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596 Sentences With "schemas"

How to use schemas in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "schemas" and check conjugation/comparative form for "schemas". Mastering all the usages of "schemas" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The company has developed a set of schemas that institutions can use to standardize credentials, and Learning Machine is developing more schemas as clients require more flexibility.
We are born with many cabinets, known as schemas; still more are formed in early childhood.
The problem, they note, is that schemas currently have to be laboriously defined and checked by humans.
Ultimately, these schemas serve as specs that control how operations are executed on data and how data is structured.
It's not his fault that I carry around with me these unflattering comparisons, these limiting schemas, these unfortunate associations.
At first the system will be limited to ingesting data in massive quantities to build a library of basic schemas.
When building client applications, GraphQL works at the application layer and provides a type system for defining schemas, according to Walker.
Alina Marazzi's For One More Hour with You (2002) questions the schemas under which a person can be caught on film.
And yet Harrison never lets go of several different literary schemas — Celtic, biblical and classical — that seem to frame and discipline the story.
We later learned about periphery, colorblindness, and "schemas," patterns of thought that organize groups of information, and how rapidly such schemata become subjective.
All the data is stored in the Apache Parquet format and users can enforce schemas (and change them with relative ease if necessary).
Before this paper, state-of-the-art AIs that can solve Winograd schemas got them right 63.7 percent of the time, OpenAI says.
That problem spawned Manhattan-based MongoDB, whose flexible "NoSQL" schemas and horizontal scaling capabilities made it the default choice for a generation of startups.
By reading books, watching news reports, and so on it should be able to create a laundry list of suspected schemas, like those mentioned above.
Next it will be allowed to look at complex real-world data and attempt to extract events and narratives based on the schemas it has created.
"There is a difference in the formats in which the data is stored in the Android and iOS apps, as the database schemas are different," a spokesperson explains.
The R.C.C., in midtown, is a bustling place, with dozens of dispatchers at consoles, studying two fifty-yard-long real-time schemas of the subway system on huge, curving walls.
The drawings, the core of her artistic output, are thus not only quasi-systematic knowledge schemas but also droll compromises with an imperfect world — aesthetic intermediates between ideation and actuality.
The tool provides the ability to enforce specific schemas (which can be changed as necessary), to create snapshots and to ingest streaming data or backfill the lake as a batch job.
This "buying something" process is a schema we all recognize, and could of course have schemas within it (selecting a product; payment process) or be part of another schema (gift giving; home cooking).
While working as "a gopher" for the National Front, he would take long walks through South Tehran, the area of town where the working classes left behind by the Shah's nascent modernization schemas lived.
It might even get a hint of larger, more hazy schemas that it can't quite put its virtual finger on — love, racism, income disparity, etc — and how others might fit into them and each other.
He popularized the idea that we all make sense of the world through the use of pattern recognition; we construct schemas – sets of perceptions and ideas to understand and respond to the world around us.
One solution to climate change that's considered "realistic" by wealthy philanthropists is geoengineering—even though it's not remotely physically realistic, and science-fiction schemas of geoengineering programs include a host of unwanted environmental side effects.
As web applications became increasingly popular in the mid-aughts, SQL databases came under increasing strain to scale, while also proving to be inflexible in terms of their data schemas for the fast-moving startups they served.
Initial data requests can lead to access to other data sets and database schemas, often useful in determining the width and breadth of police activity, city "anti-terrorism" training, or the extension of city cooperation with federal agencies.
" Common Sense, the Turing Test, and the Quest for Real AI ," by Hector J. Levesque, an emeritus professor of computer science, suggests that a better test would be whether a computer can figure out Winograd Schemas, which hinge on ambiguous pronouns.
They will make assumptions about my life, because that is what the human brain does: we attempt to simplify and compartmentalize things so that they fit our pre-existing schemas of who is what, so we can feel "safe" or "superior" somehow.
The OpenAI team says their system sets a record for performance on so-called Winograd schemas, a tough reading comprehension task; achieves near-human performance on the Children's Book Test, another check of reading comprehension; and — most thrillingly to me — generates its own text, including highly convincing news articles and Amazon reviews.
WinFS includes mappings for object and XML schemas by default. Mappings for other schemas must be specified. Object schemas are specified in XML; WinFS generates code to surface the schemas as .NET classes. ADO.
Different versions of MSXML support slightly different sets of functionality. For example, while MSXML 3.0 supports only XDR schemas, it does not support XSD schemas. MSXML 4.0, MSXML 5.0, and MSXML 6.0 support XSD schemas. However, MSXML 6.0 does not support XDR schemas.
Schemas are important in directing the acquisition process and the way an individual comes to choose schemas is described by metacognition.
Cognitive representations of social objects are referred to as schemas. These schemas are a mental structure that represents some aspect of the world. They are organized in memory in an associative network. In these associative networks, similar schemas are clustered together.
These schemas are defined using XML. Predefined WinFS schemas include schemas for documents, e-mail, appointments, tasks, media, audio, video, and also includes system schemas that include configuration, programs, and other system-related data. Custom schemas can be defined on a per-application basis, in situations where an application wants to store its data in WinFS, but not share the structure of that data with other applications, or they can be made available across the system.
Also included are the most current enumeration type schemas (code tables) and their proxy schemas. Version 3.0.3 is compatible with Versions 3.0.2 and 3.0.
The Information Exchanges Mapping Tool allows the user to specify metadata and upload XMI domain models associated with NIEM IEPDs, map components within domain models to NIEM components, and generate artifacts based on mappings, including mapping reports, wantlist, exchange schemas, extension schemas, and subset schemas.
They build schemas to help them navigate their social world, and these schemas form a larger network of associations and beliefs about gender and gender roles.
While Johnson provided an initial list of image schemas in The Body in the Mind (p. 126), his diagrams for them are scattered throughout his book and he only diagrammed a portion of those image schemas he listed. In his work, Lakoff also used several additional schemas.
Social psychologists have become increasingly interested in the influence of culture on social cognition. Although people of all cultures use schemas to understand the world, the content of schemas has been found to differ for individuals based on their cultural upbringing. For example, one study interviewed a Scottish settler and a Bantu herdsman from Swaziland and compared their schemas about cattle. Because cattle are essential to the lifestyle of the Bantu people, the Bantu herdsmen's schemas for cattle were far more extensive than the schemas of the Scottish settler.
By informal convention, RELAX NG schemas in the regular syntax are typically named with the filename extension ".rng". For schemas in the compact syntax, the extension ".rnc" is used.
Given its low capacity, conscious thought must use a "top-down" style of processing that uses shortcuts or schemas to work efficiently. Because its capacity is unbounded, unconscious thought instead uses a "bottom-up" style of processing that avoids schemas, integrating information efficiently and avoiding the bias that schemas might bring to conscious thought.
This is referred to as subtyping. Social cognition researchers are also interested in the regulation of activated schemas. It is believed that the situational activation of schemas is automatic, meaning that it is outside individual conscious control.Lauri Nummenmaa, Kätlin Peets, & Christina Salmivalli. (2008). Automatic Activation of Adolescents’ Peer-Relational Schemas: Evidence from Priming with Facial Identity.
Cultural schemas for social interactions are cognitive structures that contain knowledge for face- to-face interactions in one's cultural environment. Nishida (1999) points out the eight primary types for generating human behavior for social interactions. These eight schemas are also referred to as Primary Social Interaction (PSI) schemas. # Fact-and-concept schemas: These are pieces of general information about facts, such as Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States, and concepts, such as bicycles are vehicles that have two wheels, a seat, and pedals.
The rules for NIEM conformance are as follows: # Instances must validate against the set of NIEM reference schemas. Schemas conformant to the NIEM must import and reference the NIEM Schema namespace they need to use (NIEM Core, Justice, etc.) or a correct NIEM Schema subset. Note that importing the NIEM Justice Domain namespace will cascade to importing NIEM Core. Also, note that if an instance validates against a correct subset of the NIEM reference schemas, then it will validate against the NIEM reference schemas.
In the stage of self-regulation, they try to resolve ambiguities and to establish integration of information using their native- culture schemas by gradually modifying them. In the stage of self-direction, on the other hand, they actively try to reorganize their native culture schemas or to generate host culture schemas in order to adapt to the host- culture environment.
Consequently, information processing experience is stored in the long-term memory. Memory representation or neural circuits created in the brain as a result of information processing are assumed to be schemas . Thus, schemas provide a foundation in the brain which helps to predict what is to be expected and looked for in certain situations. Not all schemas are uniformly important.
The experiences which are unique to individuals allow them to acquire personal schemas. Societal schemas may emerge from a group's collective knowledge and are represented across the minds in a society, enabling people to think as if they are one mind (Malcolm & Sharifian, 2002). However, when one's cultural environment provides experiences to which every member of that culture is exposed, their experiences allow every member to acquire cultural schemas (Nishida, 1999). Cultural schemas are conceptual structures which enable individuals to store perceptual and conceptual information about their culture and interpret cultural experiences and expressions.
The schema congruity theory suggests that the storage of new information and retrieval of memory is majorly influenced by past expectations. Schemas are a human's personal cognitive representations of the environment that guide their perceptions, thoughts and actions. Schemas go through constant change as a human experiences and learns new information. Nonetheless, the new information is firstly evaluated on the basis of existing schemas.
The American Journal of Sociology, 98(1):1-29. Originally from Bourdieu, transposable schemas can be "applied to a wide and not fully predictable range of cases outside the context in which they were initially learned." That capacity "is inherent in the knowledge of cultural schemas that characterizes all minimally competent members of society." Agents may modify schemas even though their use does not predictably accumulate resources.
Barclay and Wellman theorized this was due to the tendency to group similar or repeated autobiographical memories into generic memories or schemas, and thus diary entries that seemed familiar enough to fit into these schemas would be judged as true.
There are three basic approaches to document structuring: schemas, corpus-based, and heuristic. Schemas K McKeown (1985). Text Generation. Cambridge University Press are templates which explicitly specify sentence ordering and grouping for a document (as well as Content determination information).
Axiom 7: If one has well-organized cultural schemas, schematically salient information is more likely to be processed through the schemas, whereas ambiguous information will either direct a search for the relevant data to complete the stimulus more fully, or it will be filled in with default options of the schemas. Axiom 8: Sojourners who lack the PSI schemas of the host culture are more likely to employ data-driven processing, which requires effort and attention. Axiom 9: In the host culture, sojourners encounter truly novel situations where they experience cognitive uncertainty and anxiety because of the lack of the PSI schemas in the situations. Axiom 10: In the host culture, sojourners experience the stages of self-regulation and self-direction.
With the coming together of tasks of recognition, categorization and learning; schemas help make the process of encoding new information and relating it to things you already know much easier. One can remember visual images much better when they can apply it to an already known schema. Schemas actually provide enhancement of visual memory and learning.Lord, C. "Schemas and Images as Memory Aids: Two Modes of Processing Social Information".
In PostgreSQL, a schema holds all objects, except for roles and tablespaces. Schemas effectively act like namespaces, allowing objects of the same name to co-exist in the same database. By default, newly created databases have a schema called public, but any further schemas can be added, and the public schema isn't mandatory. A setting determines the order in which PostgreSQL checks schemas for unqualified objects (those without a prefixed schema).
It is postulated that an enormous, finite quantity of thought and action schemata exist and that they range in hierarchy. For instance, high-level schemas represent problem solving while low-level schemas typify actions. In the Norman-Shallice model, two main processes manage the functioning and control of schemas. Contention scheduling is a lower-level mechanism that regulates schemata processes for familiar, automatic actions as well as some novel situations.
Most people have multiple self- schemas, however this is not the same as multiple personalities in the pathological sense. Indeed, for the most part, multiple self-schemas are extremely useful to people in daily life. Subconsciously, they help people make rapid decisions and behave efficiently and appropriately in different situations and with different people. Multiple self-schemas guide what people attend to and how people interpret and use incoming information.
This is a list of maladaptive schemas, often called early maladaptive schemas, in schema therapy, a theory and method of psychotherapy. An early maladaptive schema is a pervasive self-defeating or dysfunctional theme or pattern of memories, emotions, and physical sensations, developed during childhood or adolescence and elaborated throughout one's lifetime, that often has the form of a belief about the self or the world.The many reference books that list these schemas include, for example: Figure 1.1: Early maladaptive schemas with associated schema domains, in: And: The definition of early maladaptive schema can be found in .
There are three basic approaches to document structuring: schemas (content templates), statistical approaches, and explicit reasoning. Schemas K McKeown (1985). Text Generation. Cambridge University Press are templates which explicitly specify the content of a generated text (as well as document structuring information).
The standard helps provide a basis for the adoption of XML schemas for data exchange.
It also provides the ability to add new columns and merge schemas that don't conflict.
This is a list of notable XML schemas in use on the Internet sorted by purpose. XML schemas can be used to create XML documents for a wide range of purposes such as syndication, general exchange, and storage of data in a standard format.
Automating these two approaches has been one of the fundamental tasks of data integration. In general, it is not possible to determine fully automatically the different correspondences between two schemas — primarily because of the differing and often not explicated or documented semantics of the two schemas.
When a particular schema is activated related schemas may be activated as well. Schema activation may also increase the accessibility of related schemas in the associative network. When a schema is more accessible this means it can more quickly be activated and used in a particular situation. When related schemas are activated, inferences beyond the information given in a particular social situation may influence thinking and social behavior, regardless of whether those inferences are accurate or not.
Many species are able to represent social structures, yet humans are able to represent disproportionately large social structures (based on cortical thickness in the brain). Research suggests that this is, at least in part, due to the use of schemas. Schemas are a pre-established method of organizing and perceiving the world. Similar to a template, schemas provide a basic scaffolding that allow humans to make assumptions about a social structure without remembering every detail individually.
In mathematical logic, an axiom schema (plural: axiom schemata or axiom schemas) generalizes the notion of axiom.
Implicit cognition is often immediately affective towards a person's reaction. Implicit cognitions also consisted of negative schemas that included hidden cognitive frameworks, and activation of stress. Awareness was often misinterpreted and implicit cognition emerged because of these negative schemas.(Scher, C, D., Ingram, R, E., & Sega S, V., 2005).
His research demonstrated the ability to create a semantic relationship between two unrelated items. In 1932, Frederic Bartlett proposed the idea of mental schemas. This model proposed that whether new information would be encoded was dependent on its consistency with prior knowledge (mental schemas).Bartlett, F. C. (1932).
Two cognitive processes that increase accessibility of schemas are salience and priming. Salience is the degree to which a particular social object stands out relative to other social objects in a situation. The higher the salience of an object the more likely that schemas for that object will be made accessible. For example, if there is one female in a group of seven males, female gender schemas may be more accessible and influence the group's thinking and behavior toward the female group member.
In case study two of his book Women, Fire and Dangerous Things, Lakoff re-presented the analysis of the English word over done by Claudia Brugman in her (1981) master's thesis. Similar to the analysis of out given by Johnson, Lakoff argued that there were six basic spatial schemas for the English word over. Moreover, Lakoff gave a detailed accounting of how these schemas were interrelated in terms of what he called a radial category structure. For example, these six schemas could be both further specified by other spatial schemas such as whether the trajector was in contact with the landmark or not (as in the plane flew over the mountain vs.
This relies on not only the clients behavioral problems that could have arisen from conditioning; but also there negative schemas, and distorted perceptions of the world around them. These negative schemas may be causing distress in the life of the patient; for example the schemas may be giving them unrealistic expectations for how well they should perform at their job, or how they should look physically. When these expectations are not met it will often result in maladaptive behaviors such as depression, obsessive compulsions, and anxiety. With cognitive behavior therapy; the goal is to change the schemas that are causing the stress in a persons life and hopefully replace them with more realistic ones.
Two principal approaches depend on the direction of the mapping: # Global as View (GaV): the global schema is defined in terms of the underlying schemas # Local as View (LaV): the local schemas are defined in terms of the global schema Both are examples of data integration, called the schema matching problem.
Spatial metaphors in temporal reasoning. In M.Gattis (Ed.) Spatial schemas and abstract thought (pp. 203-222). Cambridge: MIT Press.
There are three subgoals found in this schema: holding the match, holding the matchbox, and holding a lit match. More subgoals could be applied but those are the most obvious when the overall goal wanted is to light a match. That is why schemas form a hierarchy, with the more complicated and complex action sequences corresponding to high level schemas and low level schemas correlating with simple single object tasks. As said earlier from Norman and Shallice the other component used in voluntary action is supervisory attention.
Nishida (1999) describes the following nine axioms: Axiom 1: The more often a person repeats a schema-based behavior in his or her culture, the more likely the cultural schema will be stored in the person's memory. Axiom 2: Sojourners' failure to recognize the actions and behaviors that are relevant to meaningful interactions in the host culture are mainly due to their lack of the PSI schemas of the culture. Axiom 3: The acquisition of the PSI schemas of the host culture is a necessary condition for sojourners' cross-cultural adaptation to the culture. Axiom 4: The PSI schemas of a person's own culture are interrelated with each other, forming a network of cultural schemas to generate behaviors that are appropriate in the culture.
Star and snowflake schemas are most commonly found in dimensional data warehouses and data marts where speed of data retrieval is more important than the efficiency of data manipulations. As such, the tables in these schemas are not normalized much, and are frequently designed at a level of normalization short of third normal form.
Both W3C XML Schema and RELAX NG schemas can include embedded Schematron rules. It also can use the NRL and NVDL routing languages, which allow multiple schemas of different types to be applied to different files. In addition to tag completion, annotations in the schema will be displayed as tooltips for the elements that those annotations apply to. For schema formats that do not have a standard mechanism to bind the schema to the XML file, Oxygen XML provides a processing instruction that instructs the program as to which schemas to use.
As of version 2.0, indexing was added to Cypher with the introduction of schemas. Previously, indexes were supported separately from Cypher.
The Implicit Leadership Theory (ILT) asserts that people's underlying assumptions, stereotypes, beliefs and schemas influence the extent to which they view someone as a good leader. Since people across cultures tend to hold different implicit beliefs, schemas and stereotypes, it would seem only natural that their underlying beliefs in what makes a good leader differ across cultures.
Print schemas provide an XML-based format for expressing and organizing a large set of properties that describe either a job format or print capabilities in a hierarchically structured manner. Print schemas are intended to address the problems associated with internal communication between the components of the print subsystem, and external communication between the print subsystem and applications.
Such mappings are called data models, irrespective of whether they are object models (e.g. using UML), entity relationship models or XML schemas.
Schema centralization directly supports the objectives of data model standardizationSchema Centralization Pattern design pattern, which further supports creation of centrally governed schemas.
XProc is a W3C Recommendation to define an XML transformation language to define XML Pipelines. Below is an example abbreviated XProc file: This is a pipeline that consists of two atomic steps, XInclude and Validate. The pipeline itself has three inputs, “source” (a source document), “schemas” (a list of W3C XML Schemas) and “parameters” (for passing parameters). The XInclude step reads the pipeline input “source” and produces a result document. The Validate step reads the pipeline input “schemas” and the output from the XInclude step and produces a result document. The result of the validation, “result”, is the result of the pipeline.
They found that novices sort problems into categories based upon surface features (e.g., keywords in the problem statement or visual configurations of the objects depicted). Experts, however, categorize problems based upon their deep structures (i.e., the main physics principle used to solve the problem). Their findings also suggest that while the schemas of both novices and experts are activated by the same features of a problem statement, the experts’ schemas contain more procedural knowledge which aid in determining which principle to apply, and novices’ schemas contain mostly declarative knowledge which do not aid in determining methods for solution.
Early maladaptive schemas are self-defeating, emotional and cognitive patterns established from childhood and repeated throughout life. They may be made up of emotional memories of past hurt, tragedy, fear, abuse, neglect, unmet safety needs, abandonment, or lack of normal human affection in general. Early maladaptive schemas can also include bodily sensations associated with such emotional memories. Early maladaptive schemas can have different levels of severity and pervasiveness: the more severe the schema, the more intense the negative emotion when the schema is triggered and the longer it lasts; the more pervasive the schema, the greater the number of situations that trigger it.
The self-concept is an internal model that uses self- assessments in order to define one's self-schemas. Features such as personality, skills and abilities, occupation and hobbies, physical characteristics, gender, etc. are assessed and applied to self-schemas, which are ideas of oneself in a particular dimension (e.g., someone that considers themselves a geek will associate "geek-like" qualities to themselves).
As people have more experiences their developing cultural schemas become more tightly organized. The information not only becomes more complex, but more useful among members of a culture, alike or different. Beyond the cognitive activity of cultural schemas is the complex pattern which occurs in the brain. When humans acquire and retain information from their surrounding environments, neural circuits are generated.
Like any schema, self-schemas store information and influence the way we think and remember. For example, research indicates that information which refers to the self is preferentially encoded and recalled in memory tests, a phenomenon known as "self-referential encoding". Self-schemas are also considered the traits people use to define themselves, they draw information about the self into a coherent scheme.
These action schemas are what are used in the sequence of actions involved in making a cup of tea and situation specific factors such as whether a glass of lemonade is too bitter. Even simple tasks need the monitoring of goals: e.g., has sugar been added to a cup of coffee. But as we learn new activities we are also learning new schemas.
In 2006, Levesque was elected to the Royal Society of Canada. In 2011, Hector Levesque proposed a new way to test artificial intelligence called Winograd Schemas Challenge as a possible alternative of the Turing test during AAAI Spring Symposium. The idea was written in his article "The Winograd Schemas Challenge". His colleagues include Ernest Davis (New York University) and Leora Morgenstern.
Each language is defined by a specific XML schema, but there is no linkage between the schemas. The purpose of NVDL is to provide that linkage, based on namespaces. By associating a schema validator with an NVDL schema, the validator can use multiple schemas to validate a single document, switching between them based on the namespaces used in that document.
GovTalk was a UK government initiative sponsored by the Cabinet Office, designed to encourage efficient government through the use of the internet and other modern electronic technologies. It included guidelines and advice on best practices for the use of technology, metadata standards, a repository of XML schemas, and a process for consulting on new schemas to cover specific areas of government.
They also activate specific cognitive, verbal, and behavioral action sequences – called scripts and action plans in cognitive psychology – that help people meet goals efficiently. Self-schemas vary not only by circumstances and who the person is interacting with, but also by mood. Researchers found that we have mood- congruent self-schemas that vary with our emotional state.Brown, Jonathon D., and Shelley E. Taylor.
The final schema involves information seeking actions. This is what the consumer does as a result of the first two schemas through information seeking.
Information technology (IT) staff spend substantial development time on optimizing databases, constructing indexes and aggregates, designing cubes and star schemas, data modeling, and query analysis.
In addition, the GML specification provides a subset tool to generate GML profiles containing a user-specified list of components. The tool consists of three XSLT scripts. The scripts generate a profile that a developer may extend manually or otherwise enhance through schema restriction. Note that as restrictions of the full GML specification, application schemas that a profile can generate must themselves be valid GML application schemas.
Lastly, when a schema is activated a person may or may not be aware of it. Two processes that increase the accessibility of schemas are salience and priming. Salience is the degree to which a particular social object stands out relative to other social objects in a situation. The higher the salience of an object the more likely that schemas for that object will be made accessible.
Processing the information should balance out when recalled for individuals who have a self-schema that goes along with the information. Self-schemas do not necessarily only involve individual traits. People self-categorize at different levels that range from more personal to more social. Self-schemas have three main categories which play a role: the personal self, the relational self, and the collective self.
People attempt to place past events into existing representations of the world, making the memory more coherent. Instead of remembering precise details about commonplace occurrences, a schema is developed. A schema is a generalization formed mentally based on experience. The common use of these schemas suggests that memory is not an identical reproduction of experience, but a combination of actual events with already existing schemas.
In the 1930s Frederic Bartlett tested memory for schemas. From the 1970s to the 1990s, many researchers obtained loads of evidence showing that people's behaviors are deeply embedded to what they store in their brains. Through these studies researchers learned that human behavior relies heavily on past experiences and the knowledge stored in one's brain. Research also revealed that schemas operate at many different levels.
When one interacts with members of the same culture over and over again, or talks about certain information with them many times, cultural schemas are created and stored in one's brain. Subsequent similar instances cause the cultural schema to become more organized, abstract, and compact. As this occurs, communication becomes much easier. Nishida (1999) simply explains that experience is the force which creates cultural schemas.
This private school with children of well- to-do parents is much different than the rest of Sudan. Ms. Gibbons did not need to acquire the PSI schemas of the host culture because her native PSI schemas worked equally well inside the walls of Unity School. Had Ms. Gibbons been constantly made aware of the local PSI schemas (naming an animal after the Prophet Muhammad is unacceptable) she may have adapted and not allowed the children to name the teddy bear Muhammad. Naming a teddy bear was not a novel situation to her as a children's school teacher, but she was not in England.
In D. Ciccetti and Toth (eds). Rochester symposium on developmental psychopathology, vol 6, emotion, cognition and representation, Rochester, NY: University of Rochester press, pp. 1-33. proposed a model of personality development focusing on the development of cognitive-affective schemas of self and others, schemas that in the psychoanalytic literature are termed object relations, internalizations of relationships with emotionally significant others or objects. He posited that these schemas emerge from the interaction between basic biological or temperamental predispositions and the matrix of early caregiving relationships in which one is raised and, despite the centrality of early relational experiences in constituting them, continue to develop across the lifespan.
Sewell provided a useful summary that included one of the theory's less specified aspects: the question "Why are structural transformations possible?" He claimed that Giddens' overrelied on rules and modified Giddens' argument by re-defining "resources" as the embodiment of cultural schemas. He argued that change arises from the multiplicity of structures, the transposable nature of schemas, the unpredictability of resource accumulation, the polysemy of resources and the intersection of structures. The existence of multiple structures implies that the knowledgeable agents whose actions produce systems are capable of applying different schemas to contexts with differing resources, contrary to the conception of a universal habitus (learned dispositions, skills and ways of acting).
XML Schemas and CSS are outside project scope, however. Xfolite is open source and licensed under the LGPL license, but is not being actively developed further.
One example of this is the W3C's Internationalization Tag Set which uses the ODD format to generate schemas and document its vocabulary.W3C ITS and TEI ODD file..
Cross-cultural constructions of self- schemas: Americans and Mexicans. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(2), 233-250. and other environmental factors.Leite, C., & Kuiper, N. A. (2010).
While schemas have an overt societal consequence, the strong development of them have lasting effect on recipients. Overall, it is found that strong in-group attitudes are correlated with academic and economic success. In a study analyzing the interaction of assimilation and racial-ethnic schemas for Hispanic youth found that strong schematic identities for Hispanic youth undermined academic achievement. Additional stereotypes attributed to minorities continue to influence societal interactions.
However, users aren't aware of this internal representation. Finally, DB2 automatically splits XML nodes across multiple database pages, as needed. XML schemas specify which XML elements are valid, in what order these elements should appear in XML data, which XML data types are associated with each element, and so on. pureXML allows you to validate the cells in a column of XML data against no schema, one schema, or multiple schemas.
Like all of the other popular programming languages used to create database-driven software, JADE is fully object-oriented. JADE was designed to have all the most important features of object-oriented programming, but does not support the overloading of methods or operators, and until Jade 2018 lacked parameterised constructors. Classes in JADE are kept together in schemas. Schemas serve the same purpose as Java packages or namespaces in .
Schemas, or scripts, specify an individual's series of actions or thoughts under the influence of environmental conditions. Every stimulus condition turns on the activation of a response or schema. The initiation of appropriate schema under routine, well-learned situations is monitored by contention scheduling which laterally inhibits competing schemas for the control of cognitive apparatus. Under unique, non-routine procedures the supervisory attentional system (SAS) controls schema activation.
3 schemas and schema subsets. Global JXDM, Versions 3.0.2 and 3.0, will remain available indefinitely. For a list of specific updates, refer to the Global JXDM Change Log.
High-level schemas are internalized and emotionally salient; likewise, when a schema is only weakly related to a person's self it becomes emotionally empty and irrelevant (Lipset, 1993).
Journal of Language and Politics. 8(3), 416–432. Sharifian, F. (2008). Cultural schemas in L1 and L2 compliment responses: A study of Persian-speaking learners of English.
By structuring the perception and experience of self and others, these cognitive- affective-experiential schemas guide an individual's eventual identity formation and intimate relationship choices. Disrupted caregiving and environmental demands that exceed the child's biological capacities can disrupt the development of these schemas and can result in psychopathology, usually in the form of either an exaggerated emphasis on relational needs at the expense of autonomy and individuation or an exaggerated emphasis on self- definition at the expense of relationship, attachment, and intimacy, although some persons have disruptions in both relational and self-definitional schemas and therefore manifest both relational and self-definitional disturbances in behavior. According to Blatt, the severity of psychopathology is associated with the developmental level or levels at which disruptions in the cognitive structural organization of these schemas of self and other occurred. In early development, a sensorimotor-enactive stage, relationships are dominated by concerns with need gratification and frustration.
Antônio de Castro Mayer in 1980 As a member of the Central Preparatory Commission the Archbishop worked for several years upon the draft documents which the Council Fathers were to discuss, a total of seventy-two preparatory schemas.God Bless the Archbishop , from The Angelus, August 1983, Volume V, Number 8 Within the first two weeks of the first session of the council (October to December 1962) all seventy-two of the preparatory schemas had been rejected from consideration. The council rules had stipulated a necessary two-thirds supermajority to reject the schemas. Although only 60 per cent had voted against the schemas, they were regardless discarded at the intervention of Pope John XXIII.
According to Beck's theory of the etiology of depression, depressed people acquire a negative schema of the world in childhood and adolescence; children and adolescents who experience depression acquire this negative schema earlier. Depressed people acquire such schemas through a loss of a parent, rejection by peers, bullying, criticism from teachers or parents, the depressive attitude of a parent and other negative events. When the person with such schemas encounters a situation that resembles the original conditions of the learned schema in some way, the negative schemas of the person are activated. Beck's negative triad holds that depressed people have negative thoughts about themselves, their experiences in the world, and the future.
A perceptual schema is a cognitive phenomenon and an internal mental representation of a scene that is created by oneself using prior knowledge and details of the world. Perceptual schemas often form when a person sees a new image because it can be a way to process the image using prior knowledge of other images that one has viewed and processed in the past. Perceptual schemas can form while the picture is being viewed for the first time or soon after. Perceptual schemas are applicable to boundary extension because one’s perceptual schema might add in background and boundary details that were not in the original photo but are a part of one’s perceptual schema of the photo.
RELAX NG's specification only lists two built-in types (string and token), but it allows for the definition of many more. In theory, the lack of a specific list allows a processor to support data types that are very problem-domain specific. Most RELAX NG schemas can be algorithmically converted into W3C XML Schemas and even DTDs (except when using RELAX NG features not supported by those languages, as above). The reverse is not true.
The study of linguistics is considered as the study of this hypothesised structure. Cognitive Linguistics, in contrast, rejects the notion of innate grammar, and studies how the human brain creates linguistic constructions from event schemas, and the impact of cognitive constraints and biases on human language. Similarly to neuro-linguistic programming, language is approached via the senses. Cognitive linguists study the embodiment of knowledge by seeking expressions which relate to modal schemas.
It can also generate class diagrams from hand-written classes. ;Data designer: The data designer can be used to graphically edit database schemas, including typed tables, primary and foreign keys and constraints. It can also be used to design queries from the graphical view. ;Mapping designer: From Visual Studio 2008 onwards, the mapping designer is used by LINQ to SQL to design the mapping between database schemas and the classes that encapsulate the data.
Shahar, G., & Blatt, S. J. (2005). Benevolent interpersonal schemas facilitate therapeutic change: Further analyses of the Menninger Psychotherapy Research Project. Journal of Psychotherapy Research, 15, 345-349. Blatt et al.
If two or more changes conflict, WinFS can either resort to automatic resolution based on predefined rules, or defer the synchronization for manual resolution. WinFS also updates the schemas, if required.
When in balance with each other, assimilation and accommodation generate mental schemas of the operative intelligence. When one function dominates over the other, they generate representations which belong to figurative intelligence.
Johnson indicates that his analysis of out drew upon a 1981 doctoral dissertation by Susan Lindner in linguistics at UCSD under Ronald Langacker, and more generally by the theory of cognitive grammar put forth by him.For example: For the force group of image schemas Johnson also drew on an early version of the force dynamic schemas put forth by Len Talmy, as used by linguists such as Eve Sweetser. Other influences include Max Wertheimer's gestalt structure theory and Kant's account of schemas in categorization, as well as studies in experimental psychology on the mental rotation of images. In addition to the dissertation on over by Brugman, Lakoff's use of image schema theory also drew extensively on Talmy and Langacker's theories of spatial relations terms as well.
The project resulted in a set of extensible markup language (XML) schemas that will enable design and construction professionals to reliably exchange project information among dissimilar and proprietary software applications, without requiring the reengineering or redesign of those applications. The agcXML schemas established a common, non-proprietary data format and classification system. Software developers will be able to modify their applications with minimal effort to import and export data in agcXML format, without having to change or even share their proprietary software code and data formats. The schemas will remain the property of AGC, will be made publicly available and will be licensed at no cost and in perpetuity to any party for any legitimate purpose in support of the exchange of agcXML data.
In the context of business process integration (see figure), data modeling complements business process modeling, and ultimately results in database generation. The process of designing a database involves producing the previously described three types of schemas - conceptual, logical, and physical. The database design documented in these schemas are converted through a Data Definition Language, which can then be used to generate a database. A fully attributed data model contains detailed attributes (descriptions) for every entity within it.
The theme of the non-REM dream is tentatively accommodated by mental schemas. Because schemas coexist as a network, accommodations can introduce accidental, maladaptive conflicts and therefore are ideally tested prior to full integration. Therefore, during subsequent REM sleep, a second set of dreams is executed in the form of test scenarios. If schema accommodations alleviate anxiety, frustration, sadness, or in other ways appear emotionally adaptive during REM dream tests, they would be selected for retention.
Experience in the host culture causes a change in one's cultural schema. This causes further changes in all other cultural schemas and results in a total change in behavior. Axiom 5: The acquisition of information about interrelationships among the PSI schemas of the host culture is a necessary condition for sojourners' cross- cultural adaptation. Axiom 6: People use both schema-driven and data-driven processing to perceive new information, depending on the situation and their motivations.
Cultural schema theory may be a relatively new theory, but neither schema nor cultural schema are new concepts. The idea of schemas existing as ideal types in the mind dates back all the way back to Plato (see also Schema and Schema (psychology)) . In the 19th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant developed the idea that every person's experiences are gathered in memory, forming higher order concepts. In the 1920s Jean Piaget's work investigated schemas in infants.
Schematron schemas are suitable for use in XML Pipelines, thereby allowing workflow process designers to build and maintain rules using XML manipulation tools. The W3C's XProc pipelining language, for example, has native support for Schematron schema processing through its "validate-with-schematron" step. Since Schematron schemas can be transformed into XSLT stylesheets, these can themselves be used in XML Pipelines which support XSLT transformation. An Apache Ant task can be used to convert Schematron rules into XSLT files.
In 1980/1986, psychologists Donald Norman and Tim Shallice proposed a framework of attentional control of executive functioning. The model uses thought and action schemas which are a series of learned thought and action sequences, like scripts, that specify behaviours during situations. Schemas are activated from perceptual stimuli or from the output of recently activated schemata. For an example, entering your kitchen to find a pile of unclean dishes (input) could initiate a behavioural response to clean (schema).
Document! X is a documentation generator which automates technical documentation production for C#/VB.NET/C++/CLI or other .NET language assemblies, Java Projects, databases, COM components, type libraries, XSD schemas and ASP.
Moral identity is a concept within moral psychology referring to the importance of morality to a person’s identity, typically construed as either a trait-like individual difference, or set of chronically accessible schemas.
MOF was developed to provide a type system for use in the CORBA architecture, a set of schemas by which the structure, meaning and behaviour of objects could be defined, and a set of CORBA interfaces through which these schemas could be created, stored and manipulated. MOF is designed as a four-layered architecture. It provides a meta-meta model at the top layer, called the M3 layer. This M3-model is the language used by MOF to build metamodels, called M2-models.
By the time children are entering preschool or kindergarten, they have a general understanding of the two genders and have internalized some basic schemas regarding the roles and appearances of each. These schemas have been mostly furnished by parental interaction, media exposure, and underlying biological factors (e.g. inherent aggressiveness, sexual orientation), though some children may also learn from limited social interaction with individuals outside the family. However, these early conceptions of gender roles undergo radical change when the child enters school.
All schema languages offer some tools (for example, `include` and modularization control over namespaces) and recommend reuse where practical. Various parts of the extensive and sophisticated Text Encoding Initiative schemas are also re-used in an extraordinary variety of other schemas. ;Semantic vs syntatic: Except for a RDF-related one, no schema language express formally semantic, only structure and data-types. Despite being the ideal, the inclusion of RDF assumptions is very poor and is not a recommendation in the schema development frameworks.
Each such schema contains slots to be filled by the details of any specific enterprise. There appear to be several categories of integrative goals that are useful to distinguish as different kinds of enterprise schemas. Three varieties of enterprise and their associated enterprise schemas are described, designated by their goals as denoting, manifesting, and discovering. Denoting An entity (thing, place, event) or class of entities may be denoted by giving its name, the class to which it belongs, and the function it serves.
The main disadvantage of the star schema is that it's not as flexible in terms of analytical needs as a normalized data model. Normalized models allow any kind of analytical query to be executed, so long as it follows the business logic defined in the model. Star schemas tend to be more purpose-built toward a particular view of the data, thus not really allowing more complex analytics. Star schemas don't easily support many-to-many relationships between business entities.
Typically these relationships are simplified in a star schema in order to conform to the simple dimensional model. Another disadvantage is that data integrity is not well-enforced due to its denormalized state. One-off inserts and updates can result in data anomalies, which normalized schemas are designed to avoid. Generally speaking, star schemas are loaded in a highly controlled fashion via batch processing or near real-time "trickle feeds", to compensate for the lack of protection afforded by normalization.
Schemas change drastically around age six due to socialization and language development. However, as highlighted by katherine Nelson this theory has received criticism. Recent data suggest that a preschooler's schemas are not dramatically different from the older child's or the adult's, meaning that the ways of representing and interpreting reality do not change markedly from childhood to adulthood. Tests of very young children and adults show that in all age groups, memory recall shows the same sequential cause-and-effect pattern.
Making sense of one’s own behavior in particular domains results in the formation of cognitive structures about the self, or self-schemas. These interpretive structures reflect one’s own observations as well as those offered by the social context, and lend coherence, meaning, and form to current and future experience. Self-schemas facilitate self-relevant judgments and decisions, contain easily retrievable behavioral evidence, provide a basis for the confident self-prediction of behavior in schema related domains and help people resist schema inconsistent information.
Data integration systems are formally defined as a tuple \left \langle G,S,M\right \rangle where G is the global (or mediated) schema, S is the heterogeneous set of source schemas, and M is the mapping that maps queries between the source and the global schemas. Both G and S are expressed in languages over alphabets composed of symbols for each of their respective relations. The mapping M consists of assertions between queries over G and queries over S. When users pose queries over the data integration system, they pose queries over G and the mapping then asserts connections between the elements in the global schema and the source schemas. A database over a schema is defined as a set of sets, one for each relation (in a relational database).
Alongside linguists Dan Slobin and Carol Moder, Bybee's work helped popularize the concept of mental schemas (or schemata) to explain grammatical structure, especially in terms of connections between morphological forms within a paradigm. Bybee defines schemas as "an emergent generalization over words having similar patterns of semantic and phonological connections". For instance, the English irregular verbs snuck, struck, strung, spun and hung are connected through a schema that builds on similarities between these verbs and across the lexicon: the meaning of past tense, the vowel [ʌ], the final nasal and/or (sequence of) velar consonants, as well as the initial fricative consonant /s/ or /h/. Connections between individual forms and schemas exist in a network (see below) whose links can be strengthened, weakened and at times also severed or created.
SpreadsheetML is the XML schema for Microsoft Office Excel 2003. The Office 2003 XML Reference Schemas are included in the Microsoft Open Specification Promise, a legal statement concerning unrestricted use of Microsoft intellectual property.
Each main table can have its own dimension tables. To provide further query optimization, a data set can be partitioned into separate physical schemas on either the same database server or different database servers.
Database Schema Matching Using Machine Learning with Feature Selection. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, pp. 452-466 XML schemas,D. Aumueller, H. Do, S. Massmann, E. Rahm. 2005.
This inherent difficulty may not be altered by an instructor. However, many schemas may be broken into individual "subschemas" and taught in isolation, to be later brought back together and described as a combined whole.
EAAK consists of several schemas (special term to define an independent, direct democratic collectiveness). Each EAAK schema has a relevant independence of organisation, political decision-making and activity. All schemas co-ordinate in a regularly organised co-ordinating assembly (twice a year), while local gatherings take place time by time. A basic political choice of a schema, which separates it from a political parties is the so-called non-representative structure of the schema as well as the importance of consensus when making decisions.
"Attitudes toward the Employment of Persons with Disabilities". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations. In addition, traditional barriers schemas target the agency management and regulatory and legislative bodies as intransegient in modernization.
The binding of Java classes to XML schemas is possible with the help of Object-XML, which is an EclipseLink component. By implementing JAXB, mapping information is provided through annotations. It also provides manipulation of XML.
Globalisation and developing meta-cultural competence in learning English as an International Language. Multilingual Education. Download Sharifian. F. & Jamarani, M. (2011). Cultural schemas in intercultural communication: A study of Persian cultural schema of sharmandegi ‘being ashamed’.
Schema-Based Inference. Many useful commonsense concepts correspond to large systems of relations that are instantiated in many separate instances in the world. Such concepts are called schemas or frames. 11\. Inferring a general rule from examples.
The IResponder interface, which is also implemented by the Command class, includes onResult and onFault methods to handle responses returned from the invoked remote service. A Cairngorm application can be programmed to manage any server architecture/schemas.
A deduction in a Hilbert-style deductive system is a list of formulas, each of which is a logical axiom, a hypothesis that has been assumed for the derivation at hand, or follows from previous formulas via a rule of inference. The logical axioms consist of several axiom schemas of logically valid formulas; these encompass a significant amount of propositional logic. The rules of inference enable the manipulation of quantifiers. Typical Hilbert-style systems have a small number of rules of inference, along with several infinite schemas of logical axioms.
Bartlett summarized this issue, explaining Further research of schemas shows memories that are inconsistent with a schema decay faster than those that match up with a schema. Tuckey and Brewer found pieces of information that were inconsistent with a typical robbery decayed much faster than those that were schema consistent over a 12-week period, unless the information stood out as being extremely unusual. The use of schemas has been shown to increase the accuracy of recall of schema-consistent information but this comes at the cost of decreased recall of schema-inconsistent information.
Emotional selection is a psychological theory of dreaming that describes dreams as modifiers and tests of mental schemas to better meet waking human needs. It was introduced by Richard Coutts in 2008 and extended in 2010. According to emotional selection, during non-REM sleep, the mind processes dreams with content intended to improve the ability of mental schemas. For example, individuals struggling with self-perceptions of incompetence may process dreams in which they successfully navigate complex situations, those who struggle to meet belongingness needs may have dreams of entering a partner relationship, and so forth.
Schemas cause the activation of behaviors; the greater the excitation of the activity the more easily it is to achieve the subgoals and complete the schema. Either top-down fashion activates schemas, where intentions are governed by some type of cognitive system, or by bottom-up fashion where features or an object in the environment trigger a schema to begin. The bottom-up feature is what is seen in ideational apraxia because an object appears to capture the attention of the patient. However, the schema that corresponds to the object cannot be fulfilled.
In "The Fortune Teller Error" one would imagine something failing or bad happening, and suddenly they are convinced it will happen, despite the irrationality of it. Similarly to "Mind Reading" it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. According to Beck (1967), a person goes through life with detrimental schemas and pessimistic point of view, they reinforce their harmful thoughts. People's prior beliefs also tend to reinforce that way of thinking, like when they focus on information that is in alignment with their belief and disregard equally relevant facts that do not align with their schemas.
Priming refers to any experience immediately prior to a situation that causes a schema to be more accessible. For example, watching a scary movie late at night might increase the accessibility of frightening schemas, increasing the likelihood that a person will perceive shadows and background noises as potential threats. Social cognition researchers are interested in how new information is integrated into pre-established schemas, especially when the information contrasts with the existing schema. For example, a student may have a pre-established schema that all teachers are assertive and bossy.
There are various gendered barriers in social networks that prevent women from working in male-dominated fields and top management jobs. Social networks are based on the cultural beliefs such as schemas and stereotypes. According to social psychology studies, top management jobs are more likely to have incumbent schemas that favor "an achievement-oriented aggressiveness and emotional toughness that is distinctly male in character". Gender stereotypes of feminine style set by men assume women to be conforming and submissive to male culture creating a sense of unqualified women for top management jobs.
MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL).
When compared to a highly normalized transactional schema, the snowflake schema's denormalization removes the data integrity assurances provided by normalized schemas. Data loads into the snowflake schema must be highly controlled and managed to avoid update and insert anomalies.
Individuals brought up in different cultural environments usually possess different information processing schemas that they have learned over their lifetimes. Different schemas make individuals interpret information in different ways, particularly when information is expected but not actually provided. While different individuals are likely to look for the same types of communicative stimuli, their interpretation of the message being communicated in the absence of those stimuli will be largely based on their learned schemas, which are likely to differ from those held by other individuals (no two individuals, not even identical twins raised together, go through exactly the same experiences during their lives). According to media naturalness theory, a decrease in medium naturalness, caused by the selective suppression of media naturalness elements in a communication medium, leads to an increase in the probability of misinterpretations of communicative cues, and thus an increase in communication ambiguity.
Though an individual may rely more heavily on one of the aforementioned schemas, moral reasoning is typically informed, to varying degrees, by each of the schemas. One of the Defining Issues Test's original purposes was to assess the transition of moral development from adolescence to adulthood. In 1999 the test was revised in the DIT-2 for brevity, clarity and more powerful validity criteria. The Defining Issues Test has been dubbed "Neo-Kohlbergian" by its constituents as it emphasizes cognition, personal construction, development and postconventional moral thinking - reflective of the work by Lawrence Kohlberg and his stages of moral development.
The OVAL community has developed three schemas written in Extensible Markup Language (XML) to serve as the framework and vocabulary of the OVAL Language. These schemas correspond to the three steps of the assessment process: an OVAL System Characteristics schema for representing system information, an OVAL Definition schema for expressing a specific machine state, and an OVAL Results schema for reporting the results of an assessment. Content written in the OVAL Language is located in one of the many repositories found within the community. One such repository, known as the OVAL Repository, is hosted by The MITRE Corporation.
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22, 1–20 Schemas can be described as mental guidelines (scripts) for events that are encountered in daily life. For example, when going to the gas station, there is a general pattern of how things will occur (i.e. turn car off, get out of car, open gas tank, punch the gas button, put nozzle into the tank, fill up the tank, put the nozzle back, close the tank, pay, turn car on, leave). Schemas make the world more predictable, allowing expectations to be formed of how things will enfold and to take note of things that happen out of context.
Self-schemas vary from person to person because each individual has very different social and cultural life experiences. A few examples of self-schemas are: exciting or dull; quiet or loud; healthy or sickly; athletic or nonathletic; lazy or active; and geek or jock. If a person has a schema for "geek or jock," for example, he might think of himself as a bit of a computer geek and would possess a lot of information about that trait. Because of this, he would probably interpret many situations based on relevance to his being a computer geek.
Metadata that describes a message layout is exchanged out-of-band between peers. FIX Trading Community publishes an XML schema for SBE message schemas. A message schema may contain any number of message templates. A template describes the fields that constitute a message.
Kritik eines philosophiegeschichtlichen Schemas, Padeborn: Schöningh. The main continental rationalists (Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz) were also advocates of the empirical "scientific method".Buckle, Stephen (1999), "British Sceptical Realism. A Fresh Look at the British Tradition", European Journal of Philosophy, 7, pp. 1–2.
Query languages such as the W3C standard XQuery supply complex queries, but only look for exact matches. Therefore, they need to be extended to allow for vague search with relevance computing. Most XML-centered approaches imply a quite exact knowledge of the documents' schemas.
With each repetition, the stories were altered. Even when participants recalled accurate information, they filled in gaps with information that would fit their personal experiences. His work showed long- term memory to be adaptable. Bartlett viewed schemas as a major cause of this occurrence.
Cultural identity is essentially how we as individuals cater to all positions of our lives. We may be teachers, students, friends, bosses, employees, etc. How we act and how our schemas contribute to our positions are the building blocks of our overall cultural identity.
The term "object-role model" was coined in the 1970s and ORM based tools have been used for more than 30 years – principally for data modeling. More recently ORM has been used to model business rules, XML-Schemas, data warehouses, requirements engineering and web forms.
David Michael Ritchie Park (1935 – 29 September 1990) was a British computer scientist. He worked on the first implementation of the programming language Lisp. Accessed 11 May 2010. He became an authority on the topics of fairness, program schemas and bisimulation in concurrent computing.
Dealing with incompatible data types or query syntax is not the only obstacle to a concrete implementation of an FDBS. In systems that are not planned top-down, a generic problem lies in matching semantically equivalent, but differently named parts from different schemas (=data models) (tables, attributes). A pairwise mapping between n attributes would result in n (n-1) \over 2 mapping rules (given equivalence mappings) - a number that quickly gets too large for practical purposes. A common way out is to provide a global schema that comprises the relevant parts of all member schemas and provide mappings in the form of database views.
The researchers concluded that when people see objects making motions for which there is no obvious cause, they view these objects as intentional agents. Modern psychologists generally characterize anthropomorphism as a cognitive bias. That is, anthropomorphism is a cognitive process by which people use their schemas about other humans as a basis for inferring the properties of non-human entities in order to make efficient judgements about the environment, even if those inferences are not always accurate. Schemas about humans are used as the basis because this knowledge is acquired early in life, is more detailed than knowledge about non-human entities, and is more readily accessible in memory.
The term cross-cultural adaptation refers to the complex process through which an individual acquires an increasing level of the communication skills of the host culture and of relational development with host nationals. Simply put, cross-cultural adaptation is the transformation of a person's own PSI schemas into those of the host culture and acquisition of new PSI schemas in the host culture s/he is residing in. A number of different people may b e subject to cross-cultural adaptation, including immigrants, refugees, business people, diplomats, foreign workers, and students. However, this entry specifically applies cultural schema theory to sojourners' cross cultural adaptation.
In 2004, D. Lapsley and D. Narvaez outlined how social cognition explains aspects of moral functioning. Their social cognitive approach to personality has six critical resources of moral personality: cognition, self- processes, affective elements of personality, changing social context, lawful situational variability, and the integration of other literature. Lapsley and Narvaez suggest that moral values and actions stem from more than our virtues and are controlled by a set of self-created schemas (cognitive structures that organize related concepts and integrate past events). They claim that schemas are "fundamental to our very ability to notice dilemmas as we appraise the moral landscape" and that over time, people develop greater "moral expertise".
Social cognition came to prominence with the rise of cognitive psychology in the late 1960s and early 1970s and is now the dominant model and approach in mainstream social psychology. Common to social cognition theories is the idea that information is represented in the brain as "cognitive elements" such as schemas, attributions, or stereotypes. A focus on how these cognitive elements are processed is often employed. Social cognition therefore applies and extends many themes, theories, and paradigms from cognitive psychology that can be identified in reasoning (representativeness heuristic, base rate fallacy and confirmation bias), attention (automaticity and priming) and memory (schemas, primacy and recency).
However, schemas also allow for memory errors, in that if certain aspects of a scene or event are missing from memory, people may incorrectly remember having actually seen or experienced them because they are usually a regular aspect of the schema. For example, an individual may not remember paying the waiter, but may believe they have done so, as this is a regular step in the script of going to a restaurant. Similarly, a person may recall seeing a fridge in a picture of a kitchen, even if one was not actually depicted due to existing schemas which suggest that kitchens almost always contain a fridge.
The personality structures are referred to as cognitive schemas, which—in combinations—inform a person how to behave in a certain situation. Cognitive schemas are often automatically activated and group together to form cognitive modes that are deep-seated and durable behavioral manifestations such as depression and aggression. In MDT these modes and their associated core beliefs are validated and normalized in the client's perspective by cultivating awareness and acceptance rather than disputing any belief as irrational or "bad". The proposition is that awareness and acceptance improves the therapist-client bond, client cooperation, commitment and motivation, which enables an effective and durable therapeutic change process.
New York: Other Press.), using representational, cognitive-affective, schemas to assess therapeutic outcome in the inpatient treatment of serious disturbed young adults, found that therapeutic gain was correlated with this changes in both the content and cognitive organizational structure of representations of self and of significant others. Blatt and colleagues,Blatt, S. J., Zuroff, D. C., Hawley, L. L., & Auerbach, J. S. (2010). Predictors of sustained therapeutic change. Psychotherapy Research, 20(1), 37-54. examining how patients’ pretreatment personality organization influences the therapeutic processes, also found, for example, that pretreatment benevolent interpersonal schemas facilitated the capacity to engage in the therapeutic alliance Zuroff, D. C., & Blatt, S. J. (2006).
Enterprise data modeling (EDM) is the practice of creating a graphical model of the data used by an enterprise or company. Typical outputs of this activity include an Enterprise Data Model consisting of entity–relationship diagrams (ERDs), XML Schemas (XSD), and an enterprise wide data dictionary.
Oxygen XML offers a number of features for editing XML documents. Documents can be checked for proper XML form. They can also be validated against a schema. For validation purposes, the documents can be validated against DTD, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG, Schematron, NRL and NVDL schemas.
Now logical schemas describe data in terms of relational tables and columns, object-oriented classes, and XML tags. A single set of tables, for example, can be implemented in numerous ways, up to and including an architecture where table rows are maintained on computers in different countries.
Deliverables may include documents, schemas, reference code and example files. The project leader presents the release at the TSC meeting. The TSC and the BoD of ASAM approve the release. The ASAM office publicizes the release and makes the standard available for download for its members.
ASC X12 has sponsored more than 315 X12-based EDI standards and a growing collection of X12 XML schemas for health care, insurance, government, transportation, finance, and many other industries. ASC X12's membership includes 3,000 standards experts representing over 600 companies from multiple business domains.
Language-based or linguistic matchers use names and text (i.e., words or sentences) to find semantically similar schema elements. Constraint based matchers exploit constraints often contained in schemas. Such constraints are used to define data types and value ranges, uniqueness, optionality, relationship types and cardinalities, etc.
At the local level, water committees (Comités Locaux de l'Eau, CLE) are in the process to be established to carry out Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). As a first step the committees are expected to elaborate water management plans (Schemas Directeurs de la Gestion de l’Eau, SAGE).
OID uses standard Oracle database structures to store its internal tables. In Oracle version 9 databases, by default, many Oracle LDAP Table Stores use tablespaces with names beginning with the `OLTS_` (and occasionally `P1TS_`) prefixes. Relevant default schemas used may include `ODS` (for "Oracle directory server") and `ODSCOMMON`.
Various ways to sort people exist according to one's schemas. People belong to various social groups because of their ethnicity, religion, or age.Reicher, S, and N Hopkins. “Psychology and the End of History: a Critique and a Proposal for the Psychology of Social Categorization.” Political Psychology, vol. 22, no.
A developer can create transformation maps transforming one message type to another. For example, an XML file can be transformed to SAP IDocs. Messages inside BizTalk are implemented through the XML documents and defined with the XML schemas in XSD standard. Maps are implemented with the XSLT standard.
Jackubowicz (2010), p. 2.As Hardy (2008) and Jakubowicz (2010) point out, there were additional and modifying developments of the original typologies (e.g. by Denis McQuail (1987), Raymond Williams (1968), or Robert G. Picard (1985)) and alternative schemas as well, which moved further away from the original typologies (e.g.
Migrations provide version control for database schemas. These make it possible to ensure that changes to application logic and corresponding database changes are kept syncronised. This greatly simplifies both CakePHP application deployment, but also development in multi-developer teams. The CakePHP migration tool is based on the Phinx project.
Information architects mainly work to understand user and business needs in order to organize information to best satisfy these needs. Specifically, information architects often act as a key bridge between technical and creative development in a project team. Areas of interest in IA include search schemas, metadata, and taxonomy.
For example, if there is one female in a group of seven males, female gender schemas may be more accessible and influence the group's thinking and behavior toward the female group member. Priming refers to any experiences immediately prior to a situation that caused a schema to be more accessible.
Whenever some field in the table refers to data in some other table, it is considered a relationship. The schema of the relationship specifies which tables are involved and what the kind and name of the relationship is. The WinFS runtime manages the relationship schemas. All Items are exposed as .
The scheme followed the Gregorian calendar rules for determining which years are leap years, and started on January 1. Year 1 "of the Great Crisis" (i.e. the French Revolution) was equivalent to 1789 in the standard Gregorian system. Much like Comte's other schemas, the positivist calendar never enjoyed widespread use.
XML schemas if the services have been implemented as web services. This also helps in making services more interoperable. Another important goal of this design pattern is to use a standardized way of expressing service capabilities so that their purpose and ability can be easily understood at design time.kou-Kai Lin.
3, the so- called Bible of Rorigo. Archbishop Stephen Langton and Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro developed different schemas for systematic division of the Bible in the early 13th century. It is the system of Archbishop Langton on which the modern chapter divisions are based.Hebrew Bible article in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
He concludes a 57-65% vitality. Both schemas indicate that Yankunytjatjara shows symptoms of endangerment (although how endangered is a subject of debate), which coincides with the beliefs of the Yankunytjatjara elders that Naessan spoke with, as well as with the assessments of most linguists who have worked in the area.
Orchestrations are implemented with the WS-BPEL compatible process language xLANG. Schemas, maps, pipelines and orchestrations are created visually using graphical tools within Microsoft Visual Studio. The additional functionality can be delivered by .NET assemblies that can be called from existing modules—including, for instance, orchestrations, maps, pipelines, business rules.
The following is an example of how to mark up information about a movie and its director using the schemas and microdata. In order to mark up the data, the attribute `itemtype` along with the URL of the schema is used. The attribute `itemscope` defines the scope of the itemtype.
Coincidentally, they roughly correspond to the dimensions identified by Cognitive Scientists below. A number of tools and frameworks have been developed for aligning ontologies, some with inspiration from Cognitive Science and some independently. Ontology alignment tools have generally been developed to operate on database schemas,J. Berlin and A. Motro. 2002.
Tennison has been the technical architect and lead developer for and previously worked on the linked data aspects of Previously, she was self-employed as a consultant. Tennison has authored or co-authored several papers and books including Beginning XSLT 2.0, XSLT and XPath on the Edge and Professional XML Schemas.
This is in stark contrast to formatting-oriented systems. High-end systems also support multiple independent and/or overlapping sets of components. Structured document systems commonly permit creating explicit rules defining component types and how they may be combined. Such a set of rules is called a "schema" by analogy with database schemas.
In the context of SQL, data definition or data description language (DDL) is a syntax for creating and modifying database objects such as tables, indexes, and users. DDL statements are similar to a computer programming language for defining data structures, especially database schemas. Common examples of DDL statements include `CREATE`, `ALTER`, and `DROP`.
Elaboration and Specification is the stage of coherently documenting and authoring the requirements document into a format that will ultimately be passed onto the design, development and testing teams to be utilized in the creation of their products and deliverables. It generates refined business rules, refined workflow schemas, and the low level requirements.
Evidence for image schemas (also called image schemata) is drawn from a number of related disciplines, including work on cross-modal cognition in psychology, from spatial cognition in both linguistics and psychology, cognitive linguistics,Croft, W., & Cruse, D. A. (2004). Cognitive Linguistics (p. 374). New York: Cambridge University Press. and from neuroscience.
Oracle NoSQL Database supports Avro data serialization, which provides a compact, schema-based binary data format. Schemas are defined using JSON. Oracle NoSQL Database supports schema evolution. Configurable Smart Topology System administrators indicate how much capacity is available on a given storage node, allowing more capable nodes to host multiple replication nodes.
A conceptual graph (CG) is a formalism for knowledge representation. In the first published paper on CGs, John F. Sowa used them to represent the conceptual schemas used in database systems. The first book on CGs applied them to a wide range of topics in artificial intelligence, computer science, and cognitive science.
Microdata vocabularies do not provide the semantics, or meaning of an Item. Web developers can design a custom vocabulary or use vocabularies available on the web. A collection of commonly used markup vocabularies are provided by schemas which include: Person, "Place", Event, Organization, Product, Review, Review- aggregate, Breadcrumb, Offer, Offer-aggregate.
Byros is also noted for identifying and naming a common music schema popularized by Arcangelo Corelli and still used a century later by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart known as the Fonte-Romanesca, which shares the characteristics of a FonteCompendia of Schemas Schemas in the Galant Style by Robert Gjerdingen and a Romanesca.Society for Music Theory Mozart's Vintage Corelli The Fonte- Romanesca is a chromatic and modulating variant of the so-called Pachelbel sequence. Its main element is a bass 6-7-1 (la-ti-do) progression, which is equivalent to the last three stages of the ascending Rule of Octave. This 6-7-1 progression is successively transposed down a third, each time to a new key, for example Bb major to G minor.
Previous research presupposed that children remember pieces of information from specific events but generally do not keep episodic memories. Contrary to previous research, newer research has shown that children can recall specific episodic memories for up to two years prior to the onset of the earliest autobiographical memories reported by adults. The same research argues against the Freudian theory that early memories are repressed because of negative affective content. Another older hypothesis that has been thrown into question is that of the prominent psychologists Daniel Schacter (1974) and Ulrich Neisser (1962), who hypothesized that memories are forgotten because cognitive schemas change between childhood and adulthood, meaning that information is lost with an adult's reconstruction of childhood events because present (adult) schemas are not suitable.
DSDL (Document Schema Definition Languages) is a multi-part ISO/IEC standard (ISO/IEC 19757) that brings together a comprehensive set of small schema languages, each targeted at specific problems. DSDL includes RELAX NG full and compact syntax, Schematron assertion language, and languages for defining datatypes, character repertoire constraints, renaming and entity expansion, and namespace-based routing of document fragments to different validators. DSDL schema languages do not have the vendor support of XML Schemas yet, and are to some extent a grassroots reaction of industrial publishers to the lack of utility of XML Schemas for publishing. Some schema languages not only describe the structure of a particular XML format but also offer limited facilities to influence processing of individual XML files that conform to this format.
Markus, H., Hamill, R., & Sentis, K. P. (1987). Thinking fat: Self- schemas for body weight and the processing of weight relevant information. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17(1), 50–71. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.1987.tb00292.x When people relate information to something that has to do with the self, it facilitates memory.
Therefore: Explicitly define the context within which a model applies. Explicitly set boundaries in terms of team organization, usage within specific parts of the application, and physical manifestations such as code bases and database schemas. Keep the model strictly consistent within these bounds, but don't be distracted or confused by issues outside and inside.
We all know how to open a jar of jelly or how to light a match. Schemas are needed in everyday life because they give purpose and goal to our behaviors. In each schema there are subgoals or components that make up the schema. An example would be the schema of lighting a match.
The Psalterium Monasticum is a psalter produced by the monks of Solesmes Abbey in 1981 "[t]o allow monks and nuns to celebrate in Gregorian chant" the Benedictine Office reformed by Vatican II. It contains all 150 psalms and uses the Latin of the Neo-Vulgata. It contains four schemas (A, B, C, D).
High self-regulatory ability and the lack of situational impairments on executive functioning increase the likelihood that individuals will successfully inhibit the influence of automatically activated schemas on their thinking and social behavior. When people stop suppressing the influence of the unwanted thoughts, a rebound effect can occur where the thought becomes hyper-accessible.
Microsoft Visual Studio includes native support for data programming with Microsoft SQL Server. It can be used to write and debug code to be executed by SQL CLR. It also includes a data designer that can be used to graphically create, view or edit database schemas. Queries can be created either visually or using code.
Semantic reconciliation is a process cycle constituted of four subsequent activities: scope, create, refine, and articulate. First, the community is scoped: user roles and affordances are appointed. Next, relevant facts are collected from documentation such as, e.g., natural language descriptions, (legacy) logical schemas, or other metadata and consequently decomposing this scope in elicitation contexts.
In addition to his work on emotional schemas, Leahy has written about problematic styles of judgment and decision making that are relevant in depression and anxiety disorders. These include biased evaluations in over-estimating or under-estimating risk, sunk-cost effects, regret anticipation, rumination over regret, and inaccurate predictions of emotions following anticipated outcomes.
MTConnect is one prominent attempt to augment the existing world of proprietary systems with some open-source, industry- standard protocols and XML schemas and an ecosystem of massively multiplayer app development and mashups (analogous to that with smartphones) so that these long-sought higher levels of manufacturing business intelligence and workflow automation can be realized.
Comparatively few temples have been excavated to date, so these schemas remain provisional. The oldest south Arabian sanctuaries belong to the prehistoric period and were simple stone monoliths, sometimes surrounded by stone circles or mortarless masonry walls. In a second phase, actual temples were constructed. These temples were simple rectangular stone structures without roofs.
Schemas involve deeper mental processes for mental retrieval that are resistant to attrition. As a result, information that is tied to this system is less likely to experience less extreme attrition than information that is not. Finally, social factors may play an indirect role in attrition. In particular, motivation and attitude influence the process.
Instead, he argued that learning was produced by our cognitive representations of our external environments; these schemas could be influenced by context, incentive, and motivation. Towards the end of his career, Bindra expanded his research to include psychological disorders manifesting in behavioural problems. He published papers about human weeping and language in apes in 1972 and 1981, respectively.
Categories now appear in many branches of mathematics, some areas of theoretical computer science where they can correspond to types or to database schemas, and mathematical physics where they can be used to describe vector spaces. Probably the first application of category theory outside pure mathematics was the "metabolism-repair" model of autonomous living organisms by Robert Rosen.
CSA can create sexual schemas that result in risky sexual behavior. This can play out in their sexual interactions as girls get older. The sexual behaviors of women that experienced CSA differed from those of women without exposure to CSA. Studies show CSA survivors tend to have more sexual partners and engage in higher risk sexual behaviors.
The Comprehensive Model of Information Seeking The CMIS has been quantitatively tested and performs well when it comes to health information seeking behaviors (HISB). There are three main schemas in the CMIS. These are: Antecedents, information field, and information seeking actions. The antecedents are those factors that determine how an information consumer will receive the information.
Through mass production, everything becomes homogenized and whatever diversity remains is constituted of small trivialities. Everything becomes compressed through a process of the imposition of schemas under the premise that what's best is to mirror physical reality as closely as possible. Psychological drives become stoked to the point where sublimation is no longer possible. Movies serve as an example.
Burgin argues (2005: 115) that it is necessary to make a clear distinction between super-recursive algorithms and those algorithmic schemes that are not algorithms. Under this distinction, some types of hypercomputation are obtained by super-recursive algorithms, e.g., inductive Turing machines, while other types of hypercomputation are directed by algorithmic schemas, e.g., infinite time Turing machines.
HSQLDB 2.0 supports all the core features and many optional features of SQL:2008. Advanced features include user-defined SQL procedures and functions, schemas, datetime intervals, updatable views, arrays, lobs, full and lateral joins and set operations. Many non-standard functions such as TO_CHAR and DECODE are also supported. Extensions to standard SQL include user-defined aggregate functions.
Also, users could not modify each other's types. The reason Freebase could not open up permissions of schemas is that external applications relied on them; thus, changing a type's schema – for instance by deleting a property or changing a simple property – might have broken queries for API users and even within Freebase itself, for example in saved views.
Cognitive schemas is one of the factors to cause emotional reasoning. Schema is made of how we look at this world and our real-life experiences. Schema helps us remember the important things or events that happened in our lives. The result of the learning process is the schema, and it is also made by classical and operant conditioning.
The MTConnect standard has three sections. The first section provides information on the protocol and structure of the XML documents via XML schemas. The second section specifies the machine tool components and the description of the available data. The third and last section specifies the organization of the data streams that can be provided from a manufacturing device.
GPS supports the following Version control systems: CVS, Rational ClearCase, Subversion, git. GPS can edit files encoded in all GNAT supported encoding schemas. In detail: ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, KOI8-R, Shift JIS, GB2312, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. GPS uses Python as a scripting language.
SQLObject is a Python object-relational mapper between a SQL database and Python objects. It is experiencing community popularity, and forms a part of many applications (e.g., TurboGears). It is very similar to Ruby on Rails' ActiveRecord in operation in that it uses class definitions to form table schemas, and utilizes the language's reflection and dynamism to be useful.
It can harvest metadata in a variety of schemas (including unqualified Dublin Core, the PKP Dublin Core extension, the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS), and MARCXML). Additional schema are supported via plugins. The PKP OA Harvester allows any institution to create their own metadata harvester, which can be focused specifically on gathering information from or for their research community.
XMLSpy was first released in 1999, producing an integrated development environment for XML. It is a licensed software product that uses key protection to prevent unlicensed usage.Altova website Version 3.5 was released in 2000, allowing graphical input for editing diagrams and access to remote files. Version 4.1, released in 2001, added the capability to create XML schemas.
In 1967, Piaget considered the possibility of RNA molecules as likely embodiments of his still-abstract schemas (which he promoted as units of action)—though he did not come to any firm conclusion.Piaget, J. (1967/1971). Biologie et connaissance: Essai sur les relations entre les régulations organiques et les processus cognitifs. Gallimard: Paris — Biology and Knowledge.
Ondwelle: Melbourne. Hence, most of the remaining 97% (the "ncRNA") could theoretically be available to serve as Piagetian schemas (or other regulatory roles in the 2000s under investigation). The issue has not yet been resolved experimentally, but its theoretical aspects were reviewed in 2008 — then developed further from the viewpoints of biophysics and epistemology.Traill, R.R. (2012).
Version 1.2 is the latest stable version QuakeML. Schemas and other documentation for version 1.2 can be found here. This is the version that is used in results of event queries to International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) web services and is supported by data centers around the world, such as the European Seismic Portal.
The logical structure of the data is known as the 'schema definition'. In general, if a user application operates on a subset of the attributes of a relation, it should not be affected later when new attributes are added to the same relation. Logical data independence indicates that the conceptual schema can be changed without affecting the existing schemas. is a collaborative community activity with a mission to "create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond." Webmasters use this shared vocabulary to structure metadata on their websites and to help search engines understand the published content, a technique known as search engine optimization.
Unlike EOF, it is not possible to write your own SQL, as the underlying store may not be SQL-based. Recently, Core Data store for ODBC has been made available in ODBC framework. Github, "Odbc framework" Core Data schemas are standardized. If you have the Xcode Data Model file, you can read and write files in that format freely.
When learners engage in questioning, it forces them to be more actively engaged in their learning. It also allows them to self analyze and determine their level of comprehension. This active engagement allows the learner to organize concepts into existing schemas. Through the use of questions, learners can accommodate and then assimilate their new knowledge with existing schema.
An XML schema is a description of a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond the basic syntactical constraints imposed by XML itself. These constraints are generally expressed using some combination of grammatical rules governing the order of elements, Boolean predicates that the content must satisfy, data types governing the content of elements and attributes, and more specialized rules such as uniqueness and referential integrity constraints. There are languages developed specifically to express XML schemas. The document type definition (DTD) language, which is native to the XML specification, is a schema language that is of relatively limited capability, but that also has other uses in XML aside from the expression of schemas.
According to this model individuals differ in their beliefs about the legitimacy of certain emotions, their duration, the ability to express emotions, the need to control emotions, how similar their emotions are to those of others and the ability to tolerate ambivalent feelings. These beliefs and the strategies connected to them are referred to as "emotional schemas". The Emotional Schema Model draws on Beck's cognitive model, the metacognitive model advanced by AdrIan Wells, the Acceptance and Commitment Model advanced by Steven C. Hayes, and on social cognitive research on attribution processes and implicit theories of emotion. Leahy has described how his model can help in understanding and treating jealousy, envy, ambivalence and other emotions and how these emotional schemas can impact intimate relationships and affect the therapeutic relationship.
A major objective of XMLBeans has been its applicability in all non-streaming (in memory) XML programming situations. The developer should be able to compile their XML Schema into a set of Java classes and know that they will be able to: # use XMLBeans for all of the schemas they encounter. # access the XML at whatever level is necessary without other tools.
An alternative approach to automatic data binding relies instead on hand-crafted XPath expressions that extract the data from XML. This approach has a number of benefits. First, the data binding code only needs proximate knowledge (e.g., topology, tag names, etc.) of the XML tree structure, which developers can determine by looking at the XML data; XML schemas are no longer mandatory.
Another conceptual model is the supervisory attentional system (SAS). In this model, contention scheduling is the process where an individual's well-established schemas automatically respond to routine situations while executive functions are used when faced with novel situations. In these new situations, attentional control will be a crucial element to help generate new schema, implement these schema, and then assess their accuracy.
One's self-perception is defined by one's self-concept, self-knowledge, self- esteem, and social self. One's self-concept (also called self-construction, self-identity, self-perspective or self-structure) is a collection of beliefs about oneself. Generally, self-concept embodies the answer to "Who am I?". One's self-concept is made up of self-schemas, and their past, present, and future selves.
Social problem-solving consists of two major processes. One of these processes is known as problem orientation. Problem orientation is defined as the schemas one holds about problems in everyday life and ones assessment of their ability to solve said problems. The problem orientation may be positive and constructive to the problem solving process or negative and therefore dysfunctional in the process.
Semantic memory builds schemas and scripts. With this, semantic memory is known as the knowledge that people gain from experiencing events in the everyday world. This information is then organized into a concept that people can understand in their own way. Semantic memory relates to scripts because scripts are made through the knowledge that one gains through these everyday experiences and habituation.
The document was primarily composed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton (1150–1228). He and Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro developed schemas for the division of the Bible into chapters and it is the system of Archbishop Langton which prevailed.Hebrew Bible article in the Catholic Encyclopedia.Moore, G.F. The Vulgate Chapters and Numbered Verses in the Hebrew Bible, 1893, at JSTOR.
Arbib, M. A. (2007) describes the modular models as follows. "Modular models of the brain aid the understanding of a complex system by decomposing it into structural modules (e.g., brain regions, layers, columns) or functional modules (schemas) and exploring the patterns of competition and cooperation that yield the overall function." This definition is not the same as that defined in functional connectivity.
Coutts describes dreams as playing a central role in a two-phase sleep process that improves the mind's ability to meet human needs during wakefulness. During the accommodation phase, mental schemas self-modify by incorporating dream themes. During the emotional selection phase, dreams test prior schema accommodations. Those that appear adaptive are retained, while those that appear maladaptive are culled.
Cultural styles, relational schemas, and prejudice against out-groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, (79(2), 174-189. This study found that the task-oriented cultural style was generally more favored than the task-plus interpersonal alternative, particularly among Anglo-American participants, for whom ethnicity did not matter. Mexican and Latino participants, however, showed some degree of favoritism toward ethnically similar participants.
QAL is an open source development project that aims to create a collection of libraries for mixing, moving, merging, substituting and transforming data;Sourceforge project page also in some cases, such as MongoDB, schemas. Sources and destinations include different database backends, file formats like `.csv`, XML and spreadsheets. Even untidy HTML web pages can be used as both a source and destination.
The Central Preparatory Commission was the body that co-ordinated the preparation of the schemas for the Second Vatican Council. It was established by Pope John XXIII on June 5, 1960. It had 120 members, including cardinals and bishops, amongst them was Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini (the future Pope Paul VI), Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and Cardinal Ottaviani who chaired the Commission.
The Microsoft Office XML formats are XML-based document formats (or XML schemas) introduced in versions of Microsoft Office prior to Office 2007. Microsoft Office XP introduced a new XML format for storing Excel spreadsheets and Office 2003 added an XML-based format for Word documents. These formats were succeeded by Office Open XML (ECMA-376) in Microsoft Office 2007.
Moral identity refers to the importance of morality to a person’s identity, typically construed as either a trait-like individual difference, or set of chronically accessible schemas. Moral identity is theorized to be one of the key motivational forces connecting moral reasoning to moral behavior, as suggested by a 2016 meta-analysis reporting that moral identity is positively associated with moral behavior.
It can be accessed with CMIS, WebDAV as an SMB network share or through the native web interface. Text content in OpenCms is defined using an XML schema. The user interface for the content managers creates XML files based on these schemas, which are stored in the database repository. A template system based on JavaServer Pages then creates web pages from the XML.
One of the best known PICs, the 8259A, was included in the x86 PC. In modern times, this is not included as a separate chip in an x86 PC, but rather as part of the motherboard's southbridge chipset. In other cases, it has been replaced by the newer Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controllers which support more interrupt outputs and more flexible priority schemas.
XMetaL, or XMetaL Author, is a software application people use to create and edit documents in XML and SGML. It has some features common to word processors, but is a native XML editor that can be configured to work with various standard and custom DTDs and XML Schemas. XMetaL was first released by SoftQuad Software in 1999 and is currently developed by JustSystems.
ORM is attribute-free: unlike models in the entity–relationship (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) methods, ORM treats all elementary facts as relationships and so treats decisions for grouping facts into structures (e.g. attribute-based entity types, classes, relation schemes, XML schemas) as implementation concerns irrelevant to semantics. By avoiding attributes, ORM improves semantic stability and enables verbalization into natural language.
The purchases prior to 1840 were known as old land claims and required to go through the same process. Many of these claims were reduced in size from the original agreements. Various British schemas for colonization were created and maps created to demarcate the land and attract investment. Also at this time Māori and Europeans were negotiating the sale of land.
Through his study of the field of education, Piaget focused on two processes, which he named assimilation and accommodation. To Piaget, assimilation meant integrating external elements into structures of lives or environments, or those we could have through experience. Assimilation is how humans perceive and adapt to new information. It is the process of fitting new information into pre-existing cognitive schemas.
Gray, David (2007), The Cakrasamvara Tantra (The Discourse of Sri Heruka): Śrīherukābhidhāna: A Study and Annotated Translation(Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences), pp. 73-74 The subtle body yogas systems like the Six Dharmas of Naropa and the Six Yogas of Kalachakra make use of energetic schemas of human psycho-physiology composed of "energy channels" (Skt. nadi, Tib. rtsa), "winds" or currents (Skt.
GetBiml()#> <#=Results.TableNodes.GetBiml()#> This example shows how developers can use Biml and BimlScript to: # Import schemas and tables directly from a database, and use them without needing to manually copy their structure. # Have any changes to the assets be automatically reflected the next time this code is run. # Import the assets and convert them to Biml using only two simple lines of code.
The company has licensed FPX, LLC's patented, core configurator engine for use in its software. Intelliquip is also a member of the Hydraulic Institute, the largest association of pump industry manufacturers in North America. It is part of the Hydraulic Institute's Electronic Data Exchange Committee to participate in a project with FIATECH to adopt AEX cfiXML schemas and implement them in Intelliquip's software.
Cognitive anthropology takes a number of methodological approaches, but generally draws on the insights of cognitive science in its model of the mind. A basic premise is that people think with the aid of schemas, units of culturally shared knowledge that are hypothesized to be represented in the brain as networks of neural connections.D'Andrade, Roy G. (1995). The Development of Cognitive Anthropology.
She has studied both the pride and prejudice consequences of racial identities, mixed racial identities, and the role of narratives and practices of colorblindness and multiculturalism.Brannon, T. N., Markus, H. R., & Taylor, V. J. (2015). “Two souls, two thoughts,” two self-schemas: Double consciousness can have positive academic consequences for African Americans. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(4), 586–609.
PostgreSQL is also an ACID-compliant object-relational database management system developed by PostgreSQL Global Development Group. MongoDB is a web-scale open-source NoSQL database that eschews the traditional table-based relational database structure in favor of JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (calling the format BSON), making the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and faster.
Because XML is a standard, many tools exist that can parse and modify data upon submission. Similar tools for legacy forms also exist. XForms is itself an XML dialect, and therefore can create and be created from other XML documents using XSLT. Using transformations, XForms can be automatically created from XML schemas, and XForms can be converted to XHTML forms.
Actions can include validating a schema, declaring the instance document invalid, accepting this part of the instance document as valid, and continue validating as the parent did. Actions can also change the current NVDL mode. Multiple actions can be taken when a rule is true; this allows for validating a section of the instance document with multiple schemas of a different type.
Ichazo labeled these conservation, relations, and syntony (later modified to adaptation). Recognizing interactions among the three, he developed a 3 x 3 = 9 component system, which he correlated with several schemas that have long existed in diverse fields: spectrum of light, chakras, physiological systems, the enneagram, etc.Ichazo, Oscar. The Human Process for Enlightenment and Freedom. 1976. But he didn’t originally develop the enneagram.
XPS specifies a set of document layout functionality for paged, printable documents. It also has support for features such as color gradients, transparencies, CMYK color spaces, printer calibration, multiple-ink systems and print schemas. XPS supports the Windows Color System color management technology for color conversion precision across devices and higher dynamic range. It includes a software raster image processor (RIP) (downloadable separately).
In October 1999, Galdos Systems rewrote the SFXML draft document into a Request for Comment, and changed the name of the language to GML (Geography Markup Language). This document introduced several key ideas that became the foundation of GML, including the 1) Object-Property-Value rule, 2) Remote properties (via rdf:resource), and 3) the decision to use application schemas rather than a set of static schemas. The paper also proposed that the language be based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) rather than on the DTDs used to that point. These issues, including the use of RDF, were hotly debated within the OGC community during 1999 and 2000, with the result that the final GML Recommendation Paper contained three GML profiles – two based on DTD, and one on RDF – with one of the DTD's using a static schema approach.
He defines image schemas as analog representations of spatial relations and movements in space. For example, Gibbs lists a number of bodily experiences of the form "Some part of the body is too hot/cold/etc.": My head is too hot My hand is too cold My mouth feels too dry. He states that these are all instances of a single image schema, the balance schema.
When it is accessed, the relationship is traversed and the related data returned. By following the relations, all related data can be reached. WinFS promotes sharing of data between applications by making the data types accessible to all applications, along with their schemas. When an application wants to use a WinFS type, it can use the schema to find the data structure and can use the information.
SQL Server 2005 (formerly codenamed "Yukon") released in November 2005. It included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational data. For this purpose, it defined an `xml` data type that could be used either as a data type in database columns or as literals in queries. XML columns can be associated with XSD schemas; XML data being stored is verified against the schema.
Motor learning research often considers variables that contribute to motor program formation (i.e., underlying skilled motor behaviour), sensitivity of error-detection processes, and strength of movement schemas (see motor program). Motor learning is "relatively permanent", as the capability to respond appropriately is acquired and retained. Temporary gains in performance during practice or in response to some perturbation are often termed motor adaptation, a transient form of learning.
After the bear's naming she certainly encountered a novel situation where she experienced cognitive uncertainty and anxiety because of her lack of the PSI schemas in the situation. Hence the difficulties of cross-cultural adaptation for sojourners like Ms. Gibbons. They do not intend to stay and thus will not adapt/experience the stages of axioms which will best prepare them to appropriately fit in.
Schematron's reference implementation is actually an XSLT transformation that transforms the Schematron document into an XSLT that validates the XML file. As such, Schematron's potential toolset is any XSLT processor, though libxml2 provides an implementation that does not require XSLT. Sun Microsystems's Multiple Schema Validator for Java has an add-on that allows it to validate RELAX NG schemas that have embedded Schematron rules.
The enterprise schema is expected to contain a number of knowledge and skill constituents which become associated in the service of the integrated goal. These include verbal labels, connected-discourse forms of verbal information, intellectual skills, and cognitive strategies. Depending upon the enterprise, motor skills, and attitudes may also be involved. There are different kinds of enterprise schemas, just as there are different kinds of application forms.
Consider again if one of the sources serves a weather website. The designer would add corresponding elements for weather to the global schema only if none existed already. Then programmers write an adapter or wrapper for the website and add a schema description of the website's results to the source schemas. The complexity of adding the new source moves from the designer to the query processor.
The website was built around a repository of real-life solutions labelled as 'interoperability assets' (XML schemas, code lists, ontologies, taxonomies, classification schemes, etc.) provided by projects and organisations in the sector. For instance, various French ministries and the Danish Telecom agency provided developed solutions. The assets were subject to a standardised and supervised clearing process to ensure conformity with high quality standards.
The terms schema matching and mapping are often used interchangeably for a database process. For this article, we differentiate the two as follows: Schema matching is the process of identifying that two objects are semantically related (scope of this article) while mapping refers to the transformations between the objects. For example, in the two schemas DB1.Student (Name, SSN, Level, Major, Marks) and DB2.
In spite of these criticisms, Buddhist philosophers such as Jñanagarbha (700-760) and Śāntarakṣita (725–788) continued to explain Madhyamaka philosophy through the use of formal syllogisms as well as adopting the conceptual schemas of the Dignaga- Dharmakirti school. This tendency is termed Svātantrika, while Chandrakirti's stance is termed Prasangika. The Svatantrika-Prasaṅgika distinction is a central topic of debate in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy.
Besides the references to the resources, a DID can include information about the item or its parts. On the left, there is a visual example about the metadata that a music album could have in MPEG-21. It is necessary for DII to allow differentiating between the different schemas that users can use to describe their content. MPEG-21 DII uses the XML mechanism to do this.
Usually people do not think rationally or cautiously, but use cognitive shortcuts to make inferences and form judgments. These shortcuts include the use of schemas, scripts, stereotypes, and other simplified perceptual strategies instead of careful thinking. For example, people tend to make correspondent reasoning and are likely to believe that behaviors should be correlated to or representative of stable characteristics.Jones, E. E., & Davis, K. E. (1965).
The tool "IODD Checker" considers not only the compliance of the schemas but also all the rules of the IODD specification, which can not be checked by the XML schema. After passing the examination the IODD is stamped by the Checker. This test is mandatory. Engineering tools only accept stamped IODDs hence there is no need to implement these tests in the engineering tool.
PLoS ONE (in press): e24274. uses a linguistic version of category theory to model a given situation. Akin to entity-relationship models, custom categories or sketches can be directly translated into database schemas. The difference is that logic is replaced by category theory, which brings powerful theorems to bear on the subject of modeling, especially useful for translating between disparate models (as functors between categories).
The web server handles static files: content, and the playlist(s). The Alluvium playlist file is a text file, residing on the web server, written in the Alluvium playlist format, which is based on the RSS 1.0 news format. The playlist file specifies the play order of URLs that can be hosted anywhere on the web. All RSS tags used are standard tags from existing schemas.
Germane cognitive load is the processing, construction and automation of schemas. It was first described by Sweller, Van Merriënboer and Paas in 1998. While intrinsic cognitive load is generally thought to be immutable (although techniques can be applied to manage complexity by segmenting and sequencing complex material), instructional designers can manipulate extraneous and germane load. It is suggested that they limit extraneous load and promote germane load.
Contention scheduling ensures the proper schema is activated and, through inhibition, prevents multiple competing actions from executing simultaneously. Schemas have selection conditions and are initiated if the level of activation reaches threshold. Connected schemata mutually inhibit one another. A schema encountering an increased number of activations will result in easier future access and greater suppression of the activation of those schema connected to it.
The term schematic describes having a particular schema for a particular dimension. For instance, a person in a rock band at night would have a "rocker" schema. However, during the day, if he works as a salesperson, he would have a "salesperson" schema during that period of time. Schemas vary according to cultural backgroundRamírez-Esparza, N., Chung, C. K., Sierra- Otero, G., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2012).
"Representing actions through their sound". "Experimental Brain Research" 206(2): 141–151. Listening to sounds might not only activate a representation of how the sound was made: it might also prepare the listener to react to the sound. Cognitive representations of sounds might be associated with action-planning schemas, and sounds can also unconsciously cue a further reaction on the part of the listener.
The OASIS UBL Naming and Design Rules Version 3.0 documents how the UBL Technical Committee applies the OASIS Business Document Naming and Design Rules Version 1.0 specification for defining a business document creating XSD schemas on the basis of business objects described using the UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification 2.01. The committee has published a reference for one to create one's own UBL subset schema by starting from the same resources used by the committee to publish the UBL distribution. The committee announced the first public review of the OASIS Business Document Naming and Design Rules Version 1.1 proposed OASIS Standard with new rules for creating JSON validation artefacts for JSON documents, complete with the OASIS Committee Note of all UBL 2.1 document types as JSON schemas and all UBL 2.1 example documents as JSON documents, beginning February 1, 2017 and closing April 1, 2017.
Misconceptions reconceived: A constructivist analysis of knowledge in transition. The Journal of Learning and Sciences, 3(2), 115-163. views both naïve and scientific conceptual understanding as grounded in multiple, small knowledge resources that can be considered “sub-conceptual.” These are sub- conceptual in that they are of a smaller “grain size” than meanings associated with words and often can be seen to originate from abstractions from sensori- motor schemas.
Flowchart for creating, searching and updating WinFS data instances The primary mode of data retrieval from a WinFS store is querying the WinFS store according to some criteria, which returns an enumerable set of items matching the criteria. The criteria for the query is specified using the OPath query language. The returned data are made available as instances of the type schemas, conforming to the .NET object model.
Relating the theory to consumer evaluation of products, a consumer already possesses pre-existing schemas from past experiences with certain brands and therefore new products are evaluated based on the existing schema the consumer has with the certain brand. This theory is quite similar to the categorisation theory; however, the schema congruity theory places emphasis on the consumer's past experiences with the brand which is influenced by the surrounding environment.
Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence. The amount of myelination has a direct effect on the speed of information-processing and in turn the speed and strength at which we are able to remember things. Understanding of contexts and relationships as well as memory strategies such as chunking and learning of schemas can also influence the strength of memories and therefore must be considered when choosing a method of testing.
The create command is used to establish a new database, table, index, or stored procedure. The CREATE statement in SQL creates a component in a relational database management system (RDBMS). In the SQL 1992 specification, the types of components that can be created are schemas, tables, views, domains, character sets, collations, translations, and assertions. Many implementations extend the syntax to allow creation of additional elements, such as indexes and user profiles.
A ForestStand::MySchema for example could be defined with attributes including age, species, etc. and with ForestStand::MySchema specified as a subclass of GeographicObject, a feature defined in the SAIF standard. All user defined classes must belong to a schema, one defined by the user or previously existing. Different schemas can exist in the same dataset and objects defined under one schema can reference those specified in another.
A virtual private database or VPD masks data in a larger database so that only a subset of the data appears to exist, without actually segregating data into different tables, schemas or databases. A typical application is constraining sites, departments, individuals, etc. to operate only on their own records and at the same time allowing more privileged users and operations (e.g. reports, data warehousing, etc.) to access on the whole table.
Managers have often problems in assessing the value of new external knowledge when it is not relevant for the current demands of key customers. ad (b): Both assimilation and transformation involve some degree of change of the new knowledge and its combination with the existing knowledge. When the new knowledge fits existing cognitive schemas well, it is assimilated. When the new knowledge cannot be assimilated, the cognitive structures must be transformed.
Social perception (or person perception) is the study of how people form impressions of and make inferences about other people as sovereign personalities. Social perception refers to identifying and utilizing social cues to make judgments about social roles, rules, relationships, context, or the characteristics (e.g., trustworthiness) of others. This domain also includes social knowledge, which refers to one’s knowledge of social roles, norms, and schemas surrounding social situations and interactions.
New York: McGraw-Hill Frames provide people a quick and easy way to process information. Hence, people will use the previously mentioned mental filters (a series of which is called a schema) to make sense of incoming messages. This gives the sender and framer of the information enormous power to use these schemas to influence how the receivers will interpret the message. A recently published theory suggests that judged usability (i.e.
The notion of γ-acyclicity is a more restrictive condition which is equivalent to several desirable properties of database schemas and is related to Bachman diagrams. Both β-acyclicity and γ-acyclicity can be tested in polynomial time. Those four notions of acyclicity are comparable: Berge-acyclicity implies γ-acyclicity which implies β-acyclicity which implies α-acyclicity. However, none of the reverse implications hold, so those four notions are different.
UGENE Workflow Designer allows creating and running complex computational workflow schemas. The distinguishing feature of Workflow Designer, relative to other bioinformatics workflow management systems is that workflows are executed on a local computer. It helps to avoid data transfer issues, whereas other tools’ reliance on remote file storage and internet connectivity does not. The elements that a workflow consists of correspond to the bulk of algorithms integrated into UGENE.
There were a few different results from the findings, the first being that partners felt more comfortable expressing concerns in a relationship where there was less power held over them. The second major result showed that when the spouse shows aggression more information that could cause conflicts is withheld from them. Marital schemas can foresee what information will be withheld and shapes individuals decisions on what to express to their spouses.
In addition to the Community Edition, the Quick Objects Designer also added a visual validation designer. Business Logic Framework also introduced support for databases with multiple schemas, and introduced support for aggregate sub queries. March 3, 2008 version 3.3 was released with support for Visual Studio 2008. October 30, 2007 a major release of Quick Objects V3 was released with the addition of the validation framework among other features.
Schemata can help in understanding the world and the rapidly changing environment. People can organize new perceptions into schemata quickly as most situations do not require complex thought when using schema, since automatic thought is all that is required. People use schemata to organize current knowledge and provide a framework for future understanding. Examples of schemata include academic rubrics, social schemas, stereotypes, social roles, scripts, worldviews, and archetypes.
Having b would change the language from that of classical logic. Having t or f would allow the explosion again because : \lnot t \to X or f \to X would be tautologies. Note that b is not a fixed point of those constants since b ≠ t and b ≠ f. (2) This logic's ability to contain contradictions applies only to contradictions among particularized premises, not to contradictions among axiom schemas.
Additionally, Bem asserts that there is also a heterosexuality subschema, which likely encouraged the development of gender schemas. Most societies treat exclusive heterosexuality as the benchmark for proper masculinity and femininity—that is, heterosexuality is the norm. Furthermore, the heterosexuality subschema asserts that men and women are supposed to be different from one another. It is hypothesized that this is why cross-sexed interactions are likely to be sexually coded.
Firstly, the person must interpret the behavior, and then, if there is enough information to do so, add situational information and revise their inference. They may then further adjust their inferences by taking into account dispositional information as well. Causal attributions however seem to be formed either by processing visual information using perceptual mechanisms, or by activating knowledge structures (e.g. schemas) or by systematic data analysis and processing.
Knowledge discovery from existing software systems, also known as software mining is closely related to data mining, since existing software artifacts contain enormous value for risk management and business value, key for the evaluation and evolution of software systems. Instead of mining individual data sets, software mining focuses on metadata, such as process flows (e.g. data flows, control flows, & call maps), architecture, database schemas, and business rules/terms/process.
The most important consequence of gender schemas for professional life is that men tend to be overrated and women underrated. In 2014, the Chronicle of Higher Education queried 12 scholars about what nonfiction book published in the last 30 years had most changed their minds. Valian's book was one of the 12 described. In 2018 Abigail Stewart and Valian co-authored An Inclusive Academy: Achieving Diversity and Excellence, MIT Press.
Located on the third floor of the Main Library, the Scholarly Commons is a hub for digital and data-based research. The space includes software packages and hardware for data visualization, manipulation, and analysis, including ArcGIS, R, and Atlas.ti. In addition to tools, many experts staff the Scholarly Commons. These experts have experience and knowledge in digitization, metadata creation and schemas, copyright law, statistical analysis, database design, and digital humanities.
One Document Does it all ("ODD") is a literate programming language for XML schemas.... In literate- programming style, ODD documents combine human-readable documentation and machine-readable models using the Documentation Elements module of the Text Encoding Initiative. Tools generate localised and internationalised HTML, ePub, or PDF human-readable output and DTDs, W3C XML Schema, Relax NG Compact Syntax, or Relax NG XML Syntax machine-readable output. The Roma web applicationRoma web application is built around the ODD format and can use it to generate schemas in DTD, W3C XML Schema, Relax NG Compact Syntax, or Relax NG XML Syntax formats, as used by many XML validation tools and services. ODD is the format used internally by the Text Encoding Initiative for their eponymous technical standard.. Although ODD files generally describe the difference between a customized XML format and the full TEI model, ODD also can be used to describe XML formats that are entirely separate from the TEI.
Just as vice was created in the first place by repeatedly yielding to the temptation to sin, so vice may be removed only by repeatedly resisting temptation and performing virtuous acts; the more entrenched the vice, the more time and effort needed to remove it. Saint Thomas Aquinas says that following rehabilitation and the acquisition of virtues, the vice does not persist as a habit, but rather as a mere disposition, and one that is in the process of being eliminated. Medieval illuminated manuscripts circulated with colorful schemas for developing proper attitudes, with scriptural allusions modelled on nature: the tree of virtues as blossoming flowers or vices bearing sterile fruit, The Renaissance writer Pietro Bembo is credited with reaffirming and promoting the Christian perfection of classical humanism. Deriving all from love (or the lack thereof) hisFlow diagram leading to the deeper-seated vices in purgatory schemas were added as supplementsAldus' second edition printing of Dante's Divine Comedy, Venice 1502.
If the established boundary of a domain does not correspond to an actual business domain then it might prove difficult to maintain such an inventory of services because of the managerial cross-over. Each domain inventory now corresponds to a specific set of standards that may be different from rest of the domain inventories. As a result, when it comes to composing a solution out of services that belong to different domain inventories, some sort of transformation mechanisms may be required in order for the messages to be sent between different service inventories. For example, services within domain inventory A may be using XML schemas that are less granular as compared to the schemas used by the services belonging to domain inventory B. Design patterns like the Data Model Transformation, the Data Format TransformationData Format Transformation design pattern and the Protocol BridgingProtocol Bridging design pattern design patterns can be applied in order to address the different transformation requirements.
By using only non-negative integer subscripts, the MUMPS programmer can emulate the arrays data type from other languages. Although MUMPS does not natively offer a full set of DBMS features such as mandatory schemas, several DBMS systems have been built on top of it that provide application developers with flat- file, relational and network database features. Additionally, there are built- in operators which treat a delimited string (e.g., comma-separated values) as an array.
The subset tool can generate profiles for many other reasons as well. Listing the elements and attributes to include in the resultant profile schema and running the tool results in a single profile schema file containing only the user-specified items and all of the element, attribute and type declarations on which the specified items depend. Some Profile schemas created in this manner support other specifications including IHO S-57 and GML in JPEG 2000.
As these events were unfolding, work was continuing in parallel in Japan on G-XML under the auspices of the Japanese Database Promotion Center under the direction of Mr. Shige Kawano. G-XML and GML differed in several important respects. Targeted at LBS applications, G-XML employed many concrete geographic objects (e.g. Mover, POI), while GML provided a very limited concrete set and built more complex objects by the use of application schemas.
Cooper, Philip. Cubism. London: Phaidon, 1995, p. 14. On 14 November 1908, the French art critic Louis Vauxcelles, in his review of Georges Braque's exhibition at Kahnweiler's gallery called Braque a daring man who despises form, "reducing everything, places and a figures and houses, to geometric schemas, to cubes". Vauxcelles, on 25 March 1909, used the terms "bizarreries cubiques" (cubic oddities) after seeing a painting by Braque at the Salon des Indépendants.
Batushka (stylized in Cyrillic as БАТЮШКА) is a Polish black metal band formed by Krzysztof Drabikowski. Their music and lyrics, which are written exclusively in Old Church Slavonic language, are inspired by the Eastern Orthodox Church. The band members wear habits and eastern orthodox schemas during live performances to conceal their identities, and remain anonymous. In contrast with many other black metal bands, they use seven, eight and recently nine string guitars.
Autobiographical memory serves three broad functions: directive, social, and self-representative. A fourth function, adaptive, was proposed by Williams, Conway and Cohen (2008). The directive function of autobiographical memory uses past experiences as a reference for solving current problems and a guide for our actions in the present and the future. Memories of personal experiences and the rewards and losses associated with them can be used to create successful models, or schemas, of behavior.
The modular approach is intended to build cognitive models and is, in complexity, between the anatomically defined brain regions (defined as macrolevel in brain connectivity) and the computational model at the neuron level. There are three views of modules for modeling. They are (1) modules for brain structures, (2) modules as schemas, and (3) modules as interfaces. Figure 3 presents the modular design of a model for reflex control of saccades (Arbib, M. A. (2007)).
Their works were studied, patterns and exceptions to those patterns identified, and the boundaries of acceptable or usual practice set by the understanding of their works. The sonata form as it is described is strongly identified with the norms of the Classical period in music. Even before it had been described, the form had become central to music making, absorbing or altering other formal schemas for works. Examples include Beethoven's Appassionata sonata.
MarkLogic uses documents without upfront schemas to maintain a flexible data model. In addition to having a flexible data model, MarkLogic uses a distributed, scale-out architecture that can handle hundreds of billions of documents and hundreds of terabytes of data. It has received Common Criteria certification, and has high availability and disaster recovery. MarkLogic is designed to run on-premises and within public or private cloud environments like Amazon Web Services.
Only in 1967, Neisser proposed a theory of mental representation based on schemas which later led to the development of schema theory. It was said that these scripts might be the base of the structure of internal working models. The term internal working model, however, was coined quite early by Craik (1943). What he called internal working model was a more elaborate and modern version of the psychoanalytical idea of the internal world.
Natural selection may have developed these color and texture schemas because it produces the illusion of protruding or receding eyes of much larger organisms than the actual butterfly, keeping potential predators at bay. Yet another evolutionary example of chromostereopsis comes from cuttlefish. It has been suggested that cuttlefish estimate the distance of prey via stereopsis. Additional evidence suggests that their choice of camouflage is also sensitive to visual depth based on color-induced depth effects.
Cognitive distortions are thoughts that cause individuals to perceive reality inaccurately. According to Beck's cognitive model, a negative outlook on reality, sometimes called negative schemas (or schemata), is a factor in symptoms of emotional dysfunction and poorer subjective well-being. Specifically, negative thinking patterns reinforce negative emotions and thoughts. During difficult circumstances, these distorted thoughts can contribute to an overall negative outlook on the world and a depressive or anxious mental state.
Beck began noticing his automatic thought processes that he knew his patients had but did not report. Most of the time the thoughts were biased against themselves and very erroneous. Beck believed that the negative schemas developed and manifested themselves in the perspective and behavior. The distorted thought processes lead to focusing on degrading the self, amplifying minor external setbacks, experiencing other's harmless comments as ill-intended, while simultaneously seeing self as inferior.
Those accommodations that compare negatively to existing, unchanged schemas would be abandoned or further modified and tested. REM dreams are often described in the academic literature as having bizarre themes. According to Coutts, this description fits neatly in emotional selection. During the development of complex systems, engineers often test with rigorous, outwardly bizarre scenarios, such as intentionally crashing expensive automobiles, dropping functioning electronics onto hard surfaces, or vibrating scale models of buildings on shake tables.
A simple register schema such as this allows up to two distinct interrupt requests to be outstanding at one time, one waiting for acknowledgement, and one waiting for EOI. There are a number of common priority schemas in PICs including hard priorities, specific priorities, and rotating priorities. Interrupts may be either edge triggered or level triggered. There are a number of common ways of acknowledging an interrupt has completed when an EOI is issued.
GConf is currently based on the C implementation of CORBA named ORBit. Its architecture consists of a session daemon that initializes various sources of configuration schemas on user login. Each source is based on a specific backend that translates the key and value pairs that compose the configuration database; the default backend is based on XML. At this time, this is the only working backend for GConf, although an LDAP backend existed in embryonic form.
Cognitive linguists study the embodiment of knowledge by seeking expressions which relate to modal schemas. For example, in the expression "It is quarter to eleven", the preposition to represents a modal schema which is manifested in language as a visual or sensorimotoric 'metaphor'. B. Cognitive and construction grammar Constructions, as the basic units of grammar, are conventionalised form–meaning pairings which are comparable to memes as units of linguistic evolution. These are considered multi-layered.
The observer is supposed to be well trained on the variables they are categorizing and they should be able to do it effortlessly; however, human raters bring with them their own preconceived schemas and heuristics. Human raters are subject to subconscious biases and fallacies. To circumvent this pitfall, Bales’ method makes use of multiple observers and an inter-rater reliability is then derived from both rater's produced data. Bales’ method was formed under two assumptions.
Attentional bias may have an effect on eating disorders. Attentional bias is the preferential attention toward certain types of information in the environment while simultaneously ignoring others. Individuals with eating disorders can be thought to have schemas, knowledge structures, which are dysfunctional as they may bias judgement, thought, behaviour in a manner that is self-destructive or maladaptive. They may have developed a disordered schema which focuses on body size and eating.
These premises apply to the entire spectrum of guerrilla communication because each tactic intends to disrupt cognitive schemas and thought processing. The term was created in 1997 by Luther Blissett and Sonja Brünzels, with the publication of Kommunication Guerrilla Handbook (originally in German, translated in 2001 to Spanish and Italian). Both pertain to autonome a.f.r.i.k.a gruppe, which includes many people involved in communication guerrillas such as activists and non-artists living in different German peripheries.
"It is suggested that bodies ... only live within the productive constrains of certain highly regulatory schemas." People must be "culturally intelligible as males or females". While the standard model says that sex is biologically determined, Fausto-Sterling challenges this by stating "From the sum total of hermaphroditic evidence, the conclusion that emerges is that sexual behavior and orientation as male or female does not have an innate, instinctive basis."Fausto-Sterling 2000, p. 46. is an initiative launched on June 2, 2011 by Bing, Google and Yahoo!Introducing Search engines come together for a richer web, Google blog, 2 June 2011Introducing Bing, Google and Yahoo Unite to Build the Web of Objects, Bing blog, 2 June 2011 (operators of the world's largest search engines at that time) to create and support a common set of schemas for structured data markup on web pages.
Raney argued that viewers/consumers of entertainment media could form positive dispositions toward characters before any moral scrutinizing occurs. He proposed that viewers sometimes develop story schemas that provide them "with the cognitive pegs upon which to hang their initial interpretations and expectations of characters" (Raney, 2004, p. 354). The basic idea of the affective disposition theory is used as a way to explain how emotions become part of the entertainment experience.
The requirements listed below influence the detailed structure of schemas that are produced. Certain applications will not require that all of these conditions are met, but these four requirements are the most ideal. ; Overlap preservation : Each of the overlapping elements specified in the input mapping is also in a database schema relation. ; Extended overlap preservation : Source-specific elements that are associated with a source’s overlapping elements are passed through to the database schema.
They concluded that psychological abuse affects women's mental health outcomes, but the perceived negative changes in one's traits, problematic relationship schemas, and response styles were stronger indicators of mental health outcomes than the actual abuse. Psychotherapist Stephanie Moulton Sarkis explained that it takes "a certain amount of cognitive dissonance to remain connected to a gaslighter" and that "the healthiest way to resolve cognitive dissonance" in such situations involves "leaving or distancing yourself from the gaslighter".
UBL version 2.0 was approved as an OASIS Standard in October 2006. Version 2.1 was approved as an OASIS Standard in November 2013 and an ISO Standard (ISO/IEC 19845:2015) in December 2015. Version 2.2 was approved as an OASIS Standard in July 2018. Version 2.1 is fully backward compatible with version 2.0, but it adds 34 new document schemas, bringing the total of business document types defined by UBL to 65.
A study from 2005 states that self- forgiveness is an important part of self-acceptance and mental health in later life. The inability to self-forgive can compromise mental health. For some elderly people, self-forgiveness requires reflecting on a transgression to avoid repeating wrongdoings, individuals seek to learn from these transgressions in order to improve their real self-schemas. When individuals are successful at learning from these transgressions, they may experience improved mental health.
Schema modes are momentary mind states which every human being experiences at one time or another. A schema mode consists of a cluster of schemas and coping styles. Life situations that a person finds disturbing or offensive, or arouse bad memories, are referred to as "triggers" that tend to activate schema modes. In psychologically healthy persons, schema modes are mild, flexible mind states that are easily pacified by the rest of their personality.
Efraim Feinstein created a demonstration of a transliteration engine for automatically transliterating texts according to adaptable transliteration schemas. The Jewish Publication Society shared its digital edition of the JPS 1917 through the project. In 2011, the Open Siddur helped to share a complete digital transcription of Yehoash Blumgarten's Yiddish translation of the Tanakh. In 2012, the project completed its first transcription of a prayer book, transcribing Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda's Stunden Der Andacht at German Wikisource.
Ausubel distinguishes between two kinds of advance organizer: comparative and expository. 1\. Comparative Organizers The main goal of comparative organizers is to activate existing schemas. Similarly, they act as reminders to bring into the working memory of what one may not realize is relevant. By acting as reminders, the organizer points out explicitly "whether already established anchoring ideas are nonspecifically or specifically relevant to the learning material" (Ausubel & Robinson, 1969, p. 146).
A small number of accessory methods exist to support network and network device management. Network management allows IT professionals to monitor network components within large network area. Access methods include the SNMP, command-line interface (CLI), custom XML, CMIP, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Transaction Language 1 (TL1), CORBA, NETCONF, and the Java Management Extensions (JMX). Schemas include the Structure of Management Information (SMI), WBEM, the Common Information Model (CIM Schema), and MTOSI amongst others.
A collection of self-schemas makes up one's overall self-concept. For example, the statement "I am lazy" is a self-assessment that contributes to self- concept. Statements such as "I am tired", however, would not be part of someone's self-concept, since being tired is a temporary state and therefore cannot become a part of a self-schema. A person's self-concept may change with time as reassessment occurs, which in extreme cases can lead to identity crises.
Here, participants tended to recognize certain non-story sentences as having come from the story if the non-story sentence was relevant to the script. Ultimately, Bower, Black, and Turner’s study suggested that scripts serve as a guide for a person’s recall and recognition for certain things that they already know. Behavioral scripts that people are taught allow them to make realistic assumptions about situations, places, and people. These assumptions stem from what are known as schemas.
In most cultures, humans are subject from infancy to gender socialization. For example, infant girls typically wear pink and infant boys typically wear blue. Gender schemas, or gendered cultural ideals which determine a person's preferences, are also installed into our behaviors beginning at infancy. Studies show that toddler children are more likely to interact with children of the same sex than they are to interact with children of the opposite sex or even a mixed group.
Axiom number three and axiom number nine apply quite well to Ms. Gibbons. As a sojourner, the acquisition of host culture PSI schemas would be necessary in order for the sojourner's cross- cultural adaptation to occur. Ms. Gibbons may have lived in Sudan, but she lived inside the walls of Unity School. According to BBC News (2007), once inside the walls of Unity School one would think s/he was at standing on the grounds of an Oxbridge University.
UModel is a UML (Unified Modeling Language) software modeling tool from Altova, the creator of XMLSpy. UModel supports all 14 UML 2 diagram types and adds a unique diagram for modeling XML Schemas in UML. UModel also supports SysML for embedded system developers, and business process modeling (BPMN notation) for enterprise analysts. UModel includes code engineering functionality including code generation in Java (programming language), C#, and Visual Basic, reverse engineering of existing applications, and round-trip engineering.
In Java EE, there are two types of deployment descriptors: "Java EE deployment descriptors" and "runtime deployment descriptors". The Java EE deployment descriptors are defined by the language specification,"Java EE : XML Schemas for Java EE Deployment Descriptors", retrieved 2010-07-13 whereas the runtime descriptors are defined by the vendor of each container implementation. For example, the web.xml file is a standard Java EE deployment descriptor, specified in the Java Servlet specification, but the sun-web.
The issue statements that respondents respond to are not fully developed stances which fall on one side or another of the presented dilemma. Rather, they are conceptualized as fragments of reasoning, to which respondents must project meaning. Meaning is projected by means of moral reasoning schemas (each of which is explained below). A schema is a mental representation of stimuli that has previously been encountered, which allows one to make sense of newly experienced, but related, stimuli.
Two services exchanging messages based on the same type of data—e.g., a purchase order—might model that data according to different schemas, which requires data model transformation. This clearly adds overhead, and stands in the way of service interoperability and reuse. To avoid this transformation, the standardized service contract principle requires standardized data models, which further helps create a standardized data representation architecture that can be reused across the enterprise to define standardized service capabilities.
Mass-media coverage in general and agenda-setting in particular also has a powerful impact on what individuals think that other people are thinking, and hence they tend to allocate more importance to issues that have been extensively covered by mass media. This is also called schemata theory. In psychology and cognitive science, a schema (plural schemata or schemas) describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them.
This is not technically a schema language. Its sole purpose is to direct parts of documents to individual schemas based on the namespace of the encountered elements. An NRL is merely a list of XML namespaces and a path to a schema that each corresponds to. This allows each schema to be concerned with only its own language definition, and the NRL file routes the schema validator to the correct schema file based on the namespace of that element.
Child Development, 79(6), 1659. In many situations however, the schematic information that has been activated may be in conflict with the social norms of the situation in which case an individual is motivated to inhibit the influence of the schematic information on their thinking and social behavior. Whether a person will successfully regulate the application of the activated schemas is dependent on individual differences in self-regulatory ability and the presence of situational impairments to executive control.
Accommodation is imperative because it is how people will continue to interpret new concepts, schemas, frameworks, and more."Block, Jack" "Assimilation, Accommodation, and the Dynamics of Personality Development" Piaget believed that the human brain has been programmed through evolution to bring equilibrium, which is what he believed ultimately influences structures by the internal and external processes through assimilation and accommodation. Piaget's understanding was that assimilation and accommodation cannot exist without the other. They are two sides of a coin.
CMDB schematic structures, also known as database schemas, take on multiple forms. Two of the most common forms are those of a relational data model and a semantic data model. Relational data models are based on first-order predicate logic and all data is represented in terms of tuples that are grouped into relations. In the relational model, related records are linked together with a "key", where the key is unique to an entry's data type definition.
By default, it is set to ( refers to the currently connected database user). This default can be set on a database or role level, but as it is a session parameter, it can be freely changed (even multiple times) during a client session, affecting that session only. Non-existent schemas listed in search_path are silently skipped during objects lookup. New objects are created in whichever valid schema (one that presently exists) appears first in the search_path.
In 1958, Bartlett published Thinking: An Experimental and Social Study. He recognised various thinking processes that humans use, relating back to the methods he exercised in Remembering (1932) such as story recollection. Experiments on completion were done, where participants were shown open ended stories and told to finish them realistically. What he found was that "completion appears even unconsciously, and sheds light on how schemas, as a way of organizing past experiences, lead one towards constructive and predictive processes".
During psychedelic therapy, the focus is on psilocybin and ayahuasca, as patients are provided with high doses of the drug. During the trials, one must analyze both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and/or Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET). Within a structured CBT intervention and a dose of psilocybin, patients are given the opportunity to experience cognitive and emotional states that are altered. With these psychedelic effects, cognitive reframing of detrimental schemas and self-identity can be modified positively.
Constraints in two input schemas are matched to determine the similarity of the schema elements. Instance-level matchers use instance-level data to gather important insight into the contents and meaning of the schema elements. These are typically used in addition to schema level matches in order to boost the confidence in match results, more so when the information available at the schema level is insufficient. Matchers at this level use linguistic and constraint based characterization of instances.
The motivation for this work is that structures or substructures often repeat, for example in schemas in the E-commerce domain. Such a reuse of previous matches however needs to be a careful choice. It is possible that such a reuse makes sense only for some part of a new schema or only in some domains. For example, Salary and Income may be considered identical in a payroll application but not in a tax reporting application.
Mass-media coverage in general and agenda-setting in particular also has a powerful impact on what individuals think that other people are thinking, and hence they tend to allocate more importance to issues that have been extensively covered by mass media. This is also called schemata theory. In psychology and cognitive science, a schema (plural schemata or schemas) describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them.
For example, patients with the disease multiple sclerosis have found a lot of help using CBT. The treatment often helps the patients cope with the disorder they have and how they can adapt to their new lives without developing new problems such as depression or negative schemas about themselves. According to RAND, therapies are difficult to provide to all patients in need. A lack of funding and understanding of symptoms provides a major roadblock that is not easily avoided.
Vicarious traumatization (VT) is defined as a transformation of a helper's inner experience that is a result of empathic engagement with a client's traumatic experiences. This engagement with the client results in a shift in the cognitive schemas about oneself, the world, others. Vicarious trauma is similar to secondary traumatic stress, but individuals with VT display only one subtype characteristic of PTSD, negative changes in beliefs and feelings. VT fails to address other subtypes of PTSD symptoms (i.e.
Despite the advantages of using, adoption remained limited as of 2016. A survey in 2016 of 300 US-based marketing agencies and B2C advertisers across industries showing only 17% uptake. Such validators as the soon-to-be-deprecated Google Structured Data Testing Tool, or more recent Google Rich Results Test Tool, Yandex Microformat validator, and Bing Markup Validator can be used to test the validity of the data marked up with the schemas and Microdata.
The Hobson hypothesis reports that autism begins in infancy due to the lack of cognitive and linguistic engagement which in turn results in impaired reflective self- awareness. In this study ten children with Asperger's Syndrome were examined using the Self-understanding Interview. This interview was created by Damon and Hart and focuses on seven core areas or schemas that measure the capacity to think in increasingly difficult levels. This interview will estimate the level of self understanding present.
A schema is a cognitively organized network of associations that is readily available to help guide an individual's perception. Gender schema acts as a guide or standard for consistent behavior in a given scenario. Labels such as “girls are weak and boys are strong,” classifies what stereotypically acceptable actions for the gender groups are. Therefore, the theory proposes the idea that once the child has developed basic knowledge on gender behaviors they will begin to construct gender schemas.
Database access is made possible through ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and the IIS Metabase can be manipulated using the GetObject() function with sufficient permissions (useful for creating and destroying sites and virtual directories). XML files and schemas can be manipulated with the Microsoft XML Library Application Programming Interfaces (, ), which also can be used to retrieve content from the World Wide Web via the XMLHTTP and ServerXMLHTTP objects (class strings "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0" and "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0", respectively).
Until the 1998 article by Sweller, Van Merriënboer & Paas, cognitive load theory primarily concentrated on the reduction of extraneous cognitive load. With this article, cognitive load researchers began to seek ways of redesigning instruction to redirect what would be extraneous load, to now be focused toward schema construction (germane load). Thus it is very important for instructional designers to "reduce extraneous cognitive load and redirect learners' attention to cognitive processes that are directly relevant to the construction of schemas".
Nonetheless, there are several conformance requirements. The goal of NIEM conformance is for the sender and receiver of information to share a common, unambiguous understanding of the meaning of that information. Conformance to NIEM ensures that a basic core set of information (the NIEM components) is well understood and carries the same consistent meaning across various communities. The result enables a level of interoperability to occur that would be unachievable with the proliferation of custom schemas and dictionaries.
Other composers derived their own schemas based on certain logical rationales. For example, in Alkan’s 25 Preludes, Op. 31, the sequence of keys moves alternately up a fourth and down a third: the major keys take the odd-numbered positions in the cycle, proceeding chromatically upwards from C to C again, and each major key is followed by its subdominant minor. Yet others used no systematic ordering. Cui, Palmgren, Rachmaninoff and Castelnuovo-Tedesco's works are examples of this.
Semantic matching is a technique used in computer science to identify information which is semantically related. Given any two graph-like structures, e.g. classifications, taxonomies database or XML schemas and ontologies, matching is an operator which identifies those nodes in the two structures which semantically correspond to one another. For example, applied to file systems it can identify that a folder labeled "car" is semantically equivalent to another folder "automobile" because they are synonyms in English.
An Internet Standard is characterized by a high degree of technical maturity and by a generally held belief that the specified protocol or service provides significant benefit to the Internet community. Generally Internet Standards cover interoperability of systems on the Internet through defining protocols, message formats, schemas, and languages. The most fundamental of the Internet Standards are the ones defining the Internet Protocol. An Internet Standard ensures that hardware and software produced by different vendors can work together.
The true value of play is not that it can teach children facts, but that it can help them acquire important procedural knowledge, which is beneficial in acquiring declarative knowledge. In play based learning environments, the classroom is where there are endless opportunities for children to engage in self-directed play and create their own schemas allowing the integration of affect and cognition. Play also promotes neuroplasticity development by allowing children to co-constructing wordless narratives of self-awareness and transformation.
Thus, in secondary social sharing of emotion, people are likely to process the emotional information they are exposed to through the filter of their preexisting beliefs and views (i.e. their symbolic universe). When people encounter events and information that fits into these beliefs, those events and information tend to blend in and thus be overlooked. On the other hand, those that do not fit within their schemas will be very salient and therefore memorized, being reproduced later when recounting the event.
A countless number of potential procedures At this point in Fitts' (1954) model of skill acquisition individuals come to understand what an observed skill is composed of. Attention at this point in the process is significant for the acquisition of skill. This process involves breaking down the desired skill to be learned into parts and understanding how these parts come together as a whole for the correct performance of the task. The way an individual organizes these parts is known as schemas.
The people and organisation information was to be sourced from a number of areas and contributors. The Project team investigated a number of potential schemas and data formats for this party database during 2003-2004. These investigations indicated that there was no mature schema with which to structure identifying and contextual information about people and organisations associated with Australian music for the Music Australia service. The Project team undertook to develop and implement its own schema, called Music Australia Party Schema (MAPS).
The Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) is designed to enable the management and distribution of Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) data in digital format. AIXM is based on Geography Markup Language (GML) and is one of the GML Application Schemas which is applicable for the Aeronautical domain. It was developed by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL).The current version is AIXM 5.1.1.
Since all axioms and rules of the calculus are schemata, derivation is closed under substitution: :If \Gamma\vdash A, then \sigma(\Gamma)\vdash\sigma(A), where σ is any substitution (of formulas using only implication). The implicational propositional calculus also satisfies the deduction theorem: :If \Gamma,A\vdash B, then \Gamma\vdash A\to B. As explained in the deduction theorem article, this holds for any axiomatic extension of the system containing axiom schemas 1 and 2 above and modus ponens.
Schemas are used to interpret the functions involved when individuals would make sense of their surroundings. This cognition happens through an explicit process of recalling an item routinely or implicit process that is outside conscious awareness control. A recent study suggests individuals who have experienced a difficult upbringing develop schemata of fear as well as anxiety and will react almost immediately when they feel threatened. People who are anxious predominantly focus on any peril-related stimuli since they are hyper vigilant.
Schema therapy (also called schema-focused therapy) is an integrative approach based on cognitive-behavioral or skills-based techniques along with object relations and gestalt approaches. It directly targets deeper aspects of emotion, personality and schemas (fundamental ways of categorizing and reacting to the world). The treatment also focuses on the relationship with the therapist (including a process of "limited re-parenting"), daily life outside of therapy and traumatic childhood experiences. It was developed by Jeffrey Young and became established in the 1990s.
Apache Cayenne is an open source persistence framework licensed under the Apache License, providing object-relational mapping (ORM) and remoting services. Cayenne binds one or more database schemas directly to Java objects, managing atomic commit and rollbacks, SQL generation, joins, sequences, and more. With Cayenne's Remote Object Persistence, those Java objects can even be persisted out to clients via Web Services. Or, with native XML serialization, objects can be further persisted to non-Java clients—such as an Ajax-capable browser.
Simply put, cultural schema theory can be described as cultural- specific world knowledge (Razi, 2002). As mentioned above, the concept of Cultural Schemas is not new, but the theory is. Future studies must generate theorems and further tests must be conducted in order to better formulate theory itself and the axioms it proposes. Once this is complete the theory can be used in cross-cultural training purposes in order to facilitate individuals' adaptation to their respective host-culture environments (Nishida, 1999).
Why attachment styles change is not well understood. Waters, Weinfield and Hamilton propose that negative life experiences often cause changes in attachment styles. Their proposal is supported by evidence that people who experience negative life events also tend to experience changes in attachment styles. Davila, Karney and Bradbury have identified four sets of factors that might cause changes in attachment styles: (a) situational events and circumstances, (b) changes in relational schemas, (c) personality variables, and (d) combinations of personality variables and situational events.
The subjects who heard the list with famous female names said there were more female names than there were male names. Similarly, the subjects who heard the list with famous male names recalled more male names than female names. Thus the familiarity heuristic is defined as "judging events as more frequent or important because they are more familiar in memory." The familiarity heuristic is based on using schemas or past actions as a scaffold for behavior in a new (yet familiar) situation.
Erskine, Markham, and Howie (2001) discuss script- based inferences and their effects on memory retrieval and eyewitness testimony. Scripts are schemas for specific events that are constructed from experience (Lindsay, J., 2014). For example, when you walk into a restaurant, you generally know to tell the host or hostess the number of people in your party; once you are seated at your table, you know you must decide what to order. These commonly known actions are part of the general restaurant script.
At length, a better understanding of the client's dynamics and clinical progress is one of the most essential gains that have been revealed in many clinical reports. Interpretive dream work can provide clinicians better access to their client's cognitive schemas. This is because the dream content can reflect the evolution of the client’s self-concept, defense mechanisms, core conflicts and at last transfer reactions. The third gain is that dreams' pleasant or unpleasant content has a vital function in dream interpretation.
Similarly, the Yurok lack the idea of cardinal directions; they orient themselves with respect to their principal geographic feature, the Klamath River. Cultural Linguistics is a related branch of linguistics that explores the relationship between language and cultural conceptualisations. Cultural Linguistics draws on and expands the theoretical and analytical advancements in cognitive science (including complexity science and distributed cognition) and anthropology. Cultural linguistics examines how various features of human languages encode cultural conceptualisations, including cultural schemas, cultural categories, and cultural metaphors.
Cognitive science of religion is the study of religious thought and behavior from the perspective of cognitive science, and often engages with evolutionary science, which it assumes is its foundation. The field employs methods and theories from a wide range of disciplines, including cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology, cognitive anthropology, artificial intelligence, developmental psychology, and archaeology. Scholars in this field seek to explain how human minds acquire, generate, and transmit religious thoughts, practices, and schemas by means of ordinary cognitive capacities.
In addition to the work mentioned above, Heider explains how there seems to be some cognitive schema that has both a general and pervasive influence which led to the simplification of perception. In his notebook, Heider explains how people have a tendency to believe in the equalization of the future. Individuals who hold the idea of a “constant sum”, have a skewed view of their life experiences. Heider argued that this skewed pervading cognitive schemas lead to a simplification of life experiences.
One of the most compelling reasons for vendors/ISVs to utilize multitenancy is for the inherent data aggregation benefits. Instead of collecting data from multiple data sources, with potentially different database schemas, all data for all customers is stored in a single database schema. Thus, running queries across customers, mining data, and looking for trends is much simpler. This reason is probably overhyped as one of the core multitenancy requirements is the need to prevent Service Provider access to customer (tenant) information.
This is acquired first through the basic understanding of gender-specific roles. In other words, the child learns the contents of the society, things that are related to their own and the opposite sex, and incorporates it into their gender schemas. The child then learns to apply the appropriate attributes respectively to the right gender by selectively using this knowledge to conceptualize their own actions. Hence, categorizing how they should perform in various situations by molding their capabilities to match the schematic labels.
In a relational database, the schema defines the tables, fields, relationships, views, indexes, packages, procedures, functions, queues, triggers, types, sequences, materialized views, synonyms, database links, directories, XML schemas, and other elements. A database generally stores its schema in a data dictionary. Although a schema is defined in text database language, the term is often used to refer to a graphical depiction of the database structure. In other words, schema is the structure of the database that defines the objects in the database.
Valian is the author of Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women (1998, MIT Press), a book that uses concepts and data from psychology, sociology, economics, and biology to explain the disparities in the professional advancement of men and women. According to Valian, men and women alike have implicit hypotheses about gender differences – gender schemas – that create small sex differences in characteristics behaviors, perceptions, and evaluations of men and women. Those small imbalances accumulate to advantage men and disadvantage women.
The student must be led to become aware of the underlying relations that surpass content differences and of the very mental processes used while handling them (for instance, elaborate on how particular inference schemas, such as implication, operate in different domains).Demetriou, A., Spanoudis, G., & Mouyi, A. (2010). A Three-level Model of the Developing Mind: Functional and Neuronal Substantiation. In M. Ferrari and L. Vuletic (Eds.), The Developmental Relations between Mind, Brain, and Education: Essays in honor of Robbie Case.
For very proficient individuals, there is a period of time where very little, if any, attrition is observed. For some, residual learning might even occur, which is the apparent improvement within the L2. Within the first five years of language disuse, the total percentage of language knowledge lost is less for a proficient individual than for someone less proficient. A cognitive psychological explanation for this suggests that a higher level of proficiency involves the use of schemas, or mental representations for linguistic structures.
Microsoft advertised Office Online as a major Office 2003 feature "outside the box". Office Online provides how-to articles, tips, training courses, templates, clip art, stock photos and media and downloads (including Microsoft and third-party extensibility add-ins for Microsoft Office programs). Office 2003 features broad XML integration (designing customized XML schemas, importing and transforming XML data) throughout resulting in a far more data- centric model (instead of a document-based one). The MSXML 5 library was introduced specifically for Office's XML integration.
WinFS models data using the data items, along with their relationships, extensions and rules governing its usage. WinFS needs to understand the type and structure of the data items, so that the information stored in the data item can be made available to any application that requests it. This is done by the use of schemas. For every type of data item that is to be stored in WinFS, a corresponding schema needs to be provided to define the type, structure and associations of the data.
WinFS also includes another application, named WinFS Type Browser, which can be used to browse the WinFS types, as well as visualize the hierarchical relationship between WinFS types. A WinFS type, both built-in types as well as custom schemas, can be visualized along with all the properties and methods that it supports. It also shows the types that it derives from as well as other types that extend the type schema. However, while it was included with WinFS, it was released as an unsupported tool.
As construction grammar is based on schemas and taxonomies, it does not operate with dynamic rules of derivation. Rather, it is monotonic. Because construction grammar does not operate with surface derivations from underlying structures, it adheres to functionalist linguist Dwight Bolinger's principle of no synonymy, on which Adele Goldberg elaborates in her book. This means that construction grammarians argue, for instance, that active and passive versions of the same proposition are not derived from an underlying structure, but are instances of two different constructions.
Perceptual learning comprises the assimilation/accommodation of new/existing schemas by hypothesis based perception. Procedural learning depends on reinforcing the associations of actions and preconditions (situations that afford these actions) with appetitive or aversive goals, which is triggered by pleasure and distress signals. Abstractions may be learned by evaluating and reorganizing episodic and declarative descriptions to generalize and fill in missing interpretations (this facilitates the organization of knowledge according to conceptual frames and scripts). Behavior sequences and object/situation representations are strengthened by use.
Dovecot can work with standard mbox, Maildir, and its own native high-performance dbox formats. It is fully compatible with UW IMAP and Courier IMAP servers’ implementation of them, as well as mail clients accessing the mailboxes directly. Dovecot also includes a mail delivery agent (called Local delivery agent in Dovecot's documentation) and an LMTP server, with optional Sieve filtering support. Dovecot supports a variety of authentication schemas for IMAP, POP and message submission agent (MSA) access, including CRAM-MD5 and the more secure DIGEST-MD5.
Conclusions are drawn regarding the analogical target, based on the findings from analogical sources. The fine art consists of locating precisely these feasible analogiesKalogerakis, Katharina: „Innovative Analogien in der Praxis der Produktentwicklung“, Gabler Verlag, 2010. and transferring the attitude and behaviour schemas thus identified to the problem of the current case, such as the market acceptance of an innovative IT system. The connection between the analogical source and the analogical target is admittedly not a causal one, as they are 'really' independent of each other.
Figure 2 - containment image schema (as applied to the English word out) Image schemas are dynamic embodied patterns—they take place in and through time. Moreover, they are multi-modal patterns of experience, not simply visual. For instance, consider how the dynamic nature of the containment schema is reflected in the various spatial senses of the English word out. Out may be used in cases where a clearly defined trajector (TR) leaves a spatially bounded landmark (LM), as in: :(1a) John went out of the room.
In some marketing schemas, marketers create a need that was not present and then offer to fulfill that need. A good example of this is credit card companies. Credit card companies are companies that, like most other companies, started off by providing a convenience to the population. Credit cards offer an alternative method of payment to cash or check and make life simpler for many people; however, today there are over 600 million credit cards issued in the United States alone and four major credit card companies.
Neo- Piagetian theories of cognitive development: Implications and applications to education. London: Routledge Several educators have also questioned the effectiveness of this approach toward instructional design, especially as it applies to the development of instruction for novices. While some constructivists argue that "learning by doing" enhances learning, critics of this instructional strategy argue that little empirical evidence exists to support this statement given novice learners. Sweller and his colleagues argue that novices do not possess the underlying mental models, or "schemas" necessary for "learning by doing".
Personal construct theory (PCT) or personal construct psychology (PCP) is a theory of personality and cognition developed by the American psychologist George Kelly in the 1950s.For example: (first published 1955); ; ; (first published 1971) The theory is concerned with the psychological reasons for actions.Horley, "Issues in forensic psychotherapy", in Kelly proposed that individuals can be psychologically evaluated according to similarity–dissimilarity poles, which he called personal constructs (schemas, or ways of seeing the world). The theory is considered by some psychologists as forerunner to theories of cognitive therapy.
Ideational apraxia is characterized by the mechanism that the patient loses the “idea” of how they should interact with an object. Norman and Shallice came up with the dual-systems theory of the control of routine and willed behavior. According to this theory one system –contention scheduling is responsible for the control of routine action, while – supervisory attention is able to bias this system when willed control over the behavior is required. Contention scheduling is a complicated set of processes that involve action schemas.
Don't repeat yourself (DRY, or sometimes do not repeat yourself) is a principle of software development aimed at reducing repetition of software patterns, replacing it with abstractions or using data normalization to avoid redundancy. The DRY principle is stated as "Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system". The principle has been formulated by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas in their book The Pragmatic Programmer. They apply it quite broadly to include "database schemas, test plans, the build system, even documentation".
Piaget sees children's conception of causation as a march from "primitive" conceptions of cause to those of a more scientific, rigorous, and mechanical nature. These primitive concepts are characterized as supernatural, with a decidedly non-natural or non-mechanical tone. Piaget has as his most basic assumption that babies are phenomenists. That is, their knowledge "consists of assimilating things to schemas" from their own action such that they appear, from the child's point of view, "to have qualities which, in fact, stem from the organism".
NDDL (New Domain Definition Language) is NASA's response to PDDL from around 2002. Its representation differs from PDDL in several respects: 1) it uses a variable/value representation (timelines/activities) rather than a propositional/first-order logic, and 2) there is no concept of states or actions, only of intervals (activities) and constraints between those activities. In this respect, models in NDDL look more like schemas for SAT encodings of planning problems rather than PDDL models. Because of the mentioned differences planning and execution of plans (e.g.
Simple BE photos with varying degrees of zoom There are many possible causes of boundary extension. For example, source monitoring errors, perceptual schemas, and visual memory all partially can contribute to boundary extension because they are all related to how photos are initially processed and then later remembered. A variety of types of objects and scenes also help facilitate boundary extension. For example, simple scenes, a picture with one main object, and complex scenes, a picture with more than one main object, cause people to boundary extend.
A relation can thus be seen as an instantiation of a relation schema if it has the heading of that schema and it satisfies the applicable constraints. Sometimes a relation schema is taken to include a name. A relational database definition (database schema, sometimes referred to as a relational schema) can thus be thought of as a collection of named relation schemas. In implementations, the domain of each attribute is effectively a data type and a named relation schema is effectively a relation variable (relvar for short).
When connected to a network, Flowmon probe observes all passing traffic/packets, extracts and aggregates information of IP flows into flow records. Flowmon probe is able to export aggregated data to external collectors in NetFlow (version 5 and 9) and IPFIX format. Collectors collect incoming flow records and store them for automated or manual and visual analysis (automated malicious traffic detection, filter rules, graphs and statistical schemas). The whole system allows monitoring of actual state of monitored network as well as long-term traffic analysis.
The NIEM data model uses concepts originating from object-oriented programming (OOP). OOP defines a class as a specific entity in the data model, which may represent a real-world object but may also represent any conceptual object, such as relationships and messages. An object's properties are said to describe the object. When the NIEM XML Schemas are generated from the NIEM data model, data model classes are represented as XML Schema types, and data model properties are represented as XML elements and attributes.
Augmentation of a NIEM data type allows the addition of domain- or model-specific information to the concept embodied in the NIEM type, without creating a new NIEM type. It would be impractical and unwieldy to include all possible domain model-specific properties in NIEM Core schemas for general use. Instead, domain modelers need to be able define data for their use, independently from common definitions. Furthermore, that data needs to be applicable to the NIEM data object itself, and reusable in multiple exchanges.
This might happen when you are writing and frustrated at not having the right word, but then it simply pops into your head, and you do not know what steps you took to retrieve it; this is called incubation. ;Attributes of UT: Performed on tasks or objects outside of one's attention; high capacity; does not rely on schemas or heuristics (thanks to its high capacity) and therefore not susceptible to bias; good at weighting attributes of decision objects; processes information via association; goal-dependent.
Web 2.0 Web APIs often use machine-based interactions such as REST and SOAP. RESTful web APIs are typically loosely based on HTTP methods to access resources via URL-encoded parameters and the use of JSON or XML to transmit data. By contrast, SOAP protocols are standardized by the W3C and mandate the use of XML as the payload format, typically over HTTP. Furthermore, SOAP-based Web APIs use XML validation to ensure structural message integrity, by leveraging the XML schemas provisioned with WSDL documents.
She received her BA in psychology from Michigan State University, and her Ph.D. in Psychology and Social Relations from Harvard University in 1979 with a thesis on "Schemas, hypothesis-testing, and intuitive assessments of covariation" She was subsequently Assistant Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University(1979-1985), Professor at the University of Buffalo (1985-1995), Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research and Claude Steele Collegiate Professor of psychology at the University of Michigan (1995-2010). She came to Ohio State in June 2010.
Knowledge integration is the process of synthesizing multiple knowledge models (or representations) into a common model (representation). Compared to information integration, which involves merging information having different schemas and representation models, knowledge integration focuses more on synthesizing the understanding of a given subject from different perspectives. For example, multiple interpretations are possible of a set of student grades, typically each from a certain perspective. An overall, integrated view and understanding of this information can be achieved if these interpretations can be put under a common model, say, a student performance index.
Reconstructing the face of another race requires the use of schemas that may not be as developed and refined as those of the same race. The cross-race effect is the tendency that people have to distinguish among other of their race than of other races. Although the exact cause of the effect is unknown, two main theories are supported. The perceptual expertise hypothesis postulates that because most people are raised and are more likely to associate with others of the same race, they develop an expertise in identifying the faces of that race.
Tlingit grammar at first glance appears to be highly fusional, but this is an incorrect assumption. There are predictable processes by which the basic phonetic shapes of individual morphemes are modified to fit various phonological requirements. These processes can be described with a regular language, and such descriptions are given here on a per morpheme basis by giving rule schemas for the context sensitive phonological modification of base morphemes. Analyzing all the possible combinations of morphemes and phonological contexts in Tlingit and constructing a regular language to describe them is a daunting but tractable task.
For example, in case of web services, the business documents are modeled as XML schemas. Once a standardized data representation layer exists in a service inventory, different service contracts can make use of the same data models if they need to exchange the same business documents. This eliminates the need for any data model transformation and reduces the processing overhead associated with the data model transformation. It also increases the reusability potential of a service as now the service can be consumed without requiring any custom data model transformation logic.
Self-concept is made up of one's self-schemas, and interacts with self-esteem, self-knowledge, and the social self to form the self as a whole. It includes the past, present, and future selves, where future selves (or possible selves) represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become, or what they are afraid of becoming. Possible selves may function as incentives for certain behaviour. The perception people have about their past or future selves relates to their perception of their current selves.
While some Islamic organizations prefer determining the new month (and hence the new year) by local sightings of the moon, most Islamic institutions and countries, including Saudi Arabia, follow astronomical calculations to determine future dates of the Islamic calendar. There are various schemas for calculating the tabular Islamic calendar (i.e. not based on observation), which results in differences of typically one or even two days between countries using such schema and those that use lunar sightings. For example, the Umm al-Qura calendar used in Saudi Arabia was reformed several times in recent years.
In general, people answer survey questions with remarkable inconsistency, that is their responses are unstable. Response instability is when people are asked the same questions in repeated surveys and respond with conflicting answers. To explain this instability, John Zaller and Stanley Feldman argue that how people respond to surveys depends on which schemas, or considerations, are most readily available in the mind. They claim that an attitude about a given issue, at a given time, is a reflection of an average of the considerations in the mind at that time.
Schemas make our environments more approachable to understand, and therefore people are able to familiarize themselves with what is around them. When people become comfortable with what they find familiar, they are more likely to remember events, people or places that obscure from their initial thought or script. Some people may have a tendency to habituate behavioral scripts in a manner that can act to limit consciousness in a subliminal way. This can negatively influence the subconscious mind and, subsequently, can negatively affect perceptions, judgments, values, beliefs, cognition and behavior.
In software engineering, schema migration (also database migration, database change management) refers to the management of incremental, reversible changes and version control to relational database schemas. A schema migration is performed on a database whenever it is necessary to update or revert that database's schema to some newer or older version. Migrations are performed programmatically by using a schema migration tool. When invoked with a specified desired schema version, the tool automates the successive application or reversal of an appropriate sequence of schema changes until it is brought to the desired state.
WinFS Beta 1 includes a shell namespace extension, which surfaces WinFS stores as top level objects in My Computer view. Files can be copied into and out of the stores, as well as applications can be directly used to save there. Even folders such as My Documents can be redirected to the stores. WinFS uses Importer plug-ins to analyze the files as they were being imported to the store and create proper WinFS schemas and objects, and when taking the objects out, re-pack them into files.
In construction grammar, like in general semiotics, the grammatical construction is a pairing of form and content. The formal aspect of a construction is typically described as a syntactic template, but the form covers more than just syntax, as it also involves phonological aspects, such as prosody and intonation. The content covers semantic as well as pragmatic meaning. The semantic meaning of a grammatical construction is made up of conceptual structures postulated in cognitive semantics: image-schemas, frames, conceptual metaphors, conceptual metonymies, prototypes of various kinds, mental spaces, and bindings across these (called "blends").
Children appear to anthropomorphize and use egocentric reasoning from an early age and use it more frequently than adults. Examples of this are describing a storm cloud as "angry" or drawing flowers with faces. This penchant for anthropomorphism is likely because children have acquired vast amounts of socialization, but not as much experience with specific non-human entities, so thus they have less developed alternative schemas for their environment. In contrast, autistic children tend to describe anthropomorphized objects in purely mechanical terms because they have difficulties with theory of mind.
A regular problem with semantic translation between schemas (such as RELs) is in making sure that the meanings of terms are identical. Although the semantic web is beginning to use ontology tools such as OWL to describe meaning, the current state of the art for REL is less advanced than this. Simpler processing, and the potential for expensive litigation otherwise, means that the semantics of RELs must be clearly identical, not just inferred to be so through a reasoner. The regular problems are in demonstrating the equivalence of classes, properties and instances.
Inevitably cognitions are reflected in their behavior with a reduced desire to care for oneself, to seek pleasure, and give up. These exaggerated perceptions, due to cognition, feel real and accurate because the schemas, after being reinforced through the behavior, tend to become automatic and do not allow time for reflection. This cycle is also known as Beck's cognitive triad, focused on the theory that the person's negative schema applied to the self, the future, and the environment. In 1972, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and cognitive therapy scholar Aaron T. Beck published Depression: Causes and Treatment.
SCHEMA is a computational algorithm used in protein engineering to identify fragments of proteins (called schemas) that can be recombined without disturbing the integrity of the proteins' three-dimensional structure. The algorithm calculates the interactions between a protein's different amino acid residues to determine which interactions may be disrupted by swapping structural domains of the protein. By minimizing these disruptions, SCHEMA can be used to engineer chimeric proteins that stably fold and may have altered function relative to their parent proteins. SCHEMA algorithm has been applied in the recombinant libraries of distantly related β-lactamases.
The SQL/Schemata, or Information and Definition Schemas, part of the SQL standard is defined by ISO/IEC 9075-11:2008. SQL/Schemata defines the information schema and definition schema, providing a common set of tools to make SQL databases and objects self-describing. These tools include the , and integrity constraints, , features and of ISO/IEC 9075, support of features provided by SQL-based DBMS implementations, SQL-based DBMS implementation information and , and the by the DBMS implementations. SQL/Schemata defines a number of features, some of which are mandatory.
Authentic culture fosters the capacity of human imagination by presenting suggestions and possibilities, but in a different way than the culture industry does since it leaves room for independent thought. Authentic culture does not become channeled into regurgitating reality but goes levels beyond such. Authentic culture is unique and cannot be forced into any pre-formed schemas. As for discovering the causes of the development of the culture industry, Horkheimer and Adorno contend that it arises from companies' pursuit of the maximization of profit, in the economic sense.
The concept of the data definition language and its name was first introduced in relation to the Codasyl database model, where the schema of the database was written in a language syntax describing the records, fields, and sets of the user data model. Later it was used to refer to a subset of Structured Query Language (SQL) for declaring tables, columns, data types and constraints. SQL-92 introduced a schema manipulation language and schema information tables to query schemas. These information tables were specified as SQL/Schemata in SQL:2003.
The primary disadvantage of the snowflake schema is that the additional levels of attribute normalization adds complexity to source query joins, when compared to the star schema. Snowflake schemas, in contrast to flat single table dimensions, have been heavily criticised. Their goal is assumed to be an efficient and compact storage of normalised data but this is at the significant cost of poor performance when browsing the joins required in this dimension. This disadvantage may have reduced in the years since it was first recognized, owing to better query performance within the browsing tools.
The doctrinal mode of religiosity refers to collective rituals that are frequent, usually routinized, and generate relatively little affect. Examples of this type of collective ritual would include Holy Communion and Call to prayer. Due to the repetitive nature of these types of rituals, semantic memory systems are thought to be activated and function similarly to organizing other general schemas and scripts of general knowledge. In contrast to the imagistic mode, these routinized rituals tend to produce less intense group identification, which serves to promote trust and cooperation but not extreme self-sacrifice.
FlatBuffers can be used in software written in C++, C#, C, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Rust. The schema compiler runs on Android, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, but games and other programs using FlatBuffers for serialization work on many other operating systems as well, including iOS, Amazon's Fire OS, and Windows Phone. Van Oortmerssen originally developed FlatBuffers for game development and similar applications. Although FlatBuffers has its own interface definition language to define the data to be serialized with it, it also supports schemas defined in the Protocol Buffers .
Physical schema is a term used in data management to describe how data is to be represented and stored (files, indices, et al.) in secondary storage using a particular database management system (DBMS) (e.g., Oracle RDBMS, Sybase SQL Server, etc.). In the ANSI/SPARC Architecture three schema approach, the internal schema is the view of data that involved data management technology. This is as opposed to an external schema that reflects an individual's view of the data, or the conceptual schema that is the integration of a set of external schemas.
Typically they are constructed by manually analysing a corpus of human-written texts in the target genre, and extracting a content template from these texts. Schemas work well in practice in domains where content is somewhat standardised, but work less well in domains where content is more fluid (such as the medical example above). Statistical techniques use statistical corpus analysis techniques to automatically determine the content of the generated texts. Such work is in its infancy, and has mostly been applied to contexts where the communicative goal, reader, size, and level of detail are fixed.
So, when a respondent reads an issue statement that both makes sense to them, as well as triggers a preferred schema, that statement is given a high rating and ranking. Conversely, when a respondent reads an issue statement that is either construed as nonsensical or overly simplistic, the item receives a low rating. Patterns of ratings and rankings reveal information about three specific schemas of moral reasoning: the Personal Interests Schema, the Maintaining Norms Schema and the Postconventional Schema. The personal interests schema are regarded as the least developmentally advanced level of moral reasoning.
The goal of the committee is to develop an Election Markup Language (EML) for end-to-end use within the election process. This is a set of data and message definitions described as a set of XML schemas and covering a wide range of transactions that occurs during various phases and stages of the life cycle of an election. To achieve this, the committee decided that it required a common terminology and definition of election processes that could be understood internationally. The committee therefore started by defining the generic election process models described here.
Many approaches within CBT are oriented towards active/directive yet collaborative empiricism (a form of reality-testing), and assessing and modifying core beliefs and dysfunctional schemas. These approaches gained widespread acceptance as a primary treatment for numerous disorders. A "third wave" of cognitive and behavioral therapies developed, including acceptance and commitment therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, which expanded the concepts to other disorders and/or added novel components and mindfulness exercises. However the "third wave" concept has been criticized as not essentially different from other therapies and having roots in earlier ones as well.
After encountering a teacher who is timid and shy, a social cognition researcher might be interested in how the student will integrate this new information with his/her existing teacher schema. Pre-established schemas tend to guide attention to new information, as people selectively attend to information that is consistent with the schema and ignore information that is inconsistent. This is referred to as a confirmation bias. Sometimes inconsistent information is sub-categorized and stored away as a special case, leaving the original schema intact without any alterations.
Assimilation in which new experiences are reinterpreted to fit into, or assimilate with, old ideas and analyzing new facts accordingly. It occurs when humans are faced with new or unfamiliar information and refer to previously learned information in order to make sense of it. In contrast, accommodation is the process of taking new information in one's environment and altering pre-existing schemas in order to fit in the new information. This happens when the existing schema (knowledge) does not work, and needs to be changed to deal with a new object or situation.
Psychological mindedness (PM) is expected to be related to psychological strength and negatively related to weakness. One study found a correlation between PM and two of the Big Five personality traits (extraversion and openness to experience) and a negative correlation with neuroticism. Other studies have linked it to the tolerance of ambiguity, mindfulness, empathy and positive adjustment to college. PM has also been associated negatively with problem-oriented psychological constructs such as the personality factor of neuroticism, the cognitive constructs of magical thinking and external locus of control, and early maladaptive schemas.
In the 1950s, psychoanalysis was the main modaliy of psychotherapy. Behavioural models of pschotherapy started to assume a more central role in psychoterhapy in the 1960s. Aaron T. Beck a psychiatrist trained in a psychoanalytic tradition set out to test the psychoanalytic models of depression and found that conscious ruminations of loss and personal failing were correlated with depression. He suggested that distorted and biased beliefs were a causal factor of depression, publishing an influential paper in 1967 after a decade of research using the construct of schemas to explain the process.
The Accredited Standards Committee X12 (also known as ASC X12) is a standards organization. Chartered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1979, it develops and maintains the X12 Electronic data interchange (EDI) and Context Inspired Component Architecture (CICA) standards along with XML schemas which drive business processes globally. The membership of ASC X12 includes technologists and business process experts, encompassing health care, insurance, transportation, finance, government, supply chain and other industries. The name "X12" is a sequential designator assigned by ANSI at the time of accreditation.
In 1997, the company Argos Comunicación, offers Aragón the starring role of the telenovela Mirada de mujer, Mexican adaptation of the Colombian novel Señora Isabel by Bernardo Romero Pereiro. The telenovela was produced by TV Azteca. The story of María Inés Domínguez, a mature woman in love with a younger man, brings to Aragón the greatest success of her television career, in a telenovela that breaks schemas at the time in Mexico. Aragón shared a scene with Ari Telch, Fernando Luján, Margarita Gralia, Evangelina Elizondo and another important cast of actors.
Approaches to schema integration can be broadly classified as ones that exploit either just schema information or schema and instance level information. Schema-level matchers only consider schema information, not instance data. The available information includes the usual properties of schema elements, such as name, description, data type, relationship types (part-of, is-a, etc.), constraints, and schema structure. Working at the element (atomic elements like attributes of objects) or structure level (matching combinations of elements that appear together in a structure), these properties are used to identify matching elements in two schemas.
B2MML or Business To Manufacturing Markup Language is an XML implementation of the ANSI/ISA-95 family of standards (ISA-95), known internationally as IEC/ISO 62264. B2MML consists of a set of XML schemas written using the World Wide Web Consortium's XML Schema language (XSD) that implement the data models in the ISA-95 standard. B2MML is meant to be a common data definition to link ERP and supply chain management systems with manufacturing systems such as Industrial Control Systems and Manufacturing Execution Systems. B2MML is published by the Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA).
For example, the addition or removal of new entities, attributes, or relationships to the conceptual schema or having to rewrite existing application programs. # Physical data independence: The ability to change the physical schema without changing the logical schema is called physical data independence. For example, a change to the internal schema, such as using different file organization or storage structures, storage devices, or indexing strategy, should be possible without having to change the conceptual or external schemas. #View level data independence: always independent no effect, because there doesn't exist any other level above view level.
Enterprise Architect supports data modeling from the conceptual to physical levels, forward and reverse engineering of database schemas, and MDA transformation of the logical (platform independent) to physical DBMS (platform dependent). Diagram types supported include: DDL notation, ERD notation, IDEF1X notation, Information Engineering notation. Supported DBMSs include: DB2, Firebird/InterBase, MS Access 97, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2013, MS SQL Server, all editions from 2005 including Express and Azure, MySQL , MariaDB, SQLite, Oracle from 9i (all editions), PostgreSQL, ArcGIS, Informix, Ingres,Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (Sybase ASA) and Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (Sybase ASE).
Information exchanged between agencies can be broken down into individual components – for example, information about people, places, material things, and events. Components that are frequently and uniformly used in practice are specified in NIEM and can then be reused by practitioners for information exchanges, regardless of the nature of their business or the operational context of their exchanges, provided they are semantically consistent. Information Exchange Package Documentation. The information that is commonly or universally exchanged between participating domains can be organized into information exchange packages (IEPs) in the form of XML Schemas.
The IEPD tool enables the user to upload or enter the artifacts required for an IEPD (schemas, documentation, and metadata) and assembles into a package according to the IEPD specification. It can also validate that minimum artifacts and metadata are present. The user creates an account and is granted a work space ("My IEPDs"). Inside this work space, the user can upload the artifacts to construct any number of IEPDs (complete or partial); share them with other account holders; or search, discover, and download IEPDs that other account holders have marked for sharing.
Cognitive science of religion is the study of religious thought and behavior from the perspective of the cognitive and evolutionary sciences. The field employs methods and theories from a very broad range of disciplines, including: cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology, cognitive anthropology, artificial intelligence, cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology, zoology, and ethology. Scholars in this field seek to explain how human minds acquire, generate, and transmit religious thoughts, practices, and schemas by means of ordinary cognitive capacities. Hallucinations and delusions related to religious content occurs in about 60% of people with schizophrenia.
Memory errors can occur in patients with depression or with depressive symptoms. Patients with depressive symptoms have a tendency to experience what is known as the negative triad, which is the perspective use of negative schemas and self-concepts to relate to the external world. Due to this negative triad, depressive patients have a tendency to have a much greater focus on, and recall for, negative details and events over positive ones. This may lead to memory errors related to the positive details of memories, impairing the accuracy or even complete recall of such memories.
Revisions to the schema are suggested and discussed on the MODS listserv, and approved by the MODS Editorial Committee. The MODS/MADS Editorial Committee is an international group of volunteers responsible for maintaining editorial control over MODS and MADS and their accompanying documentation as well as for the MODS and MADS XML schemas. The Library of Congress carries out the application of approved changes to the schema and maintains the official web site for the standard. There is no formal standards body involved in the MODS schema at this time.
Over the years, the emphasis on sex as a means of predicting the emergence of neurosis has shifted to finding the developmental influence that sex has on personality. This new focus is on the balance between the capacity for sexual pleasure and the establishment of intimate relationships. The assumption here is that to the extent that an individual uses sexuality, one's sexual nature will be experienced as more or less central to one's identity. Schemas can be viewed as a cognitive framework that organizes the relationship between external social stimuli and one's behavioral reactions.
Both of these principles should be considered when a clinician attempts to establish and maintain a strong therapeutic alliance with trauma survivors. For clients with a history of trauma, particularly those who have experienced betrayal trauma, forging close and trusting relationships with others may be difficult. In addition, during the course of therapy clients may discuss terrifying, horrific, or disturbing experiences, which may elicit strong reactions from the therapist. Some of the possible negative reactions could include distancing and emotional detachment, which may reinforce clients’ often negative schemas and self-image.
Beginning with tax year 2009, the IRS will extend the Modernized e-File program to cover the 1040 series of forms for income tax returns filed by individuals. The IRS expects to accept the first MeF-based individual income tax filings in 2010. In the initial phase, MeF for individual returns will support form 1040, schedules A, B, C, D, E, EIC, M, R, SE, as well as the additional forms 1099-R, 2106, 2210, 2441, 4562, 4868, 8283, 8812, 8829, 8863, 8880, 8888, and W-2. XML schemas for Form 1040 MeF are available on the IRS web site.
That is, SGML and XML enable users to specify particular schemas, which determine just what elements, attributes, and other features are permitted, and where. One extremely important characteristic of most markup languages is that they allow mixing markup directly into text streams. This happens all the time in documents: A few words in a sentence must be emphasized, or identified as a proper name, defined term, or other special item. This is quite different structurally from traditional databases, where it is by definition impossible to have data that is (for example) within a record, but not within any field.
Deriving all from love, or the lack thereof, Bembo's schemas were appended as supplements Flow diagram leading to the deeper-seated vices in purgatory Aldus' second edition printing of Dante's Divine Comedy, Venice 1502. to the newly invented technology of printing by Aldus Manutius in his editions of The Divine Comedy in the 16th century. Bembo's refutation of the pervasive puritanical tendency to a profane dualistic gnosticism is elaborated in The People of Asolo, his third prose book, which reconciled fallen human nature by way of Platonic transcendence that is mediated by Trinitarian love; Bembo dedicated that book to his lover Lucrezia Borgia.
"Ethnic diversity and creativity in small groups." Small group research 27.2 (1996): 248-264. The general assumption that underlies these theories is that an increase in racial/ethnic diversity means that a work group will experience possible positive outcomes such as: increased information, enhanced problem solving ability, constructive conflict and debate, increased creativity, higher quality decisions, and increased understanding of different ethnicities/cultures. Another underlying assumption is that surface-level diversity such as race is indicative of deeper-level differences, such as cognitive processes/schemas, differential knowledge base, different sets of experiences, and different views of the world.
Such extreme, costly tests assure that designs meet specifications. The themes of REM dreams are often likewise extreme and bizarre, such as being chase down an alley by a monster, finding oneself naked in the presence of a crowd of people, or realizing that one's teeth or hair are falling out. When such themes are reviewed as tests of the ability of mental schemas to cope with extreme stress, they appear rational. According to emotional selection, pleasant dreams, such as having sex, finding riches, or suddenly being able to fly, are tests that evaluate a person's ability to cope with happiness.
Like Piaget (1963), Vygotsky believed that young children develop sensory-motor thinking, in which they solve problems with objects by using motoric actions and perceptions. Unlike Piaget, however, Vygotsky saw sensorimotor thinking as mediated by other people through shared language and object-activity, rather than the mere maturation of sensorimotor schemas, as Piaget maintained (Bodrova & Leong 2007). Toddlers learn the words for objects and actions that are performed with them, and eventually become capable of generalizing from object to object and from one situation to another. For instance, toddlers learn that different objects can serve the same function (e.g.
According to the critical rationalist, if there is a sense in which humans accrue knowledge positively by experience, it is only by pivoting observations off existing conjectural theories pertinent to the observations, or off underlying cognitive schemas which unconsciously handle perceptions and use them to generate new theories. But these new theories advanced in response to perceived particulars are not logically "induced" from them. These new theories may be wrong. The myth that we induce theories from particulars is persistent because when we do this we are often successful, but this is due to the advanced state of our evolved tendencies.
While these will certainly vary project to project and institution to institution, some strategies may be widely or universally better than others, and these should be identified and communicated. One of the universally beneficial features of digital audio is metadata. While specific schema will vary widely, all digital audio should include technical metadata about the production of the audio, descriptive metadata about the content of the audio, and structural metadata about the relationships between audio files and related objects. Standardization of these metadata schemas encourages interoperability between organizations and facilitates access and future data curation and migration.
Egocentrism Egocentrism is the inability to differentiate between self and other. More specifically, it is the inability to untangle subjective schemas from objective reality and an inability to accurately assume or understand any perspective other than one's own. Although egocentric behaviors are less prominent in adulthood, the existence of some forms of egocentrism in adulthood indicates that overcoming egocentrism may be a lifelong development that never achieves completion. Adults appear to be less egocentric than children because they are faster to correct from an initially egocentric perspective than children, not because they are less likely to initially adopt an egocentric perspective.
Figure 1 - containment image schema An image schema is a recurring structure within our cognitive processes which establishes patterns of understanding and reasoning. Image schemas are formed from our bodily interactions, from linguistic experience, and from historical context. The term is explained in Mark Johnson's book The Body in the Mind; in case study 2 of George Lakoff's Women, Fire and Dangerous Things; by Rudolf Arnheim in Visual Thinking; and more recently, by Tim Rohrer's 2006 book chapter "Image Schemata in the Brain". In contemporary cognitive linguistics, an image schema is considered an embodied prelinguistic structure of experience that motivates conceptual metaphor mappings.
Typically they are constructed by manually analysing a corpus of human-written texts in the target genre, and extracting a document template from these texts. Schemas work well in practice for texts which are short (5 sentences or less) and/or have a standardised structure, but have problems in generating texts which are longer and do not have a fixed structure. Corpus- based structuring techniques use statistical corpus analysis techniques to automatically build ordering and/or grouping models. Such techniques are common in Automatic summarisation, where a computer program automatically generates a summary of a textual document.
Beck requested a sabbatical and would go into private practice for five years. In 1962, he was already making notes about patterns of thoughts in depression, emphasizing what can be observed and tested by anyone and treated in the present. He strengthened the new alliance with the psychiatrist Stunkard, and extended his links to psychologist colleagues such as Seymour Feshbach and Irving Sigel, thus keeping abreast of developments in cognitive psychology, as he did also from the new Center for Cognitive Science at Harvard University. He was particularly engaged with George Kelly's personal construct theory and Jean Piaget's schemas.
In a prenex polymorphic system, type variables may not be instantiated with polymorphic types. This is very similar to what is called "ML-style" or "Let-polymorphism" (technically ML's Let-polymorphism has a few other syntactic restrictions). This restriction makes the distinction between polymorphic and non-polymorphic types very important; thus in predicative systems polymorphic types are sometimes referred to as type schemas to distinguish them from ordinary (monomorphic) types, which are sometimes called monotypes. A consequence is that all types can be written in a form that places all quantifiers at the outermost (prenex) position.
XMetaL includes features common to word processors, such as a spellchecker, a thesaurus, and the ability to track changes made to documents. XMetaL provides different views of a document, known as “Normal”, “Tags On” and “Plain Text,” which reveal the underlying element tags and other XML markup to varying degrees, and uses standard CSS files to style documents for display within the editor. A “Resource Manager” pane can be used to locate and insert items such as image files and frequently reused text fragments. XMetaL can be configured to work with standard or custom DTDs or XML Schemas (XSDs).
Social schema theory builds on and uses terminology from schema theory in cognitive psychology, which describes how ideas or "concepts" are represented in the mind and how they are categorized. According to this view, when we see or think of a concept a mental representation or schema is "activated" bringing to mind other information which is linked to the original concept by association. This activation often happens unconsciously. As a result of activating such schemas, judgements are formed which go beyond the information actually available, since many of the associations the schema evokes extend outside the given information.
This problem addresses not the structuring of the architecture of the integration, but how to resolve semantic conflicts between heterogeneous data sources. For example, if two companies merge their databases, certain concepts and definitions in their respective schemas like "earnings" inevitably have different meanings. In one database it may mean profits in dollars (a floating-point number), while in the other it might represent the number of sales (an integer). A common strategy for the resolution of such problems involves the use of ontologies which explicitly define schema terms and thus help to resolve semantic conflicts.
A study by Cole, Maxwell, Dukewich & Yosick examined how physical and relational Targeted Peer Victimization (TPV) victimization were related and measured their effects on different types of positive and negative cognitions. It was hypothesized that the link between peer victimization and depression was mediated by the creation of negative self-schemas. The study found gender differences in victimization, as Relational TPV was more common for girls and physical TPV was more common for boys. Also, children who were severely victimized exhibited less positive self-cognitions and more negative self-cognitions as well as more depressive symptoms.
The bad reputation of social Darwinism and memetics has been discussed in the literature, and recommendations for new terminology have been given. What correspond to replicators or mind-viruses in memetics are called linguemes in Croft's theory of Utterance Selection (TUS), and likewise linguemes or constructions in construction grammar and usage-based linguistics; and metaphors, frames or schemas in cognitive and construction grammar. The reference of memetics has been largely replaced with that of a Complex Adaptive System. In current linguistics, this term covers a wide range of evolutionary notions while maintaining the Neo-Darwinian concepts of replication and replicator population.
The Weather Information Exchange Model (WXXM) is designed to enable the management and distribution of weather data in digital format (XML). WXXM version 2.0, set to be finalized in 2014, is based on Geography Markup Language (GML) and is one of the GML Application Schemas. It is being developed by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL). WXXM is a member of a family of data models designed for use in aviation safety, notably Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) and the Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM).
Once the negative schemas have been replaced, it will hopefully cause a remission of the patients symptoms. CBT is considered particularly effective in the treatment of depression and has even been used lately in group settings. It is felt that using CBT in a group setting aids in giving its members a sense of support and decreasing the likelihood of them dropping out of therapy before the treatment has had time to work properly. CBT has been found to be an effective treatments for many patients even those who do not have diseases and disorders typically thought of as psychiatric ones.
Perennialists tend to distinguish between the experience itself, and its post experience interpretation to make sense of the different views in world religions. Some constructivists like Steven T. Katz meanwhile have argued against the common core thesis, and for either the view that every mystical experience contains at least some concepts (soft constructivism) or that they are strongly shaped and determined by one's religious ideas and culture (hard constructivism). In this view, the conceptual scheme of any mystic strongly shapes their experiences and because mystics from different religions have very different schemas, there cannot be any universal mystical experiences.
Isaacs also helped popularise the works of Klein, as well as the theories of Jean Piaget and Sigmund Freud. She was initially enthusiastic for Jean Piaget's theories on the intellectual development of young children, though she later criticised his schemas for stages of cognitive development, which were not based on the observation of the child in their natural environment, unlike her own observations at Malting House School. Between 1924 and 1927, she was the head of Malting House School in Cambridge, which is an experimental school founded by Geoffrey Pyke. The school fostered the individual development of children.
19) occurs in two ways: Conceptualizing by Naming-categorization is a Knowledge Process by means of which the learner learns to use abstract, generalizing terms. A concept not only names the particular; it also abstracts something general from that particular. Activity type: define terms, make a glossary, label a diagram, sort or categorize like or unlike things Conceptualizing with theory-schematization is a Knowledge Process by means of which learners make generalizations and put the key terms together into interpretative framework. They build mental models, abstract frameworks and transferable disciplinary schemas (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009, p. 185).
Henry Head, an English neurologist who conducted pioneering work into the somatosensory system and sensory nerves, together with British neurologist Gordon Morgan Holmes, first described the concept in 1911. The concept was first termed "postural schema" to describe the disordered spatial representation of patients following damage to the parietal lobe of the brain. Head and Holmes discussed two schemas (or schemata): one body schema for the registration of posture or movement and another body schema for the localization of stimulated locations on the body surface. "Body schema" became the term used for the "organized models of ourselves".
RethinkDB is a free and open-source, distributed document-oriented database originally created by the company of the same name. The database stores JSON documents with dynamic schemas, and is designed to facilitate pushing real- time updates for query results to applications. Initially seed funded by Y Combinator in June 2009, the company announced in October 2016 that it had been unable to build a sustainable business and its products would in future be entirely open-sourced without commercial support. The CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) then purchased the rights to the RethinkDB source code and contributed it to the Linux Foundation.
Further guidance on the proper development of conformant exchange schemas is provided in part by the NIEM Concept of Operations (ConOps) and NIEM Naming and Design Rules. These concepts are still being developed as NIEM continues to grow and mature. For an example of how the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative has developed a user guide for the Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM), and for links to all other information related to the justice-specific model, visit the Global Justice XML Data Model website. In addition to document support, tools are also provided to help simplify conformance when developing exchanges.
The first ahnentafel, published by Michaël Eytzinger in Thesaurus principum hac aetate in Europa viventium Cologne: 1590, pp. 146-147, in which Eytzinger first illustrates his new functional theory of numeration of ancestors; this schema showing Henry III of France as n° 1, de cujus, with his ancestors in five generations. The remainder of the volume shows 34 additional schemas for rulers and princes of Europe using his new method. First representation of Leo Belgicus in a map of the Low Countries by Eytzinger & Hogenberg, published in 1583 Michaël Eytzinger (Freiherr Michael von Aitzing, Aitzinger, Eyzinger, or Eitzing) (born ca.
However, the fallibility of children's memories is a complicated issue: memory does not strictly improve over time, but varies in the number of errors made as different skills are developed. Young children are very prone to suggestibility and false memories, even for false story-situations which they provided themselves. This is likely due to memory compensation strategies of imagery and imagination employed at an early age. As children age, other memory strategies such as auditory rehearsal or use of schemas and semantic relationships replace the reliance on imagery, leading to more reliable memories for events, but also presenting greater opportunity for memory errors.
During this time, he was also associated with several academic institutions and international standards organizations. In 1974 he was co-founder of the IFIP WG 2.6 Database Experts group, where he served as its first chairman until 1983. He was also a member of IFIP WG 8.1 on Information Systems and a member of ISO TC97/SC5/WG3 working group on Conceptual Schemas. During the period of 1982 to 1989 Nijssen was a full-time professor of Computer science at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, where he worked together with Terry Halpin amongst others in further developing NIAM.
Sidney J. Blatt (October 15, 1928, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – May 11, 2014, Hamden, Connecticut) was a professor emeritus of psychiatry and psychology at Yale University's Department of psychiatry. Blatt was a psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist, empirical researcher and personality theoretician, who made enormous contributions to the understanding of personality development and psychopathology. His wide-ranging areas of scholarship and expertise included clinical assessment, psychoanalysis, cognitive schemas, mental representation, psychopathology, depression, schizophrenia, and the therapeutic process, as well as the history of art. During a long and productive academic career, Blatt published 16 books and nearly 250 articles and developed several extensively used assessment procedures.
In T. Millon & R. E. Krueger (Eds.), Contemporary Directions in Psychopathology (2nd Ed), pp. 483-514. New York: Guilford.). Blatt has also demonstrated the importance of looking beyond the symptomatic expression of various disorders to identify and understand the basic personality organization as it is expressed in the content and cognitive organizational structure of representations of self and of significant others. Blatt and colleagues have demonstrated that these representations or cognitive-affective interpersonal schemas are the basis foundations of various forms of adaptive and maladaptive personality organization and are also central in the treatment process and to sustained therapeutic change.
The software uses OLAP technology to enable business intelligence on the cloud and big data platforms. In a report published by Forrester Research in 2016, where they evaluated several native Hadoop business intelligence (BI) platforms on 22 parameters, Kyvos was referred to as a platform that gave new life to OLAP by bringing it to Hadoop. As per the report, Kyvos enables analysis on Hadoop based on OLAP schemas, aggregations, and predefined drill-down paths. It pre-calculates aggregates at multiple levels of dimensional hierarchies to improve query response times as compared to SQL-on-Hadoop platforms.
Sadra gave Fayz one of his daughters to marry, they later had a son named, Muhammad Alam al-Huda, who followed in his fathers footsteps. Fayz is said to have produced works that mixed Islamic scriptual moral concerns with Aristotelian, Platonic schemas and illunminationist mysticism- a rationalist gnostic approach.(Rizvi) Some of his works brought him bad attention, he was criticized by Unlama for not using the Idjma in questioning jurisprudence, such as the legitimacy of music and the definition of impurity. One of Fayz students later blames him for encouraging his students to listen to music.
Schema-agnostic databases or vocabulary-independent databases aim at supporting users to be abstracted from the representation of the data, supporting the automatic semantic matching between queries and databases. Schema-agnosticism is the property of a database of mapping a query issued with the user terminology and structure, automatically mapping it to the dataset vocabulary. The increase in the size and in the semantic heterogeneity of database schemas bring new requirements for users querying and searching structured data. At this scale it can become unfeasible for data consumers to be familiar with the representation of the data in order to query it.
By correcting these defilements of perception through mental cultivation as well as using inference to gain "insight born of (rational) reflection" (cintāmayī prajñā) a Buddhist yogi is able to better see the true nature of reality until his perception is fully perfected. Dharmakīrti, again following Dignāga, also holds that that things as they are in themselves are "ineffable" (avyapadeśya). Language is never about the things in themselves, only about conceptual fictions, hence they are nominalists. Due to this theory, the main issue for Dharmakirti becomes how to explain that it is possible for our arbitrary and conventional linguistic schemas to refer to perceptual particulars which are ineffable and non conceptual.
The use of schemas has been shown to increase the accuracy of recall of schema-consistent information but this comes at the cost of decreased recall of schema-inconsistent information. A study by Tuckey and Brewer found that after 12 weeks, memories of information inconsistent with a schema-typical robbery decays much faster than those that are schema- consistent. These were memories such as the method of getaway, demands by the robbers, and the robbers' physical appearance. The study also found that information that was schema-inconsistent but stood out as very abnormal for the participants was usually recalled more readily and was retained for the duration of the study.
The complexity of IETD especially regarding the huge mass of data elements, their linkage and the version management issuing and release process must be controlled via a special document management system. To handle these complex structures of ASD S1000D IETDs, the Common Source Data Base is necessary. The aim of a CSDB (Common Source Data Base, in accordance with specification S1000D) is to provide the user (mainly technical authors, illustrators and publication managers) with automated processes to handle the complete palette of CSDB objects. Starting with the smallest addressable unit, the DataModules under the use of different Document Type Definitions (DTD's) or schemas has to be supported.
In the U.S., for example, exposure to TV has been associated with "more stereotypical sexual attitudes [like the idea that men are sex-driven and the notion that women are sexual objects] and evaluation styles". Also popular is the idea that appearance or sexiness is essential for men and women. Additionally, pop music and music videos have been shown to increase stereotypical gender schemas, and promote the ideas that gender relationships are adversarial and that appearance is fundamental. The stereotyped portrayals of men and women have been argued to be valued and internalized by younger viewers, especially during puberty and the construction of their sexual identity.
One very widely used representation for structured documents is HTML, a schema defined and described by the W3C. However, HTML has not only tags for meaning-oriented components such as paragraph, title, and code; but also format-oriented ones such as italic, bold, and most table. In practice, HTML is sometimes used as a structured document system, but often used as a formatting language. Many domains use structured documents via domain-specific schemas they have co-operatively developed, such as JATS for journal publishing, TEI for literary documents, UBL and EDI for business interchange, XTCE for spacecraft telemetry, REST for Web interfaces, and countless more.
Individuals may also import norms from a previous organization to their new group, which can get adopted over time. Without a clear indication of how to act, people typically rely on their past history to determine the best course forward; what was successful before may serve them well again. In a group, individuals may all import different histories or scripts about appropriate behaviors; common experience over time will lead the group to define as a whole its take on the right action, usually with the integration of several members' schemas. Under the importation paradigm, norm formation occurs subtly and swiftly whereas with formal or informal development of norms may take longer.
In epistemology, descriptive knowledge (also known as propositional knowledge, knowing-that, declarative knowledge, or constative knowledge) is knowledge that can be expressed in a declarative sentence or an indicative proposition. "Knowing-that" can be contrasted with "knowing-how" (also known as "procedural knowledge"), which is knowing how to perform some task, including knowing how to perform it skillfully. It can also be contrasted with "knowing of" (better known as "knowledge by acquaintance"), which is non-propositional knowledge of something which is constituted by familiarity with it or direct awareness of it. By definition, descriptive knowledge is knowledge of particular facts, as potentially expressed by our theories, concepts, principles, schemas, and ideas.
Boys are less willing to state they have negative feelings about sex than girls when they describe their sexual self-schemas. Boys are not divided into positive and negative sexual self-concepts; they are divided into schematic and non-schematic (a schema is a cluster of ideas about a process or aspect of the world; see schema). Boys who are sexually schematic are more sexually experienced, have higher levels of sexual arousal, and are more able to experience romantic feelings. Boys who are not schematic have fewer sexual partners, a smaller range of sexual experiences and are much less likely than schematic men to be in a romantic relationship.
In traditional REBT, the client together with the therapist, in a structured active-directive manner, often work through a set of target problems and establish a set of therapeutic goals. In these target problems, situational dysfunctional emotions, behaviors and beliefs are assessed in regards to the client's values and goals. After working through these problems, the client learns to generalize insights to other relevant situations. In many cases after going through a client's different target problems, the therapist is interested in examining possible core beliefs and more deep rooted philosophical evaluations and schemas that might account for a wider array of problematic emotions and behaviors.
They can scale more naturally to large datasets as they do not typically need join operations, which can often be expensive. As they depend less on a rigid schema, they are marketed as more suitable to manage ad hoc and changing data with evolving schemas. Conversely, relational database management systems are typically faster at performing the same operation on large numbers of data elements, permitting the manipulation of the data in its natural structure. Despite the graph databases' advantages and recent popularity over the relational databases, it is recommended the graph model itself should not be the sole reason to replace an existing relational database.
The seductive details effect has primarily been demonstrated at the point of knowledge acquisition (initial learning); its impact on transfer performance has not been clearly shown. Theory in text comprehension suggests that seductive details might be detrimental for recall but advantageous for transfer performance because of the schematic representation of information that trainees form during instruction. Researchers have described the seductive details effect as having a damaging effect on recall because it distracts trainees from learning and they tend to form inappropriate schemas to organize information. However, when learners are applying knowledge, empirical studies suggest that the distortion of the macro structure or schema of the instructional material is beneficial.
In other words, "a horizontal décalage arises when a cognitive structure that can be successfully applied to task X cannot, though it is composed of the same organization of logical operations, be extended to task Y." Horizontal décalage is frequently used in reference to a child's ability to solve different conservation tasks. This concept recognizes that an individual child will not necessarily be on the same level of functioning in all possible areas of performance. Rather, "concepts and schemas develop through operation on and manipulation of objects in a specific manner." Vertical décalage refers to a child using the same cognitive function in different stages across development.
It has also been demonstrated that human memory has a limited capacity for storing information, as well as a reconstructive nature. The reconstructive nature of human memory can be demonstrated through the use of schemas; a memory blueprint that provides insight and guidance as to what one might expect from certain events. As a consequence, a witness may incorrectly recall and subsequently report the events of a crime because they are reporting what their schema of a crime is, as opposed to what actually transpired. It has also demonstrated that the recall of information from memory is influenced by the strategies used to gain access to that information.
Peer victimization is especially prevalent and damaging in middle school, as during this time children are defining themselves by creating self-schemas and establishing self-esteem, both which will impact their future adult life; for this reason, most of the research on peer victimization focuses on this age group. They are also more vulnerable to peer rejection because needs for belonging and intimacy may be especially strong during early adolescence, when children are working to solidify their peer groups. Retrieved from Much of victimization research adopts a social psychology perspective, investigating how different types of peer victimization affect the individual and the different negative outcomes that occur.
Robert O. Gjerdingen is a scholar of music theory and music perception, and is currently a professor at Northwestern University. His most influential work focuses on the application of ideas from cognitive science, especially theories about schemas, as an analytical tool in an attempted "archaeology" of style and composition methods in galant European music of the eighteenth century. Gjerdingen received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984 after studying with Leonard B. Meyer and Eugene Narmour. His 2007 book Music in the Galant Style received the Wallace Berry award from the Society for Music Theory in 2009 and has become influential in the field of music theory.
ADMS UML model version 1.00 The Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) is a common metadata vocabulary to describe standards, so-called interoperability assets, on the Web. Used in concert with web syndication technology ADMS helps people make sense of the complex multi-publisher environment around standards and in particular the ones which are semantic assets such as ontologies, data models, data dictionaries, code lists, XML and RDF schemas. In spite of their importance, standards are not easily discoverable on the web via search engines because metadata about them is seldom available. Navigating on the websites of the different publishers of standards is not efficient either.
OneSource serves developers, integrators, managers, and community of interest (COI) participants as a focus point for searching, navigating, annotating, semantic matching, and mapping data terms extracted from military standards, COI vocabularies, programs of record, and other schemas and data sources. OneSource is based upon a United States Air Force researched and developed triplestore knowledge base architecture, which allows XML Schema, Web Ontology Language, relational database, spreadsheet, and even custom data models to be handled and presented in the same manner. Initial capability was released in 2006. Version 2 was released in 2008 with the previously disjoint matching and mapping capabilities fully integrated for use in a web browser.
Perceptions about an out-group or of a different culture may tend to be perpetuated and reinforced by the media or long-standing notions of stereotypes. As a result of using schemas to simplify the world as we look at it, we rely on a set of well- established stereotypes available in our own culture to define and view the out-group. As such, the risk of stereotypes is if it is inaccurate and blinds us to certain key understanding of a certain class of people, and as stereotypes tend to persist even with new information, the problem of cultural divide can be perpetuated.
Relational Power, Marital Schema, and Decisions to Withhold Complaints: An Investigation of the Chilling Effect on Confrontation in Marriage [PDF] Communication Studies, 55(1), 146-167 This is determined through interpersonal power, or the degree of influence one exerts over the other in a relationship through the ability to sway the costs and rewards the partner undergoes. Marital schemas are cognitive structures that contain organized knowledge about marriage relationships. This research was conducted by having communication students present a questionnaire to a married individual studying six different types of power as independent variables. The dependent variables were the conflicts that were not brought to the spouses attention.
In psychology and cognitive science, a schema (plural schemata or schemas) describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them. It can also be described as a mental structure of preconceived ideas, a framework representing some aspect of the world, or a system of organizing and perceiving new information. Schemata influence attention and the absorption of new knowledge: people are more likely to notice things that fit into their schema, while re-interpreting contradictions to the schema as exceptions or distorting them to fit. Schemata have a tendency to remain unchanged, even in the face of contradictory information.
Basic memory processes have also been examined in terms of their relation to survival processing, in hopes of explaining the survival recall advantage. Weinstein, Bugg and Roediger contrasted two basic memory processes: schematic processing (the memory performance is made easier and more efficient with the creation of schemas) and self-referential processing (elaboration becomes easier when relating the concept to oneself). Weinstein and colleagues conducted two experiments, the first duplicating Nairne's findings, and the second comparing the survival advantage to schematic and self-referential processing. Weinstein's findings supported Nairne's survival advantage and found it unlikely that the survival advantage can be explained in terms of schematic processing or self-reference.
The classes must be defined before LINQ to SQL can be used. Visual Studio 2008 includes a mapping designer that can be used to create the mapping between the data schemas in the object as well as the relational domain. It can automatically create the corresponding classes from a database schema, as well as allow manual editing to create a different view by using only a subset of the tables or columns in a table. The mapping is implemented by the `DataContext` that takes a connection string to the server, and can be used to generate a `Table` where T is the type to which the database table will be mapped.
The first ahnentafel, published by Michaël Eytzinger in Thesaurus principum hac aetate in Europa viventium Cologne: 1590, pp. 146–147, in which Eytzinger first illustrates his new functional theory of numeration of ancestors; this schema showing Henry III of France as n° 1, de cujus, with his ancestors in five generations. The remainder of the volume shows 34 additional schemas for rulers and princes of Europe using his new method. Seize quartiers coat of arms display document (1786) An ahnentafel (German for "ancestor table"; ) or ahnenreihe ("ancestor series"; ) is a genealogical numbering system for listing a person's direct ancestors in a fixed sequence of ascent.
Being that gender schema theory is a theory of process and not content, this theory can help explain some of the processes by which gender stereotypes become so psychologically ingrained in our society. Specifically, having strong gender schemata provides a filter through which we process incoming stimuli in the environment. This leads to an easier ability to assimilate information that is stereotype congruent, hence further solidifying the existence of gender stereotypes. Within adolescent development, Bem hypothesizes that children must choose among a plethora of dimensions, but that gender schemas lead to the regulation of behaviors that conform to the cultural definition of what it means to be male or female.
Berthelot's philosophy and history of social sciences was influenced by Kant, French historical epistemology of Bachelard, Canguilhem, Koyré and Gaston Granger, the falsifiability of Popper and Lakatos and the epistemological reflections of sociologists, from Durkheim, Weber and Simmel to Passeron, Adorno and Habermas. Jean-Michel Berthelot's epistemological work combined the philosophy and history of science in the study of sociological theories to understand the logic of construction and justification of sociological knowledge. Berthelot created a typology of sociological explanations, constituted by six logical schemas of intelligibility: causal, actancial, hermeneutic, structural, functionalist and dialectic. These types of explanation were the result of formalization of theory and arguments in the history of sociology.
One argument towards social media based participatory surveillance is participatory surveillance within social digital media schemas work to emphasize the power that comes from monitoring what is surveilled of themselves in the context of others rather than being constituted as an invasion of privacy, or disempowerment. Within the visual discourse of reality television, the artistic narrative associated with presenting lives, creates a fake reality in which people can contextualize, therefore keeping the reality of some aspects of an individual or collectives' lives still privatized. This thinking can be transposed to other socially constructed media technologies. In contrast, ambient awareness is associated with cell phones since they are rarely turned off.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, . While emerging treatments, such as dialectical behavior therapy, have demonstrated efficacy in treating personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder, personality disorders are associated with considerable stigma in popular and clinical discourse alike. Despite various methodological schemas designed to categorize personality disorders, many issues occur with classifying a personality disorder because the theory and diagnosis of such disorders occur within prevailing cultural expectations; thus, their validity is contested by some experts on the basis of inevitable subjectivity. They argue that the theory and diagnosis of personality disorders are based strictly on social, or even sociopolitical and economic considerations.
Cubism burgeoned between 1907 and 1911. Pablo Picasso's 1907 painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon has often been considered a proto-Cubist work. In 1908, in his review of Georges Braque's exhibition at Kahnweiler's gallery, the critic Louis Vauxcelles called Braque a daring man who despises form, "reducing everything, places and a figures and houses, to geometric schemas, to cubes".Louis Vauxcelles, Exposition Braques, Gil Blas, 14 November 1908, Gallica (BnF)Alex Danchev, Georges Braques: A Life, Arcade Publishing, 15 November 2005 Vauxcelles recounted how Matisse told him at the time, "Braque has just sent in [to the 1908 Salon d'Automne] a painting made of little cubes".
She continues: > It would make no sense, then, to define gender as the cultural > interpretation of sex, if sex is itself a gender-centered category. Gender > should not be conceived merely as the cultural inscription of meaning based > on a given sex (a juridical conception); gender must also designate the very > apparatus of production whereby the sexes themselves are established. [...] > This production of sex as the pre-discursive should be understood as the > effect of the apparatus of cultural construction designated by gender.Butler > (1990) p. 10. Butler argues that "bodies only appear, only endure, only live within the productive constraints of certain highly gendered regulatory schemas,"Butler (1993) p. xi.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) developed from the combination of cognitive therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy, both of which grew out of cognitive psychology and behaviorism. CBT is based on the theory that how we think (cognition), how we feel (emotion), and how we act (behavior) are related and interact together in complex ways. In this perspective, certain dysfunctional ways of interpreting and appraising the world (often through schemas or beliefs) can contribute to emotional distress or result in behavioral problems. The object of many cognitive behavioral therapies is to discover and identify the biased, dysfunctional ways of relating or reacting and through different methodologies help clients transcend these in ways that will lead to increased well-being.
Freire includes several basic factors in his formation of critical literacy. The first step of critical literacy involves bringing awareness, or "consciousness" as Freire terms it, to those who are mistreated and to those who bring about this mistreatment through promoting unfair ideologies via politics and other positions of power, such as schools and government. This is because Freire and Macedo hold that written texts also represent information that has been built on previous schemas about the world since the mistreated often are not conscious that they are oppressed, viewing their poverty or marginalization as a natural part of life. Accepting their hardship, they do not know the steps that would end their oppression.
To streamline this process, a schema migration tool is usually invoked as a part of an automated software build as a prerequisite of the automated testing phase. Schema migration tools can be said to solve versioning problems for database schemas just as version control systems solve versioning problems for source code. In practice, many schema migration tools actually rely on a textual representation of schema changes (such as files containing SQL statements) such that the version history of schema changes can effectively be stored alongside program source code within VCS. This approach ensures that the information necessary to recover a compatible database schema for a particular code branch is recoverable from the source tree itself.
It is essentially the first experimental and exploratory phase of an art movement that would become altogether more extreme, known from the spring of 1911 as Cubism. Proto-Cubist artworks typically depict objects in geometric schemas of cubic or conic shapes. The illusion of classical perspective is progressively stripped away from objective representation to reveal the constructive essence of the physical world (not just as seen). The term is applied not only to works of this period by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, but to a range of art produced in France during the early 1900s, by such artists as Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Henri Le Fauconnier, Robert Delaunay, Fernand Léger, and to variants developed elsewhere in Europe.
SAP IQ provides federation with the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS), a very popular framework for big data, so that enterprise users can continue to store data in Hadoop and utilize its benefits. Integration is achieved in four different ways, depending on the user's needs, through client-side federation, ETL, data, and query federation. Client-side federation joins data from IQ and Hadoop at a client application level while ETL federation lets the user load Hadoop data into the column store schemas of IQ. HDFS data can also be joined with IQ data on the fly through SQL queries from IQ, and finally results of MapReduce jobs can be combined with IQ data, also on the fly.
The World City or Cité Mondiale is a utopian vision by Paul Otlet of a city which like a universal exhibition brings together all the leading institutions of the world.In 2011 Wouter Van Acker completed his PhD on the visionary schemes and schemas of Paul Otlet. The World City would radiate knowledge to the rest of the world and construct peace and universal cooperation. Otlet’s idea to design a utopian city dedicated to international institutions was largely inspired by the contemporary publication in 1913 by the Norwegian-American sculptor Hendrik Christian Andersen and the French architect Ernest Hébrard of an impressive series of Beaux-Arts plans for a World Centre of Communication (1913).
IBM Integration Bus message flows can be used in a service-oriented architecture, and if properly designed by Middleware Analysts, integrated into event-driven SOA schemas, sometimes referred to as SOA 2.0. Businesses rely on the processing of events, which might be part of a business process, such as issuing a trade order, purchasing an insurance policy, reading data using a sensor, or monitoring information gathered about IT infrastructure performance. lex-event-processing capabilities that enable analysis of events to perform validation, enrichment, transformation and intelligent routing of messages based on a set of business rules. A developer creates message flows in a cyclical workflow, probably more agile than most other software development.
Because PTSD can make an individual more likely to experience suicidal ideation, DBT can be an option to stabilize suicidality and aid in other treatment modalities. Some critics argue that while DBT can be used to treat CPTSD, it is not significantly more effective than standard PTSD treatments. Further, this argument posits that DBT decreases self-injurious behaviors (such as cutting or burning) and increases interpersonal functioning but neglects core CPTSD symptoms such as impulsivity, cognitive schemas (repetitive, negative thoughts), and emotions such as guilt and shame. The ISTSS reports that CPTSD requires treatment which differs from typical PTSD treatment, using a multiphase model of recovery, rather than focusing on traumatic memories.
A particular difficulty is that tables from two otherwise identical schemas (for example, a test schema and a development schema) can hold records that are equivalent in a business sense, but have different keys. This can be mitigated by NOT exporting surrogate keys, except as transient data (most obviously, in executing applications that have a "live" connection to the database). When surrogate keys supplant natural keys, then domain specific referential integrity will be compromised. For example, in a customer master table, the same customer may have multiple records under separate customer IDs, even though the natural key (a combination of customer name, date of birth, and E-mail address) would be unique.
Differences in eyewitness memory can be attributed to whether the perpetrator holding a weapon is consistent with the eyewitness's schema. People use schemas to organize knowledge and provide a basis for future understanding. Researcher Kerri Pickel posits that if the object held by the target falls in line with the witness's schema, they will not divert as much attention to it and the characteristics of the perpetrator will be encoded normally - it is only when the combination of the perpetrator and the object is not consistent with the schema that the weapon focus effect will be significant in distorting memory. Pickel looked into some differences in the memory of the eyewitnesses, when the physical traits of the perpetrator change.
The work cannot be considered an authentic work by Dong or even a work mostly written by him. It bears many marks of multiple authorship and is both externally contradictory with other material on Dong's thought, and inconsistent with itself. Different chapters espouse mutually contradictory cosmological schemas, and there even seem to be references to the rise of Wang Mang, which did not happen until a century after the death of Dong. The title Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals is not listed in the Book of Han, and there are no references whatsoever to any book of that name before 4th century mentioned by Ge Hong, 500 years after Dong's death.
T-SQL (Transact-SQL) is Microsoft's proprietary procedural language extension for SQL Server. It provides REPL (Read-Eval- Print-Loop) instructions that extend standard SQL's instruction set for Data Manipulation (DML) and Data Definition (DDL) instructions, including SQL Server-specific settings, security and database statistics management. It exposes keywords for the operations that can be performed on SQL Server, including creating and altering database schemas, entering and editing data in the database as well as monitoring and managing the server itself. Client applications that consume data or manage the server will leverage SQL Server functionality by sending T-SQL queries and statements which are then processed by the server and results (or errors) returned to the client application.
From this perspective, making a decision means committing oneself to a course of action where plausible alternatives exist, even if the person does not identify or compare these alternatives. The NDM movement shifted our conception of human decision making from a domain independent general approach to a knowledge based approach exemplified by decision makers who had substantial experience. The decision making process was expanded to include a prior stage of perception and recognition of situations, as well as generation of appropriate responses, not just choice from among given options. This perspective took advantage of advances in cognitive psychology such as knowledge representation concepts of scripts, schemas, and mental models, to contrast expert versus novice behavior.
RELAX NG (Regular Language for XML Next Generation) was initially specified by OASIS and is now a standard (Part 2: Regular-grammar-based validation of ISO/IEC 19757 - DSDL). RELAX NG schemas may be written in either an XML based syntax or a more compact non-XML syntax; the two syntaxes are isomorphic and James Clark's conversion tool—Trang—can convert between them without loss of information. RELAX NG has a simpler definition and validation framework than XML Schema, making it easier to use and implement. It also has the ability to use datatype framework plug-ins; a RELAX NG schema author, for example, can require values in an XML document to conform to definitions in XML Schema Datatypes.
For example, Alice likely believes that all of her friends are friends with each other, but other groups are not as connected. In addition to making network representation efficient, schemas, as well as other biases, lead to systematic errors in network perception. These errors in individual and group perceptions has been the focus of much of the research related to cognitive social structures. In research, a typical method of measuring cognitive social structures involves :(a) listing one’s direct ties, either in general or in terms of whom they’ve interacted with recently, or :(b) completing a table that lists all members in the rows and columns by checking off whom everyone is connected to.
For instance, by 1923, the Pennsylvania Railroad had hired 10,000 black men from Florida and Georgia to work at their expanding yards and tracks. The rapid influx of blacks disturbed the racial balance within Northern cities, exacerbating hostility between black and white Northerners. The Red Summer of 1919 was marked by hundreds of deaths and higher casualties across the U.S. as a result of race riots that occurred in more than three dozen cities, such as the Chicago race riot of 1919 and the Omaha race riot of 1919. Stereotypic schemas of Southern blacks were used to attribute issues in urban areas, such as crime and disease, to the presence of African Americans.
Initially a CD-R-release-only label for the first year and a half of existence, in 2004 it began releasing elaborate packaging schemas with most records. For example, in 2006 the label released 1 box set, 6 CDs, 4 CD/vinyl combos, 1 skateboard, and 1 book. As of 2012, the label's production and distribution costs for bands ranges from 0 to $10,000, including digital- only releases and formats such as tape, CD, CD-R, vinyl, DVDs, and print products, as well as events, packaging, tour management, promotion, and band vans. Co-founder Curtis Knapp, who performs in several of the label's bandsThe label's first release was Made in Canada by collective group Rob Walmart.
1 Application Schema - CoveragesOGC GML Application Schema - Coverages, OGC 09-146r2 (often referred to as GMLCOV) which in turn is based on the Geography Markup Language (GML) 3.2,OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard, OGC 07-036 an XML grammar written in XML Schema for the description of application schemas as well as the transport and storage of geographic information. The European legal framework for a unified Spatial Data Infrastructure, INSPIRE, in its Annex II and III relies on the OGC definitions of coverages as well, but modifies them in places in a way making them less compatible and interoperable with the OGC standard. For example, components of the coverage concept are selectively recombined into new, different definitions of a coverage.
So, for example, a penguin or an ostrich would sit at the fringe of the meaning of "bird", because a penguin is unlike a robin. Intimately related to these researches is the notion of a psychologically basic level, which is both the first level named and understood by children, and "the highest level at which a single mental image can reflect the entire category" (Lakoff 1987:46). The "basic level" of cognition is understood by Lakoff as crucially drawing upon "image-schemas" along with various other cognitive processes. Philosophers Ned Block, Gilbert Harman and Hartry Field, and cognitive scientists G. Miller and P. Johnson-Laird say that the meaning of a term can be found by investigating its role in relation to other concepts and mental states.
Constructivist psychology when applied to education emphasizes that students are always engaged in a process of actively constructing meaning—a process which "the teacher can only facilitate or thwart, but not himself invent". Jean Piaget's theory describes how children do not simply mimic everything that is part of the external environment, but rather that developing and learning is an ongoing process and interchange between individuals and their surroundings, a process through which individuals develop increasingly complex schemas. According to Angela O'Donnell and colleagues, constructivism describes how a learner constructs knowledge via different concepts: complex cognition, scaffolding, vicarious experiences, modeling, and observational learning. This makes students, teachers, the environment and anyone or anything else in which the student has interaction active participants in their learning.
A cognitive map (sometimes called, but should not be confused with, a mental map or mental model) is a type of mental representation which serves an individual to acquire, code, store, recall, and decode information about the relative locations and attributes of phenomena in their everyday or metaphorical spatial environment. The concept was introduced by Edward Tolman in 1948. The concept was used to explain the behavior of rats that appeared to learn the spatial layout of a maze, and subsequently the concept was applied to other animals, including humans. The term was later generalized by some researchers, especially in the field of operations research, to refer to a kind of semantic network representing an individual's personal knowledge or schemas.
According to Analayo, the beginning of Abhidharma proper was inspired by the desire "to be as comprehensive as possible, to supplement the directives given in the early discourses for progress on the path with a full picture of all aspects of the path in an attempt to provide a complete map of everything in some way related to the path."Anālayo (2014) "The Dawn of Abhidharma," p. 168. Hamburg University Press. As Frauwallner explains, due to this scholastic impulse, lists grew in size, different mātṛkās were combined with each other to produce new ones, and new concepts and schemas were introduced, such as the differentiation of cittas and caitasikās and new ways of connecting or relating the various elements with each other.
By the close of the twentieth century, the psychoanalytic view of repetition compulsion had come into increasing dialogue with a variety of other discourses, ranging from attachment theory through brief psychodynamic therapy to cognitive behavioural therapy. Attachment theory saw early developmental experiences leading to 'schemas or mental representations of relationship ... [which] become organized, encoded experiential and cognitive data ... that led to self-confirmation'. The Core Conflictual Relationship Theme—'core wishes that the individual has in relation to others'—was seen in brief psychodynamic therapy as linked to the way in 'a repetition compulsion, the client will behave in ways that engender particular responses from others that conform with previous experiences in interpersonal relationships'.Grant, Jan; Crawley, Jim (2002). p. 59.
Approximately 56% of individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder also meet criteria for PTSD. Because of the correlation between borderline personality disorder traits and trauma, some settings began using DBT as a treatment for traumatic symptoms. Some providers opt to combine DBT with other PTSD interventions, such as prolonged exposure therapy (PE) (repeated, detailed description of the trauma in a psychotherapy session) or cognitive processing therapy (CPT) (psychotherapy which addresses cognitive schemas related to traumatic memories). For example, a regimen which combined PE and DBT would include teaching mindfulness skills and distress tolerance skills, then implementing PE. The individual with the disorder would then be taught acceptance of a trauma's occurrence and how it may continue to affect them throughout their lives.
This phenomenon of ontology becoming stronger over time parallels observations in folk taxonomy about taxonomy: as a society practices more labour specialization, it tends to become intolerant of confusions and mixed metaphors, and sorts them into formal professions or practices. Ultimately, these are expected to reason about them in common, with mathematics, especially statistics and logic, as the common ground. On the World Wide Web, folksonomy in the form of tag schemas and typed links has tended to evolve slowly in a variety of forums, and then be standardized in such schemes as microformats as more and more forums agree. These weak ontology constructs only become strong in response to growing demands for a more powerful form of search engine than is possible with keywording.
ELM diagram The central route is used when the message recipient has the motivation as well as the ability to think about the message and its topic. When people process information centrally, the cognitive responses, or elaborations, will be much more relevant to the information, whereas when processing peripherally, the individual may rely on heuristics and other rules of thumb when elaborating on a message. Being at the high end of the elaboration continuum, people assess object-relevant information in relation to schemas that they already possess, and arrive at a reasoned attitude that is supported by information. It is important to consider two types of factors that influence how and how much one will elaborate on a persuasive message.
The epic, and presumably the oral traditions that provided its material, have transformed historical events into relatively simple narrative schemas that can be compared with other, similar (originally) oral narratives from other cultures. What had originally been political motivations have been "personalized," so that political events are explained through personal preferences, likes, dislikes, and feuds rather than purely by realpolitik. Various historical personages, moreover, appear to be contemporaries despite not having lived at the same time historically. The Nibelungen saga also seems to have had an early reception in Scandinavia, so that parallel stories are found among the heroic lays of the Poetic Edda (written down in 1270, but containing at least some much older material) and in the Völsunga saga (second half of the thirteenth century).
XML databases are a type of structured document-oriented database that allows querying based on XML document attributes. XML databases are mostly used in applications where the data is conveniently viewed as a collection of documents, with a structure that can vary from the very flexible to the highly rigid: examples include scientific articles, patents, tax filings, and personnel records. NoSQL databases are often very fast, do not require fixed table schemas, avoid join operations by storing denormalized data, and are designed to scale horizontally. In recent years, there has been a strong demand for massively distributed databases with high partition tolerance, but according to the CAP theorem it is impossible for a distributed system to simultaneously provide consistency, availability, and partition tolerance guarantees.
Or, they find the product useful in some way, even indirectly such as to support a charity or for altruistic economic reasons. Some people buy beauty products in hopes of achieving a state of happiness or a sense of self beauty or as an act or expression of beauty. Past events are used in our lives to form schemas in our minds, and based on those past experiences, we expect our lives to follow a certain script. However, storytelling, commemoration and reservation of commemoration (the unwillingness to overtly impose remembrances), research and investigation, and many other activities can help settle uneasy feelings without "scripting", without the ambivalence that feeling can only be "handled" by proxy, which is not always true.
Graphical editors based on GUIs may be easier for some people to use than text editors, and may not require knowledge of XML syntax. These are often called WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") editors, but not all of them are WYSIWYG: graphical XML editors can be WYSIWYG when they try to display the final rendering or WYSIWYM ("What You See Is What You Mean") when they try to display the actual meaning of XML elements. When they are not WYSIWYG, they do not display the (or one of the) graphical end result of a document, but instead focus on conveying the meaning of the text. They use DTDs or XML schemas and/or configuration files to map XML elements to graphical components.
One of the water sources from which Port Elizabeth gets its water is via a series of canals, tunnels and rain basin transfer schemas that starts in the Free State at Gariep Dam - Transfer Scheme (Additional Documentaries Resource), about 5 hours away at 462km. The water from Gariep Dam is transferred via the Orange-Fish River Project (Tunnel) into the Great Fish River Valley, then again into the Sundays River Valley (Canals and Tunnels Scheme) North-West of Port Elizabeth. Since 1992 the water from the Sundays River Valley has been supplied to Port Elizabeth. Map Illustration - Further details on the Department of Water - Fish-Sundays Gariep Dam water is also used for electricity generation by Eskom Hydro- Electric power plants, remotely controlled from Gauteng.
Studies involving sleep deprived subjects’ performance on choice reaction time tests, in which response inhibition, task shifting skill and task strategy were involved, have been conducted and analyzed. These three cognitive processes are involved and critical in tasks involving supervisory attention, which is defined as behaviour that arises through the selection and implementation of schemas. Following one night of total sleep deprivation, subjects showed no decline in task shifting or response inhibition performance. However, sleep deprivation does affect the ability to use preparatory bias to increase performance speed. It is suggested that the brain’s cognitive resources make an active effort to succeed in a challenging task when subjected to sleep deprivation, and that this deficit becomes apparent in tasks involving preparatory bias.
Weiss (1993) wrote that CMT could be viewed as an object relations theory, and is closely related to Heinz Kohut's self psychology, as these theories have in common the focus on how problems often arise in early experiences with significant others. The understanding of how the child observes the world, represents events, and infers cause and effect corresponds with theory and research from developmental psychology and cognitive psychology, such as Daniel Stern's infant research, John Bowlby's attachment theory, and Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Pathogenic beliefs may also be compared to the cognitive concept of schemas developed by Aaron T. Beck and used in schema therapy. Some have also pointed out that CMT has similarities with humanistic psychology in the non-pathologizing, client- centered approach and shared focus on mastery.
One of these trends is the combination of greater data collection (more sensors), greater and more automated data exchange (via building new, open industry-standard XML schemas), and data mining to yield a new level of business intelligence and workflow automation in manufacturing. Another of these trends is the emergence of widely published APIs together with the aforementioned open data standards to encourage an ecosystem of user-generated apps and mashups, which can be both open and commercial – in other words, taking the new IT culture of app marketplaces that began in web development and smartphone app development and spreading it to CNC, DNC, and the other factory automation systems that are networked with the CNC/DNC. MTConnect is a leading effort to bring these ideas into successful implementation.
The examples give learners a clue on the right steps to solving the problem. A recent research (Rourke, 2006) found that novice learners can still have difficulty understanding concepts if the given examples with incomplete or somewhat inaccurate information (known as faded examples) prior to acquiring basic domain knowledge or literacy skills in the subject matter. This is based on how novice and expert learner structure his or her learning schemas - knowing the appropriate procedure/approach to use in retrieving and interpreting the problem. On the other hand, worked out examples may constitute cognitive load and causing redundancy to learners with prior knowledge (Kalyuga, Ayres, Chandler, & Sweller, 2003), in contrast with novice learners in which worked out examples rather serve as a compass that provides direct guides to solving similar problems (Rourke, 2006).
At the 2000 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000) Workshop on Standard Exchange Formats (WoSEF), GXL was accepted as working draft for an exchange format by numerous research groups working in the domain of software reengineering and graph transformation. During the APPLIGRAPH Subgroup Meeting on Exchange Formats for Graph Transformation, an overview of GXL was given [Schürr, 2000] and participants decided to use GXL to represent graphs within their exchange format for graph transformation systems (GTXL). The 2000 IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Conference (CASCON 2000) included two half-day workshops on GXL. In the morning, 'Software Data Interchange with GXL: Introduction and Tutorial' gave a primer on the syntax and concepts in the format, while the afternoon workshop, 'Software Data Interchange with GXL: Implementation Issues' discussed the development of converters and standard schemas.
I say "confounds" because Piaget is aware that his schemas do not seem to apply in this domain. In this sense, the charge of objective idealism would seem unfair, but from confounding he does not go further and seek the implication of this lack of correspondence, but seeks to minimize it. By focusing on early childhood (as indeed he must; that is his profession, and his institute has contributed a vast body of empirical material), Piaget sees what is biologically (zoologically?) human but not what is socially (historically) human, and humanity is essentially social, after all. (3) On the plus side, it has to be said that Piaget deals once and for all with any idea of innate intelligence, and makes fully convincing the prospect of a fully genetic (i.e.
The application of this design pattern requires design standards in place that make the use of standardized data models mandatory, as the mere creation of data models does not guarantee their use. Although simple in principle but difficult to enforce as it needs commitment from different project teams which may entail extra efforts, on part of each team, in terms of designing solutions that accommodate standardized data models. On some occasions, either because of the sheer size of the organization or because of the resistance from different segments of the enterprise, the Canonical Schema design pattern may need to be applied within a particular domain inventory, created by the application of the Domain Inventory design pattern. The schemas need to be designed separately than the service contract design so that there is no dependency between them.
Neo4j's database supports undocumented graph-wide properties, Tinkerpop has graph values which play the same role, and also supports "metaproperties" or properties on properties. Oracle's PGQL supports zero to many labels on nodes and on edges, whereas SQL/PGQ supports one to many labels for each kind of element. The GQL project will define a standard data model, which is likely to be the superset of these variants, and at least the first version of GQL is likely to permit vendors to decide on the cardinalities of labels in each implementation, as does SQL/PGQ, and to choose whether to support undirected relationships. Additional aspects of the ERM or UML models (like generalization or subtyping, or entity or relationship cardinalities) may be captured by GQL schemas or types that describe possible instances of the general data model.
The OASIS Content Assembly Technical Committee (CAM TC), which met for the first time in January 2003, was chartered "to produce a specification of a generalized mechanism in XML whereby implementers can deliver the means to bring together business process context and the localized implementation business rules needed to take a raw industry standard schema instance and combine that with actual business information content, context and roles and produce a valid consistent XML document instance." OASIS is developing specifications for business process mechanisms, industry standard schemas, registry systems, and schema mechanisms. The CAM specification will allow these four components to be brought together in a consistent and standard way and publish assembly implementation instructions based on these OASIS specifications. This will facilitate the work of industry groups and allow development of software tools that work consistently with all these specifications.
Art of the 20th Century In an anonymous review of the 1908 Salon des Indépendants published in Le Matin, Metzinger is accused of making "a salad of Maurice Denis and Egyptian bas- reliefs".Salon des Indépendants, Le Matin, Numéro 8788, 20 March 1908, Gallica (BnF) In 1908, Vauxcelles again, in his review of Georges Braque's exhibition at Kahnweiler's gallery called Braque a daring man who despises form, "reducing everything, places and a figures and houses, to geometric schemas, to cubes".Louis Vauxcelles, Exposition Braques, Gil Blas, 14 November 1908, Gallica (BnF)Alex Danchev, Georges Braques: A Life, Arcade Publishing, 15 November 2005 Vauxcelles recounts how Matisse told him at the time, "Braque has just sent in [to the 1908 Salon d'Automne] a painting made of little cubes". The critic Charles Morice relayed Matisse's words and spoke of Braque's little cubes.
The point score is calculated from a patient's age and 12 routine physiological measurements: # AaDO2 or PaO2 (depending on FiO2) # Temperature (rectal) # Mean arterial pressure # pH arterial # Heart rate # Respiratory rate # Sodium (serum) # Potassium (serum) # Creatinine # Hematocrit # White blood cell count # Glasgow Coma Scale These were measured during the first 24 hours after admission, and utilized in addition to information about previous health status (recent surgery, history of severe organ insufficiency, immunocompromised state) and baseline demographics such as age. The calculation method is optimized for paper schemas, by using integer values and reducing the number of options so that data fits on a single-sheet paper form. The score is not recalculated during the stay; it is by definition an admission score. If a patient is discharged from the ICU and readmitted, a new APACHE II score is calculated.
Using catalogs allows the user to specify a web address for a schema, but allows oXygen to find a file form of the address if the catalog specifies one. Oxygen XML comes with schemas and DTDs for popular or major XML and XSL formats including DocBook (versions 4.0 and 5.0), TEI format, XSLT (versions 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0), DITA, XHTML and HTML 5. Extending to new XML dialects or specialisations is achieved by adding the relevant framework or implementation to the software or loading the document type or schema, thus enabling an adaptable environment which is itself configured entirely by XML, which draws parallels with Emacs and its ability to edit itself while implementing the Lisp dialect it runs in. The program is aware of XInclude, and all validation and transformation services can follow the XInclude statements to their included files.
On the other hand, in LAV, the source database is modeled as a set of views over G. In this case M associates to each element of S a query over G. Here the exact associations between G and S are no longer well-defined. As is illustrated in the next section, the burden of determining how to retrieve elements from the sources is placed on the query processor. The benefit of an LAV modeling is that new sources can be added with far less work than in a GAV system, thus the LAV approach should be favored in cases where the mediated schema is less stable or likely to change. In an LAV approach to the example data integration system above, the system designer designs the global schema first and then simply inputs the schemas of the respective city information sources.
Retrieved on 05 October 2013. Defence mechanisms () are psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious mind to manipulate, deny, or distort reality in order to defend against feelings of anxiety and unacceptable impulses and to maintain one's self-schema or other schemas. These processes that manipulate, deny, or distort reality may include the following: repression, or the burying of a painful feeling or thought from one's awareness even though it may resurface in a symbolic form; identification, incorporating an object or thought into oneself;Chalquist, Craig. "A Glossary of Freudian Terms" 2001. Retrieved on 05 October 2013. and rationalization, the justification of one's behaviour and motivations by substituting "good" acceptable reasons for the actual motivations. In psychoanalytic theory, repression is considered the basis for other defence mechanisms. Healthy people normally use different defence mechanisms throughout life.
Embodied construction grammar (ECG), which is being developed by the Neural Theory of Language (NTL) group at ICSI, UC Berkeley, and the University of Hawaii, particularly including Benjamin Bergen and Nancy Chang, adopts the basic constructionist definition of a grammatical construction, but emphasizes the relation of constructional semantic content to embodiment and sensorimotor experiences. A central claim is that the content of all linguistic signs involves mental simulations and is ultimately dependent on basic image schemas of the kind advocated by Mark Johnson and George Lakoff, and so ECG aligns itself with cognitive linguistics. Like construction grammar, embodied construction grammar makes use of a unification-based model of representation. A non-technical introduction to the NTL theory behind embodied construction grammar as well as the theory itself and a variety of applications can be found in Jerome Feldman's From Molecule to Metaphor: A Neural Theory of Language (MIT Press, 2006).
While there remains a general gap in the literature regarding the production of facial expressions and the processes which underlie this production at middle childhood and adolescence ages, research has been done to assess the overall production capabilities of children ranging in ages 5–13. Results generally indicate that the ability to produce facial emotion increases with age and is slightly correlated with the ability to discriminate the facial expressions of another. Odom and Lemond (1972) created a study to test the potential for "a developmental lag between the perception and production of facial expressions," meaning they were looking to uncover a relationship between previously created schemas and mental representations of different expressions and the ability to transform these representations into facial expression. They operated using the logical assumption that coding perceptions of expressions comes before the discrimination of expressions which then precedes production.
The appearance of followership in mainstream leadership education books has become more commonplace, including the works of Kouzes & Posner (2012), Jackson & Parry (2011), and Hurwitz & Hurwitz (2015) Effective followership training in the classroom is challenging because of media messages that preference leadership, internal schemas held by students that ignore followership, and cultural biases against it. Undergraduate and graduate students have been resistant to the idea of followership and followership has been interpreted as leadership poorly enacted or as settling for a lesser position. In recent years, attitudes have begun to change and students have noted that following is an expected, healthy part of a reciprocal relationship in social media and that it did not carry negative connotations. Although a student's contribution in the classroom has such high significance, the college admissions system has yet to find a way to recognize and reward students who have continuously made these contributions.
This additional embodied–semantic link accounts for advantages in processing speed for abstract emotional terms over otherwise matched control words. In addition, abstract words strongly activate anterior cingulate cortex, a site known to be relevant for emotion processing Thus, it appears that at least some abstract words are semantically grounded in emotion knowledge. If abstract emotion words indeed receive their meaning through grounding in emotion it is of crucial relevance Therefore, the link between an abstract emotion word and its abstract concept is via manifestation of the latter in prototypical actions. The child learns an abstract emotion word such as 'joy' because it shows JOY-expressing action schemas, which language- teaching adults use as criteria for correct application of the abstract emotion word Thus, the manifestation of emotions in actions becomes the crucial link between word use and internal state, and hence between sign and meaning.
At this stage, the ability to integrate complexities and conflicts is not yet fully consolidated, however, so the individual remains vulnerable, usually to excessive but more focused depressive states, in response to relational loss if anaclitic or to achievement failures or moral transgressions if introjective. And finally, in late adolescence and early adulthood, individuals begin to develop conceptual schemas, in which one integrates all previous representational levels into complex, coherent understandings of self and significant others that take into account conflicts and contradictions in a person's character. The fullest expressions of intersubjectivity, in which one recognizes that the psychological perspectives of both self and other are relationally constructed, require a conceptual level of representation. At this level of functioning, psychological disturbances are still possible in response to losses, failures, and moral transgressions but are likely, unless the psychological injuries in question are severe or traumatic, to be mild or transient.
An object–relational database (ORD), or object–relational database management system (ORDBMS), is a database management system (DBMS) similar to a relational database, but with an object-oriented database model: objects, classes and inheritance are directly supported in database schemas and in the query language. In addition, just as with pure relational systems, it supports extension of the data model with custom data types and methods. Example of an object-oriented database model An object–relational database can be said to provide a middle ground between relational databases and object-oriented databases. In object–relational databases, the approach is essentially that of relational databases: the data resides in the database and is manipulated collectively with queries in a query language; at the other extreme are OODBMSes in which the database is essentially a persistent object store for software written in an object-oriented programming language, with a programming API for storing and retrieving objects, and little or no specific support for querying.
The executive system is thought to be heavily involved in handling novel situations outside the domain of some of our 'automatic' psychological processes that could be explained by the reproduction of learned schemas or set behaviors. Psychologists Don Norman and Tim Shallice have outlined five types of situations in which routine activation of behavior would not be sufficient for optimal performance: # Those that involve planning or decision- making # Those that involve error correction or troubleshooting # Situations where responses are not well-rehearsed or contain novel sequences of actions # Dangerous or technically difficult situations # Situations that require the overcoming of a strong habitual response or resisting temptation. A prepotent response is a response for which immediate reinforcement (positive or negative) is available or has been previously associated with that response. Executive functions are often invoked when it is necessary to override prepotent responses that might otherwise be automatically elicited by stimuli in the external environment.
A raster data type is, in essence, any type of digital image represented by reducible and enlargeable grids. Anyone who is familiar with digital photography will recognize the Raster graphics pixel as the smallest individual grid unit building block of an image, usually not readily identified as an artifact shape until an image is produced on a very large scale. A combination of the pixels making up an image color formation scheme will compose details of an image, as is distinct from the commonly used points, lines, and polygon area location symbols of scalable vector graphics as the basis of the vector model of area attribute rendering. While a digital image is concerned with its output blending together its grid based details as an identifiable representation of reality, in a photograph or art image transferred into a computer, the raster data type will reflect a digitized abstraction of reality dealt with by grid populating tones or objects, quantities, cojoined or open boundaries, and map relief schemas.
The OASIS Election and Voter Services Technical Committee, which met for the first time in May 2001, was chartered "To develop a standard for the structured interchange of data among hardware, software, and service providers who engage in any aspect of providing election or voter services to public or private organizations. The services performed for such elections include but are not limited to voter role[sic]/membership maintenance (new voter registration, membership and dues collection, change of address tracking, etc.), citizen/membership credentialing, redistricting, requests for absentee/expatriate ballots, election calendaring, logistics management (polling place management), election notification, ballot delivery and tabulation, election results reporting and demographics."Charter of OASIS EML Work To help establish context for the specifics contained in the XML schemas that make up EML, the Committee also developed a generic end-to-end election process model, initially based on work by, whose CTO chaired the first meetings.
The New Rhetoric is a result of various efforts of bringing back rhetorics from the marginal status it attained by its image and 'negative connotations' of "political lies, corporate spin, long list of Greek and Roman terms for patterns of expression no one knowingly uses, purple prose, boiler-plate arrangement schemas, unimaginative reproductions of bullshit and so on"George Pullman, Rhetorically Speaking, What’s New?, Georgia State University, What is the New Rhetoric? conference if not to its previous place of a discipline "associated with social and intellectual prestige" then at least to the level of the other contemporary fields in the social, cultural and linguistic studies. Notoriously the field emerged after the work of Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca in their book The New Rhetoric (1969)Thomas M. Carr, Jr. Some Consequences of The New Rhetoric: A Critical Study, Argumentation 7: 475-479, 1993 but both the notion and the idea for the need of "new" rhetoric, different from the "old" one can be traced to the works of Kenneth Burke - A Rhetoric of Motives (1950) and Rhetoric - Old and New (1967).
In 1906 Jean Metzinger formed a close friendship with Robert Delaunay, with whom he would share an exhibition at Berthe Weill's gallery early in 1907. The two of them were singled out by Vauxcelles in 1907 as Divisionists who used large, mosaic-like 'cubes' to construct small but highly symbolic compositions.Robert L. Herbert, 1968, Neo-Impressionism, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New YorkDaniel Robbins, 1964, Albert Gleizes 1881 – 1953, A Retrospective Exhibition, Published by The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, in collaboration with Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris, Museum am Ostwall, DortmundArt of the 20th Century In 1908, Vauxcelles again, in his review of Georges Braque's exhibition at Kahnweiler's gallery called Braque a daring man who despises form, "reducing everything, places and a figures and houses, to geometric schemas, to cubes".Louis Vauxcelles, Exposition Braques, Gil Blas, 14 November 1908Alex Danchev, Georges Braques: A Life, Arcade Publishing, 15 nov. 2005 Vauxcelles recounts how Matisse told him at the time, "Braque has just sent in [to the 1908 Salon d'Automne] a painting made of little cubes".
The opencypher Morpheus project implements Cypher for Apache Spark users. Commencing in 2016, this project originally ran alongside three related efforts, in which Morpheus designers also took part: SQL/PGQ, G-CORE and design of Cypher extensions for querying and constructing multiple graphs. The Morpheus project acted as a testbed for extensions to Cypher (known as "Cypher 10") in the two areas of graph DDL and query language extensions. Graph DDL features include #definition of property graph views over JDBC-connected SQL tables and Spark DataFrames #definition of graph schemas or types defined by assembling node type and edge type patterns, with subtyping #constraining the content of a graph by a closed or fixed schema #creating catalog entries for multiple named graphs in a hierarchically-organized catalog #graph data sources to form a federated, heterogeneous catalog #creating catalog entries for named queries (views) Graph query language extensions include #graph union #projection of graphs computed from the results of pattern matches on multiple input graphs #support for tables (Spark DataFrames) as inputs to queries ("driving tables") #views which accept named or projected graphs as parameters.
Thus a domain and a connecting problem description forms the PDDL-model of a planning-problem, and eventually this is the input of a planner (usually domain-independent AI planner) software, which aims to solve the given planning-problem via some appropriate planning algorithm. The output of the planner is not specified by PDDL, but it is usually a totally or partially ordered plan (a sequence of actions, some of which may be executed even in parallel sometimes). Now lets take a look at the contents of a PDDL1.2 domain and problem description in general... (1) The domain description consisted of a domain-name definition, definition of requirements (to declare those model-elements to the planner which the PDDL-model is actually using), definition of object-type hierarchy (just like a class-hierarchy in OOP), definition of constant objects (which are present in every problem in the domain), definition of predicates (templates for logical facts), and also the definition of possible actions (operator-schemas with parameters, which should be grounded/instantiated during execution). Actions had parameters (variables that may be instantiated with objects), preconditions and effects.

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