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"redefinition" Definitions
  1. the act of changing the nature or limits of something; the act of making people consider something in a new way

168 Sentences With "redefinition"

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Immigrant rights advocates should refuse to cede to this redefinition.
That would force a redefinition of the term "tropical" diseases.
It's the redefinition of sex; the sex of the mind.
These days we're living through another great redefinition of masculinity.
So the redefinition of the PC is an ongoing thing.
I think this was a redefinition of what we were.
Asked if Pruitt's attempted redefinition angered him, Brune said it didn't.
This had to involve a redefinition of the codes and the silhouette.
Religion, Secularism, and the Redefinition of Democracy, Americans have long articulated their
Still, the decision to walk back on the redefinition of broadband is encouraging.
I think this is a redefinition of the whole "rap as emo" thing.
At the same time, the real issue is the redefinition of the hospital.
Both are now running out of gas and entering a period of redefinition.
The most striking change is the redefinition of marriage to encompass any two people.
This redefinition of self-sufficiency ignores the way that most people use these programs.
" The new rule is presented as a redefinition of "short-term, limited-duration insurance.
It was such a redefinition of beauty, and I wanted to pay that forward.
Nothing else would do it, except perhaps a major redefinition of what a smartphone is.
But we are going through a period of history when everything is up for redefinition.
On the Runway American fashion may be about to experience its biggest redefinition in decades.
Israel's redefinition of itself as an exclusive, ethnocentric Jewish state is now enshrined in law.
This is defamation by redefinition, and its intention is to frighten and punish opposing voices.
Nardi thinks the walkout and all the activism to come is a redefinition of his generation.
Key to understanding these emerging trends is a redefinition of what we mean by 'mass market'.
It was a bold redefinition of something that once required a whole boatload of specialized equipment.
A lot of old-fashioned industry muscle has gone into this redefinition of teen pop stardom.
Could we be looking at the beginnings of a complete redefinition of how we watch TV?
Some liberals have embraced the redefinition as a reality, and have proudly worn "buonista" T-shirts.
The conceptual content allowed for a redefinition of self-taught, political artwork by formerly incarcerated individuals.
In 1967 the redefinition of time, in the form of the second, led to the current overhaul.
The mystery contained in its pages has meant it has been continuously open to redefinition and rediscovery.
It's an accelerated restructuring of the American labor force and dramatic redefinition of the future of work.
This last point may require some redefinition and possibly renegotiation to make it easier to identify violations.
The album's frantic, detached nature sounded like someone trying to find themselves under the weight of redefinition.
After the redefinition, a kilogram will remain a kilogram, but its value will rest on far stranger foundations.
That sea change is also leading to a redefinition of assimilation, which can't mean what it once did.
This redefinition comes at a time when the chances of a serious two-state negotiation are already minuscule.
I firmly believe that this moment, when it comes to race, is a moment of redefinition and revolution.
"The Cher Show" attempts no such redefinition; it's a flat-out Cher biography using songs associated with her.
That was a redefinition of the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping's so-called "principal contradiction" faced by Chinese society.
"Pregnancy is a pivotal moment in women's lives coinciding with a redefinition of self, family, and community," Penfield said.
How we exist in relation to one another is in the midst of radical redefinition, from working to flirting.
It may sound pretty innocuous but, make no mistake, it represents a potential redefinition of the global aluminum market.
With the redefinition on Friday, the age of physical artifacts — and its attendant imperfections — will be left for good.
This redefinition of mobility is essential to understanding the prominence of those countries emerging as the world's "talent champions".
But I wonder if that fails to account for the redefinition of what your company does on a platform.
This coincided with a redefinition of the field towards mathematics and the world of paid and thus predominantly male labour.
But as with Chili's trip to Tinseltown, the meta-story of "Get Shorty," prestige cable drama, is one of redefinition.
The ECB on Thursday launched a broad review of its policy that could lead to redefinition of the inflation goal.
Sorting out exactly which waterways are subject to these pollution safeguards has been the subject of redefinition and litigation ever since.
Even granting Jones's very flawed redefinition of all of health science as single field of inquiry, this is still bad logic.
In 2018, the number was updated again and adopted as part of the redefinition of the International System of Units, Stein said.
So, what we need is either a redefinition of a unicorn to make it rarer… or, we need an entirely new concept.
Under a Trump presidency, such "elites" may have no choice but to attempt a radical redefinition of their role in American life.
"Crisis line" has replaced "suicide hotline" as the preferred term, and with that redefinition came some ambiguity, to me, what they were for.
The Arab Spring, the global recession, BBC News 24 accidentally interviewing the wrong bloke on live television — a time of change and redefinition.
If applied to all clean air rules, the redefinition of costs and benefits could eliminate health-based limits on dozens of toxic emissions.
But I believe this massive redefinition is real, and that there are signs of optimism for even the lagging tablet part of it.
Softness at the top of the market in Brooklyn forced a redefinition of luxury living, according to a new report from Corcoran Group.
Kanye West has, in his continuing redefinition of hip-hop, certainly earned the right to be on that pedestal, in at least some respects.
Such a redefinition of roles has been discussed for months inside the White House, but has never materialized due to troubles filling the position.
And this this redefinition, there were always toxic elements with her relationship with Kaji, even setting aside the fact that he commits sexual assault.
Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security uses its platform to advocate for the redefinition of national security and the inclusion of diverse communities.
His moments of levity are like little rest stops on the thorny path through the loss and redefinition of faith as a gay black man.
The redefinition of the international order under a different and more collaborative arrangement with new partners is not only a possibility, it is a reality.
And what's striking is how few Republicans, however much they may grumble privately, have been willing to stand up against this redefinition of the party.
We all thought tiny Pluto was a planet, until the 2006 vote in which the International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefinition stripped it of its title.
This is a drastic redefinition of religious freedom, twisting the principle of separation of church and state into a kind of discrimination against the church.
But as fires intensify and floodwaters swell, as drought cycles shorten and sea levels rise, we may soon face a point of genuine political redefinition.
Sure seems like Cook is putting his finger on the scale in favor of a fairly radical redefinition of who is supposed to pay for what.
That would enshrine a quite extreme gender ideology in law, and effectively amount to a comprehensive redefinition of what it is to be female, or male.
"If you see that measure starting to dissolve in coming years ... you could see a radical redefinition in the balance of power in Asia," added Lemahieu.
"We are in a process of redefinition," said Gubidxa Guerrero, an anthropologist and the president of Comité Melendre, a local nonprofit group that promotes civic participation.
A 2013 report by Natalie Angier, a Pulitzer Prize winner, in a special issue of Science Times explored the rapid redefinition of the typical American family.
"We agree that cloud is the largest redefinition of computing since the PC-era and will significantly redistribute value across the tech food chain," he wrote.
"Whether it's a reflection of robust economic growth, a redefinition of their own worth, or both, this change is very good news," Firestone and Schiffman write.
This redefinition of property rights (in jargon called "number portability") makes it easier to switch carriers, fostering competition by other carriers and reducing prices for consumers.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads PHILADELPHIA — Long before the ubiquity of digital technologies transformed the book, artist Keith Smith was engaged in prescient redefinition and innovation.
Although there is broad support for some minor changes, like expanded background checks, the public remains wary of a major redefinition of the government's regulation of firearms.
We all need a bit of escapism these days, a moment away from the relentless mess of trade wars, Brexit, missile testing and the redefinition of truth.
"Our culture is really experiencing a redefinition of masculinity, and somebody like Colton challenges it perfectly," explains Rachel Wright, a New York City-based psychotherapist and relationship coach.
The brave new world of intelligence A new order of intelligence work is therefore required, and therefore intelligence organizations are currently in the midst of a redefinition process.
The very public shaming of prominent men who abused their power to sexually exploit women reflects a major redefinition of our expectations for men in positions of authority.
After the coming redefinition, for example, our most basic units, weight and length, will be derived from the two foundational theories of physics: quantum mechanics and special relativity.
Also, Liss-Riordan has made it clear that what she is seeking is not so much financial redress, but the redefinition of how the on-demand economy operates.
Uber in ride-hailing and Airbnb in room-renting, he said, may well be just the start of a redefinition of private property, made possible by digital technology.
The women's rights movement changed gender norms; anti-racism and civil rights movements chipped away at old racial hierarchies; gay rights have led to a redefinition of marriage.
As clients become more discerning and more players enter the luxury market, clients will look for a redefinition of luxury based on craftsmanship, unique artistry, scarcity and personalization.
Brydon's review, using more than 120 submissions and after more than 150 stakeholder meetings, called for a redefinition of audit, reinforcing its role as a public interest function.
One of the most important achievements of the Stonewall uprising was that it began a radical redefinition of the character of the L.G.B.T.Q. person in the popular imagination.
If there's an element of reflection on celebrity seeping into the video, he said, it's more likely coming from the redefinition of celebrity that's facilitated by platforms like YouTube.
But conglomerate HNA Group's moves to sell its stakes in Hilton hotels and timeshares, reflect a redefinition of where Beijing wants capital outflows to go: toward creating local jobs.
The candidates proposed various solutions, including more aggressive taxation of tech companies, requirements for transparency on social-media ads, and a redefinition of the major online platforms as publishers.
"With the redefinition, we can measure mass out of thin air using this constant of the universe," Stephan Schlamminger, physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, told Gizmodo.
You'll only find his redefinition of electro sound or his ironic brand of comedy, though that alone will make you wonder on what came first... the beat or the skits?
But the event brings up yet again the debate about what constitutes a "planet" and what doesn't—a redefinition of the term planet stripped Pluto of its title, you might remember.
This newly proposed redefinition of sex is a scientifically bankrupt idea that simply furthers the administration's agenda against transgender people, and it can only be understood as a kind of cruelty.
Cheryl Thomas (VP software operations, 1989–present): The "Think Different" campaign was a huge, huge deal for us because it was this redefinition of who we were and how we thought.
Pill said that far right National Front candidate Marine Le Pen was "playing a big role in this reorientation of French politics" and the "redefinition" of policy in France more broadly.
There has been "a redefinition of scale in the modern world," said Weiner, who said that tech titans like Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Apple were seeing huge gains in market cap.
Such a redefinition makes sense because plenty of research, not only in the US but in Australia and elsewhere, points to ember swarms as the primary ignition source in threatened communities.
Trump's redefinition of the GOP is imposing new pressure on House and Senate Republicans with substantial urban and/or suburban constituencies -- and could create a new opening for gun control advocates.
"The work is valuable for the redefinition of the SI units based on fundamental constants," Jun Ye from the JILA at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Colorado told Gizmodo.
Their Career Opportunity Redefinition and Exploration (CORE) program explores the skills and experience of many of the veterans as a way to help them effectively transition from a military to corporate setting.
That redefinition of the investors' role — in a way trying to circumvent competition in a market by fiat — has led funds to follow SoftBank's lead and try to raise increasingly large funds.
"That people who disagreed with the redefinition of marriage, would be able to continue to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and act on those beliefs," he said.
In a way, it makes sense that Wonder Woman was off finding herself during the '60s and early '70s — because women all over the world were in a state of redefinition, too.
Although the value of the kilogram will not change, the redefinition of the kilogram using a constant will ensure it remains reliable, and enable far more accurate mass measurements in the future.
"The redefinition of the kilogram is a tremendous leap for the international measurement community and science as a whole," said NPL fellow Ian Robinson, who worked on the device's development with Kibble.
I believe this would accelerate the redefinition of the PC. It would also resuscitate the iPad, albeit in a different form factor, which would complement, not replace, the current iPad and macOS laptops.
Unlike much of the apocalyptic work in the Central Pavilion and Arsenale exhibitions, Katayama's images have a definitively positive undertone: they use style and physical difference as agents of self-definition and redefinition.
It is clear, however, that the music industry—and maybe the world itself—may soon face a major redefinition, much as it did with the advent of the internet just two decades ago.
Tuesday's Jones victory marks a dramatic departure for the nation -- one with the potential to reach well beyond America's politics to the redefinition of how we see the stories of half the country.
It's a philosophical one too, as I learned from the NIST scientists who have been working for years on the redefinition and call this moment the most exciting time of their entire careers.
This act of redefinition — of disrupting narratives about who gets to hold power, and shifting the norms of what women can do — is hard to measure, but I believe its impact is coming.
The digital publishing company Medium on Wednesday laid off 50 employees — a third of its staff — as part of a larger redefinition of its business model, its founder announced in a blog post.
"In some of these electoral processes across the region we are witnessing the redefinition of left-leaning projects," said Rafael Rojas, a Cuban historian and professor at CIDE, a university in Mexico City.
"The redefinition of the kilogram is a tremendous leap for the international measurement community and science as a whole," said NPL fellow Ian Robinson, who worked on the device's development with Kibble, in November.
With the Socialist Party in its death throes, this could augur a real redefinition of the French political landscape where the right and left could offer radically different visions of society to the electorate.
I believe this would accelerate the redefinition of the PC. It would also resuscitate the iPad, albeit in a different form factor, which would complement, not replace, the current slate and the macOS laptop.
The ECB launched its review last month, a deep dive into the bank's foray into unconventional policy following the euro zone debt crisis that is likely to bring a redefinition of its inflation target.
With their free interplay of image and text, Spero's Codex Artaud and the even more ambitious Notes in Time are nothing less than a personal redefinition of the nature and meaning of visual art.
The social and political environment is pushing toward a redefinition of the group to keep up with the G.O.P. Moderate leadership is unlikely to be seen as what could face down the rise of Trumpism.
The label's curatorial choices cover a lot of ground, but it's all music that favors expansion, redefinition, the sort of sounds that force you to reconsider and recontextualize your previous understanding of how genre works.
His many books include "Language and Silence: Essays on Language, Literature and the Inhuman" (1967), "In Bluebeard's Castle: Some Notes Towards the Redefinition of Culture" (1971) and "After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation" (1975).
But Sanders's easy way with the young hasn't pleased Clinton's supporters, who see in the youth rejection of Hillary both a ridiculous starry-eyed utopianism and a frustrating redefinition of what it means to be progressive.
As with the redefinition of the kilogram, the aim has not been to change anything, but to simply place it on stronger foundations — ones that will hopefully support civilization for a very long time to come.
The hierarchical, compartmentalized, industrial structure of these organizations is now changing, revolving primarily around the integration of new technologies with traditional intelligence work and the redefinition of the role of the humans in the intelligence process.
Often throughout our conversations I have to remind myself of his age: Only 14 when Frank Ocean's Channel Orange was released, he is part of a generation who grew up witnessing a redefinition of black masculinity.
Regardless of what you believe about these issues, any honest reading of the ACLU's tweet must conclude that the ACLU is calling for a wholesale redefinition of what it means to be a man or woman.
Through the microcosm of its dog research program, VA has a unique opportunity to redefine accountability at the agency, and to let the results of that redefinition positively impact the veterans it was designed to serve.
If his work feels as intuited as it is planned, it then bears compelling correspondences to our own time and to the redefinition of painting that has taken place in the decades since the Postmodernist revolt.
This redefinition effort has taken decades because the Planck constant is tiny (it starts with a decimal point and is followed by 33 zeros) and had to be calculated down to a super-tiny margin of error.
The way that photography and video allows these artists to talk in a very direct way about stereotypes, about situations of oppression, and redefinition of a body and place in the world is, for me, very unique.
For his part, Costa Rican artist Federico Herrero produces a dizzying redefinition of space by painting the floor of a gray underground tunnel connecting municipal buildings in dazzling yellows, blues, and greens layered with abstract, organic shapes.
" WoLF told Vox in a statement that "the redefinition of the word 'sex' to mean 'gender identity' would have myriad harmful effects on women and girls, and women and girls as a distinct category deserve civil rights protections.
Local issues and dynamics will strongly influence the results, but both contests are also illuminating the challenges that Trump's redefinition of the party carries for Republicans in affluent, diverse, heavily white-collar states, particularly those along the coasts.
For that reason, as explained elsewhere in the platform, we do not accept the Supreme Court's redefinition of marriage and we urge its reversal, whether through judicial reconsideration or a constitutional amendment returning control over marriage to states.
And indeed, between the moments spent serving everyone else, the rest of the book — chronicling her evolving sexual identity, her radical redefinition of love, her relationships and eventually the birth of her child — uncovers just who she is.
The second half of the book, by way of a long and dense reading of Marx, argues that the revaluation of everything we have formerly valued implies not just urgent spiritual redefinition but also political and economic transformation.
"No one is arguing for a generation of mediocre or underachieving kids — but plenty of people have begun arguing for a redefinition of what it means to achieve at all," wrote Jeffrey Kluger in Time magazine last week.
That redefinition begins with our cover, which, along with Chicago, features two other beautiful people: the Dominican-American model Dilone, whom I love for her coltish, spunky grace; and the model I came into adulthood admiring, Jenny Shimizu.
The redefinition sustains this exchange of goods and information into the future, and it will support the development of new technology that requires precise measurement, like building microchips for quantum computers or medicine that's tailored to an individual's genome.
"What appears to be going on is a redefinition of the agency's mission," said Michael R. Bromwich, a former federal prosecutor and inspector general at the Justice Department who became the first head of the bureau in May 2010.
But while the matter of how these wars are fought has been an area of constant technological evolution, journalist David Patrikarakos believes that it's the rise of social media that is now demanding a redefinition of war as we understand it.
As we started to understand what those macro-level changes meant from a mobility point of view and from an industry point of view, that's what really drove a lot of the redefinition of our brand and how we're positioning ourselves.
And the border is just one challenge in what is likely to be a much broader redefinition of the relationship between Britain and Ireland, another example of the sprawling and often unintended consequences of Britain's choice to split from Europe.
The panel includes the former and current presidents of the Family Research Council, a conservative lobby group which declares that homosexuality is "harmful to those who engage in it" and denounces same-sex nuptials as a "radical redefinition and falsification of marriage".
While the boxes might draw attention, the campaign's best shot at landing Amazon may rest on the appeal of contributing to "the redefinition of a community that is already in the midst of an accelerated transition," Jefferson County commissioner David Carrington said.
But in the era of Brexit, Donald Trump and Cambridge Analytica, of Rodrigo Duterte and Jair Bolsonaro, the ruses it depicts are eerily recognisable: the spurious storylines and made-up enemies, the redefinition of what constitutes a fact, the wholesale manipulation of the citizenry.
"This redefinition raises concerns in the investment community since many investment accounts are, by their very nature, long-term investments, and an owner might not expect that he or she has to actively reach out to make unnecessary transactions to claim the assets," a Vanguard spokesman explained.
This is not another attempt to carry out structural reforms: there is a sense of epistemological rupture which requires a redefinition of the discipline, the relationships that intelligence organizations have with their environments – from decision makers to the general public – and the development of new structures and conceptions.
"We borrow our title from a book that comes from when the fight for redefinition was against a very very clear [white] opposition," Eagle said over the phone from LA, referring to The New Nego: An Interpretation, a 1925 anthology of essays that became foundational for the Renaissance movement.
Clinton is aiming to dispel that momentum with some gestures, including a few planks in a platform, or if she intends to actually lead the Democrats in the direction demanded by Mr. Sanders — a direction that would mean a radical redefinition of what was once understood to be Clintonism.
While we're in the business of redefinition: To fix your life could mean making repairs, if something feels broken—but it could also mean to fix like a horse race or a game of bridge: to set things up behind the scenes in order to secure your desired outcome.
This revolution, he says, will require the "revaluation of value" (in Nietzsche's phrase); and he criticizes a number of thinkers on the left, such as Thomas Piketty and Naomi Klein, for wanting to alter capitalism (via redistribution) rather than effectively abolish it (via a deep redefinition of value).
"If the day comes that one of these suits succeeds in court, the 20163 count would provide the data to allow states to implement a redefinition of 'the people,' " Taeku Lee, a professor of law and political science at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote in an email.
Issues that the ACLU would challenge a hypothetical President Trump on include the "temporary" ban on Muslim immigration and the surveillance of Muslim communities, the deportation of 11 million or more undocumented immigrants, the reinstatement of torture, and the redefinition of libel laws to allow for more lawsuits against journalists.
As with many heartthrob solo debuts, what stands out about this one is a glistening male vanity that can result in detail-obsessed fussiness or a solemn preoccupation with having real feelings as the case may be, and always the absurd self-objectification of anxious self-redefinition, yet that isn't even the problem.
The emergence of the coronavirus also coincides with a wider rethink of capitalism taking place within the business community, as witnessed by the U.S. Business Roundtable's redefinition of the purpose of a corporation; and in the political sphere, where an avowed socialist is contending for the Democratic Party's race to challenge President Donald Trump.
I hope for a world with no multi-million-dollar-a-year brokers, hedge fund managers and banking leaders, and for one where the long-term effects of A.I. and advances in computing power (approximately 20+ years) will mean a wholesale redefinition of wealth, monetary usage, value and a focus on equality across societies in the world.
When readers criticized the paper's apparent redefinition of "middle" and "class," the Times braintrust explained the editorial process that led to the creation of that piece: They simply tasked reporters to ask Times readers who self-identified as middle class; not surprisingly, these open-ended inquiries yielded a handful of objectively wealthy people who simply don't feel that rich.
Because of its scope, timing and institutional backing, The Center for Contemporary Political Art (CCPArt) is hopeful its first, Defining exhibition will lead to a redefinition of the role artists play in our society; identify the country's leading practitioners of political art; and demonstrate why political art should be recognized as a valued genre of American art in the 21st Century.
Marni, fall 2019CreditCreditValerio Mezzanotti for The New York Times MILAN — The awards red carpet is not the only fashion show that seems to have fallen relatively silent on the subject of #MeToo: the runways, which in recent seasons focused broadly on a redefinition of female empowerment, at least as far as it relates to image, have almost entirely dropped that theme.
And after a third of a century in which John Paul II made the papacy "a rallying point for resistance to the redefinition of Christianity," the church is led by a pope who has no use for the culture-war schema of resistance and accommodation — who sees the church called to "go to the peripheries" rather than strive to restore Christianity as the vital center.
Should that mood of insurgency prevail on Election Day, it could set the stage for an even more tumultuous phase of redefinition next year: A liberal base that feels validated after November may be unlikely to heed calls from party leaders to pick their battles in the new Congress, or to approach the 2020 race with sensitivity to more conservative sections of the country.
Certainly the things that made Wayne so electrifying in the late aughts—his prolific musical output, his impish irreverence, his limitless verbal creativity, his bold redefinition of rap's boundaries—have felt in short supply in recent years, as legal battles kept new music locked up and his own interests seemed to veer more toward skateboarding and bad oral sex punchlines rather than honing his verses.
But as he closes his term in office, Obama is closing the loop on the redefinition of American identity with which he launched his career, identifying himself firmly with the interests and sensibilities of those who believe that today's America — the America of "the DREAMer who stays up late to finish her science project" and "the protester determined to prove that justice matters" and "the son who finds the courage to come out as who he is" — is the greatest version of America that history has ever seen.

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