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"pithiest" Synonyms
succinctest briefest tersest crispest curtest shortest wittiest sharpest snappiest tightest neatest tautest quickest brusquest cleverest tartest bluntest least smallest closest rudest impolitest gruffest bluffest crustiest snippiest bruskest surliest roughest briskest harshest meatiest richest deepest heartiest weightiest seriousest most interesting most substantial most meaningful most profound most significant most satisfying most stimulating most involved most nourishing most compact most factual most pointed most solid most philosophical strongest powerfullest soundest lucidest gutsiest mightiest punchiest vividest greatest zappiest clearest firmest best usefullest trustiest hardest soberest most pithlike keenest acutest astutest shrewdest canniest smartest brightest most incisive most penetrating most trenchant most perspicacious most piercing most insightful toughest directest frankest honestest most hard-hitting most critical most uncompromising most forthright most unsparing most condemnatory most vigorous most bullish most cogent most commanding most compelling most convincing biggest heaviest most important most material most consequential most relevant most eventful most purposeful most telling most valid most worthwhile most monumental most earthshaking bitterest acridest acerbest severest snarkiest sarkiest cattiest nastiest saltiest spitefullest raciest viciousest most indicative most knowing most symbolic most expressive most revealing most suggestive most allegorical most demonstrative most eloquent most emblematic most figurative most pregnant most representational most symptomatic More

13 Sentences With "pithiest"

How to use pithiest in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pithiest" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pithiest". Mastering all the usages of "pithiest" from sentence examples published by news publications.

THE PITHIEST summary of Donald Trump's foreign policy comes from the president himself.
The pithiest scene in Lauren Greenfield's new documentary, "Generation Wealth," comes at the start.
"Pressure makes diamonds, not hugs" is the pithiest defense of bullying you will hear.
To me, the pithiest book about writing is E.M. Forster's "Aspects of the Novel," in which he chose to reveal some of the trade's darkest secrets.
Today, the internet applauded one of the nation's strongest, pithiest unions: You almost have to squint to find the AFL-CIO's six-word statement on Scott Walker. pic.twitter.
LuAnn repeatedly tries to tell Bethenny she's onto the "next phase" of her life after Jason by spouting the pithiest faux zen platitudes possible, despite the fact the former Mrs.
One of the pithiest — and most insightful — answers I've seen came from Alain Grignard, a senior member of Belgium's federal counterterrorism task force, in an interview with the US military publication CTC Sentinel.
She then selects among the responses and converts the pithiest into protest signs, an installation collectively titled The Woke (2019) that will continue to accumulate along the adjacent wall throughout the exhibition run.
Like clockwork, the likes of BuzzFeed, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and Slate comb the crowds at the Women's March, March For Our Lives, and other mass demonstrations, compiling the signs they deem the wittiest and pithiest of the bunch.
"It is this unwillingness to challenge Iranian behavior, for fear of damaging the nuclear agreement, that gets to the heart of the threat the deal poses to our national security," That's about the pithiest expression of the administration's critique of the Iran deal as you could expect: Iran does bad things, the Iran deal limits our ability to punish them for it, so we need to get out.
He died four years later in Jamaica, New York and is buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery in Maspeth, Queens. Perfunctory obituaries appeared in even The New York Times. The pithiest and most angry remembrance of Johnson was written by John Hammond and appeared in Down Beat under the title "Talents of James P. Johnson Went Unappreciated".
Q called Bono's singing on the song a "quieter moment" that has "never been so persuasively tender". The Chicago Tribune wrote that the song "builds with the stately grandeur of a Roy Orbison ballad" and that Bono's lyric "We're one / But we're not the same" is one of "pithiest insights yet about the contradiction of marriage". The Orlando Sentinel called the track "sorrowful" and compared it to music by the Rolling Stones. Robert Hilburn of the Los Angeles Times called the "disillusioned" track one of the album's high points.
After leaving the Minnesota State Senate in 1878, he returned to his law practice and writing. In 1877, Donnelly spoke at a meeting of 10,000 people where he read his preamble to the conference platform. The document of twelve short paragraphs, as altered slightly for the party's first nominating convention in Omaha that July, was the pithiest and soon became the most widely-circulated statement of the Populist credo. Donnelly talked about the corruption of politics and voting, newspapers giving out false and biased material, and how the Populists needed to take back the country that was their own.

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