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"spongiest" Synonyms
softest squashiest springiest flabbiest mushiest squishiest squooshiest lightest squidgiest rubberiest plushest doughiest plushiest cushiest downiest fleshiest tenderest supplest fluffiest most cushiony gloopiest gooiest sloppiest squelchiest ooziest pulpiest slimiest pappiest slushiest muddiest quaggiest soggiest thirstiest holiest leakiest laciest gappiest loosest drippiest most absorbant most absorbent most bibulous most absorptive most permeable most porous most penetrable most pervious most honeycombed most retentive most passable most open most assimilative boggiest marshiest wettest heaviest miriest swampiest muckiest wateriest juiciest moistest bounciest stretchiest whippiest limberest lissomest wiriest lithest bendiest willowiest strongest most elastic most flexible most resilient most stretchable pastiest most mashed most smashed most battered most chewed most mixed most pounded most pressed most reduced most softened most squashed airiest filmiest featheriest flimsiest thinnest daintiest floatiest sheerest most weightless most ethereal most floatable most delicate most gossamery most atmospheric most tissuelike easiest meekest most pliable most impressionable most compliant most susceptible most malleable most pliant most receptive most responsive most yielding most docile most manageable most tractable most amenable most biddable most accommodating most governable most influenceable most manipulable sandiest crumbliest fragilest most friable most workable most breakable More

2 Sentences With "spongiest"

How to use spongiest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "spongiest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "spongiest". Mastering all the usages of "spongiest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Youngblood defied my imagination and showed me how: an ill-conceived progression system, copy/paste level design, and some of the spongiest bullet sponges I've ever seen in a video game.
PVC mats are the spongiest, resulting in more "give" when stepped on; fibre mats such as cotton and jute are the firmest. Jute mats are the roughest; "sticky" PVC mats give good grip, but some of the modern textured mats in other materials also grip well. Smooth mats provide the most grip, so are suitable for the more energetic styles such as hot yoga and Ashtanga vinyasa yoga; the trade-off is that they may be less comfortable and appear dirty more quickly. Mats with more texture can provide more padding, useful for styles such as yin yoga where poses are held for longer periods.

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