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"self-congratulatory" Definitions
  1. showing that you think you have done something very well and are pleased with yourself

293 Sentences With "self congratulatory"

How to use self congratulatory in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "self congratulatory" and check conjugation/comparative form for "self congratulatory". Mastering all the usages of "self congratulatory" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I would be surprised if he wasn't bombastic and self-congratulatory.
Exploited workers are sick of press releases, rhetoric & self-congratulatory announcements.
But it never strays into being preachy or self-congratulatory, either.
The mustachioed duo are earnest and self-congratulatory, which makes them hilarious.
And at times this book has, perhaps justifiably, a self-congratulatory ring.
His self-examination manages to be both endearing and irksomely self-congratulatory.
Please be my friend") or self-congratulatory ("Look at this crazy show!
At typical rock concerts, an encore is a self-congratulatory send-off.
The reasons include Los Angeles' history of boosterism and self-congratulatory image-making […].
Triptych seems to think so, and ultimately appears cheap, forced, and self-congratulatory.
Like all award shows, the Grammys are needlessly long, bloated, and self-congratulatory.
It's a feminist movie, to be sure, but not a self-congratulatory one.
Say what you will about the Oscars: They enjoy self-congratulatory liberal agitprop!
Read an excerpt below: There is a self-congratulatory sense in the essay.
It is boringly self-congratulatory, obsequiously flattering both the audience and the filmmakers.
Nor is The Americans telling a self-congratulatory story about history and progress.
I think it can be self congratulatory and typically a self-designated label.
Alex (Claire Danes) and Greg (Jim Parsons) are young Brooklyn parents of the new middle class in "A Kid Like Jake": progressive, acutely involved with their child's development and a little self-congratulatory about how not self-congratulatory they are.
I did, however, get a MySpace, which was, unsurprisingly, crap and totally self-congratulatory.
And, of course, do a self-congratulatory fist pump if yours made the list.
This place is so self-congratulatory and polite it's like a fucking coral reef.
Some see Trump's appearance as a self-congratulatory victory lap for the First Step Act.
"We were not going to be a regular self-congratulatory do-gooder organization," Kim said.
Many conferences end up being self-congratulatory echo chambers rather than forums for new knowledge.
The speech was full of the North's usual self-congratulatory, lofty proclamations and anti-Western rhetoric.
This narrative of transformation is what strikes critics like Rios as so patronizing and selfcongratulatory.
Kylie's explanation, on the other hand, could come off to some as a tad self-congratulatory.
But the idea that Green Book is just for self-congratulatory white folks is too easy.
It's all so showy and self-congratulatory — like a wanking blues-rock guitar solo, only worse.
Sure, journalism can be a "cheap shot" when it's self-congratulatory, or voyeuristic, smug or shallow.
"Get Out" is set in the Northeast, where the racial attitude veers toward self-congratulatory tolerance.
It felt like a very beautifully shot display of male-centric nonsense, and self-congratulatory ego.
On Friday he tweeted a self-congratulatory message and tossed a quick "Thank you!" into the void.
At last year's confab, in Dallas, Mike Pence made headlines by giving a jarringly self-congratulatory speech.
The real marker of adulthood is doing things that seem "adult" without feeling self-congratulatory about it.
In the most self-congratulatory way possible, it seems that Trump has accidentally made a good point.
Jeff Bezos is understandably all sorts of self-congratulatory in the annual shareholder letter Amazon released today.
Ghaul isn't the only one suggesting that the Guardians are self-congratulatory beneficiaries in a rigged game.
The president returned to the posture many revile and that his base adores: unapologetic and self-congratulatory.
Books by politicians are almost invariably self-congratulatory and self-justifying, and we often don't review them.
Trump's news conferences on the virus have turned into orgies of self-congratulatory backslapping and butt kissing.
BTW ... Trump, who M.C.'s these briefings in the most self-congratulatory way possible, isn't the draw.
A typical Apple promotional video has a type: Clean, dispassionate, slightly British (thanks Jony Ive) and self-congratulatory.
But lest we get overly self-congratulatory, I offer a sobering reminder that significant gaps of inequality remain.
Though Trump announced many of his picks on Twitter, they were all matter of fact and (self) congratulatory.
Then again, this self-congratulatory pissgate conspiracy explanation probably has nothing to do with disproving anything in particular.
Trump similarly drew heavy criticism for a self-congratulatory tweet he sent out after the Orlando nightclub shooting.
The acting subplot, meanwhile, relies on meta-talk about vapid network TV that comes across as self-congratulatory.
Rachel pushed this one through and is super self-congratulatory about bringing a Black bachelor to network television.
DANNY BROWN Hip-hop shows are notorious for filler: audience-participation routines, self-congratulatory stage patter, D.J. interludes.
"All the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood's been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided," he said.
These awards shows have become over-the-top, self-congratulatory binges of the entertainment elite celebrating each other.
Unlike much mainstream fiction then and now, Kafka's works deflate humanism's self-congratulatory rhetoric about progress and redemption.
I say all this without ignorance to the record of Hollywood's own self-congratulatory relationship with movies like this.
But it feels like this year it was a little less self-congratulatory and a little more self-motivated.
Bim Adewunmi: So this is very self-congratulatory, but I just did a program on Netflix called follow this.
Some commenters, who presented or self-identified as white, seemed self-congratulatory when talking about their views on racism.
"All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood's been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided," he said.
In his typical style, Sanders went deep into policy and picked apart Trump's self-congratulatory speech, issue by issue.
The business mogul had met with strong criticism for responding to the Orlando shooting with a self-congratulatory tweet.
He began with an opening statement laced with the sort of wild, self-congratulatory boasts that are his trademark.
If things get worse fast, the President may come to rue the self-congratulatory moment he created on Tuesday.
No one wants their plaintive wails drowned out by a cacophony of premature, self-congratulatory pats on the back.
For much of its first hour, this movie is tepid and self-congratulatory, a quick-cutting advertisement for itself.
There is no excuse for this shameful behavior, though excuses are coming quickly — as are the self-congratulatory kudos.
It's a touch self-congratulatory for sci-fi creators to imply that they're the unacknowledged designers of the world.
As news of the Orlando shooting tragedy was unfolding, Trump put out a self-congratulatory tweet about his own prescience.
"Peele's self-congratulatory revenge humor has one particularly notable irony: It's tailored to please the liberal status quo," White added.
MariLyn, her family, and her other tenants simply become collateral damage in Seattle's blind, self-congratulatory march to social justice.
Yet where Vance's book espouses a self-congratulatory bootstraps ideology, Louis offers damning realism in the service of structural critique.
Pelosi said as much in her tweeted response to Trump's speech, noting its self-congratulatory tone and lack of vision.
In other words, try keeping your projects to yourself until they're done — then feel free to post a self-congratulatory insta.
President-elect Donald Trump touted resilient holiday spending and a strong stock market in a self-congratulatory tweet on Monday evening.
It was all so self-congratulatory, like, "Aren't we the ..." But it was genuinely illuminating for me at the time. Right.
These extensive references are not self-conscious or self-congratulatory, because Ms Monáe is embedded in the movements she sings about.
In a self-congratulatory statement, Carl Icahn compared the Xerox/Fujifilm story to television dramas like House of Cards and Billions.
Soon after, Mark Zuckerberg penned a mildly self-congratulatory note about his company in a post on his personal Facebook page.
While at times the show could feel self-congratulatory in its grimness, it was addictive and thriller-like in its pacing.
You need to find ways to demonstrate confidence — in the service of creating opportunities — without seeming self-congratulatory or off-putting.
Discovering her intelligence, he gives her books to read, in the kind of gesture of easy, self-congratulatory idealism Kushner demolishes.
Oh, I don't know, this photo made me take a look at myself and check my self congratulatory ways a bit.
The diversity on display during Hollywood's self-congratulatory season — or the lack thereof — has been an incendiary topic in recent years.
There's nothing self-congratulatory about including Ruby and Sapphire's love story, Pearl's devotion to Rose Quartz, or any generally queer content.
"All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood's been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided," he said in the interview.
Hours after Sunday's attack unfolded, he issued a self-congratulatory tweet that noted his long stance that radical Islam leads to terrorism.
"Exploited workers in this country are sick of press releases, rhetoric and self-congratulatory government announcements," said General Secretary Jason Moyer-Lee.
Photo: Drew Angerer (Getty)In a self-congratulatory move, Microsoft announced some major improvements today to its fundamentally biased facial recognition software.
But some of his immediate reactions to the Orlando tragedy -- including a self-congratulatory tweet -- came off as tone deaf, or worse.
If Silicon Valley is the land of self-congratulatory BS, then Lyft President John Zimmer just made a play for the crown.
Gervais first hosted the Globes in 2010, and became known for turning a normally self-congratulatory night into something of a roast.
The climate crisis, more than anything, has highlighted the inadequacy of the liberal orthodoxy's self-congratulatory moderation and celebration of glacial incrementalism.
Mr. McDonell is proud of each of his teams at the magazines he's edited, but this memoir is far from self-congratulatory.
But the mood is almost universally somber — far removed from the fireworks and self-congratulatory speeches that usually accompany official anniversary celebrations.
In his farewell speech, there was no more self-congratulatory praise for a country that gave him a chance to be president.
He does a little tap dance to "Puttin' on the Ritz," but it's more self-congratulatory than a celebration for Paul's safety.
And some were repelled by what they described as a self-congratulatory tone and what several viewed as a lack of sincerity.
The report strikes a generally cautious note, warning against what it calls morally self-congratulatory or even "Orwellian" erasures of the past.
"To his surprise and gratification, more than a month later, the keys were returned," The Times said in a self-congratulatory advertisement.
Deriding Hollywood as smug, elitist, out of touch, and self-congratulatory is a common refrain outside of, and even within, the industry.
General Magic features a lot of successful tech icons reminiscing about their younger days, a format that's ripe for blandly self-congratulatory mythmaking.
Award shows are often criticized for being shallow and self-congratulatory, but these celebrities rose to the occasion to use their time powerfully.
Self-congratulatory soliloquies, for instance, are a mainstay of historical scripts, because actors like speeches and they are good for the Oscar montage.
There were fewer overtly political speeches and more of the self-congratulatory pats on the back that we've come to expect from Hollywood.
What the audience heard that afternoon was not the usual self-congratulatory bromides that people of means come to expect from one another.
I was surprised to find few of the self-congratulatory souvenirs that a life of foreign correspondence usually imposes on a person's habitat.
The hardest task in soccer — putting the ball into the net — lends itself to a certain type of self-confident, self-congratulatory personality.
Such moments make for more effective theater than the periodic group hugs and freakouts, which, however exhilarating, can feel indulgent and self-congratulatory.
And with the opening show here in Vancouver, he was far more a curious musician than a self-congratulatory, self-repeating pop star.
Stripped of specificity, the speech feels like moral coddling, a self-congratulatory display of penance for the like-minded audience to eat up.
With Hoyle as the thread, the work becomes increasingly self-congratulatory, a pat on the back for his empathy and cultural border crossing.
The problem is not that these questions are undeserving of consideration, but that Kurosawa poses them in a didactic, simplistic, self-congratulatory manner.
Even though it's somewhat annoying, a self-congratulatory pat on the back is necessary here – we called this "need for security services" last year.
This is the root of so much of the self-congratulatory language that can make the festival seem insufferable to those who've never been.
So, what better way to commemorate the one-year anniversary of his win than with a self-congratulatory tweet from halfway around the world!
The book's self-congratulatory tone lands the wrong way: The "we" of the title does not refer to survivors or witnesses but to cartoonists.
The image Hollywood builds for itself at these self-congratulatory events can be used as a bargaining chip for behind-the-scenes activist wins.
Yet he understood that millions of people were still hurting and refused to adopt the self-congratulatory tone that is in Mr. Trump's DNA.
And though the Twitter chest-thumping is not new to the Biden camp, it's been more pronounced — and more self-congratulatory — since South Carolina.
They can be miserably transparent (how many movies about show business have won best picture?); and risibly self-congratulatory (bloated epics, vanity projects, "Crash").
"The self-congratulatory messaging was a little overwhelming considering some of the major issues they still had not addressed, including their accommodation policy," she said.
So politicians from the regions and federal government were in a self-congratulatory mood after they signed a "Canadian Free-Trade Agreement" on April 7th.
He is a loafer, synonymous in many respects with the dandy — the foppish, 19th-century urbanite man of gaudy fashions and self-congratulatory quick wits.
It turns out the answer doesn't matter much, because the Paris Agreement was little more than another exercise in United Nations self-congratulatory back-patting.
And somewhere in there, The City and the City avoids being a self-congratulatory thought experiment and becomes a great and thought-provoking detective story.
Losing the point was awful, but even worse for Bragen was the knowledge that Alhadeff was about to let loose with a self-congratulatory yell.
It's practically a given that it would end on a logic-stretching plot while simultaneously rolling around in self-congratulatory glee at its own cleverness.
It's an amusing and ultimately doomed attempt to deploy the self-congratulatory legend of The Southern Gentleman (in defense of a foul-mouthed Yankee, no less).
Trump's self-congratulatory reiteration of his call for a temporary ban on non-American Muslims entering the United States exemplifies his violence-tinged politics of division.
And there's just so much of it now and before the election day there was a lot...The self-congratulatory trumpeteering in KiA is so obnoxious.
Joe Biden and his advisers are racing to compete with Trump's megaphone and his often self-congratulatory version of events, which routinely clash with the truth.
There's just something self-congratulatory about shows that are complicated and mysterious for the sake of being complicated and mysterious that I find completely off-putting.
There's just something self-congratulatory about shows that are complicated and mysterious for the sake of being complicated and mysterious that I find completely off-putting.
Billboard's weekly charts, compiled from data collected by Nielsen, are posted every Monday, with self-congratulatory tweets from victorious artists and record labels coming soon after.
A Friday afternoon, pre-Super Bowl concert in Miami is fully in keeping with the series' optics: unpretentious, laid-back, multi-lingual, and very self-congratulatory.
It is entirely possible that Mr. Foye, a blunt and plain-spoken executive, no longer has any interest in accommodating a self-congratulatory exercise by board members.
Besides, Macklemore is handed a plum opportunity to use his self congratulatory wokeness for a good purpose and botches it with a stupid punchline about Starburst flavors.
The president's decision to skip the WHCA dinner arrives at a time when even journalists have questioned whether the event has become too insular and self-congratulatory.
Despite their statements and self-congratulatory videos to the contrary, when it comes to keeping the government staffed, Senate Republicans have flatly refused to do their jobs.
At its worst, there's something mustily mid-'90s about its self-congratulatory rudeness, its sensibilities lying somewhere between a Farrelly brothers film and a Mountain Dew commercial.
Beyond this piece being an impressive, if faintly self-congratulatory, celebration of Mr. Andriessen's capacious — indeed, Kircheresque — skills, it is hard to tell just what it means.
While the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain general secretary, Jason Moyer-Lee, tweeted that "exploited workers are sick of press releases, rhetoric and self-congratulatory announcements".
This announcement came several days after President Donald Trump on Sunday spent nearly an hour speaking about the Baghdadi operation in a celebratory and self-congratulatory fashion.
"Portrait of the Jeweler Karl Krall" (1923) captures the campy arrogance of the nouveau riche in the middle aged, bespectacled jeweler's ostentatious pose and self-congratulatory air.
If that sounds like a slogan, it's truth in advertising, an established fact that this most self-congratulatory of companies has never been too modest to trumpet.
As it happens, I saw the somber and weirdly self-congratulatory 2011 film "Uncle Kent," directed by Joe Swanberg and starring Kent Osborne as the title character.
Gone was President Obama's self-congratulatory moral posturing, replaced by a concrete list of accomplishments that will inevitably increase the power of America's presence in the world.
As an official response to Time's Up, the montage might have felt self-congratulatory — strong female characters on film, however important, don't actually protect workers from harassment.
That was especially apparent when she did "Poppin," a self-congratulatory anthem that found its way onto the soundtrack for HBO's second season of Insecure this year.
Trump's inconsistent and often self-congratulatory response to such crises misses opportunities to portray himself and his insurgent, populist campaign as delivering the right message for testing times.
The Trump children are more self-congratulatory, praising their father for selflessly giving up a life that was "the epitome of the American dream" to serve as president.
One of the most telling signs of a comedy's growing confidence is its ability to pull off callbacks to its own jokes without coming off as self-congratulatory.
Finally, it has to be pointed out: this group of artists represents the boys' club of Mexican contemporary art, making the exhibition irritatingly self-congratulatory and even hypocritical.
The carrier issued a next-day press release which, like Verizon's, is less focused on information about the handset than self-congratulatory statements about the two companies involved.
Danes aren't unusually careless about animal welfare, but there's a tradition of pragmatism—or, a critic could say, an insular and self-congratulatory moral laxity—about animal death.
On Sunday, Hollywood's (mostly) inebriated, self-congratulatory side will be on full display on a NBC channel near you, as Jimmy Fallon kicks off the 74th annual Golden Globes.
Furthermore, the self-congratulatory use of diversity as a public relations tool risks masking the very serious systemic inequalities, which continue to persist at all levels of our field.
" He said he didn't support the invasion or occupation of Iraq and found the gesture of giving up a first-class seat to a soldier "smug and self-congratulatory.
Phillips delivers that message in a self-congratulatory way, largely by setting the film in a world where Arthur has no choice but violence, and no escape but madness.
But no presidential candidate in living memory has built a campaign so exclusively on the foundation of his own personal, brand, self-congratulatory rhetoric and life story as Trump.
We hear a married man give smooth, smug and self-congratulatory permission to his intense impulses, allowing them to outweigh the most modest sense of decency, fidelity and commitment.
While the performances were as solid as ever, the writing in this finale continually turned into a slog that often seemed like self-congratulatory circle-jerking on Kelley's part.
This little bit of self-congratulatory detail, though, is all the more galling when compared to the half a billion Yahoo customers who have not, until now, been notified.
Yet culturally they are often viewed as a perpetual Other, a timeless repository of negative characteristics atop which a positive, self-congratulatory image of the Western European is constructed.
Duke's fabled student section, the Cameron Crazies, credits itself with starting the air-ball chant, a self-congratulatory claim that's in keeping with the ethos of Duke basketball fandom.
To the Editor: While we bask in a self-congratulatory haze over Roy Moore's loss in the special Senate race in Alabama, one fact should, nonetheless, be mulled over.
Congressional Memo WASHINGTON — With self-congratulatory zeal and smiles all around, huge bipartisan majorities in Congress have just passed legislation to speed the discovery of cures for killer diseases.
So–STOP IT." In August, Cameron called the film "a step backwards," claiming "all of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood's been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided.
In the press conference after the decision, Mario Draghi, the central bank's head, in a self-congratulatory moment, called the minimal market impact proof of the ECB's "really effective" communication.
C.K. made himself That Guy not by being self-congratulatory, but by exploring dark, unflattering truths in his work – even if that meant making himself the villain here and there.
Bharara also opened an inquiry into the governor's own "commission to investigate public corruption," which, in his vintage Cuomo panache, he launched with as much self-congratulatory fanfare as possible.
When Koons' "Balloon Dog," a giant stainless steel recreation of a balloon animal, sold for a record-breaking $58.4 million in 2013, Koons posted a self-congratulatory selfie on Snapchat.
High technology is rarely, if ever, a solution for social ills, and usually serves as a self-congratulatory deference mechanism at best, or actually causes even more problems at worst.
But before we all get too self-congratulatory, lets ask – why did these companies sell at $300 million to $350 million when everyone in the valley wants to ride a unicorn?
There was no self-congratulatory nod to the fact that she was the first female nominee of a major party to take that stage before as many as 100 million people.
The Terminator director made his thoughts known in a recent interview with The Guardian: All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood's been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided.
"Despite their statements and self-congratulatory videos to the contrary, when it comes to keeping the government staffed, Senate Republicans have flatly refused to do their jobs," she wrote for CNN.
And it's important that Trump avoid resorting to inane, self-congratulatory political happy talk at a time when hundreds of thousands of people are grappling with death, thirst, sickness and more.
He also accused Wilson of grandstanding during a speech at the opening of an FBI field office, though video of her remarks fail to show the self-congratulatory comments he mentioned.
Read: Pirate Joe's, Maverick Distributor of Trader Joe's Products, Shuts Down In the lead up to the sesquicentennial edition of Canada Day, the country is in something of self-congratulatory mood.
"The Wife" is calibrated for maximum audience flattery: viewers are encouraged to nod in recognition at the literary milieu and clap their hands in self-congratulatory glee at the husband's fall.
In an interview with Reason magazine published Thursday, the host of the CNN culinary travel show Parts Unknown, slammed the "self-congratulatory" and "privileged left" for their disdain for working-class Americans.
Everywhere you go, millennials are pushing the boundaries of convention and defying the rules: Almost getting people elected, riding "hoverboards" that are actually basically just Segways, writing self-congratulatory thinkpieces about ourselves.
Man the fuck up and say something interesting These comments aren't indefensible, but they are as trite, as smug, and as self-congratulatory as the 'fake grief' Long is lashing out at.
His Twitter feed is regularly filled with self-congratulatory boasts mixed with ad hominem attacks against people and organizations who he believes are insufficiently loyal to him and, by association, the country.
" It all started when Cameron gave an interview to The Guardian last month and said, "All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood's been doing over 'Wonder Woman' has been so misguided.
Still, as Colbert noted, the president has been the biggest TV story of the year, which provided the rationale for occupying a prominent role on TV's biggest and most self-congratulatory night.
On the other hand, hearing a band almost literally piss all over base, self-congratulatory critiques—try searching for the quotable line in "White Privilege Blues," it's not there—is filthily refreshing.
My colleague Ginia Bellafante, who has written extensively about gender and the city, told me that "the city shouldn't get too self-congratulatory about all of this," referring to the new statues.
The line may read like a self-congratulatory bit of meta-commentary, like Miike and screenwriter Masaru Nakamura praising themselves for the sheer extremity of the situation they've gotten their characters into.
I mean, it's a bit smug and self-congratulatory, and it didn't have to go on Foo Fighters' Twitter, but I can get over that because the band from Cornwall are probably stoked.
Lee, who is Korean American, finds power in characters that are viewed as people first, and not part of the self-congratulatory narrative that can sometimes come with including an actor of color.
And because it's the last of the majors, it's clear America is stuck with the status quo of basically doing nothing and then writing self-congratulatory press statements about how justice was served.
"Moulin Rouge!" is the first Broadway blockbuster made for the age of Shazam and TikTok, a giant live quiz where audience members gasp in self-congratulatory appreciation each time they identify a snippet.
Big City If you follow Andrew Cuomo on Twitter, then you know that during the past week he has been active to the point of presidential in his self-congratulatory social-media output.
President Donald Trump's speech to the nation Wednesday morning -- confident, self-congratulatory and even triumphal in tone -- presented a dangerous misreading of both the US's leverage and Iran's continued capacity for trouble-making.
Lady Gaga ended it with one last strut, up a ramp, and a self-congratulatory gesture that has been used by both rappers and an ex-president: a microphone drop, earned with sweat.
"La La Land" has become the darling of this self-congratulatory award season: After winning a record seven Golden Globes last month, it is poised to dominate the Oscars, having earned 14 nominations.
Like an argument on the social network, it is tedious, seemingly complicated but intellectually underdeveloped, crammed with false facts and exaggerated statistics and features several blowhards who veer between self-righteous and self-congratulatory.
Bourdain also slammed HBO political talk show host Bill Maher as "the worst of the smug, self-congratulatory left" after being asked about an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher several years ago.
Trump endorsed Saccone early on in his speech before returning to the persona that became so familiar in the 21999 election — that of the unscripted, self-congratulatory candidate eager to rile up a crowd.
Since 2009, when the Academy changed Best Picture from a straight popular vote to something much more convoluted (ostensibly to more accurately reflect the Academy's consensus), the winners have gotten much more self-congratulatory.
Sitting by while watching audiences laugh, and take in the Green Book felt like another degree of condescension for the self-congratulatory, Trump-condemning, "colorblind" viewer who consumes their racism with a side of mayo.
Just as Trump's television show blended roles usually kept separate, fusing the self-congratulatory patter of the talk show host with the performed character of the boss, Trump collapses the roles of sycophant and target.
And fun the Starling team had, with lots of self-congratulatory re-tweets appearing as fintech industry watchers and Monzo users, who were actually asked to crowdsource the new name, began to notice the prank.
In his company, the viewer is given a tour of horror that is unnerving both for its harshness and for the sense of slick, self-congratulatory artifice that lurks around the edges of the frame.
They believe that flaunting strength through nuclear and missile tests is aimed at laying the groundwork for a self-congratulatory congress—never mind the disastrous impact such chest-thumping has on the country's foreign relations.
The press briefing called on Saturday to discuss the first week barely touched on any concerns and instead turned into a 90-minute self-congratulatory pat on the back that dismissed problems as "small issues".
Labor leaders are enjoying a round of self-congratulatory press, claiming to have survived a Supreme Court ruling that these very leaders, just months earlier, were predicting could spell the end of the labor movement.
You emphasize that the school's self-congratulatory assumption that the bad guys are always elsewhere, and we would never tolerate this sort of thing, probably makes it still harder for those harmed to come forward.
But the President's bullish, self-congratulatory rhetoric -- a staple of a presidency that has divided the nation -- is still jarring with the desperate reality of a fast-worsening pandemic that is running out of control.
At first blush, Mr. Trump's second appearance at the United Nations General Assembly may have seemed like more self-congratulatory bluster, nationalist isolationism and rote genuflection to the altar of sovereignty — much like last year.
The bottom line is for those who complain about lectures from Hollywood A-listers -- who would rather awards shows be self-congratulatory, promotional affairs, better off being boring than controversial -- well, this was your night.
Yet with several more star-studded ceremonies to come, questions linger as to how well Hollywood's awards apparatus can juggle serving as a rallying point for that movement with its more prosaic, self-congratulatory business.
"It's a crucial time in our existence, with an ever-increasing population and a need for more bioavailable, sustainable sources of nutrition," said Julie Daoust, PhD, VP Product Development & Innovation, in a self-congratulatory statement.
The lyrics are self-congratulatory in a way that's off-putting, and don't match up with the fact that he's put himself opposite a woman in the video who acts like nothing more than arm candy.
But the cases that jump off these self-congratulatory pages are the ones concerning deaths of children, about which Di Maio is not in the least sentimental, but coolly analytic, which is somehow even more unsettling.
Her disaffected students mock her at every turn, while the school's administration—led by a Rivers Cuomo–lookalike headmaster (Romain Duris)—conflates her lack of command with a failure to endorse its self-congratulatory liberal values.
Recognition of this universal truth is why people loved to dunk on a guy inexplicably named "Tripp," who posted a self-congratulatory Instagram post in which he... asked for an award because he loved his wife?
During his 38 years as the religion editor of Newsweek — a span that ended in 2002 — Kenneth L. Woodward stood as one of the welcome exceptions to the clueless, self-congratulatory secularism of the Fourth Estate.
Throughout his address, Sanders picked apart Trump's self-congratulatory speech, hammering home his own points about continuing inequality for the poor and middle class, two groups Trump promised to lift up during his campaign for president.
His words on the military alliance sounded a bit more optimistic than usual, but it turns out that Trump's good cheer about NATO mainly served to make a self-congratulatory claim of leadership that isn't true.
In these troubling times, will they seek solace in the past with the self-congratulatory "La La Land", or will they choose to amplify the voices of the sidelined with a view to a more inclusive future?
Though its music, and use of Mapplethorpe's photographs and texts by Essex Hemphill and Patti Smith were impressive in their own rights, the performance Triptych (Eyes of One on Another) ultimately appeared cheap, forced, and self-congratulatory.
Steven Rattner On MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Thursday, I presented charts explaining that while President Trump has been dispatching self-congratulatory tweets about his economic stewardship, he has little to brag about, apart from the stock market.
Mr Sorjonen said that the government should not be too self-congratulatory as the economy had been boosted by strong eurozone growth in countries such as Germany, and a weaker euro, which has helped manufacturing across the continent.
Trump kept the tone self-congratulatory as he touted a gutting of a crucial element of Obamacare – the individual mandate – as a way to give relief to low income Americans who didn't want to pay for health care.
When the congresswomen erupted in wild, self-congratulatory applause and high-fives, Trump seemed startled at the unintended consequences of his remarks, not unlike his surprise over being laughed at by delegates at the United Nations in September.
It is, though, a fair criticism: Particularly with Weinstein, left-leaning outlets, activists, and celebrities have long tolerated, among their own self-congratulatory ranks, behavior that they would immediately decry if perpetuated by a Republican or the religious.
Early this month, Ford CEO Mark Fields announced the automaker was scrubbing the $1.6 billion plant, triggering self-congratulatory tweeting by Trump, even though Ford officials publicly noted they were still planning to move small car production to Mexico.
Moreover, it wants to be a victory lap, an homage to the best Call of Duty game, and a title that gleefully gestures toward the franchise's past successes with all the self-congratulatory pleasure of a Star Wars sequel.
Thus, in addition to the opening number satirizing Hollywood's self-congratulatory attitude with regards to diversity, Che embarked on a "Reparations Emmys" tour of black comic TV legends from past decades, including Marla Gibbs, Jimmie Walker, and Kadeem Hardison.
Qualcomm today published a somewhat self-congratulatory blog post that lauds the company and its Android partners for achieving a series of industry firsts that include wireless charging, dual-camera systems, OLED smartphone screens, edge-to-edge displays, and more.
Photo courtesy of Dine AloneThe only thing more tired and toothless than people saying Ottawa is a lifeless government town is a self-congratulatory take juxtaposing a particularly ~ edgy~ or ~ fun~ piece of the city against the broader Boring Ottawa®.
And then there's Hollywood's affinity for getting lost in the safe space of navel-gazing at its own reflection, and slapping self-congratulatory Best Picture prizes on films about making art: Birdman over Selma, or The Artist ahead of The Help.
Over at The Daily Beast, Ryan lobbies a similar criticism, referring to Pantsuit Nation as "slacktivism," and shaming Pantsuit posters for performing symbolic, self-congratulatory acts of activism — even going so far as to compare the group to a Dove Commercial.
They traffic on this stuff, this self-congratulatory posturing where the world is better off because sportspeople sport sports, a get-out-of-jail-free card for nearly any wrong they could possibly commit because they're bringing the world precious sports.
The interminable self-congratulatory awards slog that is the Oscars is trying to do right by you, the viewer, and has decided to shift its mind-numbing, never-ending extravaganza of dresses and "SPEECHABLE MOMENTS" back a whole half-hour earlier.
Instead, Weekend Update and the cold opens are the two spaces where SNL gets blatantly political, and the show keeps leaning on smug, self-congratulatory liberalism, taking easy potshots at Republicans that make conservatives righteously angry and are stupidly one-dimensional.
Let's lean on that "possibly": Even if you suspend your disbelief from some very sturdy rigging, the likelihood that Mr. Soleimanpour will actually kill off a cluster of Tony nominees seems slim, which gives the play a deceitful, self-congratulatory vibe.
Sure, the Grammys are still too long and too self-congratulatory, and sure, there is now compelling evidence that they are at least somewhat corrupt — but nonetheless, these live performances are something the Oscars and Emmys can never quite match.
At the risk of being self-congratulatory, let me just say that part of what we're trying to do with these conversations is model a certain kind of discourse — disagreement minus nastiness — that we could all use a little more of.
Of the 20,000 people eligible to receive paid parental leave since the city's program became active at the end of 2015, only 436 have redeemed the benefit, making the ratio of self-congratulatory rhetoric to practical impact uncomfortably out of balance.
As younger people abandon cable and these kinds of self-congratulatory spectacle shows, producers have more and more incentive to keep their jokes middle-of-the-road and their satire comically toothless, even when it bites down as hard as it can.
Trump was self-congratulatory about avoiding any mention of Bill Clinton's affairs during the debate Monday, but his campaign is now urging supporters this week to raise Hillary Clinton's treatment of the women involved as a salient talking point in the 2016 election.
It was past midnight and as excited as everyone was to learn which film took top prize at the 89th Academy Awards Ceremony, plenty of people were also tired, and ready for the three-and-a-half self-congratulatory marathon to end.
The real estate tycoon has made unforced errors, including racially charged statements about a federal judge and a response to the Orlando massacre that was widely panned by Republicans for its self-congratulatory tone and implication that President Obama is sympathetic to terrorists.
They had to acknowledge the systemic misogyny of the entertainment industry and at least pay lip service to making a difference going forward — and, with the Golden Globes being a Hollywood event, they had to do so while being self-congratulatory and glitzy.
" But the president then veered from the somber to the self-congratulatory in the tweet, citing what he said was the "Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!
But the Emmys remain one of the best ways to see what TV values about itself, and in that regard, the 68th ceremony had its surprises — and a self-congratulatory focus on diversity within the industry that the awards were able to (mostly) bear out.
You heard it here first, everyone: All the excitement over Wonder Woman is just "self-congratulatory back-patting" from "male Hollywood doing the same old thing," but male Hollywood director James Cameron patting himself on the back for creating Sarah Connor is real feminism.
If Britain were an airline, we'd be very much like the one British Airways gives us in its ad — idling on the runway, sipping our tea and mumbling our self-congratulatory eulogies, reveling in our isolation because all sense of a destination has disappeared.
After weeks of denial and dissembling, Trump imposed a travel ban from Europe, but, in a televised address, sought to downplay the severity, avoiding crucial questions like testing and the looming pervasive shutdowns — amid self-congratulatory claims of what a great job he's doing.
The lesson of the Watergate inquiry was that the system worked, as the self-congratulatory consensus of that moment went—which is to say, Congress was relieved of forcing any kind of ultimate showdown with the executive branch over matters of serious constitutional principle.
The singer-songwriter won Best Original Song for Spectre's "Writing's on the Wall," beating out "Earned It" from 50 Shades of Grey and "Til It Happens to You" from The Hunting Ground — and then followed his win with an inelegant, erroneous, and self-congratulatory speech.
Facebook fundraisers are a notable example of how social media activism can actually translate into tangible results instead of yet more memes–but, of course, whenever Facebook releases any self-congratulatory announcements, it's a good idea to take a step back and look at the potential downsides.
The majority of the exhibition feels like a prosthetic pop-up shop, simulated with a sense of faux rebelliousness — like if Andy Warhol met Guy Debord on Grindr, started collaborating, then decided to redeploy commerce and culture in a self-critical and self-congratulatory kind of way.
Trump was largely self-congratulatory in his responses and delegated substantive answers to Cabinet officials and Vice President Mike Pence, who advised the governors that unless their states are "in the middle of critical response" they should go through normal supply chains to obtain the needed equipment.
But now Sonia—jumping out of the bed she'd barely slept in for a week, struggling into her jeans while summoning another Uber—decided that this small concession compromised, in fact ruined, totally destroyed, the tone of the show, rendering it all theatrical, self-congratulatory, trendy, cheap.
We can always rely on awards season to be a self-congratulatory parade of beautiful and talented people reflecting on how beautiful and talented their friends are, but this year, the circuit has also been pretty consistent in calling out President Donald Trump and his actions since taking office.
It's a toxic example of limousine liberalism, millionaires putting on a self-congratulatory show with jokes cribbed from the New York Times editorial page—come to think of it, it's exactly the kind of un-self-aware institution that a really good comedy show could grind down to size.
Glizzy is unflinching as he paints pictures of the Southeast DC he knows, but it was a somewhat lighthearted (by comparison) track—his infectious, self-congratulatory anthem "Awwsome"—that broke out in 20133 and cemented his place among the few who have successfully transcended the grips of this area.
" A self-congratulatory declassified report on the C.I.A.'s work in Chile's 22006 election boasts of the "hard work" the agency did supplying "large sums" to its favored candidate and portraying him as a "wise, sincere and high-minded statesman" while painting his leftist opponent as a "calculating schemer.
This is why we would all do well to temper the self-congratulatory war speeches and thrusting of pom-poms of our politicians and pundits, some of whom hypocritically opposed the use of military force by President Obama following an even worse chemical attack in Syria in 2013.
Orlando response It was the same story after the rampage by a U.S.-born Muslim at an Orlando gay nightclub two weeks ago, when Trump's swift, inflammatory and self-congratulatory response robbed him of a chance to dent the anti-terror policy advocated by Clinton and the Democratic Obama administration.
I was heavily dug into a phase of pretension at the time all my friends started getting into it, and made such a fuss about how crap and self-congratulatory it was that I couldn't ever sign up, even years later when, at times, I imagine I could have enjoyed it.
Setting aside the bombast and the self-congratulatory dicta, America expects great things from Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE.
By coupling a substantial corporate tax cut with an assortment of naked appeals to undecided lawmakers, Republican leaders pushed their tax bill through the House on Tuesday and the Senate on Wednesday, touching off a self-congratulatory tidal wave by a party that had struggled mightily through nearly all of 2017.
Specifically, he compared Wonder Woman to his heroine Sarah Connor, and sided with his own interpretation of how to write a female hero, while dismissing Wonder Woman's Diana Prince as an "objectified icon": All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood's been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided.
It can make our friends' photos more or less ubiquitous; it can punish posts filled with self-congratulatory musings and banish what it deems to be hoaxes; it can promote video rather than text; it can favor articles from the likes of the New York Times or BuzzFeed, if it so desires.
Some liberal-minded whites doubtless enjoy hearing black comics make jokes at white people's expense because they like to imagine, in a self-congratulatory way, that their laughter constitutes an act of penance and expiation: by chuckling, they may feel they are insulating themselves against charges of racism and demonstrating their own enlightenment.
A wave is not enough if, in our own self-congratulatory enthusiasm, we allow it to focus only on the House and the Senate, ignoring the monumentally important task of electing progressives as mayors, to state legislatures, and in oft-overlooked district attorney elections that hold the key to criminal justice reform.
As such, it is all the more surprising to see MoMA — a beacon of self-congratulatory Western European narratives if there ever was one — do such a terrific job with Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 533–1948, a runaway triumph of a summer exhibition, which opened to strong critical acclaim in July.
For the most part, presenters followed suit—with the exception of Geena Davis, who took a jab at the self-congratulatory attitude that awards shows can often take, sarcastically remarking, "I love that we fixed everything," and Natalie Portman, who called out the fact that all of the motion picture best director nominees were male.
Not everyone thinks it's worth the trouble; the book has been called "an overwrought, overwritten epic of gratingly obvious, self-congratulatory, show-off erudition that, with its overstuffed symbolism and leaden attempts at humor, is bearable only by terminal graduate students who demand we validate the time they've wasted reading it" — and much worse.
The show itself may struggle with what to say about diversity — the opening musical number made an awkward, self-congratulatory joke about nominees not being uniformly white this year — but when it came to those the Hollywood Foreign Press deems worthy of honor, TV continues to push the envelope in a way that has left film in its dust.
That's the only possible explanation for the smarmy, self-congratulatory five-minute video his dead (or undead) campaign released this weekend, featuring a Cruz staffer musing to an unseen audience about the nature of loss, regret, and the nobility of failing to stop a candidate whose angry nativism and fearmongering was only a shade darker than Cruz's.
" Trump followed that up with a self-congratulatory tweet Wednesday morning; "My political representatives didn't want me to get involved in the Mark Sanford primary thinking that Sanford would easily win - but with a few hours left I felt that Katie was such a good candidate, and Sanford was so bad, I had to give it a shot.
In a 41-minute speech seeking to build his case against the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee by labeling her a "world-class liar," Mr. Trump moved to soothe concerns among Republicans alarmed by gaping self-inflicted wounds after his racial attacks on a federal judge and his self-congratulatory boast after the terrorist shooting in Orlando, Fla.
Last Sunday, when Golden State was pounding Cleveland in Game 2 — the Warriors now lead the series, three games to one — the mood at Oracle Arena was brash, self-congratulatory, unsurprised, as if the Warriors' dominance was as much a natural right as the shiny presence of the Teslas, Priuses and Porsches that dotted the parking lot outside.
Linda Johnson Salt Lake City To the Sports Editor: One need only to listen to the majority of male N.F.L. broadcasters, with their endless blathering, self-congratulatory insights and meaningless stories of days gone by while plays are unfolding, to understand that the majority of the complaints about Beth Mowins announcing were strictly driven by misguided chauvinistic attitudes.
On the one hand, hearing the Emmy broadcast constantly tout this year's record-breaking Diversity-with-a-capital-D was at times, dangerously close to becoming self-congratulatory in a way that covers up the fact that breaking down systemic inequality is much harder than spotlighting a handful of non-white people once in a while.
Richard Gottfried stood up only to say he was impressed by the no voters raising good points (they hadn't) and that to give a self congratulatory lecture to the press about how many people were watching today, how important and smart he and all his colleagues were, and how this many people should always turned out.
Schiller's tweet itself was a bit self-congratulatory, given that the exec took over the App Store a year ago, and has then proceeded to implement a number of changes, including the addition of Search ads, a new business model for subscriptions, faster app review times and more frequent refreshes of App Store content, and other improvements to app discovery.
Where artists like James Ferraro built vibrant imagery into tracks titles like "Global Lunch" and "Palm Trees, Wi-Fi, and Dream Sushi," hardvapour only offers self-congratulatory insights like "Long Live Hardvapour" or "Welcome to Hardvapour"—either directly referencing the movement itself or obliquely mocking how the sound will be interpreted online (or eventually declared "over") though an endless proliferation bizarre .
Mr. Ghosn's presentation felt, at times, like one he would have delivered to fellow executives and global leaders during one of his regular trips to the World Economic Forum in Davos, the annual gathering in Switzerland that has come to be seen as both a forum for world-changing ideas and a convening of the capitalist and self-congratulatory elite.
Named for a Warhol-esque 2014 work by artist Julia Wachtel, which mashes up photos of Minnie Mouse, Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian, "Champagne Life celebrates the work of a constellation of female artists, and provides a rare and apposite moment to reflect on what it means to be a female artist working today," reads a vaguely self-congratulatory press release.
Rather than a dream that fantasizes about an appropriately presidential State of the Union address, what Congress and the public are likely to hear is a self-congratulatory campaign-style speech about how the president's leadership has made America great again — even though the dishonest media has failed to recognize that he has accomplished more in his first year in office than any president.
Sure, Senator Sanders's embrace of the presumptive Democratic nominee included all the inclinations that many of us have come to find, shall we say, a tad grating about the man: his interminable, self-congratulatory stump speech, wearingly bereft of humor, argument, story or anecdote, more a listing of all bad things in the world and how they must be put right, delivered in his usual droning shout.
While there will be plenty of self-congratulatory back-slapping in Davos by the likes of Bill and Melinda Gates on how they've managed to create impressive gains for children -- the number of childhood deaths per year has been cut in half since 1990 -- those gains are diluted when millions of children face starvation from blockades and unspeakably violent deaths from shelling and landmines.
It makes sense that it hasn't been easy for the Academy to find someone for the job—it only pays a paltry six-figure sum (likely a drop in the bucket for those who host), and the host is bound to come under fire for their own personal failures, as well as the failures of the broadcast, which in itself is an inherently vapid and self-congratulatory event.
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE is facing growing criticism for a self-congratulatory tweet he sent out in the hours after a terrorist attack on an Orlando nightclub in which a gunman killed 49 people and wounded 85033 others.
Unquestionably. (Almost as much as I adored the lush photograph of the dish with its tiny glistening yolks, dots of vinaigrette, sunny cherry tomatoes still on their vines and scattered precious microgreens, microherbs and edible flowers.) As self-congratulatory as I felt delivering the food to the table, I was certain I didn't need the two separate vinaigrettes, the garlic chips and the fussy little creoja — a sort of micro pickled vegetable condiment.
And while I am less sympathetic than Moskowitz to campus deplatforming at elite universities and liberal arts institutions, because—as a product of one myself—I cannot help but find the pretensions of student activists in these privileged enclaves to a shared subaltern status with America's poor and oppressed to be weirdly self-congratulatory, I am also increasingly convinced that both student activists and the newspaper columnists who despise them are right to identify campuses as vanguards of contested space, precisely because they function, in Moskowitz's formulation, as microcosms of the broader society and testing grounds for social change.

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