustained the standard on the air with his teeth until he fainted under the wounds inflicted by the enemies which surrounded and captured him. Afonso V, seeing his standard lost and supposing he had equally beaten his son's forces (which were smaller than his) sought death in combat, but was prevented from doing so by those around him. They took him to Castronuño where he was welcomed by the alcalde. By then, the Portuguese disbanded in all directions and many of them drowned in the Duero River because of the darkness and confusion.
The declaration was signed by 91 Texan colonists and Tejanos in the Gulf Coast of Mexico settlements who supported breaking away from Mexico and creating an independent state.Davis (2002) p. 255 While the document drafted by Matagorda alcalde (mayor) Ira Ingram was a precursor to the Texas Declaration of Independence, it was deemed premature when received by the Consultation in San Felipe de Austin. There was not yet a clear consensus among Texians for either declaring outright independence or remaining part of Mexico with the restoration of the 1824 Mexican Constitution.
Ruiz's son Francisco Antonio Ruiz, San Antonio mayor or alcalde, at the time, was an important eyewitness to the Battle of the Alamo, having been placed under house arrest at his San Antonio home by Antonio López de Santa Anna and later forced by the Mexican dictator to identify the bodies of the deceased after the battle. José Francisco Ruiz represented the Bexar district as its Senator in the 1st Congress of the Republic of Texas. He died in 1840 and was buried in his beloved San Antonio.
In 1538 Roxas was Governor of the Province of Charcas, and is designated by Francisco Pizarro, for on a mission of exploration in the Gran Chaco. In 1543 Diego de Roxas, discovered what is now the Ciudad de Córdoba. Roxas participated in the wars against the fearsome tribe Calchaquíes, while he was exploring the puna jujeña, Roxas was murdered in a brawl, which occurred in Santiago del Estero. Their descendants the General Diego de Roxas y Caravantes was Corregidor in the cities of Cordoba and Mendoza, and Marcos de Roxas Caravantes was Alcalde in Chile.
Manuscript about the language of the Pajalats in this language and Spanish by Fray Gabriel de Vergara dated 1732 The Pajalat, also Cajalate, Pajalac, Pajalache, Pajalatam, Pallalat or Paxolot were a Native American group who lived in the area just south of San Antonio, Texas prior to the coming of the Spanish to the region in the 18th century. The Pajalat spoke a form of the Coahuilteco language. Starting in 1731 the Pajalat moved to Mission Concepcion, where members of the tribe shared alternated holding office as gobernador and alcalde with Tacames.
The 1899 San Ciriaco hurricane devastated Beatriz, and many farmers began working for the newly established military government of the United States of America building roads. At the time, a store owned by wealthy landowner Don Ramón Álvarez was the center of economic life in Beatriz. In 1900, one of the store's cashiers Don Demetrio López was elected alcalde and comisario of Beatriz. Beatriz barrio was hit by Hurricane Maria on 20 September 2017 and many residents still did not have electricity as of March 2018, six months later.
In November 1123 Ramiro was the alcalde (justiciar) of Toledo, a post he probably held into 1124. He is described in two charters as urbis alcaldus (justiciar of the city) and toletanus alcaidus (Toledan justiciar).Reilly (1982), 293, 318. The Chronica Adefonsi imperatoris, a contemporary account of the reign of Alfonso VII, records that Ramiro Fróilaz (Radimirus Froile) was one of those who came to the city of León only after it had been captured by the king's allies, Alfonso Jordan and Suero Vermúdez, in 1126 to do him homage on his succession.
The daughter of Manuel Andrés Orrego and Rosario Castañeda, Rosario Orrego Muñoz was born in the city of Copiapó in 1834. For most of her life she resided in Valparaíso, where she moved in 1853 after the illness of her first husband, the wealthy Chañarcillo miner Juan José Uribe. Her marriage to Uribe took place when she was fourteen years old. They had five children, among them writers Ángela Uribe de Alcalde, Luis Uribe Orrego, and Regina Orrego Uribe (who was the first woman in Chile to receive the title of bachillerato in humanities).
He became a member of the school of Humanities of the same university in 1857 and of the School of Law and Political Science in 1862. Cood married María Ugarte Ramírez on April 3, 1857 and after her death he married for a second time with Enriqueta Lecaros Alcalde. Cood started his political career in 1864 when he was elected as a deputy for "Laja" (1864-1867, being reelected for "Chillán" (1867-1870), "Melipilla" (1870-1873); "Vichuquén" (1873-1876), and "Melipilla" (1876-1879). He also worked as a private lawyer.
Pey, a Criollo, was born on March 11, 1763 in Santa Fe de Bogotá, New Granada into a distinguished family. His father, Juan Francisco Pey, was an oidor of the Audiencia of Santa Fe de Bogotá, one of the most important positions at the time. Pey studied at the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé, graduating as a lawyer in 1787. Viceroy Antonio José Amar Under the rule of Viceroy Antonio José Amar y Borbón, Pey was elected alcalde of Bogotá, replacing José Antonio de Ugarte in January 1810.
37, available here In 1938 he acted as FET Jefe Provincial in Salamanca,Heraldo de Zamora 28.03.38, available here typically one of the 3 most important civilian positions in every province;the other two were gobernador civil and alcalde of the province capital, Andreu Ginés i Sànchez, La instauració del franquisme al País Valencià [PhD thesis Universitat Pompeu Fabra], Barcelona 2008, p. 141 it is not clear what exact dates of his term were. Florida's career at the top of the Francoist political strata came to the end in late summer of 1939.
Although it is significant that Ataíde, in that same letter, asked the king to grant him Vicente Sodré's old position of alcalde-mor of Tomar (Ataide, alas, died shortly after in Mozambique). Ataíde wrote that Vicente Sodré sunk and died immediately in the tempest at Kuria Muria, but that Brás Sodré actually survived the wreck. However, once ashore, Brás Sodré decided to blame his Muslim pilots and executed them on the spot. Ataíde refrains from saying exactly what happened to Brás Sodré after that, only that 'many things transpired' before his death.
Salazar was a businessman and had other significant commitments which did not allow him the attend to the mayoral administration the way he wanted to, but addressed as many urgent matters as his time allowed him to until the next Alcalde appointed by the Governor, Fernando Diez de Ulzurrún y Somellera, took over.Félix Pubill. La Administración Municipal de Ponce: Memoria de las gestiones practicadas en la Administración Municipal de Ponce, por los Alcaldes y Ayuntamientos que ha tenido desde el año 1882 al 1900. Ponce, Puerto Rico: Tipografía José Picó Matos. 1900. p. 25.
As Spanish Christians took over an increasing part of the Peninsula, they adapted the Muslim systems and terminology for their own use. Today, it refers to the executive head of a municipal or local government, who usually does not have judicial functions. The word intendente is used in Argentina and Paraguay for the office that is analogous to a mayor. In municipios and larger cities in Mexico, the chief executive is known as both alcalde or as presidente municipal ("municipal president"), with the latter being more widely used.
As the indigenous populations declined, the need for corregimiento decreased and then suppressed, with the alcaldía mayor remaining an institution until it was replaced in the eighteenth-century Bourbon Reforms by royal officials, Intendants. The salary of officials during the Habsburg era were paltry, but the corregidor or alcalde mayor in densely populated areas of indigenous settlement with a valuable product could use his office for personal enrichment. As with many other royal posts, these positions were sold, starting in 1677. The Bourbon-era intendants were appointed and relatively well paid.
Afterward, Reinoso carried out the punishment of the prisoners taken in the battle, seven hundred were hanged without mercy on the battlefield. In the middle of January 1559, Alonso de Reinoso was elevated to the rank of Maestro de Campo by Mendoza who left him in charge of all the troops south of the Bio Bio River. From 1559 he lived in the city of Concepcion where he was named as its Cabildos Alcalde Ordinario and its Corregidor. He continued as the Maestro de Campo for Mendoza's successor the new governor Francisco de Villagra.
In 1629, he was appointed Alcalde de la hermandad, performing in the suburban areas of the province of Buenos Aires. In 1636 Alpoin bought in Potosí the title of Alférez Real, an honorary position in which the alferez carried the Royal Standard in the days of festival and in the official ceremonies, especially in the day of Saint Martin of Tours. He had an active participation in the area of the Argentine Littoral. He was appointed as Lieutenant Governor of Santa Fé in 1640, and also he served for several periods in Corrientes Province.
Governor Micheltorena and John Sutter, his alcalde, granted Rancho Buena Ventura to Pierson B. Reading (listed as Pearson B. Reading in the land case documents) in 1844. Reading, who was at that time working for John Sutter at Sutter's Fort in Sacramento as a clerk and trapper, visited the land grant but did not move onto it. He stocked the land with cattle and built a house for his overseer but it was burned down by natives in 1846. Reading was active in promoting the Bear Flag Revolt of 1846.
Many passages within Dagohoy's cave led underwater to dry land, and it is said that every time Spaniards searched the cave, Dagohoy could swim underwater through this passage to hide in the breathing space. Twenty Spanish governors-general, from Gasper de la Torre (1739–45) to Juan Antonio Martínez (1822–25), tried to quell the rebellion and failed. In 1825, Mariano Ricafort Palacin (1825–30) became governor-general of the Philippines. Upon his order, alcalde-mayor Jose Lazaro Cairo, at the head of 2,200 Filipino-Spanish troops and several batteries, invaded Bohol on .
After, Afonso Henriques' defeat in Badajoz, Monsaraz was once again taken by Muslim forces. In 1232, supported by the Knights Templar, King Sancho II definitively retook the citadel and town, placing it under the control of the Templars, and obligating them to establish a garrison that would protect the border. The Christian repopulation of Monsaraz ended around the reign of Afonso III, when it was assigned an alcalde, the knight Martim Anes, and first letter of foral. In 1263 it was already an important fortress, being the head of a municipality, with large privileges.
Again the Cavalry came east to assist, which led to the abandoning of the cattle by the posse of the Alcalde and the posse's dispersal. This led the increase to the size of those on "outpost" duty to that of a squad. By 1877 the squad's duty ended as the 1st Cavalry Regiment was sent north due to the Little Big Horn Campaign, being replaced in San Diego by H Company, 8th Infantry Regiment. Company H was later replaced by Company I of the same Infantry Regiment in 1878 due to the Bannock Campaign.
Under Mexican rule, the mission system gradually ended, and its lands became privatized. The land of Merced Manor was incorporated into the Rancho Laguna de la Merced, a one-half-square-league territory which, in 1835, was granted to José Antonio Galindo, corporal in El Presidio Real de San Francisco militia in Alta California. Galindo did little to develop the land and sold it in 1837 to Francisco de Haro (1792-1849). Ironically, in 1838, De Haro (as Alcalde) arrested Galindo for the murder of José Doroteo Peralta (1810-1838), son of Pedro Peralta.
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau (February 11, 1805 – May 16, 1866) was a Native American-French Canadian explorer, guide, fur trapper, trader, military scout during the Mexican–American War, alcalde (mayor) of Mission San Luis Rey de Francia and a gold digger and hotel operator in Northern California. His mother was a Shoshone Indian known as Sacagawea. He spoke French and English and learned German and Spanish during his six years in Europe from 1823 to 1829. He spoke Shoshone and other western American Indian languages, which he picked up during his years of trapping and guiding.
Similar to the Tamblot Uprising, Pagali used magic to attract followers, and claimed that they could turn the Spaniards into clay by hurling bits of earth at them. Governor-General Alonso Fajardo de Entenza sent the alcalde mayor of Cebu, Juan de Alcarazo, with Spanish and foot soldier colonial troops, to suppress the rebellion. Bankaw's severed head was impaled on a bamboo stake and displayed to the public as a stern warning. One of his sons was also beheaded, and one of the babaylans was burned at the stake.
1936 Texas Centennial marker at Battleground Prairie Nacogdochians looking for a stolen horse found a camp of around one hundred armed Tejanos. Rather than allow the local militia to act, President Sam Houston (who was in Nacogdoches at the time) prohibited both sides from assembly or carrying weapons. Local alcalde Vicente Córdova and eighteen other leaders of the revolt issued a proclamation with a number of demands to be met, before the surrender of their arms. After being joined by about three hundred Indian warriors, they moved toward the Cherokee settlements.
5 volumes were issued prior to 1908, covering math and grammar, Martorell, Cassasses, Parunella 1959, pp. 165-166 His most notable initiative was a college for future teachers. As Hermenegildo Giner de los Rios was teniente de alcalde in the Barcelona ayuntamiento, the plan got heavily subsidized by municipalBuenaventura Delgado, Joan Bardina y la Insitucion Libre de Ensañanza, [in:] Buenaventura Delgado, Ramón Cortada, Josep Gonzalez-Agápito, Claudio Lozano, Joan Bardina. Un revolucionario de la pedagogía catalana, Barcelona 1980, p. 63 and provincialit was opened “under protection” of Diputación Provincial, Forés i Miravelles 1996, p.
As a commune, Paiguano is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Paiguano is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Mario Bertolino (RN) and Marcelo Díaz (PS) as part of the 7th electoral district, (together with La Serena, La Higuera, Vicuña and Andacollo). The commune is represented in the Senate by Evelyn Matthei Fornet (UDI) and Jorge Pizarro Soto (PDC) as part of the 4th senatorial constituency (Coquimbo Region).
Brothers Juan Jose Castro (1803–1869) and Victor Ramon Castro (1817–1897) were among the eleven children of Francisco María Castro (1775–1831) and María Gabriela Berreyesa (1780–1851). Francisco Castro had been a soldier at San Francisco, who after serving as alcalde and in other public offices, was granted Rancho San Pablo in 1823. Juan Castro and Victor Castro served in the San Francisco militia. Juan Alvarado, married María Martina Castro (1814–1875) in 1839, and was thus brother-in-law to Juan Jose Castro and Victor Castro.
BSR Valladolid was founded in 1994 as Club Deportivo Aspaym Castilla y León. In 1998 the team made its debut in the División de Honor, the Spanish top league, where it competes until nowadays. Since 2002, the club is sponsored by Fundación Grupo Norte. In 2010 Valladolid won the Willi Brinkmann Cup, the third tier in European wheelchair basketball,El alcalde recibe al Fundación Grupo Norte, campeones de Europa; El Norte de Castilla, 18 May 2010 and in 2011 it won the Spanish League for the first time in its history.
Valde-Espina represented the Carlists in a number of organizations set up to block the legislation, like Junta del País Vasconavarro,El Siglo Futuro 03.09.10, available here Junta de Defensa Católica de VizcayaJosé Andres Gallego, La politica religiosa en España, Madrid 1975, p. 464 and others. Due to more aggressive stand in the public realm he had to suffer admin measures against himself too; following his press statement, deemed incompatible with the rules of public order, in 1910 he was suspended as alcalde of Astigarraga, the job he held since the early 1900.
The House of Carrillo frequently served the government through holding many offices and providing military leaders for Spain. Since the reign of Alfonso X the Wise, the office of "Alcalde Mayor de los Hidalgos de Castilla" has been in the Carrillo lineage. This palatine position of justice sentenced exclusively in the lawsuits of nobility and in matters related to the nobility of the litigants. Effective throughout the Middle Ages, until the remodeling of the Chancilleries carried out by the Catholic Monarchs; from 1572 it became a merely honorary position.
On July 10, 1603, Morga was reassigned to Mexico, in command of the ships sailing that year for New Spain. He became alcalde of criminal causes in the Royal Audiencia of Mexico City. He was also advisor to the viceroy on military matters and counsel for the Holy Office of the Inquisition. He served in Mexico until 1615, publishing his history of the Philippines in 1609, which has become noted for its account of the early colonial years and has been translated into numerous languages and published in many editions.
Chavez's first political office was that of assistant mayor (suplente alcalde) of Los Angeles in 1838. He served also as a "judge of waters" and later a "judge of the plains," as part of the Court of Sessions, which handled legal matters — mostly on water and cattle disputes. During his final term in 1873 as a member of the Los Angeles Common Council he worked closely on issues with Prudent Beaudry, Henry Dockweiler and William H. Workman. Chavez was elected to the first Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in June 1852.
Born in Buenos Aires, was the son of Alonso Muñoz Bejarano and María López Palomo, a Spanish family from Trujillo, Peru. He was married to Catalina Rocha, born in the city, daughter of Antonio de Rocha Lobo Sarmiento, a Portuguese settler born in Viana, and Maria de Encinas Roxas, belonging to a Creole family of Portuguese origin. He held the honorary positions of Captain of Infantry, attorney general and faithful executor of the Buenos Aires Cabildo. And exercised during three periods the position of alcalde de la hermandad.
While Bogotá is counted as a municipality, it has the powers of both departments and municipalities. The capital is administered by a directly-elected Superior Mayor (Alcalde mayor) and has a 45-member council, both serving four-year terms. Bogotá is subdivided into 20 localities (localidades) each with their own JAL of at least 7 members and a local mayor appointed by the superior mayor from a list submitted by the JAL. Mayors and governors may not serve consecutive terms, but may be reelected to non- consecutive terms.
The council consists of a number of members depending on population, who elect the mayor ("alcalde" or "batlle"). The town hall ("ajuntament") is located in the main settlement, and deals with provision of local services and administrative matters such as registration of residents. The "main settlement" is not always the biggest settlement, as new urban developments such as tourist resorts can become very big very quickly without achieving any political recognition. Boundaries between municipalities have their origins in ancient landholdings and transfers, and may often appear quite arbitrary and illogical, with exclaves common.
As a commune, Colchane is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Colchane is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Marta Isasi (Ind.) and Mr. Hugo Gutiérrez (PC) as part of the 2nd electoral district, which includes the entire Tarapacá Region.The commune is represented in the Senate by Fulvio Rossi Ciocca (PS) and Jaime Orpis Bouchon (UDI) as part of the 1st senatorial constituency (Arica and Parinacota Region and Tarapacá Region).
As a commune, Andacollo is a third-level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Andacollo is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mr. Mario Bertolino (RN) and Marcelo Díaz (PS) as part of the 7th electoral district, (together with La Serena, La Higuera, Vicuña and Paiguano). The commune is represented in the Senate by Evelyn Matthei Fornet (UDI) and Jorge Pizarro Soto (PDC) as part of the 4th senatorial constituency (Coquimbo Region).
Opposition culminated in the summer of 1837, with the spark that set off the rebellion having to do with the alcalde (mayor) of Santa Cruz de la Cañada, Juan José Esquibel. Esquibel had accepted a bribe from a relative to release him from jail when charged with a "grave crime" and had defied Pérez's order to pay a fine and return his relative to jail. Then Esquibel supported two merchants against a man who had documentation that they owed him money. Pérez's appointee as prefect, Ramón Abreu, suspended Esquibel and on learning of the bribe, had him put in jail in irons.
Forster fled back to San Juan Capistrano, leaving the property in the hands of the alcalde, Juan María Marrón. Frémont would have been less favorably disposed had he anticipated that four days later Forster would begin to plan the escape to Mexico of another brother-in-law, Governor Pio Pico. For several weeks, Forster hid Pico in the mountains near San Juan Capistrano; then, at an opportune time, Forster outfitted Pico for a dash to the border on September 7, 1846. Governor Pico fled to Mexico, leaving Forster in charge of Pico's Rancho Santa Margarita y Las Flores.
In January 1846, he recorded in his journal that the "Arapahoes threatened to rub me out", during a trip to Fort Laramie. In June of that year, after much of his crop was killed by a heavy frost, he learned of the onset of the Mexican–American War, which might bring Mexican soldiers to the Hardscrabble area. Barclay was made alcalde of the upper Arkansas area in 1846 after the Americans conquest of New Mexico. Even though Hardscrabble was located within the Mexican Republic, Barclay continued to travel after the war began in May 1847 to El Pueblo to trade, dance, and socialize.
He was born at the Presidio of Monterey, to José María Estudillo, a Spanish soldier; his brother José Antonio Estudillo also played an important role in the settling of California. José Joaquín joined the Spanish Army himself at the age of 15 as a soldado distinguido ("distinguished soldier") at the Monterey Presidio. It is unclear when he moved to Yerba Buena, but records indicate that he was the commissioner in charge of the secularization of Mission San Francisco de Asís at the beginning of 1835. In July that year he petitioned the alcalde, Francisco de Haro, for a land grant in that area.
Together with a babaylan named Pagali and his children, he built a temple for a diwata, and he incited people from six towns to participate in the revolt. It is believed that Pagali used some magic to attract followers, and thought that they could turn the Spaniards into clay by hurling bits of earth at them. Parish priest Father Melchor de Vera went to Cebu to report the insurrection. The rebellion was suppressed by Juan de Alcarazo, the alcalde mayor of Cebu, and the Spanish and Filipino colonial troops in forty ships sent by Governor- General Alonso Fajardo de Entenza.
Francisco Franco Del Burgo's access to the carloctavista camp made him reconsider his stand versus Francoism, as Don Carlos Pio pursued a decisively collaborationist some scholars Carlos VIII is indeed considered an invention of Franco, see Clemente 1995, pp. 115-118 In 1942, during the proceeding fragmentation and bewilderment of Navarrese Carlism,Aurora Villanueva Martínez, Organizacion, actividad y bases del carlismo navarro durante el primer franquismo [in:] Geronimo de Uztariz 19 (2003), pp. 108-109 he stood on the carloctavista ticket in local elections to the Pamplona council and was successful, serving as teniende de alcalde until 1944.
Thomas W. Sutherland (c. 1817 - February 2, 1859) was an American lawyer and pioneer settler of Wisconsin and California. He was the first Village President of Madison, Wisconsin, was United States Attorney for Wisconsin for several years in the 1840s, was a member of the first Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin, and was the last Alcalde (Mayor) of San Diego, California, prior to statehood. He was the eldest son of Joel Barlow Sutherland of Philadelphia, who had been a militia officer in the War of 1812 and served as a Member of Congress when Thomas was a child.
Aaron Burr was the second cousin of Dr. Timothy Burr, the owner of Burr's Ferry, and founder of Burr Ferry, about 35 miles down river. Although history is lacking on his education James Gaines was extremely well educated. Aside from owning a ferry,Handbook of Texas Online, s.v. -Gaines Ferry (retrieved 07-16-2010) he also owned a mercantile store, an Inn, was a captain and raised and commanded Alabama and Coushatta Indians troops in the Gutiérrez-Magee expedition, fought in the War of 1812, served as alcalde in 1824, sheriff in 1828, and was Post Master for years.
As a commune, Huara is a third- level administrative division of Chile administered by a municipal council, headed by an alcalde who is directly elected every four years. Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Huara is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Marta Isasi (Ind.) and Mr. Hugo Gutiérrez (PC) as part of the 2nd electoral district, which includes the entire Tarapacá Region. The commune is represented in the Senate by Fulvio Rossi Ciocca (PS) and Jaime Orpis Bouchon (UDI) as part of the 1st senatorial constituency (Arica and Parinacota Region and Tarapacá Region).

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