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"thermogenic" Definitions
  1. relating to, caused by, or inducing the production of heat

91 Sentences With "thermogenic"

How to use thermogenic in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "thermogenic" and check conjugation/comparative form for "thermogenic". Mastering all the usages of "thermogenic" from sentence examples published by news publications.

On top of that, progesterone is known to be thermogenic, meaning it can heat up your core temperature.
Known as thermogenic effect, fiber-rich foods like whole grains and veggies actually require calories for our bodies to break down.
The pills Penney bought were T25's, a thermogenic fat burner currently available for purchase in a variety of forms on Amazon.
"Isotopes tell you how much is coming from microbes versus old, thermogenic sources, carbon that's been cooked by the earth," says Bruhwiler.
"At large global scales, the isotopic constraint should be pretty darn useful at telling us what is biogenic and what's thermogenic," she says.
This fat is thermogenic and creates heat, but, as we age, we lose this fat and it is replaced by white fat (actually yellow in colour) which insulates and acts as an energy store.
Methane emitted by microbial sources (also known as biogenic) tends to be lighter, with less of the carbon isotope C22022 relative to C22022, whereas methane from fossil fuels (thermogenic) and from burning biomass tends to be isotopically heavier.
The two main routes for geological methane generation are (i) organic (thermally generated, or thermogenic) and (ii) inorganic (abiotic). Thermogenic methane occurs due to the breakup of organic matter at elevated temperatures and pressures in deep sedimentary strata. Most methane in sedimentary basins is thermogenic; therefore, thermogenic methane is the most important source of natural gas. Thermogenic methane components are typically considered to be relic (from an earlier time).
Methanogenesis is responsible for significant amounts of natural gas accumulations, the remainder being thermogenic.
Coal-derived methane appears to be mostly thermogenic in origin with some biogenic production.
Understanding and stimulating the thermogenic processes in brown adipocytes provides possible therapeutic options for treating obesity.
Thermogenic organic matter dissolved in the abyssal ocean. Mar. Chem. 102, 208–217. doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2006.04.003Dittmar, T., and Paeng, J. (2009).
Most thermogenic plants tend to be rather large. This is because the smaller plants do not have enough space to create a considerable amount of heat. Large plants, on the other hand, have a lot of mass to create and retain heat. Thermogenic plants are also protogynous, meaning that the female part of the plant matures before the male part of the same plant.
The two broad scale pathways of methane production, thermogenic and biogenic generation, account for the majority of methane generation in coals. Thermogenic production of methane in coals begins at temperatures around 80 °C and peaks around 0.7–1.6% of vitrinite reflectance. Biogenic generation of methane takes place through two chemically distinguishable pathways. These pathways are carbon dioxide reduction and acetate fermentation and methanol/methyl utilization.
Thermogenic means tending to produce heat, and the term is commonly applied to drugs which increase heat through metabolic stimulation, or to microorganisms which create heat within organic waste. Approximately all enzymatic reaction in the human body is thermogenic, which gives rise to the basal metabolic rate.Yu‑Hua Tseng, Aaron M. Cypess and C. Ronald Kahn. Cellular bioenergetics as a target for obesity therapy. Reviews. Vol. 9.
Scientists observed the thermogenic activity in brown adipose tissue, which eventually led to the discovery of UCP1, initially known as "Uncoupling Protein". The brown tissue revealed elevated levels of mitochondria respiration and another respiration not coupled to ATP synthesis, which symbolized strong thermogenic activity. UCP1 was the protein discovered responsible for activating a proton pathway that was not coupled to ADP phosphorylation (ordinarily done through ATP Synthase).
A knock-out of PRDM16 in mice shows a loss of brown cell characteristics, showing that PRDM16 activity is important in determining brown adipose fate. Brown adipocytes consist of densely packed mitochondria that contain uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1). UCP-1 plays a key role in brown adipocyte thermogenesis. The presence of PRDM16 in adipose tissue causes a significant up-regulation of thermogenic genes, such as UCP-1 and CIDEA, resulting in thermogenic heat production.
Thermogenic sources are formed deep within sediment at high temperatures and pressures by thermocatalytic degradation of organic matter. Biogenic sources account for the degradation of organic matter by methanogenic organisms.
This reduces inbreeding considerably, as such a plant can be fertilized only by pollen from a different plant. This is why thermogenic plants release pungent odors to attract pollinating insects.
Metabolic effects of spices, teas and caffeine. Physiology & Behavior 89(1):85–91 Caffeine induces a thermogenic effect in the body by increasing sympathetic nervous system activity, which is an important regulator of energy expenditure.Dulloo, A.G. (2002) Biomedicine: A sympathetic defense against obesity. Science 297:780–781Astrup A., Toubro S., Cannon S., Hein P., Breum L. and Madsen J. (1990) Caffeine: a double- blind, placebo-controlled study of its thermogenic, metabolic and cardiovascular effects in healthy volunteers.
The thermogenic effect of food is another component of a person's daily energy expenditure and refers to the amount of energy it takes the body to digest, absorb, and metabolize nutrients in the diet. The amount of energy expended while processing food differs by individual but on average it amounts to about 10% the number of calories consumed during a given time period. Processing proteins and carbohydrates has more of a thermogenic effect than does processing fats.
The gas to oil ratio of the thermogenic portion of the petroleum within the basin is 60–70% oil dominated in the NW of the basin and 90% gas dominated in the southeast.
Evodiamine acts primarily as a thermogenic and stimulant. Evodiamine may also act in a manner comparable to tianeptine by increasing the number of serotonin transporters available in the brain, enhancing the reuptake of serotonin.
As the pollinators warm themselves while resting inside the flower, they deposit and pick up pollen onto and from the flower. The thermogenic environment might also be conducive to pollinator mating - pollinators may require a certain temperature for reproduction. By providing an ideal thermogenic environment, the flower is pollinated by mating pollinators. Others theorize that heat production facilitates the release of volatile compounds into the air to attract pollinators flying over water, or that the heat is recognizable in the dark by thermo-sensitive pollinators.
A wide variety of alkaloid and non- alkaloid compounds have been identified in various species of ephedra. Of the six ephedrine-type ingredients found in ephedra (at concentrations of 0.02-3.4%), the most common are ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which are the sources of its stimulant and thermogenic effects. These compounds stimulate the brain, increase heart rate, constrict blood vessels (increasing blood pressure), and expand bronchial tubes (making breathing easier). Their thermogenic properties cause an increase in metabolism, as evidenced by an increase in body heat.
Methane produced from marine methanogens is typically more D-enriched than methane produced from methanogens grown in freshwater. The δD values for thermogenic methane range from −275‰ to −100‰, and from −400‰ to −150‰ for microbial methane.
Outside Araceae, the sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is thermogenic and endothermic, able to regulate its flower temperature to a certain range, an ability shared by at least one species in the non- photosynthetic parasitic genus Rhizanthes, Rhizanthes lowii.
The most striking aspect of the Hydnoroideae is probably the complete absence of leaves (not even in modified forms such as scales). Some species are mildly thermogenic (capable of producing heat), presumably as a means to dispersing their scent.
"Mixed gas hydrate structures at the Chapopote Knoll, southern Gulf of Mexico." Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 299 (2010): 201-217. Hydrocarbons from the Chapapote are dominantly thermogenic in origin as evidenced by the stable carbon isotopes of hydrate forming hydrocarbons.
Thermogenic plants are found in a variety of families, but Araceae in particular contains many such species. Examples from this family include the dead-horse arum (Helicodiceros muscivorus), the eastern skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), the elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius), elephant ear (Philodendron selloum), lords-and-ladies (Arum maculatum), and voodoo lily (Typhonium venosum). The titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) uses thermogenically created water vapor to disperse its scent—that of rotting meat—above the cold air that settles over it at night in its natural habitat. Contrary to popular belief, the western skunk cabbage, a close relative from the family Araceae, is not thermogenic.
Thermogenic plants have the ability to raise their temperature above that of the surrounding air. Heat is generated in the mitochondria, as a secondary process of cellular respiration called thermogenesis. Alternative oxidase and uncoupling proteins similar to those found in mammals enable the process, which is still poorly understood.
Generally, formation of thermogenic methane (at depth) can occur through organic matter breakup, or organic synthesis. Both ways can involve microorganisms (methanogenesis), but may also occur inorganically. The processes involved can also consume methane, with and without microorganisms. The more important source of methane at depth (crystalline bedrock) is abiotic.
In aroids with perfect flowers, the stigma is no longer receptive when the pollen is released, thus preventing self-fertilization. Some species are dioecious. Many plants in this family are thermogenic (heat-producing). Their flowers can reach up to 45 °C even when the surrounding air temperature is much lower.
Steensels S, Ersoy B. Fatty acid activation in thermogenic adipose tissue. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2018 May 21. Type I ACOTs (ACOT1–6) contain the α/β-hydrolase domain, which is also present in many lipases and esterases . Type II ACOTs (ACOT7–15) have a characteristic structural motif called the ‘Hotdog fold’ domain .
She operated a hospital there and built the Pioneer State Health Hotel in 1937. In order to attempt to raise money for further financing for a larger resort, she wrote a prospectus stating that the thermogenic waters had extensive healing properties. Geysers were active until the 1980s when a geothermal power plant was erected.
Journal of Eurasian Studies. 2. 74–85. Many European countries saw an immediate drop in supply when Russian gas supplies were halted during the Russia-Ukraine gas dispute in 2006. Natural gas has been a viable source of energy in the world. Consisting of mostly methane, natural gas is produced using two methods: biogenic and thermogenic.
These included a thermogenic, Super-HD, and a weight loss supplement, CLK. The brand also unveiled its COR-Performance Series in 2012. The COR-Performance Series includes ingredients like branched chain amino acids, creatine, and protein. During 2013, Cellucor had several product launches including the re-launch of its mass building supplement M5 Extreme, called M5 Reloaded.
The part of the spadix that heats up is the sterile zone. As it heats up, carbohydrates are used, but once the spadix has reached its maximum temperature, lipids are oxidized. The lipids are not first converted to carbohydrates, but rather are directly oxidized. The thermogenic reaction is triggered when concentrations of acetosalicytic acid form in the sterile zone.
The wood lemming is well adapted to live in cold climates due to its high thermogenic capacity, thermal insulation, and nonshivering thermogenesis. Compared to other voles, lemmings drink greater amounts of water, which may be why they seek moister areas in the spring and summer. On average, males travel four to 12 times farther than females.
Biogenic, thermogenic and abiotic methane is formed at different temperatures, which can be recorded in clumped isotope compositions of methane. Combined with conventional carbon and hydrogen isotope fingerprints and gas wetness (the abundance of low molecular weight hydrocarbon), methane clumped isotope can be used to identify the origins of methane in different types of natural gas accumulations.
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) oxidizes chemical energy to produce heat. This heat energy can act as a defense against hypothermia and obesity. PRDM16 is highly enriched in brown adipose cells as compared to white adipose cells, and plays a role in these thermogenic processes in brown adipose tissue. PRDM16 activates brown fat cell identity and can control the determination of brown adipose fate.
YM-348 is an indazole derivative drug which acts as a potent and selective 5-HT2C receptor agonist, with an EC50 of 1nM and 15x selectivity over 5-HT2A, although it only has moderate selectivity of 3x over the closely related 5-HT2B receptor. It has thermogenic and anorectic effects in animal studies, making it potentially useful for the treatment of obesity.
They do not use torpor like many other small rodents do, so they must find other ways to slow the basal metabolic rate. They will lower their body temperature by about .5 degrees Celsius to reduce energy costs. The taiga voles, as do many other voles, rely on fat reserves for thermoregulation, using brown fat adipose tissue to increase their thermogenic capacity.
Natural gas is found in deep underground rock formations or associated with other hydrocarbon reservoirs in coal beds and as methane clathrates. Petroleum is another resource and fossil fuel found close to and with natural gas. Most natural gas was created over time by two mechanisms: biogenic and thermogenic. Biogenic gas is created by methanogenic organisms in marshes, bogs, landfills, and shallow sediments.
Geosphere methane is intriguing for the large input of microbial methanogenesis. This process exhibits a strong isotope effect, resulting in greater D-depletion in methane relative to other hydrocarbons. δD ranges from −275‰ to −100‰ in thermogenic methane, and from −400‰ to −150‰ in microbial methane. Also, methane formed by marine methanogens is generally enriched in D relative to methane from freshwater methanogens.
The western rock elephant shrew or western rock sengi (Elephantulus rupestris) is a species of elephant shrew in the family Macroscelididae. It is found in Namibia, South Africa, possibly Angola, and possibly Botswana. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry shrubland and rocky areas. Smaller members of western rock elephant shrew possess functional brown adipose tissue, which changes in thermogenic capacity depending on the season.
The Devonian- Mississippian New Albany Shale produces gas in the southeast Illinois Basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky. The New Albany has been a gas producer in this area for more than 100 years, but recent higher gas prices and improved well completion technology have increased drilling activity. Wells are 250 to deep. The gas is described as having a mixed biogenic and thermogenic origin.
The roots have the following properties: purgative, tonic, anodyne, digestive, acrid, thermogenic, anthelmintic, diuretic, febrifuge, diaphoretic, rubefacient and antiinflammatory. Seed is rubefacient, stimulant, purgative, and antidote for snakebite and its oil is antirheumatic. Leaf is antiasthmatic and wound healing. Root and seed oil is cathartic and antidropsical.Bhakuni, D. S. Dhar, M. L., Dhar, M. M., Dhawan, B. N., Gupta, H and Srimal, R. C.1971.
2010: 465-81. In bodybuilding, athletes wishing to lose fat purportedly use thermogenics to increase their basal metabolic rate, thereby increasing their energy expenditure. Caffeine and ephedrine are commonly used for this purpose. 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) is a very strong thermogenic drug used for fat loss; it will give a dose-dependent increase in body temperature, to the point where it can induce death by hyperthermia.
Methane has a very light δ13C signature: biogenic methane of −60‰, thermogenic methane −40‰. The release of large amounts of methane clathrate can impact on global δ13C values, as at the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum. More commonly, the ratio is affected by variations in primary productivity and organic burial. Organisms preferentially take up light 12C, and have a δ13C signature of about −25‰, depending on their metabolic pathway.
Thermogenesis is the process of heat production in organisms. It occurs in all warm-blooded animals, and also in a few species of thermogenic plants such as the Eastern skunk cabbage, the Voodoo lily, and the giant water lilies of the genus Victoria. The lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobium americanum disperses its seeds explosively through thermogenesis.Rolena A.J. deBruyn, Mark Paetkau, Kelly A. Ross, David V. Godfrey & Cynthia Ross Friedman. (2015).
A diverse biological community is also present on the Chapapote, with a range of organisms, including tubeworms, bacterial mats, and chemosynthetic mussels all calling the area home. A sample grab conducted on the cruise recovered sediment with thin layers of gas hydrate. Molecular and isotopic compositions of the gas hydrate indicated that the gas was moderately mature and thermogenic in nature. In 2006, the METEOR Cruise No. 67 (MC67/2b) returned to Chapapote.
White adipose tissue (WAT) primarily stores excess energy in the form of triglycerides. Recent research has shown that PRDM16 is present in subcutaneous white adipose tissue. The activity of PRDM16 in white adipose tissue leads to the production of brown fat-like adipocytes within white adipose tissue, called beige cells (also called brite cells). These beige cells have a brown adipose tissue-like phenotype and actions, including thermogenic processes seen in BAT.
Methane seeps are located along the downward slope of Heceta Bank, generally clustered in areas known as pockmarks. The pockmarks are formed by the movement of faults, which cause disturbances and conditions within the bedrock to change. Due to uplift, gas solubility in the sediment decreases and gas is ultimately released from the seafloor. The methane gas originates from a mix of thermogenic and biogenic sources, and methane hydrates embedded in the sediment.
V. cruziana is a thermogenetic or heat-producing plant. The plant prefers to live in colder non moving water and requires warm temperatures in order for the flower to blossom, hence the plant must distribute a lot of energy to keep itself warmer than its natural environment (above 90 degrees Fahrenheit).Lamprecht, I., et al. “A Tropical Water Lily with Strong Thermogenic Behaviour—Thermometric and Thermographic Investigations on Victoria Cruziana.” Thermochimica Acta, vol. 382, no.
Clenbuterol is approved for use in some countries as a bronchodilator for asthma. Clenbuterol is a β2 agonist with some structural and pharmacological similarities to epinephrine and salbutamol, but its effects are more potent and longer-lasting as a stimulant and thermogenic drug. It is commonly used for smooth muscle-relaxant properties as a bronchodilator and tocolytic. It is classified by the World Anti-Doping Association as an anabolic agent, not as a β2 agonist.
As they search the entire plant for the dead carcass, they unknowingly pollinate the plant. Other theories state that the heat may provide a heat reward for the pollinator: pollinators are drawn to the flower for its warmth. This theory has less support because most thermogenic plants are found in tropical climates. Yet another theory is that the heat helps protect against frost damage, allowing the plant to germinate and sprout earlier than otherwise.
Botanists are not completely sure why thermogenic plants generate large amounts of excess heat, but most agree that it has something to do with increasing pollination rates. The most widely accepted theory states that the endogenous heat helps in spreading chemicals that attract pollinators to the plant. For example, the Voodoo lily uses heat to help spread its smell of rotting meat. This smell draws in flies which begin to search for the source of the smell.
Biogenic gas comes from methanogenic organisms located in marshes and landfills, whereas thermogenic gas comes from the anaerobic decay of organic matter deep under the Earth's surface. Russia is the current leading country in production of natural gas. One of the biggest problems currently facing natural gas providers is the ability to store and transport it. With its low density, it is difficult to build enough pipelines in North America to transport sufficient natural gas to match demand.
The predominant source rock in the Zonguldak basin is coal. The most prolific source rock is the Kozlu Formation, containing the greatest volume of coal and the greatest amount of methane. This is in corroboration with the Ro values that suggest thermogenic production of methane in the Zonguldak basin would have been high. Methane generated by shale may be contributing a small amount to the total amount of methane found in the basin, but the majority is coal derived.
Thermus thermophilus is a Gram negative bacterium used in a range of biotechnological applications, including as a model organism for genetic manipulation, structural genomics, and systems biology. The bacterium is extremely thermophilic, with an optimal growth temperature of about . Thermus thermophilus was originally isolated from a thermal vent within a hot spring in Izu, Japan by Tairo Oshima and Kazutomo Imahori. The organism has also been found to be important in the degradation of organic materials in the thermogenic phase of composting.
Ricquier specializes in the physiology and biochemistry of mitochondria, adipose tissue and thermogenic mechanisms. He is an expert on brown adipose tissue. His work has contribué́ to identify a family of proteins involved in mitochondrial respiration, ATP yield, heat production and mitochondrial control of the level of cellular oxygenated free radicals. Ricquier described in 1976 a mitochondrial membrane protein specific for brown adipocytes, later named UCP (uncoupling protein) and identified by David Nicholls as the protein responsible for heat energy dissipation.
Exploration for coal seam gas is in early stages, and targets the thick coal seams of the Permian Betts Creek Beds, with a secondary target being the Aramac Coal Measures. Coal seam gas was generated by thermogenic processes when maximum burial depths of ~2 km were achieved in the Late Cretaceous as well as secondary biogenic gas generation following uplift. The challenges to a viable gas project in the Galilee Basin include low gas saturations, distance to market and large volumes of produced water.
GPR3 activates adenylate cyclase in the absence of ligand. GPR3 is expressed in mammalian oocytes where it maintains meiotic arrest and is thought to be a communication link between oocytes and the surrounding somatic tissue. It has been proposed that sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) are GPR3 ligands, however this result was not confirmed in a β-arrestin recruitment assay. Mice lacking GPR3 were found to develop late-onset obesity owing to decreased UCP-1 expression in brown adipose tissue and reduced thermogenic capacity.
A 2011 publication suggested that selection for the expansion of skeletal muscle, rather than the evolution of flight, was the driving force for the emergence of this clade. Muscles became larger in prospectively endothermic saurians, according to this hypothesis, as a response to the loss of the vertebrate mitochondrial uncoupling protein, UCP1, which is thermogenic. In mammals, UCP1 functions within brown adipose tissue to protect newborns against hypothermia. In modern birds, skeletal muscle serves a similar function and is presumed to have done so in their ancestors.
Seahorse Bioscience is a private company that develops and manufactures cellular bioenergetics analytical instruments. Seahorse also manufactures consumable labware products, and consumables for measuring cell metabolism. The company was formerly known as Thermogenic Imaging. Recognized for developing novel, leading-edge cellular bioenergetic technologies, the company is best known for developing the XF Extracellular Flux Analyzer. XF technology makes cellular bioenergetic studies simple, efficient and user-friendly by combining an electro-optical instrument with ‘smart plastic’ cartridges that enable the real-time measurement of cellular bioenergetics in a non-invasive, multi-well microplate format.
3-Aminoisobutyric acid (or β-aminoisobutyric acid, BAIBA) is a product formed by the catabolism of thymine. During exercise, the increase of PGC-1α protein triggers the secretion of BAIBA from exercising muscles to blood (concentration 2 to 3 μM in human serum). When BAIBA reaches the white fat tissue, it activates the expression of thermogenic genes via PPARα receptors, resulting in a browning of white fat cells. One of the consequences of the BAIBA activity is the increase of the background metabolism of the BAIBA target cells.
Particular attention is given to epigenetic factors, such as physical determinants and environmental parameters, that may have led to the rapid emergence of body plans and organ forms during a period when multicellular organisms had relatively plastic morphologies. Newman has advanced a novel scenario for the origin of birds, the Thermogenic Muscle Hypothesis. Characteristic anatomical specializations of birds, e.g., bipedality, the capacity for flight, are proposed to be secondary to the hyperplasia of thigh and breast skeletal muscles that arose in compensation for the loss of several genes in saurian ancestors.
Natural gas evidence was mounting for the existence of oil in the Levantine Basin. Meanwhile, Noble Energy, which has been working with the Leviathan site since its discovery in 2010, in early 2017 began drilling. Several factors point to oil and gas reserves, such as the discovery of thermogenic natural gas, working hydrocarbon systems, and the identification of at least 14 hydrocarbon plays in the Cyprus EEZ alone. According to Dr. Constantinos Hadjistassou, academic at the University of Nicosia, oil could be extracted within a shorter frame than natural gas, in Cyprus.
These features can be detected by multibeam sonar and then sampled by navigated piston coring. Spec and proprietary multibeam seep mapping and core geochemistry by Texas A&M; University's Geochemical & Environmental Research Group8 and later TDI Brooks9 demonstrated thermogenic charge in deepwater Angola and deepwater Nigeria leading to an aggressive exploration program by a number of oil companies and subsequent discoveries. The emphasis on, and marketplace acceptance of, multibeam mapping combined with navigated coring as an improvement over grid-based approaches to geochemical exploration is attributed to AOA Geophysics Inc10.
Horizontal drilling is often used with shale gas wells, with lateral lengths up to within the shale, to create maximum borehole surface area in contact with the shale. Shales that host economic quantities of gas have a number of common properties. They are rich in organic material (0.5% to 25%),US Department of Energy, "Modern shale gas development in the United States," April 2009, p.17. and are usually mature petroleum source rocks in the thermogenic gas window, where high heat and pressure have converted petroleum to natural gas.
The Lost Hammer Spring, located in the central west region of the island () is the coldest and saltiest of all Arctic springs described to date. It is characterized by a perennial hypersaline (24%) discharge at subzero temperatures (~) flowing to the surface through a hollow, high cone- shaped salt tufa structure. Continuous gas emissions from the spring indicate an underlying thermogenic methane source. On the basis of these properties, this spring is considered a significant astrobiology analogue site for possible habitats currently present on Mars and the cold moons Europa and Enceladus.
Deeper in the earth, at greater temperature and pressure, thermogenic gas is created from buried organic material. In petroleum production, gas is sometimes burned as flare gas. Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, most, but not all, must be processed to remove impurities, including water, to meet the specifications of marketable natural gas. The by-products of this processing include ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, and higher molecular weight hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide (which may be converted into pure sulfur), carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sometimes helium and nitrogen.
One reason for this unusually high temperature is to attract insects (usually beetles) to pollinate the plant, rewarding the beetles with heat energy. Another reason is to prevent tissue damage in cold regions. Some examples of thermogenic Araceae are: Symplocarpus foetidus (eastern skunk cabbage), Amorphophallus titanum (titan arum), Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (elephant foot yam), Helicodiceros muscivorus (dead horse arum lily), and Sauromatum venosum (voodoo lily). Species such as titan arum and the dead horse arum give off a very pungent smell, often resembling rotten flesh, to attract flies to pollinate the plant.
Dantrolene, a direct-acting paralytic which abolishes shuddering and is effective in many other forms of hyperthermia, including centrally-, peripherally- and cellularly-mediated thermogenesis, has no individual or additive effects to cooling in the context of heat stroke, showing a lack of endogenous thermogenic response to cold water immersion. Thus, aggressive ice-water immersion remains the gold standard for life- threatening heat stroke. Hydration is important in cooling the person. In mild cases of concomitant dehydration, this can be achieved by drinking water, or commercial isotonic sports drinks may be used as a substitute.
Firstly, protein has a greater thermogenic effect than carbohydrates and fat, which enables the body to burn more calories.Paddon-Jones, D., Westman, E., Mattes, R.D., Wolfe, R.R., Astrup, A. and Westerterp-Plantenga, M. (2008) Protein, weight management, and satiety. Am J Clin Nutr 87(suppl):1558-61S Secondly, a high protein breakfast appears to slow gastric emptying, which attributes to the fact that protein appears to be the most satiating macronutrient.Blom, W.A.M, Lluch, A., Stafleu, A., Vinoy, S., Holst, J.J., Schaafsma, G. and Hendriks, H.F.J. (2006) Effect of a high-protein breakfast on the postprandial ghrelin response.
Methane clathrates (also known as methane hydrates) are solid cages of water molecules that trap single molecules of methane. Significant reservoirs of methane clathrates have been found in arctic permafrost and along continental margins beneath the ocean floor within the gas clathrate stability zone, located at high pressures (1 to 100 MPa; lower end requires lower temperature) and low temperatures (< 15 °C; upper end requires higher pressure). Methane clathrates can form from biogenic methane, thermogenic methane, or a mix of the two. These deposits are both a potential source of methane fuel as well as a potential contributor to global warming.
MAT has qualities of both white and brown fat. Subcutaneous white fat contain excess energy, indicating a clear evolutionary advantage during times of scarcity. WAT is also the source of adipokines and inflammatory markers which have both positive (e.g., adiponectin) and negative effects on metabolic and cardiovascular endpoints. Visceral abdominal fat (VAT) is a distinct type of WAT that is "proportionally associated with negative metabolic and cardiovascular morbidity", regenerates cortisol, and recently has been tied to decreased bone formation Both types of WAT substantially differ from brown adipose tissue (BAT) as by a group of proteins that help BAT’s thermogenic role.
The impervious limestone layers of the Onondaga directly below the Marcellus, and the Tully Limestone at the top of the Hamilton Group, have trapped valuable natural gas reserves in this formation. The gas is produced by thermogenic decomposition of organic materials in the sediments under the high temperature and pressure generated after the formation was buried deep below the surface of the earth. The rock holds most of the gas in the pore spaces of the shale, with vertical fractures or joints providing additional storage as well as pathways for the gas to flow; gas is also adsorbed on mineral grains, and the carbon in the shale.
After ~20 generations of selective breeding, voles from the Aerobic lines evolved a 60% higher swim- induced metabolic rate than voles from the unselected Control lines. Although the selection protocol does not impose a thermoregulatory burden, both the basal metabolic rate and thermogenic capacity increased in the Aerobic lines. Thus, the results have provided some support for the “aerobic capacity model” for the evolution of endothermy in mammals. More than 85% of the Predatory voles capture the crickets, compared to only about 15% of unselected Control voles, and they catch the crickets faster. The increased predatory behavior is associated with a more proactive coping style (“personality”).
None have been conclusively proven to be more plausible than the others. After anthesis, the receptacle of the lotus transitions from a primarily thermogenic to a photosynthetic structure, as seen in the rapid and dramatic increase in photosystems, photosynthetically involved pigments, electron transport rates, and the presence of 13C in the receptacle and petals, all of which assist in increasing photosynthesis rates. After this transition, all thermogenesis in the flower is lost. Pollinators do not need to be attracted once the ovary is fertilized, and thus the receptacle's resources are better used when it is photosynthesizing to produce carbohydrates that can increase plant biomass or fruit mass.
An independent study confirmed the effect of PGC-1 on polarisation of macrophages towards M2 via STAT6/PPAR gamma and furthermore demonstrated that PGC-1 inhibits proinflammatory cytokine production. PGC-1α has been recently proposed to be responsible for β-aminoisobutyric acid secretion by exercising muscles. The effect of β-aminoisobutyric acid in white fat includes the activation of thermogenic genes that prompt the browning of white adipose tissue and the consequent increase of background metabolism. Hence, the β-aminoisobutyric acid could act as a messenger molecule of PGC-1α and explain the effects of PGC-1α increase in other tissues such as white fat.
A different Turkish well, Kastamonu-1 drilled in 2011 did successfully find thermogenic gas in Pliocene and Miocene shale- cored anticlines in the Western Black Sea. A year later in 2012, Romania drilled Domino-1 which struck gas prompting the drilling of other wells in the Neptun Deep. In 2016, the Bulgarian well Polshkov-1 targeted Maykop Suite sandstones in the Polshkov High and Russia is in the process of drilling Jurassic carbonates on the Shatsky Ridge as of 2018. In August 2020, Turkey has found 320 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the biggest ever discovery in the Black Sea, and hopes to begin production by 2023.
The Alacaagzi formation did not pass the 80 °C isotherm until it had been buried for 25 Ma. The Kozlu formation experienced two different conditions during its first 260 Ma. The bottom of the Kozlu was mostly below the 80 °C isotherm while the top of the formation was above it. With deposition in the Cretaceous, the Kozlu formation was buried beneath the 80 °C Isotherm. The Alacaagzi and Kozlu were uplifted past the 80 °C around 5 Ma. At this point the rocks had been fractured and meteoric water could inoculate the system with methanogenic microbes. Isotopic data from wells in the Zonguldak basin suggest that the methane is primarily thermogenic in nature.
A fourth publication stated that even 750 to 1,000 mg/day oral non-micronized progesterone had weak effects as evidenced by poor thermogenic effect, weak endometrial effect, and lack of production of withdrawal bleeding in amenorrheic women. Neumann and colleagues listed the ovulation-inhibiting dosage of oral non-micronized progesterone in women as 300 to 500 mg/day but provided no other details. In a study of a progesterone vaginal ring alone or in combination with estradiol that released 1.5 to 3 mg/day progesterone and achieved mean progesterone levels varying between 0.7 and 1.6 ng/mL (mean 0.9 ng/mL) during anovulatory cycles, ovulation occurred in 18 of 30 (60%) menstrual cycles.
However, in spite of the very low levels of progesterone achieved, typical clinical doses of oral progesterone are effective in preventing estrogen-induced endometrial hyperplasia. On the other hand, oral progesterone fails to produce full endometrial secretory transformation, and is considered to be inappropriate for use in assisted reproduction, whereas vaginal and intramuscular progesterone are effective. Even 600 mg/day oral progesterone, which is a very high dosage, fails to produce full luteal-phase endometrial changes, although doses of 300 to 600 mg/day oral progesterone have reportedly been used for luteal support in assisted reproduction. Research on whether oral non- micronized progesterone has a thermogenic effect has shown conflicting findings in different studies.
Eastern skunk cabbage is notable for its ability to generate temperatures of up to above air temperature by cyanide resistant cellular respiration in order to melt its way through frozen ground, placing it among a small group of thermogenic plants. Even though it flowers while there is still snow and ice on the ground, it is successfully pollinated by early insects that also emerge at this time. Some studies suggest that beyond allowing the plant to grow in icy soil, the heat it produces may help to spread its odor in the air. Carrion-feeding insects that are attracted by the scent may be doubly encouraged to enter the spathe because it is warmer than the surrounding air, fueling pollination.
Extensive mud volcanism on the Andaman accretionary prism occurs above a complex network of faults and is caused by the convergence of the Indian plate and the Burmese microplate. The mud matrix ejected from these mud volcanoes is composed of smectite–illite–kaolinite–chlorite–plagioclase–quartz–calcite assemblage derived both from sediments and altered oceanic crust and originates from a deep-burial diagenetic environment. The modes of δ13C distributions for methane (>−42‰), ethane (>−27‰) and CO2 (b−3‰) gases emitted by these mud volcanoes indicate their thermogenic origin, with TOC and N of associated mud suggesting marine organic matter as the source. The mud water is much fresher (Cl− = 45 to 135 mM) than seawater and its δ18O (−0.2 to 2.6‰)and δD (−24 to −14‰) isotopic compositions fall well below the global meteoric water line.
Using aging mice as a model, the molecular and cellular mechanisms that act under thermoneutrality circumstances (steady state) or after cold exposure has been recently acknowledged, When the mice is on a steady state, IL-17 produced by the γδ17 T cells will stimulate stromal cells expressing the IL-17 receptor to produce IL-33 in vivo, and therefore provide a molecular link to T reg cells expressing the IL-33 receptor ST2 in the adipose tissue, so ST2+ Treg cells will accumulate and this will lead to the maintenance of the tissue homeostasis. This recent finding explains the mechanism of why the number of T reg cells continuously increases during aging. On the other hand, it has been shown that after exposing the mice to cold, the production of TNF and IL-17 will act on the adipocytes uncoupling the protein UCP1, which is required for inducing a UCP1-dependent thermogenic program.
A study by Cabot Oil and Gas examined the Duke study using a larger sample size, found that methane concentrations were related to topography, with the highest readings found in low-lying areas, rather than related to distance from gas production areas. Using a more precise isotopic analysis, they showed that the methane found in the water wells came from both the formations where hydraulic fracturing occurred, and from the shallower formations. The Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission investigates complaints from water well owners, and has found some wells to contain biogenic methane unrelated to oil and gas wells, but others that have thermogenic methane due to oil and gas wells with leaking well casing. A review published in February 2012 found no direct evidence that hydraulic fracturing actual injection phase resulted in contamination of ground water, and suggests that reported problems occur due to leaks in its fluid or waste storage apparatus; the review says that methane in water wells in some areas probably comes from natural resources.
EP3-deficient mice as well as mice selectively deleted of EP3 expression in the brain's median preoptic nucleus fail to develop fever in response to endotoxin (i.e. bacteria-derived lipopolysaccharide) or the host-derived regulator of body temperature, IL-1β. The ability of endotoxind and IL-1β but not that of PGE2 to trigger fever is blocked by inhibitors of nitric oxide and PG2 EP33-deficient mice exhibit normal febrile responses to stress, interleukin-8, and macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta (MIP-1β). It is suggested that these findings indicate that a) activation of the EP3 receptor suppresses the inhibitory tone that the preoptic hypothalamus has on thermogenic effector cells in the brain; b) endotoxin and IL-1β simulate the production of nitric oxide which in turn causes the production of PGE2 and thereby the EP3-dependent fever-producing; c) other factors such as stress, interleukin 8, and MIP-1β trigger fever independently of EP3; and d) inhibition of the PGE2-EP3 pathway underlies the ability of aspirin and other Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce fever caused by inflammation in animals and, possibly, humans.

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