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"right-of-center" Definitions
  1. holding conservative views in politics; right-wing.

359 Sentences With "right of center"

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In real life, Allen's views tend to lean right of center.
But he did have some issues where he was right of center.
There has been a sharp bifurcation of the right-of-center media.
Right-of-center voters are open to voting for a moderate Democrat.
Even now I would still consider myself a little right of center.
Then ABC canceled Last Man Standing, a rare right-of-center sitcom.
Independents rated themselves slightly right of center at an average of 52.
Opinion polls show that the right-of-center UCP is likely to win.
Common Cause has warned right-of-center groups are better organized and funded.
He will run in his right-of-center party's November primary, he said.
It's good business to be on board with the right of center agenda.
Since 2009, Netanyahu has led a series of right-of-center coalition governments.
I don't mean to suggest that Carson wasn't right of center before 2009.
Most people assume veterans' organizations reflect their membership — principled, traditional, and right-of-center.
British Columbia's right of center government implemented this plan and has seen tremendous results.
As for Gorsuch himself, he's a rather standard right-of-center, religiously deferential judge.
"Everyone is right of center, so it was a safe space," said one attendee.
But when he got to the point of actually having the office and making the decisions, I think the decisions have been very comforting to my members, most of whom are a little bit right of center and further right of center.
"I would probably go with Chris Christie," said Duffy, a right-of-center Wisconsin Republican.
"Sometimes we see our right-of-center leaders becoming a little tone deaf," Onwuka said.
This would not be a bad way to design a right-of-center tax bill.
Right-of-center thought of any kind is casually laughed at, dismissed, and crudely represented.
Costa's villains are wealthy industrialists and members of Brazil's centrist and right-of-center parties.
Bret: But democracy suffers without an intellectually coherent and morally serious right-of-center party.
No one should be surprised by his record because it is reliably right of center.
Indeed, his record in office is staunchly right of center in nearly every substantive respect.
Increasingly, though, PC users occupy a space left (or right) of center in the computing world.
What's crystal clear now, though, is that "SNL" has written off attracting right-of-center viewers.
The right-of-center CSU, partner of Angela Merkel's CDU, is moving further to the right.
Winning For Women wants to be a war chest for right-of-center women in primaries.
I have always been right of center, though I never felt much affinity for the GOP.
In other words, there's tangible Warrenphobia going around, at least in the right-of-center media.
For some reason, right-of-center politicians and commentators think that slamming Bey buys them cool points.
Nothing or nobody, on the left and right of center, is in sight to fill the gap.
Georgia is a right-of-center state, and I don't see that changing in this year's midterms.
You have to work in the system, and the system in our party is right of center.
His defeat may embolden other figures in the right-of-center media landscape to take similar positions.
The vote half a century ago returned a right-of-center party, the Union Nationale, to power.
Democrats, for their part, appear increasingly emboldened even in districts tilting well to the right of center.
In 229, the Australian Election Study found, typical voters identified a little to the right of center.
He's right of center, and the current President's stark white shirt and Republican red tie stick out.
The leading contenders in Wednesday&aposs polling are former cricket star Imran Khan and his right-of-center Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Party, and the right-of-center Pakistan Muslim League, the party of disgraced Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who is in jail serving 10 years on corruption charges.
While charter schools draw support from both Republicans and Democrats, vouchers are overwhelmingly a right-of-center priority.
Photo: Box CEO Aaron Levie, just right of center, on the day of his company's January 2015 IPO.
Bradley A. Blakeman most recently was the president of Freedom's Watch, a right-of-center advocacy 85033 C4.
"The right-of-center world needs to respect the fact that the primary voters have spoken," he said.
Ciudadanos, a right-of-center party that enjoys strong support in Spain, refused to back the new coalition.
Republicans appear sensitive to Mr. Trump's limitations even in a right-of-center area like the 12th District.
Both are right-of-center nationalists who are seen by some minorities in each country as intolerant demagogues.
Under two previous right of center South Korean administrations, economic and other links between the countries were severed.
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was once a place of vigorous debate among right of center intellectuals.
A handful of right-of-center groups have also come out against Loeffler, saying she lacks conservative credentials.
The Pacific Alliance of Colombia, Chile, Peru and Mexico is now governed by three right-of-center rulers.
Arguably for the first time since the 1930s, the Supreme Court will have a reliably right-of-center majority.
" Covering Trump: Marlow said the site is "admittedly right of center" and that Trump "resonated specifically with Breitbart's readers.
That's according to a CNBC analysis of fresh estimates from the Tax Foundation, a right-of-center think tank.
Also clear: There is right of center, conservative support for a new immigration process that helps all Americans thrive.
I'm teasing them, but there's a serious point, in that half their audience potentially is right of center, maybe.
The 20173 peace deal has powerful enemies, including much of President Iván Duque's ruling right-of-center political party.
François Fillon, an experienced right-of-center politician would win hands on, but he is being destroyed by law suits.
But the competition between establishment-aligned candidates for the support of centrist and right-of-center voters has turned fierce.
The Pinball game cleverly uses the mouse as the ball (you can see it blazing by just right of center).
True, Sebastián Piñera, the right-of-center president, is highly unpopular, but opposition, left-of-center parties, are equally unpopular.
Mr. Reichert, a right-of-center moderate on most issues, won the district in 2016 with significant support in Kittitas.
A handful of right-of-center groups had also come out against Loeffler, expressing concern that she lacked conservative credentials.
The effort is especially pronounced in right-of-center battlegrounds that have drifted away from the party under Trump's tenure.
In turn, he was vehemently criticized by many leading members of the neoconservative school of right-of-center foreign policy thinking.
Why it matters: It's another example of growing interest in creating a right-of-center cable news network to rival Fox.
The CLC is one of a growing number of right-of-center groups that advocates for some form of carbon tax.
The strategies Mr. Sanders employed would be available to any Republican or independent right-of-center politician inclined to use them.
It's hard for Republicans to figure out how to dramatically change this solution, since it's something that's fairly right of center.
To dabble in the canon wars from anywhere near the right of center is to see oneself fired from that canon.
Even then, he had visions of a right-of-center network, and played an important role in developing Television News Inc.
Sinclair is known for its right-of-center slant and requires stations to run segments that often include conservative op-eds.
The CSU faces a regional election in Bavaria in the autumn, and the AfD is poaching its right-of-center voters.
"The goal, long term, is to think about what the post-Trump right-of-center is going to be," said Cass.
Or, even if we kept the single-winner district system and just added ranked-choice voting, right-of-center voters could still pick the between two types of Republicans They could rank these two Republicans first and second, knowing that even if their preferred right-of-center standard-bearer lost, that wouldn't necessarily mean the Democrat won.
It features a well-qualified economic policy team articulating what it is that right-of-center economists actually think about tax policy.
While the political atmosphere surrounding immigration policy is charged, there is right of center political support for immigrants and immigration reform. Surprised?
"The right-of-center commentators shown are also unapologetic for their views and advocacy, as was the candidate himself," the filing said.
Some of us thought the Republican nominee might offer a detailed right-of-center agenda to counter Hillary Clinton's liberal laundry list.
Certainly, right-of-center Republicans could have framed policies and campaigns to capture the ground claimed by Trump, but they did not.
Microsoft will always be a strong player on the right of center content creation scale, be it for individuals, families or organizations.
These progressives have no more experience with a right-of-center, Reagan-era framework than their parents did with the New Deal.
Beyond research, it's common to see snark about automation feature heavily in right-of-center criticism of the push for higher wages.
Before Loeffler was appointed, a handful of right-of-center groups came out against Loeffler, expressing concern that she lacked conservative credentials.
One commentator on Pakistan's right-of-center Geo News warned that Pakistani retaliation may be the "last war" between the two countries.
This week, I read the debut issue of American Affairs, a new right-of-center policy journal for the age of Trump.
As a minister, professor and right-of-center Republican, I'm struck by the lack of critical thinking in theo-politcal centered debates.
But shortly after the clip went viral, to universal and at times vitriolic condemnation, a pushback began in right-of-center media.
Preliminary results showed the ruling right-of-center Liberals squeaked to victory with 43 seats but were one seat shy of a majority.
This image of Ceres, taken by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, shows Sintana Crater (36 miles, 58 kilometers wide) at top, just right of center.
Nikki Haley of South Carolina, the GOP would present itself as a modern, cosmopolitan, forward-thinking vehicle for right-of-center economic policy.
While Yiannopoulos is a notorious provocateur with a trollish history, Twitter's hammer has been brought down on other notable right-of-center users.
The Liberals replaced the right-of-center Conservatives, who critics said favored the economy over the environment during their near decade in power.
While Trump remains a divisive figure among conservative intellectuals, the space for debating his merits is dwindling in the right-of-center media.
All in all, Sanders revitalized the heart and soul of the Democratic Party, and stopped its move to the corporate right-of-center.
His comments could also fuel further skepticism among some Libertarian voters who view Mr. Weld's right-of-center years as governor with suspicion.
This right-of-center coalition has been polling strongly on a program that would loosen the budgetary reins and dial back on reforms.
The College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Mo., is culturally conservative and held up as a model by right-of-center critics.
It would have threatened liberalism not just with more years out of power, but outright irrelevance under long-term right-of-center rule.
Most right-of-center politicians, including Giammattei, came to see the corruption body, known as CICIG, as an unacceptable violation of Guatemala's sovereignty.
Most right-of center politicians, including Giammattei, came to see the corruption body, known as CICIG, as an unacceptable violation of Guatemala's sovereignty.
Its main owners, the brothers Charles G. and David H. Koch, are known for supporting Republican political candidates and right-of-center causes.
If the G.O.P. were a normal right-of-center party, this unequal playing field would already qualify as an urgent problem for progressives.
Most right-of center politicians, including Giammattei, came to see the corruption body, known as CICIG, as an unacceptable violation on Guatemala's sovereignty.
Then you can set a custom shortcut to open any app that you have downloaded by moving your hand left or right of center.
The Sleeping With Other People actress looks incredible with a center part, but she also rolls with right-of-center and deep parts, too.
Were they achievable, they would still leave in place a large gulf between the country's left-of-center and right-of-center political factions.
Well, as with most successful policy strategies, it should coalesce around middle ground ideas that avoid tacking too far left or right of center.
The American political electorate always swings slightly left or right of center and looks for credible candidates who seem to represent their real concerns.
This has been the best period, the best period right-of-center over the last 2202 months, in the time that I've been here.
This has been the best period, the best period right of center over the last 28503 months, in the time that I've been here.
Throughout this week, prominent pundit-lawyers and right-of-center journalists have mourned Sullivan's fate as though American jurisprudence itself had been critically wounded.
Lawmakers from the Republicans, a right-of-center party with the second-highest number of seats in the National Assembly, also condemned the concerts.
Mr. Murdoch, a powerful but divisive figure in Britain, owns the right-of-center newspaper The Times, and The Sun, a right-wing tabloid.
While compulsory voting has been assumed to help Australia's Labor Party, for example, it has not prevented right-of-center parties from holding power.
" "Today's cave by Senate Democrats -- led by weak-kneed, right-of-center Democrats -- is why people don't believe the Democratic Party stands for anything.
A common trait among the right-of-center Yang supporters Insider spoke with was a resentment over being labeled racist because of political leanings.
But being right of center on campus when Mr. Montz went to Brown — only a little over a decade ago — now feels remarkably changed.
Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and even Ted Cruz all in their somewhat different ways wanted to market right-of-center policies to Obama's America.
The two main opposition parties - the right-of-center Conservatives and the left-leaning New Democrats are demanding a public inquiry into the affair.
In the long run, it's not good for conservatives for the right-of-center political conversation to be strongly influenced by totally bogus news stories.
Earlier this month ABC canceled "Last Man Standing," arguably the only mainstream TV show to take a consistently right-of-center perspective amid glowing ratings.
The new right-of-center government in Buenos Aires recently negotiated a deal to settle the sovereign debt dispute with most of the holdout creditors.
Sinclair is known for its right-of-center slant and requires stations across the U.S. to run segments that often include conservative video op-eds.
Just two weeks ago the right-of-center British Columbia Liberals were trailing the left-leaning New Democratic Party (NDP) by nearly 10 percentage points.
If she is more centrist or right-of-center than any host on the network outside of Joe Scarborough, is that such a bad thing?
Hammargren's political leanings may be right of center, but they are rooted in science and policy, not faith, and he makes no bones about that.
The pills' most important similarity, however, is not represented on the labeling: Each can boast the endorsement of a prominent right-of-center media commentator.
His victory then was seen by many as a rebuke of the right-of-center political establishment that had grown smug and out of touch.
During his career, Chirac had flirted with Communism and ultra-nationalism before settling on mainstream right-of-center politics, earning him the nickname "Chameleon Bonaparte".
The right-of-center Conservatives held power for nearly a decade under former Prime Minister Stephen Harper before the center-left Liberals won in 2015.
Glenn Loury is an outlier in this environment — his politics are difficult to pin down exactly, but they're probably best described as right of center.
John R. Kasich of Ohio, Mr. Bush is vying for support from right-of-center voters who are turned off by Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz.
Therefore, he needs to step aside before Labor Day so that this election can still be won by a right of center, more mainstream Republican ticket.
The broadcaster is known for its right-of-center slant and requires stations across the U.S. to run segments that often include conservative video op-eds.
The voting bloc that especially concerns Republican officials are the right-of-center, college-educated voters who usually favor Republican candidates but cannot abide Mr. Trump.
In 230, Guaidó joined Leopoldo López to found Voluntad Popular—a right-of-center party that is part of a broad coalition opposed to the regime.
Rupert Murdoch is a divisive figure in Britain, where his newspapers include The Times, a right-of-center newspaper, and The Sun, a right-wing tabloid.
The right-of-center government led by President Michel Temer — who was charged with corruption last month — has also changed policy, halving the local content quotas.
Professor Barro has been my friend and colleague for 30 years, and I can attest that his political views are well to the right of center.
Susan Collins, another right-of-center Republican who has openly bucked her own party at times, was discussing the president's mental state and competence with Democratic Sen.
Argentina's new right-of-center government is pursuing a host of business-friendly economic reforms as it attempts to attract investors and reestablish itself in international markets.
To do that, Democrats need to appeal to some right-of-center voters without watering down their message so much that they annoy and demobilize their base.
All parties expected to win seats received between 5% and 10% of votes, according to Ipsos, although most seats are poised to go right-of-center parties.
Their candidate, Jon Ossoff, raised about $25 million, mostly in small donations, and assertively courted right-of-center voters with promises of economic development and fiscal restraint.
"I think he's going to have to be pretty reliably conservative because the whole apparatus of the Republican Party is right of center," the Senate leader said.
That's a big deal, but some right-of-center Trump skeptics are trying to talk themselves into the idea that he's only a temporary setback to the party.
There's a long tradition in right-of-center economics of arguing that regressive tax cuts will boost economic growth by providing more incentives to work, save, and invest.
Nevertheless, Torres also has high negative ratings and may struggle to win a direct run-off if supporters of the many right-of-center candidates unite against her.
The French hostility is reflected in official statements and in right-of-center media representing the views of political forces likely to win the elections in May 2017.
In the Senate, he has earned the reputation as one of the institution's most conservative Republicans, taking reliably right of center stances on social and economic issues alike.
O'Connor's admission was weaponized by Republicans, who know Pelosi is toxic among right-of-center voters and highly motivating for lazy Republicans who sometimes miss off-year elections.
For most of his long tenure on the court, Kennedy, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan, was the right-of-center jurist who generally sided with conservatives.
House Majority PAC, the caucus's main super PAC, carried out two intensive research projects, studying right-of-center suburban voters and blue-collar whites who supported Mr. Trump.
"A lot of Republicans and right-of-center voters haven't had a credible candidate and campaign run in that district for a number of years," the aide said.
But it strains credulity to imagine the station is not taking his Trump-boostering, right-of-center street cred into account in considering him for its top job.
That Zuckerberg invited conservatives to Menlo Park was, in Beck's words, "staggering," noting that right-of-center voices are rarely invited to the table for an open dialogue.
"The fact is that the primary audience for most of the GOP statehouse members are pretty right of center," said Andrew Reynolds, political science professor at UNC Chapel Hill.
They are anti-elitist because they are aiming at tearing down a specific elite: the mainstream conservatives who have defined right-of-center politics in the US for decades.
While using Spotify, for instance, you can tweak the volume by making a knob-turning motion or pause a song by moving your hand left or right of center.
Right-of-center debt hawks tend to be most worried about the size of national debt, while those on the left are often troubled by the mounting interest payments.
McConnell's growing confidence about the midterm election is fueled by what he says is the most productive record by a "right-of-center" Congress in more than 220006 years.
A bloop single, an error, Heyward's run-scoring ground out and Russell's homer — a laser just to the right of center field — gave the Cubs a 4-0 lead.
Never for a minute did Mr. Burnside, who described himself as a "right-of-center, fiscally conservative, socially liberal" Republican, imagine himself not casting a ballot on Election Day.
Mr. O'Rourke valued his relationship with Mr. Hurd and was mentioning it frequently on the campaign trail, as he sought to win crossover support from right-of-center voters.
As right-wing populist and nationalist leaders have risen around the world, one of their first priorities has been to clear the field of their right-of-center rivals.
But elsewhere right-of-center parties are either breaking down or simply sticking to the same old playbook, leaving populists as the most viable alternative to the status quo.
But now, old stalwarts like Brazil and Argentina are governed by right-of-center leaders, and Cuba, once Venezuela's closest ally, has opened diplomatic relations with the United States.
That is a reason to tune in, and a reason for WFAN to continue its unlikely role as a home for right-of-center talk in New York City.
"In a lot of ways, it's like a case study for us," said Olivia Perez-Cubas, spokesperson for Winning for Women, which aims to elect right-of-center women.
"Cachettes Votives aux Dimensions Insaisissables," my own favorite, is an 84-inch-square black lozenge with a thick shaft of whites and grays pouring down just right of center.
The broadsheet Sunday Telegraph, which occupies a similar right-of-center position but sells 371,000 copies against 1.4 million for the Mail on Sunday, came out for "Leave" on Saturday.
The temptation for the President might be to pick someone moderate or even a bit right of center, perhaps a Republican, in the hope of maximizing the chances of confirmation.
I.), and Alan Simpson (Wyo.), who became key figures in the right-of-center, but still formidable, Senate of the 1980s, led by Howard Baker (Tenn.) and Bob Dole (Kan.).
Even though he was sometimes compared to Vladimir Zhironovsky, a flamboyant and outspoken Russian populist, Mr. Trump was more often viewed as a strong and charismatic right-of-center leader.
In a Facebook post, François Legault, leader of the Coalition Avenir Québec, a right-of-center party with growing appeal, wrote that Quebec was already burdened by too many immigrants.
More recently, the right-of-center Coalition Avenir Québec party said it would seek to ban the "burkini," the body covering swimsuit worn by some Muslim women, from Quebec beaches.
Since 2010, the right-of-center Conservatives, first in coalition with the Liberal Democrats and then governing alone, have imposed unpopular spending cuts in order to close Britain's fiscal deficit.
But if he grows more popular, it could split the right-of-center vote and hand parties on the left, including the Liberals, seats they would not have otherwise won.
This, in turn, will contribute to a dangerous process in which Israelis on the right (a majority of Israelis are right of center) lose their trust in the legal system.
Failure to approve the budget could topple the government, raising the possibility of a right-of-center administration with stronger centralist preferences - a risk some Catalan politicians would prefer to avoid.
And we do have to underscore that the war on conservative women, right of center women, independent thinking, limited government women has been waged and festering for a long, long time.
My favorite thing about the Gaggia Classic Pro, especially compared with similar machines, is that the steaming wand is manually adjustable (using the knob, right of center in the image above).
The political mainstream, both left and right of center, can be relatively resilient, though it needs to demonstrate reasonable openness to new ideas and new people, avoiding an air of cronyism.
Congressional Republicans would do well to remember why Trump became so popular, even among many of the distinguished right-of-center intelligentsia — namely, because conservative members were not doing their jobs.
Right-of-center think tanks champion health savings accounts and other high deductible products that put a large financial burden on individuals, while putting people like me in high risk pools.
Kelly doesn't say how far left of right or right of center her views actually are, allowing her to position herself on the fence or let the press decide for her.
Mr. Ford has embraced the same populist, right-of-center approach to politics as his brother Rob Ford, who died two years ago after treatment for a rare form of cancer.
While Republican politicians lie about what their tax bill does, right-of-center wonks are coming together to argue that liberal commentators are ignoring the allegedly strong case on the merits.
A Democrat running in a right-of-center district can say she disagrees with Hillary Clinton about Keystone XL, late-term abortions, and taxing soda while embracing her more popular positions.
Any splitting of the right-of-center vote could make it hard for Ms. Malliotakis, an assemblywoman from Staten Island, and Mr. Dietl to overcome the mayor's strong Democratic registration advantage.
Among Democrats in these states, there is rising hope that a debate over funding schools and paying teachers could help them appeal to normally skeptical voters to the right of center.
But a generally right-of-center justice who swings libertarian on social issues is the kind of figure you would expect to crop up in a roster of Republican-appointed jurists.
Private economists expect consumer prices will rise 35 percent this year, but Prat-Gay said the country's new right-of-center government hoped to reduce inflation to 17 percent in 2017.
He defended his decision to hire controversial right-of-center climate commentator Brett Stevens and point-blank admitted he wished he had more reporters with conservative politics in the Times' newsroom.
He, therefore, wants to boost the chances of his right-of-center Forza Italia to take its place alongside his increasingly popular allies of the Northern League, currently polling at 733 percent.
It seems the four left-leaning justices are inclined to let the government go ahead with its efforts to protect the dusky gopher, while the four right-of-center justices are not.
Lincoln's annual Reboot Conference, an invitation-only event for right-of-center technologists interested in politics, will feature a new wrinkle this year: A $25,000 prize for the best government-disrupting idea.
The Socialists are ahead in opinion polls which show them on around 30 percent of voting intentions, but the two main right-of-center parties together poll at more than 30 percent.
And in the past few years, Danish voters elected a right-of-center government, which has been instituting reforms that have put tighter restrictions on access to the long-held safety net.
A Gallup Poll released in January found 36 percent of Americans identified themselves as conservative, 34 percent as moderate and 25 percent as liberal, making this a slightly right-of-center country.
The most influential right-of-center French daily was resigned last week that "Macron, l'enfant gâté d'une France malade" ("Macron, a spoiled child of a sick France") — will be its next president.
It's an argument that acknowledges, implicitly, that there are tens of millions of right-of-center Americans who've never voted for a Democratic presidential candidate but didn't support Trump in the primary.
The FDP are known as advocating free market policies, privatization and civil liberties and are seen as right of center, with a pro-business ethos as a central tenet of its manifesto.
In the Ohio race, some former Republican loyalists defected to Mr. O'Connor while other right-of-center voters may simply have stayed home, producing a close outcome in a lopsidedly Republican area.
The thought needs to dawn, too, on right-of-center Jews who have become so attuned to dangers from the woke-left that they have tuned out dangers from the alt-right.
Organizing for Action's list of targeted congressional races covers many of the more moderate and right-of-center suburban areas that have emerged as perhaps the most important battlefield of the midterms.
Read more " _____ • Tim Alberta in Politico: "My hypothesis is that 80 percent of Americans are around the center — 40 percent left of center, 40 percent right of center — and they're all persuadable.
Mr. Gantz's right-of-center partners in the Blue and White party quickly dismissed the idea of welcoming Arab lawmakers, some of whom expressly oppose the Zionist enterprise, into any governing coalition.
Ultimately, Australians re-elected the champions of coal, a right-of-center coalition of the Liberal Party and the National Party, helped by a surge of support in rural, coal-producing Queensland.
But Iowa as a whole is essentially white, working-class and right-of-center — though, true to its middling status, ranks 24th among America's 50 states when it comes to self-identified conservatives.
Applying their logic, it is now time for them to move to the center in order to work with the Republicans and the demands of the American population for right-of-center solutions.
Donald, you've done something truly revolutionary: You've single-handedly reshaped the agenda of the Republican Party, mixing some left-of-center and centrist positions with the G.O.P.'s traditional right-of-center stuff.
Economists and right-of-center groups argue that now is not the time to pursue a reduction in payroll taxes, mainly because that kind of tax cut wouldn't fix the economy's trouble spots.
Some conservatives told themselves that Fox and Drudge and Breitbart were just the evolving right-of-center alternative to the liberal mainstream media, when in reality they were more fact-averse and irresponsible.
I'm describing the rise of Canadian politician Doug Ford, who this month was elected leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, the right-of-center opposition in the country's most populous province.
And it revealed that many of the right-of-center voters who backed Mr. Trump in 2016, as a barely palatable alternative to Hillary Clinton, were unwilling to give him enduring political loyalty.
Early missteps by President Trump and congressional leaders have weighed heavily on voters from the party's more affluent wing, anchored in right-of-center suburbs around major cities in the South and Midwest.
The gatherings attracted a roster of right-of-center familiars: the columnists Mona Charen, David Frum and Jennifer Rubin; the former Oklahoma representative Mickey Edwards; and onetime Republican administration officials like Linda Chavez.
Some in the old guard have started signaling to their reluctant right-of-center brethren that it is time to face the possibility that the hard-line Mr. Cruz could be their standard-bearer.
The psychiatrist Sally Satel, a resident scholar at the right-of-center American Enterprise Institute and a lecturer at the Yale School of Medicine, lingered behind the stage, with fellow academics and political types.
If the organization puts more emphasis on research, the proliferation of 'right of center' policy groups makes it much more challenging in today's environment to brand Heritage as "the" conservative organization across all issues.
Canada opposition leaders, including the right-of-center Conservatives and left-leaning New Democrats, derided Trudeau for being so eager to renegotiate the 22-year-old deal between Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Two other worries: Euroskepticism is a driving factor in this election, putting further European integration in doubt, and all three of the leading right-of-center parties have an uncomfortably close relationship with Russia.
This weekend, the Japanese prime minister's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which is actually right of center, managed to retain its supermajority in the country's diet (or parliament) by throttling the opposition at the polls.
" "Well," McConnell replied, "I think what I have to do, my goal, and depending upon what the numbers are, and what's achievable, is always to get as right-of-center an outcome as possible.
Swept into office in the Democratic wave of 2008, he quickly became a favorite of the White House for his willingness to vote for Mr. Obama's agenda despite representing a right-of-center district.
Over the last few weeks, the race here has erupted in extravagant hostilities among the right-of-center Republicans, as the candidates and their supporters have delivered increasingly venomous attacks in speeches and paid advertisements.
After all, to win the presidency, you have to be able to win in places that fall in the center (and perhaps a little right of center given a possible electoral college/popular vote split).
While Republicans painted Clinton as too liberal — an extension of Obama's tenure — many on the left expressed discomfort with the former secretary of state, jeering that she was more aligned with right-of-center candidates.
During the campaign, Eliot Cohen—a neoconservative foreign policy hand who worked with Condoleezza Rice in George W. Bush's State Department—enlisted a number of right-of-center national security experts in opposing Trump's candidacy.
"Today's cave by Senate Democrats - led by weak-kneed, right-of-center Democrats - is why people don't believe the Democratic Party stands for anything," said Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.
"Today's cave by Senate Democrats — led by weak-kneed, right-of-center Democrats — is why people don't believe the Democratic Party stands for anything," said Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.
Finally, as the right-of-center free-market group the US Chamber of Commerce has pointed out, NAFTA doesn't just benefit Mexico but a lot of manufacturers and farmers in states that voted for Trump.
The United States is going to have a right-of-center party in one form or another, and it matters a great deal whether that party is liberal or illiberal, capable or incapable of shame.
Francois-Xavier Bellamy, a 33-year-old philosopher who will head the right-of-center Les Republicains party list in next month's European Parliament elections, said Macron's government lacked humility in suggesting a modernist rethink.
Yet Mr. Netanyahu now trails Mr. Gantz, whose appeals for right-of-center support are widely believed to mask a willingness to compromise for peace if the Palestinians show a readiness to do the same.
So at the risk of trying too hard to pin you guys down: Is there any right-of-center political figure, now on the American scene, who gives you hope for the G.O.P. after Trump?
All the way back in 2012, for example, you could find the right-of-center health policy scholars James Capretta and Robert E. Moffit outlining principles for an Obamacare replacement in the journal National Affairs.
She had to toe a careful line between shoring up the Bernie-sympathetic base and expanding her appeal to right-of-center voters alienated from an unprecedentedly terrifying Republican nominee, and she toed it well.
The governing coalition forces can't wait to see Merkel's back, the right-of-center CDU/CSU sister parties are still settling their differences, and their hapless Socialist (SPD) partners are looking for a major leadership change.
In the wake of Britain's hung parliament, the province's very right-of-center, pro-British Unionist party the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party), suddenly became kingmakers in the UK government, thus upsetting the province's delicate power balance.
Payet took the kick and even thought it was from nearly 30 yards out and considerably right of center, he curled it in to the far post, just out of reach of a diving Fabrice Ondoa.
Sadly, we are left to conclude that the Democrats are simply trying to stop FCC Commissioners from speaking to right-of-center organizations while they have no problem with Commissioners speaking to left-of-center groups.
This re-engagement with a right-of-center government risks failing as the champions of Santos amongst Obama holdovers still have a grip on the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, including Kevin Whitaker, the U.S. ambassador. Amb.
The past two years they shoulda/ woulda/ coulda have worked with the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate to promote and pass a series of right-of-center alternatives to the Democrats and the Obama administration.
While Republicans have clearly been pushed well to the right of center by their activist wing, the results of House and Senate elections in recent years suggest continued public reluctance to give Democrats control of Congress.
Mr. Clement, who is married to Lynne Golding, a prominent Toronto lawyer, first rose to prominence in a right-of-center Progressive Conservative government in Ontario in which he held several cabinet positions, including health minister.
But Ms. Handel is also quite likely to face a delicate political challenge: appealing to right-of-center voters, in a suburban Atlanta area where President Trump is not especially popular, without alienating his passionate fans.
A shift from leftist to right-of-center governments in Argentina and Brazil has given the group that also includes Paraguay and Uruguay greater ideological coherence, and it has focused more on trade and less on politics.
The 3 right-of-center parties contesting the election have been portraying Sanchez as sympathetic to Calatan separatism at a time when leaders of the independence movement are on trial in Madrid for staging a 2017 referendum.
The media's attention had already begun to pull away from politics before the storm even made U.S. landfall: Around midday Thursday, the top 12 links on right-of-center website Drudge Report were all about Hurricane Matthew.
This is the best argument to use if Clinton wants to persuade right-of-center voters to cross the aisle and vote for her, stay home, or take a look at Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party.
Partisan politics being what it is, there is an important need for a countervailing force to move the pendulum of outcomes away from the right-of-center, where it has been for the past thirty five years.
The former governor of Massachusetts and private equity executive is deeply respected among Republican donors, and has proved he can win the right-of-center, suburban voters, part of the electorate in which Mr. Trump performs poorly.
The "M" in Time, which is slightly right-of-center for continuity purposes (magazine titles are almost always perfectly centered), oftentimes produces a "devil horns" effect to some who see only what they want to see. Horns.
But other populist nationalist parties, including the Danish People's Party and the People for Freedom in the Netherlands have played a role in offering parliamentary backing to right-of-center coalition governments in exchange for policy concessions.
Provincial lawmakers are expected to vote on the motion on Thursday, leading to the ouster of Premier Christy Clark's government after her right-of-center Liberal Party lost its majority in a knife-edge election last month.
A right-of-center party swept to power in Canada's main oil-producing province of Alberta on Tuesday and attacked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's efforts to fight climate change, raising tension just months ahead of a federal election.
The Baltic country of two millions has been beset by corruption and money-laundering scandals and dissatisfied Latvians, who voted in October, rejected a right-of-center ruling coalition, turning to three other parties including Bordans' New Conservatives.
While Sean Hannity and Breitbart News carry water for Trump, and many liberal publications dodge introspection in favor of anti-Trump primal screams, right-of-center magazines have been debating and reassessing the soul of their political philosophy.
But several prominent Republicans warned on Sunday that the party could end up alienating groups that tend to vote for candidates to the right of center if they are seen as unresponsive to the rising outcry around guns.
"The Joe Rogan Experience," a talk podcast hosted by self-described libertarian Joe Rogan, is an example of a podcast that speaks to a broad group of people, particularly young men, from a slightly right-of-center voice.
Kyle says Facebook will ensure that its new content "oversight board" will include people with diverse viewpoints and that Facebook has added dedicated staffers in the past six months to work with right-of-center organizations and leaders.
That his previous employer had been The Sun, the right-of-center London tabloid that until 2015 printed a jumbo-size photograph of a topless young woman each day on its "Page 3," only added to the bemusement.
And the battle for control of the House and Senate is likely to be fought largely in rural states with few minority voters, and in suburban congressional districts where right-of-center whites often cast the decisive votes.
Prat-Gay, speaking at an event on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank spring meetings in Washington, said the country's new right-of-center government is aiming for inflation to be between 20 and 25 percent.
Had the governor named a choice quickly, they contend, he would have avoided much of the second-guessing and criticism that has emerged in recent days from right-of-center groups who complain that Loeffler lacks conservative credentials.
If the 2010 nuclear posture review (NPR) reflected a left-of-center compromise, probably to the right of President Obama's preferences, the 2018 NPR is right-of-center, yet falls to the left of many of President Trump's statements.
He treats Israel's government as evil but sidesteps a fact: A majority of Israelis repeatedly voted for the parties that make up Mr. Netanyahu's right-of-center coalitions, and back most of the policies to which Mr. Sanders objects.
With an easy personal manner that contrasts sharply with Mr. Moore's fire-and-brimstone style, Mr. Jones appealed to national Democrats early on as the kind of candidate who could win over unsettled voters to the right of center.
RIGA (Reuters) - Dissatisfied Latvians rejected the right-of-center ruling coalition in Saturday's parliamentary election but suspicion of the left-leaning pro-Russia party makes it likely the next government will be another formation of ethnic Latvian parties to the right.
In 2014, blasphemy charges were leveled at Pakistan's right of center television channel Geo TV, after a morning program re-enacted the wedding of its female host during which they played a religious hymn recounting the wedding of the prophet's daughter.
"There is some surprise among tech executives — or perhaps just naïveté — that the tech mainstream is now a target," said Garrett Johnson, an entrepreneur and one of the founders of the Lincoln Initiative, which connects right-of-center tech workers.
In an attempt to ensure that she will have the votes needed to govern with a minority government, May has been seeking to forge a loose alliance with the Democratic Union Party, a small right-of-center party in Northern Ireland.
The right-of-center news websites RedState and the Daily Mail this month published claims that Hill, a freshman Democrat, engaged in a "throuple" with her husband and a campaign staffer and in a separate affair with her senior legislative director.
CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A right-of-center party swept to power in Canada's main oil-producing province of Alberta on Tuesday and attacked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's efforts to fight climate change, raising tension just months ahead of a federal election.
Bret Stephens In the department of small violins, consider the moral embarrassment, after Charlottesville, Va., of right-of-center Jews who voted for Donald Trump in the election and remained — at least until last week — broadly supportive of his presidency.
If major public universities are explicitly imposing progressivism as an orthodoxy, the thinking goes, with diversity-and-inclusion statements as the equivalent of a faith profession at a seminary, then why should right-of-center politicians vote to keep them funded?
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling against Prager University is a blow to some conservatives' arguments that platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are legally liable for decisions that, as they see it, silence right-of-center voices.
On an ideological scale — with plus numbers indicating right-of-center and minus numbers indicating left-of-center — Bonica found that lawyers who graduated from nonelite schools shifted from roughly evenly split between left and right in the 1950s to minus .
As far back as 2005, when George W. Bush was still the president and not yet the last hope of his brother's struggling campaign, the Pew Research Center put together a "political typology" that identified three major right-of-center voting blocs.
In particular, I would say it turns out that the commercial right-of-center mass media — especially Fox News and talk radio but also the Breitbart corner of the internet — is simply not that invested in what party elites think or want.
"What is absolutely true, since January this year, you changed your modus operandi; you changed your algorithm and it has led to a very substantial drop in views and engagements from those that have got right-of-center politics opinions," Farage said.
CALGARY, Alberta, April 16 (Reuters) - Voters in Alberta, Canada's main oil-producing province, head to the polls on Tuesday for an election that opinion surveys show will see the right-of-center United Conservative Party oust the left-leaning New Democratic Party government.
Mike Pence of Indiana, are expected to campaign intensively across those four must-win states, with Mr. Trump trumpeting a set of blunt slogans through mass media and Mr. Pence focused on shoring up support from conservatives and right-of-center whites.
In most right-of-center circles — and even around pro-business progressives — it's hard to find many people with something good to say about the mass of written-in-Washington regulations touching nearly every aspect of life and every part of the economy., the viral content site launched by Cox Media in 2013 to take on the ever-evolving digital landscape from a right of center lens, will shut down at the end of the month, according to Facebook posts by its top editors.
" Former Representative Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia, a Republican who served as vice chairman of the party's campaign committee, said Republicans faced races that were "tightening up" across the board, especially in diverse suburbs and districts full of right-of-center "soccer moms.
"Montana and Texas are right-of-center states with scandal-free Republican incumbent senators, so it's not like O'Rourke and Bullock would have great chances to win the lower-tier Senate races," Kyle Kondik, a managing editor at Sabato's Crystal Ball, told Vox.
"The path to a majority was in moderate and right-of-center districts, so de facto, the Democratic caucus will grow to the center," said Steve Israel, a former Democratic House member from New York who previously managed the party's campaign effort.
Not of conservatism as a whole, but of a particular strain of right-of-center thinking that has been ascendant over the past few years, one that is vulgar, snarky, populist, and defined more by what it's against than what it is for.
The Republican Party's tactics that helped Mr. Balderson are now likely to be reproduced across the country this fall, as Republicans defend their congressional majority in similar districts stocked with the right-of-center suburbanites who proved so elusive in the special election.
Those developments benefit people whom Democrats have targeted, too: Women in upscale, right-of-center, white suburbs where Hillary Clinton edged out a victory; Trump voters in struggling rural and industrial areas with deep Democratic roots; and minorities in racially diverse metro areas.
From political circles in New York City to cocktail parties on Capitol Hill, on right-of-center Facebook pages and among left-of-center donors, two of the biggest untethered threads in New York politics are being drawn together around a single question.
The law was drawn up by the right-of-center Danish Liberal Party; in the assets it allows police to seize, it does make an exception for items such as wedding rings and family keepsakes — though gold bullion would be eligible for seizure.
" Ultimately, when it comes to speculating election results, Isaacs said that it was "becoming increasingly difficult to accurately poll" and a challenge "to get to people who are perhaps conservative or right of center who don't want to give their choices to a pollster.
Indeed, Trump's brief rise in the polls sent the highfalutin, nominally right-of-center editorial boards of major regional newspapers into a panic, as the Detroit News, Dallas Morning News, Arizona Republic, Chicago Tribune and USA Today all denounced Trump as Gollum with better hair.
But what is absolutely true is since January of this year, you changed your modus operandi, you changed your algorithms, and it has led directly to a very substantial drop in views and engagements for those who have got right-of-center political opinions.
Still, Mr. Renzi's run-ins with Brussels and Berlin about his tax cuts are betraying fears that an alliance of virulently Europhobic and anti-German right-of-center parties could unseat his government in case there is no meaningful progress on growth and employment.
The most influential pro-government right-of-center German daily followed suit last Friday (April 21) with a discussion pretending that, poor souls, they did not know what to do: German products are just very good, they said, and the world wants to buy them.
Clinton showing weakness on the Democratic side, peeling off those middle-of-the-road and right-of-center voters will not be an easy job — but it is being done by going door to door, by grass-roots groups and lower-level Democratic candidates.
"Either the disruption will come from the Republican Party representing cranky old white people and a new right-of-center party emerging in its place, or a third party will emerge, à la the Republicans emerging from the Whigs in the [1850s]," Roy says.
That, in turn, reflects a broader trend in right-of-center politics that is also manifesting itself in different ways everywhere — from the UK and France to Sweden and Finland, a trend that threatens the ideals many American conservative leaders are deeply committed to.
Even Michael Oren, the American-born deputy minister from the right-of-center Kulanu party, faulted Mr. Bennett for having sided with the ultra-Orthodox Israeli rabbinate, which refuses to recognize non-Orthodox denominations as sufficiently Jewish to participate fully in Israeli religious life.
Republican strategists have argued that about two dozen races are within the margin of error in polling; should right-of-center voters swing back to them on Election Day, they say, Democrats could fall short of winning enough seats to take control of the House.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Written by the Pulitzer Prize-winning King biographer David Garrow, the article was refused by many outlets but finally published by Standpoint, a right-of-center British magazine that describes its core mission as defending the values of Western civilization.
Unveiling an update to a February provincial budget drafted by the then right-of-center Liberal government, NDP Finance Minister Carole James forecast a budget surplus of C$246 million ($203.27 million) for the 2017-2018 fiscal year, and surpluses until at least 2020.
The biggest issue in campaigning for the April 28 vote has been Madrid's handling of Catalan discontent that led to the 2017 plebiscite and an ultimately abortive attempt to secede from Spain, with right-of-center parties calling for tougher action against the Catalan government in Barcelona.
"What's important is that the right of center national security community has to get its act together while it's in the wilderness for a few years, and the way to do that is not to make common cause with Hillary Clinton and the left," he said.
"For all of his obvious shortcomings, Donald Trump is certainly a different direction, and I think if he is in the White House he'll have to respond to the right-of-center world which elected him, and the things that we believe in," Mr. McConnell said.
In the ad, Mr. Dietl, 66, hews to the same approach he used in the first mayoral debate, directly attacking the Democratic incumbent, Mayor Bill de Blasio, and completely ignoring the Republican challenger, Nicole Malliotakis, with whom he is likely to compete for right-of-center votes.
At a December conference hosted by the Niskanen Center, a right-of-center think tank, Mr. Hogan spoke briefly with William Kristol, an implacable Trump critic in the conservative press, who argued that the president is weaker than widely understood, people briefed on the conversation said.
It's an unfortunate reality that Kelly's stature as a right-of-center icon confers a degree of credibility that the Fox News rank and file — and, let's be honest, the public — withhold from the traditional heralds of the ills of rape, abuse and sexual harassment: feminists.
And they argue that it is only spreading now that the debate over which ideas can be expressed publicly is becoming a catchall that can include almost anyone right of center, and has extended to corporate America, where liberal-led boycotts have targeted socially conservative chief executives.
Of the national policy debate, "there's still a feeling that it's kinda far away," said Zach Graves, the head of policy at the right-of-center tech advocacy group Lincoln Network, calling Washington too slow-moving and too ignorant of how tech works to merit much concern.
Here the AFD expresses a view that enjoys considerable popularity not only in that party but also in the SPD and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), another right of center party that nonetheless apparently favors "provisionally" recognizing Crimea as Russia despite Russia's naked aggression against Ukraine.
" He added: "No matter what sort of theatrics that go on around the administration, if you look at the decisions that are being made, they are solid — from our perspective — right-of-center things that we would have hoped a new Republican president would have done.
There's some plausibility in Frum's "stay and fight" position: If you are right of center on many issues, as Frum is, you'd either have to remain a Republican or create a new party very similar to the existing GOP in its basic orientation, if more reformist on economic issues.
But to do that, Trump would have to look outside the circle of figures who were personally loyal to him during the primary and choose instead from the much broader universe of right-of-center figures who were leery of him but are now hoping for the best.
The race between 13 candidates is too close to call but the winner faces an uphill battle to re-unite the right-of-center party that held power for nearly a decade under former Prime Minister Stephen Harper before the center-left Liberals won a shock majority in 2015.
Given the lack of a record of such activities by right-of-center individuals and organizations, this might seem like a far-fetched possibility, but consider how fast and wide the Tea Party movement spread after an impassioned on-air outburst by a single financial reporter on CNBC.
In a recent survey by Dong-a Ilbo, a right-of-center newspaper, more than 45 percent of respondents said they were focused on the candidates' economic platforms, while just over 9 percent said their top priority was how the candidates would address the North Korean nuclear threat.
That would raise the possibility of a right-of-center government coming to power, in the same mould as in Spain's most populous region of Andalusia where the conservative People's Party allied on Wednesday with center-right Ciudadanos and received the backing of an emerging far-right party.
For the five Democrats defending seats in states President Donald Trump won in 2016 by double-digits, the issue is complicated: Their national party and donors want gun restrictions, but the right-of-center, exurban and rural voters they'll need to win have historically opposed tighter gun laws.
His recent apology over his "stop and frisk" policies while Mayor of New York served simply to remind progressive Democrats that he ran then as a pro-Wall Street right of center, lock-'em-up law-and-order conservative, not exactly what most Democrats are looking for this year.
But this picture was not so clear in 1980, when Ronald Reagan, a decidedly right-of-center Republican nominee, decisively beat the incumbent, Jimmy CarterJimmy CarterFormer FBI and CIA director 'deeply disturbed' by Trump comments on Wray Moderate or left of center — which is better for Democrats in 2020?
The media right-of-center Americans have grown accustomed to relying on for important truths about politicians were not reporting many of the ugly truths about Trump, unless they were denying them, trashing the messengers or providing Trump with a huge platform to defend himself, deny or trash the messengers.
But his ardent support for Mr. Trump could, alternatively, come at a cost to his legacy, as it has put Mr. Giuliani starkly at odds with other right-of-center Republican figures who have described the nominee as a dangerous threat to the nation and have refused to support him.
Unlike Fox News when it started, Trump wouldn't be filling a gaping right-of-center void; he'd be trying to cannibalize part of the Fox audience, swiping its Hannity demographic and adding in some InfoWars viewers, which would mean competing in a very crowded landscape for not-exactly-certain returns.
Plainly wary of alienating the right-of-center voters they must win over by November, Mr. Donnelly and Senators Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, each of whom voted to confirm Justice Neil M. Gorsuch last year, promised only to study the judge's record.
"If they unite together and they create a right of center (movement)... which caters to the taste of many Israelis who would otherwise vote for Netanyahu, that could be a game changer," Dayan told David Axelrod on "The Axe Files," a podcast produced by CNN and the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.
The rise of the AfD and a nascent comeback by the Free Democrats (FDP), a business-friendly, socially liberal party that was the kingmaker of German politics for decades before imploding in the last federal vote, means that there are now three legitimate right-of-center parties in Germany, including Merkel's conservative bloc.
At a time when only about 40 percent of Americans have a positive opinion of Trump—and most have an actively negative view, according to Fox News's own polling—many right-of-center news consumers will be receptive to fact-checks of the president, especially from these two outlets they've long trusted.
A new paper by the right-of-center wonk Charles Blahous at the libertarian Mercatus Center offers an answer at least to the first question, giving the idea a $32.6 trillion price tag over the decade 2022–2031 if a Medicare for all bill was passed this year (which obviously won't happen).
Within a decade or so, in 1994, Berlusconi was prime minister, at the head of a right-of-center political party he'd concocted the previous year, thrust to power on the basis that he would break with Italy's dysfunctional politics and that, as a self-made billionaire, he knew how to fix problems.
Lee Drutman, a senior fellow in the political reform program at New America, wrote me by email: The danger for Democrats is that the electorate overall is probably still a little right-of-center on social issues, and older voters who vote at consistently higher rates are decidedly conservative on social issues.
And it was a massive fight because at the end of the day there was still a lot of thinking on the right of center that if Apple is happy and the big corporations are happy, they are going to take the money they are saving and reinvest it back into American workers.
She appears to yearn for an idealized version of the world that right-of-center politicos like to pretend was once real: Remember when everyone on either side of the aisle could get along despite their disagreements over little things like access to safe abortions and whether we should be in a war?
The liberal is pious about diversity but ready to abandon any belief at the slightest drop in poll numbers — a person who is, as the folk singer Phil Ochs once said, ''10 degrees to the left of center in good times, 10 degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.
After Zuckerberg summoned a collection of right-of-center mavens to his Silicon Valley throne room — er, boardroom — for an airing of grievances, one of the participants, Glenn Beck, criticized his fellow conservatives for treating Facebook like a left-wing monolith, rather than an open platform that has served many conservatives (himself included) very well.
So it was interesting to be among the libertarians in a time when, like other right-of-center faiths, they have seen their political ideals swallowed up by the rule of Donald Trump (whose own FreedomFest appearance, back in 2015, featured a question for him about Russian sanctions from a certain red-haired Russian spy).
Yet in the electoral arena, Mr. Trump's political survival has long depended on his ability to marry the unbending support of his fiercest followers with the ambivalent backing of more traditional right-of-center voters — people who view him as a distasteful character but favor his economic policies, or who preferred him over Hillary Clinton in 2016.
The country's policy of open borders as well as extending health care and protection to Venezuelans continued under his successor Iván Duque, a right-of-center technocrat, who, at first glance, would not be an obvious candidate for expressing such solidarity with poor Venezuelans — especially since many of his compatriots are less sympathetic to their plight.
Where this will be particularly critical, one White House official told me a few weeks ago, will be in the suburbs, where college educated, right-of-center voters, perhaps turned off by the President's tweets and rougher edges, need a reason to stick with a party they reluctantly rallied behind in the waning days of the 2016 election.
Though Mr. Trump once presented himself as a populist enemy of Wall Street, and though many corporations have come to adopt liberal positions on issues like immigration, gay rights and affirmative action, big business and wealthy individuals stand to benefit the most from tax cuts approved by congressional majorities elected on the basis of right-of-center cultural views.
Many of these former Democrats — particularly men who hold right-of-center views on race, gender and immigration — cast far fewer of their ballots for Sanders and his progressive policies this time around, compared with four years ago, when they shied away from Clinton's perceived elitism, her ties to Wall Street, her social liberalism and the fact that she is a woman.
And it's quite possible to imagine that pattern repeating itself going forward: Good right-of-center legislation under Trump may be a pipe dream, but better no legislation at all than bad legislation, and with a Republican Party that's both internally divided and incompetent at policy making, Trump's inability to close the deal could save the country from a great many lousy bills.
They advanced on the same two currents that have carried white-collar suburbs toward Democrats all across the country: growing diversity (whites now compose only about 40% of county residents, about half their level in 1980) and improving performance among college-educated white voters, who are often right of center on fiscal issues but generally lean left on social issues.
So does the fact that among right-of-center voters, disappointment with his presidency is often strongest among Republicans who identify as "market skeptics" and economic populists — suggesting that their populism cannot be simply subsumed in racial grievance, that Trump's economic promises mattered to a substantial number of his voters, and that his failure to follow through is being noticed even through the fog of Kulturkampf.
And though he stood for his first speech as Tory leader in a spotless dark blue suit, his top jacket button firmly buttoned, a pristine white shirt and a sky blue tie only just slightly right of center, it is possible that Mr. Johnson trumps even President Trump when it comes to strategic use of a deceptively absurd image and sleight of sartorial hand.
" Farage, a British politician who was instrumental in the Brexit vote to leave the EU, currently represents the UK in the European Parliament, which is a legislative body of the EU. Farage claimed that those with "right-of-center political opinions" had been affected by a change in Facebook algorithms in January of this year, and that "on average, we're down about 25 percent over a course of this year.
After a summer in which the administration implemented a policy of separating migrant children from their parents, the president sided with Mr. Putin over American intelligence services, and then he showed little sympathy following the death of Senator John McCain, Republican strategists say Mr. Trump is alienating a sizable bloc of moderate and Republican-leaning voters who favor right-of-center economic policies but recoil from the president.
" Standing near a stack of books for sale, Steve Schmidt, the Republican strategist and MSNBC commentator, recalled meeting Mr. Hilton in California when Mr. Hilton was looking at Arnold Schwarzenegger, "a fiscally conservative, socially tolerant and environmentally conscious" governor as a model for "how to rethink the right of center party in the U.K." Asked about Mr. Trump, Mr. Schmidt said that voters, "have turned to someone to be nominee for president with no government experience, no military experience, as an act of condemnation against the establishment.
" Even the pitch the Ghostbusters make to the mayor after the city is overrun with ghosts is inflected by right of center cynicism about retail politics: After describing the supernatural apocalypse that might come down on New York if the Ghostbusters aren't allowed to step in and stop the malignant, extra-dimension deity Gozer, Bill Murray's Dr. Peter Venkman concludes, with a characteristic smirk, by reminding the mayor that if he allows them to work, and they succeed, the mayor will have "saved the lives of millions of registered voters.

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