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"aculeate" Definitions
  1. relating to or being hymenopterans (such as bees, ants, and many wasps) of a division (Aculeata) typically having the ovipositor modified into a stinger

38 Sentences With "aculeate"

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Larger species may mimic aculeate wasps in coloration and by producing buzzing noises when captured.
The Bethylidae are a family of aculeate wasps in the superfamily Chrysidoidea. As a family, their biology ranges between parasitoid wasps and hunting wasps.
Guildfordia aculeata , common name the aculeate star turban, is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Turbinidae, the turban snails.
17 .1 .17 .145; median tooth and the 17 on each side (admedians) long, broadly pointed, straight- sided, lateral cusps indistinct; laterals curved, aculeate, outer laterals bicuspid.
The upper Santonian Taimyr amber of RussiaH. E. Evans. 1973. Cretaceous aculeate wasps from Taimyr, Siberia (Hymenoptera). Psyche 80:166-178 and the upper Campanian Canadian amber.
Thais (Thalessa) virgata, common name : the aculeate rock shell, is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Muricidae, the murex snails or rock snails.
The posterior impression is elliptical. The radula shows marked characteristics. There is a quadricuspid rachidian tooth, the two main cusps being asymmetrical and aculeate. Beside each principal cusp there is one small accessory cusp.
Here he began to study the Aculeate Hymenoptera especially the taxonomy of bees, concentrating on the large mining bee genus Andrena and the wasps in the family Sphecidae. He graduated with a master's degree in 1928.
Example of Asilidae As a member of the family Asilidae, M. bomboides preys on various aculeate Hymenoptera species. M. bomboides in particular prey on bumblebees such as Bombus pensylvanicus, to which M. bomboides bears remarkable resemblances.
His interest in aculeate wasps contributed to how comprehensive the collection has become today. The collection is now housed in the university's Bohart Museum of Entomology and is the seventh largest insect collection in North America.
Bohart's interests in aculeate wasps resulted in one of the most comprehensive collections in the USA. His contributions to the Department of Entomology led to the dedication of the on campus Bohart Museum of Entomology, named after him in 1986.
Dorymyrmex antillana is a species of ant in the genus Dorymyrmex. Described by Snelling in 2005, the species is endemic to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, where they nest in open sandy areas.Snelling, R. R. 2005. Wasps, ants, and bees: aculeate Hymeoptera.
There are three principal cusps in the lateral teeth. The mesocone is the most developed, long and aculeate, while the endocone is relatively short. There is a big gap between the mesocone and the ectocone. The ovotestis is wide, having about 35 unbranched, closely pressed follicles.
Adults can be found from May to July. They mainly feed on nectar and pollen of Angelica sylvestris, Heracleum sphondylium and Scorzoneroides autumnalis. This species is an ectoparasitoid of aculeate wasps or bees. Females penetrate with the long ovipositor into the bark of trees where they have located the larvae of these insects.
Auclaye is a geological Site of Special Scientific Interest south of Capel in Surrey. It is a Geological Conservation Review site. This site is important for its Mesozoic insects, with many well preserved bodies from several orders dating to the Lower Cretaceous period. It has produced new species of aculeate hymenoptera and cricket.
This species lacks the sting, so the characteristic markings of many aculeate wasps represent a protective mimicry.Nature Spot The female lacks also the long ovipositor present in most of the ichneumon wasps.Bioref.lastdragon Adults can be usually found in summer on flowers, especially Apiaceae species, feeding on nectar and pollen. The adults overwinter.
The following is a glossary of common English language and scientific terms used in the description of gastropods. Abapical: away from the apex of a shell toward the base Acephalous. Headless. Acinose. Full of small bulgings; resembling the kernel in a nut. Aculeate. Very sharply pointed, as the teeth on the radula of some snails. Acuminate.
In the same paper in which he discussed aggressive mimicry in order to account for Volucella appearances, Poulton also discussed family Asilidae flies that prey upon aculeate Hymenoptera as adults. M. bomboides bear a highly specific resemblance to their prey, which Poulton classified as protective mimicry. However, Lincoln Brower et al. demonstrated in 1960 that this phenomenon was, in fact, Batesian mimicry.
The larvae of all conopids are internal parasites, most of aculeate (stinging) Hymenoptera. Adult females aggressively intercept their hosts in flight to deposit eggs. Accordingly, in the species Bombus terrestris, it has been shown that vulnerable foraging bees are likely the most susceptible to parasitism by conopids. The female's abdomen is modified to form what amounts to a "can opener" to pry open the segments of the host's abdomen as the egg is inserted.
Lipara is a genus of flies in the family Chloropidae. Among the Palearctic species, a specific community of bees and wasps make their nests in the galls of chloropid flies. Most frequently, they use the galls induced by Lipara lucens on common reed stems. Some of these aculeate hymenopteran species, such as the digger wasp Pemphredon fabricii (Crabronidae) or the solitary bee Hylaeus pectoralis (Colletidae) are specialized for nesting in galls induced by Lipara spp.
Earwig guarding eggs An interesting trait has evolved in semelparous insects, especially in those that have evolved from parasitic ancestors, like in all subsocial and eusocial aculeate Hymenoptera. This is because larvae are morphologically specialized for development within a host's innards and thus are entirely helpless outside of that environment. Females would need to invest a lot of energy in protecting their eggs and hatched offspring. They do this through such behaviours as egg guarding.
Not all solitary wasps are hunting wasps, nor are all hunting wasps solitary. The term "solitary wasps" simply describes those Hymenoptera (especially aculeate Hymenoptera) that are not social, particularly not eusocial. However, it never has been common practice to refer to parasitic Hymenoptera as "solitary", even though they definitely are nothing like eusocial, and secondly, some obligately social, even eusocial, Hymenoptera are hunting wasps in the sense of being predominantly predatory (e.g. Vespa and Polistes species).
The Leucospidae (sometimes incorrectly spelled Leucospididae) are a specialized group of wasps within the superfamily Chalcidoidea, that are ectoparasitoids of aculeate wasps or bees. They are typically mimics of bees or stinging wasps, often black with yellow, red, or white markings, sometimes metallic, with a robust mesosoma and very strong sculpturing. The hind femora are often greatly enlarged, with a row of teeth or serrations along the lower margin as in Chalcididae. The wing has a longitudinal fold.
This wasp was previously considered to be one of the great aculeate rarities in Britain, with colonies only in sandy habitats on the Isle of Wight and Suffolk. It has undergone an expansion in range, with the wasp now locally common in a steadily increasing number of sites as far north as Yorkshire (2002). The species has RDB2 status (vulnerable) but, if revised, it is now likely that this status will be removed because of its increase in range and population.
The genus Acremonium is a large polyphyletic genus of approximately 150 species, many of which are derived from a closely related families in the Sordariomycetes. The genus includes many slow growing, simply structured, anamorphic filamentous fungi, typically encountered in wet, cellulose-based building materials suffering form chronic wet conditions. Characteristic morphology in this genus is septate hyphae giving rise to thin, tapered aculeate phialides that are usually unicellular, or weakly branched conidiophores. Human infections, though rare, usually occur in severely immunodeficient individuals.
George Arnold (1881, Hong Kong - 1962) was a British entomologist who specialised in aculeate Hymenoptera (particularly ants, sphecid wasps and pompilid wasps). From the Royal College of Science he was appointed to the Department of Cytology and Cancer Research at Liverpool and then only worked on Hymenoptera as a hobby. In 1911 he became curator, and later director, of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia, Bulawayo. The butterfly species Anthene arnoldi, or Arnold's hairtail, was named after him by Neville Jones in 1918.
Sphecomyrma is an extinct genus of ants which existed in the Cretaceous approximately 79 to 92 million years ago. The first specimens were collected in 1966, found embedded in amber which had been exposed in the cliffs of Cliffwood, New Jersey, by Edmund Frey and his wife. In 1967, zoologists E. O. Wilson, Frank Carpenter and William L. Brown, Jr. published a paper describing and naming Sphecomyrma freyi. They described an ant with a mosaic of features—a mix of characteristics from modern ants and aculeate wasps.
In Britain, the flight period is normally June to August but occasionally adults emerge as early as late May. The main prey species are small jumping spiders of the family Salticidae, but members of the family Thomisidae will occasionally be used. This wasp will also hunt spiders found on vertical or nearly vertical planes, such as cliffs, walls and the overturned root plates of wind thrown trees. This wasp uses a wide range of natural cavities for nesting, but will also utilise the abandoned burrows of other aculeate hymenoptera, empty mud cells and snail shells.
The museum's bee collection was primarily acquired in São Paulo state, and is considered among the three largest collections of its kind in the country. The collection of aculeate wasps is notable for its representation of groups such as Chrysididae (cuckoo wasps), Mutillidae (ant-witches), Vespidae and, in particular, Pompilidae (spider wasps), Sphecidae (thread-waisted wasps) and Crabronidae. The Formicidae (ant) collection is considered the most representative of the neotropical region for its number of type specimens, species diversity and geographical coverage. ;Isoptera The Isoptera collection consists of nearly 18,000 specimens from all Brazilian biomes.
The appearance of the fourth abdominal segment is consistent with almost all aculeate insects, and possibly Sphecomyrma. The feature of non-functional, vestigial wings may have evolved in this species relatively recently, as wings might otherwise have long-since disappeared completely had they no function for dispersal. Wing-reduction could somehow relate to population structure or some other specialised ecological pressure. Equally, wing-reduction might be a feature that only forms in drought-stressed colonies, as has been observed in several Monomorium ant species found throughout semi-arid regions of Australia.
For mimetic asilids like M. bomboides, these organisms attack their aculeate Hymenoptera models and will seek habitats abundant in their prey, thereby ensuring sympatry. All these conditions hold for the M. bomboides with their models, B. americanorum in a 1960 conducted by Brower et al. in south central Florida. The toad B. terrestris was used as caged predators to demonstrate that, despite their night foraging and lack of color vision, they can learn to reject bumblebees on sight alone and confuse mimetic flies with their apian hosts as well.
In India plants visited by X. pubescens for pollen are Cochlospermum religiosum, as well as Peltophorum, Cassia and Solanum species. Those visited for nectar include Calotropis, Bauhinia, Crotalaria, Anisomeles, and Gmelina species and some other plants. Calotropis procera In the Mediterranean the most common plants visited by X. pubescens for both pollen and nectar are Helianthus annuus, Parkinsonia aculeate, Luffa aegyptiaca, as well as Lonicera species. In Israel, the ranges of X. pubescens and X. sulcatipes overlap, leading to competition between the two species for plants to forage on.
Ants first arose during the mid-Cretaceous, more than 100 million years ago, associated with the rise of flowering plants and an increase in forest ground litter. The earliest known ants evolved from a lineage within the aculeate wasps, and a recent study suggests that they are a sister group of Apoidea. During the Cretaceous ants were confined to the northern Laurasian supercontinent, with only a few widespread primitive species. By the middle Eocene, around 50 million years ago, ants had diversified and become ecologically dominant as predators and scavengers.
On his retirement in 1894 he settled with his wife and two sons (his three daughters married in India) in London. Here he worked, unpaid, in the Insect Room of the Natural History Museum, organising and cataloguing the world collection of aculeate Hymenoptera. He took over from William Thomas Blanford the editorship of two of the Hymenoptera volumes of The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma series and two of the butterfly volumes. He was elected a fellow of the Entomological Society of London in 1895 and was a member of its council from 1903 to 1906.
It is not exactly known which group of wasps are the ancestors of Sphecomyrma, but members of the family Thynnidae, particularly those in the genus Methocha are strikingly similar to Sphecomyrma. Wilson placed the genus closest to the Tiphiidae among extant wasps, but a later study published in 1975 derived the ants from a later clade and not to the Tiphiidae. More recently, ants (including Sphecomyrma) are considered to have evolved from a lineage within the aculeate wasps, and a 2013 study suggests that they are a sister group of the Apoidea, and the sister group to this lineage is likely the Scoliidae. Sphecomyrma may hold a close relationship with extant primitive ants.
He travelled on collecting trips, often with his wife, to destinations such as Surinam, Papua New Guinea and Argentina where he collected Hymenoptera specimens as well as meeting friends and colleagues in the field of Aculeate Hymenoptera. During his life he was an enthusiastic collector of Hymenoptera and during his retirement he continued, especially collecting specimens of parasitic Hymenoptera around the village of Putten, where he and Bep had made their home in a bungalow named Andrena after the bees which he started to study at the beginning of his career, and its surroundings. He was energetic in helping to improve the collection of Hymenoptera in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie at Leiden as well as continuing to publish papers into his eighties. In retirement Van der Vecht and his wife struggled with bouts of mental illness.
Original hypothetical cladogram showing the placement of Sphecomyrma, with the tiphiid wasps as the potential ancestor Ants of this genus are considered to be the most primitive within the family Formicidae. The body presents a wasp-like structure but with several ant-like characteristics. These ant-like characteristics, however, are primitive compared to more modern ants, and thus it is intermediate with other primitive ants and aculeate wasps. The presence of the metapleural gland, the nodiform (a structure resembling a node, which is a segment found between the mesosoma and gaster, the bulbous posterior portion of the metasoma), the structure of the petiole and its general physical appearance of an ant concludes Sphecomyrma species are ants rather than wasps; the absence of the metapleural gland would mean that it is most likely a wasp instead of an ant.
Paratype worker of S. freyi Before the discovery of the first Sphecomyrma fossils, there were no fossil records of any ants from Cretaceous amber and the oldest social insects at the time extended back to the Eocene epoch; the earliest known ant at the time was described from a forewing found in the Claiborne Formation in Tennessee. The great diversity of ant fossils found in the Baltic amber and Florissant shales of the Oligocene and in the Sicilian amber of the Miocene have prompted entomologists to search for ants of Cretaceous age that may link ants and non-social wasps together. Such a link may shed light on the early origins of ants, but no fossils of any social insect existed before S. freyi was discovered, thus the early evolution of ants remained a mystery. Only a single hymenopterous Upper Cretaceous fossil has been the subject of possible significance to the evolution of aculeate wasps and ants.

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