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21 Sentences With "swilled"

How to use swilled in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "swilled" and check conjugation/comparative form for "swilled". Mastering all the usages of "swilled" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The elites they enriched swilled champagne in the countless cabarets.
The grapefruit-based cocktails swilled on "Sex and the City" provided only temporary relief.
A trip to Tennyson country in Lincolnshire ended with whiskey being swilled in a ditch.
The new ABInBev sells roughly one in three pints of beer swilled around the world.
Yet while some Romans swilled from ornate goblets, the majority drank a more bitter draught.
How much more should I have swilled to make this white male wish fulfillment even baseline palatable?
Because the maltodextrin solution was flavourless, the fencers did not know which solution they had swilled with.
Procter and Gamble says China represents over 21970 of its sales growth; more Budweiser is swilled in China than in America.
We're eating salads and drinking Diet Coke at a grand walnut table, where I imagine the boys' club of years past may have swilled scotch and smoked cigars.
The pills swilled in my stomach with the wine I'd drunk, and soon enough nausea overtook me, and then I was kneeling on the bathroom floor throwing up into the toilet.
And as soon as all the hot cider's been swilled, and the snow starts to melt, and the guests have all gone home, get your gift receipts together and start making moves.
Long before President Donald Trump swilled a dozen Diet Cokes per day and argued exercise may kill you quicker, men in the Oval Office have been known for their odd health behaviors.
Trump's six-figure couture gown helped land her the cover of Vogue magazine, and at the reception dinner guests were served gold-flecked hors d'oeuvres, steak and lobster, and they swilled expensive Champagne.
BoJack's father, a stallion named Butterscotch Horseman (also voiced by Arnett), was a failed writer, who swilled whiskey and tinkered away for years on his Great American Novel while working a dead-end job at a fish cannery.
We've come a long way from the early 63s, when bawdy women of "Sex and the City" swilled rose-colored cosmopolitans as a symbol of female emancipation — at last, the girls could party just as hard as the boys.
Germany has about 1,250 breweries — about half of them in Bavaria, where President Obama swilled a morning glass (nonalcoholic, we were told) with Chancellor Angela Merkel at the G-7 summit meeting last summer and has lamented not (yet) visiting Oktoberfest.
The convention was held in an arena built by and for corporate banking titan Wells Fargo, mega-donors swilled cocktails at the Ritz-Carlton, and billionaire and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg took a coveted speaking slot to slam Trump.
Twelve years after the women of "Sex and the City" swilled their last cosmos, Sarah Jessica Parker is returning to HBO with a new series — one that might suggest her alter ego's long-awaited "I love you" didn't work out quite as planned.
All the waste fell into an ashpit which was filled with ashes from the housefires and the whole thing emptied and swilled down once a fortnight.
Ashbourne said she was "thrilled" to be working with Pemberton and Shearsmith, for whom she had great admiration. She described the character of Carol as "hilarious", characterising her as "sexually frustrated" and "sad". To reflect Carol's alcoholism, Ashbourne swilled whiskey around her mouth before filming.Pemberton and Shearsmith, episode commentary, 16:40.
Some oral surgeons consider salt water mouthwashes the mainstay of wound cleanliness after surgery. In dental extractions, hot salt water mouthbaths should start about 24 hours after a dental extraction. The term mouth bath implies that the liquid is passively held in the mouth rather than vigorously swilled around, which could dislodge a blood clot. Once the blood clot has stabilized, the mouth wash can be used more vigorously.

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