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"searchingly" Definitions
  1. in a way that shows that you are trying to find out the truth about something

19 Sentences With "searchingly"

How to use searchingly in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "searchingly" and check conjugation/comparative form for "searchingly". Mastering all the usages of "searchingly" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Lovett not knowingly but searchingly, wondering how the character feels instead of "performing" her.
What emerges is a story that searchingly inhabits the lives of women without sentimentality or self-pity.
Mr. Kimbrough, a searchingly lyrical pianist, knows how to strike a balance between floating ether and loamy grain.
"That the nativist movement found any response at all must cause us to look searchingly at ourselves," he wrote.
Steinke is at her best when she writes searchingly, before the moment of understanding, as in the narrative of her encounter with the geriatric Granny.
By the time that plane is burning — and a young man is looking searchingly into the future — you are reminded that the fight against fascism continues.
The most striking image shows a small, bonneted Iraqi child staring up searchingly at the camera, as if to ask for an explanation of the chaos.
My mother looks at me searchingly as I pile my "leftovers" into a container and place it in the fridge, but doesn't ask any questions, to my relief.
A photo there seems to combine everything we've come to expect from online travel photos: distant lands, a touch of daredevilism, breath-taking scenery and a soul-searchingly authentic experience.
No contemporary writer known to me has written as searchingly and complicatedly about God and the ghost of God, and with such rich mixtures of feeling, such brazen anguish and play.
When the young nurse calls Mom for the appointment, she seems confused, looks back at me searchingly, but she goes with the woman while I sit on a couch with her caregiver.
That night, Hannah dons her finest fuzzy pink coat for their dinner date, and the pair engage in a soul-searchingly deep conversation, opening up about their vulnerabilities in a real, authentic way.
There's a nearly peripatetic sense of the poet's mind as it searchingly makes its way, never haphazardly but without ever showing a desire to resolve the existential tensions made manifest in his consciousness.
The heart has its reasons, and those reasons have been most searchingly explored not by romantic comedies, snuffling weepies, or the phantasmagoria of Marvel but by the exploits of a battery-powered spaceman and a cowboy with a pull string in his back.
But her proven ability to burrow deep inside a character pays off: I've never seen such a searchingly acted portrayal of Charity as Ms. Duff provides here, and what she lacks in a Broadway-style belt is made up for by the emotional truth she brings to every moment in song.
What Hitchens has to say is what a sympathetic reader of Orwell would want said. But he never sustains a line of thought long enough or searchingly enough to reach a truly provocative insight. There's no sense of a deepening engagement with the subject; one is never allowed to forget the gesticulating presence of the critic. The valuable reflections on Orwell keep getting interrupted by a series of asides, ripostes and thrusts into tangled little backwaters.
Contemporaries preserved, however, memory of another Shuvalova: being invariably cheerful, witty and searchingly with the powerful, Shuvalova was arrogant and rude to those who lacked power. She willingly helped a protégé, but at the same time, she pursued revenge on people who displeased her. She was known to gather peoples secret, and even Kirill Razumovsky was sometimes forced to crouch in front of her. She was described as a devoted and loving spouse and parent, loved good food and drink and gambling.
The Cheerleader is a 1973 coming of age novel by Ruth Doan MacDougall. Described on the author's website as "searchingly honest, achingly real, [recalling] all the joy, excitement, and pain of crossing the bridge from childhood to young womanhood in the Fabulous Fifties, when sex was still a mystery and goals were clearly defined--perhaps for the last time,"THE CHEERLEADER by Ruth Doan MacDougall it was first published in 1973 by Putnam and re-released in its 4th printing in 1998 by Frigate Books. This is the first of five books in the "Snowy Series" ("Snowy: a sequel to The Cheerleader," "Henrietta Snow," "The Husband Bench, or Bev's Book," and "A Born Maniac, or Puddles Progress") following Snowy and "The Gang" as they continue through life.
A 1996 review by Gardner and Martinko concluded: "It is clear that efforts to detect simplistic linkages between type preferences and managerial effectiveness have been disappointing. Indeed, given the mixed quality of research and the inconsistent findings, no definitive conclusion regarding these relationships can be drawn." Psychometric specialist Robert Hogan wrote: "Most personality psychologists regard the MBTI as little more than an elaborate Chinese fortune cookie ..." The test and all those of its kind, are generally considered to be one of many self-discovery "fads". That owes its sustained popularity and is categorized together as within the same class of suggestion of "which chakra or zodiac sign is dominant", with the "tests" use of binary questioning and the similar popularity of the MBPT, as akin to all others such as the related "9 Enneagram of Personality types" as each relying on the exploitation of the Barnum effect, a mix of flattery, followed by confirmation bias, with the participants thereby proceeding to searchingly attempt to "fit the prediction".

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