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"trichotomous" Definitions
  1. divided or dividing into three parts or into threes

16 Sentences With "trichotomous"

How to use trichotomous in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "trichotomous" and check conjugation/comparative form for "trichotomous". Mastering all the usages of "trichotomous" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In terminology due to Ruth Chang, the three trichotomous comparisons are betterness, worseness, and equal goodness. For example, one artist, drawing, or cup of coffee might be better or worse than another, or precisely equally as good as it. When two items are incomparable, none of the trichotomous comparisons holds between them (or at least it seems that way). The clearest way of arguing that two options are incomparable is a small improvement argument.
Ruth Chang has argued that (at least some of the time), options may be comparable even if they are not trichotomously comparable. She does this by denying that the three trichotomous comparisons are the only ones on offer. She defends the existence of a fourth comparison, which she calls 'parity'. Luke Elson has criticised this argument, claiming that the apparent possibility of parity is really an artefact of the vagueness of the (trichotomous) comparisons involved.
One possibility is that this is all a mistake: that there is no genuine incomparability, and when it seems like none of the three trichotomous comparisons apply, in fact one of them does but we do not know which. This is where the small-improvement argument goes wrong: one of the trichotomous comparisons does apply between banking and philosophy. According to this view, apparent incomparability is merely ignorance. An advantage of this account is that the various puzzles surrounding incomparability dissolve rather quickly.
A law of trichotomy on some set X of numbers usually expresses that some tacitly given ordering relation on X is a trichotomous one. An example is the law "For arbitrary real numbers x and y, exactly one of x < y, y < x, or x = y applies"; some authors even fix y to be zero, relying on the real number's additive linearly ordered group structure. The latter is a group equipped with a trichotomous order. In classical logic, this axiom of trichotomy holds for ordinary comparison between real numbers and therefore also for comparisons between integers and between rational numbers.
The leaves are large and elliptic in shape. It has white fragrant flowers in a cymose inflorescence with trichotomous branches. The calyx and corolla each have five lobes, and there are five stamens. The two locules of the ovary each contain many seeds.
Leaves are compound, imparipinnate, opposite, estipulate; rachis 5–10 cm, slender, pubescent flowers are bisexual, yellowish brown, fragrant, 1 cm in size, nocturnal, in terminal, trichotomous cymes. Stigma is shortly bifid. Fruit is a capsule, 5 x 2.5 cm, obovoid, loculicidally 2 valved. seeds are pendulous, winged.
This seems to show that one of our assumptions was incorrect. Defenders of incomparability will say it is most plausible that it is the assumption that banking and philosophy are equally good that is incorrect. So they conclude that this assumption as false, and thus that none of the trichotomous comparisons apply.
Finally, a set of philosophers led by John Broome has argued that incomparability is vagueness. This theory says that it is vague or indeterminate which trichotomous comparison applies. The argument for this position is complex, and how 'incomparability as vagueness' is to be understood depends on one's theory of vagueness. But the main idea behind the theory is fairly simple.
The leaves range beneath from greyish-green to a rusty hue and are faintly translucent. The leaves are among the largest of the genus, measuring between long. The cymes of the shrub have few flowers or are corymbose and possess bracts. The branches of the panicle are dichotomous or trichotomous and bear many opposite leaves that grow smaller as they approach the flowers.
The purpose of such examples is to show that none of the trichotomous comparisons apply. Here is an example. Suppose that (for you, taking everything into account), a certain job as a professor and a certain job as a banker are such that neither seems better than the other. The professor job offers more freedom and security, and the banking job offers more money and excitement.
Timothy Laurie argues that, since the early 1980s, "genre has graduated from being a subset of popular music studies to being an almost ubiquitous framework for constituting and evaluating musical research objects". Musicologists have sometimes classified music according to a trichotomous distinction such as Philip Tagg's "axiomatic triangle consisting of 'folk', 'art' and 'popular' musics".Tagg, Philip. "Analysing Popular Music: Theory, Method and Practice".
In addition, the leaflets of P. inserta are shiny when young and only slightly pale below, while those of P. quinquefolia are dull above and pale green, whitened, or glaucous below. P. inserta flowerhead branching is dichotomous or trichotomous, with branches of equal thickness, while P. quinquefolia branches unequally, with a definite central axis. The berries of P. inserta are larger, at 8-12 mm in diameter, versus 5-8 mm broad in P. quinquefolia. The petiolules of mature P. inserta leaflets are typically longer, at 5-30 mm long, versus sessile or up to 10 mm in P. quinquefolia.
In mathematics, the law of trichotomy states that every real number is either positive, negative, or zero.Trichotomy Law at MathWorld More generally, a binary relation R on a set X is trichotomous if for all x and y in X, exactly one of xRy, yRx and x=y holds. Writing R as <, this is stated in formal logic as: :\forall x \in X \, \forall y \in X \, ( [ x < y \, \land \, \lnot(y < x) \, \land \, \lnot(x = y) ] \, \lor \, [ \lnot(x < y) \, \land \, y < x \, \land \, \lnot(x = y) ] \, \lor \, [ \lnot(x < y) \, \land \, \lnot(y < x) \, \land \, x = y ] ) \,.
The claim has been made that Brown and Levinson's theory does not take into account the effect unique dynamic power relations and rankings has on the way people interact with one another (i.e. ingratiation). An article written by Akio Yabuuchi argues a case for a new trichotomous politeness system to replace politeness theory's dichotomous politeness system; hierarchy politeness The proposed system is made up of fellowship politeness (similar to Brown and Levinson's positive politeness), autonomy politeness (similar to Brown and Levinson's negative politeness), and hierarchy politeness. Hierarchy politeness recognizes ingratiation as a way to communicate within power dynamics.
Semiorders generalize strict weak orderings, but do not assume transitivity of incomparability.. A strict weak order that is trichotomous is called a strict total order.. The total preorder which is the inverse of its complement is in this case a total order. For a strict weak order "<" another associated reflexive relation is its reflexive closure, a (non-strict) partial order "≤". The two associated reflexive relations differ with regard to different a and b for which neither a < b nor b < a: in the total preorder corresponding to a strict weak order we get a \lesssim b and b \lesssim a, while in the partial order given by the reflexive closure we get neither a ≤ b nor b ≤ a. For strict total orders these two associated reflexive relations are the same: the corresponding (non-strict) total order.
The "mean" operation x \oplus y = ( x + y ) / 2 on the rational numbers (or any commutative number system closed under division) is also commutative but not in general associative, e.g. :-4 \oplus (0 \oplus +4) = -4 \oplus +2 = -1 but :(-4 \oplus 0) \oplus +4 = -2 \oplus +4 = +1 Generally, the mean operations studied in topology need not be associative. The construction applied in the previous section to rock-paper-scissors applies readily to variants of the game with other numbers of gestures, as described in the section Variations, as long as there are two players and the conditions are symmetric between them; more abstractly, it may be applied to any trichotomous binary relation (like "beats" in the game). The resulting magma will be associative if the relation is transitive and hence is a (strict) total order; otherwise, if finite, it contains directed cycles (like rock-paper-scissors-rock) and the magma is non-associative.

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