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"ranching" Definitions
  1. the activity of running a ranch

435 Sentences With "ranching"

How to use ranching in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ranching" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ranching". Mastering all the usages of "ranching" from sentence examples published by news publications.

One of the biggest drivers of deforestation is cattle ranching.
In 1998, cattle ranching on the island ended for good.
But some vestiges of the island's ranching past still remain.
Its existence owes to the lobbying of the ranching industry itself.
Other families come from a tradition of ranching and cattle raising.
It also fired up some lawmakers and ranching and agriculture groups.
"The ranching community subsists on a very tight margin," he said.
Nipton has its roots in gold and silver mining along with ranching.
Who requested another television series about a Texas oil-and-ranching dynasty?
But an official listing would have stifled human activities like farming and ranching.
He now spends his days ranching and tending to his show cow, Snow.
In Deep Springs, the young men combine ranching and farming with intensive reading.
Bluefin hatcheries improve on ranching because they don't deplete the threatened wild stock.
Rather, the real motivation here is to protect the ranching industry from competition.
Cattle ranching in Brazil and soy cultivation, are the largest drivers of deforestation.
"Prairies are great for agriculture and ranching and other human development," says Rutter.
Many are deliberately ignited to clear the forest for farming and cattle ranching.
In both cases, the ranching operations were running private livestock on public lands.
Just last week, a former Idaho legislator went to great lengths to paint ranching as the linchpin of the state's economy, even though the latest independent analysis shows that ranching and aquaculture combined comprise only 1.8 percent of Idaho's employment.
They came via a local nonprofit dedicated to climate-friendly ranching practices called Fibershed.
Advertisements for unusual color variant game can still be seen in game ranching publications.
Supporters staged a rally in the nearby ranching community of Burns on Saturday night.
The Clean Water Rule carried over existing exemptions for things like agriculture and ranching.
He says he's been campaigning in suburban, rural and ranching communities -- traditional GOP strongholds.
Raising cattle is profitable, and it's cattle ranching that's driving most of this deforestation.
Now he decided the time had come to take up cattle ranching in earnest.
The stream had been heavily degraded by decades of ranching, resulting in substantial erosion.
Small western towns have been heavily dependent on resource side in the West, ranching, mining.
Ranching done for a century and more is under pressure from environmentalists, recreationalists, and hunters.
There are few trees, just short grass and wide, sloping prairie land ideal for ranching.
It's a rural county of five small towns, and the biggest industry is cattle ranching.
When O'Neill lived here, Danville was a tiny ranching hamlet on a two-lane road.
Throughout the reservation, ranching skills like sheep butchering and bronco and bull riding are prized.
Calving Season (22018) A teenager helps her ranching family save calves during a snowy spring.
And these forests were being destroyed at alarming rates, largely for agriculture, ranching, and logging.
Police are investigating what started the fire and looking for anyone camping in the ranching area.
A lot of it was grassland used for cattle ranching or mountainous areas where miners operated.
He appeared more willing to talk about ranching or breaking horses or other ruggedly mundane activities.
But they should have economic activity going on: mining, logging, Brazil-nut collecting, and cattle ranching.
Thomas Franklin McDonald was born on July 26, 1934, in Roy, N.M., a cattle-ranching town.
Where would tribes like the Waiapi go, if their lands became industrial mining or ranching zones?
If politicians from ranching states have a beef with plant-based meat, they shouldn't buy it.
But neither the Hages nor the Bundys are necessarily outliers among the public lands ranching community.
Black people from the east also flocked west, keen to cash in on the booming ranching industry.
But today, the world of professional bull riding, a sport rooted in ranching culture, is predominantly white.
Some reports suggest as much as 80 percent of Amazon forest destruction is related to cattle ranching.
Several third-, fourth-, and fifth-generation lumber and ranching families show up on The Land Report's list.
The second and final season of this Western about a Texas ranching family comes to an end.
I am new to this "lifestyle" of ranching so it's been a huge adjustment for my body.
North of San Francisco, a fire threatened homes in an old ranching and farming area near Covelo.
It hosts the National Cowboy Festival every year and is home to the National Ranching Heritage Center.
Managed hunting can reduce pressure to convert land from its natural state to cattle ranching or agriculture.
Gordon-Byrne pointed me to Wyoming and Kansas, two states considering legislation tailored to farm and ranching equipment.
The short box is more than adequate for most jobs that don't involve ranching, farming, or serious construction.
As with the King Ranch heirs, Briscoe and his heirs dedicated most of their land to cattle ranching.
Group ranching is no longer practiced because it leads to the land being divided and sold, said Ntiang'au.
Word of this second imprisonment soon reached the Bundy family, a sprawling ranching clan based in Bunkerville, Nev.
Compared to soybean farming or cattle ranching, the mining industry clears fewer acres of forest from the Amazon.
There are also large ranching interests in the rural areas where Latino Democrats are also gun rights advocates.
Senators will hear from representatives of various farming and ranching groups and Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael Scuse.
He was born in the conservative ranching town of San José about an hour away from El Tukuko.
The short box is more than adequate for most jobs that don't involve ranching, farming, or serious construction.
Cattle ranching is the leading driver of deforestation in Brazil, and accounts for 80% of the Amazon destruction.
Furthermore, Bundy's beloved ranching, mining, and logging industries have been some of the biggest beneficiaries of government largesse.
In recent decades, residents griped, new environmental rules around conservation and endangered species have limited ranching, grazing, and mining.
For decades, people have been setting fire to the Amazon, mainly to clear land for farming and cattle ranching.
Between 1992 and 2211 the Texas department of agriculture reportedly gave out $21998,22 in loans to encourage emu ranching.
Telescopes have damaged the mountain's summit, but ranching and military have also left their mark on its fragile ecosystems.
Plant-based meat has been gaining popularity as more attention is focused on the environmental hazards of industrial ranching.
Brazilian authorities have long said cattle ranching is responsible for more destruction of the Amazon than any other activity.
We revel in our cowboy culture here, our Texas-meets-Montana beef-ranching and oil-pumping way of life.
You'll do everything from water and waste management, to subsistence farming and ranching, to gas ventilation and power generation.
Women are leading the trend of sustainable ranching and raising grass-fed breeds of cattle in humane, ecological ways.
Then again, the designer Gabriela Hearst grew up in Uruguay in one of the country's oldest sheep ranching families.
In the Amazon, deforestation has long been caused by illegal ranching, logging and the conversion of forests into farms.
People can go in and log or clear forests to use the land for something else, like cattle ranching.
"Just think what it actually costs eventually in a lab as compared to running a ranching operation," he said.
About a million hectares could become available if land used for cattle ranching here is converted to soy, Cristaldo said.
She's married to a rancher, and in ranching, it's hard to estimate how much a person will earn each year.
"Hopefully some of the ranching families and the community will come and support you guys," rancher Royce Wilber told them.
Several studies have shown that palm oil is a major contributor to deforestation, along with cattle ranching and soybean production.
Wildfires are common in the dry season, but are also deliberately set by farmers illegally deforesting land for cattle ranching.
Plant-based meat substitutes have been gaining popularity as more attention is focused on the environmental hazards of industrial ranching.
A gradual switch from cattle ranching to soy, which absorbs less water than grass, has increased flood risk, he said.
It's a lot of developed stuff that used to be ranching, so there's a little leftover ,but mostly it's suburbia.
In April, Mr. Morrison signaled his opposition to the acquisition of a cattle ranching company by a Chinese-led group.
This is more public access to the shore than was available when the land was private ranching and lumbering territory.
Start-ups see an opportunity as more women enter fields such as farming, ranching, welding and other labor-intensive careers.
Others simply felt there were too many forces already marshaled against them, including the state's strong agriculture and ranching lobbies.
I get one day off a week from my ranching duties and that is when I try to be social.
It's normal in the ranching world to have loss, hurt, and death, but seeing it first hand is really heartbreaking.
He writes about being born into the ranching culture, loving that culture but also making the decision to leave it.
"This sweetheart deal must be canceled and reassigned to a New Mexico ranching family," Balderas said in an emailed statement.
This has forced cattle off the range and ranching families from the public lands they have worked on for generations.
Police are investigating how the fire ignited and looking for anyone camping in the sparsely populated ranching area on July 4.
The Dakotas and Montana are known as ranching states, but their Steak House corollaries, named with rapier-like irony, are vegetarian.
In 2033, LIFE ran a photo essay about ranching in the American West that featured a cowboy named Clarence Hailey Long.
For prosperity San Juan County families count on ranching, mining or other extractive industries that are now closed off to them.
NEW YORK/MEDICILÂNDIA, Brazil (Reuters) - For years, Valdomiro Facchi has made a living ranching on land carved from the Amazon rainforest.
I was raised in a town with a little more than 100 people, so I'm pretty familiar with ranching and farming.
Sedgwick County is a sprawling but sparsely populated farming and ranching area in the northeastern corner of the state bordering Nebraska.
Ranching families thronged to the Cochise County Fair, outside the border town of Douglas, for an archetypal show of rural Americana.
A laugh-track-scored retelling of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, The Ranch is set in the world of ranching.
There is zero intention to monetize it in any way, although we do have traditional ranching activities such as raising cattle.
I met this ranching family after visiting the nearby town of Marmarth, N.D., a few miles east of the Montana border.
Maracarana was settled in the 1970s as this part of the forest was cut away to make room for ranching cattle.
Already, the single greatest cause of deforestation in the Amazon is cattle ranching, accounting for 80 percent of newly lost forest.
Before the federal agencies came to eastern Oregon, large ranching operations from California had monopolized hundreds of thousands of acres of rangeland.
Opponents of the rule — particularly farming and ranching groups — clearly didn't buy the EPA's line that this was only a technical update.
He prefers dealing with congressional caucuses, such as those representing the so-called bullet, beef and Bible (gun, ranching and religion) interests.
To this, the disciples respond that they will be doing not open-range livestock ranching, but entirely different, more labor-intensive agriculture.
Resiliency is a necessary and defining character trait of those who have passed down family-owned farming and ranching operations for generations.
For agricultural producers, shallow federal coal seams are also the source of vital groundwater essential to ranching in the semi-arid region.
But the series of litigations and settlements didn't stop Koch Industries, which has since branched into mining, real estate, and even ranching.
MOBRIDGE, S.D. — Harold Labrensz spent much of his 268-year life farming and ranching the rolling Dakota plains along the Missouri River.
Apple has disrupted its fair share of industries over the years — but cattle ranching is usually not mentioned as one of them.
Mr. Lima chafes at such criticism, contending that his critics are unrealistic about the significance of agriculture and ranching in contemporary society.
Now with farming and ranching not as central to the American economy, fairs are less about livestock and more about local life.
This makes farming and ranching a prime partner for the solar industry, solar companies told Motherboard at the World Agriculture Expo last week.
Only 30% of Brazilian territory is dedicated to agriculture and ranching, while in European countries these figures usually range between 45% and 503%.
NEW YORK/MEDICILÂNDIA, Brazil, April 12 (Reuters) - For years, Valdomiro Facchi has made a living ranching on land carved from the Amazon rainforest.
Under the leadership of John and David, Koch Industries was involved in oil refining, chemicals, biofuels, pipelines, commodities trading, ranching, fertilizer and paper.
Totality crosses some huge observatories in Chile's Elqui Valley — a sublime area for stargazing — as well as Argentina's traditional ranching region, the Pampas.
Like many here, Snyder agrees with the occupiers' goal of reducing federal control over western lands where cattle in this ranching area graze.
" But he also nodded toward economic interests, saying that federal oversight has led to "unnecessary restrictions on hunting, ranching, and responsible economic development.
"I utilized a mix of modern elements and subtle ranching touches, giving the home a unique style that breaks from tradition," Brooks says.
Farming and ranching are Montana's top industries, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture - worth $1.48 billion and $1.5 billion respectively in 2017.
Brown, newly anointed and perhaps swayed by pro-ranching staff members, signed the bill into law in a move that drew heavy criticism.
In North America and in South Africa commercial agriculture, crop farming and cattle ranching are generally done by different farmers on different land.
This backward step threatens free-market solutions that have given ranching families across the West the financial flexibility to move to greener pastures.
Ranching can get a little tiring but I get to call my office the outdoors and for that, I am a lucky chick.
For already-struggling communities - which often scrape by on subsistence ranching and gasoline smuggling - the needs of returning Wayuu are hard to meet.
Mr. Gumman suggested we trek out to the Novillo Line Camp, the last of three corrals erected by the island's final ranching dynasty.
The cattle ranching group contends that if a product is going to be labeled "beef," it should come from the flesh of cattle.
With the horse, another animal introduced by the Spanish, the Navajo developed a ranching ethos long before Anglo cowboys arrived on the scene.
There are ways to mitigate the biomass loss from logging and ranching, by being careful about which trees to cut and reforesting afterwards.
After hours of standing by, the choppers finally lifted off around midday, flying for monotonously long stretches over lands cleared for cattle ranching.
Most children are found working in the agriculture, cattle ranching and forestry sectors, as well as in hotels and restaurants, the report said.
As its population has grown, crop farmers have moved onto parched soils that used to be seen as fit only for cattle ranching.
Agriculture and ranching contribute only 6 percent to the local economy while travel and tourism generate 44 percent of the county's private employment.
A lawsuit filed by a coalition of environmental groups that challenged cattle ranching at the park has been in the courts since 2016.
"Cattle ranching is the hardest work I've ever known and the best people I have ever known have been cattle ranchers," he writes.
His experience is typical of ranchers in Kansas this week, where grass fires have scorched more than 650,000 acres, devastating farming and ranching communities.
Saunois said that while the reasons behind the methane surge are not well understood, the most likely sources are cattle ranching and rice farming.
Morrison rejected a previous Chinese-led offer for the ranching company - whose land holdings are the size of South Korea - just six months ago.
This will have devastating consequences for family farming and ranching operations and all those who rely on them for food, feed, fuel and fiber.
On August 10, in the isolated and lawless ranching town of Novo Progresso, in the heart of Brazil's Amazon, an environmental crime took place.
Within that number, you can also break down smaller sections: How much comes from just ranching, or how much comes from Uruguay, for example.
Clinton's designation did, however, change what activities were permitted inside the monument's boundaries: mining and drilling were prohibited, while ranching was allowed to continue.
In my home state of Utah, where my family has been ranching since 22019, the federal government owns about two-thirds of the land.
Private ranching of wild animals is legal in South Africa, where about 6,200 rhinos are in private hands, a third of the national population.
And each job they do—and are subsequently fired from—is manual, hand-callousing work: dairy farming, ranching, prepping fast food, and pumping gas.
As is the case in rainforests around the world, present deforestation is primarily caused by cattle ranching, human migration, armed conflict, farming, and mining.
Such is the curious state of modern Texas ranching, that a giraffe among the oak and the mesquite is an everyday sort of thing.
It's one of those occasional windless days in this desert city, a hub of mining and ranching (and gambling and prostitution) in northeastern Nevada.
The mobsters also shook down many other businesses, including lime farming, cattle ranching and taxis, leading to an uprising of vigilante squads against them.
In Brazil it's cattle ranching, soy production and logging, according to Nigel Sizer, tropical forest ecologist and chief program officer with the Rainforest Alliance.
Once she owned the ranch, she was one of the first in the ranching industry to provide staff with health insurance and retirement plans.
Of course, some places in the West, near cities and thriving ranching communities, might not be a good fit for a thriving lion population.
Republicans argue that those monument designations and many others hurt industries that depend on the land, including fossil fuel extraction, ranching and commercial fishing.
The wolves and other large carnivores (like grizzly bears and mountain lions) targeted for elimination by the ranching industry are also genuine western natives.
It's high time for ranching operations to recognize that when they rent the grass for grazing on public lands, they don't own the place.
Thanks in large measure to predator-killing programs, the ranching industry is losing its social license to operate on national forests and public lands.
Vail is a fourth-generation rancher whose family once had a large ranching operation on Santa Rosa Island, part of the Channel Islands park.
Consisting of nine separate events, charrería is a rodeo that showcases charros — or riders — who display feats of ranching dexterity, including riding, lassoing, and herding.
Activities such as mining, industrial agriculture, cattle ranching, oil drilling and logging are all responsible for dramatic deforestation in the tropical forests inhabited by primates.
Ladd co-owns Drummond Land & Cattle Co. with his brother Tim, and they make up one of the top ranching families in the United States.
To launder their money, they invest in ranching and agriculture, two businesses notorious for bulldozing and burning forests to make way for livestock and crops.
The Ranch follows Colt's return home after a brief and failed semi-pro football career to run the family ranching business with his father Beau.
At Cornell, I had a hallmate from Iowa whose family worked in pig ranching; the school she'd almost attended instead was the University of Iowa.
"Game prices this year are down on average about 20 percent," said Adri Kitshoff-Botha, chief executive of Wildlife Ranching South Africa, an industry group.
That year, a new President was elected, on a promise to crush the FARC : Álvaro Uribe, the scion of a wealthy ranching family in Medellín.
Nimmo's father is an accountant who came from a ranching family, while Bird's father works for a tool company — the same field as his grandfather.
With its cavernous steakhouses and clubs featuring sertanejo universitário (Brazil's version of upscale country music), Goiânia exemplifies the ranching aspirations of much of Brazil's heartland.
He also recommended that Trump change management plans for six other monuments, allowing for additional grazing, ranching, fishing, hunting and other activities in those locations.
Since 2010, miles and miles of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil have been converted for commercial use, including cattle ranching, logging and palm oil production.
Zinke is also recommending Trump change management plans for six other monuments, allowing for additional grazing, ranching, fishing, hunting and other activities in those locations.
Roberto Palmieri, deputy executive secretary of Brazilian forestry institute Imaflora, is particularly concerned by the recent blazes, which were mostly the result of cattle ranching.
Farming and ranching groups from across the Great Plains sent skeins of fence wire and new metal posts to drive three feet into the soil.
That process started with the advent of agriculture about 10,000 years ago and accelerated over the last century as industrial farming and ranching rapidly expanded.
Large-scale Amazon deforestation has made Brazil one of the world's top greenhouse gas emitters, due to fires and the spread of agriculture and cattle ranching.
Nearly 53% of the land in Oregon is federally owned, and that has led to tensions with local communities over mining, ranching, grazing, and logging rights.
Many conservatives advocate for what is known as "multiple use" — essentially using public lands for things like ranching and mining, as well as recreation and conservation.
"We will protect clean water without getting in the way of farming and ranching," then-EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told the National Farmers Union in 2015.
Several natural resources sectors — including oil and gas, ranching and grazing, and the timber industries — have said the law prevents them from operating on public land.
This is far-flung ranching and farming country; prairies and sunflower fields stretch to the horizon, domed by the great blue skies of the American West.
Agribusiness - encompassing agriculture, cattle ranching and food processing - accounts for about 24 percent of Brazil's gross domestic product and employs almost 16 percent of its workforce.
He would also do away with "over-regulation and allow our farming community and ranching community to flourish," ignoring that the two are not mutually exclusive.
After the rollover, they made their way to a plot of land outside Amalia, N.M., a ranching village near the Colorado border with about 200 people.
If carbon markets paid as much as ranching, it would reduce the need for animal husbandry and plantation farming in Brazil, Indonesia or places like Peru.
Cattle ranching is the leading driver of deforestation in Brazil, the world's largest supplier of beef last year, and accounts for 28% of the Amazon destruction.
He often cracks jokes, exudes pride in Brazil's ranching culture and bursts into song while describing the technical aspects of the cowpokes competing for prize money.
Residents of Cache Creek, a small ranching town of 1,000 in south-central British Columbia, were allowed to return home on Tuesday after 11 days in shelters.
Also, the Justice Department, in petitioning to have Mr. Bundy held until trial, criticized his ranching practices, saying he neglected to vaccinate, feed and control his cattle.
The others are Republicans with ties to the farming and ranching sectors - including one member that raises cattle in an area near where the pipeline would cross.
In contrast to its place in Anglo-Hispanic culture in North and South America, steak in France is not linked to the masculinity of horseback cattle-ranching.
Beef prices are also at record highs in Brazil, encouraging land grabbing for cattle ranching which is one of the biggest drivers of deforestation in the region.
Let there be no doubt as to the cause: Most of these fires were set intentionally to clear vast tracts of forest for agriculture and cattle ranching.
Companies like these can divert our diets away from meat, especially beef, since cattle ranching is a major driver of deforestation and of many other environmental harms.
Koch Disruptive Technologies is the venture arm of Koch Industries, the multinational giant that works across a range of oil and gas, manufacturing, ranching and other industries.
So, too, is Bolsonaro's plan to privatize a string of Brazil's state-owned companies and loosen environmental restrictions to make way for more mining, ranching and farming.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads My Dad grew up in Gawler, a country town in South Australia modestly known for a TV show about horse-ranching.
Electricity was more than a century away and the jobs of the era were primarily in farming, ranching and manufacturing — all of which typically took place outdoors.
Fire is used as a tool for clearing Amazon land for ranching, and the more trees are cut down, the more vulnerable the rainforest is to wildfires.
Now, they risked losing everything to his wife and daughter: 3,100 acres of prime land for farming and cattle ranching that abuts a lake and gold mines.
The deforestation is primarily driven by land clearing for cattle ranching and agriculture, but has been exacerbated by rising temperatures, drought and fire related to climate change.
She said it had allowed her to stay involved with students who grew up on ranches and wanted to make ranching their career, just as she had.
An entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded more than two dozen companies, Mr. Williams had a business portfolio that also included farming, ranching, banking and real estate concerns.
Farming and ranching make critical contributions to the economies of communities that dot my old congressional district in West Texas and so much of the American landscape.
But Russia's boreal forest is allowed to grow back after logging and fires, making the process less damaging than clearing tropical rain forest for farming or ranching.
Laikipia is Kenya's second most important wildlife area after the famous Maasai Mara, and many large-scale landowners earn money from tourism as well as cattle ranching.
" But he also hinted at a financial upside for certain parties, claiming that federal oversight has led to "unnecessary restrictions on hunting, ranching, and responsible economic development.
The review has cheered energy, mining, ranching and timber advocates but has drawn widespread criticism and threats of lawsuits from conservation groups and the outdoor recreation industry.
"We're just hoping for the rain to come and make it to the next cycle," said Monte Tucker, who runs a farming and ranching operation in Sweetwater, Oklahoma.
In late 2015, Ammon Bundy and his brother Ryan traveled to rural Harney County, Oregon, where another ranching family was facing their own confrontation against the federal government.
Soy farming has been a driver of Amazon deforestation, marking the total destruction of jungle areas after activities such as logging and ranching clear larger trees and undergrowth.
Adam Putnam, the state agriculture commissioner and the first major Republican to announce his candidacy for governor, grew up in his family's citrus farming and cattle ranching business.
And while the Drummonds now run a laundry list of booming businesses, both with her Pioneer Woman endeavors and his cattle-ranching company, things weren't always that way.
At the state level, hunting and ranching interests wield power to fund lobbying efforts to delist wolves from the ESA, legitimize wolf bounties, and expand hunting and trapping.
The Peninsular Pronghorn is one of the most endangered large mammals in Mexico, thanks to the ever-popular combination of overhunting and loss of habitat due to ranching.
Ranching and farming bluefin tuna are costly endeavours, but the incredible demand, mostly originating in Japan, has lifted prices to roughly $25 USD per kilogram of gutted fish.
Originally a water stop along the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railway, Marfa began as a sleepy ranching town that was de facto segregated well into the 1960s.
You might not know this, but ranching is a lifestyle, not just a job so anytime you can spend an extra 193 minutes in bed, you take it.
I don't think anyone would criticize Sanders if he declined to take money from, say, conservative oil, ranching and textile baron Charles Koch or casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.
In response, Congress — in a rare lucid moment — amended the Clean Water Act to say that normal farming and ranching activities do not require dredge and fill permits.
Mr. MacLean, who owns more than 5,000 sheep, shares a shearing shed with seven other families who bought the building from a large ranching conglomerate in the 1950s.
Because of its size, Arlee competes in Class C, the division representing Montana's smallest schools, most of them in mining and ranching towns or communities in Indian Country.
But farming and ranching generates much of the country's wealth and influences Brazilian culture these days, even if the region sometimes neglects its own complex and sophisticated history.
The massive rainforest once covered roughly 2.1 million square miles, but some 20 percent has already been razed, mostly for lumber, slash-and-burn agriculture, and cattle ranching.
Cliven Bundy has talked about his desire to go back to ranching, and his two sons Ammon and Ryan have also expressed a wish to return to home life.
Kutcher and Masterson play brothers in the comedy series about a former semi-pro football player (Kutcher) who returns home to Colorado to help run his family's ranching business.
Mr Skinner sympathises with his ranching neighbours jailed for arson; but he has no truck with anti-government radicals, and thinks that the BLM has every right to exist.
That same year, Norris, who primarily came from a family of financiers and lawyers, went into the horse and cattle business after learning the ranching business from an uncle.
It's important that policy decision makers weighing in on the value of the industry have a real understanding of the numerous benefits of public lands ranching to our nation.
But here, the tiny neighboring ranching and railroad towns of Westcliffe (population 568) and Silver Cliff (population 587) have decided to tap into the dwindling natural resource of darkness.
At the Malheur refuge, a dispute between federal officials and a local ranching family — Dwight L. Hammond and his son Steven D. Hammond — became a catalyst for the militants.
President Temer, who is deeply unpopular, has sought support from powerful agricultural, ranching and mining lobbies to push economic changes through Congress and shelter him from a corruption investigation.
More trees are being cut down or burned to open up land for agriculture and cattle ranching, along with illegal mining and logging that is going unchecked, environmentalists say.
NOVO PROGRESSO, Brazil (Reuters) - A maverick journalist in this isolated Brazilian ranching town warned his readers last month that the surrounding Amazon was about to go up in flames.
The area is mainly a ranching area of barns and other buildings and no evacuations were ordered, said Scott McLean of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
Lowland regions have been racked by a drought fueled by an expansion of cattle ranching and soy farming in forested regions, making traditional slash-and-burn practices increasingly risky.
Jose Payme, an indigenous Chiquitano chief, said a drought this year and the fires raging near his ranching community of Santa Marta are the worst it has ever seen.
In the past, governments and nonprofit groups have tried to promote a practical alternative meat source through wildlife ranching, focusing on the same species targeted by the bushmeat trade.
Its oldest room was built in 1830 as a ranching outpost when families lived on the south side of the Rio Grande and farmed their cattle to the north.
The retailer of farming and ranching supplies gave a mixed outlook for the full year, although it is seeing positive momentum in same-store sales after a string of declines.
The first, of course, was the documentary with his collaborator, Jessica Medenbach, in which he followed brothers Peto and Don Meike over the course of their last year of ranching.
An old ranching and farming community near Covelo, located in Northern California with about 60 homes, has been evacuated, as the fire "was threatening structures," Kendall told the Associated Press.
The girls in my hall — myself included, all of us from the East Coast — teased her about her pig-ranching background, a fact of which I'm now very much ashamed.
Most of the rural parts of the district have suffered as mining and ranching industries flag; only two of the district's six counties outside Clark have gained population since 28503.
BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Indigenous groups in Paraguay, battling to protect their ancestral lands from expanding agriculture and cattle ranching, launched the first online map of their territory on Tuesday.
Both areas have their roots in mining, forestry, oil and gas and ranching, and they recognize the value of wisely using resources as the engine to drive a strong economy.
Opponents – including scores of landowners on the proposed route – will instead argue the jobs are temporary and the risks of the pipeline to local industries like cattle ranching too great.
The officials pushed for shrinking the size of some monuments as they emphasized the value of logging, ranching and energy development that could be unlocked on some of those lands.
At 63, Searle still cuts a frontiersman's profile; a cutting-horse competitor and former bank manager, he is descended from a prominent ranching family and formerly served as county supervisor.
"Bolivia has a history of intensive logging, cattle ranching and soy farming bolstered in large part by high Chinese demand," he said, noting Morales had been open to foreign investment.
It became an agricultural center in the late 22004s, when a British naval captain gave Hawaii's King Kamehameha I a herd of longhorn cattle that spawned an entire ranching industry.
" Lopez proceeds in a rented four-wheel drive to a sheep-ranching outpost where a geologist has arranged lodging, 120 miles from the nearest town "on an unsigned dirt track.
Those in the wild roam just 10 percent of the land they once lived on, thanks in part to the expansion of tourism, livestock farming, and ranching in the region.
Marion represented the fourth generation of a renowned Texas ranching family that once owned more than a third of a million acres; today the holdings amount to about 21980,21988 acres.
His government has weakened enforcement of environmental laws by cutting funding and personnel at key government agencies, and it has scaled back efforts to fight illegal logging, mining and ranching.
Yet a soccer-field-sized area of the Amazon rainforest is cleared every 60 seconds due to logging for timber, or clearing space for cattle ranching, soy farming, and mining.
Rather than focus solely on where a buyer wants to live, the United Country approach advertises a lifestyle, whether that's small-town living, ranching, farming, waterfront or hunting and fishing.
New Mexico officials believe that reviving theaters in ranching towns and small cities near American Indian reservations will help create jobs in struggling downtown districts and spark excitement in entertainment deserts.
The North Dakota law says farming or ranching companies must have no more than 15 shareholders or members who must belong to the same family, to a distance of first cousins.
So here's the deal, outside of Mad Max: Fury Road and Baz Lurhman's seminal ode to ranching, Australia, the land from Down Under has given this world of ours basically nothing.
He was always moving, either literally in his many hunting and ranching trips, or metaphorically, fighting corporations, pushing through plans for the Panama Canal, and heralding a new era for conservation.
"Yellowstone," a contemporary western, stars Kevin Costner and highlights a ranching family on the verge of losing their land to a Native American reservation, urban land developers and a national park.
The government has budgeted some $3003 million to help those in the zones, which are protected by government forces, start some 300 farming, ranching, shoemaking, fishery, woodworking and now tourism projects.
Supporters of the proposal say recession-hit Brazil needs to open up more land in the Amazon for farming, cattle ranching and mining to create jobs, alleviate poverty and spurn growth.
Last year, raids carried out by government labour inspectors identified 885 labourers in slave-like conditions, with more than half found in agriculture and cattle ranching, down from 1,509 in 2014.
Industries ranging from mining and oil drilling to ranching and farming have long opposed presidential monument declarations, saying they lock down valuable federal land they could use to grow their sectors.
The curriculum focuses on academics, self-governance, and labor — so students have classes in the morning, and after lunch they take part in work ranging from cooking to farming and ranching
A church that never hosted their funerals Back in the driver's seat, Molis continued down the lane toward the church her once-affluent family owned and shared with its ranching neighbors.
NOVO PROGRESSO, Brazil, Sept 11 (Reuters) - A maverick journalist in this isolated Brazilian ranching town warned his readers last month that the surrounding Amazon was about to go up in flames.
Led by two brothers from a Nevada ranching family, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, they were protesting the imprisonment of a pair of ranchers convicted of lighting fires that burned federal land.
But since then, cattle ranching has been responsible for 103,000 square miles of additional deforestation (equivalent to the area of New Hampshire and Vermont combined), according to University of Wisconsin researchers.
If leases for mining, ranching, drilling or logging already exist on land to be made into a national monument, they can continue, but new leases probably won't be allowed, she said.
But it's time to phase out ranching and phase in the native grazers — the tule elk — just as the Park Service committed to do in its 85033 Tule Elk Management Plan.
Last year, raids carried out by government labor inspectors identified 885 laborers in slave-like conditions, with more than half found in agriculture and cattle ranching, down from 1,509 in 2014.
On the other side of Capitol Hill, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing Wednesday on the impact of federal environmental regulations on farming and ranching communities.
On Wednesday, a settlement was announced that requires the park service to study the impacts of ranching and create a new management plan for the seashore, with public input, by 2021.
Smith, who was born in Chickasha, Oklahoma, in 1906 (one year before it became a state), and was Cherokee, brought Native American and cattle ranching motifs into hard-edged geometric abstraction.
These fees initially were meant to cover administrative costs, but, as time went on, and the Grazing Service became the BLM, grazing fees essentially came under the control of the ranching industry.
He had maintained a distance from the occupiers, while arguing, like many local residents, that he thought the Bundys had given the ranching community a platform they never had access to before.
As part of its congressional mandate to balance commercial and environmental concerns, including conservation, the federal government imposes reasonable rules on how public land can be used for mining, logging and ranching.
In 2017, Ibama said it fined 14 meat-packers and applied fines totally 294 million reais ($76.5 million) as part of an investigation into illegal ranching in deforested areas of the Amazon.
The landmark measures implemented 21 months ago were aimed at saving the grouse while allowing activities such as energy development, mining and ranching to co-exist with the chicken-sized prairie fowl.
Education was not a priority for the family, since the boys were expected to work, and Audemio never learned to read well, but he liked ranching and it was a picturesque childhood.
That means the financial interests of mining, gas, ranching and logging executives may soon outweigh the necessity of protecting the land we all share and the wild creatures that live on it.
My dupes have eaten dinner in a clogged outhouse; suffocated while harvesting plants; stress vomited while running on a wheel style generator; cried while ranching because I built the graveyard too nearby.
Between 2005 and 2014, deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon declined by 70 percent due to improved enforcement of environmental protections, international funding mechanisms, pressure from activists, and more efficient farming and ranching.
Dr. Arnot has been trying to sound the alarm, by publishing articles in farming and ranching magazines that detail practical, inexpensive fixes and by devising wildlife-friendly guidelines for electric fence installation.
When I have my days off, I typically spend a lot of money on useless things but the six days I am ranching, I typically don't spend any money.... or very little.
To save the newest members of their herd, ranching families work through the snowy nights in rotating shifts, searching for newborn calves with their flashlights and pulling them into the warming shed.
While the family fortune was founded on ranching and cattle, it was the discovery of oil, in 1921 and then in 1969, that produced the riches that made it possible for Mrs.
Faleiro said the government was seeking to blame the fires on nongovernmental organizations rather than on land grabbers, who environmentalists say set blazes to illegally clear virgin land for farming and ranching.
Whiteclay, a town with only a dozen residents surrounded by ranching country, is several hundred feet from the South Dakota border, and easily accessible to Native Americans who live on the reservation.
In the past 50 years Brazil has relinquished 17% of the forest's original extent, more than the area of France, to road- and dam-building, logging, mining, soyabean farming and cattle ranching.
The expansion of a rodeo circuit in Brazil, with hundreds of flashy competitions held across the vast interior each year, points to the importance of ranching as a pillar of the economy.
When Noem was selling the Republican tax plan last year, she became the face of repealing the estate tax, which she said had negatively impacted her ranching family when her father died.
He had been born poor himself, in a camp outside the shabby ranching-and-mining town of La Libertad in Chontales province, the illegitimate son of a prospector and an Indian peasant woman.
The story rotates around a Montana ranching family headed by John Dutton (Kevin Costner, appropriately face-tanned, wearing an unbelievably well-washed puffy jacket) and supported, in various ways, by his four children.
One group consisted of 1,278 women from the Criollo population, a people of mixed Spanish and indigenous heritage who live relatively modern lives and typically engage in small-scale farming and cattle-ranching.
Mark Wintch's family has been ranching in Milford, Utah, for more than 100 years, grazing cattle on a combination of private property and public range land leased from the state and federal government.
"The household bank account was a crop," added Shezi of his family experience, standing among a herd of cattle at a partner farm in Vryheid, a ranching town in northern KwaZulu-Natal province.
In the ads, Norris was always featured in a fictional world of ranching, wearing cowboy attire — including his iconic cowboy hat — as he held a cigarette in either his mouth or his hand.
Cliven Bundy himself first clashed with the federal government in the early 1990s, when federal land agencies instituted new environmental regulations that would have made it financially impossible for him to continue ranching.
Most of those families came to Utah because they were Mormon and came to Boulder to pasture their cattle, and the twin influences of the Latter-day Saints and ranching still dominate today.
Ranching families had taken a hit in the past two decades, in part because trade agreements led to the consolidation of many cattle operations and an increase in imported beef from South America.
When President George W. Bush called Justice O'Connor on the day she announced her retirement, he remarked, "For an old ranching girl, you turned out pretty good," a reference to her Western roots.
The atmosphere was not surprising — Elko, population about 18,000, sits in the northeastern corner of Nevada, an oasis in the Great Basin's high-desert terrain and the center of the area's ranching lifestyle.
Many Texas Latinos that I know have some connection to the valley and the region represents a center of cultural identity and historical richness, where ranching traditions and familial roots predate the border.
It supported the Union in the American Civil War and, after 1876, opened its doors wide to American investment in railroads, mining, agriculture, ranching, logging, manufacturing, public services, banking and the oil industry.
But the state is composed of many elements: a long history of ranching and mining; a sudden influx of young, outdoors-oriented residents; a total population that is more than a fifth Hispanic.
Francis flew to the city of Villavicencio in Meta province, a vast cattle ranching area which was a hotbed of right-wing paramilitary and Marxist guerrilla violence during a conflict with successive governments.
Founded in the late 1800s as a hub for mining and ranching, it had become just another windblown town in the West, filled with empty storefronts, mobile homes, and veterans cashing Social Security checks.
About 2000 homes in an old ranching and farming area near Covelo, which is about 22015 miles (21 kilometers) north of San Francisco, were ordered evacuated as the blaze erupted late in the afternoon.
Read: Brazil's Bolsonaro set to get tough on everything Existing threats The forest is being cut down to make way for activities like cattle ranching, soy bean farming, mining, hydropower dams and new highways.
Indeed, in the midst of a climate emergency, Bolsonaro's policies to slash environmental protections and develop the Amazon for mining, ranching and farming jeopardize the future of life on Earth as we know it.
There aren&apost any immediate reports of houses burned but official have ordered evacuations for about 60 homes in the area, an old ranching and farming area on the edge of a national forest.
At the other end of the American political spectrum, cowboy hats and boots remain central to Texas's folk culture, but it's been a long time since cattle ranching was central to the state economy.
Thanks to 200 years of cattle ranching, more than half of Padre Island has remained as undeveloped as it was when the Coahauiltecan and Karankawan tribes made camp here seasonally through the mid-1800s.
Cattle ranching has been responsible for 18,000 square miles of additional deforestation — equivalent to New Hampshire and Vermont combined — since the 2009 agreement between Greenpeace and the meatpackers, according to University of Wisconsin researchers.
Eli is trying to move the family business away from ranching and into oil, believing that there is crude to be found under his land, and his vicious streak is very much in evidence.
At the turn of the last century, there was vehement opposition to the creation of national parks, which were seen as a waste of land that could be used for logging, mining, and ranching.
Trump has said previous administrations abused their right to create monuments under the Antiquities Act of 1906 by imposing limits on drilling, mining, logging, ranching and other activities in huge areas, mainly in Western states.
Their influence has largely been powered by a fortune centered on Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the United States, whose operations range from refining and chemicals to ranching and forest products.
By posting almost exclusively on recreation and conservation, BLM and Interior ignore a huge part of their mission to foster productive uses of non-park, non-wilderness public lands, such as energy development and ranching.
Trump has said previous administrations abused their right to create monuments under the Antiquities Act of 1906 by imposing limits on drilling, mining, logging, ranching and other activities in huge areas, mainly in western states.
The younger Koch, now 9.53 years old, quickly segues into the tale of the astounding growth of the company, which currently employs some 100,000 people in fields as varied as oil, ranching and commodities trading.
The regime saw unmet potential in the region, held back by the lingering presence of disruptive indigenous peoples whose preservation of traditional ways of life got in the way of logging, mining, and cattle ranching.
As cattle ranching and meat-packing transformed the economy in the late nineteenth century, the United States acquired new territories, the apparatus of the state grew, and Americans came to expect cheap and plentiful meat.
But oil, gas and ranching interests, as well as some Western conservatives, said that plan was too expansive, and the Trump administration earlier this year said it would review and potentially rewrite the protection strategy.
Just a half-mile from our reservation boundary, the proposed route crosses the Missouri River, which provides drinking water for millions of Americans and irrigation water for thousands of acres of farming and ranching lands.
In a part of the world rich in natural resources, one strategy has used the wealth of the land — agriculture, ranching and mining — to subsidize urban consumption without enhancing the skills and productivity of workers.
Scientists say that the fires are linked to deforestation, with people often clearing the forest of valuable timber and then setting fire to the remains in order to clear the land for ranching or farming.
Scientists say that the fires are linked to deforestation, with people often clearing the forest of valuable timber and then setting fire to the remains in order to clear the land for ranching or farming.
"Don't get me started on the Amazon," Mr. Lima said, referring to the vast river basin where, the authorities say, the expansion of Brazil's ranching frontier has illegally destroyed large tracts of the rain forest.
Previous to returning to the ranching operation in 1984, he worked in the tax department of a then "big eight" public accounting firm and later in the commercial section of a downtown Phoenix law firm.
But after 703 years of ranching, Mark and Mary Kaltenbach were not ready for what met them after a wildfire charred their land and more than one million acres of rain-starved range this month.
Energy, mining, ranching and timber industries have cheered the review, while conservation groups and the outdoor recreation industry threatened lawsuits over what they see as an effort to undo protections of critical natural and cultural resources.
Besides disrupting cattle ranching and agriculture on the river's flood plains, heavy flooding has health consequences for communities in Brazil, Peru and other Amazon nations, as it contaminates water and helps spread disease, said the study.
Ranching and logging are rapidly destroying forests that have been home for centuries to indigenous communities in the Amazon, often dubbed the "lungs of the planet" for its role in sucking up climate-changing carbon dioxide.
Trump has proposed dramatically expanding offshore oil drilling, despite health and safety-related objections from coastal states, and has reduced protected land in the West, which critics argue was done to benefit mining and ranching companies.
Experts blame cattle ranching for up to 80 percent of the Amazon's deforestation in recent years, which has led to international environmental campaigns to pressure meatpackers to forsake purchasing cattle from ranches involved in such burnings.
Why not give these seniors a "Golden Saddle" that would allow permittees to reconfigure their ranching operations without depending upon the increasing problematic use of public lands, invest in new enterprise, or ride comfortably into retirement?
Few meat eaters would ever confuse towns such as Griswold and Cornwall with Texas locales like Abilene or Amarillo, but as different as they may be, those places do have one thing in common: cattle ranching.
"Wolves are Democrats," I was told more than once; they symbolize Big Government and regulation and all the ways that distant bureaucrats and coastal elites want to destroy the cherished rural ranching culture of the West.
SERRA DO CACHIMBO BIOLOGICAL RESERVE, Brazil — A smoky, choking haze drifted over a lush rainforest reserve in the Brazilian Amazon last month, as fires lit by cattlemen illegally ranching on protected land spread through the jungle.
Streck said the biggest threat to forests among agricultural commodities probably comes from beef, because the area logged for cattle ranching is nine times larger than to grow oil palm, yet has received far less attention.
Livestock farming also requires land to be cleared -- according to the WWF, around 17% of the Amazon forest has been lost in the past 50 years, with most losses due to forest conversion for cattle ranching.
Ammon Bundy, the crew's leader and the scion of a Nevada ranching family steeped in disputes with the federal government, said he and his sympathizers had gone to Oregon to give the refuge back to local ranchers.
The system works, for now For all the faults of ecotourism and wildlife ranching in South Africa, the truth is that allowing wildlife to pay its way does appear, at the moment, to be working for conservation.
Steel companies only employ a few thousand American workers, while other industries that employ millions more — oil and gas, farming and ranching, and technology and manufacturing — will be directly harmed by an escalation of the tariff war.
Ethan Lane, the executive director of the Public Lands Council, a ranching group, said monument designations have impinged on ranchers' land use rights in the West, and Zinke's review provides the chance to correct some of that.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, a 2020 Democratic presidential contender, unveiled a plan on Monday to tackle climate change with a focus on slashing emissions from farming and ranching and conserving nearly a third of U.S. lands.
Photo: Tim Boyle / Staff (Getty)It's no secret that modern humans, with our fuel-burning cars, massive ranching and agriculture practices, and penchant for disposable goods, have had a huge impact on nearly every environment across the globe.
Other recommendations in the memo reportedly include smaller adjustments—like allowing activities like ranching and logging—to Oregon's Cascade-Siskiyou, Nevada's Gold Butte, Maine's Katahdin Woods, and New Mexico's Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks and Rio Grande Del Norte.
Although fires are still burning in the area of Cache Creek, a ranching community of 1,000 residents some 393 kilometers (219 miles) northeast of Vancouver, the threat has reduced, British Columbia chief fire information officer Kevin Skrepnek said.
Juan Carlos Castilla Rubio wanted to shift the economy of the Amazon basin away from industries such as mining, logging and ranching, and towards one based on exploiting the region's living organisms and the biological information they embody.
The county is nearly 50 percent Native, and many residents have been opposed to the monument status for years, saying that their livelihoods would be wiped out or severely impacted by restrictions on cattle ranching, mining, and logging.
The son of multiple generations of cattle-ranching Wyoming Republican Mormons, Barlow says the chaos he saw in India reinforced his belief that the United States was en route to its own kind of spiritual and political collapse.
The 1928 house, built as a weekend getaway for a wealthy ranching family, features many of the details that can be spotted in nearly all of Keaton's homes: colorful Spanish tiles, wrought-iron railings, and white stucco walls.
They argue that the farming and ranching business in North Dakota needs to evolve to stay competitive: Dairies and hog farms have declined in recent years, prompting many people to argue that the industries could use a boost.
Rising conflicts over large-scale agricultural projects from cattle ranching to sugar cane and palm oil plantations led to more deaths of activists than any other sector, overtaking mining for the first time since 2002, the report said.
Ten months after two brothers from this country's most notorious ranching family staged an audacious, armed occupation of a wildlife sanctuary in eastern Oregon, their call to shift federal land to local control has softened to a whisper.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration proposed on Tuesday reducing federal protections for U.S. waterways, an action sought by ranching and mining interests but one that will likely be held up in the courts amid lawsuits brought by environmentalists.
This might require stepping away from their urban workplaces and visiting a ranching business, in one of the 14 western states where this work takes place, to inform the decisions they will ultimately be making on Capitol Hill.
The greater opening in China comes as Brazil's meatpackers face tougher scrutiny from markets such as Europe over how a boom in cattle ranching has contributed to deforestation and fires in the Amazon rainforest and other sensitive habitats.
But because Alberta became a province only in 1905, it still doesn't take much effort to find people whose grandparents and even parents were part of the European settlement of what has become Alberta's farming and ranching areas.
In Villavicencio - the capital of central Meta province, a vast cattle ranching area which has been a hotbed of paramilitary and rebel violence - Francis will see a destroyed statue of Christ brought from western Choco province for his visit.
"It isn't as uniform across all livestock operations as it can be and as we want to see it, but it is dramatically more accepted as a way of ranching than it was even two years ago," Cantrell said.
Trump has argued previous administrations abused their right to designate monuments under the Antiquities Act of 1906 and put millions of acres, mainly in western states, off limits to drilling, mining, logging and ranching without adequate input from locals.
"As FARC has demobilized, large areas are opening up once again, and you're seeing this rush of people grabbing land for different reasons, like planting cocoa or cattle ranching," said Mikaela Weisse, a research analyst with Global Forest Watch.
Typically regarded as waste in the ranching industry, bison down can be sustainably sourced and repurposed as opposed to other materials like duck or goose down where the animals are often treated inhumanely or killed specifically for their feathers. 
The future of Renca has become the latest dispute in the fight between Mr. Temer and conservationists, who say the president has become beholden to powerful political factions that represent the interests of the agricultural, ranching and mining industries.
"Frontline" ventures inside the standoffs between the federal government and the Bundy ranching family, which was supported by an armed militia, to investigate how a long-simmering fight over public lands in Nevada and Oregon turned deadly in 2016.
The farm lobby said it was working to improve the monitoring and tracing of the origins of cattle, a concern on international markets where consumers are aware that cattle ranching is the main cause of deforestation in the Amazon.
LAHREN: Jesse, I&aposm from South Dakota and I come from a ranching family and we have fencing to keep cattle and horses in that&aposs better than the fencing that we have on the border to protect our country.
The rollback of the ESA, long sought-after by energy developers, is one of many moves by U.S. President Donald Trump to relax regulations to hasten oil, gas and coal production, as well as grazing, ranching and logging on federal land.
WASHINGTON, May 20 (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, a 2020 Democratic presidential contender, unveiled a plan on Monday to tackle climate change with a focus on slashing emissions from farming and ranching and conserving nearly a third of U.S. lands.
The weakening of the Act's protections is one of many moves by U.S. President Donald Trump, a Republican, to roll back existing regulations to hasten oil, gas and coal production, as well as grazing, ranching and logging on federal land.
The ranchers' siege is a protest against the federal government and in support of local ranching father and son Dwight and Steven Hammond, who were sent to prison after a government appeal of their sentences for arson on federal lands.
This classic prairie tableau had become a rare sight across most of North America's Great Plains, after almost two centuries of Euro-American settlement that has tilled or fenced off much of the vast grassland for agriculture and cattle ranching.
But the review has created a tug-of-war between industries like fishing, ranching and logging, arguing the creation of monuments comes at the cost of jobs, and the Main Street businesses that get foot traffic from visitors to the monuments.
"The BLM and Forest Service are committed to strong relationships with the ranching community and work closely with permittees to ensure public rangelands remain healthy, productive working landscapes," Brian Steed, the top official at the BLM, said in a statement.
He once suggested that one way to protect the habitat of grazing animals in Africa would be to promote their harvesting as a food source so that local populations would become less reliant on farming and ranching, which destroy habitats.
Out of the jury's presence, she has flatly said that some of those beliefs are wrong — notably that two members of a ranching family who live near the refuge were charged as "terrorists" by the government in an arson case.
Five places The city, in the shadow of Sun Valley resort, has a rich history of mining and sheep ranching, but it's also "Wild West Idaho," says professional skier, Lexi du Pont, a local who shares some of her favorite places.
This is particularly the case in western states where the ESA and the impacts associated with listing certain species -- such as habitat restoration, requirements for various human activities like farming and ranching, and consistent monitoring -- can become lightning rods for controversy.
Across the globe, cleared land is needed to expand agriculture and other activities, such as the cattle ranching, soy production and logging favored in Brazil, according to Nigel Sizer, a tropical forest ecologist and chief program officer with the Rainforest Alliance.
Some is the result of illegal loggers looking for the fine woods so prized in making instruments or furniture; others clearing the way for cattle ranching, soya crops; and in Colombia particularly, coca farmers are clearing jungle to sow drug crops.
It is a very urban state with the population concentrated in Las Vegas and its suburbs and in the Reno area, but we also have a number of small towns and extensive ranching, farming, and mining enterprises throughout our rural areas.
Despite championing such feats, along with his own rising prominence, Mr. Lima contends that elites in cities like São Paulo and Rio opt to ignore the signs around them that Brazil's ranching culture, with its conservative values, is gaining prominence.
The weakening of the act's protections is one of many moves by U.S. President Donald Trump, a Republican, to roll back existing regulations and boost oil, gas and coal production, as well as grazing, ranching and logging on federal land.
Trump has argued that previous administrations abused their right to create monuments under the Antiquities Act of 1906 by putting huge areas, mainly in Western states, off limits to drilling, mining, logging, ranching and other activities without adequate input from locals.
When the militia says things like "freeing the land," what it really means is less freeing the land from the BLM than it is in freeing the land from other ranchers (the sort that do actual ranching) who own leases on BLM land.
Driscoll — heiress to ranching and real estate interests, fluent in three languages, a writer and world traveler and and onetime Broadway producer who played a central role in preserving the Alamo — deeded her property before her death to the state's fine arts association.
"It is our goal to get the logger back to logging, to get the rancher back to ranching, to get the miner back to mining, the farmer back to farming and to jump-start this economy in Harney County," he told reporters.
Trump had argued that previous administrations "abused" their right to designate monuments under the Antiquities Act of 1906 and put millions of acres of land, mainly in western states, off limits to drilling, mining, logging and ranching without adequate input from locals.
Led by a man named Ammon Bundy — whose father, Cliven, instigated his own armed confrontation with federal authorities over cattle ranching in Nevada in 2014 — this hyperweaponized posse rolled into town and seized administrative buildings at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday.
TEPIC, Mexico (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Latin American cloud forests, energy-saving street lights in Rio de Janeiro and sustainable cattle ranching in the Amazon will get a boost from new financial instruments to channel capital for tackling climate change, their backers said.
The roughly 25-minute video follows two vehicles carrying groups of militia members from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which they had occupied for more than three weeks in protest of federal ranching policies, to a public meeting in John Day, Oregon.
WASHINGTON, Dec 11 (Reuters) - The Trump administration is expected to propose weakening protections for U.S. wetlands on Tuesday, in a move sought by ranching and mining interests but one that will likely be held up in the courts amid opposition from environmentalists.
The Los Angeles-based company in early January announced it was rolling out its plant-based burger at fast-food chain Carl's Jr. Plant-based meat substitutes have been gaining popularity as more attention is focused on the environmental hazards of industrial ranching.
On the right side of the road, at the opening of an alley, there appeared a black and white mural of a campesino, wearing a straw hat that sprouted an entire ecosystem of corn and agave, ranching and farming, tradition and hope.
A promotional contract obliges him to wear Wrangler jeans, and decades of ranching and roping inclines him to wear them stacked—that is, long and bunched up, so that he could, if necessary, mount a horse without fear of exposing any extra boot.
They were concerned with declining fish and game, negative impacts on farm and ranching, and the shifting timing and abundance of traditional foods gathered from the grasslands and forests: prairie turnips in June, chokecherries in July, buffalo berries and wild mushrooms in September.
BOISE, Idaho – Public lands managers are losing a battle against a devastating combination of invasive plant species and wildfires in the vast sagebrush habitats in the U.S. West that support cattle ranching and recreation and are home to an imperiled bird, officials said.
Now, as mechanization and technology transform the ranching industry, making the job of cowboy less about physical strength — though female ranchers have that in spades — and more about business, animal husbandry and the environment, women have reclaimed their connection to the land.
That shift reflected a trend that was already well under way throughout Western rural areas: the transition from the Old West, with an economy based on farming, ranching, and resource extraction, to the New West, with an economy based on technology, tourism, and recreation.
But the exhilarating waves that once reached five feet high are gone now, squelched by man-made factors, such as the large-scale ranching of Asian water buffaloes, an invasive species introduced to the Amazon decades ago, and new hydroelectric dams built along the Araguari.
Others point to Brazil's new far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, who champions the exploitation of the Amazon for economic gain and who's government has scaled back efforts to fight illegal logging, ranching and mining — thus emboldening more farmers, ranchers, and land-grabbers to clear forestlands.
The occupiers took control of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for 41 days starting just after New Year's Day, opposing both federal ownership of vast tracts of the West, and supporting a local ranching family, the Hammonds, who the occupiers said had been unfairly prosecuted.
Trump had argued that previous administrations "abused" their right to designate national monuments under the U.S. Antiquities Act of 1906 and put millions of acres of land, mainly in western states, off limits to drilling, mining, logging and ranching without adequate input from locals.
The Hammonds claimed the fires were set to help their ranching operations and were sentenced to short prison sentences in 2012; when the Obama administration appealed, those sentences were increased to five years apiece in 2015, the mandatory minimum for setting fires on federal land.
"We're talking timber-dependent or ranching communities that really spend a lot more time interfacing with that land and have a lot more of their livelihood tied to it," said Travis Paveglio, an assistant professor of natural resource sociology at the University of Idaho.
While new hotels (Limelight Hotel on the south end, Hotel Ketchum on the north) bookend Main Street, the half-mile stretch still exudes plenty of the old-time charm from Ketchum's mining and sheep ranching heyday with cabin-style shops and historic brick buildings.
Trump had argued that previous administrations "abused" their right to designate national monuments under the U.S. Antiquities Act of 1906, and put millions of acres of land, mainly in western states, off limits to drilling, mining, logging and ranching without adequate input from locals.
Most working people cannot afford to take a month or two off without pay to serve in the legislature, but conveniently midwinter is an idle time for ranching operations, and so it is that ranchers are heavily over-represented among the ranks of state legislators.
One company, Urchinomics, is already working on urchin ranching projects in Japan, Canada and California and sees a future where the overwhelming demand for wild urchin roe is replaced by a taste for human-raised purple urchins collected from the seafloor, allowing kelp forests to rebound.
In Brazil, which has suffered a funding shortfall for green action, the Climate Smart Cattle Ranching scheme is seeking to raise $200 million for projects designed to restore damaged grazing land and reduce deforestation in the Amazon, targeting more than 300,000 hectares in the first five years.
Compare that to the forced, grueling boredom of Red Dead Redemption 1's oft-debated first few hours, which starts with a 15-minute opening cinematic of a man sitting on a train, followed by missions of tiresome ranching, cow wrangling, wagon driving, and pest control.
Strait developed a lifelong obsession with ranching, although he also had other interests: after high school, he married his girlfriend, Norma, spent a few semesters in college, and then joined the Army, which assigned him to the 25th Infantry Division, stationed at Schofield Barracks, in Hawaii.
The multi-camera comedy follows Colt (Kutcher), who moves back home to Colorado after a brief and failed semi- pro football career to run the family ranching business with his older brother, Jameson "Rooster" (Masterson), and father Beau (Sam Elliott), whom he hasn't seen in 15 years.
The concept is starting to catch on with beef connoisseurs and small ranchers like Mr. Meyers, who would rather spend time ranching than doing all the work required to sell beef directly to customers: blogging about their cattle, promoting themselves on social media, juggling order logistics.
As wolves are recolonizing the wide-open spaces of the West, they are running into a buzzsaw of political meddling at the hands of a ranching industry that yearns for the glory days of its forebears, who killed wolves to the brink of extinction generations ago.
The makeshift village — with about 1603 tepees, wooden racks holding strips of drying meat and buffalo hides spread on the ground — was the backdrop for a grueling scene from AMC's adaptation of Mr. Meyer's 2013 novel, "The Son," an epic Western about a Texas ranching family.
After decades of steady rangeland deterioration, and increasing violence among cattle ranchers, it became clear that the historical system of, well, no system wasn't sustainable; not "unsustainable" in the environmentalist sense (or not directly), but in the sense of the continuation of ranching as a viable economic activity.
This demonstrates the potential of this kind of work in the most deforested regions of the country, like Caquetá, Guaviare, the south of Meta, the north of Chocó, the Catatumbo, the south of Bolívar, or the lower Cauca, where deforestation has occurred largely because of extensive cattle ranching.
Members of the group also want state and local officials to hold a hearing on what they say is the abuse of federal authority against one particular ranching family here, the Hammonds, two of whom surrendered to the authorities on arson charges on Monday and went to prison.
State Question 777 (its official name, usually shortened to S.Q. 777), which was set to come before voters in the fall of 2016, would have amended the constitution to prohibit legislation that interfered with any farming or ranching practice without proof that a "compelling state interest" was involved.
Since Trump became President, the Koch brothers, whose business interests range from petroleum to ranching to textiles, have supported some of his economic policies -- especially rewriting the tax code, which their network backed vigorously -- while opposing many of his populist initiatives, particularly his strategy on trade and tariffs.
In the dusty cattle ranching town of Concepcion, despite nearly two months of non-stop firefighting, blazes that had been put out in surrounding dry forests have reignited while others continue to spread toward the toward the Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, a gateway to pristine Amazonian rainforest.
Speaking from an undisclosed location in Central America (he declined to say where for the record, but divulged that it's a not-tiny place where he does some cattle ranching while working as a self-described digital entrepreneur), he talked about tiny houses as machines for living spontaneously.

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