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"perfect storm" Definitions
  1. an occasion when several bad things happen at the same time, creating a situation that could not be worse

971 Sentences With "perfect storm"

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But what happened at Kent State is a perfect storm — you remember that movie, Perfect Storm?
There's — you're right, Lauren — it's totally a perfect storm.
It's a perfect storm we've seen before — in 2004.
"PERFECT STORM" Chief Operations Officer Jan Oberholzer told Reuters the power cuts earlier in the week were caused by a "perfect storm" of extreme rainfall and breakdowns at coal-fired power plants.
Aevarsdóttir believes the party is profiting from a "perfect storm".
A perfect storm of challenges is brewing for Under Armour.
A perfect storm of issues is brewing at Under Armour.
"It's a perfect storm of uncertainty on banks," Smead said.
Now, he's exposed himself to a perfect storm of backlash.
This leads to a perfect storm to disrupt the industry.
But this year could bring a perfect storm of problems.
What you're describing is a perfect storm of bad strategy.
Your workouts are a perfect storm of intensity and activity.
Go deeper: Uber's IPO got caught in a perfect storm
Zafrani says polish is a perfect storm of shipping badness.
Someone call Mark Wahlberg, 'cause this is a perfect storm.
"Instead of Perfect Day, Call it Perfect Storm," said Eby.
It was, as she herself describes it, a perfect storm.
The Syrian civil war only contributed to the perfect storm.
"In some ways it was the perfect storm," Schooley says.
Andrew Cuomo noted Monday, and we create a perfect storm.
A complex of factors all converging in a perfect storm.
I have a perfect storm of mental and physical defects.
"It would be like a perfect storm," the aide said.
Many factors have come together to create a perfect storm.
When you put everything together - talk about a perfect storm.
It was really a perfect storm of nebulousness for Trump.
The headline was hit by a perfect storm across all sectors.
Then comes along this destabilising technology, and it's a perfect storm.
"In 83, it was kind of a perfect storm," Joel says.
It was the perfect storm of things and the cake melted.
"It's the perfect storm," Albright said of the "shadow organizing" communities.
That is a perfect storm of criticism you've just endured, Matt.
It was the perfect storm to make Harvey a devastating hurricane.
Make that arena stink like the boat in The Perfect Storm.
"It was kind of the perfect storm for them," Harper said.
"This all creates a perfect storm of extraordinary ineptitude," Denno said.
It was all a perfect storm that led up to this.
It was kind of like the perfect storm of labor unrest.
Synchronized swimming is the perfect storm of aerobic exercise and dance.
"A perfect storm found its way to OCBC's earnings," Chua said.
Backyard Flocks Trending, Perfect Storm Rising Baby chicks are undeniably adorable.
It was a perfect storm of travel stress and bad omens.
Add in the Jeopardy narrative and it was a perfect storm.
"It was kind of the perfect storm for them," Harper said.
Yes, the reporting of votes was a perfect storm of incompetence.
It has everything — everything you need to make the perfect storm.
A Donald Trump convention seemed like a perfect storm for trouble.
In circumstances like these, the perfect storm is the perfect cop-out.
It was the perfect storm to create a scene, and they did.
And the incident was a "strange, perfect storm" of influences and factors.
"It's actually a perfect storm of lead contamination," attorney Barry Rooth said.
"We are in the middle of a perfect storm," he tells Axios.
"There's a 'perfect storm' element to this whole thing," he told Vox.
It's a perfect storm of headwinds for most of the emerging markets.
The perfect storm for Apple: Strong pre-sales, problems for a competitor.
Now, in 2016, the two major parties have created the perfect storm.
In many ways, the opioid crisis represents the "perfect storm" of addiction.
"There is a perfect storm brewing for mobile wallets," Mr. Drieling said.
"It does seem to be a perfect storm for gold," he said.
"Frozen" was a perfect storm for Disney and is not easily repeated.
In this perfect storm of fate and FOMO, I decided to attend.
"It's one of those perfect-storm type of scenarios," Mr. Jennings said.
As Forshee puts it: "It creates the perfect storm for hooking up."
"There is a perfect storm of seemingly unrelated factors converging," she explains.
Dr. Beckmann called China "the perfect storm" for zoonotic diseases to flourish.
The big picture: A perfect storm of trends is working against Amazon.
"Looking back, I think Holy Island represented a 'perfect storm,'" Ross said.
This time of year is a perfect storm in terms of dating.
It's a perfect storm for Trump -- and not in a good way.
"A perfect storm in gold may be brewing in China," Li added.
Low supply and high demand are the perfect storm for higher prices.
When these variables intersect, it can create a perfect storm of savings.
At the time, the movie hit a perfect storm of difficult buzz.
Hampshire. His late surge stemmed from a near-perfect storm of factors. Rubio
It was the perfect storm of cursing baby and celebrity and the internet.
It's a perfect storm of bad politics directly making life worse for Americans.
"There's a perfect storm that occurred," new chief executive Ross Taylor told Reuters.
"The perfect storm that set up Apollo will never exist again," says Pearlman.
The homebuilders feel almost like they've been hit by a perfect storm here.
A PERFECT STORM Right now, Zimbabweans have a lot to be protesting about.
How the new tax law creates a 'perfect storm' for Roth IRA conversions.
Winds picked up this morning creating a perfect storm of bad for firefighters.
Retailers are facing a perfect storm of rising costs and uncertainty around Brexit.
"It really was a 'perfect storm' that made it all happen," muses Cyber5.
From the description, we learn it was essentially a perfect storm of circumstances.
We were creating the perfect storm for Mr. Jeffs to commit this act.
"AMLO and Trump together in some ways is a perfect storm," said Camuñez.
That creates the perfect storm for a tech-based solution, Otto's founders believe.
Just a perfect storm situation for Chase, and he's doing a great job.
" He adds: "I don't think you'll ever get a perfect storm like that.
And if this "perfect storm" picks up speed, neither will be a given.
"In effect, the league has reverse engineered its own perfect storm," Vrooman said.
It's the perfect storm of intrigue and insanity, making it excellent meme material.
"Millennials hit a perfect storm," said Susan Dynarski, a University of Michigan economist.
"The timing was kind of a perfect storm in that sense," he said.
Security experts described the attacks as the digital equivalent of a perfect storm.
If you want a perfect storm hammering democracy this most certainly is it.
What happened this year was a "perfect storm" in many ways, he said.
It's tempting to declare this year's perfect storm for many emerging economies over.
All of these factors converged to create a perfect storm of commentary fodder.
What happened next was a perfect storm to drive the product from the market.
Combined with Europe's immigration issues, the situation amounted to a "perfect storm," he said.
But the circumstances of the gator attack was something of a perfect storm. 3.
It is the proverbial perfect storm, a collision of nature's wrath and human myopia.
While reading Charles Homans's ''perfect storm'' article, I kept thinking about a flaming rat.
"It was a perfect storm," a representative from the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association told Gizmodo.
"Unfortunately this was a perfect storm," Dallas Independent School District Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said.
"This is sort of the perfect storm," Park Service spokesman Mike Litterst told WUSA.
That's why I like the perfect storm of crowdfunded watch magic called the Scuro.
According to his doctors, the man's heart attack was something of a perfect storm.
Betting companies have faced a perfect storm of regulations and higher taxes at home.
All told, lower energy prices are creating a perfect storm for waste management companies.
This sad mess is something of a perfect storm of Code of Conduct conflicts.
Amid this perfect storm, there was an "Iron Coder" competition for the "iPhone API".
The perfect storm of manmade and natural disasters has exacerbated all of their problems.
"A perfect storm had to happen for the evacuation to work," Mr. Ellis said.
Does this perfect storm of self-indulgence and media and public complicity sound familiar?
Unfortunately, misguided policy and corporate paternalism are creating a perfect storm for subprime Americans.
The bright colors and scarce availability made this drop "the perfect storm of excitement."
Qualcomm was facing the "perfect storm" for a U.S. company in China, he added.
Brazil is a perfect storm when it comes to the spread of fake news.
"He's created the perfect conditions for this perfect storm," one researcher said of Bolsonaro.
"A perfect storm is brewing in the low-latitude developing nations," the authors write.
He has been telling investors since September that a "perfect storm" correction is coming.
That's probably too much to be going on at once — an emotional perfect storm.
Their accounts, in some cases, are too compelling, like a perfect storm of suffering.
Brigman slipped through the cracks of the art history canon in the perfect storm.
The dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela is about to face a perfect storm.
We didn't have to lobby on this — it was organic, spontaneous, the perfect storm.
"The holidays are a perfect storm of food and body anxiety," Ms. Catalano said.
The league may be headed for a perfect storm of small-market playoff matchups.
The economic collapse of 2008 and political turmoil created a perfect storm for comedy.
"That perfect storm really helped the book find its first early readers," says Prevette.
The perfect storm My husband and I haven&apost always been good with money.
What you've got is a perfect storm of all of these things coming together.
"It was a perfect storm of situations where it all worked out," Corbin said.
If it sounds like a perfect storm for awkward interactions, that's because it is.
Well, in 2016, we had a perfect storm that created all sorts of challenges.
Courtesy of the perfect storm of Donald Trump and Twitter, those days are over. Sad!
"These factors create the 'perfect storm' for the ongoing epidemic among younger persons," Demetre said.
"It's the perfect storm," said Bracken Burns, a former Washington County commissioner and a Democrat.
On the surface at least, the insurance industry presents an almost perfect storm for disruption.
"What happened today was just kind of a perfect storm with the weather," he said.
"It was the perfect storm," Elliot F. Kaye, the chairman of the CPSC told me.
So everything, all of those things combined, I think it's like a perfect storm almost.
It's a black mark (after) a 12-month period that turned into a perfect storm.
She wore this sparkly top to the premiere of "The Perfect Storm" in June 2000.
LONDON (Reuters Breakingviews) - Reinsurers are facing a perfect storm of higher losses and lower margins.
"Winds picked up this morning creating a perfect storm of bad for firefighters," she said.
President Donald Trump suggested on Twitter Wednesday morning that a "perfect storm" of factors -- Sen.
"It's the 'perfect storm,' as you would say in America," Sheryl van Nunen told me.
The Anglo-American relationship with the House of Saud may be entering a perfect storm.
"It's a perfect storm," said Francisco Monaldi, an energy economist at Rice University in Houston.
"Fear is the biggest driver of disinformation; it's a perfect storm of misinformation," she said.
"To me, this paper is a perfect storm of misguidedness and wrongheadedness," he told me.
Such a perfect storm may not hit, of course, and airlines would doubtless push back.
"We've faced what has been called a perfect storm of supply side challenges," noted Dietz.
Wright said doctors have told him his condition was the "perfect storm" of three factors.
"It was the perfect storm," explains one cultural heritage law expert who consulted on the case.
"So we got that kind of perfect storm in the Australian market to outperform," he said.
The combination of special ink and special paper creates the perfect storm for an erasable notebook.
It's that perfect storm of policy worries that has gotten so many people excited about UBI.
It was mob action fueled by a lot of alcohol, a perfect storm of dysfunctional behavior.
These improvements, combined with the success of the Switch, seem to have created a perfect storm.
Combining the history of 39A with SpaceX is a perfect storm of joy for rocket fans.
This was caused by a perfect storm of post-apartheid problems, says Abhijit Banerjee of MIT.
With all of the deals and discounts being offered, it's the perfect storm for impulse buys.
"Brazil is in the middle of a perfect storm that hasn't ended," said Atlantic Council's Murta.
"That the low-frequency rumble spread across the world was probably due to a "perfect storm.
"This measles epidemic is a perfect storm of vaccine denialism, stupidity, and groupthink," he told Gizmodo.
That's a perfect storm of disgruntlement that makes backbiting and leaks not just likely, but inevitable.
Yet there's a bigger picture to consider -- this is also a perfect storm for the GOP.
"Trump leveraged a perfect storm," said Steve Case, the founder of AOL, in an email message.
Add an economic recession and a shortage of medical specialists, and you have the perfect storm.
In short, all signs predict a perfect storm for infinitesimal legislative progress until the 2020 election.
You put those things together, you create the perfect storm for getting people into a cult.
Scotland's drug crisis is the result of a "perfect storm" of economic, social, and cultural factors.
It would take the perfect storm for me to do it," Cuban told CNBC's "Halftime Report.
Democratic pollster Nancy Zdunkewicz said on Tuesday that it would take a perfect storm for Rep.
Chamblee described a "perfect storm" of issues that have simultaneously beset 14-times major champion Woods.
In Cleveland, it was a number of things that came together, kind of a perfect storm.
A perfect storm of cultural and food tourism has made the region an incredibly popular destination.
One can imagine the perfect storm: Democratic-leaning voters, newly dispirited by the news about Mrs.
"It was kind of a perfect storm of stuff going bad all at once," Turner said.
This summer has been a perfect storm for Mr. Burck, conspiring to dramatically raise his profile.
One Saturday night in September 2009, I got swept up in the perfect storm of events.
That perfect storm may have now arrived — and Doug Jones hopes to take advantage of it.
"It's this kind of perfect storm of ways DHS is eroding protections Congress intended for survivors."
In the coming weeks, problems like those could "create a potential perfect storm," Dr. Salama said.
There were certain variables coming into play which were creating, in my mind, the perfect storm.
"It's a perfect storm of extraordinary factors coming together: fire, ice and criminal negligence," he said.
Rising inequality and its vast effects have triggered a "perfect storm" for basic income, Standing said.
By the mid-1970s, these trends had converged in a perfect storm of problems for Washington.
This year, there was the perfect storm record-breaking drought and heat coalescing on tinderbox land.
The car is the perfect storm when it comes to getting you hooked on voice commands.
This elimination was the culmination of kinda of a perfect storm of bad timing and bad events.
Though, for those uninitiated to the singer's rise, her situation has the makings of a perfect storm.
"It's a perfect storm for the semis at this point," Schlossberg told CNBC's "Trading Nation " on Monday.
A perfect storm for warming waters Ice cover around Alaska normally lasts through the end of May.
The incident at the Grand Floridian Resort was something of a perfect storm for an alligator attack.
"It's a perfect storm for a speculative attack on the real," said a broker in Sao Paulo.
"I know that sounds crazy, but it was the perfect storm, and I walked away," she said.
Together, these amount to a perfect-storm that inevitably will stunt Netflx's growth and depress its shares.
"There was a sense at the FBI that this was the perfect storm," said Sewell, as quoted.
When your dry mouth hits at a high altitude, it's like a perfect storm for grumpy behavior.
In mid-September, he warned investors a "perfect storm" correction is coming, and nothing can stop it.
It's the perfect storm and represents a massive advantage for the pitcher in our imaginary internal struggle.
If I am in the right mood and someone posts the wrong thing, boom—the perfect storm.
"You have what we call a perfect storm," said Gregoire Billault, head of contemporary art at Sotheby's.
Traditional brick-and-mortar retailers are experiencing a "perfect storm," a Moody's analyst told CNBC on Friday.
What we have here is the perfect storm for a consumer mergers and acquisitions (M&A) avalanche.
Maduro has survived but the perfect storm has finally hit, and he's in the middle of it.
It was "the perfect storm," Bank of America Merrill Lynch's Global Research team said in a note.
It now is a "perfect storm" involving the regional adversaries of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran.
Catriona Matheson: Scotland's drug crisis is the result of a "perfect storm" of compounding and synergistic factors.
"Right now, Zimbabwe faces a gathering perfect storm," says Coltart, "and the world needs to pay attention."
"It's a perfect storm," said Luis Fernandez, the executive director of the Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation.
Rich Silverstein — : I think the Kaepernick thing I'm jealous of because of this perfect storm coming together.
Alas, the State Department's antiquated Africa policy and lax Congressional oversight may now enable a perfect storm.
The stars are already sharing their excitement over this perfect storm of '90s nostalgia on social media.
" The CEO of the Arizona studio, Vince Desi, adds: "It was the perfect storm [back in 1997].
Which means that, somehow, a softball game on a pleasant weekend day made for the perfect storm.
But you'd need to have the perfect storm of the director, screenplay, and the choice of actress.
As Texas starts to dry out from the damage of Hurricane Harvey, another perfect storm is forming.
Oil prices are in free fall, slammed by a perfect storm of shrinking demand and swelling supply.
We are at risk, but with luck, another perfect storm — like the one that struck on Oct.
"It was just a perfect storm," said Spieth, who carded a 69 and was at four under.
"It's a perfect storm," Suzanne Jacob, chief executive of British charity SafeLives, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
Compounded with Facebook&aposs moderation failures, this has created a perfect storm for scammers to step in.
For Trump, the lawsuit has developed into a perfect storm of overlapping legal, ethical and political problems.
It's sort of this horrible perfect storm of how a drug can infiltrate and destroy a community.
A cascade effect would lead to a perfect storm of instability in Asia and across the globe.
We thought, there's been a perfect storm of events that allow us to actually make this movie.
"  K-Pop, Bhutto writes, "is a perfect storm of colonial history, heavily Americanized culture, and neo-liberalism.
On Monday, there seems to have been a perfect storm in the market, causing a cash shortage.
The Parkland shooting has created a perfect storm for the social media world we now live in.
All this means a perfect storm is brewing in Europe, and dairy farmers are paying the price.
Then came the perfect storm when oil prices sank last year, creating triple-digit inflation and food shortages.
Coming back to the part, Copeland says, is the "perfect storm" for her first season as a principal.
LONDON (Reuters) - Lloyd's of London, the world's oldest insurer of seafaring vessels, is facing its own perfect storm.
It's a perfect storm of circumstances that makes it possible — for one particular company at one particular time.
It was the perfect storm, a way to jump into making electronic music that made sense for her.
Luxury pickups are "the perfect storm for" Detroit's automakers, said Jeff Schuster, consultancy LMC Automotive's head of forecasting.
This exculpatory perfect storm was well suited to an ensuing decade of megabankruptcies that made Enron's look quaint.
It was kind of a perfect storm to get him with my aunt and sister out from Seattle.
I think this is a perfect storm of a really thoughtful media product within a true-crime space.
" FROM PEN: HBO's Westworld Is Already Igniting Fiery Debates   The series, Wood says, is essentially a "perfect storm.
"You have a perfect storm of human error, mechanical failure and weather," Dennis Spragg concluded on History Detectives.
So, you can see how candies made with these sugar alcohols are a perfect storm for gastrointestinal chaos.
The thesis of Euphoria is that porn and the digital age have created a perfect storm for teens.
Throw in racism, classism, and concern over property values, and you've got a perfect storm for dickish behavior.
A perfect storm for Saudi Arabia may mean the golden age of oil is coming to a close.
It's the perfect storm — violence, no legal protections, disrupted livelihoods, hunger and poverty, the breakdown of social systems.
Russia's strong cyber crime talent compounded with unsuspecting tourists may form a perfect storm for cyberattacks, experts say.
"It was just the perfect storm," says Zhang Howhow, the director of strategy at KPMG in Hong Kong.
Communist legacy Every ten years, a series of important or controversial anniversaries creates a perfect storm for Beijing.
"This is no longer a perfect storm, this is an imperfect storm," CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers said Friday.
The Chinese investors' appetite for bladders, the economic slump in Mexico, and lax enforcement created a perfect storm.
Russia's strong cyber crime talent compounded with unsuspecting tourists may form a perfect storm for cyberattacks, experts say.
It was the perfect storm, showing both the extreme nature of gerrymandering and how both parties do it.
It's not a perfect storm, but an ugly rough patch that we will either sail through or capsize.
Right now we are now in the middle of a perfect storm for salmonellosis illness from backyard flocks.
The song's delicate production, Sahbabii's equally graceful harmonies, and the contrasting pro-gun content create a perfect storm.
So, all these things, personal and organizational, can create the perfect storm for a bully in the workplace.
"It literally was the perfect storm," Payne told Men's Health magazine in 2019, speaking of One Direction's success.
Lumber prices soared over sixty percent since early 73, thanks to a perfect storm that hit Canadian supply.
"It's a perfect storm," said Chris Zaccarelli, chief investment officer at Independent Advisor Alliance in Charlotte, North Carolina.
This time they got lucky, largely because Russia suffered a perfect storm of ill fortune and colossal folly.
Only this time, a man-made perfect storm could be the death knell of the Puerto Rican economy.
Sometimes I believe it is this perfect-storm combination that makes me an easy target for abusive relationships.
"Today is the perfect storm," said RJ Grant, head of trading at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods in New York.
The year was 2002 and for breakout R&B star Alicia Keys, Grammys night felt like a perfect storm.
Finding others who share your beliefs creates a "perfect storm," LaPorte says, a way for the beliefs to spiral.
So if this poor soul had measles and then this parasite, his death was the perfect storm of terribleness.
These factors have created a "perfect storm" for trash finding its way into the surrounding seas, green groups said.
The Simpson trial became a perfect storm of all these factors –- race, money, murder, sex, corruption and the law.
"Black Friday Features" movie marathon begins, featuring Gangs of New York, Gran Torino, The Perfect Storm Saturday November 26
A perfect storm In Cambodia, setting snares is illegal in protected areas -- where most of the wildlife is found.
The perfect storm of GPS-enabled smartphones, Street View technology, and user-generated data helped the platform rapidly evolve.
" In 262, he became chief in Gloucester, a fishing town of 261,28 and the setting for "The Perfect Storm.
Baruch said the knot of changes had created a perfect storm that would hurt marginalized HIV+ communities the most.
Ku and Walstra are part of a group of older millennials who left school and entered a perfect storm.
But the challenges for airport delays have been building up for months and represent a perfect storm of inconvenience.
"It's a perfect storm of sexy, sassy dancing and athleticism," says Stacey Beaman, COO and co-founder of PlyoJam.
"Everything is just working into a perfect storm," Kern County fire Captain Mike Nicholas said in a phone interview.
Add in a clearly inept team at, we assume, Edelman, and you have a perfect storm of corporate idiocy.
"It has been a perfect storm for Apple investors over the past few months," writes FBR analyst Daniel Ives.
The passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act created a perfect storm of disruption in the healthcare industry.
This week, your planetary ruler Mars meets Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, creating the perfect storm for outbursts.
The perfect storm for cheaper gasoline prices, however, has been due in part to record runs at U.S. refineries.
Top all of this off with increasingly high-risk patterns of drug use, and the perfect storm is formed.
Some New Englanders also remembered "the Perfect Storm" of October 30-31, 1991, which killed at least nine people.
It's really a perfect storm of events that somehow, by chance and fate, it worked out in my favor.
That is easier said than done in the Capitol, where the coronavirus has created something of a perfect storm.
Part of the story is, how do you keep on keeping on in the midst of the perfect storm?
The perfect storm of allergy season and coronavirus panic seems almost designed to increase paranoia among a fearful population.
But that night, those factors came together in a perfect storm, and now everybody is giving the thumbs down.
"Having studied fire and knowing the conditions of the wind, it was a just a perfect storm," she recalled.
"Chemistry-wise, it's kind of a perfect storm where the young guys just happen to be winners," Epstein said.
But a perfect storm of factors could be helping to push U.S. rates higher than any other industrialized nation's.
The gender fixation is a historical anomaly, a perfect storm of technology, psychology, and anxiety about a changing world.
"In Illinois, we have the perfect storm," said Sarah Brune, executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform.
Two iconic dance music brands collide, placing us in the eye of a perfect storm of over-analyzed mystique.
Still, the strategist maintains his overweight rating as the dollar will likely weaken this year and the "perfect storm of macro headwinds" for emerging markets is fading, saying: In 2018, emerging markets faced a perfect storm of a stronger US dollar, rising TIPS yields, falling China PMIs and the escalating trade war.
"Everything was like a perfect storm," Cassius Cash, superintendent of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, told CNN affiliate WATE.
That coupled with a deteriorating technical backdrop leads Worth to believe a perfect storm could be brewing for the commodity.
The audacious plan and Kolfage's background created a perfect storm of publicity, and the campaign managed to raise $20 million.
"Traditional brick and mortar retailers are caught in a perfect storm," EQT Ventures partner Alastair Mitchell said in a statement.
It's a perfect storm of obnoxious messages threatening to eclipse the equally large number of ones about Memorial Day sales.
The boom in drug tourism in Mexican border towns like Tijuana has been fed by a perfect storm of circumstances.
"Overall, this is a perfect storm for US farmers," J.P. Morgan analyst Ann Duignan said in a note to investors.
With all of the deals, and many happening so quickly, Amazon Prime Day is the perfect storm for impulse buys.
It's a perfect storm to make America sick again — and absolutely the wrong direction for families and for our economy.
Basically, it's a perfect storm, and because of this, cryptocurrency malware mining has come back with a vengeance in 2017.
It's the perfect storm of madness in which respectable officers have unknowingly allowed a child raping monster to run wild.
Various projects for work, along with three trips in as many weeks created the perfect storm of anxiety and stress.
"It's a perfect storm of bearish information this morning for WTI," said Scott Shelton, a broker at ICAP in Durham.
The Cambridge Analytical scandal, which merges Facebook's privacy problem with its politics problem, is in some ways a perfect storm.
Perfect storm Underdeveloped and isolated conflict zones like northern Shan State are attractive places for organized crime to do business.
That makes for a perfect storm of disruption in the auto industry, which looks a lot like opportunity to Cook.
But even though the airline faced a "perfect storm," it continued to operated with "very solid" load factors, he added.
But he worries the ship incident and cancellation of a defense meeting could signal that a perfect storm is brewing.
Combine this with an industry that is generally hostile to unionization, and it creates a perfect storm for worker exploitation.
Her life and work were an almost perfect storm of pure artistic talent and genius meeting a unique historical moment.
But this is the perfect storm against Republicans that we saw in 2006; voters seeing this broad culture of corruption.
A perfect storm of factors — some beyond my control — had made it difficult for me to effectively address those issues.
Despite Moore's history of extremist views, it would take a perfect storm to give Democrats a significant chance of victory.
The buzzing of push notifications, the nagging red bubbles on apps, and endless feeds create the perfect storm of distractions.
For Lesbos, Greece's third-biggest island and located barely four miles from the Turkish coast, it is a perfect storm.
"To say that the luxury sector is entering another perfect storm would be too aggressive," said Mr. Chauvet, of Citigroup.
"With Trump making these demands on South Korea, it could be a perfect storm to damage the alliance," Maxwell said.
There was a combination of emotion, Bachelor producing, and fizzy champagne at work tonight that was really the perfect storm.
The result is a perfect storm: Millions of children tumbling toward famine just as America abdicates leadership and cuts assistance.
A perfect storm When Sanjay Gupta and his family first moved to Gurgaon in 1999, there was hardly anything around.
Instead, it was a perfect storm of the nature of the class and the support received from those teaching it.
And so the book tries to show how all these different elements combined to create kind of a perfect storm.
It is a perfect storm of a debut single: technically astounding falsetto vocals, inoffensive-but-memorable production, a rousing chorus.
It creates the perfect storm for a solution like this to be not only adopted but for people to want it.
Add a dose of Christmas nostalgia to the mix and you have a perfect storm — except instead of rain, it's tears.
This is absolutely the perfect storm for these parties; all the three features at the core of their ideology are triggered.
"Everything was like a perfect storm," said Cassius Cash, superintendent of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, to CNN affiliate WATE.
"It became a perfect storm that did not allow me to see the hurtfulness and wrongfulness of my actions," he said.
British retailers are facing a perfect storm of rising costs, uncertainty in the economy around Brexit and the structural shift online.
His perfect storm of self-doubt and narcissism can read as profound when you've got nothing else to compare it to.
"Dynamics into election look to be [a] perfect storm," RBC analyst Brian Abrahams said in a note sent to investors Monday.
Suffice to say, it's no exaggeration to suggest that a perfect storm may be brewing in the weeks and months ahead.
Accusations of poisoned food were rife, a perfect storm of fear around the subversion of those great nurturers: women and food.
Throw some danger into the job description and you've got the perfect storm, at least according to an analysis by CareerCast.
Coal producers were hit by a perfect storm of warm weather and a huge oversupply of natural gas during 2015/16.
But El-Erian believes the factors that created a "perfect storm" this year have not yet dissipated, making more volatility possible.
The bra pressed on a milk duct and with that missed feed it was the perfect storm that led to mastitis.
It's a perfect storm, and D.C. is entirely responsible for it and, unfortunately, only D.C. has the power to fix it.
"A 'perfect storm' of market conditions is compounding an ongoing inventory crunch," said Larry Foster, president of Long & Foster Real Estate.
This is a perfect storm of difficulty and one even the best-run election systems would have a hard time with.
"We are creating a perfect storm," she said, according to a transcript of her speech that was published in various blogs.
"What has happened to Tiger Woods is really the perfect storm of destruction for an athlete," Chamblee said on Golf Channel.
I think the company has created a perfect storm of fashion and tech that is just itching to go mainstream viral.
"We are starting to see this awful perfect storm," said Dick Trenchard, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's representative in Somalia.
The reason for this hyperbolic statement, said Allen, is a perfect storm of climate, temperature, diet, and good ol' fashioned fear.
"It's irresponsible to attribute all of this to Bolsonaro, but he's created the perfect conditions for this perfect storm," Poirier said.
It is not clear how common it is for buyers to experience a confluence of events like this — a perfect storm.
It's kind of a perfect storm, it's a terrible storm right now, of anger and rage, which had been building. Yeah.
Personal Health A "perfect storm" threatens to derail the progress that has been made in protecting the bone health of Americans.
It is 1.232/3 momentum and 1/3 fundamental (selling) and then you overlay the technical factor – it's a perfect storm.
And four weeks after Hurricane Maria, a "perfect storm" of logistical nightmares has left 26 percent of Puerto Rico without electricity.
Finally, Gawenis thinks that if consumers decided to care more too, that combination would be the perfect storm for honey adulteration.
Guariglia has called Amazon's Ring "the perfect storm of privacy threats" and said that widespread surveillance video can have a cost.
This "perfect storm" of Trump problems is causing a growing sense that the Republicans are in trouble come November's midterm elections.
Taken together, all three represent a perfect storm of policies that could have devastating consequences for the sector as a whole.
Trump and the news media are a perfect storm, battering the Latino community with their lack of understanding of these issues.
It's a public health crisis that resurfaces every winter, thanks to what experts refer to as a "perfect storm" of pollution.
British retailers are battling a perfect storm of rising costs, uncertainty in the economy around Brexit and the structural shift online.
I do think that is a perfect storm, along with the concentration issues, and I don't think it really does matter.
However, recent events have just led to a perfect storm, impacting the share price of one of the P2P sector's leading stars.
A perfect storm of events led this month to the partial failure of the dam, which provides flood control for the region.
"We're definitely in tough times, we're in a little bit of a perfect storm," Burnley said of the UK macro economic backdrop.
"It's kind of been a perfect storm of events," said Tom Kloza, head of energy analysis for the Oil Price Information Service.
All of this "could be a perfect storm" for the lira, said Cristian Maggio, head of emerging markets strategy at TD Securities.
Moran called Sanford's case the perfect storm of a bad investigation by the Detroit police and poor defense by his assigned attorneys.
"This perfect storm is likely to bring about a heavy human and financial toll unless we do something about it," Doig added.
It was a perfect storm of hardware that resulted in some of the most varied add-ons ever made for a console.
Although the flaming-rat case involved a perfect storm of hazardous conditions, the overseeing trial court rightfully found someone liable (the employer).
However all this shakes out once the game is actually available, Battlefront II's loot box system is a perfect storm of controversy.
With a 181-minute blockbuster that's expected to break box-office records, in Runpee terms, "Endgame" could just be the perfect storm.
"Disney has been building to this perfect storm since its renaissance began in the mid-2000s," Shawn Robbins, chief analyst at Boxoffice.
The bad news gets worse after a quick glance at Utah's schedule, which turns into The Perfect Storm during Gobert's expected absence.
But the live nature of Fortnite's rocket launch, combined with the sheer scale of the game, have resulted in a perfect storm.
A perfect storm of these and other factors have led to fundamental changes in the U.S. economy and in our labor markets.
But during this year's election, they all came together in a perfect storm that altered the real world as we know it.
But producers in Britain have faced a perfect storm, suffering from Europe's high energy costs as well as from a strong pound.
This dream team of product design and software creation led to what can only be described as a perfect storm for heshers.
A perfect storm of social media, growing consciousness about the importance of physical health, and celebrity influence seems to be the answer.
"One thing I've heard over the past month is what happened to Kyle was the perfect storm," said Ron Plush, Kyle's father.
"It is a perfect storm for technology right now with the tariff war with China and weaker demand for chips," Nauman said.
Put it all together and farmers are facing a "perfect storm" that is driving many to financial disaster even with federal aid.
A severe drought, costly regulations, restrictive trade policies and a number of other factors created the perfect storm for America's rural communities.
As a result of this perfect storm, Hershey's has continually watched the sales figures for its iconic bar and other chocolates slip.
Copious amounts of food, compounded by stressful family dynamics, create a perfect storm for people dealing with bulimia and binge eating disorder.
While Elliott and the Dallas line are both playing well, it's Prescott that helps make the Dallas running game a perfect storm.
Unless, of course, some kind of perfect storm arrives first, and our security problem turns into a genuine crisis, or even catastrophe.
"The perfect storm of conditions during November has created almost 30% higher atmospheric concentrations of fine particulate matter," according to the study.
The decision to stop making cars in Australia reflects "the perfect storm of negative influences the car industry faces," Mr. Turnbull said.
"This was kind of a perfect storm of three separate failures," Tom Frieden, director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017, said.
The result was turning customers away and higher staffing based on the expected demand — "a perfect storm of losing money," he said.
The past month or so has been marked by mass confusion, financial stress, and fear — the perfect storm for would-be scammers.
You have this perfect storm of bad things and the reckoning is here because we've known about these things for 10 years.
"The combination of those two things" — uncertainty about CSRs and the potential flood of Anthem customers — "creates a perfect storm," Dudley said.
Her defense lawyers argued that she made an unfortunate but understandable mistake during a "perfect storm" of circumstances that ended in tragedy.
"Houston's perfect storm is coming — and it's not a matter of if but when," journalists wrote, a year and a half ago.
As an eccentric industry leader and acclaimed artist preparing for her comeback, it could be the perfect storm of chaos and futurism.
Couple that with the fact that people keep finding reasons to hate this market, that is a perfect storm for more gains.
Couple that with the fact that cybercrime costs the global economy $6900 billion each year and we have a perfect storm brewing.
Combine that with the fact that results are immediate for most people, and we have the perfect storm for a viral diet.
Outlook: Last year was a perfect storm—a bad roster full of players having bad seasons while getting pelted with bad luck.
When they can see that and it's a very tangible thing, I think that's when you have this perfect storm of events.
During that time period, Della Volpe says, older millennials were hit by a "perfect storm" of news events to become Democratic Party allies.
"Moreover, unsecured architecture with un-patched or un-patchable environments and no monitoring mechanisms combine to form a perfect storm for ICS insecurity."
"Turkey had sort of a perfect storm last year," Lubomir Mitov, chief central and eastern European economist at Unicredit, told CNBC on Friday.
At first glance, Jennifer's case could be considered isolated—a perfect storm of factors that led to the unexpected assault of a teacher.
It all adds up to a perfect storm of growing Jewish American alienation from Israel, and increasing criticism of Zionism as a whole.
Overall, this is a perfect storm for US farmers and the fundamentals for DE are now skewed to the downside, in our view.
The budget shortfall adds to the "perfect storm" Brazil is facing leading up to the Games, due to kick off on August 5.
Unlike in a courtroom, there isn't always someone in a position to counterargue against a ''perfect storm'' characterization of a serious legal issue.
But there are journalists, and Homans's article will forever keep me on guard against any perfect-storm explanations that blow across media channels.
The royal couple were told that a no-deal Brexit could be a "perfect storm" that could force many farmers out of business.
It's a perfect storm of factors that come with Western living — processed foods, sleep deprivation, not enough exercise, and a dozen other factors.
Yet the victims of the perfect storm of gender and age discrimination may have financial obligations equal to those of their male counterparts.
In other words, it's a perfect storm of how some Trump supporters might find themselves at odds with each other in real life.
The South China Sea has been a "perfect storm" for the regional body, its own members divided and confronting Asia's most powerful state.
Unable to survive in such a perfect storm, Factor 5 officially closed itself a few months later after over 20 years in business.
Add in the contentious election, and politics is likely to dominate many Thanksgiving tables — the perfect storm for some holiday-themed family drama.
In other words, the quarter was "the perfect storm, in a good way" for investors, according to Paul Schatz, president at Heritage Capital.
"It's almost the perfect mix, or rather the perfect storm, in terms of the difficulty of planning for this from a business perspective."
But maybe it was the perfect storm of 3D and HFR that had made it look so terrible to me at the time.
There's a perfect storm of competition from civilian employers in our reasonably good economy, a shrinking number of qualified applicants and stagnant pay.
The death of Justice Scalia has been a perfect storm sent to reveal the weaknesses in the current system of Supreme Court succession.
Bonfiglio explains there is a "perfect storm" for climate advocacy today as voters increasingly place the environment as one of their top concerns.
This "anxiety milieu" has created a perfect storm for people to turn to alternative aids that aren't always as effective as they seem.
As Darnell Hunt, UCLA's dean of social sciences and author of the Hollywood Diversity Report, wrote: Black Panther is like the perfect storm.
A Cornell University study published in July described the combination of this seasonal weather and crop burning as a "perfect storm" for pollution.
"It was a perfect storm kind of a night, where everything that could have possibly went wrong did," said the captain, Michael Bradley.
Seismologists and authorities say a perfect storm of factors caused the tsunami and made early detection near impossible given the equipment in place.
"Maybe Doug Jones was a perfect storm," said John D. Saxon, a Birmingham lawyer and a longtime figure in Democratic politics in Alabama.
The world's fourth largest economy, and Europe's biggest, has been hit by what analysts have described as a "perfect storm" of negative factors.
In my view, we are already entering a perfect storm feedback loop of complex problems that existing systems are too brittle to solve.
Escalation was inevitable A perfect storm of factors with the potential to prompt an attack like Saturday's have been brewing for some time.
There was "a perfect storm," said Sarah Lloyd, director of special projects for the Wisconsin Farmers Union and a family dairy farmer herself.
Early interest in the 5G iPhone is creating a "perfect storm" for Apple in 2020, Piper Jaffray said in a note on Friday.
It's a perfect storm of scorn, featuring rich millennials, bad investments, and marketing schemes gone haywire in a kind of international tourist comeuppance.
Perez calls 210 the "perfect storm," complete with Russian hacking, exposing the committee's own "shortfalls" in how it was treating the Sanders campaign.
Other elements of previous sell-offs are also coming into play, creating the potential for a "perfect storm" for fixed income assets, he added.
They've figured something out that has frustrated talented young designers for decades, that's for sure, but they've also rode in on a perfect storm.
Udall and Lowenthal hope that this just might be the perfect storm that will enable major changes around the plastics issue to become law.
Lee's foray into 120 frames-per-second shooting, combined with depth-of-field-obliterating 3D cinematography, made for a perfect storm of visual disorientation.
The security space is sitting in a perfect storm of an incredible demand for services, constrained supply of talent, and ever-evolving product needs.
Still, why wait for that potential future perfect storm when a fully formed player could vault the Celtics into legit contender status right now?
"[It's] the perfect storm for this type of fraud to happen," said Tom Kemp, CEO of Centrify, a Santa Clara, California-based cybersecurity company.
The result is a perfect storm for attackers, who can rent idle mining resources to take over whichever coin is weakest at the moment.
Rio Olympics 2016's perfect storm 'Welcome to hell' The frustration over unpaid wages for members of law enforcement boiled over in several protests.
"I hate to use this phrase again, but it's like another perfect storm," Rio organizing committee spokesperson Mario Andrada told the Wall Street Journal.
Apple may have actually sped up the clock and created the perfect storm to end the smartphone craze after an epic, decade-long run.
Franco's transformation of Almería from desolate, quiet land to site of American imperialism depended on a perfect storm of economic, political, and social conditions.
Pretty much nothing could recreate that perfect storm of nostalgia and excitement that caused a few hundred million people to become Pokémon trainers overnight.
The company let 3,200 employees go, as decline in PC demand, increased smartphone competition and currency fluctuations apparently created something of a perfect storm.
The one two punch of less competition and less oversight is a perfect storm of stupid for those already unhappy with their broadband options.
A perfect storm of bullish stock market trends should push the into record territory soon, Bespoke Investment Group co-founder Paul Hickey said Tuesday.
As Trevor Timm has noted in the Guardian, Bloomberg has "no chance" of becoming president, as his candidacy represents a "perfect storm" of sorts.
A perfect storm of vague advertising, high expectation, and a healthy dose of assumption on the consumers' behalf led the game to ultimately disappoint.
We can't machine-learn our way out of this disaster, which is actually a perfect storm of poor civics knowledge and poor information literacy.
It is the perfect storm: Rising home prices, rising mortgage rates and rising demand are colliding with a critical shortage of homes for sale.
"Add to that people changing their personal bathing habits, and it's a perfect storm for the situation we are in, basically," Dr. Barkey said.
Add confusing terms and the high-pressure sales tactics from companies that sell timeshares and you've got yourself a perfect storm of buyer's remorse.
Many military personnel enlist at a young age, with little experience in managing their finances or building credit, a perfect storm for predatory lenders.
"It was a perfect storm — the right time, the right place, and the team was perfectly poised to take the next step," Kerr said.
The album was a perfect storm of songwriting, right from its unmistakably downtrodden intro to all the lyrical themes of wistful nostalgia contained thereafter.
So think of what happened in the seventh inning of Tuesday night's game against the Cardinals as a perfect storm of highly caffeinated ridiculousness.
It's a perfect storm of disaster, because Trump's authoritarian bullying has collided at a moment when the press is very enfeebled by digital disruption.
Cambridge Analytica was a perfect storm for Facebook because it brought fears of privacy intrusion and concerns over inflammatory content together in one package.
"Covid-19 could be a perfect storm for Indian Country," Dante Desiderio, executive director for the Native American Financial Officers Association (NAFOA), told Vox.
"It's all such a perfect storm," said Simon Edwards, director of the County Councils Network, a cross-party group that represents England's local authorities.
A perfect storm of manufacturing money, ample space and robust industry created one of Modernism's most fertile and important outposts in and around Detroit.
"Los Angeles is the perfect storm," UC Berkeley Professor Philip Stark said about the process and method in which voters will cast their ballots.
The holiday season is the "perfect storm for fires," Mr. Szymanski said, noting the often deadly combination of Christmas trees, candles and space heaters.
The controversy has grown into a perfect storm of industry hype and accusations of cultural appropriation amid an increasingly charged debate over immigration. 8.
Ershaghi says that Uber's rapid growth created the perfect storm for a toxic company culture, which should prompt other tech companies to take note.
While climate change is playing a role in creating extreme bushfire conditions, a "perfect storm" of factors has led to Sydney&aposs smoky state.
Having an acute illness like the flu on top of a chronic cardiovascular problem can be "a bit of a perfect storm," he said.
President Donald Trump's threat to impose tariffs on metal imports could create a perfect storm for oil prices to crash, according to one strategist.
Intel shares rallied 4 percent in the past week, and Binger believes the stock could be setting up for the perfect storm for profits.
Mexico may be on the verge of such a perfect storm as it enters a new year fraught with multiple perils and few opportunities.
"If they won that argument, it creates a perfect storm for consumer extortion, without a much in the way of legal safeguards," Rose said.
The three together — called a trifecta — create a "perfect storm" of relentless and debilitating symptoms, including fainting, seizures, stomach cramps, muscle weakness and crippling fatigue.
Working within the Chinese market was an advantage too great to pass up: The perfect storm of raw material, government support, public will, and talent.
"The clear assessment from the intelligence community is that 2020 is going to be the perfect storm," said a DHS official familiar with the teams.
But Abloh, unlike Boateng, has what Agins considers the perfect storm that is only possible in 2018: the power of social media, marketing, and celebrity.
"It was a perfect storm," said Rachel Potucek, a spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Orange County, where Republican candidates lost all four House seats.
He had a few highlight-reel throws in the outfield and some great quotations reported in the news media, creating a perfect storm of attention.
The perfect storm of elements -- from impeccable casting to maturation of social media, playing into the must-watch-immediacy of both -- won't easily be replicated.
It's the product of the rise of the hardware startup – a phenomenon facilitated by a perfect storm of crowdfunding, rapid prototyping, investment and scalable manufacturing.
Like most real wars, the one currently raging in EVE is taking place due to a perfect storm of events, rather than a single cause.
It created a perfect storm of charges and counter-charges and its effects won't be wiped away by a single campaign-like stop at Langley.
"So now we have some wavering on the Saudi side, which makes it a bit of a perfect storm right now ... for sentiment," Croft said.
You're in a crowded room with strangers going through an emotional rollercoaster with little sleep and a lot of anxiety — pretty much the perfect storm.
"I think it's kind of a perfect storm for stocks to move higher at the moment," said John Caruso, senior market strategist at RJO Futures.
"Today has become a bit of a perfect storm for selling," said Gavin Parry, Hong Kong-based managing director at brokerage Parry International Trading Ltd.
"I can't recall any other sort of perfect storm like this, coming from all those different angles," a historian said of the welter of inquiries.
"We are now in a period of dislocation - a perfect storm of challenges and changes from regulation, competitors and markets," Orcel said in the memo.
The Japanese company said it was taking advantage of the downturn in the shipping sector, which some had likened to a "perfect storm", it said.
Add that to the threatened action against the lifeblood of Germany's and Japan's exports, their automobiles, and there is the possibility of a perfect storm.
"Over the near term, however, prices continue to benefit from a perfect storm of stagnant supply, geopolitical risk, and a harsh winter," Michael Cohen writes.
This creates a perfect storm for authoritarian populists like Rodrigo Duterte, Donald Trump, and Jairo Bolsanaro to seize power, with dire consequences for human rights.
Add the stressors of normal life to the mix, and we have a perfect storm of circumstances to intensify any emotional eating we might do.
"It is almost turning into a geopolitical perfect storm for the oil markets," said Helima Croft, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, an investment bank.
Food banks across the nation are facing a perfect storm as they try to help the growing number of hungry Americans amid the coronavirus pandemic.
It was a perfect storm: There was a building frenzy across the board, and there was advertising of all these different architects of that period.
Nevertheless, Carande described the novel coronavirus as "the perfect storm" with unique challenges that even the people who have previously experienced crises are unfamiliar with. 
By most accounts, the 2016 polling error took a perfect storm: Just about everything that could break Mr. Trump's way appears to have done so.
A perfect storm of conditions for a heat wave As Pelot noted, melt events like this are quite rare for Antarctica, even during the summer.
Still, Cohen said it would take a "perfect storm" to push oil markets back above $100 a barrel, and that storm is unlikely to form.
If this perfect storm is allowed to form, private policies will be pulled from the market and the federal program will shut down without funding.
Edward Snowden called the continuing "ransomware" scourge "a perfect storm of all the problems everyone has been warning about" at a privacy issues conference Monday.
"To be able to make a shot like that and helps us get this win, it's like the perfect storm," Wade said after the game.
Taken together, complicity, feminism and the technological boost of a hashtag seem to have made for a perfect storm and a cultural awakening at once.
Last December, a grand jury failed to indict Loehmann, and Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty said the shooting was a "perfect storm" of human error.
But while XLVIII started with a quarter-long perfect storm in the Seahawks' favor, LI ended with the Falcons trapped in a half-hour-long nightmare.
Russian equities would only look attractive here should a perfect storm of warming U.S.-Russia political relations, a thawing trade embargo and strong crude oil strike.
"A perfect storm," is how Chris Saint, currency analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown described in an email to CNBC the headwinds facing the lira at the moment.
And the easiest target of their outrage was me, and the timing was immediately before the retention election, so it was essentially just a perfect storm.
UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura called the looming offensive a "perfect storm" that threatens the wellbeing of large numbers of already vulnerable civilians.
Two competing videos created the perfect storm for fans, and painted a clear picture of how subscriber growth or loss is often emotionally driven and reactionary.
Go deeper: Congo's risky election could make history Persistence needed to fight the "perfect storm" of Ebola in DRC Congo now has second largest Ebola outbreak
What we're seeing now is a perfect storm of variables — one that other companies will likely be deconstructing, analyzing and experimenting with for years to come.
A perfect storm of five-star ratings, glowing reviews, and Instagram buzz can turn an otherwise unknown product into the biggest beauty launch of the year.
So, that's really what's come together to kind of create the perfect storm, if you will, that has lumber prices down about 40% year over year.
That, mixed with a devastating drought in recent years, has worked to create a perfect storm that's threatening one of the nation's most prized natural wonders.
The outbreak in India, and seemingly similar cases in Vietnam and Bangladesh, amount to a sort of perfect storm of malnourishment and a booming lychee industry.
Born into a perfect storm of sociopolitical context, She's Gotta Have It is more than its circumstances or the sum of its parts; it's just good.
Bad lighting, cranky photo takers, and now, in some states, not being allowed to smile all add up to create a perfect storm of bad pics.
In an interview with Re/code, Toca Boca CEO Bjorn Jeffery talked about the particular "perfect storm" that sets Toca Boca apart from other app makers.
What she did on the day of the hanging, Quam said, was "the perfect storm of factors unlikely to ever be repeated," the Star Tribune reports.
"There's been a perfect storm of marketing with avocado," he says, pointing out that there was barely any avocado consumption in the US ten years ago.
It was the perfect storm when CEO and Founder Liam Reynolds finally decided to start TrueUp, a data-driven growth marketing agency/consultancy based in London.
Warren Beech, a partner at law firm Hogan Lovells, said mining was trapped in "a perfect storm," struggling against issues of image, sustainability and community opposition.
"The American public has a short-term memory...[Republicans] recognize there's a perfect storm in 2020," Chris Condeluci, a former Republican Finance Committee aide, told me.
Or will Democrats regard it as a disappointment given the perfect storm of factors that seemed to be lining up in Ossoff's favor for Tuesday's vote?
British retailers are facing a perfect storm of rising costs, uncertainty in the economy around Britain's exit from the European Union and a structural shift online.
"If further risks arise, such as geopolitical risks or a downturn in the economy and property prices, then a perfect storm could threaten," he told Handelsblatt.
Music's misconduct problem doesn't stem from any one of these factors alone—it's a perfect storm that clears a path for sexual abuse to continue unabated.
The temperature, air density, and humidity in the atmosphere of these plains creates a perfect storm that distorts the light in this unusual, and perplexing way.
So it was one of the few cases that it was a perfect storm, that everything that made practice special, VR worked in that way, now.
I don't believe my fellow physicians had ill intentions but we played a significant role in creating a perfect storm for these tragic consequences to unfold.
But on a Sunday night into the early hours of Monday, a perfect storm of weather conditions conspired to produce an altogether different kind of hell.
While the deals might stick around, the perfect storm of end-of-month and end-of-year sales goals won't come around again for 12 months.
Put all of this together and you have a perfect storm with wind gusts that all push Uber into the same general public relations disaster area.
"This case involved a perfect storm of error — bad defense counsel, an unreliable witness, critical evidence that was never disclosed to the defense," Ms. Saifee said.
But in far too many others, our we have constructed a perfect-storm-in-waiting of tightly coupled networks, zero oversight, and laughable attempts at security.
At the same time, there's a perfect storm afoot that could result in some significant growing pains for the emerging sector over the next five years.
"This was kind of a perfect storm of three separate failures," Tom Frieden, director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017, told the Wall Street Journal. 
Winds picked up this morning creating a perfect storm of bad for firefighters "Fire once again raging in Santa Barbara," tweeted the tennis star Jimmy Connors.
"It was a perfect storm with tragic consequences" but "not a crime," said Mr. Wold, who acknowledged that Ms. Ruszczyk had in fact posed no threat.
In recent months, a perfect storm of sensitive political meetings and a new cybersecurity law has led to a sharp crackdown on internet freedoms in China.
A dangerous 'perfect storm' All of these things will combine to make one massive high tide event, and with Dorian's approach, things could get seriously dangerous.
Read: In Canada, a 'Perfect Storm' for a #MeToo Reckoning Attend: Journalism and the #MeToo Moment Contribute: What Changes Do You See in Tackling Sexual Harassment?
Well, that's just what I wear and what I think looks cool and also works well with my insecurities, so it's a perfect storm of that.
"It was just a perfect storm," said Dr. Barao, whose biography on the farm's website said he has a doctorate in beef cattle nutrition and management.
Warmer waters help create a perfect storm One of the factors behind this year's active Pacific hurricane season is that the water is warmer, he said.
A perfect storm of conflicted physicians, loose regulations and a culture that celebrates shiny, expensive and invasive treatments has led to the fetishization of medical devices.
"It could be a perfect storm," said Alex Zozaya, the chief executive of Apple Leisure Group, which owns AMResorts, Apple Vacations, Cheap Caribbean and other companies.
And yes, there are some fringe, perfect-storm thought experiments out there that can get you close to 200 feet by the end of the century.
In the early 1980s, faced with a similar perfect storm of tax cuts, entitlement commitments and defense spending, the adults in Washington D.C. got to work.
One can see the impending collapse of the country's economy and national currency, a perfect storm that's been in the making for at least ten years.
Warren Beech, a partner at law firm Hogan Lovells, said mining was trapped in "a perfect storm", struggling against issues of image, sustainability and community opposition.
And in a perfect storm of packet loss, a not-infrequent occurrence, the device will interpret the silence as a straight-up absence of access points.
Confident that warnings about the potentially disastrous economic consequences of Brexit would be enough to guarantee them victory, the Remain camp overlooked a perfect storm gathering offshore.
According to Gray, the perception of bushmeat as a prestige food has combined with changes to the landscape to create a "perfect storm" for Southeast Asia's wildlife.
They're perhaps most famous as the presumed reason for the 1991 loss of the Andrea Gail, the fishing vessel depicted in the 2000 film A Perfect Storm.
Despite Pruitt's departure, this perfect storm of anti-environmental conservatism unlikely to end what bids to become a historically unprecedented assault on our environmental agencies and laws.
Turnbull claimed a "perfect storm" in Europe is breeding extremism, such as poor integration of foreign fighters, "porous borders" and intelligence not keeping up with the threat.
"A perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances" is how former Bizarre design manager Gareth Wilson, who subsequently moved to Sheffield's Sumo Digital, described the situation in early 2011.
Like the nerdy clerk in the video for "Levels" (2011), his breakthrough hit, his fans could dance crazily round the office in a perfect storm of paper.
That the low-frequency rumble spread across the world was probably due to a "perfect storm," according to Stephen Hicks, a seismologist at the University of Southampton.
"It feels like January at the moment; it's a perfect storm of factors making for an extremely conducive environment," one SSA syndicate official told IFR last week.
British retailers are facing a perfect storm of rising costs, uncertainty in the economy around the UK's exit from the European Union and the structural shift online.
The Eastern Conference semifinal series between the Miami Heat and Toronto Raptors has been the perfect storm of sloppiness and nail-biting to keep basketball Twitter engaged.
After the sun set and storms cleared, Persoff and a small group of fellow chasers found a steakhouse in Dodge City to celebrate the perfect storm chase.
There can be some arguments with family members or roommates as confused retrograde Mercury meets defensive Mars, brewing up the perfect storm of misunderstandings and reactive statements.
It is like a perfect storm coming together to wreak havoc on a country that has now to grapple with who will lead the country post-2021.
So trust me when I tell you I know what you're feeling, and I know how the situation you're in is the perfect storm of unrequited misery.
But dudes are generally gross, so was this specific instance of a dude being gross egregious, or just the perfect storm of grossness and high-definition technology?
"It's a perfect storm for ticket prices to soar: the return of golf's biggest name and the emergence of a new generation of stars," Vivid Seats added.
"We've been in a bit of a perfect storm for the rates market recently," Charlie Ripley, a senior investment strategist at Allianz Investment Management, told Markets Insider.
"I can understand people who immediately, whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups," Barr said.
" Variety's cover story by Brian Steinberg: "[T]he perfect storm brewing in Bristol these days is bigger than any that Disney's most valuable asset has ever faced.
It seems Japan has a series of cultural and economic conditions that might have created a perfect storm for this—conditions and traditions the US doesn't have.
"I can understand people who immediately, whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups," he said.
And for a governor who so relished the spotlight, with a natural ability to captivate and control it, it was a perfect storm of a final term.
It would be better to set up humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians than rush into a battle which could prove to be a "perfect storm", he said.
Here's what it looks like to me: Brazil appears to have been hit by a perfect storm of bad luck and bad policy, with three main aspects.
"It's a perfect storm: Every recent advance in television technology seems to have been designed specifically to make 'The Long Night' difficult to make out," he wrote.
That perfect storm had been brewing for a long time, drawing strength from many political and economic forces and gathering speed as the pace of change accelerated.
"Between the lack of funding, the vulnerability of our communities, the lack of access to equipment, we are the perfect storm for acquiring this disease," Bohlen said.
But combining those together with an uncertain market and a falling currency, for a company that is saddled with that much debt, you get a perfect storm.
"Strong headline growth, amid poor wage growth, is seemingly a perfect storm for equities," Chris Weston, chief market strategist at IG in Melbourne, wrote in a note.
To understand the overwhelmingly negative reaction to Lexa's death on The 1003, you have to understand the perfect storm the show created for fans to revolt against.
Using a technology that now really worked well, and then Apple pushing the podcasts, and Google getting into it, it just created sort of this perfect storm.
The new color of this salt lake in Victoria, Melbourne, is due to a perfect storm of circumstances: warm weather, sunlight, little rain, and very high salt levels.
Heineken entered the U.K. pub market in 21.34 with the acquisition of Scottish & Newcastle, during what Van Boxmeer describes as a "perfect storm" following the global financial crisis.
Vera Eck, MFT, an Imago relationship therapist in Los Angeles, says that post-grad life can be a perfect storm of chaos that leaves friendships at the wayside.
It was the perfect storm of the most beautiful woman in the world, who's on the rise to superstardom, and a makeup artist who's also on the rise.
The grand jury concluded the shooting was a "perfect storm of human error, mistakes and communications" but not a criminal act, prosecutor Tim McGinty said at the time.
"The fact that we have a flavored product that is easier to access and possibly cheaper has created a perfect storm to lead to increased use," King said.
But calling the incident a ''perfect storm'' implicitly presented the people involved not as individuals with agency but as unwitting executors of a systemic failing beyond anyone's control.
The ''perfect storm'' was a useful means of framing the complex collision of factors that gave rise to the crisis and was often deployed by analysts and journalists.
Crude prices and spreads are being propelled higher by an almost perfect storm of increasing economic optimism (or at least reducing pessimism), OPEC cuts and unplanned supply disruptions.
On social media, meteorologists and storm chasers have been sharing their awe over the shape and size of super typhoon Nepartak, describing it as a "near-perfect" storm.
"Simply put, given this perfect storm of human error, mistakes, and miscommunications by all involved that day, the evidence did not indicate criminal conduct by police," McGinty said.
"We have kind of looked at this as a perfect storm as it became a very complex story toward this individual who posed as a student," says Harris.
Frequent moves, licensing issues in new states, the costs of childcare and lost credits between school transfers often create the perfect storm of career barriers for military spouses.
"The market is pricing in a higher probability of a no-deal Brexit and an increase of economic pressure...You have the perfect storm for sterling," Gkionakis added.
Their objections are supported by the millions of Americans who just witnessed a perfect storm of voter suppression, political corruption, and foreign intervention in the 2016 presidential election.
The latest court documents point to a perfect storm of headwinds for the contractor that lead to its February bankruptcy filing and underscore the challenges in the sector.
These factors have created a "perfect storm" for garbage in the surrounding seas, said Susan Ruffo, a managing director at the U.S.-based non-profit group Ocean Conservancy.
"The market is pricing in a higher probability of a no-deal Brexit and an increase of economic pressure ... You have the perfect storm for sterling," Gkionakis added.
The financial crisis was not a "perfect storm" of unforeseeable economic events, precipitated largely by mortgages that with the benefit of hindsight the industry should not have made.
Hany Farid, a computer science professor at Dartmouth College, said many forces are coming together to create a "perfect storm" to facilitate the rapid spread of fake content.
The image was created in 1987 by the perfect storm of Tom Wolfe's novel "Bonfire of the Vanities" and Oliver Stone's film "Wall Street," and proved astonishingly durable.
Cuban, 61, has weighed a run for president in 2020, but has said that it would take "a perfect storm" for him to consider jumping into the race.
So the real question is how is it that these fast-growing but more affordable metros haven't "been hit by a perfect storm" alluded to by the chairman?
The U.S. team returned home with only one silver in the men's short track relay at Sochi after a series of problems coalesced to create a perfect storm.
Kardashian lost his battle to cancer in 2003; four years later, his curvaceous daughter Kim landed in the public eye, a walking perfect storm of scandal-mag appeal.
The Obama Administration's announcement that average premiums for silver health exchange plans are set to increase 22 percent illustrates the "perfect storm" that is brewing in healthcare today.
The National Weather Service's labor union criticized the cuts, saying they would create a "perfect storm" hindering the agency's ability to provide reliable forecasts and natural disaster warnings.
Conversely, the Jets look cursed, with poor coaching, locker room drama, and being generally bad at football, making for a perfect storm of losing the past two weeks.
It was a perfect storm for Curry, who had a statistically insane year individually, while starring for the kind of team year that sportswriters mess their pants for.
Years of above-average play, punctuated by stand-out moments, and a whole lot of winning—all in the major market—make Jeter something of a perfect storm.
"The marriage of the domestic fake news operations, the domestic RNC Republican allied data, combined with the very effective capabilities that the Russians brought" was a perfect storm.
"It's not one thing but a perfect storm of elements that come together in Kenya's Rift Valley region to make the people there so strong at distance running."
Our society, which is less separable than we'd like from the cruder societies that came before it, has created a perfect storm of reasons to dismiss rape victims.
"[T]here is a perfect storm coming up in front of our eyes potentially," Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations' top envoy for Syria, told reporters last Thursday.
JOHANNESBURG/LONDON (Reuters) - Africa is crying out for debt relief to weather a perfect storm of coronavirus, plummeting oil and commodity prices, mounting budget deficits and weaker currencies.
JOHANNESBURG/LONDON (Reuters) - Africa is crying out for debt relief to weather a perfect storm of coronavirus, plummeting oil and commodity prices, mounting budget deficits and weaker currencies.
According to earlier TechCrunch reports, the company is running low on cash thanks to a perfect storm of working capital constraints, increased marketing spend and lower customer demand.
"I do think there is a confluence of factors that could thwart a successful census and create what I see as a perfect storm in 2020," she said.
Finally, I read two books aloud with the family — "The Perfect Storm," by Sebastian Junger and "Martin Marten," by Brian Doyle — everyone sprawled on couches under kerosene light.
"The political environment was the United States was having a lot of trouble with Iran at the time in politics, so it was a perfect storm," he testified.
To the Editor: I agree that the clinics that offer abortions in embattled states are at the center of a perfect storm of opposition from the religious right.
For those who still think we can leave tackling climate change for tomorrow the message here is thunderous: the Perfect Storm is no longer brewing, it has arrived.
"It's a perfect storm of everything going wrong from a valuation point of view despite everything going fine for the company," Kinnevik Chief Executive Lorenzo Grabau told Reuters.
Working against energy is the perfect storm of excess supply, alternatives and efficient technology eating into demand, and the continued push by investors to divest fossil fuel stocks.
"There isn't one overarching reason, but boy put those together and you get a perfect storm," Adam Isacson, WOLA's senior associate for regional security policy, told VICE News.
It's an outbreak I describe as a perfect storm — a combination of this deadly disease in one of the most difficult, protracted crises we have around the world.
But throughout the 90s and early 2000s, a series of events created a perfect storm to transform parts of the district like Marshall into a hive of IP litigation.
Or is it just that every now and then, something unexpected happens — some perfect storm comes together, and what is normally clock-like occasionally takes on cloud-like properties?
Ultimately, Levine argues that that a combination of pharmaceutical industry corruption, academic collusion, and lack of government oversight have combined to create a perfect storm of mental health maleficence.
"So I am still hypothesizing that we have seen a perfect storm with the number of users increasing, and then what they are using becoming more dangerous," Unick said.
A perfect storm of political polarization, digital naïveté, illiteracy, and a lack of meaningful steps from the platforms themselves has left India's electorate uniquely vulnerable to being manipulated online.
Into this perfect storm entered a Republican president, Ulysses S. Grant, a war hero with little political experience and terrible judgment in the friends he appointed to high office.
" She also described the victims as "less risk-averse than other people," noting that it's "a perfect storm of opportunity for someone who knows exactly how to manipulate people.
"As huge fans of the game, we're struck by the endless possibilities of stories that it could inspire," producer Gail Katz (The Perfect Storm, Air Force One) told Variety.
The conditions early this week in southern California will be similar to the perfect storm of ingredients that led to such a tragedy in other parts of the state.
During Bush's term, mediocre economic growth mixed with an increasing monetary supply and a significant accumulation of debt created a perfect storm that eventually led to the 22019 destabilization.
He calls it "a perfect storm scenario," where the camera position, fit of the pants, and lighting collided to create a butt that seems bigger than it actually is.
Photographer Timothy Jones' ceaseless quest to document his two great loves — his son, Stan, and his beagle, Jasper, is like a perfect storm of cuteness: It's got it all.
The Cowboys' collapse from 12-234 in 22013 to 24-22016 last year was a perfect storm of unforeseeable disasters, except for the few disasters that were totally foreseeable.
The Warriors—in a perfect storm of free agency and a skyrocketing salary cap—added Kevin Durant to a 73-win team while also keeping their three all-stars.
Victory will however require a perfect storm of a high caliber and well-funded challenger, a decline in Trump's approval ratings and a lackluster campaign by Culberson and Sessions.
The paper's perfect storm of a buzzy phrase—fake news—and the stamp of a respected academic journal meant that it was widely covered by the media, including Motherboard.
This week was actually a perfect storm, in LA at least: Lots of moisture and cold temperatures were followed by a weak offshore flow that produced crystal-clear skies.
The report painted a picture of a perfect storm of bureaucratic inertia, rapidly worsening security in Libya and inadequate resources in the months that led up to the attack.
"The perfect storm of low unemployment, high turnover rates, and negative perceptions of the job work together to make hiring and keeping qualified workers an uphill battle," it said.
"I'd say, in general, emerging markets are seeing a perfect storm brewing once again," said Carlos Hardenberg, partner and co-founder at emerging markets asset management firm Mobius Capital.
"Green added that Kavanagh is "a very big friend of the brand," and said there's a "perfect storm" involving Kavanagh and McGregor, who "captured the national imagination in Ireland.
"This is a perfect storm for the dollar, and that is also undermining risk appetite broadly in the market," said Ricardo Evangelista, a senior analyst at ActivTrades in London.
Neo Yokio's veritable charcuterie of celebrity cameos mixed with increasingly surprising plots and striking animation style are the perfect storm for a culture vulture looking for a refined high.
"This is a kind of perfect storm," says Lisa A. Marsch, a professor of psychiatry and health policy at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine and the study's principal investigator.
This perfect storm of anti-environmental conservatism now seems poised to strike against our environmental agencies and laws with a destructive force never before seen in our modern era.
Dr. Rebekah Gee, who heads Louisiana State University's healthcare services division, called Mardi Gras "the perfect storm" for the spread of coronavirus, according to a Wednesday report from Reuters.
Unlike the authors of "The Perfect Storm" and other books about marine catastrophes, Slade did not have to resort to reasonable inference and guesswork about the vessel's final moments.
Sign up for Hurricane Florence emails for the latest on the storm A perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances means Florence will likely be catastrophic for parts of the Southeast.
When it comes to the last year at Santa Anita in particular, they may blame a perfect storm of events—or the literal winter storms—that befell the track.
"It's really a perfect storm when the person is caught alone, and their daughter or son is not there, that's when you see the payment get made," he said.
There are also few pettier people than the people who write for the internet, and this week, a certain article became a perfect storm of both of these things.
Yet the merged group must still overcome a perfect storm of eroding reimbursement rates, depressed occupancies, and competition from home health that has weighed on nursing facilities nation-wide.
"Amid a perfect storm of challenges in farm country, we cannot afford the uncertainty this action would bring," said Nebraska farmer Lynn Chrisp, president of the National Corn Growers Association.
Washington (CNN)A former senior adviser in Hillary Clinton's campaign blamed the election loss on a "perfect storm" of factors, adding that the team could have run a better campaign.
Consistently high inflation rates and stringent currency control policies created a perfect storm for the uptake of the digital currency bitcoin in Argentina, with major publications heralding its widespread adoption.
That limited leave combined with the ACP's advice regarding exclusive breast-feeding is the perfect storm of conflicting factors that leaves many moms no choice but to pump at work.
The Beautician: An Enemy Of The State A desire for change, combined with access to smuggled products that allow for individual expression, has created the perfect storm of shared disobedience.
In an interview with Jonathan Swan for "Axios on HBO," Iraqi President Barham Salih said the U.S. withdrawal in Syria has led to a "perfect storm" in the Middle East.
The Thread RE: FIRST WORDS Charles Homans discussed ''perfect storm,'' a phrase that has become a go-to excuse in public life for a seemingly inexplicable chain of human error.
However, when you combine this sort of nasty mix of conflict, drought, poor governance, and now lack of resources as well, it sort of adds up to a perfect storm.
A perfect storm of impassioned football fandom, coming this close to winning the championship and (probably) a higher-than-average blood alcohol level apparently leads to — who would have guessed?
This growth is partly due to a genuine need for connection some users lack in their real-life interpersonal relationships, but realistically, it is also due to a perfect storm.
The decline indicates that businesses pulled back spending more than previously anticipated amid a "perfect storm" of U.S. dollar strength, tepid global demand and a "sizable" inventory overhang, Piegza said.
It's a perfect storm when you combine the president's steady intake of conservative media with the losses or retirement of many of the last remaining moderate Republicans in the House.
In a letter released on Thursday evening, Diniz praised Faria and said the company had suffered a "perfect storm," with rising grain prices and Brazil's deepest recession in a century.
Farm bankruptcies in September surged 24% amid a perfect storm created by President Donald Trump's trade war with China and Europe, slumping commodity prices, and a year of unfavorable weather.
Economists have already said the economic promises of the Republican tax plan are smoke and mirrors, but adding more cuts to the social safety net amounts to a perfect storm.
But then came a perfect storm: the War of 1812, the Civil War, and, finally, Prohibition, taking effect in 1920, ultimately toppled the legal rum industry in New York City.
With the furor that's greeted other purported tell-alls about the Trump White House, especially Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury, Omarosa's book was always likely to become a perfect storm.
"There's kind of a perfect storm of these young writer-bandleaders and these young musical performers who want to play something interesting and challenging," Mr. McNeely said in an interview.
It was a reaction to a "perfect storm" of circumstances, he said: his mother's death, the pressure of his job and their son whom he at first, felt replaced by.
"Weaker global trade, a struggling global auto industry, Brexit and China's economic problems get pretty close to a perfect storm for Germany," said Kit Juckes, a strategist at Societe Generale.
"It was a perfect storm kind of a night, where everything that could have possibly went wrong did, in this stadium and two others," Michael Bradley, the American captain, said.
Story at a glance A perfect storm of climate change, extreme weather and pressure from human activity is threatening to collapse Earth's most biodiverse ecosystems, according to a new study.
Chief Operations Officer Jan Oberholzer told Reuters the power cuts earlier in the week were caused by a "perfect storm" of extreme rainfall and breakdowns at coal-fired power plants.
"The convergence of the sexual harassment issues, the racial issues and now the Supreme Court thing, that's like a perfect storm," said Michael London, an executive producer of the film.
The sale of the Rockets — a stable franchise with two superstars that is coming off a successful season — could be the perfect storm for a record sale in the league.
This willingness to believe the unknown and the 2018 Farm Bill created the perfect storm for enterprising individuals to sell us anything and everything embossed with the three-letter acronym.
Unless some deal is done to forestall such an assault, Idlib will be the "perfect storm," as the United Nations envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura put it on Thursday.
Strategists described the event, which sent the overnight Treasury general collateral rate to 9% Tuesday, as the result of a perfect storm that created a period of illiquidity in markets.
There is a near-perfect storm of reasons for why retirement saving is difficult for independent contractors, said Camille Olson, a lawyer and partner at the law firm Seyfarth Shaw.
The nightmare scenario for modernizers like himself, he suggested, was a conservative candidate becoming the nominee and winning the general election because of a "perfect storm" of pro-GOP factors.
"These people may have enough urea cycle function to get by on a day to day basis, until they hit some kind of perfect storm of events," says Dr. Ah Mew.
When you see general nervousness across the tech space, combined with expectations that Apple was going to carry the weight of the FANG names ... it's kind of been a perfect storm.
Tattoo ink is already known to sometimes cause allergic reactions, and coupled with the woman's complicated immune system, the doctors speculate, it might have set off a perfect storm of myopathy.
Which is why last night proved to be a perfect storm of pure America, when Ian Farmer of Modern Baseball threw the ceremonial first pitch at a Tampa Bay Rays game.
Britney's longtime manager, Larry Rudolph, spoke to TMZ on Wednesday and said that her Las Vegas residency was put on hold due to a "perfect storm" of events in her life.
"Given this perfect storm of human error, mistakes and communications by all involved that day, the evidence did not indicate criminal conduct by police," prosecutor Tim McGinty said at the time.
We saw Charles Hardigree, who slept in a four-bedroom house and drove a minivan until unemployment and health problems came calling at the same time — a perfect storm of homelessness.
Fast-forward to later in 2015, with its perfect storm of ISIS slaughter and then-candidate Trump's nativist speeches, and the graph shows a dramatic jump in officials' anti-Muslim rhetoric.
WorldCom's $107 billion implosion in 2002 was a result of a perfect storm ''that ripped through the telecommunications industry,'' the company's chief executive told a United States Senate committee that year.
"It's a perfect storm in the wind when you've really done your homework — and that piece of music matches with the story line and the visuals you've shot," said Ms. Clark.
The institutional racism that diminished voter protections for poor black and brown citizens along with black voter ambivalence, especially by millennials to Clinton's candidacy, created a perfect storm of electoral failure.
Goncalves said that perfect storm of events could put rates at their highs for the year, but Caron said the midterms may be a time when investors seek safety in Treasurys.
Generational change in ownership, local governments push for digitization and increased globalization have created a perfect storm for these SMEs to adopt cloud and other digital technologies at neck-breaking pace.
It's a perfect storm of what's going on, and it's really interesting to see somebody who's not American to come in and sum it all up in this one ridiculous video.
GOP strategists say Obama-Care's troubles this year are morphing into a perfect storm for their candidates, providing a boost in a year when the party is defending 2202 Senate seats.
"The last seven years of Tory economic failure has created the perfect storm, as wages have fallen behind, more and more families are being pushed deeper into debt," McDonnell will say.
"If you look at the mismatch between economic opportunity and demographics, it's a perfect storm that's brewing," says Milan Vaishnav, an associate at the Carnegie Endowment, a Washington-based think-tank.
Car-sharing, ride-sharing, Apple cars, Google cars, and Teslas — just to name a few — pose a perfect storm of existential threats that Detroit has never had to deal with before.
S. trade frictions, U.S. interest rate hikes, slowing corporate profit growth, Brexit and the partial U.S. federal government shutdown, entering its 10th day, formed a perfect storm across global financial markets.
JP: I've just always really been a vintage horror fan and a vintage rock fan, so I think I'm trying to make a perfect storm of the two things for myself.
Democrats opposed to the Missouri bill called it a "perfect storm" of lowered standards for the use of deadly force and an invitation for people to be armed without responsible controls.
In her closing argument, defense lawyer Denise Lunsford described the incident as the result of a "perfect storm" of events over which Fields had no control, sending him into a panic.
" But add toxic media hysteria to that conflict and, he said, "you have this perfect storm of this latent conspiracy theory that there's unseen, hidden evils trying to hurt our children.
" Boules says the hype surrounding apple cider vinegar is akin to that pegged to any single food or vitamin, mineral, or herb is the result of "a perfect storm of nonsense.
But even Attorney General William Barr has described Epstein&aposs death as a "perfect storm of screw-ups" and pointed to policy failures, such failing to ensure Epstein had a cellmate.
Australia experienced record warm temperatures and extreme drought, creating the perfect storm for the wildfires that burned over 7 million hectares (17 million acres) in New South Wales and Victoria alone.
"This is like the perfect storm of an economic disaster," said Javier E. Zapata-Rodríguez, deputy director of economic development for PathStone Enterprise Center, which advises small businesses in Puerto Rico.
Experts point to what they say is a perfect storm, in which the three forces that make up a country's population growth — births, deaths and immigration — have all gone off-kilter.
"It's a perfect storm for reform," said Michelle Coffin, a political science professor at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, who worked in provincial politics for more than five years.
Car-sharing, ride-sharing, Apple cars, Google cars and Teslas — just to name a few — pose a perfect storm of existential threats that Detroit has never had to deal with before.
Mardi Gras was 'the perfect storm' for the coronavirus spreadLouisiana, meanwhile, has become one of the coronavirus' epicenters in the US, and scientists have linked the outbreak there to Mardi Gras.
"We may be looking at a near-perfect storm in which healthcare providers are disrupted at the very time they are needed the most," the company says in a blog post.
Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration says Zymere's death was the result of a "perfect storm," an unusual accumulation of bureaucratic and human mistakes that allowed manageable problems to become a calamity.
"We went into a perfect storm ... but (that) can be a perfect opportunity," Chief Executive Yol Phokasub told Reuters, citing the virus outbreak, a prolonged drought and a delayed budget bill.
"It had absolutely everything going for it as a tabloid perfect storm," said Sam Roberts, a reporter at The New York Times, who was the Daily News city editor in 1977.
"There is kind of a perfect storm here over the last few months around natural gas, and then oil and NGLs," Glen Warren, finance chief at Antero Resources, said last week.
Indeed, koalas are a particularly cute emblem of how a perfect storm of greed, nationalism, climate denialism, political cynicism has gathered to fundamentally alter life on earth as we know it.
In a country where K-pop reigns supreme, Hyon's trip appears to have created the perfect storm for the South Korean media: a young, attractive musician whose visit carries geopolitical implications.
Like a perfect storm, indecent tweeting from the White House, a senatorial candidate accused of child molestation, and a tsunami of revulsion over sexual predation by powerful men, coincided that day.
GOP strategists say Obama-Care's troubles this year are morphing into a perfect storm for their candidates, providing a boost in a year when the party is defending 24 Senate seats.
They know that Trump's victory was a "perfect storm" of backlash to the Obama presidency combined with a populist movement of voters who felt the global economy had passed them by.
" Kelly adds: "This was exacerbated with pathological gambling, Valium and alcohol that caused the perfect storm for mass murder: a delusional, psychotic illness which resulted in violent, suicidal, and explosive murderous rage.
"We started the clothing brand just before the video game release, and that was the perfect storm of recognition and brand awareness," the now 48-year-old former pro skater told CNBC.
This perfect storm gave birth to the "sharing economy," the flip side of the subscription economy, where asset owners "share" what they own with total strangers, to recoup those losses and jobs.
From gutting net neutrality and axing privacy rules, to attempts to weaken both FCC and FTC oversight of major telecom and media monopolies, there's a perfect storm of unaccountability on the horizon.
But since then the coal industry has been hit a perfect storm of stagnating electricity demand, a sharp fall in the price of gas, and a record warm winter in 2015/16.
"It's a perfect storm of those three factors coming together at about the same time," said John Deskins, the director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at West Virginia University.
Rising bond yields would damage growth even more, and the perfect storm of weak growth and higher debt funding costs could push the debt-to-GDP ratio to 130 pct even higher.
"In a nutshell, it does seem to us like a perfect storm is in the making for Turkey and Turkish assets, which could spill over into other markets as well," Maggio said.
Smith said this is despite the fact that "we are in a perfect storm for IPO activity," noting that IPO after-pricing has been strong and the markets are at new highs.
Patel is still looking for the euro-dollar cross to be at 1.30 by year-end — but he recognized that "there is a perfect storm right now keeping the single currency depressed."
In a letter following the announcement of Faria's departure, Diniz praised him and said the company had suffered a "perfect storm" of rising grain prices and Brazil's deepest recession in a century.
S. trade frictions, U.S. interest rate hikes, slowing corporate profit growth, Brexit and the partial U.S. federal government shutdown, now in its 10th day, formed a perfect storm across global financial markets.
You're shedding more because you have brand new infection, so that combination... and the fact that you have just a very short time before you deliver—all of that's a perfect storm.
"I have come to look at addiction as a perfect storm of all these things that come together to make someone an addict," Nic Sheff, a writer on the show, tells me.
But Anglo-American ties with the House of Saud might now be entering a perfect storm, where the relationship becomes politically unsustainable just as its underlying strategic rationale begins to fall away.
If it takes a perfect storm to dislodge a congressional leader, then Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and her crusading campaign about class, race, gender, age, absenteeism and ideology proved to be just that.
A "perfect storm" of the coronavirus pandemic and challenging market conditions could mean a hit to Wall Street employees' pay, according to Alan Johnson, managing director of compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates.
Now, pour into this hollow man Steve Bannon's toxic, apocalyptic nationalism and his professed mission — "deconstruction of the administrative state" — and you get a perfect storm of extreme orthodoxy and extreme insecurity.
Just add a hurricane to the mix (the hurricane season starts in early summer and lasts through the autumn) and you've got not just a perfect storm, but a potentially catastrophic one.
"Deep-ocean sailing for her was a combination of 'Jaws' and 'The Perfect Storm,'" which was one reason Ms. Carausu began posting reassuring footage of their trip, using a Canon Power Shot.
This perfect storm came to pass yesterday at the opening of Everlane's newest retail location in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, which just happens to be just a stone's throw from my own humble abode.
It appears to have fallen victim to an online crackdown fed by a perfect storm of politically sensitive news, important events and a new cybersecurity law that went into effect last month.
Strategists say it may have been a perfect storm of events that caused the problem, with a hefty amount of funds required for Treasury settlements and tax payments by corporations and others.
"There's a set of unprecedented challenges that collectively threaten to create a perfect storm in 113," Terri Ann Lowenthal, a consultant and a leading authority on the census, said in an interview.
BERDYANSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - When the Island Bay cargo ship arrived from Beirut at the Kerch Strait, gateway to the Azov Sea, it sailed into a perfect storm of geopolitics and bad weather.
The convergence of increasingly limited housing stock, lax regulations, and a seemingly infinite number of buyers—both American and foreign—conjures up a "perfect storm," according to Kotkin, where people like Croman prosper.
On Tuesday, another market analyst, Bespoke Investment Group co-founder Paul Hickey, told "Squawk Box" a perfect storm of bullish stock market trends should push the S&P 500 into record territory soon.
"I am pessimistic about the German outlook because Germany could experience something like the perfect storm," Marcel Fratzscher, President of the DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), told CNBC's Squawk Box Europe Friday.
While it seemed like the perfect storm of real-world chance versus automotive high tech, it turns out not just an unlikely blend of coincidence could cause Tesla's Autopilot to miss an obstacle.
Combining new biotechnology with a lack of transparency makes for a "perfect storm," Kolodinsky said, and food labeling gives people that are nervous about genetic modification the choice of whether to buy it.
It's a perfect storm for partisans to identify with their president, look the other way from abuses of power, and provide no political incentives for other actors to keep the president in check.
Although Parrilla thinks gold prices should stay contained in the short-term, down the track he envisages a "perfect storm" investment thesis that could ultimately end with asymmetric upside for the precious metal.
"Unfortunately we have had a perfect storm as regards the share price," he said, citing issues such as the impact from last year's Brexit vote, the accounting scandal and the company's pension deficit.
As we assess the market, product, competitive and talent dynamics, we see a perfect storm of enabling characteristics pushing beyond incremental innovation into the widespread disruption of the firmly established HR SaaS category.
The potential intersection of reduced access to birth control and restricted abortion rights could set up a perfect storm of more unintended pregnancies and fewer places for women to access safe, legal abortion.
You take a tragic, national event like the racism in Charlottesville and add a fuck-up from a giant company that everyone likes to rag on like ESPN, and it's the perfect storm.
It was poor Americans who had in fact triggered the housing collapse — not a perfect storm of culprits including failed corporate governance, risk-taking from wealthy Wall Street guys and widespread mortgage fraud.
"It just happened to be a perfect storm of this 'No Gay Thursday' tradition and them not liking this freshman and taking it out on him in a pretty horrible way," Hogan said.
The perfect storm of anti-trafficking laws and existing anti-prostitution legislation provides added impetus for police officers looking to make arrests, and undercover sting operations are one way of catching sex workers.
Analysts at Deutsche Bank, long the most extreme dollar "bull" of the major banks that dominate the $5 trillion a day currency market, spoke this week of a "perfect storm" for the dollar.
Today's proliferation of connected devices and apps that collect data outside of user control creates a perfect storm for nation states to leverage seemingly innocent technologies to gain national security or economic advantage.
White Collar Watch Wells Fargo is facing a perfect storm of bad publicity and demands for changing its corporate culture after employees opened millions of fake customer accounts to hit their sales targets.
In retrospect, it was the perfect storm and a confluence of many events and nobody's fault, but I also think part of the downside of being so successful at such a young age.
Sally Kaplan, Insider Picks editor: The Point in Flax Birdseye, $145I am extremely picky about flats, mostly because it's hard to find ones that are the perfect storm of cute, affordable, and comfortable.
The holidays always seem to bring out the worst in our skin but throw in rough winds and dry air, and you've got the perfect storm for a dull, stressed, and sallow complexion.
There are numerous reasons why travelers are opting to hit the road for the holiday, according to Robert Sinclair, media manager for AAA Northeast, converging to form the perfect storm of crowded roads.
Mr. Samuelsen said the accident appeared to be a "perfect-storm situation" in which the train operator and the track workers could not see each other because of the curve in the tracks.
"This was a perfect storm of ego, wishful thinking and lack of accountability," said Dr. Jil C. Tardiff, a professor of medicine at the University of Arizona, and a heart-muscle cell researcher.
The contribution is likely to rise as the number of Guatemalans seeking to reach the United States surges — the result, Ms. Isaacs said, of "a perfect storm" of poverty, violence and environmental crises.
Elsewhere, T's arts editor, M.H. Miller, looked at how a perfect storm of manufacturing money, ample space and robust industry created one of Modernism's most fertile and important outposts in and around Detroit.
That heavily indebted country is now being hit by a perfect storm of the cessation of foreign travel, a total lockdown of its population and a slump in its main European trade partners.
Two violent winds — the warm southern sirocco and the cold northern bora — started howling together, and with the full moon, the rising tide and the torrential rain, the perfect storm was engulfing Venice.
"It's a perfect storm of big-city issues," said Jenny Robinson, executive director of the Nelson Cares Society, which runs the town's 17-bed homeless shelter and provides services to low-income residents.
But for many of the asylum seekers she works with, following the rules can mean becoming homeless: "It creates this perfect storm of extreme poverty, continued victimization, and profound social isolation," she said.
"Think of it as a perfect storm that's been impacting stocks, really, since the start of the month," Kristina Hooper, the chief global market strategist at the investment management firm Invesco, told me.
"This is the perfect storm, and it comes at absolutely the worst time," said Daniel Daltry, program chief of the HIV/AIDS, STD and Viral Hepatitis Program at the Vermont Department of Health.
When she finally picked up the phone to talk to a county school board member in December, she said she was worried that a "perfect storm" was brewing "for something like a Columbine" shooting.
Owens & Minor Chairman Robert Sledd told analysts on the company's earnings call earlier on Wednesday that the company experienced a "perfect storm" in 2018, with some issues self-inflicted and others outside its control.
Some investors initially thought deals without revolving pools would be unable to replicate Obvion's above-par structure, but a perfect storm of a fierce demand for paper and dwindling supply quickly proved them wrong.
"New accusations against Trump on intelligent secrets if expanded will be the catalyst to ignite a perfect storm (in the market)," Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at First standard Financial, wrote in a note.
The perfect storm: Peter Salama, WHO's head of emergency response, said Tuesday they were "extremely concerned" about recent violence that in some areas endangered health officials and halting the Ebola prevention and treatment regimes.
The boost of a new phone and a new watch at the same time meant a perfect storm for upgraders, driving the total number of Apple Watches sold past the Swiss watch sales numbers.
I'm writing this column on a muggy, 58-degree January afternoon in Brooklyn, in an apartment scarcely a block inland from where the flooding reached during Hurricane Sandy: the Northeast's most recent perfect storm.
The metaphorical implications of this are dizzying, if you stop and think about them: It means that in every perfect storm, in some minutely measurable quantity, lies the signature of our own individual responsibility.
"This is kind of a perfect storm for us," said Andrew Baker, the chief medical examiner for Minnesota's Hennepin County, which saw a 60 percent spike in opioid-related deaths from 2015 to 2016.
As I survey the landscape, I can't help but feel that it has the potential to be a perfect storm of too much interest, too generically applied, all amidst a newly uncertain regulatory environment.
The most recent perfect storm happened in 1989, says McDowell, when a Japanese H-1 rocket, two Soyuz rockets, and a US Titan 23G rocket launched to orbit between September 5th and September 6th.
The maturation of mobile payment services combined with the proliferation of IoT-capable devices has created a perfect storm of innovation that's seeing our money going places it never could, both securely and conveniently.
A perfect storm of conditions over the last decade led to the current fentanyl epidemic in the US. It began with rising social deprivation and excessive opioid prescribing by doctors, leading to mounting addiction.
"PERFECT STORM" CVS provided its 2019 forecast for adjusted earnings of $6.68 to $6.88 per share, compared with Wall Street estimates of $7.41, along with its first quarterly results since closing the Aetna deal.
CVS faced a perfect storm of challenges and now faces a longer road until the combination can work and create value, Evercore ISI analysts Ross Muken and Michael Newshel said in a research note.
A fatal fire in one store, the demolition of another and an attack by militant Islamists on their flagship Westgate outlet in 2013 created a "perfect storm" of disasters for Nakumatt, Dixon told Reuters.
As these systems come closer together, you may hear people begin to reference the "perfect storm" -- a term used by meteorologists when everything in the atmosphere comes together just right to produce dangerous conditions.
In his words, it was a "perfect storm" of losses from the recession, a lack of planning and ability to save, counting on services that haven't worked for them, and a lack of employment.
That was in large part because of tax policies that slashed taxes on the wealthy, failed to invest in the middle class, took their eyes off of Wall Street, and created a perfect storm.
"It was the perfect storm of terrible weather, a dearth of horses — many of them who shouldn't have been running here," said Rick Arthur, the equine medical director for the California Horse Racing Board.
But "I, Tonya" illuminates what so little press coverage at the time paid attention to: the perfect storm of violence that produced Harding's anger in the first place — her mother's abuse and her husband's.
"This case creates the 'perfect storm,' where a jury is going to tell us what they think about this kind of conduct on social media," said L. Lin Wood, a lawyer for Mr. Unsworth.
"The perfect storm appears to be building for emerging markets currencies with some pairs sitting at very vulnerable levels having already broken to historic lows," according to a morning note by Rakuten Securities Australia.
The stock market got caught in the perfect storm of escalated trade tensions and impeachment fears in September, but it came out just fine with the S&P 21.89 eking out a 1.7% gain.
Analysts reckon Next is likely to prove the exception among non-food retailers as the sector battles a perfect storm of rising costs, uncertainty in the economy around Brexit and the structural shift online.
When you add up the energy of Democratic voters, with the concern among suburbanites for the limbo Dreamers face and the mean-spirited rhetoric the White House continues pushing, a perfect storm is brewing.
What began as grief—reactive, based in reality—soon morphed, amidst a perfect storm of environmental factors and my own psychological shortcomings, into a pervasive depression that came from everywhere and nowhere at once.
HR: Yeah, let's go there, this perfect storm around tech, because I'm wondering whether either of you think that if Hillary Clinton had won the election, whether we would still be in this situation.
My life was a perfect storm for starting a bad habit: I had gotten my dream internship at my dream publication, so I was stressed every day about doing well and impressing my co-workers.
George Papaconstantinou, the country's finance minister between 2009 and 2011, warned European politicians that they face a "perfect storm" this summer with the refugee and sovereign debt crises still unresolved, at a conference in London.
The medical examiner labeled Franklin's death a homicide, caused by a "perfect storm" of methamphetamine intoxication, physiological stress from fighting with inmates and struggling to breathe with guards on his back, and multiple Taser shocks.
"The greatest challenges are in those countries where there is a perfect storm of stagnating salaries and rising house prices – for millennials in those countries, the dream, while not dead, looks set to be deferred."
It's rare that the world experiences such a perfect storm of schadenfreude as the one offered up by #FyreFestival, the on-the-ground reports from an "exclusive" musical fest in the Bahamas gone terribly wrong.
Go deeper: Biden: Abuse of power is the defining characteristic of Trump's presidency Trump's Syria strategy: Get out, but "keep the oil" Iraqi president: U.S. withdrawal in Syria adds to "perfect storm" in Middle East
The perfect storm of tension in that labor scene is not just an acting feat from Emily Blunt, it's also a reminder that women are strong as hell, and yes, silent labor really is possible.
Members of the media will be there, as well, making Disrupt NY a perfect storm to get your startup in front of the public and chat with like-minded technology lovers from around the world.
Fewer resources and fewer people downtown created a perfect storm for the city's already poor public transport system, particularly after plans for a solution — a $500 million, 303-mile light rail — were cancelled in 2011.
A combination of factors has conspired to create a perfect storm for oil since mid-2014, but analysts are now contemplating how major currency fluctuations are fanning the flames for the commodity's latest lurch lower.
During the 2008 financial crisis, Citi was presented as the victim of events beyond its control -- the larger financial panic, unforeseen economic disruptions, and a perfect storm of credit expansion, private greed, and public incompetence.
Any deal would also come at a time when British retailers are facing a perfect storm of rising costs, slowing growth and the hit to uncertainty spurred by Britain's chaotic departure from the European Union.
The Middle East has been caught in a perfect storm of events, which has led to a drought of deals this year, although loans supporting a wave of regional privatizations could boost fourth quarter volume.
"It's a bit of a perfect storm with Latin American refineries still struggling, especially in Mexico and Venezuela, and as U.S. product exports remain constrained," said Andrew Wilson, head of energy research with BRS Brokers.
"It's just kind of this perfect storm where things are coming together, and it's going to continue for awhile," Deb Rieger-Paganis, a managing director in the turnaround and restructuring practice at AlixPartners, told CNBC.
"Thrones" is a perfect storm of cultural relevance, social media peer pressure and pure creativity; for its fans, every week is an event, something everyone in TV would love to have but very few do.
But authorities point to a perfect storm of factors that have fanned the wildfires that began Sunday night, leaving at left 17 people dead, forcing 20,000 to evacuate and causing widespread devastation in Northern California.
Election and polling analyst Henry Olsen said in an interview that aired Thursday on "What America's Thinking" that the "perfect storm" of factors led to massive gains from Democratic women in the 2900 midterm elections.
"This is the perfect storm of immigration that's coming to the doorsteps of the Republican Party, and they are not prepared," said Ali Noorani, executive director of the pro-immigration advocacy group National Immigration Forum.
There are four or five teams where you say "I think in a perfect storm they could do it," but if you told me I'd have to bet, I'd bet Golden State all the way.
"It is the perfect storm for someone who wants to isolate or hurt their partners," said Val Kalei Kanuha, assistant dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the University of Washington's School of Social Work.
The damning U.S. report, combined with scandals in Australia and Chile, have coalesced to form what one Vatican official called "a perfect storm" not seen since the first abuse crisis erupted in Boston in 2002.
And while they were tickled by the Fortnite cases ("Fortnite meets 'Flossing,' it's the perfect storm of things!" said Jeanne Fromer, a professor at N.Y.U. law school), they were generally pessimistic about the lawsuits' chances.
"What's happened here is a perfect storm," said Halsey Minor, the founder of the news site CNET, who is moving his new blockchain company — called Videocoin — from the Cayman Islands to Puerto Rico this winter.
"You've got this perfect storm where you can just see things feeding off each other and making the storm worse," said Charley Moore, CEO of Rocket Lawyer, a provider of online legal support and documents.
For hours, he held forth on how the devastating yearslong drought, as bad as it was, had been made all the worse by a perfect storm of bad luck, bad planning and rampant population growth.
"What's happened here is a perfect storm," said Halsey Minor, the founder of the news site CNET, who is moving his new blockchain company — called Videocoin — from the Cayman Islands to Puerto Rico this winter.
The World Health Organization is concerned about a "perfect storm" of factors -- armed attacks in the region, movement of people and community distrust -- that could keep the virus spreading and stop people from seeking treatment.
Put them together and you have a perfect storm -- or as the French might call it, once they're done whaling on each other for the last tub of Nutella in the supermarché: une tempête parfaite.
"There is a perfect storm of bad news that impacts investor confidence in renewables," said Trevor Houser, a former Obama administration climate official who now tracks energy economics as a partner at the Rhodium Group.
But he shifted to the roiling sea with "The Perfect Storm" (22018), adapted from Sebastian Junger's best-selling nonfiction account of commercial fishermen trapped in a collision of three enormous storm systems in the Atlantic.
Toss in the numerous anecdotal stories about people giving up on their wearables after only a few weeks of use and you have the perfect storm of factors to limit the impact of this category.
It's a perfect storm for Bungie, blending age-old concerns that the developer is trying to squeeze every cent it can from consumers with a feeling of betrayal over twisting a functioning feature to ill effect.
Myer is spending A$600 million ($445 million) over five years to shut underperforming stores, revamp others and improve online offerings to survive what has become a perfect storm for its 116-year-old business model.
And I think the shooting of Mike Brown was the spark that apparently set off years of frustration and years of racial divide and it just came to a head sort of like a perfect storm.
The findings painted a picture of a perfect storm of bureaucratic inertia, rapidly worsening security in Libya and inadequate resources in the months that led up to the killings of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three colleagues.
American airports and airlines have been predicting this perfect storm due to increased passenger volume, decreased TSA screener staffing and a TSA security system that slows down every time a screening machine shows potentially prohibited items.
Canada wildfire It won't get easier for firefighters in Alberta's Fort McMurray today as high winds, warm temperatures and dry conditions will create a perfect storm to fuel the massive wildfire that's been wreaking havoc there.
It doesn't matter that this is a comedy or that nothing violent was happening at the party; Reggie is a young black man in a perfect storm of bad circumstances, which begets tragedy far too often.
Couple that with a market that has been referred to as a "perfect storm" for filing and it might seem a head-scratcher why Qualtrics would take another round, diluting its equity instead of going public.
It's a perfect storm for the 3.5mm plug's extinction: for portable wired audio, everyone's gradually moving toward Lightning and USB-C, and for high-end audiophile purposes, there are bigger and better jacks to plug into.
"You end up with this perfect storm where workplace and public policies are mismatched to what the workforce and families need," said Vicki Shabo, vice president at the non-partisan National Partnership for Women & Families (NPWF).
Behind the price spike is a perfect storm of issues, including higher demand worldwide, harsh weather during the blooming season, salty soil in California after years of drought and the fickle nature of the trees themselves.
"So you've had a bit of a perfect storm, with specific factors that have been supporting the yen, that have also been driving down the Aussie, which is still a very risk-sensitive currency," he said.
Throw in the fact that the immersive properties of VR are ideal for the intimate experience of porn viewing, and it starts to seem like a perfect storm for the future of high-tech erotic entertainment.
New loans accounted for more than 6.143% of tepid leveraged loan issuance in the first quarter, when a perfect storm of worry over low oil prices, as well as the U.S. and Chinese economies, sidelined investors.
"We are now extremely concerned that several factors may be coming together over the next weeks and months to create a perfect storm," WHO's head of emergency response Peter Salama told a news conference in Geneva.
C.C. Is Said to Plan Repeal of Net Neutrality Rules In recent months, a perfect storm of sensitive political meetings and a new cybersecurity law has led to a sharp crackdown on internet freedoms in China.
It's an unsettled environment, in which ethical and professional standards have slipped, and, as a result, many Americans have lost confidence in the media's accuracy and honesty—a perfect storm for Trump to enjoy and exploit.
What's happening: A perfect storm of North Korea, Steve Mnuchin and a lack of internal focus has Trump backing away from tariffs against Chinese goods and reportedly floating a deal for rogue Chinese phone maker ZTE.
Yes, a rookie might want to think a little more about the perfect storm of TMZ, slow August news days, and our celebrity surveillance state before he acts if he wants to impress his new employer.
China's one-child policy, which lasted nearly four decades to 267, and the expansion of benefits to rural citizens has helped to create the perfect storm of a shrinking work force and a growing pension deficit.
The case is a "perfect storm" because it involves two high-profile companies competing in a hotly-contested but nascent field, said Jeanne Fromer, a law professor at New York University who specializes in intellectual property.
Tonight, HBO will air a documentary, "At the Heart of Gold," which explores the perfect storm that allowed Nassar to have round-the-clock access to girls — and a system that prioritized winning over everything else.
The world's fourth largest economy, and Europe's biggest, has been hit by what analysts describe as a "perfect storm" of negative factors, including the trade war, weak global auto sales and fears of a disorderly Brexit.
The impending government offensive against what are believed to be about 30,000 rebel fighters is a "perfect storm coming up in front of our eyes," said Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations special envoy to Syria.
"Dimmed expectations for the year ahead mean it's more important than ever for the UK to avoid a no-deal scenario, which would create a perfect storm of issues," CBI chief economist Rain Newton-Smith said.
By rolling back these regulations and dismantling portions of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Trump administration is removing the safety net and creating a perfect storm that could lead to a crisis even worse than 2008.
According to Fernandez, a confluence of factors have created a perfect storm -- from the rising price of gold in global markets to the opening of a modern highway that has made this isolated region more accessible.
For years, he said, the jail's physical state had been deteriorating, and its disrepair was exacerbated by a perfect storm of the federal government shutdown, equipment failures and a fire that knocked out the electrical grid.
In recent weeks, the government has appeared to increase its grip, an online crackdown fed by a perfect storm of politically sensitive news, important events and a new cybersecurity law that went into effect last month.
Saudi Arabia facing 'perfect storm' More than a year of low and lower crude prices have wreaked havoc on the kingdom's budget, and the deficit is currently projected at close to 13% of GDP in 2016.
It was the perfect storm of things — I was in court every day [as a public defender], and criminal justice reform has become a part of this larger, national conversation in a way that it hadn't been.
"I think in this case with him, perhaps it was just a perfect storm, but it was not PTSD alone because there are so many people that have it that do not go out and do this."
Many of the attendees were there for the first time, thanks to a perfect storm of both the 250th anniversary of the movie and the looming eclipse (Lake Lure was just northeast of the path of totality).
Later that month, Jeff Skilling, the recently resigned chief executive of Enron, baggy-eyed and flanked by lawyers, told a Houston Chronicle reporter that a ''perfect storm'' of events beyond his control had brought down his company.
Bank failures, poor harvests, earthquakes, stock market crashes, real estate busts, post-war demobilisations and monetary policy mistakes have all been blamed for initiating recessions ( "The Panic of 22000: Lessons from the Markets Perfect Storm", Bruner, 22).
For most of these businesses it's very low and what you have is this perfect storm where these direct-to-consumer businesses are spending hundreds of millions of dollars educating the market on the convenience of kits.
While there are yoga poses and classes that are supposed to make you feel turned on, some of the heavy breathing and stretching that goes on in regular yoga classes is the perfect storm for accidental arousal.
Bank failures, poor harvests, earthquakes, stock market crashes, real estate busts, post-war demobilisations and monetary policy mistakes have all been blamed for initiating recessions ("The Panic of 22: Lessons from the Market's Perfect Storm", Bruner, 193).
It's an important tale because so many aspects of it demonstrate how the tragic downward spiral of situations can create a perfect storm of variables—money, machismo, paranoia, impulsiveness, fear, and bad advice—which leads to murder.
Read MoreBig banks find a perfect storm in 2016 Despite a rocky start to 2016, Dave Ellison, portfolio manager of the Hennessy Large Cap Financial Fund, thinks the sector remains an important part of the U.S. economy.
This is like the perfect storm of Donald Trump tweets, a blast of text that so perfectly nails the relentless idiocy of this president and his ideas, it may as well have come from a parody account.
The purported intersection of the corporate internet superpower with the U.S. government represented the perfect storm for Assange, who wrote a book in 2014 titled "When Google Met Wikileaks," detailing the company's close ties with U.S. policymakers.
"It was expected to be bad but this is probably even worse with basically a more or less perfect storm of nearly all regions struggling and in the watch product particularly," Kepler Cheuvreux analyst Jon Cox said.
Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist at Texas Tech University, said Houston is a "perfect storm" of flood risk due to population growth, crumbling infrastructure, and development based on the "obsolete assumption" that we have a stable climate.
It didn't help, she said, that attendance at last year's festival had fallen short; a "perfect storm" that she attributed to bad weather, though visits to the festival in recent years have revealed a distinctly aging crowd.
I realize that the combination of my medical condition and moving around so much created something of a perfect storm that included issues with low self-esteem, lack of trust, and a whole bunch of social inexperience.
The teenager died due to a fatal combination of drugs described as "the perfect storm" by Coroner Shirley Radcliffe, according to the BBC, who adds that traces of Xanax, OxyContin and cocaine were found in her system.
What's happening: A perfect storm of circumstances, from lower interest rates to higher longevity rates, is prompting corporations to offload their pension plans — by selling them to insurance companies and offering lump-sum payments to some workers.
"It kind of gave us the energy to catapult into the unknown, to be able to see those places we've always wanted to see, " she tells CNBC Make It. "We call it the perfect storm," Jessica says.
"It's a perfect storm of extraordinary factors coming together: fire, ice and criminal negligence," he argues in the documentary, "Titanic: The New Evidence," which will air in the United States on the Smithsonian Channel on January 21.
"Banks are facing a perfect storm with a confluence of headwinds," said Brian Madden, portfolio manager at Goodreid Investment Counsel in Toronto, adding that lenders' long-run aspirational EPS growth targets are nearly double their current levels.
The teenager died due to a fatal combination of drugs described as "the perfect storm" by Coroner Shirley Radcliffe, according to the BBC, who added that traces of Xanax, OxyContin, and cocaine were found in her system.
Whether it was to exploit Kushner's naivete and inexperience or to try to blackmail him given his need for foreign investors in his flailing business ventures, Kushner was a perfect storm of nefarious opportunity for our adversaries.
"We have kind of a perfect storm now where protracted conflict is overlapped or exacerbated by natural hazard, drought in particular, in the Horn of Africa which is leading to the situation we are facing now," he said.
It's also possible, though, that "Logan" is something of an anomaly -- not quite a perfect storm, but a title that lent itself to more adult and, yes, bloody treatment than might be advisable for most comic book fare.
Add all this to the trade war with China, potential taxes on cars coming from the EU and Japan, and now the ones on Mexican goods, and the US could be dealing with "a perfect storm," Krebs says.
A mass migration of IT services to the cloud, coupled with a huge growth of connected devices, has created a perfect storm for security breaches with some 400 million malware attacks identified last year alone according to IDC.
To Homans's point, what troubles me about perfect-storm rhetoric is that when each person involved in a tragic causal chain is only considered negligibly liable, then no one is liable, even if there is a knowable culprit.
Earlier in June, De Beers described the diamonds industry as being battered by a "perfect storm" of problems ranging from decreased manufacturing profits to lack of liquidity in the markets and the general criticism around the diamond industry.
"We are now extremely concerned that several factors may be coming together over the next weeks and months to create a potential perfect storm," the WHO's head of emergency response, Peter Salama, told a news conference in Geneva.
Mayor Kevin Ruane blamed the red tide, saying it stemmed from a "perfect storm of coastal pollution and a hot Gulf ignited by flushing nutrient-laden water from Lake Okeechobee," according to comments obtained by the Miami Herald.
A perfect storm appeared to be brewing around oil markets at the start of the year, but the winds that looked as if they might at least partially reverse the oil price rout appear to be dying down.
Peter recommends A perfect storm: Margaret Atwood on rewriting Shakespeare's Tempest, an article by Margaret Atwood about why she loves Shakespeare's play The Tempest and why she chose to rewrite it for the 400th anniversary for Shakespeare's death.
Weisberg said a "perfect storm" of water current, warmth, bacteria and nutrients come together to form algae blooms, but other contributing factors are the result of humans, such as water contamination by fertilizers, sewage and septic tank runoff.
Concerns over China and a volatile start to the year for markets, along with uncertainty about a possible "Brexit", have "created a perfect storm to dampen optimism in financial services", says Rain Newton-Smith, CBI's director for economics.
LONDON, June 30 (IFR) - UBS has announced the departure of three senior executives as investment bank chief Andrea Orcel streamlines the business to make it better suited to deal with "a perfect storm of challenges" in the market.
Considering the perfect storm of factors alive today in the bilateral relationship — a rise in coca production, Trump's unfortunate threats about cutting economic assistance, and backsliding by Colombia on free trade — the path ahead is far from clear.
Pechacek, who is currently chairman of two startups, Cooperative Resource Management Group LLC and Nahsai LLC, described his decision to go back to school as "a perfect storm" that gave him the insight to realize his own capabilities.
" He lists with evident scorn the titles of posts from Vox—"Eating Chicken Is Morally Worse Than Killing Cecil the Lion"—and The Atlantic's Web site: "From Cecil the Lion to Climate Change: A Perfect Storm of Outrage.
Tilbian, who is now a non-executive director at Saatchi & Saatchi, said WPP currently faced a perfect storm of cyclical and structural headwinds, competition from internet giants and the threat of audit consultancies muscling into the marketing world.
"It's a perfect storm in terms of the production of methamphetamine," says John Coyne, a former head of strategic intelligence at the Australian Federal Police who now works on border security issues at the Australia Strategic Policy Institute.
If you squint, it's possible to see Tlaib's campaign as the confluence of two midterm meta-narratives: the surge of Muslim democrats running for office meets the year of the women, a perfect storm of progressive anti-Trumpism.
Caroline Pidgeon, the deputy chairwoman of the transport committee in the London Assembly, an elected governing body that acts as a check on the mayor, said that all these factors have led to a "perfect storm" of congestion.
"Combine the rising blue wave — the Democrat fixation on pharmaceutical pricing — with President Trump's populist focus on getting credit for cutting patients' drug costs, and the industry could be confronting a perfect storm in 2019," Mr. McManus said.
Now, lingering resentments have collided with the virus to create a perfect storm -- a divided society that can't come together, facing a public health crisis that demands a unified response and a paralyzed government caught in the middle.
She had developed limb ischemia, a rare complication that had arisen from the perfect storm of her cancer, the surgery and a possible allergy to blood thinners, something that not even the best health insurance could have prevented.
"We have kind of a perfect storm now where protracted conflict is overlapped or exacerbated by natural hazard, drought in particular, in the Horn of Africa, which is leading to the situation we are facing now," he said.
There seems to have been a perfect storm brewing, particularly among meaning-searching millennials dissatisfied with their cubicle jobs, ready to either overthrow their nascent careers for farm work or floristry or to simply fantasize about doing so.
If experts thought that at least 25 people on this administration's White House staff shouldn't get clearances, but they were awarded over experts' objections, the President and other senior officials at the White House created a perfect storm.
"You can almost think of this as the perfect storm for India," said Michael Brauer, a professor of environment and health relationships at the University of British Columbia and an author of the study, in a telephone interview.
Such low income, combined with a perfect storm of unaffordable rent, incompatible roommates, non-living wages, and an inability to find full-time work, resulted in three bouts of homelessness that forced me to live in my car.
"We don't know exactly what caused this all," Ledecky said, "but just feeling the effects of dehydration, loss of appetite, lightheadedness — just a lot of different things, to be honest — it just kind of created a perfect storm."
"We don't know exactly what caused this all," Ledecky said, "but just feeling the effects of dehydration, loss of appetite, lightheadedness — just a lot of different things, to be honest — it just kind of created a perfect storm."
Copper production at Chile's top mines dropped sharply in the first quarter of 2019, Chilean copper commission Cochilco said in May, amid a perfect storm of operational issues, heavy rains and falling ore grades at the largest deposits.
Market watchers are growing increasingly worried about Deere's ability to withstand a prolonged trade war, a concern J.P. Morgan analysts emphasized earlier last week in a note downgrading Deere and highlighting the "perfect storm" facing the U.S. agriculture industry.
"When you have a perfect storm coming together (of) a very high pollen day, high humidity, and a thunderstorm, the grains of rye grass absorb water with the humidity and they break up into thousands of pieces," Ould said.
Put those things together and you get a kind of perfect storm of circumstances that temporarily buoy Abe's political fortunes — which is why he may think it makes sense to have a vote now rather than waiting till year.
Copper production at Chile's top mines dropped sharply in the first quarter of 2019, Chilean copper commission Cochilco said earlier this month, amid a perfect storm of operational issues, heavy rains and falling ore grades at the largest deposits.
As hundreds of firefighters and some two dozen air tankers battle Canada's massive wildfires, scientists and other experts say prolonged modern droughts and climate change are creating a new perfect storm of super fires and other extreme weather events.
This information is interesting and all, but I'm sticking to my theory that a perfect storm of external factors (the aforementioned email scandal, Benghazi witch hunt, sexism, and overall dislike and distrust for Clinton) is responsible for her loss.
Check out the tablets on sale at Best Buy right now: Apple's new iPad Air is already on sale, which makes for a perfect storm: You get a brand new iPad, but you don't pay those brand new prices.
"Recently there's been a perfect storm against gold with higher risk appetite, rising stock markets and bond yields, massive ETF (exchange traded fund) outflows and the withdrawal of speculative financial investors," said analyst Daniel Briesemann at Commerzbank in Frankfurt.
And with the resources coming in from out of state, with the solid gubernatorial candidate that we have, with the excitement, with the nominees by Republicans, this could be the perfect storm for Jason Kander to pull this off.
Storm tourists get driven around Tornado Alley — the stretch of the Great Plains that's a breeding ground for the world's most violent tornadoes — in radar-equipped vans along with veteran storm chasing experts in search of the perfect storm.
Being a young and sexy celebrity may seem cool ... but when you combine that WITH ridin' a motorcycle it forms the perfect storm of awesomeness -- check out which Hollywood hotties were photographed livin' the life on two wheels. Braaaaaaap!
Cambridge, MASS (Reuters) - A new study points to the risk that China and India will be facing severe water shortages due to a perfect storm of economic growth, climate change, and demands of fast growing populations by mid century.
"It has been a perfect storm that these contracts have gone wrong at the same time and because they were all large contracts the compounding effect becomes very material," Keith Cochrane, who was appointed as interim CEO, told analysts.
Becoming a meme requires a perfect storm of various factors: a perfectly timed entrance by your adorable children during a live interview, a subtle yet flamboyant flick of the wrist while you're just doing your job curing some meat.
The momentum from that big win in South Carolina and the timing of all that positive attention and news media coverage just before Super Tuesday, coupled with the endorsements from his former rivals, kind of created a perfect storm.
"The truth is — Lina knows it in clear moments on clear days — he thinks of her only when it's convenient and when he's drunk and when he's bored and when there is a perfect storm of possibility," Taddeo writes.

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