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"relearn" Definitions
  1. to learn (something) again

262 Sentences With "relearn"

How to use relearn in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "relearn" and check conjugation/comparative form for "relearn". Mastering all the usages of "relearn" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"We have to learn and relearn and relearn that nature has solved these problems," Dr. Jansen said.
Not only did he have to relearn how to box, he also had to relearn how to walk.
It's something that forces even actors to relearn their jobs.
You relearn how to run to fit the NFL style.
They had to relearn how to move without falling over.
"I love that I got to relearn words," he says.
He might have to relearn it in the coming months.
He was determined to relearn the game despite his limitations.
Liberals are forever forgetting and having to relearn that lesson.
I had to relearn how to walk three different times.
It would be an unpleasant way to relearn a lesson.
So the following year they have to relearn their songs.
Puerto Rico at least represents a chance to relearn the lesson.
That is the fact that you have got to relearn, Winston.
She had to relearn how to walk, talk, read and write.
"You really have to relearn a lot of things," Dummy said.
I had to relearn how to be a human being again.
I'm getting to relearn what it means to be joyful myself.
The injury, they said, would require him to relearn basic movements.
From that moment on I had to relearn and rethink everything.
She reportedly had to relearn how to walk, talk and eat.
He had to relearn how to read, write, speak and understand.
It's positioned off-center, too, which forces users to relearn its location.
It's almost like I have to unlearn things, relearn things, start over.
When he awoke, he had to relearn how to walk and talk.
How does one learn -- or relearn -- how to become an intuitive eater?
You'll relearn past lessons but from new angles and with new meanings.
The therapy became more "intense" as he had to relearn how to walk.
Image: MoviePassIt's that time again—time to relearn how your MoviePass subscription works.
For people, every app they'd open, they'd have to relearn how it worked.
"She was my reason to relearn how to do everything," Courtney tells PEOPLE.
He sustained brain damage and had to relearn how to walk and talk.
President Trump is right to warn us not to relearn this bitter lesson.
From management to junior employees, everyone needs to continually rethink, unlearn and relearn.
When that happens, Republicans will relearn how to call Trump a con man.
We relearn this lesson every time a franchise tries to do a reboot.
And then, to survive their eventual divorce, they had to relearn to communicate.
All of this will require you to relearn how to use your iPhone.
It is a lesson that we as a nation need to relearn frequently.
He needed to relearn how to walk, speak and use his left arm.
"We knew this at Ellis Island, we don't need to relearn this," he said.
They assured her she'd regain mobility but would have to relearn how to walk.
"I had to relearn all my tricks," says Margera, who now lives in Barcelona.
Western liberals, softened by decades of winning, will have to relearn how to fight.
The US military must relearn how to fight "unwired" and defend itself in space.
Back at their ranch, the singer had to relearn the most basic of skills.
Today, we're seeing all this effort to relearn how to write extremely efficient software.
They have what's called "catastrophic forgetting" — they have to relearn what they'd already learned.
Perhaps it's time to relearn the lesson that greed may not actually be good.
Iyer said that he had to relearn the pattern every time they played it.
"There are always little subtleties and nuances that you have to relearn," he said.
I was in the right place to relearn how to fully embrace the season.
Perhaps each of us should relearn our manners and remember that weapons have holsters.
One wonders what it will take to make today's America Firsters relearn that same lesson.
First, I had to relearn every aspect of my life to adapt to my paralysis.
I wanted to relearn intimacy and what it meant to have sex with one partner.
Giffords underwent a lengthy recovery, having to relearn how to speak, walk, read and write.
She had to relearn daily activities, and she relied on assistance from family and friends.
So when I woke up, I had to relearn how to sit by the bed.
How do we relearn the level of craft that perverts of yesteryear had at their fingertips?
The Chinese import ban is stirring many people in the West to relearn how to recycle.
Depending on the situation, these buttons may force users to relearn how to use certain features.
If we don't relearn to trust technology, then we'll never make any good of the potential.
Publications with hundred-year pedigrees are having to rethink and relearn their trade from the ground up.
Drivers also must also must continuously relearn Uber's ever-shifting bonus structures and driver terms and conditions.
Before the country can achieve great things it has to relearn the ability to desire big things.
As she recovered, Snow slowly started taking acting jobs again, but had to relearn how to socialize.
Part of the goal, remember, is to relearn how a diet that isn't dominated by sweeteners tastes.
I also spoke Spanish prior to moving to Italy, and I want to relearn Spanish as well.
I had to relearn certain notations and clean up bad habits I developed as a young violinist.
"What we want to do with people who have severe paranoia is to let them relearn that they are safe, and the best way of doing that is to go back into the situation that they fear using VR, and to relearn that nothing bad happens," added Freeman.
Before you start panicking and thinking you'll have to completely relearn how to use an iPad, just stop.
They'll need a positive attitude – the ability to relearn, go back to college, and adapt to new situations.
Owens had to relearn to walk and familiarize himself with using a wheelchair, which he still uses regularly.
To do so, he's had to relearn how to navigate a kitchen and even how to chop onions.
"Having to relearn how to breathe, having been in that boat before, it's a horrifying experience," she said.
It took him nearly a month to relearn everyday tasks, like tying his shoe and turning a doorknob.
Blue&aposs brain trauma was so severe she reportedly had to relearn how to walk, talk, and eat.
He was hospitalized for weeks, followed by a long convalescence during which he had to relearn simple tasks.
Occupational therapists have helped him relearn how to tie his shoes, button his shirt and hold a pen.
As Wallace suggests, sometimes what we need is to relearn how to thrive in the midst of the mess.
Luckily, young children have a high capacity for neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to adapt to change and relearn.
For almost 200 days we tried our best to relearn how to eat and not hate ourselves for it.
They recently adopted a more scientific approach for Klimitchek, forcing him to relearn the way he releases an arrow.
How can we relearn the collaborative techniques that enabled us to find common ground and thrive as a species?
Our food system can deal with the current demand; it just has to relearn how to distribute the supply.
This one was a huge challenge for me: I needed to relearn my language and how to compose again.
Ms. Gambal said she had to relearn even how to write her own name: H-O-L-L-Y.
You can have a stroke, you can knock out half of the brain and still relearn and then function.
But there is something else that we learn — or relearn — from Harris's run: the enduring practicality of black voters.
Clinton as no departing incumbent has in modern times, only to relearn the lesson that presidents cannot transfer popularity.
After all, there's a lot to learn from video games, as developers, but also a lot to abandon and relearn.
I have to relearn that I am not fragile, I am capable, I am wholesome, not just livid and weak.
I had to relearn how to be an adult, how to care for others, and how to keep my word.
It's great trying to relearn and intimately get into his musical mind to figure out where he's finding these songs.
Josh had to relearn how to do everything from speaking and walking to learning to care for himself, she said.
I said, what lesson did you learn that, hopefully, we won't have to relearn — that we should know early on.
"We had to relearn how to move forward without the physical abilities we had prior to the accident," he said.
Yet different from physical therapy that helps the athlete relearn how to move the knee, strobe glasses retrain the brain.
I'm sure that if I stuck with the C1000 for long enough, I'd eventually relearn where its arrow keys are.
Or maybe we'll relearn, as the writer and artist Jenny Odell suggests, to do nothing, its own form of action.
That's when I really started to relearn how to love my hair and embrace it for the way that it is.
He had studied film two and a half decades before at San Francisco State, but knew he had to relearn everything.
After we've stopped being sold all of our gestures, facial expressions, mannerisms, and etiquettes, where will we go to relearn them?
The pro skateboarder talked to People magazine in 2016 about having to relearn his skateboarding tricks after years of abusing alcohol.
It took me a long time to relearn to eat like a normal person and overcome all of my food fears.
It's the first record since her recovery from a rare brain disease that forced her to relearn how to write music.
Photo credit: Rachel Swidenbank Photo credit: Rachel Swidenbank "You kind of have to relearn how to use your body," he explains.
When she took the Woodberry teaching job, Ms. Pusey had to relearn how to drive after years of living in cities.
Like a newborn, she had to relearn how to walk and talk — a rehabilitation process that included approximately 20 surgeries (and counting).
"My maternal instinct kicked in so naturally, which is amazing, but you'll see that I'm having to relearn some things," she jokes.
And I have to relearn my body and what it does for me now, and not what used to work for me.
How I Met Your Mother suffered partially because the protagonist seemed to forget and relearn the same lessons over and over again.
Surgeons implanted metal plates and screws in his leg, and he had to relearn to walk after using a wheelchair and crutches.
I had to relearn my parts from the beginning, and things that were just so natural are like, how'd she do that?
The 60-year curriculum will require both individuals and institutions to relearn longstanding culture, habits and ways of thinking, Professor Dede said.
You know, one of the lessons -- and this is a lesson I hope they -- some lessons you learn, and some you relearn.
But for any of this to be more than empty procedures, the church will have to unlearn one culture and relearn another.
It forced me to relearn many of these lessons about the uses of fiction while drafting the book I have coming out today.
I don't think a lot of people will have the patience to learn or relearn how to type on physical keys, though. Why?
The sad upshot is that the global economy may have the opportunity to relearn the lessons of the past rather sooner than hoped.
Chaganty: I think every single person on the cast and the crew had to relearn aspects of the job to make this movie.
Or they can be like the Professor Layton games, where each puzzle is discrete and requires you to relearn everything to solve it.
Bring me some kid who was traumatized by the Battle of Hogwarts and has to relearn how to function in the magical world!
Am I supposed to completely relearn a new photos app, when I am habituated to the taps required from years of practice on Instagram?
Eternal backwards compatibility is a recipe for stagnation and confusion — a lesson Microsoft seems determined to try to relearn every four or five years.
His nephew's memory is what's going to drive him through an intensive rehabilitation period, where he'll hopefully relearn how to use his "rubber" foot.
I saw that I had become complicit in my own effacement, and that I needed to relearn one of the most basic human instincts.
She later had to relearn how to walk and move her limbs when she had a stroke in her third year at the university.
While it was terrifying to realize that I now had to relearn how to function as a happy person, it was worth it all.
If you replace your brain cells, it might help you last longer, but you're going to have to relearn some things along the way.
I always found this interesting, when somebody shifts from CNN to PBS, which people have, like Judy Woodruff, she doesn't have to relearn journalism.
In these settings, state officials learn and relearn the importance of good cybersecurity posture, such as asset management, access control, and two-factor authentication.
But even those Republicans whose principles are more situational will relearn the value of passing legislation once Trump wrests the executive pen from Obama.
Jeremiah is now safely out of the intensive care unit and into the rehabilitation ward, where he'll have to relearn how to move and crawl.
And I really should relearn the lost art of enjoying a moment without trying to strangle it into captivity within the rectangle of my phone.
Cameron has since had to relearn how to eat and talk, and as of now, it is unclear whether his tracheotomy tube will be permanent.
Carlisle Floyd's new opera, which debuted in Houston a year ago, tells the story of Edward Kynaston, a Shakespearean actor forced to relearn his craft.
"Only now, in the age of Sanders and Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are we beginning to relearn the lessons of the past," writes Manjoo.
Providing for boot camps instead of sending people to prison so you didn't relearn whatever the bad thing that got you there in the first place.
The short-term market for exoskeleton technology isn't paraplegics striving to regain their independence but rather therapists helping people with less severe injuries relearn motor skills.
Sir David Omand, a former head of GCHQ, Britain's signal-intelligence agency, says it may be time to relearn from its experience of making threats transparent.
His right index finger had to be amputated because of an injury sustained during hard labor, and he has since had to relearn how to paint.
Since the operation last April, Settle has immersed herself in months of cognitive and physical therapy to relearn how to walk, talk, write, and yes, sing.
Just as edge-to-edge bezel-less displays forced us to relearn basic navigation, phones that can fold up will also require a major behavioral shift.
But as knowledge becomes obsolete more quickly, the most important thing will be learning to relearn, rather than learning how to do one thing very well.
The US Navy&aposs Arctic muscles have atrophied over the years, so the service is working to relearn how to operate in this increasingly competitive space.
In a series of studies, the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus found that when people relearn information, they're more likely to recall that information in the future.
We have to relearn every rule we thought we knew about how men and women interact, because after all getting together is the most fundamental human compulsion.
Burke discovered creators like Blair Fowler (JuicyStar07), Megan Parken (Meganheartsmakeup), and Bethany Mota, who helped her relearn how to love things that are, by nature, very visual.
After his release, Mr Igartua says he had to learn how to order food in a restaurant, and relearn how to cross a busy New York street.
Sherald is asking our brains to do something it has been conditioned against: to relearn how to see blackness and individuality, without its most obvious visual cue.
But we didn't have anything going on for so long that the first couple of interviews we've done recently, we've had to relearn how to do them.
"It's also good because we get to relearn English as it's supposed to be spoken, as opposed to all the slang we usually use," Captain Ellerbe said.
"Then I could learn pretty quickly that if I try to access something, it's not going to cooperate, so I would relearn my habitual behavior," she says.
In newspapers my name was 'unconscious intoxicated woman', ten syllables, and nothing more than that... I had to force myself to relearn my real name, my identity.
As Marcus Lewis helps his confused brother Alex relearn the facts of their life together, he omits certain traumatic details, which are gradually revealed to the audience.
Eddie and Milo address a decades-long rift over a restaurant they used to co-own; the kids relearn some of the lessons from the first movie.
In wake of Shutterstock's Chinese censorship, American companies need to relearn American values By now, it's well-known that China's search engines like Baidu censor political photography.
But it turns out that forgetting can help us gain expertise, and when we relearn something we couldn't recall, we often develop a richer form of understanding.
I hate spending six months practicing a song, and writing in a space, and then waiting six months to book the studio, and having to relearn it again.
But first he had to relearn how to walk down stairs, how to drive, how to play catch and how to ignore the looks of pity from strangers.
I took French in high school, so I thought it would be fun to relearn, and the Spanish will be helpful for when I go to Mexico soon.
REUTERS - Pakistan spinner Saeed Ajmal dismantled his technique to relearn the art of off-spin and put himself in line for an international recall with a remodelled action.
It's a lot to take in, and almost too intimidating for newcomers who might be eyeing the game, or for returning players who have to relearn the basics.
Providing for boot camps instead of sending people to prison so you didn't relearn whatever the bad thing that, you know, got you there in the first place.
The worst part is that many students don't even know what they don't know, so they don't realize how much teaching they have forgotten or what to relearn.
"They certainly learned not to mistreat a woman before the cameras, but they seem to be needing to relearn lessons that Anita Hill taught so well," Norton said.
If there is one real lesson history screams out for us to relearn when it comes to anything North Korea promises it is this: words are utterly meaningless.
I would never have found the Rural Alberta Advantage without it, or been able to relearn the words to "Regulate," and what sort of world would that be?
His recovery over the subsequent months astounded his care team, as Wetschler threw himself into physical and occupational therapy for hours every day to relearn how to walk.
He remains cancer free, but suffered posterior fossa syndrome after the surgery, which left his brain having to essentially relearn all basic skills, including breathing, talking and walking.
What it is, I'm not sure, but it's enough of something that I want to get it down on canvas to relearn it, rethink it, and share it.
Me. I had to relearn a new perspective on the fluidity of masculinity because there are so many more narratives of masculinity and the shapes of our bodies.
Although there is a bit of a learning curve if you're switching from Mac to Windows, the transition takes a few days to relearn how to use a computer.
We need to help addicts relearn a sense of their own usefulness and understand that addiction is more than a disease – it's a form of emotional and physical paralysis.
During the night, Morgan spoke about the rehabilitation staff, who helped him relearn to walk and speak after he was involved in a 2014 crash with a Walmart truck.
They must put such thoughts aside and relearn the language of American civil religion: self-evident truths; a shining city upon a hill; life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.
"He has to relearn how to tell his brain to connect to his body," Lori explains, adding that Steve still has feeling and function in his legs and arms.
Steve told the morning show that Camre's recovery was slow, and that she had to relearn simple tasks like cooking, brushing her teeth and getting dressed in the morning.
He recovered, but the damage to McCumber's nervous system was so great that after three months in a coma, he had to relearn how to use his entire body.
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With me is a stunning graphic novel about navigating a first relationship, featuring the kind of lessons you learn and relearn throughout your life.
I recommend mindful eating — paying attention to signals of hunger and fullness, without judgment, to relearn how to eat only as much as the brain's weight-regulation system commands.
At the time, he was having cognitive problems but decided to keep performing during the tour, oftentimes having to relearn guitar parts that he had written, Rolling Stone reported.
Hernandez says her Spanish isn't as good as her English and worries that she would have to relearn Spanish if she ever had to go back to El Salvador.
Soon after that, he had a stroke, which forced him to relearn how to speak, but he remained an active faculty member, mentoring students and developing popular curriculum offerings.
After the operation, Coats and doctors waited to see whether Roper's health would improve, as she has had to relearn to walk and talk as a result of her illness.
And in a recent interview with Joshua Barone of The New York Times, Mr. Norman described a desire to "relearn my language" when fulfilling this Los Angeles Philharmonic co-commission.
"Life is a continuum in most ways, so an interrupter can be a part of the continuum," he said, explaining that he had to relearn how to listen to music.
She needs more operations, she relies on a home health aide, and her doctors want her to get physical and occupational therapy to relearn to use her arms and legs.
The iPhone X will require you to pretty much relearn how to use your iPhone — as everything from app-switching, to TouchID FaceID, and the Control Center now require new gestures.
But Keiko had to relearn how to be a whale, as Susan Orlean reported in The New Yorker: He lacked sufficient ability to hold his breath, swim robustly and catch food.
Three years of isolation, lack of privacy, and separation from most of the conversational vernacular he once used to express himself made it hard to relearn what "together" even feels like.
I would learn and relearn the brilliant story of Harriet Tubman—a young enslaved woman who would free herself from slavery and eventually free so many others including her entire family.
After my own traumatic brain injury in 2015 when I fell 25 feet out of a redwood tree, I had to relearn how to walk, swallow, and use the bathroom by myself.
I've had to relearn to walk three times since 2008, and each time I went through that excruciating process, I was reminded how much my legs do for me every single day.
Even the simplest modern prosthetic costs north of $10,000—not including the price of custom fitting and physical therapy patients need to learn or relearn how to use their newly augmented bodies.
Some patients may have a reaction to the inactive ingredients or find that one kind works differently in their body, forcing them to relearn years of mental math performed at every mealtime.
"I do acknowledge that nobody wants to be on medications forever, but the reality is it takes a long time for the brain to relearn how to live without drugs," he says.
So, for example, I write about the European economy only now and again, so I have to relearn how to use the Eurostat database every time if the data isn't in Fred.
Then one day I said to myself that I had to relearn those things and do them in a different way and see what was possible, and how it could be achieved.
So while it's still the driving basics, "you have to relearn how to drive" in this hybrid digital-real world situation through repetition and in parking lots or on empty, barely used roads.
Using VR, the patients were confronted with simulations of situations they would normally find difficult, for instance standing in a lift surrounded by people, in order to relearn when a situation was safe.
He says the family is optimistic Rylan will survive but says he may be in the hospital for months and will have to relearn how to walk after breaking bones in his leg.
Baker was forced to take a career break when drug dealers to whom he owed money knocked out his front teeth, and he had to relearn trumpet technique, wearing dentures that kept slipping.
Asked why the company pulled the product at the height of its powers, Bowser explains that the product was an opportunity to relearn what seems to be a fairly obvious lesson in Nintendoland.
She said Bumble's main focus is providing value to users, and making them relearn a new way of sharing video instead of adopting the hyper popular "story" method would just be a disservice.
A big part of the advantage is simply that once you're familiar with the interface, which is intuitive, you don't have to relearn the data retrieval tool for each statistical agency every time.
"You go for six months without throwing a ball, so you get to redevelop yourself and relearn your mechanics," said Eovaldi, who also was determined to reduce his walk rate when he returned.
Over the next seven years, Mr. Parr would relearn to walk, drive, and do many of the things that came naturally to him before the accident, all with Ms. Christensen by his side.
In wake of Shutterstock's Chinese censorship, American companies need to relearn American values We saw similar challenges with Google and its Project Dragonfly China-focused search engine, as well as with the NBA.
When, like Lara Jean, you've grown up with an acute understanding of the horrible cost that comes with loving a person, you have to relearn the ways in which the benefits outweigh the cost.
Robert Budreau's moody biopic follows Baker from a 1954 Birdland performance to a forced career break when drug dealers knocked out his front teeth and he had to relearn trumpet technique while wearing dentures.
My college roommate, Keiko Morris, and I enacted this ritual together: cutting off tresses made foreign by chemical "beauty" products and choosing how we would relearn what our nappy hair could mean to us.
"If we were to put you into the body of another person somehow, you would have to relearn all the motor skills," says Columbia electrical engineer Ioannis Kymissis, who developed the system with Ciocarlie.
More broadly, our constitutional democracy will depend on whether Americans can relearn how to engage civilly with one another, something that is admittedly hard to do with a bullying president as a role model.
If you've been lucky enough to get your hands on one, then you know that the lack of a home button means you have to relearn quite a few basic tasks, like taking screenshots.
It almost seems to relish in its own form, practically every page is unique in the way it presents information, and it constantly asks you to learn and relearn how to read this comic.
I take comfort from and add my voice to those who have recently reminded us as a society to relearn the lessons of history and apply its tools of critical thinking to our current moment.
Apple taught and conditioned us to learn certain behaviors that have become second nature, and now it's going to throw all those years of muscle memory out the window and make you relearn new ones.
Old favorite champions, that were already mechanically demanding to begin with, like the dagger-wielding assassin Katarina or the self-cloning sorceress LeBlanc, have been reworked so that old players have to relearn them again.
I've moved to new cities three times in my life, to Sydney, New York, and London, and every time I've needed to relearn what it means to fly solo, cultivating a renewed sense of self.
Early on, just as the first documents were becoming searchable through the I.C.I.J.'s sophisticated in-house system, it became apparent just how much we would have to relearn journalistic habits acquired over decades of reporting.
My parents drove three hours to come get me and bring me home, and I had to relearn how to do daily tasks with chronic and acute back pain, like drive a car or put on pants.
Like all non-transgender people who know someone who has transitioned, Kaplan had to relearn how to refer to her son and later her daughter — Kaplan's younger child also came out as transgender soon after her brother.
Although her life completely changed — she had to relearn how to sit in a chair, touch the floor without falling, how to get dressed, shower and even put on pants — she never lost her will to dance.
Turnbull sees a world where Change a View helps internet commenters see eye-to-eye, where the platform breaks us out of our online filter bubbles, and where we relearn how to talk to each other online.
And so in the early 2000s, regulations were introduced regarding technique and equipment which necessitated ski jumpers to rework their basic biomechanics, a bit like a gymnast having to relearn their twists and leaps completely from scratch.
Most venues of contemporary existence seem like alien territory to Lucia, and when she enrolls in a new high school she must — like many of Ball's protagonists — relearn our incomprehensible ways of living from the ground up.
I'd been run over by a car three years prior, and after surgery I learned not only would I have to relearn to walk, but I would also be in pain for the rest of my life.
If we go to any market, no matter how big or small the market is, you've got to relearn the customer contacts, rebuild channels, you have to rebuild many of the things we built over thirty one years here.
In California, she found a new home at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, where she was treated "just like a normal human being" and began to relearn the meaning of community, find a safe space, and feel like her life mattered.
I think, especially with the extreme weather that we're seeing over the last couple of years, we're all beginning to relearn the fact that we live within nature, and in fact all of our lives are governed by its forces.
"We sincerely thank our customers for their understanding and patience," said Samsung mobile chief DJ Koh in a statement to Note 7 users last week—asking customers to exercise the kind of caution that the company itself may need to relearn.
The next year would be tough having to relearn how to do the simplest things and interact with others without the aid of booze or substances, but I got there in the end, even if I'm less sociable these days.
After more than a decade of focusing on support for ground troops fighting insurgents, the Air Force had to relearn the art of analyzing which fixed sites, if destroyed, would have the most significant effect on the enemy, General Brown said.
"People think that taking a year to relearn to walk is a long time, but I have met people who have gone through the same injury, and after five or seven years they are still not able to walk," he says.
He began speech therapy so he could relearn to talk, and psychological counseling so he might unpack his experience of being wounded and its particular effects on him, and adjust to a life different from what he had ever imagined.
And we've had this happen a couple times just because of lineup changes, where you have to sit down and relearn a song you already thought you know, and then you realize you're not playing the same things as each other.
Or later, when you have to relearn — as I would after the end of the relationship I was in then — that owning singlehood doesn't just mean staring down others' discomfort; it also means facing the fear and pity in yourself.
The point of the cabins isn't to enact the now-clichéd off-the-grid adventure, but to exist just a few steps outside real life, in a stripped-down but completely functional environment — to re-examine, even relearn, everyday activities.
There was also a run of Italy references, like AL DENTE, ELBA, ARTE and CARUSO, all of which I may have made too much of since I'm trying to relearn a little bit of la lingua dell'amore for a coming vacation.
If you have any bad habits, like not paying attention when you're out of frame or reading other things on your screen at the same time, you're going to have to relearn how to be bored without, you know, actually showing it.
In many ways, my partner, Rich Silverstein, and I have had to unlearn how to become managers, because there are a lot of things that you think you know, and you need to put them aside and relearn them in new ways.
For many hours a day, he did language practice, starting with books and flash cards for preschoolers and doing endless repetitions to relearn speech until eventually — after years of hard work — he was finally able to read books and have real conversations.
Sure, you might have to rely on pressing a combination of keys to access some less common keys, but at least you're not going to have to relearn years of muscle memory or repeatedly lose track of where your Windows key is.
Then comes the waiting game: a year after the operation, doctors will assess how much of Powell's facial nerve has regenerated, and from there, he will enter physical therapy to relearn how to move his face, rediscovering every day things like winking, smiling and blinking.
Perhaps the biggest brain-teaser is this: if the advent of Jesus Christ reconciled humanity with its creator, how do we interpret the fact that historically Christian cultures have behaved unwisely, as the document asserts, and must relearn wisdom from peoples untouched by Christianity?
I cannot bring myself to exhaustively transfer over my playlists and relearn an entirely new piece of software that I use daily for hours on end, in addition to having to spend weeks to months training this new piece of software on my listening habits and tastes.
Now that people see what authoritarian populists have done to countries like Turkey or Russia, and many people are seeing what a populist like Trump is threatening to do to this country, I think there's a chance that they will relearn the importance of our political system.
In July 22002, Jack Bogle, the founder of Vanguard, who had experienced many big market declines by then, told me that investors needed to relearn "the relentless rules of humble arithmetic," and to understand that avoiding big losses was probably more important than reaping big market gains.
NOVO SELO TRAINING RANGE, Bulgaria — After more than a decade spent fighting Islamic insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States Army is scrambling to relearn Cold War-era skills to confront potential threats from Russia here in Eastern Europe, territory formerly defended by the Soviet Army.
They had to relearn tactics for assaulting heavily fortified positions ... every one of these major buildings in Southern Hue was strong-pointed and defended by large numbers of Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops, and attacking buildings by ordering your men to charge across the street proved to be suicidal.
While best known for his namesake maneuver, Dr. Heimlich developed and held patents on a score of medical innovations and devices, including mechanical aids for chest surgery that were widely used in the Vietnam War, procedures for treating chronic lung disease and methods for helping stroke victims relearn to swallow.
After we did that, it was another six months before we arranged a deal that enabled us to work on the game full time; and then after that, we moved the game's engine, so we had to relearn everything in that respect, and it was a pretty steep learning curve.
How far we have to go to relearn how to fight fairly is indicated by the fact that the GOP and the Democrats do not even agree with each other that they will report to the FBI when a foreign power seeks to help them to subvert the other party.
After a 20-year separation, the two found their way back together in Season 3 of the Starz drama and are trying to relearn each other after decades of distance, navigating their own jealousy and insecurities while still maintaining the trust and respect that made us fall for them in the first place.
This is familiar territory for director O'Connor, who despite flubbing The Accountant has proven himself capable, in movies like Warrior and Miracle, of craving both a compelling sports drama and exploring something interesting about how men are taught — and then have to relearn — how to deal with challenge and grief and relationships.
In it, the 23-year-old survivor describes the devastating impact of the sexual assault on her life, as well as her attempt to relearn a personal identity other than that of "victim" — in a second statement, just released to KTVU Fox 2 through her prosecutor, the survivor expands on her desire to remain anonymous.
"I had to take a year off and just relearn the whole gymnastics and the way I moved and the way I do skills, and I had to wait a little bit longer in order for the floor to push me, because I'm longer and I'm not as fast anymore," she said on GymCastic.
In wake of Shutterstock's Chinese censorship, American companies need to relearn American values Challenges around censorship, representation and ultimately business fundamentals like revenue growth and profit will be on the mind of Stan Pavlovsky, who has moved up through a number of roles at the company and will assume the CEO title upon Oringer's departure.
Q: As you note in the book, the US troops sent to retake Hue, particularly the Marines sent into the city itself, left what had largely been fighting in rural and jungle areas and headed into some of the most intense urban combat since World War II. What tactics and techniques did they have to relearn?

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