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"physiotherapy" Definitions
  1. the treatment of disease, injury or weakness in the joints or muscles by exercises, massage and the use of light and heat

137 Sentences With "physiotherapy"

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Supplies are scarce, especially mobility chairs and physiotherapy exercise equipment.
But she did, with lots of love, support and physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy for vaginal scar tissue has also proven effective in studies.
He is undergoing counseling for mental trauma and also physiotherapy treatment.
Pharmacies, physiotherapy surgeries and shops selling garden gnomes line the sleepy streets.
It's then been applying this tech to professional sports, physiotherapy, and athletics.
He is currently undergoing physiotherapy and "everything is under control," Pepito added.
Julie Broderick is an assistant professor of physiotherapy at Trinity College Dublin.
She had just finished a session with children; pediatric physiotherapy was her passion.
The family is staying in London as the girls receive daily physiotherapy treatment.
Physiotherapy standards were used to determine the appropriate weight in the Zen Sleepwear.
If it doesn't, a doctor might recommend pelvic floor physiotherapy or potentially surgery.
Booksy came about when he was trying to schedule physiotherapy appointments after long runs.
After hip surgery and a long course of physiotherapy he's at least hobbling again.
Physiotherapy is also an obvious extension to Urban's existing osteopathy and sports massage treatments.
"Pitches, physiotherapy rooms are the same for all," the 38-year-old Bompastor told Reuters.
Not everything is free however -- Medicare doesn't cover all dentist visits, most physiotherapy and ambulance services.
Finally, he suggests various treatments, usually a combination of non-addictive medication, psychological therapy and physiotherapy.
"In one week of physiotherapy, of treatment, I managed to take my first steps," he said.
In France, pelvic-floor physiotherapy is offered to post-partum women as standard; not so in Britain.
To this day, I do a lot of physiotherapy and psychological therapy, mainly with my physical injuries.
A large component of treatment for Parkinson's disease today comes from physiotherapy, which has had mixed success.
I am continuing my physiotherapy and focused on joining you for the closing festivities on August 21.
As Viljar struggles through depression and physiotherapy, he becomes an embodied metaphor for Norway as a whole.
Mr. Fobister, 40, and his wife, Sherry Ackabee, have learned to do their son's physiotherapy at home.
Unresponsive, Abdulla had no awareness of her surroundings, was tube-fed and underwent physiotherapy to prevent muscle atrophy.
Their mother Zainab Bibi, 34, is currently residing with them in London where they are undergoing daily physiotherapy.
At changeovers, I tried to use within the rules as much as I can physiotherapy and medical help.
"I feel that (physiotherapy) is an essential part of recovery post sprain," Bleakley told Reuters Health by email.
Unexpectedly, seven months of enforced rest during pregnancy, and physiotherapy for pelvic misalignment and pain, dealt with my niggles.
But she slipped and fell on the floor of a physiotherapy room in Arthur Ashe Stadium, hitting her head.
Two months working in France earned him enough to support an entire year of his physiotherapy studies in Poznan.
There's a physiotherapy gym and an isolation ward, but the function of the top floor is less immediately evident.
In Somerset rehabilitative physiotherapy is sometimes done in a care home jointly run by a hospital and the council.
Carly Brade, a lecturer at the School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science at Curtin University, contributed to this report.
With their new robotic limbs and rejuvenated system of connections, the volunteers were trained to use the prosthetics via physiotherapy.
The physiotherapy room has a bright green mat and luminous exercise balls on which the babies have their muscles stretched.
He is no longer able to do his job with the Livestock Guards and cannot afford the physiotherapy he needs.
They are pleased with the medical clinic, and Swiss health insurance guarantees coverage of pre-existing conditions and also covers physiotherapy.
"We started physiotherapy immediately and around three months later they noticed his head wasn't growing," says Terry, 210, from Toronto, Canada.
They made and fitted him with orthotic braces on both legs, taught him to walk short distances and coached him through physiotherapy.
They couldn't find any evidence that physiotherapy brings together the gap or that one particular exercise plan is more effective than another.
These weight requirements ensure that the weight to body-weight ratio is maintained well below the recommended physiotherapy standard of 1:10.
After the transplant has taken place, patients have to take medication for the rest of their life and complete physiotherapy exercises every day.
Quirk prepared for the Rio Olympics while also finishing off the final year of her physiotherapy degree, while also trying to pick up Portuguese.
At a camp for some 14,000 people in the border village of Shamarin, Ammar al-Omar runs a physiotherapy clinic inside a large tent.
I have sports-related injuries and need physiotherapy, so I have to pay for private healthcare myself now, which costs me £41073 a month.
In 1987, she was studying physiotherapy in Antwerp when she began working at Louis Reichman's famous jewelry store, Juweel Design Barucci, on school vacations.
He undergoes two hours of physiotherapy five times a week and is still taking antibiotics to shake off the dangerous infection, according to party officials.
The computer science student was frustrated by weeks of physiotherapy exercises, unable to check whether he was healing in between check-ups with his doctor.
The gang rape of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student, who died of her injuries, on a New Delhi bus in 2012 sparked national outrage.
However, there is a problem with his speech and the movements of right side limbs, which would need post-operative care like physiotherapy and speech therapy.
I've had to put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it, but hopefully with a bit more physiotherapy I can do more and more.
After the surgery on July 11, he will need a couple of weeks of physiotherapy to help his recovery and get back to performing pain-free.
On the evening of December 16, 2012, physiotherapy student Singh was leaving a movie theater in Delhi after watching "Life of Pi" with a male friend.
"We see physiotherapy as the final vital piece so that we can offer a complete package to attain good physical health," adds Jarman in a statement.
After a two months in hospital and lengthy physiotherapy, Zacharia now helps her elderly neighbors report abuse and encourages younger people to take care of their parents.
In 2016, the ICRC operated 139 projects in 34 countries, helping almost 330,000 people with physiotherapy and providing wheelchairs, artificial limbs and braces, the Red Cross said.
The Northern Irishman had intense physiotherapy treatment and took pain-killers over the weekend at the South Africa Open after struggling through much of Friday's second round.
"There have been many legendary hardware entrepreneurs from Osaka," says Osaka-born Akinori Takahagi, CEO of Moff, a Japanese developer of sensor bands for entertainment and physiotherapy.
The new pay-as-you-go physiotherapy offering will let you book a HCPC-registered physio via the Urban app or website for treatment in your home.
My monthly salary is around €650 to €750, while medical treatment and physiotherapy can add up to €200 a day, so I simply couldn't afford the best options.
The 2012 gang rape on a Delhi bus of 23-year-old physiotherapy student Jyoti Singh -- who later died from injuries sustained in the attack -- sparked national outrage.
In May, the journal npj Digital Medicine published a study that compared Kaia's app to the use of physiotherapy in combination with online education for treating back pain.
Bento says his system, which gives patients immediate feedback and a score on the number of right and wrong movements they perform, will cost one tenth of physiotherapy.
Ni limits her training to around three hours a day, often sparring with her husband and coach, and focusing on physiotherapy to speed up recovery and limit injuries.
However Carley King, professional adviser at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, said a bigger thumb could simply just be down to which hand you use most of the time.
From the main courtyard, a passage leads past more storefronts—a physiotherapy center; the Mozart room, where the classical-music club meets—to other courtyards, where the residences are.
This was a healing angel and – despite having no experience of modern sports medicine or physiotherapy – it laid its tiny moth hands on Cristiano, and gave him great strength.
The four men were convicted in 2013 of the rape, torture and murder of the 23-year-old physiotherapy student in a case that triggered large protests in India.
The gang rape of a 22017-year-old physiotherapy student in New Delhi on December 2117, 12, brought the issue of women's safety in India to the world's attention.
After Jessica Thomas, 33, tried to tempt him onto her exercise bike, Charles responded "No, thank you, not today," and told her a story about his own experience with physiotherapy.
In a 2013 study in the Journal of Physiotherapy, cited in Caulfield's report, authors found there was no strong evidence to support the use of Kinesio Taping, as it's called.
Attacked on a moving bus and left for dead on roadside, the victim, a 23-year-old physiotherapy student, clung to life for two weeks before succumbing to her injuries.
A recent study suggested it may be ineffective, but the Clinical Director of Parkinson's U.K., David Burns, believes there's still considerable evidence physiotherapy improves the lives of people with the disease.
Following outcry over the gang rape and death of 23-year-old physiotherapy student Jyoti Singh in 2012, the central government passed numerous legislative reforms, commonly known as the Nirbhaya Act.
With that said, pricing is competitive with physiotherapy that is typically offered at a private clinic, and compared to arranging a home visit from a private clinic, it is considerably cheaper.
Homage's platform currently includes about 2,000 caregivers and focuses on elderly care, but also provides services needed by a wide age range, including rehabilitation care, physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy.
New Delhi (CNN)Four men have been issued with death warrants for the brutal gang rape of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student in New Delhi more than seven years ago.
Her youngest daughter Amy developed ME at the age of three following chickenpox and a chest infection—and the intense physiotherapy prescribed in the following years by her doctor made her worse.
Horrific crime On the evening of December 16, 2012, Jyoti Singh Pandey, a physiotherapy student in Delhi, was leaving a movie theater after watching "The Life of Pi" with a male friend.
" Zakirullah Rahim, 35, a regular patient who comes for physiotherapy for a spinal injury and who overlapped with Mr. Nasim over the years, said: "Only an idiot would do what he did.
Jyoti Singh, a 23-year-old physiotherapy student, had just seen "The Life of Pi" movie in Delhi with a male friend when the two boarded a bus bound for the suburbs.
The analysis focused on conventional physiotherapy-related interventions such as movement therapy, relaxation, massage, yoga and Tai Chi and excluded trials that investigated nutritional supplements, acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki healing and expressive writing.
O'Sullivan, a specialist physiotherapist with the School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, told Reuters Health that almost daily, he comes across patients who hold unhelpful beliefs.
The four were convicted in 2013 of the rape, torture and murder of the 23-year-old physiotherapy student in New Delhi in 2012, an attack that triggered shockwaves across the world.
The four were convicted in 2013 of the rape, torture and murder of the 23-year-old physiotherapy student in New Delhi in 2012, an attack that triggered shockwaves across the world.
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Brazil forward Neymar left training early on Tuesday after feeling pain in his right ankle and will spend the rest of the day undergoing physiotherapy, the Brazilian Football Confederation said.
A separate injury to his serving shoulder has further complicated things for the moody talent, who has been receiving physiotherapy every day in the leadup to the second grand slam of the season.
Sword Health, a startup operating out of Portugal that has developed a digital physiotherapy solution to enable patients to be treated remotely in their own homes, has raised $4.6 million in seed funding.
He also pledged to visit every one of the families of his compatriots who died before returning to the small town of Chapeco and continuing with the physiotherapy he needs to get fit again.
The cases have renewed public anger over sexual violence, which was first put on spotlight in 2012 when the gang rape of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student in New Delhi generated global headlines.
The 2012 attack on the 23-year old physiotherapy student on the moving bus shocked India and led to tough new laws against sexual violence, including the death penalty for rape in some cases.
I had applied sunscreen to my face and chest, but hadn't bothered with my arms because they don't tend to burn, and I had physiotherapy tape and a wrist brace I didn't want getting greasy.
After three hours of consultation and tests with a friend who worked as a job recruiter, Tamaela decided her ideal career would be physiotherapy, which she began to study while working as a tennis instructor.
As a lawmaker, she hopes to persuade mainstream parties to give disabled Poles the same level of care as in wealthier western European states, with better access to physiotherapy, higher benefits and more supported living options.
Endemic problem The reaction to the recent cases have been compared to the outcry over the 2012 gang rape of 23-year-old physiotherapy student Jyoti Singh, who later died from injuries sustained in the attack.
He has always operated on a different level; after the success of Blue, Cuomo had to have an operation to extend his leg at the age of 24, which led to painful physiotherapy sessions and depression.
Between moving them around to avoid bedsores (about once every two hours) and tasks like feeding and physiotherapy, nurses might end up providing 15 to 30 minutes of care to a patient per hourly check-in.
He still has more work ahead to fully learn how to walk, which will require swimming practice, core work and physiotherapy, but he is making serious strides thanks to the support of the rescue and numerous donors.
The cases recalled the 2012 rape of a physiotherapy student in Delhi who had boarded a private bus with a male friend after seeing a movie at a mall and was fatally injured during a sexual assault.
Ryan Straschnitzki, who has been getting physiotherapy twice a day at Calgary&aposs Foothills Medical Centre, is scheduled to board a medical flight Wednesday for Philadelphia, where he will continue his rehabilitation at the Shriners Hospital for Children.
Sword Health raises $4.6M for its digital physiotherapy solution Bento launched the company after identifying the lack of availability of good physical therapy when his brother was recovering from a car accident and needed access to better care.
Hamburg-based BSN Medical was set up in 2001 as a joint venture between Germany's Beiersdorf AG and Britain's Smith & Nephew, as the two companies decided to combine operations in wound care, fracture management, physiotherapy and compression therapy.
Sexual violence against women has long been a problem in India, but the issue garnered renewed media attention in 2012, after a vicious attack on a physiotherapy student in Delhi led to nationwide protests and new laws. 5.
Mario, 34, a Honduran immigrant who lost his leg while traveling en route to the United States on a freight train known as La Bestia, rests during a physiotherapy session at a rehabilitation center in Silao, Mexico, Aug. 19.
The remaining half of patients received the same information in addition to supervised physiotherapy, including up to seven 30-minute clinic visits for exercise sessions designed to decrease pain and swelling, increase range of motion, strength and exercise tolerance.
The money will be used to build and run three rehabilitation centers for disabled people in Nigeria, Mali and Democratic Republic of Congo, the ICRC said, complete with staff who will be trained in physiotherapy and in producing prosthetic limbs.
I've only been able to prepare for the Games in the past few months due to my relationship with the athletic training staff at UCLA, where I went to university, and they've given me access to weight rooms and physiotherapy.
"Seventy percent of the whole cohort got more than a 50 percent reduction in pain, and at 12 months had function good for their age," said the lead author, Marlene Fransen, an associate professor of physiotherapy at the University of Sydney.
If you're having serious issues with it, and are experiencing symptoms such as urinary incontinence, you might ask your doctor if you should go to pelvic floor physiotherapy, during which they'll work with you to work and retrain those muscles.
LISBON (Reuters) - When Virgilio Bento's brother had to go to Cuba 13 years ago to receive cheap physiotherapy as he recovered from a life-threatening car crash back home in Portugal, he did not know it would inspire an innovation.
"A foundation of therapy needs to be tried that is comprised of non-pharmacological therapies, physiotherapy, proper body mechanics, proper posture, what to do, what not to do, taking care of your body, weight loss, proper diet; over-the-counter medications," Gharibo said.
"They have a democratic right to protest," he tells his unit, referring to the angry crowd demanding justice for the nightmarish gang rape of a 23-year-old physiotherapy intern who was beaten, mutilated, and thrown off a moving bus in Delhi.
"In theory, this could be incredibly beneficial for people with Parkinson's, but as with all new technologies, further research will be necessary to determine its short and long term effectiveness," cautions Stuart Palma, a professional adviser from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).
The German and foreign youths — Afghans, Syrians and Somalis, just a handful of the 60,000 unaccompanied minors now in Germany — would gather in what social workers saw as a "communal living room," formerly a physiotherapy space, in an adjacent small shopping mall.
Using what it describes as a combination of "high-precision motion tracking sensors" and the latest advances in AI, the Sword Health solution aims to make the delivery of physiotherapy infinitely more scalable, in recognition that there is a worldwide shortage of physiotherapists.
Urban, the London-headquartered company that lets you book a growing range of "wellness" services on demand — spanning massage, osteopathy, to various beauty treatments — is adding physiotherapy to its roster in a bid to become a "one-stop-shop" for physical wellbeing.
"Surgery does not work for everyone but in selected cases we show that surgery should be available to patients," said lead study author Simon Abram of the University of Oxford in the UK. "In most circumstances, patients should try physiotherapy first," Abram said by email.
The victim, a 23-year-old physiotherapy student whom Indian media called "Nirbhaya," or "Fearless," because Indian law prohibits rape victims from being identified, was heading home with a male friend from a movie theater when six men lured the couple onto a bus.
"Most of the kids in the current trial had issues with functional constipation for longer than 6 months, and many evidenced at least some of these behavioral associations, which may help to explain why physiotherapy enhanced standard treatment to the degree observed," she added.
In Denmark, which has a national health care system, nearly 40% purchase plans to lower their out-of-pocket costs and to cover benefits such as physiotherapy, and just over a quarter have supplemental coverage to give them access to private providers, according to the fund.
The seven-episode first season (which is mostly in English, with subtitled scenes in Hindi) is based on a real-life incident that took place in 2012 in India's capital of New Delhi – the horrific gang-rape of a physiotherapy intern on a moving city bus.
He told me that Mr. Pandey had questioned whether Kashmir was an integral part of India and he had tried to screen the banned documentary "India's Daughter," which deals with the infamous gang rape and murder of Jyoti Singh, a physiotherapy student in New Delhi in 2012.
"The FIFA 11+ presumably reduces injuries by improving muscle strength, balance and coordination," while the older version and most other warm-up routines do not, says Kristian Thorborg, an associate professor of sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapy at the University of Copenhagen and the study's lead author.
While the app doesn't replace physiotherapy—the support of an actual person provides unparalleled emotional benefits for someone enduring a life change like amputation—its exercises do aim to help stabilize the upper body and the spine, leading to greater independence and mobility for those with prosthetic legs.
With NHS wait times several weeks if not months for access to physiotherapy, Urban thinks it has spotted a gap in the market for people that need ongoing treatment or a quick appraisal for a recently sustained injury — and are willing to pay "out of pocket" for the privilege.
"Dr Love-Robinson utilizes physiological, psychological, and mechanical methods, such as air, water, light, heat, earth, phototherapy, food and herb therapy, psychotherapy, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy, naturopathic corrections and manipulation, and natural methods or modalities, together with natural medicines, natural processed foods, and herbs and nature's remedies," it adds.
The new study was designed to investigate "the efficacy of a combined internet delivered treatment package including education, Skype-delivered exercise physiotherapy and an Internet-based interactive pain-coping skills training program," said Kim Bennell, lead author of the study and a research physiotherapist and professor at the University of Melbourne.
The idea is to offer a more accessible and less expensive alternative to the one-on-one in person physiotherapy which a person suffering chronic pain from a MSK disorder might otherwise use to manage their pain — such as by visiting a dedicated pain center for weeks of guided treatment.
" MSF said that even though it had provided US forces with the GPS coordinates for the facility, the main central hospital building, which houses the intensive care unit, emergency rooms, and physiotherapy ward, was "repeatedly hit very precisely" by bombs for more than an hour, "while surrounding buildings were left mostly untouched.
In the slum, which is home to 50,000 people and located on land belonging to the health ministry, residents have since built concrete houses with green tin roofs to reduce losses in the event of a fire - despite the risk of eviction as the government plans to build a physiotherapy college there.
Kids' fitness is improving -- but they still aren't as fit as their parents were Kevin Netto, associate professor, School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin University Yes: If you can walk independently and maintain a speed of 4-6 km/h (2.5-3.7 mph) for half an hour per day, then walking is sufficient exercise.
"As such, it may give pause to individuals who have experienced a simple ankle sprain in terms of deciding whether or not to access physiotherapy, it's a choice that our findings suggest will not impact recovery providing they have had their injury assessed and received general instruction on how to manage it," Brouwer said.
From battling to give him access to the education he deserves in a mainstream school to the organization that's required for him to be able to take part in extracurricular activities to tackling the mountain of paperwork that his hundreds of appointments (speech, occupational and physiotherapy appointments, to name just a few) demand, I'm no longer fazed by much.
"In this judgment, the court has unfortunately elided over the legal definition of consent that, that many of us worked to bring into law in 2013," said Karuna Nundy, a Supreme Court lawyer who played a role in reforming India's sexual assault laws in the wake of the brutal gang rape of a physiotherapy student on a moving bus in Delhi in 2012.
Every year, two groups of 12 male, and female, Australian high school players are selected to attend the AIS's Basketball Australia Centre of Excellence on one-year scholarships, that can be extended to three depending on an individual's aptitude The teenagers gain access to the world class sports science, nutrition and physiotherapy—while completing their high school education and, of course, high level training on the court.

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