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960 Sentences With "relies"

How to use relies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "relies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "relies". Mastering all the usages of "relies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Persuasion, in short, relies on integrity whereas manipulation relies on deception.
In other words, Turkey relies on Apple more than Apple relies on Turkey.
If the current scenario relies on overbuilding solar, the third scenario relies on overbuilding batteries.
It relies on a community of drivers just like eBay relies on a community of sellers.
The United States relies on China and its good faith even more than China relies on us.
This is concerning, because sound policy relies on good data, which in turn relies on robust data collection.
Human well-being relies on the well-being of earth's biodiversity, and this biodiversity relies in turn on insects and soil.
It's a job that relies on people skills and social engineering, and relies on the most reliable vulnerability of all: Human weakness.
Photo: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo)The problem with a gaming platform that relies entirely on the internet is that it relies on the internet.
Unlike Raden, which relies on a mesh network to hunt down lost bags, Bluesmart relies on 3G and GPS radios to track luggage.
The company relies on people to consign with them, but it also relies on its own purchases for its business, according to Lopez.
However, funding for prevention is often difficult as it relies on a long-term perspective, is less dramatic, and often relies on government action.
Of course Facebook's ad business not only relies on people's web browsing habits to fuel its targeting systems, it relies on advertisers liberally pumping dollars in.
It is not a wall that relies on miles of desert land — it is a virtual wall that relies on technology, intelligence and dedicated service members.
WhatsApp relies on open industry standards created by the developers behind Signal, a rival messaging app, while Telegram relies on its own, home-grown encryption techniques.
Without irony, the prosecutor, P.J. Meitl, argued that Williams had preyed on a health insurance system that relies "on trust, relies on honesty" when it pays claims.
"Our city relies on nannies, relies on these quality folks to be the hands, feet, mouths and voices of parents, and something like that was beyond imagination."
While the science of tracking a storm relies heavily on data about conditions on its periphery, predicting intensity relies on measuring what is happening in the middle of it.
"The system really relies, even if the instructions are very clear, it relies on the driver to adhere to the design limitations of Autopilot," Dr. Becic said during the meeting.
Quill relies on Oculus' Touch controllers Quill relies on Oculus' Touch controllers When it's my turn to paint, I quickly discover the pallete, a cube that spawns from your left hand.
When many games are moving away from this sort of hand holding, and i made sure to hold your head sideways relies on it—because the story's subject relies on it.
It relies on scientists' developing miracle cures for our highest-emitting sectors within just a few years—and then it relies on industry to successfully deploy those cures across the planet.
Each side of the partnership relies on the other: the workers in the plant depend on Chinese investment for their jobs, while Mr Cao relies on their productivity for his profit margins.
No matter what happened in the 73 election, the fact that the Democrats' coalition relies on growing groups while the GOP's relies on declining ones is still a considerable advantage for Democrats.
And, as an added bonus, conflicting dependencies between applications (maybe one app relies on Python 2, and another app relies on Python 3) aren't an issue, because everything is isolated in different containers.
According to Tarlo, the human hair trade relies on strands found in gutters as much as it relies on dealers convincing women to chop off their waist-length locks for roughly $13 USD.
The style relies heavily on bold, colorful, and asymmetrical shapes.
Its big National Beef Packing plant relies on Hispanic migrants.
But the film relies just as much on the actors.
Our architecture relies heavily on downloading data using background services.
Globally, it also relies on huge amounts of storage sites.
OpenBazaar, which relies on IPFS, is an alternative to Amazon.
He relies on the same methods over and over again.
The CFTC report relies mostly on Pirrong's research and a
The Takeaway: Beware the team that relies on older receivers.
Effective business communication relies heavily on "soft" or interpersonal skills.
Like many purported intuitions, however, gaydar often relies on stereotypes.
Apple Music relies heavily on human curators to pick songs.
Belarus relies on Russian crude for its two oil refineries.
Getting out the vote relies on more than excitement, however.
And as an agricultural state that relies on greenhouses to
Facebook relies on users to flag offensive or violent content.
It's a vital organization that relies entirely on our support.
Lebanon's economy relies on tourism, construction and finance for growth.
So it relies on having people quantify how they feel.
But as with any strategy, so much relies on execution.
What data does exist mostly relies on unreliable personal accounts.
DeepSense relies on behavioral predictions and a small personality assessment.
But here's the thing: Pulse relies on proprietary lube pods.
The third relies on that familiar advertising fallback: cute dogs.
Qonto currently relies heavily on Treezor for the back end.
Like most modern industries, the housing market relies on automation.
It relies on a desalination plant to meet its needs.
Palin relies heavily on this particular kind of dependent clause.
The future of AI relies on a code of ethics
Britain's democracy relies on an opposition to provide an alternative.
The development of chatbots relies on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.
SAA already relies on government guarantees to support its finances.
And the U.S. central bank's effectiveness relies on its independence.
Much of Yu's work relies on 3D models and canvases.
Cruz's strategy relies heavily on winning evangelicals, Southerners, and conservatives.
Sometimes Mr Eimer relies too heavily on anecdote and supposition.
It's a guarantee that every American understands and relies upon.
But brinkmanship also relies on knowing when to pull back.
Instead, Musk's "Vision" system relies on currently much cheaper cameras.
Presumably, Williamson's figure relies on land value adjusted for inflation.
The team relies heavily on players from Mendes' home country.
Not all VR horror relies on physically embodying a protagonist.
Brunch now relies on it as much as avocado toast.
Our country relies on the strength of its military spouses.
It relies on drams of transparency, legality, impartiality, and constraint.
America's economy relies heavily on the nation's roads and bridges.
"It's a vital organization that relies entirely on your support."
Like WhatsApp, Messenger relies on the Signal protocol for encryption.
It doesn't have ports and relies on wireless inductive charging.
Amy relies on Amazon Web services for its computing power.
She relies on other assistance to cover her basic needs.
Much of the agricultural industry relies on exports to survive.
The solution relies on the Box API to upload documents.
This is a group that relies heavily on state handouts.
My business relies on a network of users sharing ideas.
It relies on precedent, but there is little for Brexit.
Her daughter has severe allergies and relies on the EpiPen.
Whole Foods relies on United Natural Foods for its distribution.
She relies on Airbnb's screening to weed out undesirable guests.
FATF's credibility relies on its willingness to enforce its standards.
WFP relies on voluntary donations from governments and the public.
The power to resist relies on our right to dissent.
Putinism relies on the president's popularity to ensure regime stability.
Tolentino told Insider that Guam's economy relies on foreign tourism.
This Australian author's winning formula always relies on such tactics.
More and more, the band relies on their theatrics, too.
A successful American economy relies on open and free competition.
But her acoustic music relies too much on suspended chords.
By contrast, on Taobao, Alibaba relies purely on advertising revenue.
Kepler relies on four reaction wheels to keep on target.
The family relies on phone calls to stay in touch.
Act for America relies on bullshit Islamophobia to spread fear.
The process relies on nanobiotechnology, which I do not understand.
Simeone also relies on his Argentine connection to ensure success.
HE), ZTE relies on U.S. companies such as Qualcomm (QCOM.
Some much ultimately relies on our own individual hang ups.
A fiat currency relies on investors confidence for its value.
One relies on the charisma of a weathered Harrison Ford.
In all, 7.2 percent of the population relies on it.
This scenario relies heavily on solar, wind, hydro, and batteries.
Indeed, our bankruptcy system implicitly relies on this informal discouragement.
Fashion is an industry that relies on glamour and attitude.
The agency relies on the cosmetics industry to police itself.
He relies on Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel opinions.
It relies on the most powerful motivator of youth: friends.
So it relies on imports to meet its farming needs.
The money stretches further because MobileMed relies heavily on volunteers.
His ability to do so relies on a willing audience.
Facebook relies heavily on automated algorithms to detect prohibited content.
Fortunately, attraction relies on much more than your physical appearance.
The "simple math" for financial independence relies on linear projections.
In describing these many players he sometimes relies on stereotypes.
The firm relies on data to drive its advertising spots.
"Everyone in this neighborhood relies on this hospital," he said.
It relies on the debt markets to fund its growth.
Now it relies on Telegram, an encrypted platform, experts said.
But Mr. Sanders's transition relies on passing his entire plan.
The regime relies on exporters for its supply of dollars.
It's a counterfactual analysis that relies on some large assumptions.
Its effectiveness largely relies on data pulled from different sources.
The wobble method of planet hunting relies on sensitive spectroscopes.
A democratic republic relies upon citizen representatives to engineer governance.
Our democracy relies on a robust, if sometimes frustrating, media.
This bright vegan iteration relies on beans and bulgur wheat.
It relies on Sichuan peppercorns, so be ready to sweat!
It relies on Bluetooth signals to help find your AirPods.
It also relies on lake water to cool its servers.
The WFP relies, in part, on a census from 2004.
The strategy relies heavily on investing in bonds using leverage.
Those days have gone, but she still relies on neighbors.
He now relies on a wheelchair, a walker and painkillers.
He now relies on a wheelchair, a walker and painkillers.
Canada relies on the U.S. for 75% of its exports.
The Democratic Party relies on black, Hispanic and Asian voters.
It relies on assumptions and can't anticipate unexpected societal changes.
The scientific enterprise in America heavily relies on grad students.
How we then move on relies on our own agency.
In comparison to China, the United States relies on innovation, a robust legal system, information technology infrastructure and a significantly greater supply of skilled workers, while China relies on low wages and currency manipulation.
Schumer's spoof relies on one joke: that Amy Schumer isn't Black.
Flint currently relies on water from Detroit's Great Lakes Water Authority.
Dorsey said he relies on Notes to brainstorm and plan ahead.
As of today, our society relies on both plants and animals.
The thermoelectric effect relies on a temperature difference between two conductors.
But minutes in I found it relies too heavily on luck.
The school relies on a geothermal generator for heating and power.
This theory relies on a version of BSM physics called supersymmetry.
Details: The report relies on data from the cybersecurity firm Certfa.
This all relies on digital, controllable, infrastructure, and that's coming quickly.
Goldman, for example, still relies on Business Wire for some tasks.
The doll pairs over Bluetooth and relies on batteries for power.
Let's be very real: Buttigieg's bid relies almost entirely on Iowa.
Each of these recipes relies on different features of the egg.
It relies on Braskem's dividends, which are blocked, and asset sales.
Deleveraging has been slow because it relies primarily on EBITDA growth.
To fill that growing gap, Turkey relies on foreign capital inflows.
Released quarterly, the FFI relies primarily on proprietary Fitch-sourced data.
The thing about "magic," though, is that it relies on manipulation.
The US military typically relies on German shepherds and Belgian Malinois.
The company relies on 12,000 environmental monitoring stations in 60 countries.
The traditional way of studying nature versus nurture relies on twins.
It relies on the wealth of measurements made by today's devices.
Cybersecurity relies on a partnership between the public and private sectors.
The organization relies on private donations and crowdfunding for their efforts.
For instance, Google still relies on search ads for its profits.
Uber relies on ratings from passengers and drivers on every trip.
Dell is using a brand-new mechanism that relies on magnets.
The school relies on peer reviews, coding projects, internships and gamification.
Compared to similar apps, Luna Display relies on a hardware dongle.
Fundamentally Samsonite relies on people moving around, and replacing old bags.
Capella relies on a host of new space businesses as suppliers.
In India, which relies more on domestic demand, factory activity accelerated.
To keep it all together, she relies on the humble egg.
Like FM Global it relies on climate models, not historical data.
One relies on RTG technology, while the other uses solar panels.
But Islam still relies on human eyes to spot the hilal.
That's because ultimately, every data center relies on the energy grid.
"She relies on it to take her everywhere," Ms. Loveday said.
The upshot is that the world increasingly relies on American shale.
Huawei relies on American components for products from smartphones to laptops.
It relies on sales taxes, which hit low-income residents hardest.
The system we're imagining both relies on and deepens social capital.
The organization relies on donations to operate — you can donate here.
The app relies on text-audio alignment in order to work.
And everybody relies on trusting institutions that are bigger than them.
"China's economic growth still mainly relies on domestic demand," he said.
Now nearly everyone relies on air conditioning - and plenty of it.
All of this relies on the cognitive assistants Feed has created.
Right now, Ledger relies on Google Chrome for its desktop apps.
Eggers relies on the children for comic relief and for wisdom.
It relies heavily on renewables such as geothermal and hydro power.
France relies on nuclear energy for 75 percent of its electricity.
It relies on IBM Watson's image recognition and PayPal for transactions.
It relies on Roost's smart battery, which connects to Wi-Fi.
The president's survival strategy relies on mobilising her left-wing base.
In short: Zuckerberg's tour relies on stereotypes because it has to.
The second method relies on the market for interest-rate swaps.
Everywhere it goes, Mahan relies on an array of service providers.
The US also relies on European intelligence services and its military.
Iraq relies heavily on Iranian gas to feed its power stations.
Quantum math relies on the premise that information is never lost.
Because >$1 trillion of market cap relies on this core technology.
At the moment, he relies on moving forward and enduring damage.
At the federal level, Amazon relies heavily on tax loopholes, too.
Called VoteBuilder, it also relies on the principle of sharing data.
The Braava also relies on cleaning pads to scrub the floor.
The predictive power of the Nash equilibrium relies on rational behaviour.
The kingdom's economy relies on its sole industry: selling collectable stamps.
Advertising, of course, relies on having lots of data about users.
But when Bazan plays live, he still relies on the guitar.
But this is also rare and always relies on bipartisan opposition.
Atlantic City relies on property taxes for most of its revenue.
The government's version of events relies partly on confessions from gangsters.
CIBC relies much more on residential mortgage business than its peers.
Starling Bank employs only 110 people, and relies heavily on engineers.
In truth, she relies on the unemployment rate to guide her.
Of course, this relies on a mobile network offering such speeds.
Currently, Amazon relies on about 70 warehouses to fulfill these orders.
Currently, Tesla's Autopilot hardware system relies on graphics cards from Nvidia.
Molotschna's society relies on the absence of a woman's inner life.
Every designer relies on imagination, but Thomé's creativity is particularly resourceful.
Currently highway funding relies mainly on taxing gasoline and diesel fuels.
Like most of Blizzard's games, "WoW" relies heavily on the CPU.
Symbolic speech relies heavily on the context within which it occurs.
In the end, the funding of any program relies upon Congress.
The Senate has very few written rules; much relies on precedent.
He relies on gut intuition honed over a lifetime of dealmaking.
The machine relies on sensors to scan for people and aisles.
He knows -- and relies on -- his experience, and not much else.
That's below Kraft's initial offer, and itself relies on bullish assumptions.
In a community that relies on fish, the wider economy suffers.
Tesla's attempt to develop autonomous-driving technology relies heavily on cameras.
Neurofeedback is a technique that relies on electrical brain wave sensors.
This estimate, however, relies heavily on assumptions regarding future repayment trends.
India relies on imports to fulfill its entire consumption of potash.
Entrepreneurship relies on emailing, social media, information growth and e-markets.
It relies on ignoring the ugly underbelly of American industrial development.
Montgomery County, Maryland relies on conservation easements to prevent urban expansion.
When it comes to actual deliveries, Deliv relies on 1099 contractors.
He is impervious to lies, because he relies on lies himself.
Instead of using AES it relies on a cipher called ChaCha.
Najar said he is unemployed and relies on support from charities.
As a result, the industry largely relies on one firm, Velodyne.
It also relies on so-called "warm" introductions from trusted investors.
Comedy always relies on exaggeration, distortion, and, to some degree, stereotyping.
An impoverished former Portuguese colony, it relies heavily on foreign aid.
The Saudi government bureaucracy also relies heavily on American management expertise.
Not surprisingly, a PandA relies more heavily on puns and anagrams.
The platform may be mercurial, but Upworthy still relies on it.
Branstad's state relies heavily on exports for its rich agricultural economy.
So this essentially relies on Wall Street buying into the idea.
For one, the FBI relies on voluntary reports from police departments.
It's this latter case that the State of Georgia relies on.
He relies on small grants from local foundations and Mennonite organizations.
It ends persuasion and relies on the threat of state coercion.
It seems Trump, who relies on basic insults for women, doesn't.
The coach dismisses the odds and relies on instincts and trust.
It relies on fund-raising for the rest, including Norfleet's salary.
However, Li-ion relies on scarce elements, including cobalt and nickel.
But much of this reporting still relies on the honor system.
Jack Nicas, who covers Apple, relies on some old-school methods.
Veterans Affairs now relies on Sail to warn about failing hospitals.
This exhibition relies on contemporary artists to illustrate these modern problems.
Fighting wildfires relies on many agencies working together, Mr. Geissler said.
Huawei relies on Google's Android operating system to power its smartphones.
The problem is that the game relies too much on combat.
Instead, the agency relies on a warehouse full of paper records.
More than 75 percent of Yemen's population relies on humanitarian aid.
And the irresistible mythology of eggs Kejriwal relies on that limbo.
I'm lazy and she's too busy and relies on her housekeeper.
Shouldn't the mayor run the subway that the city relies on?
VTaiwan partly relies on a unique digital tool known as Pol.
That report, unsurprisingly, relies on flawed assumptions provided by the utility.
Infrastructure is poor and the economy relies on public-sector jobs.
Dan Sullivan, who represent a state that relies heavily on energy.
Much of Europe relies on Russian gas to power its economy.
He relies on two thermoses of coffee to keep him going.
The next leg up relies on the top of the ledger.
She relies on the Server Scorecard, a feature offered by Avero.
Deterrence relies on computer models and projections; its predictions are uncertain.
Nigeria mostly relies on imports to feed its 180 million population.
Instead, he relies on his own instinct for adjacency and exploration.
Iraq's wobbly democracy relies on the support of the Shia majority.
The stock sank on fears TD relies heavily on commission revenue.
She relies in part on the generosity of family and friends.
"Mental health relies on nuance because it is nuance," Scott said.
The movie relies on Shakespeare's mythology far more than actual events.
Hawaii also relies on imports of jet fuel and some diesel.
Apple (AAPL) relies on China for a chunk of its revenue.
TikTok fame relies heavily on getting content promoted through TikTok's algorithm.
With investment also flat, the economy relies heavily on the consumer.
China has imposed tariffs on polysilicon, which the company relies on.
"He relies on his intuition to understand other people," Fesenko said.
O'Rourke's 2018 bid illustrates how much he relies on younger voters.
Turkey relies on external financing for its large current account deficit.
Hamas relies on the financial support of Iran, Qatar and Turkey.
A central component of this plan relies on Chinese assistance. Amb.
Apple increasingly relies on pricier iPhones to attain its colossal profits.
I work for a nonprofit that relies heavily on private sponsors.
His campaign relies on giant statements, pointed jokes, and conspiratorial winking.
The first relies on the date of a woman's last period.
It relies on a database of readers' own emergency room bills.
The mega-structure that curates this exhibition relies heavily on contrast.
His practice relies on the basic humility of charcoal and paper.
A jeremiad relies on that inherent tension to build its suspense.
While the science of tracking a storm relies heavily on data about conditions on its periphery, predicting intensity relies on finding where its energy is coming from by measuring what is happening in the middle of it.
And Facebook M, its personal assistant, in particular relies heavily on dialog.
Instead, it relies solely on a single HDMI and single Mini DisplayPort.
Like other toads in the area, it relies on groundwater to survive.
The Fed relies on its credibility with investors to influence the economy.
She relies on military might to generate bonus culture from defeated units.
Blink Health also relies on MedImpact's network of more than 60,000 pharmacies.
Lloyd's relies far less on money from Names than it used to.
Essentially, he relies on the very DNA modifications that he found abhorrent.
The automatic alternative text relies on object recognition to generate a description.
In private channels, McCarthy explained, Blind relies largely on users flagging comments.
And his concept now relies on every person having their own car.
The removal business relies on networks of subcontracted trucks when disasters strike.
Greece relies on its monuments and sandy beaches for an economic recovery.
As with all relationships, this relies on a foundation of unshakeable trust.
Drivers are rated and reviewed, and Roadie relies on that pretty heavily.
Some of the female stereotypes that he relies on, not so great.
This relies on MS' ability and propensity to honour their budget commitments.
His ideal nacho platter relies on a balance of crispy/melty/crunchy.
The method relies on taking a sequence of discrete steps in time.
The FBI relies on sources with axes to grind all the time.
Interestingly, Trusk relies a lot on phone calls to set up deliveries.
But that truth has been heightened and edited, and relies on our
Still, the lottery's business model relies on a base of regular players.
U.S. relies on China to try to do its North Korean bidding.
With the students being illiterate, the teaching method relies on muscle memory.
Waymo relies on contractors like Genesis10, which provides drivers for its vehicles.
Instead it relies on a "ski-jump" prow to provide extra lift.
The offense relies on decision-making and quick, not big, offensive linemen.
Whether meddling in Crimea, America or Britain, it relies on plausible deniability.
India still relies on coal for 58% of its primary energy needs.
But it's not just Apple's Face ID that relies on infrared light.
The country's biggest export, hydroelectric power, relies on Indian capital and demand.
Most of the time this relies on influencing his opponent's head position.
U.S. consumption of rare earth compounds and metals relies heavily on imports.
The lock has no keyhole and instead relies primarily on your phone.
She never phones it in or relies on lowest common denominator tricks.
Further, Twilio relies heavily on WhatsApp, the messaging app owned by Facebook.
Britain's nuclear industry relies on imported welders, steel fixers and pipe fitters.
Huawei relies on a lot of American technology from software to hardware.
It relies heavily on footage of her performing and facing cheering crowds.
It relies, as do so many advances these days, on machine learning.
The paper relies on an $11.25 per-semester fee collected from students.
That is because China relies more on fossil fuels for generating power.
The company relies heavily on users to report terms of service violations.
I'm not saying the future of sustainability relies on the Model 3.
Mr. Rubio relies on his outsize ears to protect against flop sweat.
Technology, like finance, relies on scale and convexity of returns to thrive.
Taster now relies on third-party companies, such as Travis Kalanick's CloudKitchens.
Tom relies on narrative crutches that deny the unique elements of cinema.
Instead, the company relies on a wide array of suppliers or assemblers.
Huawei relies on U.S. technology for significant parts of its consumer products.
The Queen relies on one shade of Essie polish for her nails.
Uber's business model—"the sharing economy"—relies on these low labor costs.
This phone spying relies on a device made by the Harris Corporation.
The second relies on data from experiments, such as randomised controlled trials.
The other relies on measuring the speed at which distant objects recede.
But it all still relies on the goodwill of mainland Chinese leaders.
Prince Muhammad's plan for transformation relies in part on luring foreign investors.
"This subjective feeling of confidence relies on a statistical computation," said Kepecs.
She also relies on food stamps to buy groceries for her family.
Even a dog relies on a stuffed animal from time to time.
Senegal's government also relies on local people to pick the neediest families.
The DIY headphone jack relies on two quirks of the iPhone 7.
Nooyi relies on her ability to use research to simplify complicated issues.
Even the biennial's most controversial inclusion relies on an aesthetic of impartiality.
Moodo relies on fans to activate its beads to diffuse a smell.
However, YouTube still relies heavily on algorithms to help police its content.
As a contract worker, Kennedy relies on the ACA for healthcare access.
While consumer needs are global, ultimately, successful international expansion relies on knowledge.
Today no state relies on a single IQ score to select students.
Beyond Meat, meanwhile, relies on pea protein for its meatless burger products.
Compared to other VPN protocols, WireGuard relies on your device's network interfaces.
Finnair strongly relies on its Asian strategy which requires flights over Russia.
Faught's technical process relies on photography for reasons of experimentation and logistics.
It relies on third parties, agents, same with Alexa and her skills.
The state no longer relies on the three-drug combination for executions.
Klobuchar represents a farm state that relies heavily on trade with Canada.
Minnesota's agriculture industry also relies heavily on exports to Canada and Mexico.
The Philippines relies overwhelmingly on imports to fuel its fast-growing economy.
The malware relies on someone in the company opening a malicious email.
The West, which relies heavily on trade with Asia, is evenly split.
Donald Trump, by contrast, relies on courtiers who whisper in his ears.
That's not to say that DOOM relies solely on its looks, though.
Blippar's business model relies on using its technology to help brands advertise.
The government relies on fuel taxes to fix potholes and crumbling roads.
The app relies on a number of bad security practices to spread.
According to the government, 70 percent of Somaliland's economy relies on livestock.
His most famous segment, "Carpool Karaoke," relies entirely on the celebrity guest.
One set of decisions relies on observable qualities that involve minimal interpretation.
She even founded an influential nonprofit organization that relies on digital technology.
To do so, he relies on a crowdsourced compendium of fishermen's tales.
Their software, ForcePhone, relies on a device's built-in microphone and speaker.
The radical potential of aesthetic negotiation relies, I think, on total freedom.
The page says Google relies on Measurement Lab to perform the tests.
Sceptics might note that this interpretation relies heavily on a small sample.
Manana also relies on pro bono contributions from believers in the cause.
Despite its large pharmaceutical industry, Ireland relies on Britain for many medicines.
TripAdvisor, which serves tourists, does something similar but relies on customers reviews.
The fund relies on private and national contributions to reach its targets.
For electricity, the property relies on solar power and a backup generator.
It relies on people's Facebook or Twitter accounts for many sign-ins.
Because of this, Israel relies on support from both American political parties.
Wheat farming, on the other hand, relies on rainfall instead of irrigation.
Among big banks, none relies on fixed income more than Deutsche does.
Tesla is another company that relies heavily on raising money through debt.
The business relies on squeezing profits out of the lowest-margin services.
This rating action relies to a large extent on publicly available information.
Apocalypse, like Coven, also relies on witchy powers of resurrection and healing.
The government relies on oil for roughly two thirds of its revenue.
Congress frequently relies upon its Article I authority to regulate interstate commerce.
Increasingly, the institutions that liberal democracy relies on are under sustained attack.
This relies on a co-presence between online association and physical assembly.
As usual, artificial intelligence relies on hard human work to get going.
Best Buy (BBY), another company that relies on Apple products, declined 2%.
The electric carmaker relies heavily on the debt markets to raise money.
Britain relies heavily on immigrants, so restricting immigration could hurt the economy.
A core of the Indiana businessman's campaign relies on his outsider status.
Aaptiv relies on subscriptions for revenue, while some other apps use advertising.
"Any species that relies on eucalypts flowering are really struggling," said Pyne.
AFN relies on civilian government employees, who were furloughed at midnight Saturday.
The U.S. relies on imported medicines from China in a big way.
Sincere art is art that relies on subject matter to carry it.
Georgia, for example, relies on electronic systems that leave no paper trail.
The class AB notes' LMI-independent rating also relies upon excess spread.
Twitter relies on humans, not software, for enforcement, and they are overwhelmed.
Doronichev pointed out that most video streaming right now relies on buffering.
The demand-side focus relies on prevention and public education and awareness.
And like Davidson itself, the South Island relies on an honor code.
He reportedly relies on his government phone while at the White House.
Plus, its business model relies on the upsell of the physical goods.
The U.S. relies heavily on sanctions as a tool of international diplomacy.
And this strategy relies on you not wanting to go home again.
Taxify relies on professional drivers with a so-called VTC driver's license.
Putting names to faces, like formulating conspiracy theories, relies on pattern recognition.
"The housing market relies on housing formation," said Mr. McLaughlin of Trulia.
Keuchel relies on precision, not power, to induce weak contact from hitters.
Much of Europe relies on imports from Russia or the Middle East.
Merkel's CDU relies on the CSU to maintain power through a coalition.
They say it relies on cherry-picked facts and disregards key context.
Art that relies on a dense architectural context is not the problem.
The system relies mainly on a 20113 Supreme Court ruling, Snepp v.
It has pushed toward a model that relies more on consumer spending.
Encryption that relies on the same concepts from the world of physics.
The town where she lives, Ashford, relies on tourism from the park.
It relies on radars to detect a ballistic missile launch into space.
But still relies on overseas firms for key intellectual property and production.
North Korea relies on imported fuel to keep its struggling economy functioning.
" They also said the case relies on testimony by "mercenary, dishonest people.
The community usually relies on water supplied by Prince Albert's treatment plant.
"The public relies on the integrity of the message," said Mr. Vanunu.
One in three bank tellers relies on some form of government assistance.
Instead, he relies on paid employees to act as hosts to visitors.
UEFA relies on the competition to help finance its 20203 member federations.
It relies on information that is too often flawed or incorrectly interpreted.
It relies on a decision-making shortcut known as the availability heuristic.
But that process relies on law enforcement making individualized requests or subpoenas.
The company relies on its two billion users to report inappropriate content.
Ms. Hatsushima relies on fermented ingredients, some of which she makes herself.
It relies on microwave technology to detect water absorption at different wavelengths.
The new double-time "Thrones" relies more on spectacle, less on conversation.
Qualcomm, a chipmaker which relies heavily on sales to China, fell 4.6%.
But some companies whose business relies on streaming video have sought more.
This graceful, uplifting book relies on Del Rizzo's stunningly dimensional clay art.
For a business that relies on location data, it's a gutsy move.
But in the NHS, access relies almost entirely on the government's decision.
Networking equipment that relies on American components will need to be redesigned.
However, Facebook still relies largely on its users to report problematic material.
Alibaba still relies on its e-commerce business for 85% of revenue.
The island heavily relies on tech-related exports to fuel domestic growth.
No state relies on inmates to fight wildfires as much as California.
The pharmacy, a small family-owned business, usually relies on prescription sales.
"Our future relies on training the next generation in the traditional ways."
The world — which has 150 million Prime users — relies heavily on Amazon.
Without machinery or irrigation, harvesting this land still relies on manual labor.
"It's plain unfair," said Ms. Joseph, 41, who relies on a wheelchair.
It relies, too, on a cast that knows what it is doing.
As usual, Connelly relies on his inside-baseball knowledge about police attitudes.
For one thing, a plant relies on more than just carbon dioxide.
The series relies heavily on her narration, but not just for exposition.
The company relies on the driver partner's smartphone to detect any interruption.
CanPay's business model, however, relies on protections granted under the Cole memo.
Therefore, Osprey and AWOF's debt service relies upon dividends from Anglian Water.
Dexcom relies on Google's cloud service and also uses some Microsoft technology.
This public infrastructure relies on local and federal funding for its upkeep.
This is notable because Japan usually relies on exports to drive growth.
Peabody owns Kayenta Mine, which relies on Navajo Generating Station for business.
Instead its maintenance relies on a network of computers and different participants.
It's not surprising, then, that Iran's economy relies heavily upon crude exports.
But it relies on the voluntary participation of insurance companies to function.
The Czech Republic relies on coal for half of its electricity production.
The American tech firm relies heavily on Chinese manufacturing for the products.
Without electricity, the family relies on small solar-powered lamps at night.
I like the second way, which relies a bit more on intuition.
To support this reconstruction, Friedman relies on several converging lines of evidence.
Janet herself relies on a weirdly effective herbal remedy supplied her boyfriend.
It is a style on which he relies too heavily in Battlefield.
Russell, on the other hand, relies heavily on an effective right jab.
Instead, it relies on the states to do much of this work.
Wikipedia relies on user donations to remain open and free to use.
Star Wars is a sci-fi film, in the sense that it relies on space ships and laser weapons rather than dragons and swords, but it is really more like a fantasy that relies on machines rather than magic.
Is this indicating that part of season 6 relies heavily on one's senses?
And so the common score relies on the next best thing: Bill Clinton.
Instead, the Paris accord relies on the power of transparency and peer pressure.
Spotify has long said its model relies on converting unpaid users to subscribers.
Currently, crime research generally relies on surveys and crime reports from law enforcement.
Similarly, the Millennium Falcon&aposs design relies on the reuse of found parts.
My dad is a veteran himself, and he relies on the VA care.
Unlike the phoneticism of English, written Mandarin relies on pictorial representations of words.
The campaign's big reveal relies on the audience following up on the story.
Noah Dionesotes has multiple sclerosis and relies on a wheelchair to get around.
Alexa relies on machine learning, the most popular form of AI, to work.
Dependence occurs when a person relies on the drug to prevent withdrawal symptoms.
Any artist that relies on fair use to make transformative works is fucked.
This robot finger doesn't feel the world like yours, which relies on nerves.
The Trump strategy to keep people away relies on cruelty as a deterrent.
Past research typically relies on dead shark bones and leaves room for inaccuracy.
It relies on sales taxes, property taxes and a business and occupancy tax.
This belief relies on a fundamental misunderstanding, and not just of black voters.
Stone relies on the Mueller report even more heavily in his argument Monday.
Self-reported data can be flawed, because it relies on the subject's memory.
Current IoT architecture relies on centralized cloud providers for communication and data storage.
The former dancer relies on exercise to clear her mind before runway shows.
"He trusts her and relies on her like none other," that person said.
To accomplish this, she now relies on a debit card instead of credit.
No TV show relies on complex world building more than Game Of Thrones.
Tatiana relies on her husband, Joe, to be a stay-at-home superdad.
One out of every five American jobs relies upon the ability to export.
The state's system relies heavily on winter snowpack, which has been steadily shrinking.
Sesame Credit relies on users' online-shopping habits to calculate their credit scores.
Oakland still relies on chance, whereas the truly dominant teams create their own.
And, like all social platforms, Twitter relies on advertising to users for revenue.
The minority government relies on support from Left Bloc and Communists in parliament.
Japan, despite advocating disarmament, relies on the U.S. nuclear umbrella for extended deterrence.
Indonesia relies on foreign capital to finance a current-account deficit (see chart).
Amazon relies on 14 leadership principles that help guide them through business decisions.
He relies on "authenticity" as contrasted with the "calculated" positioning of mainstream candidates.
The new lawn mower relies on that same technique to create its designs.
Netflix now fully relies on Google's Widevine DRM, the company told Android Police.
Maybe your favorite Instagram-native brand relies on Meero for their product shots.
But the core difference is that TagDat relies on tags rather than text.
That's why virtually everyone in the entertainment industry relies on Final Draft 10.
Since Migrantland relies on low-paid work, it probably suffered more than most.
A shade relies on a teacher actively covering the window during a lockdown.
Instead, the Active relies on its touchscreen and two side buttons for navigation.
Either way, we can all do better and our future relies on it.
That's why the company still relies heavily on users to report offending content.
Angola relies on Chinese industrial commodity exports for more than 20% of GDP.
Hoover doesn't know if the programs she relies on now will be available.
The European Union relies on Russia for about a third of its gas.
Because he's a celebrity, and his entire existence relies on his public image.
Instead, it relies heavily on online sales, including direct delivery to customer doors.
NBC News relies on two key sources of information during the general election.
Project Alloy relies entirely on hand-tracking as input through its integrated sensors.
It relies on a fanciful, misplaced faith in the illogical idea of deterrence.
A weakness: The agreement relies on voluntary pollution-reduction pledges from its members.
The company relies on some key U.S. components for many of its devices.
Burundi relies now on domestic tax collection and modest tea and coffee exports.
In Google's ideal future, devices are a commodity that relies on the cloud.
The programme relies on funding from the NHS, National Lottery and local councils.
Beretta, of Italy, relies on American sales for over half of its revenues.
Just like Huawei, Hikvision relies heavily on U.S.-made components for its cameras.
Canada relies on information from police and border officials on seizures of cannabis.
But the state that sits next to Canada also relies on international trade.
Snapchat relies on a mix of licensing deals and revenue sharing from advertising.
The reality is the Democratic Party relies on raising money from wealthy individuals.
Meanwhile, Twink relies on Coty Airspun Loose Powder to set everything for good.
Of course, Mexico's economy relies heavily on free trade with the United States.
Huawei's "impressive" global market share hurts the companies on which the U.S. relies.
And he relies on a lot of caffeine to get through each day.
Israel relies on the Palestinian Authority to help keep the West Bank calm.
No one who can afford private health care relies on the public system.
Beyond U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the Pentagon relies on thousands of private contractors.
Apple's business model relies almost entirely on revenue earned directly from the consumer.
Facebook relies, in part, on reports from users to help catch these stories.
Amazon Key relies on Amazon's new Cloud Cam and a compatible smart lock.
His argument relies, as a lot of anti-diversity arguments do, on verisimilitude.
One main one really relies on doctors to report that these are happening.
The feature relies on the S10's large battery to charge other devices.
Dr Cuk's explanation relies on another form of orbital perturbation called an evection.
Undoubtedly. Field gleaning relies, as it always has, on good relations with farms.
The closure mothballed the nearby "Elephant" oilfield, which relies on Sharara for electricity.
The shield relies on radars to detect a ballistic missile launch into space.
Behind the scene, Ventech relies exclusively on European institutional investors and family offices.
Mendiola has taken two treatments of injectable glutathione but mostly relies on pills.
Hate itMe outside California: the entirety of modern American culture relies on California.
If your business relies on its ability to quickly retrieve data, now what?
The new approach to transport as a service relies on two interconnected trends.
Anyone who relies on public transportation in a city knows these struggles well.
This argument relies upon the notion that men can't "help", but to rape.
Walldorf, like Wolfsburg, relies on a firm that has vastly outgrown its nest.
The suit relies on police interviews and incident reports compiled during the investigation.
More importantly, it lets users add or remove preferences that Facebook relies on.
But Trump's infrastructure plan relies heavily on tax breaks and public-private partnerships.
Like most 25-year-olds, Kylie Jenner's diet relies heavily on ramen noodles.
One in five women in America relies on Planned Parenthood over her lifetime.
The euro zone is particularly exposed as its economy relies heavily on exports.
Simmons gets around L.A. in Reveles' car ... he relies on her for transportation.
He also runs a non-profit, ParaDocs Ambassadors, that relies on medical students.
"The community relies on, depends and respects their law enforcement partners," Chisholm said.
"I enjoy the process of making work that relies on patterns," Engstrom explains.
The rest relies on the same retail churn as any other shopping company.
To be fair, M relies on a mix of AI and human components.
"We are now in a culture that relies on digital devices," says Malina.
The web grocer already relies on COFCO subsidiaries for one-third of purchases.
North Korea is desperately poor and relies heavily on its trade with China.
All of it relies on sharp, surprising dialogue—and, of course, motion controls.
In true conquering robot fashion, this system relies on superior speed and strength.
Intel is helping them develop the thermal storage system on which it relies.
Much like the NFL, yachting relies on the investment of results-driven billionaires.
Hollywood's relationship with the Middle East still relies on stock scenes and clichés.
The travel industry in Britain relies, to a fair extent, on foreign labour.
Under current law, New York City relies on traditional design-bid-build contracts.
Japan relies on Abu Dhabi for about a quarter of total crude imports.
That analysis, however, relies on a series of arbitrary and often incorrect assumptions.
Tennessee has a large automobile industry that relies on steel and aluminum imports.
When it uses genealogy information, it relies on public databases, such as
Just as Santa's workshop has elves, the museum relies on volunteers from OrigamiUSA.
Pratchett in particular relies on paratext—a novel commenting on being a novel.
Mozilla is a non-profit which partially relies on volunteer developers and donations.
We don't send a murderer home because his family relies on his salary.
"A lot of modern crop breeding relies on these data today," he added.
Waxman's piece relies on warmed-over statistics that are both unsurprising and misleading.
It has no income tax and relies heavily on sales taxes for revenue.
He said he also relies on food stamps to support his three daughters.
Now it increasingly relies on its own websites and global network of stores.
To proceed, each relies on one part training to three parts creative intuition.
Novo relies on the U.S. market for about half of its total revenue.
Pew shows huge swath of public relies on local tv for political coverage.
The Virginia expansion relies on provider taxes as a way to raise money.
Moreover, effective counterterrorism relies heavily on robust intelligence-sharing relationships with foreign governments.
Best of all: Superhot relies on heavily stylized black-white-and-red graphics.
But the country still needs more tourists because their economy relies on it.
The nuclear deterrent force of a country relies instead on creating psychological barriers.
They're a tool he relies on regularly to both relieve and prevent stress.
It mostly relies on trucking partners to supply that capability, according to Recode.
Someone else who relies on that income could be overexposed, according to Ghodsi.
Maybe the method on which science relies exists wherever we find systematic investigation.
The company's design aesthetic relies heavily on glass and aluminum to partition rooms.
But in addition to geolocation technology, Combrr relies on customers' selfies and instructions.
It has no staff, no central office and relies largely on crowd funding.
Additionally, my mother's work solely relies on commission, which complicates the situation further.
But this is a city that relies on visitors for its bottom line.
"the medical system" relies on everyone failing to notice how bad it is?
This investment strategy generally relies on stocks, bonds, and funds as underlying assets.
Ivanka Trump's clothing line also relies on factories in China, Indonesia and Bangladesh.
The LUVOIR proposal relies on a design similar to that of the JWST.
She doesn't want to be caught blindsided again by someone she relies on.
"Garbage recycling relies on government, and waste-to-energy is subsidized," he added.
CRYPTOCURRENCY: A digital currency that relies on cryptography to validate and secure transactions.
California also relies on more prisoners to fight fires than any other state.
Nigeria's government relies on crude exports for roughly two-thirds of its revenue.
Wading deeper into digital advertising that relies on people's data brings risks, though.
But this contention relies on a rather literal, and implausible, definition of democracy.
Natural gas is more difficult to store, and relies on vulnerable pipeline networks.
The Obama administration said 117 million Americans' drinking water relies on those waterways.
Current military planning also relies heavily on South Korean cooperation officials tell CNN.
After all, this humanization of Alexa relies on having an active developer community.
Facebook increasingly relies on Instagram for growth and influence among younger internet users.
It relies on oil exports for around 90 percent of U.S. dollar earnings.
The strategy relies on what she and Milano call an "expanded" blood unit.
It also relies on funds from the World Bank and other international organisations.
Measuring the calories in food itself relies on another modification of Lavoisier's device.
That said, she still relies on fans of drags to support his career.
Don't build a startup that relies too much on a third-party platform.
At the same time, Namajunas's game relies on a lot of straight retreat.
This relies on a variety of data sources, including information from the telcos.
Also similar to Uber, Walmart's Spark delivery program relies on a crowdsourced workforce.
The law relies on market competition to keep premiums as low as possible.
One product category that relies heavily on military-themed marketing is wrist watches.
It relies on crude oil sales for around two-thirds of government revenue.
Crude as the story is, it relies on the texture of real microaggression.
Lacking genetic diversity, it relies on having trees of different sizes and ages.
"Moscow Reveals That Twitter Relies on the U.S. Secret Services," one headline read.
What we can control relies on the actions of health officials and policymakers.
Britain relies on Europe as the buyer of nearly half of its exports.
It's not just that his campaign relies on these voters, although it does.
The industry now relies on computer simulations of emergency situations to model behavior.
That's because a crucial part of the image-making machine relies on photography.
Along with Mr. McQueen's estate, Sarabande relies on personal donations and company sponsorships.
The world still relies heavily on natural gas and oil to heat buildings.
The craftsmanship relies, to the extent that it's crafty, on two standard tricks.
Federally funded medical research that relies on animals has been contentious for years.
The humor, as you might expect, relies on their physical and temperamental contrasts.
Data on biracial people is tricky because it relies on self-reported identity.
This strategy, however, relies on some damaging and false assumptions about rape victims.
Balvin often relies on clashing pitched percussion as much as a Knife album.
The Hawk-Eye system relies on cameras, not chips attached to tennis balls.
It relies on compliance and enforcement from the other branches and local governments.
Apple is not the only technology company that relies on sales in China.
The auto industry relies on something called "just-in-time manufacturing," or JIT.
The auto industry relies on something called "just-in-time manufacturing," or JIT.
But "The Split" isn't a lightweight soap that relies on improbable high jinks.
Bahrain relies on the Abu Safa oilfield for the majority of its oil.
The study relies on earlier research by Marshall Burke, an economist at Stanford.
The women's team relies on outside organizations and crowdsourcing for equipment and funding.
Typically, the agency relies on the manufacturer's employees to help certify the aircraft.
Such a tantalizingly complete theory relies on several assumptions that are not guaranteed.
Despite the pervasive anti-Washington rhetoric, Texas relies heavily on the federal government.
Indeed, his compensation plan, announced earlier this year, relies on an ambitious expansion.
Green shootsNormand's second approach relies more on hard evidence and less on forecasts.
The District's method, he said, relies on a computer algorithm to detect changes.
This is a colossal challenge for an organization that relies on private donors.
But that's not going to happen — because it relies on a false premise.
The news is significant, particularly for a state that relies heavily on tourism.
India still largely relies on the family to take care of its elderly.
Amazon still relies on UPS and the US Postal Service for many deliveries.
Some stuff just isn't advertiser-friendly, and YouTube relies on advertisers for revenue.
There is no fee for sessions at the center, which relies on contributions.
Apple Maps now relies on the company's own underlying framework for domestic navigation.
Marquee relies heavily on making application programming interfaces, or APIs, available to developers.
The small East African nation's economy relies largely on agriculture, tourism and mining.
The Justice Department relies on agency referrals to determine what leaks to pursue.
"Empty Gold" relies too heavily on over-the-top production and cheesy metaphors.
Mr. Johnson still relies on the PATH train to travel to New York.
Like other California refiners, it relies heavily on crude tankers arriving by sea.
It also relies on the United States for 40 percent of its funding.
The takeaway from these advantages relies on whether the couples had happy marriages.
Yemen relies heavily on food imports and is on the brink of famine.
The bar, run by their partner Marshall Altier, relies on iterations of rum.
The corporate venture capital strategy relies on backing founders who are trusted individuals.
But she said the firm still relies on outside vendors for data analysis.
There are two tiers — ad-supported and ad-free — that Hulu relies on.
"JUUL's business strategy relies on keeping users addicted to nicotine," said the memo.
Influencer marketing relies on confusing the average user — that's what makes it effective.
Turkey relies on imports for almost all of its energy consumption including oil.
And where A.A. emphasizes in-person support groups, Tempest relies on video streams.
Tesla relies heavily on direct, or email-based, marketing to drive online sales.
His political project relies on driving Americans to their cultural and ideological corners.
The country relies heavily on imports totaling nearly $3.5 billion, MIT data show.
The K.H.L. relies heavily on payments from state-run companies and regional governments.
That method relies on information about a person's device to push relevant ads.
Mozilla is a nonprofit while Apple relies on selling hardware like the iPhone.
The United States relies on Iraqi oil to keep the American economy humming.
But he relies on some of the same firms for major campaign cash.
The same battery made in Poland, which relies on coal, emits over 8,000kg.
The novel relies too heavily on dramatic irony, but it resists trite resolution.
The small East African nation's economy relies largely on agriculture, tourism and mining.
Quantum computing relies on qubits, which can be in many positions at once.
We had met through Hinge, a dating app that relies on social networks.
The European Union relies on Russia for around a third of its gas.
Here's why: The current blood test for the disease relies on detecting antibodies.
Hasbro relies heavily on Toys R Us to sell its toys to consumers.
The OPEC state relies on oil for about 90 percent of its revenues.
Theodore F. Stevens … the case that Mr. Flynn relies on throughout his briefing.
With anecdotal reports, Fadiman relies on subjects to accurately self-report their experiences.
There are some legal protections, but the press also relies on nonlegal safeguards.
Its business model relies less on brokerage revenue than stickiness of fund assets.
Managing a career that relies entirely on your image seems challenging to me.
The immune system relies on antibodies that can recognize only a single protein.
"The president demonizes immigrants, documented and undocumented, and also relies heavily on them."
Movie making may have changed, but it still relies on a solid script.
Because it reduces regulation and relies on the market, the idea intrigues conservatives.
To transcribe interviews, I use Temi, a service that relies on artificial intelligence.
Every leader, no matter how despotic, relies on the consent of his people.
Maisel relies on those exact gender roles to make its screwball comedy go.
Mexico relies on wheat imports to supply about two-thirds of domestic demand.
Five years to Darren Helm, who is 29 and relies heavily on speed.
What if someone is working part-time or freelancing and relies on Obamacare?
To monitor the integrity of the Cyclops 2, the company relies on acoustic sensors.
For one, Huawei's HiSilicon still relies on basic chip design from Softbank-owned Arm.
CB Insights notes that the sleep economy largely relies on the purchases of millennials.
Now, he says, he relies on three of his five children to get by.
So why are we still using a credit system that relies on breachable data?
The OPEC nation relies on oil for around 94 percent of its foreign income.
"The pressure is definitely there," said Rhode, who relies on training to ease nerves.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissent relies on battle-tested legal principles: precedence and procedure.
ICU is that it's harbored on GitHub, which the global tech community relies on.
Nutrition research often relies on reports from people asked to remember what they ate.
BGP relies on trust between network operators to not send incorrect or malicious data.
But the problem-solving, which relies on grit, determination and resilience, remains the same.
Every grid still relies on fossil fuels (most for a majority of their power).
Poke Radar, however, relies on user submissions, and is still working at this time.
It relies heavily on a team of mainly young women, many of them students.
Society relies on space for way, way more stuff than most people probably realize.
There's already an app that relies upon autocomplete to fill out your dating profile.
That troubling for the Sami, an indigenous population that relies upon them for sustenance.
The result is a video that relies on a hazy form of data set.
The documentary, out soon on Netflix, relies mostly on archival footage for this segment.
McGregor boxed as a youth and relies significantly on his striking in MMA fights.
Further, in an exhibition that relies heavily on photography, two young artists stand out.
Accenture said in its presentations that Partneo relies on a "perceived value pricing methodology".
Germany relies on a mixture of coal, renewables, nuclear and gas for its energy.
Any human who values coziness knows it relies on two components: warmth and softness.
In addition to trade, China relies on loans to buttress its presence in Africa.
Barr's explanation for his testimony relies on hair splitting and is not particularly convincing.
The telescope relies on three motion-sensing gyroscopes in order to keep itself stable.
The president traditionally relies on the chief of staff for their judgement and expertise.
But the campaign tech employed by the left relies on a groundswell of volunteers.
Quantum-safe encryption relies on mathematical approaches that even quantum computers have difficulty solving.
It relies on "two-sided markets", which cater to two groups—workers and customers.
Colonialism constructs failing economies because its existence relies on the dependency of its subjects.
Power for lighting, appliances and devices such as mobile phones often relies on petrol.
As it is, Trump's strategy relies on the Democrats to fumble away the election.
It relies on two types of horror, one supernatural and the other brutally grounded.
When it comes to picking the names, however, the committee relies on outside experts.
It relies on input from third-party APIs to actually deliver content for you.
Like the infamous file sharing method, BitTorrent Live relies on peer-to-peer technology.
It relies on the success of these brands — large and small — to succeed itself.
Well, according to a new study, that process relies on some highly specialized cells.
Their analysis relies on data from Yelp, a restaurant-review app favoured by millennials.
It relies on bedrock economic assumptions, like flexible labour markets, which look increasingly questionable.
CrowdWiz relies on the so-called 'wisdom of the crowd' to make funding decisions.
China relies on Canada to supply more than 90 percent of its canola imports.
The spokesperson said WhatsApp relies on user reports to take action against abusive accounts.
For instance, you can build an iPhone app that relies on your Bubble database.
Society relies on its members to shame people who run out on dinner bills.
India's huge brickmaking industry in Andhra Pradesh relies on families working in bonded labour.
That's a big win for Pinterest, whose business model relies greatly on advertising revenue.
Libya relies heavily on oil exports as a source of income and hard currency.
The company doesn't try to reinvent the wheel and still relies heavily on emails.
The peripherals that the headset relies on, however, are firmly rooted in the Before.
The business relies on a trust-based exchange to transfer money without inviting scrutiny.
That throttled the company, which relies on American chips and software in its products.
Well, it's currently the only standard unit that still relies upon a physical artifact.
That ban essentially shut down ZTE, which relies on US parts like Qualcomm processors.
GAZ has contracts with Western partners and relies on vital supplies of foreign components.
The ban was a virtual death sentence for ZTE, which relies on U.S. parts.
It simultaneously relies on formula while incorporating growth, change, and evolution into the equation.
It relies on multiple intersecting routes, some with high ridership, some with fewer users.
Instead Hun Sen, who has led Cambodia since 1985, relies on curtailing their options.
At the most recent estimate, which relies on data from 2013, just 0003% did.
North Korea relies on hydropower, and in 2015 it was parched by a drought.
Any answer to this question relies upon a cold reassessment of our information sources.
Whisky making, too, is an evolving art that relies heavily upon tradition and history.
The regime lacks precision weapons and relies largely on conventional explosives and crude bombs.
Big business has lots of customers and relies on the value of brand names.
It relies on the reaction of soil bacteria to molecules secreted by plant roots.
Leigh's grief isn't expressed in the typical solitary crying that TV often relies on.
The analysis below relies on clients and case studies from our experience at OpenSponsorship.
But for now, its business model relies primarily on selling hardware with lucrative margins.
That has sparked tensions with influential clerics upon whose support the ruling family relies.
In fact, she regularly relies on five key tricks to keep herself looking glowing.
Advertising relies to a large extent on trying to reach particular groups of people.
Since the plan relies solely on presidential powers, none of this would require Congress.
Why it matters: To make its phones, Huawei relies on Google's Android operating system.
The U.S. relies to a vast degree on China to manufacture many key products.
It primarily relies on the Gale-Shapley algorithm to determine every user's perfect match.
The problem is that Narcos relies on doctored history to arrive at that conclusion.
Instead, it relies on glowing press coverage and ecstatic reviews to help sell cars.
The South American nation relies on oil for some 95 percent of export revenue.
The lead truck relies completely on the skill set of the professional truck driver.
However, as it's been noted, Trump relies on rhetorical appeals to fear and populism.
Facebook countered that Messenger was not covered because it relies entirely on internet connectivity.
In lower light, he relies on an intervalometer that activates a sequence of photos.
It relies on what's called a Field-Programmable Gate Array—or FPGA, for short.
The dreamlike mood continues but no longer relies on Salvador Dali's style of surrealism.
The exploit relies on the router's default password to work, which many don't change.
On the one hand, Gyasi has produced an American novel that relies on African
In the meantime, she relies on donations and volunteers to create the special headpieces.
YouTube relies on machine learning combined with human moderators to police its massive archive.
Representative democracy relies on parties to do most of the work of organizing politics.
Eyse The stereoscopic camera relies on two HD cameras to create a full image.
It relies heavily on actors sharing emotional moments with live-action CGI stuffed animals.
It's a contact sport that relies on tackling other human beings to the ground.
In fact, the entire online retail business model relies on you not reading them.
Another chart type that Cramer relies on is called the cup and handle pattern.
France relies on nuclear reactors run by EDF for three-quarters of its electricity.
In fact, our entire agenda of principled conservative policy relies heavily on healthcare action.
He places a lot of trust in his generals and relies on their judgment.
Without expert supervision, using psychedelics and other therapeutic substances relies on trial and error.
Anything that relies on wireless communication can be taken offline by a jamming attack.
It ignores the existence of LGBTQ people and relies heavily on the gender binary.
In contrast, KeyMe relies on artificial intelligence and neural networks to perform this classification.
The British firm relies on Huawei to supply equipment in many of its networks.
Nigeria relies almost entirely on imported fuels due to limited and poorly maintained refineries.
White supremacy has roots in scientific racism and it often relies on pseudoscientific arguments.
Like other cyberpunk dystopias, 20493 heavily relies on Asian aesthetics to indicate the future.
Modelled on Mr Obama's victorious efforts, it relies on a loose structure of volunteers.
The outdoor economy relies on accessible public lands for hunting, fishing, hiking and more.
In India, where the economy relies more on domestic demand, manufacturing growth picked up.
The Venezuelan government relies on Russia and China for loans to help them survive.
The repayment of any debt backed by an NPL portfolio relies on recovery amounts.
The judge also relies on case law, including Williamson Country Regional Planning Commission v.
In India, where the economy relies more on domestic demand, manufacturing growth accelerated slightly.
More than most investment banks, Credit Suisse relies on company stock to compensate employees.
Iran relies on seaborne trade for imports and to sell oil and other goods.
Surge (or dynamic) pricing relies on frequent price adjustments to match supply and demand.
It relies on the capacity of private-sector traders and arbitrageurs to supply it.
"I'd say our strategy in the Middle East relies on ... America's interests," he said.
But wherever she is and whatever challenge she faces, Williams relies on one thing.
Like other environmental laws, the SDWA relies on federal-state cooperation for its implementation.
Of course, the new device relies on PicoBrew's signature PicoPaks to brew different beverages.
Instead, she relies on myths that she is intent on perpetuating in federal policy.
Think of your own roots and how much of your identity relies on them.
The sole defense relies on an amicus brief submitted by China's Ministry of Commerce.
Farmer Lakhan Ahirwar, 61, relies on intermittent labouring jobs to get through dry spells.
The bourbon industry is not the only industry that relies on white oak trees.
Its business relies on both the fact of surplus and the impression of scarcity.
A capable and deterring military also relies on the people who serve her ranks.
But its usefulness relies on just how committed you're willing to stay to Apple.
For both the study relies on survey responses provided by the student in question.
A sumo deadlift also relies more on your quad muscles than a classic deadlift.
Nevada law severely restricts advertising for brothels, so Hof relies heavily on press coverage.
Vector relies on data to figure out how to do all kinds of things.
The organization relies on sponsors, donations and a crowdfunding campaign to do its work.
InvenSense, a maker of motion sensors, relies on Apple for 40 percent of sales.
He relies on those who support them, and ignores experts who have contrary views.
The OPEC nation relies on crude oil sales for two-thirds of government revenue.
She relies on her husband to complete daily tasks and remains in her wheelchair.
The ban could bring the chipmaker, which relies on foreign tech, to its knees.
She relies on a ventilator, wheelchair, and in-home nursing care to remain independent.
The system of commerce America has established for centuries relies on proof of ownership.
She relies on Medicaid for coverage, which the House bill cuts by $880 billion.
But Batman v Superman relies far too heavily on the damsel-in-distress trope.
To do this, as Mike Diver wrote near its release, Hitman relies on repetition.
They don't want a romantic who acts with integrity and relies upon his ideals.
Who took out loans to fund the shiny vehicles that Uber's business relies on.
It's counterintuitive, and magick relies on your subconscious mind feeling at ease and comfortable.
But Facebook and Instagram's entire business relies on users spending time inside their apps.
Prime Wardrobe, on the other hand, relies on customers to select their own clothing.
But China relies heavily on outside suppliers to get chicken into its food supply.
One is dubbed Terragraph and relies on a high-frequency section on unlicensed airwaves.
The AAC relies on a closed corrective loop between the brain, hands, and eyes.
Front Mission 20143 relies to a large degree on audience knowledge of referenced context.
This approach, which relies on partnership-building and win-win outcomes, is frankly, slow.
Structurally, "Getting Religion" relies too much on repurposing Woodward's body of work for Newsweek.
The plastics industry relies on petrochemicals that now no longer need to be imported.
And Punta Santiago, whose economy relies largely on tourism, faced a long rebuilding process.
The fact that it still relies on insurance companies is one area of failure.
Thailand relies on gas to fuel around 1653 percent of its power generation capacity.
Intimacy relies on familiarity and repetition, while desire thrives on novelty and the unknown.
"Right now it relies on citizens seeing them in the sky and reporting them."
It still relies heavily on dirty industries of the past, like steel and coal.
Mr. Trump, though, relies on his cellphone to speak with old friends and contacts.
The problem with naked liberalism is that it relies on individuals it cannot create.
The benefits of technology: Oidvin relies on an iPhone voice-recognition app for messaging.
As aides quit in record numbers, the president increasingly relies on his own judgment.
Arkansas' Department of Corrections relies on a three-drug protocol to carry out executions.
Rosen employs a visual idiom of protest that relies more on wordplay than imagery.
Beijing relies on tobacco sales for a sizeable percentage of Chinas overall tax revenue.
Second, the story relies on a long chain of events with multiple weak links.
Instead, the government relies on private pest control companies, which usually aren't properly trained.
Even as this country relies on labor from Mexico and Central America for everything.
The process relies heavily on Boeing's own employees certifying the safety of their planes.
Apple largely relies on a Foxconn plant located in China for its iPhone production.
Connecticut relies on a state transportation fund to pay for roads and public transit.
The U.S. semiconductor industry relies on China for about a quarter of its revenue.
It relies on Apple for more than half of annual revenue, according to analysts.
Discovery, which relies on the existence of the test to function, is their solution.
Like quantum computing, quantum encryption relies on the nonintuitive behavior of very small objects.
Soccer's whole business model relies on broadcasters paying vast sums to show the games.
Soccer's whole business model relies on broadcasters paying vast sums to show the games.
Walsh's complex, horizontal offense relies on multiple wideout sets and ever-changing backfield formations.
An 1493 guide to parliamentary procedure that relies on rules dating back to 1604.
Like several other farmers, Youhanna now relies on a salary from a local militia.
But his strategy to get there relies on reaching back into his country's past.
Silicon Valley's business model pretty much relies on pervasive screens being a good thing.
Mexico relies heavily on American soybeans, corn, dairy products, chickens, beef and other goods.
NASA now relies on companies like SpaceX to launch supplies at a lower cost.

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