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"quinine water" Definitions

4 Sentences With "quinine water"

How to use quinine water in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "quinine water" and check conjugation/comparative form for "quinine water". Mastering all the usages of "quinine water" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Santiba was a line of soft drinks sold by The Coca-Cola Company in the United States. The flavors sold include ginger ale, club soda, quinine water and a citrus soda. It was introduced in 1969. No Longer Produced.
In the United States, most bars use "soda out of a gun that in no way, shape, or form resembles quinine water", according to bartender Dale DeGroff. To get a real gin and tonic, DeGroff recommends specifying bottled tonic. Alternatively, one can add tonic syrup to soda water. It is commonly referred to as a G and T in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.
The company formerly distinguished itself by producing sodas in the traditional manner (e.g., using essential oils and cane sugar, rather than extracts and high fructose corn syrup). As of the final production, the company used both cane sugar syrup and high fructose corn syrup. A-Treat produced soft drinks in at least 16 flavors, including Big Blue (blue raspberry), Birch Beer, Black Cherry, Champagne Kola, Cola, Cream soda, Fruit Punch, two kinds of Ginger Ale (Pale Dry and Golden, formerly Peppery Golden), Grape, Grapefruit, White Birch Beer, Pineapple, Sarsaparilla, two kinds of Orange (regular and Orange Dry), Lime (formerly Tom Collins Mixer), Tonic Water (formerly Quinine Water), Strawberry, Treat-up, and Root Beer.
Near the end of the shoot, Westmore called his younger brother to the studio, where he witnessed Westmore, while strapping on the hump, spray Laughton in the face with a seltzer bottle full of quinine water and then kick him in the posterior. Westmore told Laughton, "That's for all the grief you gave me" and added that his brother was a witness and would deny anything Laughton said about the incident. When Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany on September 1, most of the cast and crew was in a state of fear of what was going to happen. Laughton lightened the mood by reciting the Gettysburg Address (that he had recited in Ruggles of Red Gap).

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