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87 Sentences With "underselling"

How to use underselling in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "underselling" and check conjugation/comparative form for "underselling". Mastering all the usages of "underselling" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I think the company is really underselling its Alexa skill.
That way we aren't overhyping or underselling a new finding.
But to call Austen lovers simply "fans" is underselling their devotion.
But that's probably underselling how ridiculous an evening "KINK HAÜS" is.
Indeed, calling Sweet Escape a photo site for travelers is underselling its direction.
That prevented a new platform from underselling Amazon and gaining a competitive edge.
So I don't want to say "the basics" — that's underselling it a little bit.
People grossly oversold GOP vulnerability in TX pre-Trump and are grossly underselling it now.
But many analysts still think it is likely that China is underselling its emissions-reducing abilities.
If that sounds like one of those things that's "interesting on paper," then I'm underselling it.
But they might be underselling the potential costs of their Medicare "for all who want it" alternative.
Actually, "loose" may be underselling it—Boehner doesn't seem to care at all what anyone thinks anymore.
To say that it ended Disney's live-action panel on the highest possible note would be underselling it.
To deficit hawks, underselling the true cost of tax cuts is counterproductive and potentially dangerous for the economy.
Pointing out that it has won the French national title for 13 years straight almost feels like underselling it.
Doing so can keep you from coming off as arrogant or greedy, and it will prevent you from underselling yourself.
This results in women symptomatically underselling themselves, while men on the whole demand higher pay, regardless of artistic stature or experience.
Other favorites: Vine, vlogs You could just call Wikipedia "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit," but that's underselling its impact.
The aviation groups that wrote to lawmakers on Tuesday said critics are underselling the current state of the nation's aviation system.
Once he had opened his own factory, his approach to underselling his rivals was both simple and, by today's standards, criminal.
Economists and consulting firms have long predicted that AI will change workplaces and the workforce, but I think they've been underselling it.
Whelan quoted a colleague who described the position as a mere "traffic cop," but that may be underselling it quite a bit.
To call the songs a left turn would be underselling how completely, radically separate they are from any other White Fence music.
But if it's true that textbooks are still neglecting to cover replication issues, then I'd argue they are actually underselling the science.
The USPS maybe bought a little too hard into Amazon's mythology — and it's underselling its value, letting itself get played as a result.
Now even some Republicans are concerned that the president is underselling what some health officials have said is an inevitable worsening U.S. outbreak.
If it's true that textbooks and teachers are still neglecting to cover replication issues, then I'd argue they are actually underselling the science.
They all share the goal of lowering costs, whether by more administrative efficiency, by encouraging better health, or by simply underselling the existing market.
At the risk of underselling everything that preceded it, the real Oh Shit moment of DeepMind's StarCraft II demonstration didn't arrive until the ninth game.
And companies like eyeglass vendor Warby Parker have built successful business by targeting markets where traditional players had huge markups on their products and underselling them.
You could say that Illumina is to DNA sequencing is what Google is to Internet search, but that would be underselling the San Diego-based biotech company.
To say Part 2107 was long-awaited would be underselling it: The industry has been begging for these rules, and the intervening years have been complete chaos.
Many Democrats believe the media is overplaying Clinton's controversies and underselling Trump's scandals in an effort to create the appearance of balance — a so-called false equivalency.
So the misdirection regarding the drinking age raises questions about whether Kavanaugh is also underselling the extent of his drinking, by characterizing it as limited and moderate.
However, pundits argue that USPS is underselling its services, with e-commerce giants taking advantage of the universal service obligation that the USPS must maintain by law.
He is also probably underselling the benefits that running integrated messaging networks brings to his firm, even if they are encrypted so that Facebook cannot see the content.
It's not enough to help the device truly stand out from an overcrowded and underselling category — especially one where a single player is utterly dominating the sales charts.
Ed Orgeron, the Louisiana native who has coached L.S.U. to a title game in his third full season at the top of the program, was probably underselling Jan.
At the risk of underselling the madness of the transition from one to two kids, my strategy did not work out quite as well the second time around.
I could be underselling the influence of blockchain, the subtle nudge at least that technology can be better for users, a reminder of what the early internet promised.
Relative newcomer Chance Perdomo plays the housebound warlock with all of the grandeur a centuries-old practitioner of magic should muster, while never underselling the loneliness of his imprisonment.
Amazingly, Ho's findings could be underselling how much worse off the U.S. really is compared to everyone else, given that the most recent year in the study was 2013.
Fourteen people — including India's former telecom minister and several Unitech officials — have been on trial in a special court on charges of cheating the government by underselling the licenses.
But doing so exposes a bias toward the sensational, underselling another rather remarkable story, at least for the month of June: Hillary Clinton ran an incredibly strong campaign last month.
You're also not underselling the horror and brutality of the rape scene, which is only made more potent by how we've gotten to know the Waterfords (particularly Serena) so much more this season.
Amazon Employees for Climate Justice is pushing for the company to be more forthcoming about how it calculates its impact on the environment, in case it may be underselling its total carbon footprint.
Their rival clan, of course, are the Lannisters: the ambitious Cersei (Erin Stegeman, who has a serpentine solo number), and her brothers, Jaime (Peter Berube) and Tyrion (Drew Boudreau, underselling Peter Dinklage's immortal character).
This doesn't mean underselling so that you can deliver what the client actually paid for; over delivering is delivering more value than should normally be expected from the same product or service in the marketplace.
"Customers start telling you they're getting a call from a competitor you've never heard of that is amazingly underselling whatever you're doing, or giving better terms than you have given confidentially to your customers," he said.
It's a little weird that Huawei — which is touting the camera as one of the major innovations of the P20 Pro — would be underselling its camera here since it seems to have all the hardware in place.
It envisioned a world in which Joseph McCarthy was, if anything, underselling the threat: Leftists the world over, but especially in the United States and within the Democratic party, were trying to undermine the nation from within.
But having these characters in real-world sports, using power-up tricks also seen in, for example, Ultra Smash or Super Mario Strikers, feels like a substantial underselling of just what it takes to reach the top level.
That will likely change in 2020, after last year's wake-up call—though conservative pundits like Sean Trende are worrying aloud about Republican complacency: People grossly oversold GOP vulnerability in TX pre-Trump and are grossly underselling it now.
But again, if you say American Apparel was successful because it had really great marketing, you're sort of underselling the point that it had a very successful product and then a very particular person at the head of that company.
Clarendon's 2017 season, for all of its success, may be underselling her overall game — she has made only 15.4 percent of her 3-point attempts, by far the worst mark of her career, which she and Cooper believe is a fluke.
On the one hand, overblowing the risks of e-cigarettes demonizes what may be a potentially less dangerous (albeit still risky) alternative to cigarettes for adult smokers; on the other hand, underselling the risks could wind up increasing teen vaping, he says.
Morgan Stanley's Adam Jonas says the electric car maker is "underselling" the Autopilot features he expects to be included in the Model 3 sedan to prevent it from eating up demand for the company's higher-end models, according to a note sent Monday.
We don't want to give the player the idea that he or she can rewind time and save anyone, or that you can somehow change the ending of the game, as that'd be underselling the theme and the story we're trying to tell here.
" In an interview on Wednesday, before the internal investigation into Mr. Long's conduct was revealed, Mr. Bossert made a point of praising him as an "ethical contractor," who, as a private-sector consultant "had a reputation for being exceedingly fair, even to the point of probably underselling himself back to the government.
The move five years ago to the Big Ten was seen as a direct line to the big time, but a report released earlier this year by the university panned Rutgers for underselling to its students, faculty, alumni and state government how much it would cost for its teams to be competitive.
In theory and practice, this change upends traditional ideas of what makes a leading man in fantasy-adjacent stories and affirms The Magicians' place as one of the best and most subversive adaptations on TV.  To say that there were hints of Quentin and Eliot's coupling would be wildly underselling the deliciously slow burn their relationship has maintained for three seasons.
And while the fact that the U.S. should have a stable and secure supply of steel was something people understood, tariffs — which angered allies and could result in retaliatory actions from trading partners — were not the right tool, said Sapiro, who is currently the managing director of public relations firm Sard Verbinnen & Co. "Using this particular tool, these tariffs, to try to address concerns about Chinese capacity and underselling just doesn't make sense," she added.
However, due to the underselling of these products, Wingstop removed these menu options. Currently offered sides include fries (cheese, voodoo, and buffalo), Cajun fried corn, and veggie sticks (carrots and celery).
Safe in Sound is the fifth and final studio album by British rock band Lower Than Atlantis. Following the release of Changing Tune (2012), Island Records were streamlining and dropping artists who were underselling. Despite the album underselling, the group couldn't be dropped as the label had picked the option for their next album. The label offered the band the chance to take an advance and leave, which they subsequently did to build a personal studio.
While in Congress, Bedell was Chairman of the Small Business Subcommittee, and he used this position to investigate underselling on the part of large oil companies.Crow, w. P. (September 26, 1983). Bedell's new issue.
North said that calling the response "'amazing and incredible' would almost be underselling it."Colter, Aaron. "Crowd Funding Watch: Ryan North Remixes A Shakespeare Classic With ‘To Be Or Not To Be’ [Interview]."
Vernon's theory resonances with the technology gap theory. As Fig1. shows, at the new-product phase, the product is only produced and consumed in the innovating countries, usually the developed countries. But, as the product matures, the imitating countries, usually the developing countries, intervenes the market by underselling the products.
In its first week of sales, 808s & Heartbreak reached the number one spot on the US Billboard 200 with sales of 450,145 album-equivalent units, significantly underselling Graduation in spite of an extra day of sales amidst a holiday week.Paine, Jake. Hip Hop Album Sales: The Week Ending 11/30/08 . HipHopDX. Retrieved December 3, 2008.
Jewish immigrants were more willing to work for longer hours in poorer working conditions at a lower wage than their British co-worker, thereby underselling the indigenous workforce.Defries, Conservative Party attitudes to Jews 1900-1950, p. 16. Also, for many British members of society Sunday was deemed a day of rest. Failure to follow this Christian and British tradition was considered scandalous.
Lower Than Atlantis released their third album Changing Tune in October 2012 through Island Records. Sometime afterwards, the label was in the process of streamlining and dropping artists that were underselling. Despite the album reaching the top 30, it undersold the label's expectations. The band, however, couldn't be dropped due to the label having already picked the option for their next album.
In 1725, South Carolina sent Col. George Chicken on a diplomatic mission to the Overhill towns to address the issue of unlicensed traders, who were underselling merchants conducting business legally. Chicken arrived in Great Tellico in July. He described the village as "compact and thick settled;" the town and tribe had long competed in the region with the Creek tribe.
Through the 1830s, competition began to resurface. At the same time, the availability of furs in the Midwest declined. During this period, the Hudson's Bay Company began an effort to destroy the American fur companies from its Columbia District headquarters at Fort Vancouver. By depleting furs in the Snake River country and underselling the American Fur Company at the annual Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, the HBC effectively ruined American fur trading efforts in the Rocky Mountains.
The partners visit a farmer but lose the sale, learning that their competitors are underselling them. On a remote road, they are stopped by members of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), demanding to know what they are up to. This confrontation results in the partners selling a wig to the lead IRA man (Colum Convey), who fails to notice it had been chewed by dogs. The competition is raging, but the IRA man accidentally leaves the unique wig at the scene of a bombing.
Britain had lost its American market, and was losing its role elsewhere; indeed American products were now underselling British steel in Britain.Carr and Taplin (1962) pp. 164–66 The growth of pig iron output was dramatic. Britain went from 1.3 million tons in 1840 to 6.7 million in 1870 and 10.4 in 1913. The US started from a lower base, but grew faster; from 0.3 million tons in 1840, to 1.7 million in 1870, and 31.5 million in 1913. Germany went from 0.2 million tons in 1859 to 1.6 in 1871 and 19.3 in 1913.
Soon he was able to save enough money to open his first retail shop, selling glasses by day and working nights to fulfil orders. At first, Hakimi offered glasses for $8/pair ($12 for bifocals), which far undersold any competitors. He was able to raise his prices 50% from this starting point while still underselling his competitors and assuring continued demand for his glasses. From this beginning as a single retail outlet, Hakimi has built Hakim Optical into a national chain of over 150 outlets with over 600 employees serving the eastern provinces of Canada.
It also built out the back, for four stories at 90 x 135 feet( in total). In 1889 Nugents moved again to an even larger site, which would remain its home until the company closed, but not before annexing two additional buildings. In 1914, it celebrated "41 years underselling", illustrating the low-price, mass-merchandise theme of Nugents where it positioned itself in the market. The downtown complex eventually came to consist of three buildings and there was a bridge across St. Charles Street to one of them, referred to as an Annex, which dated back to 1850.
Love Moves received mostly negative reviews from contemporary critics. Colin Irwan of Smash Hits, despite referring to Wilde as "one of pop's more welcome survivors", accused the singer of "underselling" herself. Describing "It's Here" as "characterless" and the album itself as containing "featherweight production and unimaginative material", some praise was given to "Time" (which was compared to the work of Belinda Carlisle) and "In Hollywood" (featuring a "Madonna-esque sense of drama"). Q described the album as a disappointment, writing of Wilde's "character-free voice" and the "EEC approved variants of what once might have been considered a lightly soulful persuasion" found on "Time" and "Who's to Blame".
In 2011, Finance Minister Tendai Biti claimed that at least US$1 billion in diamond-related revenue owed to the national treasury remains unaccounted for. Biti has blamed corruption, misappropriation and a lack of transparency for the systematic underselling of diamonds and the failure to recoup losses. In an address to parliament, Biti said “it is worrying that there is no connection whatsoever between diamond exports made by Zimbabwe and the revenues realised thereof”. President Robert Mugabe and his politburo have also come under criticism for making personal benefits by assigning lucrative concessions in the Marange diamond fields to Chinese firms and the Zimbabwean military.
Underselling a whole host of talented English players, without sell on fees negotiated, and over paying for failed foreign players. Nick Pope broke into the first team during the 2015-16 season before being sold to Burnley for £1 million, and then becoming an England international within two years. Ademola Lookman was sold to Everton for a divisional record of £7.9 million during the 2016-17 season, having made a name for himself the previous season following a breakthrough from the club's academy. The sales were credited with Charlton announcing their first profit in thirteen years, after the two previous seasons having increased losses.
In 1816 Churchill was bound an apprentice for seven years to Elizabeth Cox & Son, medical booksellers, of 39 High Street, Southwark. Having served his time he became a freeman of the Stationers' Company, and then for about eighteen months was employed in the house of Longman & Co. With the fortune of his wife, whom he married in 1832, Churchill started in business on his own account, purchasing the old- established retail connection of Callow & Wilson, 16 Princes Street, Leicester Square. Churchill attended book sales and the sales of medical libraries all over the country, and issued an annual catalogue. The business increased, but not satisfactorily, owing to the new practice of "underselling" (discounting popular titles).
" The Manics revealed Le Bon's involvement in March 2013, posting, "The brilliant Cate Le Bon has given us a stunning vocal on a new Manics track-Four Lonely Roads-her voice is so pure+beautiful. Very excited." James Dean Bradfield claimed that guest vocalists were brought onto the album as he felt his own voice wasn't good enough for all of the new songs: "I've got a sneaking feeling that I've been singing our songs for so long it's hard to find something new as a vocalist. It's easier as a drummer or a bassist to find a different direction, but if you try to change the sound of your voice, you end up sounding like a dick... And I felt my voice, at this point, was underselling some of the songs.
Huntsman's process was only made obsolete in 1856 by Henry Bessemer's invention of the Bessemer converter, but production of crucible steel continued until well into the 20th century for special uses, as Bessemer's steel was not of the same quality, in the main replacing wrought iron for such applications as rails.Barraclough KC, Steel before Bessemer 2 volumes London 1984 Bessemer had tried to induce steelmakers to take up his improved system, but met with general rebuffs, and finally was driven to undertake the exploitation of the process himself. To this end he erected steelworks in Sheffield. Gradually the scale of production was enlarged until the competition became effective, and steel traders generally became aware that the firm of Henry Bessemer & Co. was underselling them to the extent of £20 a ton.
Germany also made big purchases in Greece and Turkey and viewed the region as part of its supply hinterland. Before the war, Britain recognised Germany's special interest in the region and took a very small percentage of this market, but now, via the United Kingdom Commercial Corporation they used their financial power to compete in the Balkans, the Netherlands and Scandinavia, underselling and overbidding in markets to deprive Germany of goods, although Germany was so desperate to maintain supplies that they paid considerably over the normal market rate. As elsewhere, Germany paid in kind with military equipment, for which they were greatly aided with their acquisition of the Czech Skoda armaments interests. Germany was almost entirely dependent on Hungary and Yugoslavia for bauxite, used in the production of Duralumin, a copper alloy of aluminium critical to aircraft production.
He erected steelworks in Sheffield in a business partnership with others, such as W & J Galloway & Sons, and began to manufacture steel. At first the output was insignificant, but gradually the magnitude of the operations was enlarged until the competition became effective, and steel traders generally became aware that the firm of Henry Bessemer & Co. was underselling them to the extent of UK£10-£15 a ton. This argument to the pocket quickly had its effect, and licences were applied for in such numbers that, in royalties for the use of his process, Bessemer received a sum in all considerably exceeding a million pounds sterling. However Mushet received nothing and by 1866 was destitute and in ill-health. In that year his 16-year-old daughter, Mary, travelled to London alone, to confront Bessemer at his offices, arguing that his success was based on the results of her father’s work.
In spite of underselling, it became a highly influential album in two genres. 2002's The Techno Primer indicates it was "very influential" in acid jazz, as the band "set the tone for this movement." In the latter half of the 2000s, BBC disc jockey Trevor Nelson featured the album as "album of the week", noting that due to the album's combination of influences—"muscular" funk, jazz, R&B; and British Hip Hop—with "clever, unpredictable productions" and Anderson's "low, smoky vocals", the album "is still deemed to be one of the most important albums to emerge from the acid jazz scene." 2006's A Change is Gonna Come also cites the album as important in neo soul, including it along with R. Kelly's R., D'Angelo's Voodoo, Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite, Aaliyah's self-titled final release and Faith Evans' Keep the Faith as among "the starter kit" for the genre.
The Creative Director Carlo Brandelli makes no apologies for the cost. Brandelli insists: "That the street’s tailors have been underselling themselves for generations, certainly compared to the couture houses of Paris." Customers of the "golden mile of tailoring" have included Lord Nelson, Napoleon III, Winston Churchill, Prince Charles, and Jude Law, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan used to order his suits from Savile Row Narendra Singh Sarila, Once a Prince of Sarila, P,160 but though it is sometimes reported that Ian Fleming and his character James Bond bought suits in Savile Row, there is no evidence for this in the novels; both Fleming and the Bond film character wore suits designed by non-Savile Row tailors, in particular Anthony Sinclair of nearby Conduit Street. Tailors, attracted by the affluent and influential nature of the residents of Savile Row, started to open businesses in the area in the late 18th century, first in Cork Street, about 1790, then by 1803 in Savile Row itself.

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