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"sophic" Definitions
  1. of, relating to, or full of wisdom : INTELLECTUAL

10 Sentences With "sophic"

How to use sophic in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sophic" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sophic". Mastering all the usages of "sophic" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"What's happening here is they're using some type of hypochlorite or another chemical as a disinfectant," Frankie Wood-Black, principal of Sophic Pursuits, Inc.
The company is also launching a series of products called Sophic aimed a providing an additional layer of cybersecurity for critical infrastructure, Shneck said.
The June reboot, known as the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act, means "the Environmental Protection Agency is on a fast timeline to deal with the requirements associated with that action," said Frankie Wood-Black, principal at Sophic Pursuits Inc.
Castaway, too, I lie again, feignI can bring a dying thing back, keep digging& hoping I'll plumb the sophic root, hereIn south-central LA. Every day, we scaleThis barrier reef of chained links & lapThe daisies I imagine doing backstrokesIn what was once a pool, bring compost& water, keep digging & hoping to playGod, call back from certain extinctionSome living thing we assume we'll always haveTo waste, because you said we must.
HOLOSOFX (h ôl ` ô säf ` eks), is derived from the Latin term holop and the Greek term sophic, meaning whole and wisdom, respectively.IBM Redbooks. . Continuous Business Process Management with HOLOSOFX BPM Suite and IBM. Section 1.3 - HOLOSOFX company overview.
In September 2007, Biomax Informatics acquired the Viscovery software business of the Austrian data mining specialist Eudaptics Software.Biomax Informatics AG acquires data mining business from eudaptics Biomax Informatics and Sophic Systems Alliance Inc. (USA) participate in the Cancer Gene Data Curation Project with the National Cancer Institute (USA)."No gene left behind" by Amy Swinderman in Drug Discovery News Informatics This project maintains a public data set of cancer-related genes and drugs.
Certainly this might lift Starkey's socioprofessional standing in the minds of influential patrons within the Hartlib circle. A few years after arriving in London, Starkey began to suffer from his own success. A variety of projects, from the manufacture of perfumes and pharmaceuticals to the production of sophic mercuries, were pulling him in different directions, straining professional relationships, and failed to generate sufficient income. The cost to personally fund these projects was leaving him financially unstable as debts increased.
Newman, 1994, p. 58. For example, Starkey's "sophic mercury" was an amalgam of antimony, silver, and mercury, which was supposed to dissolve gold into a mixture that when heated, would produce the mythical philosopher's stone, an agent for transmuting base metals into noble ones. It is also known that Starkey tutored Boyle in the practice of chemistry and experimentation, although Boyle never acknowledged Starkey's tutelage. As the inventor of curative drugs and philosophical mercuries, it is reasonable to assume that Starkey was concerned with guarding these inventions and preserving his trade secrets.
This was the second year that spellers could qualify through the RSVBee program if their school is part of the National Spelling Bee Program and the speller has won a school or community bee, although he/she has not won a regional bee.Tyrrell, Joie (March 20, 2019). 'Sophic': A perfect word for a wise Long Island spelling bee champion, Newsday RSVBee participants do not have a sponsor, and have to pay a $1,500 entry fee plus their own travel, lodging, and expenses, and another $600 if they do not stay at the site hotel. The program raised concerns this year that some spellers were getting in merely because they are able to pay their way.
Richard Holton Cracroft (June 28, 1936 – September 20, 2012) was an author and emeritus professor of English at Brigham Young University (BYU) where he held the title of Nan Osmond Grass Professor in English and spent time as head of BYU's English department and as dean of the College of Humanities. He directed BYU's American Studies Program (1989–1994), directed the Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature and edited the seminal A Believing People anthology, a landmark in Mormon letters. His devotion to the field is most famously summed up in his Association for Mormon Letters presidential address "Attuning the Authentic Mormon Voice: Stemming the Sophic Tide in LDS Literature" and his long-running column "Book Nook" in BYU Magazine which demonstrated the breadth of Mormon literature to a wide audience."In Memoriam: Richard H. Cracroft" by William Morris, A Motley Vision. Sept.

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