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"powerlifting" Definitions
  1. the sport of lifting weights in three different ways, in a set order

112 Sentences With "powerlifting"

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Remember, powerlifting is still a fringe sport, and the best athletes in the world aren't powerlifting.
According to their website, USA Powerlifting follows policies outlined by the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF), at the urging of the IPF Medical Committee.
USA Powerlifting is a member of the International Powerlifting Federation, which observes International Olympics Committee rules that have allowed trans athletes to compete since 2004.
Mark Bell, who has set several powerlifting records, believes that a few of the best active powerlifting and strongman athletes will rewrite the record books before they retire.
The nonprofit "Gender Justice" has lodged a discrimination complaint on Cooper's behalf against USA Powerlifting with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, Outsports reported — but USA Powerlifting refuted the claim.
At the end of the day though, it all worked out for Lalonde, who received a ton of support from the powerlifting community and a free membership to a popular powerlifting gym.
Another organization, the United States Powerlifting Association of Irvine, Calif.
Indeed, old-school palaces of powerlifting have slipped out of vogue.
I also go online to order some Rogue wrist wraps for powerlifting.
Up until January, USA Powerlifting had no transgender policy of its own.
I wanted to create a powerlifting charity that could really help women.
That didn't stop her from taking up rowing, powerlifting, cycling and swimming.
"I didn't medal in powerlifting," Hockenberry said softly, with an exasperated tone.
I like things that are measurable, and in powerlifting, things are very measurable.
The president of USA Powerlifting, Larry Maile, declined an interview with VICE News.
Cheerleading competitions look a whole lot more like powerlifting meets than you might think.
To prepare for the Antarctic trek, Rudd trained himself, putting in hours of powerlifting.
I've won powerlifting competitions, been on magazine covers... all because I bet on myself.
The 2001 U.S. Powerlifting Federation Collegiate National Champion has won numerous national and world powerlifting tournaments, and in 2014 he broke the All-Time World Record in the squat in the 181-pound drug-tested division with a squat of 630 pounds.
Hicks also upped his protein and vegetable intake, and started powerlifting on his school's team.
A Day 1 recap of powerlifting, rowing and archery events, held this year in Orlando, Fla.
Yip had also been prepping for a powerlifting competition — which is why Huynh was feeding her nuggets.
I follow a powerlifting program, so tonight it's for squats, deadlifts, glute-ham raises, and reverse hypers.
Sports, with specially adapted rules, include archery, athletics, indoor rowing, wheelchair basketball, tennis and rugby and powerlifting.
A professional trainer, Mike McCastle, put O'Brady through a similar powerlifting regimen at his gym in Portland.
What he's saying: Go deeper: Powerlifting bans against transgender women are at odds with global health standards
It's like powerlifting: The heavier the thing is, the more impressive it is when you move it.
Basically, Paralympic powerlifting involves competitors lying on their backs and bench-pressing as much weight as they can.
Rounding out the top nine were powerlifting (70), wrestling (64), rugby union (56), aquatics (35) and boxing 35).
He knows best—he's happily married to Anna, and he originally got her interested in powerlifting and fighting.
The HBS professor differs from his business school colleagues in one big, if unusual, way: his passion for powerlifting.
The 5-foot-8 Sakkari uses Olympic powerlifting and track and field workouts to develop her speed and strength.
Despite its reputation, the injury rate at CrossFit looks a lot like other similar workouts, such as powerlifting or gymnastics.
Ms. Lacanglacang said powerlifting has made her daughter self-confident and is helping her to foster a positive body image.
"She's quite strong, and there's no records in any of the powerlifting, bench, squat, and deadlift," Shelley told Runner's World.
Cagney took to powerlifting and CrossFit harder than ever before, pushing and pulling her way to a longer lasting sobriety.
The United States is seeing an explosion of women in powerlifting, a sport once reserved for brawny, testosterone-fueled men.
Cespedes has been plagued by tender hamstrings all season and has pledged to deflate this winter, Pilates perhaps replacing powerlifting.
And I joined a powerlifting gym after my friend Katie, who is basically a lifting influencer, extolled its many virtues.
Naomi started lifting competitively when she was 8 and quickly began setting national and world records in adult powerlifting categories.
We also both compete in powerlifting, so we have to eat a lot — about $300 to $400 a month on groceries.
"For me, you have to chase a high when you're using and with powerlifting, it was the same thing," Cagney explains.
But despite its reputation, the injury rate at CrossFit looks a lot like other similar workouts, such as powerlifting or gymnastics.
Jessica Stalter has spoken about how powerlifting keeps her "on the straight and narrow" after years of drug and alcohol abuse.
For Nicole He, a programmer and artist in Brooklyn, shooting her powerlifting sessions was simply a way to evaluate her form.
In 2013, while still teaching, he participated in a powerlifting competition — and set a new California state record for his age group.
"USA Powerlifting is not a fit for every athlete and for every medical condition or situation," the federation wrote on its website.
On this day, athletes participate in aquatics, track and field, tennis, softball, bocce, powerlifting, and, of course, that classic crowd favorite: gymnastics.
For the past seven months, Etta has been fully engaged in the sport of powerlifting and has just set 213 new American records.
These advantages are not eliminated by reduction of serum androgens such as testosterone yielding a potential advantage in strength sports such as powerlifting.
I had excelled at sprinting in high school and college, and had no real powerlifting learning curve when I began pursuing that sport.
It was Supergirl who stalked up to a heavily laden bar on a recent Sunday morning during a powerlifting competition in New Jersey.
"A lot of people look at a sport like powerlifting and think that girls can't do that and I want to prove them wrong."
The national board of governors for USA Powerlifting voted overwhelmingly in favor of maintaining its policy, during a meeting in Lombard, Illinois, OutSports reported.
Charles-Antoine Lalonde, a 19-year-old who has been working with an online powerlifting trainer, was filming his workout for a future critique.
I want to follow your powerlifting plan but not spend too much time/money, also I'm old, so I don't want to kill myself.
Finding someone local and in person who is able to coach you in strength ("powerlifting coaches" with CSCS certifications) would be the best case scenario.
Track and field led the number of doping violations by sport with 248, followed by bodybuilding (225), cycling (168), weight lifting (143) and powerlifting (116).
Part of the reason he weighs only 182 pounds and does limited powerlifting, he and Marra said, is to lighten the load on his joints.
On May 3, USA Powerlifting sent an email to its female members asking them to weigh in on the transgender policy through an online vote.
The results of the vote, as well as the transgender policy itself, are set to be discussed at a USA Powerlifting board meeting on Thursday.
This winter, Gsellman said, he stopped doing powerlifting moves like traditional squats, and instead emphasized leg workouts that helped both strengthen and loosen his limbs.
USA Powerlifting banned a transgender woman from competing in May, through policy that is at odds with global health standards and International Olympic Committee (IOC) guidelines.
A few years back, Herbert, who at 15 was a powerlifting world champion, was invited on to a late-night television show hosted by Stefan Raab.
It was a part of the Siberian Power Show—which included bodybuilding, powerlifting, dance offs, and a dumpling eating contest—and took place over the weekend.
There is also a sort of I.T. Olympics, which includes powerlifting defunct hard drives and competing to see who can throw a computer mouse the farthest.
On Thursday, the organization announced its schedule of events for the five days of competition, which includes archery, wheelchair basketball, powerlifting and sitting volleyball among other sports.
The five days of competition, which will unfold at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, include everything from archery to wheelchair basketball to powerlifting and sitting volleyball.
The five days of competition, which will unfold at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, includes everything from archery to wheelchair basketball to powerlifting and sitting volleyball.
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) postponed on Wednesday the world para swimming and powerlifting championships that had been due to be held in Mexico City this month.
She's far from the only woman who has discovered the benefits of powerlifting over the past four years—something that's obvious to anyone with an Instagram account.
CrossFit South Brooklyn held its fifth annual Iron Maidens Raw Open this past Saturday, which, as the hardcore name suggests, is a powerlifting competition just for women.
The USA Powerlifting board of governors discussed the issue this month before the Open Nationals, eventually voting against a policy that would have allowed transgender women to compete.
The all-female powerlifting competition, now in its third year, brings together amateur lady lifters to test their strength in three classic lifts: bench press, squat, and deadlift.
In the latter, athletes do the ol' snatch, clean and jerk to raise a loaded bar over their heads; in the former, however, they do something called "powerlifting".
After more than 100 surgeries, DT represented the United States in cycling and powerlifting at the 2016 Invictus Games and won the gold medal in the shot put.
There has been a huge debate since the years of Jane Fonda workouts to the new powerlifting era about what is better, cardio or weight lifting for weight loss?
More than 500 competitors from 15 nations will participate in archery, wheelchair basketball, powerlifting and sitting volleyball, among other sports, when the games begin on May 8 in Orlando.
One solution to all of this while getting stronger is to find a gym that specializes in barbell sports, which are frequently labeled as "black iron" or "powerlifting" gyms.
Wiggins's proclamation that she was only able to really thrive in powerlifting when she let go of concerns over what her body looks like hit home with other women.
For instance, my gym, which is powerlifting- and Olympic weightlifting-oriented, has conservatively something like 15 individual racks, and possibly as many as 20 if people are getting really creative.
What's happening: USA Powerlifting created its policy on transgender athletes in January, after powerlifter JayCee Cooper's application to compete in Minnesota was denied based on her status as a transgender woman.
She discovered her passion for sports in high school, when she became a national powerlifting champion by 15, according to her obituary posted by Resthaven Gardens of Memory and Funeral Home.
Transgender powerlifters hoping to compete with USA Powerlifting received a crushing blow on Thursday, when head honchos for the sport's leading federation reportedly voted to uphold its ruling banning transgender women competitors.
While Parker bills himself as an entrepreneur on his LinkedIn page, he also said he worked part-time at CrossFit, an intense fitness studio that includes interval training, Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting.
We spoke with family members who tell us Jeff had recently complained of pain in his legs and feet, but Jeff suspected it was from powerlifting and nothing more serious than that.
After the diagnosis, I signed up for a glute-focused powerlifting program designed by the authority on asses, Bret Contreras, CSCS, a strength coach who has an actual PhD in glute mechanics.
With such a strapping frame, the beast would have looked less like a graceful sentinel of the Serengeti, and more like if that Toys 'R' Us mascot took up a serious powerlifting hobby.
Greg Doucette has competed in over 100 bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions, holds a Guinness World Record in deadlifts, and is in the best shape of his life, all at the age of 40.
From 6 to 6:33, he sweats his way through a powerlifting routine, ultimately taking the bus to Harvard Business School and getting to his office in Baker Library by 7:30 a.m.
I want to hit the powerlifting gym this morning to bring my attendance up to four days this week, as the coach has us on a program that runs for four days a week.
And just as there are hundreds of ways to get physically stronger, from hardcore powerlifting to Russian kettlebell training to prison-style bodyweight workouts, there are many ways to train your mind for better performance.
Becci Holcomb, who won third place at the 2016 USA Powerlifting Raw Nationals, says she almost didn't register for the event after an abusive relationship left her "wrecked" just a month-and-a-half prior.
It might be fun to take some classes here, but if you want to follow a powerlifting plan, you won't be able to do that when all you have are punching bags and rage. Pass.
"In school plays, I get stage fright, but I don't have stage fright in powerlifting, even if I'm in front of hundreds of people," said Naomi, whose modern Orthodox Jewish family follows strict religious rules.
While she must wear modest attire at her all-girls Yeshiva in Teaneck, her powerlifting outfit includes a singlet and T-shirt, as well as colorfully striped knee socks, always mismatched, and bright red high-tops.
So, whether you work out to reduce stress and anxiety, or are training for a powerlifting competition, these fitness-themed journals will help you stay inspired to reach your goals, without putting too much pressure on yourself.
By focusing on strength, this inversion of what's typically prioritized is why many women are drawn to powerlifting —a sport of "packing your neck" until your chin has doubled, and wearing full singlets as opposed to bikinis.
On engaging with those who disagreeThere are many weightlifting and powerlifting gyms and coaches out there that act as beacons of support for their members, and have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to sexism, racism, and transphobia.
"This is Naomi Kutin, the strongest teenager in the world in both the squat and the dead lift," said the announcer, Geno Biancheri, the charismatic tournament M.C. known as the Pirate of Powerlifting for his heavy metal ringmaster style.
"Powerlifting helps children develop connective tissue, including ligaments and tendons, muscles and bones, and also helps to build a foundational strength," said Tom DeLong, the director of science education for the National Council for Certified Personal Trainers (NCCPT) and the USPA.
But studies find that CrossFitters develop 1.9 to 3.1 injuries per every 1,000 hours of training — a rate close to those of similar activities, like powerlifting (3003 to 5.8 injuries), Olympic weightlifting (2.4 to 3.3), and gymnastics (2.6 to 4.6).
The same people grumbling about Neckbeard Deathcamp's (intentionally) watered down war metal are probably big fans of bands who drape themselves in bike chains and smear black facepaint all over themselves and grunt about achieving supremacy through powerlifting, so really, who's the joke?
Dawn Deacon-Maroscher, a 49-year-old mother of three and school psychologist whose husband describes her as "as far away from the muscle-head stereotype as you can get," says powerlifting was as much an emotional transformation as it was a physical one.
Aaron Cook, an amateur powerlifter who told Motherboard he attended the Arnold Classic in part because he wanted to see various strength records being broken, explained that his interest in both bodybuilding and powerlifting stems from the impressive progress the athletes continue to make.
"The Independent Paralympic Team is a symbol of the strength and determination of all refugees with disabilities..." Around 4,350 athletes with physical and intellectual disabilities from more than 160 countries will travel to Rio to compete in 22 different sports, including swimming, powerlifting, wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball.
"The deadlift is one of the three powerlifting exercises—the others are the squat and the bench press—and, for that reason, probably not thought of as being particularly feminine," says Tsvietkov when I ask him why many women avoid this effective back, glute, and hamstring working movement.
Martin Drake, the national chairman of AAU Strength Sports, which is hosting a Junior Olympics of powerlifting in Des Moines this summer, believes there has been a trickle-down effect from grown-up gyms, where strength training, once the exclusive province of Biffs building muscles, has extended to Betties as well.
More and more gyms that are focused on lifting ("powerlifting gym" or "strength training gym" in google-search language) are starting to offer intro tutorials or limited-run classes in lifting, where the goal is to teach you skills and advise you, versus simply making you run around for 45 minutes.
Given Wade's status in his sport, his vocal support for trans youth could have a majorly positive impact on the acceptance of trans athletes, particularly student athletes, whose participation in several sports, including powerlifting and track and field, has become a topic of debate and reactionary fear-mongering from both sides of the political spectrum.
"I was so shattered when I lost my legs but now I am happy that I am back to life and want to achieve something through sport," Esa said from a army gym in Kabul where he was going through exercises for wheelchair volleyball and powerlifting, the two events he will be competing in.
"You're seeing the arrival of rate of perceived exertion training protocols in powerlifting, as in other sports, where you're getting athletes to respond on a one-to-ten scale in terms of what they're doing, with the aim of placing their repetitions for a day between seven and eight on that scale," he said.

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