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"respiration" Definitions
  1. (formal) the act of breathing
  2. (biology) a process by which organisms (= living things) produce energy from food, typically using oxygenTopics Biologyc2

233 Sentences With "respiration"

How to use respiration in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "respiration" and check conjugation/comparative form for "respiration". Mastering all the usages of "respiration" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The lessons included relationships between soil organic matter, microbes, respiration and respiration; and unprecedented physiological studies of humans with a constant atmospheric pressure and declining atmospheric oxygen (unlike mountain climbers).
Hold for five breaths, using respiration to facilitate the twist.
It stands for Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, and Nutrition.
"There was no pulse, no respiration," Mr. Campbell, a chiropractor, said.
Approximately 20 minutes into the actual procedure, Warren's respiration slowed then stopped.
He said the baby had no respiration and didn't show a pulse.
And the other big things—artificial respiration, putting people in recovery position.
It also tracks respiration, heart rate, and body movement throughout the night.
One man is having respiration difficulty and has been placed on a ventilator.
Your heart rate and respiration will increase resulting in overall improvements to your fitness.
However, their larger muscles accumulate toxins from anaerobic respiration faster than smaller ones do.
These in turn trigger physiological variations such as elongation growth, respiration, and moisture absorption.
Another benefit is that it doesn't slow respiration, which means that it isn't lethal.
Overwhelmed by opioids, the nervous system signals for blood pressure and respiration to drop.
Plants absorb carbon from the air during photosynthesis and then return it during respiration.
Taking conscious control of your respiration, begin lengthening and deepening your inhalations and exhalations.
I measure respiration for two minutes, breathing slowly and counting how many times I inhale.
Dogs lose most of their body heat from their paw pads, ears and through respiration.
The new system provides information on skin temperature, heart rate, respiration rate and blood oxygenation.
" Sasaki added that for the second dress, she "wanted to visually integrate air and respiration.
Widening the nostrils of snub-nosed dogs (like the genetically challenged pug) can improve respiration.
H. salminicola also lacked many of the proteins that its relatives use in aerobic respiration.
Respiration requires sugar for fuel, and burning it faster would leave less available for anthocyanin production.
It's emitted by natural sources like the surf, storms, wind itself, our own heartbeat and respiration.
Norepinephrine discharge, leading to anxiety, increased heart rate, and increased respiration rate, can bring these on.
In a process known as respiration, plants pump out carbon dioxide instead of pulling it in.
Mitochondria transform oxygen and sugar into cellular fuel in a process referred to as mitochondrial respiration.
All cargo compartments on the 767 are pressurized, so respiration for any breathing creature is always possible.
Once inside I feel the music already landing on me in percussive waves, as if in respiration.
" There's this 2003 Complex interview with Mos Def where he talks about how much he loves "Respiration.
Another pet collar serves as a health monitor, tracking your pet's temperature, pulse, respiration, activity and more.
Researchers have discovered an animal lacking a mitochondria and many of the genes that facilitate aerobic respiration.
The scraps that remain are discarded as part of respiration, in the outgoing carbon dioxide, or in urine.
The show at the Institut du Monde Arabe, "Respiration," opened on May 30 and runs until Aug. 28.
"I had a patient just now who needed artificial respiration, and I had none available," Dr. Rodríguez said.
Opioid overdoses usually kill people by inhibiting respiration: breathing slows and starts to sound labored, then stops altogether.
Oxygen, which is necessary to sustain most terrestrial life, is used in cellular respiration and other biological processes.
It keeps tabs on many metrics, including heart rate, hydration, respiration, sleep, blood oxygen level, and stress tracking.
In addition to taking in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, plants also release it through a process called respiration.
Morphine is one of the most widely known pain killers, but it has a negative effect on respiration.
When fish come into contact with the oil, it can enlarge their livers and alter their respiration rates.
It locks into the receptor sites of the natural neurotransmitter acetylcholine, raising heart rates, respiration and blood sugar.
Orphan studies anaerobic microbes—organisms that don't require oxygen for respiration—in methane seeps on deep ocean floors.
According to court documents, Ben presented "in full arrest," meaning there was no spontaneous respiration and no cardiac activity.
The company Athos plans to launch fitness clothes that measure muscle activity, heart rate and respiration in real time.
Turtle shells are specially designed to prevent the buildup of lactic acid, which is a byproduct of anaerobic respiration.
But they said the drugs can suppress breathing and respiration and that Fisher had a history of sleep apnea.
But the exact effects of that increase in respiration had never been studied on a global scale until now.
She avoided an iron lung, but not the rocking bed, which moved her up and down to simulate respiration.
That provides enough detail to detect even subtle movements in a room like human respiration, according to the company.
Refrigeration does allows you to cool the fruit, slow down its respiration, and transport it all over the world.
The Sleeptracker keeps tabs on your respiration, heart rate, light sleep, deep sleep, REM cycles, body movement, and any interruptions.
That's significant, given that plant respiration already contributes six times as much carbon dioxide to the atmosphere as fossil fuels.
Cows, who rely on respiration to regulate body heat and do not sweat effectively, are particularly susceptible to heat waves.
The other ant specimen was entombed with gas bubbles on its body, likely produced by the respiration of the actinobacteria.
This process is called aerobic respiration, and it's the reason every animal has to breathe air—or so scientists thought.
But not so in the muscle cells from the metformin group, which showed little if any upswing in mitochondrial respiration.
There, an antioxidant would have provided much-needed protection against oxidative stress from harmful sun rays and high rates of respiration.
In addition, opioids suppress respiration, so when taken on top of muscle-relaxants like benzodiazepines, the breathing will stop more readily.
In 22.5, he traveled to New York City to install a respiration chamber in the reptile house at the Bronx Zoo.
This stops natural respiration, leading to the production of fermented and musty flavors, which are aggravated by prolonged storage and unrefrigerated conditions.
Ford is working on linking wearable and in-car sensors to monitor heart and respiration rates, blood glucose levels and skin temperature.
He then performed CPR for 20 straight minutes during the ground transport and maintained artificial respiration through 2 hours of emergency surgery.
He then performed CPR for 20 straight minutes during the ground transport and maintained artificial respiration through 85033 hours of emergency surgery.
He brought with him a state-of-the-art device that he helped develop while at Wesleyan, known as the respiration calorimeter.
Maybe it's the forest smells that turn us on; aerosols present in evergreen forests act as mild sedatives while also stimulating respiration.
"In first three years of the experiment, you saw an increase in both [plant growth] and respiration" as the soil warmed, Taylor says.
You might remember learning about cellular respiration, the process by which your body turns sugar into energy and carbon dioxide in the mitochondria.
Claiming to have the same accuracy as ICU monitoring, the wearable device captures oxygen saturation, respiration rate, pulse rate, temperature, movement and posture.
But given his ego, it's highly unlikely that he would have considered the possibility that anything other than damaged respiration could cause cancer.
Conversely, healthy cells continue with normal respiration, a process in which they take glucose and break it down into carbon dioxide and water.
This includes increasing respiration and heart rate, sweating, and a host of chemicals — neurotransmitters and hormones — that kick our metabolism into high gear.
The antidote for OP poisoning has traditionally included artificial respiration and injections of the drug atropine, which helps the victim to keep breathing.
"Part of the story is that photosynthesis is going up, and part of the story is that so is respiration," said Dr. Campbell.
Autonomic failure is when the part of the brain controlling heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration and digestion, among other things, stops working.
Critically, Kratom doesn't seem to have the effect that is most likely to prove fatal in overdose: slowing respiration until it eventually stops entirely.
During summer months, plants soak up more carbon dioxide for photosynthesis than they produce through respiration, but in the winter, that dynamic is reversed.
The scoring system, which has since saved countless babies, evaluates newborns' health on five factors: heart rate, respiration, skin color, muscle tone, and reflexes.
Instead Warburg persisted in calling them "grana," the term he came up with when he identified those structures as the site of cellular respiration.
Warmer temperatures, Professor Neufeld said, may speed up enzymes involved in nighttime respiration, when leaves exhale carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen, as humans do.
She urged doctors to screen for emotional distress as a vital sign, just as they do for temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure and pain.
The amplified sounds of respiration were being pumped through six speakers installed on lampposts by the artist Sari Carel, 43, of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.
"Our discovery shows that aerobic respiration, one of the most important metabolic pathways, is not ubiquitous among animals," the authors wrote in the study.
He adds that they can also replicate the force felt from the hose, and simultaneously measure the heart and respiration rate of the trainee.
But oxygen was prevalent during the time of Gabonionta, which probably used aerobic respiration to live, turning things like fats and sugars into energy.
Mark writes: Maybe it's the forest smells that turn us on; aerosols present in evergreen forests act as mild sedatives while also stimulating respiration.
Now fatal opioid overdoses, which can slow respiration to the point that the brain is starved of oxygen, are a growing part of that list.
" The silicone conforms to the body and transmits data on "movement and respiration, as well as electrical activity in the heart, muscles, eyes and brain.
This reflex causes the diaphragm—the main respiration muscle that causes your chest to rise and fall as you breathe—to forcefully contract, DelRosso explains.
Monday at a Ramada Inn, where a 45-year-old male Mount Kisco resident was found unconscious and unresponsive, with no pulse and no respiration.
He believed that most cancer was preventable and thought that chemicals added to food and used in agriculture could cause tumors by interfering with respiration.
There was also a respiration sensor that straps to one's chest and features an app, which synchronizes breathing with tonal music to help lower anxiety.
Searching for the answer, Thevelein and his colleagues experimented with yeast cells since, just like cancer cells, they are known to favor fermentation over respiration.
The data showed that the rate of global soil respiration had increased by about 1.2 percent in the 25-year window between 1990 and 2014.
Scientists have discovered that the small cluster of brain cells in charge of fast, active respiration also grant a baby animal the power to cry.
The large team of scientists and engineers with specialized expertise in monitoring air deposition and respiration of pollutants can only be found within the EPA.
They are currently working with stroke victims who cannot swallow, using a smart skin to help trigger and time swallows with respiration to avoid choking.
In the muscle cells from the men and women on placebo, mitochondrial respiration rose by about 25 percent, compared to levels at the study's start.
It seems that, in being a parasite, the plant no longer found it necessary to keep making this big protein required for its cellular respiration process.
He then performed CPR for 20 straight minutes during the ground transport and maintained artificial respiration through two-and-a-half hours and through emergency surgery.
By itself, fentanyl overdose can kill within seconds to minutes—let alone when mixed with other respiration-slowing drugs like benzodiazepines and different kinds of opioids.
Based on pulse rate, respiration rate and other physiological data, the app recommends things users can do to improve their sleep and overall health or performance.
The company is able to detect heart rate, respiration and skin temperature of a newborn, all without having to attach scary medical sensors to the child.
We use an acronym—RPM—for respiration, pulse, mentation—and that allows us to get a sense of how a person is doing very, very quickly.
It uses light reflecting from the user's cheeks to read their heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiration, mental stress, and heart rate variability, with more to come.
When scientists take into account both extra photosynthesis and respiration, they estimate that plants remove a quarter of the carbon dioxide we put in the atmosphere.
He then performed CPR for 20 straight minutes during the ground transport and maintained artificial respiration through two and a half hours, and through emergency surgery.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, naloxone works by restoring normal respiration to a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped due to an overdose.
Others, while at least forgiving enough to allow for proper respiration, ride down so often that you're shimmying through your day fighting a losing battle against gravity.
Proteins, which carry out almost all the basic functions of life, from respiration to reproduction, are all made of 20 smaller molecules strung together into a chain.
Centered on this idea, Knight and Varnam argue that along with body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure, menstruation is a central indicator of health.
Fentanyl overdoses occur much more rapidly than heroin ODs, stopping breathing sometimes within seconds, compared to a slower, more gradual decline in respiration with the older drug.
As all this monitoring happens, it's easy to forget how much data cars are starting to collect — including personal health details like your heart and respiration rate.
Isaiah had no audible heartbeat, respiration, activity or muscle tone when he was born, according to an independent expert, Andrew Whitelaw, who provided evidence to the court.
The Amazon forest produces an enormous amount of oxygen each year through photosynthesis, but it also consumes an enormous amount each year through respiration -- yes, trees breathe.
While the increase in photosynthesis is greater than that of respiration, the ultimate benefit to crops has been small — and it doesn't explain our modern agricultural revolution.
To better understand the potential links between rising global temperatures and soil respiration, a team of researchers led by Ben Bond-Lamberty at the Joint Global Change Research Institute at the University of Maryland, College Park, examined data from two huge global nature surveys: the Global Soil Respiration Database and  FLUXNET , which collectively draw soil, temperature, rainfall and other data from a network of more than 2,000 sources across several ecosystems.
In 1999, the VA was one of the first health care systems to start considering pain the "fifth vital sign," after blood pressure, temperature, respiration rate, and pulse.
This may be partly because it contributes to exhaustion, but also because it activates the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for heart rate, blood pressure, respiration — and sexual response.
"She literally places things on my head that read my brain waves, and it gets my body temperature, my skin conductances, respiration and all this stuff," Brianne said.
This is a non-voluntary response that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system—the body system that controls other automatic responses like heart rate, respiration, and digestion.
To test that type of twistron, the researchers wove the yarns into a shirt, and it generated small but usable amounts of electricity just from the wearer's respiration.
They wanted to see if there were consistencies between an easy-to-use number, such as steps per minute, and more technical determinations of intensity, such as respiration.
If one means more narrowly death by the same physiological mechanism that is involved in opioid overdose (suppressed respiration, etc.), then no, that is not how cannabinoids work.
Forests worldwide presently convert and store more carbon dioxide, but almost all of it is released within a short time into the atmosphere through respiration, decomposition, or disturbance.
"For four days, I had 21 different leads—brainwaves and respiration and EKG—21 different body parameters being recorded and sent down to the ground," noted Glenn in 2011.
In 21 he won the Nobel Prize for his work on respiration, and he was considered for the award on two other occasions — each time for a different discovery.
It also increases sleep need for recovering and improving body tissues such as muscles, tendons, and organs related to respiration and blood flow, and it improves mood, he added.
Based on measurements of short-term temperature responses in this study and others, the scientists expected that the plants would increase their respiration by nearly five times that much.
Using a significant array of sensors, some wearables aim to improve sleep quality by capturing biometric data on heart and breathing rate, movement, body temperature, respiration and even perspiration.
That means 24/7 health monitoring with features like pulse ox sleep tracking to measure the quality of your slumber, menstrual cycle tracking, respiration and hydration tracking, and more.
By 575m years ago, however—which was when animals whose dimensions are measured in centimetres rather than microns appear—there must have been enough oxygen around to support their respiration.
First, the researchers tested the volunteers' usual running economy by having them don a facial mask to measure their respiration and then run on a treadmill until they were exhausted.
Soon, the five — who were between a day and a month old — were taken to the intensive-care unit, where the three gravest cases were put on artificial respiration machines.
When Oklahoma inmate Clayton Lockett was sentenced to death by lethal injection he was administered the drug cocktail: midazolam; vecuronium bromide to stop respiration; and potassium chloride to stop the heart.
More recently, Kahn has developed something he called the Sleeptracker Monitor and works directly with big-name mattress brands to track respiration, heart rate and sleep patterns from the bed itself.
"Respiration is the only autonomic function we can voluntarily control," Gerbarg says, so it makes sense to change the pattern of breath in order to shift the messages the brain receives.
Globally, plant respiration contributes six times as much carbon dioxide to the atmosphere as fossil fuel emissions, much of which is reabsorbed by plants, the oceans and other elements of nature.
So let's talk about fluid loss, which happens with diarrhea and vomiting, of course, but also happens with fever, rapid respiration, heat and anything else that revs up a child's metabolism.
I have to continuously chew mint gum in order to withstand the sensation that I'm breathing in my own old breath, caught in what feels like a closed loop of respiration.
"I had trouble with respiration especially in difficult conditions on the court," he told reporters over dinner celebrating his video series Made By Moments with Jacob's Creek Wines in New York City.
Not only did it have about the same analgesic efficacy as morphine while being relatively benign in terms of respiration, the mice showed little interest in the compound from a dependency perspective.
But First Alert's new hi-def Onelink Envirocam takes care of that for you, automatically detecting the micro-movements of a baby's breathing and keeping track of respiration rates throughout the night.
It promises to be more accurate than simply using an app, thanks to a sensitive pressure sensor that utilizes ballistocardiography — a method that measures presence and movement, respiration rate, and heart rate.
In biology slime has evolved many, many times independently, and plays vital roles in a wide range of biological processes including respiration, feeding, reproduction and in the case of our hagfish, defense.
This means that the water has so little oxygen that sea life becomes smaller, less fertile, or is forced to migrate because there's not enough oxygen for respiration—the equivalent of breathing.
The diaphragm, our primary muscle of respiration, is also a postural muscle that attaches to our lumbar spine (low back) and influences spine and pelvis stability and mobility -- and consequently back pain.
She told CNBC that the practice likely lowered their cortisol levels to help them stay calm, and lowered their rate of respiration in the confined environment, where air was a dear resource.
But, he says, "Given the fact that breathing has been used to change mental states for thousands of years, we still know next to nothing about respiration and brain function in humans."
Meanwhile, unmatched blood and fluids were being pumped into the president and an anesthesia machine was assisting his breathing, for they all saw a possible agonal respiration, and his heart was working.
The outbreak is characterized by severe pneumonia symptoms, shortness of breath, coughing, fever, fatigue, and respiratory failure — sometimes severe enough to require artificial respiration — and has so far affected mostly young people.
When the oxygen runs out, cells move to a different process, anaerobic respiration, that produces lactic acid, which can quickly build up and cause harm—athletes might be familiar with lactic acid cramps.
While thawing, their hearts resume beating even before ice in the body has completely melted, and pulmonary respiration and blood circulation are restored soon thereafter, according to Constanzo&aposs 1997 Miami University study .
This prompted a more thorough investigation in which the researchers measured water flowing through the tissues of the stump, and also its rate of respiration, which matched those seen in the surrounding trees.
That's when she really began to work, sculpting sentence by sentence again and again and again until it got my respiration, my sense of humor, all the registers of my way of writing.
Zenta monitors physical health, such as your heart rate, but also perspiration, respiration and temperature and cross-references this data against other data from your smartphone in order to understand cause and effect.
Sauropod dinosaurs, for example, had limbs like columns to support their massive weight, yet their load was most likely lightened by an avian-like respiration system, which permeated their skeleton with air sacs.
"Death for an organism would be something roughly like its ceasing to engage in the various biological activities by which it develops and perpetuates itself, things like respiration and blood circulation," said Luper.
Baute's respiration is pumping carbon dioxide into the small habitat, which is unventilated, while the many plants in the biodome are meant to provide him with all the fresh oxygen he needs to breathe.
Two species of microorganism, the researchers suspect, are cycling two forms of arsenic in what is now a newly detected respiratory cycle, where respiration is essentially the transformation of chemical energy into biological energy.
Sirtuins may act as metabolic sensors, and a number are found exclusively in the mitochondria, the structures in cells that look after respiration and which are central to the evolving concept of cellular ageing.
Medical residents began learning that pain was the "fifth vital sign" — a body function to be assessed after temperature, heart rate, respiration rate and blood pressure — and that opioids could help mitigate it safely.
Long before his death, Warburg was considered perhaps the greatest biochemist of the 21th century, a man whose research was vital to our understanding not only of cancer but also of respiration and photosynthesis.
Boreal and temperate forests account for a third of the world's forest areas, and if they adapt their respiration rates in the way this study suggests, the forests, the planet's lungs, can breathe easy.
It may very well be a form of underwater respiration, in which oxygen is pulled from the recycled air bubble on the lizard's head, though further research will be required to validate these visual observations.
The wearable is capable of measuring some standard-wearable stuff, including movement and steps, along with more complex vitals like ECG, heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiration, core body temperature and blood pressure, meeting XPRIZE guidelines.
Moreover, plant respiration rates were higher than photosynthesis, resulting in a slow decrease in oxygen levels so that at one point the Biospherians had oxygen availability similar to that of living at around 13,23 feet.
In the years following his breakthrough, Warburg became convinced that the Warburg effect occurs because cells are unable to use oxygen properly and that this damaged respiration is, in effect, the starting point of cancer.
In all that time, she said, she saw maybe 10 instances of croup—out of "thousands" in all—in which the child appeared to be in real trouble, with slowed respiration and signs of cyanosis.
The study focused on one possible cause: warmer temperatures that keep the Arctic tundra from freezing until later in the fall, allowing plant respiration and microbial decomposition — processes that release carbon dioxide — to continue longer.
But then I realized that it has lost not just the mitochondrial genome but the whole set of protein genes that interact with the mitochondrial genome and all the majority of genes involved in respiration.
Like SARS and MERS, there may not be effective medication directly targeting the new coronavirus, but supportive treatments -- such as assisted respiration and fever relief -- can be provided to cure the symptoms, according to Poon.
Plexiglas boxes called "autochambers" periodically close in order to measure CO2 in the air surrounding the plots, which tells the researchers how plant carbon uptake, and "respiration" by plants and soil, change throughout the growing season.
The suit measured her blood pressure, skin temperature, heart rate, respiration, and oxygen saturation levels—data Vogel wanted to record in order to research the effects that high-altitude, low-oxygen environments have on the body.
The startup's vehicle monitoring system uses low-emission radio frequency radar and contactless biometrics to track the body location and physical state — respiration rate, heart rate and heart-rate variability — of each passenger in the car.
Moreover, plant respiration rates were higher than photosynthesis, resulting in a slow decrease in oxygen levels so that at one point the Biospherians had an oxygen availability similar to that of living at around 13,000 feet.
This process is known as "soil respiration," and it&aposs an important complement to  photosynthesis  — the process by which plants turn CO2, water and light into energy — helping to keep ecosystems around the world running smoothly.
He lay upon his back, his face and neck one bruised, unseemly, bloated mass of incipient corruption; gasping for breath, and sucking by the violence of his respiration, his bloated lips far back in his mouth.
Well Folklore, spiritual traditions and even mothers have for ages drawn an implicit connection between respiration and state of mind: Breathe in deeply through your nose, we are told, to clarify thoughts, achieve serenity, defuse tantrums.
In Moscow, Mr. Kara-Murza, 35, has been in a coma and at the center of a politically hued medical mystery since Thursday as doctors puzzle over his symptoms while keeping him alive on artificial respiration.
One hundred participants were fed a Nightmare King every night before bed, and their vital signs, brain activity and respiration rate were all tracked by doctors and scientists to determine whether they had "vivid dreams" or not.
"Opioids can slow the heart rate and lead to excess dilation of blood vessels producing potentially dangerous drops in blood pressure, and opioid use can suppress respiration," Fonarow, who wasn't involved in the study, said by email.
Dozens of studies have found changes before and after prayer or meditative activities in the autonomic nervous system, which controls relaxation and arousal, in parasympathetic activity, which can decrease heart rate and blood pressure, metabolism, or respiration.
"She went to Girl Scout camp in 1949 and returned with a severe case of polio," her brother, David N. Silvers, said, "which required her to spend over a year in an iron lung," the respiration device.
Professional athletes, for example, often train at high altitude, where the thin air means oxygen is scarce, in order to grow extra red blood cells that will assist their respiration when they compete nearer to sea level.
They intended to investigate ocean carbon supply, hoping to find out how the deep sea, without sunlight, could support the high respiration rates of deep-sea benthos -- the community of organisms that live on the ocean floor.
Professional athletes, for example, often train at high altitude, where the thin air means oxygen is scarce, in order to grow extra red blood cells that will assist their respiration when they compete nearer to sea level.
"When you're anxiously aroused and your body goes into fight or flight mode, a host of biological processes happen, including increase in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration, increased sweating, increased muscle tension and GI discomfort," she said.
Yonck describes today's emerging technologies for understanding our emotions using images of facial expressions, intonation patterns, respiration, galvanic skin response and other signals — and how these instruments might be adopted by the military and interactive augmented reality experiences.
The Better Respiration through Expanding Access to Telehealth Act (the BREATHE Act) would allow respiratory therapists under the direct supervision of a physician, to provide services such as patient education, inhaler technique evaluation, smoking cessation, and remote physiologic monitoring.
These include developing opioid variants that are less immediately dangerous—that is, they have less of a depressant effect on respiration—and are less prone to to abuse, as well as NSAID painkillers (aspirin, classically) that just work better.
Suddenly it's not just your email, or the photographs of your cat, that are being looked over by the deep learning networks of Google and the NSA, but your location to the centimeter, your heart rate, your respiration rate.
Every ancient extinction happened at a time when Earth was also seeing disruption in the carbon cycle—the natural process that links cellular respiration (which releases carbon dioxide, or CO2) and photosynthesis (plants take up that CO2 to grow).
Aboul Fotouh has diabetes, hypertension, heart and respiration problems which require him to sleep with an oxygen machine that he brought with him but does not work properly in the high temperatures of the prison cell, Ahmed told Reuters.
To me, if a human being is in the hospital with intensive, life-sustaining therapies such as artificial respiration, nutrition or dialysis sustaining them with little hope of recovering reasonable brain function, such a state could be considered necrosis.
In effect, metformin had road-blocked the normal exercise-related gains in muscle-cell mitochondrial respiration, says Benjamin Miller, a principal investigator in the aging and metabolism research program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, who oversaw the study.
Yet most times death can be prevented through early detection and timely intervention if naloxone is administered in time, because it quickly restores normal respiration to a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped as a result of an opioid overdose.
On several trips in 2009 and 2010, he and his colleagues headed into the middle of the savanna, packing up a Land Rover with camping supplies, computers, solar panels, liquid nitrogen to freeze urine samples, and respirometry units to measure respiration.
Due to HIPAA laws, authorities could not confirm the patient's identity, although Lieutenant Patrick McCormack told PEOPLE police responded to a call after a man from Mount Kisco, New York, was found unconscious and unresponsive, with no pulse and no respiration.
As another example, Sepsis, which McCann says is the number one cause of hospital readmission in the U.S., can be detected via an elevation in temperature, respiration rate or pulse rate and a drop in blood pressure or oxygen saturation.
The reasons are complicated and rely on understanding of terms like "biomass" and "respiration," but suffice it to say that when you dine on the big dogs (er, fish) at the top of the food chain, you're contributing to climate change.
And while the full effects of this microbial huffing and puffing are hard to estimate, it&aposs possible that all that extra CO2 will feed a self-intensifying loop of atmospheric warming and soil respiration over the years to come.
But in a study published Wednesday in Nature, scientists showed that plants were able to adapt their respiration to increases in temperature over long periods of time, releasing only 5 percent more carbon dioxide than they did under normal conditions.
They proposed that appendages like those of Prometheoarchaeum entangled a passing bacterium, which was then engulfed and eventually evolved into an organelle - internal structure - called a mitochondrion that is the powerhouse of a cell and crucial for respiration and energy production.
Plus, experts point to the other exercise benefits from sex: the stretching of muscles and tendons, the flexing of joints and the increase of respiration, heart rate and blood pressure that in a healthy man or woman can energize the body.
An accurate diagnosis often requires a professional sleep study: spending a night or two in a sleep lab hooked up to instruments that record respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, bodily movements and time spent in the various stages of sleep.
Any parent that's squinted at a live feed from a baby camera, trying to spot the subtle movements that indicate their child is still breathing, will wish they had First Alert's new Onelink Envirocam that can monitor an infant's respiration rate from afar.
Study senior author Dorothée Huchon said in an email that the discovery of an animal that could not undergo aerobic respiration was pure luck, as she had set out to sequence mitochondria across Myxozoa, the class of parasites to which H. salminicola belongs.
"He had all sorts of respiration problems, and we were spending more time at the hospital than at home," said Glacken, 21, who spent lots of time disinfecting her house with Lysol and Windex, until a friend suggested using a Shaklee-brand organic cleaning solution.
These theories include that a baby's brain may not be developed enough to regulate respiration combined with an environment -- such as soft furnishings -- that aid asphyxia or nasal obstruction and simply that certain infants may just be more vulnerable due to genetics or physical traits.
Cow dung is a huge polluter of methane, and some of the only ways to get rid of it is to burn it (for fuel), or go through a toxic anaerobic respiration process in manure lagoons (Google it, but on an empty stomach, please).
Beddit's latest product, the Beddit 3, is a thin strip of sensors that goes across a user's bed, analyzing sleep-related data such as "sleep time and efficiency, heart rate, respiration, temperature, movement, snoring, room temperature, and room humidity," according to a product description.
According to Liu's results, which have yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, those who were subjected to fast and loud fake respiration through Masque demonstrated a "statistically significant" increase in anxiety than those exposed to slower and softer fake respiratory cues.
This "switch of cancer cells from respiration to fermentation is something that was discovered by Otto Warburg, a German biochemist, about 70 or 80 years ago," said microbiologist Johan M. Thevelein, senior author of the study and a professor at KU Leuven in Belgium.
They began by looking for recent, good-quality published studies that had tracked people's walking pace and cadence, which is the number of steps they take per minute, as well as other measures of their effort, such as heart rate or increases in respiration.
The model highlighted the consequences of how the interactions between a variety of climate change factors, such as the loss or weakening of carbon sinks, forest dieback, ice retreat and increased bacteria respiration, could combine to form a feedback loop which accelerates climate change.
By keeping track of your heart rate as well as other variables like body temperature, respiration and even your galvanic skin response, the Jawbone UP3 is able to track your sleep patterns and can even discern the difference between light sleep, deep sleep and REM.
Sleep apnea was once thought to be rare, but, now that there are sophisticated diagnostic tools to measure respiration and muscle contractions, it is known to afflict some two to three per cent of the U.S. population—five million men and two and a half million women.
At two forest-research sites in Minnesota, scientists tested how the respiration rates of 10 different species of trees — from boreal and temperate forests — were affected by increases in temperature over a period of three to five years, using heating cables to warm some of the trees.
"Manly Health," with its references to "inspiration and respiration" and the importance of "electricity through the frame," also echoes the language of earlier poems like "Song of Myself" and "I Sing the Body Electric," recasting their themes in the more concrete spirit of a self-improvement manual.
A nuclear counter measured the women's lean body mass, their eyes were tested for four hours, a rubber tube was passed through their throats in order to test stomach acids, and there was a special respiration rate-measuring bicycle they rode to the point of exhaustion.
It also features Garmin's broad range of around-the-clock health monitoring features, including new hydration tracking, new respiration tracking, stress and menstrual cycle tracking, and pulse ox sleep tracking whereby the watch measures the oxygen saturation in your blood to determine how well you're sleeping.
In Artificial Respiration (1980), Ricardo Piglia once imagined an encounter between the Jewish writer Franz Kafka and the failed painter Adolf Hilter; in El Affair Skeffington (1992), María Moreno invented Dolly, an American who traverses the French rive gauche of the 1920s and attends parties with Gertrude Stein.
One interesting aspect of the Snap40 device is that it captures the rawest data possible (ie the actual waveforms), leaving the conversion of this data into tangible vital signs, such as respiration or pulse rate, to the company's own software and machine learning models running in the cloud.
A medicine originally used in hospitals to restore patient respiration post-surgery, naloxone has since been used as a rapidly effective opioid antagonist: It attaches to the receptors in the body that are affected by opioids and blocks the drugs from working, which restores an overdose victim's breathing.
Climate change, noted Owens, will affect water temperature (which has dramatic consequences for marine life), the ability of nutrients to disperse around the ocean, acidity in the oceans (as the oceans absorb CO2500 from the air), and oxygen levels in the water — which sea creatures require for respiration.
The laboriously-titled Researches, Chemical and Philosophical; chiefly concerning Nitrous Oxide, or dephlogisticated nitrous air, and its Respiration was the culmination of Humphry's research into nitrous oxide: a preeminent scientific document that laid out the gas' synthesis, its effects on animals and animal tissue, and, most notably, its effect on the human mind.
But researchers in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences report that a tiny parasitic cousin of jellyfish, which under a microscope looks something like the head of an archetypal bigheaded and dark-eyed alien, is bucking the trend: It has no mitochondria, suggesting it does not use oxygen for respiration.
American agencies had collected the data, which was transmitted without encryption, but did not know how to interpret it; starting with data on Laika, the dog the Soviets launched into space, Dr. Graveline went on to study data on Soviet cosmonauts, including Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, measuring heart rate, respiration and more.
Opinion: Clearly the climate crisis is upon us Key interactions The report highlights the consequences of how the interactions between a variety of climate change factors, such as the loss or weakening of carbon sinks, forest dieback, ice retreat and increased bacteria respiration, could combine to form a feedback loop which accelerates climate change.
The pitch for the bracelet was for it to track a range of physical health factors such as heart rate, perspiration, respiration and temperature, and cross-reference them against other data from the wearer's smartphone to try to understand cause and effect and create a pattern for indicators relating to mental health such as stress levels.
"It is very well known that quitting smoking can reverse the adverse physiologic effects of smoking including improved respiration, improved cardiovascular function, decreased risk of stroke, and decreased risk of cancer," said Dr. Graham Warren of the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, who also wasn't involved in the study.
However, due to local pressures, these powers are rarely invoked, leading to pollution levels between egregious and staggering – according to reports, more than sixty smelters in China are in flagrant violation of environmental standards by releasing between 85033 mg/m3 and 31 mg/m3 of particulate matter, which is enough to cause haze and make human respiration difficult.

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